Chartres Cathedral, Acropolis of France. Chartres Cathedral Entrance to Chartres Cathedral

Chartres Cathedral, Acropolis of France. Chartres Cathedral Entrance to Chartres Cathedral

The Gothic style originated in the XII century in Pivnichniy France, the stars expanded Western Europe from Spain to the Czech Republic. At the leather edge, under the infusion of mystic traditions, a new style has worn its own features. Chartres Cathedral, one of the greatest masterpieces in the middle architecture of Europe, is deservedly respected for the greatest purity of the classical principles of the Gothic style. The string of the victorious buddіlya was inspired on the pagorbi and nibi broadening over the place, for which the cathedral is sometimes called the Acropolis of France. In 1979, the number of wines was included in the list of the All-World Historical Congress of UNESCO.

Temples of the Shartres pagorba

The hump, hovering above Chartres, is the place where cult spores are placed. Before the Roman conquest, the place was the head settlement of the Gallic tribe of the Carnuts, and on the hillock, the sanctuary of the Druids was built in the house for the whole of Gaul. In the 4th century, the Christians drove out the druids and set up a chapel at home in the sanctuary. One temple replaced the other, and the last cathedral, for the data of archeological excavations, and the least five Christian cult spores in this place.

The first Christian church of Chartres fell victim to international strife - at 734 r. The military Duke of Aquitaine looted and burned down the place. Zgoriv and the temple. The church was rebuilt, but in 858 the rock was rebuilt by the Vikings at the hour of the black empty raid.

Since then, Bishop of Chartres Gilbert has sprung up the cathedral in the same Romanesque style on the site of the old church. Budіvnitstvo thrived for more than a dozen rokіv and was interrupted more than once. So, in 862 roci, everything that they overtook to wake up perished under the hour of the devil's fire.

In 859 Chartres saw King Charles Lysias, who handed over to the bishop a shrine - the Protection of the Virgin Mary. Retelling, what was the blessing of the Mother of God during the people of Jesus. The cover was transferred to the cathedral reliquaries after the completion of everyday life.

The shrine repeatedly revealed its miraculous power. So, at 911, the Chartres were again besieged by the Vikings. In hope for the help of the Mother of God, the then Bishop Zhantelm vinis Pokrov on the wall of the city, and the Normans went uncontrollably. Another miracle was revealed in 1194, when a terrible tridenna had practically destroyed all the places. The church was vigoriv mayzhe povnistyu, krim chapel, where there was a skrinka with a relic. The priests, who were guarding the skrinka, were also blessed.

The architect Bernage, like a chic budіvnitstvo after 862 rock, virіshiv buduvaty zahіdny, head facade near the main budіvlі cathedral. This was an even more unimaginable decision, but at the same time it was vryatuvala the facade in the aftermath of 1194. From late to late, the vespers arrived, vikonans already behind the Gothic canons.

The miraculous order of the relics of the townspeople was sprinkled like a clear statement of fire, and the stench, with enthusiasm, set about building a new temple. A call about marvelously blissfully flew around France, and volunteers arrived in Chartres from the rest of the country, as if they were trying to take their fate from the charitable right. Donations flowed. The life of the best architects was stunned at that hour when they were painted from the Parisian abbey of Saint-Denis.

Everything is explained by the record-breaking term for the middle term, the completion of work. The food, from which the walls of the cathedral were built, was delivered from the Bercher quarry on the outskirts of Chartres. Utsililiy Romanesque facade turned into a new life. Until 1220, the cathedral was covered with crypts, and in 1225, work on the internal cladding of the temple was completed, chapels, chori and a transept appeared.

The ceremony of consecration of the temple took place at 1260 roci. At the consecration of the present Louis IX, who made a miraculous gift for the cathedral. On the vlasni koshti of the king, a miraculous vikno-troyand with a stained-glass window was created, which depicted the Last Judgment and the episode from the life of the Mother of God. On the stained-glass window, the arms of France and Castile are also depicted (the mother of the king, Blanca, the daughter of the king of Castile Alfonso).

Chartres Cathedral, now officially named the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres (Notre Dame de Chartres), having lost its famous brothers at Reims and Rouen, and not knowing significant ruins or breaks. With the wine of a singing world, you can bring in a pivnіchnu vezha. On the back of the head is a wooden bastard that burned at the XVI century. In 1513, under the ker_vnitstvom of Jean Teksіє bove sporudzheniy bait with stone, covered with a chimerical vіzerunkom, domineering "half 'yanoї" Gothic.

