Silicon formula. You know how

Silicon formula. You know how

The most important rice chemistries silicon - tse perevazhanna in nіy arc stіyk sour fields. All other minds are not only inconsistent, but rather familiar to earthly minds; the stench rises up and staves off less for a whole bunch of special minds: for the presence of the day, the water is sour. Dosі in laboratories otrimano not more than a few hundreds of such creams, a lot less than the number of natural silicates. Similar to charcoal, silicon with sour makes two layers: SiO i. Monoxide SiO nature does not streak. The area of ​​thermodynamic stability should lie at high temperatures, if it is in a steam-like station. The amount of SiO can be renewed at 1350-1500 ° С:

Shvidky holodzhennyam (zagartuvannyam) steam SiO win yoga at a firm stand. With moderate cooling SiO disproportional.

solid oxide SiOє powder of dark yellow color. Vіn not to conduct an electric stream and є miraculous insulating material. SiO it is regularly oxidized with sourness and it is easy to spread in meadows:

tobto. vyyavlyaє vіdnovlyuvalnі vlastivostі. Dioxide is the most characteristic of the acidity of silicon. I make three crystal modifications: quartz, tridymite and cristobalite. A quartz crystal is a giant polymer molecule that is made up of four tetrahedrons, in which the skin atom of silicon is separated by sour atoms, and the skin atom of sour forms a local tricentric linkage, being the topmost atom for two tetrahedrons. Schematically, in a planar image, one can imagine it as:

The order of the most significant links between atoms Siі O due to non-localized bonds, which are established behind the donor-acceptor mechanism for free 3 d-orbitals of silicon atoms, 2 p- electron pairs of atoms

Not long ago, new modifications were taken away - verse and cousit. Remain only under the high pressure, and for normal minds, the metastable state can be unbounded for a long time (like a diamond). Often there is a different type of quartz in nature - girsky crystal. Farbovani different quartz: marion (black), topaz (dim part), amethyst (violet), citrine (yellow). Descriptions are also fibrous modifications (chalcedony and quartzine). In addition, on the days of seas and oceans, algae and ciliates become amorphous. Zagalom silicon dioxide is the widest oxide in the earth's crust. Quartz, tridymite and cristobalite can be intertwined one by one, but they are very galvanized. As a result of this tridymite and cristobalite, regardless of their thermodynamic instability, they can be saved from time to time at room temperature and in the wake of nature, looking at independent minerals. The skin of these crystal modifications, in its own line, can be worn in two or more forms, which are mutually transformed, for example, the b-form is stable at room temperature, and the b-form is at higher temperatures. High temperature resistant modification - cristobalite - melt at 1723°C. When the liquid is cooled, the melted silica is cooled down.

Various crystalline modifications, like amorphous anhydrous silica, are inorganic heterochain polymers. In all forms (krіm steshovіtu), the structural motif is a silicic tetrahedron. Irrespective of the same way of defining structural motives, there is room for expansion for different modifications in different ways. To that, for example, in-cristobalite can be cubic, and in-tridymite - hexagonal. Between these structures is the same difference, like between sphalerite and wurtzite. The most significant modification (stishovit) is characterized by coordination of atoms, which is unusual for silicon slabs. Here the skin atom of silicon is cast off by six atoms of sourness. Therefore, the Stish's structure is established by two silicon octahedrons.

The chemical activity of the modification of growth in quartz to cristobalite and especially silica, taken out of the silicic acid gel. Fluorine, gaseous HF and hydrofluoric acid interact energetically with:

In the first reaction, fluorine vititis oxide is produced from silicon oxide. The insults of the reaction proceed to the fact that silicon tetrafluoride is a better solution, lower dioxide. The enthalpy of illumination of the rest is -910.9, and D \u003d -1614.9 kJ / mol.

In addition, these processes are accompanied by increasing entropy (left-handed - hard speech and gas, and right-handed - two gases). That's why the energy of Gibbs in the aftermath of these interactions changes greatly.

The water is practically indistinguishable. Do not smoke on new acid that king's burner. In puddles, especially when heated, it is easy to separate:

Start the reaction of the presence of silicates to be carried out not in different ways, but in a way of sintering with meadows, carbonates and metal oxides:

Mustard reactions bring the acidic nature of silicon dioxide. The chemical power of the quartz rock is practically the same as the crystal one.

Shards of indistinct water, silicic acid are possessed by an indirect path:

Silicic acid, which is settled, is seen in abundance in the presence of a precious siege, or it is in abundance in a colloid camp. Warehouse її vіdpovіdaє zі znacheniy that scho change in zalezhnostі vіd minds. Acid s =1 i =1 is called metasilicic acid, and orthosilicic acid =2. Uсі acids, which >1, are called polysilicon. In a free station, you don’t see acid. The warehouse is designated for salts - silicates. All silicic acids are rather weak. So, May 10. Therefore, silicates are highly hydrolyzed in water:

Often aluminous gelatinous silicic acid is a solid white porous mass, as it is called silica gel. Vіn maє high adsorption building and energetically clay water, olії, ether thinly.

Water-based silicon - silicon or silanium - removes the proportion of acids on active metal silicides, for example

Water and polysilanes can be seen from monosilane, up to hexasilane. Changes in other silicas in the products of magnesium silicide expansion naturally increase with changes in their molecular weight.

