Women of the Sea: Amazing Pirnalnitsa Ama (5 photos). Japanese mermaids Ama Japanese sea nymphs

Women of the Sea: Amazing Pirnalnitsa Ama (5 photos). Japanese mermaids Ama Japanese sea nymphs

All mi chuli about pirnalnikov for pearls. Tse at first glance is even more romantically busy, mortally unsafe! A beautiful underwater light is hidden in one’s own faceless insufficiency and insecurity. And don’t let a person run into them.

Pearl industry is one of the safest professions in the world. You need to look for 3-4 first-class pearls, you need to bring close to 1 ton of oysters to the surface!

Sea pearls have been seen from ancient times in China, in Thailand and Sri Lanka. Today, natural reserves of pearls have already been used up, and the main part of natural pearls is cultivated on an industrial scale.
Read the report: How pearls are established.

Small natural reserves of wild pearls have been lost on the coast of Sri Lanka and Japan, at the Red Sea and the Persian Sea. A small variety of natural freshwater pearls is carried out in Nimechchina, Russia, China and other lands of Pivnichnoy America.

Nayvіdomishi at svіtі pіrnachі for pearls

Ama is the name given to the Japanese purveyors of pearls. Literally, it is translated, like "a man of the sea." Ama is removed from the bottom of the sea deeps like oyster shells, and tsins of algae breed. Japanese priests have been doing their craft for over 2000 years! This is a unique culture and tradition. In them, they themselves learned to love the pearls of the Chinese pirnachi. Records were saved in ancient Chinese dzherels, in some kind of birds of the Middle Kingdom they said about their readers like this: “Japanese swimmers love, feast, catch ribs and oysters. Rosemary of the body served to show the great fish and water creatures, then, step by step, they began to embellish them with embellishment.

Right up to the 20th century, the Japanese ama pirnachi zanuryuvalsya in the sea without any possession. Everything that was on them was just a bandage on the quilts, on which stench they fastened lower for the protection of the sharks. Today, there are a lot of celebrations of victorious special costumes, and winding up those masks. Nirtsі ama spit on crustaceans, lobsters, octopuses, sea urchins and, of course, they pick oysters, in which pearls are not always trapped. The middle depth, on the yakіy pіrnachі pearls are far away, to become 20 meters. Krіm polyuvannya for perlins, ama are engaged in fishing with various types of the strong state.

It's wonderful, ale ama - tse zdebіshogo, women! More precisely, young women. Your body can survive longer under water without the risk of hypothermia, which ensures the presence of pidshkir fat.

Become a maiden ama zavzhdi it was even more honorable. About the "women-ribi" is told in the Chinese chronicles of the III century BC. e. The prestige of the profession is saved by dosі. There are legends about the beauty of the ama - the stench is calm, impregnable and poetic. Їhnya beauty and bagatovіkove mystetstvo vidobutku perlіv vіdbito in numerical folklore plots.

Enchanting pins ama zanuryuyuyutsya on sea mud, vikoristovuyuuchi important vantage - tse small lead bars, like tying to the string for the help of a long hank, passed through the block. Oysters stench are taken for the help of special spatulas, or simply with bare hands. Vіdvazhnі і vіnіаtyurnі dіvchatа аma mаyut immeasurable strength – from the bottom of the sea the stench lifts vаntazhі up to 15 kg! When you don’t win, don’t beat the last hour for a busy time.

People check money from chovnas. Your strength is directed to those who want to take vantage and smarten up quickly and win the pirnalnitsa z vikoristannya skeins in times of guilt.

Ignorant of the fold, shkidlivu for health and even unsafe for life, work, the first days of the ama do not win new technical wines, such as scuba gear and wetsuits. Nirtsі ama vikoristovuyut only underwater eyepieces for the protection of the eyes in the sea salt. And one more small attachment -
motuzkovy belt with kaigan (metal spatula for cutting algae and shells). Tim is no less, in the rest of the decade a new type of bastards appeared, equipped with the most modern ammunition for picking pearls. This led to a sharp increase in the species of natural wild pearls and a significant rapid population of sea mollusks.

It's marvelous, but traditionally the maids are topless! By the sea, there are more important people accompanying them; The middle of the year is the night of the ama - 15 years! All stink to follow in the footsteps of mothers and grandmother. Riven їhnyoї professіynoї podgotovki zavzhda bezdoganny. The older generation boldly conveys to the younger all the secrets of the ancient craft. Nirtsі ama іnodi swim in pretty short shorts, sewn with wet hands. At the same time with young bare breasts, you look more calmly.

Today's feasts

Japanese signs ama descend on the sea depths in our days. So, as if in the middle of the sea, the stench comes from the bottom of the sea pearl shells, algae, sea urchins and other most important delicacies.

Sіltsі posledstvenіh pirnalnikіv rassipani і sоmu uzberezhzhyu japonії - marvelous, archaic svіt, scho bewitch your simple life in otochennym wild nature. Nirtsі ama live in friendly communities and lead a natural state.