Acropolis of France

When you look at Notre Dame de Chartres, you can see that when you stare up the hill, it actually looks like something that you blame when shooting at the Acropolis. If, figuratively hanging in an arc, Charles Péguy sings, who called the cathedral “the most famous of spikelets that rose to the sky.”

The cathedral is a trinave basilica with a short transverse transept. The height of the building is 130 m, the width of the central nave is 16 m, the width of two naves is 8 m each.

The oldest part of the cathedral is the back facade. The back of the head was succesfull, and the three miraculous portals were arranging later, already in the wake of a new life. Particularly hostile is the central portal, which is called the Royal one, over which is placed the miraculous sculptural group “Christ in Glory”. The figure of the blessing Jesus is sharpened with statues of saints, biblical characters and fantastic creatures.

All nine portals in the cathedral are generously decorated with sculptural and relief images. We especially highlight the relief of the head portal of the pivden facade. Creations at the dawn of the 13th century, vіn depicts a vignantly dramatic picture of the Last Judgment. Through its tension and vibrance, this relief is considered by the most beautiful image of the gothic image-making art in the world.

The sculptures of the central portal of the pivnіchny facade should stand apart. The stench is clearly more old-fashioned, lower statues, shards of vikonan in the Roman tradition. In addition, Iskravі іndivіdualіnі risi rich of statues suggest that an unknown sculptor, having depicted some concrete people, is unimaginable for the Romanesque church art, fettered by the canons of Suvori.

The number of sculptures placed in the middle of that name of the Chartres Cathedral exceeds 10 thousand. The temple of Europe cannot boast of such wealth.

The most reminiscent part of the cathedral when looking from afar is yogo vezh, like stylistically vіdminnі one vіdmіnі one. Pivnіchna, zavvishki 113 m, was inspired on the basis of Romance in 1134-1150. Won for 11 meters of money for his sudіdka, zavdyaki nadbudovanomu in the XVI century pіznogotіchny name. Access to the pіvnіchnu vіdkritо, and the skin vіdvіduvach to the cathedral vvazhє ob'yazkom enjoy the miraculous view of Chartres and the outskirts of the її peaks.

Pivdenna vezha, to wear the title of "Old Dvinitsia", is 15 years younger. She is stylistically one with the Usim Cathedral and looks significantly strimanish, lower pivnichna. For the incompetent proportions, that thinness of the "Old Dzvinitsa" is considered one of the most beautiful in the world.

Entering Chartres Cathedral

The interior of the cathedral does not give in to the yogi-like look behind the power of the enemy that vibrates at the looker. Overheadly spacious choirs longed to widen the transept, and now it was possible to move it higher into the apse. This innovation made the inner space of the temple more wide and filled with air and light.

Sklepinnya and arches may have a typical Gothic arrow shape. The crypt is lined with columns, the skin of them is additionally strengthened with thin filling columns.

Strike with your rozmirs the majestic visions from the tree vіvtar. Yogo sporuda, rozpochata 1514 year, Trivala close to two hundred years. There are over forty scenes from the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary, victorious with the great mysticism.

The stained-glass windows create a special atmosphere for the temple. The stinks of the stench are created may be unbarred, in the middle they penetrate the krіz vіknі soniachnі promenі create nevimovne riot farb. Chartres Cathedral is the largest of the savings of middle-class stained-glass ensembles - the hall area of ​​​​yogo stained-glass windows is close to 2000 square meters. m. Practically, all the stained-glass windows have come down to us in their original appearance, not knowing the inspiration of the alterations.

On the panel of Chartres stained-glass windows dominated by red, black and buzkovy colors. With this, zavdyaks to the cunning of the mains, in sleepy weather, on the columns and under the cathedral, sometimes red and yellow flashes appear, and in the gloom of the church they are filled with equal blakitny merekhtinnyam. Another “rodzinka” of the local stained-glass windows is a black color of a non-repeated color, like a “Blakyt of Chartres” or “Blakyt of Chartres”.