In terms of structure and physical power, silanes are similar to carbohydrates in the homologous series of methane. Vіdomі all homologues of monosilane, right up to octasilane. For the removal of the practically most important vicorist monosilane, the reactions of replacement with silicon halides with aqueous or lithium aluminum mohydride are carried out:

All silanes have a characteristic unpleasant odor and are toxic. Paired with carbohydrates, silanes are characterized by greater thickness and higher melting and boiling points, and thermally less heat. Behind the chemical powers, boraniums are sharply distinguished as representatives of the homologous series of methane and boron (diagonal similarity with boron).

The stench is easily oxidized over time, tobto. є witnesses:

Silanes are up to, similar to Fe(+3) to Fe(+2). Moreover, hydrolysis is characteristic for silanes. In the presence of trace acids and especially meadows of silanium, the following are destroyed:

The solution in the process of hydrolysis of silanes in silica or silicates indicates the acidic nature of silanes.

For silicon in the same way, representatives of non-existent silicon waters of the polysilene-polysilin type. All stinks are hard speeches, non-stable until heated, and vinyatkovo reactionary. The stinks are self-employed on the floor and are laid out with water.

Silicon halide can be removed from simple speech. Usi stinks energetically interact with water:

For fluoride, the reaction is reversed (which is classified in HF), and for other halides, it may be more shifted to the right. When heated to 1000 ° C halogenides with silicon, the reaction of the solution of dihalogenides proceeds: when cooled, they disproportionate with silicon. This reaction can be victorious as a transport for the extraction of high purity silicon.

From silicon halides, the most significant may be, i. Silicon tetrachloride is removed when chlorinated sumish vugill and quartz sand (600-700°С):

Significant quantities, as a by-product, are captured on superphosphate preparations, which are processed on apatite syrovin. In addition, wines can be taken away from heating the sum of quartz sand, calcium fluoride and sulfuric acid:

Silicon tetrafluoride, adding two formula units HF, is converted to fluorosilicic acid (hexafluorosilicic) acid:

In an individual state it is not seen, due to its strength it is close to sulfuric acid. Salts її - hexafluorosilicates - when heated, metal fluorides are decomposed. In the octahedral structure, silicon ions are found in the hybridization phase and the first coordination number is 6. For other halogens, the half is similar to the warehouse of the unknown.

Trichlorosilane (or silicochloroform) holds the passage of dry chlorine water over silicon (400-500°C). On the surface of the wines do not sleep, but burn when ignited. Analogous to trichlorosilane with a half-silicon form for other halogens. When renovating trichlorosilane, silicon of high purity is used.

Meeting with other non-metals

Silicon disulfide comes out with an uninterrupted interplay of components. The disulfide is also dissolved in vitreous silicon water with repeated repetition at 1300°C:

Silicon disulfide - white shovkovist crystals. Silicon disulfide is spread with water on i. V_dom_ also monosulfide silicon SiS. Removal of disulfide from vacuum at 900°C. Monosulfide is a polymeric main part of the crystal, which is spread by water:

Silicon nitride is taken either in combination with components (at a temperature of more than 1300 ° C), or in. In the rest of the period, as an intermediate product, it dissolves into silicon, which in the process of thermal expansion transforms into nitride:

Bezbarvnі crystals are awakened by great chemical resistance. Up to 1000 ° C, there is no sour, water and water vapor. Wines do not differ in acids and other meadows. Tilki melt meadows and hot concentrated hydrofluoric acid yogo povіlno spread.

Z half of silicon with phosphorus is the most common mono-i diphosphide: SiP i. The stench appears without intermediary interplay of the components in the necessary stoichiometric quantities, vіdrіznyayutsya chemical resistance. A similar warehouse can store silicon arsenic.

One of the widest elements in nature is ce silicium, or silicon. Such a wide distribution is to say about the importance and significance of the language of speech. People took over the mind, that they learned how to properly vicorate silicon in their purposes. Zastosuvannya yoga is based on special powers, about which we will talk further.

Silicon - chemical element

In order to characterize this element according to the provisions of the periodic system, you can note the following important points:

  1. Ordinal number - 14.
  2. The period is the third maly.
  3. Group - IV.
  4. Subgroup - head.
  5. Budov's ovn_shnyo ї elektronnі ї shell is expressed by the formula 3s 2 3p 2 .
  6. The silicon element is signified by the chemical symbol Si, which is like silicon.
  7. Oxidation steps, like wines appear: -4; +2; +4.
  8. The valency of the atom is more advanced IV.
  9. The atomic weight of silicon is expensive 28086.
  10. In nature, there are three stable isotopes of this element with mass numbers 28, 29 and 30.

Later, the atom of silicon from a chemical point of view - to finish the twisting element, the impersonal different powers are described.


So, as in nature, it is more popular and popular for the richest variety of the analyzed element, since ancient times, people victorious and knew about the power of the very wealthy of them. A pure silicon ancient hour, having lost the knowledge of people in chemistry beyond the boundary.

The most popular spolukami, which were used by the people of ancient cultures (Egyptians, Romans, Chinese, Russians, Persians and others), were expensive and stone stones based on silicon oxide. Before them one can see:

  • opal;
  • girsky crystal;
  • topaz;
  • chrysoprase;
  • onyx;
  • chalcedony and others.

