Dragon age origins elf mage sho download. Dragon Age

Dragon age origins elf mage sho download. Dragon Age

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In these topics, you can share your thoughts and give for the sake of it, how to better pump that chi and the other class of character, how to create the most combative or tenacious group, how to make allies the best, how to kill the most attacking, or the most protected character, etc. pump more quickly and put eyepieces down, more work and multiclass.

(I’m from the example of a chula, that in grі you can get up to 25 rubles - is it true? I went through the main campaign and only got 20 lvl, despite the fact that I beat all the tasks - only a couple of quests from doshki in the tavern of Denerim were lost .. .Ale, can you fill 5 more rubles?).

When leveling up the mage, it will be necessary to add an hour to read my articles in the FAQ on Dragon Age about combinating spells, turning, and giving the mage a serious turn.

If you are talking about a warrior, then pump strength and statura, if your warrior is a shield, then pump your spritiness to at least 26, otherwise you will not become a shield maestro.

About party members: Lіlіanі download spritnіst and archer skills, otherwise you can score, in tactics put the Far Bіy and Archer. It will be more effective in tsoma. Morrigan, don't download that flip, which is worth it by default, it's bullshit, not a specialization for a companion. Download elemental magic from her, god of the earth. I’ll paralyze the first hand in Entropy, so you yourself can raise the rest of the magic spirit. And don't forget about combos. Alistair, already weak, I don’t know why, but the retailers didn’t have time for him, I raised the status of youma a little less than Sheili, but all the same they drove him to finish the shvidko. Win a typical shield warrior, download your first shield and warrior, well, strength, and smut status. I won’t say anything about the others, because I didn’t take them into the party.
So, you can wind up to 100 rubles. If you bury the urn with ashes or bury it, then when you leave the hall with the urn, give 750 points to the end. Go here and there, at the door and back, and go.

Virno pіdmіcheno)) The specialization of the dead end is hot. Morigan it is better to expand the gorilla of Death, Lloda, Kenetika to the end (There is a crushing Dungeon and a force field) і Bliskavki, you can shake the earth to the "Fist", but the "skam'yanіnnya" is a tight spell to zhahu, richer than the "Cone of Lhoda" і then it's just incomparable. Three areal effects are creating for themselves: Storm, Zaviryukha, Storm of Death, Aura of Death, throwing all cones of ice and you can play one by one without a party decision. Reshta I have all the brutal wars, hitting the day on the crooked fighting styles, nachebto Pozhiracha and Berserk, the Germans have bought the renewal of all health with one wave of the hand. Just Argh! Skoda only st_n only catch one spetsuha forever ...

No, even more strength and spritnіst to shkoda infuse into the wound of the world. It’s just that I’ll invest three more in the stature, so that I could trim the blow. I don’t really know if I want to, but here I am again with the owners of the ambush, in armor you won’t be dancing with two blades. Maybe it’s not possible to get involved in spritnist, in order to get smarter better. Ale as a robber, then I’ll play all the same, so chi іnakshe, just not exactly an archer, to the point, all the specializations of this class I’ve already discovered. A duellist is especially good for two blades, you can take it easy, you can play cards, you can beat, but I'll learn differently ...

So everything is really simple. Golovne choose tactics. For example, this option:
2 tank warriors, 1 magician, 1 robber.
The warriors have a little hand or a sword + shield, the magician has a staff, freezing well and other basic skills, a robber has 2 blades.
Razbіynik and mage in the melee of the corpse, wind on the middle folding. Swing їm virility ... without a head, more without heavy. the owners will be stained in the wind eyepieces of the first. Ale shkodi at the robber and decent magician. So the axis, we need to work so that the magician and the robber are not chiseled, and when the stench is, they attack the opponents. For whom we need 2 tank wars. Їх obov'yazkovo varto zakuvati in naivazhchu armor, you know how, more їhnє zavdannya trim defense. The warriors have special navi provocative. For the time being, opponents try to attack only їх. And tse yak just the same, scho scho partly to secure our magician and robber. In the bag, what can we do:
2 tanks take the whole blow and fight as best they can. And the robber and the magician help him in tsoma. Like what, the magician forks, and the robber from the flank helps him with all sorts of blows. The axis is such a tactic. Koristuvavsya her, if the first time engraved.

P.S. Sorry for offtopic, I'll see the post later.

Re: Zbroya

Well, let's see, tactics)))
well, the tank will be the grave itself, so Alistair is given to us with crooked parameters, and the performance of the tank from the Wall is ridiculous. Well, the strength of the tank is needed only for pulling the arms, but not for the attack. Youma doesn’t need neither vibrancy nor stature (if you want you can throw a couple of points at the end, so that you lose your zayva). It is necessary to increase the strength to 35-42, so that you wear a good, important possession - and throw all other eyepieces into the darkness. So, how spritnіst vplyvaє on parameter zakhistu, and it's important in the first line, and not physical stіykіst. The higher the show, the more often the enemies will miss the tank, when the show is higher than 100-150, all attacks are practically spent on the sense - at the same time, surround it with all kinds of resistance to push defense and opir to the elements. For whom yakraz go Vityaz or Templars. Alistair has a wretched spritnіst, and this does not equal the high ostentation of the statue - the enemy's skin blow is brought to a new one, which is why the everyday templar spends all the HP in the crowded opponents in a short second.
Dali - the magician is needed not the same as the head of shkodi, but the cleric is at least. The best Vinn, if you want you can put in Morgan. Yakraz the magician will stand on the far side of the country, and constantly heal the tank, giving him the sound of health, so all the bonuses to zahistu. More than that, for greater happiness, you can throw a Force field on the tank - the vines will become unacceptable to the point, with victorious zalyakuvannya and gluzuvannya, all the enemies will run into the new one, and another magician (yakscho vin є) will lead the shkodi beyond the square. That robber can be more effective ...

If the Wall is standing up, then it’s not a matter of thought, and when you’ve learned the skill, just go to the tactics menu and manually turn on your mode like zalyakuvannya, gluzuvannya, etc., so that you won’t attract enemies to yourself.

If you yourself allowed the army to fight for the tank, then you can not take Alistair to the group, so for the party just one good hanging tank. Yak variant - Vіnn, yaka likuє, and Morgan b'є zakl on the square, well, the Wall, yakscho on the right to pass with barefoot. If you are a magician in another way, then only Alistair and no one else can be pumped for the tank.