All pirnachi ama practice professionally in apnea - underwater swimming from the windy breath. This is the most ancient profession of all nationalities that once inhabited and inhabit today Polynesia, Oceania, Philippines and, most importantly, Japan. On the right, in the fact that successful underwater watering is practically impossible without watering with a special dihal technique under water. Before that, as soon as you drink water deeply, drink water at your chest as much as possible and expel all the carbon dioxide from the body (hyperventilation legen). Hyperventilation is a method of Swiss primus inhalation and respiration, lowering instead of carbon dioxide in the blood of a person. This procedure allows you to keep your breath down for a long time - up to 1 hvilin! Alas, the hour of zanurennya record holders and people with non-standard physiological danim. Basically, zanurennya apnea becomes 1-3 whilini.

The most recent spiritual practice is successfully victorious with ama dosi nirkami. Reaching the bottom, the stench throws off the vintage ballast, which is lifted to the surface by their partners, who are near the chest. At the pirnacha, there is already little time for a joke and a collection of pearls. For the present ama, who has victorious isothermal overalls and fins, we are going to take and raise to the surface a larger volume and change catch.

Ale and tse still not naydivovnizhniche. Porinalnitsam have to work a lot of zauren. Lies - fifty zauren, a day - more fifty! Mіzh early and evening "poluvannyam" pirnalnitsі obov'yazkovo vіdpochivayut. Ale is not just free to spend an hour, but to do special dychal gymnastics for ventilation of the leg in a lying position. When you see whistling sounds, you look from the side to do it comedy. A short break, to have a bite to eat and drink some tea - and I refill the water! During the day, you climb over a hundred zanuren to a depth of 15-22 meters. Zagalom mayzhe n'yat years perebuvannya under water! Myslivtsy eat pearls right in the churns, which have mini-braziers installed. Tse vkrai nebhіdne obladnannya, the shards of home stench turn over the evening. Until then, the weather on the sea is still rather cold, and without hot tea it is practically impossible to warm up. And the post-cooling leads to ailments and further professional unapproachability.

Earnings from the little girl of the ama are even more disgraceful, which pays off the cost of the naming number of forces and that energy. Fallow in the case of maisternost and industrial reserves, on the day of the first day of work, they earn from 150 to 400 dollars. Varto vrakhovuvati, that the season for picking pearls is three from early morning to spring. At this month, the water warms up and does not cause hypothermia to the body.
During the season, the ama earns tens of thousands of dollars, which, at first glance, is rich. Only for some reason, the number of clerks does not increase, but the whole hour changes. The middle age is a little sign in one of the industrial forces - 67 years! With all the children of the “youngest” century - 50 years, and the oldest - 85 years! It's easy to show how amazing and harmonious these people are. Your life is such a superfluous nature, as if you adore the stench, dorimuyuchis rich rituals.

How to grow cultivated pearls

In the middle of the mollusk oysters are placed small pieces of namistinka with mother-of-pearl and other materials and turn back near the water. For a sprat of rock namistina, perebuvayuchi in the middle of the shell, it is covered with natural mother-of-pearl. Fallow in the way of cultivation, the hour of cultivation can become from 2 to 8 years. Then the molluscs are taken out of the water and removed from them, the beautiful pearls have matured. This is how the cultivation of natural pearls grows.

The Chinese were the first to cultivate pearls. The stench took the shells of the river mollusks, carefully made their chairs with a special spatula, placed clay bags of clay in the middle of the clay, and burried them back near the pond. (When this “operation” with the addition of namistin-implants is carried out only on the shells of mollusks, as if they had reached the courtyard). After a deaky hour, the oysters hovered in the water and the pearls ripened.

Tsya technology of cultivating pearls mayzhe did not change, after a hundred years. Obviously, there are more pearls growing today. For a rich fate, all the nuances of the enchanting craftsmanship are vindicated.

On farms with the cultivation of pearls, there are special cages-incubators - dreary nets, for their design, which even doubles for greasing shashliks. In the middle of such cages made of thin metal rods, oyster shells are firmly fixed. Nets with shells are lowered by the sea, and they are lifted up to light rafts.

On pearl farms, special water reservoirs are created, in which the optimal temperature is maintained, which is necessary for the life of mollusks. The farmer regularly cultivates on his own plantations, turning over the cages as little as possible, and as often as possible. Also, water purification is carried out regularly at water basins. For intensive growth of oysters, it is necessary to improve the microclimate, as close as possible to the natural minds of the marine environment, - the water of the oyster is enriched with microorganisms brown for mollusks. Such “food products” are developed by marine microbiologists, shards in the middle of the medium to deposit “healthy” oysters, a warehouse of speech, which is seen by them, and, as a result, the degree of ripening and the quality of the “product that is released”

The largest pearl plantations are equipped with their own high-tech laboratories, on the basis of which the development of the necessary live streams for water bodies is being developed. Fahіvtsі practical in the given mode to control the temperature of the water, її warehouse, camp mantle pearls too. This allows you to simultaneously reveal the reasons for the increase in the ripening of pearls and carry out the necessary correction. At the scientific laboratories, studies are carried out, the beginnings of the cultivation of pearls, rivers by rivers, and daedals are beautiful and bright. Microbiologists create new types of breeding, work with different varieties of oysters, and create new colors of pearls.