It is also customary to vicorize quartz and in everyday life from ancient times. Prote itself elementary silicon was left unrecognized until the 19th century, although there were many sights of it in various fields, vicorist for this and catalysts, and high temperatures, and to induce an electric stream. Tse so bright mind, like:

  • Carl Scheele;
  • Gay-Lussac;
  • Thenar;
  • Humphry Virgin;
  • Antoine Lavoisier.

Building far away the obsession with silicon in a clean look came to Jens Jacobs Berzelius in 1823. For tsgogo vіn conducting dosvіd zі fusion vapours of silicon fluoride and metal potassium. As a result, having eliminated the amorphous modification of the analyzed element. The scientists themselves have proponated the Latin name for the atom.

More three times later, in 1855, the last time - St. Clair-Deville - zoom in to synthesize another alotropic variety - crystalline silicon. From that hour on, knowledge about this element of that yoga of power began to be more and more quickly popovnyuvatisya. People have realized that I have unique features, that I can even competently vicorate to satisfy the needs of the authorities. Therefore, today one of the most requested elements in electronics and technology is silicon. Zastosuvannya yogo expands its borders with skin rock.

I will name the Russian atom pressures of Hess in 1831 roci. Itself vono and zakripilas until today.

For the breadth of nature, silicon sits on another place after sourness. Iogo spivvіdnennia in pіvvіnіnі z іnshimi atoms in the storage of earth's measles - 29.5%. In addition, charcoal and silicon are two special elements, building shaped lancets, one by one. For the rest of the world, there are more than 400 different natural minerals, which are located in the lithosphere, hydrosphere and biomass at the warehouses of such wines.

Where exactly is silicon to be cleaned?

  1. Have deep balls to the ground.
  2. In mountain breeds, folds and massifs.
  3. At the bottom of the waters, especially the seas and oceans.
  4. In the roslins and the sea bags of the kingdom of creatures.
  5. In the organism of humans and terrestrial creatures.

It is possible to recognize a few of the widest minerals and rocks, in warehouses such as the great number of silicon. Chemistry is such that the mass content of a pure element in them reaches 75%. Prote specific figure to fall in different materials. Otzhe, gіrskі breed and minerals from mixed silicon:

  • polovі spar;
  • mica;
  • amphiboles;
  • fell off;
  • chalcedony;
  • silicate;
  • piskoviki;
  • aluminosilicates;
  • clay and others.

Heaped on the shells and ovnіsh bones of sea creatures, the silicon year forms a hard layer of silica on the bottom of the water. This is one of the natural sources of this element.

In addition, it has been established that silicium can be used in a pure native sight - in the sight of crystals. Ale, such genera are more rare.

Physical power of silicon

To give a characteristic of the analyzed element from a set of physical and chemical authorities, then we must first determine the physical parameters. The axis of the main sprat:

  1. It looks like two alotropic modifications - amorphous and crystalline, as if they are in charge of all powers.
  2. Crystalline grains are even more similar to those of a diamond, and even coal and silicon are the same in others. However, if there is a difference between the atoms (silicon has more), then the diamond is richly hard and soft. Type of grate - cubic face-centered.
  3. Speech is arched and becomes plastic at high temperatures.
  4. The melting point is up to 1415C.
  5. The boiling point is 3250C.
  6. The density of speech is 2.33 g/cm3.
  7. The color of the day is bright-syria, the expressions are characteristic metal glare.
  8. May be good conductors of power, as well as building options when adding quiet chi other agents.
  9. Does not dissolve in water, organic sources and acids.
  10. Specifically rozchinny in the meadows.

The designations of the physical power of silicon allow people to cherubate it and zastosovuvat for the creation of various kinds. So, for example, on the power of the conduction, the use of pure silicon in electronics is grounded.

Chemical power

The chemical power of silicon is more likely to lie in the minds of the reaction. If you are talking about standard parameters, then it is necessary to set even lower activity. Like crystalline, and amorphous silicon is more inert. Chi does not interact with strong oxidizers (crimium to fluorine), nor with strong antioxidants.

This is due to the fact that an oxide layer of SiO 2 is formed on the surface of the speech, so that it passes to distant interactions. Won zdatna tucked under the infusion of water, povіtrya, bet.

If you change the standard wash and increase the heating of silicon to a temperature of over 400˚С, its chemical activity is much higher. In which case we enter into a reaction:

  • sour;
  • usima species of halogens;
  • water.

With a further increase in temperature, it is possible to dissolve the products when interacting with boron, nitrogen and carbon. Of particular importance is carborundum - SiC, shards of wine are a good abrasive material.

So the chemical power of silicon is clearly streaked under the reaction time with metals. According to the introduction of wines to them, they are oxidizers, so the products are called silicides. Vіdomi podіbnі spoluki for:

  • puddles;
  • meadow-earth;
  • transition metal.

Immeasurable powers can be controlled, which is taken away when the silicon is fused. It will bear the name of ferosilicium ceramics and successfully zastosovuetsya in industry.

With collapsible silicic tongues, they do not enter into intercourse, therefore, for the sake of convenience, the building differs only in:

  • royal goriltsі (sumish nitric and hydrochloric acids);
  • acid meadows.

At which temperature, the difference is due to but not less than 60 ° C. All the same time, I confirm the physical basis of speech - diamond-like stalk of crystal ґrati, which gives him the power and inertness.

Ways to withdraw

Obtaining silicon in a clean look is the process of finishing stained glass economically. From the other side, from the yogo of authority, be there any way to give only 90-99% pure product, even as houses like metal and coal, however, they become overwhelmed. To that it is simply not enough to possess a speech. Next, clean up the third-party elements.

