Taxi free in Holland. How to get luxury shopping in Amsterdam with Tax Free? How to get tax free in Russia

Taxi free in Holland. How to get luxury shopping in Amsterdam with Tax Free? How to get tax free in Russia

If you live beyond the borders of the European Union and are engaged in tourists in Germany, you choose to take part in VAT refund in rich trips. Podіbnі think, scho tsey goods purchased є for sobistіsnogo vikoristannya and scho you export yogo, necessary and in our baggage cabinet, for your state with 3 months, scho spend monsoon in any way bula purchased. Minimum amount specified on invoice is €50 in Holland.

  • Ask for a tax refund.
  • Shop till you drop.
  • Save what you buy.

How does it work?

If you choose, like for Tax Free form. Complete the form. If you don't want to withdraw all information about the form, you will not receive a refund. Create all your sales receipts and completed forms.

If you are going to Holland, you may need to discount the Customs to prove that you exported the product you purchased. You will not be able to receive a refund without a stamp.

Please note! Refund form must be stamped by Customs within 3 months following the month in which the purchase was made. For the rest, be it a product coming on 26 May, you will be guilty of your own personal chic until 31 August at the latest.

After validated by Customs, forms relating to a purchase in Holland are validated for an unlimited period of time.

It is easy to organize your tax refund if you get to the airport prior to leaving. You can apply to one of the tax-refund organizations. It is also a tax-free lounge at the exclusive De Bijenkorf department store on Dam in Amsterdam. Here, EU members can apply for a tax refund for purchases made in De Bijenkorf.

Shopping in Holland

A lot of people, like fit in afternoon purchases at the same time in Nimechi. While one person likes fashion, shoes and jewelery, another loves art and design and yet another prefers literature and music. Fortunately Holland ha countless specialty stores for skincare.

Outlet shopping and tax free

Holland May number outlet centers offering up to 70% discount on designer fashion and luxury products. Do you live outside the EU? Outlet shopping will be eve better because in addition to the discounts, you can also apply for a tax refund. Vіdomostі about tsentry є raztashovanі through the country.

Hello everyone!

1) neimovirna, ogidno dovga cherga on the passage of airport formalities with an eye on the passengers. Nearly forty hvilin stood at my side, the first airport service came for the passengers of the flight, which is sleeping, across the ocean, and my team played the "pipe" contrived from my submission to seep into the Canadians and Americans, which was led to look around through the business Hall. . Only a little bit of zavdyaki won "slipped" into the "sterile zone" for less than a year, shards of yakby not the same feint with vukhs, stand still in the midst of one year of the next day.

I have a significatly late, but now, having understood my knowledge, I will go three years before the vilute, so that I can catch you everywhere.

2) Wi-Fi at the business halls of the airport is paid, 6-9 euros per year, fallow in the hall.

3) by taxi-free you can go to Vertrek Drie - villotiv hall No. 3, where after a series of stops at gate No. 22 you can find the passage at the sterile zone of gates D. On the side, people go to the sterile zone, and boarding passes are checked in them , povidomte pereviryayuchoy, scho you have Cash Refund - so stink to call yoga.

The boarding pass is not obov'yazkovo with tsyomu mother! Need to show
- product
- Check tax free
- passport with a visa, as it is needed
- e-ticket

The goods were marveled! Valiz had a chance to see.
The service booth of Global Blue itself singed the fact of export, was completely satisfied with it, that in the "clear" SAS ticket there were more than 50 credits for a transfer at Arlanda airport, it was powered, we can’t take credit for a bank card, it’s hard to get it right, we’re ready to go. one second without commission; we saw the victory of the preparers and took them away.

If you are willing to take rubles to Masterbank in Moscow, you also need to go with checks to the gallery at the transition from Vertrek 3 to Vertrek 1-2, where you will find the counter.

Cherga to Mitniki was also great. I am a bachelor, that everyone without exception made valises for mitniks. In Qiu Cherg, you can only check in with boarding passes, I have described the procedure for removing export verification directly from the Global Blue window.

The Mitniki were seriously surprised at the checks at the blower, cashier's checks and navіt came out to look at the speeches at the important valіzah.

