Shopping in Belgium. How to take taxi-free in Russia.

Shopping in Belgium. How to take taxi-free in Russia.

A short description of the tax-free process: Buying in the store with a cordon, the tourist takes a special check, on which, when leaving the country (on the mittens), it is necessary to put a special stamp (wine confirms that the goods were taken). If the buyer has the right to turn the VAT. The pennies can be taken away immediately after the passage of the mitnitsa, or after the arrival at home. Tax-free system in Europe is about 20 countries beyond the borders. The procedure for returning tax-free is approximately the same, and the axis is exchanged for the minimum variety of the purchased and the term of the check in the skin region.

Scheme of the tax-free process

Tax-free systems

All the work of turning MPE is put on a private tax-free system, as intermediaries between tourists and that power. Leather from them includes a chain of partner stores and a number of offices for the return of pennies. Like a wine-growing system, a small commission is eliminated. Main systems:

Respect! If you buy goods from the country of the European Union, then put another on a tax-free check is not necessary when you leave the country, de-purchase the goods, but if you leave the borders of the EU itself (Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway do not enter until new). Dodatkovі turboti can vyniknuti, yakscho you deprive ЄС through the transit zupinka (report about tse naprikіnci statti). Members of the EC are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ukraine, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia , Spain, Croatia, Sweden and Great Britain.

Amount of return

Please note that the tax-free return does not mean that you will deduct the amount of paid VAT in full. Part of the pennies went to the administrative office and the commission to the intermediary (the skin of the country practices its own rules). If you pay it to the bank, then you will have to pay the receipt of the check for collection and the extra charge for the clerk of the preparation. Some of the rarest roses can reach half the sum of money. On the website of Global Blue there is a handy calculator for more or less accurate calculation.

Methods for returning tax-free (transferring to the preparation of checks):

  • at the airport - the best option to take back your money;
  • by mail - it is necessary to send a tax-free check to the office of the tax-free system. Pennies to go to the card bank account. Takes a few hours (2 - 4 months);
  • at any point in the form of tax-free - it sounds like an option from a wide choice, but in practice everything is brought up to the point of turning at the place of residence. Accessible only to bagmen of great places.

Return (return) taxi-free at the airport

The main pardon in case of tax-free service at the airport is to collect the goods from the baggage at check-in time for the flight, even if you need to demonstrate the purchase on the counter. Some people can attach a special tag to such luggage, but you are responsible to return it to you.

Soak yourself before arriving at the airport to save your life, for which:

  • explain, de same in the zone of villota you can find all the mittens, where stamps are put on tax-free checks, and then you can see pennies (near the airport hall or in the neutral zone after passport control). Ring the bells in qi points so that you don’t dare to get up in them. In addition, not all points work well. Rostashuvannya dot іz roklady є on the website;
  • do not look for purchases of labels and labels. With whom to put the valіza so that it would be easy to show the dressing, as if to ask the clerk of the mittens. And it’s best to carry purchases with hand luggage;
  • Obov'yazkovo zapovnіt tax-free checks (as if the salesman didn't make it at the store) and trim them all at once with cashier's checks, passports and receipts.

When you arrive at the airport, take us in front of the house for the passage of the airport. At the control, you will need to present a tax-free check, a cashier's check, a passport and goods. If your belongings are not placed in hand luggage, go through the check-in to get checked in for the flight and check in your luggage. That's why you spend an hour and a penny on the front packing of the bags in this situation I can't sense.

You lost a penny and go through passport control. Itself in such a sequence, to the fact that in some countries the turn points of the MPE are roztashovan at the bay. You can lose money without pennies, as if you guess about them, having already passed passport control, even if you don’t allow you to turn back to the hall. In the krains, where you need to go beyond the border of passport control, you take a penny when you pass for a landing in a plane.

Taking away pennies

After tasting the stamp, go to the taxi-free turn-off (it can be called in a different way; it can also play a different role at the Duty Free store). In order not to pay a commission for currency conversion (if not 5%), it is necessary to take a return from the local currency. Porada: if the point of return of pennies is before the passport control, then take the card varto before passing through the mitnitsa.

Having finished with the taxi-free, go through passport control. Before the speech, as before the end of the day, less than 10 minutes are left, you can go to the counter without a card, or hurry up at the end of the registration of passengers who are sleeping, and put your luggage at the Drop Off station.

If you don’t get a penny at the airport and you know that in your place of residence there is no tax-free point, then the only option is to leave the mail.

Tax-free return by mail (to a bank card)

To request a tax free return to a credit/debit card, the details must be assigned to a stamped tax free check. It is necessary to put yoga in a special envelope and in a special postal tax-free screen at the airport. The envelope can be picked up later at the purchase shop or at the locality (in the taxi-free office at the airport). Obviously, it is permissible to embed a standard envelope and a special postal screenshot, and also to need a postage stamp and the owner's address. And if you add strength to the sheet already from the edge of your residence (otherwise, be it otherwise), then you need an international brand.

Returning tax-free orders is not more than enough (2-4 months), but not enough. Go a little bit into that situation, as if you don’t get a return at the airport and you know that your hometown doesn’t have a taxi-free office. Obov'yazkovo vodskanuyte or take a picture of your checks before the administration - in case of problems, the stench will become the only proof of your right to return the sumi tax.

Tax-free return by mail (to the bank account)

I repeat this method earlier, with the same difference, that if the issued tax-free check did not have the details of the card account, then the tourist takes the international bank check with the sign “for the account holder” at the indicated address. Such a bank check can be transferred to the preparation only in a bank, where you have a rosary account. The statute of limitations is not a check, but you can accept it, or you can change it in your skin bank individually.

Turnaround tax-free for transit

Raising the price of Europe, putting a mint on tax-free checks is necessary in the rest of the country of the European Union (Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway are not included before the EU). Ale, how buti, how will the remaining country be for you less than a transit tooth? At this time, for the procedure of tax-free, you can simply not spend an hour. That point of the mitnitsa in the transit zone may not appear. In addition, the luggage is sent once for the month of recognition, which makes it possible to demonstrate yoga. Therefore, obov'yazkovo make out the taxi-free return at the airport of the first villot. Show the ticket and say you don't have much time for a transfer.

Taxi-free turn at the point of view of the country

To return the return, you need a tax-free check, a cashier's check, a foreign passport and an internal passport (for CIS countries). Costs are paid exclusively against the national currency (the exchange rate, as a rule, is not fixed).

Taxi-free turn when leaving the country by car, train, ship

It's easier to put a mitt on the tax-free checks for motorists. The only way, if it's important to stop. When visiting from the edge of the train / ship, you can take the stamp at the point of departure (railway station / port) or with a cordon without a middle. The frailty of the first way is those who have the luggage їhatime around you. Another way is not to be particularly arrogant; Obov'yazkovo find out ahead of time what will be at the train or ship's mitniks, and you can get a stamp on the tax-free check.

