Traditions of Norway in short. Norway

Traditions of Norway in short. Norway

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folk culture. Norway

Vikonali: Korolova T., Sushkevich P.


  • 1. Dialnist (see to take)
  • 2. Clothes (state specifics)
  • 3. Zha
  • 4. Holy
  • 5. Culture of intercourse
  • 6. Art, folk art (concrete applications)

1. Dialnist (see to take)

Norwegians live in forested and agricultural valleys and near coastal areas. The traditional occupations of the Norwegians are farming, animal husbandry, fishing, and these stinks work at the most manipulative bollards of craftsmanship.

Mayzhe third of the economically active population of Norway is occupied with industry. Fisheries, the agricultural and forestry state, have more than 1/10 economically active population. There is a large proportion of people employed in transport, especially in the fleet. Norwegians are considered the most "seafaring" nation in the world. Due to skin fate, the employment of the service sector is growing, and de facto may be half of the economically active population.

2. Clothes (state specifics)

Until the late middle age in Norway, there was a wonderful variety of forms and the enchantment of folk clothes. Chi is not a leather mountainous province, it is built on the other ridges, it is small on its own, the national costume is on the other side. In the midst of the Middle Ages, a suit of a global European type penetrated into Norway, first in the suburbs and coastal areas, and then in the mountain valleys.

Like a whole complex of folk costume is already a hundred years old to that mayzhe viyshov іz vzhitku. Ale until the end of the last century, if in the country there was a rush for the rebirth of the Norwegian antiquity, there appeared, zokrema, new and old men types of strong clothes - so the titles of bunad (Bunad). This dress, the women are richly colored with embroideries, which show the truth, styles and relish in the new hour, becoming a modern holy day strong robe. The number of views of a human folk dress has been expanded and up to 150 options for a woman's dress, moreover, the area of ​​​​expansion of these species is hoarse and the air of Norway and the stench may not be seen in the areas on the air of Trondheim.

In the middle of Norway and the valley regions of Gudbrandsdal in the summer hour, like a Christmas man's robe, wear short (to the knee) trousers, red svetri, velvet panchokhas and tovst shkiryans laces with buckles.

In the mountainous regions of northern Norway, holy men put on a suit, which guesses a jumpsuit for their appearance. These are long-clothed trousers, which reach up to the breasts and lighten the shoulders. White is dressed under the overalls, a shirt is worn over it, most often it was white, with wide sleeves and narrow cuffs. Over a shirt and a jumpsuit, wear a colorful vest, ring a red one with a black edging along the edges, with a cloak, and put on light, mostly white, a cloth jacket with a standing cloak, embroidered with a red-green dewdrop ornament. So, open up the shoulder itself. The whole jacket was ruffled at the edges with a red cloth coat. Imovirno, through tradition and in the places of children of the preschool age, they wear colorful overalls, and in the middle of the day, wide overalls are like everyday wear.

Among the current numerical forms of the female Christmas robe, two main types can be seen: a suit with a sundress and a suit with a back. However, there is a large number of regional decorative features in the skin of these types of flooring.

Today's everyday clothes of Norwegians are little seen in the costumes of the townspeople of other lands of Western Europe. The Norwegians, like all Scandinavians, have more bouffant, lower in other European lands, wider fur coats: knitted sweaters, jumpers, sweaters, scarves, panchos, hats.

Robotniks, villagers and fishermen wear on the robot sewn up draughty from ash or pig skin, as if they don’t smear with shoe polish, but ooze with fat. Just like that, they dress up on the lizhnі and tourist walks.

A unique crafty costume of fishermen and whalers - a jacket and trousers made of goat and mutton coats. Often, as a material for a fisherman's costume, vicorist is a linen that has been tipped with linseed oil, and for a cape - a tarpaulin. High boots are pulled on the legs, a round cape with wide brim is pulled on the head - southwest. Under the top dress - whiteness of that light. In women, occupied on birch trees on ribs, it is widely widened in summer to wear light clothing: shorts, an apron from waterproof material, on the legs - shoes or laces, on the upper part of the body, there is often no more than a bra and a braid on the head. In cold weather, the suit is supplemented with trousers, a blouse with long sleeves, and a jacket made of waterproof material.

Working near the field, the villagers bow their heads with a droplet and wear neither jackets nor blouses, but pull on a shirt tucked into trousers, with suspenders over it. The women work near the field with unshakable heads, clothe covered with aprons. At weekdays, during the working hours, the clothes of the villagers are little worn out by the clothes of the townspeople, especially the workers, more prote, lower at the city, supplemented with knitted foul clothes: vests, scarves, or knitted with fabric belts; women often wear caps, shawl aprons with embroidery, stitches or colorful beads.

3. Zha

At weekdays, the Norwegians have a hot day, ring out the girls for the day: before work, that’s the next day. To that, insults are far from creaking and do not always appear as the main hour of life. Among the villagers, yakі go to the floor robots, the head hedgehog is a lie. At the fishermen, who go by the sea for a night and a day, the head hedgehog is in front of the boats.

In localities and fishermen's settlements, insults begin with meat broth, and in rural areas - cereals, boroshnyanim, potatoes, vegetable and rib soup.

Licorice soup with fruits - plums, apples and pears - most often become the third line of offense. Like Svyatkov's grass, eat milk rice soup.

One of the main places in the Norwegian menu is fish. So you see the ribey, like a triska and a sedentary, cheap and readily available. The largest wide ribs are boiled cod or salty oseledets with a potato garnish, lubricated cod, flounder or halibut, boiled shrimp. National Strava is in love - clip-fix. It is hung on the skeletons of a rose-plaster and a headless cod. Її take fishermen, shepherds and villagers with you on the road. Eating fish is the same with smoked and dried fish. Expensive varieties of ribs, salmon zokrema, thin sturgeon, more rare on the table of the middle Norwegian.

Like a friend, the crim ribi eat meat grass (spekotne, schnitzel) or porridge - barley, manna, veins. All old traditional battles. Wheat porridge on tops, so called fletegret (fL0tegr&t), seems to be one of the oldest Norwegian national countries. Vono is wider in our days. Fletegret - obov'yazkove chastuvannya among the villagers in the village, a ritual gift of parentage, the main strava with frequent sudidiv for additional help from the state.

Potato strains are widely represented. Let’s boil it for a while and slazhen it, like an independent dish, or look like a side dish. The widest potato grass in Norwegians is mashed potatoes with milk. Children are also vegetables and beans.

3 fat thickest margarine. Workers and fishermen live less than a pinch of oil. Pig fat is eaten with salty looking bread, greased potatoes with cibula on it, cook soup.

Dairy products are widely represented in the grub diet. Since ancient times, the Norwegian style has been inspired by the variety of hard jams of sirіv, syrah, brinzi. Particularly popular licorice goat syrup with a dark cream color. Most often, cheese is eaten from bread or a bun, cooked at the sight of a sandwich. The style of Norwegians, like the other Scandinavians, is famous for the great number of various sandwiches: with cheeses, boiled and smoked okistas, butter, stewed or boiled meat, fish caviar, honey, molasses, thinned jams.

In love with drink - kava. Yogo drink at the snіdanok, obіd that supper. Tea less cohabitation. From drunken drinks, beer is wider, like in the villages you can cook at home. In the Middle Ages, a popular drink with honey is meth. Ninі yogo іnоdі p'yut on vesіllah near the silskih mіstsevosti.

Bread at the local towns and for the fishing villages is boiled at the bakeries. This is sour wheat and wheat black bread, as well as white wheat bread. Villagers bake bread themselves. More like the past century, they baked exclusively fresh flat bread near the look of the cakes, often with an opening in the middle - flatbread (Flatbed). Quite for the flatbreed, they mixed it with wheat or mixed wheat-bark bog, sometimes with the addition of vine or pea boar. Flatbred was baked for a sprat of months. They took shortcakes in komora strung on poles or on a skein. Such bread was taken from them by the shepherds on the net, and the villagers - on the floor. Nine villagers, entrusted with a flatbreed, brew and sour black and white hearth bread. It is typical for both types of Norwegian bread – flatbread and hearth bread – domiciled in dough anise or kmin. Among Norwegians and navit Norwegian, especially in places, even wider chicken tyutyun. To smoke cigars, and among fishermen and villagers popular pipes.

