Dragon Age Quest for the Blackstone Volunteers Guild. The passage of the gri is ruined in the castle

Dragon Age Quest for the Blackstone Volunteers Guild. The passage of the gri is ruined in the castle

Redcliffe in Dragon Age: Origins - a village in the western Ferelden of a yak honed with skeletons of a red veil. The strongman takes the main role in the plot of gris adje itself, here you will have to become viconate one of the main quests on the gris of "Earl of Redcliffe", however, before you will be entrusted with a threat to the village itself, looking at the undead as an attack on the skin of the day after sunset.

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Village in obloz

Tse is essentially part of the main quest. When you come to the mass, you will need to talk to the bathhouse Tegan, after which you should leave the church and talk to Murdoch.

Z Koval є kіlka options:

Vilamati doors or open;
- Domovitisya schob vіdkriv himself.

You can get a gnome by yourself, or drive it in, or better yet, enlist yoga support and pay it for the extreme.

Receive bonuses to become amulets as if to lift the spirit - urge the reverend mother to give them to the faces.

One more plus, you will sing Lloyd the tavern maker so that you can get back on the battlefield.

Don’t forget about the elf Berwick, which, with proper nutrition, and how it happened after the roaming with the waitress, you can also have administrations on the battlefield.

Attack in the day

The battle is divided mentally into a sprinkling of parts - after that, as you find all the bad things in the world, you will arrive chasing after it, you need to go to another place to break through and deal with undead there, but another part will be significantly more important and here it’s not varto especially spread out with mass spells - rob and if none of the defendants die, then they will give you a sholom to add 1 od. until peace and 10 until the support of the fire.

Lost in the castle

For the sake of the daughter of a farrier yak, you should be in the castle - in the necessary part you will spend time and the passage and you will be up to the pіdvalu and podvіr'ya. You varto shukati її in the kіmnattsі yak in the kіntsі corridor - just go to the pіvnіchny skhіd map. If you don’t kill anyone before completing the Connor quest, then you can say that she died.

For the quest, you can take either the booking of the dwarves' masters or the unique sholom.

other row quests

Blackstone Volunteers:
- funeral;
- Destroyed borg;
- Scratch on the bars.

- Rest of hope;
- Share caravan;
- Comrade shkiri;
- Brother and blue;

- Suvoi Banastor;
- Protect spivtovaristvo \ destroy spivtovaristvo;
- Gift of Movchannya;

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At Lotheringe you will see a man with a great screen. Tse will be the first representative of the Blackstone Volunteers. Come up to the new and wait for help. Now open the screen and take the order. After the wiping of the skin from them, you can turn to the representative of the guild outside the city.
Other representatives of the guild are:
- the white of the church in Redcliffe
- in the tavern "Bite the nobleman" in the shopping district in Denerim

borg wrecked
You should have three deserters and choose from them supplies for the guild.
Sammael - lis Brasіlіan
Leyson - Dener
Tornas - frosty mountains
It is possible to use a deserter to catch a deserter, both at the designation of the location, and in the outskirts when the road goes up on the map.

You don’t pidmazhesh - you won’t go
We go to Dener and hand over 5 leaves to people in hoods. All stinks are found in different districts of the city, so you might be able to send a little.

Distribute funerals to four women: two in Denerim, one to be transported to the tower of the magicians in the hotel, and another one in the church of Redcliffe.

Scratch along the bars
It is necessary to give three statements:
1. People in the church of Lothering.
2. At Redcliffe's house on the hump.
3. A man in Elfinage, if you deny access there.

replenishment of stocks
Bring 20 Healing Poultices to Volunteers

Change of power
A young man on the name of Taoran wants to beat his dad in, so that he can make a guild himself. The victim is located in Denerim on the trading square. for the cob we speak with him. Vіn zrobit you zustrіchnu proposition - drive in Taoran. If you are lucky, then you will see yoga on the light map. You can speak and viconate before the engagement, or you can give both to the encore and not get lost in family squabbles.

The passage of the quests is placed in the spoilers, so that those who do not want to read it late and recognize the application, would not be satisfied with it.


At the same time, the "noble person" has the opposite attitude: in the Wild Lands of Korcari, the trochs gave a miss of a wounded soldier; Daveth (companion member) say that the kennel from the camp in Ostagar is stalking such growth, so I think that with the help of yogo you can heal the fighting dogs of the mabari, which are born of darkness with blood. When you turn back to Ostagar, you will only be left with the help of a kennel and greed to the city- 50 kroons, 20 or nothing.

In other ways: when approaching Psary in Ostagar, a dialogue will begin. Win to ask your hero, as a new recruit of Sirikh Vartovih, to go into the cell with the blood of blood spawned by dark dogs and put on a new muzzle (otherwise you can beat him in and complete the quest, by yourself). Let me tell you that for the health of this dog you need a flower like a flower, which grows in the Wild Lands of Korkar, white with a red middle. If you bring yoga, the kennel will make a healing ointment.

Yak take: go to the cage with the deserter in the infirmary in Ostagar and talk to him. Vіn bude stverdzhuvati, scho zovsі not zbiravsya vkti, but really trying to steal the key from the screen magic. Now, having spent a few days in the closet, you are ready to exchange your key for fresh water. You can get it from the guard nearby:

You can do it in exchange for a key (Alister's commendation +1, if you are present in the party) or just like that (Alister's commendation +2). Another option is to drive in a deserter and take the key (unpraised Alistair -5). Otrimavshi so chi іnakshe the key, you will be left to choose the moment, if you will not be uprooted, and take the screen and take it in place (it is necessary before entering the bashtu of Ishala).

Wild lands of Korcari (Korcari Wilds)

Yak take: go to the body of the missionary Jogby (Jogby), floating in the lake not far from the passage to Ostagar, take a sheet from your father Rigbi, read about the hoarding supplies and ask the screen for tips:

  • Know the tree, in bulk on the budinok roaming (so yogo bachichi, you need to turn around),
  • Pass under the bridge from a tree that has fallen (do not miss it, because there are three heights on that tree),
  • Obіti collapsed, I’m right-handed,
  • Stand between a high arched arch and a standing stone, overgrown with moss,
  • Follow the steps from the stones and roots (there will be a guardian of forks),
  • See two great statues and a screen between them.

cities: double-handed flat sword of Chasind (Chasind Flatblade) with a gray chavun. So in the screen there will be one more sheet to Jogbi, in such a Rigbi write that so I didn’t see the vіdshukati of the Hasinds ...

Code: Leaf to Jogby (A letter to Jogby), Farewell Letter to Jogby.

Yak take: to know the body of the missionary Rigby (Rigby) on the Maidanchik behind the bridge from a tree that fell, on the new one there will be a leaf with a yoga command. Next, make your way to the huge Rigby camp on the Tevinter ruins in the western part of the Wildlands, pick up the casket from the bagatti and the Clay Idol amulet (+10 resistance to cold). The screenshot can be opened and withdrawn from your own її vmіst (unenchanted amulet) or brought to Jetta in Redcliffe Village.

Code: Rigby's Last Will and Testament.

Yak take: it is necessary to see the worker of the missionary Rigbi in the yogo camp in the forest-zahіdnіy part of the Wild Lands, lie at the screen between two marks, read it and look around (press the TAB button) - the first sign appears near the roots of the tree nearby. Next, activate it with the right button of the mouse (aim with the pressed TAB), after which other signs become visible (marvel at the map). To the skin of them, you need to go and activate in the same way. The sequence of activation cannot be significant, we will remain the same as a sign of a bridge with a stop of birth by darkness and shepherds. The Khasindian cache is found in a rotten tree on the Galyavintsy on the day from the bridge.

cities: great indecent gains and not only - the barbarian mace of steel (Barbarian Mace), the cold Chasind crusher (Chasind Crusher), the cibul of the Wildlands from the yew tree (Wilds Bow), the leader's sholom (Thane Helmet) and the choice of the Chasinds (Chasind Robes).

Code: Signs of the Chasind.

Yak take: pick up a note and a little bag with ashes (Pouch of ashes) from the body of a bent soldier behind the bridge with an ambush spawning by darkness and shepherds. Read, when you turn over the information, go to the hump on the pivnich and raise the ashes on the stone cup. After whom will Gazarath (Gazarath) appear ...

Code: A pinch of ashes (A Pinch of Ashes).


Yak take: go to Lothering for the plot. At the entrance to your company, the bandits are ringing, for they allowed you to enter the village to covet 10 Serebryakov. What can you rob:

  • try to buy it, but the bandits don’t stumble on whom and want more 20 Serebryakov,
  • tell the bandits that a trade caravan is being guarded badly behind you, they can believe it,
  • zalykat bandits with their belonging to Sirim Pravokhorontsy
  • to provoke an attack (to pay).

At the time of the choice of the parameter of the battle, then for the hour of the strike of the warto concentrate on the gang of bandits - the capitulation, if you become a corpse. Then you can wait for all the loot (in the sum more than gold), and then let them in, or still finish it off. So you can remember the homeland of the plundered elves, who sit beside the bridge in Lothering, about the share, as if you spits bandits, so you can perish or flow. Finally, in the church you can call the head of the templars, Sir Bryant, and win you 20 Serebryakov for a call about the appearance of bandits (you can also get additional help from him and see the key to the chest of drawers).

Note: in the chest of drawers of the church of Lothering, there are ancient elven laces, but due to the pardon, there are none there. Read about those how to fix it.

Yak take: after a showdown with the bandits of Lothering, you can commemorate right there, on the highway, the body of the Templar driven by them. Take the medallion and note from the body, read it. Judging from us, the death of the buv Ser Henric, yaki shuffled the urn of the Sacred Ashes (Urn of Sacred Ashes). Let them know in the church my friend, Ser Donall, tell you about the share of Ser Henryk and turn his medallion. Sir Donall can perhaps clarify the situation a little more - it appears, the urn is opened for the ailing Earl Eamon of Radcliffe. How to ask about the city, Then sir Donall see 1 gold.

Code: A Note from Ser Henric.

Yak take: go to Elder Miriam in Lothering. Vaughn to ask for help in the forest of likuvalni roslini and robiti wanting three small healing poultices for the sick, injured and bezhentsiv. For whom you need three elf roots (Elfroots, grow in Lothering) and three flasks (Flasks, you can buy from Barlin). More, obviously, it is necessary to sort out the herbs (go back to the Morrigan, maybe). cities: 50 Serebryakov.

Yak take: go to Barlin (Dane's Refuge) and ask, chi not found in Lothering good paid work. Consume three flasks (Toxin Extracts, you can get from giant spiders, which ruled the piss in Lothering), three flasks (Flasks, you can buy from Barlin) and bad knowledge in rot (go back to Leliana). cities: 75 Serebryakov.

Yak take: go to Allison in Lothering. You even want to set traps in your fields for Barlin's butt and ask for three buckle pastas (the same as traps, Spring Traps). For which you need three triggers (Trap Triggers, can be bought from Barlin) and recognition deacons in pastes. cities: 50 Serebryakov.

Yak take: talk to Stan, who is sitting in the klitz, at the pub exit from Lothering. Three different dzherel can be recognized that Sten was put in a cage for being beaten. However, it is necessary to show the readiness to slander evil deeds, helping the Sirim of the Right to Protect in the fight against the born darkness. For this purpose, you need the key to the cell, which is taken from the Reverend Mother, there are possible next options:

  • reconcile the reverend mother, forbid the Wall under the guardianship of Sirikh Vartovih, domogtisya importantly, for the relief of the task of varto, raise a donation for the melancholy of the church, moreover, the more, the better;
  • if in the party is Leliana, then the reverend mother will call the Wall on її prohannya;
  • in case of obvious stealing from someone from the same party members, try to steal the key;
  • when it is obvious that it is evil, try to break the cell of someone from the same party members.

Try to salute the reverend mother to comfort Morrigan (+4) and shock Alistair (-13). Note: The wall must be cleared from the cell before the completion of any of the upcoming quests: Breaking Kolo (Broken Circle), Earl of Redcliffe (Arl of Redcliffe), Complete (Paragon of Her Kind) or Nature of the Beast.

Preacher's board in Lothering (Lothering Chanter's Board):

Yak take: read on the doshtsi of the preacher of the church's bill of voices about those that Ser Bryant had promised to pay 3 gold to the one who knew three gangsters' gold, who entrenched themselves on the pіvnіch vіd Lothering. Dalіshaєtsya zrobiti tse i otrimati in the city at the preacher Devons (Chanter Devons, krіm gold - the gang of the third bandy is guilty of buti equipment in the latest important steel blade).

Note: after that, two upcoming quests become available.

Yak take: read on the preacher's doshtsi goloshenya about those that farmers are afraid of the attacks of pestilent vedmedivs on the pіvnіch vіd Lothering. After whom, tell three Vedmedievs, sort out with them and take from the preacher in the city - 1 gold.

Yak take: read on the preacher's doshtsi about the lad, whose mother disappeared may be the same day. Smiling, as I knew її tіlo or else like speeches, yakі could be left in the memory of the orphans, the wine city of 50 Serebryakov promises. The body of Sarkh lies behind the field, in the sharpened lands of the forks. You should see them, pick up the middle filigree ring and turn around for the city.

Kolo Magi (The Circle of Magi)

Yak take: to know in the library what is on the first version of the Vezha Krug, wanting to use half of the published book and conduct experiments, activating different objects in the same order with a description of the rituals of the prize (є іstotnі raznochitannya in the names of the Russian translation!).

Right persha: Buy a prize (Summoning Font), Tome of Spirit Personages, Summoning The First - ends with the appearance of a primari boar (Spirit Hog).

Right friend: Summoning Font, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Summoning The Second - ends with the appearance of Trickster Whim.

Right third: Summoning Font, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Common Table Carving Spot, Spiritorum Etherialis, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery , Call of the third (Summoning The Third) - ends with the appearance of a birch barn "roaring Tіn" (Fade Rifter), with which you happen to be bred (the city will become shkiryan mittens (+ 10% to the cost of electricity), so-called electrified mitts (Charged Mitts )).

Right fourth (є the sequence of all three in front): Buy a prize (Summoning Font), Tome of Spirit Personages, Rodercoms Uncommon Calling, Statue of Magus Gorvish, Elvorn's Grande Bestiary, Table-cutting tool ( Common Table Carving Spot), Spiritorum Etherialis (Spiritorum Etherialis), Statue of Magus Gorvish, Novice Phylactery Amulet, Summoning The Fourth - the last one is Arl Foreshadow, who slid it fast, until the wine was not evacuated, and take a note for the code.

Code: Summoning Sciences, The Notes of Arl Foreshadow.

Yak take: at the Great Hall (Great Hall) on the third version of the Vezha Krug to know five verses, read їх i zrobiti visnovki about those who wrote tsі storіnki magicians became victims of Shahrai Beyha Joam (Beyha Joam). If so, when moving around the global map, there will be a random encounter with him and his gang, for the results you will know to the city- hood with a cameo (Cameo Cowl, +2 to cunning, +0.5 to health recovery in battle).

Code: Five sides, chotiri magician (Five Pages, Four Mages).

Yak take: in Bashti Krug to know and read the notes for the codex: three on the first version (in the rooms of uchnіv and in the library), two more on the other version (near Ovein and the magician of the blood) and I will stay on the third version, in the Great Hall. After that, in the room in order to repair the Great Hall, it is necessary to activate the statues in this order:

  • a statue with a vessel in hand (The vessel in hand);
  • a statue with a raised sword (A sword raised);
  • a statue with a sword lowered (A sword lowered);
  • a statue with a shield (Shielded from each side) in the central place where there were descents to the fourth on top.

If everything is broken up correctly, then it’s time to upgrade and you can go down to the first top to the doors to the basement. If you try to find out, the demon Shah Wyrd (Shah Wyrd) is guilty of appearing, you will have to deal with him and take to the city- Yusaris, Dragonslayer (two-handed with silver with 2 slots for runes, +20 to resistance to fire, +5 to damage against dragons).

Code: Watchguard of the Reaching; Yusaris, Dragonslayer (Yusaris: The Dragonslayer).

Yak take: to know the body of the blood magician of the pivnichnogo exit from Lothering to the Imperial Highway (it is necessary to work to the lowering of the place) and pick up the leaf of Bela Grus. Dali next to the Vezha Kruga and on another version, see Bel's Cache.

Code: Cayattya zlochintsya (Maleficarum Regrets).

Redcliffe (Redcliffe)

quest Incarcerated child and Incarcerated in the castle you can take it after a while to help the village of Redcliffe to attack the living dead, and reshta - after the battle.

Yak take: talk to Kaitlyn, who is in charge at Redcliffe's church. Vaughn ask to know її young brother, Bevin (Bevin). You should tell Caitlin's house in the village, go into the bedroom on the first version and tell the chief, in which Bevin is happy. For reconciliation or zalyakuvannyam, you can find out the key from the screen on another version with the family sword, The Green Blade. If you don’t see it, then you can try again in the church.

So, like a sword costing pennies, then pay Kaitlyn for the new one: 50, 75, 100 or 500 Serebryakov (although it’s not obligatory to pay). The amount of money has been squandered on the order of your fellow party members - Morrigan will be against whether you pay, Walls praise the sum of hundreds. For an addition to the sword, you can ask Caitlin for a kiss, and after the battle, help them both go to Dener.