Thin taxi-free turns in different countries

  • if you forgot to put a mint stamp on the tax-free check, then you can do it upon arrival at the embassy / consulate of the country, in which case the purchase was made. The service is not cheap (minimum 20 euros);
  • for checks issued by Poland, pennies are turned over only for preparation;
  • when visiting Slovenia, it is necessary to put two official stamps: the first one is on the tax-free form, the other is on the check;
  • in Iceland, for the return of a tax on purchases, you do not need anything else;
  • in Іzraїlі vіdshkoduvannya MPE zdіysnyuєtsya for the scheme tax (VAT), scho may be special;
  • Croatia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark use national stamps. Tse means that checks from these countries in other European powers may not be accepted. Croatia and Norway are especially valued, stinks of stench are not EU members. Because you have a direct flight to the Batkivshchyna, you need to take a taxi-free ticket at the airport. At the time of the flight or passing through other countries, you can issue a return if you are at home;
  • In Norway, it is necessary to put a stamp not on the mittens, but in the office of the tax-free system. The whole country, in order to make a return for food products (more expensive than 285 kroons), ale, as a purchase decision, it is necessary to show them on the mitnitsa, it is not possible to live up to Villota;
  • it is impossible to issue tax-free tickets, oskolki in the country can’t give a tribute to the vartist. However, at the great department stores, non-residents can take an 11% discount. For whom it is necessary to know the Customer Service and show him your passport, in order for you to see a special card, you will need to present it at the cash desk;
  • in the airports of Nіmechchini, you need to register first, and then go to Mitniki. When registering, it is necessary for you to say that you will issue a tax-free: register your luggage and return it to you. After issuing checks, it will be necessary to issue them in another place (explain the counters).
  • in the Netherlands you can turn the VAT by making a purchase in any store, which you can not enter before the tax free shopping system, but for which you need to turn back to the country. Think: if you buy goods for a sum of over 300 guilders, put a small stamp on a great cashier's check. If you come to Holland again, go to the store, where the purchase was made. There you can withdraw the entire amount of VAT without forfeiting commissions. For payment: for a tax-free check with a visa from Holland, you will return more than 10% of the goods, and in the store - usі 17%.

Basic resources for tourists and - search hotel systems, search for different booking systems and check the results, helping to know the best proposition and - search systems for air tickets, which, if necessary, look over the website of the skin airline company okremo - the world leader in the field of hotel reservations


Part 1 - Practice.

Travelers and take away the basic information


Writing short and daily the place, the center of the city, is not described. Without a doubt, the target audience is motor vehicles; Pogani maps mist - it is impossible to know which of them.

Le Petit Fute

It’s not exactly better, lower in Switzerland and in the regions of Russia, but it’s still a mistake - in the description about the skin, I approximately described where and why the traveler is wrong. Great places are described in detail: Brussels, Bruges, Ghent, Anwerp, Liege. Info navit zabagato (especially about Brussels) - descriptions of areas where a tourist doesn’t go (Arab quarters), and when read, one gets an impression that it’s just that there’s a stream of light - richly zayvogo and can’t get to the place. The text about the place that map was robbed by different people - or different people shifted, to that on the map of the place (for її obviousness) exactly what is not in the text, and in the text is described those that are not on the map and de tse shukati, did not ever understand .

Internet sites

A person, Crimean people in the Internet and travelers, having developed Google maps for the city (center), you can walk with them, but in the skin area they tried to find a travel agency and get there with a map and booklets. Mayzha zavzhdi went into, and without special zusil. - Artemy Lebedev's comedy photo essay on Brussels and Bruges.

Rozpovіdі mandrivnikiv

Rozpovіdey about Belgії vlasne vyavilos not rich at all - more expensive people gallop at once from Holland and Luxembourg, for tyzhden, and from Belgіysk places to tourists show Brussels, Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp. Tim is not less, tsіkavі and pіznavalnі rozpovidі all the same є! For what their authors
Svіtlanі Narozhniy (zavdyaks like we went to Belgium so unobtrusively vіdkrіl vіdkrіl for themselves Leuven and Mechelen, zokrema -;
Sasha (NOKA -,
Glibu (, and
Kiril Babaev (, which I quote from time to time in my testimony; and also inviting the unknown Israeli author to get rid of the report “In the wake of a golden autumn” ( - we have great respect.

Documents for a visa and visa at the embassy

The submission of documents in the Belgian embassy is done by themselves, which is specially designed, and the travel agency in this case draws up a new package of documents for you, the courier firms borrow money from the embassy, ​​handing you the documents at the appointed hour before the end, you submit the documents and pennies at the window, accept the receipt, and give it the freedom - in 3 days your visa will be collected for you.

Submission of documents was a little tricky for us: before 10, we came to the Belgian embassy (a small street behind Novy Arbat), got along with the courier, took papers and went in two to the window (went one at a time, but if you go two, then you can ). The embassy accepts documents for a visa from 9 to 12, can be seen in 3 days from 14.15 to 16.

So, who cares, the documents were like this:

2 profiles with photo and signature,
. copy of tickets,
. copy of insurance
. passport
. hotel reservation,
. the program of rebuying (not guaranteed, what is necessary about the language, її folded at the travel agency),
. Dovіdka z roboti,
. a copy of the rahunka.

However, recently, at one of the travel forums (already after our trip), information was passed that we may have 2 Schengen visas for the remaining 2 years, but it is not necessary to submit documents especially. There is no information on the official website of the embassy, ​​the truth is, no.


About those that are the same and how they work, it is written here:

And as short as it is, it’s only a few days (we took 8) by the country to enter the program. Sold at the central checkpoints, on Komsomolskaya Square, behind the Leningradsky railway station. Cost (in Belgium) 86 euros, plus 160 rubles service charge. Vivayuchy goloshennya at the stands, they yelled that when you buy a ticket when traveling to the date of admission by train, you can get a 50% discount on travel. If you are planning to travel a lot, then it is necessary to redeem such tickets - for example, we have spared 300 euros.

It's easy to get a ticket: go to the train, sit down, take a pen and put down the current date. At different times of day, they can be fined. Mayte on your vows, scho rozkladіv 2 - weekdays and weekends are holy. There are more trains on weekdays.

For a trip to Luxembourg, a ticket is valid only to the remaining station on the Belgian territory - Arlon, moreover, in Brussels we bought tickets Arlon-Luxembourg and back.


Public transport (Crimea free travel) did not greet us in Belgium; Tim is no less, on the eyes of the deak, information was trapped. For example,, debriefs about different rates in European cities. For example, if you buy a one-day group card for 6.70 euros, you can ride right away.

If you want to inherit our butt from the self-sufficiently expensive Belgium, a valuable tool for the new may be the site of the Belgian railroads

It’s more appropriate to take advantage, then a patient person can see all the necessary information from the results, a summary of the report breakdown of trains, the price of tickets and let’s get it online. I’m guessing that “Evrodomino” is more like a banter.