Plantations are stationary, they are organized near piece waterholes. Ale є y tі, scho vlashtovatsya right by the sea chi rivers. From the point of view of the microflora, the ideal life of an oyster. Ale the sea - the element is alive, as it often becomes merciless to its bagmen. Natural perlin plantations, on one side, grow smaller amounts of farmers. On the other side, molluscs are supra-lingually different. Zvichayny sea storm building for the last few years, the bugatorical work of the perlin cultivator. Therefore, when a storm approaches, the farmer has to move his entire plantation to a more calm place. Even in the bakery - as the temperature regime complies with the necessary norms, all oysters are carried in a cold place. In the vicinity of the rocks, perlin plantation will rise in price without a price, just to live. Obviously, it’s more than a little busy.

The picking of the perlin crop is thoroughly washed, hung, after which it is sorted according to the shape, color and intensity of the glare. Nezabar after picking the seedlings, the pearls are polished and go through the same processing, thin as they lie in the variety.

Today, the largest pearl farms are sold in Japan, China, and Thailand. The most popular varieties of pearls grow on Chinese pearl farms - the varieties "Akoya", "Mabi" and "Pearls of the Pivdenny Sea". Pearls are breathed one in the same form, and for the size and for the number of mother-of-pearl.

In the rest of the years, the overcrowding of the light market with Chinese pearls was noted - Chinese farmers of the flooring well mastered the craft of cultivating pearls, which the order of the region had a chance to cultivate on the legislator's level. Ale, no matter what, go to the most cardinal markets, the largest pearl markets in Hong Kong, at the literal sensation, littered with Chinese cultivated pearls, to finish the garnish.

Light fashion for embellishment with stone periodically fades, then subsides. Dark richness of hematite, with power only to you with a soft metal glint, looking not just spectacular, but in a right way bewitching!

People for hundreds of years have known the mysteries of the underwater world, relying on nothing more than the warmth that nature bestowed on them. Most of today's freedivers may be aware of the rich traditions of underwater swimming, and at the same time about one of the oldest freediving cultures in the world - Japanese traditional ama. The greatest riddle about Japanese pirnalnikiv comes up to 300 rubles. BC The term "ama" itself literally means "a woman-pirnalnitsya, a woman who takes a breath, who chooses the sea for eating," which even accurately reflects those who continue to be engaged in ama today. I went to Mie Prefecture, the other receiving region for the day from Nago, where most of the Ama community in Japan lives. I have longed to become one of the few representatives of the western world, who were spared by the pirnati z ama - and the ama shared with me their bachenny process of pirnannya.

Sayuri is close to 65. She is respected by one of the best signs of Toba. Previously, together with her man, she practiced fudano (pirnannya zminnoy vaga), prote bula zmushena pripinit after barotrauma in the ear. Sayuri knew that it would be better not to love pairing with a man: "Wouldn't hurt me!"


Such a woman choose the order for the pirnanny more scrupulously. Turbine about the conservation of underwater light is their top priority, and before choosing a charcoal object, the stench is suitable for looking at the fact that it is not much easier to relieve the wine process of drinking, why not bring it to the epidemiological vidobutka? The ama's lower back was pierced completely naked: neither the wetsuit, nor the mask, nor the fins. Water temperatures in the Mie vzimku area can drop to 10ºC, and a whole river can appear in its watering. Lord, that hell could I know even one sea ear for such minds!

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Іsnuє daily zhіnochiy (for rіdkіsnimi vinyatki) type of marine fishery. Tse species of sea organisms sessile on the bottom of the sea by women-pirnalniks. Pratsyu pirnalnikov for sea gifts are called the mysticism "ama".

Pratsya pirnalnitsa "ama" vinyled over 2000 years ago. To this day, wine has been saved practically from the imminent look. Tіlki spetsіalnі hachki for pіddyagannya vіdokremlennya molyuskіv vіd skelny substrate now not kіstyanі and derev'yanі, but steel. Everything else, that number has clothes, and often the same thing.

Buvay, scho pirnalnikami є і cholovіki. In some areas of Japan, it often reaches 20-25%. Ale zagalom at the edge of the chastka is already small. And the shards of this situation lower the bar of romantic manifestations about the art, the person’s role in the ceremony itself is not tarnished. But let's be objective, and the role of people will not be cast on the right.

