Swiss culture. Sounds like Swiss traditions Sounds like Swiss traditions

Swiss culture. Sounds like Swiss traditions Sounds like Swiss traditions

Switzerland is a cicava country, where you can sing a richly hoary.

Let's start from the head: “If you ignore traditions, unique people, be inspired because you are afraid of religion, then you will be better off at home.”

Welcome guests

More often than not, friendly meetings are held just like that, moreover, without any kind of drive. It is significant that the citizens of Switzerland often go to the guest. Obov'yazkovo before zustrіchchu stench telephone, schob discuss the menu.

I have a thought, that in this country you have to pay for yourself to visit guests, but it is not so, or it is incorrectly interpreted. For example, buy Mr. Budinka produce, before which people come, get out and get ready. Deyakі Well can zaproponuvati pay for those that the stench could not help or bring schos (dessert or alcoholic drink). To look at such a camp of speeches from the side, then it is correct and correct, and not only from the point of view of finance.

Come to the guest at the hour. If you arrive earlier, then put the rulers at the unruly camp, if later, you will be nervous.

In this country, guests are not once called to the table. It's not like that here. A quick aperitif - all the guests are taken from the hospital, the stench is drinking wine from snacks. For example, gentlemen, you can cook mini-croissants with spinach and sesame or with other stuffing. It seems here on different topics - in sports to the gut, to rub against the legs of the guests.

Approximately after forty hvilin ask for the farthest. Another special feature of the cicada is the decoration of the table. Remember that the very peculiarity is more important in Switzerland. The decoration can be dazzled both on the table and at the shop windows. Moreover, they embellish not only with garnish dishes and servets, but with cones, trojans, candles, chestnuts and rich others (everything should be left in the right season).

Now, as your "German" is strongly shaken, you will not feel particularly comfortable. The guest should always be asked richly, but not through good manners, but through those who want to once again feel your mother's side. To the point, about manners... In this country, if you think it's wrong, there's nothing to fix. In such a right, we need to be respectful, to correct everything is necessary only independently.

What do the citizens of the country who come from Russia feed on? Well, obviously, about Moscow, Putin, Medvedev and St. Petersburg. If you spend three hours in Switzerland, then remember for yourself that you want to know about the policy of the Russian Federation from foreign sources. It is significant that the thoughts of the powers often diverge. And it’s hard to decide what to think in other powers. Before speech, cinema, local newspapers, and television broadcasting is a miraculous way of understanding the local population, their mentality, problems and interests.

Beat the Swiss

Rang early among the inhabitants of the country start with a cup of cavi. Її sound p'yut on the terrace, oskіlki vіdmіnіstyu swissіv є proximity to nature. After drinking a cup of kawi, the bulk of the land goes straight to the shower, then we eat. Rarely do the masses of the powers prepare the wound earlier. As a rule, the whole meal is made up of a sandwich with cheese and cowbass (abo krusaniv) and confiture. Zvichayno, the stench can not do without tea (hibiscus, greens, dark). Until the speech, sire (there are “specials” for Russian worlds here), it’s good to eat marmalade or grapes.

If you do not need to go to work, then the porters often walk around the gardens to pick apples. To the point, at the accompaniment of these fruits, one can succumb to richly romantic rural regions.

Picked apples are sorted on the cob, choose those that go to the sik and confiture. It is impossible to do such activities at home, you can bring in a farmer's state. There for tyzhden to you sproblyat sіk such yourself, like at shops, ale korisnіshe.

After apples, it is necessary to mow the lawn. It is significant that it is not possible to do such a job in a week, it is fenced to work in a gamirne, so as not to disturb the susіdіv. Before the speech, at weekdays, on the fifth of the evening, it was fenced off the slope. Before speech, see here for special packages, їх varіst є payment for viviz smіttya. If you put it in another bag, you just can't pick it up.

cultural life

The BERNER WEINMESSE exhibition is widely held in the country. There are over two thousand kinds of wines and champagne wines on display. This exhibition is a place for culinary lovers of gastronomic visukuvans. At one hour you can taste a great number of wines from different varieties, as well as local delicacies. You can come and have an alcoholic drink without a break during the hour of the exhibition.

The selection of local wines is less focused on internal storage. For export, there are more than two hundred thousand per capita. At the exhibition, you can not only listen to unique, but also lectures about winemaking, and know the full relish of Swiss wine (the best). The great diversity allows the skin of a person to taste wine in love. E white, red, light, licorice, thick and tart.

