Dragon Age Inquisition - VI. Dosyagnennya Dragon Age Inquisition Dragon age inquisition whistling empty grave

Dragon Age Inquisition - VI. Dosyagnennya Dragon Age Inquisition Dragon age inquisition whistling empty grave

At the top of the statistics, there will be presented the passage of the subsidiary buildings in the decilkoh locations of the role of the Dragon Age: Inquisition gris. Basically, there will be high-rise lands, where you can eat while arriving at the Skyhold fortress.

Zakhidna border

The location is designated for gravities from the 10th to the 14th rivnya. Upon arrival to Fort Skyhold, we will have the quest "At the Beyond Border." It is necessary on the visitor's table for a second operation, and then go to the Backward border. When you arrive, the quest ends immediately.

Dana zavdannya you will see a message for the first arrival in the location. To continue reading the book, to lie in the starting camp. Then it is necessary to go to the end and to know the freight carriage. Crumbs from each of them roztasovani two enter the cave. See the right side, not the right side. If you want to eat there, then you know a magician, so as only a building is needed, we need a construction. At pidzemella, a book is read and a book is read, as it will lie on one of the tables. This is the end of the quest.
Poluvannya for Relіkvієya
To open the center of the mission, it is necessary to take up the display of the operation at the table of operations under the name "Pass through the links". Let's get to know again at the Backward Boundary and go to the fortress, so that we can be on the first visit to the first camp. We enter the castle and it is known to be a few of the venatori, ocholyuvanny Lucanus. The knowledge of the enemy and the radio of the completion of the quest.
Heart of quiet ruins

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Tse zavdannya activates immediately and send a visit to the quest. On the other hand, it is necessary to know 5 keys in the form of stones. On the card, it will be indicated that it is close to the point of roztashuvannya. Writing open doors from the city.

mysterious hatred
Win will be automatically remembered for the fact that I will be able to see it without a win. A collection will be required to complete the description of the quest. Far away, you can take away the staff of non-falsification. Then walk to the exit, drive all opponents along the way, and close the gap.
Assault "Gryphone krill"
It’s a glimpse of a glimpse of standing not far from the camp that was rocked in the aisle of Nazer. If you want to take it, you need to go to the evening before the start, as it will be indicated on the card. There is a great deal of all the cultists, blamed by Macrinus, and the message is scandalous about those who are fortunate enough to be able to raise the incumbent's clergy. You can storm the fort with a handful, and even more and more with Frederik. In all cases, the quest will come to an end.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

It starts on the machine automatically when you send a message and read a note to be on the first day of the starting camp. The presenter, whom we need, stand not far from the camp, which was roasted in the aisle of Nazer. To complete the task, you just need to talk to the students.

Frederikovo life
Then take the quest to talk to Frederik. Before long and important members of the Bily Kigty group. From the corpses one can take supplies, necessary for the presenter. I’ll take a little bit of it and I’ll know it until Frederick and I’ll give it to him. You can pick up the item before you move it to the students. In all cases, you will immediately read and complete the project.
misleading habits
Yoogo Frederik, for that yak, complete the first quest. It is necessary to see the information on the map of the month and to know the corpses of Gurnov. Їх joke, go back to the quest giver, and talk to you about your sorcerers.
Yak lure the dragon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

It is possible to correct the price of the department at Frederic's writing for that, as you see it, the department "Frederic's Life". The presenter will instruct you to know the internal organisms of the Iglospina and the feather from the tail of the Fenix. The idea of ​​finding food will be indicated on the map. There are many monsters and ydemo back to vcheny. The quest will end with a nontrivial rozmov and with him.

authoritative dzherelo
I’ll show up at your magazine immediately after a visit to the specified director. It is necessary to turn to the fortress of Skyhold and on the viysk table take up the revision of the operation under the name "Transition to the text about dragons". Traveling to the location The quest is over.
Bili kigty
Your magazine will be active, as only you will finish the mission "Mislivski habits". Slid to drink for the day, de roztashovani ruina, and foreigners five awkward pastas. To screw up the rozbiynikiv and їkh vatazhka. Vbivamo thugs and virusєmo back to Frederick.
Glybinna dragon's eye

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

When you visit Frederik, you can take the quest to drive the dragon into the house. For the rest of the time, I’ve lured the bait in the areas indicated on the map. Drive in the dragons and go back to vcheny, just finish the quest. You can also send a presenter to a robot in Inquisition, having killed it by your own agent.