Centuries of "ama-san" look for some of the same species of marine organisms: from mollusks and gourds - seaweed, sazae (horned turbot), sea hedgehog, trepang, from crustaceans - Japanese spiny lobster, from algae - helidium, undaria and others. Bazhanoy zdobichchyu є one-stalked mollus sea head (abalon), vin naydorochchiy (such specimens, as if they were drunk with pimples, cost 100 and more dollars on the market). The species of the mollusk itself will require great zusil, the shards with their m'yaz wines can already be hardened to the stones of that skel. For the old hours - before the cultivation of pearls on sea plantations on a commercial basis - "ama" were "shukachs of pearls". At the same time, the robot “ama” has a more decorative, less promiscuous character.

In the 17th - 19th centuries, the word "ama" was even more important for the Japanese economy. Regardless of the isolation from the outer world, the outer trade needed to be developed. Open for foreigners the port of Nagasaki is actively harvested for export to China and other regions of agar grown from agar-bearing algae. The algae in the appointed hour could have produced more than the woman's pimples. In the middle of the 19th century, the production of agar-bearing plants and the production of agar expanded throughout Japan. Evidently, the meaning of the “ama” craft was even greater.

Why the practice of "ama" is saved by hundreds and thousands, it is important to explain. To finish with a shifty looking version is coming. First, this species is clearly localized. I grew up and saved myself there, de in the coastal, accessible to swimming, zones, there are sufficient reserves of traditional species for the “ama” craft, and more significant. The presence of a fasting object of practice creates the mind of a fasting character of practice.

In a different way, "ama" does not vikoristovuyut special dyhalnyh devices, relying only on the physical and spiritual forces of the body, and can not fit into the middle and bagging of the coastal zone. I tse allows you to improve the ecosystem and biotopes in an equally important country. In addition, the rest of the hour to build on these sparing types of trade is established for the seasons and the number of trade days. Gaining chivalry and a subjective factor - a shifting Asian mentality, which includes the honor of remembering ancestors and keeping traditions intact.

About those who "ama", having dressed up ten years ago in diving suits with scuba gear, excavated stocks of species of marine organisms, as if they became the basis of their foundation, Japanese successors do not guess. At the same time, it was seen that, for example, in the 19th century, the stocks of agar-bearing algae gelidium were replenished through high water on agar outside the cordon and spragi otrimannya high surplus in short, by Japanese hirelings, the use of "ama" for the type of algae.

Prote diving promisel is known. Such a way of species of bottom marine organisms is (albeit in small obsyagi) in Japan, and in other lands. In that number, in Russia. On the Far Descent, by diving, sea hedgehogs are seen, and their caviar is highly valued on the Japanese market. At the same time, there are different technical achievements, which significantly increase the ability of people to work under water and, obviously, the efficiency of the species of marine organisms. "Ama" "permit" one hour less "wet" suit for pirnannya.

Methodi roboti "ama"

You can find a description of the methods of working with the “ama” booklet, or a sign of a vidobotka, in various Internet sites (as a rule, only fragments of travel brochures and magazines from Japanese subjects) and you can find in the book of free-diver Jacques Maillol “Ludina-Dolphin”, translated my Russian. We vvazhali for the best animal to the Japanese dzherel - to the collection of drawings, writing the words "ama" of the frail century from different regions of Japan, as well as to the results of cultural Japanese studies on this topic.

Use two of the largest extensions of the industry "ama". The first one is called "funado", the other - "katido". The first one means - people with a body, the other - walkers (abo pikhotintsі on the seabed). There is one more variety of the pirnalnits' craft - "noria", if the people unite with the group.

At the first glance, the "ama" is practiced in a pair with a person or a partner (tomaї-san). In this case, the first one is constantly on board the ship, controlling the situation and leading a partner, which is independently important, the shards on the top carried the vantage for a quick and easy bore (an hour may reach 20 meters). With an arc of a short-hour rise to the surface of the “ama”, rob inhaling through a lightly pronounced lips with a whistle (it’s easier to pay the pressure at the water on the surface), which is what the people call “coastal flute”.

Sometimes a sprat "ama" hires a vessel of that precious person, who helps to keep the fish safe and assists in the work of women-pirnalniks. When tsimu vikoristovuєtsya one vantage on all floating.

The skin pіnnalnytsia is tied with a cord, so-called "rope of life" (іnoti-zuna). The most safe, if the cable is torn and cremated in the form of a body "ama". Rise from the water without third-party help, the greater the hour of the water, and the legends can be seen. Those who "ama" can be under water two, three hvilin, and sometimes more, do not play a role. The hour of the sound of the breath is required to be as vicorous as possible for a joke and a vidobotka of marine organisms.

I especially care about the sea-bottom plots from the remnants of sunken ships. Metal steps can easily injure or cut through the cable of life. That is why, regardless of the squandering of the abalone bazhan mollusk, “ama” are trying to find the uniqueness of such places.

Often "ama" dress up a white robe, navіt like a vicarious "wet" suit. The flame was kindly commemorated for the tomai-san under water, so it is easier to take care of the robot and the safety of the day.

