Dragon age inquisition to know possessors. Armor and shields in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon age inquisition to know possessors. Armor and shields in Dragon Age: Inquisition

The retailers from BioWare did a great job with the crafting system (making speeches) in the role playing game. Zavdyaki nіy gravitsi can work with the power of the broth, the owners of that shield. As a result, in a shorter order in this RPG, you can not only take away the bosses, but also use the attached screens, but you can do it yourself. Vtіm, do not varto radіti in the morning, vvazhayuchi, that you have already seen on the very cob of the passage a cutting sword, or a staff in grі. On the right, in the first place you happen to know a good sketch, and then we will pick up rare materials and only then you will be able to create an object in the master.

It’s not yet clear to him that it’s more foldable - to get speech of purple color (unique) or sketches for hard objects. In this rank, do not write off armor from rachunks and armor that falls from monsters (mainly from great dragons) and stay in good treasures.

At this helper, we don’t only know about the shortest armor of the skin type (one-handed, two-handed, bows, daggers and daggers) and shields, but it’s also possible to imagine lists of unique armor. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to call them by their names, as in the "Inquisition" there were few skhovanki, as if no one else had been able to reveal them. Possibly, you yourself will become the keeper of some kind of unfinished armor. In this way, you should share your knowledge with us in the comments to the guide, so that others would know about your knowledge.

When crafting a shield, we didn’t get a ten hundred bonus, which is taken from special materials (dragon’s tooth, for example). For clarification - in grі krіm the most important slots of crafting are special middles, in yakі you can add riches, borrow ten (you will give the object a unique building), or the material, which from vіrogіdnіstu vіd ten to one hundred vіdsotkіv zbіlshі єvsі. Obov'yazkovo vikoristovyte їх when folding the order, to maximize its korisnіst.

Until the speech, saving / zavantazhennya in this way is not help. Therefore, if you want to take away the richness of the river, then it’s necessary to step forward: take care, create an inappropriate object and beat the dragon’s tooth (in the first step, you’re unlikely to take it off), and then Kraft is already necessary for us to overcome it (it’s strong in another way). If at another time it didn’t work out well, then we’ll take advantage of the forward savings and work already two unnecessary items, and for the third time - we need a river.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition, I can one-handedly carry sound tanks (warriors equipped with shields). For this reason, the main parameters for this attack are statura and strength, for example, a melee fighter building vitrimati chimale, the number of attacks and with the help of the opponent, the enemy can get more hits. How to look at the sketches, then the best ones for crafting є: Engraving juice with a beard and Fierce snake. The first one can be found in the vipadkovy rank of screen, stashed in locations, recognized for engravings higher than the sixteenth equal, and the other one can be known in the whistle-blanks in the tomb, which is found on the pivnichny vіd Tabori near the statue.

For a tank, the fierce snake is better, even if the new one has one support slot, which promotes the status. That's why we can see it for ourselves - for crafting the best version, we will need the following resources: dragon's brush and Ever. Metal is needed for attack slots, and brushes are victorious for shoddy and support. Tim, by yourself, it’s a miracle one-handed shot with a superb indicator of shodi per second: 279 UVS.

Note: it is probably safe that pidsiluvachi, runes and supplementary items were not insured. At the same time, the UVS without work transfers three hundred loners.

When looking at a rare shot, you can remember that it’s possible to look at the self-contained less than the song of the Swamp Song, which you can see for the victorious missions on the military table, like a dead stop to the Hero of Ferelden - the main character of Dragon Age: Origins. If he died in the first part of the wine, then there will be no additional quests with him in Inquisition.

Unique one-handed throw:


Double-handed zbroєyu equip damage dealers (inflict maximum damage on the enemy). Most often, unique two-handers are used, so it is important to know the sketch of an iron sokiri or a sword of a court type. The recipe of the Viyskogo Hammer is the most important for the most urgent, as a vipadkovy rank you fall on the screen, as if you are rebuying in high-yielding locations. Vіn maybe you don’t lose it for all the passage of the gris, we recommend that you put your respect on the purple zbrou, as far as it is richly simpler.