I’m going to stop posting, from the moment I’ve moved on to the discussed tactics of battle and battle, companions - can be moved to the topic For the sake of pumping, conducting battle, etc.

And a few more: if you don’t take mages-healers, then you can try the Riznik for the tank, taking one skill there - restoring health from the corpses of enemies. In such a situation, you will give the tank additional HP, however, in battle, you will need even more good damage dealers, magicians and duelists, so you can even quickly drive in all the evil spirits, so that the tank will get healed by the corpses and poultices

Re: Zbroya

Tse stіlki spritnostі?))

Re: Zbroya

Tse stіlki spritnostі?))
I, my goodness, can’t understand, how can the wall be not thoughtful, or Alsiter, how can we pump the skills ourselves?

That th essence here is that you either pump strength for good obladunkіv, or spritnіst for uhilennya. If you will only pump one Persian, then you won’t achieve anything, because the eyepieces are not infinite. So what is the need to separate the yak bi.

NOT NOT NO, you are not sensible
At the window of the character's screen, there is such a daubed shield - all the flashy displays of zakhistu. In important possessions, the stink is approximately 60-90 reach, I don’t know what you can do better without a zillya and seal it ... So at 42 strength, putting on a good possession and a good shield for yourself, you’ll secure the parameter of zahistu, wanting to b pіd 80 - else drink zіllyam, pіdvishuvati vvshchіnami throwing a mage Tse and є dodge yak bi - and yakscho tsey zakhist reach 120-150 then according to the character practically none of the enemies can be consumed by their attacks ... This parameter also moves in the presence of privacy.

Sten and Alistair are not thought out in that sensi scho automatic tactics, how to put them, can be on the verge ...

Bagatyoh to call for food as a way to open access to a critical shkodi, here I’m glad for the warrior, and I’ll write for the magician. First, download Navik Magic and just yoga, without spending a lot of extra points on Willpower, otherwise. Also try to know all the amulets, chains or armor that give bonuses to magical power. The following is the spell of Entropia, so it is strengthening, zhah, weakness, stubbornness and contagious effusion. Try to pick up the victim by you, none of the companions did not chip (and they didn’t chip you strongly) - in a suitable place - the tower of Magiv, de in Tinі the hero is attacked by 1-2 Harlocks / genlocks - the stench is the best way to go. Otzhe, first, throw on the new Usiplyannya - then we’ll be weak and able to psuvannya - after that, zastosovyte Zhakh (zadnannya spells of strengthening and zhakh to give a majestic shkodi, and since they significantly weakened the meta, then I won’t take the strongest poshkodzhennya) - I’m the head of the abo genlock, I don’t remember already) close to 300 lost alone

magicians and warriors hover in the chimney, like only a robber with two swords enters the battle. It can be said just a tricky thing, like blaming everyone and everything on all sides.
Tsієyu shtutsі mi kachaєmo spritnіst, and on nіy nіhto you can’t drink in melee - vinyatok - magic or the wildness of the dragon, then the thing can shatter in 5 seconds one by one, so I didn’t take the party))))).

It means so - cunning and strength are driven in there, but there is more peace. Dalі shukaєmo good swords, daggers or sokirks, in yaks you can insert runes, take good runes for +5
more tsієї shtutsі manually pump the navik schob two one-handed swords trimati, and not just a sword and a dagger.
Because of what other newcomers knew, they were fined. You can kill a robber on a vmіnnya, I got a little incomprehensibility and unlocked locks, well, I’ll learn how to put pasta (if there’s a bunch of villagers in Lothering, and there’s 20 people there, it’s just stupid to look at everything and nothing has reached me)))) )).
Qiu piece can be launched into the battle in a proud self, so that you can beat the incompetence. Dali - the greater the peace, the closer happiness - the need, running among the enemies of the enemy, as you can take more on yourself in the compartment - the stench will miss with your stingy swords. Including vminnya Poriv and blow two speeches, and then robimo Uuuuuuhhhh! - this is such a welcome in the wrapping - and I blame everyone and everyone who drove us away - like at least 12 stupid huddled in a compartment of soldiers, I put it in cabbage instantly

But still, not everything - nothing compares with guys' swords. Two-handers go like a fox yaknaydali, all their strength is bullshit, at 15.00 shkodi, we put ourselves 2 swords at 11.00 shkodi and even though it’s possible in total 22. When the mind is turned on, we are beaten by two swords, Tim himself is the best shkodi, and yet we still have the armor itself enchanted with the runes - buhhh! close to 150 guilty for a skin blow. And the robber is the one who strikes his skin for a second! At the same time, for the swing of the cudgel, the two-handed warrior goes for at least 3-4 seconds. Vіdchuvaєmo raznityu? I got here for hitting a monster pid 60 + 70 per hit itself, +20 per magic shkoda, and also +1 +1 per enchantment. Those who take 80-100 hits per hit, for which a new one has 5 seconds, the robber will take 1-2 seconds, and in 5 - already turn over the entire beat three times, such as having beaten the warrior with one of his strikers .

And so the ranks of fatalities are more often seen by the robber, to those who themselves Crete tsey class to rob more often than others - only a few heads and mass combos fly on all sides. here I can brag about my rogue, I blew crit 5 times, knowing the heads of the enemies - tse in the temple of Andraste, there were 2 mages and 2 warriors and 1 archer, so the axis of the dermal buff of the crit on the last blow and the head was lifted - it’s fantastically purer spring , but all the same є chim write)))

If you want to try out the role of a blood mage, but if you haven’t bothered before, otherwise you didn’t have it, then this guide is right for you.

Let's start with the correct choice of race. So like the dwarfs DO NOT chuckle, in principle, we choose either an elf or a human being.

From the drive of the starting characteristics, then here:

Humans get +1 to their stats: strength, sprit, cunning, and magic.
Elfies have +2 to magic and stiles to willpower.
In principle, the choice is not so foldable, only that before the elf in gr it will be more disrespectfully placed.

What is the cost pumping the main characteristics then:
- nasampered kachaєmo cunning to the value of 16 - pushing the inflow;
- after the first point, it is pumped in the main magic and willpower, increasing the proportion of 2 to 1.

At the same time, you still wrote something about you, you can read it in a report in an okremіy statti.