With a different view of the trade, "ama"-catchers unite in a group and lead a vidoboot near the shore without the help of a vessel. This kind of trade is called "okedo" - that is the species of marine organisms from vicarious wooden cebra "oke", where the catch is accumulated. Badya also serve as a guide on the surface of the water, with it, the “rope of life” happens.

Trivality of work near the water changes in the fallow time depending on the temperature of the water. Vzimku, ring out, promise to curl up. Spring and autumn, women spend 2-3 years near the water. In the meantime, the duration of the working day increases up to 5 years. For more information, don’t forget to get the information about the previous documents. It is also the valence of knowledge by the water to lie in the wind, to see the ama and other factors.

Podolat vysnazhlivnost heavy pracі dopomogaє harmony with nature, find the best connection of life "ama" with the sea middle. Vipadki are described, if the “ama-san” people made children immediately after robots under the water, the ice came to the shore. It dawned on me that the past had not seen a good life. The moluske sea head before the war did not bring a lot of income, and the rocks of the turbulent development of the Japanese economy.

It is necessary to say that it is similar to mysticism for sea delicacies - and those who get "ama", and є spravzhnіsіnkі delіkatesi - іsnuєі in the Republic of Korea, zokrema on the island of Jeju. To sound out in a different way - approximately like “khene”, ale sense toy themselves - women of the sea. I do not change the essence. Difficult work, it is very important to replace any industrial species. Follow similar species of craft to be found in the ancient history of other continents, but they were saved less from the Hidden Asia.

The art of "ama" is part of Japanese traditions

The first riddles about Japanese pirnalnitsy for sea gifts are found in ancient Chinese chronicles (in Japanese sounding "Gisi Wadzin Den") and an anthology of Japanese poetry of the 8th century "Man'eshu". Dzherel’s data does not only guess about the reason for the birth, but also give deacons about the peculiarities of their own identity. Deciphering the old texts shows that the body of the ancient "ama" was covered with tattoos. Tattoos were small to protect the pimples near the water from the sharks and other unsafe sacks of the sea. At the walk of the robotic pirnalitsi, they know all the clothes, like having taken a tattoo.

Sounds like applying a tattoo, having left the chinny until recently, as a rule - pirnati in a naked look.

In Japan, there are a lot of “ama”, yakі live in this kind of industry and, until the Japanese fishermen’s legislation, they can have royal rights and registration, for the tribute, the Committee of Education of Mie Prefecture, become 1800 osib. From the beginning of quiet pirnalok, as they are engaged in craft hour after hour, their number grows up to 2170. The largest number of compact settlements are located in the Toba and Poviti Sima district of the prefecture. Ale є spetsіalіzovanі promysli "ama" in the rich and other regions of Japan. Zzvichay, zalezhno vіd roztashuvannya tsikh traditsіynyh voprosylіv spetsialіzatsіya їх vіdіznyаєtsya. Narazi all "ama" united in cooperatives.

The number "ama" changes step by step. For the remaining 20 years, the number of "ama" has changed twice (table). Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through a decrease in the income of the principal. So the middle season is constantly growing. The place of the hydrobiont’s background is destroyed, as if “ama” is pronounced. Obsyag zboru prinalnytsami a sea vushka - the main object of the collection - squirmed vp'yatero. In order to preserve the self-made tradition, the authorities of the Mie prefecture in 2013 organized a program to increase the life of the coastal villages and increase the income of women in the early years.

The daily income of the current "ama" is approximately 1.0 million yen (about 10 thousand dollars) per river. It is practically impossible to live only on a penny in modern Japan. In order to increase the income of “ama”, the program for the regeneration of life saves the transfer of molding of industrial plants, the increase in the stock of seaweed by the way of the resettlement of larvae, the promotion of technologies for the processing of algae, which are little and not vicorous. Similar encouragement can stabilize the virobnic, as well as the traditional way of life "ama". The financing of these programs was transferred by the state budget for the state budget of Japan. The budget for us is straight forward for the improvement of the life of the gospodar's coastal villages. But in this situation, you can speak with confidence and about the upholding of traditions.


Changing the number "ama" after 1931

For the tribute to the Maritime Museum of Japan and the Department of Fishing of Japan.

Practically start picking the products of the sea for the first time from a strong state, other than the service sector (as a rule, tourism). Fallen in the natural minds of a particular territory, the number of days that the sea industry is experiencing is strongly irritated. So, on the outskirts of Toba, the number of days of the marine trade is to be from 10 to 110 days per river. In the outskirts of the town of Sima, the significance of the marine industry is higher and it takes 40 to 286 days for the river.

At the bottom of the world, centuries of formed holy springs have become a kind of regulator of the “ama” craft, like, for example, near Yamaguti Prefecture on the birches of the Sea of ​​Japan. Here, near Yuya, the ancient settlement "ama" is roztashovanny. Temples are set up at the foot of the obov'yazkovyh holidays, de zdijsnyuyut rites with charcoal sea blessings, I give birth to the preservation of the reserves of objects that are seen. Such days become traditional briefings about the rules of vidobutka (do not see the mollusks in size less for promissory notes).