Deyakі potuzhnі dvuhruchniki sold by merchants, for example, Kіnets oblogi, ale їх varіst, hour, vrazhє. If you have not yet been able to scrape together a sufficient amount of gold coins, then it is recommended that you engage in crafting great court swords, hammers and axes. In this case, it is necessary to increase the characteristics of the attack, strength and armor penetration. You can get a bad sketch of a sokiri under the name of Hossberg Twainer from a merchant in the Suledin Fortress (Empire du Lyon).

As for the shortest unique armor, the Blade of Sulevin is the most important, which can win over warriors, which is the achievement of the twentieth equal. For yoga, you have to go through a folding quest. To begin with, it is necessary to get to the location of Emprez-du-Lion and to know the corpse of a merchant in the mountains. At yoga inventory we know a note, in which it is said about the legendary elven blade. After that, on the table on the table, access to a new location is opened, where the tricks of the sword we need are known.

Don't forget to upgrade your two-handed armor with a pommel and handle to improve its characteristics. For two-handers, it is more important to consider the ability to apply crit and yogo rosemary. Install also the runes, which will increase the shkodi of the sword, hammer or sokiri.

Unique two-handed armor:

We pass from the savage to the magical, as enchantments and chaklons of all stripes are koristuyutsya. Among the unique staffs, you can finish the cіkavі copies, but the stench is still coming in objects, which you can craft on your own. Violet-colored clubs will sound from the great dragons or plot bosses, and deaks can be bought from merchants for cheap pennies. To the best sketches, the following recipes are given: Mortalitas's sword and Archon's sword. Their standard DPS is 115 units. The first one will be more effective for the magician, but the ability to use the other club is richer.

On the right, in the fact that the Archon's staff is seen behind the line of orders about the spygun on the military headquarters table, they appear after the completion of the Zalizny Bik's personal quest (it is necessary not to let the Kunar ship be fired). With the help of yoga, we prepared victorious dragon's brush and fabric of the third equal, which promotes magic.

As for the unique armor, then with red clubs: Yavanalis and the staff of the Porozhnechi. Obidva can be bought from merchants (in the Suledin Fortress and the capital of Orlais). The Staff of the Mother of God can also be taken away when you drive in the dragon of Hivernal. Naturally, these fingers act on self-contained objects, but also to do the bad things.

As if the reasons could not take away the visualization of the sketches, then the staff of the First Enchanter could be a bad alternative to it, the standard DPS of which can become 115 units, and the crafting materials for which do not require the required characteristics of the magician. You can buy this recipe from the merchant in Suledin Fortress.

Unique clubs:

Archers in Inquisition are the main damage dealers in the early stages of the battle. Zavdyaks, especially the stinks of the stench, can inflict a nameless shkod on the enemy. Plus, the characters of this class at the hour of the battle are far from the enemies, and that stink is not given to the risk of being driven in, which cannot be said about the assassins, who are brought to the very thick of the battle.

If you look at sketches, then one of the most powerful bows is a long-spiked longbow, the UVS of which becomes 172 singles. Another swan's bow with the same cost per second, and three more slots for materials. It is more important to know yoga, so we can look at the "shipastika". You can make a sketch for the new one in the tombs of the gnomes, which are found in the whistling wastes. To create a shorter version of this bow, we need the following materials: dragon luska, retinka and tassels, as well as snuffler’s skin or lusk of an all-terrain vehicle (wicory for the pidtrim slot).

As a result, we have a beautiful far-reaching armor with a high height of armor penetration. Tse allow the archers without practice to deal with well-protected mobs, as well as greater dragons, as they often create their own additional armor. If we talk about other rows of attachments, then in which way the handle of a thin roboti can be beaten. It will increase the power of crit and the penetrating power of the enemy. You can put a rune on it, but we recommend that you vikoristovuvavat filthy fireplace, so that we basically have to fight with living things.

Among the unique armor, the most important is the long bow with a griffin, which archers can wear, as they have reached the eighteenth level. In a second, the windows of the building inflict 170 loss of loss to any opponents. A good zbroya, but a self-confident one is still more beautiful.