Yak take: talk to the headman Murdoch about helping the guards of the village of Redcliffe and tell the farrier Owen to know in the castle yoga's daughter, Valena, without respect for the unpraised Morrigan and the Wall (-5). Valena is found in a small comoria on the lower side of Redcliffe Castle (Main Floor). You can tell about the underground tunnel, or ask to bud in this comoria, in any case, out of the way, and then you will change in the smithy.

However, if you don’t tell Valen to heal Connor, then she’ll get in the way of the dead and happen to tell Owen about it. Whenever a new forger with a different set of goods for sale appears in the village, you can get a far song (Far Song) from him (in such a rite, like vryatuvati Valen, then it’s impossible to buy it). cities:

  • Amulet (Amulet) - tell Owen about the death of Valenya, and then introduce himself to the new farrier as Owen's relative,
  • Shielded Dwarven Armor - as if to betray Owen's daughter.

Note. Owen will have Boots of Diligence for sale, part of the Diligence Armor Set. The blacksmith, who is to replace Owen, is selling the cibula. Rob your choice.

Les Brecilian (Brecilian Forest)

Yak take: talk to Cammen in the Dalish camp. Vin knows about the elf Heine (Gheyna), but she doesn’t take badolakha all the way, because the guilt of all is less than learning. You can help couples get together:

  • having made the skin of a fork in the forest for Kammi,
  • having overthrown Heine (I’ll spit it out!), that Kammy’s social camp is not so important anymore.

over the city there will be a book Saga about Ilorene (її you can buy a self-taught or sell it). Or you can breed a couple of skills:

  • calm down Kammy and tell about tse Heine (like you have a heroine),
  • after calming down Heine and telling about Kammen (what a hero you have),
  • sing Heine about what Cammie secretly hates,
  • having said to Heine that Cammie is really going to just tighten it up softly.

Code: Saga about Iloren (The Tale of Iloren).

Yak take: rush to Western Bresilian on a wounded elf, Deygan (Deygan), and see what to do with him:

  • throw yoga or drive in,
  • bring the Dales to the camp, at a cost, handing it over to the patrol on a choli with Mithra.

For an hour, looking at the wounded, you can attract the same words: a dagger, arrows, laces of a blackened shkir and a figurine of a Dalish mysli, a virizana from a maple tree (fuck, in the last moment of your camp, you’ve been killed with a clan). As if you were lying to Deygan, then with the advancing sight of the camp you could talk to him and take away the city - sapphire (Sapphire), and if the speeches of the elf were stolen, then you could turn the statuette and not sing the blue from the Dolians.

Yak take: talk to Varathorn in the camp of the Dales and ask for a new one in the forest of Bresilian to lay the bark, for which wines you can sprout especially the armor and the hands. You will know the bark in Western Bresilian, on which, having fallen into a tree, a prairie exit into a hidden part of the forest. Dali to get rid of the її majstra and be appointed to the city:

  • ask Varathorn to prepare the Volkoboy bow (Wolf-Killer, requires 28 sprit, shkodi 8.40, critical hit modifier 1.40%, armor penetration 7.20, +4 to damage against merzіv, +8 to damage against animals),
  • ask the maestro to buy a breastplate from silver, Varathorn's possessor (Varathorn "s Armor, required 30 strength, armor 8.92, resistance 8.75%, +3 to armor, +20 to resistance to the forces of nature, +25 to vitrivality),
  • yakscho you have to spit in the vein, reconcile Varatorna robiti and those and more,
  • look at the city and take away the current prize - Varathorn's Amulet (Varathorn "s Amulet, +20 to nature resistance, -1 statura),
  • supermundanely be stingy and run out of bark.

Note: This quest should be completed quickly to get rid of glitches.

Yak take: otherwise, perekonat Atras (Athras) in the camp of the Dolians of the rozpovіst about his squad, Danielle (Danyla), who was infected with the curse of the inverted, or nastovhnutsya on Daniella in Skhidny Bresіlіane. Behind the words of Atras, Zatrian insists that Danielle is dead, the prote vin does not allow Atras to succumb to his body. The atras of perekonaniya, that Danielle is alive, but has become an inverted one, and it is possible that you will know it in the fox. You will definitely know її in the East Brecilian Forest, in the middle of a group of upside-downs, after which you can:

  • beat Danielle out of pity (Vinn and Leliana to praise tse),
  • try to drive in її and then Daniella will attack you herself.

Ask Daniella to give Atras your Scarf. On this scarf you can mention it to the Hermit (Mad Hermit) or pass yogo for recognition to Atras and take it for the price in the city - Atras's Pendant (Athras "s Pendant), which can also be won in exchange with a witness. The choice of your replies in the rest of the conversation with Atras can predict the different reaction of the companions (for example, the riddle about those that Danielle loves Atras, the unpraised Morrigan (-3) and the praise of Leliana (+2)).

Note: if this quest was not completed, but you stood on the side of the inverted and virish to drive in the Dalish, then Atras attacked you and inverted, and if you didn’t want to drive in the Dalish, then Atras will tell you to go shukat Daniella himself (you won’t be able to vineyard again).


Zagonich Nag Bemor (Nug Wrangler Boermor). The quest ends after you deliver one goal to you, but you can bring more for a penny.

You should look in the midst of erysipelas, loudly squeaked istot, catch them and deliver zagonichiv:

  • a right-handed thief in Orzammar's Common Hall,
  • close to Brother Burkel,
  • on the bridge that leads to Arena Viprobuvan,
  • beating the entrance to Glibin Stitches,
  • in the corner of the door of the zbroyar Dzhanar.

cities: 12 Serebryakov each and 25 proof for the skin brought naga.

Code: Nag (Nug).

Brother Burkel from the Redcliffe Church, wandering in the vast halls of the entrance to the Zaporoshcheniye place, as if turning to the land of the ancestors for the sake of the expansion of the light of the world. Vіn hotіv bіdkriti in Orzammar the church, yak bude will carry the Song of the Light to the dwarfs, but on the tse you will need the Guardians. You can commend Berkel for the new word in front of the Chronicler of the Chronicle (tse vikliche the praise of Leliana +2 and the uncomplaining Wall -5), or say that you should not join the religion of the dwarves (there will not be a second spell).

The scribe Scibor (Shaper Czibor) is moving to the premises of the Keepers (Shaperate) in the Diamond Quarter. In a conversation with him, you can twist the spell or zalyakuvannya (it is possible for a character with a different spell), as well as cunning. If your character is to be bluffed or cunning, then the Chronicler will let the brothers Berkel let him visit a small church in Orzammar, in a different way, he will be able to embarrass Berkel the widow.

Note: From the epilogue, you know that after the opening of the church in Orzammar among the dwarves, a lot of new things appeared and called for problems. The Rada decided to close the church, but brother Berkel scurried off and killed himself under the hour of peace. The Rada vociferated this death with an unfortunate veil, protege the news that the enchantments reached the Church on the mountain, de began to talk about those that the Supreme Priestess of the new Sacred Pokhid went to sleep ...

When completing the quest about Jarví's pranks in the Carta Hideout, you can find a note about Jammer's shovanka. From this note, you can see that here in the screen, closed with a special lock, a video booth is attached. For yoga, you need three things from three other screens of bandits, moreover, in the skin of them, three items are hidden, but you need to take only found one of them(The Syrian Guard takes away one injury for the skin of taking a wrong object, with which he himself was taken from the inventory, so you don’t have to worry about the loss of profit):

  • screen of Kankiv (Kanky's Common Box, mark 1 on the map): silver ring for cloth (Silver Costume Ring),
  • Jammer's screen (Jammer's Common Box, mark 2 on the map): lower cover for leaves (Iron Letter Opener),
  • screenshot Piquet (Pique's Common Box, mark 3 on the map): pomegranate embellishment (Garnet Trinket).

As soon as you pick up all the right items, the stench will appear in the inventory, and instead of them, a key will appear in the screen with a vidoboot, which will stand in the cubbyhole with manual clay thoughts (mark 4 on the map).

cities: 7 gold pieces 55 Serebryakov 45 copper coins and Sholom for the two-dwellers (Longrunner's Cap, light sholom, +0.5 to revitalization in battle).

Code: Jammer's Stash.

Check with Shaper Assistant Milldrate to find out that the Keepers were robbed - they lost a precious tome. Evil, nayimovіrnіshe, branding from the slums and zgіdno description of foxes.

In the Kurny district, tell and try the Primary Korbit (Shady Corebit), there is a receipt on this tile. Vaughn is similar to those who work in the Arena Viprobuvan and all winter, the rate was clearly not far away. In the middle of Areni's pivnіch krill, you will sing a group of suspected types on choli z umiltsiv Gredin (Fixer Gredin). Of course, you will have a chance to get along with them (you can only have a few conversations with Dulin Forinder or complete the quest thoroughly). Give respect to the charge of thugs Jertrin (Jertrin), tse stinger of stolen goods and vins bazhaє buy a tome. Quest completion options:

  • Gertrin to pay for the folio 2 gold pieces and 30 Serebryakov,
  • the clerk of the chronicler Mildrat accompanies you, but he won’t give you anything (and I won’t get it).

Note: if you want to sell the tome, then if you tell me again, Gertrin will not speak to you again.

On the streets of Dust Town, you will beg Zerlinda, asking for mercy for your son. Yakshchko Dati ї 5 Serebryakov Abo Rattitti about їїn siturate, then it is possible to dirty, Scho Toli Won to Kast Shakhtarіv, Ale Norodila Sina Vіd Vіdannye, Pisl Khody Rіdnі, Vіd Nyia (the fact of School Zgodykimkіh Traditzіy Cotton Sumko throwing її (to the one who wants a donut, to spend in the caste of miners). You can try to help Zerlinda in this way (Vinn tse praise +2):

  • try to reconcile abo zalyakati (navik infusion!) її old man Ordel, often going to the Orzammar tavern "At the shinkars", take її back at once with a child;
  • lure Zerlinda to deprive the child of earthen stitches (how to make her dear), after which she can turn back home;
  • yakscho quest Song on clay stitches completion, then:
    • please Zerlinda herself turn for help to brother Berkel,
    • try to entice (navik vplyu!) Brother Berkel to allow her to get away with the new church;
  • tell Zerlinda about the presence of castes on the surface and redirect them to leave Orzammar.

cities: for the reconciliation of Zerlindy with the family, eyepieces are given for confirmation, ~ 200EXP.

Dener (Denerim)

Leaning in the Trade Quarter of Denerim, you will invariably slander Serk Landry (Ser Landry), who recognizes you, so it is at Ostagar, and vikliche to a duel, to take revenge on Serom Vart for the harm and death of King Kailai (vin to believe the words of Loghain). You can:

  • (Vpliv) zbrehati, scho vy zovsіm not Syrian Guard, then ser Landry vibrate and go,
  • (Splashing) reconcile Landry, if you have mercy on the wine, then in the innocent, if you say wine, that you are guilty of your guilt, but there is no evidence for him, to that wine will contact you again, if you know, and go,
  • be good for a duel and control the fight with Landry and yoga with your friends in a cubbyhole behind the Gnawed Noble Tavern,
  • move into a duel, after which Landry goes, apparently, that is not all (before, after an hour of crossing Denerim, you will spend a meeting in his power).

cities: mace with inscriptions (Engraved Mace, veridium, shkodi 6.50, spritnіst +1, shkodi +1, psychic opіrnіst + 5%) from Sirk Landry's body.

Blackstone Irregulars

Volunteer quests can be started by talking to Blackstone's bell in Dane's Refuge in Lothering or later, by sounding the other bell of Redcliffe's Church or in Denerim's tavern.

Yak take: please wait to deliver the lists of prizes to the service of three recruits:

  • Dernal Garrison in Redcliffe (Dernal Garrison, Redcliffe), who lives in a booth opposite the stone bridge, as far as the mile;
  • Patter Gritch in Lothering (Patter Gritch, Lothering), wiping in the church, beating the entrance to the Reverend Mother's room;
  • Varel Baern in Denerim, known in Elven Alienage.

Note. It is necessary to bring the Leaf to Gritch before that, as Lothering will be known, otherwise the quest will become unfinished.

Code: Letter from the Blackstone Irregulars.

Yak take: in the Denerim tavern "Bite the nobleman" it's a good time to deliver chotiri notification about the death of volunteers, who died in the service, to their squads:

  • Sari (Sara) in the Denerim Market District;
  • Tania in Dirty Back Alley, Denerim;
  • Larana at the Spoiled Princess Hotel, Lake Calenhad Docks;
  • Iren (Irenia) to the church of Redcliffe (Redcliffe Chantry).

Code: Sheet from the speeches of the Blackstone Volunteers (Blackstone Letter of Condolences).

Yak take: wait to turn back the stolen volunteers, after grabbing, they brought in their deserters and sorted out with them:

  • Deserter Sammael, Lake Calenhad Docks (Sammael the Deserter, Lake Calenhad Docks);
  • Deserter Tornas, Frostback Mountains (Tornas the Deserter, Frostback Mountains);
  • Layson the Deserter, Denerim, Run-Down Back Street.

Note. The student must be told that Sammael is changing to Bresilian.

Spіlnota magіv (The Mages "Collective)

Quests can be started by talking in svyazkovymi spilnoti at the pier of Calenhad Lake, in the Denerim Market District or in Redcliffe.

At the wharf of Lake Calenhad please wait to deliver the information about the call to three not so prominent teachings of the mage Terraster:

  • Starrick (Starrick) - know the number of the head gates to Orzammar (Orzammar),
  • Fayd - stay in the center of the Denerim Market District,
  • Sheth - in Divovizhi Thedas, which is in the Trade District of Denerim (Wonder of Thedas).

cities: 2 gold.

Code: Letter of Termination.

At the wharf of Lake Calenhad wait a moment and bring 10 bunches of clay mushrooms (Deep Mushrooms). Mushrooms are often harvested in different containers, but if you don’t have 10 pieces, then you can get them from the gnome-trader Ruck on Deep Roads. cities: 1 gold.

Passage of gris

I’ll tell you right now, the story of my brother (wine tezh love tsyu gro), and asking me to write down my story :)

1) "Dedicated to the Syrian Right-Worship" - we know Alistair,
wines are found in the pivnіchno-zahіdnіy part of the fortpost. Moving with him, please drink with us. We turn back to Duncan (wine cost a lot of money). Wiccan Quest. there is no fence

2) "Hungry deserter" - at the entrance of the location there is a hospital, and a cage with a blanket hangs. Vіn ask us to give tribute to you їzhi. We speak with the guardian (you need the "Reconciliation" naik) and I'll give you a drink, you're a deserter and the quest is over. In order to take care of the city, I’ll need to ask the deserter for help, we’ll mother, in order to help you, and then we’ll go to the screen of magicians, and there we know great words such as elixirs, bottles, hoods and more
Wiccan Quest.

3) "mabari" - bіla bagattya є kennel. We’re talking to the kennel, we’ll ask us to put on a nashinik, ok, if it’s necessary to know the ticket that grows in the swamps (you can find out in the course of the quest “Infected Blood” and “The Hidden of Sirikh Vartovikh”). We bring a ticket, the dog forks, ale їy "we need help." Wiccan Quest. Nagorod - a new companion, will appear after the exit from Ostagar.

4) “Infected Blood” and “Skhovanka Sirikh Vartovikh” go like one quest. After a break with Duncan, give us 2 more partners, Krim Alistair,
And we're going to the location of the Wild Lands of Korcari.

Note: I also recommend improving the skills like this: “Kill your hands” (the evil screen and the doors do help, and I can’t see a part of the current quests), “Reconciliation” (helps you do a lot of stuff without zastosuvannya forces) and “Battle training” ( zbіshuє spend and mozhlivіst pol_pshennya combat skills)

Wild Lands Korcari

Shards are independent locations, they also have their own quests, and the stench here is like this: Missionary, Pinch of dust, Zapovit, Khasindsky hiding place. In the course of completing the quests "Infected with Blood" and "The Cache of Sirikh Vartovih" for everything, spend more on a couple of corpses, having scoured the yak, you can activate the 3rd quest.

1) "Zapovit" - At the pivnіchny gathering location, you can find yourself on a small, active battlefield spawned by thirteen wolves, killing and quiet and others, you will see a dead missionary, taking the scammer, activate the quest. If it's best to go to the box, and there make the quest "active" it would be easier to shukat the box, as the quest would need to be handed over to the squad of the deceased. The box is rebuvat in skhovanci.
We know the box. DO NOT say ЇЇ, tsya mind quest. Further vikonanny will be in Redcliffe. When you see the screen, you take away the emerald, malachite and the amulet of the beloved (quest item)

2) "Misioner" - for a wandering through the Wild Lands, for everything, eat on a dead body, Rigbi
(To ask for a joke, speed up the "Tab" key (for locking)). Knowing your body, we will obstezhuemo zahіdnu part of the location, there we will be attacked by a couple of three wows, and the birth of darkness. So, for the sake of asking for a shovanka, which is necessary for completing the quest, more often in "Schodennik" to make this quest "active".
We know the screenshot, (before the new vede is a path at the entrance of the location) vіdkrivаєmo yoga and the quest vikonano. Nagoroda - Flat Sword Hasind, leaf (code) and splendid Sokir.