4. Holy

Constitution Day is one of the most holy days in Norway., yogo is celebrated on May 17 Shchorichni parade and go as an indispensable attribute of this day. On the 10th anniversary of the wound in the capital, along the Karl-Juhansgate street, schoolchildren begin to walk to the King's Palace. At the skin column, the schoolchildren are dressed in their own military costume. After schoolchildren go grown up. The first day of grass is celebrated as the Day of International Solidarity of Workers, and as holy spring is that day. On the first day of May, as well as the Day of the Constitution on 17 May, as well as the Day of the Independence of Norway on the 7th chervny, national ensigns are hung all over the country.

The head religious sacred of Norway- Rіzdvo (Jul), a traditional character like Yulebukk, that Great Day. Also in Norway, the Birthday of John the Baptist (Jonsok) is celebrated, it is celebrated on the occasion of the holy summer solstice (24 worms). On this day, the summer holidays begin, and that yogo sings inflamed at nothing ahead of the day. On the pіvnochi kraїni you can watch the white nights, just like in the pіvdenіy part of the day before 17.5 years.

Newfoundly Folk Saints in Norway- Rіzdvo, butter, paska. Rіzdvu, like in Sweden, before the Holy St. Lucy, which marks the bringing in of light by her in the dark time of fate, until Christmas. The most beautiful and most beautiful girl is chosen for the role of Lucy. Yul - so they call Norway Rіzdvo. Gifts for children are bought until late, yalinka is adorned, Christmas bread is baked in the villages, pigs are slaughtered, and cowbass are stuffed.

On the eve of the day, holy children set up high poles in the courtyard with sheaves of unthreshed bread for birds. Smeared pork, goose, national grass fl'egegret, cold soda, for dessert - kava with yulekake birthday cake. To this day, it is sound to rule ahead of the New Rock, walk from straw.

The ryadzheni carry on the balls the head of a goat stuffed with blue with a long beard in tufts. Maslyana is holy in the winter: bake round buns ("larks") with a pair of moles near the skin. The great day marks two days: ring out on this sacredly to ask the guests. At none of the 23rd, on the 24th of the chervnya, the day of St. Hans is celebrated. The girls decorate their heads with vines of flowers, put up chopped birch trees at the booths, and sip with sedge sap for a while. Juveniles shoot through the inflamed pits and dance round dances.

5. Culture of intercourse

norway traditional culture

· Norway does not accept supra-mundanely praise the person in the guise, we honor all, we will surround the people close to us. Your compliments are recognized as flattering, but it’s not enough to ruin you better in the eyes of the city dwellers.

· It is not accepted to zapіznyuvatisya! On the right, in that the Norwegians always come at the hour, and the stench respects people, as they value the hour.

· If you go into a public transport and hit an old man, don't think about stepping on it! So you support your superiority in front of him. Oh, tsі wondrous Norwegians!

· When children are at school, the grades are not stunned by the public ear, but to praise a child in the whole class is respected by the sights of one middle class, which is against the rules. Vihovannya sіm'yah suvore, and pampering children is not accepted.

· Norwegian mentality do not accept talk about your family negativity on the robot. Let me know how quiet it would be at the Russian offices, even if the "country of joys" called out to solve other people's problems at the door of conversations at the working hour.

· Emigrants, for an hour of work, to walk, to drink cava, and to vouch for their labor obligations, they are sued Norwegians. Aje call here the day starts at 10.00 and ends at 15.00 or at 16.00, on the afternoon there is a break and two breaks for tea.

· Norway does not accept after the medicinal inquisition, why the person was sick and how she felt. Need special details, talk about yaki - filthy tone.

· Norwegians are familiar friends, it’s true, to make mutual acquaintances more fluently, lower in the fatherland.

· True not accepted in Norway bestow unpaired number of tickets. And the axle is on the flower itself in the same place, even if it’s important here, that the unpaired quote is the only one, so you should take it with you to the funeral.

The most important for us are those who don't pick mushrooms here and berries in the forest, cannot recognize natural and non-natural mushrooms. More than that, they are hostile, like the Russians can tinyatsya foxes in the wake of chanterelles. Mustache forests give here to give to animals and birds. I want to pick up greenhouse mushrooms from stores with a bang. Well, hiba not marvelous norwegians?

· For typical Norwegians it is not customary to vent boisterous emotions in public, zayva emociynist - also a filthy tone. In public places, we need to stream, we will sing and do not forget about respect for people.

One of the main rules - you can’t cheat with your camp, navit rich people dress modestly, without vyshukuvan, and also just say that at splkuvanni. Tse maє in his own order, shouting at random. Vipendrezh - a larger share of foreign emigrants.

· Norwegians are more patriotic and love their country. The alignment with America represents them. It is also not pleasant to inquire about the salary of chi vіk. Then, with pleasure, we will talk about the politics, history and nature of Norway.

If we have a right person who is guilty of planting a tree, growing the synagogue and calling the houses, then typical Norwegian vvazha his obov'yazkom lest prepare with his own hands nіzh that pіhvi, ce tradition. Everything you need can be bought from the store.

· Powerful evenings after 21.00 - not only do not hang around here, but you can call the police to the police and a fine for breaking the order.

· Here to love cleanliness, to value ecology, to that leather booths can be containers for the selective collection of smttya. Empty dances are given at the store, and here you can buy food for the price of a bag. If you see yourself in nature - if your rebuking is not guilty, you will not be blamed, it will also cause the city dwellers to be sued.

Norwegians don't like to register stosunki. Wanting to inspire young people from satisfaction, they start a happy life, they think well, what is good for them one by one.

Possibly, the stench is felt selfish, the father’s shards allow children to lead an independent life from the age of 14-15, respecting that a person from a young age can be independent.

Freedom of the individual - the axis of the "conic" of the Norwegians. It doesn't matter, how many individuals are fateful - two and seventy-two, smut, she was free. If you want tririchny people to climb with your feet on the steel - be kind, and in any other time you can’t bark. You just need to explain to the child that it is not customary for a twisted soul to behave like this. If you want little ones to stomp their feet in the kalyuzh - let them die for health, only if you are guilty of marveling on all sides, so as not to splatter the passers-by with a grove.

With whom, the fathers are not guilty of anything to encircle themselves. After the people of the child, the stench continues for the sake of life. Children are cared for at the child's nursery and nursery from the six-month-old. Practically in the skin of the world and "weather" nanny, yak (or yak - depending on the policy of equality of articles) to come to the birthday party, to let the fathers in at the guest, theater and restaurant.

The main "portion" of the Batkiv kokhannya is taken by children at weekends and at the opening hour. Having leaned on "vicinutimi" at the grown-up life, the stench of sumuyut for human warmth, and to that it is bad luck to know one's own couple that life at once.

Vesillya for Norwegians is not a piatika after the official registration of the blue sky, but bringing power to your loved ones is holy. The bet is often made with a lawful way after rich fates of a sleepy life (and sometimes literally a few months before separation). That's why no one in Norway has a scene at the church, if until tomorrow my mother is already known to be a grown-up son.

But the fact that the stamp in the passport is familiar does not mean the lack of rights of people who live in peace. For a civil friend, there is a special term samboere- "Ti, scho live together." I sambueri you may have the right that people, yakі perebuvayut at the lawful lover. Most often, "what to live together" is laid down by a slubny agreement, to someone with truly Scandinavian tediousness and arrogance, they tell someone who is friends and what material values ​​\u200b\u200bbring "bring" from themselves with the ladies. This tedious procedure of folding the register helps to save a bunch of nerves and forces in case of separation, if you are alone in one sambuєri to work out, it’s better to add mine, and at the same time it’s good.

It is not a fact that children are born from prosperous families, morally strong and financially secure for both fathers, after separation from their mother. Norway has no installation "For a child, an important mother!". If you want to get rid of a child, then get out of it.

Obviously, the other father may have the right to inspire goiter and give his child the necessary respect.

