Navy spiral: victorious deeds, vidgooks. Internal spiral - for the reason more about the type of contraception IUD spiral vector can be wicked

Navy spiral: victorious deeds, vidgooks. Internal spiral - for the reason more about the type of contraception IUD spiral vector can be wicked

Unimportant for those current medical gynecologists, women can propose to women without methods of contraception, the IUD (spiral) needs to finish the required amount, especially if the woman does not want to use condoms on her own with condoms. I’ll try to get back, why are the difficulties and shortcomings of this cat?

So also the Navy (spiral)?

The IUD is an internal spiral, a yak, apparently, it will arise in the middle of the uterus. It’s not easy to get used to using the child’s materials, but more often than not to women, insert the spiral from the plastic and the middle. The main reason for the spiral is to demonstrate the contraceptive function, which is practically 99% effective.

More beautifully, if the children get the planned radio, that is for the women who have been with the slave, the food for the fun will always become relevant. The Navy spiral in this vipad is built in an even more manual way, some of the life stinks may be active, even with a lot of tight and large turbochargers: so these methods of contraception, like taking pills, ... If the Navy does not have a family budget like condoms or gels, it will stand in a row on 3 rock and you might be seen at any hour, if the gentleman wants it. As soon as there were no faster spillovers, then the reproductive function of the uterus will be updated in about 3 months.

The cost is about 30 dollars. All to deposit in the material and class, which will give the woman's perevagu. However, do not be a patient, it is possible to get a cure in the uterus, there are some signs of contraception in such a way of contraception, but there is a lot of evidence. It is necessary to consult with an appropriate doctor, as it is not only possible to choose the one that needs the patient's spiral, but to put the prick into the uterus correctly.

Diya of internal spirals

Spiral IUD is a contraceptive, which is actually a contraceptive device.

To the right is that the IUD doesn’t cross the passage of spermatozoa into the empty space of the uterus. If you want the creators of the spirals to save yourself, how can you get over it? The main feature of the spiral is the release of the late ovum in the empty organ.

The IUD was spiraled, which, when introduced into the uterus, won’t be fired up by the patient. If the surface of the uterine ball is ignited, then the oocyte clump cannot be stored with the necessary yields and is attached to the wall of the uterus. As a result of the oocyte accumulation, it was forced to leave the empty uterus at once in a month.

If you call the speeches your names, then the spiral is permanently provoking Wikid. It is not possible for a guarantee itself, but for a visible spiral, a woman can be 100% safe. Likar and do not get rid of, but a negative result of vaginosti enter into a call, and for some ladies the period of renewal of the loan from six to twelve cycles. Ale, with an unwelcoming zbіg of surroundings, try to get in touch, you can stretch out to dovgі rock. To that, the gynecologists recommend spiral to be given to the patients who have already checked their maternal connection and no longer plan for the people of juvenile children.

History of the IUD

The Navy has spiraled its 100th anniversary in 2009, about which in 1909 it was first thought of Richter. Already for the time being, nutritional contraception had to endure: a change of morality, a sexual revolution, a demarche to feminism. Today, both of the protested statute became more vivid, the women began to think of it with more speeches, like their own family, as a result - both mothers and more children, like a lady, was not fond of lawfully.

Lykar-gynecologists took up the development of new methods of contraception and, as a variant, an internal spiral appeared. True, at the same time, not a spiral, but a wedge is introduced into the empty space of the uterus, pull it along the center of the bezel-less suture threads. At the 30's rr. The Rikhetra circle has been thoroughly honored by the Grafenberg scientist, which is a change and frame of the ring, and the threads themselves are made of zinc and midi alloys.

The "boom" on the spirals was reduced to a few more - in the 60s. We practiced this installation in the Radiansky Union. The bullet is similar to a type of spiral in the shape of the letter S, because of which it was introduced through a bag of non-hands that were knitted from the introduced, as well as the wear of such a virob.

About the anti-old power of medi it became like a deprivation in the 70s. The axis of that and that and the first models of spirals from the middle appeared, which are corroded and donin. The crumbs from the bottom to the middle have become an added value, because of the anti-spermatozoal effect.

See IUD spirales

Wouldn't it be better to think about it, but for this year's day there are close to 100 new Navy designs. You see the Navy with spirals is not only material, because of the stench of destruction, ally and in size, roughness, shape.

We will not look at all of them. Zupinosya on the most popular.

