Yak vilikuvati fired yachnikiv. Fired appendages - magazine "Healthier health"

Yak vilikuvati fired yachnikiv. Fired appendages - magazine "Healthier health"

Felling of appendages in females is an infectious pathology, with the whole process of defecating the cells of the uterine tubes, but not the uterus itself. Penetration of the infectious disease agent into the organism is carried out by means of new paths.

The disease could be contracted without symptoms, sometimes characterized by the appearance of pains in the lower abdomen and damage to the menstrual cycle. Lіkuvannya is straightforward to the lowering of the womb and the renewal of the function of the uterine appendages.

Causes of the blame

Why do women have a fiery appendage, and why? In medical cases, it is called salpingo-oophoritis. As soon as it is burned up only the uterine tubes, then salpingitis is diagnosed. The ignition process, such as jarring only eggs, is called oophoritis.

The development of the ignition process in the uterine appendages is seen in the presence of pathogenic and intellectually pathogenic microorganisms. There are two types of problems:

  • specific adnexitis, Viklicaniy with diphtheria bacteria, tuberculosis sticks, gonococci;
  • nonspecific salpingo-oophoritis It is possible to suffer from viruses, fungi, intestinal sticks, streptococci, staphylococci, microplasmas, trash and microorganisms.

Penetration of infection into the appendages of the uterus can be seen by advancing paths:

  • viscous (pathogenic microbes from pichvi penetrate into the uterus, minuscule canal, tubes, and then can eat into the ovaries);
  • low (in black empty, already hot, like step-by-step switch to healthy fabric);
  • hematogenous (microbes are consumed in the uterine tubes and cells with blood from their internal organs).

Іmovіrnіst іnіnіnіnіa fіlnіnіa appendages to improve when acting on the organism of provocative officials:

  • hypothermia;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • vikoristannya to such a method of contraception, like an internal spiral;
  • unprotected sex;
  • canopy or abortion.
can be in three forms:
  • guest house;
  • chronic;
  • latent (asymptomatic, or positive).

Poisoning can be diagnosed in any business. For help, before the children, young children are murdered, because they cannot live for their lives, and women who have been abducted, who have entered the menopause.

Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages

In case of development of inflamed appendages in women, the appearance of quiet symptoms is found among singing officials:

  • ailment after drinking microorganism, yogo vidi;
  • from going overboard, whether it be a process with severely varying symptoms, or chronic, overwhelmed, with little symptomatology;
  • The building of the organisms of the child is opposed to microorganisms and fighting from the ignition process, from the standpoint of the immune system.

When the form is hosted women scared for the following symptoms:

  • strains live in the lower viddils;
  • , Scho viddaut one in the legs or across;
  • adjusted the temperature of the house (you can reach 39 degrees);
  • zm_na of the menstrual cycle (the diagnosis of raptus bleeding or the closure of menstruation);
  • seeing from pіkhvi, wіdrіznyayutsya as normal (the stench can be greenish-nasty or zhovtuvaty, vivid or pinyy).

Not until the end of the period of illness in the hospitality period can go into the chronic inflamed appendages, the symptoms of which lie in the period of the remission or the aggravation. In a skin other woman with chronic adnexitis, the following pathological changes are suspected:

  • damage to the menstrual cycle;
  • distribution of status functions;
  • supportive organs of secular vision (,) and ін.

During the period of acute aggravation, all the symptoms characteristic of the adnexitis are refreshed.

chronic adnexitis

Chronic adnexitis develops in the form of an unfortunate abnormally incongruous treatment of the state of illness, which is against the periodic seasonal aggravations. The given form of inflamed appendages is characterized by the appearance of dull, small pains in the lower part of the abdomen, which appear in the middle and across the region. Palpation of the abdomen will reduce the pain.

In connection with structural and functional changes in ovaries (during ovulation, hypoestrogenism), chronically inflamed appendages in women who are supernaturally affected by menstrual disorders, as well as manifest themselves with oligoperiodicity (hypoestrogenism) Likewise, the girls can skarzhitis on the visibility or decrease the statistic pull, showing pain before the hour of the statistic act.


Symptoms may be overwhelmed by the presence of those who have become ill, so that an accurate diagnosis can be made by the genicologist after looking at the patient, taken anamnesis, the results of laboratory and instrumental:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages;
  • PLR-diagnostics (smear from pichvi), allowing you to set up a status of infection;
  • colposcopy (looking around at the bottom and the bottom);
  • baksevi;
  • tomography;
  • laparoscopy.