Also held at this exhibition is a tasting of cheese and chocolate.

Yakі є є rozvagi?

You can go, for example, to football.

Pitseriya - the miraculous place of zustrіchі friends. As a rule, such mortgages have a marvelous atmosphere, one gets astonished that we came from the guest. As a rule, there are a lot of people, but the guards are nice and friendly. Chef-cooks sometimes go up to the hall to find out from the clients, everything was worth it.

Speaking of which, with such mortgages there is no one to pay for themselves, the girls become girls, and the men are gentlemen.

National features

If you have been asked for a National Day, please bring a ticket. Tse can be robiti from a private farmer. Purchasing a bouquet from such a place for a foreign hulk is a Kazakh. So, you come to the field, choose the appropriate tickets, then go to the top, where there is a charge, there is a price, as well as knives (for cutting the tickets) and papier, in which you can light up the dewdrops.

Then you need to go to the farmer, there is a treasury, for which it is necessary to lower the necessary sum. So, in this country dovira played a great role. More people can pay, even if it's a vinnyatka.

If you come as a guest, then play on the table with your own decorations. If you arrive before the snack, then you will be served (approximately the menu): homemade bread, cheese tartlets with grapes, specialties (meat dish), butter, egg cake, croissants, tea or cava. Before the speech, just on the occasion of a special occasion, bake an egg cake - this is a family tradition. But there is more than one secret, the skin girl has her own power, with which stench the guests are treated.

Another feature of the Swiss is family urochist (zokrema and rozdvo) to request only relatives, and friends are not established. In this state, friends and relatives have cere suspenstories. Until the speech, the stinks at once traplyayutsya rarely.

What do you give from your country? Gifts can be different - from cosmetic gifts up to pennies. In Switzerland, like in Russia, sometimes with a practical look, they approach the choice of a gift, willingly give pennies to replace unneeded fritters.

Before the speech, at the hour of the snidanka, all the guests will talk, discuss with their family, in which the urochistity is supposed to be, save that richly іnshoy.

Why marvel at the TV tower?

First - all sports programs, especially live broadcasts. Another thing that the citizens of the country give respect to on TV is the price of news, talk shows, weather, educational programs and much more.

Before the speech, reviewing the film with my mystical and miraculous practice. For example, if the essence of the movie is known miraculously, and the language is not much better, then revisiting becomes no less slick, but also challenging.

Krіm kanalіv swiss my, є tі, de say italіyskoy or french.

Miske life: how is it the power?

On weekdays, as a rule, the residents stay around 5:30. More in the office you need to be up until 7:00, and at work about 8:00. As you can see, the state’s working day starts early, and it means that it’s not the fault of the end, it’s up to the speech, so it’s - about 16:00 people go to their houses. For a foreign citizen, it will be inaudible for the first time, but even later you can turn on the rhythm. This regime is positively influencing Rozumov's practice, even if it's a brain activity. Another advantage of such an early start is that in the evening you have a lot of time at the specialty of life, you can hang out with friends without problems, go to a cafe or go to the cinema.

Switzerland is made up of 26 regions (cantons) in order to protect their historical past and cultural heritage. Obviously, the culture of Switzerland was developing, changing under the influx of French, Italian and German cultures, but, regardless of the price, the inhabitants of Switzerland managed to preserve their unique national flavor.

On the territory of Switzerland, 10 objects of the all-world recession of UNESCO have been planted, as if they were scattered all over the country. One of the most famous objects in the Old Town of Bern.

Swiss mentality

Vіdmіnnoy rice of the Swiss people є, even though it's marvelous, pessimism. Irrespective of those that Switzerland's income per capita is one of the most important in the world, the inhabitants of the city care that everything will end up in the future with a total breakdown. It’s like setting up to life diligently hovaetsya behind the mask of goodness and calmness, because the skin of the Swiss vvazha with his own language to cope with the garne of hostility about himself and about his country.

In Switzerland, it is not customary to show emotions in extreme situations, such qualities are highly valued as economy, planning and efficiency.

The swiss pratsiovity, neat and even smart people.