As if one friend of a great friend, God forbid, does not allow another to mate with a child, then the father will immediately violate infringements on his rights before the court, which will set not only days of visits, but also the minimum number of years, like "come" tato chi "Saturday" mother can spend with a child.

And if one of the fathers doesn’t want to take care of his son, or just flies around with him, then the court of goiter comes regularly to the child - so that “do not hurt the child’s psyche.”

The rich father, in the wake of separation, breaks down to a lawyer and lays the world for the sake of sleeping on a child - to get into the future of non-necessary conflicts and problems. A similar setting to a child is called "successful spivrobitnitstv".

To prevent such a regulation by the power of family vіdnosin cannot help children of separation. The press regularly talks on television about those, how important it is for children to live with the wrong family, and how the stench suffers because of the disrespect of the fathers.

Suspіlstvo sues as a moral retyuvannya child, and physical punishment. If the judges know that the fathers too often or too "sore" punish their little one, then the stench can turn with a declaration to the police or organize custody of the children. І reaction was not gay: until now, the inspector came and had a serious rozmov with the fathers. So first spank your child, like to hooligan on the streets or shout with a good obscenity at the store: "Buy-i-i!" - Father respectfully look around - there is no one near the passer-by, what b'є, and then we will already take care of our child.

Summer people in Norway are absolutely independent and, perhaps, the most important people. To live stench, as a rule, okremo like children - at the damp booth of an apartment. In quiet families, de people of a frail age live together as children, so call the fathers to the elders. And in the rest of the hour, they began to talk about those who, perhaps, do not have a lot of work - even if there is enough space in the majority of Norwegian residents, - more often than not, children and grandmothers are left at home, help to improve their onukivs and create an "atmosphere of warmth and calmness of the family."

6. Art, folk art (concrete applications)


In the view of the sudans of Sweden and Denmark, as early as they established themselves among the international watcher, the cinematography of Norway began to develop only in the 1920s, having grown from the screening of literary works. The 1930s are respected by the "golden centuries" of Norwegian cinema, if the directors began to capture the Norwegian nature and scenes from the life of the rural population. After another world war, at the hour when films were recognized by German censorship, a new generation of directors appeared, whose films are classics of Norwegian cinematography. In the 1950s, documentaries became popular, and the 1970s gave rise to the rebel, socially realistic genre of Norwegian cinema. In the 1980s, films began to be made with a more vapid, "Hollywood" plot. In the rest of the world, more and more films taken from Norway, including short films and documentaries, become popular with the whole world and win awards at film festivals.

music and dance

Norwegians do not forget the musical traditions of the country, which were formed from the traditions of the Pivnichno-Metsky peoples and the Saami culture. Like before, popular folk music and dances. Among the traditional songs you can see the yoik, the hardangerfele is a folk musical instrument. Traditional rural dances are celebrated on the feast day of the holy hour (feast, funeral, religious holy).

The musical culture of Norway began to develop actively only in the 1840s. The largest representative of the Norwegian classics is Edward Grig, followed by Sinding. In the early 1990s, Norway became famous as the fatherland of black metal. In this hour, most of the musical groups, living beyond the borders of Norway, release music in the style of metal and jazz, as well as electronic music.


The history of Norwegian literature takes the cob from the collection of the song "Elder Edda" and skaldic poetry. Among the old-Scandinavian works, the works of Snorri Sturluson are especially significant, as well as the collection of folk tales and legends, selected by Asbjornsen and Mu in the 19th century. With the advent of Christianity, a great influx was created by the European middle-class people. From the 14th to the 19th centuries, Norwegian literature developed simultaneously from Danish.

In the 20th century, Norway presented the light of three Nobel Prize laureates for literature: Bjornstjerne Bjornson (1903), Knut Hamsun (1920), Sigrid Unset (1928). The most significant figure in Norwegian literature is Ibsen, with such songs as "Peer Gynt", "Lyalkovy Dim" and "Woman from the Sea". The novel "The Holy Sophia" by another Norwegian writer, Justin Gorder, was translated in 40 mov.

Sending orders

Babi is easier to cry, lower dogs whine

Bida people are smarter to rob

Ignorance is the root of all evil

At the girl's svitlitsa you can't only dream of being watered

With friends, people become similar

The great one in the heart needs no more time, the lower one

Turn back, - saying the Lord, godyuchi pig fat

De the woman is grumpy, there the gut is fearful

De nayohaynishі dіvchata, there is a better way to tread the path

The girl does not get up from the month until she spins a skein

The girl is even small, but the gray is more beautiful for two large stoves.

The girl needs to work behind the work in the kitchen, and not at the holy cloth

Friendship - like tops: tі, scho in the middle, want to be called, tі sho called, want to be from the middle

Those who were hot when they were hot, become cold when they were

Those who shove out properly, shove inwardly

The one who lives by the glass booth is not guilty of throwing stones

The one who wants to please everyone, can not please anyone

Girls often have "ni" meaning "so"

The skin people have such an order, which I deserve

Wonderful eyes of a strange heart

Give the painter blue paint

Good woo, if you know what to say "so"

What to go out of the heart, then reach the heart

What if mother robbed, then robitme and donka


1. Troll from Askhaug

2. Who is small, great tomorrow

3. Torishnya porridge

4. Goodbrand from the slope

5. Lyalechka by the grass

6. Like two lads shot at the Hedal fox trolls

7. Like a trigger, the whole world rattled

8. Like a fox that witch olії bought before the birthday

9. Like a lad, walking up to the pivnіchny wind for his flour

10. Bird and trigger at the forest

11. Princess on the Curse Mountain

12. Miracle

13. Tale "Pirig"

14. Sin widow

15. The key to the stub in the tow

16. Throw a yellow root - grab a fox tail!

17. Pork meat and honey stilts

18. Yak Mikkel and Bamse at once cultivated the field

19. Yak Mikkel wanted to kiss a horse

20. Huldri on the farm

21. Soria Moria Castle

22. Devil and helper

23. Per, Paul ta Yespen Askeladd

24. Skipper and devil

25. Tale "Great gut from Dovri"

26. Troll in the holy

27. Pastor and practitioner

28. Why is the water in the sea salty

29. Cholovik sovereign

"Troll from Ashaug"

Near the town of Vinje, near the province of Telemark, and Lake Totak. Vzimku won’t freeze right up to Rizdva.

Bula behind the old hours on the birch lake is a small farm, and the villager is alive on the name of Dir Vo. I went about a new sensitivity, that the world is not afraid of anything.

Yakos on Svyatvechir sat in Dire Vo at his farm. The hour was approaching until pivnoch, as if with a rapt, I felt a terrible gurkit from behind the lake. Everyone squabbled, who was on the farm, and Diri U all baiduzhe. Viyshov is calmly at home, having lowered the chauvin into the water and poured water on the other side of the lake, marveling at what is happening there.

The temryava stood - even though the eye was broken, that only rozryzniv Diri In in the temryava like a shadow. Zrozumiv Diri In, scho troll. And she doesn’t know how to get across the lake. After pumping the troll to Dire Vo and shouting:

Who will you be?

I am called Diri z Fermi Vo, and who is this and who comes here?

And I am a troll from Askhaug, - I give a command.

Where are you going? - Ask yoga Diri.

That axis, which I need in Glomshaug, is named for me there as a check. Can you take me across the lake? - Looks like a troll.

Why not transport, sit down.

And just as the troll stepped on the chauvin with one foot, like a ship in a row it went into the water.

E, ale, easier! - shout Diri.

Good, be your way. If you want it, I will change and become lighter, - the order is given.

Axis transported Diri Troll across the lake and seemed to you to say goodbye:

But still, I want to pamper me, which you are right. Show yourself in your true image, cicavo, the skils in you are truly growing.

Lack of me at once, I don’t want you to lie. Come lie on the spot and flirt, like me: I will fill you in on a riddle.

To come to Dire Vo on the shore at an early morning and drink: to lie on the bottom of the chute, looking at the bear. Surprised: otherwise the great finger is in the mittens of the Troll. "What good to perish, - thinking Diri, - the state will need everything," - and having become from that hour to trim the grain in those "mittens". The axis is no longer a small bula glove, as if in one її finger two full bushels of 1 grain were taken.

