Frankish Empire (Francian state). Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties

Frankish Empire (Francian state). Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties

Form of government monarchy dynasty Merovingians, Carolingians Kings - V century - List of queens of France Emperor Sunset - - Charlemagne - - Louis I the Pious - - Lothar I

France's Power (kingdom; fr. royaumes francs, Lat. regnum (imperium) Francorum), more like France(Lat. francia) - a common name of a power in Western and Central Europe from the 9th century, as it settled on the territory of the Western Roman Empire at the same time with other barbarian kingdoms. This territory was inhabited by the Franks, starting from the III century. In the wake of the uninterrupted military campaigns of the mayor of the Franks Charles Martel, the son of Pipin the Short, as well as the head of Charlemagne, the territory of the empire of the Franks on the ear of the IX century reached the greatest expansion during the period of its foundation.

In the wake of the tradition of dividing the lands between the sins, the territory of the Franks was no longer intelligently ruled as a single power, in fact, it was divided into a kilka of subordinate kingdoms. Regna). The number and distribution of kingdoms changed by the hour, and by the ear France only one kingdom was called, Austrasia itself, which was roztashovuvalos near the pivnіchnіy part of Europe on the rivers Rhine and Meuse; not less, sometimes in the understanding they included the kingdom of Neustria, which was on the front of the river Loire and on the back of the river of the Seine. 3 hour zastosuvannya name France It moved in the direction of Paris, standing as a result over the area of ​​​​the basin of the river Seine, which otochuval Paris (in our days, under the name of Ile-de-France), and gave its own name to the whole kingdom of France.

History of appearance and development

name the day

Name the first letter riddle francia take revenge in laudatory promotions dated on the cob of the III century. At that hour, it was clear to the geographic area on the pivnich and on the exit from the river Rhine, approximately in the tricutnik between Utrecht, Bielefeld and Bonn. This name was slandered by the landed Volodymyr of the German tribes of the Sicambres, the Salic Franks, the Brukterivs, the Ampsivarians, the Hamavivs and the Khattuarivs. The lands of some tribes, for example, Sikambria and the Salich Franks, were included before the Roman Empire and these tribes became warriors of the cordon of the Romans. And in 357 years, the leader of the Salichny Franks, having included his lands to the warehouse of the Roman Empire, and having established his camp for the union laid with Julian II, which brought the tribes of Hamavi back to Hamalandu.

The meaning of understanding France expanded in the world the expansion of the lands of the Franks. Deyakі z frankskih vozhdіv, eg Bavton і Arbogast, swore allegiance to the Romans, іnshі, eg Mallobaudes, worked on the Roman lands with other motives. After the fall of Arbogast, Yogo syn Arigius achieved success at the established county in Trir, and after the fall of the usurper Kostyantin III, deyak francs became the beque of the usurper Yovin (411 rіk). After the death of Jovin in 413, the Romans were no longer able to stream francs in their borders.

Merovingian period

Historical contribution of the successors Chlodion authentically not known. You can sing along singly Hilderik I, ymovirno onuk Chlodion, ruling the Salichny kingdom with the center near Turni, being federate Romans. Historical role Childerica Poles at the command of the lands of the Franks to his sons Chlodwy, who began to expand his power over the other Frankish tribes and expand the region of his volodin in the western part of Gaul. The Kingdom of the Franks was founded by King Clovis I and after three centuries became the most powerful power in Western Europe.

Chlodwig accepted Christianity and became victorious in his interests of the Roman Catholic Church. During his 30-year rule (481 r_k - 511 r_k), he led the defeat of the Roman commander Syagriy, subjugated the Roman enclave of Soissons, ordered the defeat of the Alemans (Battle of Tolbiac, 504 r_k), placing them under the control of the Franks, a change. in 507 roci, having conquered all of their kingdom (with the atonement of Septimania) with the capital in Toulouse, and also Bretons(following the assertions of the Frankish historian Gregory of Tours), who killed them as vassals of France. Vіn pіdkoriv usі (or more) suіdnі franckі tribes that live beyond the Rhine, and including their lands to their kingdom. Also, in the order of the Roman military settlements ( laetі) spreading the territory of Gaul. Until the end of his 46-river life, Clovis ruled the whole of Gaul, for the wine of the province Septimaniaі Kingdom of Burgundy at the meeting.

Government Merovingian was a recessionary monarchy. The kings of the Franks did not limit the practice of long recession: spreading their own freedom among their blues. Navіt if you cherubed the sprat of the queens Merovingian, the kingdom - mayzhe, like in the old Roman Empire - took over as a single power, collectively crowned by dekilkom kings and less than a few diverse pods led to the unification of all powers under the rule of one king. The Merovingian kings ruled by the right of God's anointed ones, and that king's greatness symbolized the long hair of that aclamation, as it was put on the shield with the traditions of the German tribes on the choice of the leader. After death Clovis in 511 regions of the territory of the yogo kingdom, they were divided between yogo chotirma by mature sons in such a rank that the skin was approximately equal to part of the fisk.

The Blues of Chlodwig took as their capitals the places near the pivnіchno-shіdnoї region of Gaul – the heart of the Frankish state. Senior Xing Teodorikh I ruled at Reims, another syn Chlodomir- in Orleans, the third son of Clovis Childebert I- at Paris i, nareshti, young son Chlothar I- At Soissons. Under the hour of their rule, before the Frankish state, the tribes were included Tyuringiv(532 rіk), Burgundy(534 рік), as well as Saksivі Friziv(Approximately 560 rіk). In the distant tribes that lived beyond the Rhine, they were superficially in order of the Frankish panuvannya, although they were afraid to take part in the military campaigns of the Franks, for the hours of the weakness of the kings and the tribes of the Nekerovan and often tried to come from the powers of the Franks. Tim is no less, the Franks preserved in unchanging appearance the territory of the Romanized Burgundian kingdom, turning it into one of their main regions, which includes the central part of the kingdom of Chlodomir with its capital in Orleans.

It should be noted that the sight of the blue brothers-kings cannot be called friendly; After death Chlodomir(524 rik) yogo brother Chlothar having killed the blues of Chlodomir in order to seize a part of the yogo kingdom, as if by tradition they divided it among the brothers that they had lost. The eldest of the brothers, Teodorikh I, died due to illness in 534 rotations and yogo senior son, Theudebert I zoom in on your fall - the greatest Frankish kingdom and the heart of the future kingdom Austria. Theudebert, having become the first Frankish king, officially opened the link with the Byzantine Empire, put gold coins on his images and named himself great king (magnus rex), soaring on the territory of their protectorate, which spreads all the way to the Roman province of Pannonia. Theodebert joined in the Gothic wars for the German tribes of the Gepidiv and Lombards against the Ostrogoths, having come to their Volodin provinces of Rezia, Norik and part of Veneto. Yogo blue and spadkoєmets, Theodebald, did not think to lose the kingdom and after his death at the 20th century, all the greatness of the kingdom came before Chlothar. At 558 roci, after death Childebert, the rule of all the Frankish power was in the hands of one king, Chlotaria.

The other one divided the concubines on the chotiroh without a barrage of bratovchim vyynami, as if they began, for the assertiveness of the concubines (and the advancing squad) Khilperika I Fredegondi, after the death of the yogo squad of Galesvinti. Druzhina Sigiberta, Brungilda, as she was also the sister of the beaten Galesvinta, bored her man until the war. The conflict between the two queens began until the coming century. Guntramn trying to achieve the world, and with whom (585 and 589 rіk) trying to conquer Septimania at the preparations, ale insulting razi, having recognized the blows. After the rapt death Charibert in 567 years, all the brothers who were deprived of it, took away their recession, but Khilperik zmіg under the hour of war to add to it, to increase his might, renew Bretons. After his death, Guntram needed to be reprimanded again Bretons. Hazards in 587 roci contract Andelo- in the text of which French state is clearly called France-mizh Brunhildaі Guntram having secured the protectorate of the remainder over the young son of Brungildi, Childebert II, who was the successor Sigiberta, killed at 575 roci . For the sake of marriage, Guntram’s and Hildebert’s Volodymyr’s Greater and Lower Mornings outweighed the peace of the Kingdom of Decadence Khilperika, Chlotary II. wu qiu epoch franco state it was formed їх three parts and so rozpodіl at the future to continue his reason at the sight Neustrii, Austrasiaі Burgundy.