IUD spiral with hormonal zmistom has the form of literi "T". Volodya is a dull whine, and she is also equipped with a ring for a thief. The haircut spirals have a special container, and for which there are hormonal leaks. Every day, the goal is to be seen emptying the uterus in a total of 24 μg and a sperm bar against spermatozoa. Set to 5 rocky. Average price: seven thousand rubles.

The offensive enlargement of the type of Naval Forces is a spiral with a sred. Widgets of women, who have learned on their own about the middle spirals, are even more aware of themselves. Likar to please the middle spirals, to burn, but the stink of the igniting processes. A spirited spiral with such powers is not so much the same before that she swallows her contraceptive powers.

Also, there is a "Multiload" spiral, which can form a half-oval and for a rakhunok, in a good way, to creep up to the uterus. Similar spiral nikoli mimovolі not vipade.

Navy spiral "Vector" - to deliver the product in pharmacies and clinics. "Vector-extra" is a type of form, how to deal with the release of spirals of any form from any material. The most frequent gynecologists are to pick up the goods of the whole virobnik.

Shown to sucking

Lykar-gynecologist in front of Tim, how to get up the spiral, is guilty of being overwhelmed by the fact that the woman has no fiery problems with the pelvic organs. Alien tilo, introduced into the uterus, only to manage the ailments. The first ones are shown to be healthy, especially in terms of gynecology.

The spiral will become a single entry from the position, as the patient has a long-term relationship with a partner and if there is a lot of people who are allergic to condoms. You can, obviously, substitute condoms for oral contraceptives, or else you can't do without proof. Inodi Naval Forces is a priceless option, which is a big mensh to go near a taken woman.

The lady, who will set up the spiral, is guilty of intelligence, so that she does not prey on venereal ailments, so she will be interrupted by one inverted partner.

The Navy is nasty to get accustomed to the women who gave birth. Shvidshe for everything, such a patsієnttsі lіkar doesn’t risky to set up a spiral. Then again, as people are already cheating and no longer plan for mothers of children, at all they can pass the Navy itself and not worry about the inheritance of being tied to an abortion-based contraceptive.


Be sure to get sick from the gynecological part є even by the same contraindications before the installation of the spiral. I’ll look at those who IUD will tease the mucus of the uterus in a way that doesn’t help, but the introduction of a foreign body into it will pass without a trace.

The shape of the uterus is not correct, either because of the pathology of female organs, to put on the basis of the efficiency of the spirales, and if the woman suffers from uterine bleeding of an unsettled nature, then spiral is more likely to be forgotten.

There are also situations, if the child has a venereal sickness, he has a success. Before installing the spiral, it is necessary to take a pause of 12 months, until it turns over, so that a relapse does not occur.

There is a clear contraindication, you can close your eyes on those in the vicinity. Prior to such indications, it is possible to carry out post-malignancy, like the last bully at the patient's, fired up on the part of gynecology, tied with recent canopies.

If you want to think about it, or if it is a contraindication before the installation of the IUD, it is a heart defect and diabetes mellitus. I zagaly, be it sick, like it is badly pouring into the immune system, the drive becomes missed, even when the spiral woman is introduced, she grows teasing up to venereal ailments.

Incorrectly inserted spiral can provoke uterine bleeding. The schob on the right did not end tragically, it was necessary to turn over, but the child, who was lying on the introduced spirales, had no problems with the larynx of blood.

Likarі to talk about those, but the Navy is not the most beautiful rank to be seen on the character of menstruation. If a woman is already suffering from sickly minors, then the spiral is unlikely to lie down;

Preparation before the installation procedure

If a woman doesn’t cost her health, the car is guilty of being overly guilty and carrying out a whole complex of illnesses, so it’s not good for the health of the child.

Surely well, an anamnesis from the woman's side will be taken into the first place: a drug development about self-esteem and health. Because of the need to create standard blood and blood tests, you also need to convert your shelter to the sucker and the larynx.

You can't do without a long look at the body organs and taking a smear. As soon as the patient has an infectious-firing disease of the pelvic organs, then about the installation of spiral varto zabuti. At least until a quiet feast, as long as the woman will not be forced to try.

It is also to know the ultrasound scan of the uterus, assess the size of the body, form the body. Only during all the procedures can be left to the last time, as it is necessary to have a spiral that is in the middle of life.

installation procedure

The Navy will be installed only in the medical room. It’s not enough to keep up with the vibe of the fachivtsya, as if you’ll set up a spiral, and joke with some professional people, and with the great admiration of the robot. If the spiral is incorrectly inserted into the uterus, it will end with vaginal bleeding, or simply with motor-shock discomfort. So it’s necessary to go before the whole meal.