*A bushel is the world's volume, which is approximately 16 liters.

Placed on

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    presentation, donation 24.04.2012

    Scandinavia is a historical and cultural region in Europe, covering the territories of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Pokhodzhennya mov, dialects; infusing the traditional era of the Vikings into literature and mysticism; image that motifs of architecture, ornamentation.

Norway, through those that there from grass to linden three the polar day, is sometimes called the “Land of the Sun”. Tse, zvichayno, is mysterious and why it is a romantic name, but it does not call out a strong ban to come to the country. Prote, Norway - not less than the "Land of the Opivnіchny Sun". Nasampered Norway - the vikings, the marvelous beauty of the fiordi, some of them included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and, of course, prestigious mountain resorts.

Geography of Norway

Norway is thrashed at the western part of the Scandinavian Pivostrov. At the pivnіchny gathering, Norway is between Finland and Russia, at the gathering - from Sweden. At the pivnіchny descent, Norway is washed by the Barents Sea, at the pіvnіchny entrance - Pivnіchne sea, and at the entrance - Norwegian sea. The Skagerrak canal brings Norway to Denmark.

The northern territory of Norway, including the islands of Svalbard, Jan Mayen and Vedmezhy near the Frozen Ice Ocean, is 385,186 square kilometers.

I mean part of the territory of Norway is occupied by mountains. The most famous of them are Mount Gallhepigen (2469 m) and Mount Glittertinn (2452 m).

Near Norway there is a rich river, the most found of which are Glomma (604 km), Logen (359 km) and Otra (245 km).

Some people call Norway the lake region. It’s not surprising looking at those that there are hundreds of lakes in it. The largest of them are Mjosa, Resvatn, Femunn, and Hornindalsvatnet.


The capital of Norway is Oslo, in which over 620 thousand people live at a time. osib. It is important that Oslo fell asleep in 1048, the Norwegian king Harald III.

Official language of Norway

The official language in Norway is Norwegian, which consists of two dialects (Bokmål and Nynorsk). Most Norwegians speak Bukol, and Nynorsk is the most popular language among Norwegian natives on the Internet.


Over 80% of Norwegians are Lutherans (Protestants), which belong to the Church of Norway. Prote, less than 5% of Norwegians walk to the church of the schotizhnya. In addition, 1.69% of the Meshkans in Norway are Muslims, and 1.1% are Catholics.

Sovereign of Norway

Norway is a constitutional monarchy, as the head of state, according to the Constitution of 1814, the King.

Vikonavcha vlad in Norway belong to the Queen, and legislator vlad - to the unicameral parliament - the Storting (169 deputies).

The leading political parties in Norway are the liberal-conservative Party of Progress, the social-democratic Norwegian Robotic Party, the Christian Democratic Party and the Socialist Left Party.

Climate and weather

Norway is located on the same latitude as Alaska and Siberia, but in this Scandinavian region the climate is richly mild. Naprikintsі wormwood - on the cob of a sickle in Norway, the weather is warm, and the days are long. At this hour, the average temperature again reaches +25-30C, and the average sea temperature is +18C.

The warmest and most stable weather is expected to continue on the Norwegian coastline. However, on the nights of Norway, the air temperature may exceed +25C. Tim is not smaller, the weather often changes in the central regions and in the nights of Norway.

Vzimku greater Norway, ring out, transform into a right snowy paradise. Vzimku near Norway, the temperature again can drop to the sign of -40C.

Sea in Norway

At the pivnіchny descent, Norway is washed by the Barents Sea, at the pіvnіchny entrance - Pivnіchne sea, and at the entrance - Norwegian sea. The Skagerrak canal brings Norway to Denmark. The northern coastline of Norway warehouse is 25148 km.

Oslo average sea temperature:

  • sіchen - +4C
  • luteum - +3C
  • birch - +3С
  • night - +6С
  • grass - +11С
  • worm - +14С
  • lime - +17С
  • serpen – +18С
  • Veresen - +15C
  • Zhovten - +12С
  • leaf fall - +9C
  • chest - + 5C

The right embellishment of Norway is the Norwegian fiordi. The most beautiful of them are Naeroyfjord, Sognefjord, Geirangerfjord, Hardangerfjord, Lysefjord and Aurlandsfjord.

Rivers and lakes

Near Norway, there is a rich river, which found some of them - Glomma at the exit (604 km), Logen at the top exit (359 km) and Otra in Serland (245 km). The largest Norwegian lakes are Myosa, Resvatn, Femunn, and Hornindalsvatnet.

A lot of tourists come to Norway in order to have fun. Near the Norwegian rivers and lakes near the great number there are salmon, trout, whitefish, pike, perch and grayling.

History of Norway

Archaeologists have brought that on the territory of modern Norway lived more than 10 thousand years before ours. But the real history of Norway began in the era of the Vikings, for example, there are legends about the zhorstokіst of those who saved Great Britain.

In 800-1066, the Norwegian vikings began to roam all over Europe like good warriors, merciless cultivators, cunning merchants, and finicky seafarers. The history of the Vikings ended in 1066, when the Norwegian king Harald III perished in England. After the new king of Norway, becoming Olaf III. Same for Olaf III in Norway, Christianity begins to spread at a fast pace.

In the XII century, Norway took over part of the British Isles, Iceland and Greenland. This is the hour of the greatest rose of the Norwegian kingdom. The Proteo country was greatly weakened by competition from the side of the Hanseatic League and the plague epidemic.

In 1380 Norway and Denmark formed an alliance and became one country. The union of these powers was three times over a century.

In 1814, Norway, after the Treaty of Kiel, became dependent on Sweden. However, Norway did not bow to him and the Swedes invaded their territory. Good luck, Norway was lucky enough to be at the warehouse of Sweden, as if to deprive them of the constitution.

Throughout the 19th century, Norway grew nationalism, which led to the referendum of 1905. Apparently, before the results of the referendum, Norway became an independent power.

Under the hour of the First Light War, Norway kept its neutrality. At the other world war, Norway also voiced about its neutrality;

After the end of the Other World War, Norway raptly forgot about its neutrality and became one of the founders of the NATO military bloc.

Culture of Norway

The culture of Norway is commemorated in the minds of other peoples of Europe. On the right, the Scandinavian country is far away from such European cultural centers as Florence, Rome and Paris. Tim is no less, tourists will be hostile to Norwegian culture.

Musical, dance and folklore festivals are often held in rich Norwegian places. The most popular of them is the international cultural festival near Bergen (music, dance, theater).

It is impossible to say that the Norwegians have made a great contribution to the world culture, but those that are significant - tse, without a word. The most famous Norwegians are polar explorers Roald Amundsen and Fridtjof Nansen, composers Varg Vikernes and Edvard Grieg, artist Edvard Munch, writers and playwrights Henrik Ibsen and Knut Hamsun, and also the mandrake Thor Heyjordal.

Norwegian Cuisine

The main products of Norwegian cuisine are fish, meat, potatoes and other vegetables, cheese. The traditional snack of Norwegians is loved - pelse (potato shortbread made from sausage).

  • Fenalår - dried lamb.
  • Fårikål - stewed lamb with cabbage.
  • Pinnekjøtt - salted ribs.
  • Spekotne s wild elk and deer.
  • Kjøttkaker - buttered meatballs.
  • Laks og eggerøre - smoked salmon omelet.
  • Lutefisk - baked triska.
  • Rømmegrøt - sour cream porridge.
  • Multekrem - cloudberry cream for dessert.

The traditional alcoholic drink in Norway is Aquavit, the amount of which is 40%. The development of equity in Scandinavia began in the 15th century.

Significant cities of Norway

The Norwegians have always quarreled about it, that it is even better to stand up to their history. To this, tourists near Norway have a radimo obov'yazkovo indulgence:

Place and resort

The biggest Norwegian places are Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger.