4) I have bought a Scandinavian Air System ticket on the Internet not on the company's website, but on one of the Internet agents (for example,, be prepared before you can't
- Register on the Internet for a flight;
- register for the flight at the self check-in kiosk, and sacred knowledge, as well as the SAS Eurobonus card, which is counted from the magnetic smog of the unit, do not allow you to go through the registration, bypassing the check-in. All responsibilities are registered either on the Internet, or vicorous automatic check-in, for example, to write lines-stickers for luggage (baggage tags). Those who register on the Internet and check in luggage, take luggage tags in this machine.

My team was embarrassed to go to the business class check-in desk, de, obviously, they served me without any problems, according to my idea, that they could not register in the automatic machine, but at least offended the SAS service, incl. through the Economy Class counter, they asked me to go back to the self-registration kiosk.

If someone else has food, ask at once, so that I will in the evening, if I see you from the Netherlands, marveling at those who rapt you there.

A short description of the tax-free process: Buying in the store with a cordon, the tourist takes a special check, on which, when entering from the country (on the mitten), it is necessary to put a special stamp (wine confirms that the goods were taken). If the buyer has the right to turn the VAT. The pennies can be taken away immediately after the passage of the mitnitsa, or after the arrival at home. Tax-free system in Europe is about 20 countries beyond the borders. The procedure for the return of tax-free is approximately the same, and the axis of the exchange is for the minimum variety of the purchased and the term of the receipt in the skin region.

Scheme of the tax-free process

Tax-free systems

All the work of turning MPE is put on a private tax-free system, as intermediaries between tourists and that power. Leather from them includes a chain of partner stores and a number of offices for the return of pennies. Like a wine-growing system, a small commission is eliminated. Main systems:

Respect! If you buy goods from the country of the European Union, then put another on a tax-free check is not necessary when you leave the country, de-purchase the goods, but if you leave the borders of the EU itself (Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway do not enter until new). Dodatkovі turboti can vyniknuti, yakscho you deprive ЄС through the transit zupinka (report about tse naprikіnci statti). Members of the EC are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ukraine, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia , Spain, Croatia, Sweden and Great Britain.

Amount of return

Please note that the tax-free return does not mean that you will deduct the amount of paid VAT in full. Part of the pennies went to the administrative office and the commission to the intermediary (the skin of the country practices its own rules). If you pay it to the bank, then you will have to pay the receipt of the check for collection and the extra charge for the clerk of the preparation. Some of the rarest roses can reach half the sum of money. On the website of Global Blue there is a handy calculator for more or less accurate calculation.

Methods for returning tax-free (transferring to the preparation of checks):

  • at the airport - the best option to take back your money;
  • by mail - it is necessary to send a tax-free check to the office of the tax-free system. Pennies to go to the card bank account. Takes a few hours (2 - 4 months);
  • at any point in the form of tax-free - it sounds like an option from a wide choice, but in practice everything is brought up to the point of turning at the place of residence. Accessible only to bagmen of great places.

Return (return) taxi-free at the airport

The main pardon when picking up tax-free at the airport is to hand over the goods and luggage at check-in for the flight, even if you need to demonstrate the purchase on the counter. Some people can attach a special tag to such luggage, but you are responsible to return it to you.

Soak yourself before arriving at the airport to save your life, for which:

  • explain, de same in the zone of villota you can find all the mittens, where stamps are put on tax-free checks, and then you can see pennies (near the airport hall or in the neutral zone after passport control). Ring the bells in qi points so that you don’t dare to get up in them. In addition, not all points work well. Rostashuvannya dot іz roklady є on the website;
  • do not look for purchases of labels and labels. With whom to put the valіza so that it would be easy to show the dressing, as if to ask the clerk of the mitten. And it’s best to carry purchases with hand luggage;
  • Obov'yazkovo zapovnіt tax-free checks (as if the salesman didn't make it at the store) and trim them all at once with cashier's checks, passports and receipts.

When you arrive at the airport, take us in front of the house for the passage of the airport. At the control, you will need to present a tax-free check, a cashier's check, a passport and goods. If your belongings are not placed in hand luggage, go through the check-in to get checked in for the flight and check in your luggage. That's why you spend an hour and a penny on the front packing of the bags in this situation I can't sense.

You lost a penny and go through passport control. Itself in such a sequence, to the fact that in some countries the turn points of the MPE are roztashovan at the bay. You can lose money without pennies, as if you guess about them, having already passed passport control, even if you don’t allow you to turn back to the hall. In the krains, where you need to go beyond the border of passport control, you take a penny when you pass for a landing in a plane.

