Passage - Act II: Plot line. Passage - Act II: Plot line passage dragon age 2 vіki

Passage - Act II: Plot line. Passage - Act II: Plot line passage dragon age 2 vіki

Also, you have installed the Dragon Age 2 group, launched її, wondered at the introductory video and are ready to start the Dragon Age 2 passage ... And you will have no need to answer, as the stench has been trapped. And if your friend is a dwarf, you will learn more about it. Otzhe, for a cob you can not select the call value, for the character's wins - just select the class i pidlogu. For the passage of Dragon Age 2, there is a magician, a rogue and a war of both articles. Well, I'll vvazhatimu for the beauty of the rogue ... Yak, only the vibration of destruction, to throw you into the thick of the battle at once with your fighting friend. Abo іnshomu. Here you can still find a class and a stat, which you choose. Having interrupted the perch, I will give you the power to beat yourself, or let your companion finish everything for you. I have resigned myself to beating more than three and get to know my controllers in the group. It’s not inviting, but if you’re talking about it, you can wonder in your eyes. It would be more beautiful if you can get used to the keruvans, if you have such a fearless opportunity - in Dragon Age 2 you will not be able to get to grips with it.

If it’s over, miniboss will come before you, Ogre. Vbivati ​​yogo dovgo, ale at a time is not difficult. Just vivchit all your viminnya and vikoristyte them in battle correctly and by the way. If you have a vipadku, wake you up. Do not be afraid of that, but just grate ... The first axis of the majestic is finished. Your companion will tell you that the kindred temryaevi will not end. Ale їkh rozpolokhaє dragon ... The prologue of the passage of Dragon Age 2 will end here. You will again become a witness to the spilkuvannya of the dwarf Varrik and іnkvizitor Kassandri. First, you will feel even more dubious phrase from Varrik - "Todi will hear everything from the ear itself." Now you need to vibrate the name of your maybut hero. You can try and experiment with the adjusted ones, having opened a copy for yourself - especially for me to perceive yourself as a passable participant. In the game version, naturally. Did you do it? Todi fix the passage of Dragon Age 2. And if you fix it, you will be able to do it in the future. Wee, glorifications of war, tikayte ?! Ale, if your mother stumbles, big distance will not be possible. And you will automatically seize the її by killing the gentiles. Talking to her is naughty ... In the course of the development, the decision will be taken. I will be a guide. And who is it? Collapse forward, there is only one road. Just do not forget to periodically press the Tab, so that the available items are available. And for the first time galyavin you check biy. Elementary, please tell me. Pidberit vidobutok from each other and just from the corpses and collapse the distance through the passage of Dragon Age 2.

As soon as you will go outside the Galavin, you will immediately have a chance to talk to the seven about those where you will be heading. I may even be sent in one voice to Kirkwall. Drive in the offensive party of Garlock and try to fight two friends. Now, take the decision, how to work with the two - or try to make friends, or just enter into an alliance. Anyone who knows how to feed them in detail about everything - the information is not scrambled. Remember the principle for all Dragon Age 2 passage. Behind the bags you have one tyagar ludin and one war in the group. It’s wonderful, not to screw up. So you and you need to be there, you will constantly be able to resist the attacks of the gentiles. Do not go to Chergovaya Galyavin. Be sure to display the screen and coward all the corpses for the death of all opponents. Now it is possible і to go to the offensive Galyavin, de maє buti zustrіch z huge.

Same tsya creature vb'є your beloved brother. True, it’s going to be in the movie, because you cannot help him. Before the word, if you choose to pass Dragon Age 2 for a magician, then the ogre wins your sister. That will only need to finish off the ogre and the generation of the mother and the mother. The Templar hides to carry out his soul in the first light. True, through the prayers you will happen to be bitisya ... The dragon itself, which you saw at the introductory video, will not show up. The dragon will interrupt all kinds of children and appear ... Zhinkoy! We know the same for the first part of the city. Flemeth. Good, scho in the first part I її drove. Yak was a bitch, so I lost it. I’ll help you ale won’t help ... Why shouldn’t I accept it, having fed Flemeth about everything possible? Tilki є one Ale. The Templar will turn out to be infested with filth, and soon he will re-incarnate on the mother of Thy. Would you be better off finishing off any vipadku. Growing up the price, not stopping to drive ... The axis will now take you to the place where you can get to Kirkwall and read the main part of Dragon Age 2's passage.


Then, we flooded, after two sitting in a dark hold. Wild storms took you to the spot, ale we fit. And, when you go to the gate of the place, you know that you won't let anyone in the place. Ale, mum, say, even better, you need to know your relatives in the person of Gamla Amell, and even your family has become a great leader in the world. Go to the door and fix the dialogue with the guard Wright, which is worth it without a sholom - it’s a lot of trickery. In the number of the one, the commander-commander Meridit Volodin in the place is a great ruler. But don't let all the businessmen be sent far away. Raptom who will appear on the right in the place. Guide us to Captain Evalda at the inner courtyard. True, it is not correct to play the whole thing. Eh, be it my will, driving in a bizarre zarozumil tsucenya! Ale such mobility in the passage of Dragon Age 2 is dumb, it's a pity. Tom just go through the gate ...

You can know the merchant for the quest signs. Talk to him - and shake off the non-samovit scene, as it was by robbing businessmen. It’s a pity, at the same time it’s not in our possession. It's time to go to Kapitan Evald according to the date on the map. There you will become the witnesses of a healthy yak attack, a bajє to pass the people to the guard. So, passing Dragon Age 2 buvaє zhorstokim. True, it will be, as long as the dialogue is correct. Just make sure you know how to get through ... I’ll be going. Yogo of all the enemies, which are the zdrіsniki. First of all, Capitan Evald, know your uncle, and he was before you. Yak cute ... It's a pity, you can't take us to the place. Ale deyaku robot for us wіn rozdobuv. Let us be guilty in the place, and we will be ricky for the whole crop. Wonderful proposition from a loving uncle! You have є vibir - drink pratsyuvati to smugglers or to naymans. For a cob, go to Miranu and take from a new department for Fridrikh's life. Well, the whole bastard bastard is guilty to die! Drive to the bottom side of the picture and drive it in. Only protectively - ok, if you are weak, but you can remember a little of the lack of hands through its own number. It is time now to make a visit to our robot teacher Miranu. I will be glad for you and say that you will be accepted into the brotherhood of Crooked Blades. Wonderful. The passage of Dragon Age 2 has entered a new phase. Now go to talk to your uncle and enter the place.

Proyshov rik ...

You will not be caught in the expedition. It's rotten, it's not fatal. You will walk along the place and what a cottony steal from you hamanets. And we already know Varrik to make a mistake and turn our pennies. Wonderful, thank you. The very same way we know him in the passage of Dragon Age 2. I think that we need you for the expedition, don't mind finding your brother. I Varrik will send us a contribution of 50 gold pieces to the expedition. Wonderful. Only the axis of such pennies is still dumb with us ... Get ready for this proposition - it's your chance to vibrate in people. Now the time has come for the place to live. At the top right corner of the picture is a gnome merchant, who will constantly supervise your expedition. Ale turn to the building. Drive to Avelino as indicated on the map for a "friend wart" visit. Vona rasspovist, that by її vidchuttyah crossed the road. I propose to us the right to right - go to the rogues, as they did it to steal. Well, we’ll just like a robot will be in the middle - the passage of Dragon Age 2 zmushuє us zoroblyat. Take care of the right, having fed in front of everything about everything. Vaughn come to you, if you leave the visitor's office, you can check it out ...

Introduce the staff of "Novy Budynok?" Immediately go down from the descent and from the train station at the Elegant Ice. Virnishe, not calling. Vona proponyuvatyuvatiyuvati zillya from unseen reagents. Well, it’s forgotten ... Then search the place, picking up the bogeymen and picking up the apartments. Do not sleep in big time until you uncle - follow along with Nizhniy Novgorod. The plot of Dragon Age 2 is such that we will need a lot of money if we hold out a lot of money. Well, if you finish the tsim, you can calmly enter the Gamla booth for the "New Budinok?" The very tse m_sce i will become your life. Here the sheets appear on the table - a whole lot of fun, good jobs. Read the sheet from Miiran - as soon as possible, if you will receive a message. Well, to reach the speech. Let your mother know and feed the wonderful words. I ask the uncle to show him. Tilki є one problem - they say that they have lost their masks in the past, and they have already walked out on them. Now talk with your sister about the commandment - learn a lot of new things ... Including about the key, which is guilty to go to the back doors of the master. Well, let's mother on respect ...

Or is it brutal at once? More beautifully so - do not let the passage of Dragon Age 2 grow up for the rank we need. Go out from the booth and go to the cloaca, we’ll be going to visit the "Sprave the Simeiny". Yak zavzhdi, on the cob, let's see the location. For example, the order of the slave traders in Danzik lies the remains of the maidens, which can be turned for the wine town. Well, Tomwise can be ready to screw us off. І share your own formal recipe. If you finish until you get to it, go to the entrance to the Amell's handcuffs for the quest "Help the family." Go ahead, considering the values ​​and reading the Code. On the first maidan you will see three heroes. Drive in їх - no ceremony. There are two entries from the room, and there are a couple of viruses on the street. Here, that skrіz dalі, the passage of Dragon Age 2 zmushuє us competently lay the route straight. When you make a turn, take another room, and you will be checked by 4 ohoronts. Drive in, go down to the room below and pick up all the screens, including the portrait of your mother. Have you taken all of them? Ruhaumosya dali. You will have a meal in that room, where you would have been, yakby went to the end of the first development.

Drive in the guards there - in the passage of Dragon Age 2, the price is not foldable, cowardly screens and mishki. Zagalom, the yak is waiting. Here you will see the first enemy-magician from your life. Yogo slid beat, since the shield has fallen off - at the last hour of Shkodi, do not pass through the gates. Tom, as long as you sit in the shield, just finish off your comrades. After completing the distance, having completed it all at once, go to the room with a screen. Itself there lies a commandment, it is worthy of a penny and a couple of tsikavi speeches. Now the time has come to bring the message to Gamelin from Tim, and to see it for yogi. To shine, that the matok is deprived of us, and not to the whole prodigy! So, the material needs to be added to the flow in the places. Ale tse everything - on the right is baited. And leave to talk to your sister. Moreover, as you can be more friendly - it is not a good idea to put a shit on you. Do not play that big blue in Dragon Age 2.

Now go to the house and go to the Upper Place, then take the remains of the maiden for the plant "Remains of Sister Plint". For a complete reference, refer to the map and go to the Church. Evil from head-to-head meetings to talk to Judge Vanard and to visit the new headquarters of "Punish the Judge". Now it’s an hour to go to the church. At parties, attend the gatherings of the church and attend the "Locks of the Golden Durnik". Tse to give us a zavdannya - basically spent an hour in Dragon Age 2. And then go for a week and give a zavdannya. Are you ready? Vidminno.

It is the hour of the visit to the head of the court Vanard "Punish the court". Be active and walk outside the church booth. Go to Zanedbani Ruina. Go three steps forward and talk to the guard Nabil. For the first hour, let us go to see you elf, as if we were going to see the Velmi unattractively about the order to take the bizhenitsa alive. First, the bastard has driven in elf children. First, I am virulent, I’m dumb mids of the living, and I’m going through Dragon Age 2 goit ’yazuє zrobity vibir Having talked to the guard, it’s time for the virus to fall into the prohid, right at the entrance of the local area. Come on in there.

For the cob, go to the skid. There you will hit with piles, which are easy to drive in. Pick up the trophies and fall back, go to the pivnich. If you have a check, it’s a lot of pavukiv, so it’s safe. On the dodatok to all іnshogo є to spit with a hard pawuki, which is more beautiful to drive into the persha. At the end of the road, there is no door, the door is blocked up, so I know it at pivnich. Before the word, in the passage of Dragon Age 2 is a lot of overwhelmed passages, so do not fall into the view - the whole idea of ​​the developers. Turn the corridor to skid, and lean at the fork. Go to the list of the distance on the course for the west, to reach the room. Have you taken all the screenshots? Turn back and go down to the round hall for the afternoon. Safely! Here you have a serious bey! Here і magician, і strong skeletons, і pawuki ... and all at once. May be on uvazi, scho your diy slid planuvati. Now go to the distance for the day and go to the schematic. There, you will see Lyya, yaku, after the words of the elf, they hammered in. Ale not everything in the passage of Dragon Age 2 can be true. Vaughn razpov_st, shho Kelder, the very same vbivtsyu, not to control the demons. Have you talked? Todi ydemo dal ... Go two more turns and go to the left room. The axis is so surprise. Vyavlyayutsya, Kelder - sin suddi. Apparently, I also did it. Talk to him and know that he turned up to the Cola magicians, and there they told him that there weren't any demons. And vin is just zbozhevoliv. I am virish, so easy to beat him. That and I’ve obb_tsyav the same. Don't bother with the world - the passage of Dragon Age 2 will rest in peace.