Norway is home to its wonderful ski resorts. For the winter in Norway, various championships in various sports are held. To the dozens of the best Norwegian ski resorts, in our opinion, it is as follows:

    1. Trysil (Trіsil)
    2. Hemsedal (Hemsedal)
    3. Hafjell (Haf'el)
    4. Geilo (Geilo)
    5. Tryvann (Tryvann)
    6. Norefjell (Nuref'el)
    7. Oppdal (Opddal)
    8. Hovden (Hovden)
    9. Kvitfjell (Kvіtf'єl)
    10. Konsberg (Konsberg)


Tourists from Norway are encouraged to bring fresh Norwegian flax, toy trolls, modern dishes, wooden kitchen utensils, silver sprouts, ceramics, dried lamb, brown goat's syrup and Norwegian burner.

godini roboti set




Need etiquette for us?

The Norwegians have worked creatively to learn the rules of etiquette by heart - and may have been more familiar with them. Navischo turbulent yourself with uncommon thoughts about those to whom you say "V" (Re) a to whom "ti" (du)? It's better to just take care of the obscene borrower "Vi". That's why the Norwegians will one to one "tikat".

There are more places in Norway more like villages, and, as always in villages, all the inhabitants are wonderful to know one another.

Norwegians to finish richly embrace and squeeze one hand to one. Value is not accepted - ce is considered "negіgієnіchnym". Then rub your cheek against your friend's cheek - just the ones you need. Without a doubt, this way of cooking is given to the Norwegians as "sterile".

About all the stench to say what to think. Like a Norwegian on the right, so much so that you can portray you with your respect! The most smut - to tell the truth in the eyes.

There are practically no such topics for Norwegians. It’s honestly telling you about those, how to go about their family’s work, to discuss food for sex and politics, but to pretend to be greedy, so you will think about asking them about their salary or income. If the "penny" topic is considered obscene in Norway, that is how it is discussed in the government of finance. Clarify about your neighbor and yoga Penger(Penny) - just holy on the right.

If so, a foreigner, staying in Norway, is by no means guilty of relaxing and respecting that you can afford to work all those same people who are the indigenous population of the country. So, a Norwegian can boldly criticize his order and his policy. But if you think of a foreigner for sure, then it’s better for everything to be on the side of the Norwegians, the vibes of the burrow: as if the right may not be a foreigner to criticize their Fatherland! Given the stink of your own presence, the antrochs do not hesitate to admit even more daring to talk about your native land.

If you were asked to stay in Norway, then don’t hesitate and ask at the receiving party, for how many days they check you if you need to stay. Just as you were told that you needed 1 black coin, but you couldn’t get enough receipts for the whole day, don’t pay extra. All the same, 1 chernya gospodar to voice, that the hour of the visit is over, and tell you at the door.

If you stumbled in the country on your way, do not try to visit your friends without a call. Navit to spare you to catch their booth, do not think that for the sake of you the stench will tell your plans for the day - even you did not get ahead of them by far, so there are no reasons to look at disrespect. The axis yakby you phoned late, they told you something: “It’s a pity, I can’t talk to you today.

Norwegians are democratic and informal in conversation, so in their language there is no word "be kind". Yogo so-so replace expression "vaer saa snil"("be kind") and "vaer saa god"(which can be translated as "be good" or "be nice"). And at the table, for example, a Norwegian would say not "Pass me, be kind, bread," but "Give me bread" or simply "I need bread."

When paying for an evening, a Norwegian in a restaurant will simply say: “I want a rahunok,” and not like that, as you recommend adopting the rules of etiquette from the whole world: “Bring, be kind, rahunok.” It's true, what ceremonies are here - pull the rahunok and take away pennies. If you are guilty, it is not necessary to acquiesce to the master of the evening, or to the restaurant for giving you a part - and say: "Takkfor maten. Den smakte godt",- which in literal translation means: "Thank you for the hedgehog. It was good for the taste."

Ceremonial courtesy

It’s not easy to think that the Norwegians are nevіchlivі or nevihovanі. And already the stench is not zbirayutsya no one to impersonate. It's just that in their country it's customary to behave like that.

Then, the stench was tremblingly set to the point of exuberance for spending an hour at once, it was unacceptable to you that it was true.

Once upon a time, when they are separated, it seems: "Takkfor i dag"- "Thank you for today." Having settled down on the coming day after the evening, it was necessary to say without fail. "Takkforigaar"- "Thank you for yesterday." Navіt as a new zustrіch vіdbuvaєtsya through five roіv after the front, do not forget to start rozmovu z phrases "Takkfor sist"- "Thank you for the last time."

Just wondering how you can get along with the dislike of the Norwegians before the ceremony.

Divni Zvichki

Norwegians can't stand black - and wind up there, it's impossible to hide away, see all sorts of "hocus-pocus". So, for example, in the central branches of banks, or on the central telegraph, where people are often crowded (for example, three clients may come at the same time), the Norwegians thought of installing a special system "tickets and numbers".

From the side you look like this: you are standing in a spacious place, according to which, with a daily viraz, you can see the self-sufficient breaths, which are held in the hands of a paper clap. Sometimes the moonlight melody ring, and the chergovy client with a crazy look rushes to the end.

With a more respectful look around the hall, you will instantly reveal - even if not without practice - zahovaniya in some kind of distant corner of the car, to which you need to go, poke into one of the buttons with a note of your visit and take your number.

Now you only get enough room in the hall and at any time do not miss the number of the operator that is calling on the scoreboard.

Like on the buttons, there is no way to mark your arrival in the installation, do not bid - emboss on the first line. Golovne - take away the paper. Don’t try to get to the evening window, or to a table without a card, that’s without a ticket with a number, - you still won’t be served, you’ll be brought in as in the presence of many other customers, and you’ll obviously be in a twist and you can’t understand, work. The order should be over everything - be kindly take the number, and then let's go to the operator.

As has already been said, Norwegians hate chergs, and that will do anything to hide them. Like a raptom at the supermarket, the Norwegian pats the cashier, that the charge was troubling, then on your way to it, you will find all the faults, including the hopeless grandmother and children. And if such a behavior is wondrous and filthy by a foreigner, then for the Norwegians themselves it is out of the order of speeches. Aje, in a similar situation, having fixed bi-leather on them.

Mayzhe in all countries of the world to pronounce the guest not to be rattled - so follow the rules of etiquette. Ale in Norway is taken for granted. You won’t catch and blink your eyes, as if you were to throw off the guests and pull on the shoes you brought with you - always on a low and stable heel. It’s even easier to explain this sound - the Norwegians take care of the parquet flooring of their hosts and support that, as a gesture of good will, their guests will not walk around their apartment in boots on stilettos.

I in the banquet, and in the world, and in good people

When visiting Norway for a short hour, do not forget to stock up on clothes for all the occasions of life.

As a rule, most Norwegians wear jeans, T-shirts and sweatshirts every day. When looking at shirts and blouses, there is nothing special to marvel at - to finish the one that stinks clean.

Especially vymogi are presented to the clothes of banking and sovereign servants. At attendance and official missions, practitioners need to wear strict suits of streaming colors. The women are not to blame for putting on the work too short backs, and the men are the cravats of screaming zabarvlen.

For example, in 2003, the bank's banking department of Norwegian banks allowed and navit navitly recommended their employees to work "informally", after conducting all the investigations, psychologists proved that rich clients; clients do not hesitate to give their food to strict gentlemen, and as a result, banks spend pennies.

At the theater, it is not customary to dress up luxuriously or chimerically. But if you took away the request for a corporate party, a diplomatic reception, or just a family offense, then here you happen to clean up "according to the latest program." Tuxedoes are hovering at such entrances, dress up the evening dress. If you raptly demonstrate democracy and show up at the reception at your everyday pay, you will be less understood and respected as an eccentric foreigner.

Writers great and small

Norwegians already love their country and write terribly in their own literature. It is required honestly to know what all they have provided for them.

Who does not know Henrik Ibsen, a classic of Norwegian literature, a playwright, the author of such all-world famous dramas, like "The Wild Jock", "Hedda Gabler", "Lyalkovy Budinok", and sing the dramatic?

Not less than in the name of Nobel Prize winners in literature of Knut Hamsun, the author of the novels "Hunger", "Pan", "Viktoria" and "Mystery", and Sigrid Unset, who created the famous trilogy "Kristin,

But how else can you explain the loyalty of the Norwegians to those who are foreigners of nobility and their other writers?