Budget trip and sightseeing tours

Litak - "Aeroflot" - 13,100 rubles. * 2 = 26,200 rubles. ($970)
Hotel - 10 nights * 105 euros = 1050 euros
Travel in Belgium "Evrodomino" - 86 euros * 2 +2 * 160 rubles. (IJA service charge) Insurance = 12 * 1 * 2 = 24 EUR
Visa = 2 * 60 = 120 EUR
At once 32120 rubles. that 1 194 euro

Eating. About approximate prices for the most popular products among tourists. at the distribution “Kharchuvannya that produkt”. You can, singsongly, eat fast food and products from the nearest supermarket, but if you eat normally, be prepared to spend 60-80 euros per day. Please let me know about the description of specific places of eating.

beer. The prices on the bottling and those at the dances are approximately the same - at rich places you can serve beer, as they immediately pour it from the dances. Vіd 1 to 6 euro per 0.3 l in fallow vіd variety.

Fruits, juices are sold at a richer price, lower in Moscow. Siri is quite cheap, rich in varieties, which we simply don’t have. They didn’t take anything else from the supermarket. I'm lying! From Merezhi Delhaizer took a set of chocolate zuceroks - from gifts.

Souvenirs are mainly presented in the shops near the Grand Dance - tse Pisyauchy lad in all variations (firers, vodkrivachki, and other things from this image - from 3 euros), beer kitchens of various forms and varieties, okremo, or in a set of beer - in 8 euros, plates - from 10-12 euros, merzhiva - from 2-3 euros for a small serving.

Museums - from 2 to 10 euros, children are a little cheaper. For example, I’ll give you a table of varities of museums, as far as we can see, you can plan, stock up on museums.

Food and drink

Supermarkets such as Delhaizer, GB, Aldi, Match are located near the localities. The skin area has its own set of stores and it is possible to have more of them - I wrote only those that we spent on our eyes. Sound the stench up to 20 years old, in a week up to 18 years. Standard dial.

The order of the tourist and the fire of the local inhabitants can be but the Arab (Indian) shops - the stench is more practical (in the Moscow meaning of the word), or the fire is cilodobovo. They sell a "life" set of butovo chemistry, cosmetics, water-syrup-beer-zhuyka. Other fruits. Stop expensive, lower at sheep shops, razi by 2. Beer cost is approximately the same as in supermarkets, well, plus or minus 10-15%. There were 2 such shops for our hotel and 5 pieces in between 5 quills.

Beer is also sold at specialized stores, one of the “open” ones is on the streets, where you can see the Grand Place, there are varieties of beer that are not sold at supermarkets, and at the same time, part of the assortment of the supermarket, but more expensive. As far as I can judge, the great drinker can make sets of “beer + kelikhs”. About beer sorts, I’ll draw a lot more, so here I’m not going to change the information, I’ll only say that it’s necessary to try kriek sorts, sorts with fruity relish, especially cherry; Belgian spruce Kwak; that kind of beer with the word “trappist” in etiquette, like brewing at monasteries (mitzne!)

“On the vіdmіnu vіd beer, the Belgian chocolate production is not so rich in rock. The chocolate industry vindicated here, like in the 19th century, when Belgium gained dominion over the Congo and denied access to African kavoi plantations. Ale, for the second century in the country, the number of chocolate houses with their traditional recipes, which are saved for sim locks, have gone wild

Litter and shame, throw tomatoes at me, but I won’t sing laudatory odes to Belgian chocolate. Well, chocolate, finish it savory and expensive, obviously. For an amateur. The cost is 12 euros per kilo and is sold at souvenir shops, specialized stores and again - supermarkets. To the point, at the Delhaizer Merezha there is chocolate of wet production. In the assortment of shops there are tiles, pralines, zuceroks without color, and neobov'yazkovo to bathe them in mass - you can wind on one or two skin types - try it.

Siri. Another sirna kraina, more sirіv here is rich, rich, savory. Recommend. I won’t describe - I’ll draw my hands in a beer drawing

Potato. I love this shkidlivist! It is also sold in a cut, at 1.5 euros per bag, with different linings. So, if you treat people with paper bags, covered in greasy flames, like you’re looking forward to swearing, you know - it’s national fast food.

Wafers. Loves of mystic fast food are similar to greased potatoes. They are sold everywhere, at all places, they cost 1.50 euros per piece. You can buy some from the oven, but most of the time the stinks lie in a pile already ready, and they are less played. At some places they sell wafers with toppings - they put tops, jams, caramel, peas, frosting, chocolate chips on the beast. Qi, vіdpovіdno, dear. The most popular place in Brussels, they are traded (there is a whip of a person standing at 10) - a kiosk on the street, leading to the Grand Dance near the monument to the mayor burgomaster (uncle with a dog). In my opinion, the most recent waffles came across to us at Liege.

Medії: 13-18 euros per serving. The best choice in the restaurant district is not far from the Grand Dance, which is also called the "Belly of Brussels". The biggest minus of this month is the tightness and stinginess, the tables stand too tight, at the narrow aisle between them the flow of people is constantly collapsing, especially for me. Ale, don’t wave your hand through it on the midi! The stench is served on the table at the great metal vessel, right in the one in which they were prepared. Delicious and savory. Ale my cholovik get better seafood.

The sum, which is necessary to spend in Belgium for tax free, becomes 125 euros, spent in one place at once. For issuing a taxi-free, you need a passport or a copy of it (we give the passport to the safe of the hotel, with you we carry a copy of the first side of that visa). As a rule, draw up a standard form, write down your address, name, amount of purchase and the amount of the tax, as you will have to pay. A cashier's check is added to which form.

When buying jewelry, we noticed that the receipt of the tax-free is fundamentally different - like a white paper, schos on the part of our rahunka-texture. Vaughn called out in me a song of sumniv, but nothing, they willingly accepted it on the mitnitsa. And why did they ask us to pay for cooking, and they just wouldn’t take a tax from us, but so bag us with you, it’s clear, it’s not hard for guts, and they paid with a card.

Speeches, like you bought, can be unworn, with labels, go to the Brussels airport itself on the principle and everything is reverified. Your tax-free checks can be redeemed with a stamp.

There are two routes at the Brussels airport: if you put your speech in your luggage, then you BEFORE registration at the Custom Service, after the 4th desk at the third version of the airport. After rechecking and canceling your receipts with a stamp, you can speak to your luggage, check in for a flight and go through passport control. If you speak with your hand luggage, then you register, go through passport control, and go to the mitnitsa (the same place, but you can’t enter from the other side, and there’s no blacks there, but you didn’t know the procedures, and that was with the people in the suitcases ) ). It seems that this militia point works only until the age of 22 (our militia, hoch and muttered, but up to 22.30 it turned over), it was necessary to go to another overhead, to the hall of privileges, there is also a militia (the axis is glad tim, who already passed control!).

