United Burg International Festival. The Edinburgh International Festival Fringe festival in Edinburgh

United Burg International Festival. The Edinburgh International Festival Fringe festival in Edinburgh

1. Grant for the production of a creative windmill to the Edinburz Festival

British Rada https://www.britishcouncil.ru Together with the Union of theatrical performers of the Russian Federation to announce grants for the production of windmills for the "Creative Venture" Project for the Uniform International Festival and the Uniform Festival "Fringe".

The Edinburgh Festival is the world's largest stage art festival, which takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland. The two first warehouses of the festival are the United Bury International Festival and the Uniform Fringe.

The United Buryat International Festival provides a unique opportunity to perform the best performances from the current world – the latest performances, non-collaborations and new adaptations of classical works. The organizing committee of the festival will ask for the knowledge of theatrical performances, praise of the victors of classical and modern music, opera and dance. The festival also organizes low exhibitions of visual art, lectures and master classes.

The Fringe Festival is also an alternative to the International Festival - it is an "informal", larger world street festival, which is chosen in the Scottish capital of the most amazing, and sometimes even the most amazing artists. Thousands of street musicians, mimics, dancers, jugglers, conjurers and comedians transform the central streets of Edinburgh into a place of a majestic outdoor fair. The three places are reminiscent of extravagant slogans, bright farbs of posters, blaring natovpami rozzyav and enchanting shows, which stand for the respect of the spectators of the greatest holy mysteries in the world.

In 2017, the 70th Anniversary Festival will be held, at the link with which the program will be especially rich in variety.

Who can apply for a grant: young managers and directors.

Working language of creative inspiration: English.

Selection criteria:

1. High motivation warehouse application

2. Appearance of work at the theater over 3 years

3. Volodinnya English language

4. First booking at British festivals

Wash your part:

Grant for window tickets for flights (economy class), theatrical tickets in a quantity of 10 pcs. For a supplementary request, you can pay for accommodation (type of accommodation - hostel or apartment for 6-8 people).

The participant independently pays for: visa tickets (a support sheet is expected), individual accommodation, food, public transport, additional theater tickets.

To participate in the competition for a grant, you must:

2. Familiarize yourself with the program of the Festival: United Burg International Festival - https://www.eif.co.uk/ Edinburzky "Fringe" - https://www.edfringe.com/

After the completion of the creative work, it is necessary to give an update on the results of the trip.

For clarification of the possibilities of how much accommodation is required, it is necessary to send a request in a free form to eat. addresses grantstd2017.edinburgh@gmail.com

Those who can afford and financially independently pay all the tickets for the transfer to the Edinburgh Festival in the period from 21 to 26 September 2017, can be included in the warehouse of the delegation. STD RF give a sheet of support.


Manuilenka Oleksandra, +79166451529

Grant 2. Grant for the presentation of the Edinburgh Showcase

British Rada https://www.britishcouncil.ru Together with the Union of Theater Actors STD RF, I will request producers, theater designers, international theater festivals to see the Edinburgh Showcase - a special program of the British For the sake of passing two skins at the Edinburgh Festival and representing the festival "Frіnj".

The main meta-programme: improvement of international professional contacts, cultural exchange, development of theatrical art. The rich genre program of the Showcase presents live performances of visual and physical theatre, interactive and immersive theatre, new dramas, as well as live art, installation and dance. In 2017, the Festival will celebrate its 70th anniversary, and the British Showcase will be held 20 times, and the program will be rich and full of cicava.

Let's review the productions, the program of the Showcase includes supplements: business-snіdanki, sessions with British companies, take a look at the closing of the Showcase.

Working language: English.

Candidates for participation in the Showcase program can be: theater directors (directors), production companies, program managers of theater festivals, who are actively involved in international activities, collaborations, and on tour of British shows in Russia and with British theaters. Delegation Splits of theatrical actors are formed at the warehouse 5 osib on a competitive basis. Decisions about the vote will be accepted jointly with the British Rada.