From the busyness, the day of the best zastosuvannya, the stink of spending a bunch of sovereign pennies on passing their contemporary literature beyond the borders of Norway, the left part of which can be of interest only to themselves. The stench is uncompromisingly recommending the books of their writers to foreign seers, and then they pay for what they have seen.

In the country, there is a special system of library buyers of books of living, so "living", Norwegian writers. For this system, the library is responsible for buying a few copies, whether it be the books of your philanthropist, which first appeared in my Norwegian language.

It would have been better, a noble idea and a miraculous stately program of encouragement of modern writers, about how the writers of other lands can only dream (otherwise they cannot make a dream). However, the result turned out to be absolutely “negligible”: columns of graphamons sprang up near the country, and Norwegian libraries appeared literally littered with their books. And now the National Library of Norway is not lacking anything else, like rozsilat boxes of works of contemporary writers at foreign institutions and universities, they write the Norwegian language, and in the accompanying sheets they say that the books are recognized

All Norwegian writers!

In the history of literature, there is one term that is unacceptable for Norwegians - "one Danish-Norwegian literature". Under understanding understand, create, created by the Danes and Norwegians, Danish my beginning with the Reformation (1537) and until the rise of the union between these powers in 1814.

The Norwegians can't come to terms with the fact that their greatest writer Ludwig Holberg, a playwright and a classicist, dabbles with the Danes as a classic of Danish literature. Just disgraceful! It doesn’t matter if I was a professor at the University of Copenhagen, it doesn’t matter if I started from 1720 and right up to my death in 1754, writing a lot of wine in Danish language and creating my own famous comedy in the soul of Molière! Golovna, who was born in the Norwegian Bergen!

Propaganda in case of any handy flutter

Norwegians are simply obsessed with the idea of ​​propagating their culture, and propagating the stench is brilliant!

So, if in 1994 the winter Olympiad was held in Lillehammer, Norway, then the organizers set themselves the task of showing the light of Norway's achievements practically in all corners of culture and industry.

The program of the Olympiad paid special attention to demonstrations of Norwegian museums and wooden churches. (stavkirke), folk crafts, as well as popular exhibitions and performances. Participants and guests of the Olympian Igor tirelessly recited tales about trolls and huldri, sagas and retellings, sang folk songs and balads, told stories about those that Norway is the composer's fatherland. The Norwegians did their best - at the closing of the Olympiad Juan Antonio Samaranch, President of the International Olympic Committee, calling the games in Lillehammer the best for the entire hour of such events.

But the Norwegians propagandize their culture and their reach not only beyond the borders of the native land, but also in the middle of it. The stench is aware that absolutely all the inhabitants of Norway are guilty of writing to the fatherland - and they see the most inventive ways of enlightening the population.

So, for example, in the XX century, if all the lands were hitting the bags of the past century, the Norwegians saw the book "Norwegian Yakist", in a way they rose to the power of the people, and unknown to foreigners Krashchi Siberia І viobolize marmalade at Formi Cholovіchkіv (honest Kojuchi, shuttle lodge), robin kіlka specialist zortіv sira і і имививають проиства в ворпі xіmіchna Dobriva for soilіv; Shaho Norwehky design of the telephone unit Records Vesvіtnєnnya Already in 1932 Rotsіalnna Factory for the production of miraculous humic chobits, and in this country miraculously you can cook fish.

Cultural traditions are promoted on equal footing. Shoroku in a fierce member of the order is drawn into the so-called "lousy jackets" - lusekofte. Just don’t think that these jackets, or rather light, are teeming with lice. Lusekofte- tse knitted lights with a zastіbkoy white of the throat, all in a geometric ornament. A large part of the world is covered with small "lice" - big vyvyazannymi critical points. Svіtr tsei is one of the oldest details of folk costume. "Lousy sweater" after the garn is not a lace stitch for ornament, but a lace stitch is a maisterno embroidered tasma, like a trimmed cuff sleeve and neck. On the "cuff" of the sleeves, sew on chotiri srebni gudziki.

So from, in the city of rozkishni lights and members of the order of Norway are selected, if they are elected on a short-term basis for the approved budget of the country. This meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers was named "conference of lousy sweaters".

Lamb and pseudobarbecue

Norwegians are more conservative. The stench dosі volіyut їsti those who ate their fathers. The most favorite herbs are the national ones: lamb in cabbage (faar g kaat) and meat on sticks (Pinekjof).

If you think that meat on sticks is a different kind of kebab, then you will be deeply merciful. The meat is stacked on top of the sticks, as if they are being cut in a special way, dried birch fields. Sets of sticks are sold at all deli stores and the cost is expensive. But the Norwegians are free to bathe the splinter, and not to dry them on their own, the shards are blown, which birch sticks cannot properly hang.

Prote one only a set of woods for cooking tsієї stravi is not enough. You need a special saucepan-double boiler, above the bottom of which, at a height of 10 cm, the grate is strengthened. The grate is lifted, water is poured onto the bottom of the pan - up to the level of the grate. І birch sticks are put into the water criss-cross.

The procedure throws the Norwegians in awe. A foreigner should not trust to lay sticks, to that only a right Norwegian knows how to do it right.

If the spit with the splinter is finished, the grati settle on the plate, they put pieces of meat on it, salt it, pepper it - and the lid closes, and the double boiler rises to the full fire. M'yaso get ready for a long time, more than a year, and all the members of this family walk around and forge slinks. It's delicious to go out. Wanting to be so full of mystery for foreigners, birch splinteres are put into the bottom of the pan!

Lamb in cabbage is prepared for the same principle - to be extinguished in the right fire. Only meat is put in balls alternately with cabbage.

Famous in the whole world and traditional Norwegian salmon (Norsk Laks). The king salmon is especially valued. Її Serve with different types - smoked, salted, boiled, steamed and lubricated. Everything is delicious though.

Before the speech, the inhabitants of Norway have crossed the floor at their "fish" vibranost, which are already marveling, having drunk, for example, on the table in the Russian homeland, trout and settlers. So, navit settler, on my mind, live only in Norway, the axis is only incomprehensible, that you can not rule in the territorial waters of other powers, the sea is all the same (do not seem to be talking about the ocean).

If you really want to be satisfied with the rulers, then do not forget to lift the Norwegian cuisine to heaven, because you deserve more than that.

National hero - triska

The true hero of Norwegian cuisine is cod. Їy privyachyuyut sing, children write books about her, but most of all, love їsti.

For example, leaf fall at all restaurants in the country says whiskey: "We have fresh Lofoten cod". Having tasted the ribs of the horny cod, you understand why the riba itself was served on the table of the Gogol’s mayor, which was called at that hour labardan.

To bring erysipelas from the Lofoten Islands in special tanks itself in the leaf fall season, if it itself is lower and has the most delicious taste. For gourmets, there is a special service for picking up codfish at booths. And why do you bring not a dish from the restaurant, but live triska. Often at this hour of fate you can watch for a picture to come: a cistern for a pot-bellied cistern, for some water vivudzhu riba, to be trifled with, and dbaily hand it over to the hands of the deputy, that you are dancing impatiently.

Norwegians love their expensive triska, which they can’t get separated from її ... tongues (to throw them on the smitnik). Specially hired practitioners (mostly students) directly on the fisherman's ship to see the ribs of the tongue. Liver gourmands are considered a true delicacy, and the axis of a foreigner who does not know a lot about Norwegian cuisine, lying on a plate with a slimy cup, is unreasonable that you can call out more than an ogid. If you want to taste krihtnі (the size of nіgot) tongues, then you don’t understand why the Norwegians know such savory things from them - for those simple reasons, that the taste of triskovy tongues is not in sight.

Siri and planers

In Norway, there was always a lot of the most manipulative sires - they were preparing more for the Viking hours. A lot of thinness was carried out in the mountains on a special pasture, where the main part of dairy products was prepared.

Norwegians on the floor to love their siri, what to inspire specially for them has been called the "blue planer" - ostehovel, special bottom for sirah at the sight of a spatula with a transverse slit.