Let's talk about newbies:
- 16 single tricks give us the 4th rіven "Vplivu" in order to escape the zayvih battles. It is surprising that such a character is only in the main character;
- "Combat training" - binding before the slaying so that it changes the chance that your spell will cast in battle;
- "Herbal" is pumped tezh, but with another character for the acquisition of a sufficient amount of lirium zillya;
- Tactics are better not to chip, more on high equals with a decent amount of magic you can manage the war yourself.

About specializations. You can choose two specializations for the seventh and fourteenth equals.
Naturally, the first specialization we will have is the “Blood Mage”, which gives +2 to the status and strength of spells.
How to take it? It is necessary to put the favor in the demon's bazhanya at the hour of Connor's quest. To finish off in the darkness and grant mercy to Yovanov.
There is a small bug here, so if you go all the way to skip this paragraph.
The bug is that you can escape the operation - save up before the rose, hit the hands with the demon bazhan, then get carried away and give you a stusan.
As a result, you will take the following spells: "Mage of Blood", "Sacrifice of Blood", "Crooked Wound", "Master of Blood".

Now let's talk about those, how to take specialization into a match. The best of all appears in such a situation "Spiritual Healer" which adds +2 to magic and health regeneration.
How can you take it? You can find a book with specialization in your camp or in the Wonders of Thedas in the wake of the Gathering of the Lands.
Koristi will be rowing waterways, especially if you will not take Vinn to the team.
You take away such spells as: “Group Healing”, “Resurrection”, “Oberig”, “Healing Aura”.

Let's look into the spells.

gіlku ice swinging on the go and ohoplyuemo all the skies of the krіm of the “Krizhany zbroї”. A good shkodi, expands on your opponents.
Krizhan's grip - freezing and shkodi or a fine up to shvidkost;
A cone of cold - to kill a spell with an effect like in the front + frozen foes can, from a critical shodi, fly into friends;
Zaviryuha - a snowy storm yak just freezes everything for the most part badly step by step. Є the chance that the cili with a low eve will fall or transform into a krizhinka;

gіlka bliskavok. Here, there are things like crazy pratsyut in the link with the cold + there is no protection from lightning among rich enemies. Here is what we need to download here:
Bliskavka - shkodi meti like bliskavka, you can eat at your own well, so carefully;
Shock is a cone of brilliance that can strike like enemies like their own. You can zastosovuvat post "Cone the cold";
The storm is effective against the great gathering of opponents. Pratsyuє in the region, the head of the shkodi electrician.

Gilka vityaguvannya mani. Goydaєtsya for that shchob Іnshі magicians did not psuvali life.
Vityaguvannya mani - vismoktuє trohi mani from the enemy;
Vipaluvannya mani - stain your mana and the mana of the enemies in the region;
Magical power - the spell is harder, ale mana is cast into the pipe and then a penalty is imposed on її revival;
Zіtknennya mani - at the middle distance, all magicians spend the stock of mani and take away the amount of money spent in the magic spirit

gіlka likuvannya. Hill is necessary for us so chi іnakshe, so what is the axis scho it is necessary to take:
Likuvannya - here and explain nothing is not varto - even a basic skill;
Purification - accelerated renewal of mani and forces;
Remembrance - the same and the first skill, only for a longer time and more joy at a time;

let's move on spell combinations for the destruction of all living things. Їx how to find two:
Storm + Zaviryukha + Magical power = Storm of the century - the most evil shkodi in electricity;
Zіtknennya mani and Magical power and in pairs give an effect when the mage just kicks on the go;

What do we need in order?
A woman's clothes.
De joke? At Denerime, Divovizhi Thedas, prodst keruuchy.
- 3 armor;
- 10 more resistant to cold;
- 5% chance to heal attacks.

Staff of the Lord Magister
De joke? For sale in the kіmnata uchnіv іtendant pіd hіvіdvіduvannya Krug.
- 6 willpower and magical strength;
- 10% shkodhi in fire and insoles and magic spirits;
- 2 renewals of mani for an hour of battle.

blessed Andruila
De joke? There is also a forward object.
- 2 to all parameters;
- 10 physical resistance;
- 20 resistance to the forces of nature;
- 1 increase in vitality \ mani in battle.

De joke? Hromadsky halls of the city of gnomes, sell Garin.
- 3 armor;
- 20% full of juicy effects;
- 10% improvement in health posture;
- 10 statues;
- 3 renewals of health.

Key to the place
De joke? Given after completing the quest. For the first time, you need to wander through the halls of the gnomes of the place and pick up all the records about the new one, after which the quest appears. Idemo to the hall is glad and in the screen we know the necessary item. Screenshot of the appointments.
- 2 to all characteristics;
- 4% increase in magic;
- 10% to jubilant effects.

Antimagic amulet.
Where are you? Sold in your Bodan camp.
- 5 willpower;
30% increase in magic;
- 8th improvement of healthy posture;
- 6 healing types of shells;
- 10% improvement in attacks.

Who to take on the team?
Tank - Sheila;
Magician - Vinn abo Morgan;
Rozbiynik - Zevran.

So you can yourself marvel at the video in which you will show how we will need specialization for us.

The axis is fine and everything you need to know about the blood magician. Dare!


Three races choose to stand between elves and people. Humans have +1 bonuses to Strength, Spirit, Cunning, and Magic. And elves have +2 to magic and willpower. Plus contemptuously placing people before your elf-hero. There are no retail outlets, so choose whoever you want.


Magic and Willpower in the proportion of 2 to 1. Don't forget to bring your Cunning to 16 for a splash.

Vision is physical stability. PU - mental.



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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Available only to the main character. Vivchiti all yakshcho want mother mozhlivist niknut biyok.

combat training

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Obov'yazykovy navik. Spells in battle are easier to see. Wimog is silent.


Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA Give more slots for prescriptions of behavior. With the growth of equals, you take everything without cost. Mage is better than grati manually.


Available on 7th and 14th rіvnі.

spiritual healer

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

2 magic, more health improvement.

Yak otrimati: The book is found in the camp and in the Wonders of Thedas after the Gathering of the Lands.


Group health (Riven 7), Sunday (8), Charm (12), Healing aura (14)


Highest specialization. Yakshcho Vinn was driven in, otherwise we won’t cast spells for you. If you don’t want to pump everything, then you need to take at least Group healing and Sunday.

blood mage

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

2 status and spell power.