3) “A pinch of ashes” - on one battlefield, you can find the corpse of a person, for an hour to look for someone, we know a little bag of ashes. This little bear needs to be raised over a bunch of stones to be lifted over the swamps
Tsim mi vklichemo spirit, with the vbibvіvі kogo otrimaєmo rіch Kolchug +180 dosvіdu (for vivіvstvo). Wiccan Quest.

4) "Khasindskiy stash" - in the course of the location, we can get to the place, as it is known as the "Khasindskiy stash sign" knowing all these signs (you can look at the map, they will be marked with a cross), we will activate the quest. In order to know the skhovanka, we simply put the sign “Zrobiti active” in the “Schodennik”. Nagoroda - speeches (a lot of speeches)

Well, now I will continue the description of the passage of two quiet quests. According to the cost, we are stunned by the birth of the darkness. By driving them in, we can take vials from infected blood (not everyone has dark blood). To complete the "Blood Infection" quest, turn around to Duncan, or better yet, continue on your way through the swamp. At the same time, we can find the "Zvichayniy kvіtka" in the swamp, which is necessary for the quest "mabari". After that, as they took the bottles, they crumble in ruins, as if they were all in the same swamps. There we know the "Cache of Sirikh Vartov". When activating the "Take" button, a video clip is launched in which the girl appears to be even more attractive.
Tse witch Morrigan. Let's talk with her and wait for a reception at the ЇЇ mother. Let's hope that Morrigan will "escort" us to Ostagar. We took away the suvo, as the key subject of the quest "The Cache of Sirikh Vartov" and we can complete the quest, but here it’s better to talk to the kennel and give him a ticket. Vіn us dyakuє i on tsimu quest "mabarі" completed. Let's talk to Duncan later and wait a bit to go through the ritual of Initiation (we don't have any other choice). Passable Dedicate (at the hour of which 2 side characters die) and the quest "Dedicate a Letter" is launched for the vicon of whom it is necessary to go to the Viyskova Rada,
which one knows the place of passage of the Initiation. The quest of victories. No rewards. For the sake of us, give the quest "Vezha Ishala" for the sake of it. For the vikonannya, the quest needs to be sent to Ostagar on the day, in the vezhu. When entering the hall, 2 more side characters arrive before us. Note: if you chose a robber on the cob, then a magician and a warrior will come to you, if you chose a magician, then a warrior and a robber. We enter the entrance, we pass all over the top, on the top we check Ogre, which in essence is the first barefoot. Let's hit yoga
we take away everything that at a new bulb, and do not forget to take away all the corny speeches from the boxes, like in the bashti. We set fire to the signal fire. Wiccan Quest. No rewards. After the salvo signal, a video is shown in which the evil of Teyrn Loghain is shown. Our glorious heroes are being attacked and we are losing knowledge. On this, all the quests of the Ostagar location will end.

We are passing in a small room, where Morrigan is talking about us, we are moving after her, after whom we are going to the street and we are moving out of Flemeth. Vaughn gives us her daughter, Morrigan, as a companion, and for the third time we go to Lottering, so that you will be given. I want to say a few words about the relocation. Rich essences, essences are just NOT vipadkovі. І axis pіd hіmіshchennya zav'yazuєzuetsya bіy i pochnetsya odrazno vіn z scho sho before us pіdbіgaє dog (for the mind we vryatuly ЇЇ in the quest "mabari") and we drive in all the spawning dark and roaring away.


Having arrived in Lottering, we attacked the game of thugs, like ripping off the refugees.
This is the greatest quest in Lothering, and it's called "Bandits on the Road" You can get there in two ways:

1) You can zalyakat їх and choose pennies as a plethora of navik "Perekonannya";

2) You can simply drive them in and again take the pennies;

Cities: troch pennies, leaf and medallion of Ser Henry (quest items), and speeches in boxes + 20 scribbles of Templar Brian in the church.

Arriving in the village, shattering to the preacher's dob, to take deyaki quests, and to yourself:
"Bandits on the highway", "Robbers everywhere", "If witches attack", "Remaining present". So, krіm tsikh questіv є shche іnshі, and itself: “The dead templar”, “More lower, just grow”, “Otruyna proposition”, “Vyazen Kunar”, “Pastas are the best friends of the girl”.

Note: deyaki quests will be announced after that, as you know in advance.

1) "Robbers everywhere" (neobov'yazkovo) - It's my fault to drive in 3 groups of robbers, as they are at the pivnoch location. Nagoda - pennies and speeches of the dead + 3 gold coins from the preacher Devons, for driving in 3 groups of bandits. The misfortune of bandits:

2) “If the witches are attacked” (The quest is not to be seen again) - what would be the quest, it would be necessary to drive in three infected witches at the beer gathering location. Turn to the preacher and quest vikonano. Nagorod - 1 gold. Miss Vedmediev:

3) "The Remaining Gift" (The quest doesn't show up immediately) - it's necessary to know the corpse of a woman, the location is small, it's easy to find it, let's go to the pivnich, pressing the Tab key, and we know the corpse in the grass, take all of ourselves, turn to the preacher and quest vikonano. Nagorod - 50 silver coins. Corpse mass:
Note: after the completion of these 3 quests, you will receive a penny for the sword "Keeper of the Oath"

4) "Bending Templar" - the next hour of the passage of the quest "Bandits on the Road" was the best known sheet and the medallion of Seurat Henri. Why would the viconate quest go to the church and go to one of the templars, Ser Donal, speak to him, pass the sheet and vikonano quest. In the city you can win and take 1 gold.

5) “More lower just growing” - at the entrance of the place, there is a small self-contained hospital, as we say by the elder Miriam, she will ask us to bring her healing poultices. Here there are also a few options for passing through, or you can grow them yourself, or buy them, or bring them the ingredients (elven roots and mushrooms). Nagorod - 50 silver coins.

Note: if you want to advance your defense and attack the power of your mabar, then joke on the landmark, and win it if the active character is a dog, then give you 1 statute from the code + fortune-telling bonus.

6) "Otruyna proposition" - this quest can be taken from Barlin in Lottering, in "Dane's Back". For yoga, it is necessary that some of the companions of the Volodya will say "The preparation will be torn off." Shards for storage, wipe off the creature's dust, let's go and drive in spiders, as we know at the pivnoch_ location.
Robimo 3 bottles, and I see them for Barlen. Nagorod - 75 silver coins.

Note: in this tavern there is a girl named after Lillian. Talk to her and wait on the road with her and you will become your new companion.

7) "Vyazen Kunar" - when going to the pivnich location, for the past quests, you could remember that there is a cell from Kunar on the name of Sten.
Talk to him, and tell you your story. Turn back to the church and talk to the Reverend Mother (you need the navik “Reconciliation”) and take the key. If they didn’t paint the vicoi navik, then just zalyakati ЇЇ. Take away the key, turn to Sten, open the door and take away a new companion. Otherwise, it’s possible to do it more simply, as if you were a robber and you vivichied “Umili hands” in my mind, then you can just break the cell. Wiccan Quest. Nagoroda is the new companion of the Sten.

8) “Shepherds are the best friends of the girl” - at the pivnoch, the girl on the name of Allison ask us to make three shepherds for us. For vikonannya quests, it is necessary to use the navik “Preparation of pastas”. Robimo 3 simple traps. Let's turn to the girl, let's trap and quest vikonano. Rewards of 50 silver coins.

Note: in the church, with the templars of Sirk Bryant, you can ask for help, for those who drove the robbers on the highway, they will give you the key to the shafi de є tsіlyuschi poultices.

Now, I want to tell you about the quests, so let's just say, you can beat the whole game. Qi quests you accept from: Blackstone Volunteers, Magistrates Partnerships. Ale only in times with them. I would especially recommend you to work and quest, shards of stench to give us indiscreet profits.

You yourself know the first Blackstone Volunteers in Lothering. Here the stench gives us 2 quests: “Shoot along the fences” and “Destroyed borg”. Uvaga: When chasing the quest “Scratch by the stitches”, do not forget to bring a sheet of putters to Gritch, which is known in the church, if you know, then you won’t be beaten for the whole quest, so if in the chauffeur the hour of Lothering will be ignorance generated by the darks.

9) "Lothering and the Imperial Road" - After the victoriousness of all these quests, it is destroyed on the pivnich, to help the dwarfs of the merchant, it is driven in all the births of the darkness that is there.
Let’s go to the dwarf and ask the new wine city (we give 1 gold) and we say to you to drink with us, regardless of those who are guided, we all come to us (you can dance in the camp). Let's go through the Imperial Highway, and the quest for this is completed. Where will our usefulness end in the location of Lothering. As soon as we go through the Imperial Highway, show us a dream
in order to show the Archdemon and his army, we are thrown into the camp and we accept the quest "Enchantment". What would the vikonate quest be like, just finish the bugs and Sendel and talk to them, and ask for a “wonder”.
Wiccan Quest. Nagorods - the ability to insert runes into a zbroyu.

Now I want to tell you a little about satellites, I recommend you to try good blues (50+). In such a mood, the companions will trust you, and they will submit additional quests. About them I will tell you a little more.
Note: I will gladly expand the panel to the maximum, and close the ЇЇ, for the help of the lock from the bottom of the evil, the next step, so that in the heat of the battle not “wikinuti” would sing or a compress from the panel.

Later, vieshovshi from the camp, we see 5 new locations in front of us: Dener, Redcliffe, Orzammar, the pier on the Kalenhad lake and the Outskirts of Lisi Brecilian.

Now, before us is a choice of where to go. As I succeeded, the best passage is as follows: Redcliffe, Vezha Magiv, Dener, Lis Bresilian and in kіntsі - kіntsіv Orzammar. This is especially my thought and it can not run after yours.

Arriving in Redcliffe, we hear from Thomas, a patrolman, who reminds us of the tragedy that took place in the village.
We will wait for him to help and lead us to Bannu Teganu, who, having left with his supporters, will protect the village from the birth of darkness. I am guilty of help to you. As soon as you move, the quest "The Village in the Obloz" will be activated. This quest can be supplemented with all sorts of add-on dungarees. For example, to know in the warehouse baryl with oil,
in the tavern, get Lloyd (shinkar) to drink on the battlefield, “raise the spirit” of the militia, tempting the same Lloyd to give them a free drink, entice the Dvina to enter the battlefield, talk with the farrier, with the drive of the brazier (Quest “I was taken to the castle”), ask the reverend mother to bless the soldiers.

Well, I don’t think it’s necessary to explain to what, so as you know and yourself understand that the knowledgeable people are dzherel, you will lighten your share at night (I’ll attack the creatures at the hour).

What would it take to achieve the roztashuvannya of the Dvina is necessary, what would it be like to have a full navik "Pereconannya". Otherwise, you can take care of him, having given 1 gold. What would be the blessing for Sulfur of Perth in the form of the Reverend Mother Hanni, it is also necessary to take the navik "Reconciliation" (2nd level)

Until the speech, rajah, you don’t have to say such words: pomegranate (expensive stone), creaturely otruta, love leaves (everything is in Denerim in good luck), stone of life 2 pcs. (Zalishte, in Orzamarr you need to).

In addition, do not forget to bring the box to Jetta (Quest "Zapovit") only in that case you did not open the picture. No rewards. So, in the church you can find a girl in the name of Kaitlin and ask to know your brother. For the whole quest, you can take the city, or you can not. To take away the city, you can just zalyakat the cotton or reconcile yogo (you need the “Reconciliation” navik) Nagorod - the Green Sword. If you don’t want to fence, then just send it back to your sister. Wiccan Quest.

Note: once again ask your mother to ask for something like a cicava, then you can bring you a cake (gift), a statute from the code, a Piece of a Tree (staff), twists a ball of thread (gift), wine (gift), etc. Tobto, hour after hour, ask the dog to shukati

Well, now, if you have missed all the instructions, you can get rid of the check and call ...

The 1st axis began a bulk of monsters. As you mentioned Sulfur Pert about barrels of oil, you take approximately the following result:

Vіdbivaєmo tsyu hvilyu, and to us podbіgaє militia and ask to come to the rescue, yogo corral below, belya church. Virushaemo there for a crowd of people, slaying monsters. Wiccan Quest.

After that next video clip de Bann tells all the dead, etc.

Now Blackstone Volunteers and Preacher's Doshka have appeared in the village.

There you can find such a task. Doshka: “Share of the Caravan”, “Brothers and Blues”, “Comrade’s Shkiri”, “Remaining Hope”, “Hateful Traces” (appear after the passage of the Circle of Magicians). Volunteers: "If you don't pidmazhesh, you won't go."

We have the quest "Earl of Redcliffe" coming up. Virushaemo to Mlyn, de us chekatime Bann Tegan, we say with him and before us pіdbіgaє erless Izold, like asking the tag to drink from her (one), let yoga, and we are given the key to the secret passage in the mlin.

We are opining in the underground, where a couple of darkness spawns us. Shvidenko is driven in, we walk a little distance, and a dialogue is started between our corral and brother, the blood magician - Jovan. Release yogo to freedom, we may become useful in future. Let's go demo, let's go to the bottom on top. We clean the stones from evil spirits, corpses and other guides, at the same time picking up all the colors and prices. Don't forget to pick up dead bodies, it's needed for the quest "Comrade's Shkiri". The axis here is marked by the misfortune of Valle, the farrier's daughter, for the quest "Spent in the castle". After turning back to the village, go to Ouen for the city.
After that, we go down to the basement, and through the new one we go into the inner door, where we are guarded by a small army of spawning darkness, and then we can forgive ourselves for opening the gates and letting in Sulfur of Perth and yoga commissaries.
After defeating the monsters, let's go to Ser Pertu and ask him to drink with us. We appear in the main hall de us checks Connor (sin єrla Eamon), Izolda, and Bann Tegan, who is under the dominion of a demon, who has taken possession of the boy. We “kill” all the fortune-telling units, even if they are only in the room, and we are talking about Izolda. Vaughn to ask us to spare ЇЇ son of the demon, who settled in the new. And Jovan comes here (they didn’t beat him in, or they didn’t deprive him in the clit) and he propagates his version of the solution to the problem: take Izoldi’s life for the ritual of exorcism. This way is the shortest, and all the tops are not to be praised by Alistair (-30), who better completed the route to Vezha Magiv. Well, you can just beat Connor by climbing on top of the other.

Note: in one room
you will be checked by creatures, kill them and take the key from one of them, after which you go to the other on top, and there you can open a treasure with the key.

Shards of short paths can and cannot be explained, I have crossed five old paths and pishov in Vezha Magiv, to ask them for help with obsession. But before that, how to recover, I went to Tabir and talked with the Wall and told me my story. At "Schodennik". in the zavdannya, the count "Comrades" appeared. About tse I guessed more, but now I want to tell a few reports.

Vikonannya quests comrades (Sten) - We need to go to Kalenhad (Near the old magicians) to know there a marauder, who was the best for all the sword Kunar.
After talking with him, we know that he sold Yogo Farin, merchants from Orzammar. Directly to Orzammar, we know Farina (vin cost on the "central" square)
we say to him, in the heat of wine, he confesses that he sold the sword to another dwarf, but to Dvin herself (the same one, from Redcliffe). Directly in Redcliffe, we know the Dvina (as Vin did not die for the hour of the battle) they say to him, Vin will give us the key to the screen. Vіdmikaєmo yoga and voila, quest vikonano. Cities: Sten +13, Sword of Sten and Koshtovnosti. Postupovo, I will tell you about all the quests of comrades.

So, in Calenhad, there is a splendid spell of magicians, talk to him and wait for help and find out about the bear:
Well, now I will continue the quest "Earl of Redcliffe". We arrived in Calenhad, but I can’t have a drink in Vezha through a wondrous path. Ale shards, we need to get there, then we go back to Carroll. After talking with him, you can get a pass to the vezha.

Kolo Magiv

Having drank in the vezhu, we recognized the mouth of Gregor, the senior templar, that I knew they were obsessed. And we are punished for all our harms. As soon as we walked a little far into the vein, they would close the doors behind us, having secured it for themselves, the Templars closed us at the pastor. By price, you can show the axis so approximately the month

Find them all and update the "Guardian of the Border" quest. Also, do not forget to go with the Tab key, maybe you will know

І axis passed only a few, we know the purchase of magicians on the island of Vinn, so we could get to Ostagar.
Vaughn can become our ally, if only we could help him, replace him to kill ЇЇ. The Enchantress becomes our new companion. Having taken the bar'єr, we pass the crumbs forward and put on the three of the obsessed, we drive them in. Now I’m jokingly opening the book (the Tab button is unchangeable). I accept the quest "I will call on science." This quest can be vikonat directly without leaving the location. Otzhe, we need to call four creatures. It is necessary to perform ceremonies for a viklik. Stink Axis:

Call of the First: I will call for a purchase - Dovіdnik of spiritual children - I will call for a prize. Poklikane istota - Pig.
You can’t imagine any trouble, for an hour you can pick up grenades.

The call of the Other: Buy a prize - Rodercom's unseen profession - Statue of Magus Gorvish - Push the prize to the prize. Poklikane istota - Spritniy shahrai.
Chi do not become any nebezpeki. Just spirit.