Taking away pennies

After tasting the stamp, go to the taxi-free turn-off (it can be called in a different way; it can also play a different role at the Duty Free store). In order not to pay a commission for currency conversion (if not 5%), it is necessary to take a return from the local currency. Porada: if the point of return of pennies is before the passport control, then take the card varto before passing through the mitnitsa.

Having finished with the taxi-free, go through passport control. Before the speech, as before the end of the day, less than 10 minutes are left, you can go to the counter without a card, or hurry up at the end of the registration of passengers who are sleeping, and put your luggage at the Drop Off station.

If you don’t get a penny at the airport and you know that in your place of residence there is no tax-free point, then the only option is to leave the mail.

Tax-free return by mail (to a bank card)

To request a tax free return to a credit/debit card, the details must be assigned to a stamped tax free check. It is necessary to put yoga in a special envelope and in a special postal tax-free screen at the airport. The envelope can be picked up later at the purchase shop or at the locality (in the taxi-free office at the airport). Obviously, it is permissible to embed a standard envelope and a special postal screenshot, and also to need a postage stamp and the owner's address. And if you add strength to the sheet already from the edge of your residence (otherwise, be it otherwise), then you need an international brand.

Returning tax-free orders is not more than enough (2-4 months), but not enough. Go a little bit into that situation, as if you don’t get a return at the airport and you know that your hometown doesn’t have a taxi-free office. Obov'yazkovo vodskayte or take a picture of your checks before the administration - in case of problems, the stink will become the only, vagom proof of your right to return the sumi tax.

Tax-free return by mail (to the bank account)

I repeat this method earlier, with the same difference, that if the issued tax-free check did not have the details of the card account, then the tourist takes the international bank check with the sign “for the account holder” at the indicated address. Such a bank check can be transferred to the preparation only in a bank, where you have a rosary account. The statute of limitations is not a check, but you can accept it, or you can change it in your skin bank individually.

Turnaround tax-free for transit

Raising the price of Europe, putting a mint on tax-free checks is necessary in the rest of the country of the European Union (Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway are not included before the EU). Ale, how buti, how will the remaining country be for you less than a transit tooth? At this time, for the procedure of tax-free, you can simply not spend an hour. That point of the mitnitsa in the transit zone may not appear. In addition, the luggage is sent once for the month of recognition, which makes it possible to demonstrate yoga. Therefore, obov'yazkovo make out the taxi-free return at the airport of the first villot. Show the ticket and say you don't have much time for a transfer.

Taxi-free turn at the point of view of the country

To return the return, you need a tax-free check, a cashier's check, a foreign passport and an internal passport (for CIS countries). Costs are paid exclusively against the national currency (the exchange rate, as a rule, is not fixed).

Taxi-free turn when leaving the country by car, train, ship

It's easier to put a mitt on the tax-free checks for motorists. The only way, if it's important to stop. When visiting from the edge of the train / ship, you can take the stamp at the point of departure (railway station / port) or with a cordon without a middle. The frailty of the first way is those who have the luggage їhatime around you. Another way is not to be particularly arrogant; Obov'yazkovo find out ahead of time what will be at the train or ship's mitniks, and you can get a stamp on the tax-free check.