British Rada and the Union of Theater Children of Russia give support in the organization of the trip, which cover the ticket for an economy-class flight to Edinburgh and back, it is possible to stay at a double room, and the registration fee of the Showcase, which allows you to check in up to 20 days a week.

Participants independently pay for: visa vitrati (a sheet of support is hoped), accommodation in an okremu room, food, public transport.

All the delegates of the Showcase from Russia may be registered through the British Rada.

Information about the Showcase program can be found here:

If you want to take part in the competition, please send a motivation sheet until March 29, 2017 ate address - regionstdrf@mail.ru

Program Curator

Sofia Pidv'yaznikova, +79154904044

Fringe Festival: here is a photo and video, a report description and notes about the Fringe Festival 2019 roci.

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Operas, musicals, shows, comedies, ancient Greek and contemporary tragedies, art performances, child performances - more than 30,000 performances in total for three days! All the same - in one Scottish city of Edinburgh at festivals of mystics under the name of Fringe.

The Fringe Festival is held within the framework of the United Burg International Festival of Mystery, as an unofficial part, but from the very beginning in 1947, absolutely independent, independent cultural events, with different programs.

The Fringe festival is held within the framework of the United Burg International Festival, as an unofficial part, but from the very beginning in 1947, the groups are absolutely independent, independent cultural events, with different programs. The fringe will take place just like that, like an international festival, near the sickle.

The smut, which celebrates the Fringe festival, is the day of the festival stage, so on the stage, there are about 250 of them in Edinburz, there will be a mustache, whoever you want, whom you can, and not let into the great official fest. Such is the theatrical democracy - without the subjectivity of the press. That is why students come to Fringe, recognized actors and vicons, and self-made teams.

The word “fringe” is translated from English as “edge”, “Uzbіchchya”, “should you go beyond”. Festival of Names Since 1947, 8 theatrical groups arrived at the first Edinbursky Festival of Mystery. The stench was not turned on before the official program, but they acted like they were worthy of peeps.

Not less than 20 hundreds of demonstrations on the Fringe show become light premieres.

A lot of shows at the program are sacred to pass on the streets, and those that are shown on closed stages are cheaply made, so it’s not possible for tourists to visit, as a rule, for three days to play most of the shows. I go under great enmity, to turn on the Fringe at least once more.

The Edinburgh International Festival is one of the largest stage art festivals in the world. Vіn to pass near the capital of Scotland shorіchno at the serpnі and trivaє mayzhe month. The Edinburgh Festival is unique. Here one hour theatrical, opera, dance and musical performances are presented.

The wines include concerts of classical, orchestral, chamber and vocal music, theatrical performances, opera, dance shows, ballet performances by leading creative teams from rich countries of the world. The United Burg International Festival of Mystics is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world.

The festival was founded in 1947 in order to revive the humanist spirit of the European art after the Other World War, as well as to promote the development of the global European spiritual values ​​and culture. To finish the swede of wines by becoming one of the largest festivals of European art, and then the world. Nine participants of the festival are creative collectives and militia from dozens of countries around the world, and guests of Edinburgh are over 2 million people. Already the first festival was divided into the official program and the "informal" part, the rest of them showed up to eight theatrical corpses that performed right on the streets of the city. From that hour, the tradition was not interrupted.

For the official part of the festival, ask for collectives and mitts, chosen ahead of time, - according to tradition, the director of the festival especially enforces the request. They perform at several central theaters and concert halls in Edinburgh, as well as on many other less important stages. The stinks stand in front of the peeps at viconan classical music, at dramatic, opera, dance art and other types of creativity.