Signs of inflammation of the appendages can be seen in the results of blood analysis. During ignition processes, the blood formula changes significantly. In addition, with a gynecological examination at a gynecologist, the woman sees a strong bee in the area of ​​the uterus.


Be-like fired appendages are not uncompromisingly, how you can do this accelerated:

  • pererostannya in chronic form;
  • without reason, as the result is transmitted by a state path, in case of a failure of the uterine tubes and anovulation;
  • to finish the visoky rizik of the post-worm conception;
  • gnіine accelerated (tubo-ovarian education) - gnіine melting of eggs and tubes with a further abscess.


  1. Regularly see the gynecologist, but do not rely on the glass to look around, give smears.
  2. Unikati pereoholodzhen, dress up with urahuvannyam wait, pereodyagyuchis write float, unique sit on cold objects.
  3. It is necessary to change the vagina, to work on an early term, or for additional medications, or for a mini-abortion (a unique viskolyuvannya).
  4. Vilykuvati teeth, intestines and other chronic infections.
  5. Vikoristovuvati bar'erni methods of contraception.
  6. Likuvati gynecological illnesses.
  7. Dotrimuvatisya rules of healthy eating.
  8. Dotrimuvatisya rules of intimate hygiene.
  9. Unikati drenching.
  10. Unikati stress.

In such a rank, inflamed appendages - seriously ill-gotten, scho vimag of a free-spirited lіkuvannya, as a transfer of suvorogo vikonannya lіkarsky attributions.

Lіkuvannya fired appendages

When diagnosing inflammation of the appendages of lіkuvannya in females we can be complex: the addition of medications with physiotherapy, gynecological massage, osteopathy, physiotherapy.

The main point in the therapy is antibiotics. Smells are picked up with a wide range of events and a maximum period for the west. Besides, life itself needs to follow one's own way of living (it’s right to eat, to get rid of the life of the story, physical culture, to be brought to mind from smoking and alcohol).

It is not possible to start the ailment, since the ignition process will soon move into a chronic stage, which can be produced to the point of failure.

Antibiotics for inflamed appendages

Antibiotics in case of inflamed appendages - the price of a headache and a head, which is guilty of the Viconan for the successful result of ailments. Chim likuvati fired appendages, adding and a number of prizes for a specific skin woman, a fahivets, we will most often give you a bet of likars:

  1. Like nitroimidazole (for example, Metronidazole) because of the loss of anaerobic flora, healthy life in an acid-free environment, for example, gonococks (gonorrhea);
  2. Ingibitor protection penicilini (Amoxiclav), cephalosporin 3 generations (Ceftriaxone), macrolide (erithromicin) and in.
  3. Anti-fungal drugs (for example, Diflucan, Nistatin).

First three-chotiri finish to normalization I will begin to inject all preparations at the viglyadi in'ktsiy. Then you can switch to tablet form and lower dosage.

suputnє lіkuvannya

In addition to antibacterial drugs, detoxification therapy (internal infusion of salt solutions, glucose, hemodez, rheopolyglucin and others in the general 2 - 3 years) is carried out.

Pain relief, and reduction of the ignition process is carried out with help in the form of tablets. Ce Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketarol and other drugs. Obov'yazkovo priznachayut vitamins C and B, as well as tablets from allergies.

With a knowledge of the state of the process and in the presence of chronic inflammation of the appendages in a posture, there is a wide range of physical procedures: electrophoresis of zinc for the phases of the menstrual cycle, electrophoresis with lidase with iodine, ultrasound, frequency Likewise, in the main treatment, immunomodulators, autohemotherapy, aloe therapy, FIBS, Longidazi and іnshe. In case of chronic adnexitis, a sanatorium-and-spa treatment is indicated - brude, paraffin, liquid baths and drenching.

Candles with lit appendages

For the change of such signs, such as heating, bіl, nabryaki, and the temperature will be fixed, special candles, such as zdatnі znyati zapalennya. There may be signs of such candles, such as building immunity, and even more importantly in case of ailments. Also, such preparations cleanse the organisms of shkidlivy speech.

All candles are a sign of a lykar, but in any case, it will be dodatkov.