Zagalom production of silicon is developed by two main paths:

  1. From white sand, which is clean with silicon oxide SiO 2. When yogo is roasted with active metals (mostly with magnesium), the essential element is dissolved as an amorphous modification. The purity of this method is high, the product comes out of 99.9-hundredths.
  2. The biggest expansion of the method at the industrial scale is the smelting of pishka with coke in special thermal furnaces for vipalu. The Danish method of breaking apart by the Russian Vchenim Beketovim N. M.

A little further processing is used in the production of products for purification methods. For this vicory, acids and halogens (chlorine, fluorine) are used.

Amorphous silicon

The characterization of silicon will be uneven, so as not to look at the skin and yoga allotropic modification. The first of them is tse amorphous. In such a state, we have examined the speech - a powder of brown-brown color, finely dispersed. May have a high level of hygroscopicity, showing a high chemical activity when heated. In standard minds, the building interaction is less with the strongest oxidizing agent - fluorine.

It is not correct to name amorphous silicon as a variety of crystalline one. Yogo Grati shows that speech is only a form of finely dispersed silicon, which is found in crystals. That is why so many modifications are the same thing.

However, they differ in power, so it is customary to talk about alotropy. By itself, amorphous silicon may be a high light-clay building. In addition, for the singing minds, this ostentatious display is similar to that of the crystalline form. Therefore, yoga is victorious for technical purposes. In the analyzed look (powder), it is easy to apply on the surface, whether it is plastic or not. That is why amorphous silicon is so easy for victoria. Zastosuvannya gruntuetsya on different roses.

Wanting to wear batteries of a similar type to finish the swede, which is due to the erasure of thin slurry of speech, the protest and demand is only growing. Even so, in a short term of service, amorphous silicon-based sony batteries can provide energy for businesses. Until then, the production of such a speech is hopeless, so that we can save even more economically.

Otrimuyuyut such a modification with a path of inspiration with active metals, for example, sodium or magnesium.

Crystal silicon

Srіblyasto-sіra bliskucha modification of this element. The very same form is the widest and most requested. This is explained by a set of yakіsnih authorities, yakim volodіє tsya speech.

Characteristics of silicon with a crystal lattice, including the classification of its species, as well as its sprat:

  1. Electronic quality - the purest and the most high-energy. The very same kind of victorious in electronics for the creation of especially sensitive devices.
  2. Sonyachnoi akostі. The name itself is the name of the victoria area. It is also worth making high-purity silicon, stosuvannya of some necessary creation of akіsnih and long-term working sony batteries. Photoelectric converting, created on the basis of the crystalline structure itself, more durable and wear-resistant, lower, which are created with vicarious amorphous modifications with a sawn layer of a different type of lining.
  3. Technical silicon. This variety includes those words of speech, in which there are close to 98% of the pure element. Reshta go to a different kind of house:
  • aluminum;
  • chlorine;
  • coal;
  • phosphorus and others.

The rest of the variety of speech vicory is made with the method of selecting polycrystals of silicon. Therefore, the process of recrystallization is carried out. At last, in terms of purity, there are such products that can be carried up to group and electronic quality.

Due to its nature, polysilicon is an intermediate product between amorphous and crystalline modifications. With such an option, it is easier to practice, it is more likely to be recycled and cleaned with fluorine and chlorine.

Products that appear in the result can be classified as follows:

  • multisilicon;
  • monocrystalline;
  • profiled crystals;
  • silicon scrap;
  • technical silicon;
  • come out virobnitstva at the sight of fragments and fragments of speech.

Kozhen їх to know zastosuvannya at craftsmanship and vikoristovuєtsya human povnistyu. To those who cherish silicon, they are respected by the helpless. This significantly reduces the economic efficiency, without adding to the efficiency.

Vikoristannya pure silicon

Virobnitstvo silicon in industry is rewarded to do good, like the scale to do volume. It is connected with this, that this element, as pure as it looks, has wide extensions and requirements for different science and technology.

Where does crystalline and amorphous silicon wink in a clean look?

  1. In metallurgy, it is like a light additive, which changes the power of metals and other alloys. So, wine is beaten when melting steel and chavun.
  2. Rіznі vіdі speech go vygotovlennya bіlsh clean variant - polysilicon.
  3. With half silicon z - tse cіla chemical galuz, yak nabula especially popular today. Silicon-organic materials are used in medicine, when preparing dishes, tools and other things.
  4. Preparation of various sony batteries. This way of extracting energy is one of the most promising for the future. Ecologically clean, economically viable and wear-resistant are the main advantages of such an electrician.
  5. Silicon for igniters have been victorious for a long time. Even in ancient times, people vikoristovuvaly flint for otrimannya іskry pіd hour rozpalu fire. This principle is laid down as the basis for the selection of igniters of various people. Today, you see, in some flint replacements for an alloy of a singing warehouse, which gives a better result (iskrinnya).
  6. Electronics and sonyachna energy.
  7. Prepare a mirror for gas laser attachments.

In such a rank, pure silicon can be a mass of more important and special powers that allow you to beat it for the creation of important and necessary products.

Zastosuvannya spoluk silicon

Cream of simple speech, vicarious with different parts of silicon, and even more widely. It is the essence of the industry, as it is called silicate. Itself will run on a variety of different speeches, to the warehouse of which to enter this marvelous element. What are the goals and what do they vibrate?