Traditionally, such all-world bands take part in the festival, such as the Scottish Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Cleveland and Minnesota Orchestras, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the Russian National Orchestra and many others. Previously, Valery Gergiev and Yuri Bashmet took their part here. One hour with the official program to take place and the "informal" part - the festival "Fringe" ("Fringe" - extreme, out of bounds zagalnoyyannyy) - the festival of experimental vikonavskogo mystetstva, de mozhut take the fate of us bajayuchi kolektiv.

Traditionally, wines are repaired the day before the Edinburgh festival, or one hour after it and end like a sickle. On top of the official program, "Fringe" is a more liberal look at the arts, which is between an hour and a street carnival. In order to participate in a lot of new environments, artists from all over the world bring here their novelties and create the most funny and experimental productions, which sometimes go beyond the scope of traditional art.

The great Fringe program has more street appearances and performances on open air. Today, that practically healthy, the hour of the holding of the Edinburgh International Festival of Mystery will be held over 1000 shows at various concert maidanchiks of the city. This grandiose Christmas event, like theaters and concert halls, winds right on the streets of Edinburgh.

One of the main events of the festival are the evening parades of the military orchestras "Military Tattoo", de to show their mastery of the orchestras of more than thirty countries of the world. And the festival ends with a grand fireworks display at the park near the Edinbursky Castle. The most fantastic barista of the fireworks show (Edinburgh Festival Fireworks Concert) is the largest in Europe.

On this day, the Edinburgh Festival deserves the title of one of the largest art festivals in the world. Paired with other similar festivals, wines were taken in a flash: and varied views of the arts, and a free democratic atmosphere, and the intertwining of different cultures and peoples of the world. Skin from hearing and looking at new impersonal artistic opinions, seeing its unique magical atmosphere.

The Crazy Podiya of Edinburgh-2016 - the "Peace for the World" screening, staged for Shakespeare's play by the Moscow Pushkin Theater. Tsiogo roku 69th Edinburzky Festival will be held from 5 to 29 September. 2442 participants from 36 nationalities and close to two million gazers came to Scotland. Little Edinburgh and the numbers don't lie: 69 years before the festival and a short time for impatience on a new check. What is the secret of being accommodating to Edi-Fest?

The Edinburgh International Festival is one of the largest and most prestigious light festivals of stage arts. Yoga history began in 1947. That same military Europe needed to boost morale - as a common platform for reviving the development of European art. From that hour, the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, will receive the New Year.

Stage 3 of the play "Peace for the World"

Genre versatility will inevitably pull the genre movement behind it, and the Edinburgh Festival is not a minus, but a plus for everyone. Regardless of the important age, the festival is alive with the future, inspired by the latest trends, which I create myself. And to you, a distant roar under the sound of “Nothing is necessary”: the headless relish of the director of the festival, Jonathan Mills, who, to the point of professionalism, clearly reaffirms the artist’s provocation in the face of vulgar speculation and never crosses the line.

One of the productions of this season, which has the tag thought-provoking on the festival website, is Mozart's Cosi` fan tutte by the French director Christophe Honore. The praising theme of the mercilessness of the bazhanya, which makes the hard test difficult, one of the most dreadful and the most important of Mozart's operas, took a new reading in Honore. The director made a quartet of kohanikhs to Ethiopia in the 1930s. Here, as well as the Italian colony, the theme expands for the sake of it and sticks out like a special sphere, and racial. The Freiburg baroque orchestra under the ceremonial of Mozart's virtuoso music composer Louis Langre does not give a doubt that, regardless of the new reading, the main theme of the opera is sex.

For the festival, there are no inter - not only genre, but national ones. The director of the festival, Jonathan Mills, has said more than once that Edi-Fest does not want to spread to Europe, but it will attract an audience that is open to the cultures of the world. Not the first river of wine shows the method of cross-cultural interaction. One of the most beautiful stars of the recent event is Akram Khan, a British Indian traveler, a representative of the young generation of dancers and choreographers. Yogo staging of Ghotto Desh is a visual and dance performance, a stage movement in combination with the animated symbols of Bengal - the jungle and those baggies. This story of a lad, in search of self-identification, who turns to his little fatherland, is truly a mystical sight.