  • Show emotions, laugh out loud, speak in raised tones
  • Ask a rich meal
  • Be spontaneous
  • Demonstrate income
  • Spread the swag


  • Trivaliy hand-scanning
  • All show empathy
  • Zvernennya on im'ya (as you know im'ya people, it's not easy to say just "good morning")
  • Suvora punctuality

Home mitts near Switzerland

Swiss artists: Franz Gertsch, Johann Ludwig Aberli, Daniel Sperry, Frank Buxer, Roman Signer, Louis Mualier, Niklaus Manuel, Jean Renggli, Thomas Huber, Hans Asper.

Swiss writers: Benjamin Constant, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Max Frisch, Johann Spiri.


The most beautiful representatives of Swiss folklore are musicians, like playing the alpenhorns (alpine rig) - the national Swiss musical instrument.

Alpengorn legend:
The shepherd sounded the fortune-teller's gate, which was approaching the Belmont fort, and began to blow the trumpets, to get ahead of the soldiers about the trouble, and in the presence of overexertion died. Fortunately, at the fort, they sensed a noise and a barrier of relief.

The Swiss Yodel is also popular, which is popular in other cultures, but also traditional. Alpine shepherds victorious this type of spiving, schob perekukuvatsya in the mountains.

Alpine yodel at Viconan Franz Lang

Look up that saint in Switzerland

  • 2 September - St. Berthold's Day
  • Berezen - Carnival of Monsters (Lucerne)
  • March 28 - Good Friday
  • 6-9 breasts - Holy Independence (Geneva)
  • 12 breast - Holy Escalade
  • 25th breast - Rіzdvo
  • 28 leaf fall - Lukove svyato (Bern)
  • Cherven - Holy Spivakiv-Yodleriv (Aarau)
  • Cherven - Showcase regatta Bol D'Or (Geneva)
  • Serpen - Street parade near Zurich
  • 1 sickle - Confederation Day in Switzerland (National Holy of Switzerland)
  • Kviten - Shestidzvonye

Culture of Switzerland

The stringency of the national warehouse of the population of Switzerland, the originality of its historical development are embodied in the material and spiritual culture of the peoples that inhabit the country. Prote chi zavzhdi expansion of quiet chi іnshih phenomena of culture zbіgaєtsya with movno-ethnic cordons. On the molding of the culture, an inflow and a geographic center were found. The Alps played a particularly great role in supporting riches in the life of the country, as small for Switzerland, in the words of one Swiss historian, as important as the sea for Britain.

The influx of the geographical middle is especially noticeable in the forms of the settlement and the types of dwelling. The relief is rich in what determines the type and form of rural settlements. For example, for Mittelland - the Swiss flatland, the most typical are large villages of various planning, and in the mountainous area, farms of 1-5 yards are taken over, the strength here is significantly less. Along the banks of the rivers and lakes, the single-row form of the settlement is widened; in the high narrow valleys, the street villages are most often seen. The street settlements of the pivdenny part of the Tessin canton are especially peculiar. Here are the deaf stone walls of the houses, which go out onto the street, to establish one life line. Through the crypt gates, one can see the inner broaching of the door, the exacerbation of life and the master's life; vzdovzh stіn stretch vuzka gallery. For the mountain districts, the most characteristic is the coupe type of settlement, so that the houses there are mercilessly scattered with schila. In some areas, at the sunset of the countryside in the mountains, a special form of settlement was formed - a terrace: the houses of the village were roztashovanі one over one. Such mountainous villages that stomp in the greenery, especially the little ones.

The great villages of Switzerland are built in the street, in a coupe or in a circular plan; in such villages, in the central square, honed by stone and wooden booths, streets diverge. Biggest cities in Switzerland with plans similar to rural settlements. A church, a school, an administrative establishment, a hotel and a cafe are their own clubs for church residents on the square.

Across the cіkavі streets of deyaky great mіst, during the life of such a boulder, an arch structure was laid: massive arches as a support for the upper surfaces. A long row of such arches completes one critical gallery - a street where the doors of that vein of shops go.

The rest of the decade has significantly changed the appearance of the old settlements. In May, highways, parking lots for cars, on the outskirts of them there are often high-quality overhead motels.

In the past, in Switzerland, there was a lot of forests, and then there until the rest of the hour they carried wooden houses. Kamin vikoristovuvavsya sing for the life of the foundation and the bottom on top. At the turn of the XX century. near the towns and navit near the villages, two-triple-topped budinki were transported.

