Isle of Wight: England, yak joking. Isle of Wight - England, as far as we know. Isle of White.

Isle of Wight: England, yak joking. Isle of Wight - England, as far as we know. Isle of White.

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"Isle of Wight (Wight) - England in miniature", "diamond at the crown of the English Empire" were read to me by innumerable reviews and articles on the Internet, getting off the road.
Without a doubt, one of the first meals will be - de tse and why did you go there? On the right, turning from our new English road (Manchester-Edinburgh-Liverpool-London), we clearly understood that it was possible to visit the English influx and povevnyatya. On the right, I was left behind for small meals - to come up with a route and organize a trip, we have tourist coverage and a summative sphere of activity, so special organizational arrangements are not blamed. The head zakovirka bula vrahuvat pobajannya all 4 participants and to show them at the route. I wanted London (one of us went for the first time, that London shopping didn’t fail anyone), I wanted history (our inner humanist made himself known), I wanted the sea and that “vegetable” water. (Here they made themselves known to the nobility of a strained work) For a month of debate, the route was often called London - Brighton - Bath - Stonehenge ... but it didn’t seem to be far away.
The first axis of the vipadkovo mi draped on the photographs of the Isle of Wight, as if we were so excited, that we realized that we were definitely guilty of being there. Especially since, as it was recognized, that Її Majesty Queen Victoria took away the space for her home residence, and it’s important not to trust such a Vishukan taste. Studying the Runet, we literally collected basic information from the crichts. Axis to say Wikipedia:

The Isle of Wight (eng. Isle of Wight, lat. Vecta, Vectis insula) is an island territory on the mainland of Great Britain, which is a ceremonial non-metropolitan and unitary county of England. To enter the warehouse region Pivdenno-Skhidna England. The capital and the best place is Newport. Population 139.5 thousand. osib (46 months of the middle counties; given in 2007). The island was a part of the Celtic British Isles, and, to the Romans, yak Vektis, the boons of Vespasian. Ostrіv є the smallest county and at the same time the largest district for the number of inhabitants of the country. Іsnuє ruh for granting the island a status similar to the Isle of Man. The island is an important touristic object (most of the people are residents of Great Britain), with a great land of dekilkom connections with other crossings. Like a lot of mysticism of Great Britain, the island of May, the master dialect of English language. Since 2002, a one-time music festival has been held on the island, and since 2004, the Bestival music festival has been held. - Osborne House, the palace and the place of death of Queen Victoria, which pinned the aristocracy's fashion on the vіdpochinok on the White. There is a Viysk museum near the Cowes area.

Wait, not too hard.
Vіdsutnіst іnformatsії tіlki rozcharuvala. We’ll take a closer look at the official website of the city. There we knew apartments for living, (I’ll tell you ahead of time that we didn’t score a lot of things, there was a lot of fire over our heads, but our apartments and gentlemen so impressed me that I can recommend them with a clear conscience.) Ventnor, which is on the island's last exit, and this day. The soul was longing for dabbles in the beautiful photographs of green fields and stone ravines, at the head there was an idyllic doswell and walks on bicycles, windows of yachts on the horizon, old-fashioned English buddies, surrounded by spitting beer and what the hell of such a river of English.
Three days left behind, spent in the English capital, but on the English River Brighton and a quick raid on the SPA-Bath place we got to our island.
From Brighton we went to Porsmouth, the stars for 10 hvilin sometimes drove us to the small town of Ryde, which is in the winery part of the island. 15 hvilins on a marvelous steam tram to the town of Shanklin and more stiles on the bus to Ventnor and a little bit of wandering the streets, and axles on the city. YES! tse our address is that tsey blush budinok- deisno ours, YES! And in the garden, we can also grow up, from here the wardrobe has cushions on the chairs and a blanket for the beach, YES! a barbecue for you and a trampoline tezh))) and the axis of the egg, as if our hens had laid for you ... Having handed us the keys, the master went away, but we could not believe in our happiness for a long time, we marveled at the new sights at the looking dish-washer, bath towels and navit podstavki for toast.