  1. Quartz, natural sand - SiO 2. Vykoristovuetsya for the preparation of such budіvelnih and decorative materials, like cement and slough. De vikoristovuyutsya tsі materials, vsіm vіdomo. Everyday life cannot do without these components, which confirm the importance of silicon.
  2. Silicate ceramics, such materials as earthenware, porcelain, and products based on them. These components are vicorated in medicine, when preparing dishes, decorative embellishments, handicraft items, in everyday life and other handicraft areas of human activity.
  3. - silicones, silica gels, silicone oils.
  4. Silicate glue - vikoristovuetsya like stationery, pyrotechnics and everyday life.

Silicon, the price for any variation on the light market, but do not change the beast down the sign of 100 rubles of the Russian Federation per kilogram (for crystal), the required and valuable speech. Naturally, the scho and z'ednannya of this element is so wide and stagnant.

The biological role of silicon

From a look of significance for the body, silicon is important. Yogo zmist and rozpodil for fabrics is this:

  • 0.002% - m'yazova;
  • 0.000017% - cystic;
  • blood - 3.9 mg / l.

Today, internally, you can consume close to one gram of silicon, otherwise you may begin to develop an illness. There are no deathly insecure people among them;

  • vipadanna hairy;
  • the appearance of pimples and pimples;
  • crispness and brittleness of brushes;
  • easy penetration of capillaries;
  • get rid of headaches;
  • appearance of numerical syncs and syncs.

For roslin, silicon is an important microelement that is necessary for normal growth and development. Studies on creatures have shown that those individuals grow more quickly, as if they were able to maintain a sufficient amount of silicon.

Another element in terms of breadth in the earth's crust is sour (27.6% for mass). Zustrichaєtsya at z'єdnannyah.

Alotropy silicon

V_domy amorphous and crystalline silicon.

Crystalline - dark gray speech with a metallic glare, great hardness, loud, navprovidnik; ρ \u003d 2.33 g / cm 3 t ° pl. =1415°C; t°boiling = 2680°C.

May have a diamond-like structure and create a magnetic covalent bond. Inert.

amorphous - brown powder, hygroscopic, diamond-like structure, ρ = 2 g / cm 3 more reactive.

Obsession with silicon

1) Promislovist - Heating of the stove with a squeak:

2C + SiO 2 t ˚ → Si + 2CO

2) Laboratory - Heating pishku with magnesium:

2Mg + SiO 2 t ˚ → Si + 2MgO

Chemical power

Typical non-metal, inert.

Yak vodnovnik:

1) sour

Si 0 + O 2 t ˚ → Si +4 O 2

2) With fluorine (without heating)

Si 0 + 2F 2 → SiF 4

3) With coal

Si 0 + Ct → Si +4 C

(SiC - carborundum - hard; vikoristovuetsya for the point and grinding)

4) Won’t interact with each other.

Silane (SiH 4) is used in combination with metal silicides with acid:

Mg 2 Si + 2H 2 SO 4 → SiH 4 + 2MgSO 4

5) Does not react with acids (Tonly with hydrofluoric acid Si+4 HF= SiF 4 +2 H 2 )

There are only differences in the sum of nitric and hydrofluoric acids:

3Si + 4HNO 3 + 18HF → 3H 2 + 4NO + 8H 2 O

6) With meadows (when heated):

Si 0 + 2NaOH + H 2 O t ˚ → Na 2 Si +4 O 3 + 2H 2­

Yak oxidizer:

7) With metals (silicides are settled):

Si 0 + 2Mg t ˚ → Mg 2 Si -4

Silicon injection

Silicon is widely used in electronics as a conductor. Silicon additives to alloys improve corrosion resistance. Silicates, aluminosilicates and silica are the main syrovina for the production of ceramics, as well as for household crafts.

Silane - SiH 4

Physical powers: Bare gas, bran, t°pl. = -185 ° C, t ° bp = -112°C.

From: Mg 2 Si + 4HCl → 2MgCl 2 + SiH 4

Chemical power:

1) Oxidation: SiH 4 + 2O 2 t ˚ → SiO 2 + 2H 2 O

2) Folding: SiH 4 → Si + 2H 2

Silicon oxide (IV) - (SiO 2) n

SiO 2 - quartz, girsky crystal, amethyst, agate, jasper, opal, silica (main part of sand):

The crystal lattice of silicon oxide (IV) is atomic and may be the same:

Al 2 O 3 2SiO 2 2H 2 O - kaolinite (main part of the clay)

K 2 O Al 2 O 3 6SiO 2 - orthoclase (polovspar)

Physical powers: Hard, crystalline, refractory speech, t°pl.= 1728°C, t°boil.= 2590°C

Chemical power:

Acid oxide. When alloyed with basic oxides, meadows, as well as with carbonates of puddle and meadow earth metals:

1) With basic oxides:

SiO 2 + CaO t ˚ → CaSiO 3

2) 3 meadows:

SiO 2 + 2NaOH t ˚ → Na 2 SiO 3 + H 2 O

3) Does not react with water

4) With salts:

SiO 2 + CaCO 3 t˚ → CaSiO 3 + CO 2­

SiO 2 + K 2 CO 3 t˚ → K 2 SiO 3 + CO 2­

5) With hydrofluoric acid:

SiO 2 + 4HF t ˚ → SiF 4 + 2H 2 O

SiO 2 + 6HF t ˚ → H 2 (hexafluorosilicic acid)+ 2H2O

(Reactions underlie the etching process).