Thin taxi-free turns in different countries

  • if you forgot to put a mint stamp on the tax-free check, then you can do it upon arrival at the embassy / consulate of the country, in which case the purchase was made. The service is not cheap (minimum 20 euros);
  • for checks issued by Poland, pennies are turned over only for preparation;
  • when visiting Slovenia, it is necessary to put two official stamps: the first one is on the tax-free form, the other is on the check;
  • in Iceland, for the return of a tax on purchases, you do not need anything else;
  • in Іzraїlі vіdshkoduvannya MPE zdіysnyuєtsya for the scheme tax (VAT), scho may be special;
  • Croatia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark use national stamps. Tse means that checks from these countries in other European powers may not be accepted. Croatia and Norway are especially valued, stinks of stench are not EU members. Because you have a direct flight to the Batkivshchyna, you need to take a taxi-free ticket at the airport. At the time of the flight or passing through other countries, you can issue a return if you are at home;
  • In Norway, it is necessary to put a stamp not on the mittens, but in the office of the tax-free system. The whole country, in order to make a return for food products (more expensive than 285 kroons), ale, as a purchase decision, it is necessary to show them on the mitnitsa, it is not possible to live up to Villota;
  • it is impossible to issue tax-free tickets, oskolki in the country can’t give a tribute to the vartist. However, at the great department stores, non-residents can take an 11% discount. For whom it is necessary to know the Customer Service and show him your passport, in order for you to see a special card, you will need to present it at the cash desk;
  • in the airports of Nіmechchini, you need to register first, and then go to Mitniki. When registering, it is necessary for you to say that you will issue a tax-free: register your luggage and return it to you. After issuing checks, it will be necessary to issue them in another place (explain the counters).
  • in the Netherlands you can turn the VAT by making a purchase in any store, which you can not enter before the tax free shopping system, but for which you need to turn back to the country. Think: if you buy goods for a sum of over 300 guilders, put a small stamp on a great cashier's check. If you come to Holland again, go to the store, where the purchase was made. There you can withdraw the entire amount of VAT without forfeiting commissions. For payment: for a tax-free check with a visa from Holland, you will return more than 10% of the goods, and in the store - usі 17%.

Basic resources for tourists and - search hotel systems, search for different booking systems and check the results, helping to know the best proposition and - search systems for air tickets, which, if necessary, look over the website of the skin airline company okremo - the world leader in the field of hotel reservations

Airport Schiphol (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol)- the most important international airport in the Netherlands since 1916. 10 km from the transfer to the center of the city of Amsterdam in the municipality of Haarlemmermeer. For its history, it won 5 times the title of "The best airport in the world" from 1988 to 2003 being the best airport in Europe. The code airport Schiphol s IATA - AMS.

At the given hour Amsterdam Airport Schiphol occupies a fifth of the space in Europe from passenger traffic and a third - from vantazhnyh transportation. Zlіtno-sadkovyh smug airport Schiphol n'yat, and flights of small aircraft are okrema smuha. Over 50 million people on the river are serving as the servants of this airport terminal. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya as a base for airlines, Martinair and KLM.

The airport is being gradually improved. So on today's day Schiphola pratsyuє child kіmnata, spa center, prayer hall and navіt vіdіl vіddіl єstratsії slubіv. In addition, there are cafes, restaurants, about a dozen hotels in different types of service (in economy class up to 5 stars), objects that provide services, for those who need a library. The comfort zone is equipped with television sets. The Moscow shopping center allows you to buy everything you need, and for those who appreciate painting, they will look up to the name of the Sovereign Museum in the Netherlands - the Rijksmuseum. In the rest, exhibitions of painting are regularly held, you can buy souvenirs and spend an hour with tsikavistyu. Є in airport Schiphol and cost-free Wi-Fi (2 sessions of 30 minutes each).

The simplest, but at the same time and the most expensive option to get from airport Schiphol- Taxi. More recently, the innovations at Schiphol were electric taxis, which work in the form of electric charging. Which type of transport allows you to use the Internet to get to the road, which is important for business people, as they don’t need to waste their time. You can book it like an electric taxi, just like that, by visiting the official SchipholTravelTaxi branch on the official website of the airport. Here you can also book a transfer - but not earlier than 4 years. Taxi delivery from airport Schiphol have any population point Nіderlandіv. For this booking, it is necessary to indicate the exact date of that year of arrival, the amount of money and the amount of baggage, the place of recognition. The price to fall in vіd vіdstanі. For example, at the center of Zuidas, a taxi costs 42 euros, to the station - 58 euros, and at the center Rotterdam already close to 125 euros. The taxi rank has been opened opposite the exit from Schiphol Plaza. It is also necessary to call a taxi in Amsterdam, then look at the P-Taxi parking lots or call for the phone - 0207777777. The prices for taxi services are approximately the following: about 8 euros for landing and the first 2 km, after which the payment is charged for the driver - 2.30 per skin kilometer of the route. If you are planning a trip to the Netherlands, then right in airport Schiphol you can rent a car. Services are provided by such companies as Europcar, Thrifty, Sixt, Alamo, Zoom, AutoEurope. For whom it is necessary for a mother of international law, who has seen no less than fate, and be no younger than 21 years.