After death Guntramna 592 roku Burgundy I saw Hildebert as a whole, who died without a hitch (595 rec). The kingdom was given two yoga blues, the elder Theodebert II got away Austria i part Aquitaine, to Yakoy Volodya Childebert, and to the youngest - Theodorich II, Burgundy i part Aquitaine, Yakoyu Volodya Guntramn. Having united, the brothers were able to conquer more of the territory of the kingdom of Chlothar II, who had lost more than a little place from the Volodin, that one could not be taken. At 599, brothers sent their troops to Dormel and occupied the region Dentelin, for years the stench ceased to trust one to one and the hour of their rule, which was over, the stench spent at the fortune-teller, as their grandmother often spat Brunhilda. Vaughn was dissatisfied with the fact that Theodebert looked at his court, and over the years Theodorich overthrew his older brother and beat him in. It happened in 612 rotations and the whole power of Yogo father Childebert again leaned in one hand. However, it didn’t last long, the oskilka Theodorih died at 613 roci, preparing a military campaign against Chlothar, having lost the son of Sigibert II, who at that hour was about 10 roki. In the midst of the summation of the reign of the brothers Theodebert and Theodoriha, the successful military campaign in Gascony, the stench fell asleep Duchy of Vasconia, that sub-root of the Basques (602 r_k). First of all, the roots of Gascony brought them the same land for a day in the Pyrenees, and for themselves - Biscay and Gipuzkoa; however, in 612 roci їx were taken away the weight. On the opposite side of your state Alemanni Under the hour of the rebellion, Theodoriha and the Franks were able to spend their power over the tribes that lived beyond the Rhine. Theudebert in the 610th century took away the Duchy of Alsace with Theodoric, starting a tribal conflict about the region's belonging Alsace between Australia and Burgundy. Tsey conflict will end less than in the XVII century.

Through the war between the representatives of the house of the ruling dynasty - the Merovingians, the power gradually passed to the hands of the mayordoms, who seized the planters of the kerivniks in the royal court. Under the hour of the unfortunate young life of Sigibert II, Posada mayor's house, Yaka earlier rarely rushed into the kingdoms of the Franks, began to take a leading role in the political system, and groups of the Frankish nobility began to unite around the mayors of Varnahar II, Rado and Pipina Landensky, to spare real power Brunhilda, the great-grandmother of the young king, she will hand over the power Chlotariu. Varnahar himself, until what hour, having already embraced the tenant Mayor of Austria, then Rado and Pipin took away qi plant like a wine city for a successful coup d'état Chlotaria, stratum of sіmdecimal Brunhildi that is the driving in of the decimal king.

In the wake of his victory, the great-grandson of Chlodvig Chlothar II 614 people voted for the Edict of Chlothar II Edict of Paris), which in general is respected by a set of deeds that are weaker for the Frankish nobility (the rest of the hour, the point of dawn is put under the sumniv). Regulations edict we were directed to the security of justice and corruption in the state, prote edict also fixing the zonal peculiarities of the three kingdoms of the Franks and imovirno, endowing representatives of the nobility with great rights for the recognition of judicial bodies. Until 623 roku representatives Austrasia the recognition of their sovereign king, the oskelki Chlothar, even more often than not, was in the kingdom during the day, and also to the one who was respected there as a foreigner, as a result of yogo's resurrection of that previous rule in the pools of the river Senya. Satisfying me, Chlothar gave his son Dagobert I the reign Austrasia and that bov the proper rank of praise by the soldiers of Austrasia. However, regardless of those that Dagobert maw reigned supreme in his kingdom, Chlothar took mad control over the rest of the Frankish power.

At the rocky sleeping government Chlotariaі Dagobert, About yakі often say "remaining rulers of the Merovingians", not exactly rooted from the beginning of the 550s saxie, they stood under the wire of Duke Bertoald, and then they were beaten by the father and sin with the sleepy soldiers and turned on again until franco state. After the death of Chlothar in the 628th century, Dagobert, at the command of the father, gave part of the kingdom to his young brother Charibert II. Tsya part of the kingdom was formed anew and named Aquitaine. Territorially, it passed through the half of the large Roman province of Aquitaine, and that city moved from Toulouse. Also, the whole kingdom included the places of Cahors, Agen, Perigo, Bordeaux and Saintes; Duchy of Vasconia also bulo is included to yoga lands. Haribert successfully fought with Basques But after the yogo of death, the stench rose again (632 rec). At midnight Bretons protested the French panuvannya. The king of the Bretons, Judikael, under the threats of Dagobert, sent the troops, helped and stole favors with francs for which he paid a tribute (635 rіk). To the same fate Dagobert sent a viysk to pacify Basque what was successfully vikonan.

Tim, in an hour, at the order of Dagobert, Khilperik of Aquitaine, the fall of Charibert, was driven in, and that’s all franco state I stumbled again in the same hands (632 rіk), not respecting those who in 633 roci vomit know Austrasia zmusila Dagobert recognize them as king of his son Sigibert III. Whom did the “upper” of Austria take with all their might, as their mother wanted to raise the Kremlin, the aristocrats overcame the shards for the royal court Neustrii. Chlothar reigned at Paris for ten years, the first to become king at Metz; also i Merovingian dynasty at all times after the new boulder we are in front of the monarchy Neustrii. In fact, the first riddle of "Neustriya" in the chronicles appears in the 640s. Such a zatrimka of the riddle is matched with "Austria" and it may well be that the Neustrians (to become the most authors of that hour) called their lands simply "Frankia". Burgundy at your hour you also oppose yourself Neustrii. Tim is no less, for the hours of Gregory of Tours, the Austrasian boulevards, as they were respected by the people, who were in the middle of the kingdom, and strove to earn a lot of money for the well-being of independence. Dagobert, at his expense Saxons, Alemanni, Turings, as well as words'yanami who lived beyond the borders of the Frankish state, and for some wines we could pay danin, but having recognized the defeats in them at the Battle of Wogastburg, asking for all representatives of similar nationalities to the court Neustrii, but not Austrasia. The very same us sampered to ask Austrasia for the recognition of his sovereign king.

young Sigibert rules under the infusion Major of Grimoald the Elder. Having overtaken the childless king himself, he adopted his own son Childebert. After the death of Dagobert in 639, the Duke of Tyuring, Radulf, organized to be stabbed and try to make himself king. Vіn win Sigibert, after which the most important change was made in the development of the ruling dynasty (640 rіk). As a result of the military campaign, the king had introduced the support of the wealthy nobles, and the weakness of the monarchical institutions at that time led to the king’s inability to conduct effective military events without the support of the nobility; For example, the king couldn't bring himself to take care of the military protection without the faithful support of Grimoald and Adalgisel. Most often, Sigibert III is respected by the first lazy queens(Fr. Roi fineeant), and not to the one who didn’t try anything, but through those who didn’t manage to reach the end.

The French nobility could put under their control all the activities of the kings and the right to be recognized as majordoms. The separatism of the nobility led to the fact that Austrasia, Neustriya, Burgundy and Aquitania Dedali were more and more watered one over one. The Yaks ruled in the 7th century. t.z. "linear kings" did not have little authority or material resources.

The period of panuvannya mayordomiv

Carolingian period

Frankish power at the death of Pipina 768 and the conquest of Charlemagne

Pipin made his camp in the 754th rotation in the coalition with Pope Stephen II, who at the grand ceremony in Paris in Saint-Denis gave the King of the Franks a copy of a false charter Gift of Kostyantina, having anointed Pipin that yoga family to the kingdom and having voted yoga zahisnik of the Catholic Church(Lat. patricius Romanorum). Through the river Pipin, he conquered the obitsyanka and turned the Ravenna exarchate to the papacy, having won the yogi from the Lombards. Pіpin pass tatovі yak to the darunok Pipinova gift the roots of the earth around Rome, laying the foundations of the papal state. The papal throne maw usi podstavy vvazhat that the monarchy of the Franks was inspired to create a shanovan basis of power (lat. potestas) at the sight of a new world order, in the center of which will be the Pope of Rome.

Approximately at the same hour (773-774) Karl was born the Lombards after pivnichna Italy slumped under yoga infusion. Recognizing the payment of sacrifices to the Vatican and declaring the papacy a defender from the side. Franco State.