People zasobi

At home minds it is possible to vikoristovuvati deyakі folk recipes:

  1. Take 4 teaspoons each roots of buckthorn, chornobil and pivonia, give 3 teaspoons each of roots of genus and oman. For a total of 2 tablespoons of the trimmed sum, pour in a pint of sprinkle. Kip a half-day at the main fire, and let the oholonuti hold out a half-hour. For the sake of the process, you can add honey to the trocha. Take a drink 3-4 times a day.
  2. One tablespoon dry grass of the boar uterus pour a bottle of sprinkle... Insist 2 years. Process. Take 1/3 of the bottle 3 times a day, one day before the day. Lykuvannya course - 1 month. During the month of the course of treatment for adnexitis with the borax uterus bazhano pity 2 months old nastіy - from the grass of the polovia. 1 tbsp. l. herb pour a bottle of sprinkling, insist 4 years, process. Pete 1 tsp for 30 hilin to eat 4 times a day.
  3. Buldenezh followed on the very cob of flowers (as long as no lumps got in them). The infusion of them is volodya with antiseptic, anti-fiery and anti-potent powers. Zapovnyuyu lіtrovnuyu jar with kuli-sutsvіtty, fill in with a bottle and send for 15 days in a darkly colder place. I rub the lower abdomen with an infusion, and apply compresses at the viglyadi.
  4. take quotations of mother-and-machukha, burkunu, centaury in the same proportions... Zmіshati, in the forefront, poured sprinkles, let it insist for a year, sending the process through cheesecloth and drinking on a glass of two for doba. When lіkuvannі recommend fixing the statute.

Remember that the people will need additional improvements, and they cannot substitute the drug therapy prescribed by the Fakhivite.

On the nutrition of a reading about a widespread female obstetrics

Volodymyr Viktorovich Yaglov.

From the beginning of the problem, all the analyzes for the atypia of the negative. I will not be addicted to the work, I seem to think that it’s a sprinkle of people’s demand.

Only the axis, I got stuck with the problem - my appendages hurt a lot.

Інфекції, including transmitted by statute; internal computers against anti-inflammatory devices (IUD); decrease in immunity; operative involvement in a woman's status system, diagnostics of viscoblasting, abortion; severe stress; hypothermia; injuries; autoimmune damage; chemistry factor.

Prevention of igniter disease:

Regularly see a gynecologist (1-2 times per day); often lіkuvannya vognisch іnfektsії in organіzmі; dotrimannya special hygienia; victorious anti-inflammatory conditions and condoms, for eliminating unnecessary vaginalities and infections; the prevalence of hypothermia and stress, strong nervous tension; acceptance and acceptance of immunity.

Compress with polynomial from appendix firing

A lot of rock was suffering from chronic flames of appendages, as long as I didn’t tell about good methods of treatment - compression and programming with polynomials.

Mortuary brewed 2 tbsp. l. Polina with a bottle of sprinkle, poured 15 hilines and poured into a vidro, a third of sprinkled with sprinkles. She sat 15-20 over the cym, and then I burned warmly and kicked in the lid. She rocked like this every other day, chasing procedures with compresses for Pauline. For them, I poured 100 g of polina with sprinkles, so that the grass was covered with water, brought to a boil and poured 20-30 khvili. Then I squeezed the grass and laid it in a thin ball on the nipple fabric, turning it over, so that a large biscuit came in. I laid it out on a slicker, added some glue, and from above I kicked the entire transverse area up to the top on the compress. The procedure was repeated every two days every other day 10 times, as soon as it was possible to relax, it was already the first procedures.

A.I. Shebalina, Perm

commentary by likary Pauline is very sensitive to the sun-sickness that anti-fiery action, and can be victorious in case of chronic adnexitis treatment as an addition to the drug treatment method.


In addition, it is necessary to enable unprotected contact information. Create a mental and physical calm, normal consumption.

For the knowledge of the pain syndrome and the embryo, the refinery is designated - Ibuprofen, Intometatsin and In.

Earlier, it was used up by the other people, it was effective when the appendages were ignited. For example, in the home minds, one can suspect an ailment for the additional help of dried chamomile herb. Ale, yak stuck chamomile? Chamomile is brewed with tea (for 250 ml of water - 1.5 tablespoons of herb), then infuse with a stretch of 20 quilins. For a whole hour, it will be necessary to cleanse the clinker with warm water. The process of preparation is done and put it in the syringe, enter it in the anal opening and enter it in the mouth. Lie down on the bike.