Call of the Third: Buy the prize - The Great Bestiary of Elvorn - Place for the cutting of tables - Spiritorum Eterialis - Statue of the Magician Gorvish - Amulet of the Novice - Push the prize to the prize. Poklikane іstota - roaring the shadow (strong enemy)
. Nagorod z new Electricity of the mitts (mittens).

Quest nibito vikonany, but you can remember what is the place for the Call of the Fourth.

The call of the Fourth: Buy the prize - Dovіdnik spiritual fiends - Roderkom's unimaginable profession - Statue of Mage Gorvіsh - Great bestiary of Elvorn - Place for carving tables - Spiritorum Eterialіs - Statue of Mage Gorvіsh - Novice amulet - Hit the prize mіstsya. Poklikane istota - Earl Forshedow.
Respect! What would take away the city for the call of Earl, it’s necessary to take a bite in the new one. The spirit is maintained for about 5 seconds, so hurry up! Nagoroda - text from the code.

Quest speeches under: Mystic place of power, Science will be called, notes of the student

Well, now we are walking farther along the street. Rise up in the room of senior magicians, clean up from monsters. At the same time, do not forget to check the screens and hundreds of books, there you can always find a flower. On which version of the quest items you can find: Banastor's love leaf and souvre, glass of phylactery (codex), a small painted box, Black Grimoire (a gift for Morrigan), a note from a student.

I want to tell you more about the glass of phylactery. In total there are 6 such phylacteries in the country: 1 in Basht magi, 2 in Orzammar, 1 in Denerim and 2 in Lisi Brecilian. As soon as a little bit sink into history, then it’s more for all the souls of the damned, as if sealed with especially strong magic, about the crooked fingers of the fingers in the skin of the statue.

After that, the rooms of senior magicians were cleared out, and we went up to the Great Hall, again clearing out their types of demons. And here I know I’ll leave a note of learning, telling us about some rituals (Quest “Guardian of the Border”), how to carry out the ritual to kill: three statues hit, what to stand in the room for repair, the order of hitting (3, 1, 2), and then torkaєmosya statues, scho perebuvati in the center of the top. The quest is updated. Going down to the first one on top and “opening” the door
and the replacement of what would be declared is the axis of the price:
We beat yoga and take away the sword of Yusaris and more like words (vipadkovy vibir). Quest "Guardian of the Border" of the vicons.

Let's turn up.

The Great Hall has the following quest items: Banastor's Suvi, Virvani sides (5 pcs.)

If you have chosen all the sides, then the quest "Five sides - Chotiri magician" is launched

Rise a quarter on top (kimnati templars). I’m still clearing over the top, and picking up the necessary (zilla, speeches) and going to the center, there the Demon of nebility checks us,
but we won’t fight, the shards of wine will kill us and lead us to Tin. And here, as if on me, the naytsіkavіsha part of the gris is starting. Here we can try ourselves in the role of a mouse, a spirit, an elemental fire and a stone golem. Ale about tse pіznіshe. And at the same time, we got the quest "lost in dreams".

Otzhe, we appear in Tіnі, we pass through the troch and reveal Duncan, the same one who perished at Ostagar.
Ale, there is nothing more than a mayor, we say to you, that vin is fake and vin is attacking us.

Note: glimpsing the shadows, you can make such speeches.
As long as you don’t bring the stink of the crust, but if you know the shape of the spirit, then turn around and activate the moon. They will give you a permanent bonus of up to one article.

Having killed Duncan and his other soldiers, a p'edestal appears before us, for the help of which we can raise the price in Tina. Let's go to the p'edestal, "look around" yoga and before us is the axis of such a map:
We pass to the location accessible to us (at the moment there is only one) and there we are bachimo Niala, the magician, who tried to vryatuvati Kolo Magiv. With the help of him, you can understand that you have spent a lot of hope on the order. Ale vin tell us about those who can vibrate only by killing the demons of the skin stake, and then the Demon of negligence itself.

Note: lived the lirium inspire life and the vibrancy of man

Due to the cost, we suggest not to forget about the so-called doors of the spirits
As long as the stench is nothing for us, but if we know the shape of the spirit, then turn before them. The first location has 2 doors. Uvіyshovshi in the portal,
we will be attacked by a demon, driven in by yoga, by the same token
to give us your strength. If we can climb into the nori, it’s necessary. After that, we went through a lot and took away the wealth of the mouse, I’m going back to the p’edestal and this time we already have a bigger choice

Sequence in the best way to see "dream":

Invading spawn of darkness. Here we take the form of the Spirit. In order to take it off, it is necessary to work on the foot: Climb in designated nori in the following sequence:

We drive in all the births of darkness, we say from the templars and voila, we gave shape to the spirit

Palayucha Vezha here we take away the power of Ragos (fire).
What b ЇЇ take away, it’s necessary: ​​rise along the gatherings,
crawl into a hole
and drive the demon from the templars.
Zavdyaki form Ragos, we become indifferent to the fire.

Different magicians. Here we take away the power of the golem. In order to take it necessary to take the step: clear the location, climb on the gatherings
help the one who is in the fight against golems and churchmen and voila vie Golem.

Well, now, if we have taken away all the forms, the hour has come to drive in the demons. I bazhano almost from the very cob, tobto from the Primordial Tіnі. Bazhano visit all locations differently, so as not to miss any kind of bonus.

Note: the best shukati bonuses if you already mastered all the forms

Bonus value:

Now, if you have driven all the demons, there will be signs of

At the very center you are checked by the Demon of Nebility, but do not follow there. The back of the head “see” 3 was deprived of “plyami”. Itself there and perebuvayut our allies. Zvіlnivshi їх, we zmushuєmo їх "leap over" and stink to go from the world of Tіnі.
After the call of all allies, the card is to blame for the mother, approximately such a look

Well, now it’s virushaemo in the “heart” of Tina, the Holy of Holies. And here already with the corral we drive in the vile bastard. For the sake of driving in: the first is the best to beat in the form of a golem (to beat a wedge with a wedge), the other is the best in the form of the spirit (fire is not to love ice), the third is the best to beat again as a golem, the fourth and fifth is the best to beat again in the form of a golem . After the killing, Niall appears and asks you to take Adralli's armor from the yogo corpse. You can’t do it yourself, for that one, having been overwhelmed for a long time at Tіnі and yogo, the body is no longer able to collapse. On this quest "lost in dreams" completed. We “throw over” and opine on the same place where we slept, we took the armor from the body of Niall. Obstezhuemo over the distance. Passing to the end, on top of me, a templar is seen, which is found in the bar'er.
We say to him, as if you had lied against the magicians, then there would be nothing, as if you had lied about the danger of all the magicians, then Vinn attacked you. And here we are checked by Uldred and yogo "company". Respect! Victory suviy latannya beat these people.
If they all die, then you do not take away the support of magicians.

If you didn’t get far enough to vryatuvat wanting one magician, then the deputy of the magicians, in the fight against the Pestilence, will take the Templars in their place. Ale, check if all the mages die, then the quest "Earl of Radcliffe" will have to be completed with either Izoldi or Connor. To that it is better to save the life of the magicians. Then, turning to Redcliffe, and the way we are attacked by the purchase of robbers on the choir with Beiha Joam, as you have taken all the virvani sides in the Bashti Magiv and you have the quest "Five sides - chotiri mage", then this is the essence of the camp youmu completed.
Nagorod - everything that Beikhi has. Also, along the way, there may be one more quest item (“Hateful Insults”). Drive in primha shakhrai and quest vikonano. there is no fence

Well, now, if we arrived in Redcliffe, we go into the castle and bachimo such a picture (as they hid the magicians, as they don’t know, then send the same picture, as you see it, if you missed it :))

We speak with Irving and we start the ritual. Ale drank in the Tіn can only be magicians, and we will be given a choice: Morrigan (as in the team), Vinn (as in the team), Irving or Jovan. Jovana in Tin is better not to be sent, so how to make a wine weak and not particularly rich, but if we still force yoga, then we give it hope for calmness. Since we went to Tin, we need to see Connor, knowing all the "Connors" we will fight against the demons of Bazhan.
For this driving in, no special tactics are needed, but if you create twins, then you need to know more about the right thing (clone to die with one blow), otherwise you won’t restore your own life. After killing ЇЇ, they will show us a video clip, which does not play a role. After a new one, we are called to the room of Eamon, and immediately we accept the new quest "Urn of the Holy Ashes". For yoga vikonanny it is necessary to go to Dener. Ale, before that, how to go to your tabir. Before you come Alistair, and hang down a tribute for the order of this Earl. After that, give Morrigan the Black Grimoire, which you knew in the Basht Magiv and accept the quest "Flemeth's Grimoire". The girl will tell you and ask you to come later, but for now, sit down and sit down. According to the price, you can hear "quest-essentials" such as "pardon certificates".

And while we are going to Dener, such a “quest essence” is trapping itself. We get a girl and ask for help.
Ale tsia help not scho іnshe yak pasta
Tactics for lowering Zevran's corral: let the robber break the pastures and put the robbers from the right flank, behind the help of Vinn, cast the "Earthling" spell, but only so that it would not start our own warriors. We are instructed to take the magician and Zevran, shards of stench are the most unsafe enemies. Tanking can be done either by Alistair or by the Wall. After the defeat of the mage and Zevran, no troubles were to blame, Alistair Sten was allowed to go to the left flank through the center, and the mages were left with the robbers of the beast. If you win over the rest of the robbers, a dialogue will start, in which Zevarn will ask you to help you, otherwise you can drive him in.

Note: for the adoption of inaccuracies in the future, bring good blues with Zevran.

I have decided to accept Zevran in my ranks. Now you can open the screen drawers thinly, in one of the drawers I know the sheet, and at the same time activating the quest "Friends of Rudoi Jenni". vischevkazanih quest. We continue the path at Dener.

If you have good blues with Alistair, then on arrival to Dener, you should ask to see his sister, Goldanov.
There is another one of the quests "Comrades" and the name of the wine is "Sim'ya Alistair". This quest is completed quickly and simply, in Denerim there are houses. Virushaemo in the new.
To win the quest, all you need to do is just come to the booth, talk to Goldan, in case you get out of Alistair, call him to call for 15 pennies of gold. Wiccan Quest. So in Denerim there is a preacher's tablet,
zv'yazykovy spіlnoti magіv
and Blackstone zv'azkovoy.

Set the quest "Friends of Rudoy Jenni" for this address:

Nagorod - 3 gold pieces. You can also use Seurat Henri

Vin will command you a duel, nibito for those who killed King Kailai. But you can reconsider it in your wrongness and because Sirikh Vartov was robbed (For whom you need the name "Reconciliation of the 3rd equal"). Otherwise, you can match him for a duel and just beat him in. Ale more coristi in the new one, you will be deprived of the wine alive. And what will be the best sense for you to know in the future.

At the tavern "Bite the nobleman", having asked the tavern about help from the criminal rights "we do not call the legal". New quests will appear in the world of the passage of the old ones. Otzhe, "Services for Interests":

1) “Incomplete listing” - I said more, that it’s not a varto wikidating the list. Pick up 12 pieces, turn to the tavern. Nagorod - 6 gold.

2) "Solution of problems" - pick up 3 corpses (mist: warehouse and nook in the shopping district, Perlina brothel) and throw them into the well of the church.
Nagorod - 2 gold pieces

3) “Diplomatic needs” - I’m saying again that it’s not varto to swear off the creatures. You can also buy yoga from Varathorn (Lis Bresilian) in an unobtainable quantity. For this quest you need 15 portions of speech. Bring their shinkar. Nagorod - 2 gold.

4) “No indulgences” - you need to signal with an arrow in the forest of Bresilian in the appointed place and drive in the attackers. (Wonder Lіs Bresilіan). Nagorod - 2 gold pieces

5) "False certificates" - drive in 3 certificates. The first one is in Denerim. "Tsikavinki Thedas", another near Lake Kalenhad on the pier, the third in the frosty mountains on the "central Maidan". We turn to the tavern. Nagorod - 3 gold pieces

6) "Shchab not vіdstezhili" - bring 10 grenades. I’m talking about this on the cob of the guide, it’s better not to sell and not to share. Nagorod - 1 gold

7) "Skhovanki" - it is necessary to pay a "deserved payment" in 3 skhovanki. The first one is in Denerim on the market square, the other one is in the “princesses’ roses”, the tavern was near Lake Calenhad, the third one is on the pier in Redcliffe and the fourth one is in the frosty mountains, on the “central Maidan”. Ale, the rest of the transmission seemed vibukhone unsafe. Now, if you know what the “surprise” is hidden in the “payment”, then you can get pasta. If you got them, then you take away 3 gold and 98 silver from the city, if you deprive them of “charges”, then 3 gold on the turn to the tavern.

8) “Come in Suvori” - it is necessary to drive in K. For whom it is simply virushaemo to “walk” along Denerim. Become a quest essence
We drive everything in and take from the body of the helper the card of the corner K. A new location is revealed. Virushaemo there. Drive in K. and turn around behind the city, worth 10 gold pieces. On this quest, all the quests for the “stuck sides” will end.

So in Denerim you can find yourself on the “snicha” of Coudry,
it’s good enough to rob the booths, the shards bring indiscretions, but you have to pay for the guidance. 1st tip (varty 1 gold) to rob the room of Lady Sophia. 2nd tip (vartіst 4 złotych) - a warehouse, ale wine will not be empty, there will be a bunch of golovorіziv Howe. 3rd tip yak bi is not accurate, but there is no cost. І є ЇЇ decision is less in the Palatsovo quarter.

So you can know Sergeant Keelone,
who will give us the same 2 orders and absolutely no cost. "Pearl and swine" 1st in the brothels beat the pearl, but do not drive in the robbers as they settled there. Nagorod - 2 gold.

"Crooked oars" 2nd clear taverns from "Crooked Veseliy". You can see them in 2 ways: peacefully and rudely. Nagorod 3 gold coins

Also on the market square is Meister Ignacio.
Having talked to him in the first place, you can not suspect anything, but if you turn around suddenly, and choose the replica “I didn’t say that I’m a Guardian”, then you can understand that you are guilty. Opposite, on the wall, there is a poster about the rose of Siry Wart. Memorize the phrase "the griffins rise again" there. After that, as we looked at the poster, a lad, strong enough, came up to us and gave a note.
The quest "Testing Ravens" appears. Let's go to "biting the nobleman" and there in the first room we are checked by Meister Ignacio and a couple of thugs. The stench will tell us to enter the service before the Crows. I would recommend to wait a bit with this proposition. Otzhe, the 1st task for the Ravens - beat Pedan, he is in the Perlyna brothel. Virushaemo there, at the same time there and we can vikonat a quest from Sergeant Kilone, to uproot the robbers. Zalyakuє rozbіynikіv іz corral Bіlih Falcons. At the back room of the brothel, we are checked by a meta, in order to get to it, we say the code phrase (the griffins will wake up again). Well, now we drive in Pedana,
we take away the order. I turn back to Kelowna and Ignacio. Ale along the way, the essence is trapping, in a yakіy Kіlone dyakuє us for a coin, but here a bunch of gangs come and start a bіy.
Peremagaemo all enemies and Kilone reward us with 2 gold. Wiccan Quest.

Arriving at the marketplace, you can turn around again to Kelowna and take a spell on the adoption of "Crooked Merry", as if you settled in the tavern "Biting Nobleman". Virushaєmo into the tavern and banish them, or by force, or by a word. We turn to Kelowna. Wiccan Quest. Now you can continue our “weeding” for the Ravens. Let's turn to Ignacio, but we don’t take any fences, but we take only 2 new contracts for driving:

1) “Audience at the Ambassador” - if Orzammar has not yet begun to pass, then the quest is still not given to the viconate, so it’s like going to the royal palace under the castle. The quest will be available in the world in Orzammar.

2) "Polyuvannya on naymantsiv" - on the map of the world we see a new location. Virushaemo there, drive in all the recruits. Let's turn around. Loads of coarse mittens from the intestines.

Note: you can steal a tiara (gift) from Hybren

Well, for the time being in Denerim, it’s safe to complete the quests from “The Preacher’s Dashboards”, “Justice in the Caverns”, “According to Obscurity”, “Fazzil’s Handbook”, “Loghain’s Coming”.

1) "Justice in the nooks and crannies" - this quest is easy to complete, 3 locations appear on the map of Denerim. "I see" їх. Turn to the preacher The preacher and take away the city in the amount of 1 gold.

2) "Accurate in the absence" - this quest is not possible for the present moment, the viscountry is not possible, so as a "awareness" you can change from the vyaznitsa. If we can go there, I'll make a report.

3) "Fazzil's handout" - you need to know the sextant. It is also not possible to complete this quest at this stage, the shards of the sextant can be rebuked in Elfinage.

4) "Loghain's Coming" - as soon as we took this quest, the location of Gromadyanskaya war appeared on the map of the world. Let's go right there. We interrupt all the soldiers of Loghain, We turn behind the city of 1 gold.

Note: under the hour of wandering around Denerim, you can get caught by "patrols"
I want to kill you for stealing. In a battle with them, varto dotrimuvatis such a simple tactic, like scoring a day for the archers with the whole team.
Tse to make the task of a superman easier on your carding so that everything just stinks just can’t get through.