Why is it more painful to put the IUD spiral? All I know is that I’m going to lie down as a doctor, as if it’s worth it, and at the pain threshold of a woman. Particularly sensitive natures can perceive discomfort, sometimes they can fall into uncomfortableness, but more women can tolerate the introduced spirales painlessly.

The loan procedure itself is no more than two hvili. The introduction of the IUD on a gynecological crucible is used for additional special disposable attachments, which are sold in a set with a spiral.

It is a pleasant hour for the procedure for the month of the month, that is 5-7 days for the ear of the ear. At the end of the period, the cervical canal is quite visible, so that the installation of the spiral is as painless as possible.

Before the insertion of the IUD, the cervix of the uterus is covered with an antiseptic. Drink the drug visually to estimate the glybin and directly to the uterine canal and attack before the introduction of the IUD. If you process the threads of the spiral trochies, they look, if you don't have a little vusiki - the stench will be needed, if the navy will need it.

Pobichna diya

How can you help the Navy with the help? It's a pity that the list is great and often a woman who is planning to set up a spiral.

Firstly, it is important to follow your visions for 3 months after the installation procedure: the spiral can be used and it is not always necessary to respect it, if it doesn’t help the uterine canal. As soon as the spiral went off by the way, then the shkodi didn’t come.

Why did the navy spiral fit in? Vicious actions in sick and dwarf moths in the first few months are more widespread. Alle, there may be no uterine bleeding only before the hour of the month, but during the breaks between them. It is not easy to check the connection of the pod, with such symptoms it is necessary to immediately turn to the drug.

Shown to the visible spiral also є sverbіzh in pіkhvi, pechinnya, soreness of the statuary act, pains, like raptus, appear in the lower abdomen and across. All symptoms may include chills, fever and lack of feeling.

From the installation of the spiral, it is necessary to be considered at the stage of the introduction, as it is difficult to find out and the process is to be carried out very quickly.

Naynezpechnishe, which can happen with the introduction of an abnormal IUD, - even a puncture of the uterus. Do not heal the puncture, it’s important for the patient to appear innocently with extra help.

Until then, the spiral never became the reason for the establishment of my heart, and in some cases - the tear of the uterus.

What are the products of the spiral Naval Forces? The spiral is made of gold, so it’s not a matter of being seen on the women’s vases. However, if the hormonal spiral is established, then everything can be done.

Navy Spiral: Vidgooks

Wyrobniks with spirales keep up with it, it’s practically uncomfortable to log in with it, protest guards on the forums talk about it. It was a great shock for one of the girls, since the installation of the spiral company "Vector" had a vaginism in her rapt, the same term as 5 types. The embryo viris to the singular size, it turns into a spiral, leaving the uterus. For a weekend on the fifth day, it’s not easy to go through it. The girl was “cleansed”, then transferred to hormonal therapy, and for a stretch of 2 rockets, the vagina was hardened. It’s not a lonely vipadok.

Let's expand the scargs є the problems of the young ones: the stink of the great ones for the little kids, and for the little ones, the stench disappears. Seeing discomfort in the lower abdomen is not a problem.

Bully vipadki, if through the installation of the spirals, additional incapacitations of female organs were developed, miomi were established, appendages were inflamed. Є also skargi for those, before the hour of the statutory act, discomfort is felt, if the partner goes back to "gliboko", even one at a time. It is also rare, ale trap, uterine bleeding.

The axis and go, as the women constantly negotiate the Navy's spiral between themselves, the photo marvel at the Internet and never mind setting yourself up, so for the sake of the kids, for those who have lost their fingers it was Dobri vidguki, bezperechno, є, ale їkh even a little on the other chorus of claims and enchantment.

Navy spiral: yak is more beautiful?

Whether it’s a kind of independent virginity, as a spiral is needed, a woman cannot. As long as the spoken word, it is necessary to go through a series of bumps, turn over, so that the installation of the Navy in the back will be up to the river.

Supposedly, the analysis turned out to be friendly, the woman would like to be the same people, and the gynecologist would put the spiral after a while. As a rule, as a rule, you can think of a few options for the spirals, so the patient could vibrate with the help for her. For example, to get a midna or a Navy spiral? Yak vibrati?