Unique bows:

The robbers of the krim lukiv can also wear daggers. The biggest expenses are made by those who create themselves independently. Before them, for example, you can see a good blade with two wigs, which you can see in one of the tombs of the dwarves, like they perebuvayut in whistling wastelands. Yogo UVS reaches 341 units. For crafting the best option, we will need a dragon lusk and a brush.

We have beautiful daggers with great bonuses for Crete, tricks and spritness. Don't forget to build a tight hilt for the lad's blades as well. For її creation, you need Ever and other rare materials that promote the ability to apply critical shkod and yogo rozmіr. If there are runes, then we recommend that you install the one, as you add shkodhi to the elements. In this way, you can inflict additional damage to practically all enemies, and not only to the weaker groups (dragons, undead, people, and so on).

Naturally, access to a similar dagger and materials will not be denied. Therefore, it is recommended that you vicorate on the cob for crafting the skins of witches, which you can have more or less enough. Let's try to win the skin of a snuffler (this is a small and peaceful animal that lives in Empres-du-Lyon).

If you are talking about unique daggers, then in the world there are more and more stinks that will significantly change the eskіznі options. I especially respect the agony and walking death. The stench is responsible for more than three hundred losses per second and may have bad bonuses up to the characteristics required for the robber. Agony is found in the temple of Solasan in the room with the demon Gordina (it is necessary to open all the doors), and those who walk death will be taken after the driving in of the greater dragon Nagorniy Zgubnik (sacks in the Emprese-du-Lion).

If you have decided to get a better shield in grі, then you will again need a shukati vodpovidni eskіzi. It's a pity, the unique shields in this weather are not the mats. One of the best is the polished shield. Vіn vіpadє vipadkovy rank zі screen of the third equal, yakі roztashovanі mainly in such locations like Emprez-du-Lіon and whistle-blowers. Under the hour when the shields are created, move those characteristics, which will increase the character's defense against melee and long-range attacks. If you don't have any relevant materials, you can raise the OZ (health eyepieces). In order to create a shorter version of the polished shield, you will need the following materials: lusk of a rover, Ever and a dragon brush. As a result, an object is taken away, the armor of which becomes 48 units.

The shields of a unique character are more quiet, as we can create independently. For example, at the shield of the Emperor, the indicator of armor reaches a total of 33 units. Then the new one has a bonus - you will be given five hundred seconds of health after taking away the skin's ears for ten seconds. You can learn yoga in Val Royom from a merchant in a shop. Skyhold sells Magola. For its characteristics, the wines are given to the above-described shield, but in the middle of the passage, you can have a Velma Korisny.

Where do we end our quest for better armor and shields in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Like a bachite, in grі the majestic number of the most manipulative development is presented, it is not easy to get like a buva. Therefore, I wish you good luck in this folding and difficult task!

Everything you need to know about the game Dragon Age: inquisition ✥ Part II ✥ Turning Races osіb, moreover, we ourselves can choose whichever one to accept. I will not stop playing the role of the race of our protagonist and it was announced that there will be 4! The Crimean gnomes, elves and people will fit into the camp of the roaming races and the Kunar race (Kossitov, more specifically), which shocked rich fanatics of the Gris, even if the stench had long been checking for such a possibility. Racial affiliation, according to the assurances of the retailers, will also appear on the status of the population before us, you can remember it in dialogues and quests. The inquisitor-elf or Kunar will be more accommodating in order to roztashuvannya, but in the meantime they will have their own advantages, and also the skin race will have its own background - history. The retailers sing that our decisions will be important and skin will be protected.

The inquisitor can really and on a large scale invest in the world, hoarding fortified outposts, hiring agents and directing them to the authorities by decree, to develop the burying of the city, and nothing will be given away for free. To be able to hire the necessary people, to create minds for trade and other things. You don't just buy a fortress and ground it in it, but you can customize it, changing the natural look. From the inconspicuous ruins you can see your own right and military fort. However, only a few things of all possibilities. Misce dії

Before the speech, about the territory, on which the main action will be discussed, it became clear recently. Inquisition will have both known to us from previous games Ferelden from Origins, as well as Vilna Marka, a small little thing that continued in Dragon Age II, and absolutely new - Orlais and Nevarra, we might try it in other places of the world, ale about tse find out closer to release.