In this rank, Charles, having created a power that stretches across the Pyrenees on a pivden entry (in fact, after 795 the rock included the territory venerable Spain(Ispanska Marka) through the whole territory of present-day France (behind the wine of Brittany, which was by no means rooted by the Franks) to the crossroads, including most of the present-day Nimechchini, as well as the venerable regions of Italy and modern Austria. At the church hierarchies, the bishop and the abati began to take the pikluvannya of the royal court, de Vlasne and knew the first intercession and zakhist. Charles in a new world, having shown himself like a tarp of the windshield Christian world that yoga intercession over the monastic intellectual centers became the beginning of the so-called period Carolingian Renaissance. The order of the winter at Karli was the great palace in Aachen, the impersonal road and the water canal.

Baggage division of the Frankish state

As a result, the French state was divided as follows:

  • The West-Frankish kingdom was ruled by Charles the Fox. The whole kingdom is the provider of present-day France. It was formed from such great feudal cities: Aquitania, Brittany, Burgundy, Catalonia, Flanders, Gascony, Septimania, Ile-de-France and Toulouse. After 987 fate, the kingdom became the home of the names France, skіlky representatives of the new ruling dynasty Capeting on the back of the boule Dukes of Ile-de-France.
  • Middle Korivyvcy, Zemki Skіdyyu Buli, Lothar I. Frankіyu, Runed Lothar I. I am defended in the result of a vertex agreement, Scho included Іtalіysk karivstoye, burgundy, Provence І Zakhіdnu partial part of Avustasії, Bulo "Picture" to the device . The whole kingdom was divided at 869 years after the death of Lothair II into Lorraine, Provence (moreover, Burgundy was divided between Provence and Lorraine), as well as pivnichnu italy.
  • The Skhidno-Frankivsk kingdom was ruled by Louis II of Nymetsky. Vono took revenge on the chotiri of the duchy: Swabia (Alemannia), Franconia, Saxony and Bavaria; after the death of Lothair II, similar parts of Lorraine were given. This was the case until 1268, when the Hohenstaufen dynasty was interrupted. Otto I was crowned on the 2nd of February 962, which conceived the history of the Holy Roman Empire (idea Translatio imperii). Starting from the X century Hidden France so became a vіdoma pіd іm'yam Teutonic Kingdom(Lat. regnum Teutonicum) or Kingdom of Nimechchina This name became dominant in the era of the ruling Salichny dynasty. At what hour, after the coronation of Conrad II, having become the victorious title Holy Roman Emperor.

Suspіlstvo in the Frankish state


Different tribes francs, for example, salіchnі francs, rіpuarski francs а hamavy, mali raznі legal norms, yakі buli systematized and fixed in richly pіznіshe, head rank at Charlemagne. Under the Carolingians, they appeared like this barbaric codes -

The Franks are a great tribal union, which was formed from a small number of ancient German tribes (Sigambriv, Hamaviv, Brukteriv, Tenkteriv and others). The stench lived on the slopes of the lower reaches of the Rhine and were divided, instead of the wall, by Charbonier forests into two groups: saliv and repuari. In the other half of IV Art. the Franks occupied Toxandria (the region between the Meuse and the Scheldoy), settling here as a federation of the empire.

The orange color shows the territory of residence of the French francs in the other half of the 5th century.

Under the hour of the great migration of peoples, the Merovingian dynasty occupied the mid-Sali camp. For example, in the V century, one of the її representatives of Chlodvig (466-511) became on the choli of salіch francіv. Tsei cunning and obedient king having begun the mighty Frankish monarchy.

Reims Cathedral - where the kings swear

The first king, who was crowned in Reims, became the leader of the Franks Clovis. Tse became at 481 roci. The retelling of the rozpovida, that ahead of the coronation it was a wonder: blue messages from the sky were brought to the dzobі phial, spovneniya olії, necessary for the anointing of the king to the kingdom.

To the remaining Roman Volodymyrs near Gaul and Bouves Soissons from adjacent territories. Holdwig, who knew his dad about the unborrowed wealth of the city and forces of the Parisian Basin, and about the cunning of power, which the Roman Empire was deprived of by the fall of the Roman Empire, in 486r. at the Battle of Cape Soissons, having defeated the Roman monastic commander in Gallia Siagria and having seized power in that region of the great empire.

To expand your volodinnya to the lower reaches of the Rhine, direct with the army to the Cologne area on the Alemaniv, yak pressed the Ripuarian francs. The Battle of Tolbіaku took place on the field of Vollerheim desert near the German town of Zülpih. This battle is extremely important for its legacy. The retinue of Chlodwig, the Burgundian princess Clothilda, became a Christian and long ago beat the man out of paganism. Ale Chlodvig called.

Rozpovidat, scho at the battle with the Alemans, if the enemy began to take the mountain, Chlodvig in a loud voice gave the abode to be baptized, as if I would win. At Yogi Viysk there was a lot of Halo-Roman Christians, having felt the house, the stench suffocated and helped to win the battle. The king of the Alemanni, having perished at the battle, yogi warriors, in order to commit slaughter, rush to Clovis with the words: "Have mercy, we support you" (Gregory of Tursky).

Tsya was able to put the Alemanni in the fallow land in the Franks. The territory along the left birch of the Rhine, the region of the river Neckar (right tributary of the Rhine) and the land to the lower reaches of the Main, pass to Chlodvig.

François-Louis Hardy Dejuyne - Christening of Chlodwig in Reims in 496 roci

Holdwig donated a lot of wealth to the church and changed the cloth on his ensign, on which three golden frogs were depicted, on the blue, piznishe, from the images of the heraldic lily, which was the symbol of St. Martin, the patron saint of France. Chlodvig nibi having chosen this ticket as a symbol of purification after baptism.

Together with the king, a significant part of his squad was christened. The people, after that, escort the king, bellowing: “Have mercy on the king, we are guided by mortal gods and are ready to follow the immortal God that Remigius preaches.” The Franks accepted the christening of the Catholic clergy; in such a rank, the stinks became one-sided to the Gallo-Roman population, they could be angry with him in one people. Tsey spritny political krok having secured Chlodvig’s ability to fight against heresy as an ensign to stand up against the suicidal tribe of the Visigoths and other barbarian tribes.

In 506, Chlodwig creates a coalition against the Visigoth king Alarikh II, who is the fourth part of the Sunset of Gaul. At 507 roci vins, they defeated the army of Alarich at Vuyye, the battle of Poitiers, who vindicated the Visigoths beyond the Pyrenees. For this, the Byzantine emperor Anastasius I won the honorary rank of the Roman consul, conferring on him the signs of his rank: crown and purple mantle and cym in the eyes of the Gallic population, like bi confirming the power of Chlodwig in the conquered areas. Vіn koristuєtsya pіdtrimkoy єpiskopіv, yakі bachat Chlodvіg vozmozhtsya in the fight for Arianism, yak stink vvazhayut єressyu.

Many of the Roman and Gallic nobility hurried to recognize the power of Chlodvig, for which the zavdyaki saved their lands of fallow people. The stench also helped Chlodvig to cherubate the country. The wealthy Romans were related to the Frankish leaders and step by step began to become the single ruling ball of the population. Under the rule of the Skhidna, the empire was oriented towards the authorities, we were ahead of the modern political plan.

Zusilla of imperial diplomacy on the part of the Frankish “kingdom” of Chlodvig was directed as if at the reach of friendly equal forces on Zakhod, so the creation here of a stronghold against other nimtsiv, zokrema - ready. How many Byzantine diplomacy continued the traditional policy of the Roman Empire: to deal with the barbarians as soon as possible with their hands.

Following the order of Chlodvig, the codification of law was carried out, the old courts were written down in the form of francs and the new decrees of the king. Clovis became the sole supreme ruler of the state. Now all the Frankish tribes, and the populace of all the lands, are now rooted for you. The power of the king was more powerful than the power of the Viysk leader. The king passing її at the downfalls to his sins. Dії against the king punished by death. In the skin area of ​​the great power of Chlodwig, appointing rulers from people close to him - counts. The stinks took tribute from the population, commanded the corrals of warriors, and ruled over the court. Naivishm judge buv king.