In the Middle Ages, the places were often blamed for castles or monasteries, which were charged. So, for example, the place of Tun, Zion.

At the great trading and industrial places near the center of the dos, the middle quarters were saved with a round square square, where the town hall, the houses of the merchant guilds are located. Vuzki winding streets from the middle spores adjoin to the square. They are guarded like monuments of old age until the present hour. This vertical development of the life of the viklikaniya is over a small area.

For the main part of the country, especially for Mittelland, large budinki are characteristic, which unite the dwellings and the lord's quarters in one go. Їхнє planning, constructive features vary by regions. So, a rough house from the Bernese Oberland (“chalet”) is dominated by its high, double-deck, the edges of which protrude farther away, protecting the walls from the plank of that snow. Characteristic of the rice of such budins are large rows of vicons (up to 10-15 pieces) and balconies, decorated with bright colors of red geraniums.

Dzhe tsіkavі massive budinki rhetoromancers of Engadin. Under the tovstimi stone walls, like under a case, others are attached, zrubnі, like vvazhayut, early walls. Small windows are found in the deep stone virva. The only entrance to the houses is the crypt gate. The stone walls of these spores are embellished with painting.

The second type is made of stone booths, widened by the Italians in the Tessin canton. The stench is significantly less behind the roses, the lord's premises (chamber, kitchen, shed) adjoin the rear to the living room, but may be surrounded by double dahi.

Ninі zberіgaєtsya more important than zvnіshnіy vglyad tsikh spores. The traditional planning, especially the choice of internal premises, has been completely changed.

In the rest of the hour, in all areas, the inhabited part increased, the expansion of the state's dwellings shrunk, due to the mechanization of the strong state, and to bring about changes in the social structure of the population. In rich villages, there is a significant number of workers employed by the localities and those employed in the service of tourists. A leveling influx in the rural area is given by factory villages, which are often commissioned from villages. Here the same type of booths stand straight on the streets and do not wash the lands of the earth.

Regions, and sometimes national differences, are also the kitchens of the Swiss. The preservation of such powers was not enough to bring about the stability of traditions. “What the villager does not know, that is not there,” - it seems like a folk saying. Therefore, in the same villages of Mittelland, as before, boroshnyans and cereals are overwhelmed, and corn is the main part of Italians. The Swiss often drink kava, mostly with milk. In areas where grapes and orchards grow, dry wines and cider grow.

In mountain regions, dairy products are more important, especially cheese. Other sorts of syrah - "mental" and close to the new "gruyere", known to us under the name of Swiss, are exported. The cob of their sorry production dates back to the 15th century; they requested to different lands, zokrema and from Russia.

The Swiss live in sire like a snack; low-fat varieties of them in areas where animal husbandry prevailed, they replaced bread. Vіdomі i hot stravi z nygo, yak, for example, syria soup abo sir, spices in wine, - fund.

Ancient old traditions, national specifics are also preserved in the family and suave life of the Swiss peoples. And at the same time, the traditions continue to be appointed to the women's camps: її infringe on the rights of succession, її fold more powerful in labor, її pay less labor, lower the labor of a person. Until the recent past, Swiss women were against the suspense and political life of the country, until the 1970s, the stench did not have few rights.

In rural areas, especially poor families, the women's camp is independent. So, at Vali ta Tessina, de people have long gone to work, the woman is actually the head of the family.

One of the characteristic rices of the suspіlny pobutu of the Swiss is the preservation of ancient institutions. The isolation of the mountain districts, the economy of the steel, took away the trival. І dosі in the deyaky cantons of the Alps dіє svoєrіdny legislative body - landsgemeind. Tse wild collections of all full-fledged citizens, similar to the old Russian veil, which is right on the square. Laws are discussed on the new one, tied to the life of the canton.

Switzerland has a lot of different public organizations. Most of them were inspired by a professional sign, some of them unite people on the basis of joint interests (musical, sports associations and others).

Sports speeches, folk songs always accompany the mustache of the people. A lot of different zmagans rule at the nationally holy 1 sickle - the Day of the establishment of the Swiss state, which is celebrated by all the peoples of Switzerland. On the same day, the contract of 1291 about the creation of a split of three cantons is read out on the tracts of the city. Immediately, theatrical shows are in full swing, the theme of which is the struggle of Switzerland for independence. In the evenings on the streets and on the balconies of the bungalows, the lighters of different colors are sleeping. On the high pagorbs, the bagattya is fired, and the juveniles are dancing like that.