Another striking element of the architecture of the cathedral is vikna-Troyandi. Among them is the famous troyanda of St. Louis, the diameter of which is 13 meters. There are 176 stained-glass windows at the cathedral, on which 1359 scenes are placed. Chartres stained-glass windows are often called an illustrated book for the grandeur of the majestic variety of plots. Crimea of ​​biblical scenes, there are monarchs, representatives of the nobility and the clergy, merchants and commoners.

Significant city of Notre Dame de Chartres

From the moment of its creation, the Chartres Cathedral added pilgrims from the US of Europe. The stench went ahead of us to look, obviously, at the sacred Veil. A 5.5-meter-high shoulder strap, prote in the fates of the Great French Revolution, if the churches were repeatedly recognized by pogroms, the fabric was cut into fragments and shoved in different places in order to save the sans-culottes that were raging. In 1819 the largest fragment was turned into the cathedral. At the same time, the Pokrov stands in front of the lookout like a beige smoky seam, the dozhina of the yogo becomes 2 m., width 46 div.

The centuries of the triumph of science inevitably knew the desire to reverse the truth of the Intercession. The examination, carried out in 1927, showed that the elder was rich, the lower was transferred. Yak z'yasuvalosya, fabric bula was made in the 1st century AD. e. The decision of the experts was compromising - it was implied that there was no evidence that there was no evidence of a turnaround on Mary.

Another relic of the cathedral was called “Black Mary”, a wooden statue that depicted the Mother of God, if she wore Jesus under her heart. The figurine burned down at the hour of the pogrom in the revolutionary 1789, the protégé saved a sprat of little ones. Historians vvazhayut that clearly archaic figure behind the silhouette was created in the first century of Christianity. The deyakі doslidniki vzagalі vvazhayut, scho virizan figurine in the pagan period and depicting not Mary.

Another object of gravity for pilgrims is the labyrinth, which is called “The Way to Jerusalem”. Vіn vykladeniya іz kolorovіh kam'yanih tile іn tsentrі і temple ta vljadaє, yak kolo 13 mіtrіv і dovzhina slyakh 261 m. The same style, zgіdno z church tradition, mav to pass Іsus Christ pіd hour descent to Golgotha. Pilgrims, as if they were not small enough to bow to the Holy Sepulcher, but they wanted to repent and take away sins, they could come to Chartres and walk on knees the whole way with a labyrinth, reading prayers.

Today, pilgrims go to the Chartres Cathedral, as well as historians, art historians, lovers of antiquity, lovers of beauty, just tourists. Not one of them is stunned by Notre Dame de Chartres with the disappointment of baiduzhim.

Fewer than a hundred kilometers from the city of Paris have been restocked in the old town Chartres, which is the whole world as a monument of architecture of special historical value. Mova ide Chartres Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God (Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres), who, from the 13th century, was saved from the immensity of sightє unique spicy early and pure gothic architecture, which may not be filled with a splash of the latest trends in architecture.

Mayzhe be a tourist route, laying miraculous places of France, pass through the old town Chartres, scho roztashovaniya on the banks of the small river Yer. And not only to those who are less than a hundred kilometers away from the capital of France, the mysterious and beautiful Paris.

Chartres is most famous for its miraculous cathedral, which was introduced in 1979 by the UNESCO commission to the monument of architecture, thus establishing a special historical value. Roztashovaniya on a high hillock, Chartres Cathedral miraculously visible from the sides, majestically plying in a serpentine over the place, and being its own business card and a symbol.

Of particular value to the ancient temple is the fact that the Chartres Cathedral, which was built on the cob of the 13th century, is practically unchanging to this day, having happily survived the turbulent shocks that happened in these places for a rich capital. It turns out that the cathedral is dbaily protecting providence or high heavenly patrons. Be-yakoy vipadku, today's Notre-Dame de Chartres є miraculously clear early and pure gothic architecture, mayzhe not zapsovanoy vpiznіshih currents in architecture. This fact, like the striking beauty of the greatness of the temple itself, adds hundreds of thousands of tourists to Chartres from the sides of the Light.

History of the temple

It can be boldly said that the history of the building in Chartres on the flooring of the house of the temple began a long time ago before the official date of laying the first stone on this foundation. Already in the middle of the first thousand years of the house of the Ninish Cathedral stood a great Christian basilica, built on the ruins of a large pagan temple. The choice of similar places for the awakening of Christian churches is a profound sacral sensation and signifies the victory of faith in the true God over the pardons of the pagans.