Ferelden and its culture already know the graves, and I think it's a good idea to turn around to find out about the legacy of the sea. The country still did not get upright on its feet after its completion.

In Mark’s home, we only have one more Kirkwall each, in which a chirp with magicians and templars began, and this country will be crazy for a full wedding, as we could not give in the other part, and also have a great potential in the plot proforma red templars.

Orley is one of the most famous and colorful lands, they told us about it, mainly, from the code and dialogues of characters. The most important power of Thedas with strong and specific cultural traditions. He is ruled by the Empress Selina I, whose residence was set up in the capital Val Royom. In the same place, the center of the church power is the Great Cathedral, one of the largest buildings in Thedas. In this hour, to be known not in the best form, but gravel, for a long time, there have been excuses about those who will be in Dragon Age: Inquisition, putting in the first line the country itself and the stench, vlasne, part of the guessed. We can say little about Nevarre, and we can only say a little about those who check us in this no less colorful country. The ruler of the country is the family of Pentaghast, a representative of whom we have already called in grі, tse Kassandra is one of the shukachiv of the Church. You will not be less than happy to look at this country, as by force and struggle it took away the right to its own independence.

We are riddled by Vіdvіdati SPI TSI MІSTSII ІST IS NOT JUST SERVISION ON PAROKTSIY MISTER І LISІV, and PORTOTSINNO ZAKOSTIKI DIRITRY VELIZHESNIA, VІDKRITІ TERITORII OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF SEALLY SIKH SIKH THE CHURCE IN YOURSH FOOT BOD BODE RISOBITY DISABLE ACCESSORY, THIS RESPONSIBLEs. One of the locations, yaki showed the first hour of the presentation of the demo at PAX Prime 2013, it was an average expansion beyond the worlds of Dragon Age: Inquisition other part of the series, more than any of the same and repeating locations, in the same way you happen to turn over and over again. We can traverse such majestic expanses, reminiscent of different afterlifes, places, villages, caves, wild nature, and all without any screens, without any screens, zavdyaki zavdyaka tight game engine Frostbite 3. Visual innovations and changes in the gameplay

I would like to say one important word, as I gave the retailers all the tools and allowed them to use all their ideas in life - the Frostbite 3 engine. sokovita and a beautiful picture, as in our hour, far from the rest of the world, the fans of the "old school" did not speak, but the possibility of creating great and detailed light, physics, extensions of tools for retailers, which allowed the gameplay innovations so necessary to come into life the Dragon Age series. You can say, what, you say, how different is the engine and how the graphics are, but don’t forget that the engine is not only juicy and the picture is beautiful, as in our hour, far from the rest of the world, the fans of the "old school" did not say , and the possibility of creating great and detailed worlds, physics, extensions of tools for retailers, which allowed the innovations of the Dragon Age series to be so necessary in the life of the gameplay. The old engine of the studio is the Eclipse Engine, on which the creations of Dragon Age: Origins and the roots of which are still in the Aurora Engine, which was won in Neverwinter Nights, but to bring reproach and harm to your time. Dragon Age II has a Lycium Engine, which, however, has changed the graphics, but at another time it hasn’t been the right time and hasn’t given the opportunity to even expand the gameplay, but more recently, allowing it to degrade.