Yak otrimati: Drink for the sake of the demon of bajan in Connor's quest. For whom you are guilty, go to Tin and spare Jovan in the underground.

Cunning: Don't you want to go to the storage equipment? Then you will save yourself before the rose, accept the proposition and become entangled.

Blood Mage (7)

Zamіst mani vitrachaete zdorov'ya on chaklunstvo. Relax your glee.

Shelter (12)

The burden of life is like an ally to you. You can bring in a companion.

Crooked wound (14)

B'є according to the area of ​​the magic spirit. It's too easy to read. Failure of physical stamina and paralysis of the follicles.

Blood control (16)

Having torn z perevіrka Psychic stamina-opponent of contractions under control. Practice with bosses. PU successfully - shkodi.

Comment: A friend in terms of specialization. A crooked wound can help a lot.


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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

1 sprit, +5 attack

How to take it: Quest nature of the Zvira, Lower on top in a small place on the bottom lie a stone. Talk to him.

I will turn you into a warrior and you can chakluvati. The exchange for important armor is changed by magic for strength. Important lati became available to mages!

Bad attack and impenetrable attack.


Specialization Korisna. Ale, if you need a warrior, play a warrior.


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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Yak otrimati: With Morrigan, with good vіdnosinah, or buy a book in the camp of the Dalish.

Forms: Pavuk, Vedmіd, Roy komakh and Meister Obroten - the power of all three.

If you undertake to develop, then develop to the end.


The marne itself specializes in the mage of the war shkodi more. And chakluvati in the image is not possible.


spontaneous school

Golovny - Magic Water and Bliskavka. Develop them more.

krizhan grip

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Gilka is the head of the infamy of shkodi and galmuє meta. Tse often become more important, lower shkodi.

I'll take the krizhane. Zbroya corral the head of the cold.

A cone of cold is ice in a cone. Nezaminne akscho you were attacked in close combat.

How can you take a cone to the cold as soon as possible. Chi spratsyuє navit z vischoy dragon.

Zaviryukha - Maidan spell, like a zavdaє shkodi cold and pervіryaє stіykіstі have their own and others. At the time of failure - meta turns into ice.


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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Spend more on the ice. And if it’s not for anyone, then the cold is up to your services. Rich enemies have a weak immune system, especially those born from darkness.

Lightning is a stronger combat spell.

Another glitter in a cone.

Storm - b'є over the area.

Lantsyug's bliskavka is the head of the great shkodi, small bliskavkas oppose judges with lesser ushkodzhennya.

Storm + Blizzard - a wonderful combination. Freeze and freeze with a strum.

kam'yany obladunok

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Kam'yaniy obladunok - stronger armor mage.

Kam'yaniy fist - znimaє zdorov'ya i zbivaє z nіg. Zastosovuvat after the crying spell - beasts in the ice, or the stone of the met can be broken into pieces.

Zemtretrus - the skin of a sprat of seconds zmushuє vsіh in the radius of the work and re-verification of the FU or fall.

Turning into a stone: in case of failure, the FU meta becomes stone for a few seconds. She won't collapse and may be beaten by an attack, or by a stone fist.

The school is needed only for the sake of stone armor - Galmuy meti and Zaviryukha.

half a dream

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



A half-light flash is a cone.

In the fire of the fire, I will fire the corral for the head of the fire.

Fireball - damage to the great area and beats from nig.

Hellfire is a whirlwind, which knows a healthy skin round. Zachіpaє and allies.

Spend a good one. But the immunity to fire is often flashed and it is impossible to galvanize the meta.


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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA




Obov'yazkovo, especially as you are not a spiritual healer.

Rune of paralysis

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Rune-paste, paralyzing the one who is on it.

Zakhisna rune - give pluses to zahistu and steadfastness to all allies instructed with it.

Rune v_dshtovhuvannya - vіdshtovhuє vorogіv, yakі did not pass the re-verification of FU.

Rune of neutralization - blocks all spells, draws mana, increases effects and does not give strength.

The rune of the entrance to the door opens, for it we cast the Maidan spell. The effect is shocking on clay stitches.

Rune of paralysis + repulsion - Paralysis of all at a great radius. Rooney know.

The school is too hard. Vivechayte.

heroic attack

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Plus before an ally attacks.

A heroic aura is a shield that looks far away.

Heroic defense - gives defense and steadfastness of all kinds, ale tisne on the spot, vibrancy will increase more.

Acceleration - the whole group starts collapsing and attacking more quickly, wanting the chances of getting dragged down.

As you have in the group of another magician youmu and it is necessary to win.

enchanting vognik

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



A brud is a puddle, in which everything was forged (upovilnennya), and with fire spells you can burn.

Char_vna kvіtka - all the magicians nearby (the fortune-tellers!) Slow the rebirth of mani.

The stingy swarm is a great shkodi, and like a victim of a new guinea, flying to the advancing enemy.

Wipe your eyepieces for something else.

vityaguvannya mani

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Vityaguvannya someone else's mani.

Vipaluvannya mani - stain your own so that you can underestimate someone else's like yourself. Magical power - to curse all of your own, ale mana grows stronger, but grows stronger.

Zіtknennya mani - along the road of the spell, like picking up all the mana from the enemy and giving it to you shodi proportionally.

I will only say one thing: Magical power + Zitknenny mani. Witches mages poshkoduyut about that day, if you took the whole class. Obov'yazkovo to vyvchennya.

walking bomb

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Wipe away the old shkodi, and if you get it, die earlier, for example, spell-vibration.

The funnel of death-restores mana, as if nearby were the pitfalls.

A walking bomb is contagious - to rob the same ones that are the first, and yet another hour of vibration you can infect susіdіv (effects from 1 spell do not stack).

Raise the corpse of the enemy in the skeleton of a skeleton.

It’s a hard school, but it’s not overdone and you can be driven in and your death.

enchantment shield

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



The spell casts a fortune spell for a 3 to 4 spell, with which you expel your mana for the skin. How only she will vanish and cast a spell on children.

Rozsіyuvannya magіі- znіmaє z meti all effects - Your own and other people's oaths.

Anti-magic bar'єr - povniy zahist vіd spells (vіd likuvalnyh tezh!).

Anti-magical sleep - analysis of effects in the region.

Not bad. The anti-magic bar'er can greatly help in battle. Slept to nothing.

vibuh rozumu

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Prigolemshu vorogiv navkolo mage with a failed PU.