Mіdna spiral will be cheaper, but more efficient robots of encirclement, some of them will quickly get corroded. The spiral will be more expensive, but it will serve better, as it will help the virobniks, with the help of changing the ignition processes in the motherboard. Gold is spiraled from the middle few people are recognized by drug and contraceptive powers, and then one of the naval watchdogs for the rakhun of noble metal road.

Yaksho potsіkavitisya, what form the Navy spiral, the photo show, how does the T-visible form, let the spirals and pivots, і thorns, і t.D. -Being for physiological specialties, then food is offered in tandem with a doctor.

In such a rank, the IUD is a contraceptive, like a wicked, a lot of nutrition and a fight, or in some cases, if the vagina is no longer planned, if the alternative is easy to see, the spiral turns into a "little wand". With such a set of circumstances, it is possible to get ridiculous at times, as the Navy does not take root, at any hour of seeing.

Due to the growing life conditions, many women and children are often seen from children. You will be able to secure yourself from an unpretentious conception, you will be blown away to profitable opportunities, so that you will be able to enjoy your life. At the present moment, there is no problem with contraception, the middle of the drug see the internal spiral Vector. It is well known to doctors that contraception is the best for the health of a woman. The report is clear, which is a spiral of the internal vector with a medium, the principle of її dії, і pouring into the reproductive system of the child.

What is the internal spiral Vector?

The Danish type of contraception consists of two head elements: an F-shaped or a T-shaped frame and a spiral. The frame is most often made from plastic, and covered with plastic from the sum of biologically active components. The equipment is equipped with special snares, the staff of the navy can be installed in the empty uterus. On the frame there is a bezpossredno spiral, yakuyut from the gold or middle dart. A lot of materials are vvazhayutsya to finish clean in order to speed up the knowledge of the body. In addition, the surface of the frame is crushed with a rosette of propolis, or calendula, so that the infestation rhizik is raised to a minimum. The contraceptive can also be equipped with a special attachment for installation, which is a polypropylene tube with a diameter of 4 mm.

Principle of the IUD

In addition to the internal spirits of the Vector, there is a risk that the intensity of the robotic cells is decreasing, and the eggs cannot survive in the empty uterus. And this is how the reproductive system of a woman reacts to the invasion of alien body into the epithelial tissue. Aleksei the Naval Forces robot of the third system and update, and the far representative of the excellent status does not see serious problems, from conceptions and children.

How much is the internal spiral for the body?

For the benefit of the drug users, the internal spiral Vector with the help of a medium does not just bring a shkodi, but it positively infuses the body. Also, it’s because of what you are getting ready for, you get overwhelmed with gynecological ailments, including cancer of the cervix. And propolis and calendula may cause antibacterial power, because of the emptying of the uterus and when you see ailing bacteria, microbiota. To that, thousands of women in all the world are far away before the installation of the IUD vector, the price for a yak is acceptable.

Internal attachments Vector carry the following names:

  1. Au 300F Vector-extra
  2. Au 300T Vector-Extra PC
  3. Au 300T Vector-extra
  4. KVMK-Au-300- Vector ring
  5. Ag 400F Vector - extra PC
  6. Ag 400F Vector - extra
  7. KVMK-Ag 300-Vector k_lce
  8. AgCu 150 / 250F Vector-extra PC
  9. AgCu 150 / 250F Vector-extra
  10. Ag 400t Vector-extra
  11. AgCu 150 / 250T Vector-extra
  12. that in.

Widgets and comments

I still want to put the spiral t-nova, alas, it's a pity in Russia ... I bought the Vector for the first time, and because of my worries, I know that there is still a specific way of staging.

I would gladly buy a new one because oh no! I analogue in German. Tilki goldlіlі for 4 thousand. I immobilize the vector ... to get accustomed to chi nі, show an hour.

Childless naval forces, the axis of the deyak from them.

Mirena's internal spiral

Naval Forces Mirena is a reversible, reliable and quick contraception. The price is uniquely hormonal for a healthy life span of 5 years. Also Mirena is victorious in case of bright menstrual bleeding and for abdominal pain during a different therapy with estrogens endometriya from hyperplasia.

Її special features:

  • victoriousness;
  • werewolves and highly effective with contraception;
  • muscular contraceptive effect;
  • mayzhe vіdsutnya hormonal systemic infusion;
  • decrease in menstrual vision;
  • change in the amount of ignition of the pelvic organs.

Internal spiral of Juno

Navy Spiral Juno buva decilkoh vidiv:

  • internal spiral Yunona bio;
  • internal spiral Yunona bio T;
  • Naval Forces Juno s s_blom.