Meister class from the church
The mission starts when a low pedestal is reached, as it is possible to visit not far from the first camp - it is necessary to go through three trips to the west from a couple of young people. It is necessary to "turn on" through some of the other pedestals, as they will be identified on the map. Stink will lead you to the entrance to the pidzamella. Wono will be closed behind the aid of the magic bar. It is necessary to know and avoid everything in the middle. After the quest is complete.
Trouble with kindred temryavi
You can trim the quest in the "Grіfonovi krila" fort, which we have seized, at Captain Riley. A marker appears on the map after taking the picture. It’s hard to walk along the road to the canyon, which is hard to pass, as it drives the gas up to the top. It is necessary to go to the bridge, from which one ruins have been lost, to see the operation on the table.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Turned around to the Skyhold fortress, a glimpse of the patron saint and vikonuєmo "Diznatisya, the stars are taken from the bred temryavi." Send me back to our location, and we know that there will be updates from the places, which will be updated by the forces of Inquisition. Passable on a new and fast on the other side of the canyon. We go to Coracavus. Vivchaum new іven and іnischuєmo along the path of all opponents. After a small interval of an hour, two new quests will be activated. One of them is to be seen in the same place we saw him. It is necessary to go as a magician to the partly polamanoyu station, for which you can see a fire, and a bear on the place, you see the icon at the viglyad of a small mace.

Pislya ydemo on the left road. It is necessary to reach the closed doors and the corpse is lying nearby. We know the key, vіdmikєmo the inception of the doors and the ruins of the dalі. On the way, get ready to fight with a strong enemy, so get ready for an important battle. The message is sent out through the input, it will be posted on the door, and it will be sent to the fortress, as it will be indicated on the card. There, there is a group of enemies, ocholyvanu Serbius. Serbius will appear on the pidlosis with the minimum health scale when the enemy tries to drive them in. You can either throw it or die, or judge (one of the options in the court is to allow you to kill it as your agent).

Kumedny gusto at the tsієї vodi
The head of the species is capitan Rile. You will need to go to the canyon, marked on the map, and drive one vargest. Everything, quest viconano.
Fortetsya i yogo okupanti

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

The qiu mіsіyu can be taken from the captain-captain Riley, who is located in the fort "Grіfonovi krila". For the first visit, you need to go to the designated location on the map and drive all the pirates. Nichogo important in the whole dumb.

Empires du Lyon

You will need to spend some time in the local location by performing an operation on the server table under the name "Svochasne vruchannya". Empires-du-Lyon insurance for characters from the 16th to the 22nd ryvnya. Get ready to play with some great dragons.

Infected in Sarnia
The Danish quest will be practical for you to see right away when you arrive at a location. You will need to go to the zuynovanu sіlets, and talk there with the woman on іm'ya Poulin. Yak bachite, misia is awkward.
Lyon's zing

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

I’ll take it out when I’m growing up from Poulin. You need to cleanse some of the areas on the map from the Templars by the way, so that the worm-name is evil. On tsikh mіstyah you can beat tabori Інквізиції. As soon as you know, I'll stop the group of villains, the quest will end.

Call me Іmshel
If you want to correct the price, then you will need to talk to the boy on іm'ya Michel, as if you will stand by the entrance to the zruynovany settlement. Victory of the mission of the mission, we will tied with the storming of the castle of Suledin. For the hour of your flood, you will hardly miss the demon Imschel. Win will try to bargain with you. Yaksho vi wait on yogo um, then cotton zagine. As long as you beat evil, then Michel can become your agent. I would like to mention that I was one of the "illicit" - a group of hired and ancient demons in Tin. You can read more detailed information about this here.
please check
At the entrance of the Empires du Lyon, on the day of the show, showing the quest "The Prayer of the Middle of the Stone", you can know the prized leaf (onslaught, continually clavish V). Pislya ydemo to pani Poulin and romance with her heart to heart. The quest is to end. You can judge for all the sins.
Poryatunok in the middle of stones

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

To fix the mission of a successful visit to the plant "Infected in Sarnia" and "Zvilnennya Lyona". To finish it, you need to go through the scenes marked on the map, and let all the slaves be sent to the clinic.

chervonі zagarbniki
I will show up at your place immediately after visiting the camp at the vezha. The whole quest can be visited at once from the description of the mission. Yes, in the month, seen on the map, and all the lieutenants of the templars, who will take the chervoniy lirium.
The storming of the fortress Suledin
Having become a member of the family, linked from the heart of Lyon, for the end of the last century of the dislocation of the worms of the Templars. Do not forget before starting the quest to take from Mishel the mission to drive the demon Іmshel. Carrying out in the fort and driving all the successful enemies. Then the priest of the Inquisition.
You won't pass the gate!

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Having bought the fortress Suledin, it was raised from Dejardan and the virus to the point of the zruynovany bridge, which was located on the first descent from the camp near the tower. Here the operation for the server table is activated. The move to Skyhold and the viconuєmo has appeared as an operation.