At the "brudnoy nook", you can see the axis of such a door.
Quest location. Quest location. І vіdkryєtsya yonder, if in the location of the Ruined temple you find a scammer of one swindler of goodies,
sweat another in the ruins of Bresilian
and the third in the tavern "At the shinkars" in Orzammar.
Also, in the first nook and cranny of the door to the quest “Blood is on the way” and the girl needs to hand over a sheet about the death of a person (volunteer quest “funeral”)

The “dark wire” has one more door for the quest “Blood ahead” + a stronger one in a hood for the Blackstone quest “If you don’t tell me, you won’t go”.

At the "port gates" we can know the body of Sir Frieden, who asks you to find blood magicians. From this moment on the map of Denerim one more place is announced - “Abandoning the Budinok”. So here є feasible in hoods and doors,
how to bring us to the deserter from the volunteer quest "Destroyed Borg"

Well, now I've done five “see-through” of the meshkants in the stale booth. Arriving there, we can see that there is only one room there, ale varto open the bookcase, as we see a great presence in front of us, as we need to provide. Here we are a couple of enemies, we are driven in, from the corpse of the blood magician we take the key to the doors, we open the door and push through the distance.

Note: the shards of budinok are downright teeming with enemies, then it’s better to drive them in in small groups. For this varto, zastosovuvat approximately the same tactics.
Earn respect that lure 1 person, and not die.

Axis scho checks us in the kіntsі th booth
here is the magician's neruhomity, while you will be rozbiratsya with the soldiers. It’s better to do it for the help of the Force Field spell. We choose from usima and the quest "Stop the bastard" of the vicons. Nagorod - everything is at the enemies.

Well, why didn’t I turn around to those volunteers and the spells of magicians, I’ve completed the list of quests and their convicts. Otzhe: "Blackstone Volunteers":

“Poshkrebti on the fences”, “Destroyed Borg”, “If you don’t pidmazhesh - you won’t go”, “Funeral”, “Replenishment of reserves”, “Change of power”

1) “Poshkrebti by the bars” - this quest may not be beaten, because you didn’t beat me in Lothering (wonder more). For yoga vikonanna you need 3 leaves. 1st sheet of people in the church (Lothering), 2nd sheet in Redcliffe - houses, which hang over the rest of us (yogo can easily be seen as if it rises to a mile), we go into the houses there and another person. Bazhano, hand over the sheet to another person, yakomoha shvidshe, so that in a day's time, the doors can sing in a secret order. 3rd sheet is necessary to see people in Elfinage, but as the access to there is a deacery hour, the quest will have to get better. Nagorod - 50 silver.

2) “Destroyed by the borg” - for the quest to see this quest, you need to “see” the Pier at Kalenhad Lake, Frost Mountains and Denerim. Reward - 2 gold coins

3) “If you don’t pidmazhesh, you won’t go” - to complete this quest, you need to give 5 leaves to people in hoods. All stinks are in Denerim. One in the trading area, the other in the brothel "Perlin", the third in another "cubby", the fourth in the "Port corner" and five times in the "Elfinage". Nagorod 50 silver

4) "funeral" - give 4 leaves to the squads of the dead. Two in Denerim: the 1st on the trading square, the 2nd in the "Brudny zakoluk". Another one stays at Redcliffe's Church and stays at the Princess Rose Tavern (Lake Calenhad Pier). Nagorod - 1 gold

5) "Replenishment of stocks" - bring 20 healthy poultices to volunteers. For 20 healing poultices, give 3 gold 98 silver.

6) "Change of power" - we need to beat the father of Taoran, so that he could take the "throne" of volunteers. We know yoga in Denerim, on the trading square.
After talking with him, we understand that Taoran wants to kill the order and ask us to beat the blues. We can drive Relnor and go wild behind the city, (for example, you destroyed the city - 4 gold) or drive Taoran. Respect! Taoran is found in Lothering, a kind of suffocation born by the temryav, so "like" in a location like lying near Lothering (Hidina Flemeth Redcliffe). For an hour, the blubber is guilty, the quest essence will be. And here we have 2 options for the development of podіy: either zalyak yogo and vin will give us 3 gold coins and the quest vikonano, or drive yogo і along the turn to the volunteers we will take 4 gold coins.

"Spillota magi":

Spillota magicians of the quest: "Middle of strength", "Information about the call", "Vivtsa your brother", "Breeding ahead", "So the justice will be done", "Gift of Movchannya", "Did you get me?", "Banastor's Suvoi", " Mushroom Magic "," Remembrance certificates "," Defend spivtovaristvo ""Destroy spivtovaristvo".

View of all quests:

1) "Mist of power" - є chotiri mіstsya of power (Dener, Bresilian Forest, Glibin Stitches, Kolo Magiv). Knowing them is easy. At Kolі Magіv, in the same mіstsі de i quest "Science will be called". Bresilian forest - a tombstone, the knotting of the Great Oak, Dener - Elfinage, the white of an ancient tree, Glibin's stitches - a vіvtar in the Orta teige. Nagorod - 2 gold pieces

2) "Information about the call" - know three learners. The quest is also easy. Two scholars are found in Denerim, one in the market square, the other in the "divine of Thedas", the one in Orzammar is found in the head square. Nagorod - 1 gold.

3) "Killing your brother" - I will drive a maleficar (included) into the Bresiliank fox Voni located on the location Western Brecilian, beating one of the tombstones. Nagorod - 1 gold.

4) “Blood ahead” - mark 4 bunkinas with blood. 2 of the houses are located right on the market square. The third in the "brudnoy nook" and the fourth in the "dark lane" of Denerim. Nagorod - 1 gold

5) “This is how justice works” “The Gift of Movchannya” - these quests have 3 vicons. 1st (non-visible) donation of the necessary 10 servings of lirium to the personar-commander Tavish. Vіn us podjakuє і on tsimu quest completed. 2nd (weekday) deliver 10 servings of lirium to the lyric-commander Harrit, in Redcliffe. Commander to stand white of milk. 3rd (most important) win lirium in both places. Reward - 50 silver (yakscho win lirium in Redcliffe) and 1 gold yakshcho in Denerim.

6) “Did you beat me?” - need to know Renold. Here there may be a “quest essence”, in the future there will be a corpse of Renold and Obsession, a kind of yogo. Nagorod - 50 silver.

7) "Suvoi Banastor" - this quest is a long time to finish, it is impossible to pass the shards in a row. It is necessary to know 5 suvoys. 2 in the Bashti Magiv, 1 in the turn-overs (Bresilian Forest) and 2 in the Temple of Andraste (the location is visible in the world when completing the Urn of the Sacred Ashes quest). Nagorod - 1 gold

8) "Mushroom magic" - bring 10 bunches of clay mushrooms. Nagorod - 1 gold.

9) "Remembrance certificates" - change the notices. This quest is also a "quest essence" along the way, you can graze a swindler of goodies. Talk to him and reconsider zalyakat yogo scho b vіn vіddav vіdomostі to you. Turn to starry. Nagorod - 1 gold.

10) "Protect spivtovaristvo" We need to talk with Harrit, with Redcliff (as if you want to lie) and with Tavish with Denerim (as if you destroy). Since you have opened Tavisha, then you won’t take anything and the quest is vikonan. It is necessary to stand up for the defense of spіlnoti BEFORE the coronation of Alistair Anor, so after her Redcliffe will be attacked by the creatures of the darkness. Nagorod in times of defense - 2 gold.

Well, now if all the Denerim quests are possible, you can continue the quest "Earl of Redcliffe" and "Urn of the Holy Ashes". For whom it is necessary to see brother Jenitiv in Denenrim, the axis of the spring of yoga houses.
At the booth mi zustrіchaemo Veylon, the helper of Dzhenіtivі. We are reminded that the brother went to the hotel of Lake Calenhad. Ale, chi really can be twisted in the simplest way - just go to a distant room. A dialogue will start in Waylon to ask us not to come in there. Ale to show inquisitiveness and see. The helper will immediately attack you, it would be through scho, even if in that room the corpse of the right Waylon lies. Ale, I've sprung up on the pardon trail. On the way to Calenhad, I was attacked by the spawned dark creatures, after the battle with them, Vinn spent her knowledge for a short hour. Arriving in Calenhad, I went to the tavern and talked with the tavern lord.
After talking with him, you can remember that you are nervous and that you don’t agree. For this reason, you know that there is no brother Jenitiv in any place. Just like I was in the tavern, I was attacked by a group of sectarians.
Since I've driven in the attackers, the quest has started and I've told you about those who will "talk" with Waylon once more. And I straightened to Dener, and before this I lit up in Tabir. Vinn told her story. After talking with her for a little while, I managed to achieve success and accept her quest "Comrades" "I'm sorry for Winn".
We took away the building of the "Vessel of the Spirit". This ability restores a little life and mani, gives a bonus to magical power and reinforces mani and zastosovuє on all ostentatious enemies of the spell "Introduction of Orientation". Є in this spell and minus: a long cooldown (recharge), as soon as the building ends, Vinn will be defeated and will take away a penalty to attack, defend and relocate. Arriving at Dener, I turned back to Waylon. Vіn buv duzhe zdivatsya scho I turned and vin tried to beat me in, but it's a pity.
І axis now if I drive in pseudo - Waylon. I went to a distant room, where I knew the right place of the rotting of brother Jenitiv and the corpse of the right Waylon. Well, now it’s virushaymo in the “Pitulok” (this location is opened after you pick up the Genitve’s child from the screen).

Porada: before that, I went to Prytulok to buy myself more poultices. Because the battle with dragons on the right is not hot.

Arriving in Prytulok, I began to look around the outskirts, and then immediately snarled the vartov.
Vіn having fenced in the direction to the village, but you should ignore this fence and go further. Talk to the lad and after that, like a wine, tell about your “talisman”, which is the phalanx of the finger, and you will understand that in the village the divine lives live. You can also find an argument in “The Peasant's House” that confirms this theory (there is also a love leaf in the yoga house). As soon as you come out of the house you are attacked by a small army of selyuks - sectarians.
We drive them in and push them far.

Note: in the sil'sky kramnitsa there is a screen, open it and take away the prize of disgrace.

Stepping up to the church, start a dialogue, in which the mystery of the “Pritulka” is vaguely explained. After this dialogue, Eirik and Yogo Okhorontsi attacked us. On the body you can find the sectarian's medallion, take yoga. Now I will look at the wall. There, on the bed, Genitiv will lie. Talk to him and tell you about how to get into the Temple. If so, you can either send it back to Dener, or take it with you. Yake decision you will not play a role. I won, take your brother with you. Vіn rozpovіv me, scho in the Temple can be pasta. Well, now I'm virushaya on doslіdzhennya. At the hall of the Temple, you can shake a small room with a lion hand, we go in there, we drive in everyone, who is there, and we take a leaf from the corpse of an adventurer, we also take all the written words from corpses, boxes, etc. This room has 2 "quest" items: gnat and sealing sheet. Let's follow in the dark-hidden climate, with quest items here: Banastor's suvey, ancient encrypted suvoy (the quest "Forget the Vershi" is launched). Let's sweat straight into the sectarians' room, driving in all the enemies along the way. In these rooms there is a quest item - Banastor's suviy. In one of these rooms you can find the key to pivdenno-shidnyh kіmnat. We take yoga, and the whole screen (behind the bungalows), and virushaemo in those (pivdenno-shidni) kіmnati. Open the lock and take the key to the main hall. We pass far, simultaneously driving in all the spirits and the like. Now we have a choice to go to the left or to the right. It doesn’t matter where to go, so all one way leads to one point. If you poured in cash, then in one of the rooms there are 4 screens
if you want to make a speech, then speak right. All others have spirits in the dust. Well, if you veered to the right, then there are no particular inconsistencies there. Climbing up the gatherings, we turn back to the location "Pecheri". We clean the corridors and go into the tunnels. The axis is there and fantasy begins. As soon as we broke 1 trap, 3 dragon babies will attack us from behind and in front. Passing through the stove, we are taken to the room, like a mess of bedrooms and laboratories. Here we are "stunned" by the purchase of God-willed sectarians and children of the dragon. We drive them in and push them far. We again attack a bunch of fanatics and dragons. They beat them, we bachimo cleared up the roads. If you drink to the right, then you will find yourself staring at a star, and then we will catch you, like an insult to 3 dragons (no longer children). If you drive them in, you can skin them. The quest "Obladunki from the Dragon Luska" appears. If you went to the left, then having killed three enemies, I will check you again. Do you not dare to be easily single-man? If you drink in bulk, then you will drink on the followers of the cult of Andraste, on the choli with Kolgrim. If you went straight ahead, then you will fall into the meat grinder. And this meat grinder will be made up of you, dragons (why different suits), and purchases of sectarians. Proishovshi ЇЇ, you will lean in the laboratory for the cultivation of dragons. There's nothing to the code of the Crimea. Well, now we turn to Kolgrim.

Rozmovlyaєmo with him, vіn zaproponuє us to help yomu z yogo prohannyam to protect Andraste's urn, in times і vіdmovi, vin attack you. If you drove Kolgrim, then from the yogo corpse you can take "Rig Kolgrim". With the help of yoga, you can call out the Greater Dragon, you weren’t fit to be a match for him before. Ale call yogo can be less than viishovshi on the top of Gori. As soon as we see the Top of Gori, we will be shown a video and present that same Great Dragon
which we can beat. Ale, the death of a dragon is not obligatory for the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes". And for yoga, it’s necessary to go to “Vyprobuvannya”, otherwise it’s also called “Mitten”.
let's move with him and ask him to go. Vіdpovіdaє, that only the one who passed the testing of "Mittens". It is passable Viprobuvannya, it is made up of dekіlkoh parts, and itself z chotirioh:

1) It is necessary to guess riddles. There are 8 Osib in front of us, or, more precisely, spirits.
They have their own history-mystery. Let's start thinking. Vidpovidi: Armor - Sleep, Elisey - Melodiya, Lady Vasil - About revenge, Tein Shartan - About the house, General Maferat - About jealousy, Teaching Havard - About the mountains, Teaching Katair - Famine, Archon Hessarian - Spivchuttya.

2) Zustrich z timi, whom we have spent or tі, before whom we blamed, in this tse Shian. After talking with them, we take away the amulet "Viddzerkalennya".

3) The fight against the doppelganger, it seems to be simpler with the clones. We drive in clones and push through the distance.

4) Mist, I remembered that it is one of the most important places in the country

1) Escort the hero to the 2nd platform:
We put the heroes on the stone, so they activate 1 platform of evil, 2nd platform of evil and 1 + 2nd right-hander = Activate the first 2 platforms, transfer the hero to the 2nd.
2) Escort the hero to the 3rd platform:
The hero, which is trimming the 1st platform, is moving to trim the 2nd platform on the right.
Hero, like trim 1 + 2 platforms on the right, move trim 2 + 3 platforms on the right.
Hero, which is trimming the 2nd platform right-handed, we move trimati the 3rd platform is evil.
= 2 and 3 platforms of materialization, we transfer the hero to the 3rd.
3) We transfer the hero to the 4th (stop):
I think the principle is already understood,
The hero, like a trim, we move the trim of the 3rd right-handed platform.
Hero, like a trim 2 + 3 right-hand platform move trim 3 + 4 on the right.
Hero, which trims the 3rd platform right-handed, we move trimati the 4th zliva.
= 3 and 4 platforms of materialization, we are passable
Voila, the wine is declared as a whole - you can spend it all in a different way.

And now we walk to the end, and here we have an altar. The Guardian comes to us and tells us about the completion of the purification. Let's go to the Urn and take a pinch of gunpowder and let's go. Viyshovshi to the top of Gori, I vyrishiv viklikati on the beat of the Dragon. I'm grabbing at rig...
Well, I can’t give exact gladness about how to beat it, but I’ll say that dragons are more agile to the cold, and can be staunch to the fire. That's why rob visnovki. Otzhe, with grief, I still drove in the dragon.
You will know the “useful” of the new one without faceless speeches.
Having taken the dragon's luska, you activate one more quest, a kind of "Armor from the Dragon's luska". Troch more than I guessed about the quest "Obladunki z Draconic Luska". If only the viscounty offended the quest, it would be necessary to go to the farrier Wayne, to Dener. Vikonan's Quest. Nagorods are possessors. Well, now, if the ashes of the prophetess Andraste are with us, you can go to Redcliffe Castle, so that Eamon would be betrayed and you could complete the quest "Earl of Redcliffe". On the way, we go to Teganu. Mi vilіkovuєmo Yerla and vіn proponuє zіbrati army schob to step against Loghain in the Zbory lands. As soon as Jovan was brought (I’m guessing that he was a blood magician, a kind of Yerl’s exterminator), then yogo was sent to Vezha Magiv. Now we have a new quest "Take the Army". Now, if I'm in the kintsy - kintsiv, having completed all the quests of Redcliffe, I can go to Lys Brecilian.

lіs Bresilіan

If we get to the camp of the Dales, then Mitra, the guard, will kill us. Ask ЇЇ to take you to old age in connection with important tasks. Vaughn will bring you to Zathrianu. Vin in his heart, I’ll say that at once you can’t help the Sirim of the Right-Defenders, so that Yogo Tabir is going through not the worst hours, but all through the curse of the upside down. Win to ask us to bring youma to the heart of the Said Ikl, the band of inverts. The quest "The Nature of the Beast" is launched. And the quests in the Tabor of the Doliitsev are like this: “Woe Kammі”, “Ridkіsna zalіzna bark”, “In the power of the curse”, “Galla Elora”.