Threatening the craft, as if for a thousand years, that mysticism turned into tradition, creating and step by step the old pie. The most important age of the greatness of the prefecture of Mie becomes 70-80 years.

Japan and Pivdenna Korea to revoke the right to register in UNESCO the female type of maritime industry "ama"

The Pivdennokorean Agency for Cultural Assets praised the decision to submit an application to the UNESCO Commission to register the hyene culture of Jeju Island as an intangible heritage of human culture. Registration of culture "khene" in UNESCO, perhaps in 2015.

Japanese national organizations can also apply for registration of their culture to UNESCO. The method of vidobotki from the seabed of organisms by women-pirinals, which transformed into a self-made culture, is only found in Japan and the Republic of Korea.

According to the ZMI of the Republic of Korea, on the island of Jeju, the number of chickens in the period of maximum development of this type of craft was 30,000 individuals. Ninі їhnya kіlkіst nоt exceed 4500 osіb.

In the Republic of Korea, the craft of “hene” is respected in a calmly Korean way and it is even more critical to be placed before the name of Japan in registering a type of fish sea industry as a traditional people's bathhouse. Truthfully, the Korean writings of the Middle Ages date the appearance of the craft “hene” around the 17th century. It seems that in the 17th - 18th centuries (the Teson era), Korean feasts brought gifts of the sea to the table of the royal family.

In the Japanese prefecture of Mie, more than half of all pirnachoks registered in the country are engaged in this kind of trade - close to 1000 people. Misto Toba ta povitu Sima of Mie Prefecture, where the “Ama” craft has been greatly expanded, starting from 2009, exchange with friends for the craft from Pivdenny Korea and “Ama Samit” will be held there. At the summit in 2010, it was praised by the successive decision of Japan and the Republic of Korea to submit a single application for registration of this type of craft to UNESCO. The reason for the second half of the application to UNESCO for the speed of the eight national applications is due to the warmer climate of the political waters of the two lands. It is also connected with national ambitions, which have grown up in the bond.

Japanese-Pivdenno-Korean exchanges between representatives of the "industry-culture" "ama-khene", as well as between fahivtsy - culturologists and historians of the two lands are continued at the same time. Ninі tse priymaєtsya as if especially. Ale before the Other World War, Korean “hene” constantly came to the Japanese island of Shikoku to collect agar-bearing algae gelidium, which was a normal occurrence. So, "ama" for example, the 19th century, looked at similar crafts in the Korean production. Even earlier, Japanese and Korean subsidiaries created brigades, with which they sent them to trade to Japan and China. In the pre-revolutionary hours, such brigades appeared at the Russian Primorye, arguably, only a short summer month.

On the way out, on the cob of the 20th century, Korea "ama" from the Mie prefecture was sent, sound, from birch to spring. They crossed over to a small wooden ship for the help of oars that glass. The entire crew, including "ama" and helpers, was composed of 15 osib. For an hour of expeditions, the ship became a home for everyone. Vitrilo and sugla changed on the dachas over the canopy, at which everyone slept.

Hundreds and thousands of scientific and popular publications have been written about the art and tradition of "ama" in Japan. "Ama" - tse without perebіlshennya cultural decline of the Japanese people, if only for a century. This is dictated by the respect of the Japanese doslednikіv to tsієї those. І tsya theme already perekuєtsya with the global problem of people - to live in harmony with nature. In tsomu sensi, the phenomenon of “ama”, like the Korean women “hene”, goes far beyond the intercultural values ​​of only one nation.

The style of life, philosophy and svetoglyad "ama" are closely connected with the sea. This link is indistinct and harmonious. "Ama" - tse Japanese mermaids, but not kazkovі, but right.

The number of "ama" is steadily decreasing. The reason for this is not less economical mind. It’s a smut in that, step by step, the natural middle of their living is used, with which the stench is inextricably tied up. Tse not only burn the plastic smite, which zabrudnyuyut priberezhnu zone, ale and taken into concrete shore, accessible to tourists and rozzyav. Prote nerіvna struggle for the preservation of self-propelled craft from 2000-river history is trivay.

Japan is the land of traditions, the leaders of them do not die to inspire with the emergence of new technologies. There is one type of fishing industry in the country, which gave rise to legends for itself. Tse vidobotok of various gifts of the sea by women-principles. In Japan, the stench is called "Ama", and women are the only ones who become them. You can, with full right, enter what material of dedications 8 Bereznya.

Previously, female-principles appeared at the waters of the Land of the early sun more than 2000 years ago. It's amazing, but nothing has changed since that hour. Prats_vnitsі th dosі not zastosovuyut special obladnannya for zanurennya. It is also noteworthy that people want to be engaged in this trade, but it is also common to create a small amount of money.