Leaf in hollow
If you are working, you can be infected with a child (there will be a list of food on the map, and then a sign of a call). Speak three things with her, and then put a note in the hollow, the place of rosetting will be shown on the map.
mother's kіlce
At a zeruynovanny settlement in one of the khatin, you can know the crying of the girl, as she told us, she wasted my mother's wrist. The deyaky appear, but on the PC-version the grizzly message is buggy, so as the grave cannot carry out the activation of the box for the help of the bear. If you have become the same, then try the vikoristovuvati key F, perebuyuchi from the right side of the divine. Send a message to the location indicated on the map, and start a letter from the letter (key V). Let's get to know each other before the woman and turn the dullness.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon
vimuchenі vizannya
After the hour of visiting the quest, tied to the slaves, you can know the leaf, which is the asset of the “vimuchena viznannya”. On the card, you will see a sign of the hail at the viglyad. Knowing the note, send the message to Luis to complete the mission.
tons of rudy
Ydemo at the end of the camp at the vezha and the passable place. Zupinyaєmosya bіlya mіstya, near any roztasvanі zruynovanі equipment. Onslaught on the key V and start a book to activate the given quest. It is possible to continue to live on it without the need to reconstruct the bridge on the Vyskovy table. The letter will need to go through the place, turn the hand and go down. Let the new onslaught on the V key, so that we know the object we need and complete the task.
With a coin
If you have completed the trochs to the west of the camp near the vezha, you can mark a hail on the map. We need to go to the new and we know the book of trees. It is necessary to read a new quest. We go to the area marked on the map, and I know the book behind the auxiliary key V. Read the message, concluding the mission itself.
mісce gnіzduvannya

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

The price can be taken from Dejardan in Fort Suledin. We were only able to see only when the bridge was being repaired (we must go through the choice of an ongoing operation on the table). The essence of the Polyaga quest is in the sublime three dragonfishes. The moment the roztashuvannya will be marked on the card.

post Valeska
If you go to the turn towards the camp near the tower, then the icon of the locked doors will appear on the map. The key can be known before it on the corpse, but lying nearby. For a whole onslaught, the key V. Open doors, and we know a couple of unfailing objects. The quest is to end.
As soon as you go to the winter end of the zerid settlement, you can know the islands, which are located right in the middle of the ice-covered lake. On the card, there will be a sign of a hail, as if it will be placed on the opening of the book. Read it, wait until the moment marked with a marker, and we know a note. Misia Viconan.
safe passage

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

This is also the view of Dejardan for the reconstruction of the bridge. It will be necessary to see three areas, see on the map, and drive all the templates, so that the worm-name is evil. Pislya can be set by the prapori Інквізиції for the burial of vezh.

whistling empty

The location is designated for heroes from the 19th to the 23rd ryvnya. You can eat in it by making a visit to the conference table under the name "Pin the Venator's Activity at the Entry". Wonder if you can get twenty points in flux.

Pisok and Ruyini
On the map, there are showcases to show you where the tabori venatori are located. There are opponents, and then we go to the tabir, in which there is a vatazhok of cultists. A note from the Masters of the Empire Teventir is taken away from the table. Someone knows about the armchairs of the gnomes trapped in the tombs (refer to the Tomb of Firel quest).
Firerel's tomb
To see the tomb, you need to know five of the warehouse keys. Not far from the "Chotiri Stovpa" tabor, there is one of the tombs. Having become guilty before the entrance, it is necessary to ignite the stilts in the singing order: distant evil, near to the right, near evil and far to the right. In the middle, an element of the mosaic will appear and I will screen, in which case there will be one of the parts of the key.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

The guardrail with the grave in the Canyon is the merchant who will be haunted the other tomb. I know the fire-makers in the offensive order: near evil, near right, far right and far evil. I will screen all the middle with a part of the key.

Ydemo to the Burials and is known as the third tomb. It’s up to them to be exposed and ignited by the saints: a handful of leaves, then three go back, send the right, and in the end we go straight to the entrance to the tomb. There we know an element of the mosaic and I will screen it with a part of the key.

The fourth tomb was repaired at Gnizd Sontsya, however, the main entrance to it was debris. That needs to go up the stitch to be on the left side of the entrance. Then we know the descent. The descent of the earth and it is known to trick the gnome from the schooler. There is a rune right in front of another descent on the wall. Don't miss її. At the bottom, there is an element of the mosaic in the room, there is an artifact of elves, which changes depending on the appearance of new breakdowns. I know the fiery satellites in the offensive order: the far right, the near evil, the near right and the far evil. In the middle there is a screen with a part of the key and an element of the mosaic.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

At the Orlesian spike (standing not far from the upper camp), a grave was laid out. I know the fire-makers in the offensive order: distant evil, near to the right, far to the right and near evil. Here we know an element of the mosaic and I will screen the remaining part of the key.

The tomb of Fairel can be found in the central part of the location. By means of rostashuvannya on the card. There is also a literal dragon. You can drive in or bypass. There’s a chance to sleep, and that’s a chance, as the dragon just doesn’t mark you. At the tomb you will know the armchair of the taut rune. Everything, quest viconano.

small fields
Ydemo right next to the marker on the map. At the designated mіsci bachimo a little bit on the sticks. There will be three corpses and bezlich pavukiv. Vibrantly poignant creatures and take the scarby, captured in the screen. The quest is to end.
Empty notes
Behind the ryvnem, there are a lot of young children, in which whistling empty things can be described. The stench is known to be in the offensive times:

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

At the top of the statistic there will be presented the passage of the subsidiary buildings in the decilkoh locations of the role gris. Basically, there will be high-rise lands, where you can eat while arriving at the Skyhold fortress.

Zakhidna border

The location is designated for gravities from the 10th to the 14th rivnya. Upon arrival to Fort Skyhold, we will have the quest "At the Beyond Border." It is necessary on the visitor's table for a second operation, and then go to the Backward border. When you arrive, the quest ends immediately.