You, for example, you can build a platform, on which archers stand and stink right on the ground, or else raise the gates to the encore like a fortress, plus all sorts of buns, without seeming about ruining life. The usual middle ground will not be illusory to add to the hero's overdressing. For example, in the deserts, it will be more important to change your head, and the position of our Inquisitor on the ground will be adequately indicated on the animation, this system was put in place by the guys from EA Sports, it will be covered with mud or blood, and we will also be checked for the impersonal attributes of the new engine. Beautiful weather effects, detailed sharpening, majestic locations, physics, I think that the retailers insanely did not lose with these changes, everything looks just gaudy, but we turn to the very game process. Combat System One of the main aspects of Dragon Age is the combat system. In Dragon Age: Origins, it was tactful and polite, which allowed for different strategies and ties, but it didn’t suit the flow of graves properly and meditatively, like parts of the battle were plausible, but on the other hand, it was suffocatingly tedious. At the other part, the retailers rushed to the extreme and richly accelerated the course of the battles, bringing them closer to the action, trochs looked in places ... funny and familiarly vibrated from the atmosphere. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the retailers tried to find the middle ground and bit by bit the combat system, now it’s not too hard and doesn’t see the “Japanese”, but at the same time, finish the sight, so that you don’t have to engrave the skin battle with hellish torments of tedium. Turning and dovgoochіkuvany tactful look, which allows the graves more thoughtfully and cіkavo to think over the skin of the battle. customization

Not less important part of the grie is character customization and yoga equipment. In DA: Oh, we had only a little more urility to make the look of our character and successors, but, unfortunately, they took away from us that ability. Only single sets of armor, only for singing classes and even less variety, no matter how far away the design is. The new Bioware game has been given a pardon, now we will have great customization capabilities, not only the identity of the character to the new editor, but the ability to change, craft and equip your protagonist’s armor, which will not be the same. True, I’ll do my best to save myself, because you don’t have armor, to reach the singing mission, where it’s possible to pick up more materials for preparing, polyuyuchi all living creatures, or scouring the territory. Now you can’t practically use a class by class, even if you can’t give a sword into the magician’s hands, for example, but you can always dress up Yogo in independently crafted and customizable important possessions, without seeming about other armor, you can easily put on your character . With fellow party members, you will be able to change the equipment without any special changes, but it’s also possible that in the future there will be some exchanges according to the characteristics of the characters, so as not to create imbalances (over it is already strong) Dragon Age: Origins. Characters, the system of references One of the main calling cards of the Igor in Bioware studios is a distinction between characters, interactions between them and their stories. Possibility of the article, as one, so it is the enemy, and with the help of a bazhan, you can start a romance. All tserobilo gri vіd Bioware chimo unique middle іnshih RPG. Dragon Age: Origins had a lot of faceless characters. For example, here it is enigmatic, bitchy and not familiarly standard Morrigan, religious, and at the same time I received the "dark" secrets of the past Leliana, who was more of a "standard" companion. Boules and merry people, nachebto the ever-drunk Oghren and gouging bastard Alistair, whom the Templar’s ​​thrashings tried to do and not to love, if they “attack” on him. All the stinks were available for a love line, otherwise you could become enemies and the stench would simply leave you.

In Dragon Age II, the reward system recognized some changes, the scale of praise was adjusted, which made it easier for you to improve the status of another character. Instead of this, two alternative waters appeared - the ability to be friends or on a supernice, to inspire another type, you could calmly go into the amour, or mothers as a whole, normal friendly waters but now the relationship between companions will be more deep and thoughtful. The stench is far from being happy with you, and it’s not obligatory for you to follow their lead in order to take away the praise or start an affair. Leather from them will be completely special, as if you will be vigilant with your principles and interests. The characters will be aware of your vchinki, will be put behind them before them, and everything will be more closely related to the storyline. Actual details will be more open and mature. Your interaction and the result of the trades are not interchanged: "Hello, I'm checking you here in my plan." Deputy of whom you will really know who is watching that other character, you will react in your own way to those who you have worked or are choosing to work. All your goodies will be marked on their characters. Mike Ledlow But it's a smut to say about who we're going to get to see this time? Who will accompany our Inquisitor in this difficult mission? Who among them is doing yoga, and who can put a sword in the back? Tse, maybe, we know closer to the release, but the axis of some Bioware characters was announced. Kassandra Pentaghast Zhіnka-shukach, nurtured the dwarf Varrik in Dragon Age II. Vona tried with all her might to know the familiar Hawke, who became the cause of all the downfalls in Kirkwall. Dear fighting lady, like to love to embed knives in books, cards ... and in the bodies of their victims. Varrik Tethras the Dwarven Dwarf, one of Hawke's companions in Dragon Age II. The very wine on the drink Kassandri rozpovidaє about all podії, yakі vіdbulis in Kirkwall. Even a charismatic and cheerful character, with a great potential for further development. May I feel lower to my crossbow, which I gave Bianca to. How can gamer women separate yoga with their beauty? Find out in Inquisition. Вів'єн Absolutely new character, it's not enough to talk about any one. Viv'en - Senior Enchanter of the Oresian Circle of Magicians. This lady was one of the leading candidates for the post of the First Enchanter in her own country. However, the conflict between the templars and magicians, having caused a massive war, yak made him officially take up his post.