In various forms of musical folklore of the peoples of Switzerland, there is a rich mix of folklore of the native peoples.

The people of Switzerland play their favorite games. So, for example, skittles at the places of Mittelland. Fans of hot gris will go to bowling clubs. The Italians have a wide gras with sacks, etc. Ale, the most prishniks can shooters' clubs - shooters from a bow, crossbow, towels. The development of this sport, which is loved by the Swiss, and the militia system of the Swiss army: military recruitment (from 20 to 50 years) undergo military training for the accommodation. Take the skin from them at home with a light shooting range and go with it to the shooting gallery, so that you can get right at the shooting range. Even more popular gymnastic clubs.

Among the German-Swiss, for example, the rich-voiced choir spiv, may be skinned, the village may have its own choir. For the French Swiss and the Italians, the most characteristic is the solo spiv.

Switzerland has mandated compulsory education for all children from 6 to 16 years of age. Swiss pedagogy developed in the traditions of the prominent teacher Pestalozzi, who practiced good knowledge beyond the borders of the country.

Switzerland has a single lighting system every day, and the school's remnants are rebuying from other cantons. Programs, terms of holidays, the beginning of the initial fate significantly vary in spheres.

The cantonal government of the order and sim of Swiss universities, which are located in Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Friborg and Zurich.

Even a great number of students are kept by foreigners.

In the development of Swiss science, an important role is played not only by universities, but also by various scientific partnerships - the Geographical Society in Bern, the Society of Physics and Natural Sciences in Geneva, the Physical Society in Zurich.

A development of the literature of the peoples of Switzerland in their native languages ​​- German, French, Italian and Romansh.

Until the literary works of the XIII-XIV centuries. you can hear the songs and the balady of the minezingers. Vіdomi і іstorіchnі khronіkі na that hour, yakіh іn central place occupies us the struggle for independence.

Gostrі social protirіchchya, religious struggle XV-XVI cent. appeared on the works of humanist-reformers.

With the development of capitalism and the formation of the national bourgeoisie, it was necessary to promote the Swiss unity, the establishment of the Swiss sleepiness. Cі spodіvannya znayshli svіy vіdbіtok vіdbіy і dіyalnostі zasnovanіh zahodі svejtsarії Helveticheskikh comrades, іn publications іy mіstili pratsі zіstoriї і kul'turі і Swiss people. In the XIX - on the cob of the XX century. Prats were created in the Swiss realists G. Keller, J. Gotgelf, K. Meyer, Ch. Ramyu, F. K'ez. The names of the current Swiss playwright F. Dürrenmatt and the novelist M. Frisch are well known to the Radianian reader.

Switzerland is the fatherland of the all-world-famous architect Le Corbusier, the creator of brilliant pastel portraits of J. Lyotard, the contemporary monumental painter and graphic artist G. Erni, and the stratospheric survivor of the sea depths O. Picard.

At the XVI century. the first pamphlets of Romansh literature appeared, written in dialects of Romansh language.

Epoch of Enlightenment XVIII-XIX centuries. pov'yazana in Switzerland in the name of the prominent educator J.-J. Rousseau. These ideas were injected into the creativity of the writers A. Galler, I. de Kruse and the poet F. Bridel. Take over your creations with an interest in the history and culture of the Swiss, in the modern nature.

The specificity of the culture of Switzerland

The culture of Switzerland in the $XVI$-first half of the $XVII$ century is characterized by decal features.

  1. The first of them roamed in the heavy okremikh regions of the krai to the sudan krai, to speak of my own, which is the population of the th region. Part of the districts took close proximity to the German lands, other territories jumped to the French and Italian lands. This led to a kind of split in the political unity of the state, but at the same time it brought the regions of the country closer to this very faith. If they wanted, the population could speak in different languages.
  2. This particularity was similar to the strong cultural diversity between the Russian and the Russian cantons. This kind of resilience in the development of the cantons began to manifest itself in the early centuries, but in the period it began to turn sharply.
  3. The third peculiarity is the presence at the edge of the centers of court culture. Whereas in the lands of the court the court culture had a great significance, in Switzerland it did not develop.
  4. Remaining especially rice culture in Switzerland - saving more trivaly hours, lower in the lands of Europe, middle-aged traditions and dogmas.