For a late hour, the widow’s wife didn’t spend a penny, I had a chance to take the checks for clothes with me with the hope of transferring them to Moscow for cooking. It turned out that it’s really worth doing in such areas:
I had the best chance to turn back to Zovnishtorgbank:

At the bank, please call by phone and ask for clarification on how the current system works - it’s different. I went there without warning (could not get through) - everything worked out. It’s necessary for the mother of the very stamping of the Global Refund check (the stench is less with the system to work with!), And the offense of the passport is Russian and foreign. In the office on Tverskoy (wine near the court house with the Moscow Art Theater), go to cash desk No. 3, and there you will take everything. It's amazing that the system has seen the sum, how can I lie down, exactly 5% less, lower was written on the checks. And yet it seems that you don’t take a commission of stench.

We needed to redeem the stamped check for the jeweler with a sheet to the store (for the sake of the gentleman, the store saw us an envelope, pasted it on a new stamp, and filled in the address with my hand to clear the pardons), they took the sum of the tax from the card, and when we took away our sheet, the sum of the tax turned the third drive. We threw the envelope into the postal screen immediately after passing through the security office and passport control.

Mіstsevі brand clothes

Let's look at the clothes of transnational brands, you can marvel at the Belgian designers: Walter Van Beirendonck, Nadin Wynants, Ann De Meulemeester, Dirk Bikkembergs, Kaat Tilley, Dries Van Noten, Natan. The largest selection of my services was in Antwerp, at the central shopping mall of Meyry. Do you remember that for stained glass 125 euros you still need a tax-free?:)

Prices at the museum (indicated for 1 adult)


Church of St. Jacob - 2 euros.
Cathedral - 2 euros
Rubens Museum – 6 EUR


Gallo-Roman Museum - 5 EUR
Treasury of the Basilica - 2.5 euros

Treasury to the Cathedral – 5 EUR

You can buy a single ticket for 5 museums - 15 euros.
Tomb of the dukes at the Cathedral of Our Lady - 2.5 euros
Memling Museum – 8 euros (+pharmacy)
Belford - 3 euros
Basilica of the Blood of Christ - €2.50
Town Hall – 2.5 EUR
Chocolate Museum – 6 EUR
Budynoch biginok - 2 EUR

Dzvinitsya - 3 euro
Tour at the Cathedral of St. Bavo - 3 euros
Castle – 6 euro
Boat - 5 euro/year

Town Hall - 3 euros.
Bashta of the church of St. Mikoli - 1.5 euros
Bakery Museum – 3 EUR

Citadel – €6.50
Card - 0.5 euro

Citadel – €6.50
Steamboat - 14, 90 euros for 45 khvilin (river walk)

Treasury to the Cathedral – 3 EUR


Chinese pavilion – 3 EUR
Japanese Tower – 3 EUR
Pisa Museum – 3 euro
Merezhiv Museum – 3 euro

Brussels Zaventem Airport has international significance. A lot of great airlines victoriously yogo as the head office for the transfer of passengers and for the transfer of passengers. This airport occupies a leading position, the shards have the highest level of service, comfortable staffing, as well as a well-thought-out service system. Brussels airport copes with a great number of passengers. For one rіk vin serving up to 20 million osіb. The history of air traffic began as early as 1914. The same German soldiers invaded the lands of Belgium and on the site of the ninth airport complex they built a majestic hangar for the construction of airships. Through the rocks, life has changed, overpowered and modernized. Today's wines are a high-class, covered harbor, where you know the lintels of a ship from the earth.

In total, there are two airports in Brussels: the main one is Brussels Zaventem (Brussels Zaventem), or more often, it is simply called the Brussels airport, which is spread over 12 kilometers from the Belgian capital, the other is Brussels South Charleroi (Charleroi), which is known for 46 kilometers from the capital. Before speech, є the base of the airline-low-cost airline Ryanair.

This article mentions the main airport of Brussels - Zaventem.

Addresses on the map

Brussels Airport Let's pay less than 12 kilometers for a pivnichniy exit from Brussels. There are a lot of problems with transport, and it’s easy to move quickly and just get to the airport complex, so it’s practically all direct.

Online scoreboard

You can find out about the schedule of flights to the main airport of Brussels, you can on the online scoreboard of advantages and benefits:

How to get from Brussels airport to the city center and back

Passengers may have a few options for making comfortable trips, so they can go for the price that hour. Chotir and most popular options available:

  • taxi;
  • city ​​regular bus;
  • pull;
  • transfer services.


If you want to see the safest and most reliable taxi service, then it’s better to use the service that you hope to be a partner of the airport – we license taxis. Cars of the service are not important, all cars may be characteristically yellow-blue zabarvlennya. The cost of travel to the center of Brussels is about 45 euros.


The bus zupinka raztashovana at zero level, just under the hall prilotu. You can get to it on escalators or elevators. There are three platforms on the prongs, and buses and okremo enter from the skin.

Moscow regular bus company "De Lijn" course from the airport complex to the stations:

  • Bruxelles-Nord (railway station): lines 272 and 471
  • NATO: lines 272, 471 and 620
  • Roodebeek metro station: lines 359 and 659
  • Brussels Expo: line 820

Tickets can be purchased via SMS (send “DL” to 4884, ticket number – €2 + €0.15 commission), via mobile addon (€1.8) or by water (€3). Buying a ticket from the water, try to mother a bag without a ticket. Familiarize yourself with the report layout, get a mobile supplement, and you can also plan your route.

From the Brussels airport to the city also run buses MIVB/STIB. Be careful here: until 20:00 on weekdays, bus number 12 (Brussels Airport - Brussels City) runs on the route, and after 20:00 at the weekend - bus number 21 (Brussels Airport - Luxembourg). The routes of passage and the zupinka they have are blown.

Before boarding the bus, you can pick up a ticket in one of the GO ticket machines, dispensed on platform C of the bus station or in the middle of the airport, you can use water, but a little more expensive. You can familiarize yourself with the schedule of flights.


The second most popular way to get to the terminal is by train. On the lower level of the terminal (on the top of the floor) there is a railway station, the stars of the skin 15 hvilin from 05:00 to 00:00 run along the most popular routes: directly to Brussels, as well as other Belgian and Dutch places. Near Brussels, trains run at stations Brussel Noord, Brussel Midi/Zuid and Brussel Central. To the central railway station, the cost of the loan to the airport is approximately pіvgodini, and for a vartіst vide €9.

You can find out a detailed layout, as well as get receipts. In the "From" row enter "Brussels Airport", in the "To" row enter your station, in the "Ticket" row select "Standard ticket" and fill in the form with details of your trip.


If you talk about comfort, then, obviously, there are no equals in the airport. The best way to get to the required point of the place. Zazdalegіd zavlezhivshis for service, passengers can choose vіdpovіdny avіdnіy avіdnі for rozmіrami, class that vіdіlennya vіddelennya. An hour is not spent on the journey, spending at the door. The price is fixed, so the traffic jams, as well as other tricks, cannot be stuck on it.