The chamomile really helped, because it was guilty of being absorbed by the body. How often can you perform procedures? Herbs, and chamomile itself, is friendly to the body, and it is not recommended to use alerobites more than 1 time (maximum two) per day.

Before the time, how to carry out the same self-treatment with folk zasoby, consult a doctor on a regular basis.

Likuvati ailment is possible if the drug is injected internally, for whom amoxiclav is used in water for an injection (for 600 mg of the drug - 10 ml of water). Instead, it should be introduced by a stretch of 4 chilines.

Also, I will call the drug "Amoxiclav Kvitkab". Before zasosuvannyam, read the instructions.

Likuvannya can be used, if you drink the drug "amoxicilin", which, too, can be bactericidal. Before that, as a sign of treatment with the drug "amoxicilin", the patient should be given an analysis, as it is necessary in order to increase the sensitivity of the flora, as it provoked an ailment.

The addition of "amoxicilin" leaks is indicated for the skin patient individually from the gravity of the illness and the degree of sensitivity of the child. The very fact, if you want to drink "amoxicilin", you need to enjoy yourself with a liquor.

Doxycycline - antibiotics tetracyclines Doxycycline is indicated in cases of inflammation of the pelvic organs in females (with endometritis), in case of infection of the secular paths with clamidosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea.

The drug can be drunk with a great amount of water. Dobova dose - 2 tablets (100 or 200 mg each), as it is necessary to drink the skin for 12 hours. Also, the drug is administered internally, for which, instead of ampoules, it can be consumed with water for injections.

Yak, it’s my thing! Maybe someone has a lot of bulo, and appendages are often a problem. Yak vi lіkuvali? Could you be all over the place once and for all? I yak? For me, in the first years they said that if the appendages were ignited once, then 80%, as well as it will be permanently. But I can’t lie in my bed for a skinny time!

  • Bilateral firing of bunkers is possible with the present from yagid yalivtsi. For a total of 15 berries, pour a bottle of water and let it brew for a few years. Nastiy takes on the tablespoons three times a day.
  • Pour two tablespoons of a goose finger with two flasks of sprinkling and insist a year. Take half of the flask for six months to the day. When tsyom guilty buty chotiri priyomi їzhі.
  • Zmіshati 20 g burkun lіkarskogo, golden-thousanders, quotations of mother-and-machuhi. Pour a spoonful of sprinkles from a table spoon with a sprinkle on a bottle of water and insist for a year. Take one third of the flasks for a month 6 times a day.
  • The most beautiful nastya - from the fruit of the hipster and the berries of the black currant. It is necessary to change in the correct proportions and pour a bottle of sprinkle with a bottle of 20 g of sum. Insist for a stretch of a year, then the process and give a teaspoon of zukru. Take half a bottle 3-4 times a day.
  • Pick up a tablespoon of dried hairy leaf. Pour a bottle of sprinkling and insist 4 years. Rozdіliti for 5 portions and vipiti throughout the day.
  • Brew and piti yak tea with a round-leaved pear leaf. Until Grushanka, you can add wild and black tea. Drink a drink by stretching out 3-4 cups of decilkoh months a day. Such teas can be taken in case of chronic burning of eggs.
  • Add a one-sided table spoon and pour sprinkle with a bottle. Dati insist on holding out for two years, take a third of the flasks a year before.
  • A stony thigh is good at dealing with women's problems. Pour a table spoon of thighs with a liter of water and boil 10 quilins. Add honey and p'yut throughout the day. Robit takiy v_dvar kozhen day stretching tizhnya. There is a need for a break, and if it is more turbulent, continue the course.
  • 50 g of marin root, add half a liter to the burner. Place the tincture in a dark dance or in a jar and infuse it for 10 days in a dry meal. Take 40 drops of three per day, one day before the day.
  • Garbuz - good leaks. Її need to be included in the food ration. Ale bilsh corynno piti sіzhovichenny sіk. For lіkuvannya zapalyannya price the most beautiful robiti vrantsі natschesertse.
  • Sprinting is not the best way to get sick: it’s not going to go to the people of the country, but from the microflora of pikhvi. There is no need for tampons that are soaked in vidvara - in a small way, there will be no effect.
  • It is not recommended to sit on top of yaky vidvara: "targeting" steam is not far away from burning, and the axis of the witness and the uterus can be easily corrected. First, the problem will not only be gynecological.