Force field: Meta can't collapse and can't be destroyed.

Telekinesis on the armor of the entire detachment - improves the breakdown of armor.

Crush the dungeon: the spell does not give the enemy the work that it would not be and step by step win from a new life.

Take vibuh of the mind - if the enemies sharpen your magician, you can cheat it.

Crushing a dungeon is not a varto point.


vityaguvannya life

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Transferring part of the health of the sacrifice to the magician.

The magic of death - dovgostrokov, it reminds the magician of the "line of life", as well as the dead enemies.

Deadly curse: the enemy cannot rejoice and take away the constant shkodi.

Hmara of death, - a constant shkodi in the region of diy. Including your partners.

The highest spell be-like a magician-first. You can take a gulka.

vtrata orientation

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Penalty before attack and defense.

Zhakh - rivet the victim to the month, as if she did not pass the PU, but as an enemy without a certificate of shodi without re-verification.

Usiplyannya - A group of enemies zasina until the first blow, sleepers can be finished off with a flicker.

Nightmare in reality - In case of failure of Purity, the effects are stunning, enchantment, attack on others.

Bad school for the magician pіdtrimki.

psuvannya quirkiness

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Penalties up to resistance against let in, pіdsilyuє against your own attacks against life.

Psuvannya is contagious - well, ale beyond the square.

Vіdvodvat psuvannya - psuє vorogovі attacks: critical - Zvichayny, zvichay - misses.

Zgubna, psuvannya to rob all hits on the victim with critical ones.

For the magician pіdtrimki pіdіyde. Chi you can't win yourself, let's start Winn abo Morrigan.


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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Minus before the attack and defend meti, FU failed - slowdown.

Paralysis - upovіlnennya with successful FU, dementia - failure.

Otruyni vipari - minus on the mark of the magician, long.

Mass paralysis. Many enemies turn up.

For support, read for the sake of the rest.

Charivna Strila

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA



Weak fighting spell with an arc of swedish reloading.

Enchantment shield - Timchas's settlement of the defense of the magician.

Staring at the tip - damage to the club.

Mastery in chaklunstvo - greater magical power.

Chi do not underestimate the shvidka charivna arrow - you can beat the spell and use a little mani. When you fight with the great dragon, you say thank you for the speed.

Є glasses - varto vivchiti for the sake of magical power.

spell combinations

Magical power + Zitknenny mani

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Majestic shkodi to fortune-telling magicians. Obov'yazkovo vivchit.

storm of the century

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Zaviryukha + Magical power + Storm

Majestic vtrat on the great square.

burning fat

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Brood + be-fire spell.

Everyone lights up.

fire extinguishing

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Burning fat + Zaviryuha

The fire no longer burns in the radius of the khurtovin.

electric vibe

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Rune of Paralysis + Rune of Vidshtovhuvannya

Paralysis at the great radius. Let's call Rooney.

shortened sunday

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Magic power + Reaping the dead

An ally's skeleton has more abilities.

entropic death

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Harmful psuvannya + Hmara of death

Great shkodi. Effekti psuvannya disappear.


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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Force field + crushing dungeon

Spend and beat the enemies around the magician. Mage shkodi not otrimuє, ale efekti spell cast.

hazy couple

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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Psuvannya frivolity + Vityaguvannya life \ mani

Udvіchі more taken zdorov'ya \ mani.


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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Usiplyannya + Zhakh

Spend and awaken the enemy. The effect of zhahu is saved.


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Guide DAO and DA: A. Mag. For support site, AMD and EA

Krizhan's Grasp \ Cone of Cold \ Stone Spinning + Stone Fist \ Crushing Dungeon \ Critical Strike with Melee Attack

Mitteva death.


Important parameters in equipment for all magicians: mani boost in battle, plus to magic and willpower.

Better for shorter:

Clothes of a woman - Dikovinki of Thedas, Dener.

Staff of the Lord Magistr and Belt

The key is in the place-box in front of the hall for the sake of Orzammar after reading all the tablets that describe the gnomes. The tablets themselves are found in the halls of heroes, communal halls, in the arena of sampling, in the Diamond halls, in the Kurny district. Marvel more respectfully.

Kіltse zhivot -Garіn, Hromads'kyi zali Orzammar.

Antimagic amulet - Bodan, tabir.


Spellweaver Blade - battle mage's corpse in the temple of Andraste

Armor of the Juggernaut is collected in the Brecilian Fox. At the Hidden part, disturb the grave. From the body of the undead in the hands of the first part. Tezh with other graves: At the Zakhidny forest and behind the foggy bar'eriv in Skhidny. The rest of the quest Elfiv ritual in the Lower Ruins. Not far from the primari boy on the sarcophagus there is a sign. Win your game exactly and beat your trophy from the ghosts.

Wade's miraculous wielder can be taken away by bringing him six pieces of great dragons and one great one, as well as paying for the first two sets. The whole Luska is the temple of Andraste.

The owner of the dead legion is collected in the Dead Ditch. Chereviki, mittens and cuirass to lie in sarcophagi: in the kіmnati zlіva at the exit from the tunnel, which led from the bridge; in the room opposite the first statue with a fiery paste; in the room with the emisar, who calls out the skeletons, the sholom of roztasovaniya on the vіvtarі legіon.


Tank: Alistair, Oghren, Sten. Vіdvolіkaє vorogіv on yourself. Obov'yazkovy be-like a magician.

Rosebud: Leliana, Zevran. Better than Zevran, in different times, consume the wine of the swede of the one who attacked you. With the right pumping of the vins, it becomes a thunderstorm, whether it be an adversary.

Mages: Wynn and Morrigan. If you want to cast a spell, but the point didn’t hit the wedding, let your colleague cast it for you. Navik Leave herbalism for companions.

vibir rasi

It is natural to stand between a human and an elf, as the dwarfs for their nature cannot chakluvat. The skin race may have its own peculiarities, but remember that when choosing an elf, everyone will be brought to you with contempt, that is not particularly important.

rozpodіl balіv

Everything is borderline simple here - pumping Magic and Willpower in proportions of 2 to 1 and it’s not forgotten that it’s worth pumping it up to the value of 16 for pumping infusion.

injection- pumping obov'yazkovo as if you want to hide the impersonal unacceptable moments in the country and just entice someone for good;

combat training- so very obov'yazkova for wedding, so your spells will be easier to repeat;

Herbalist- the best option, however cool, will be to pump the navik of other characters in a row and not to open the eyepieces of the main character;

tactics- then it’s better not to cheat so you will need manual control over the hero in mayzhe, be it a situation;


With specializations, you will be appointed all the same yourself. Varto designate that the most important specializations for you will be the Spiritual Healer and the Blood Mage.