All those characters are the ones officially announced by Bioware. It has been a long time since Leliana and Morrigan turn around, but the stench will not be the companions of the main character, but the retailers clearly made it clear that the first one plays a role in the city. Small stretches and information about the possible companions, which were marked on rich old and modern art on Dragon Age: Inquisition, as well as in gameplay videos. Acts of them are few and far between, but, unfortunately, none of them happened. Zalizniy Bik Dosit a non-standard representative of the Cossit race. Most of them are suvori and strictly adhere to their own religion - Kun. However, ours is one of the horned ones. Vіn to love beshketuvati, to be forced to drink unseriously, godlessly and live in great quantities of alcoholic drinks, and also to love to drive in the first zustrіchny, which is to get drunk on your hand. Vіn znahoditsya far from his booth and navіt caught up with a gang of naymantsіv, from which they can achieve the glory of a zhorstok, but a generous leader. Bik is a correct blunder to the typical image of Kossit. Sulfur Young and hot. Elf, bandit. I adore my little elf's body and call me not to be ashamed of it. Vaughn doesn’t care what belongs to the Elven culture, she’s more likely to bring herself to people. May you finish the great spy gunska merezh, so that you can help me to know all the information about you, or learn to rob your maetok. The code name "Siry Guard" is bearded, cheerful and sometimes suvory. About tse characters it seems to be the least, but there are more notes on rich new arts, as well as in the gameplay video. The Order of Sirikh Wartov is so tidy to the plot of both gris and the appearance of their representative as a member of the same party in Dragon Age: Inquisition as a whole, even if this order is not so simple, some aspects of this history will be taєmnitsa and we, perhaps, znaєmosya copper almighty for the help of a new character. You know, after the creation of some kind of character, an enemy is created, I send my child to school first. David Geider Changes in dialogues

Bioware solved a number of problems, but the wheels didn't work, but now we check for more options, and when you hover over the paraphrase, you will see a row of more detailed descriptions of what your Inquisitor will say as a result. Tse allow the graves more to know exactly those that the stench chose. Now the variation will be much larger. The possibility of expressing emotions by the inquisitor himself in singing situations is also considered. At the stage of opration, there is the ability to "get in touch" with your comrades-in-arms, interrupting their sweetheart, and also you can just get in touch with the NPS, as you want. The system with the dialogue wheel really looks bad, it just needs to be done right and just right. The first glimpse is lumpy, but now there are all chances that the dialogues will become climactic, rich and varied, with different variations. Acts of our choices and decisions will be poured into the world. However, Bioware wants your voice to be louder, lower. You can speak alone in dialogues, but in your bag you can work together otherwise.

Nabridlo to start a new game in one and the same kind of race / class? Then this mod is for you. Він change the model of the starting armor to be specific for the skin race / class.