1. Preparation of silicate chain

2. Preparation of ceramic tiles

3. Otrimannia warehouse

Silicic acids

x SiO 2 y H 2 O

x \u003d 1, y \u003d 1 H 2 SiO 3 - metasilicic acid

x \u003d 1, y \u003d 2 H 4 SiO 4 - orthosilicic acid, etc.

Physical powers: H 2 SiO 3 - rather weak (weaker for ugilna), German, not very sour in water (tweaking kolodny rosin), does not have a sour relish.


Dia of strong acids on silicate - Na 2 SiO 3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H 2 SiO 3 ↓

Chemical power:

When heated, it expands: H 2 SiO 3 t ˚ → H 2 O + SiO 2

Salts of silicic acid silicate.

1) from acids

Na 2 SiO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2 \u003d Na 2 CO 3 + H 2 SiO 3

2) from salts

Na 2 SiO 3 + CaCl 2 \u003d 2NaCl + CaSiO 3 ↓

3) Silіkati, which enters the warehouse of minerals, in natural minds, ruynuyutsya pіd ієyu water and oxide of carbon (IV) - vivіtryuvannya gіrsky porіd:

(K 2 O Al 2 O 3 6SiO 2) (polovspar) + CO 2 + 2H 2 O → (Al 2 O 3 2SiO 2 2H 2 O) (kaolin_t (clay)) + 4SiO 2 (silica (pisok)) + K2CO3

Building charcoal to establish a sprat of alotropic modifications. Tse diamond (the most inert alotropic modification), graphite, fullerene and carbine.

To the village of vougillya, that soot is an amorphous charcoal. The coal in such a mill does not have a well-ordered structure and is actually formed from the most important fragments in balls of graphite. Amorphous charcoal, converted by hot water vapor, is called active charcoal. 1 gram of activated vugillya through the presence of a new impersonal fir may cover the surface of more than three hundred square meters! Zavdyaks of their building poglanat different speech, active vugilla to know widely zastosuvannya as napovnyuvach filters, as well as an enterosorbent for different types of dust.

From the chemical point of view, amorphous carbon is the most active form, graphite shows an average activity, and diamond is an inert speech. From the reasons for the chemical dominance of the charcoal, which are looked at lower, next to us in front of the amorphous charcoal.

Reinforcing power in the coals

Like a leader, coal reacts with such non-metals, like, for example, kisen, halogens, sirka.

Fallow in the presence of excess or non-sour sour when the fire is high, it is possible to use carbon dioxide CO or carbon dioxide CO2:

When coal is mixed with fluorine, carbon tetrafluoride is dissolved:

When heated with charcoal with sulfur, charcoal CS 2 dissolves:

The coal of the building was reinforced by metal after the aluminum of the medium of activity from its oxides. For example:

Also, coal reacts with oxides of active metals, however, in this case, one should beware, as a rule, not of metal, but of carbide:

Interactions of carbon with non-metal oxides

Coal enters into a reaction spіvproportionuvannya with carbon dioxide gas CO2:

One of the most important processes from the industrial point of view is the so-called steam conversion. The process is carried out by passing water vapor through the rozpechene vugillya. When it proceeds, a reaction occurs:

For high temperature, the building's charcoal makes it as inert as silicon dioxide. With which fallow you can use silicon or silicon carbide ( carborundum):

Also, coal, as a guide, reacts with oxidizing acids, zocrema, concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids:

Oxide power in the coal

The chemical element of carbon is not affected by a high electronegativity, so that simple speeches, which are established by it, rarely show oxidation of power in relation to other non-metals.

The butt of such reactions is the interplay of amorphous carbon with water when heated in the presence of a catalyst:

and also with silicon at a temperature of 1200-1300 about:

The oxides of the power of coal show up to metals. Coal building reaction with active metals and other metals of medium activity. Reactions proceed when heated:

Active metal carbides are hydrolyzed with water:

as well as the range of non-oxidizing acids:

At the same time, they are absorbed into carbohydrates, which will take away the carbon in the same world of oxidation, as in the free carbide.

Chemical power of silicon

Silicon can be used, like charcoal in a crystalline and amorphous state, as well as in a charcoal, amorphous silicon is more chemically active, lower crystalline.

Some amorphous and crystalline silicon are called allotropic modifications, which, strictly ostensibly, is not true. Amorphous silicon is a conglomerate of randomly milled one at a time one other particles of crystalline silicon.

Interaction of silicon with simple speech


For the greatest minds, silicon, through its inertness, reacts only with fluorine:

With chlorine, bromine and iodine, silicon reacts only when heated. When this is characteristic, in the presence of halogen in the fallowing activity, the temperature is required and varied:

So with chlorine, the reaction proceeds at 340-420 pro:

Z bromine - 620-700 about Z:

Z with iodine - 750-810 about Z:

All silicon halides are easily hydrolyzed by water:

as well as rose meadows:

The reaction of silicon with acid proceeds, resisting even strong heating (1200-1300 ° C) through those that mitzna oxide smelting complicates the interaction:

At a temperature of 1200-1500 ° C, silicon is quite interchangeable with carbon and looks like graphite with hardened SiC carborundum - speech with atomic crystal grafts is similar to diamond and may not be treated as a mineral:

Silicon does not react with water.