Come out from the ruin and speak with elf, as you asked to beat Kelder. Take one gold mountain and head straight to the Upper Place of Kirkwall. And judging not by sight, I’m vryatuvav his sin and swearing to take revenge on me. Well, that's right. Now I have gone to see the Zoloni Zolotnyi zhdannya zabdannya, sobutisya from the vicarious zavdan. For more information on the cards, send a message to the radical radical and give him a book. Get it off for a price of 50 rubles and a lot of bude vikonano. In the plot of Dragon Age 2, the rosrobniki contributed a lot of such sorcerers.

Priyshov hour in Dragon Age 2 zavdannya "So, yak guilty", yak gave us Avelіno. Enter it on the map and go to the location. Drive in the place of the transfer and crash forward along the location. On razviltsі, de there will be opponents, virus with a chat for a day. The quality of the stitch is briskly zignetsya, pisvshi on pivnich. Opponents sit in the middle of the game itself. Then walk to the crossroads, go to the pivnich, rise the dead end there and, turning to the crosshairs, go to the west. There will be a last stop, sending you to secure the onset of the project. Go to the location and visit the Fortress of the Mister. Tilki capitan to shout at Avelino and vision, get out of the office. Talk to her and calm down. And then try z'yasuvati, to whom Avelino stepped on a hwist - in Dragon Age 2, the passage of nothing is not just like that. Do it right there, amazed at the distribution, yake hang right there. Before Avelino went, a friend, and say, they hid them, so that the bully was sent to that visit in a single patrol. The axis is such a situation. First of all, my friend bulo іnshe zavdannya - deliver a bag with instructions to distant outposts. True, the bag was very important all the time; Perhaps there are є links? The one Burkun, to whom the bag was handed over, can be relied upon in a favor. Tse is exactly what you need to control. That same vzagal in the passage of Dragon Age 2 requires all trimati under control.

Every night in Nizhni Misto. There you will need to talk to Avelino and follow the directions on the map. There will be a lot of problems with rozbіyniki z Igl, there won't be any problems. Killed? I know the ruins of the past. There, you will help the burkun to go in and look at the bag, it’s the fault of the delivery. There the friend of the messenger will appear! The axis is tse kazka, chudova zdobich for rozbіynikіv. Good, they've hidden it. Ale jiva, the chief of the varti, is guilty of bearing punishment for such a vchinok! Visited from the location and during the day in the fort of the fortune teller. With him, you need to save good things, and at another part of the Dragon Age 2 passage, we should know more. As soon as you go to the corridor, you will see a video about those who are going to go to the jiva and guide them to the exit. And Avelino was designated as the new captain of Varti Kirkwall. First, it will be recognized in a couple of months, if you go through the necessary training and finish all your references. So go to our paddock. Go out from the office and become a witness to a funny scene from Varrik and Avelino. Varrik would like to get hold of the Shibenik bar, and Avelino would like to see him for additional help. It's fun to develop Dragon Age 2, however.

Ale let’s go viral dodoma, there’s a maє buti list. There are already two zavdannya hanging there: "Bone pit" and "Incomplete please". For a corncob, visit Nizhni Misto with the quest "Incomplete Inquiry" at night. Have you come? Todi know there Mirana according to the position on the map. Win proponu knock Lord Harimann for a penny. Why would it be? We also need to earn money for the passage of Dragon Age 2. Go to the port during the day, you will need it for Miran's staff. Check out the location, since you haven’t taken up the issue of the project - you will need to start visiting the site. Send a trip to the port as indicated on the map. There will be a fight at once. If it’s hot - kapitan varti is strong. Those archers will stretch. To that it is more beautiful to know the dribnitsa at once, and then also to fraternize for the captain. Whenever you die, talk to the wounded, and before you come, Lord Harimann. Power up from a new one, for which I want to beat - to emerge, as a result of a penny for the help of our father, Denerim. Vi vb'єte yogo for tse? I am not driving. At the end of the day, winners asked me to figure out how to deal with the hires and help, but they didn’t take revenge on me. Know now to Miranu in the lower place at night and give him a quest. Win, zychayno get angry, ale your people will have a mustache in the passage of Dragon Age 2.

Now I am grateful for the project "Bone Pit". Drive in the afternoon to the upper place and know Hubert there. Tse zrobiti simply, speeding up the mark on the card. Before the word, the tsi signs in Dragon Age 2 progazhennya lodged just to the point of inappropriateness. Talk to him, feed all the information and take on the robot. Now it’s time to go from the location and go to that very potty pit, it’s so abundant to talk about yak ... There is only one road, take the first signs on the map. Just don't go right there and go all at once - a way to get through the location. You don’t know what is especially valuable there, but you can profit from it. If you finish the routine, go down to the Bone Yami Mine. Here you will immediately see the dragons that will need to be driven in. Safely, in the middle of them є a grown-up dragon, drive in one that is cheaply foldable. Ale is still very flexible. Go on a weekday, there is only one way.

It’s true that there’s no way to beat and beat the truth; The most important thing is in the very beginning and in the organization of the people. Drink it about everything and let the world go. Don't forget to tell you about the majestic dragon in front of you. Go to the edge of the walls, having shoved two dead ends in front of the front. І at the edge of the location, kill a grown-up dragon. Vidmіnno, yogo and і need you go! Make it more important and send the tank ahead more beautifully. That vzagal in the passage of Dragon Age 2 of the tank is more beautiful than the war in NATO. I’m so dumb - just constantly change between characters and vikorist all of them. If the dragon is overdriving - you are a coward, the boulders are on your way and turn to the Upper Place in the afternoon. Wait on Hubert's proposition, go to the mine and go to the bottom of the road to the robots. Perekonayte їkh turn until the robots in the mines and the "Bone Pit" factory will be Viconano. Axis і is wonderful! Prohodzhennya Dragon Age 2 yde svoєu chergoyu.

Go to the port and leave the remains that were picked up in the mines. 50 terms will not be borrowed. Let's go to the Fortress of the Namisnik for the head of the sword Yustis. There, trim off the gold and complete the process. Well, let's go to the main quest? Need to prodvzhuvati Dragon Age 2. To be active as an active worker of "Dilova Besida" and go to the lower place to go to the Hangman tavern. Here you will have a chance to talk to Varrik. Let me tell you that I know about Syroma Varti and be in the world. Movlyav, only vin, you can also know the passage to Glybinny stitches. It's wonderful that the gnomes haven’t prepared their way down ...

Appear, with the guard spilkuvalasya yakas Liren from the lower place. You need to stay with her in order to continue your visit. Now we are active at the "Priborkannya" manager and go to the Lower Misto, for example, to know the trader Liren. On the map of the input values ​​to it, do not overshadow the passage of Dragon Age 2. Go to the wakeup and talk to her. Just a chance to marvel at a friend - how can you be honored. True, don’t burn the bazhany to give us the opportunity to develop with the Sirem the Guardian, who should be afraid for his life. Appear, what a magician is, and you can take back the Templar. If you want to tell us, you’re alive, it’s still easy. Tse mice is in the cloaca. I know us to climb the channelization to any nepotrіbnі ... ale nothing porobish - the passage of Dragon Age 2 threw us at the rіznі miscya. Go out from the booth and go to the cloaca behind the "Priborkannya" store. Ale yak only you will see the likarna, before you go to see a lyudin, as you don’t want to, we will go to Wartu. Tell Bethany, you won’t have explained everything, and you won’t have any problems. Now it’s exactly in the cesspool ... If you go into the door of the hospital, you’ll kick it, as the Guardian of the sick. Ale already it is very quick to come back to our belts. Aje mi do not want youmu evil, why not? Drink yogo about everything. S'yasuєatsya, scho win to ask for a service for a service. And the very thing - help you to lead your friend-magician from the templars so that he didn’t get grabbed. This is the magician in the Dragon Age 2.

It’s clear that it’s clear that it’s necessary to come to the Church in the Upper Mysti at night. Well, ydemo there. Go to the gatherings to the church and talk to Anders. You have to stand on the naughty, as long as Anders speaks to Karl and stitches, but the Templars do not reach them. Go to pivnich, go to the gatherings and talk to Karl. They just cleared Karl's brain, and grafted into himself the Templars! The hour is coming! It will not be easy to kill them, as you do not immediately rush at the Lieutenant. Smash the driver around and then take on the head. And if you were able to make you grow ... By the way, it’s a pity, Karl will die. Skoda, a good buv bi companion. Then go to Anders's house and talk to him. A demon lives in his head, as if pricked by Justice. But it’s a little bit with him, you can read Anders’s report. In the pidsumku win come to your expedition - the most important thing in Dragon Age 2.

Now, to become active, we will start working on the "Shawl of Daughters of the Valley" and go to the Upper Place during the day. Here you can talk to the Mesha bilya at the entrance to the church - there will be a new one. To emerge, they took my brother to the Templars and disappeared. Drink a little more about Meridit and a little bit, and then wait for some help. Tsim vi shriek one rumor - "Thieves among us" and іtrimate zavdannya under the same name. I leave to go to see the information about Shali. Everything is set on the map, so it’s not a problem with Dragon Age 2. Now, go to Casemati for the "Vorogi Srednami" zavdannyam. Templar H'yu stands right at the entrance to the entrance. Winning over zechtuvati by order not from them do not go out and get help on the sides. I think it’s zoosuilo who is guilty of respect. Feed him and wait for help. For the ear, we need to see Wilmond, who turned out to be in the beginning. Wonderful, big in Wilmond's Tabir. It is not easy to know the values ​​on the map. It’s just a good deal of it, and don’t just pick up where we need to go on the quest, and we don’t get it. If you take it all in, go by the way on the map and become witness to Willmond's beating. Yogo treba clean up! Only when it comes to living is not even less demanding! As soon as you can talk to your companion, you can transform yourself into a demon, and it prompts a lot of friends. Drive them in secretly. Robit tse is not foldable, only dovgo. Let’s talk with the templar’s ​​sieve and find out that Wilmond is possessed. We will be hired by a pidsumka for a frivolous sale. Well, pick up trophies and go to star. Dragon Age 2 Gris walked through us.

And straight at night in the Upper Town. The brothel Kvitucha Trojanda for the staff of Voroga in the middle of us. Well, come in in the middle and around the brothel. For example, in pivnіchno-skіdnіy room I know kam'yaniy toe. Added to one more zavdannya, like a viconmo piznishe. So just go ahead and keep it up to the day we need it. Vіveka varto in the central room. Yak you know, offended friends went to one and the same woman, Idun divin zi Descend. Alert me in the passage of Dragon Age 2. Finish the rozmovu and send it to her. True, I’ll try to enchant you and get you to see you. Well, what a shame? Then read the documents on the table and go to the cloaca. Go to Pritulok, marked on the map. However, they have a great lane! For a cob to go to pivnich, to power a dead-end room at the entrance. Tilki, be careful! As soon as you enter, NATO will attack you. Oh rich, so be safe.

Let go alone, I want it to be zvivistic. Safely, you can reach the bagato. At the very end, bilya signs, you will have a dialogue with blood magicians. It’s a pity, it’s a pity to go home і їkh to be driven. Well, that tse is not a problem - in Dragon Age 2 progression, yes, we can go dry from any sort of waste. Collect all the trophies and talk to Kerann. More beautifully than letting go and not saying a word to templars. Then visit Casemati and complete the work of Voroga in the middle of us. Say that Keran is not otrimaєmo, and take 4 gold pieces to the city. Wonderful. That project of "Vorogi among us" is now over. In the same place you can build a thorough finger. Everything is for sale on the market and you will easily know two necessary people. Wonderful. Now go to Shibenik and talk to Varrik. First of all, a chance to marvel at the video and try to spilkuvatisya with Izabela - another axis is another companion in our passing Dragon Age 2. Vona so miraculously threw the opponents away, so she should be served in our team. Yaksho, zychayno, I want. For a cob to talk to her and wait a minute to shut up, after an hour of duel. You will deny the "God not go out of the way". Wonderful. Ale at once talk to Varrik for the staff of "Food and Vidpovidi". Feed yo about everything on the light, learn about more. Simulate the set up to yourself and complete the set.