1) "Mountain Kamenn" - to complete the quest, talk to Kammen. Vin embarrassed because of that yogo girl does not want to be friends with him through those who are not yet sympathetic. Which quest has a couple of passes. For the completion of both of these quests, it is necessary to use the mati navik “Reconstruction of the 2nd equal”. Otzhe, it is necessary to entice the yogo girl to make friends with him, not being surprised at those who are not yet sympathetic. Abo entice Kammі to bring the skins to you, thereby making Yogo a soothsayer. Nagorod - the book "The Saga of Ilorene".

2) "Ridkіsna zalіzna bark" - this quest can be taken from Varathorn, the farrier. We'll ask you to get some pieces of saline measles. Knowing ЇЇ is easy. Let's go to Western Bresilian, and there will be a fallen tree.
We take the bark, turn to Varathorn. You can choose the city yourself - a cibula (Wolfboy, velmi of indiscretions) / a possessor (Varatorn's Armor, a powerful possessor) if you acted like a gift, then you will be given an amulet (Varatorn's amulet). Yak on me, so take a little bit more for everything.

3) "The Lord of the Curse" - the quest is taken from Atras. Win to ask to know your squad, Danielle. If Zatrian told you that she was dead, Atras would still ask him to interpret it again. Let's go to Skhidny forest. Here we speak to Danielle
she will ask us to give Atras a scarf, and tell her that she is dead. Let's remember about it, it doesn't matter if we say that I am a shifter or that she is dead. Wiccan Quest. Nagoroda - Amulet of Atras.

4) "Galla Elora" - Take the quest from Elora, the senior shepherd. The quest can be vikonati in two ways. The first one you have is no less than another peer, then looking around the Gallo you realize that there is nothing terrible with her. If you don’t have such evidence, then you can beat it. The cities are given only in the times of galli driving - galli horns.

Note: there are a lot of statues in the tabor, decorate them with the entries in the codex. There is also a love sheet.

All quests for the vikonan's camp, crime of one, wind of two. More I wondered about Vinn's quest "It's a pity Vinn". It would be necessary to continue talking with Sarelo's adviser. Vіn having said that aneurin-healer is alive in the forest. Virushaemo on yoga jokes. For the way, driving in the inverted, vovkіv vedmedіv i vsіh vorogіv hto zstrіnetsya on the way. You may stumble upon a place marked by an arrow at a zahodny fox (be aware that you took the quest "Food about the sound") in the tavern "Bite the Nobleman".
It is necessary to send a signal arrow. Because of that, they robbed us of the recruits before us, and if they want to drive us in, we drive in all of them, we take the leaf from the body of the hired man, and we break the distance to the tricks of Vinn. Also, you can see the purchase of turn-overs on the choli with the Bigun.
You can have a peaceful conversation with them, or just get lost in the biyka. And if you can overcome them, then just start the video clip in some way. By the way, you can know Deygan
bring Yogo to you and talk to them, after that, as you know, you can drive Yogo or take him to Tabir. Shards at the vbivstvo will not be of any use, then it’s better to bring yoga to the camp. Start Video insert in yakіy Mitra podyakuє you for yoga order. The quest "Injuries in the Fox" will immediately appear and immediately win. Later you can go to Deygan and ask for a reward. Nagorod - sapphire. Well, now we continue the jokes of learning. You may also stumble upon the Great Oak, Silvana.
Win to ask you for help, know yogo acorn. Let's wait, so there will be nothing good and nasty from driving in that tree. Ale behind him, є small tabir. Come here, you are more than healed in a dream. Well, if you did the same thing, then there will be nothing terrible. And if you fell asleep, then only one of you will rush in, and reveal that all the others are “dead”, and aggressively lashing the spirit wandering around the camp.
If you win, then take away the prize, you will be in the screen as it appears. You can also run into gravestones
as long as the stench does not think of any value. І axis in Skhidny Bresilian I know aneirin
after talking with him, Vinn realized that after a long time, she had calmed down. Wiccan Quest. Nagorod - Vinn +4, aneirin amulet. Now vin (aneirin) can heal our wounds. Passing through the archway, you can poke the Hermit's "pributtya", tse i є zlodіy kaky acorn.
We speak with him, we speak with him, we ask questions and we ask him їх tezh. Let's see the opportunity to exchange speech. I will be an acorn in the middle of speeches. Minyaemo yoga, turn to the Oak, give us the staff of the Bark of the Tree. For the help of someone you can go through a crisis.
Also є іnshiy podіy development. You can come in handy to please the viewer and drive in the Oak. If you have been so wounded, then turn to the Vidlyudnik and win you to make a “disguise”, for help you can go through a crisis. See all of them from the drive through the bar'єr, є part of the passage of the quest "The Nature of the Beast". We pass through the bar'er. Behind him, Bigun is chasing us. If you move with us, win over us, drive us away.
Just like mi yogo, a video clip is shown in which the appearance of the Said Ikla is shown.

Note: under the hour of wandering through the ruins, you can trap the hidden doors.
They don’t only check you monsters, but also dodatkov’s city (love leaves, etc.)

At the ruins, various creatures can attack us, from mertsiv and spiders to dragons. And just like that, going down one of the descents, you will feel a roar, then know that a dragon is watching you in the next room. Respect! The room with the dragon has pasta.
If you get a dragon, then do not forget to take your prize, you will be transferred to the dragon horde.
Having descended to the lower riven of the ruins, you could remember the ticking boy-primari, you still can’t catch up with Yogo, so continue the ruh just forward. Having cleaned all the membranes on your way, you get to the room, De wander the same boy.
Ale, I’m going to get ahead of you, so after that, move on from him, a horde of dead men will immediately attack you. Having interrupted them, you can look around at the objects of interest. At the right room, there is a sarcophagus. You can take a sign from a new one and a new quest appears - "Elven Ritual". This quest is in the ruins, but about the new one, I will tell you a little more. Having scoured all the stones, you can destroy the distance. Axis in tsіy kіmnatsі
where to stand a character, you can reveal an amulet, you are the soul of an imprisoned magician, who you want to know is calm. This quest, which is called "Warrior-Sorcerer". Win this quest for 1 dialogue. So how to break the wiki, etc. you can’t amulet, then you have є 2 ways: 1st help the soul; 2nd get the amulet. If you have helped souls, then you have a choice, or ask the city, or not. If you asked for a city, then you take a new specialization - the Fighting Mage. Wiccan Quest. Well, now let's go on wandering through the ruins. So in these ruins there are 2 curses of phylactery, the axis of the place is one of them:
Also in the ruins you can find yourself in such a picture.
This is the place for the quest "Elven Ritual". We need to open metal doors. Why would you want to go, go to the fountain - take a little fleck - fill it with water. Then let's go until vvtar, now we'll choose this way: Put a glider on vіvtar - Look at the clay glimmer on vіvtar - Zrobiti kovtok. If the demons primari attack you.
Since we managed to overcome the guilt, the bula opened the door, as it didn’t happen, then don’t worry, the quest hasn’t ended yet. What would you need to complete it: Take the schleb from the vіvtar - remind it again - go until the vіvtar - put the glider - Leaning - rob one kovtok - turn around to the fountain - splash water. Let us be reminded of those who broke the gleam, and opened the door with it. For this quest "Elven Ritual" is fully completed. At the room, which was behind the door, the ghost of a woman, out, unfortunately, to speak Elvish and we can’t understand anything. After that, call on her, so that they would not choose us, there will be a couple more who will attack us.
Now, if we have got rid of them, let’s look into the elves in the burial chamber. There you will know the panzers of the Juggernaut's wielders, as soon as you take it, a new quest "The Mage's Treasures" will appear. This quest is completed by the path "robbing the tombs". Speaking more about tombstones, as at that time they didn’t have any value, but now, having reached the tombstones, you can call the Rebel from the dead and a couple of ordinary skeletons. At the skin Povstaly, there will be one part of the obladunka. After killing them all (three) you win the whole quest and take back the city - The new set of Juggernaut. The whole set is one of the best in gr. All the tombstones are indicated on the map with a cross. Well, I'll continue wandering through the ruins. Axis qiu room,
I would recommend that you go through a robber (one) on the back.
I think this screenshot, although here and not all the pastas, will help you to grow the biscuits. After that, as you have grown pastas, you can boldly enter the room with your whole paddock. At this kіmnati-pasttsі, so is the corpse of a shukach fit,
obshukavsya what you take away, the entry in the codex. This record is of great importance for the opening of the "Wonderful Shed" in Denerim. Passable trohi far away, and in front of the door autosave is launched (as it is in a real hour). From whom you can understand that there are aggressively attacked there. As soon as we see us in the hall, we are attacked by skeletons. We drive them in and go down by gatherings.
Respect! Kill the Enchanted Jah yakomoga shvidshe, so that you don’t call out more dead ones. If you haven’t been able to beat yoga before the weekend, then my reasons for driving in will be like this: start to take care of ordinary skeletons, paralyze, freeze the Enchanted zhah, so that the wines do not collapse in an instant. We take everything to the right, from the hall and the left room and we move to the right, there we drive in a trio of skeletons. Before us is the entrance to the Ligvo Perevertniv.
Now we are no longer attacking mercі, but Werewolf. Having passed the troch, we are leaning on the purchase of turn-overs on the choli with the Vorotar.
Vіn proponuє us peace talks. If you were lucky, then you will be escorted straight to shalenoї Ikla, if you were prompted, then you will be attacked from the sides with about 20 turns (in the captive). Let's go to shalenoї Ikla, as if she appeared with a girl-spirit. After talking with her, we will accept a few options.
Otzhe, here we have є 3 options, or drive in the Said Ikla,
otherwise, talk and “drive in” Zatriana,
or drive in all the elves.
I’ll tell you again that the spelling of the Said Ikla or the elfs are options, which are more visible in the plan of speeches. If you were wrong in the conversation, then you will need to turn around for Zathrian. You can also turn to that room de mi zustrili Vorotar, right-handed є more 2 small kimnatki, in them there is Banastor's river and glass of phylactery. Now let's go after Zathrian. It's not surprising, I wonder if I'm leaning in the ruins.
Let's change yoga with us. After talking, you can do the following: beat the Saying Ikl at once with Zatrian, drive Zatrian. Otzhe, as you wrote the article on Bik Ikla, then you yourself will have to drive in Zatriana, after which he himself cursed himself, having killed himself and the Said Ikla.
Heap up in this vipadku mi not otrimuemo. If we were lucky enough to beat the Saying Ikla, then we will take all the speeches from the dead in the city + in the camp of the city from Zatriana (Dziob Griffin, sokir). If you had killed the elves, then the cities would be the same for the bodies of those who were killed. Respect! Depending on what you are growing, your oil will lie in the future. As soon as you drove the elves, then they will be replaced in the war with Morom, they will be upside down and navpak. For this, the quest "The Nature of the Beast" is completed. Well, I acted, as I think, by the most humane path, virushiv zvіlnіt vvіlnіv vіd damn.

Well, now, if all the quests are completed, it’s necessary to turn to the tabir of the Dolians, to creak an agreement. But in front of them I want to say that the quest for the quest "Vivvtsya your brother" is victorious, for those who do not remember, the quest is like the Partnership of Magicians, now you can vikonati.
Also, do not forget to complete the quest "The Treasure of the Magician". The whole set looks like this:
Well, now, if all the nuances of improvement can be turned to the end of the main quests of the forest. Our oskelki enlisted the support of Redcliffe, Vezhi Magiv and Doliyskіh elves, then we have left the remaining point of recognition - Orzammar. Ale, so how did the deyak quest in the forest of Bresilian, ("Killing your brother", "No indulgence", "Banastor's Suvoi") then varto turn to Dener for the city. But just as soon as we press on to Dener (or another point), as here the video is launched in which the Archdemon is shown. Let's sweat on us in the camp, attack a little screamer's death.

When you come to Dener, you can remember that Sister Justin became marked on the map as a quest completion icon.
First of all, the quest "Forget the Vershi" (for the mind that you knew them in the ruined temple). We speak from her, vіddaєmo suvoї, and otrimuєmo to the city 7 gold 50 silver. Wiccan Quest. Also, don’t forget to go to Wade’s forge (you haven’t killed anyone yet) for the quests “Obladunki z drakonyachoi luska” and “Armor from dragon luska” a female warrior and chose the Dragon Legs, a miraculous possessor). So if you go to Sergeant Keelone, then you can reward you with gold chotirm for free. Well, now go to Orzammar, otherwise I'll go to the location, Frostburn. As soon as we arrive there, we will be attacked, grabbing hired forces. We choose from them and go to the gate. It appears that not only do we need an audience of the king of gnomes.
We can drive them away, so drive them in. Coming to Orzammar, we found out that at the same time we choose. Є 2 leading candidates: Prince Bellen, і Lord Haromont. We need to help ONE of them. From whom you squeal that the other's fellows will respect us. Also in Orzammar, there are such quests: “Jokes of Sergeant Bandelor”, “Dulin Forinder”, “Vartag Gavorn”, “Holy Mother”, “Song on clay stitches”, “Naked Insights”, “Nude Knowledge”, “Key to the Place”

1) "The jokes of the foreman Bandelor" - virushaemo in the Diamond Hall, we go into the Radi Hall. Open the door to the meeting. Wiccan Quest. No rewards.

2) Dulin Forinder "- Yogo can be danced into the house of Haroumont (Diamond Halls), as a representative of the housekeeper of the house. Vin ask us to help youma. Respect! We can only help one. If you want us to take part in the trial, so Prince Belen, having inspired the warriors of Haroumont, do not take part. No rewards.

3) "Vartag Gavorn" - you see him in the Radi Hall, the representative of Prince Belen. Win to ask us to help youma. For whom, it is necessary to give 2 rosettes to such people: Lady Days (Diamond Halls) and Lord Helmi (Gromadsky Halls, the tavern "At the Shinkariv"). Ale, if you drink to Zberigach and speak with the Chronicler, then you will say that these papers are false. We pass the paper to the obom (additionally help Lady Days). Wiccan Quest. there is no fence

4) "Nadiya mother" - Take the quest at the field (Gromadsky halls). This quest is written in clay stitches.

5) "Song on clay stitches" - the quest is taken from brother Berkel (Gromadsky Halls). If you want to open the church, but keepers do not allow you. To complete this quest, the navigator “Reconsider the 3rd or more equal” is required. Let's go to the shores (Diamond Halls), we say with the Chronicler.
Let's reconsider yogo into the dirt of the church, turn to Berkel. there is no fence

6) "Introduction naked" - the quest is taken from the barn of the nagas Bemora. It is necessary to see all the nagas. On the map, the place of rozashuvannya of all nagas is indicated.
For a skin goal, give 12 silver. (Do not forget what you can give to Naga Liliana)

Note: if you saw naked, then write to you that the quest was won, but it does not mean that you saw only one goal. See all others.

7) “Nebuvaliy vcheniy” - By the entrance we can tell Daphne, who has a quest. You want to learn more about Kolі Magіv, but all ЇЇ try to have a meal there did not succeed and you won’t ask you for help. This quest has 2 decisions: 1st, go to Kolo Magiv and talk with the First Enchantment Irving, so that they would take the stench; 2nd, say ЇЇ batkovi about ЇЇ namiri (“Zbroyar Dzhanar”). If you vykonali zavdannya in the first way, then take away the rune or lirium drank, as in others - nothing.

8) "Key to the place" - in the Hall of Heroes, at the entrance to Orzammar, you could call the guard's call. The quest is NOT activated, for this activation it is necessary to select all records about Orzammar. It's easy to know how to do it, just press the Tab key. Let's go to the Radi Hall, there will be a hiding place. Nagorod - the key to the place (rich).

Note: in the Hall of Viprobuvan, there is a room with a fence. Vіn vlashtovuє taєmnі fights. Win 5 of these duels and win the ring of war.