And the Gallic friends themselves, who had previously chosen the mountain for their ritual complex-dolmen, were cherished by the over-the-top energy, for which the mountain in Chartres was famous, as well as by the healing waters of the dzherel, which beat the west of the earth nearby. In this way, Chartres, having become the right center of pilgrimage for friends from the rest of Europe, as well as a place, the girls passed on the secrets of their magic to the young generation.

However, the first Catholic church, built on Mount Chartres, did not have such a happy share, like the famous protector. For an hour of its foundation, the wines of the kilka were once again ruined. At 734 rots, after the robbery of the place by the soldiers of one of the dukes of Aquitaine, the temple was also burned down. Mensh lower in a hundred years, in 858 roci, yogo, the warrior tribes of the Normans were again practically destroyed.

The same after the atrocities, ruled by the Vikings, the priest Bishop Gilbert and virishiv resurrect the church, signifi- cantly awakening and expanding її. The life of the new cathedral, which was built in the Romanesque architectural style, lasted for dozens of years, and at the same time a famous relic appeared, which glorified Chartres for centuries Protection of the Divine Mary. According to the legend, King of France Charles II Lysias donated to Sharts Cathedral, and the shirt itself was part of the robe, a kind of robe on the Virgin Mary at the time of the birth of the Savior by her.

As the historians affirm, at the moment of the transfer of the Protection of the Holy Protection to Bishop Gilbert, a piece of cloth was about five meters away. However, at the stormy hour of the Great French Revolution, the rector of the cathedral ordered to divide the shirt into pieces of pieces, so that we could hide them in different places, trying to save a part of the Christian shrine from the side of the black.

Today the Veil, hanging at the temple, is a piece of fabric of beige color, which is about 2 meters long with a width of 46 centimeters. Before the speech, the Veil of the Virgin Mary had already revealed its miracle of power in 911 fate, if near Chartres the hordes of non-gammon Normans appeared again. Then the bishop of the city of Zhantelme, after diligent prayer, viniss on the walls of the city the robes of the Mother of God, after which, like a legend, the fearless vikings turned into a panic attack.

A few hours later, Rolf the Walker, having believed and accepted the rite of baptism, otrimavshi new Christian name Rollon. After the friendship with the daughter of the King of France, Charles the Simple, Rollon took Normandy from his Volodin and became one of the vassals of the head of the Frankish state. A series of ruinous fires has become no less of a headache for the temple's alarm clocks.

The first one, which became at 962 roci, practically did not fill the stone on the stone in the form of a cult spore. The restoration of the temple was entrusted to the architect Bernage, a famous architect at that time. Bernaget himself, having taken an unusual decision to build a new temple, as well as a rear facade, which combined them, around the head body of the cathedral. Tsey conceived this year, having played a happy role near the valley of the temple, having taken the veins unoccupied under the terrible hour of 1194 fate, as if not only the cathedral was ruined, but even the whole of Chartres.

Z ієyu later, one more miracle was sung, revealed by the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. By a miraculous rite, the fire, which, after viruvav three long days, without damaging the screen, in which the Christian relics were saved, like the clergymen, like the yogi were protected.

The priests saved their miraculous order like a sign on the side of the Heavenly Intercessor, as if they were punishing them to take up the task of arranging the new cathedral. By the very fact, one can explain that there were no terms for that hour, which were needed for the construction of the new majestic Chartres Cathedral.

І axis, after 31 rivers at Chartres a majestic cathedral appeared, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, which glorified this small French town for the whole world. Such an unfailing pace of everyday life of the temple can be explained by the great number of those who wish to take their fate from this charitable right, as they arrived to Chartres from the usual little places in France. In the view of the old Romanesque church, which was built later, the back facade, the underground chapel and the famous “King's Portal”, embellishments with sculptural groups, was left behind.

For the life of the new cathedral, the most famous architects from Saint-Denis were requested, who far away brought the Romanesque elements of the old temple into the new Gothic image of the cathedral. Budіvelnі blocks for the cathedral virіzalis z visokomіtsnogo pіskovik, yaky vydobuvani kar'єrі, roztashovannuyu not far from the city. In 1220, the new cathedral was covered with round crypts, and five years later, a chori with a gallery, a transverse transept and chapels appeared at the new one.