Dana zavdannya you will see a message for the first arrival in the location. To continue reading the book, to lie in the starting camp. Then it is necessary to go to the end and to know the freight carriage. Crumbs from each of them roztasovani two enter the cave. See the right side, not the right side. If you want to eat there, then you know a magician, so as only a building is needed, we need a construction. At pidzemella, a book is read and a book is read, as it will lie on one of the tables. This is the end of the quest.
Poluvannya for Relіkvієya
To open the center of the mission, it is necessary to take up the display of the operation at the table of operations under the name "Pass through the links". Let's get to know again at the Backward Boundary and go to the fortress, so that we can be on the first visit to the first camp. We enter the castle and it is known to be a few of the venatori, ocholyuvanny Lucanus. The knowledge of the enemy and the radio of the completion of the quest.
Heart of quiet ruins

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Tse zavdannya activates immediately and send a visit to the quest. On the other hand, it is necessary to know 5 keys in the form of stones. On the card, it will be indicated that it is close to the point of roztashuvannya. Writing open doors from the city.

mysterious hatred
Win will be automatically remembered for the fact that I will be able to see it without a win. A collection will be required to complete the description of the quest. Far away, you can take away the staff of non-falsification. Then walk to the exit, drive all opponents along the way, and close the gap.
Assault "Gryphone krill"
It’s a glimpse of a glimpse of standing not far from the camp that was rocked in the aisle of Nazer. If you want to take it, you need to go to the evening before the start, as it will be indicated on the card. There is a great deal of all the cultists, blamed by Macrinus, and the message is scandalous about those who are fortunate enough to be able to raise the incumbent's clergy. You can storm the fort with a handful, and even more and more with Frederik. In all cases, the quest will come to an end.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

It starts on the machine automatically when you send a message and read a note to be on the first day of the starting camp. The presenter, whom we need, stand not far from the camp, which was roasted in the aisle of Nazer. To complete the task, you just need to talk to the students.

Frederikovo life
Then take the quest to talk to Frederik. Before long and important members of the Bily Kigty group. From the corpses one can take supplies, necessary for the presenter. I’ll take a little bit of it and I’ll know it until Frederick and I’ll give it to him. You can pick up the item before you move it to the students. In all cases, you will immediately read and complete the project.
misleading habits
Yoogo Frederik, for that yak, complete the first quest. It is necessary to see the information on the map of the month and to know the corpses of Gurnov. Їх joke, go back to the quest giver, and talk to you about your sorcerers.
Yak lure the dragon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

It is possible to correct the price of the department at Frederic's writing for that, as you see it, the department "Frederic's Life". The presenter will instruct you to know the internal organisms of the Iglospina and the feather from the tail of the Fenix. The idea of ​​finding food will be indicated on the map. There are many monsters and ydemo back to vcheny. The quest will end with a nontrivial rozmov and with him.

authoritative dzherelo
I’ll show up at your magazine immediately after a visit to the specified director. It is necessary to turn to the fortress of Skyhold and on the viysk table take up the revision of the operation under the name "Transition to the text about dragons". Traveling to the location The quest is over.
Bili kigty
Your magazine will be active, as only you will finish the mission "Mislivski habits". Slid to drink for the day, de roztashovani ruina, and foreigners five awkward pastas. To screw up the rozbiynikiv and їkh vatazhka. Vbivamo thugs and virusєmo back to Frederick.
Glybinna dragon's eye

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

When you visit Frederik, you can take the quest to drive the dragon into the house. For the rest of the time, I’ve lured the bait in the areas indicated on the map. Drive in the dragons and go back to vcheny, just finish the quest. You can also send a presenter to a robot in Inquisition, having killed it by your own agent.

Meister class from the church
The mission starts when a low pedestal is reached, as it is possible to visit not far from the first camp - it is necessary to go through three trips to the west from a couple of young people. It is necessary to "turn on" through some of the other pedestals, as they will be identified on the map. Stink will lead you to the entrance to the pidzamella. Wono will be closed behind the aid of the magic bar. It is necessary to know and avoid everything in the middle. After the quest is complete.
Trouble with kindred temryavi
You can trim the quest in the "Grіfonovi krila" fort, which we have seized, at Captain Riley. A marker appears on the map after taking the picture. It’s hard to walk along the road to the canyon, which is hard to pass, as it drives the gas up to the top. It is necessary to go to the bridge, from which one ruins have been lost, to see the operation on the table.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Turned around to the Skyhold fortress, a glimpse of the patron saint and vikonuєmo "Diznatisya, the stars are taken from the bred temryavi." Send me back to our location, and we know that there will be updates from the places, which will be updated by the forces of Inquisition. Passable on a new and fast on the other side of the canyon. We go to Coracavus. Vivchaum new іven and іnischuєmo along the path of all opponents. After a small interval of an hour, two new quests will be activated. One of them is to be seen in the same place we saw him. It is necessary to go as a magician to the partly polamanoyu station, for which you can see a fire, and a bear on the place, you see the icon at the viglyad of a small mace.