The internal spiral of Juno has a shape similar to that, the vison is in a closed circle, in the middle of which there is a shear from a medium-medium or medium dart. For the additional rod, it is possible to control the knowledge and development. Regardless of the type of circular spiral and exploitation term, it becomes from 3.5 to 7 years.

Internal spiral inside Goldlіlі

The Danish type of Naval Forces, in addition to its own sinister effect, will not preserve the electrochemical seizure of the unplanned vaginosity, so that it will destroy the unique in its own kind (subordinate seizure). The internal spiral with gold is one of the finest ones, with the same term in the warehouse, 7 years, and the model of Goldlily Dubs is for 10 years.

Internal spiral Nova T

Pharmacological power of the spiral system for the formation of implanted eggs. Entering the storehouse spiraly is a good sign of failure and lysosomal activation, which can lead to a spermatozoa effect (spermatozoa consumes the possibility of oocyte lagging, but the results are not present). The Naval Forces Nova T is a very good way to get rid of unnecessary vaginosity.

True, the internal spiral is New and incomplete. In children with maladies in case of viciousness, there may be more symptoms in the abdomen (especially in women who have given birth). Bradycardia is also possible, impatience, bloody vision in the middle of the cycle, improved menstruation, infectious diseases of the sowing system, sprinkling, hypodemic anemia.

Internal spiral T-type of service:

  • do not drink wagy;
  • safe (do not spoil negative influx on іnshі organi);
  • term dії is close to 5 rocks;
  • high weight of contraception (up to 98%).

Internal spirales Vector

Viglyadє vnutr_shnyomatkova spiral Vector at the viglyadі of a small plastic frame, in the middle of a metal spiral is framed. There are three different modifications of such a spiral:

  • vikonany in the form of a kiltsya;
  • scho to guess behind the letter F;
  • how to guess behind your shape the letter T.

The frame is made of plastic є a shear of its own kind with beads, which, in the fallowness of the model, can have three descents, lifts, or even special teeth. Internal spirales Vector can be played with a middle, middle or golden dart. Have some vipadkah threw can be pulled down. Skin with internal spirals Vector is prepared according to international standards, and absolutely safe for female health.

One of the most advanced and effective ways of female contraception is the internal spiral (IUD), the principle of such a polarity in ensuring the conception and attachment of the membrane to the uterus.

IUD is a prism of small sizes and small forms from soft nasty plastic to additional metals, call medi. There is also a spirit of light and gold, for example, for the purpose of ensuring non-desirable vaginosity, for creating and for a personal anti-freshening performance.

The efficiency of internal spirals becomes 99%. Spiral є in a trivial way, and women do not need to talk about contraception.

The main way of spirals is to transport spermatozoa into the uterus for the opening of the inner midst, which is seen before being found in the attachment of metals. The swiftness of the eggs passed through, so it also grows up, so in the uterus, you will have to eat it, not too early until late. As soon as it was late, after all, the parents know that in the mother's spiral, the embryo cannot be closed at the uterus and start to develop.

Hormonal IUD spirals change the storage of cervical slime, strongly thickening, and also hopeful for spermatozoa permeation. Whether it is a kind of internal malignant spiral for the organism by an alien body, and the endometrium, as the uterus is whistling, will start to change, so it can be accelerated.

Termyn vikoristannya

The term for spiraling should not be left in the middle of the type and the correctness of the installation. So, even if the internal spiral has destroyed, if it happens before the term was laid down, then there will not be a guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

Most of the spirals are set for 5 years, but sometimes, the terms for which to become 10 and 15 years, before them spirals with gold, some of the metals are not strong to corrosion. If you have an internal helix, you will be able to stay healthy in the woman's health and correct growth by attaching the middle of the uterus.

Introduced internal spiral and viluchennya

Before the time you put an internal spiral, you need to consult a doctor about how to determine the health status and the ability to choose a different type of contraception for a woman. Same Likar Vibera and Vidpovidny.

Bagatokh women torment nutrition - it is more painful to put an internal spiral - it is unambiguously indicative of a new German, some of the peculiarities of the internal budget and the statistic system, and in the skin woman's life, are of no importance. In general, the procedure for installing the spiral dosit is unacceptable, altogether bearable.

Before tim yak vibrate a kind of internal spiral, fahivets designate paciєnttsi analysis. The very results of the situation will be the solution for the installation of the Navy and the type.