Now the time has come to go to the Upper Misto at night to help Isabella. Have you forgotten about the zavdannya "Bozhevilnі do not go into the housekeeping"? Todi virusєmo. You will only come to the place and talk to her, attack you. Help girls! If everything is going to be hammered in, pick up a leaf that will be hidden, but the visitor himself will be in the church. There and bizimo! In front of the church you will be attacked again, while in the passage of Dragon Age 2 you will often be trapped. Yogo all and enter in the middle. There, you will know to be bitisya. Inb'єte the head - stop slipping other characters. Write to izabella about the relics, as you need to turn Castiglione. Zagalom, now you have one other good companion. Go to Shibenik and talk to Izabella for the staff of "Rosemary Izabelli". I will proponate the robot to you one by one. Well, good luck, wait a minute and go to a distant room at a new facility. Feed it about everything and wait a minute. Do you have a new zavdannya "Who fell from the cart?". We need to go to the Port for a vikonannya zavdannya in Dragon Age 2. And in the afternoon. Have you come? Come crash down to the mark on the card and move it out of the port robots. True, the stench won't tell us anything, only send it to the port inspector. Well, let's go there.

For the position on the map you will know Liam, the head of the port. True, we must see our father-in-law on his own. First of all vows, the spokesperson seeks to speak without paying. Garazd, pay you a penny and go until the next day. There will be a guard, you can drive and drink it into the warehouse. I want є y іnshy way in the passage of Dragon Age 2, ale tsei - naybilsh in the distance. Well, for that, as you have been drinking in the middle, you will only need to fix the entire warehouse. There є, how to profit, whom to beat і de viconati quest. The vantage that we need is worth in the very end of the day, and there is only one way. If the vantage is put into your hands - go back. There you will be hunted by one ambush, altogether dumbnitsi. Drive back to Shibenik and create an appointment. Nagorod - 2 golden і povagu Izabelli, shho velma korisno, aje won - the best candidate for kokhanki pіd chas vsego prodzhennya Dragon Age 2.

It's time to talk with one of our companions - Anders. Live vin, yak vidomo, in the cloaca. Today and straightforwardly for the zavdannya "Talk with Anders". There, just talk to him. Just wait on uvaz - you can develop a love story with him, so carefully select the remarks. Especially, when you play with a cholovik.

Go to the house and remove the chart from Miran. Well, good luck, we won’t be busy in Dragon Age 2. Take your leave of the night for the staff of the "Bezkoshtovny sire" in Nizhni Misto. There it is necessary to reach the market, on a sack, the gnome Anso. Take your stock and wait until you turn the item. For everyone to have a chance to go to the Elfinage and ... Turn the goods. Be-like the price. So, like the area in the Lower Mist, you don't get to cross - just collapse on the map and enter the abandonment of the booths. Just an axis at a chomu bida - a screen in the kitchen empty! Povertaєmosya to Anso for additional evidence ... True, when I go out from the booth, you’ll be late, but it’s not important. If you interrupt, you will see the self-singing fool and try to block it. Tilki yogo vb'є newly appeared elf, with a need to talk. It will appear that all our enterprise has become more and more unavailable. Well, well, since they helped the elfi not to resurrect the dead. Wait a moment to help you get the right one, if you are already wedged into the right, we won’t take that horseman in Dragon Age 2. Try to get through the nights of Miran's life and get to know him. Well, sobats is a dog's death! We'll spend the night in the Upper Town with the same kind of staff "Bezkoshtovny sire". Now go by the time on the map. There you will see Fenris, that very elf. A mansion must be passed through it.

Mayte on uvazi, bumblebees are even more zvivistic, that is more beautiful to keep everything on your way, drive in all the enemies and pick up all the trophies. And in the first room you check in. A collection of 8 other demons, perhaps 4 strong ones. Drive in and collapse away. You need to keep the whole mansion in check. At the Pivnichno-Shidniy Room, you will find the Demon's abdomen (the same creature in Dragon Age 2) and take a key. Itself didn’t start to us. As soon as you see the closed doors at gatherings, opponents appear behind your back. True, when you die, you get lost, but the Lord has broken your legs ... To that end, take all the values ​​and go to come. Talk to your elf and take him to your team. In the edge of the cinnamon war. Let us visit the office of "Fenrіs reception to the corral". Just talk to him. True, neat - you can have a romance with him! Pislya balakanini zavdannya viconano and you can get through the distance through Dragon Age 2.

Axis i is coming the hour of the visit to the festival "Dovgy shlyakh to dodomu". Come from the place and go to Rozkolena Gora. Collapse forward, drive in pavuk_v. Tilki protectively - strong pavukiv vistachak. So you will go to Doliy elfs - quiet themselves, to whom you need to turn. Feed yo about everything and say that you don’t need any inappropriateness. Show you to Meretari. Have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Yak vi could have wondered, you have a new problem. Get to the top of the mountain, then perform a ritual there. Well, for the wildness, the smell of civilization is ... elfi. First, wait for your companion. Before we go to the ellipse on the stitch, there is one spike in the stitch. Have you covered it? It's time to go to the elf. Well, there’s a lot of basics. Already not befitting ... I would like to have one other companion in the passage of Dragon Age 2. At once, you will be biting with corpses. Well, it's simple. Fall apart, walk alone. True, the road to you will be repaired by the avalanche, that will happen to drink through the cave

Oh, not for good ... Well, okay, pirnayte in the cave. In the first hall we are checked by pavuchki. Walk through the distance, not forgetting to see the entrance hall. There is a bunch of stones with a couple of trophies. If you look around - collapse the distance, on the first day. There you will be checked another pack of pavuks and vykhid in the old storeroom. Just go to the top, kill the Tin's War and scan the screen - see trophies. Writing is possible to go. The storehouse of the conqueror is bar'ur, like the elf, zruynu for the help of the magic of blood. Original plot twist of Dragon Age 2, why is it wrong? Then make your way forward and victorize vivtar. The axis is so fast! Flemeth began to wander and behold. Here, come your way, having piled us up. Now turn back. You can’t walk for a long time - there’s a lot of tsikava there. Vlasne, at all and end our zavdannya. Watch the video about coming to Elfinage ... Finish it and talk to Ariana right there, having eliminated the old lady. Then go to the Merril's hut and stele with her, below one more fad for the passage of Dragon Age 2.

Go to Casemati and give the Card of the recouped Kirkvola archivarius there. Pobichna zavdannya bude vikonano, and you will neglect 50 credits. Talk to Solvitus and take it out at the new Travnik staff. Wonderful, it’s going to be. I still have a buv Іklo dragon and Pavukov zaliza. Tom will be lost only to know Zalizna bark. Now turn to the center and talk to TRASCO for the Prodigal Synonyms. We will be redirected again ... once in the lower place at night. Place a mark on the card and straight there. Go to Samson and feed about the boy Feynrele. I know tikati in іnshu location. At once - to the port. The sign will take us to the berths, to the booths. Come here and see the reference labyrinth. I do not want to start our Dragon Age 2. If you go to the designated point, obnishporiv all kuchki, you punch, as the woman will become a demon. I know bitisya ... When all of you die, you get a good dagger and two documents - a sheet from Trask's daughter and roztashuvannya ligva. Tse - in the cloaca. Please go to Casemati and give TRASCO a list of your daughter. Then go to the cloaca. There, talk to the slave trader and kill him - there’s already a lot of influx of the corpse, yak I won’t be busy in the passage of Dragon Age 2.

Come from the location and go to the Torn Shore beyond the Prodigal Synagogue. True, on the way, you plan a gnome to attack pawuki. Hide it and ask for help in the Kunar device. Why would it be? Zavdannya is eager to know. Cover the territory and go to see. Prodovzhuyte paths to the Torn Shore, more timidly, but we have added one more work in the passage of Dragon Age 2. Go straight to the end, go down the path to get the stitch on pivnich. You will go to a remote kut, ale there will be tabir, in which you can profit. Go down on the weekday and go to the fork, go to the train behind the factory. I am resigned to let the inversion. Then we walk to the city, the stars will go along the location and turn back to the fork. Come - for a day. Come to the Pechery of Slave Traders and go to a chat for a weekday, at the first pechera, and then at a meeting. It’s great to get lost, ale shlyakh alone. Do not forget to pick up trophies. And if you enter the main cave, the lads zagruzhuvati die, as they come close. Say, you don’t need to get close, and only to give in to him at once, do not use it in battle. I in the bag will be more simple. Try the help of the lads, your sister could have been on this day, and you could endure difficulties in the passage of Dragon Age 2 ...

For anybody, it's time to go out of the oven and go for the first day, in order to develop the territory, to profit from something tasty and to take away the troches to see. If you want to, turn to the shukan's fork and fall to the west. Shlyakh will be ignored and the stitch will lead you to pivnich, and you will go to Tal-Vasgot, who conceived your own health. Wonderful, fast-moving cim. Skoda only at once will not vmoviti yogo come. But it’s not important, collapse the distance on the battlefield, along the way, displaying screenshots and knocking in opponents. Your meta is stoves. Pobichna, zvychayno, and the main thing - the price of Dragon Age 2. Come in here and go down to the pivden. And if you enter the fork, you will have three moves. Lead two tops to a remote kut, that іkh і doslіdzhuєmo in the hope of zdobich. At the very top Teige, there is a known belt. So it’s not varto nehtuvati obshuk. Let it go - again for a day. All tal-vasgotov is forgotten there and it is possible to go out, descending again for a day. Don't forget to take the trophy!

Once we haven’t turned around in the place, we’ll go to Rozkolena Gora for the “Zavdannya Herbala” zavdannya. Go to the muscular farrier and feed him about the golden bark. It’s good news, you can know. Well, thank you. Come from the location and go to Galyavka with the green trees. You need to kill all breeds in the location, the bark has become available. As soon as everything will be broken - you will have a mint on your card, and a shukan will be lying around. Korisny іngredієnt in the passage of Dragon Age 2. Now you can easily go from the location and head to the cloaca at night for the "red flowers of specialties". Build it up and redeem your legitimacy 50 credits. Now I know from the location ...

It is necessary to finish the "Herbalist's work". For the whole day, in the casemate and in the daytime to Solvitus, the rest of the Ingredient. The price drop is more than 3 gold. They were good, however! Now it is time to build 2 subsidiary workshops in the Upper Mist "Druk Budinka Telvein" and "Treatise on Castes and Housekeeping". Right there on the trading area there are two buildings. One of them you can go to visit right away - to do it at the gatherings and talk to the cholovik - the axis is so easy to go through Dragon Age 2. It's gone, and it's going to be started. And tsієї pillow all baiduja! Abi yogo was not invoked. Well, wait a minute see the squad. Send us to the Quote of the Trojan and go to Jitannu, as indicated by the values ​​on the map. Feed yo about everything and go to the cloaca. Misce, where do you need some food, as indicated on the map. Get down into the hatch and hit Emerika, which is a check. For the sake of the gangsters out of the way, give you a certificate and visit the Nizhni Misto at night. Follow the gatherings to the Dark Door. The attachment is not great, so follow it up and fall apart in the future. There you will know a little one with a ring, a rough penny and a little more. Make all the Emerika in Casemati. At the end of the day, the project will end in the most part of the passage of Dragon Age 2, you will take away the city and the daylight will be satisfied.

Now we are going to the Lower Place for the day, to build the prodigal "Prodigal Syn". Celebrate in Elfinazh, having forgotten something. Rip off a ring in the city. Now go on a visit to Merril with the quest "Yake you have charming villainy here". Writing Chergovy Balakanini you will get the best of it and you may be able to collapse far away. Well, will we finish the production of "Porokhovi Nadii"? Todi us to the port. There, you need to go to the Kunar area and create a 3 gold mark and you can go. Vіzmemosya for zavdannya "unwelcome poryatunok". Ale will have a glimpse of a spatku before starting to prime the mail. Have taken? Todi go to the Office of the Namisnik and you will become a guide to the stage as a woman and the secretary of the Namisnik. Listen to the super-stream, and then start feeding yourself. Now our way is to lie on Rvaniy Bereg for a little boy, so that we can catch up earlier competitors in the passage of Dragon Age 2. We need to return to the day itself. And we were there already with you bully earlier, memory? If you are leaning there, you will become a witness of the tsikava stage, if you happen to be able to compete with others. Well, it’s not possible to tell ... But you will be able to see two more attacks. Well, all is good. Lead the boy to the messenger, talk to him and you can respect the end of the day.