Basically, fishermen get bottom doors: sea aloft, sazai, sea hedgehog, trepang, Japanese spiny lobster. In addition, they are not guided by various natural algae, zocrema by gelidium and undaria. Ale naybazhanishoy and naydorozhchoy zdobichchyu will be a single-shelled mollus sea vushko (abalon). It's hot to say, but for one copy you can get close to 100 dollars (here you can be hot about the exchange rate).

Just like you cіkavo, why the wine itself is so expensive, I'll try to explain. On the right, in the fact that it’s true to love, sticking to the skeletal bases and vidderti її in them is even more foldable. And even more in the minds of the one who has a supply of wind in your legens that hour is savoryly surrounded. Previously, in such mollusks they could know perlin, which made them even more valuable. At once pearly promise is only for the eyes of tourists.

Do not varto vvazhat that Ama is a little local character. In the 17th - 19th centuries, promisel brought great pennies to the state treasury. Japan itself was in self-isolation from the world, protesting the foreign port near Nagasaki. Trade from the lands to Sunset and China passed through it. We especially appreciate the sale of agar.

This product was prepared from the same algae and delivered to China. Already then yoga was delivered to other lands. To get such a valuable resource could only be female-principles. Nadali through such a drink on the algae, Ama appeared throughout the entire territory of Japan and became an important source of income in the treasury. Truthfully, it brought to summation.

At the same time, the order of Japan is trying to seize, the fact that, through the greed of springers, already in the 19th century, the reserves of agar-bearing algae were destroyed. Tse became through the burhliva increase in the number of practitioners in the industry, as well as uncontrolled vidobutka. From that hour, for zdobichchyu, the stitches are scrambled, especially for the growth of technological zdіbnosti people.

Tim is not smaller, it is impossible to say that there are no great scuba diving peers in Japan. Navpaki, you can sting by the sea, but the stink is less wide. Get the stench more important than a sea urchin. In Japan, the stray of a new one is valued for a nibit of power. Ale itself "Ama" is not allowed to own such a luxury, like a scuba gear.

Porinalnitsy rozraznyayutsya for the method of vidobotku sea creatures. The first ones are called funado, what is behind the fact of a person with a chin. Tse pіrnalnitsa, yak pracciuє s partner - “tomai-san”. At the same time, the stench whimpers in two on a yoke in the sea in the sea on a chin and starts its watering. At the same time, "Ama" binds himself with a vantage, so that it is easier to reach the bottom, and the toma-san lifts it to the surface for the help of the cable.

It is necessary to understand that such a practice is not safe for a child and will require good work. Like a man, like a climber “Ama” on the surface, if you want to get in the water, then the girl will suffocate. In addition, the safety rope can break, so that it can be carried away, or it can be laced up for a gostre, which is fatal. Nevipadkovo wine is called "inochi-zuna" chi cable of life.

Another way to see sea creatures is called "okedo". In this way, the nurses practice at the coastal smoothie. The daily chores and the ropes of life have not been transferred. The only landmark of the Crimean shore is the “oke” barrel, in the yak and the whole vidobotok is folded. Tsіkavo, that for such a method of work it is often possible to catch the whole family sleep, and not the self-made "Ama".

Porinalnitsy before the cob, they pull on the catch with bіlі shati. So it will be easier to commemorate them for the day and live the emergency days, as if the filth was trapilos with the girl. In addition, in the reports of "Ama" it is possible to posterize the cicavia way to get out of the depths. The stench wakes up for a short period of time and gets wet again with a characteristic whistle. Middle dobuvachiv tse is called "coastal flute".

The first information about the Japanese journals can be found in the Chinese chronicles. Itself zvіdti vіdomo pro pobut i zovnіshnіst "Ama" at that hour. It became clear that the greater body of the girl was curtailed. Itself the stench is guilty of protecting the mother of water spirits and marine unsafe creatures. "Ama" is small when you take off your clothes, like a twisted image. By the same token, most of the pirnalits were naked. Tsikavo, but the tradition of re-arranging before the robot has been preserved to this day.

The stench comes from the bottom of the sea shells with pearls, natural mollusks, algae - all those that cannot be obtained by the greatest fishing gear.

In Japan, women are ama and inclusive. People are also employed in the same kind of maritime industry, but in other roles. The stinks deliver their girlfriends at the chovnas until the misery, and then we chase after the pirnalnitsy, so that in times of need they can come to the rescue, or lash my mother by the winder, attached to the її belt. Obviously, the goal of leadership is taken in the villages of Ama and on earth. Women-principles themselves are honored with yearlings of their own. At the table, the first cup of rice is served, wanting to turbot around the house, nobody knows about them.

Pratsya їhnya is not easy. Trichi on the day of tsiliy rіk ama virushayut by the sea, de spend on the second or two years. The most common way to take the stench is to take a pig of 10 kg with you into a chauvin, so that you can get to the bottom of it. On leather nirok ide 1-1.5 min. Virinayuchi, schob remembrance of the breath, ama carefully saw the crooked teeth. Tsієї mitі above the sea, a characteristic light whistle is heard. The stench is practiced, as a rule, at a depth of 15-20 meters, sometimes at a deeper level - up to 40 meters. Like a maiden pirnaє z chovna, zdobich accepts a rower. Pirnayuchi from the shore pick up visible shells and mollusks from floating on the surface of wooden barrels.