Fashion options:
  • TMMStartingArmoursAllRaces.daimod- for all races. Tsey option will be practiced with whatever race / class. The starting armor is changed to the basic option for the robber, mage and warrior, obviously independently of the race.
  • TMMStartingArmoursDalish.daimod- tіlki for elves. The starting armor will be replaced for magicians with the clothes of a saver, for robbers - with the possessions of a Dolіyets-myslivets, for warriors - with the possessions of a Dolіyets-warrior.
  • TMMStartingArmoursDwarf.daimod- only for gnomes. The starting armor will be replaced for the robbers with the charter clothes, and for the warriors - with the legionary's possessions. On other races, the armor will be invisible.
  • TMMStartingArmoursHuman.daimod- only for people. The starting armor will be replaced by three options of possessors for a mage, a robber and a warrior, obviously. On other races, the armor will be invisible.
  • TMMStartingArmoursQunari.daimod- only for Kunar. The starting armor will be replaced for magicians on Antal-Saar, for warriors and robbers - on Shokri-Taar. On other races, the armor will be invisible. The DLC "Trophies of Kunar" is required.
  • TMMStartingArmoursHumanFreeArmy.daimod - only for people. The starting armor will be replaced by three options for the possessions of the Great Hulks of the Dol for the magician, the robber and the warrior, apparently.On other races, the armor will be invisible.
  • TMMStartingArmoursHumanTemplar.daimod - only for people. The starting armor will be replaced by three variants of the Order of the Templars for the mage, robber and warrior, obviously.On other races, the armor will be invisible.
  • TMMStartingArmoursWarden.daimod - only for people, elves and gnomes. The starting armor will be replaced by three options of possessions of Sirikh Wartov for the magician, the robber and the warrior, obviously.Armor will be invisible on Kunar.
  • TMMStartingArmoursTrespasser.daimod - for all races. Tsey option will be practiced with whatever race / class. The starting armor is changed to the armor variant from the DLC "Foreigner" for the robber, mage and warrior, regardless of the race. necessary DLC "Outsider".
  • New! Folder TMM Starting Armours - Multiplayer - (for women)- for a woman woman. Three options to replace starting armor with Izabella / Vbivtsi armor for all classes. Put it alone.On other races and people, the armor will be invisible.
  • New! TMMStartingArmoursMultiplayer . Daimod - for all races. Tsey option will be practiced with whatever race / class. The starting armor is replaced by the armor options of the characters from the multiplayer (Elementalist, Qatar, Isabella, Movchazna sister, Sairabaz, guardian, warrior-mage) for the robber, mage and warrior obviously.


  • Dragon age: Inquisition with the eleventh official patch from Bioware or more.

Like and be it, what do you think of yourself as a modern RPG, in Dragon Age: Inquisition є and craft armor and armor. For the first time, craft is not surrounded by the insertion of runes - now we are given the opportunity to create richness from scratch, choosing the most beautiful look, type, material, which gives the necessary bonuses and enhancements. Hocha and runi tezh lost, where would we be without them? Vzagali on my modest thought Kraft razrobleny dejectedly and not tsіkavo, like everything in this sumnіy grі, there are a lot of possibilities, that axis of the big and picking up all the junk is no fun.

Sketches of armor

On the very cob for the creation of objects, polypshen and runes will be needed sketches of the objects themselves, polypshen and runes. Where to take? From screenshots, from merchants, misinformation in posts, and sometimes from bosses. Eskіz are included in the list of items available for crafting, you can beat them at any time and, gladly, they do not take up space in inventory.

At grі vsogo 3 rubles of eskіzіv. Chim Vіn Vishchiy, Tim will be more middle in the subject, Yakіnіshe and with a great number of bonuses you will be able to create an object. The sketches of the 1st row allow the appearance of the 2nd row, the 2nd row - the 3rd row, the sketches of the 3rd row - the 4th row.

The crafting system here is logical - for an important piece, a large amount of metal will be needed, a little less than a coat, and rarely if you need fabric, but for a magician’s hat, it’s enough. For swords and sleeves, a base is needed, and the skin itself, but the fabric braid is thin.

In total, there are 4 types of middle ones: the main, the initial basic parameters and three additional ones, the set of which may be different from the fallow in the sketch. And to herself:

Spend- the main middle point for the strike, indicating shkody per second in the fallage of the material, as well as the type of elemental attack of the club.

attack- dodatkova middle for zbroї i polypshen zbroї. Depending on the material, you add bonuses to the types of attacks or the ability to impose status effects on the enemy.

obladunok- the main center for armor, denoting the riven of the owner in the fallowing of the material and the protection of physical damage in close combat.