Why "rubanok"? The one who invented the lower teslar Tour Bjorklund from Lillehammer in 1925. Teslyar was greedyly annoyed that people were shaving their clothes off to the sire, as if he were thinking about it. Vіn, natural by nature, having broken beauty and order, correct forms and neatness, and having respectfully looked at his own woodworking tool, having invented a special planer, it became easy for him to plan the sir.

Prote, far from all spіvgromadyany zradіl yogo wine-hoda. The poor, in whose booths there was always a need, enthusiastically bought new knives, like they cut the sires with thin shmatochki. And the axis of the cheese makers and dairies came to the storm: the stench was afraid that the sales would go down, and they sponsored a protest action under the sound: "Fire the blue planer!" Prote nevdovzі stinks realized that the sale of the sir did not change, and began to produce such knives themselves.

If foreigners found out about the Norwegian know-how - and began to copy ostehovel, I do not allow it to be with Yogo the Creator. During the period from 1925 to 1928, Rick Bjorklund, who respectfully stitched his knife into the market, went to pick up more than 100 different yoga flies. At the same time, the Bjorklund plant is one of the world's largest manufacturers of kitchen machines, and Norwegian knives for cheese are sold in all countries of Europe and are rightfully considered the best in the world.

Norwegians sing like their own wild sorts of syrah, so their own powers, truly "Norwegians". Tse and brown sheep syr, and hard yarlsber syr (Jarlsberg osf), and special soft melting sir.

Ale іnozemtsa zіb'є z nіg (for direct and figurative sensi) there is only one variety - so the titles are "old" sir (Gammelost). Sold well packed - in a sealed box. It’s not for the one who the pickers are trying to save as a sire, but for the one who is afraid of the stench for the life of the shopkeepers. If, by negligence, you buy this sir, bring it to your house and vіdkryєte, then you are seriously checked for testing. Tsey sire is true old- napіzniliy, as if calling speeches by their own names. It looks brown and slightly “bloated”, but I can’t tell you anything about its relish, for those who are even strangers are more likely to try it.


Beer in Norway was always loved. During the hours of the vikings, the camps, or the banquets, were simply called "beer" - according to the main drink that got used to them.

About those who flourished among the Norwegians in the distant past, there are super-clever thoughts. For example, Adam Bremenskii

writing that the inhabitants of the pivnoch "know the world in zhіzhі and drink." And Datsekі pіlіgrimi, ШОО відвідалили in 1191 Rozі a dealer Norwezkі m_sta, sidelpowded, ucho "in the mіstі tunsberzі zvvyzniko ііstі і і вістельі, yakі nіch, not shit for your guests, Alea ї ї і ілілісться to Pitty dvabyє Bes_dі, і vulice nіkoli can not be let’s sing at the authorities’ security, because at some point, bring the good-natured townspeople themselves under the infusion of beer, they’re ready to gather for zbroi and shed the blood of their spivgromads ... in a battle that often ends in slaughter.”

It is necessary to say that even in our days the supply of beer has not decreased, and even more often in the evenings (especially on Friday and Saturday) on the streets you can watch the development of a company of drink lovers. Beer is freely sold in any store, on the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih alcoholic drinks.

It is not important to remember that in the historical dzherel, "fish and milk", "meat and beer" are constantly being conjured up. І іnodi mi zustrіchaєmo "bird and wine". The meat was rarely served fresh, but most of the time it was salted or dried. Until this hour, this couple: salty meat and beer (like a "one" dish) - are featured in the menu of restaurants and cafes in Norway.

The Vikings, with ample income, could afford to drink beer under the salt. Reshtam also had to be satisfied with Sirim milk, and drink beer only in the saints. Addiction to what I drink is explained by the great amount of salt that was saved in those hours of salt, which avenged us in front of the meat and that bread. Before speech, about the rest. Previously, there were mostly dried flat sacks of bread. flatbre (Flatbrod). Crackers and contagion in the great honor of the Norwegians, wanting more foreigners flatbre guessing dry cardboard for relish (like a stink, obviously, if you ever tried chewing cardboard).

The most favorite beer in Norway is light, pils. Boil yoga at the factory "Ringnes". Norwegians don't just write about their beer, they stink to get the best of the world, the more they can sell it to the USA - maybe 1 million liters a day.

And the stench is absolutely inspired by the rights of Olaus Magnus, the Swedish historian of the 16th century, who stverdzhuvav that "the farther you go to the beer of Europe, the better the quality of beer becomes".

Navkolosvitnya burner

Even more respected in Norway is the special "Mist" burner, as it was born as a result of the bankruptcy of an Australian merchant.

In the middle of the 19th century, a Norwegian schooner, loaded with barrels with a cmine burner, came to Austria, but there was nothing in the port. The merchant, having closed the burner, was broken and could not redeem his container with "fiery" water. The schooner had a chance to turn around to get home.

It seems true: it would not be good luck, that misfortune helped. In Norway, it appeared that after that, the schooner of the maiden crossed over the mysterious and invisible line of the equator, the cumin burner, with an unreasonable rank, gained a special relish and became soft and supernaturally zapashnoy. The company, which had the barrels lying around, said in a negligent way that the recipe for the new burner was lying down.

Z quiet fir axis is already more than the second century, so the linear burner is called (linjeakevitt) successfully sold not only in Norway, but also abroad. In the country, the most popular burner is produced at the Lyusholma plant in Trondheim, and more Leytenska is imported linjeakevitt.

Norwegians and dosі vpevnіnі, scho itself a hit on a glass ship and around the world more expensive to add linjeakevitt such a special taste.

Alcohol for the cisco burner is prepared from potatoes, then it is cleaned, bred, added to the new strong spices - but the main role, as before, is played in the recipe for kmin. Then the burner is poured from special oak barrels of 500 liters of leather. It's more expensive to take advantage of the holds of ships and run around the world around the world.

Until 1927, private backyards and breweries were founded in Norway. And in 1927, the political power "took up" all the production of alcoholic drinks and created a special state structure - that's what they call Vinmonopolet- wine monopoly.

From the very beginning of its activity, the Vinn monopoly laid down an agreement with the shipping company of Wilhelm Wilhelmsen and set the kmin's burner on the road to Austria and back. This contract is regularly updated even in our days, only since 1985.

Linjeakevitt settle down in the world in majestic kіlkostyah. Little Norway sells 600,000 liters per cordon and drinks 300,000 liters on its own. Especially popular is the road burnt to Rizdvo.

The same days among the hospitals linjeakevitt hot superchicks flare up. The stench z'yasovuyut, like a requirement її to drink. It’s very important for someone that the homeland of mіtsnistyu 41.5% needs to be chilled in advance. But the opponents of a similar method of squeezing the burner will immediately ring out their opponents at vandalism and affirm that the water is "alive" (and "akevitt"- type lat. aqua vita) guilty buti room temperature. The rest are supported by experts Vinmonopolet.

Norwegians love to drink a glass of beer down with beer - and all the stench like one vvazhayut tse miraculous zvichkoy, the axis just can’t come until it’s time - chi varto drink a glass of beer, and then drink it down with a glass of beer - or navpaki. Foreigners in this super country are not helpers and they are no longer honored. Having tasted beer with a burner or burners with beer (to whom it is more appropriate), the stench, as a rule, will immediately go to the beach. people

The most significant cultural differences in the other regions of Europe. They rule over folklore and ancient sings, their main principle of traditional children’s birth in Norway is total tolerance, which is manifested in Persian blacks in marriages up to one-state lovers. This country is an example of how they can share culture rich traditions and current trends.

Peculiarities of culture and traditions in Norway

The main population from Serednyovichya was engaged in reindeer hunting, with a special honor they were placed up to the masters, as if they were engaged in artistic craft. Houses for Norwegians played the most important role, and the stench always contributed a lot of strength to that soul in its design. Today, craftsmen, who make speeches for the traditional decor of the houses, have been left with little, but the tradition of embellishing the houses has been preserved. To that, if you stumble in Norway, first, you fall into the eye - tse inter'єr and ekster'єr life budіvel. The main attributes of the booth are:

  • little ones on the walls and doors - ring out the pictures on the biblical theme;
  • wooden furniture;
  • forged mills;
  • decorated tables, utensils, horns and skinny.