Having finished with the house, and sorting out the number of bags after the London shopping, we looked around the neighborhood.
I’ll say at once that we didn’t plan that detailed ceremony, after all, the part of the admission was cebula, but the weather was gloomy and lying on the beach, which, to the point of speech, Blakitny prapor’s blessings for cleanliness, didn’t want to. The first couple of days passed at the church near Ventnor - the Botanical Garden, the nicest cottages, near the lighthouse of St. Catherine and the stitches of pilgrims in the 12th century of the church of St. to the church, to the speech, you can go for tea with cookies. It is impossible to get lost on the island, whether the smallest stitch is numbered and possessed by kazіvniks. Walk around the island of the raja with a handy bud, as our master said:

After a few days, more precisely evenings, spent at the crying pub with us, there were already a lot of bagatists in the city. Mіstsevі inhabitants bentezhnі good-natured and hotels. One of them asked us to celebrate his anniversary, unfortunately we didn’t see it - we went to the island’s destination before telling all THE NEEDLES travelers. My friends have done a heroic deed and go there on bicycles, I’ve been sitting on a new one in life for a few times, so that I don’t give all the beauty to my threads, I’ve led a bike of that company. We took a bus to THE NEEDLES PARK, where I was deprived of permission and zapevnennya, so my shoes were ringing. I’m sorry about my part, at the same time retelling of their history: On what bus (as I understood round the island) the stench of Yarsmus’s place went away and signed the unreasonable arkush paper, they took away 3 bicycles, sholomi and locks for “horses” for 8 pounds a year leather time. The lads weren’t surprised that they would tighten this way for 4 years, so they were allowed to take bicycles and turn them around at any hour, crouching near the place of hire for the same pennies. Surely, their individuals are superior))) there they also saw a map with bicycle routes around the island (I’ll also report on the complexity of the route, its trivality and elevation differences and the order of the usual monuments). According to the price, only idyllic bows and cows and unbowed beauty of the urvish were sharpened.
The stench got away from THE NEEDLES until that hour, as I was already walking the whole park, after ordering the military museum, I floated to the skel on Jet Chovni.
THE NEEDLES have been fired up and the order ALUM BAY has been redeemed for meritorious roses. Show your scythe that goes into the sea and ends with majestic pieces of a white pistachio, which you have seen, on which, with touching hands, the stars of the lighthouse. Seeing the inexplicable space, the sea wind adds to the hospitality of the senses. This place is not only surprising, but in May it is historically significant, about which the Artillery Museum and the leftovers are fortified.
ALUM BAY is known for its colorful squeaks and sloppy meisters.
It is not allowed to pick up a dog from a stone, but in the adjacent shops you can fill yourself with balls of a different-colored dog, be it a souvenir, this tsya tradition wins out for Queen Victoria.

Before the speech about Queen Victoria - the її palace in the Italian style, (Osbourne House), the promptings of Queen Victoria and the її man Albert like summer, seaside residence on the Isle of Wight in 1845-51 pp. Since 1921, it has become a globally accessible museum. Thomas Cubitt, who at once took up the reconstruction of Buckingham Palace, played a life-changing job. At Osborne House, the Queen's robes were wielded, including the rest of the Russian Empress Oleksandra Feodorovna. A row of palaces was saved by a chalet, transported behind the queen's bajannyam to the shores of the Solent in Switzerland. In 1901, Queen Victoria died at Osborne House, and the separate apartments were turned into a family museum. Spadkoєmets Vіctorії, Edward VII. About the Royal Presence on the island is guessing and Karisbrook Castle. One of the most wonderful fortifications on the territory of the British Isles. Near the center there is a well-preserved middle fortification of the XI-XIII centuries. Її the artillery bastions, sporudzhenі for example of the 16th century, will vanish. one of the approaches to Elizabeth gray George Carey. Vtіm, the main popularity of the castle resurfaced again during the period of the Gromadyan war, or rather, right after it. Same here, big Charles I, being able to negotiate with Parliament. Prote natomist castle becoming yoga v'yaznitseyu. Here Karl prov_v fourteen months, scho passed on the trial of him. Vіn i zvіdsi namagavsya vkti, ale stuck at vіknі:
I had a chance to quote the description of these two places. we ourselves did not reach them. We started our new familiar Russian language, sitting at night on the beach, cheered for Spain in an emergency, swam on a cold night in a storm, to signify the “Summer Equator”, pouring in front of ourselves a lot of darunkiv susіdnої scottish varieties, vychalok. cinema near the capital of the island Newport and collected a collection of photographs and gastronomic reviews from the pubs of the island.