Consecration of the cathedral, which otrimav name Notre Dame de Chartres(Notre-Dame de Chartres), became in 1260 in the special presence of the King of France Louis IX, who wore the title of "saint". The famous stained-glass window-troyand, embellished with the coats of arms of France and Castile, the stars were made by the squad of Louis IX.

Architectural features of Notre-Dame de Chartres

Starry look

The Chartres Cathedral itself is shaped like a Latin cross, the basis of which can be more than 130 meters long. The star of the head nave hangs over the underside by 37 meters behind it with a width of over 16 meters. The leather from two naves is 8 meters wide and the crypts are 14 meters high. The shape of the cross is given to the cathedral by the transverse transept, the length of which is 65 meters, while the width of the nave is 46 meters. With some leather, the façade is covered with portals, richly adorned with sculptural groups, which lie down to early Gothic.

As it was already marked, the façade of the temple was embellished with two majestic veils, which are hovering between themselves like at a height, so in the architectural vikonann. Pivnіchna vezha, which has a height of 113 meters, is an old one, and was built in the first half of the XII century. At its base, there may be a Romanesque part, as if only in the 16th century, it was crowned with a wonderful openwork stone namet, vikonanim in the chimeric style of the so-called "semi-gloomy Gothic".

Until the speech, with the current access to it, if anyone wants to have mercy on the miraculous views of Chartres, which are seen from the heights of the cathedral vehі.

Pivdenna vezha, as it was completed in fifteen years after Pivnichnaya, 11 meters lower for a loan, and looking more strimano and suvoro. "Stara dzvinitsa", as they sometimes call Pivdenna vezha, vitrimana in the same architectural style with the Usim Chartres Cathedral, and is respected as one of the most beautiful vezha in the whole world.

The rear facade of the cathedral, which, having received insults, vikonovannye in the great Romanesque style, and revenge three beautiful portals at its warehouse, as if they were cut into a new troch of life. The central tympanum, rotting over the head of the so-called "royal portal", embellishments with the famous sculptural composition "Christ in Glory". For this reason, the Savior himself does not strictly judge, which punishes people for sins. Navpaki, he looks like a merciful teacher, who wants to bring everyone to the right place.

Christ Himself, who blesses all with uplifted hands, is known in the honed host of saints, as well as winged fantastic creatures. The decoration of the sculptural groups is thought out and has a deep symbolic meaning. So, let's say, below, under the tympanums, there are sculptures of Old Testament characters and the ancestors of Christ, and on the very central tambourine tympanum - characters from the New Testament.

In this way, there is a clear spiritual connection between generations, that role of the ancient prophets, as they prepared with their asceticism the coming of the light of Christ the Savior. Not less cіkavim є i relief, roztashovaniya at the central portal і pіvdennogo facade of the temple. Dating by the ear of the 12th century itself, the guilt of dedication to the supernaturally intense picture of the Last Judgment, which is a check on the world for example of earthly history. This relief is deservedly respected by the most beautiful sight of the Middle Gothic in the whole world.

The peculiarity of the sculptural posts, which stand on the central portal of the pivnіchny facade of the temple, is the fact that, if you want to stink and may be typical for the Romanesque style, the proportions (suvore frontal movement that deak podovzhenі figuri), and leather from them already vіdrіznyаєіnshі vіd іdіsh rice. The bichni portals of the same façade are to be replaced by their own sculptural compositions, united by a single biblical plot.

The interior of the cathedral

In the middle of the Chartres Cathedral, looking no less gaudy, lower call. The oversized grand chori, as if to accommodate the great number of spivaks, led to the need to move the vvtar part of the glide to the apse (like a round architectural element of the building of the temple). The same chori wanted to expand the transept into three naves. However, similar innovation only strengthened the interior of the temple, making it more spacious and spacious.

The pillars of the crypts look original and unusually, which look like cylindrical stovpiv, reinforced from four sides with round columns. The crypts themselves and the arches of the temple may have a typical shape for Gothic architecture.

It goes without saying that Notre-Dame de Chartres can have faceless carved figures. At once, from the famous sculptures, there are over 10 thousand statues, made from different materials. Tilki in the central vvtary, which is wide open for roses, which is created with a stretch of two centuries, you can scribble over forty scenes from the life of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, engraved with talented carvings on wood.