De otrimati tax-free at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

IN airport Schiphol three points of view tax-free that one minute point. We need you to put a mint stamp on your checks. Fight around the zone Departure 3 either before passport control, or immediately after the new one. Another option is shorter, because the office global blue to be known directly in the courtroom with a mitten, which is more convenient (div. diagram). Mite on uvazі, scho on the interactive scheme on the official website airport Schiphol(choose business, and then tax free refund) this rate is not marked, and the checkpoint is located in another area, I specifically turned tax-free there in 2013, Therefore, the information in my blog is more up-to-date. Pratsiyuyut office global blue Open hours from 8:00 am to 8:30 pm. Current information can be found. I have a great deal of respect that in the Netherlands they turn MPE when buying for a sum of 50 euros in one store. The amount of the return can reach 16%. You can pay the exact amount yourself with a special calculator.

On-line scoreboard airport Amsterdam Schiphol (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol)

Airlines and points of recognition in Amsterdam Schiphol (Amsterdam Airport Schiphol)

, Edinburgh
AirlinesAcknowledgment points
Air LingusDublin, Cork
AeroflotAberdeen, Bergen, Billund, Birmingham, Gothenburg (Landvetter), Glasgow, Cardiff, Leeds, Luxembourg, Norwich, Newcastle, Sola, Edinburgh
Aerolineas ArgentinasBerlin (Tegel), Buenos Aires, Hamburg, Hanover, Dusseldorf, Munich, Frankfurt, Stuttgart
AeroMexico ,
Air Arabia MoroccoNador, Tangier
Air AstanaAlmaty, Atirau
Air EuropeBerlin (Tegel), Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Luxembourg, Munich, Frankfurt, Helsinki (Vantaa)
Air FranceAalborg, Abu Dhabi, Basel, Bangkok, Bahrain, Bergen, Billund, Bordeaux, Vancouver, Vigra, Glasgow, Hong Kong, Guayaquil, Dammam, Durham Tees Valley, Dar Es Salaam, Denpasar, Doha, Johannesburg, Calgary, Cardiff, Cape Town, Cologne-Bonn, Kent, Kigali, Kilimanjaro, Quito, Clermont-Ferrand, Kotoka, Christiansand K'evik, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait, Leeds, Lima, Linkoping, Lyon, London (London City), Marseille, Muscat, Nantes , Nint , Norwich, Oslo (Thorp/Sandefjord), Panama, Pondok Cabe, San Francisco, Singapore, Sola, Strasbourg, Trondheim, Toulouse, Fukuoka, Haimen, Humberside, Chengdu, Entebbe
Air MaltaMalta
Air Mauritius
Air OneMilan (Linate)
Air SerbiaBelgrade, Brussels
airlinairClermont-Ferrand, Strasbourg
AlitaliaAalborg, Bergen, Berlin (Tegel), Billund, Bologna, Bremen, Bristol, Venice, Vigra, Hamburg, Hannover, Glasgow, Durham Tees Valley, Dubai, Dusseldorf, Cardiff, Cape Town, Cologne-Bonn, Kent, Copenhagen, Crians Leeds, Lima, Milan (Linate), Milan (Linate), Milan (Linate), Nairobi, Norwich, Oslo (Thorp/Sandefjord), Panama, Rome (Leonardo Da Vinci/Fiumicino), Sola, Trondheim, Florence, Humberside, (Vantaa)
american airlines, London (Heathrow)
Arke (Charter)Arrecife, Aruba, Banjul, Boavista, Burgos, Gran Canaria, Dubai, Kittila, Curacao, La Union, Marsa Alam, O. Sal, Punta Cana, Tenerife (Pivdenny), Fuerteventura, Sharm Yesh Sheikh
Austrian AirlinesVision
british airways, London (London City), London (Heathrow)
Bulgaria AirSofia
Cathay Pacific AirwaysHong Kong
China AirlinesBangkok, London (Heathrow), Taipei
China Eastern AirlinesLondon (Heathrow), Rome (Leonardo Da Vinci/Fiumicino), Frankfurt, Shanghai (Pudong)
China Southern AirlinesAthens, Berlin (Tegel), Birmingham, Bologna, Brussels, Warsaw, Viden, Hamburg, Hannover, Guangzhou, Dusseldorf, Geneva, Copenhagen, Lima, Lisabon, London (Heathrow), Munich, Newcastle, Nuremberg, Oslo (Gar), Rome (Leonardo Da Vinci/Fiumicino), Frankfurt, Haimen, Helsinki (Vantaa), Zurich, Chengdu, Shanghai (Pudong), Stuttgart, Edinburgh
Copa AirlinesPanama
Corendon AirlinesGran Canaria, Gran Canaria
Croatia AirlinesZagreb
Cyprus AirwaysLarnaca
Czech AirlinesPrague
Darwin AirlinesCambridge, Leipzig