Traditions were preserved and dressed up, but not to think how Norwegians go to the national favorite day. It is better to be seen in її elements: baubles, brooches, pendants and other accessories are embellished with elements of national little ones, or vikonan from forged metal, reindeer coat, in another way it looks like “European”.

Family traditions of Norway

The people, which, with great honor, are put up to their life, cannot be put up to this with less respect. The deyakі zvichaї ta zvichaї pobutu in Norway signifi- cantly resonate with the European ones. For example, the youngsters could live together until the wedding. The youngsters do not check for help from the fathers, and that grandmother does not make calls to financially help her onuks, to bring on the stench of a twisted situation. It is also marvelous that the handguards can become in early childhood, but while the future people and the squad grow up, their fathers often rise up to rise. The reason may be dissatisfaction with the nature of the other half of your child.

Tourists will be amazed at the traditions of Norway, connected with the holidays. In the first place, it is holy holy from two to seven days. For the old traditions, the whole community takes the fate of the new one. At the party, the old ones and the friends are young. So, as the population of the krai was scattered with islands, the guests got to the urochisty on chovny, and so we knew where the ship was sailing, it was hung with little twins and other attributes. Today, you can get to the month by a bridge or by another civilized way, but if you don’t feel satisfied, you can ride on the “oar” chute. The celebration itself is noisy and merry, at the time of which the days of the holiday are called, the fun may be trimmed on the head of an important crown.

Rіzdvo - the brand of religion and the family is holy in the country. In Norway, the traditions of Christmas celebrations are being celebrated. Must love the character Yulebuk, which makes him sacred. At the skin booth, at the right time, they decorate the yalinka, prepare savory straits, and, of course, see the church. It's wonderful, but the blessing of "Happy Birthday" sounds like a Norwegian like "God Jul!". With tsimu, which means "Jul", it is impossible to inspire the natives. Mabut, tse naytsіkavіsha cultural tradition of Norway.

Music culture in Norway

The music of Norway can be richly mixed with similar music and Sweden. Modern creations are based on folklore and classics. Under which the founder of Norwegian music is Edward Grieg, who took an active part in the development of musical culture in the middle of the 19th century. Show the life of the country, the beautiful nature and the brilliance of the Norwegian people - kindness and hospitality at your music in zoom.

Splicing culture in Norway

Looking at the country, it is necessary to know the basic rules of aggregation, so that the Norwegians are rich in what they think about words:

  1. Less emotion. The local population is more strimane, indulge in alcohol, do not stench the tone and do not lead emotional roses - you are respected in a filthy tone.
  2. You can’t give up money to people of a frail age in transport. This rule is unmistakable for us, but if a right Norwegian of a frail age emerges, if you want to give up your life, even if you have more strength, you don’t dare to give in to the young.
  3. It is possible and necessary to ask on the streets. Norwegians are a friendly and kind people. The stench will give you a clue on whether it’s your supply and tell you the styles, how to stick out your stock of English words. If you see my Norwegian mother, then you will have a lot of friends among the masses.

If you talk about the business culture of Norway, then the workers are even more honest and trustworthy partners. Navіt yakscho on the right stosuetsya yakikhos pobutovyh food, you can boldly swear on their word.

At this release, I will tell you about the country, where people live better. Here are ten facts about Norway. The King of Norway Harold 5, when he was a prince, having fallen in love with a great girl named Sonya Haraldson, as a daughter, she sold clothes. Among the monarchs, it is not accepted to make friends with commoners, Prote Harold declaring that they should be given the right to the throne, as if they were not allowed to make friends with the kohanoi. Todi father Harold Olaf 5 consulted with the ministers and gave the go-ahead to the whole school. The couple played a good time, and Sonya Haraldson became the queen of Norway without respect for her nobility. All of us called to land with salmon and vvazhaemo їx Japanese grass. However, sushi with salmon appeared in Japan only after 1980. Until one o'clock, the Japanese in Japan for the preparation of sushi vikoristovuvali only that fish, yak was caught in the waters of the moon and salmon in the midst of the fish ribi was not there. And in 1980, a delegation from Norway brought their salmon to the Japanese for testing. The salmon was worthy of the Japanese and the stink began to export yoga from Norway to the great number. In this hour of dry land, salmon is the most popular in Japan, like in the rest of the world. Norway has a lot of fiords. These are such wide and great gorges between mountains, where water flows. So the axis of Norway is correct, that effectively and fiordi vikoristovuyut. They will be equipped with hydroelectric power stations, which will be even more efficient. Zavdyaki tsomu 99% of the electricians who live in the country, cut off the energy of the river. Tse more well signified on ecology and economy of the country, de vikopne palely zagali not vikoristovuєtsya for otrimannya electricity. Since the beginning of 1947, Oslo, the capital of Norway, has been setting up a great yalinka on the new river to London, as we will then install it on Trafalgar Square. Tse fight for a sign of gratitude to the people of Norway to the British for help under the hour of Another light war. The Norwegian town of Ryukan is roztashovane near the high valley between high mountains. So the axis of spring along the birch tree is the place where the whole hour is spent in the shade of the most powerful mountains, after which there is no sun there. In order to solve this problem, it was done by installing three giant mirrors on one of the mountain ranges, like they bring the sleepy light and direct it down to the valley, illuminating the place. Norway has a law that hinders the castration and sterilization of dogs. You can only work in that case, as such a procedure is necessary for the health of the dog. It is not possible to castrate your dog for the one you don’t want, so you can win big girls. Norway is one of the best countries in protecting the rights of creatures. There are shops near the farms in Norway, selling products grown on the farm. So from, there are no sellers in such stores. The buyer himself takes the goods that he needs, calls that sum, he is guilty, pay, take the responsibility, as required, and go. No one cares to take goods and drinks without paying, but so no one can be hurt. Everything was prompted on trust and honesty. This is why people in Norway live so kindly. In 1999, the Norwegian ranks gave an American drug cop a political sling, motivating their decision to wash the filthy people of the United States and kill people - not humanely. A TV set and a computer with access to a large number of sites on the Internet are affected by Norwegians. And the prison cells themselves are more like hotel rooms, which have a bathroom with a toilet and a shower. The villagers themselves have a gym, a library and a kitchen, where you can prepare your own meals on your own. At the university, courses are held on mov and other disciplines to give people the opportunity to develop. I take about 600 rubles a day for skin wounds on intestinal stains, which can be spent at the prison store. The skin of the wounded may have the right to three short days with a family for a day, that one trip is spent in an okremu hut, de wounded they can spend a year of their girlfriends. The maximum term on which a person can be imprisoned in Norway is 21 rivers. There is no such thing as a childish bond. For the morning of one afflicted budget of Norway, we spent over 150,000 dollars on the river. Like this video if you want to get to the Norwegian country. Norway is the country with the most equal life in the world. Zavdyaki literate and rational management of the country there is even a low level of social inequality, low malice, and the rights of people to stand above everything. The average salary in Norway becomes NOK 32,000 after paying taxes. In rubles, tse is approximately 220,000, and in dollars, 3,800. The minimum pension in Norway is 125,000 rubles, although more pensioners earn significantly more. A lot of pensioners go from expensive Norway to cheap and warm lands, such as Spain and Greece, to buy restlessness and even better to live on a pension. Significant income Norway otrimu rahunok sale of ribs, lіsu, and naphtha. Nafti in Norwegії like little, ale, at the center of Sale Ide, not in the vlasnik, Naftovich Kompanіy, and in Power Fonti, Yakі Potimm, Introducts Tsі Groshі in the vs. Svitu, Kupuchi Aktsії, dehumukht that Іnshі Activa income Norway is a miraculous example of how a state can be encouraged, how to competently and fairly manage its resources, how to make them not so rich and rich. So it’s just a miraculous butt of that, like a suspіlstvo can be created, like the head value of all the limbs of happiness, the jealousy of that good skin of a well-taken person. And why is everything. Continuing the topic, I recommend watching my video with some facts about Finland and Sweden. Sending on digital videos will be right on the screen. Thank you for watching, if you want to support my channel, subscribe to the new one and like it. So I will be glad to hear your comments! Belov Dameos is with you, for now!


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