The great popularity of the midst of the appearance of the Cathedral of May of Celebrities maze, roztasovaniya at the central part of the temple, and є original vіzerunkom, vladenim z raznokolorovogo stone. The labyrinth is a ring, the diameter of which is 13 meters, and the length of the path is 261 meters. Moreover, the dozhina of the labyrinth, which is not called otherwise in the temple books, like “The Way to Jerusalem”, separates the old path of the sinful soul to the right and darns the goddamn path of Christ himself to Golgotha.

Before that, the pilgrims, as they could not see the Throne of the Lord in Jerusalem, could symbolically walk on the knees the entire labyrinth of the Chartres Cathedral, reading prayers of repentance at the same time.

Not less than the glory of Notre Dame de Chartres brought yoga unimaginable "vikna-trojandi", vikonanі in the original stained glass style.

Placed on the boundary height above the central nave of the temple, which are about 5 meters in diameter, the glass of different colors of Trojans is built with majestic light stakes, which mark different-colored sparkles in the middle of the temple. Moreover, the stained-glass windows, as in this temple, were practically saved in the immemorial, from the end of the XII century, looking like the largest ensemble, which is the most popular to this day. Yogo zagalna area become fantastic 2000 sq. m.! Let's guess that the mysticism of stained-glass windows, that the creation of a set of vicons from different-coloured shmatochkiv slabs, appeared in the period of urological cleansing of the Romanesque architectural style. Prote right rozkvitu won from the Gothic period.

The stained-glass windows of Chartres are distinguished by the special purity of the farb and the wide themes depicting plots on them. A number of traditional biblical compositions, they can be used for close to hundreds of plots that describe the faces of the faces, dignitaries and navit the most famous remіsnikі in that hour. With the help of our faiths, the population, yak donated their pennies for the life of the temple. There are 146 stained glass openings at the cathedral, which describe 1359 different plot lines.

Sanctuaries of Notre-Dame de Chartres

At all times, the Chartres Cathedral, having added to its crypt, the number of pilgrims not only from France, but also from Europe.

Okrim famous Intercession of the Virgin Mary until the middle of the 18th century, you can see the image of the holy righteous Annie - the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as a wooden statuette depicting the Virgin Mary during the period of her winemaking of the Savior. Until the speech, the engraved statue is considered one of the most ancient images of the Virgin Mary, as it is seen, better than everything, until the first centuries of Christianity in the French land.

Moreover, the deacons of the historians navit pripuschennya, that this statue was worn until the pre-Christian period, and was virizana by pagan priests under the defeat of the battle, as the stench took away the hour of vikonnanny of their rites. The sculpture itself perished at the fire of the Great French Revolution.

The cover of the Virgin Mary, which is taken in the cathedral, having been subjected to numerical examinations for a year, clearly indicated the hour of fabric preparation - the 1st century of our eri. Obviously, it is not an indisputable proof of the dependency of the Mother of God, but at one time it is entirely possible to admit such a possibility. No matter how it was there, but the number of miracles, connected with this relic, lure hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from the rest of the world to the Chartres Cathedral.

Another one of the most mysterious mysteries of Notre-Dame de Chartres is the flood of famous alarm clocks "golden cut", then the proportions are 1: 1,618, as the most harmonious and volodyous opulence is taken into account by the spryyattya people. What happened to the buddies so well, what a brilliant idea I’ll think of at that time, but one thing can be said unequivocally - from ancient times and until our time, Notre Dame de Chartres is one of the most amazing masterpieces of middle-class architectural art.

Vіn and in our hour, I am shocked by everyone who looks at yoga rice, independently in the light of illumination and the development of spiritual evils, in silent reverence for the great talent and maisternistyu of ancient architects.

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- the main memory of the small town of Chartres (Chartres) near the department of Erte ta Loire, which is located 90 kilometers away on a day trip. Vtіm, tse one of the main vznachnyh reminders and all lands. Navit not so: the temple, like the famous, dedication of the Virgin Mary (Notre-Dame de Chartres), as a whole can be called a national shrine.