For the help of a spiritual healer, you can often vibrate from the bell, and varto pump, wanting to be in the group Healing and Resurrection, to wind it up in your group є Vіnn.

But before that, it’s already an okremy build, even if the deacons were skilful, like a crooked wound, all the same, you can become in good fortune.

Divide another place according to your needs with a blood mage Mage-warrior. Here you also have your own particularity - for example, you can wear important clothes.

Flipping - in this moment, we don’t have much to specialize in.


Here we will pick up vibirkovo and we will take different spells from different chicks.

krizhan grip- to rise to the magic of the driver, the head of a good shkodi and decently galmuє of the enemy. The entire head of the binding is up to pumping;

bliskavka- throw periodically between water magics. Dosit strong gilka, but on deyakah not die;

Earth- here we take only a kam'yany obladunok - our magician needs a zahist;

into the fire- a lesser priority, as in enemies often up to a new immunity;

creations- here we take a likuvannya for obvious reasons;

rooney- the rune of paralysis - the axis of our best friend, I don’t want to spend it in sharpening. So you can take another rune;

spirit- here we need Vityaguvannya manni and the same, we definitely won’t stand aside. So, in principle, varto turn respect and on іnshі Skіl yakі є not less brown;

entropy- Vityaguvannya Zhittya - tse those scho varto swing be it to a magician;

hero equipment

Best for you I will give you the axis of speech:

Odyag zhentsya- to know the divina of Thedas, which is in Denerim;

Key to the place a - in Orzammar it is known according to the whole place of the code, after which we go to the throne room for orders, put it on the plates of fellow party members and take the object;

Anti magic amulet- yoga can be bought from the butsa in the tabor.

Staff of the Lord Magister and also remin under the name blessed Andruila- bought from the intendant in Koli;

What's up with the party then here it is necessary to take one warrior, one robber and a supporter from another magician, otherwise the replacement of the remaining Sheila is an additional golem. On which we conclude our guide to the magician in and far away to you the root of Ferelden.

Chomu Hyde describes how to create an indifferent character, who can fight endlessly, without any poultices.

General information.

In order to achieve inconsistency, you need to invest more in zahist. For defending 3 shows:

1. Chance to heal from an attack.

2. Zakhist.

The first show is the most important. Ale є deyaki thin. With a 100% chance of being healed, you won't be hit with charges, the stench will just fly through. But if you lower the chance to heal up to 95%, then with your difference in your show of defense and show of attack at the enemy (with the advantage in yoga mischief), you will be consumed by more than half (deposit because the difference is large) of yoga attacks.

Therefore, diri is unacceptable. Ale, with a reach of 100% chance of getting sick, you can forget about the show off.

In the case of armor, lie down those, there will be a decrease in shkodi from strikes. For example, turning over, when throwing, you can drive it in at once, without letting you get up. In the face of such attacks, like a kid, no attack, and the chance of being healed will not help, that armor needs to be dressed as good as possible.

An indicator of armor to lay down depending on what is dressed on your character. Pokaznik zakhistu can be polypshiti, zbіlshyuchi spritnіst.

And more important examples of showing off:

1. Chance to hit a fortune teller spell.

2. Support to the elements.

3. Mental stability.

4. Physical stability.

With a chance to predict magic, about the same, as well as a chance to heal from an attack. The conjuration is being cast, then it is being spelled out again, with a lot of effects and in return.

I don’t know what kind of rune Mati created there, but it’s important if the chance of hitting magic is close to 100%?

Ale n_yaka magical stamina does not vryatuє in the attack on the area. spells that attack little in the area: Fire Gehenna, Zaviryuha, Storm, Death Hmara, as well as combinations Storm of the Hundred and Burning Oil. Opirnіst іmіryuієtsya vіdsotkah. If the resistance to fire is 50%, then the cost of fire will be lower by 50%. The strength of the singing element cannot exceed 75%. Psychic and physical stamina vіdpovіdat for zahist vіd stunned, i podіbnih, paralyze dіy.

Even though I said more, that I need to invest more in the defense, but don’t forget about the attack. You can increase the indicator of an attack without sacrificing a zakhist. For an indication of an attack, so do the spritnist itself (although for the skin type, it has its own formula for rozrahunka).

For all that, the best choice for the creation of an indifferent character will be a magician.

Otzhe, the character-magician of creations (bajano elf). Now I will need to carefully describe all the spells. It's not all that simple. You can put an emphasis on attacking spells, like zavdavaet shkodi, freeze, take mana / health. Ale, the right choice can only be made as a grave on the folding Nightmare Dream. On this folding, in all the elements, there will be a little corrosiveness, as you are not a fan of weaving on a stake in the face of strong enemies. Zakovik's axis in the Chomu: the more rіven foldedness, the more magical steadiness and opirnіst to the elements at the gates. And tse means, scho zam_st Shkodi, at the enemy to appear over his head, he wrote: "Stіykіst". To that, if you didn’t call for good luck, then choose to conjure the circles. Alece does not mean that you should be left without stained eyepieces. Do not forget about those who do not fight against attacks on the area.

The axis of the butt, clearly showing the inadequacy of rich spells.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

A list of brown spells, on which you can see the eyepieces, and in no way lead:

Enchant Shield

Focus on the staff

Mastery in enchantment

kam'yana Shkir

Palyuche Zbroya, Crizhane Zbroya, telekinetic Zbroya

Vognyana Gehenna, Zaviryukha, Storm, Hmara Death

Charming Vognik, Magical Mits


force field

Funnel of Death

death magic

So the spell itself, as accessible only to the current classes. Best class for a magician in grі: Fighting Mage and Turning. Offended by varto vivchiti povnistyu.

Development of Combat Magic.

In pershu black about those, how to become a Boyovim Mage. At the Elven ruins, which are located in the Bresilian Forest, there is a room with a Vivtar and a Statuette. You can vikonate the spirit laid down in statues, for which you can learn the Fighting Magic.