In order to conquer, smut, save new lands for yourself, the commander is guilty of spying on the verification of the correctness of the military mail, as everywhere it escorts yoga. Only a small treasure house can give you such an opportunity and less hoarding of bones, which can be stored in the treasure house of superniks, you can earn it by building new soldiers, but it’s necessary, as territorial claims are expanding throughout Galіyyuyu. Chlodvig and yogo priymachi, zmіtsnyuyuchi their power and secure their ability to control the adjoining territories, generously gave away the land to their neighbors and warriors near the city for their service. The sum of such gifts was a sharp increase in the natural process of "settlement of the squad on the ground." Giving militia warriors shirts, their transformation among the feudal lords-landlords, there is little space in all the lands of feudal Europe. Unexpectedly noble people changed into great landowners.

At this hour, Clovis tried to unite the Frankish tribes under his rule, subordinating the other Merovingians. Vіn reaching tsієї meti with a step and villainy, ignoring the French leaders, as if they were allies during the conquest of Gaul, showing with whom rich cunning and zhorstokostі. The Merovingians were called “dove-haired kings”, to those who, behind the orders of the stench, did not have the right to cut their hair, more could bring misfortune to the kingdom and was punished by negain concessions to the throne. The rulers of the Franks did not drive in that head of their superniks, but simply cut off their hair. Ale's hair was suddenly shattered ... and without a hitch, they began to tear it all at once over the head. The cob of tsієї "traditions" clave son Hilderik and onuk Merovey - Khlodvig, who blamed mayzhe all relatives - the leaders of the salich franks: Sіagrey, Hararіha, Ragnachar and their children, their brothers Rahar and Rignomer and their children.

Having sunk the King of the Republican Franks, Sigebert, he succumbed, after moving his son to beat the father, and then he beat him to the blue. After the defeat of Sigebert, that yogi son Chlodwig, having voted for himself as the king of the Republican Franks. For example, the tribes of the Germans in the 5th century, who call themselves Franks, establish a new state (the future of France), as if for the Merovings they slandered the territory of the lower France, Belgium, the Netherlands, parts of the Netherlands.

The hour of dovgoochіkuvany moment for Chlodvig - vіn becoming the odnosіbnym ruler of the franks, but inopportunely, tsgogo fate vіn died. Yogo was buried in Paris in the Church of the Holy Apostles, as if he himself had awakened at once from the retinue (the Church of St. Genevieve).

Looking at the kingdom as its own power, having filled it with wine with its chotir sons. Thierry, Chlodomir, Hildeber and Chlothar took the kingdom from the recesses and divided them among themselves into equal parts, less than united for collectively conquering campaigns. Korolev became a sprat, a kingdom, like before, there was one, even though it was divided into sprat parts, which the German historians gave the name “Dolova kingdom”. The power of the Frankish kings recognized the change in the period from the end of the 5th to the middle of the 6th century. Being little more than dominion over one people, abo nationalism, which unites people for war, it became dominion over the singing territory, and to that - permanent dominion over dekilkom peoples.

The fragmentation of the kingdom did not cause the Franks to unite their own susilla for the battles against the Burgundians, the power of which was rooted after a protracted war in 520-530 rr. For the hour of the blue of Clovis lie and the arrival of the region of future Provence, which turned out to be bloodless. The Merovingians far away sought to transfer these lands to the Ostrogoths, drawn into the Trival war against Byzantium. At 536 p. the Ostrogothic king Vitigis moved into Provence at the cost of the Franks. At 30 rocky. VI century also conquered the Alpine Volodymyr Alemannic and Thuringian lands between the Weser and Elba, and in the 50th RR. XX Art. - Lands of the Bavarians on the Danube.

Ale, unity is being built, the sign of future chvars could not be attached. An inevitable consequence was the division of internecine relations among the Merovingians. Mizhusobitsі tsі were accompanied by hard bones and perfidious carding.

Jean-Louis Bezar - Childebert I, the third son of King Clodwig I and Clothilde of Burgundy

At 523-524 pp. together with the brothers of the wines, having taken the fate of two campaigns against Burgundy. After the death of Chlodomer, an hour later, the crooked zmov of Hildeber and Chlothar began to rise, as they planned to drive in their nephews and divide the pastshchina among themselves. So Childebert became king of Orleans, recognizing Chlothar as his descendant.

At 542 p. Childebert together with Chlothar organized a trip to Spain against the West Goths. The stench took over Pamplona and took Zaragoza as a cover, but they were rattled.

On the same campaign, Childebert brought to Paris a Christian relic - the tunic of St. Vincent, in honor of whom he fell asleep near Paris, the monastery, later on, like the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Pres. At 555 r. at once from the nephew of the Temple, Childebert was stabbed to death against Chlothar I and plundered part of the yogo lands. After the death of Childebert, Chlothar set up his kingdom.

At 558 p. all of Gaul was united under the rule of Chlothar I. He also had a lot of decay, which led to a new fragmentation of the state into three parts - Burgundy, Austria and Neustriya The power of the Merovingians represented the ephemeral political light. In it there was not only economic and ethnic cohesion, but also political and ship-administrative unity. The social arrangements of the various parts of the Frankish state are not the same. At the beginning of the 7th century, for King Chlothar II, the land nobility agreed to a great deed, repaid in the edict of 614, and by this time the yogi ruled.

The remaining significant king from the budinku Merovingіv buv Dagobert (sin Chlothar II). The coming sweat of the Merovingians were miserable for one alone. With them, the decisions of sovereign rights are turned into the hands of mayordoms, as they were appointed by the king in the skin kingdom from the most noble canopies. In the midst of the chaos and troubles, one settlement was especially seen and reached the greatest power: the top of the settlement was guarded with a finger. With a finger, palatny measures, or a majord (major domus), in the VI century nothing was seen from the richness of other settlements; from the 7th century of wines, becoming the first to take the place of the king.

The state of the Franks was divided into two main parts: vanished, Austrasia, or in the hands of the German lands, and western, Neustriya, or Galiya.

One Austrasian major, Pishsh Geristalsky, was already so powerful that he thought himself to be known as a major in Neustriya. As a result of the conquest campaigns, expanding the territory of the state, the tribes of the Saxons and Bavarians paid this danin. The son of yoga Karl, in the form of Alpaidi's accomplice squad, also trotted offended halves under his rule.

In 725 and 728 Karl Pepin made two trips to Bavaria, as a result of which the tabula was ordered to the kingdom, wanting to continue to be cherished by his duke. At the beginning of the 730s, having conquered Alemannia, which entered, in the past, to the warehouse of the Frankish state.

Karl significantly zmіtsniv military mіts of the Frankish kingdom. Under the new military, the art of the Franks gained a distant development. This was due to the appearance of an important kinnot of the Frankish nobility, as it became in the near future face.

Carl Vigadav original heading. Vіn began to see sovereign lands over povnu, and umovnu vlasnіstvo. So, in the Frankish state, having developed a special kind of land use - beneficiary. Umova said that she was completely “self-defeated” and that she was carrying film service in the army. As if the lord of the earth, for whatever reason, gave him money, they confiscated it back to the greed of the state.

Charles provided a wide distribution of beneficiaries. The fund for these favors was a bunch of land, confiscated from the rebellious magnates, and if the land was depleted, it was the fault of the private secularization Vikoristovuyuchi part of the church lands for the improvement of the beneficiary system, Charles at the same time actively joined the expansion of Christianity and the prosperity of the churchmen in their native lands, bachiv at the church for the protection of their power. In the presence of yoga intercession of the missionary activity of St. Boniface - "the apostle of Nimechchin".

The Arabs, having subdued Spain, invaded as far as Galii. Under the city of Poitiers, in 732, the troops of the Frankish mayor of Charles defeated the army of the Andalusian emir Abderrahman al-Gafaki, who defeated the punishment of the Duke of Aquitaine Food.

There was a battle, in which the noblest goodness of the Muslims was embarrassed by the fort of the Franks. Bey appeared richly in what is a turning point in the history of the Middle Europe. The Battle of Poitiers played out її against the Arab conquest, and at the same time demonstrated the whole lot of the newly-created lyric cinematography. The Arabs turned to Spain and pinned their heads on the pivnich in the Pyrenees. At the hands of the Arabs, now only a small part of Pivdenny Gaul - Septimania has been lost. It is important that Karl took off the name "Martell" - the Hammer after the battle itself.