Be active in the "Merciful Vchinok" and go to the place according to the location in the locality Step to the torn birch tree. Bah! Know long ago! We are being checked by the dragon's child! At the crossroads, go to the chat, then go to the map. The road zgorné for a week and will lead you to TRASCO, a long-time known past Dragon Age 2. Wait for help to explain to the entrance of the intercessor magicians, if they didn’t come to the Templars. I know there is only one way here - for pivden. Wonderful. Tilki walk around everything. On the way to you, create a magician, like a message about Decmus, who wants to be victorious with the magic of blood. Well, you have a chance to cross. Tim is bigger, it’s because of the attack itself, and it’s just not to overwhelm us with the choice. Well, that's okay, talk to your friend and wait a bit more help. However, for those who kill Trucks, I didn’t become a pod. No shelter just like that. Having come to the next, I saw that the Templiєri still went. In the course of rozmovi їkh it happened ... Skoda, I rozrahovuvav make friends with the templars, the ale gra of Dragon Age 2 turned the progression in a way. Ale trophy - rich korisna. To that, pick it up, and you can go, even the same viconano.

Go to home and read another sheet. This is addressed to Betania, your sister. Ale to the quest, the sheet is not repaired, so it's time to hear the rumor "Vovki in sheep's skins". For many nights to go to Nizhni Misto. There you go along the way on the map and beat Sister Petris, as one nonsense proponuvw to pass into the provuo, so as to assess the quality of pennies. Tsikavo, however! Need some help ... Come on through and drive in all the enemies. Naturally, you can ask us for a link to discuss the details of the job. What are the good things to do in Dragon Age 2? Come to "Pritulok Petris", feed її about everything and hire a new companion to the team. Then go to the distant wake up and go down to Netri in the catacombs. Shlyakh is there alone, ale pavuk_v is simply a majestic number. And in the last room you are being checked by Golovorizi, who want to grab you. I can’t navigate without becoming magical. And immediately behind them is your freedom. There you will be in trouble with Tal-Vasgotam, as I want to take our companion. I am virulent, I don’t let my relatives know, the odor of stench has relieved freedom of will, and in Dragon Age 2, it’s skinny to vibrate my life. The pidsumku doesn’t want to live, and he doesn’t want to live. To that, we otrimamo city from a single and burnt corpse. Come from the location and visit Nizhni Misto at night. Having talked with your employer, you see, what a pishakom in the country. І drive in її do not wiid, yak bi do not be rude. Accept at a time ...

Well, well, the axis and instructing the hour to go to the expedition is the greatest moment of the whole part of the Dragon Age 2 passage. Just before the hike, go to the house. The axle is so new! Another sheet! Well, well, the visitor and the attendance before the expedition. For a complete drive at night to the lower place. Yakis Douglas will propose to us on the way - you take your penny, go to the stitches and bring your own bag. I’ll look at him, I’m already picking the necessary number of pennies, I’m convinced, I won’t be talking about him. Big Tim, I can take my money. It is more beautiful to do it on yourself, below on your uncle, the axis and take a robot on yourself. The head of the "Expedition to Glybinny stitches" is being repaired.

Yes, in the Upper Place every day and passable according to the location on the map. But for all your teammates are guilty of buty Varrik, the progress of Dragon Age 2 cannot continue. Give them pennies and pictures and send them to the expedition. And here you do not want to be your sister's brother, take it in. To that, give the pass of the first magician in the team and for everything. Marvel at the video, which is especially less alert ...

clay stitches

And I’ll tell you right away that there’s a landslide on the way. Get to the shukati obhidnі paths ... Plus, Sendal got lost in the corridors. The future yogo shukati is needed. Well, that nothing, we don’t zvikati ... Go to the skid, then go to pivnich, then again to the skid. Zagalom, go alone. And there’s a lot around the bend! And so until the first cross. You will come at a call. It’s more beautiful to go off on a private day, and there’s a check there, a deaf kut, and you need to develop it. True, there are pavuchki, ale їkh just drive in. All, besides the head spider - one of the bosses in the passage of Dragon Age 2. She has a lot of lives and wonders of her children. Ale me, playing with a rogue, worked out one answer for її driving. Go for it. If you finish obshuk and zbir trophies - turn to cross. Two moves - at pivnich and at skid. If a pass to pivnich is not available, then go to a skid. Immediately behind the hall, in which you happen to drive in Chergov's brethren, you will see Sendal. I win interrupting NATO troops. Talk to him, take the staff as a gift and go away. After the turn of the house you will find a stitch. There is a Chergov porch of warriors, which will give us a chance to finish the passage of Dragon Age 2. The stitch on the back and will lead us to the end. There, drive in the road and pick up the video from the screenshots before the descent, as we will collapse further to the west. At the great room, you can fill up the ogre, ale, there is only one, everything is simple for that. І before the onset of the great hall of warto beware - there you are checked by the Dragon, which can be driven in clopidly and dovgo, vrahoyuchi, who are calling out to their children. Doing a tiring boss in Dragon Age 2.

For your death, pick up trophies and go to the transition to the іnshu zone - you check the movie. You will eat in the pristine Teige, de and deliver the tabir. Go ahead - one way. Talking to Bartrand is a win-win, but there’s no reason at all in what is written on the walls of Teige. Well, let's get out ... Robiti doesn't care. I want and alert all the tse. Go down and fight against the primaries and the Kamyan golem - that creature. Then pick up trophies and go into the offensive location. If you walk to the first hall, you will know the idol from Lirium. I as only viddaste yogo Bartrand - in the first place, having conceived the doors behind him and deserted us to die. Thank you, ajah inakshe prodzhennya Dragon Age 2 tsієї statti would not be so risky! We will have to collapse forward, tobto for pivden. On development, go to the room at the turn, and then go to the turn. Let's go there for the day, and bring us to the great bay. There you will find yourself in the future with new opponents - Dikuns. It’s a bit of evil, ale to beat them not to the fold of ghosts. If you have gone further along the corridor, you will come across the promoter Dikun. Well, you can talk to him. I win for the sake of favor - you can see it, so you know, to lay the key from another entrance on the surface. I think it’s not a good idea to lay down the union with a demon ... I attacked a new one and drove it - in Dragon Age 2, we didn’t get away with it! True, there were a few more attackers, but the stench did not wake up problems. Now go dal - go here alone. If you go to the hall with a turn to pivden, you will have to drive in the majestic Dikun.

Virnishe, tse same kam'yaniy spirit. Drive in yogo foldably. It folds even further. Win kylka developed for beating chakluk hvilyu, as a demand for kuta. Inakshe tsya hvilya shvidko know you life. The most important thing is to beat it yourself, if it’s possible to lie down. Forgive your allies to drive in wild wilds - you will change again to the Kam'yaniy Spirit. You can beat it in like that. Inakse is even more important. For your death, pick up trophies and go to the storage bin. There you will know the key that will allow you to ruin it on the surface. And viyshovshi, you know that your sister was taken to Kolo Magiv. Garne prodovzhennya prodovzhennya Dragon Age 2, nothing can be said. Ale on the whole chapter will end, and it's time for us to move on to the next.

Flowing from Ferelden

Now, after looking at the introductory video, you are given the opportunity to take control of your hero or heroine. For a given moment, you will pass and not have much time, so your enemies will not be foldable, except for your all indicators of health / mana / vitality will be quickly seen.

Yaksho vi chose your hero as a magician, so your brother by name Carver (war with a two-handed sword) will collapse with you. As soon as you chose the class of the rogue, for the war, so you will be your sister by name Betania (magician). You take control over your hero and over your relatives.

In addition, as I see it, I hear my enemies, then immediately a friend will arrive. Here it is not respectful who will be biting for the price of the purchase of the enemies, the difference will be deprived of the video clip. In addition, if you are good enough, the ogre will arrive before you. You don’t have to be afraid of it, because it’s just awful and fearful, but for the most part, it’s not shitty.

First, you should immediately remember it in the grid, so that the enemies will be stronger than ever on the trenuval floor. At the new part, draw more quest for all your one-party members, and especially follow them, who will relate to the country. Try to defend the magicians, so as soon as the enemy in a melee fight comes before them, then immediately overwhelm him.

In addition, as a small battle comes, then go far and talk with your relatives. In addition, if you pass a small number of people, another party will be suitable for you, and in a couple of crocs you will play a couple of templars. Give him some help in battle. First of all, the templar Ser Uesli will not be very happy with the presence of your sister, so as there is a magician-intercessor (and if you play for a magician, then there will be little radium for you). Ale is not a bar to see everything.

If Ser Wesley is seriously injured and you can’t help you, you can’t come to his detachment - Avelino. Avelina is even a good warrior, who specializes in more on swords and shields. Wesley at once with your mother will simply collapse behind you, while trimatisya filed from all the little essences.

Then, slip on the stitches. Nezabarom for you to lay the bitysya close two times with Chergovy groups it is suitable temryavi. Having passed through the battle of the distance, you will see your first adversary of the Magician-Emitters, who will supervise in a group of ten archers. I recommend that you drive in emisars, so that you can easily throw your fireballs at you. For that, you will find yourself with the whole group, a new one will arrive and after all these battles, collapse to a small dead end. Here you will know the corpse of the bizhenets, and in the new you will be able to see two illicit ills, as you should not be too familiar with it. Krym, here I’ll stand a screen that you can see if you’re a rogue, that if you’re not a rogue, then you won’t be able to see it.

Before you, as you pass the distance, cross over to the one that you didn’t miss anything and you could take everything that was just there. Otzhe, yak pidgotuvatisya, then go to the Velma Great Galiavin. Here you will have a battle against the huge, which is the strongest one in front of you. In the quality of a new generation, there will be a personal generation of temryavi. A few crumbs will come before it arrives.

If you go through a small scene, then enter the battle with a huge huge. The whole ogre is foldable, lower in front of the enemies, I am not guilty of any critical difficulties in the area, since the battle will be over, then look at another video clip in which before you arrive, the majestic group is suitable for temryavi. Alone, you are welcome, so save a couple of cans of likuvannya before the next battle.

Now the breed is temryavi numerical. Happily you will have to drive in a couple of cich monsters, so a new character will appear without a bar, if you arrive, you can relax.

If you arrive before you, then you can be lured with her. Zagalom, you will have only one result - ask you to give the amulet to the coast of Maretar, the clan that live here in the area of ​​the Kirkwall. In addition, as soon as possible, you will have to rob all those who say Maretari to you. If you donate the amulet, then you will have to accept a more important decision about your comrades-in-arms. Now marvel at the video clip in which you come to Kirkwall.

Kirkwall - Pributtya

If you arrive at the center of the city, then you will immediately rush into the eyes of the NATO businessmen from Ferelden, as you stand by the brahmi. It’s not so easy to emerge, so that it’s not easy to find the moment to spend in the middle. Talk to the guardian by name Wright, and let you please talk to Captain Yuld. You can’t beat me, she’s already overlaid on the nation’s bizhentsy, as I still want to eat in the middle. If you are in pink with him, you will guess the name of your uncle (Gamla), so you will be able to help you with your problems. People who stood here will be guided, so I think that you have sent food to the place of the past, so they will attack you and the captain. Reconciliation їkh nіyak not viyde, that happens to be driven in all. If it’s finished, then the captain will wait for you to help you see your uncle Gamla. In a couple of days, I’ll show up. If the axis is back, your uncle’s status isn’t called for, and it’s impossible to help you. You can do it quietly, if you can help you in any way.

Otzhe, eat in the whole place, and you can deprive you through two people who are proponated to you: the nayman Miran and the smuggler Atenril. You can take both of them from them, but you can only take the axis to one degree. Zagalom, especially not, is especially dumb, so as smugglers go to the intersection of laws, and naimantsi do not expect to see the rules and rights. It is left to the one whom you vibrate, will be growing up. If you want to know that, as mine is your robot’s defense, then you will be able to continue to improve your skills.

Miran would like to, you have driven the meta on im'ya Fridrikh. As a result of which a number of people were lost, the leader of the naimants wants to build a pomsta, or justice, as a matter of fact. If you talk to Fridrikh about it, then you will be able to shut up everything and, say, everything will be deprived of business. You can attack it first, or ask for help to penetrate into the place, for which Fridrikh attack you especially. Krym, if you can take a swag in the midst of two golden moments, albeit Miran, you will no longer be accepted in the employer and you will be the visitor of the smuggler Athenril. Krym, if you take a swag from Fridrikh, you want to beat in your guard, as it stinks, but it’s worth a penny for serving a service. Leave it be it, Fridrikh in a whole hour later.