All the affiliation of combat magic lies in the fact that it allows you to dress up your armor in grі, and the fatigued weariness is not terrible for the magician. In addition, battle mages have powerful passive spells, and especially the garniy Cover of Shadow, which gives + 25% to the chance to heal from an attack.

They cast spells. Now about rose a point. In DA: O it is required to raise cunning to 16, magic to 42 so that there was no encirclement when choosing armor and spells, and everything else to stealth. So, in secrecy itself, magician. With all the godlike idea, it gives a superb bonus to attack and defend.

Beginners: Fighting training and Reconciliation. The creation of a zillya, otrut and the rest can be deprived of companions. Reshta can be visited in Vizhivannya. tse zbіlshit opіrnіst to the forces of nature.

The arrangement is due to be like this:

obladunok: Bojove Dress up as a provocateur

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.vzutya: Kailai's greaves.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.amulet: Antimagic Amulet

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.rings: Liver, Kіltse Stoіt

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.belt: blessed Adruil

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.sword: spell weaver

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

Mittens, shield and sholom for relish.

As a matter of fact, if you know everything is good, then everything is written under the spoiler.

Obladunok - Boyove Vbranny Provocateur: you need to go through the DLC Leliana's Song, in a good time, open the castles with evil, and pick up all the parts of the owner.

Vzuttya - Kailai's greaves: Mother's need DLC Return to Ostagar, and after Lothering, we'll go back to Bann Loren's Land, then to Ostagar, there we'll need to pick Kailai's suit apart from the battalions. One of the parts is yoga greaves, which give 20% to the chance to heal from an attack.

Amulet - Antimagic Amulet: sold at the butsa, in the camp. Varto 87 gold.

Kіltse - a resident: Sold by merchant Garin, in Orzamar, at the entrance to the Diamond Quarter.

Kіltse - Kul'tso Stolіt: Sold in Wonders of Thedas, in Denerim.

Sold in the Bashti Circle of Magicians.

Sword - Weaver Spell: you can take a watchman from the corpse, which guards the eggs of dragons, in the Temple of Andraste.

Runes are inserted into the Weaver, to give the ability to imagine magic, bought from some merchant.

It was only left not to get pardons, in the course of the passage. If you want to create the most powerful character, then forget about morality, sacrifice elves for the sake of more health, live with the Demon of Bazhan, win money with all the fluctuations of pennies, to buy developing books and better order.

Otzhe, the larva of the immortal magician is ready.

Ale, the magician reveals all his potential only in DA: A, if there is a power for the Enchanting Shield and the ability to create runes. There are a lot of great possessors of those speeches. There are two new classes, Guardian and Mage-Warrior. Do not hesitate to choose Mage-Warrior. V_dkriti class can be bought by buying a book in Amaranthine. So you can ask yourself to teach the Barones, or rather get a book, and ask the Baroness for an allowance for cunning (for cunning, you can turn it into magic).

As before, all the glasses were stained for spritnist, then at once it’s time to buy the Book of Focus from Heren, and transform everything into magic. Better yet, buy 20 Books of Focus. Aje Skin Book of Focus grants +1 point to hit. After reading all 20 books, you can take 20 points to finish. and become a master of all hands, and prepare yourself for Zillya, and rune, and wipe it off, and so it will be up to the end of Meditation (+400 to mana) and Vigilant Training (+400 to health). Axis only є risik, then we’ll get rid of the eyepieces for sure, if you don’t put it anywhere, and you won’t be afraid of the plus sign, but you’ll ring out to that shvidko.

Everyone has invested in magic, all the newbies are already there, now it's time to master a new class - Mage-Warrior. There are two auri, like they spend all the mana in a few seconds, The Hand of Cold, like a coryne only in quiet weathers, if there are so many annoying Children (the stench will be despondent, and through the eyes of a kid, you won’t do anything). І nikorishne - Stoik. For passive spells, 50% of the removed shkodi will be in the form of mani.

A new class of development. It's time to take care of the arrangements.

obladunok: Obladunki from Golem Shells

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.vzutya: Nogi-Chovni

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.amulet: Antimagic Amulet

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.rings: Liver, Happy Soul

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.belt: Blessed Adruil

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.sword: pilnist

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.blade: oxamitu voice

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.shield: desk

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.mittens: Burengonite's glove.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.sholom: Hood of the First Enchanter

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.Now about those, how and de everything is taken away, and why the very same speech:

Obladunok - armored obladunok from Golem Shells: On the back, you need to recover at Glibinn Stitches, in Kel Khirol. There, drive Znikly with yogo with a majestic golem.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

From the Golem you can take the Golem's Shell, and from the Decayed Staff of the Decayed - a red staff in grі. Carry the shell to Wade, Wade to ask him to bring additional materials for the creation of the breastplate. There is a battle of Amarantain market, there is a potion trader and doshka with zavdannya Go, you need to go to the right, there will be a small courtyard, in the new 2 screens, in the open screen there is a battle. Pure Zalizo can be found in any market, sold by a gnome merchant. Crooked Lotus can be picked up for good, for example, in the Black Swamp. The lirium Zilla Maistri can only be brewed independently. The recipe for zill can be found in the Avvar Crypt. Ale in the Avvarsky Crypt is not so easy to drink, you need to know 4 keys first. 1 to be found near the entrance to the crypt, 3 more on clay stitches near Vezhey Pilnuvannya. Moreover, if you need 2 keys, you need a rogue. Nathaniel pidide. Now it is too late to come to Wade, and the breastplate is ready.

Vzuttya - Legs-chins sold in a tavern for 40 gold.

Amulet - Anti-Magic Amulet: you can buy only from the Buts, well, from Sendai in the DLC Witch Hunt.

Kіltse - Happy Soul: You can take it from the corpse of the Baronesi.

Belt - Blessing of Adruil: You need to buy it before completing the main storyline DA: O. This belt won't be changed until the end of Witch Hunt, where the Belt of Guaranteed Healing will appear.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.Sword - Pilnist: On the back, you need to pick up all the brushes in the Black Swamps, one of those wharfs. Tobto, on the back of your head, get to the Tin, then hit the Barones, and take the key to the pier from her corpse, then find the dragon's skull, and insert the daily elements. Tse zruynuє bar'єr. Let's go upstairs, there will be a great maidanchik, and a dragon's brush will be needed in the kutka. Ale the Lord hurts so easily you can’t see your brush, you happen to beat it. They gave Wade a brush, ask Wade to bring additional ingredients. You can find a diamond in the tunnel under the tower of Pilnuvannya, as well as in Kel Khirol itself. You can make the Great Warm Balm yourself. The recipe is sold in Amaranthine. The Half-Luminous Rune of the Great Maister can only be crafted, the recipe is sold by Ambassador Sirk. Fresh Dragon Egg can be found in the mine, which can be found in Fox Vending. we bring everything to Wade, proponing wine to choose what kind of sword is needed. We choose a one-handed long sword, light and rickety, so that the hero misses less, and, more smut, so that the blade can be easily defended with a blade. Tse give the sword + 10% to the chance to heal from an attack.