Little is known to foreigners. The English themselves have been miraculously ruling here for a long time, valuing the miraculous source of relief. For example, on the 18th - on the cob of the 19th century, important women in crinolines, tied in a seam and oxamite cavaliers, descended with narrow stitches in the gorge, pierced in the coastal skele with rivers and century-old waves of surf.

These gorges with the hour and the development of the tourism industry have become one of the most valuable monuments of the island. In their time, the stench served as an armchair for pirates and smugglers, wandering shepherds and suffocating couples. Before the hour of Another light war in one of the most famous gorges of Shanklin Boulevard, a base was established for the training of elite paratroopers in the army of greatness. Near Shanklyn, on the west coast of the island, Dickens and Turgenev, Longfellow and Tennison were seen (the poets were so honored by the mists of the month, that the vines settled down in Freshwater, and the mists of the hills were named after him honor).

My sister and I specially came alone on a passenger ferry to Ryde, the largest place on the island, to spend a quarter of a day in England pier - 703 meters. Friends with a car on a passenger-passenger port moored in the coastal village of Fishborn. Obviously, for the holidays we did not get far enough to furnish the island in detail. Arriving on Saturday afternoon, we once cursed ourselves with maps and travel guides, so that we could see a better one. The hotel was located near the central city of White, Newport. Win and become our first route: Kerisbrutsky castle, 19th century houses, old taverns and a little place of artists over the sleepy river Medina. The week seemed busy. From the early hours we traveled to Arreton, a special showcase village for tourists. An old church with a grave of a lyricist - a participant in one of the cross-roads, a small quiet tsvintar, a crafts village with a brewery, a warehouse factory and a small candle factory, a budinok from a showy garden, a shop from roslins and strong homely speeches. Dalі our way lying through the valleys to the center of White to the gorge of the Black Bandy - Black gang Chine. A great children's park of roses was recently visited there, and after a description of the paths along the crested rocks to the lighthouse of St. Catherine - the most famous miss of the island and, perhaps, the mouth of England.

It’s a lot of fantastic places, even though it’s important to go down to the canal, along the virubany near the ground (strengthened by the roots of trees, the places are boards) gatherings. Quiet, roared by the noise of the wind and the cries of seagulls. Overgrowth of the most mature, reap the world with little more than a fist. Below, on white rocks, only grass and thorny bushes grow. You can not go down to the water - small beaches with a couple, rarely - a dozen of them. Instructed by the lighthouse - an old farm, beating melancholy cows over the canal, chewing dry grass ore, and wondering hard at the beak of France, naively vazhayuchi, that cows live there more beautifully. In the evening we left the car for the Newport Hotel and boarded the bus for a special round trip around the island. The narrow roads along the tops of the skel were very unnerving, but from the other on top one could see far beyond the canal, from the savage shore one could see the coast of England. At Mondays, at an early hour, they seized the car with speeches and demolished it near Shanklin. Landscapes are expensively varied - sometimes lowlands, sometimes hillocks, critting a straw house in the village of Godshil, famous for its park "Isle of Wight at the Miniature". And last night we were already in Portsmouth. We spent the night there and went early to London.