In 733 and 734 wines, they conquered the lands of friezes, concomitantly conquering the active plantings of Christianity in the middle. Repeatedly (at 718, 720, 724, 738 years) Karl Martel timidly marched across the Rhine against the Saxons, encircling them with danini.

However, Vіn standing on the edge of the right historical greatness of the Franks. Before his death, he divided the kingdom of France between his two sons, Carloman and Pippin the Short, the first of them having taken the mayorship in Austria, Swabia and Tyuring, the other - from Neustr, Burgundy and Provence.

Charles Martell was degraded by Yogo son Pitsh the Short, nicknamed so for his small size, which did not respect his mother's great physical strength. At 751 roci, Majord Pipin the Short, having taken the rest of the Merovingian (Hilderik III) to the monastery and turned to the Pope of Rome with food: "Who should be called king - whoever has the title, or who can I rule?", and tyamuschiy tato vіdpov_v itself so, as if you wanted to zapituvachevі. Tsim, let's forgive the food for the sake of the curse of the family sacredness of the Franks instilled in the Merovingians.

Francois Dubois - The Anointed King of Pipin the Short in the Abbey of Saint-Denis

The Holy Bishop Boniface, having anointed Pepin as king, and then the Roman Pope Stephen II, who came to ask for help against the Lombards, himself repeated the rite of anointing. At 751 r. at the gatherings of the Frankish nobility and their vassals at Soissons Pipin was officially voted by the king of the Franks. Peepin died buti vdyachnym: by the strength of the zbroї vins, zmusiv the Lombard king to bury him before the place of the Roman region and the land of the Ravenna exarchate. On these lands near Middle Italy at 756 r. vinyl papal power. So Pepin, having become a monarch, and the pope, having sanctioned the coup, having taken away an inestimable gift, a precedent for majestic importance in the future: the right to rule in the power of kings and the power of the dynasty.

Karl Martell and Pipin the Short realized that the expansion of Christianity and the power of church administration in the German lands would already bring the rest of the Frankish state closer. Even earlier, church preachers (missionaries), especially from Ireland and Scotland, came to the Germans and expanded middle Christianity.

After the death of Pippin the Short 768 р. The crown passed to the yogo sin of Charles, called the Great Year. Mayordoms of Austrasia from the house of Pipinidiv (Pipin Geristalsky's cap), having become the rulers of the united Frankish state, started a new dynasty of Frankish kings. In the name of Charles, the Pipinid dynasty took away the name of the Carolingians.

The foundations of the feudal mode were laid at the side of the Carolingians at the Frankish Suspіlstva. The growth of the great land power for the sake of the social expansion in the middle of the community hastened, devastated, the masses of the free peasants were saved, yak, wasting their allodie, step by step turned into land, and then especially fallow people. The process, which originated behind the Meroving, in the VIII-IX centuries. having a boisterous character.

Pursuing the conquest policy of his successors, Karl in 774 p. zdіysniv went to Italy, having overthrown the rest of the Lombard king Desiderius, and having come to the Frankish state, the Lombard kingdom. At the Chervni 774 after the Chervov oblogue Charles took Pavia and voted it the capital of the Italian kingdom.

Charlemagne crossed over from defense to the offensive against the Arabs in Spain. The first trip there, having killed at 778 r. The undertaking of this campaign became the plot basis for the famous middle-aged French epic "The Songs about Roland". Becoming a hero, one of the commanders of Charles - Roland, who perished at the essence of the Basques at once from the rear guard of the Frankish troops, hiding the franks at the Roncevalsky Gorge. Undaunted by the worst of luck, Karl continued to try to stick his head out on the day in the Pyrenees. At 801 p. I was far away from wanting Barcelona and falling asleep at the beer gathering in Spain, the cordon territory - the Spanish Mark.

The most bloody wars of Karl Viv near Saxony (from 772 to 802 r.), roztashovanoy between the rivers Ems and the Lower Rhine at sunset, Elboi at the gathering and Eider at the beer. In order to slander the infidels, Karl, having killed the Timchasovy union with his similar susides, with weak words of encouragement, as if they had long cursed the Saxons. At the end of the war and after її completed in 804 r. Charles practiced mass resettlement of the Saxons in the interior region of the Frankish kingdom, and the Franks and the subdivision - to Saxony.

The conquest of Karl was straightened out for a pivdenniy skhid. At 788 r. after having come to Bavaria, liquidating the ducal power there. Zavdyaki tsomu having poured in the Franks expanded and on the land with her Carinthia (Horutania), inhabited by words - Slovenes. On the pіvdenno-skhіdnih cordons of the Frankish power, which grew up, Charles stuck with the Avar Khaganate near Pannonia. Nomads-Avaris robbed the post-robbery raids on the land land-farming tribes. At 788 r. the stench attacked the Frankish state, having laid the cob of the Frankish-Avar wars, and they tried intermittently until 803 p. A decisive blow to the Avars of the commandments to capture the system of ring-like fortifications, which were called "hrings", honed with stone walls and a palisade from the other ones; in the middle of the cikh fortified, a rich settlement was stashed. Having taken zmіtsnennya by storm, the Franks were enriched with indistinguishable belongings. The head of the hringiv was robbed by nine walls, which were straightened one by one. The war with the Avars thrived richly rokiv, and only the union of the Franks from pivdennym words, allowing them to take part in the fate of the Khorutan prince Voynomir, who had smashed their way, smash at 796 r. the central fort of accidents. In the aftermath of this Avar state fell apart, and Pannonia timchasovo leaned in the hands of the words.

Charlemagne was the first ruler, who won the unification of Europe. The Frankish state now slandered the majestic territory. It swung from the middle stream of the river Ebro and Barcelona at the main entrance to Elbi, Sali, the Bohemian Mountains and the Vidensky forest at the exit, from the cordon of Jutland at the pivnoch to Middle Italy at the pivdn. Tsya territory of the Bula is inhabited by a number of tribes and nationalities, different for equal development. The administrative organization of the new empire of the Franks, from the moment of its inception, was directed to global education, the development of art, religion and culture. Capitulary were seen for the new - acts of Carolingian legislation, land reforms were carried out, yak they adopted the feudalization of the Frankish supremacy. Having established the cordon regions - the title of the brand, - having strengthened the defense of the state. The era of Charles has gone down to history as the era of the “Carolingian Renaissance”. At the same time, the empire of the Franks became a happy land between antiquity and middle Europe. For yoga yards, vcheni and poets were chosen, having gained a wider culture and literacy through monastic schools and through the activity of chents-enlighteners.

Under the influence of the great Anglo-Saxon venerable Alcuyin, with the participation of such famous children as Theodulf, Pavlo the Deacon, Einhard and others, the lighting system was actively revived, which took away the name of the Carolingian Renaissance. Vіn otcholiv struggle of the church against the iconoclasts and napolіg on the fact that the pope included the filioque (the provision for the emergence of the Holy Spirit not only from the Father, but also from the Sin) at the Symbol of Viri.

A great undertaking is experiencing the architecture of art, there will be numerous palaces and temples, the monumental appearance of which is characteristic of the early Romanesque style. It should be noted, however, that the term "Revival" can be used here only mentally, the shards of Karl's dyalnist passed into the era of the expansion of religious and ascetic dogmas, like a hundred years on the background of the development of humanistic ideas and the right birth of culture.

With his wide conquests, Charlemagne, demonstrating the greatness of imperial universality, seemed to know the religious validity in the universality of the Christian Church. This religious and political synthesis, symbolic, and of great practical importance in organizing the internal life of the state, ensuring the unity of various parts. Svitska vlada, if necessary, won the authority of the church for the establishment of its prestige. However, there was an unstoppable union: the church, the bachachis in the power of support, claimed political leadership. From the other side, the secular government, the power of which step by step increased, jumped to appease the papacy. Therefore, in return, the churches and powers in Europe included in their own confrontation and inevitably conflict situations.