Delta Air LinesWashington (Dulles), Aalborg, Aberdeen, Abu Dhabi, Almaty, Atlanta, Athens, Basel, Bahrain, Bergen, Berlin (Tegel), Billund, Birmingham, Bologna, Bordeaux, Boston, Bremen, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Bucharest, Vancouver, Warsaw, Vіden, Venice, Vigra, Hamburg, Hannover, Gothenburg (Landvetter), Glasgow, Durham Tees Valley, Dar Es Salaam, Delhi, Detroit, Doha, Dubai, Dusseldorf, Geneva, Johannesburg, Calgary, Cardiff, Cape , Cologne-Bonn, Kent, Kigali, Kilimanjaro, Copenhagen, Kotoka, Kristiansand K'evik, Lagos, Leeds, Linkoping, Lyon, Lisabon, London (Heathrow), Los Angeles, Luxembourg, Marseille, Muscat, Milan (Linate), Minne , Mumbai, Munich, Nairobi, Nice, Norwich, New York (Newark), Newcastle, Nuremberg, Oslo (Gardermoen), Oslo (Thorp/Sandefjord), Portland, Prague, Rome (Leonardo Da Vinci/Fiumicino), Saint Petersburg , San Francisco, Seattle, Sola, Istanbul (Ataturk), Tel Aviv, Toronto, Trondheim, Toulouse, Florence, Frankfurt, Humberside, Helsinki (Vantaa), H'uston, Zurich, Chicago (O?Har e), Stuttg art, Edinburgh, Entebbe
EasyJetBasel, Belfast, Berlin (Schönefeld), Bristol, Glasgow, Geneva, Liverpool, Lisabon, London (Luton), London (Southend), Milan (Malpensa), Newcastle, Prague, Rome (Leonardo Da Vinci/Fiumicino), Edinburgh
El-Al Israel AirlinesTel Aviv
Estonian AirTallinn
Etihad AirwaysAberdeen, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Bergen, Billund, Birmingham, Gothenburg (Landvetter), Glasgow, Dublin, Inverness, Cardiff, Cambridge, Copenhagen, Cork, Oslo (Gardermoen), Southampton, Sola, Helsinki (Vanta
FinnairHelsinki (Vantaa)
flybeBirmingham, Inverness, Southampton, Exeter
Garuda IndonesiaAbu Dhabi, Denpasar, London (Heathrow), Munich, Pondok Cabe, Rome (Leonardo Da Vinci/Fiumicino), Singapore
HOP!Clermont-Ferrand, Strasbourg
IcelandairReyk'yavik (Keflavik)
Iran AirLjubljana, Tehran (Imam Khomeini)
Jet2.Com (Charter)Leeds
K.L.M.Washington (Dulles), Aalborg, Aberdeen, Abu Dhabi, Almaty, Atlanta, Athens, Basel, Bangkok, Bahrain, Belgrade, Bergen, Berlin (Tegel), Billund, Birmingham, Bologna, Bonaire, Bordeaux, Boston, Bremen, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Bucharest, Buenos Aires, Vancouver, Warsaw, Vіden, Venice, Vigra, Hamburg, Hannover, Gothenburg (Landvetter), Glasgow, Hong Kong, Gran Canaria, Guangzhou, Guayaquil, Dammam, Durham Tees Valley, Dar Salam, Delhi, Denpasar, Detroit, Doha, Dubai, Dublin, Dusseldorf, Geneva, Salzburg, Innverness, Innsbruck, Johannesburg, Calgary, Cardiff, Cape Town, Cologne-Bonn, Kent, Kigali, Kilimanjaro, Quito, Clermont Cork, Kotoka, Christiansan K' June, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait, Curacao, Lagos, Larnaca, Leeds, Lima, Linkoping, Lyon, Lisabon, London (London City), London (Heathrow), Los Angeles, Luxembourg, Stockholm (A, Strasbourg, Taipei, Tel- Aviv, Tokyo (Narita), Toronto, Trondheim, Toulouse, Turin, Faro, Florence, Frankfurt, Fukuoka, Fuerteventura, Haimen, Humberside, Helsenky (Vantaa), H'uston , Zurich, Chicago (Pro Hare), Chengdu, Shanghai (Pudong), Stuttgart, Edinburgh, Entebbe
Kenya AirwaysAberdeen, Athens, Bergen, Berlin (Tegel), Billund, Birmingham, Bristol, Brussels, Vision, Gothenburg (Landvetter), Glasgow, Durham Tees Valley, Dusseldorf, Geneva, Cardiff, Copenhagen, Leeds, Linkoping, London (Hien, Nairobi, Nice, Norwich, Newcastle, Oslo (Gardermoen), Oslo (Thorp/Sandefjord), Sola, Toulouse, Frankfurt, Humberside, Zurich, Edinburgh
Korean Air Lines, Geneva, Copenhagen, Seoul (Incheon)
LOT Polish AirlinesWarsaw
LufthansaMunich, Frankfurt
Malaysia AirlinesBrussels, Gothenburg (Landvetter), Geneva, Copenhagen, Kuala Lumpur, Oslo (Gardermoen), Pondok Cabe, Rome (Leonardo Da Vinci/Fiumicino), Sola, Helsinki (Vantaa), Zurich
Norwegian Air ShuttleCopenhagen, Oslo (Gardermoen),
Pegasus AirlinesIstanbul (Sabihi Gokcen)
Russia AirlinesSt. Petersburg
Royal Air MoroccoCasablanca
SASZagreb, Copenhagen, Oslo (Gardermoen)
Saudi Arabian AirlinesDammam, Kuwait
Singapore AirlinesSingapore
Sun ExpressIzmir
Suriname AirwaysParamaribo
Swiss International Air LinesZurich
Tap PortugalAbu Dhabi, Lisabon, Porto
Tarom (Romanian Air Transport)Bucharest
Thai Airways
United AirlinesWashington (Dulles), Copenhagen, New York (Newark), H'uston, Chicago (O Hare)
US AirwaysZagreb, Philadelphia
Vietnam Airlinesfrankfurt
Virgin AustraliaAbu Dhabi
Volareweb.comMilan (Linate)
Vueling Airlines, Malaga