Pislya ydemo on the left road. It is necessary to reach the closed doors and the corpse is lying nearby. We know the key, vіdmikєmo the inception of the doors and the ruins of the dalі. On the way, get ready to fight with a strong enemy, so get ready for an important battle. The message is sent out through the input, it will be posted on the door, and it will be sent to the fortress, as it will be indicated on the card. There, there is a group of enemies, ocholyvanu Serbius. Serbius will appear on the pidlosis with the minimum health scale when the enemy tries to drive them in. You can either throw it or die, or judge (one of the options in the court is to allow you to kill it as your agent).

Kumedny gusto at the tsієї vodi
The head of the species is capitan Rile. You will need to go to the canyon, marked on the map, and drive one vargest. Everything, quest viconano.
Fortetsya i yogo okupanti

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

The qiu mіsіyu can be taken from the captain-captain Riley, who is located in the fort "Grіfonovi krila". For the first visit, you need to go to the designated location on the map and drive all the pirates. Nichogo important in the whole dumb.

Empires du Lyon

You will need to spend some time in the local location by performing an operation on the server table under the name "Svochasne vruchannya". Empires-du-Lyon insurance for characters from the 16th to the 22nd ryvnya. Get ready to play with some great dragons.

Infected in Sarnia
The Danish quest will be practical for you to see right away when you arrive at a location. You will need to go to the zuynovanu sіlets, and talk there with the woman on іm'ya Poulin. Yak bachite, misia is awkward.
Lyon's zing

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

I’ll take it out when I’m growing up from Poulin. You need to cleanse some of the areas on the map from the Templars by the way, so that the worm-name is evil. On tsikh mіstyah you can beat tabori Інквізиції. As soon as you know, I'll stop the group of villains, the quest will end.

Call me Іmshel
If you want to correct the price, then you will need to talk to the boy on іm'ya Michel, as if you will stand by the entrance to the zruynovany settlement. Victory of the mission of the mission, we will tied with the storming of the castle of Suledin. For the hour of your flood, you will hardly miss the demon Imschel. Win will try to bargain with you. Yaksho vi wait on yogo um, then cotton zagine. As long as you beat evil, then Michel can become your agent. I would like to mention that I was one of the "illicit" - a group of hired and ancient demons in Tin. You can read more detailed information about this here.
please check
At the entrance of the Empires du Lyon, on the day of the show, showing the quest "The Prayer of the Middle of the Stone", you can know the prized leaf (onslaught, continually clavish V). Pislya ydemo to pani Poulin and romance with her heart to heart. The quest is to end. You can judge for all the sins.
Poryatunok in the middle of stones

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

To fix the mission of a successful visit to the plant "Infected in Sarnia" and "Zvilnennya Lyona". To finish it, you need to go through the scenes marked on the map, and let all the slaves be sent to the clinic.

chervonі zagarbniki
I will show up at your place immediately after visiting the camp at the vezha. The whole quest can be visited at once from the description of the mission. Yes, in the month, seen on the map, and all the lieutenants of the templars, who will take the chervoniy lirium.
The storming of the fortress Suledin
Having become a member of the family, linked from the heart of Lyon, for the end of the last century of the dislocation of the worms of the Templars. Do not forget before starting the quest to take from Mishel the mission to drive the demon Іmshel. Carrying out in the fort and driving all the successful enemies. Then the priest of the Inquisition.
You won't pass the gate!

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Having bought the fortress Suledin, it was raised from Dejardan and the virus to the point of the zruynovany bridge, which was located on the first descent from the camp near the tower. Here the operation for the server table is activated. The move to Skyhold and the viconuєmo has appeared as an operation.

Leaf in hollow
If you are working, you can be infected with a child (there will be a list of food on the map, and then a sign of a call). Speak three things with her, and then put a note in the hollow, the place of rosetting will be shown on the map.
mother's kіlce
At a zeruynovanny settlement in one of the khatin, you can know the crying of the girl, as she told us, she wasted my mother's wrist. The deyaky appear, but on the PC-version the grizzly message is buggy, so as the grave cannot carry out the activation of the box for the help of the bear. If you have become the same, then try the vikoristovuvati key F, perebuyuchi from the right side of the divine. Send a message to the location indicated on the map, and start a letter from the letter (key V). Let's get to know each other before the woman and turn the dullness.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon
vimuchenі vizannya
After the hour of visiting the quest, tied to the slaves, you can know the leaf, which is the asset of the “vimuchena viznannya”. On the card, you will see a sign of the hail at the viglyad. Knowing the note, send the message to Luis to complete the mission.
tons of rudy
Ydemo at the end of the camp at the vezha and the passable place. Zupinyaєmosya bіlya mіstya, near any roztasvanі zruynovanі equipment. Onslaught on the key V and start a book to activate the given quest. It is possible to continue to live on it without the need to reconstruct the bridge on the Vyskovy table. The letter will need to go through the place, turn the hand and go down. Let the new onslaught on the V key, so that we know the object we need and complete the task.
With a coin
If you have completed the trochs to the west of the camp near the vezha, you can mark a hail on the map. We need to go to the new and we know the book of trees. It is necessary to read a new quest. We go to the area marked on the map, and I know the book behind the auxiliary key V. Read the message, concluding the mission itself.
mісce gnіzduvannya