Shield - Desk: to lie among the stones, beating the tablets, on the vibit of the names of the Nedotorkanny gnomes, who stood up for the defense of Kel Hirol. Tsya kіmnatka znahoditsya bіla hall, de vperche zvrіchayutsya horoguyuchi spawned temryav.

Mittens - Burengon's Glove: sold at Heren.

Sholom - Hood of the First Enchanter: for sale at the Amaranthine market.

So you can’t get the Heraldry of the Legion of the Dead on its own, as you give +20 to all characteristics. as if in the hands of a shield with applied heraldry. You can buy її from the dwarf at the market of Amaranthine.

De all tse get now zrozumіlo. Ale, yakscho viniklo food, why the very order:

This is the optimal set of orders, which gives not only a 100% chance to heal from an attack, but also a lot of something brown.

Anti-Magic Oberig (10%) + Feet-Chovni (10%) + Hood of the First Enchanter (10%) + Pilnist (10%) + Desk (5%) + Shadow Shield (15%) + Cover of Shadow (25%) + 3 escape runes (5% + 5% + 5%) = 100%.

So the very thing gives a high magical stamina:

Anti-Magic Ward (30%) + Good Soul (20%) + Chest Legs (10%) + Darkness Shield (15%) + First Enchanter's Hood (2%) = 77%, far from 100%, but look at those , that all points are invested in magic, none of the spells on us all the same can not be.

1. I want to fight with a sword and a sword.

2. If you want to be beaten by a witch. About tse report in the section about the development of the Werewolf.

From the drive of the zbroї in the skin rutsi in the fall with the magician: The mage's shards do not have any passive advantages in battle with a streak in the skin hand, the attack in such a situation will be lower, lower when fighting with one sword. Even if with a one-handed sword and a shield of shkodi, it is close to 150 per hit, then with a shot in the skin of a shkodi, it will swell from 25 to 200. 25-40 with a blade, and 100-200 with a sword. With this, there will be a daily bonus in the form of a shield and heraldic signs on the new one. Ale Golos Oxamitu gives as much as 25% to a chance to heal from an attack. Until then, 3 additional rune slots will appear. There will be 6 rune slots in total. You can cast 6 runes of paralysis and win the spell "Quick", as a way to increase the speed of attack and transfer. And you can take all 6 slots with Runes Porivu. Then the speed of the attack will be richer. Ale, in such a state of mind, it will be quicker to spovelnjuvat the speed of the attack to thієї, which would be quicker, but without runes.

Axis is a list of different combinations. In the first place, the most recent, in the rest of the most recent, it is clear:

1. Sword (3 runes pori) + Blade (3 runes pori).

2. Sword (3 Rune Porivu) + Shield + Sword.

3. Sword + Blade + Sword.

The first swing will have the maximum speed of the attack.

Another type will have a decent speed of attack and the most powerful shkodi.

At the third level, the middle of the runes can be filled with the soul, for example, paralysis by the Runes. One Perfect Rune of Paralysis grants a 5% chance to paralyze for 10 seconds. 6 runes of paralysis grant 30% chance to paralyze for 10 seconds. Moreover, 10 seconds, like for the best villagers, so for dragons.

Now we have all the necessary equipment, only to know the Belt of Guaranteed Healing in Poluvanni on Vidyom, and replace 3 Runes of Escape for 3 Thorough Rooney Bar'er. Ale Rooney Bar'єru through shortcomings, you can only know one simple thing on the very cob. This pardon is corrected by an unofficial patch (Cera sells Barrier Runes stuff). Ale, I think, it’s not possible to install patches that open slots for runes in Vzuttya, mittens, sholom and robes, which was clearly not intended by the creators. If you don't have an unofficial patch, you can replace Rune Bar'er with 3 Rune Stature (+14 to stat per skin), or 3 Rune Capacity (= 7 to Willpower per skin). You can eat all the giblets.

The Battle Mage is ready.

Now, in similar situations, you can stop the Head Hero from fighting, and drink tea. According to him, all one can’t waste anything.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

And yet more opportunities are given to the class Turnover.

Werewolf rozvitka.

For the cob about those, yak thief Werewolf. With good winds, you can ask the Morrigan to teach you how to re-transfer. And you can buy a book from Varathorn, in the camp of Doliytsev.

When recast in one guise, all spells are cast on the character, like vin pidrimuvav independently. This means that Shadow Shield (15% chance of healing) and Battle Magic (25% chance of healing) will merge. In such situations, varto instead of the shield, take the blade Voice of the oxamite (25% chance of healing). Otherwise, in the form of a shifter, you will be eaten by others.

Empty Roy. The appearance of the Roy is necessary for that, to drive in the enemy enemies. Being sharpened by a dozen enemies, the empty riy will be the head of the shkodi all around, just peresbuvaya order. And also tse vіdnovlyuє zdorov'ya, yakscho it's not outside. From skin attacks, take 1 from all of them. Well, it doesn’t seem like magic stamina. Only Sylvan and Kistyaks may have immunity.

Witch / Spider. The guise of a bear and a spider is necessary in order to get rid of shkodi by 1 meti. Most men and women helped with the battle of the uterus in the name of Mati. If you go up to her in a splendid look, then your grip of the building is to inflict more than 500 shkodi, to inspire with high opirnosti to the forces of nature, like to command shkodi.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

But if you go to the guise of a Bear, then you can’t get out, just like an ogre, and a lot of other enemies. In addition, in the image of the Bear, there is immunity until the day of departure.

Spend and attack in the guise of a bear to lie in strength and tranquility. Ale do not varto sacrifice magic in order to get an attack from a bear. Until then, with the overturned display of strength, spritnosti and status, and so shrink.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

DAO guide. Changeling, Fighting Mage.

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