Earn ama duzhe decently. The working season is three days from 1 May, if the sea water is still riddled with winter cold, it is spring to the ear. Skin zam shkodnya pirnaє on a depth of 13-22 meters more than a hundred times. Tse approximately 250-280 hvilin (4-5 years) at the water day. When working on milk waters, deserving objects for a significant world of investment, you earn up to 150 dollars a day, at depths of 20 meters - 3 times more. During the season of such practice, you can earn a kilka of tens of thousands of dollars. Ale, there are fewer and fewer people for such a robot. It is necessary to marvel at the fact that, for example, at Sirakhami, 40 years ago, 1.5 thousand birds were made, and less than 300 people are engaged in this trade. The current middle age is 67 years, the youngest is 50, the oldest is 85 years!

The first riddles about Japanese ama can be revealed in Chinese chronicles, which lie until the end of III Art. BC

In our days, the shores of Japan are filled with fresh flowers, the traditional occupation of which is underwater picking of oysters, pearl shells, sea twigs and algae.

The stench live in bulk near their villages and practice professional zanurennya in apnea, crusting with traditional methods, the turns of which are tying old. Nirtsі-Ama sounded zazvichai without a cloak, the cream of the chin belt with a kaigan - a metal instrument in the form of a pig's smoke for seeing shells and seeing natural algae. They were brought to the place of zanurennya at the cloakroom. Ama was kicked without fins, trimmed in the hands of 10-15 kg vestage, or vicorous small lead bars, fastened to the belt (prototype of the current vintage belt). They tied them to the chovna with a long hank, let's pass through the block.

Having reached the bottom, the woman lifted the ballast, which once soared to the surface as a comrade, and quickly took it to the collection; at the right moment, she smelt like a hank, and the man in the chovn yaknaishvidshe literally viriva її z vodi. Today's technique has not changed, even if you wear insulated overalls and lusti. Hour apnea colivaetsya from 45 to 60 s, or you can reach at the time of consumption of two whilins. The most significant reports of ama-oidzodo are found in the average 50 days of the day, for which 50 more middays follow. Mіzh tsimi zanurennyami vіdpochivaє recumbent, rolyachi ventilation legenіv, which is accompanied by a long whistle, which is a little far away. A kind of brazier was installed on the chovn, which would make it warm and drink hot tea, if it really gets cold.

About Korean pirnalnits. The stinks call themselves "shit" - the women of the sea, and the whistle that stinks vibrate before appearing on the surface is called "sumisori". These women represent the Bagatov tradition, as they established a matriarchy on their island. Jeju Island, which is located 80 km from the coast of Korea, lies on the edge of the waterways of the Zhovtoy and Shidno-Chinese Sea.

Species of mollusks, sea urchins, and octopuses always occupied the most important place in the life of the island, but did not bring great income through a high tax - people took on a job like no other income. So it happened, the docks of the XVIII century did not show up a group of women, they realized that they, on the authority of the people, would not be able to pay a tribute. Tsya loophole in the laws and zapochatkuvala traditional profession. Soyno nirtsіv replaced the nirks, and it became necessary to pay a tribute, the pidrobіtok turned into a pributkovy business, and the women became the annuals of the families.

Dozens of thousands of fritters have become the main factor that determines the economy of the island. Matriarchy prosvіtav. Hen is not covered with scuba gear, yakі bіlki made it so hard for the robot. Wetsuit and mask - the axis and everything that is necessary for them to go down to the bottom of the sea for food. Their newcomers are not only fit - a lot of pironalniks became the heroes of the Korean support for the hour of the Japanese occupation at the Other Light War. This is the style of life and the way of earning a life, it is not easy to separate from each other. Some of these women are already widows, but they don’t give up and continue to feast for seafood, who lie on the bottom at a depth of about 20 m. do not forget about the dangers: sharks and jet jellyfish. But at the same time, their way of living and earning money is changed under the threat. In the 1970s, they moved to drink on seafood, and the money became richly rich, if it were earlier. Pennies were spent on those who would help their daughters to get to the institutes. And the little girls didn’t want to turn around and pirnati. Figures, softly seeming, not rainbow. Pivtolittya to that on the island it was over 30 tons. Three times more than 5 thousand at a time, and a lot of them over 60. Those, who are young, decided to take up inactive work on land - to receive tourists from the continent and from beyond the cordon. The development of tourism has increased the income of the human part of the population, and now the stench has risen or outweighed the income of the first generation.

After 1-2 generations, money will stop pouring into the economy of the island. Ale ti, scho lost, do not give up. Today, the stench climbs on the birch, sings songs about kohannya and expenses, puts on wetsuits and masks and kicks, as if their mothers and grandmothers were hurting.


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