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

The price can be taken from Dejardan in Fort Suledin. We were only able to see only when the bridge was being repaired (we must go through the choice of an ongoing operation on the table). The essence of the Polyaga quest is in the sublime three dragonfishes. The moment the roztashuvannya will be marked on the card.

post Valeska
If you go to the turn towards the camp near the tower, then the icon of the locked doors will appear on the map. The key can be known before it on the corpse, but lying nearby. For a whole onslaught, the key V. Open doors, and we know a couple of unfailing objects. The quest is to end.
As soon as you go to the winter end of the zerid settlement, you can know the islands, which are located right in the middle of the ice-covered lake. On the card, there will be a sign of a hail, as if it will be placed on the opening of the book. Read it, wait until the moment marked with a marker, and we know a note. Misia Viconan.
safe passage

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

This is also the view of Dejardan for the reconstruction of the bridge. It will be necessary to see three areas, see on the map, and drive all the templates, so that the worm-name is evil. Pislya can be set by the prapori Інквізиції for the burial of vezh.

whistling empty

The location is designated for heroes from the 19th to the 23rd ryvnya. You can eat in it by making a visit to the conference table under the name "Pin the Venator's Activity at the Entry". Wonder if you can get twenty points in flux.

Pisok and Ruyini
On the map, there are showcases to show you where the tabori venatori are located. There are opponents, and then we go to the tabir, in which there is a vatazhok of cultists. A note from the Masters of the Empire Teventir is taken away from the table. Someone knows about the armchairs of the gnomes trapped in the tombs (refer to the Tomb of Firel quest).
Firerel's tomb
To see the tomb, you need to know five of the warehouse keys. Not far from the "Chotiri Stovpa" tabor, there is one of the tombs. Having become guilty before the entrance, it is necessary to ignite the stilts in the singing order: distant evil, near to the right, near evil and far to the right. In the middle, an element of the mosaic will appear and I will screen, in which case there will be one of the parts of the key.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

The guardrail with the grave in the Canyon is the merchant who will be haunted the other tomb. I know the fire-makers in the offensive order: near evil, near right, far right and far evil. I will screen all the middle with a part of the key.

Ydemo to the Burials and is known as the third tomb. It’s up to them to be exposed and ignited by the saints: a handful of leaves, then three go back, send the right, and in the end we go straight to the entrance to the tomb. There we know an element of the mosaic and I will screen it with a part of the key.

The fourth tomb was repaired at Gnizd Sontsya, however, the main entrance to it was debris. That needs to go up the stitch to be on the left side of the entrance. Then we know the descent. The descent of the earth and it is known to trick the gnome from the schooler. There is a rune right in front of another descent on the wall. Don't miss її. At the bottom, there is an element of the mosaic in the room, there is an artifact of elves, which changes depending on the appearance of new breakdowns. I know the fiery satellites in the offensive order: the far right, the near evil, the near right and the far evil. In the middle there is a screen with a part of the key and an element of the mosaic.

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

At the Orlesian spike (standing not far from the upper camp), a grave was laid out. I know the fire-makers in the offensive order: distant evil, near to the right, far to the right and near evil. Here we know an element of the mosaic and I will screen the remaining part of the key.

The tomb of Fairel can be found in the central part of the location. By means of rostashuvannya on the card. There is also a literal dragon. You can drive in or bypass. There’s a chance to sleep, and that’s a chance, as the dragon just doesn’t mark you. At the tomb you will know the armchair of the taut rune. Everything, quest viconano.

small fields
Ydemo right next to the marker on the map. At the designated mіsci bachimo a little bit on the sticks. There will be three corpses and bezlich pavukiv. Vibrantly poignant creatures and take the scarby, captured in the screen. The quest is to end.
Empty notes
Behind the ryvnem, there are a lot of young children, in which whistling empty things can be described. The stench is known to be in the offensive times:

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

Walkthrough of pre-quests - whistling empty spaces, Zadny Mezha and Empriz-du-Lyon

That's all. I wish you a successful passage!

Computer game in the RPG genre, the third part of the series Dragon age, Bula is broken up by the Canadian company BioWare. A viewer of a visitor to Electronic Arts, released on 18 leaf fall 2014 rock for platforms Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One. Written by the first part of the world Thedasa to get caught up in the abyss of interdisciplinary warriors and political intrigues. Krym, in the small points of the world there are unseen breaks that allow the demons to penetrate into Thedas. The lead hero will dismiss the mint and when the decals are closed in Temple of Holy Ashes I will take away the credibility of the Inquisition, Schob Vikoriniti Winik Chaos.

whistling empty

At the date of the location, the Inquirer needs to find out the reason for moving in the hedges of the Venator (Head of the Pisok and Ruin) and for what it is, for the reason, and for the reason for the transfer in the hedgerows and the tomb.