Zakhist- dodatkova center for armor and armor extension. In the fall, the material is given bonuses of resistance to elemental, far-reaching and magic attacks, as well as the ability to bleed or additional health.

podtrimka- dodatkova middle for all types of subjects. The eyepieces of the characteristics (safety, magic, etc.) are added to the material in a fallow manner.

For a supplement, whether it’s a equal amount, you need only two additional points in the middle, for an additional supplement, you can add only bonuses and / or eyepieces of characteristics, or not beaten abo equal armor (become Bianca’s blame).

See polypshen and craft


For crafting, 3 types of armor are available (light, medium and important), as well as three types of skin armor. There are two slots available for all kinds of armor: bracers and leggings (vinyatki to place special wielders on the elven mantle of the Protector or the wielder of the Legion of the Dead). Improvements are created okremo, but following a similar principle.

In an hour, ready polypshennya can be shown in screens, or taken in the city for vikonanny mission in the post. The improvement can also be taken from the objects that have been removed and put on others.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition, they have more armor, lower armor and more armor, not everything is so simple.

Strike type



One-handed - swords

Long sword handle

One-handed - maces, grind, sokiri

One-handed handle (shaft)

Two-handed - great swords

Great Sword Handle Great Sword Head

Dvoruchne - great sokiri and thresh

Two-handed handle (shaft)

magical clubs

Wistrya staffMace hilt

Daggers / boys daggers

Dagger handle / Handles for male blades

bow hilt

Okremo varto guess about Bianca, the shards of the broth are unique. Improvement of UVS and characteristics is possible only for additional help. Bianchi has 3 full slots - Shoulders, Aim, Handle. For the shoulders, the main center is available, which increases the DPS, for the handle there is also one center of the support, for the sight - one center of the attack. If I went through the group right here in the middle, Bianca bula was in a different way, lower in the middle bows ...

Crafting materials

For the folding of the fold of the cloaks in grі є 3 types of materials: metal, shkіra and fabric, in their line the stench is divided into 3 equals. The greater the value of the material, the greater the value of the armor, or the indication of the bonus. The type of the obladunka also changes in the fallowness of the material.


Metal is known for the help of a search button (or a saw eye) in the caves and on the mountain slopes at the sight of small stings for a sprat of skin per location. At Smaragd's graves in argon huts, you can buy thorough chandeliers, obsidian and pyrophylls, and Kolyorov's glass of Siro is sold in Skyhold from a merchant from Orlais.

Threw 1 equal

Threw 2 equals

Threw 3 equals


Shkіra is seen from the dead creatures of a singing mind. From the merchant at the Inner Lands (Crossroads) you can buy almost all types of shkir 1 rub, in the Dalish camp in the Sacred Plain you can buy a shkir of a glospin, a fenix luska and a lamb shkir.

Shkіri 1 rіvnya

Shkiri 2 rubles

Shkiri 3 rubles


Fabrics fall from dead enemies. Shovk, navoksamite and bavovna can be bought in Val Royom.

Fabrics 1 equal

Fabrics 2 equals

famous speeches

Possibility to make speeches with you to appear in Skyhold after a request for an enchantress (mission in the position). When the subject is put together, there is an okrem in the middle for the authoritative speech, right above the main one. Zvichayní materials do not come here. For vodminnoy speech, we used a tonne of metal, shkiri or fabrics, which are trapped in a vipadkovy rank during the selection, and so the very special signs on the kshtalt of a dragon's tooth or saline measles. At the client, you can insert only one unit of such material, but the backing is not obov'azkovym.

Special materials give short-time building, for the sight of walking fortresses, invincibility or Shadow Cloak, ability to take a bonus to the accumulation of serendipity, or in case of a fatal blow, increase up to 15% of health. Possible bonuses are generated in a different way, and їх richly.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - crafting armor and armor was last modified: 5 Travnia, 2015 by admin


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