Turning from the Diamond Hall, you can mark the following picture:
Check, while the stench is talking, and go for them. These thugs, representatives of the Charter, which they rule as Jarvi. Golovorіzіv can zalyakat, and can be driven in. Here it’s better to zalyakat, so like, if you see them in the house, then the merchant doesn’t want to trade with you. At the tavern "At the shinkars" you can find an ogrin, our future companion.
As soon as you start questing for Prince Belen, then Lady Days, one of the "shouts", will give you a pass to Glibin's stitches. Yogo, zvichayno well, you can and take it better, but better than that, you can do it at once. It is necessary for us to correct ourselves, if only the old man, dear lady, would be able to make up her own mind. Virushaemo on jokes. We know yoga on the first cross and turn back. Wiccan Quest. But you can drink and drink in a different way. Those you can take the side of Belen again, and you will have the quest "Zrada Zrada in the middle". To complete this quest, you need to work all the same as for Doolin's quests. Otzhe, having spoken with Harrowmont, and asked us to drive in Jarvі, the head of the Charter. Ale, so like mi shpiguny, we dopovіdaemo about tse Vartaga. We'll ask you to tell us the same as Harrowmont, and then give us some deaky papers, as if they would be proof of the opponent. Now let's go to Zaporosheniy place and go to Alimar's storeroom. Drink yoga, pay trochs of pennies, or drive in yoga, vostovuemo will drink Nadia
then let's go to the b_dnyatsky hut, in the same place. If we came to this one, there was no one there, but now there is a bunch of thugs.
Having interrupted them, we take the key from the visible phalanges of the finger. Apparently from the hut and let's move the axis to the qiu "door".
Arriving in the lіgvo of Jarvi, we can stumble upon the gatekeeper. We didn’t say any password to you, it would be wrong.
To give respect that the building "Nepomitnist" is guilty of being active. In the room, you know about these thugs, you will find Jammer's scammer, and you will receive the quest "Jammer's Skhovanka". Tsej quest will be vikonuvatisya in the course of blukan on lіgva. For yoga vikonannya it is necessary to know the screenshots of your friends and take the items found there. It is necessary to take the following items from the screens (hidden places): Kankiv's shovanka - a silver ring, Jammer's cache - a cold bottom for writing, Pike's cache - pomegranate embellishment If you had mercy, then it's okay, you just hit the troch with a strum. Axis map with the scope of rotashuvannya all screens:

After you have taken all 3 clothes, the stench will transform into Jammer's Key. Blukayuchi through the tunnels we can stumble upon a room,
how to serve as a prisoner, we interrupt everyone there and let the gnome go, the prisoner has the key. Fighting does not play any role. Go through the troch glibshe in the oven, you will know Jammer's hiding place,
vikrivshi yoga, you take away the city. Wiccan Quest. In the end of the tunnel we are checked by Jarvi and ЇЇ company.

For the sake of killing Jarvі: the shards of Jarvі are a robber, then you might want to start a battle, and therefore secure yourself. Bazhano zasosuvat spell "Usiplyannia" and zahopit yakomoga more than enemies. If Jarvi got caught, then the next spell “Zhah” was cast on her. Then in the codex you will have a new combination "Nightmare Dream". Uvaga, everywhere there are barrels of pasta there, like a vibukha for an hour to beat from nig for a three-hour hour. Well, now, if you have driven in, look for a place, here is a love sheet. You sing-songly knew the screen which is called “Special Speech of Jarvi”. Vіn є іlki іt іlki іn thаt vіpadku, yakscho vy pass the quest “Zrada zdredini”. Ale, here you have a choice before you: or put in documents (helping Belen) chi nі (helping Harrowmont). I put in the documents and straightened to the exit. Ale tsey vyhіd vede nіyak not in Zaporosheniy place, but in zbroyovu Dzhanar! Well, now let's go to Vartag. Vіdvodvat us to the prince (Belen) who in his line asks us to know Thoroughly Branca, how she went to Glibin's stitches. We have Kvesi "Kovadlo empty" and "Sama perfection". You can also suddenly activate the quest ("Perfection Itself") as soon as you reach Harrowmont.

Note: now, if the entire royal palace is open, we can vikonat the head of the crows "Audience at the ambassador." So in the royal palace there is a glass of phylactery.

In one of the rooms you can know Lady Brodens, yak otruїli. The herbalist knows the recipe for antibiotics, but he himself is not in the know of yoga. The quest "Wonderful Koshti" appears for the yogi vikonnanny the navik "Herbalist" of the 4th (remaining) level is required. On the cob of the passage, I guessed that you need 2 stones of life, for which the quest stench is required. Vario protiotrutu, give yoga suffered and vikonano quest, don’t give a damn for it. Respect! At the throne room, you could remember that, as if to “enclose” the royal throne, then they wrote: “Nothing happened.” Here it is already necessary to advance and “enclose” the throne. Then a field of glimmers will appear and from the new fork of the Dragon.
From the new you can take away the beautiful sword "not old". And seemingly beautiful, I didn’t overcome the antrohi, the shards against the birth of darkness are not a panacea. Well, now let’s go to Glibin’s stitches. As soon as we reach them, then start a dialogue in which Oghren asks us to help us. We'll be fine and virushaemo far away on the road. Nasampered we go to the Edukan teig, where de mi knew the father of Lady Daisy. On my card:
designated place de є curly little bears, take yogo.

Note: In teigs you can chime richly "like they split a stone"
if you look at them something special, then you just spend an hour, as if in them there is a cream of frozen sparkle, a fire crystal, a spiritual stone, or screams of a rock, nothing else can be.

We need wines and wines in other teigs and wines for the quest. Tsey teig does not have anything special, krіm vyshchesazago, to that I blame on the crossroads of Karidina. Dolіdzhuyuchi tse crossroads you can make such cіkavі speech yak: Chronicles of the Guardians, little bears with kіntsіvkami, zіbravshi activating the quest "On the pieces". Yogo vikonanny checks us in the advancing teig, but for now we continue to blunder along the way.

Also here you can know the code "Vilni miners" that after collecting all the codes will give us a quest. All records of "prospectors" are marked on the map:

If you know the rest of the code, you will see a note with a skhovanka on your card (arrow on the card). I will reward you for this quest to serve as a speech.

In the other gorge, you will see a group of genlock, having killed them, search the corpse of a genlock-emisar. In the new you will know the hilt of the earthman's sword. Tse part of the sword, which we have to lay down for the sake of. From the record of the "prospectors" it is possible to reveal a sarcophagus for the sake of the last month, revealing a sarcophagus, revealing the Matriarch of the deep myslivtsiv (bos) and buying the deep myslivtsiv. No special tactics for driving them in are necessary. So here, at the crossroads, is the rest of the phylactery. Well, now, if everything in this location is known and driven in, you can go further, to the Orta teig. On the very cob of the cob, you can see that you have already driven in the generation of darkness. We should rozіbratisya in tsoma. The shards didn’t sway my spiders before, then they whimper, because the stench itself drove the birth of Mora. Axis in which place,
you can know the warrior's grave, which will give us an entry to the codex about the landman's sword. Passing far, we are attacking absolutely new enemies, such as golems and spirits of ancestors. Having killed all the enemies, you can remember the Hand,
which is the remains of the spawn of darkness. I asked Filda to answer the dwarf himself (the quest "Hopeful Mother") As soon as we get closer to the new one, we are ticking, but we stumble in the aisle, if we need to start a short dialogue before we start to attack us. After killing them all, follow the Hand. Passing sprats of rocks, we see the cave, as if we wanted to and primitively, but all the same it was covered. Now we speak with the Hand, from yoga rosepovіdі it is possible to understand that vin pіdpav pіd infusing foulness, more simply seeming to become divine. If I guessed yoga mother, asking me to tell me, don’t kill the dead, so as not to embarrass ЇЇ. I waited, but here you can do it differently: you can beat it in, or tell your mother the truth. Yakshcho yogo vb'єte then take away less trash and nothing of value. So in the yoga oven, є vase, rub ЇЇ, take the tip. As soon as you take it, you will reject the “Glorious Landman” quest for understanding that you knew Ephesus and the tomb of the warrior. This teige also has a varto vikonati quest “On the pieces” and “Wasted notes” (you activated these quests for the sake of wisdom). So here is the mystical place of power on the vіvtarі. Tsey vіvtar to serve as completions for the quest "On the clothes". To complete yoga, it is necessary to put all the parts of the body on vіvtar, the demon will appear.
And now we have a choice: to covet the city for the call (give 25 gold coins) or beat yoga. If you drive in yogo, then you don’t take away the fence. Wiccan Quest. Well, now we can go more expensive along the teigu.

Pass through the oven and put on a small fold of spiders on a choli with a genlock-emisar. Having killed them, you can bait Branco's stalker ("Empty Kovadlo"), and then you are immediately attacked by the Infected spider queen.
We drive in ЇЇ, it doesn’t matter if it’s important, it doesn’t need special tactics. Now we can read Zroblenoy's worker, it became clear that she was violating in Dead Row. Upon arrival in this location, a video clip will start, in which we will be shown the army of Mora and the Archdemon itself.
Well, now we’re rushing forward, but we can’t get through 20 miles, like a battle is raging before us between the born dwarfs and a group of dwarfs.
Dopomogaєmo їm vіdbiti virodkiv Rozmova with a gang of gnomes, Kardelya, don’t give anything. We pass over the bridge, driving in all the fortune tellers along the way. Passing through the city, we have a great gate and the army has spawned thousands of majestic ones on the island. It is low and passable far. In one of the rooms you can find Chereviki Legion. As we only take it, then we take away the entry in the codex about the caste of the dead. At the Dead Moats you can pick up the whole possession, about yoga "spare parts" I will tell you along the way. Axis on which place
At the very top of the room to lie the boots for the legion
we know the record about the guardians and the mittens of the legion. Let's go further, and have trained a group of genlocks and we've been barefoot,
after killing what is taken away, the remaining part of the blade from the Glorious Grounder quest. But if we took away the blade without "getting it", and we need to take all the parts to the grave, to the Orta teig. "Zdobich" badge. In truth, it seems, I've been enchanted, with a sword, as if I've taken it off. The quest of vicons, turning back to the Dead Ditch. We're burying ourselves in the ruins of an old castle, like a fort. Empty.
We beat them. For the sake of driving in: the shards of the enemy are moving us in numbers, then luring them in small groups, for which it’s necessary to “get back” and go back to the ambush. “Showing off” is necessary for one, and not for a corral. Well, then let’s sound like a sound, we drive in the rubbish on the back, then the strong and in the end we drive in the head. Well, now let's go farther. Passing the kіlka turnіv we know Hespіt
how to say dosit wondrous vershi. Move the field with us, it’s ticking away, but we don’t have anything more to do, as it’s more expensive to live. As soon as we see from the oven we are attacked by 2 ogres. So here є closed doors ЇЇ vіdkriti can be troshki pіznіshe. At this hall there is a passage, which leads to the Temple of the Legion. According to the price, you could know parts of the possessions, if you don’t know, then the axis for you is a map with a place for the distribution of shmatkiv:
At the temple, we know a relic, like a record from the code. Now, let's go until tomorrow and take the key of our own, and the quest "Dead Castle" will be activated. Now the relics are colliding, lower you will provoke the appearance of the Primary empty breed and the aggression of other spirits. By driving in the spirits, let's open those doors as if they were closed. І past the sprig krokiv mi sarcophagus (“Dead Castle”), we take away the amulet and the quest is updated. Ale mi continue the path, but it’s better to save yourself before the winter (not more savings, but “long-term”), so if you see the “kіmnata” in the coming, the boss and gra will automatically be saved.
Axis tse vlasne i є boss. For the sake of schodo vbivstviya: akshcho honestly, then for me, the uterus is one of the strongest bosses in the country. Well, for the sake of it, I can give you something that doesn’t miraculously cast zonal spells (“Usiplyannya”, “Earthletrus”, etc.). As if someone from your allies, the Matka lifted in turn, then cast the spell “Force Field” on her comrade, with such a rite you can vryatuvat your life without spending money on lust. In the same way, you can rally your allies as if they are squeezed in by horns and tentacles, so that the opponents of the targets do not change. You can also cast the combo spell "Scorching Fat" ("Brud" + whatever the spell was). The world has tentacles driven in, you will be attacked by the side of the enemy (Garlock, screamers) guard the chain in the hour of battle, so that it does not become a problem for you. Well, now, if we have found this beast, we can go to the new open location “Kovadlo empty”. Along the way, we pass through the krіz kіz vuzenka pecheru and we change the companion - the deputy of one of the company to install Ogren. As soon as a dialogue with Branka is launched, they joked about it.
Vaughn became obsessed with the banquets of Kovadlo. І in an ultimatum form, it will help us to get ЇЇ. Robimo those who won't talk and let's go far along the way, driving in everything that is collapsing.

Note: they lived the lirium and give birth to life and manna.

І axis we reach the room with a cut.
I will tell you that one room can be passed only by the method of brute force. Well, since we need gas, then you can turn it off with valves, which is on the side of the stone. galmovi can be lured one by one into the oven and driven in there. The best stench is given by magic, and not by brute force. After passing through this room, you will enter another one, not less unsafe. Vaughn is also reminiscent of golems, but here there are pastas.
There are a total of 4 golems and 2 pastes. We pass far and here we are checked for the most convenient task - drive in the axis of the statue.
Yak ЇЇ drive in: once you let out the skin for 4 spirits, drive them in one at a time and after driving in, stick around for a fork beat like a spirit.
Follow the procedure 8 times and the moonshine still falls apart. You may need a smaller number of "procedures" so you will drive in 2, 3, 4 spirits. In total, the moonshine apparatus is guilty of "hitting" 8 times. Let's go far and here we can see a thoroughly thorough Karidin and also a small army of gallows.
Vіn rozpovidaє we are afraid of the mystery about kovadlі and ask us to ЇЇ znischiti and here we have є vybir - or drive in Branka and indignity kovadlo, or drive in Karidina and vryatuvati iznishchit kovadlo. Viber is yours. For the sake of hitting Karidina Branca: if you see that Karidin troch zignuvshis and does not attack you, it’s more likely to see troch, win cast spell. Branka also has a unique opportunity - to work illusions. For the cob, we choose from the golems, and then we move on to the bats. If you drove Karidina and Branca did not fall short (and in order to lure ЇЇ out of harm's way, the navik "Reconstruction" of the 4th equal was needed), then the dwarfs' deputy, in the fight against Mora, the golems come forward, if she went down - then the dwarfs go to fight . With Karidin, there is only another option. I have decided to kill Branca. After the death of Karidin, having prepared a crown for the future king,
and he himself strebbed into boiling lava. At this hall, it's rough, є Journal of the Golem's Oblik copy the text and ask the limit about the number of records and you will receive the quest "Records of the Galm". Well, now we’re going to the Radi Hall, to present the crown to the future decaying throne. So I chose Belen (if you take Harrowmont, then Belen and yogo people will attack you). Belen's first order buv ... punishment of Harrowmont. Well, in the infamous quest "Kovadlo Porozhnechi" and "The very perfection" of the vikonan. Now you can drink and build side quests. As soon as you leave the King's Palace, you are the sister of Kardel, the legion of the dead and help for the choice of the king. Let's go to the Chronicles there, let's complete the quest "Destroyed Records" by Orte, as if she entered the Hall of Radi, to finish the quest "Dead Castle" read the memoirs, for this quest the city is not good, and finish the quest "Records of Galmova" with a pink clerk. Rewards for the quest "Records of the Galm" - the rune of the maystra: badyorist. Idemo to Orte in the Hall and vimagaemo hedges, hedges - 5 gold. We also give the quest "Hope to Mother", regardless of what we say, we take away the shield of the Hand. Wiccan Quest. Now it is necessary to go to Redcliffe, to the sound of Eamon. Oskіlki gra is practically finished, then you can win the quest of comrades. You can check in the tabor. If you have more than 35 blueprints, then we’ll tell you about your “friends” and we’ll take the quest “Long sweetheart of the ogrіn”. For yoga vykonanny it is necessary to go to Calenhad. Filza, the ogre’s girlfriend works in the “Princess of the Princess,” we say that the ogre has changed, then we say to you that we would have talked to her, and then we’ll whisper you all in your ear and in the kіntsi-kіntsі we breshemo that the queen checks us. Wiccan Quest. Quest Morrigan "Flemeth's Grimoire" - we go to Flemeth's Hatina, without Morrigan (mind the quest) and home from Flemeth or drive in ЇЇ. If you choose a path for driving in, then you will transform into a dragon.
For the sake of schodo driving: the same with the Great Dragon - ice, ice, ice, and once again ice. After ЇЇ vbivvaniya we take the key from the body, open it in the hut screen, take the book and give it to ЇЇ Morrigan. (Yak on me, Flemeth bula on richly stronger than the Greater Dragon and Archdemon)