Scheme of Brussels Airport Zaventem

The scheme of the airport terminal can be viewed on the official website. The map describes the layout of the head points and services, which are well known to passengers. Let's look at the schemes of the airport, it is important to give respect to the schemes of parking and terminals, which will help you to easily navigate. For example, it is worth noting that in the airport complex there is one passenger service terminal, which is divided into two zones and folded on dekilkoh equals. As transfers apply for a Schengen visa, these flights are service zone "A". If there are flights outside the Schengen countries, then their service area is “B”.

Amenity zone

Additional services

At the disposal of passengers, all the necessary services are provided, and they will help you to feel comfortable, to make purchases and to make your trip more satisfied. In this rank, among them are:

  • shops and cafes, roztashovani on the fourth rіvnі;
  • hall for administration, informational outlets and stands with no-cost cards and schemes for the air terminal - the third day of the complex;
  • delivery service, car rental service office, tourism dovіdkova and arrival hall - another rіven;
  • bus station and baggage collection cameras at zero level;
  • on the level "1" there is a station of the railway station, the stars can be moved to the place.

Crimea, to other important services, you can see an online scoreboard, free Wi-Fi, a navigation system, a repair zone, equipped with comfortable armchairs. There is also one other reception room - small fountains with drinking water near the skin hall of villota. However, it is important for passengers to remember that all information services may stop working after 9 pm.

Duty Free at Brussels Airport

Most of the passengers and the most famous tourists have already decided on their own purchases at the Deuti shops - fri. Here, prices for goods are not subject to podatkuvannya, oskolki do not go through the mitt. There is a lot of people who want to buy branded goods at reasonable prices.

Taxi Free at Brussels Airport

Tax-free check-in counters on the third turn behind the check-in counters straight to the “B” zone. You will need to put stamps on your Tax Free form at the checkpoint, and only then will you get through to the counter of the pennies. Won redeemed for 50 meters from the passport control counters, on the left side. With your own mother, you need a passport, a ticket and a stamped Tax Free form. The minimum amount of purchases for returning Tax Free at Brussels Airport is €50.

Belgium is famous for its chocolate, beer, diamonds and gems. Here the promise of shopping is well-described. In any place you can know the nameless chocolate shops and shops in the city. The greater number of proponed meshes - it’s all machine-made, prote, just try, you can know small shops, de є vobi, gossip by hand, but it’s too expensive to make such speeches. "Manufacture Belge de Dent".

Near Brussels, on the leather bin, they sell the most addictive “boys who pee”: colorful, chocolate, big and small (to wind a corkscrew lad).

It’s better to go shopping in Belgium on weekdays: at this hour the stench is open until 18. Saturday is a short day, and during the week, trade is on the rise. As a rule, fortunately, great department stores do not expand. The country has two main borders - "Delhaize" and "GB". The stench works from 8:00 to 20:00 and you can buy practically everything there at a reasonable price. For example, the popular Belgian waffles, which cost 2 euros apiece on the streets, are sold in department stores by a dozen for less.

If you have already built a new wardrobe, then there are two paths. The first one is small boutiques where the speeches of young and promising designers are sold. Youth - does not mean those who have found, then you can buy there those that you don’t have more in anyone, or those who appear on the global European scene less for a sprat of rock.

The other way is in the Maasmechelen Village outlet. You can know for a year if you travel from Brussels or Antwerp. Village - 200 meters of pishohidnoy avenue, vzdovzh kakoi roztashovanny boutiques. Discounts on clothes are 60%. Pratyuє tse "happy shopaholic" without weekends - from 10:00 to 18:00, on Saturdays that week - until 19:00. .

Particularly satisfied in Belgium - the majestic sale of "Brokant". At the skinny little place, there was a brocanti, and in Brussels for the same weekend call, the wind is crossed to one of the streets.

Belgian Merezhiva

In the Belgian region of Flanders weave garni merezhi, go to the whole world. The art of merezhivopletіnnya originated in these regions, for example, the sixteenth century, at the hour of the economic and cultural development of Flanders. The Belgian lace was adorned with great popularity, all the royal courts were willing to embellish their shati with thin, worn lace. The Flemings have developed a special technology for the production of thin thread and the leather region of the province, violating their unique braids.

Meringues of Antwerp are characterized by mergings with flower motifs and vases, on aphids with six-pointed little stars, rozsipanih on the canvas.

Merezhiva Malina - Mechelen are similar to those of Antwerp, they were made with thinner and thinner stinks, they were made mainly for trimming the cuffs of those shirts, for sewing a jabot. Malinsky Merezhiwa was especially popular.

Merezhivo Bruges, with an uninterrupted tie-up with a lace, with a chimerical, vigilant little one, which is settling down when there are half-hearted parts.

The dearest and the most expansive were respected by Brussels merezhivo, de okremo viconan ornaments hung on aphids and tulle. The posture of Flanders was especially appreciated, and England was exported under the name Angletter, through the fences the Flemish nettings were imported to the foggy Albion. Another type of Brussels wickerwork was called "duchesse", they have a daily background like this, and the ornaments of the main were woven together with wickerwork.

Sales in Belgium

In Belgium, sales periods are regulated by law. Three orders for shopping days are exactly one month: for 1 linden inlet and for 3 days of payment. Until the first check in the shops in the capital of Belgium, the budget prices are reduced: for the porushniks, they voted the discounts earlier than the first hour to check the significant fines.

Brussels to finish the road with the help of the city: for prices it can compare with the nearest great places - Paris, Amsterdam and Cologne. At the time of sales, there is a lot of hype. Brussels shops open their doors from 9-10 pm until 6 pm from Monday to Saturday. On Fridays, most shops are open until 8 or 9 p.m.

Tax free in Belgium

Even if the sum of purchases in one store in one day exceeded 125 EUR, it may be possible to speed up the system of reversing the sum of MPE. In Belgium, MPE to become 21%. In order to turn the money back, you need to ask the Tax Free store for a check, de mayut but appointed product name, price, which includes a tax and a sum of money. On the other side of the mitt on the EC side, present a check that the purchase has not been unpacked for stamping the mitt.

To withdraw pennies, you can:

  • Present a check to a Russian bank before payment.
  • Send a check by mail to the regional representation of Premier Tax Free.
  • Submit a check before payment at one of the points in the preparation of payment in the EC.