Karl could not rule over numerous lands and peoples, continuing to bear the title of King of the Franks. In order to reconcile and anger, buy all the various elements from your kingdom - the German tribes of the Franks, Saxons, Frisians, Lombards, Bavarians, Alamanis with the Romanesque, Slavic and other warehouse parts of the state, - Charles needed a title, a new neutrality , which would give you an unparalleled authority that is significant in the eyes of us piddanih. Such a title could only be the title of a Roman emperor, and there was no more food in that, like yoga. The vote of Charles as emperor could have become less in Rome, and he did not feel like it. Having hurried along like Pope Leo III, roaring at the sorceress of the Roman nobility, hiding at the court of the Frankish king, Karl rozpochav went to Rome to defend the pope. Vdyachny dad, not without the vice of Karl, at 800 r. having crowned him with the imperial crown at St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, having put on the new imperial crown with the title "Charles Augustus, the great God of crowning and peacemaking Roman emperor."

The new Roman Empire of Charlemagne was half as much for the colossus, Charlemagne was a German, not a Roman, willingly cherishing the power of Aachen or waging war. The holy Roman Empire of the German nation, woke up a thousand fates, was destroyed by another great conqueror - Napoleon, who called himself the successor of Charlemagne.

The word king before Charlemagne did not occur. It will look like yoga name. In the anagram of Charlemagne, the name Karolus is encrypted.

Regardless of the Zusill Charlemagne, the state of the Franks did not achieve political unity, and the weakening due to the foreign threat hastened its disintegration. For the first time in Europe, only church unity was saved, and the culture of trivaly hour knew the aisles of the monasteries.

The crushing of the empire by the onuks of Charlemagne at 843 p. meant the end of the political unity of the Frankish state. The empire of Charlemagne broke up through feudalization. For the German sovereigns, who appeared as Yogo sons and onuks, the central forces of feudalism were torn to pieces.

Zgidno with the Treaty of Verdun 843 p. The won was divided by the decrees of Charlemagne into three great parts: Zahidno-Frankskoe, Skhidno-Frankish kingdom, and the empire that included Italy and the land of the Rhine (the empire of Lothair, one of Charles’s orders). He divided the history of the three modern European powers - France, Germany and Italy.

The consecration of the “kingdom” of the Franks is a kind of result of the great historical path, passed by the western tribal world for hundreds of years. From all the "powers" illuminated by the Germans, the power of the Franks found and played the most important role. Possibly, it is explained by this, that the Franks settled with succulent masses, who again see the “Roman” population from the singing territories.

On the territory of the slave-state territories of Ancient Rome, the rural masses settled down, the formation of the great feudal volodynia begins - the era of feudalism begins, or the era of the Middle Ages. I begin the formation of the French civilization as a part of the European civilization.

In modern Europe, Charlemagne is considered one of the forerunners of European integration. Since 1950, in Aachen, the capital of the empire of Charles, a public award was made in the name of Charlemagne for contribution to today's Europe

A typical butt of the early feudal monarchy Bulo franco state, powers in Western and Central Europe from V to IX centuries. It settled down in the wake of the Western Roman Empire at the same time with the other barbarian kingdoms. This territory was inhabited by the Franks, starting from the III century. In the aftermath of uninterrupted military campaigns of the mayor of the Franks. Karla Martella, yoga sina Pipina Short, as well as onuka - Charlemagne, the territory of the empire of the Franks on the cob of the IX century reached the largest expansion.

The kingdom of the Franks woke up significantly earlier, lower barbarian powers of continental Europe. After two and a half centuries, reaching at Charlemagne its greatest power and its maximum territorial expansion. Frankish Empire became the motherland of a number of modern Western European lands - France, Nimechchina, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and other.

Swedish consecration of the Frankish state at the sight early feudal monarchy they adopted the variability of war and the class differentiation of the Frankish supremacy. Oskіlki francoskoe power entered the era of feudalism in the process of laying out the primary communal way, bypassing the development of the stage of slavery, but still lost the elements of the old communal organization and tribal democracy. Suspension was characterized by richness(continuance of servile, tribal, communal, feudal vodnosyns) and the incompleteness of the process of creating the main feudal suspense classes.

Genesis of feudalism among the Franks

The processes of feudalization among the Franks are developing in the period of conquest wars VI - VII Art. The king's hands hold the right to dispose of the conquered land from Pivnichniy Gaul. The great rulers of the lands, thinness, slaves, colonies (other orendars of the earth) become the nobility and royal warriors, who are tied with vassal stagnation in the eyes of the king. The nobility popovnyuetsya Gallo-Roman aristocracy, yak went to the service of the Frankish kings. The development of feudal vodnosin has accelerated through the closure of the communal order of the Franks and the private-vlasnitsky order of the Halo-Romans.

At the middle of the VII century. Pivnichniy Gaul begins to take shape feudal estate with the characteristic for her podіlom zemlі on panska and selyanska. The Royal Land Fund was changed with additional distribution of land by the kings to their vassals. The growth of the great landlord was accompanied by the chvars of the landowners, as they showed the Germanism of the Merovingian kingdom. Sovereign power in this period is in the hands of the nobility, who planted all the firebrands and planted in front of the post of the mayor's house. Mayordom under the Merovingians, he was the greatest settler. A handful of wines were appointed by the king and cholyuvav palace management.

With the weakening of the royal power, yogo renewals are expanding, and the major becomes actual head powers. At the turn of the 7th-8th centuries, the settlement was transformed on the downfall of the nave of a noble and rich family, who started the Carolingian dynasty.

The period of the Merovingian monarchy (VI-VII st.)

Leader of the Western (Salichny) Frankish tribe Clovis from the family of Merovei in the battle under Soissons, defeating the Romans and subordering Pivnichnu Galiya (486). Vin that yoga squad adopted Christianity following the papal rite (496). Merovingians are small two meti:

  • liquidation of tribal separatism, unification of all parts of the state;
  • the liquidation of old forms of government, the ordering of the edge broken on the territory, to the royal officials and judges.

The legal code of salichnyh frankiv bula Salichna truth . The land, which was previously respected by the power of the family, has turned into allodium - The power of specific sіm'ї (kinets VT st.). Allod can be commanded, sold, bought.

On the top of the power bov King. Yogo order was formed from: the first guardian of the kingdom ( mayor); legal guardian of the king (palace count); office manager (referendary); commander of the royal cinema (marshal). The king's monastics in the singing neighborhood (counts) were judges and tax collectors.

After the death of Clovis, international wars begin, after which the kings were more likely to govern the country. This is the period "ice queens" . The actual head of the state becomes the major.

Mayordom Karl Martell proof of reform. Having confiscated a part of the church and monastic lands, becoming wines, they gave away yak beneficiary - Perhaps the lands for the mind of carrying out the military service and the vikonannya of singing obov'yazkiv. As a result, a permanent army was created. So becoming folded zv'yazok: king ( senior) and eligible beneficiary vassal).

The period of the Carolingian monarchy (VIII century - first half of the IX century)

The transition of the king's power to the Carolingians was secured by success Karla Martella , a major major of the Frankish state in 715 - 741 pp. Vіn having established the political unity of the kingdom and, in fact, having placed the supreme power in the hands. The confiscated lands from the unclaimed magnates and monasteries, together with the villagers who lived on them, are transferred to them in the mind of their daughters. beneficiary .

Beneficiary - vlasnik of beneficiation - buv goiter on the melancholy of an individual, yak handed over the land, to serve, more importantly to military, other administrative. Vіdmova type of service chi zrada to the king allowed the right to a favor. The reform brought about the growth of feudal landowning and the settlement of the enslavement of the peasants, and also gave posts to the consecration system of vassality - feudal hierarchical gatherings, a special system of order: between the beneficiary (vasal) that special one, as she handed over the land (senior), agreements were established.

Charlemagne (768 - 814)

Sin Karla Martell Pipin Short buv voting by the king of the Franks (751). For yoga sina Charlemagne the Frankish kingdom claims its own resolution (768-814). Vin takes the title emperor(800). The territory of the state grew for the sake of conquering. Italy was annexed (774), Bavaria (788), Spain (801), Saxony (804), the Avar Khaganate was defeated near Pannonia (796-803).

For Charlemagne, the traditions of ancient culture are being revived. Schools for boys are opening, the Academy is being created near metro Acheni. The Romanesque style is being formed in architecture.