Athenril zabazhak, so you talked with the merchant on the name of Kavray and vin paid your bribe. To emerge, how smugglers deliver goods to them in exchange for a partial arrival, but now they instructed that moment, if they don't want to share their income anymore. Quest you can turn around in a peaceful way, as if you take a swag in the size of two golds, but in the end, Athenril will not give you the opportunity to make your way into the place and you will have to turn back to Myrnu. Krym tsyogo, you deduct the surcharge to the supernatural from Avelino. If you still sell the vibe with the proper payment, then you will be attacked by the guardian merchant. Not far away are the guards standing, that stench will help you right away in battle. Pislya tsієї bіyki, the merchant will give you all the pennies and at all will take away the same additional information. Dodatkovy dosvid you can not otrimati in that way, if you want to see everything in a peaceful way.

So the very є alternative pidhid. You can give me the opportunity to talk to Avelino with a cim merchant. Win an angry warrior respect and give you the whole bag without a support, in any case you can take away friendship with Avelino.

Khabari at both of you can not otrimati niyak. If you have been bought once, then another time you will not have such an opportunity. If you proponyte, then just attack you from whom you ask for swag. In any case, turn back to your robot teacher, as you walked to vibrate pennies, in order to turn back to Gamelin and your conversation with your uncle to complete nareshty Prologue.

Act - 1

It is imperative to go through the rіvіk from that moment, if they were brought into the service of the hired workers, or smugglers, so now "vilniy ptah" and you can be on the right. From the cob roller of the first act, you see that the person on the name Bartrand is planning to organize the expedition in Glibinnia Stitches, in which you need to take part. It's a pity, Bartrand, your ideas and bazhanya are not distributed. When I glance at the cheering video, a dwarf by name Varrik will come before you - an archer, or a crossbowman, who doesn’t come out with his cohan’s crossbow on Bianca’s name. Win is so very young brother of Bartrand. He has his own plan for how to issue his expedition to Glibinni Stitches. When you chat with Varrik, you will have the director of "Dilova Rozmova" and "Go to Glibinni Stitches".

Go to Glibinni Stitches

Well, the axis, go to work with Varrik, just deny the rights to partnership in the expedition, you will need to see two main tasks: first, you will have the opportunity to pick up a total of 50 gold coins, I know how to financiate a lot, I know a lot. q Glibinni Stitches. As soon as everything is smart (to get involved with the employees), then the axis of the map can identify problems. I will first be able to complete the project under the name "Pribkannya", which you can immediately discard from Varrik in the tavern under the name "Shibenik".

Dilova rozmova

Otzhe, talk at once with Varrik in the tavern "Shibenik". Daniy Rozmova Zagalom, in the course of the process of little rage, you will deny the name of the device called "Pribkannya".


You will be taken from the dwarf for im'ya Varrik, for that you will complete the project "Dilova Rozmova". You should be able to get up in the middle of rooting out the unattended Sire Wart, like a yak warrik - arriving here at once with bizhenets from Ferelden.

Walk up to Ferelden Lireny's small goods (located in the Lower Misti). Zagalom, disrespectfully, what will you say, won’t tell you about those mysterious Syriy Sentinel on Im'ya Anders having arrived here and having filled the cloaca with a licker, de-magaatsya to help all the tims, who will require lіkuvannya. I nigholovnishhe - absolutely no koshtovno. Just now and you should return.

Uvaga: At the kramnitsa Lirenya є a screen in how to hesitate donations to the Ferelden businessmen. You can do this by itself to make a donation and take away the amount of information you need. Evidence to be found in the deposit of the donated sum: 50 average coins - 50 to the notice, 1 gold coin - 100 to the notice, 5 gold coins - 200 to the notice.

At the entrance to the shop, you will find a group of riotous businessmen. Smells smelled, how you do not magnetize yourself with an expensive drug. You can calmly say that you are from Ferelden (in the dialogue "We are on one side"). With such a rank, you will deduct the allowance until the end of the day and the additional allowance for friendship with Avelino for those who were able to resist everything in a peaceful way. As soon as you choose, you will be able to see what options are available, so that all the time is tightened up to the point of attacking you sooner. If you wrap up the aggressive version of the display for them, then remove the eyepieces of the supernatural from Avelino.

Zagalom, fall into that cesspool. Anders roztashovany here in the winter-skidny part of the picture. For a given moment, there have been ailments of their own. And if everything is okay with you, I will show you my help. Ale is not for nothing. If you are guilty, you will help you, and more precisely, the only one on the name of Karl (also a magician), in tekti and grow close to the Church, at night. You can read your yak readily. Just remember that Anders is necessary for you to help you slip into the distance in the plot line, that you will not have options with video.

Otzhe, collapse to the Church at night. You are not obligated to take Anders with you at once, so you can walk there and you can be like a command. Talk to Anders and you will automatically go to the Church. Here you know Charles and at the same time with him the great ban of the Templars. Great Templars will not be a problem for you. On the right, there will be a Templar-Lieutenant and a Templar-Mister, who may have great reserves of strength and health. Myslivtsi podbnі vbivtsyam, that can drink in invіza and stab you in the back, here є sense stitches for all a member of his corral.

In addition, if it’s over, then listen to the roar of Anders and Karl. Think so, as you do your best for your needs, your decision is not to fit here. As you go, you turn back into the cesspool to Anders or to Anders. Zagalom, you otrimate dovgoochіkuvanі pictures. For the third moment, Anderson will become your ally. Anders is a lykar, ale krim tsyogo vin my attacking spell. Krym, there can be dressings with romantic stosunki, but everything can be found in stati.

Dovgy Shlyakh Dodomu

Collapse in the tabir of Dolіyskіkh elfіv, which is roztashovaniyu on the splinter Mountain. Here you need to add an amulet (which Flemet gave you) to the shore of Maretar. Unbeknownst to you, ask you to bring the amulet to the very top of the city of fire, which is like a mysterious ritual. I can help you in the right and the right place according to the name of Merril. There you are a check not far from the settlement of Dolіyskіkh elfіv. A little bit of rage, come along behind you, or leave you as a comrade-in-arms before you.

Having passed the trohi dal, a majestic pool of undead rushes at you. In battle, you melodiously guessed that Merril was a magician. Prosuvatisya you happen to be from the boom, so yak skinny times you will vlashtovuvati zidditsy flicker. It’s not a bargain for you. You can see that your new companion is not in the same place in the valley of the valley. Zagalom, collapse now in the middle of the furnace. Here you will be attacked by a couple of pavuks, as soon as they are ready to take their victims in a circle, and you will not be a blame. At the early part of the gloomy pyre, a close-up screen, the undead will attack you, but the next time they will be warned - a thief, who is stronger than his rotten friends.

Without a bargain, you will know the way out of the heart of the oven. Yak viydit, then collapse the distance for the arrow to the end. Practically drink immediately on a bar of blue colora. Merril yo can develop, that way be clean and can continue to collapse. As soon as in the offensive pinkie, you can see negatively the magic of the blood, so you take away the eyepieces of friendship from Anders, Avelino and Fenris. And the Varrik axis on the price is really all the same.

If you lean close to the tombstones, then you will have to carry out a ritual for the undead to attack you. The first hvila will add up to the ordinary corpses and the Taumnoi Zhahu, the friend will be the same, only to replace the Taumny Zhahu will be Voin tini. Walk with them and put the amulet on the tombstone, but here є, further spy on the team that came out.

If you go through the video, then turn back to the oven. You will be automatically transferred to the very cob, directly practically to the coast of Maretar, and sent directly to Elfinage Kirkwall, now our friend Merril is living. As soon as you try to get it out of the way, then you can get a couple of points as a supermarket with Fenris. If you talk to Merril in the Elfinazh, then the work will be finished, if you can, brothers and sisters in your group as your companion. As well as the intelligence, Merril is a magician of blood and you can't read the magic of a vision, that is more focused on attaching and talking about enemies. Merril is so very romantic tsіkava for any statі.

Friend in Miskyi Storozhi

Speak at once from Avelino to the castle of the master. When you write, you will be able to take on a new companion-in-arms.

New booth?

Now it's time to visit Gamla's little boy in the Lower Misti. Aside from ours, you can know so yourself there and I will screen for the selection of your speeches. Let everything be covered from the established documents.

An hour by an hour it is recommended to you to see a little one, so as an hour you will be able to trim the sheets for help. All pages can be read in the writing table. The leaves will not come and be constantly, or at once, the stench comes as a rule in the wilderness, as the progress of the gray grows.

Here you will be able to destroy the replacement of the runes, the evil, they will wipe off the bombs, for which you do not need to continually beat Kirkwall in the jokes of your speeches.

Act -1: Plot line

Prodigal syn

I’ll read about Feynrele and my mother, and I’ll see my friend Varrik, and in an hour later you’ll be on the Internet in Elfinazh Elfiyka on Im'ya Arianna. Dearly hear about the conversation with the templars on the name of Trask and the letter, talk to her. Ariannni maє sina on іm'ya Fynriel, which with volodya magical zdіvіl, ale the axis only doesn’t pass in Kolі Magіv, so Arіan, through the ostracles, has lost a cob without sina to get the truth about sina from those who are thinking. Ale the axis on the day of yogo constantly torment terrible nightmares and mothers are even more afraid for new, so as vvazhaє, that there are demons here. Vona was respected to vibrate less evil, and turned to magicians, to her own devil, to appear with her help.

But there was a problem, and even before the death of the nausea, there was no way to see it, and Arianna wasn’t able to understand it. Ale all the same, as the world of є. Won’t you get a message about Traska’s and feed yogo, so yak, it’s like a shukah її little bitch. Before speech, є another option is dad. Yogo Batko Antivskiy merchant Vincetso. Vin having thrown a long time ago yogo mother, if he knows, he will be a child. From the quiet of the feasts themselves, I didn’t get lost with her, but all the same, Arianna vvazhaє, who would turn to the daddy, who had turned out to be antiquated. Speak to be-yakim z tsikh dvoh. Father will tell you about Sina, as if your command is a magician, or your hero himself is a magician. For his words, the lad went to the Templars on im'ya Samson, who has now begun to help the deyakim smart magicians. You can see Samson in the port of opyvnoch. If you have talked with TRASCO, you will change that, if you are whispering cotton for your food, then you will be directed to Samson. If you didn’t talk to Arian in Elfinazh, and they didn’t become evidence of that, as you talked to TRASCO, then you can see Trask, if you talk to him close to the Kazemts. At the bag, you can immediately go back to the jokes of the Templar Samson.

Also, from Samson, you know that the lad did not have a penny, and he sent him to his friend on Im'ya Reiner, for an hour he was busy with work. Behind the words of Samson, you can see Rainer in Porto, de vin has your own private pier. It's time to get back to the day before. Crack, there will be more breakouts here, as they will not greatly welcome your arrival. Krim vorogiv, see there nourish for pasta. If you clear your way, after killing two first packs of enemies, then collapse to the point of your quest. Here you will become a witness to finish the stage with a sum of money, de-driven into the kut of the dvchina-magician becomes mitt'vo obsessed, who are struggling to end up not only with rogues like Keru Reiner, ale with tsієyu dіvchinoyu.

On the battlefield, in Rainer's screen you see that the boy will be selling to a Tevinter by name Danzig. You can see the whole character in the cloaca. Zvychayno, just like that, I don’t tell you anything, but if your group є Fenris, then it’s all for you. Fenrіs to tell the answer to the whole slave trader everything that you see. If you talk about slave traders, talk peacefully, then you will deny ten points of the supernatural from Fenris. If you check the knowledge of all the workers, quote the words "if you take a lot of people for slavery," then take away ten friendship points each from Fenris and Cover, who will be very good friends with Avelino. At the battle with them, you will have a chance to be respected through those who are practically in the end a magician who can bring you a lot of problems. You can see the pictures from Danzig, you can see the rooting of the camp of workers - the stoves on the rags of Berez. You need to go back there.

Given the stove is no worse than that pastok in me will not be. Misty slave traders will not be safe if there are magicians among them. Just clean your way to the good leader. You will become a witness of the fact that the worker is trimming close to the throat of the little guys with a knife. As long as your group will have a Varrik, then you can easily talk to your team, but not a bit of a sinner. In іnshomu you will happen to be bitis.