Tax-free - tse system of return of the sum of the tax on the grant to the foreign citizens at the return border cordon of the country, de vie carried out a pass or a business trip. The number of turns to be set from 7 to 20 hundred of your purchase, so remember the basic principles of the turn:

1. Be sure to know ahead of time (this information is given directly in the store), for any amount of purchases you need to return the tax on the cordon - if you spend the whole amount, the seller is guilty and ask to issue special documents, for which you are guilty, present your foreign passport. If you know for sure that the tax in your country, for example, is 10%, then it doesn’t mean that you can turn back the money yourself - shops may have special advanced tables, in which fallows, in which range your spent money is spent, it’s assigned return amount. Minus commission.
2. Purchases made on the same day and in one store, ideally - at one time ),
3. Respect! In rich countries there are shopping centers, in some anonymous shops. Tax-free is issued when buying only in one of the shops, and not in the center!
4. In some countries, the tax-free system is started and є, but it’s not dіє, - for example, in Turkey - turn a tax for purchases, zdijsneni on the territory of the tsієї krai, it’s practically impossible. And in some countries (for example, in Italy, Greece) they traded for a long time and were hard-nosed, and they significantly changed the declared price, and nothing was paid for tax-free. First of all, you know that if you accept a donation, you can reduce the price of speech, which you deserved.
5. Not in all countries, tax-free is returned exactly to the penny: in the Czech Republic, for example, we were returned about 80% of the sum of the tribute, which is worth it. If you are not in power, send the full sum of money to transfer in a few months to your bank.
6. Be sure to stock up on a special leaflet-reminder for the return of tax-free: you can call them at the cashier in the store, or at the end of the special point of registration of tax-free - they have reportedly ordered a lot of money (and the rest of the hour - in Russian), de same at the airport, there is a checkpoint for the checkpoint control, that de casa is to give away pennies,
7. Most often, you can get the tax-free form at the store, for which you need to bring your passport or a photocopy. For the rest of the hour, I stumbled upon it, to give just an empty form, before which the cash receipt is attached, so you don’t forget to remember it, so as not to take care of the rest of the hour at the airport.
8. Important! Speech, as a matter of fact, are presented to the mitnik for return of tax-free, must be not worn, with tags, and if you don’t take your luggage (at airports, as a rule, there is an additional special point, where your luggage is to be surprised and considered, like speeches in the building , as if to call the mitnik for a st_ykoy tax-free),
9. Since you have arrived at the airport, before or after passport control (div. p. 6) you are approaching the mitnik and you will have to stamp your checks issued in the store. Some speeches ask to be presented before looking around,
10. The next time you go to the end of the Global Refund and take your pennies from the currency for you. In the lands of the Eurozone, if you see pennies from the dollars, you can take a solid commission, and you can also take the euro.
11. If you paid for your purchase with a card, then it’s even better if you transfer the pennies through the bank to the card. Ale, we were a little lucky: at Budapest, the saleswoman simply opened another check in the bank of the cashier's check, which was to tell about those that pennies were taken from the card (in such a rite, to bring, that it was an unprepared transfer of pennies, it was impossible to bring), and we took it at the airport cooking. In Switzerland, if we bought a birthday, they simply took away the sum from the cards without a tribute, and deposited the sum of the tribute, and they would have taken it away from that vapadka, yakby we did not see the documents on the mittens.

1) all Russian citizens, who may have allowed to live in that country, de bula zroblena purchase or in one of the countries of the EU.
2) Russian citizens who are rebuying on the territory of the country, the purchase was broken, over 184 days.
3) Russian citizens, may have allowed for labor activities in the country, de Bulo zrobleno purchase.

How to get tax free in Russia

For some reason, you didn’t get to take a penny for a tax-free check stamped on the mittens at the airport, don’t hurry to put your documents in the mailbox! Russia has banks that turn pennies in preparation:

Please call the bank for a long time and specify what the system is working on – it’s different. I went there on the way to the Ministry of Finance (to which I drove through), everything worked out.

It’s necessary for the mother of that same stamped Global Refund check (the stench is less to work with them!), And insulting passports - Russian and foreign. In the office on Tverskoy (wine near the court house with the Moscow Art Theater), go to cash desk No. 3, and there you will take everything. It's amazing that the system has seen the sum, how can I lie down, exactly 5% less, lower was written on the checks. And it seems that they don’t take a commission.

As an addendum before publication, I’ll tell you, it’s like it’s in the skin of the country :)

Belgium, Brussels

The sum, which is necessary to spend in Belgium for tax free, becomes 125 euros. We spent the styles in one place - ask for a taxi-free, for which you need a passport or a second copy (we give your passports in the hotel’s safe, you can carry a copy of the first page and visa with you). As a rule, you fill out a standard form, write down your address, name, amount of purchase and amount of tribute, as you owe. A cashier's check is added to which form.

When buying jewelry, we noticed that the tax-free receipt is fundamentally different - like a white paper, similar to our rahunka invoice. Vaughn called out in me a song of sumniv, but nothing, they willingly accepted it on the mitnitsa. Moreover, they asked us to pay for the preparation on the back of the head, and they would not even take a tax from us, but so bag us with you, it’s clear, it’s not hard for guts, and they paid with a card.

Speeches, like you bought, may be unworn, with tags, go to the principle at the Brussels airport and really reverify. Your tax-free checks can be redeemed with a stamp.

At the Brussels airport you have two routes: if you put your speech in your luggage, then you BEFORE registration in the Custom Service, after the 4th desk at the third version of the airport. After rechecking and canceling your receipts with a stamp, you can speak to your luggage, check in for a flight and go through passport control. If you speak with your hand luggage, then you register, go through passport control, and go to the mittnitsa ) ). It seems that this militia point works only until the age of 22 (our militia, hoch and muttered, but up to 22.30 it turned over), it was necessary to go to another overhead, to the hall of privileges, there is also a militia (the axis is glad tim, who already passed control!).

Italy: Rome, Leonardo da Vinci Airport, or Fiumicino

Tax-free is expected when buying for a sum of 155 euros (it doesn’t matter how you pay - with a card), turn the sum around 13%. When buying, as always, it is necessary to present the original or a copy of the person's death, ideally, as if it were a passport - your bulkiness is indicated there. Important! The sum of the purchase is due to buti zdijsnen on one day in the same store and bazhano - at one time, otherwise you do not issue tax free.

Speech should be not worn (well, or look not worn, even though we have never tampered with purchases in kind), at the airport, if you give away bags, place purchases, in luggage, you need to indicate the presence of these speeches at a special desk behind registration desks . As soon as you take all the speeches to the passenger compartment, then you boldly walk back through the look around area, then through passport control. Then your path is guilty, lie down to the gate C3, the counter of the mitten was stashed there, to put a stamp on your checks. Above the column is written in English and Italian: Customs\Dogana.

The right-hander in the militia - kasi, de see the preparation (Cash Refund), rajah to take the black and tudi, і tudi, that there are a lot of people, and you still need similar things in stores :-) Pennies can send you to take away like from the court casi , So in the kasі trohi far along the corridor (Tax Free Premier), literally after 20 meters. At the kasі poruch iz mitnoy stіykoy often do not get money and euros, also pennies can be seen in dollars.

Italy: Rome

At the airport of Rome, after going through the check-in and passport control, go on the step behind the front door counter right-handed, and take the stamp on your papers, and turn the pennies at the duty-free, and there is such a counter for the perfume bottle.