Analyzes and advances:

  • a new look at the articles of organs;
  • gynecological examination with obovazkovy sampling of smears for oncocytology and flora of the disease;
  • dilatation colposcopy;
  • all blood analyzes;
  • Ultrasound examination of organs in the small pelvis.

Spirals, as a rule, arise for women who may be children. For the birth of an internal spiral, as a rule, it doesn’t get stuck, for the blame of special models. They gave birth to women with a naval spiral, not without safety, some of them could be farther away without a break.

Prepared before the introduction of the IUD, the spiral and information about the article life for a few days before the procedure was carried out. It is also not possible to use vaginal candles, special sprays, douche and take pills without the permission of a drug.

The introduction of the Naval Forces spiralі zdіysnyuєtsya tіlki fakhіvets. The procedure is carried out 3-4 days before the ear of the middle menstrual period, when the cervix of the uterus appears during the whole period of the trochie, which means that the installation process will go down. In addition, during the whole period it is possible to increase the possibility of switching on the possibility of staying. On which term is put the internal spiral of a specific life, it is also the origin of the license, and of the obvious information and results of the situation.

If you correctly set up the internal spiral, the life can be renewed even after 10 days, holding out which is guilty to go through menstruation. Before an hour of the statutory act, the partners do not see it. The visualization of the installation of the internal mallet spiral is possible in the first month, which is zoomed in by the slime of the mucous membrane of the uterus and with the help of probes to become attached to the introduced alien body. Vidіlennya sluggish to be smeared and irregular.

For the installation of the IUD spiral, it is not possible:

  • accept liquids, which are based on acetylsalicylic acid;
  • stretching out the first 10 days, use tampons and lead a story of life;
  • dovgo perebuvati on an open dream;
  • open hot tubs, saunas, and hot baths;
  • pay attention to the gravity and engage in important physical practice.

Viimati spіral is guilty only of lіkar. The training is carried out in the first two days after the ear of menstruation, as there are no ignition processes, which is practically not painful. Yakshcho the thread is in good condition, but the prism itself is not priced, the spiral is not difficult to store. For the development of a spiral IUD, a hysteroscopy procedure is required for a better view.

Folding and side-by-side devices of the IUD

Little acts, accelerated and inherited inheritance during the internal spirits, are taught to eat up little, if only there are nobles about them. The onset of symptoms in the form of a termine animal to the drug:

  • The spiral vipala from the uterus was absent. Once you have to go before the hour of menstruation, then you need to change the thread for the month.
  • A part of the spiral has been found at the beginning.
  • There are no IUD threads.
  • He was bleeding heavily.
  • Menstruation has become irregular or has become more frequent.
  • Before an hour of the article act, a woman sees a strong or a change in pain. There may be some vicious reasons, for example, post-vaginal vagina, spiral growth into the uterine wall, or a breakthrough of the uterine wall, whether a part of the established spiral.
  • The temperature has risen, the fever is to recover, with a lot of pain in the abdomen and vaginal vision, which can be a symptom of early infections.


The prototype shown before the installation of the internal spiral can be not only absolute, but also definite.

Zapobіgannya nezazanіy vagіtnosti, or contraception, additional help to save your health:

  • reduce the frequency of abortions;
  • additional help planuvati stay and get to it;
  • at bagatokh vypadkahm dodatkovym lykuvalnym efect.

One of the types of contraception is internal. You will be stuck most often in China, the Russian Federation and in Scandinavia. In povsyakdennyy movi often vikorystovutsya understand "internal spiral".

Outside internal contraception:

  • Of course, there is not a lot of partiality;
  • trivial term vikorystannya;
  • information about the renovation of buildings before the date of delivery;
  • Possibility of breastfeeding for an hour in case of concomitant ailments;
  • liquid infusion on endometries (with vicorian hormonal internal system);
  • preserving the physiology of the statutory act, the time of preparation, the increase in the number of times of proximity.

See the internal spirals

There are two types for internal contraception:

  • іnertni;
  • medication.

Inert internal contraceptives (IUDs) are plastic virobi growths that are inserted into the empty uterus. Vikoristovuvati has not been recommended since 1989, since the All-Holy Organization for the Protection of Health declared that it was ineffective and not safe for the health of a woman.

In the Danish hour, only spirals will freeze, and they will take revenge on the metal (middle, middle) or hormones. Smell of the plastic base of the growing outlines, close to the formation of the inner space of the uterus. The addition of metals and hormonal factors allows for the improvement of the efficiency of the spirals and the change in the number of side effects.