Yesterday in the air from Minsk I thought that my 15th flight would fly to that fate. As a passenger at the Schiphol airport, I got to visit 7 times. A lot of stages of registration and preparation before the trip will take place already on autopilot :) If you want to travel and surprises, for example, when you check in your luggage. So, I wrote against my brothers for the sake of - my own publication by you in the comments - to help spare some of the nerves at Schiphol's villainy.

Check-in for a flight

1. Register for a flight faster online. You will say "Dakuyu, Captain Obviousness." Alas, I couldn’t make an online check-in on the Belavia website for 2.5 years, and then I only realized that I could check it on the KLM website. Plus, the airline's deeds open the check-in before the flight (TUI - 3 days in advance). And in the rest of the moment, it’s banal that you can’t have a good month - we flew to bring out of order. The axis is a list of all airlines represented by Schiphol. At the airlines' cards, you can send for online registration that information, for skilki to villot її you can get it.

2. At the airport itself, registration is shorter on the first version. If you arrived at Schiphol without a boarding pass, do not rush to the other one above the Departures zone. On the first step, turn your attention to black or white machines for self-registration. Here, ring out, there is no black, just like at the Departures zone, there were automatics, ring out to stand at your side.

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11. It’s better to go to the toilet at the airport before you buy large goods in duty-free :) Especially if you will rise in price alone.

12. You can get clean drinking water from Schiphol. Having bounced, as if the passengers were reminded to put on plastic bags right from the tap in the ladies' room, I, I know, was in a light shock. And then we found out that the water from the faucet at Holland was sparkling. Also, for the bazhannya, you can ask for such a proof.

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13. Yakscho Amsterdam is your transit point, and you want sleep at the airport, you can book number for the day(from 09:00 or 10:00 to 16:00 or 17:00) on When booking through or directly on the website of the hotel, as a rule, you can get a check-in only from 14:00 to 16:00. How do you want to pay a lie that / or a day, book a hotel near Schipoli through >>

Without a doubt, you also have a story to tell, as you can become a good luck to other mandrivers at Schiphol. Tell them in the comments!

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