Russians in Edinburz: theater, opera, ballet

At various festivals, many Russian victors and theatrical corpses were visited by various rockers.

In 1991, when Valery Gergiev arrived here with the opera troupe of the Mariinsky Theater (also named after Kirov), Petersburgers brought Mussorgsky's operas. The vistas walked through the week, with an absolute triumph. Such an international musical community was not yet known to maestro Gergiev, and performing at festivals in such a sense can be celebrated with a worldly debut and performances - “Mariinsky”, and maestro.

In the past, Russian victors repeatedly cheered Edinburg: Mary's corpse brought to Edinburg "Troyantsiv" by Yannis Kokkos, "Popelyushka" by Oleksiy Ratmansky. Dmitri Krimov's "Laboratory" of Dramatic Art showed "Dream of Summer Night" and won the single award for the United Bury International Festival of Stage Art - The Bank of Scotland Herald Angel award. At various festivals, our orchestras, musicians, singers and dancers shone. 2016 rіk - no blame.

The middle is quiet, who has performed at concerts for the most part, - Russian pianist Boris Berezovsky. 12–13 September Natalia Osipova, Russian ballet prima, as the last rock soloist at the London Royal Ballet, presenting a premiere performance, prepared especially for her. In the announcement before the performance, it is written: “There is an infusion of natural elements, the light of the world is veiled in the dance, and this performance is holy with a hopeless technique, the energy that is charged with a lively character.” On the 15th of September, the Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater will be given a whistle: for the lookers to present Richard Wagner's opera "Gold to the Rhine".

Bezumovna Podiya Edinburgh-2016 - the show "Peace for the world" of the Moscow theater named after Pushkin. In 2016, the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare is celebrated, and a single production of the Pushkin Theater and the theater company Cheek by Jowl, created by the British director Declan Donnellan, continues its triumphant course around the world at festivals: the bachelor’s performance is also in the USA. On the first day of the sickle there was a screening at Hamlet's fatherland, in the Danish castle of Kronbarg in Elsinoria. In Edinburz, the guests of Scotland will play the performance six times.

“Peace for the World” is a Shakespearean story about a Volodar who is unsung in his own mind, that hypocritical monger, that a young man and his fanatical sister-nun got lost. The theme of freedom of will and law, bezkarnost and repayment is eternal, like other plots of the great Briton, and to know that there is a lively vision in the minds of the eyes and souls.

What's the catch: Shakespeare's rіk "having put" three vistavi on the festival, and even from them not to pass my dear author, English. In Edinburz Shakespeare speak Russian, French and German. Crimean Russian "Come in for the world", in the United Burz the presentation of "Twelve Nights" by Dan Yemmet (France) and "Richard III" staged by Thomas Ostermeyer (Nimechchina). Like a truly international event, the Edinburgh Festival demonstrates three different approaches to Shakespeare, but in the skin, without respect for reading, it sounds like author's actuality.

A large-scale sacred mystic is three times more than two tyzhnі. Two more tyzhnі art-works of light class. Schovechora - a new opportunity to create creative performance, new interpretations of the classics, amazing premieres, and all the same in the middle-class scenery of the Scottish capital. Two millions of peeping can only be greeted.

The Edinburgh Festival is a popular name for festival entries that take place at the same time in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh School. Crimea, the largest and most status event - the Edinburgh International Festival of Mystery - at the moment, the list of festivals has over two dozen names. Among them are "Edinburgh Fringe", "Book Festival", "Festival of Asian Culture", "Edinburgh Film Festival", "Parade of Russian Orchestras", "Comedy Festival", "Internet Festival". If you want festivals to be held by different organizations, they don’t hang out alone, when they see the stench, they are like one podium. The United Burg International Festival of Mystics is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world.


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