Due to its low electronegativity, silicon can show oxidative power only when compared to metals. Silicon metals react with active (luzhny and luzhnozemlny), as well as rich metals of medium activity. As a result of such interactions, silicides are established:

Active metal silicides are easily hydrolyzed with water or diluted with non-oxidizing acids:

In this way, silane gas SiH 4 is dissolved - an analogue of methane CH 4.

Interaction of silicon with collapsible tongues

Silicon does not react with water when boiling, prote amorphous silicon interacts with superheated water vapor at temperatures close to 400-500 ° C. When water and silicon dioxide are dissolved:

With silicic acids (in an amorphous state) reacting only with concentrated hydrofluoric acid:

Silicium varies in concentrated meadows. The reaction is accompanied by seeing water.

As an independent chemical element, silicon became familiar to people less in 1825. What, obviously, did not matter to zastosovuvat with silicon in such a number of spheres, that it is easier to overthrow it, de element is not vikoristovuetsya. Tsya article prolongs the light on the physical, mechanical and chemical power of silicon and yogo half, the area of ​​zastosuvannya, also about those, like pouring silicon on the power of steel and other metals.

For the cob, let's take a look at the main characteristics of silicon. Vіd 27.6 to 29.5% of the earth's crust becomes silicon. In sea water, the concentration of the element tezh nonabiyaka is up to 3 mg/l.

For the breadth in the lithosphere, silicon sits another more honorable place after sourness. However, the most important form - silica, є dioxide, and the very power of yoga became the basis for such a wide zastosuvannya.

About those who are so silicon, the rozpo_st of their video story:

Understand that particularity

Silicon is non-metal, however, for various minds, it can show both acid and basic power. As a typical conductor, it is superbly widely used in electrical engineering. Physical and chemical power is rich in what they signify as an alotropic camp. Most often, rightly, it is from a crystalline form;

  • Silicon is one of the basic macroelements in the human body. Yogo nonstacha is fatally signified on the camp of the bone tissue, hair, shkir, nigtiv. In addition, silicon contributes to the practicality of the immune system.
  • In medicine, the element, to be more precise kazhuchi, yogi from half knew their first zastosuvannya itself in this capacity. Water from the wells, made of silicon, was reawakened as clean, and it was positively signified on resistance to infectious diseases. Today's research on silicon as the basis for drugs against tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, and arthritis.
  • Zagalom non-metal is inactive, prote y in a clean look zustrіti yogo smoothly. It is due to the fact that on the face of the air it is passively passed by a ball of dioxide and ceases to react. Under the hour of heating, the chemical activity increases. As a result, people are more familiar with their half-words of speech, but not with themselves.

So, silicon utvoruє metal mayzhe z usima metals - silicides. All the stinks are refractory and hard and stagnant on the windmills: gas turbines, heaters of furnaces.

Non-metal is placed at the table D. I. Mendeliev in the 6th group at the same time with charcoal, germanium, which shows the sing of cohesion from these speeches. So, with charcoal yogo, “bring” building up to the establishment of half the type of organic ones. With this silicon, like germanium, can show dominance of metal in certain chemical reactions that win in synthesis.

Pluses and minuses

Like and be-yak іnsha speech from the point of dawn zastosuvannya in the people's state, flint maє pevnі korisnі or not nadto yakostі. The stench of the very designated area is important.

  • Chimaloyu speech speech є yogo availability. In nature, wines, it’s true, are not known to the right eye, but all the same, the technology of obtaining silicon is not so foldable, although it is energy efficient.
  • Another most important thing - resolution of the impersonal day with supralingually brown bones. Ce and silanes, i silicides, i dioxide, i, obviously, various silicates. The construction of silicon and the ability to adapt folding hardness is practically inexhaustible, which allows you to invariably eliminate the various variations of rock, stone and ceramics.
  • Conduits of power non-metal provides a lot of basic material in electrical and radio engineering.
  • Nemetal non-toxic scho allow zastosuvannya in whether it be a gallery of industry, and at the same time do not transform the technological process into a potentially unsafe one.

Up to a small amount of material, one can add only a noticeable crackle for good hardness. Silicon is not vikoristovuetsya for load-bearing structures, but later allows you to work with a proper rank on the surface of the crystals, which is important for priladobuduvannya.

Let's talk about the main powers of silicon.

Power and characteristics

Crystalline silicon is most often used in industry, then the same power is important, and the same stench is induced in technical characteristics. The physical power of speech is like this:

  • melting point - 1417;
  • boiling temperature - 2600 C;
  • thickening to become 2.33 g / cu. div, what to say about crying;
  • heat capacity, as well as heat conductivity is not constant on the purest samples: 800 J / (kg K), or 0.191 cal / (g deg) and 84-126 W / (m K), or 0.20-0.30 cal/(cm·sec·deg) vіdpovіdno;
  • prozory for dovgokhvilovogo ІCh-vipromіnyuvannya, scho vikoristovuєtsya in іnfrachervonіy optics;
  • dielectric penetration - 1.17;
  • hardness on the Mohs scale - 7.

The electrical power of the non-metal is heavily deposited in the houses. The craftsmanship has a particularity of vicorist, modulating the necessary type of navprovidnik. At normal temperature, silicon is crisp, but when heated to 800 C, plastic deformation is possible.