Zevran doesn't have the Comrades quest. Leliana's quest is more accessible, given that you have good 75+ points with her. Under an hour of blubbering, a quest essence will appear in which we are attacked by recruits. After these attacks, a dialogue is launched and the bandits of the robbers tell what's up. Leliana's past is not so sinless. Virushaemo in Dener, there will appear a new location - Budinok Marzholai. We speak with her and we have є 2 options: either drive in ЇЇ or let go. It's up to you. I let go. Nagoroda - Luk Marzholayn (be it in a vipadka). This is one of the shortest bows in grі. Well, now let's go to Redcliff to talk to Earl and drive our camp. Vіn proponuє go to Dener, we'll be fine. After this trailer tells about the characteristics of the capital of Ferelden and after its completion, Teirn Loghain itself will come to us.
Now we have stooped in maєtok. In one room there is a love leaf. We have a new quest "Take the Lands". For the yogi, it is necessary to go to Yerl’s room, and just as soon as we see it, a dialogue will start, in which the servant of Anora, Loghain’s daughter, ask for help.
We can’t move and we have the quest “Queen’s order”. You can deprive me of this quest for the time being by building side quests, for example, "Audience at the Ambassador". Cities for this quest - Crossbow with polypshenim chains. Now we are talking about Ignacio. Vin gives us a new promise - "Vikup". It is necessary to rule the ambush in the place indicated on the map, virushaemo there. Ale, along the way, a little thing was traipsing, in which Tallesen is guiding us,
if you have a good relationship with Zevran, then you will be told that your friend is beaten. The first axis here is a turning point in the life of Zevran. If you have stoks with him, I repeat, it’s even better, then you can change it and don’t speak out against you, if you can’t seem to mind it, then you’ll come to Taliesen and attack you. We beat in Talesen and yogo zagіn, after whom Zevran dyakuє and now we can let yogo in, and we can deprive him. Virushaemoly far away, having arrived at the place of the voyage, we were able to see the little zagn of Voronov and the guards on the choir with Captain Chase.
We drive them in and turn into “biting a nobleman” outside the city, and Shukachi Rudoy Jenni (mittens) serve as the city. Now we are talking about Ignacio. Tsya Rozmov will remain so that you can drive Yogo for the bazhannyam or let him in. Drive in yoga, I would not be glad for those simple reasons. which will be of little use and dodatkovo to which the trader Cesar knows. Leave it alive and win over the word of Cesar for you. So don’t forget about the “snicha” Coudry, talk to him and give you the rest of the tip, 10 gold coins. As soon as you pay, a new location will appear on your Denerim card. Before the administration, stock up with healthy poultices for the lirium zills, as only they killed everything, virushaymo there. Arriving at the maєtok mi vyyavlyaєmo. that's empty. ale yak tilki dіdemo to the mіstsya de lie karbi, the quest to renovate and we look in the past.
Kill all attackers and turn back to Coudry. The burglar spoke of your failure, turned the pennies, but said that the bann, whom we “plundered” to pay, and go for now. Well, now I will continue the quest "Queen's Poryatunok". Virushaemo in "Mayetok Yerl Denerim". On a whim, we go to Yerlin, the servant, as she will show us a secret path. In order to get through without turning around, it would be necessary to go behind the rig, activate “Invincibility” and stick out far with one robber
And so let's go to the end, we'll give you a change. As for your corral, if a guard is left behind, then you can drive in yoga, you won’t raise an alarm, you don’t get caught on the eyes of the guards on the balcony. Well, now, if it’s over with the guard and our robber crossed the city, Yerlin will come to us and it seems that the guards are at the door
Koristuєmosya cym and penetrates into the booths. Now it’s my fault to make my way to Anore. Well, now, if we got to Anor, mi Bachimo scho the castle is not simple
That's why we need to hear Earl Howe and get the bar'er out of the way. Rush away. Perevіryayuchi all kіmnati, I squandered on one grand cіkava znakhіdka
I ask you to vacate, but I can’t tell you about food: “What’s the point of killing her?”. Respect! They didn’t wake up the guard, so as if I were the captain, and I immediately raised the alarm. Well, now let's continue the path. I gave a little more, having eaten a small room on the bow.
Having taken everything, I’m far away and again I’m receiving a knowledge - a screen with documents, pick them up and go into the next room and get such a picture.
Ale not varto panіkuvati, our guards have killed our, let's say so, colleague - Syrian Guard on the name of Rіordan. Vіn podyakuvav us for the order and asked the paperman for what we knew in the screen. After rozmov vіn pіshov, having said only that bachiv Howe in the dungeons. Yaku vidpovіd mi would not be given vin all one attack on us. We pass through the distance, clearing the way and the stones in the gates. In one of the rooms you could show a diba, on which a person is cast
Bring on yoga. It doesn’t seem like a bіdnyak, but the son of Earl Peak of the Dragon. Ask Yogo to speak out against Loghain at the Zborah Zaemel. After you move, you will receive the quest "A nobleman under tortours". To see this quest, you will need to see the tavern "Bitten Nobleman" and talk to Sighard. Let's move on, and in the next room, one more sign will check us. Znikliy obsvіsti z odnomennoy quest. Let go yoga, the quest is updated. If you hit yoga, then the quest is vikonano and you don’t take away the fence. Directly away. І axis nareshti mi know Earl Howe
Let's hit yoga. We take away all the speeches, then we close the prison cells, which are far away. There we can know Іrmіrinka, a well-known Templar, who asks to give his sister an amulet. Let's wait, so as Yogo's sister is one of the Banns, and ЇЇ the voice can become virishal in the Collections of the Lands, and we have the quest "The Exalted Templar". Well, now it looks like you're in trouble. I turn back to Anor. Respect! If you don’t want to raise an alarm, then hurry up to the mind of “Incompetence” and go through one person. After that, they talked to me about it, it was necessary to bring a mother. Ale, it’s not so easy to rob.
Here we have є 2 options for the development of podіy: the 1st is accepted, the 2nd is full. I vyrishiv drive ЇЇ out of the corral at once. For the sake of driving in: it’s good to lead Coutren into a narrow corridor, at once with ЇЇ law enforcement officers, as if they were in close proximity, to secure themselves from a hail of arrows. Now I would recommend casting the spell "Geena is fiery" and "Zaviryukha" on archers (request the entire zagіn). And you can drive Couldry in just not letting go of the ice. From ЇЇ tіla you can take the Sword of Lita (Summer Sword). While we were fighting, Anora flowed in, but don’t boast, she’s already in Eamon’s mother. Well, if you did not succeed, then you corrected yourself until you were in trouble. You get the quest "At the Poloni". We need to get out of prisons. We have 2 options: 1st try it yourself, 2nd check help with 2 allies (for choice). How to choose from it (for the first option): talk to the guard. If your character is a woman, then you can call on youma to “get loose” or go through the bars. If you win, you can either ask him to loosen up and beat him up, or lick him up and close him, or just beat him up. Apparently from the camera and let our sus_d out. Let's go to the exit from the room and see it on the screen - so we take back all our orders. Let's go away, let's drive in a mabar and a soldier. Dali є kіmnata z vіdkritimi dverim, we go in there and there on the station to hang the uniform of the guards. Dress up ЇЇ. Then let's go to the officer's arsenal and we say to the guards that we came to you for support.
Now, if we go to the colonel's office and we are sent to the comora, help the two boobies. Let's go to them, then we need to drink with them to the arsenal for a charge and turn to the colonel. Let's just say to us more than once: "That's right, sir!" and mi in krotsі vіd freedom. Virushaemo to the Cossacks, yaki ask the password and renew forward! We are free. If you are Alistair with you, then you will be supplied with one more food, for example, Honor. Virushaemo to the Cossacks, yaki ask the password and renew forward! We are free. How to choose from a different option: choose someone from cunning characters (Leliana Zevran) and a tank or a healer. Now let's go to the Cossacks and give a word to the one who has more cunning. Let's open the door for us, but there's another pereskoda
we speak with her again, we are cunning and get out. Otherwise, you can launch a projectile with a catapult, and you will see it. Well, then it’s necessary to break through by force. Ryatuёmo brantsiv. Well, now we turn to Eamon, we speak with him and Anor. The quest "The Enchantment in Elfinage" is launched. Now the Elfinage location is available to us. Ale spochatochno complete the quest "The nobleman under the torturami" and "The greedy templar". For the quest "A nobleman under tortours" you can take a city of 40 or 50 gold coins, as you have more than one navik "Reconciliation". For the quest "The Templar of the Dead" we will take 2 gold coins and the amulet "Non-Dream Sea". So don’t forget about warto and about the known obscurity. Nagorod - 1 gold. Don't forget the "Wonderful Shed" in the dark lane of Denerim. Go there and kill Gakskang.
We take our own city from the new city and the quest "Break free" of the vikonans. Well, now virushaemo in Elfinage. In front of us there is a strong man in hoods and a recruit from the quest “Scratch by the fences”. We go into our booth and speak with brother Soris. Vіn rozpovidaє scho after our exit, earl Howe, having started the massacre of the mist's elves. Dodatkovo before everything in the region, a wondrous plague appeared. So here is the same marriage, it’s better not to give pennies to you, so we’ll bring a whole gang of the same “veterans” later.
Well, now let's go farther. Bіlya tree mi bachimo natovp people i our sister Shian. She tells us about the wondrous exuberance, since no one turned around. Now it is necessary to speak with the guards and "healers". And here we can choose how to eat in the hospital: or pretend to be ill, or kill everyone. If you will be timid, it doesn’t matter, if you enter the porch, then it will not be difficult to attack you. We drive in everyone who is in the middle and read the note, the quest is updated. Let's sweat through the door and there we see elves, beaten, and a whole lot of healthy
we are reminded that the father was taken away through the taєmniy hіd sprat one year ago. Let's turn back to Shian. Vaughn directs us to provulki, or "Apartments". There we can find Fazzil's sextant from the quest "Fazzil's Entrustment". We pass until the exit, and a group of robbers is chasing us. We drive them in and we pass far. In the warehouse, we are checked by a stronger enemy. We can ЇЇ zalyakat, but we can beat. I raju another option, so that it is possible to get a lot of indecent tsibula (Luk ZLATA Sontsya) from it. Prosuvaymosya far away vbivayuchi all got caught under the hand of enemies and nareshti reach the room with the main slave trader - the magician Caladrius. In order to hide the little things we can do it about those who will give us documents against Loghain for 100 gold pieces. It’s also possible for them, but for them, the “Reconciliation” navigator of the 4th day is needed: to clear the documents without a cost, and if you take everything with you; having given everything and depriving everything and having climbed; filling documents and elves and climbing; hit yoga. I have chosen the option of driving in, for which option the “Reconciliation” button is not needed. Peremagaemo yogo, and vіn ask for mercy on yogo,
Ale I yogo virishiv finish. Now we are talking about our father and vin handing us the dagger of our mother - "Іklo". Don't forget to take the documents from the dead mage's body. Well, now we’re virushaemo to Shian. Oskіlki quest mayzhe vykonany, then you can also vikonati 1 side quest tsієї lokatsії. Vin is taken from Ser Otto and is called vin "Evil". Let's go to the exit from Elfinage, but now we can clean the blood and the dead dog.
Let's turn to Otto and we'll tell you about the evidence we've found and at the same time we're going to break into the "Hole" before the door was inaccessible. Mi bachimo scho in life, softly seeming, bezlad. Prosuvaemosya far away driving in along the way all the restless. We reach the demon. We kill Yogo and we pass far. І axis in the very end of the lintel, the demon checks us. It's easy to hit yoga, it's easy to get it suspected. Ale, yak only Ser Otto, having begun the Christmas celebration,
the right demon appeared and knocked in yoga. "Avenging" for Otto and the quest "Evil" of the vicons. No rewards. So here is a screen, if you know what kind of amulet you know, how can you take the quest “Smell the voice”. To complete this quest, enter the divine marriage. The quest of vicons, there are no fences. Well, now we turn to Eamon to complete the quest "Confusion in the Elfinage". Then let's go to the Zbori lands (we have a new location) Arriving there, we’ll send you Coutren (as you didn’t drive ЇЇ earlier) You can drive ЇЇ at once or you can just re-drive you through you can take the Sword of Lita for ЇЇ tіla. Well, now we enter the Zboriv Hall. Now, in view of our words, there is practically no sense, all our deeds have been destroyed in the past. If the Rada acted against us, then a bitter scuffle, if it was glad to vote for us, then in the last round of negotiations, Loghain will order a duel for us, who will fight? - Virishuvati you. Then, if you defeated Yogo in a duel, you will have a choice - or beat Yogo, or make Sirim the Guard. Another option is categorically not to praise Alistair, so I drove Loghain,
so will you be against the fact that Anor sits on the throne. If we put ЇЇ on the throne, then punish Alistair's guards. Otherwise, there is one more option, but for the new one, the navik “Reconciliation” on the 4th level is needed, and this option is to make friends with Anor and Alistair. All to praise the cream of Alistair. Well, now, if all political conflicts are settled, we will accept the quest "Virtual Battle". To see which quest it is necessary to go to Redcliffe. ALE, if we see the mother, we will hope that "Pronoza" Couldry is back in the old city. Vіn gives us a tip on the very same maєtok, but already proponuє to go to the new one not through the floor, but through the valleys. At whom krill, in the yak we came, the skin of the passage is protected by pastas, so be careful. For what we need, thanks to Andraste, let's go here:
Ale respect, do not step on the pasta in the room, otherwise the stench will chew the axis of such lads.
Does Vin tell you no one? Well, now if we’re crying, we’re virushaemo to “snatch”. It doesn’t matter how we deliver the tears to the church especially, but through Cowdri ale, one checks us - 10 gold coins. The quest "Hvilya malice" of the vicons. Well, now, if our student, on the deposit "Potochni zavdannya" may look like this
you can virushat in Redcliffe. By surprise, we found the village not in the best camp - the birth of the temryavi attacked the village. You'll be richer, but don't worry - all the stinks die in one or two blows, regardless of your strength, only enemies with yellow names will be more powerful. Arriving at the castle, we also show that there are attacks by creatures. We interrupted all of them and let us go until the last minute, letting us in. We speak with Eamon and they lead us to the repair. It is necessary to speak with Riordan, the wine is known in another version. After moving with Sirim the Guardian, you begin to understand what, the one who in the Archdemon will also die. Well, now it’s our fault to go to our room and repent. As soon as we enter the room, we care for Morrigan. Vaughn knows about the share of the Sirikh Vartovs after the Archdemon was driven in, and she propagates us to carry out such a ritual.
If we wait, then a bed scene will start between you (as your character is human) or Alistair Loghain (as a woman) and Morrigan. At different times - Morrigan will leave your zagіn. I virishiv do not perform the ritual. (And I spent, even though it was a shkoda Alistair)

Nastav svitanok ... All forces will be thrown into Dener for the archdemon's death and yogo war. Arriving in Dener, we can see that the guilt of redemption by the born darkness. We drive in all the evil spirits that only get on the way. The next thing we say with Riordan. Vіn proponuє us to take someone from our team with us. Whom do you take on the right of the special officer. May the force be with you! The first axis here is the moment, which I most dislike - the separation from comrades. Ale at once not about tse. We need to drive in two generals born dark. One of them is located in the shopping district, the other in Elfinage. Virushaemo to the shopping district. If we get far away, we will have a new opportunity - the management of the army. We can choose someone to call for help. Rows of these warriors lie in wait for your deeds in the past. The deputy of magicians could be Templars, the deputy of elves - inverted, the deputy of gnomes - golems. Well, let's get to the bottom of the creatures at once. The generals do not seem to be especially excited in the midst of cross-breeding darkness. It’s possible to drive a cichlid into Elfinage, where it’s mi Bachimo that Shian ocholil zahisniy zagin, though it’s of little use. Please ЇЇ tіkati and let's protect yourself from the birth of darkness. The quest "Protection of Elfinage" is launched. For yogo vikonannya, it is necessary to simply drive in all the births of the darkness and the general at the same time. We turn to Xi'an and won't give us a ring right off the bat. Wiccan Quest. Well, now let's go across the bridge to the attacking location, but just as soon as we get to the exit, the video is launched in the way the Archdemon is in the city, and by the same token we are leading the way back. According to the price, we get the quest essence, in which we are silent for our guard, and for the quiet, whom we have left to guard the gates, we have the quest “Trim the gates”. It is necessary to simply take down the gates so that you would like to be saved alive. It’s easier to slay it, so after the battle, talk to the lord and the quest vikonano. Let's show us a video in which Rіordan tried to beat the Archdemon, but unfortunately nothing happened to him and he fell from the height of the bird's flight. Well, now my zmusheni break into the fort. I strongly recommend that you drive in the emisars, because the stench can kill our lives. Well, now, we have reached the fort. Ale, having arrived there, mi bachimo scho and not everything is fine there. I am glad the same earlier, wake up early in the wake of the emisarіv and dragon battle, and then move on to the decision. Well, now the fort itself. Here, the opponents will no longer die from the first blow, so do not relax. Fortí us zustrіne genlock mage-creator. We pass far away driving everyone on our way and we reach the axis, for example, the Warehouse was called the Warehouse. There we are, no one knows, check Sendel. Virushaemo on top of another. There, an even more interesting room with a bunch of foes can be overcome without special vitrates in this way: a robber with an active building "Nepomitnist" enter the room, and then a magician "shoot" the room with mass magic, such as: "Storm" and so on. At the sudіdnіy kіmnatі we are checking for a surprise, from the ground of the earth we go to the min-guild hired to kill the generation of darkness. We pass far and there will be 2 ogres and emisar. Drive in їх i mi mayzhe on the dash.

Note: in the right room there are 2 screens full of poultices and lirium sills.

Rise up on the dacha de us checks our remaining enemy. For the sake of driving in: the Archdemon is a dragon for its nature, and because of it it screams that the ice is afraid of wine. Navit do not try to cast a mass spell (“Storm”, “Zaviryukha”, etc.) so that at the hour, at the hour, it will be sent to the arenas. If you know about 50% of the life of the yoma “fly, but promise to return”, on the yoma the birth of the darkness will appear. So, in a new way, you can shoot with ballistics.

If the Archdemon is able to overcome, Alistair comes up to us and pronounces to beat the Archdemon, then sacrifice himself for us. Ale, I thought, to that country, like it or not, the king is needed for that I and having driven yoga myself

Thanks to everyone who read my passage. I am sure that it was worthy of you and even if it helped, I tried to tell you the possible openings along the way, but if I missed something, then I ask for remission.

created 18 September 2010

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