Filling of cells or appendages (before them the uterus tubes are carried) is the price of an affliction, which can lead to serious inheritances: hormonal diseases , Free of charge i early klimax ... site picking the cause of illness and vivch the opportunity to get rid of the whole illness. Remember: being healthy means being beautiful and successful!

What kind of fireworks are there?

At the children’s house, we were often told by our mothers and grandmothers that we didn’t sit on cold benches, stones or concrete slabs. To save the stench of mali ratsіyu, ale to call the twigs of the vine through the other reasons.

Poisonous women, or oophoritis, are hospitable and chronic, as well as firing all the appendages of the uterus, which they call adnexitis. There is an increase in the number of infections of the state of organs and organs, and earlier - organs of the black emptying of the slaughter system. Name the tse of streptococcus, staphylococcus or gonorrhea infections or tuberculosis.

In addition, weakening the winners for the deterioration of the hormonal background and weakening of the immune system. Youmu experience hypothermia, part of stress, ruptured menstrual cycle, abortion , Take hormonal drugs.

If the pain in the lower abdomen is very hot, the feverish person and the disgusting self-esteem do not give life to the problem, then with the chronic interruption everything is more complicated. The hope is fiery - through a nevilykuvanny hostile process, or viciously self-directed - to lead to serious damage in the reproductive function of a woman. Filling wicker adhesions in the middle and with the uterine tubes bezpl_ddyya .

In addition, fuming the tissue of the yogurt will destroy the regularity of menstrual cycles, become bright and sickly, as well as small and small. decrease i libido , Sex ceases to bring satisfaction and discomfort before the hour of the stat act.

principle of liking

First for everything, it is necessary for the nobility, but adnexitis is not the same as getting sick, if you try to try folk medicine and self-treatment with the help of different methods of self-care. Your health is at stake, as far away as possible, so at night, if any pains occur in the area of ​​the statistic sphere, it is necessary to return to the drug.

Adnexiti liku lykar-gynecologist, in the event of a hospitable process and an important one, ask for the need for hospitalization in the gynecological examination of a doctor, for a woman to go home, overbought for an outpatient,

gostry process

When diagnosed with adnexitis, antibiotics are prescribed. Call them to choose from urahuvannya sowing on the flora from statues of nobles, so as they are often inflamed with special microbes, so that there is no special antibiotic therapy - microplasmas, rubbish or races. However, the smothering of the microfloria, which has been fired up, it is necessary to have an anti-apnea therapy.

In case of manifestation of intoxication, put dribblers with ratchets, as vivodyat toxins and the products of microbial life, as well as the introduction of vitamins and antioxidants to combat fumes. Fungi can actively proliferate on a number of antibiotics in the state of the sphere, and in parallel with antibiotics, metrogil can be injected - it will cause the activity of advanced fungi and bacteria.

In addition, in the region of appendages, they buy a lot of riddles in little ones, carry out laparoscopic surgeries with the help of anesthesia. In the world of normalization, I will become women in the therapy of immunostimulants, the stench will help the body fight against infection and stimulate tissue renewal.

With chronic infection

Most often, it’s fired up against it, it’s abysmal, turning into a chronic form, the principle of therapy when it changes. Antibiotics in general vypadku priznachayut only in case of sharpening, or purposefully, from the zealot, who winks out, even strictly according to the considerations for sensitivity.

On the basis of antibiotic intake, immunomodulatory drugs are recognized - the stench activates lymphocytes to fight infection. Zvychay zastosovuyt cycloferon, viferon, ekhnatseyu, Golovat.

In case of diagnoses of pain, it is necessary to take into account the course of anti-fiery and anti-festering speeches - try to get the rectal suppositories with diclofenac, in case of weakness and swell with an anti-festering effect. Good practice in case of chronically ignited points massage і holcoreflexotherapy.

It is more important to take psychotherapy and mood for hardship in lіkuvannі. It is also noted that the steroids and apathetic peculiarities can be dragged out. It is important for that to mother the installation on a safe update and a daily newsletter.

At the period of remission

Yak vilikuvati fired yachnikiv?

Chronic adnexitis usually occurs in the period of remission, so that the main in the treatment is to remove adhesions of the procedure and physiology. For dehydrating procedures, apply swabs with licks and mud, candles, magnetic therapy and ultrasound, electrophoresis of flutes to the area across and cells.