The dominance of amorphous silicon is widely recognized: it is highly hygroscopic, more actively enters into the reaction at normal temperatures.

The structure and chemical warehouse, as well as the power of silicon, are examined in the video below:

Warehouse structure

Silicon is used in two alotropic forms, however stable at normal temperatures.

  • Crystalline may look like a dark gray powder. Speech, though and may be diamond-like crystalline grati, є krihkoy - through this long link between atoms. Interest in becoming the leader of power.
  • With a high vice, you can take hexagonal modification from schіlnistyu 2.55 g / cu. div. However, the phase of practical significance has not yet been known.
  • amorphous- Brownish-brown powder. It is more active to enter the reaction at the top of the crystalline form. It is due not so much to the inertness of the first form, because, on the contrary, the speech is covered with a ball of dioxide.

In addition, it is necessary to secure one type of classification, bindings with the size of the silicon crystal, as if in totality they make the speech. Krystalіchnі grati, apparently, allow ordering like atoms, and structures, like tsі atoms utavlyayut - so the ranks are a distant order. Whatever the greater, the same for the authorities will be speech.

  • Monocrystalline- an eye with one crystal. The structure of yoga is as ordered as possible, the authorities are uniform and well transferred. This material is the most demanding in electrical engineering. However, wines can be seen to a high-road look, the shards of the process are folded, and the speed of growth is low.
  • Multicrystalline- to become a sprat of great crystal grains. Cordons between them are formed with additional defective equalities, which reduce the productivity of the plant as a conductor and lead to greater wear and tear. The technology of growing a multicrystal is simpler, and the material is cheaper.
  • Polycrystalline- it is made up of a great number of grains, randomly rolled one by one. The most pure variety of industrial silicon is used in microelectronics and sony energy. Dosit often vikoristovuєtsya like syrovina for vyroschuvannya multi-that single crystals.
  • Amorphous silicon occupies an excellent position in this classification. Here the order of the distribution of atoms is reduced only at the shortest distances. Prote in the electrical engineering of the wines is still victorious at the sight of thin spitting.

Non-metal production

It is not so easy to take pure silicon; In industry, they most often go to the point of renewal with carbon dioxide. Carry out the reaction in arc furnaces at a temperature of 1800 C. In this way, non-metal with a purity of 99.9% is taken, which is not enough for it.

Take away the material to chlorinate in order to take off chloride and hydrochloride. Then we clean the day by the most possible methods in the house and renew it with water.

It is possible to purify the speech by taking away magnesium silicide. The silicide is injected with hydrochloric acid and octic acid. Eliminate silane, and clean the rest in a different way - sorption, rectification only. Potim silane is spread on water and silicon at a temperature of 1000 C. In this case, the speech with a private house is 10 -8 -10 -6%.

Zastosuvannya speechovina

For industry, the greatest interest is to establish the electrochemical characteristics of non-metal. Yogo single-crystal form is an indirect-gap conductor. The authorities of yoga are assigned to houses, which allow the crystals of silicon to be conquered by the tasks of authority. So, the addition of boron, India gives the possibility of virosity of the crystal from dirk conductivity, and the introduction of phosphorus or Mish'yak - the crystal with electronic conductivity.

  • Silicon in the literal meaning of the word is the basis of modern electrical engineering. Transistors, photocells, integrated circuits, diodes are being prepared from the new one. Moreover, the functionality of the attachment is practically used only for the near-surface ball of the crystal, which will cover the specifics of the material itself before processing the surface.
  • In metallurgy, technical silicon zastosovuyut as a modifier of alloys - we hope for great minerality, as a component - at, for example, as a rozkislyuvach - for an hour of virobnitstva chavun.
  • Cleansing and purification of metallurgy form the basis of sony energy.
  • Dioxide of non-metal is found in nature in various forms. Different crystal varieties - opal, agate, carnelian, amethyst, girsky crystal knew their place in the jewelry industry. The floorings are not suitable for modifications - flint, quartz;
  • The production of non-metal with coal - carbide, zastosovuetsya and in metallurgy, and in the process industry, and in the chemical industry. Vіn є shirokozonalnym napіvprovіdnikom, vіdrіznyаєє vysokoy іrієєєєєє є є є є za Mohs' scale, і mіtsnistyu, scho sho zastosovuvat yogі yak abrazivіє mateіl.
  • Silicates are salts of silicic acid. Non-stable, easily laid out under the temperature. Tsіkavіst їх at the fact that stinks satisfy numerically and various salts. And the axis remains the basis for the manufacture of skla, ceramics, faience, and crystal. You can boldly say that today's everyday life is grounded on various silicates.
  • It’s hard to imagine here the biggest swing. Aluminosilicates serve as the basis of yoga, and small houses of other speeches sound like oxides, give the material a mass of different powers, zocrema and color. - , Faience, porcelain, in essence, the same formula, even if you want to use other spivvіdnoshnennyam components, and її raznomanіtnіst tezh razyuche.
  • Non-metal maє sche one zdatnіst: utavlyu spoluky after the type of carbonaceous, at the sight of a long lansy with atoms of silicon. Such floors are called organosilicon. The scope of their zastosuvannya is not less visible - all silicones, sealants, mazila toshcho.

Silicon is an element of expansion and may be of great importance in rich spheres of the people's dominion. Moreover, it is not only the speech itself that is actively victorious, but all the different and numerical forms.

This is a video about the power and the stoking of silicon:


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