In addition, as you get out of the way of the enemies, then you will be able to sign up with him, so that you can work with the boy. You don't really want to go to the city of Kolo, so you can guide them to the towns of the mountains, who are on the rock of the Mountain (in order to your children, grab Anders and Merril). So you yourself can bring yogo to Kolo (tse grab Fenris at once from Avelino). To finish the job, you will need to know more about everything that has become to Arian. You will see a ring in the image of a velmy garne.

TRASCO you can tell everything, so just talk it over, or it is not respectful, but say, you still know the whole truth about those who have become. Pislya tsyogo, the zavdannya "Merciful Vchinok" is active.

merciful vchinok

In addition, since you have been knitted by us, we are not a boy, then take away the unbarred leaf, in which a mysterious announcement ask you to work with him for a place. It's time to head back to the ragged Shore.

On the way, dragon ditlahs attack you without a bar - kill them. Trask will appear as an unfortunate one by himself, as if he was going to be hostile to the boy. Let me tell you about those who are in the oven not far away from the Mages and drive in the skin, but before them in the conversation, the majestic zag from Starkhaven arrives, the stink does not get ceremoniously, it ignites everything and everything. As soon as you see it, then Trask will go back to you by yourself if you remove the eyepieces from Merril and Anders. You have a wonderful opportunity to make money and talk to magicians to build. Go to the cave. The Blood Mage with his shimmers will not be able to attack you. As you go, wake up to the distance and unblock you will see through a larger enclosure of flickers. Uncompromisingly, in one part of the pyre, you will set up to finish the young adversary on the name of Allen. Let me tell you that the muscular head on im'ya Dezimus will use the magicians and the magic of the blood forcibly, at the same time we motivate them to spend all one thing else.

It would be unrealistic to get home with him. Win an attack on you at once and for a small promotion. You will have to beat not only one, but a couple of magicians-intercessors at once for godlessness. Rashta magicians ask you for help, please vibrate stars. As soon as you see it, you will need help, then you will take away the supernatural eyepieces from Francis and friendship from Anders. As soon as the dialogue is going to be negatively informed about the Magic of the Blood of Decymus, you should take away the eyepieces of friendship from Anders and the eyepieces of the supernatural from Merril. Well, just keep it out, then take away the eyepieces of friendship from Merril. Krym, you can talk Grace back to Colo Magiv absolutely voluntarily. Zagalom, in kintzі kіntsіv, go out from the center of the pyre. Steal, as on the way to the exit, you will also be able to master more than one entry. Also, if you come and see you can still overwhelm the templar's entrances or not. As soon as you get started, take the eyepieces of friendship from Fenris and the supernatural from Merril and Anders. If you are a vipad, you will be welcomed by Trask!

As soon as you have done it, you will help them to the magicians, and in your zagin there will be no Varrik, that is, absolutely be a dialogue without Varrik before the battle. If I’m with you, then don’t know how to pick up Cherg’s Cossack, as Trask at once with Alen, well, it’s natural to believe in him (and Varrik), for that, go to the price of the stove. In tsei vipadku you take the eyepieces of friendship from Varrik and Anders, and the supernatural from Fenris. Pislya tsiogo, the conversation with Grace or the templars to finish the given zavdannya.

The thieves among us

It’s hard to get started because you have gone a little bit about what the girls are in the name of Mesha, as they know about the temples in the Upper Misha. Unobtrusively, you create something special. It is not a mistake to ask you to see a brother who serves as a templar. My brother's name is Keran. Keran raptom unsuccessfully missing a few days ago and for a quiet time about a new nichto, not a chuv. What would it be if it’s okay, you’ll have a chance to feed your friends, who will serve as novices. Talk to Huh and Wilmond, as they rocked in the casemates. To shine forth, in the casemates of the day of Wilmod. H'yu tell you, for the Danish moment it’s gone to eat up a great number of novices and the stink for the Danish moment, I’m seeing the liar-commander on ime Meredith in the dark rituals, as they were straightened out to see the new possibilities of the templar I will devote it to viprobuvannya. There is no reason for the novice, in im'ya Ruvin, almost super-read by the words of H'yu, who didn’t bring them for the children to look at them, because it’s not so special, with her ochima she bathed some wicked Wilmod. Vona stverdzhu, now he turned back, as before he was alive and not smart. Ale the axis of the present moment is considered "in nature". As soon as you will read the digging and power up what has not been sent out earlier, then you will depend on the order from Meredit herself and from the liar-commander Cullen, which is Wilmod's shuk. Cullen in the jokes of the wicked templar of pishov for the place. So, if it has become a long time ago, then you will always wake him up.

A new sign "Tabir Wilmoda" will appear on your card, de vie nezabarno become a witness to finish the novice with Shukanim Kallen. You can choose to absolutely be-like a reply, or to those who do not see the price right. If you don’t want to come, fight the possessed couple of spirits. For the whole battle, you can talk to Cullen. Cullen is in the out-of-the-way, no less a sense of reason, so here it is, to take you to a brothel under the name "Kvitucha Rose", which has long been consistently navigated by Wilmod. At the brothel, you will need to talk to the girl on the name of Vivek (and most of the time when you have seen our call). In addition, as you marvel at the book from the notes, then you will be sent to Idunn. Knows Idunn bude vzagalі zaprechuvati, as I want the best understanding about a ludin on іm'ya Wilmod. Give me the help of my charms to obey to enchant all your fellow party members. If you grate for a magician, then you can develop magic, and if you grate for one class, then just ask the other magician in your team about it. Idunn will be in the shots from the pod, that will give you a glimpse of all the power supplies. Whether it’s a dialogue lead to death, a young woman, and you will be able to establish the concept of a Blood Magician independently, from documents, like lying on her table.

Otzhe, go out from the Words Idun or from the documents, then all the Keru Taron will appear. Finding the moment won perebuvaє in his own dark bed in the cloaca. In addition, as the divine will tell you everything, then at the same time ask for mercy. You can see to the templars, but you won’t have lost your guilt (earn the supernatural glasses from Anders), or just drive її on the mission. Collapse now to the cloaca and see the Taron inlet. We will protect you, so as here you will see the spirits and the undead, and you will know another paste. In addition, since all the streets will be practically cleaned up, then you will know Kerala and you can talk to Taron. Virishiti all with light niyak vyde, prepare for that before the battle. In the very end of the battle, the Demon Bazhannya is in the middle of the battle Taron, so respectfully follow the battlefield.

Let's fight, talk to Kerann's knowledge. If your group є Anders or Merril, then the stench can convert him to the manifestation of demons (if you ask Anders, then remove the eyepieces in flood). Letting Keran turn back to Casemati. Collapse next to him. The next stage is to bring you eyepieces to friendship, or a supernatural with Anders, or to lay it all down from what you have taken to the end. If you happen to be informed about the share of Kerala, then you can wait with Cullen and see about those who are not uncomfortable (disregard the eyepieces of friendship from Fenris and the supernatural from Avelino and Anders), or let us reconnect, how you are obsessed ... Zagalom, it’s not meaningful, who misinterpreted them for the presence of demons, for they didn’t, let’s tell you, they spied the Templars behind him with a stretch of ten rockets, for whom we would not accept the call of an equal person according to the terms of the term. On the bigger Cullen, we can't wait for it. Your work is complete.

gunpowder Nadia

With a rise in price on the light cards, if you have a good time on the gnome on the name of Javars, you will be in the company of your friends, who will be attacked by the pawns. Shvidshe to help їm. At the end of the battle, the dwarf, having pummeled your boyovs, will propose to you a robot: you’ll be fooled by the Tal-Vashot group - tse Kunar, who have seen Kun. Smell of Donkeys on torn birch trees. The dwarf needs a special vibukhovy powder in order to bring the enemy to Kunar Arishok by ourselves. The recipe given to the powder by Volodya Lishe Kunar. Just wait a bit and help you get around the designated group, then take off the eyepieces of friendship from Avelino. Well, tell me, do it just for a penny, then take away the supernatural eyepieces from Avelino. Zagalom, go to the Tear of the Shore and vibrate in the same way as the first fork for a single stitch. Tabir tsikh Kunar will be removed in the private area of ​​this picture. If you get close to the whole camp, then you will be met by the important Kunar. If you get ahead of you about those who go through the distance, then Tal-Vashot will immediately attack you, as soon as he can beat you. Himself win to get away, so yak Tal-Vashot you have no time for souls. You can try to ask yogo to reach you, but all the same, you can’t see.

Clean your way through Kunar along the way. Among them there will be і Saarbas - in the range of the Magician. If you rest in the cavern, then be borderline respectful, so here you will know a few pastries, just a pack of Kunar, if you want to shake you off. Ale would like a stench and drive you to a bit - I can't really imagine a serious stench. Ale if you hit the leader, then you will find out the problems. In addition, the leader will be the most powerful warrior in hand-to-hand combat, and will be in the support of a strong magician. In the region, I’m going to make sure to fill up the magician. Prigolomshuyut, paralizuє and work yogo - in the zagalny, accuse us with kinds of zbroi. Make sure you don't let your maso spell get lost. If you can overcome all your enemies, then take all the good news and turn back to Kirkwall. You need to see Jarvis. Vіn is in the port in the Kunar headquarters, in the afternoon dobi. The Kunar Guard will let you through the middle. Here Іzabella will leave your group for a moment, as if she had been with your team. Go three steps ahead and get to know Arshok himself in a special way. Even though your group will have Fenris, if you take away some of the old dialogues, don't pour the stench into it. In the very end of the day, unsuccessfully, Kunar Jarvis and Dal Arishok will send you the same money. Ale tse leave ...

Vovki in Sheep Skin

Tse z'avdannya appear in your magazine in the section "Chutki". It is impossible for a representative of the Church to wander in the Lower Mysti and shukak because of the quiet reason of Kunar. In addition, if you finish off some of the storytelling projects, you can go to the Lower Misto even at night and see a lady there. Look, I'll try to find a few people, as it will be unbeatable to be hammered in її. Get out with the criminals of the bandits and got burned with the tsієї servant of the Church. Vona you vipade yak Petris. For the enemies of your battle successes, I’ll send you a new robot. To find out all the additional details, study with her in one of the little rooms in the Lower Misti.

If you arrive at the point of observation, then make sure that the robot pole is in order to supervise the complete magician-Kunar. How to tell you Petris - you’ll go in, you’ll have to take it back to Kunar, and the official who is in charge of this place is to break it like that in any way, as it’s going to have to go to them. To that, it is necessary to bring the last term from the place. Rukhatisya get through the secret underground tunnels. You can go down in them from a small house (if you need help, then take off the supernatural glasses from Fenris and Varrik, and friendship from Merril and Anders). In the tunnels you will be checked by pasta and pawuki. The most active battle will come to the surface. You will not be bothered to get caught up in one gangster ugrupovannya, or even more than your Kunar-magician. For an hour we talked with the bandits, the leader of the bandits will try to insert a knife into our hero, or our new companion, the magician Kunar, will fix the whole attack and the battle will be unforgettable.

In order to end it, then talk to Ketojan. If you don’t reach anything, continue to fall apart. In addition, as you enter the stars, you will set up the Kunar group. You go out of your way, and you see that they have been specially targeted at you. Now here is your solution especially nothing to change. As soon as you see the weather from Kunar, you will stink of the ceremonial act of driving over Ketojan, while the stink will try to kill the same people with you. And all through those who saw them zanadto dovgo spilkuvali, so imovirno, that demons have taken over in you. As soon as you see it, so that the battle of Ketojan goes along the way of Kun and to commit suicide. Sorry you can't do it (if you see Kunar, then turn off the eyepieces until friendship with Anders and Merril). Take a beautiful amulet in the kintsev bag, all one. If you are in pink from Kunar, say, if you are a magician, or if you have a magician in your homeland, then the stench will attack you all at once. In any case, turn back to Petris, as you will be welcomed from the one you are alive. Zagalom, the project will be completed and you will choose seven gold coins in the form of this.

Friends in distant lands

Dane will be deprived of this problem, since after the completion of all the story-related projects, they did not collect 50 gold coins for the additional expedition for the staff of "Go to Glybinny Stitches". Krym, there’s such a bug, when you’re going to see it, if you have a lot of money to spend.