Etapi cultural development in Switzerland

In the development of culture in Switzerland in the $XVI$ - the first half of the $XVII$ centuries, there are three main stages:

  1. The first stage covers the first decade of the XVI century. We start from the expansion of friendship and the development of humanism.
  2. Another stage ended in the 1560s. Vin is characterized by a surge of reformation processes.
  3. The third stage falls on the $XVI$-cob of the $XVII$ century. The main injection into culture at this hour may be the Counter-Reformation. Beginning of the relocation of the fires of culture from the center of the province (provincialization) and її zanepad.

Prominent cultural specimens of Switzerland

note 1

Under the influx of Italy, Switzerland is expanding the idea of ​​renaissance. Under the influx of German humanism, the city of Basel becomes one of the centers of humanistic movement.

Bagato rokiv vykladav at the Basel University of the Humanist S. Brant. Repeatedly sounding at the city, but as if alive (from 1521 to 1529) at the new one * Erasmus of Rotterdam. Beat Renan was molded here as a distinguished humanist historian. At Basel, after the viticulture of the country, there were a lot of great witches. They respected Erasmus and released their theological practices. And wanting to look at the richness of yoga's successors in the past, they rose from the vchennya of a huge idol, their books rose from the lands of Europe.

Mathematician and sings, music theorist and famous Greek mov Heinrich Glarean. At Basel Glarean opened his own school, having written for her a piece of pedagogical work. Popularity otrimala yoga descriptions of the history and geography of Switzerland. Not less significant yoga іnshiy tvir - "Twenty-stringed". Vіn tlumachiv music like a vibe of morality, and yak “mother annoy”.

Joachim Vadian having glorified Switzerland with his practice “About poetics, that science is a verse”. Tsej tvir mistiv іstorіyu razvitku nіmetskomovnої literature. Vaughn was looked at in the context of the development of the literature of the peoples of Europe, starting from deep antiquity.

The natural sciences also recognized the renaissance. Likar Theophrastus Paracelsus having brought medicine and chemistry closer, having uncovered the foundations of natural philosophy. A new thing in jubilation was the stoking of chemical medicines, which gave a boost to the development of pharmaceuticals. Paracelsus, calling out for the sake of shukati, is not gold, but the means of exalting people. Vіn bachiv unrecognizable link of nature, people of the same light.

Second doctor Konrad Gesner landscaping the botanical garden near Zurich, writing the book "History of Creatures". The students called yoga "Plinia Helvetia".

Became famous for painting Hans Holbein the Younger. Vin ilyustruvav book Erasmus of Rotterdam "Praise of foolishness". Under the hour of writing portraits of Holbein, he was able to depict the objective characteristics of the inner world of a person on the canvas.

Mabut, holy, like nothing else, can demonstrate the essence of national culture, its soul. Holy in Switzerland podіlyayat on natsіonі, yakі svyatoyutsya usіma inhabitants of the country. National saints, in their own court, share in the religious and sovereign states. If you guess that Switzerland is a confederation, that it unites under its ensign 23 cantons with a rich history, then there is nothing marvelous, that the skin region is characterized by its own, sacred holy place. In addition, a strong influx of French, Italian and German cultures marked that unique color, a kind of natural skin urochism.

Religious holy

Saint Nicholas Day- Traditionally, the holy day of Switzerland begins on the 6th breast, on the day of St. Nicholas. Sobachit tse holy at all beauties, varto see the town of Kyussnacht, like it was growing on the birch of Lake Firvalshtet, de zustrichayutsya cordoni odrazu chotiriokh cantoniv. Take part in the march to the honor of St. Nicholas is chosen by over 20 thousand people. Participants celebrate the parade at the giant miter, which symbolizes the episcopal dignity of St. Nicholas, the leather weight of which is 25 kg. Then the saint himself appears, and the charge from him is a thunderstorm of unheard children - Shmutsl. Varto respect that the most holy Santa Claus, known as St. Nicholas, distribute gifts to Swiss children, but we are not invited to Christmas, if all the action goes off like a little dislike of Jesus.

Catholic Rizdvo

Catholic Rіzdvo svyatkuyut 25 chest. Like in all Catholic countries, it is traditionally celebrated as holy in switzerland. In order to see the spirit of the Swiss holiday, you will surely visit the holiday market. Here you can sketch out the best national lands from the territory of Switzerland. Children are constantly taking away the mass of unforgettable enemies, helping Santa Claus and yoga elfs to work at the master's toys and rozmalovuvaty leaflets.