In Russia, the following VMKs have gained the greatest popularity:

  • Multiload Cu 375 - Literi F shape, coating with a medium winding with an area of ​​375 mm 2, insurance coverage for 5 rocks;
  • Nova-T - at the top of the letter T, there is a winding with an area of ​​200 mm 2, insurance for 5 rokiv;
  • Cooper T 380 A - copper-containing T-pod_bny, serve up to 8 rock_v;
  • hormonal internal system "Mirena" - to take revenge on levonorgestrel, which in turn is seen as empty of the uterus, nadayuvalnuyu; insured for 5 years.

Before the IUD becomes stagnant, medroxyprogesterone or norethisterone is seen.

Yaka vnutr_shnyomatkova spiral is more beautiful?

It is possible to change the food price without going through individual consultations with women’s health problems, health problems, health problems, the manifestation of gynecological ailments, planning in the future.

Mechanism of Diya

The principle of the internal female spiral is the destruction of spermatozoa and the destruction of the process of attachment of the membrane in the empty uterus. If you enter the warehouse of the IUD bagatech, volodya spermatotoxic dyu, to drive the spermatozoa into the uterus. In addition, there is a lack of accumulation and processing of spermatozoa by special cells - macrophages.

As soon as the delayed oviposition began, the abortion contraceptive was repaired, and the implantation of the delayed ovum was changed:

  • to accept the speed of the uterine tube, when the ovum is filled up, it is quickly consumed in the uterus and the gyn;
  • the appearance of a third-party body in the emptying of the uterus should be brought to aseptic (non-infectious) firing and common damage;
  • as a result of prostaglandin viroblasting in foreign patients, the rate of uterine growth increases;
  • with vicious internal hormonal system and endometrial atrophy.

The internal system "Mirena" from a special reservoir continuously sees the hormone levonorgestrel in a dose of 20 mcg per dose. Tsya Rechovina has a gestagenic effect, causing a regular proliferation of clin endometrium and atrophy. As a result of menstruation, there are fewer and less people to know. Ovulation is not damaged at all, the hormonal background does not change.

It is possible to start, if there is an internal spiral? The effectiveness of internal contraception is 98%. When victorious, it’s possible to take advantage of the vagina by extending the rock infusion in 1-2 women from a hundred. The efficiency of the "Mirena" system in the development of food, the duration of the lifespan of the vine is in the hands of 2-5 women in a thousand.

Yak to put an internal spiral

Before the time to enter the IUD, it is necessary to move around at the outside of the vagina. The procedure can be carried out directly from the phase of the menstrual cycle, even more often on the 4th-8th day of the cycle (from the first day of menstruation). It is necessary to carry out the analysis of smears on the microflora and steps of cleanliness, as well as ultrasound monitoring for determining the size of the uterus.

The procedure takes place in an outpatient department without anesthesia. The price is practically painless. In the first few days after the introduction of spirals, there may be turbulence pains in the lower abdomen, wickedness of the fast uterus. First and 2-3 onset menstruation can be clear. In the whole hour, no registration of spirales is allowed.

For a piece abortion, the spiral will start immediately after the manipulation, if the abortion is flat - in 2-3 months.

The introduction of the IUD for the operation of the cesarean rosette will go through the process of reducing the risk of infectious diseases. Spirali can be used for the hour of breastfeeding, which is a great challenge.

When the IUD is introduced by a stretch, the pressure of women is fenced off:

  • intensive physical support;
  • hot baths;
  • the reception of the missed zasob_v;
  • status of life.

The onset look-around is indicated for 7-10 days, and later, when the day is out, it is accelerated after 3 months. The woman is to blame for the cutaneous menstruation to self-change the appearance of the threads of the IUD for the first time. Inspection from the gynecologist to finish takes place and once at the test, as there are no niyak scargs.

Visual internal spiral

The visualization of the VMK should be carried out after the bazhannya, during the development of the deyakh is accelerated or after the termination of the term of the vikoristannya. In the last resort, a new contraceptive can be introduced immediately after being seen in front. Schob vityagti VMK, with a chance to carry out ultrasound monitoring and to clarify the point of rosetting the spiral. Then, under the control of the hysteroscope, the cervical canal is widened and the spiral is seen, sipping on the "vusiki". When the "vusiki" breaks off, the procedure is repeated in the stationary. Since the internal spiral penetrates into the uterine wall and is not a scarg, it is not recommended to see it unnecessarily, as it can lead to an acceleration.