Rosrivi bilya bay

The investigators of the Inquisitorial Bully noted the active development in the area of ​​the tabor in the bay, where the Visnyk is guilty of the liquidation.

Pisok and Ruyini

In the whistling wastelands, a venator appears. An inquirer needs to obshukati two vorozhy tabori (for the canyon and on the pivnich from the bay), so that the reason for moving the venator to the given area is determined. It is necessary to brutalize respect for document, Yaki will be perebuvati at the enemy camps (pictures are needed for the visit of the Firerel Tomb).

When the protagonist is rejected, the protagonist is guilty of returning to pivnich Pustok; watchdog... Pіdnіmaєmosya on the Girsky ridge and the flood of Chergovy tabir, also the main hero will discard information about the tomb near the statue and the venator tabor on the descent in the mountains.

In the course of the vivchennya of the rest camp, the Inquirer of the Vyavlya sheet for the masters of the Venator (after the cleaning of the miscellany and the reading of the sheet will be completed).

Rosrivi: canyoni

After the establishment of the camp in the canyon, the main hero should be able to close the active development in Zavis.

Rosrivi: Food Skeli

Pislya asleep to the camp in the steep slopes (Zavdannya Pisok and Ruyini, Mіsce for the tabor will be revealed in the course of the base and venator at the descent), The visitor will need to close the razrivi in ​​the given area.

small fields

At the venator tabor, at the entrance of the whistling empty spaces, you can see a leaf, in which there is information about the evil patrols in the small fields. At the designated area, I will throw a trip, clean up the work and finish the visit.

Rosrivi: Gnіzdo Sontsya

After falling asleep to the camp on the mountains of Gnizo Sontsya Inquirer needs to close the active development in Zavis.

Firerel's tomb

The main heroes should be rozshukati in the zanedbani wasteland supporters Know how to allow the picture from the taboris of Chervonikh Khramovnikov (there are 5 graves in total). In order to correct access to the amplifier, the Inquirer is required in the correct order of activation brazier We will curtain the fire, in times of the wrong attitude of the head heroes to attack the demons (below, point with the quotes of the tablets in the necessary posture).

At the grave, there is an order with a camp on groves of steep slopes (for 4 stobls), the order of activation of the curtain of the offensive is: 1 - "Tse є іstorіya Firel ..." I am proud of the boules prompted to fill ... ", 4 -" In sorrow, the boules were prompted to fill ... ". Dal, Visnyk will take you to the barn and will take away a part of the key to the Tomb of Firerel.

The order of activation of the curtain in the fire in tombs on the burial ground(Roztashovana tomb on the Pivdennoy Come whistling empty): 1 - "Firel's blue sounded the memorial ...", 2 - "and the stench of the plich-o-plich ..." . ", 4 -" I fell one brother ... ". I will know about the information about Firerel's tomb and the storage part of the key.

The grave in the canyon (entry into the canyon can be seen at the general camp): 1 - "Passion of the dovgy rockiv Firel ...", 2 - "I heavy tyagar ...", 3 - "Sniffing both blues ...", 4 - "and the brothers swore ...".

Walk to the grave in the girskiy fort(At Gnizd Sontsya) there will be debris, however, there will be a roundabout way (it is necessary to go up the mountain and go through the trochs for a day to the Venator camp). The order of the offensive: 1 - "The dream of the ocean's food ...", 2 - "Ale in the sound, buv stone ...", 3 - "Taking the Firel Stone ...", 4 - "Growing and flourishing yogo Teige ..." ".

The tomb at the statue (roztashovana at pivnichi Pustok, next to the great statue of the Ear): 1 - "Firel, Doskonaliy ...", 2 - "Voroznechі, scho zruynuval Teige ...", 3 - "Yogo the powerful clan ...", 4 - "top light ...".

Writing off the storage parts of the virus key on the whistling empty spaces, entrusting the entrance to the tomb roztashovane ligvo dragon(Protect you can go around, because your opponent is asleep). The food scavenger can be susceptible to the cold, abductions from magic in the fire (in general, the tactics of the dragon are not known to be from others). Otrimuєmo eskіz runi against demons and completing the vikonannya zavdannya.

Stattya є Part Cycle Passage of Dragon Age: Inquisition

Key words: dragon age inquisition, інквізиція, visnik, mіtka, roslomi, cassandra pentagast, SOLAS, Varrik, Leliana, whistling empty, roasting buhty, buchti and ruins, rozrivi: canyoni, rostivi: sonja, tomb of the firerel

A description of the location, as well as pictures of the space with astrarium, eyepiece, fragments of mosaics and bags, you can wonder at the following story:

At the location it is possible to spend a visit to the office by the team of the staff "Pinch the venatoriality at the entrance" for 20 points in pour.

Firerel's tomb

Otzhe, we need to take five parts of the key. Orієntuєmosya on the stove, made up of blue on mapi vishche.

Handrail with the "Chotiri Stovpa" camp. It is necessary to light on the columns with fragments of the text of the chotiri of the svitnik with the curtain in the fire in the singing aftermath. Standing to the accusers before the entrance to the tomb - distant livy, near right, near right, far right. A fragment of the mosaic is known in the middle, in the screen there is a part of the key.