Dwarf on іm'ya Dugal Gavor, meet with you at night in the Lower Misti (not far from Lavka Liren). I will propose to you to finance your expedition. If you are guilty, you will turn your penny in a two-fold size. As soon as you see it, you’ll look at the proposition, then take off the supernatural glasses from Avelino. And if you do not pay the necessary pennies after the turn of the expedition, you will immediately attack you! І steal, before team, as a prodovzhiti, finely finish the vikonannya of all, that having lost the factory in Kirkvolla. In addition, if you tell Bartrand, you are ready to go to Glybinny Stitches, everything is lost. Expedition of the Tsinya is an analogue of the first act, if it is not finished, it is unwise to finish.

kvesti associates

Avelino - So, Yak Povinno

Talk to Avelino in order to finish the "Friend in Misky Varti" project and write about the robot, as you wanted a date for you. Avelino got the information, but it was the fault of the visit to one trade caravan. The ambush is guilty of being seen here on the broken Uzbeks. You need to return more quickly and Avelina is guilty of being bound by the order at the same time with you. Say on the wrong, won’t rights in your children, for there’s no reason. Try to protect yourself, as in some places there are є pasta. Two shepherds will be in some kind of fall in the camp of the religious bandits. If you know the whole entrapment, then collapse to the palace of the witch, and Avelina has issued her report since the last operation. The report is guilty of the buildings of Kapitan by the name of Dzheven. That in her own devil, in vidreagu is not a good thing, that our friend wants to go to the right.

Otzhe, read the distribution of the patrol patrols. Unbeknownst to you, the guard can tell by name Brennan, that she was guilty of being guilty of patrolling one by one in those days, de i bully's arrival. I’ll tell you about the situation, I’m guilty of the bullet to the captain, but I couldn’t give it - the new patrol came and gave everything to the guards to the burkun. Avelina z'yasovuє, Burkun is guilty of leading the patrol of the Lower Mist at night. Collapse now the same tudi. You can beat me with a non-bar, so I want to beat Burkun. Not a bargain for the captain, you know even more information. Steal, so you can take a beautiful shield from the leader of the attackers of thugs.

I dare to turn back to the palace of the master and walk to the office of the captain. Here you see how everything will end between him and Avelino. The scene is given to be finalized in the first place. Let’s talk to Avelino in the same office and deduct the bonus for friendship with her.

Bethany / Carver - Inquire Familny

Uncle Gamla will talk to his little boy with his mother. Writing, feed your uncle about your grandfather's message. Then we went to talk to Bethany or Carver (in the presence of the one, kim wi grate). Betania will be positively adjusted as soon as he says he’s going, and the Carver axis will be adjusted even more pesimistically, but in any way, if you agree, then remove the key to the door of the family house. Passval is in the Misc channelization, so you get to go to the cloaca. In the cesspool live those who do not live in the Quarter of the Poor people, or just those who have problems with the law. Zagalom, go to the cloaca. Entry into the doorway of the installation in the pivnichno-skidny part of the district. Not far from there is a miscellany. If you rest in the middle, then be borderline respectful, so as here there will be even more than a lot of pasta. At the primitive, yak roztashovane on the pivdenny-zadnish - you will be attacked by the enemies with the wire of one magician. If the battle calms down, then from the magician's body take the key from the family's belongings. In the storehouse you will know the surname screen with the commandment. Here, in the center of the location, there is a community, in which you can know a gift for Bethany or Carver (in the wilderness of kim vygrate). As far as you are Bethany, so in the screen you will know a portrait of a mother in her youth, and if you are with Carver, then there you will know a sheet of one of your daddy, a magician on the name of Tobrius. If you have a vipadku, you should take it out for a new one.

In addition, if you know the screen with your grandfather's note, you can immediately go to the Gamla booth, if you are growing from Betan or Carver choose the option. If you can do it yourself, you’ll run out for an hour in the doorway, look at everything quickly and at the end of the day, turn over, but there’s not much more valuable here.

It’s early enough, if you show you will tell your mother and if you’re going to eat, then you’ll send a message about those who have brought your homeland to the right of the decline and turned your ancestral home to you. If you finish the job, you don't need to talk to Bethany or Carver.

Portrait from the past

Just provide a portrait of your mother Betania.

family history

Now, it's time to meet with the magician on іm'ya Tobrіus. The magician is close to the casemates. When you start it, I’ll tell you about one of your daddy, like a book of guesswork in the known list. Uncommon win you to hand over the leaflet of the daddy one. Zagalom, publish the correspondence of your brothers and the whole work will be finished.

Fenris - Bezkoshtovny Sir

When you become available, you will not be able to get in touch with Varrik and the "Business" manager. For arriving to the house, you check the list from Miran or Atenrila (in the absence of the last choice), de you proponyuyut the robot as a gnome on Im'ya Anso. If you want to clarify all the details of the robot, you will be able to see the gnome Anso in the bazaar, which is located in the Lower Mist, and if the project is scheduled for the sunset. Be respectful and safe, so as when a dream comes, there are mostly nasty lads in the whole area, who are ready to break your throat. Last but not least, Miran (in Prolozi) took a swag from Fridrikh, so Miran at once with their own recruits could attack the UPU not far from the mission of development from Anso.

Anso is a nervous dwarf who is not recommended to go out on the street at night. Zagalom, I ask you about one service: there is no good in the right place, so I want to turn it back. If you will esteem to stamp on a new one, for the goods, he will whisper to you, but the whole line is for the templars. As soon as you see it later, help you, then take off the eyepieces from Avelino, because for the most obvious reasons, you are not happy with the smuggling of such rivnya.

Iak to bring Anso, villains, who stole their goods, are located in a booth, which is rooted in the area of ​​Elfinazh, so that it’s a part of the Lower Mist. Do the same there. Booths, in which you need to penetrate, be even small, but there is a place for pastors, so be on the borderline. And before the speech, there and then you are checked and arrived. Yak vb'єte vorogiv, then look respectfully screen, in which, according to the idea, the goods of the dwarf Naso are guilty. Pislya tsyogo, go to the street. Call you to finish the great zag of slave traders, as they certainly didn’t cheat you here. I’m sure that the stench doesn’t take an hour to swoop down on you. Krim archers and swordsmen here are so very є і magician, which is recommended for you to drive into the Persha.

For that, as you sort out with a group of bandits, then turn to Anso and tell you about those who have become there. Along the way to Anso in and out of the city, there is still one turn of the road, even though I was not judged by the battle, it was not possible for it to grow in the pink spruce with the clumps of Tatuyuvan. Elf will see how to sound Fenris. I’ll tell you, what’s here to see and not bargainly ask for help and help you go to the Lord on the name of Danarius. To help the young elf, you will have a chance to learn at night with him at night at the entrance to one of the weekends, such as the opening at the Verkhniy Misti.

If you are in the booth of Danarius, then Fenris will come to your command and you will automatically go to the middle of the booth. Zagalom, the little boy of the magician tevinter will be just a re-enactment of a demon, in the middle, more often than not, and a few demons of Luty. Krym demons, here it’s so be and pasties, so be respectful.

Danarius' room has been roasted on a different version of the day, and for a given moment it has been closed. To open the doors, you will need a key, which you can take from the Demon of Lute. The whole Demon of Luty will attack you like and all the enemies in the private part of the booth. If you otrimaєte the reserved key, then turn to the door and open the room. In addition, as you open the doors, then you will be sent to the gate, which is like a Keru Taymeniy Zhakh. You don't care about it.

In addition, as you know all the enemies, Fenris is with you about the result of your attack and leave your team for an hour. Once in a while, I’ll talk with you in order to see how you will see the stars. When you grow up with him, you will have the opportunity to recruit him to yourself. Fenrіs in his wickedness є can be a beautiful warrior with a two-handed sword. First of all, if you take it to yourself, then you will be barking with your magicians, and you will be constantly barking across the walls of magicians. Krym tsyogo, vin is the most romantic hero for Hawke (just see the article). Pislya talk with Fenris, will follow the viconano and Fenris for your bazhannya you can come before you in the zagyn.

Fenris Nainyatiy

Just talk to Fenris in your booth.

Varrik - Nutrition and Vidpovidі

Zavdannya to appear in order that you will go through the singing part of the plot line (which part is not clear). Zagalom, go to the tavern under the name "Shibenik" and talk to Varrik at once.

Izabela - Tilki Durni Fall forward

At the moment, if you know you will go to the "Shibenik" tavern (call if you go there according to Varrik's restaurant "Food and Vidpovidi"), then you will be set up izabel (you could have the nobility, like grabbing the ear of the ship). As soon as you see her, talk to her; Just a little later, that will bring the super-juvati to the point, and the duel with the character on Im Heiderm will be seen. Duel is guilty to go to the Upper Misti. Isabel before he sees that the enemy is against the rules.

If you break those who ask for it, then in the meanings of the hour and in the designated mission there will appear not one thief, but a tsily zagin. If all of you are in, then respectfully look at the corpse of the attackers at you. When you write obshuku, you know the leaf with the mice roztashuvannya Hader. Іzabela Do not be bothered і nezabar viushaє itself in the whole mіsce. You need to follow her and, along the way, see the attackers of the enemies. If you clear your road, then go to the Church of the Church. If there is a dialogue with Hader, then you can tell you what you want, so you can't fit your words into it.

If it’s farther away, you’ll be even more foldable for you, so hurry up with this tactic: send Hader to Іzabel, and take care of other enemies yourself. And steal, if Hader is ridiculed by a lot of shkodi, then you will be able to go out to Isabel and attack the one who has hurt you, respectfully quest for your magicians and archers. If you are in all of Hader’s supporters, then you don’t have a lot of difficulties to get along with him.

While fighting with you to talk to Іzabela and at the whole stage of the work of the bude vikonano. Pislya tsyogo, won’t become your new companion. Izabela is a rogue, Volodya is two daggers and a crush, you can become your romantic character right from Hawk's article.

tinkle Іsabel

Speak at once from the izabel in the "Shibenik" tavern and there you will see about your well-known name on Martin, who needs your help. The writing will be finished.

Affectionately requested dodoma

Speak at once with Merril in a new budinochka. If you will be even more kindly with her, then reject the eyepieces of friendship with her insanely.

Such Mili Zlochintsi

Talk to Merril again.

Rozmova with Anders

Speak at once with Anders in the yogo clinic.

Act - 1: Chi is not a plot

kistyana Yama

Dane is taken when the leaves are rejected from Miran or Atenril (in the fallow, they were selected last). The sheet will appear immediately after the end of the day in the first act. Zagalom, your kolishn_y robot teacher recommending you as a wonderful guard for a character on іm'ya H'ubert. Let me tell you more about Hubert's problems, you will need to study with him on the marketplace, as it was roasted at Vishoy Misti.

Having talked with Hubert, it became clear that they needed to be in place for the name "Bone Pit". At the present moment, robots cannot go to the whole mission, but you need to know how to eat with your workers (miners).

Drive through the mines and drive in all the marauders along the way, so that you can get involved. If you pass through the middle, then you are not even great playing other dragons at the same time with a great female. If you greet all the meats, then go away at the gatherings. Now, in the creation of other dragons from males, kill everyone.

Prosuvayuchis dalі, in a nezobarom zustrіnete even more heavily caked working on іmenі Jansen. I will tell you that you have passed the distance in order to create a bigger dragon. You can see a sprinkled, robotic bitisya, and we recommend that you just accept it. Go to the very edge of the Bone Yami and a dragon will come down to you. Not a tall dragon, ale not Vishchi, so that there will be three more and three more strong than the other servant dragons. Fighting with a dragon is not practical, it is not practical to see in a fight on the very cob of a grind with a great huge. The battle will be easy to navigate through those who will not be in the battle of the dragon. Alone, pam'yatati is required - unique fire attacks. Krym tsyogo, yogo rick prigolomshu your neighbors' characters. And if you are from your party to stand at a distance, then you can just attract them to yourself, but from all of you you can be seen as a war, as if you will constantly be close to the dragon and constantly be beating him. I respect lease for one voroga. Otzhe, if you are in the middle of the dragon, then know the object under the name "Dragon's Icon" (the whole subject will be needed for you, for the viconati zavdannya "Zavdannya Travnik").

When clearing the mine, turn back to H'ubert, as Jansen still has all the answers about dragons (I wish he hadn't done it). Zagalom, take away your well-deserved wine city - 3 gold pieces. Krym ts'ogo, I want you to be a proponent of partnership at the Volodinnia mine. Virishuvati to you - take it, if not brothers, ala, in the kintsev bag, the bude will be viconano.

Back for the Robot

Zavdannya vi otrimate from the same Hubert for that, as vikonaєte quest "Bone Pit". You will have a chance to vmoviti nalyakany mines and turn back into the mines. The work will be located in the quarter of the Lower Mist, close to the tavern called "Shibenik". You can talk to them as you like. As soon as you wrap up the podvoitsy їm pay and even more ironic option with the additional indication of H'ubert, then take off the eyepieces of friendship from the old woman Varrik.