Korisnі for the sake of:

Sob not to drive yourself, plan to spend a week on the island. In an hour you can walk without a car and really look at all the reserves, small old villages, gorges, rocks and beaches. Upon arrival, you need to bring a detailed map of the island (in any tourist center). England is not a cheap country, so if you choose to live in a hotel, insured for about 70 dollars per day, camping is cheaper, but it’s more expensive for the presence of a car. Pubs are remarkably cheap - you can eat for 10-15 dollars per person. Whether you are a supermarket or a Boots store, you can find packages of sandwiches and salads - even cheaper. For souvenirs, the cost should not be less than 5 dollars, and if you travel by bus, then it is better to redeem the tickets for two or more days. The cost for two days is approximately 12 pounds. The cost of cars is more expensive in Great Britain is best in the company of friends who have lived here rok-another: otherwise, the left-handed ruh can play bad heat with you. І vіdpochinok to transform into the same way on the sucіlne nervousness. If you see your friends from abroad, from England, then it’s better to entrust the hotel to them, because they are constantly blamed for the discounts and the favorable propositions, in which the foreigner cannot be sorted out. Ferry fares are paid for by car with passengers on average close to 50 pounds.

Increased budget:

Obviously, such a trip is a pleasure on the road: tickets to England, renting a car (as there are no friends), a hotel can cost 1000 dollars per person, and not less than 500 dollars - for unpaid bills, souvenirs, that's not enough. Add another 500, no less, for a zhu. Let's throw in dollars 500 for every weather and fly. My sister and I doubled for the second time in England three times more than $4,000.

Isle of Wight (Isle of Wight) - "England in miniature", "diamond at the crown of the English Empire". With such epithets they reward the English island and the county near the protoci. English Channel tourists who have visited here. Taєmnichі ovens and chimeric skelі sudіdat іz splendid beaches, ancient castles and churches, and above the watery surface the windows of yachts blaze.

Fashionable Isle of Wight- the price of a small island for a kilometer from the sandy coast of England, the smallest county of Great Britain and the most beautiful place in Foggy Albion.

This district was recognized as "an area of ​​great natural beauty". Here the wild nature and the man-made diva intertwined tightly, creating a harmonious picture. Middle-class castles and Victorian sporudy rise on aphids and wild foxes, beautiful food beaches for tourists to sit with naked coastal smugs.

This is one of the most luxurious places in the British Isles. To visit Osborne House, the seaside residence of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, which attracts 2.6 million tourists.

In addition, with special respect, in the western part of the island, three spiked skelly The Needles are screwed up, which rise above the water. The stench rose up near the bay of Alum Bay, like a house with different colors of skeles and squeak.

The stink of merit for the okremu rozpovіd. Show your scythe that goes into the sea and ends with majestic pieces of a white pistachio, which you have seen, on which, with touching hands, the stars of the lighthouse. Seeing the inexplicable space, the sea wind adds to the hospitality of the senses. This place is not only amazing, but in May it is historically significant, about which the artillery museum and the relics of ancient fortifications are known.

Alum Bay is known for its different-colored squeaks and windy maisternas. It is not allowed to pick up a dog from a stone, but in the adjacent shops you can fill yourself with balls of a different-colored dog, be it a souvenir, this tsya tradition wins out for Queen Victoria.

Before the speech about Queen Victoria. Її palace in the Italian style, Osbourne House (Osbourne House), prompted by Queen Victoria and її man Albert like summer, seaside residence on the Isle of Wight in 1845-51 pp. Since 1921, it has become a globally accessible museum.

The royal blues were played at the specially designed Swiss Cottage. Narazі here roztashuvavsya museum, scho to enter the warehouse of Osborne House. In addition, one of the main exhibits of the museum is the royal bath. Thomas Cubitt, who at once took up the reconstruction of Buckingham Palace, played a life-changing job. At Osborne House, the Queen's robes were wielded, including the rest of the Russian Empress Oleksandra Feodorovna.

The ensign from the palace was saved by the chalet, transported behind the queen's bajanny to the shores of the Solent in Switzerland. In 1901, Queen Victoria died at Osborne House, and a special apartment was turned into a family museum. Spadkoєmets Vіctorії, Edward VII. About the Royal Presence on the island is guessing and Karisbrook Castle. One of the most beautiful fortifications on the territory of the British Isles.