Grave in Canyon with a merchant. I am fired by the saints in that order, as they say to the wickedness of history, vibrated on the columns (it says: near right, near right, far right, far right). A part of the key is taken from the screen.

At the burial ground, the saints will ignite the same principle, they stand to the tomb, the lions, then three back, then the right, then the closest to the tomb. A fragment of the mosaic is known in the middle, in the screen there is a part of the key.

At Gnizd Sontsya the main entrance of the rubble, moving along the road to the top of the entrance. There will be a descent. In the middle part of the dwarves of the schooler. Before descending, lower on the wall zmalovuvati rune. Go down. Do not miss a fragment of the mosaic in the background of the artifact (depending on the situation). Go to the tomb (far right, near right, near right, far right). A fragment of the mosaic is known in the middle, in the screen there is a part of the key.

P'yata is a tomb near the Orlesian ear not far from the upper camp. Fired up svitniki: distant livy, near right, far right, near right. A fragment of the mosaic is known in the middle, in the screen there is a part of the key.

The very tomb of Fairel is located at the descent of the picture. In the same place there is a dragon, if you are asleep, you can bypass him. Take the chair of Rooney and the whole mission is over.

Pisok and Ruyini

Obshukuєmo to the venatori tabor, on which markers are used. Orієntuєmosya on green dots on the map. To clean up a camp with a crib, take a sheet from the table to the masters, in what stench talk about how gnomes are in armchairs, how they sound whispering in gnomes tombs (Quest Firel's Tomb).

Firerel's Tomb in Dragon Age: Inquisition is rightfully one of the biggest quests for joke of belongings. Gravtsev will get a lot of money and until the whole location is whistling empty, so that you can reach the end of the day.

Yak otrimati zavdannya?

Yogo vi otrimaєte, if you come to the location for the first time, it will be hard-edged, if I present you with a map of the tomb.


Take away all five cards, eat them in the tombs and make out the key from the head vault. Axis of missed maps:

  • First you can see the Harding and Vona Vede storehouse to the Tomb of Chotiriokh Stovpiv;
  • A friend can be found in the Venatori Tabor not far from the sawmill and built up to the Tombs in Canyon;
  • The third is to lie in the Venatori tabor, which is at the bottom of the canyon and vona vede to the Tombs on the burial ground;
  • A quarter in the camp near Gnizd Sonts and take the grave to the Tomb near the Statue;
  • P'yatu can be found in the middle of the Tombs at the burial ground and built up to the Tombs at Gnizd Sontsya;

To get the keys in the tombs, it is necessary to carry out a ritual with a curtain in the fire - you should read the information about the gnomes and then ignite the torches for them in the correct order.

Correct phrase order

  • chotiri Stovpa

Tse є Fayrel іstorіya, a thorough middle of Doskonalikh, daddy two blues,
they didn’t take advantage of the will of the dad, they fought through bad words and pride.
With pride, I will be filled with pride - vshanuvati the life of the father and leave the sorrow here.
In the morning they were filled with sorrow - in the memory of my brother passed.

  • Tomb in Canyon

Bagato rock has passed, and Firel, the greatest of the Doskonalikh, is not to blame for the hassle of life.
Having heavy out, and having called in the blue to his bed.
Be sworn to both zmusiv, so pіkluvatisya kozhen budde about your brother,
and the brothers swore, and mourned the old man, and turned back to Kamen.

  • Tomb to the burial ground

The monuments of his father sounded the blue Firerel, and they closed the most of his work,
and the stench of plich-o-plich was poured for a day. Kozhen ruled half of Teige,
Aleksey Kozhen rules in his own way. Argue between them the people were joking, I went out from the hot duel,
I fell into one brother, and the one fell alone, because of the curvatures in the ruts.

  • Tomb by the Statue

Firel, Doskonaliy, big vorozhnichi, who gave birth to genii,
vorozhnechі, scho zruynuvala Teige, cut the booths, gave the clans against the clans.
Yogo power clan and two blues on the surface followed him,
in the upper light, go to see them, go to the house.

  • Tomb at Gnizd Sontsya

The son of the ocean is burnt with food,
ale mitsniy stone in the name of yogo check.
Having been Firerel from the Stone of that flooring, it is beautiful, yak in Teig Glybin.
The Sini helped you, and Teige yogo prosvitav.

completion of the quest

Now, you can go to the final stage of the quest - the Tomb of Firell itself. Vona is indicated on the map, as it is attached to the statute. Immediately, along the way, the grave can send one of the dragons to the name of the Mourner, or misfortune on one another, or to predict it and it was long. Before you speak, on our website you can read the article and that is how you rewrite it.

in the city

For an hour, you can set it off:

  • 10,000 letters of advice;
  • 2000 in pour;
  • 3 single strengths;
  • 7 pieces of the Sacrifice mosaic (one piece in a skin tomb and two in one);
  • Two miracles of runes (the interaction of the curtain in the fire and runes on the wall in the Gnizd of the Sontsya and the Tombs of Firel);
  • Rizni objects of high quality from the oblasts to the brightest.

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