At the walls of yoga, which did not collapse, did not reappear for a long time, which have reached our days with a wonderfully well-preserved look, the Shroud of the Virgin is saved - a garment, in which she gave birth to Jesus Christ

Mandrivnik, scho pіd'їzhdzhaє to the place, the cathedral є vіrazu: like a miracle, a revelation. Two sweaty doors and nemovby rose in the summer haze, the main life is a guideline, which will not let you get off the road - right behind the course of wines, Chartres! The temple stands on a hillock, the place spread out under it, niby fell down.

Chartres Cathedral, prompted by the record term (layings in 1194 - the work was completed in 1260), is an organic fusion of two architectural styles: Romanesque and Gothic, which came to you to change. The Romance has a twisted twinkle: it has been embellished and rises 105 meters into the sky. Navpaki - pіvnіchna, 113-meter dzvіnitsya, є I'm painting with the butt of the Gothic: її arches of the arches and openwork spire are already stretching on those that the suvory ascetic stage of the middle ages has left in the past.

Completely beautiful head facade of the temple: in the form of the original trojand, not the floorings of the visor, like on the side facades, to the triarque entrance portal. The leather arch of the doors is framed with columns near the statues of saints and prophets, inscribed with naming, simply documentary accuracy.

Many people know that Shatra Cathedral is the most beautiful example of church Gothic architecture in the world. Why, zvichayno well, sperechayutsya and in England and in Nіmechchina, that and the Am'єnsky Cathedral near France can not be left out.

In the middle of the Chartres Cathedral, it is also heavily opposed to the mind: rozuminnya that, having consumed to the receptacle of something of a uniquely beautiful, come once again. Majestic columns, which support the arrowhead of the stele, which are used at the height, incredibly thin stone carvings on the walls, piv-labirint, which witness about those, how important the path of people to God, and marvelous juices of color on the windows, the secret of the stained-glass windows for a long time vtracheny - here you can ruin and listen to yourself that world for years.

How to get there: by train from the Gare Montparnasse train station near Paris (near the year), by car on the A10 and A11 highways
Official site:

The place of Chartres, which is located about a hundred kilometers from Paris, is universally known as an ancient reminder of architecture. Mova go pro Chartres Cathedral, which is saved from its original appearance and is respected by the unique eye-catching gothic architecture.

One of the finest cathedrals to be found on the list of all-world succession of UNESCO since 1979, crazy, important historical value. The cathedral at Chartres is well looked through from the sides, to the fact that it stands on a high hillock. Budov is a kind of visiting place.

After all the turbulent shocks, as if they were seen on these lands to protract riches, we would like the Chartres Cathedral, which practically did not change. There is a growing hostility that the cathedral was protected by the heavenly patrons. This striking fact, like the unique beauty and greatness of the cathedral, attracts more than one hundred thousand tourists from all over the world at Chartres.

The prehistory of the building at the Chartres district near the cathedral was built long before the laying of the first stone. Earlier, a Christian basilica was founded on this city, and the mountain in Chartres, as it was famous for its supraematic energy and healing waters, turned into a center of pilgrimage for the druids, which passed on the secrets of its magic to the younger generations. There were only 30 years left for the ninth temple in Chartres. And I call it not rich in equal time, that you should ring out for the life of such great disputes to go for a hundred years. The commanded dosі vrazhє with their dimensions and silhouette.

North Dame de Chartres is in the form of a Latin cross, the basis of which is more than 130 meters. The façade of the cathedral is leathery with three portals, richly fragmented with sculptural groups. The rear facade will be embellished two great towers, yakі vіdrіznyayutsya among themselves not only for the height, but also for the architekturny vikonannyam.

Pivnіchna vezha, topped with an openwork design of stone, old woman. Today I enter the city as a reminder for all those who live, so you can have mercy on the miraculous views of Chartres. Pivdenna vezha is 11 meters lower for her susidka and looks suvorishe, prote vitrimana in the same style with the Usim Cathedral, and, moreover, respects one of the most beautiful vezha in the whole world.

The interior view of the Chartres Cathedral is no less beautiful, lower. The majestic hori for the great number of sleepers was made to expand the transept into three naves, due to the innovation of the interior, the cathedral became more spacious and more spacious. There are already a lot of carved figures - at once from the best of them over 10 thousand.

The nameless popularity of the midst of the views of the Chartres Cathedral greets famous maze at the central part of the spore. The labyrinth is the original vіzerunok with a different-colored stone, which was placed at the sight of a stake with a diameter of 13 meters, and the dovzhina of this stake was 261 meters. The labyrinth separates the path of the sinful soul to salvation.