Folding internal contraception

Selected effects from internal spirales:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Infection of statutory organs;
  • uterine bleeding.

Symptoms do not develop in all patients and are admitted to an early stage.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Win in 5-9% of patients. Remembered pains, which are supervised by blood visions, є I know the self-impelling of the IUD from the emptying of the uterus. For the prophylaxis of this acceleration in the period of introduction, nonsteroidal antiapaline drugs are prescribed.

Continuously intensive pains are detected, as the contraceptive does not depend on the size. In all kinds of vipad yogo zamіnyut.

Raptoes of hospitality can be familiar with the perforation of the uterus with the penetration of a part of the spiral into the empty hole. The frequency of the whole acceleration becomes 0.5%. Incomplete perforation is often found unrecognized and diagnosed after unsuccessful attempts to see the IUD. When perforation is increased, perform extra laparoscopy or laparotomy.

Infection of statutory organs

The frequency of infection-ignition acceleration (і інші) becomes 0.5 to 4%. It is important to carry the stench, to suffer from severe pain in the lower abdomen, feverish, horrible visions from the headings. Such processes will accelerate the ruining of the tissues of the uterus and appendages. For prophylaxis, over the course of several days after the introduction of the IUD, antibiotics are prescribed for a wide range of activities.

uterine bleeding

uterine bleeding develops in 24% of cases. Most often, it is manifested with bright menstruation (menorrhagia), and more often with menstrual blood loss (metrotragia). Bleeding leads to the development of chronic hypertensive anemia, which appears to be blistering, weak, sluggish, lame hair and nigth, dystrophic changes of internal organs. To prevent bleeding two months before the installation of the spiral and for 2 months, it is recommended to take combined oral contraceptives. Yaksho to produce menorrhagia to anemia, I see the IUD.


VMC reduces the development of vaginosity. However, it has come all the same, rizik vishche, nіzh middle women.

Also, during the period of the weekly spiral, there are three options for the development of the pod:

  1. A piece of intercourse, to that, such a visitation of the diagnosis of the embryo and, in half of the cases, end with a self-induced abortion.
  2. The visualization of the IUD, which can lead to a mimic transformation of vaginosti.
  3. Saving vaginosti, with a whole spiral, do not mischievous children and see at once with fruit husks before the hour is low. At the same time, there is an increase in the speed of vaginosti.

Until the conception and marriage of a child is introduced as a visual internal contraception, 90% of women who have not used any other contraceptive methods insist on pregnancy.

Shown to sucking

They gave birth to a whole type of contraception, and they gave birth to a serious illness, so that they could change the vagina into a life-threatening condition. An internal spiral for a given birth to a woman can be deprived of ill health, or it is not necessary to use these methods. For such children, the signs of mini-spirals in the place of midi are, for example, "Flower Kuprum".

For a short term, it’s not easy to install the IUD, and the woman is not guilty of planning a visit to the closest risk, or even more trivial term.

IUD does not seize from ailments, but is transmitted by a state path. Vvazhaєtsya, how stinks, navpaki, p_dvischuyut rizik development and pogirshyut overbig such ailments.

Nybilsh often VMC vikoristovyutsya in offensive situations:

  • increased fertility, parts of vaginosity on the basis of active body life;
  • Timchasove, for the everlasting carelessness of mothers of children;
  • extragenital malaise, for which vaginism is contraindicated;
  • the manifestation of important genetic diseases in a woman or a partner.

Prototype indication up to internal spiral

Absolute counter-indications:

  • vagіtnіst;
  • endometritis, adnexitis, colpitis and inflamed incapacitation of the pelvic organs, especially hospitals or chronic with persistent zagostrenny;
  • cancer of the shyke abo tila of the uterus;
  • postponed earlier postamatkova vagіtnіst.

Typical indications:

  • uterine bleeding, including regular menstruation;
  • hyperplasia endometrium;
  • vrodzhena chi nabuta deformity of the uterus;
  • ailments of blood;
  • important ignorance of internal organs;
  • trawling earlier mimovilne vignannya (expulsion) IUD;
  • intolerance to the components of the spiral (med, levonorgestrel);
  • visibility of the canopy.

In perachovannyh situations, the sign of the internal hormonal system is often justified. It is indicated in case of pathology of endometrium, reddened bleeding, painful menstruation. To that, correctly vibrate the internal spiral, the gynecologist can look around the patient.


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