The king, the supreme overlord of the current feudal lords, stood on the top of the state. The vassals of the first stage were great secular and spiritual feudal lords: dukes, counts, princes, archbishops, bishops. Vassalami II degree - baron. The persons (dribnі noblemen) did not reduce their vassals, the villagers changed their minds to their uninterrupted order, like a stink they gave the earth the morning.

Peasant paying rent to landowner. Form rent: v_drobitkova (panshchina), grocery, financial.

At the heart of the vassalitetu lay the endowment fief- Spadkoy land power, as was given to the mind of the military service, military or penny help and fidelity to your overlord.

Decay of the Frankish Empire

The onuks of Charlemagne, after the Treaty of Verdun, divided the empire into three parts (843).

  • Senior - Lothar having taken Italy, Burgundy and Lorraine from the Volodymyr - the land of the air of the river. Rhine.
  • Other - Ludovik Nimetsky- land for bunks Rhine (Saxony, Bavaria).
  • Third - Carl Foxy- Lands of power of the Frankish kingdom.

The Treaty of Verdun zapochatkuvav folded three possible European countries - France, Nіmechchini, Іtalії. The Carolingian dynasty is small five vіdgaluzhen:

  • Lombardska, founded by Pipin of Italy, the son of Charlemagne Bernard cherubing Italy like a king. Yogo naschadki settled in France, de Mali titles of the counts of Valois, Vermandois, Am'ene, Troyes.
  • Lorraine walk like the Emperor Lothair, the elder son of Ludovik the Pious. With his death, the Middle Kingdom was divided between his sons, as they conquered Italy, Lorraine and Lower Burgundy. So, as the new rulers did not lose their blues, in 875 lands they added German and French blues.
  • Akvіtanska, founded by Pipin Aquitaine, the son of Louis the Pious. Oskіlki Vіn died earlier for the father, Aquitania did not go to Pipіn's synagogues, but to his young brother Karl Tolstoy. The blues did not deprive us of nashchadkiv, and in 864 the dynasty faded away.
  • Nimetska looked like Louis of Nimetsky, ruler of the Skhidno-Frankish kingdom, son of Louis the Pious. Having divided their souls between three sons, they conquered the duchies of Bavaria, Saxony and Swabia. Yogo junior shin Karl Tovstiy unfortunately resurrected in the death of that lost kingdom of the Franks, as if the rest of the roses were born from yogo death.
  • French- Covers of Charles the Fox, son of Louis the Pious. Volodymyr Western-Frankish kingdom, the reign of the dynasty was interrupted after the death of Charles Tolstoy and during the usurpation of the throne by Robertins (dvіchi) and Bozonides. After the death of Louis V in 987, the representatives of the French Carolingians succeeded to the royal throne.

With the collapse of the Frankish Empire, Europe has a different period feudal fragmentation . From the heights of the feudal landlords, okrem lords, great land lords, took away privileges. immunity , who used Volodya to exercise the rights of military, ship and financial power over the villagers, as if they lived on their lands. On the volodinnya feudal lord, having taken away the immunitetnu charter of the king, the authority of the sovereign estates did not expand, the powers of sovereignty were transferred to the sergeant maetk. In the processes of establishing the power of the great landlords over the villagers in Europe, the great role of the hail

The march of the francs. Consecration of the Frankish Kingdom

In the historical monuments, the name of the Franks appeared from the beginning of the III century, moreover, the Roman writers called the Franks a lot of German tribes, which they called differently. Obviously, the Franks represented a new, even wider tribal union, which included the low German tribes to the warehouse, which got angry or hesitated at the hour of resettlement. The Franks split into two great rivers - seaside, or saline, Franks (from the Latin word "salum", which means sea), who lived at the mouth of the Rhine, and coastal, or ripuarian, Franks (from the Latin word "ripa", which means coast ) who lived on a daily basis overlooking the banks of the Rhine and Meuse. The Franks repeatedly crossed the Rhine, raiding the Roman Volodinnia in Gaul or settling there on the position of allies of Rome.

V Art. the Franks occupied a significant part of the territory of the Roman Empire, Pivnichno-Skhidna Galiya itself. On the top of the Frankish Volodya stood the leaders of the numerous tribes. From the leaders of the Franks of the Merovingians, for which the Franks fought against Attili on the Catalaunian fields (451 rubles) and in the name of which the name of the royal family of Merovings became. The son and protector of Merovei was the leader Hilderik, the grave of whom they knew near Tournai. The most famous representative of the Merovingian family was King Chlodvig (481-511) as the son and father of Hilderik.

Having become the king of the Salic Franks, Chlodwig, at the same time with other leaders, who worked, just like wines, to the reproach of the Frankish nobility, having conquered the great regions of Gaul. At 486 p. the Franks occupied the Soissons region (the rest of the Roman Volodinnia in Gaul), and then the territory between the Seine and the Loire. Naprikintsi V Art. the Franks gave a strong blow to the German tribe of the Alemanivs (Alamanivs) and often drove them from Gaul back across the Rhine.

At 496 r. Chlodvig was christened, having adopted Christianity at once from 3 yew. his warriors. Christening was a major political move from the side of Clovis. We were christened after the rite, we will accept it by the Western (Roman) church. The German tribes that collapsed from the Black Sea - the Ostrogoths and the Visigoths, and the Vandals and the Burgundians - the Boules, from the look of the Roman Church, heretics, the stinks of the stench were Aryans, as if the deacons were confused with dogmas.

On the cob VI Art. The Frankish squads opposed the Visigoths, as if they had conquered all Pivdenny Gaul. Under whom were given signs of the great vigodi, who cried out from the baptism of Clovis. All the clergy of the Western Christian Church, who lived beyond the Loire, stood on the side of the road, and rich places and fortified points, which served as a place for the rebuking of this clergy, and immediately made the gates for the Franks. At the victorious battle of Poitiers (507 p.), the Franks won an equal victory over the Visigoths, the panuvannya of which were separated only by the borders of Spain.

So, as a result of the conquest, the great French power was created, as if it slandered all the vastness of Roman Galiya. For the blue of Chlodwig, Burgundy was also brought to the Frankish kingdom.

The reasons for laying the swedish successes of the Franks, like a little more than a communal tie, lied about the fact that they settled in Pivnіchno-Skhіdnіy Gaul with compact masses, not spreading among the masses of the population (like, for example, the Visigoths). Protruding from the glibs of Gaul, the Franks did not break the link with their colossal fatherland and constantly drew new strength there for conquest. Under which king, that Frankish nobility was often satisfied with the majestic lands of the colossal imperial fiscus, without entering into conflicts with the majestic halo-Roman populations. Nareshti, the clergy gave Chlodvig a permanent support during the conquests.

"Salіchna pravda" that її meaning

The most important reports about the suspіlny ustrіy francіv say so called "Salіchna pravda" - a record of the old ship's zvichaїv francіv, carried out, as you know, for Chlodvig. At which ship it is reported that there are different losses from the life of francs and fines are repaid for the most lucrative malice, starting from theft of a chicken and ending up with a ransom for driving a person. Therefore, behind Salichnaya Pravda, one can recreate a correct picture of the life of the Salich Franks. Such boatmen - "Pravda" were also among the Franks of the Republic, among the Burgundians, among the Anglo-Saxons and other German tribes.

The hour of recording and editing of this simple (from the sound of the word) folk law - VI-IX Art. For the protection of private power, it is necessary to firmly fix those court orders, as if they were guilty of ossosovuvatisya to the point, as if they violated the right to control of power. Vimagali firm fixation and so new suspіlnі vіdnosiny, scho vinikli z patrimonial, like territorial, or susіdskі, links of villagers-communities, the possibility of a person to act in controversy, ordering of the gardeners of that king.

Salichna Pravda was subdivided into titles (chapters), skinning the title with its black on the paragraph. A large number of titles were conferred on the imposition of fines, as if they were guilty of crying for all the stolen goods. Ale, “Salichna Pravda” guarded the various sides of the life of the Franks, and such titles were also mentioned in it: “About driving in, or else it’s possible to steal someone else’s squad”, “About those who want to grab a free woman by the hand, by the hand or by the finger”, “ About chotirinogi, how to kill a person”, “About a servant at chaklunstvo” too thinly.