Switzerland: Zurich

Mileage of MPE is 7.6%. When buying a sum of 500 francs, you will be given a tax for the mind, that you are a foreign citizen and see Switzerland for a month from the day of purchase. First of all, we stumbled upon them, that they can earn a small amount of money right in the store with their money. If you pay with a preparation, if you pay a tax for a fee, like with a card, then you only get a sum without a tax, and deposit a sum of VAT, do not bring documents to the airport at the airport. They brought the documents - they unblocked the sum of the tribute, they didn’t bring it - they took it from the bank for a month. At the airport, after passing through passport control, go to the Custom Office, and there you will receive an orange envelope, which you saw in the shops. Mustache!

Well, if they didn’t save you money, and you paid the entire amount of the purchase, then you’ll die like that - after passing through passport control, go again to the Custom Office, show your purchases, stink to give you a badge on the documents, and correct the bank nearby, de vie the sum of the tax from the purchase.

If you choose to make a purchase speech, for which it is necessary to return the VAT, at the luggage, show the Global Refund receipt at the special end (please call before registration), where you will see a special document, it will be appointed, that you have effectively put such speeches in the luggage, for which want to return the tribute. Speech goes at the luggage compartment, you blunt at the mitt.

Nіmechchina: Berlin, Tegel airport

From the purchase amount of 25 euros, you will return about 10% tax, for which in the store when buying, you need to say the charming words “tax-free”, and the sellers themselves draw up everything - stick the cashier's check to the tax-free check, supply the necessary stamp. You only need to fill in the passport data on the check (what if you are a foreigner, believe in the word that passport, like in other countries of Europe, do not waive), and at the airport BEFORE REGISTRATION, please check it out for the arrivals-villots scoreboard , to the mitnitsa, de ask you for a passport and a receipt, supply one more stamp (you can ask to show speeches, if you have bought, stinks can be unremarkable), and literally at the court for a penny.

Hungary, Budapest

To take a donation at the airport, you need to spend 45,000 forints (184 euros, or 238 dollars) in one store. It is necessary for the seller to ask for a taxi-free order, the stench themselves rarely smell, and it is sufficient to present a copy of your passport.

Respect! If you paid for the purchase with a card, and not with a preparation, then, as a rule of thumb, the donation will be returned to you from that drive for a few months. But the girl in that store, we made out tax-free, she just opened another check in the cash receipt, which was to tell about those that pennies were taken from the card (in such a rite, to bring, that it was an unprepared transfer of pennies, it was impossible to bring), and we took some cooking at the airport.

The sum of the tribute is turned around 15% of the amount of the purchase.

At the airport, go through the registration process, then BEFORE going through passport control, find small unrecognizable doors without identification marks (better than any service, de tse), where to supply you with a Global Refund stamp, but after going through passport control and security, check the counter. number 20, entrusted from it at the end of the Cash Refund Office, de give pennies, that point of currency exchange. Only there the exchange rate is EUR 264 forint.

Czech Republic, Prague airport Ruzyne

Tax-free in the Czech Republic with a purchase of 2000 kroons (the exchange rate is approximately 1 kroon = 1.2 rubles). At some jewelry stores, you can pay for the purchase, in kroons, dollars, or euros, if so, the exchange rate is good, and they give a discount of 20%, and you don’t get tax-free. If they still issued a taxi-free, then you are at the terminal "Pivnich-1" (the one that is not in the Schengen area for the villas), teeth). They asked me to show the jewellery, the ganchirkas didn’t start wondering, even though they prepared everything for us. After registration and passport control in the duty-free zone є 4 points of turn for preparation - follow the clerks. Turn not 14% clean, as it is written on the posters at the rich stores, but close to 11-12%.

Spain, Madrid, Barajas Airport

Tax-free for purchases from 90 euros. After registration and security control, you will immediately have cash - there at the end of the mitten. The stamp was grunted without words, not having disproved the reality of the purchases. The turn is already in the 4S terminal itself (the stars were ringing for me), opposite the store with bags and for the cavalier. Ask to write the number of the card and choose papers, telling them to turn the pennies with a stretch of 2 tizhniv. Dosi did not turn :)

Denmark, Copenhagen

Tax-free to apply when buying from 300 kroons (bl. 1500 rubles). Before check-in for a flight at terminal 3, you need to go to the end of the morning, get out when you go to another terminal, you’ll go to another. They didn’t ask to show speeches, but they were embarrassed to show them enough. They took service, began to feed, de rimuvati pennies. You figured it out so much that you don’t have to pay, you can shop in their taxi-free outlets, without preparation. Tsіni there, after a rich name, to protect. They spat, they blew away pennies in Moscow.

It's true, people who know tell you that it is possible in Copenhagen to take pennies at the airport in cash,
on another version, there is de duty-free.

Latvia and Estonia, when crossing the cordon from the Russian Federation

Sum, yaku need to spend in Estonia - 2500 kroons, in Latvia - 29.50 lats.
Return approximately 12% of the sum of purchases.
As always, in the store you make out tax-free, and if after the cordon control the mitniki start walking around the car, show them your documents and purchases. Go to the station in the middle of the night to take away pennies, it seemed to me nonsense that I took away pennies in Moscow.

Portugal, Lisbon airport

The tribute is turned from the sum of purchases from 60 euros. Documents are drawn up in a standard way.
At the airport, go through the check-in and check the counter of the mitten, the nearest to us was immediately levoruch from the check-in counters of "Lufthanzy".
Cherga people 5, ale not long checked.
Turn the pennies after passing the security control, not entering the light, the levoruch in the exit to the bay.

Norway, Oslo

MPE in Norway is over 25%, you can see in the airport about 20%. What is noteworthy is due to Norwegian rules; Vitratity costs NOK 315 (rate 1 kroon = approximately 5 rubles), for food - 285 kroons. The check can be repaid by the practitioners of the mittnitsa for a period of 1 month.

At Oslo Airport, before check-in, turn right-handed at the Servicecenter entrance, de-verify your speech and supply a stamp (you will need your passport, ticket, checks and all purchases with you), then, after check-in for the flight and security control, turn right-handed (there is a corral " International Villioty” and at the entrance they check tickets and boarding passes), and knock gate 34 for duty-free, then at Cash Refund you turn the order.
Practice item Mon-Fri, Sun 6-20, Sat 6-19.

Nimechchina, Frankfurt am Main

Check in Analize: First, I need to register for the flight. At a glance, as if the purchases are in the luggage, if you are allowed, you need to ask for it back (with a luggage tag attached). Dali, with a passport, a ticket, a boarding pass, checks and a purchase of junk, violate the Tax-free turn-off desk (mostly not at Terminal B). Be patient! (Persche, blacks, but in a different way, mitniks love to know and shake their nerves). As a rule, stinks ask to see all the purchases (love to dig around the wall...). Some people don't be astonished to splurge on others and that's it. As it seems - for the mood. Dali in the court day, take away pennies, deprive the bag of white mitniks for a special train (the stench of yoga itself needs to be delivered where required) and go to the landing. Schob crank out the tsyu operation "And", rather come earlier. As long as you wear it between terminals and stand in the halls - you will pass at least a year!