If you have a meal in Zurich on Christmas Day, you will definitely walk through the Bahnhofstrasse, until you get into the garlands until the holy day. Warto respect that the tradition of putting such illumination on the main street of Zurich has been going on for more than a dozen years, but try to make it all the same change on the side of the conservative Swiss. The tram is one of the most favorite types of transport in this country, every once in a while, leaving your sleigh, next to the tram, sit down to see Santa Claus with angels.

If you want to try a good Swiss wedding party, then sip a greet party (christmas man) in one of the numerous bakeries, as always hold a master class from the shack.

New river

New holy in switzerland things are blown away from ours, to that here it is not customary to rule the roaring of the curtains. And all the same, one old-fashioned sound, which is a reason for that here - these are pear gingerbread, which the Swiss exchange with their friends and sucsids ahead of the New Rock, and then we give it for dessert.

Drink yoga with the tastiest Swiss champagne. Ale, the main sign of a new night in Switzerland is masquerades, which are held in a skin roost.

    On September 2, fourteen cantons celebrate the day of St. Basilio chi Bertolt. The name is not wider in Switzerland for the celebration of Baptism. On the 6th of September, there are less than chotiri cantoni here.

Holy Great Day

The most religiously holy spring in Switzerland is the Great Day, the holy day of which begins on the eve of Good Friday. In thirty-nine days, the Swiss celebrate the Annunciation, and in forty-nine days, the Trinity. In addition, the deacons of other religious saints are sacred to the region. For example, near Lucerne, Tyrol and Urі you can spend the 19th birch on the holy day of St. Joseph (Giuseppe). And the axis at Nefchâtel, which marks the day of St. Stephen, is possible only at Mondays of the 26th. If this date falls on any other day, it is not meant to be.

Regional National Saints of Switzerland

In addition, there is a large number of regional national saints. The middle of the largest time is the traditional holy of spring in Sechselauten Zurich, which is organized around the twentieth of the day. Vin is similar to Maslenitsa, known to Russians, if they hold a nationwide festivity, and then they burn it down, which symbolizes winter. For example, the dermal canton has a day of independence. So, Canton Yura svyatkuє yogo 23 worms. The national day of Switzerland celebrates the first sickle.

It is impossible not to guess about the festivals that are held on the territory of Switzerland. Here you can visit costumed saints, for example, like a performance festival, which is held in the middle of the sickle in Nyon. Or take a part in the grandiose middle carnival action on 21-22 sickles at Grandson, which is organized at the castle of the rulers of Bern and Friburg. At the entrance you are asked to change into traditional Swiss costumes, and for only 6.5 euros you can dress up for a whole day, like a noble nobleman, or a "lady of the heart", like a Swiss person.

Musical Holy of Switzerland

The same musical festival is repeated in Switzerland, as it sounds like it is held from the lime tree until the spring. For example, linden - scythes to Montri, the chanters of organ music are chanting, to listen to victors of luminous magnitude, as they perform at the Church of St. Vincent.

The music festival of traditional music in Château-d'O is on the cob of the sickle, and the middle of the sickle is held under the flags of the rock festival in Avenches, which is the beginning of its democratic nature, it is welcome to take on its stage representatives of other musical directions, for example, reggae. The Jazz Festival "Jazz on the Birch" is ranked among the street festivals, but when the victors demonstrate a high level of craftsmanship.

Wine Festival near Switzerland

Okremo varto guess about the saint in Switzerland, tied with wine. This truly national product is meritorious for those who consecrated the urochistity to the city. Traditionally, wine sampling is carried out during spring, if you can equalize between yourself the relish of the divine nectar of the old and the new.

The festival, which is held near the skin region of the country, follows the same scenario: at the entrance you are given a glass and launched to the fairs, to stand in endless rows of barrels. Passing from one virobnik to another, sipping wine with the most delicious Swiss cheeses, with a skin test taken, the guests become all cheerful and good-natured. Tourists are transferred to the Swiss closer to the evening to be transported by hotels.

Ride up to Switzerland - it’s more expensive at the holy country, where you can get to the cultural traditions of the European country and appreciate the breadth of the soul of the Swiss.


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