One of the most effective methods for the treatment of adnexitis in the stage of remission is hirudotherapy (treatment with symptoms).

Prevention and treatment

One of the most effective methods in the treatment of chronic gynecological pathology, clinical therapy and health resort treatment. The stench is to eat in one's own medicine and psychotherapy, a woman changes the situation, she feels physically and morally from problems and ailments, to gain strength.

At the resort in the middle of Russia it is possible to get a virus through a fire-fighting adnexitis or a hostile process, and in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, or the Krasnodar Territory, after about ten months of burning fire.

Naybіlsh cinnamon and effective spa procedures є mud baths, baths with mineral waters and massage, sea baths, physical procedures and seafood.

In addition, in lіkuvannі zapalnіya ovarynіv stasis hormonal contraceptives, the stench gives rise to the ovary and the ability to normalize the menstrual cycle. In the middle, you can take a drink, and when you spend it all, you can have a lot of fun.

There is also a spike process of borrowing a great deal of the small pelvis, buying a birth or a ginny, a surgery is required. It’s a pity, in such vipadki it is not possible to achieve a new liking. To that it is more beautiful to take care of your health, to follow the hygiene and regularly see the gynecologist.

Alena Paretski

Filling the uterus and appendages of the uterus - to end the enlargement of the female ailment, such as, except for uncommon symptoms, fraught with serious inheritance. Among them, it is possible to see an early climatic period, a disruption of the menstrual cycle and the reproductive function of a woman right up to the point of failure. It’s necessary for the nobility, as a vilikuvati fired quickly and efficiently. Proceedings are given in the statistics.

General principle of lіkuvannya

As soon as you skare on a part and a sickly one, pain in the lower abdomen, you can cope with the testimonies of the people, discomfort at the hour of your closeness is even more possible, if you can put the diagnosis "burned out the eggs when you come in".

The method of treatment is to lie down without a priori in the form and stage of the severity of the ailment, as well as the clinical manifestations. In most cases, with a hostile form of firing, a post-life mode is indicated. On the cob of therapy, there will be growth in antibiotics and antibacterial drugs. On the other hand, antibiotics can be used to actively develop fungi in the state of affairs. In connection with cym, the necessary reception is also of anti-fungal diseases.

Lіkuvannya zapalennya medications

As a rule, inflammation of the cells and appendages of the supernatant is associated with a pain syndrome, for which the most frequent are non-steroidal anti-pyrexia. Among them, you can see indomethacin and ibuprofen. For the detection of allergic microbes, it is recommended to take antihistamines, which include Suprastin. The activity of microbes and fungi is efficiently attracting Metrogyl, Diflucan and Nystatin.

For the change of the immune system, it is necessary to take vitamins B, ascorbic acid and vitamin E. I certainly cannot do without antibiotic therapy. Most often, it is the combination of drugs that is indicated, as additional help in pouring in microorganisms, which provoked the development of ill health. It is recommended to use vikoristannya preparations, which can be infused onto the aerobic flora. Metronidazole, Amoxiclav, erithromicin, Ceftriaxone are most effective among them.

In the first days of treatment, these preparations can be found in the eyes of the eyes. In order to become sickly stable, it is necessary to switch to taking antibiotics for oral administration and lowering the dose. In case of vipads, if such therapy does not give any result in the first place, it may be necessary to have a term of surgery. As a rule, in the course of laparoscopic operations, in the course of which one can see a lot of abnormalities, which are selected in the zone of the appendages of the uterus.

Yak vilykuvati fired with folk methods

It is recommended to take a bath with chamomile or polovye quotes for the treatment of women and their appendages in a chronic form. This therapy can be combined with the main treatments. For usunennya pain syndrome the pillow is stuffed with polovye quotes and played in the spirit. Apply a dough to the groin once a day.

In addition, you can prepare homemade liquors for flavoring. Infusion from a wintergreen is effective. For the preparation of 50 g of leaf in a dry viglyad, pour 0.5 l of the burner. Drink a little bit of 2 days in a dark place, if you take three for dobos, 40 specks each.

If the tea is cooked in a hospitality form, you will not be able to add tea with wood. Pour a tablespoon of syruvin in a dry viglyadі with a bottle of sprinkle and insist 10 quilins. Pete is recommended to be in a warm viglyade.

You can read about the other methods of treatment in our article.


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