Our report: the front of the mitten was ripped right after passing the security control, the right-handed, at the end of the turn of the pennies - the court, there were 2 individuals in the offense of the window, no excitement. I guess that for the registration of tax-free it is necessary to pay 25 euros.

Milan, Malpensa airport

In principle, the scheme is the same as in Rome (div. p. 2). We were carrying new clothes in hand luggage, to which they put other checks on checks after passport control (near zone B, right after passing through control). Cherga hvilin for 20 (sales season), they didn’t ask for speeches, they only asked for purchases. The pennies are seen in the windows, on the contrary, there are no cherga, so nothing happened.

Holland, Amsterdam, Airport Schiphall

Registration of documents for the payment of a tax for a one-time purchase of 50 euros. Turnover - 13%. Once we got stuck from the vіdmovoy issue a paper for the purchase of a vartistyu 110 euros. Vidmova bula argued "A small sum, at least 130 is required."

As for the cost of various companies, which allow a donation, then three systems were marked in Amsterdam: Global Refund, Easy Tax Free and another one, which was not named in memory through regular living. In fact, my logo is two-fold: on a receipt in the hands of one of the tourists, and on a ticket at the bank, where you can withdraw the fee. So from, splkuvannya s Global Refund, the gift that the company is incorporated in the Netherlands, pose a few more problems, lower Easy Tax Free. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

At Schiphol, the airport of Amsterdam, there are two zones for registration of Tax-free. The villota zones are 2 and 3. I myself went through "Departure 2" - KLM and Aeroflot register for a flight there - tell yourself about half of the airport.

If you see the European Union from Amsterdam, then the mitnitsa is located BEHIND the desk number 13. The indicator is the best thing to hang on the doors of the voiceover, which requires you to present checks and goods before registration for the flight. I respectfully re-read it three times: so I'll get the stamp on the receipt, then check-in. Why so - unreasonable. But the fact of registration is not verified. The paper and the boarding pass are on their own, and the work of the mitniks is on their own.

The Dutch, in their mass, are people of principle law-hearing, so they waved at the mitnik with the words "I already packed the laces, stink in a different way in that black bag" did not vide. Visnovok: do not pack the purchased speeches in luggage until the mitten is delivered. Є ymovіrnist, scho їh happen to show. Moreover, do not just show, but present the tags, de bude the article is written. In the average mitnik, they review one word in 5-8 applications before the release.

Having stamped the tax-free checks, checking in for the flight and having checked in your luggage, you can go to passport control with a clean conscience. It seems that Departure 3 pays pennies to the prikordonniks, but if I don’t succumb, I won’t stagger. I'm going to get through passport control in my mind.
Along that bіk cordon we need to ... marvel at the year. On the right, you can withdraw your money from 8-00 to 19-00 for Global Refund checks and from 6-00 to 22-00 for Easy Tax Free checks and in. At night, you don’t have to bow to the orders of the visiting clerks, write the credit card number on the check, seal the envelope and drop it to the postal screen. Checks 5-6 days (subject to documentation).

Also, as if you were at the airport at night, you were up to the postal screen (for the information desk, right handed at passport control). On the day of your path to lie to the office of the bank ABN-Amro (directly that levoruch after the cordoners, the office is not the only one, but I didn’t know the others). According to all checks, okrim Global Refund, pennies can be seen without intermediary operability of the bank. To take credit for Global Refund checks, it is necessary to go to the last left window, on the new may be the logo of your company. The schedule of the work of the bank is subject to the schedule of the work of the bank, so please note: TILKI from 8-00 to 19-00. The office of the bank is open from 6-00 to 22-00.

On my way to land, I check one more point, de-patch the mitniki. Near gates D6-D10. Maybe, tse for the quiet, who, having taken the luggage bought by hand, didn’t notice at the counter until the check-in, but for the quiet, who is in transit in Schiphol. Stupidity call, to the speech, to the office of the bank decently. Khvilin 8 promenade croc.

Austria, Viden, Schwechat airport

Tax-free is turned on when buying from 75 euros (for antiques - from 300 euros. I can’t say what is thin on the picture, but on antiques, embellish - exactly) black on white). Tax-free is issued by the seller, if you need a passport or a copy.

If you put your speech in your luggage, then you are right-handed at the information desk, there you can marvel at the speech, supply stamps, and you can go to the registration and take everything from your luggage. You can turn your pennies at a number of checkpoints near the registration hall and after passport control.

If you are speaking in hand luggage, then you are registered, then go through passport control, and then you know the mitt, put stamps (in my memory, they will always change what you bought for the sake of obviousness with you, that unwornness, then), turn the pennies into finally right-handed. Dolars and euros without commission. Return 12% of the sum of the purchase.

Poland, Warsaw, Frederic Chopin Airport

For issuing a tax return, it is necessary to spend 200 zlotys (about 2,000 rubles) for one month.
After presenting your passport, the seller will issue you a rahunok (a green one, but similar to the traditional global refund).
At the airport, after check-in for the flight, go to terminal No. 2 (flights to Moscow are checked in at the first terminal, instructed, literally in one booth), to the sts 283 and 284, where to sit a couple of mitniks, yak stamp you and seem to be able to take pennies (moving, near the transit zone after passport control). Oshukantsi! (because we got sleepy), because after passport control, the toilets and the duty-free kiosk, there are no more daily services. Visnovok: after the mitnitsa blunted not to control security, but again at the transition between the first and the other terminal, de mi bachiled the kiosk for the return of pennies. First duty-free, which is in line with the security control, an order of magnitude larger than that little room with a burner and cigarettes, which was enlarged after passport control.

Corisne supplementation valdep

It is necessary to remember that the tax-free Crimea still has the titles of "invoice". Tse de yak at least in Finland. On the right, the company "Global Refund" manages the tax-free system, as they simply deprive themselves of about half of the tax. If you want to set the MPE, for example, 18%, then on the cordon through the "GR" office you can turn around 10%, or less. More pennies to get "GR", which organizes everything. That is why this company is so rich and prosperous and from the satisfaction of others its booklets to wind up Russian language.

Ale near Finland, when buying a day, shops allow you to issue a sov. check "invoice", which is also required at the cordon, presenting the goods. When you come to Finland, you can take the whole amount of the donation in the shop, or buy a new product. I myself did not show up in practice, but chuv, what do you practice. Ale, obviously, is more relevant with great purchases, especially wholesale ones.

If you need taxi-free, then take yoga back to St. Petersburg through VTB Bank - a real hassle. The skin of a person is processed by an operator for approximately 15 quills, with which tax-free service takes less than one kasa. Type zv'yazuyuyutsya through the Internet with the head office "GR", so long ago. Try three times trying to take the taxi-free from them, but not seeing the parking in the black and waving your hand with an open hand, in order to better turn the pennies for the upcoming trip to Finland.

Away shopping!


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