The stained-glass windows of the cathedral are inspired by the purity of the farb and the different themes of the plots depicted on them. On the stained-glass windows, you can dance like traditional biblical compositions, and try out the faces and inspire the great remіsnikі. Zagalom at the cathedral is available Mayzhe 150 stained glass windows.

One of the mysteries of the Chartres Cathedral is that the alarm clocks were filled with the ideal proportion of 1:1.618 ( "golden cut"); Chi tse bulo vipadkovistyu or the fruit of a brilliant idea, only zagaduvatisya.

Addresses: France, Chartres, Cloître Notre Dame street, 16
The beginning of everyday life: 1194 rіk
End of life: 1260 rіk
Coordinates: 48°26′50″N,1°29′16″E
Vesot height: pivnichna 113 m., pivdenna 105
Basic notes: stained glass XII-XIII centuries


Just 1 year by train from Paris, and the passenger is transferred to the quiet enchanting province of Chartres.

On the narrow streets of Chartres, budinki are huddled, which were saved from the hours of the Roman panuvannya, and old half-timbered budinki of the XII century. And arched bridges, and majestic edges on the canal. But the main pride of Chartres is the double-headed red-cathedral, embellished with marvelous blue stained-glass windows. You can see the majestic host spire from a bit of a place - behind the houses, near the open spaces of the street and the windows of the restaurants.

Rear facade of the cathedral

Shroud of the Virgin Mary - a relic of Chartres Cathedral

For a long time there was a sanctuary of druids - Celtic priests on the church of Chartres Cathedral. In the VIII century, there have already begun a vіvtar, awakenings in honor of St. Mary of Chartres, and In 876, one of the most precious relics of Christianity appeared in Chartres - the shroud (veil) of the Mother of God.

Order to certify that the Virgin Mary herself was dressed in the wedding at the time of the birth of I. Christ. At Chartres, the relic appeared to the French king Charles II Lysom, who had donated to the Moscow temple.

View of the pivdenny facade of the building

In 1194, the church in the city became scorched, as the first cathedral of Chartres was practically destroyed, the buildings were in 1020, the church was ale, the shrine was saved, it was a diva, it was burned down.

Record-breaking short life

The life of the new cathedral rose as soon as the next day. Donations flocked from the US of France. In the midst of enthusiasm, the mischievous sacks labored without cost in the quarries. Paired with other Gothic temples that were built for centuries, Chartres Cathedral was created in a record short term.

View of the pivnіchnu and pіvdenna vezhі of the Chartres Cathedral

Until 1220, the main part of the building was ready, and on August 24, 1260, the church was consecrated in the presence of King Louis IX. Deyakі dzherel stverdzhuyut, scho grandiose budіvnitstvo profіnansuyali persons of the Order of the Templars.

The pribіchniki tsієї hypotheses vvazhayut that the mysterious labyrinth of 1205, the inclusion of mosaics on the back of the cathedral, the symbols of the Templars, which are also present on some other details of the interior.

Sculptures and stained-glass windows - belongings of the Chartres Cathedral

Pivdenny Ganok of the Shartsky Cathedral

Grandiose gothic temple, which otrimav name Notre Dame de Chartres. The two towers of the Chartres Cathedral are once again divided among themselves. The 113-meter Pivnіchna vezha hangs on an old Gothic foundation and may have an openwork spire, embellishments look like a kam'yanim merezhivom. Pivdenna vezha with a height of 105 meters is crowned with a simple Roman spire in the shape of a pyramid. The facade of the cathedral is "cut" with bas-reliefs, and the interior is decorated with sculptures hung from stone.

Pivnіchny ganok of Shartsky Cathedral

Notre Dame de Chartres has 10,000 sculptural compositions. In the middle of the cathedral are colorful stained-glass windows of the XII-XIII centuries. The ensemble of Chartres stained-glass windows is absolutely unique: 1359 different subjects are depicted on 146 windows. The stench tells about the biblical undertakings and the life of all states - kings, faces, clerks, peasants. There are great stained-glass windows on the glass windows of the main facade and transepts, most of which we see the stained-glass window with the Mother of God near the unique window, “Chartres blue”.


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