Near the center there is a well-preserved middle fortification of the XI-XIII centuries. Її the artillery bastions, sporudzhenі for example of the 16th century, will vanish. one of the approaches to Elizabeth gray George Carey. Vtіm, the main popularity of the castle resurfaced again during the period of the Gromadyan war, or rather, right after it. Same here, big Charles I, being able to negotiate with Parliament. Prote natomist castle becoming yoga v'yaznitseyu. Here Karl prov_v fourteen months, scho passed on the trial of him. Vіn i zvіdsi namagavsya vknі, ale stuck at vіknі.

Lewis Carroll loves to hang out on the island. Itself there Bulo is written yogo famously for the name "Polyuvannya on the Snark."

In addition, on the Isle of Wight, the nineteenth-century singer Alfred Lord Tenison is alive, and today tourists are encouraged to take a walk with a stitch.

“Little England”, as the Isle of Wight is often called, is an ideal place for sea lovers and those who are actively involved in sports. Particularly popular island among yachtsmen. Conducted randomly regatta near the Isle of Wight. Її participants - a lot of titled osіb, members of the royal family and just lovers of this sport. Today, the Isle of Wight arrives without number of glass yachts, and the largest number of boats in Kovissk week.

On the island to pass the smallest at the Great Britain zaliznitsa - krihitna 14-kilometer "Island Line" ( island line), which stretches from Ryde to Shanklin. Being the oldest zaliznitsa, she is considered one of the main monuments of this most beautiful island.

You can also see the wax museum, the chimerical zoo, the Viysk museum, palaces and churches.

Like a lot of mysticism of Great Britain, the island of May, the master dialect of English language. On the island, since 2002, a one-time music festival has been held, and since 2004, the Bestival music festival has been held.

The Isle of Wight Festival takes place at the Chervni.
Sunset site:

Ostrіv is an important tourist object, with a great land of connections with a small number of crossings. On the island you can walk from Southampton, Portsmouth and Lymington.

Published: 26 thbrs 2014 about 17:52

The Isle of Wight is the largest island in England.

Vіn raztashovaniya for 5 km vіd uzberezhzhya in the channel of the English Channel.

Great Britain and the island are divided by the Solent channel. The capital of the island is Misto Newport.

For five years of walking in the center of Newport, on top of the hillock, there is Kerisbrook Castle.

Roman zagarbniks named the island Vectis, We built a new stronghold on the cordon of Britain and pobuduvali on tsoma hilltop villa. The first riddle about Kerisbruk castle lies until 1136.

Todіtse buv Saxon fortification tabir for the defense of England in the attack of the vikings. The Normans themselves, if they started to need a place for their fortifications, showed that Kerisbrook could become an ideal place for the zahistu zahoplenih lands. As all the guards said, the island is an ideal springboard for an attack on Britain, and that Volodya is an island.

The castle was gradually built up, it was over-budding, and it was building up. Volodinnya passed from hand to hand of the proteges of the kings and queens. The castle was besieged only by two - by King Stephen in 1136 and by the French in 1377. Since 1582, the castle has been under the crown and cherished by the governors. One of the most famous sides of the history of Kerisbrook is the laying in the castle in 1648 by King Charles I Cromwell. Vіn having lived here at the blessed kіlka of mіsyatsіv i spending an hour, the head rank, at the samples of tіkati. The hour did not save the rest of the unfortunate king, but saved the vikno, for which Charles the kilka once climbed.

Now the castle still looks majestic and impregnable, especially in view of the lower hillock. From the walls you can see far away the "great" England... Everything is still quiet and peaceful, and you have to apply susilla to see the onslaught of passions of the past eras.

White's journey can be done in different ways. Go down to Brighton and then save to Portsmouth. You can go straight to Portsmouth, or you can go all the way to Southampton. To save money on the island, go by boat - passenger and passenger-passenger. Їhati is not long - a couple of years before the port and by water from pіvgodini.

Ostrіv - place to finish civilized, even provincial. Tourists are called here, documents on the skin are not requested (only at the hotel during the registration hour). No need to fill a bag with faces, clothes and sports equipment of any suit - you can buy everything for the need. However, it is necessary to remember that on the island it often becomes cold in the evenings, and on the coast there may be a cold wind, so do not forget to take a light or windbreaker with you.

What is really necessary to be safe: it’s not possible to eat and buy it on a card, for that mother needs to get enough cooking with her.