At the title "About the image in words" were given punishment for the image. The title “About the application of the calic” was restored: “If it is possible for another eye, it is awarded up to the payment of 62 1/2 solids”; “Like a blow to the nose, it is awarded to pay ... 45 solids”; “Yakscho vіdіrve vuho, is awarded up to the payment of 15 solids” then.

Split the French Empire for the Treaty of Verdun 843 r.

frank state, first great political unification in Europe of the early Middle Ages; іsnuvalo naprikintsі 5 - the middle of 9 tbsp. At the period of the greatest expansion, the whole Zahidna and part of Central Europe were stunned. The last moment in the illumination of F. r. was conquered in 486 by solar francs on the island of Chlodwig I (king in 481-511) from the Meroving family of the rest of Rome. Volodin near Gaul. In the course of the Bagatorian wars, the Franks on the Chol z Chlodvig also conquered a greater part of the Alemannic Volodya on the Rhine (496), the lands of the Visigoths in Aquitania (507) and the Franks, who lived beyond the middle flow of the Rhine. Under the sons of Clovis, the king of the Burgundians Godomar (534) was struck down, as the kingdom was included in F. r. In 536 the Ostrogothic king Vitigis moved into Provence at the cost of the Franks. At 30 rocky. 6 art. were also conquered by the Alpine Volodymyr Alemannic and Thuringian lands between the Weser and Elba, and in the 50th RR. n. - the lands of the Bavarians on the Danube. The power of the Merovingians represented the ephemeral political light. They have not only economic and ethnic sleepiness, but also political and ship-administrative unity (since the death of Khlodvig Yogo, 4 blues were split between themselves by F. R., less than one united for gait for the gait of the spine). Not buv same and social devices of different parts of F. r. in yoga sivba. areas, often for other German settlements. tribes, in 6-7 st. overwhelmed the community vіdnosini; in the midst of Senya and Somi on the basis of the synthesis of communal and ancient antique institutions, which developed, becoming a feudal way of life: the formation of the great private seignioral land and feudal classes began. At that very hour Pivdni F. r. the essences of the elements of piznioantichnyh vіdnosin were taken from the characteristic of the great significance of the exploitation of slaves and colonies. Empowerment in the community was marked by the peculiarities of state institutions. On pivdnі F. r. saved the Roman municipal curies, Rome. podatkova, mitna that monetary system; the main administrative-territorial unity was abandoned by the Moscow district. On the pіvnіch vіd Luari, the Roman system of local administration was greatly reduced at the localities; in other places, the administrative department changed under the influence of Frankish institutions: the rural district became the main territorial unit, which included hundreds of kilka; in the districts, hundreds of them worked out the collection of free francs, which they saved in the courts and administrative rights. Prote already like 6 tbsp. and especially in 7 tbsp. the prerogatives were assigned by the kings of the counts, a lot of judicial rights were transferred to them, and to gain fiscal functions the right to command the militia; began to descend on the national and political role of the guards of the Trans-Half-Frankish Vijskovian surveys-gatherings ("birch fields"). The greater legislator, that vikonavcha vlada, step by step, stood in the hands of the queens of recession, like they were caring for the help of the royal court. Such kings enchanted the skin from the main parts of F. R.: Austrasia, Neustriya, Burgundy. At 6-7 Art. the stench waged an uninterrupted struggle among themselves, as if accompanying the poor of the rich members of the opposing canopies.

At 7 st. at F. r. meticulously tried to know. Vaughn included, at the same time, the Russian capital of the German nobility, rich representatives of the Gallo-Roman aristocracy. The nobility took a small part of the piznyorimsky maetkiv together with slaves, who served them, and columns (slavery was not shackled). Having enlisted support for the nobility, the kings of the Merovingian dynasty gave important military and administrative posts and new land settlements. The nobility, which was becoming more and more popular, under the great-grandson of Chlodwig Chlothar II (the king of all F. r. in 613-629) achieved legitimization of a number of its privileges, establishing control over the municipal administration. After the death of Chlothar II's son Dagobert I (king in 629-639), who had suddenly pinned the growth of self-rule to the nobility, the royal power fell. Decisions of sovereign rights to pass to the hands of mayordoms, as they were appointed by the king in the skin kingdom from representatives of the noblest canopies. Okremi parts F. r. – Neustria, Austrasia, Burgundy, Aquitania – the daedals were more likely to cross each other.

In the 1st half of 8 tbsp. political unity F. r. was inspired. The aggregation of the nobility (who took away from itself the aristocracy of all the Frankish kingdoms), was stunned by the mayordoms of Austria, as if they were smart enough to get the top of the rank-and-file women to themselves. I'm going to try the resurrection of F. r. having killed the Austrasian majordome Pipin Geristalsky (died in 714), who achieved recognition for himself as a majordome also in Neustriya and Burgundy. Yogo son Karl Martell (major in 715-741), having taken the rights of majordom in these kingdoms, re-establishing order in the period of weakened power of Meroving in Tyuring, Alemannia and Bavaria, restoring power over Aquitaine and Provence. Yogo win over the Arabs at Poitiers in 732 r. Zupinila Arab expansion in the West. Europe. Authority and power allowed Charles Martell to rule, not zvodyachi on the royal throne of the Merovingians. The beneficiary reform seized the power of this power, as it established the intellectual nature of the land grants that were given for service (div. Beneficiary) . Sin Charles Martell Pipin Short for the support of Pope Zacharias, having voted himself the king of F. r. (751), having fallen asleep a new dynasty - Caroline. Pіslya tsgogo on the prohannia of Pope Stephen II Pipin the Short, speaking out against the Lombards, zmusiv їх vyznat supreme power F. r. and transferring the seat of the Ravensk Exarchate and the Roman Region to the Papacy (div. Papal Region) . For Pepin, the bula was doubled from the Arabs of Septimania (759), the rule over Bavaria, Alemannia and Aquitaine was marked. The greatest strength of F. r. reached for the son of Pipin Charlemagne (ruled in 768-814). I changed the Lombards again, Charlemagne arrived in Italy before France. (774), having conquered the lands of the Saxons (772-804), conquering the area between the Pyrenees and Nar. Ebro (785-811). Continuing the policy of alliance with the papacy, Charles became king of Pope Leo III as emperor (800), which was a test of inspiration from Western-Rome. empire and increase the rule of Charlemagne over rich tribal populations F. r. The successes of the first Carolingians were richly explained by the fact that their entry into the political arena ran out of time, if the main part of the nobility demanded political consolidation for the ordering of the free population. At 8 - on the cob 9 tbsp. at F. r. And in Persh Cherga, in the Middle Rhine and the Luari, there was a "revolution in the agrarian vіdnosinakh" (div. K. Marx and F. Engels, Creation, 2 vidavnitstv, vol. 19, p. 495): more free alladists (div. Allod) їх lands passed under the power of the nobility; a great patrimony with a domain became a leading type of government; the noble class expanded the system of vassality. Zavdyaks to a wide development of all these phenomena in the midst of the Rhine and the Loire in the 8th–9th centuries. override the feudal blues. In other parts of F. r. the feudal way of life is gradually being strengthened.

As a result of feudalization, there were remnants of communal institutions in the political system. Zagalnofrankskie vіyskі vіyskі zbora residually replaced shorіchnym glances of the feudal film vіysk (“grass fields”). The foundations of the rule of law for all faiths of the population were laid down by the royal capitulary. Counts and margraves were in power on the missions, from the order of which there were no more than volunteers of seniors, as they were given immunity. Zagalni courts in districts and hundreds were replaced by juries, as they were assigned to the beast. The fate of the cross-country peasants in the militia was also marked. Everything meant further expansion of the socio-economic and political power of the nobility. At 9 st. won by agreeing to establish the actual recession of land volodin and settlements; in the middle, the tendencies to political independence sharply increased again. An international struggle is starting. Already, the son of Charlemagne, Louis the Pious (ruled from 814–840), did not dare to save the integrity of the empire, and according to the Verdun Treaty of 843, the won was divided into three kingdoms, which transferred France, Nimechchina and Italy (the rest of the bula was calm) with their cordons. Irrespective of those that the empire of Charlemagne was engulfed in German political enlightenment, sharply accelerated within the framework of the processes of feudalization, it beneficially marked the economic and cultural development: in the middle panivny class of interest in education, literature, worldly sciences (div. "Carolingian Renaissance") .


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