There were few museums on the White. Marine - at Coase, chovnovy - at Newport, planetarium at Yarmouth. Not far from Briston was the Museum of Pearls, and near Sandown - the zoo. The Museum of miniature old cradles and toys, the old forge, the only windmill that escaped on the island, the Museum of Piracy and Botanical Gardens near Ventnor. And on the islands you can rent horses, cloaks, bicycles and get sports equipment and horses, tops and swim to the outskirts.

You can visit the islands in hotels or camping. More important are the hotels staying at the resort places of the coast, and the campsites are helping them. If you see a car, then it’s good to be on the safe side. You won’t be in trouble for a light bait with aluminum arches, in campings there are skidding trailers, so you don’t have to take shoes with you. Like pishki, it’s simpler - to go to the center of the island, then to the town of Newport.

Ale oskilki is one of the most popular English resorts, more likely to be visited by travelers from Moscow. I ahead. Sometimes you need to pay a check for a day. At the English embassy you will also need to present a fax to the hotel confirming the booking.

The Isle of Wight sees not only the holiday season, but also the end of the year. The axis of the most popular architectural and historical monuments of this little corner of England.

Carisbrooke Castle Carisbrooke Castle

One of the main memorials on the Isle of Wight, Carisbrook Castle is known, the first for everything, like a place, de King Charles I was commended. For the castle, which had to defend the coast of Pivdenny England, being attacked by the French, having fired at the hour of the battle with the Spanish Armada, miraculously escaped. Near the chapel of St. Peter there is a museum of local history.

Yarmouth Castle Yarmouth Castle

Fort Yarmouth

Castle buv zbudovaniy u 1545 roci. Two sides of the castle adjoin to the sea, and two sides were protected by a moat. At the 17th century, the river was filled with earth and new gates were built. Vicorist's castle was like a zahisna sporud until 1870. Potim was handed over to the coast guard.

Bembridge Windmill

Of the eight lines on the Isle of Wight, less than one was lost at Bembridge. Vitryak buv pobudovaniya close to 1700 year and continued vikoristovuvatisya until 1913. Most of the original mechanism was saved in the middle. You can look at all the chotiri on top of the budіvlі ta rozіbratisya at the way it functioned.

In 1795, the famous English painter Turner, who was a frequent guest of the island, portrayed the famous English painter.

Quarr Abbey

Quarr Abbey is found on the Isle of Wight from 1132. Vono was the life center of the island until the dissolution by Henry VIII. Quarr Abbey, which is known to be in order with the ruins of the old, is a monastery, what is it. The new life of the abbey of the Benedictines began in 1907. You can make a group meeting of the abbey with a guide-chance. You know about St. Benedict, the history of the monastery, the architecture of the church, and the everyday life of chents.

Nunwell House Nunwell House

An old zamіsky mansion, dated 1522 by rock, a cicavia from the historical and architectural point of view. Budinok garno furnishing and otocheniya garnim five akrіvim garden.

Osborne House Osborne House

"It is impossible to miss what a beautiful landscape" - such were the words of Queen Victoria after her first visit to Osborne on the Isle of Wight. A trip to the island would not be complete without seeing the king's seaside residence.

Osborne House, which was inspired between 1845 and 1851 as fate for the royal homeland, was like a summer house for the wedding of ceremonial life in the capital. Prince Albert himself designed the booths in the style of an Italian Renaissance palazzo. From the palace terraces you can see a wonderful view of the Solent channel. The palace looks like a park, and at the bottom there is a private beach of the queen. At the same time, the wine is also a vіdkritiy for vіdvіduvannya

On the Isle of Wight in Branding, one of the Roman majets in Great Britain was ruffled, which was perfectly preserved. The greatest value of the villi is a mosaic pidlog, created in the third century A.D., best in Pivnichniy Europe

Shanklin Chine

Shanklin Gorge is one of the oldest 'Wonders' of the Isle of Wight. Vono hooted mandrivniki on the cob of the 19th century. Artists, scribes and poets groaned in it, who loved to blunder through the narrow winding gorge and dabble in the waterfall.


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