Bulo Yours - It Has Become Ours

In the tavern "Shibenik" you can start from one izabel to іm'ya Martin; Otzhe, Martin, having lost his vantage, if he was attacked by the pirates, and he wondered if the vantage was here in Kirkwall. If you will read more details about the development, then it’s not a bargain, but you’re doing the work yourself, but now it’s okay and you don’t need to do it anymore. Vin now wants to see the life of the law-hearing people. As soon as you see it, help you, then take off the eyepieces of friendship from Isabel and Avelino.

Visit Kirkwall Port in the afternoon. After talking with the vantazhniks, the smell of you will please you to the head of the port. The head of the port will send you to the assistant to im'ya Aden. Aden vimagatime you don’t give a penny and if you don’t want a big deal, then take off the eyepieces of the supernatural from Avelino. Paying to you is not obligatory, because you don’t want to. You didn’t pay, so you turn back to Port at night. At night you can read the document on the desk of the Port Chief. From the document you have read, you can know how Martin's ruined vantage is.

Well, well, the vantage is in a warehouse in the Port. Do the same there. In the middle of you there are a couple of pastes, so be respectful. Krym pastok you will master another two entrances: the first ambush will be close to the screen with the vantage, another ambush will check you near the door (as you go to the exit). A skin attacking group of enemies will be mother when they are driven in, so be on the edge of the guard.

Resolve, you can go back to March with a sound and quick, as you knew in the screen. For a small size and with Martin, you will receive a vibe: see the answer to the change in the amount of money spent (and in the general case, take out the glasses from Avelino, and the supernatural from the other) You (і Avelіna didn’t react to the given dіyu) і trokhi pіznіshe Martin became one of the new traders.

persha Sacrifice

If you will be on the trading area, you will be rocked in the Verkhniy Misti, then read the naked character on the name of Gislein De Carrack - win shukak your squad. The sufferers will stand on the same area, only trochas across the descents. You can catch him for that, as if you were to meet with the guards, who were fucked, but the knowledge of the squad is right, and the involvement of the warrior is not needed here. Gislein tell you about those who love the company’s team, so it’s better for all that has flowed in with one of the teams. But all on the right is that the relatives of the wicked women thought of seeing the cholovik himself, he wants you to know his squad and know about all the invaders. As soon as you see it, you can help you, then take off the supernatural glasses from Izabel.

Otzhe, for reasons, they give you only a tip on the elf on im'ya Jitann, which at night in a brothel called "Kvitucha Rosa" Ninette (Gislein's squad) often came to the end. As soon as you feed it, now I know you are not sick of it, but we have recently called a templar by the name of Emerik about it. Krym, Jitann, say, you can see the temple and you can see it in the cloaca, so do it yourself.

Upon arrival at the indicated place, a group of rogues will be thrown at you and Emerika. You need to kill the Templars and automatically speak to you about the battle. Emerik tell you, as far as the investigation is carried out, please check through those who disappeared not only from Gislein's squad, but even a few more children. It was not only the girls who knew, but the magician from the Circle on the name of Maren. Zagalom, send the rampage from Emerika, and discard all the records, as having broken the templar in the course of the investigation.

Departing from the investigation of Emerika, follow the magician Maren to lead to the old livar, which was rooted in the Lower Misti. There you should be returning at the hour. Yak lean on the m_sci, then punch, scho in the door slit, on the other verse, like a magician. Literally at once primari and Demon Bazhannya will attack you. Yak hello, then you will go to the top and buy human remains and you will know the Ninette ring.

You can tell Emerika about the result of the investigation (he is in the casemates) and Ninette's squad. If you say, you know, they were snagging from the cut-off hands of the squad, so the money will become your winners for the quest. Well, please, hand over and hand over the ring, then take away the coins. Krym, about everything you can tell Jitannu, you don’t deny anything.

Sheet to the end

On the ones killed by the girl of charms on the name of Olivia (as you happened to beat the stitches to the prodigals "Prodigal Sin"), you know the leaf, as the bulo is addressed to the old TRASCO (Templars). You need to see a TRASCO sheet, which is located close to the casemates. You can squeeze all the swag, or just try not to tell about the secret. Isabel will be absolutely all the same for your vibir, and only one, that will not be against the swag, is Fenris. At the reshti vi, trim the eyepieces to the supernatural, ale, in any case, the bude vikonano.

bad luck

On the area of ​​merchants, close to the merchant by name of Jean Luc - read the rampage about the city for the sinister blue of Namisnik himself. Zagalom, as if you were a dan, then go to the palace of the Namisnik and talk to the seneschal on behalf of Bran. Behind the month of arrival, to appear, scho you were surpassed by the girl on the name of Ginnis. Гініс - the head of the Newarra natives, the gang will be called "Winter". In short, it seems - you have competition. For that, as a lady to call, then Bran will tell you that Seymus Marlowe has disappeared, and just recently Kunar was hanged. As long as your group will have Avelin, then you can feed what is given from the right is not transmitted by the Mischievous Part and the fact that you can take the eyepieces of friendship with it. As soon as you see it from the given factory, you will need to remove the supernatural glasses from Avelino.

Also, as long as you have stayed a bit longer, Bran will guide you to the village of Berez. Do the same there. If you lean on the mission, then if you see Guinness you know, we will make you feel tortured by Seymus. The conversation with Guinness will end when it will happen. Yak vb'єte її, then you will be attacked by the enemies, as they are stacked with two hwil. The first thing to do is to take care of it on a number of people. Commander, who is even stronger in close combat, so beware of him. Another hvila will be practically the same, as for the Persha, and now I will replace the Commander of the Naimants in Buda Vbivtsya (this is an even stronger fight). Send the greats to the battle, bring the lads to the yoy dad. As long as your company will have Avelino, so that you will not have the eyepieces supernatural with her, as in the case of pink you can see the eyepiece or dad. If you didn’t see anything, you didn’t have to declare the parity, then you wouldn’t take the eyepieces of friendship.

Order to the Magistrat

You can revert to the Magistrate for the name of Vanard (the Magistrate of rooting at the Vishoy Misti, the Church of the Church). Then, having felt about your past days, let you turn back to a new side-by-side plot, or a new side-scrolling mind - the bastard is guilty of being alive, not dead. As soon as you power it up, it’s wrong, then the Magistrate will tell you that it’s even more confused, and in the end, as a matter of fact.

A new location appears on your card - virus there. If you are going to work with the soldiers to the magistrate, then you will not be able to break the elf for іm'ya Elren. Win nyogo you know, they planted a small village for scho. Yelren bazhak, they drove a negidnik, at the same time we motivate, that the court doesn’t allow all one to be allowed, since the villains didn’t have a chance, deprived of the elfs. Here on your vibir - poobitsyati, for there is no one. Your decision is not up to what you will not get goiters. Zagalom, yak yak, then go through the middle. In the tribute of the ruins there will be bags of undead, pawuki and bandits. From one pavukіv you can, by the way, Ingredіnt under the name Shovkovy Gland, which is necessary for Solіvіtus for the Zavdannya Herbala zavdannya.

If you cleanse a part of the given artwork, then you will know nothing of a girl on behalf of Liya, as well as Yelren's dear, and do not marvel at all the bewilderment of the miracle, I want a lot of nalyakan. You won’t have three messages about the success and ask you to be very happy. Obizyanka given to the girl you will never be stricken with goiters.

Having passed the trochs of the dal, they feed the pasta, and the troch of the dal are undead. Yogo all and fall into the light. At the central office, it will go down even more smoothly, to lay down for the undead and pavuks, with all the play will be commanded by Taymniy Zhakh. If you get out of us, then go through the distant and unbeatable, and you know Kelder - the most beastly villain. Kelder will tell you the information about the Magistrate and ask you to fill it up. If you don’t want to be bothered, then take off the extra charge in the supernatural practically with your comrades-in-arms. As soon as you dare to find some kind of evil in the living, even though later along the corridor and in order to find out, you should be looking for a great and strong group of undead, as if you were going to fool a revenant.

If you drive in Kelder, then Elf Elren will give you one golden one, and the Magistrate for some unknown reason will not be pleased with it, and it’s not a bargain; As soon as you have spared zlochintsya, the Magistrat will give you the same sum of money. Beyond that, you can kill blackmail, no way to see the local magistrate, if you won’t give you more gold, even if you can bring you a supernatural eyepiece from Avelino.

plant manager of Travnik

Dane is a herbalist by name Solivitus. There is a herbalist in the casemates. You can take it so yourself if you know one of the most important Ingredients for the herbalist (two Ingredients you can trim back to hell with Solivithus). Otzhe, the herbalist needs: Іklo of the Dragon - you can take part in the Big Dragon for the plant "Bone Pit"; Shovkovy Gland Pavuka - you can take a shot from the shovkovy pavuk, which you will find in the department "Order to the Magistrate" and Zalizna Bark.

Ostanniy Ingrediyunt can be deceived for wits, since you've talked to Solivius. Go to the tabir of the Dolian Elf to talk to the maister on the name of Ailen. Pislya rage, a new location will appear on your card. At the ts_y locats_yi you natrapite on a small group of breeds. Ocholyuvaty vorog_v be the majestic Ogre, so be careful. Batkiv's control will come to you in the rest of the money on you, so you will have an hour to spend with your opponents. Ogre zdolati not neatly neatly, just wrap around him with your magicians and archers. It is necessary to put far-off one-party parties on a certain place. If you cleanse the city of the city, then take the better Zalizna Bark and bring it to the herbalist. Ha vikonane zavdannya win you give three gold coins.

unfinished Please

Otzhe, zavdannya to lay down from the one whom you chose in Prolozі gris. The leaf from the factory is displayed as Atenril or Mirana in the fallowness from the one to whom you were connected to the robot on the cob of gray.

If you chose Atenril, then go to the quarter under the name Quarter of Chervonikh Likhtariv of the Upper Mista, and if you are at the moment, then you will talk to the elf. As soon as you do it, then you’ll tell you, if you are able to do it according to Price’s name, there will be an ambush, as it was planned by competitors. As soon as you see it, I'll be right, if you have a group of Carver or Avelin in your group, then you can remove the plus to the eyepieces of the supernatural with them.

At Porto, at night, I’ll send you to the gateway to read the Price. A fight with them will be serious, so as three wounded enemies, in which there will be a lot of war and an archer, with the most important enemy, who will be driven in, like an attack before another hour. If you are surrounded by enemies, then you can talk to the boy and you will be able to proponuvati and take all the values ​​of Atenril (you are not sure) and to stay with your sisters for a new life. Zagalom, if you will transfer everything to Athenril, then take away the city, as soon as you let Price and reveal all the truth to Athenril, then take away the eyepieces of the supernatural with Varrik and Carver. Ale that you fool, saying that you have stolen some speeches, so take away the eyepieces of friendship from Varrik, Avelino and Carver. If you were in a bad state, if they let the guys go, you won't be able to get rid of them, but in the last situation, you would like to try to educate the robot in the future. If you turn around comrade Atenril, then take off the supernatural eyepieces at Avelino.

Yakshcho in Prolozi virali Mirana, so you will need to work with him in the Lower Misti. Miran will reject a request for the lord's imprisonment on Im'ya Harriman, but everything went not according to the plan, and to be afraid that people might lose it.

Go to the Port, if you go to the sun and go to Gustav (pidlegliy Miyrana) there. Yogo will be atakuvati varti. If you go with him, then you will automatically go to rose with Lord Harriman. Now you will have a chance to vibrate - beat him in or just let him go to the world.

If you just want to hit the lord, then you will feel the bazhana see, if you will be able to drive all one in, when you remove the eyepieces of the supernatural from Varrik, Carver and Avelino, if you don't mind take away the supernatural from Avelino.

Writing, you can go to Miran at once with your additional information. Yakshcho vi virіshili to spare Lord Harriman, todі bude vibir - sbrehati or tell the truth. If you tell the truth, you won't have any more help with Miran, but if you give it to the city for the hidden Gustav, with all the fault your inmate will not reveal. As soon as they drove Lord Harriman, then we should take away the chimala from the city, but in the same time it’s bigger than Gustav’s, except for the robot in the future.

miracle workers

Near the Nizhniy Mist area, when you enter the entrance, you will have a good time to eat up to the end of the characters, as you will be able to give people "Andraste's ashes". If the stench is to stop breeding people, a sergeant will appear in the name of Melrind. Negotiate with the sergeant and not bar take away the zupinity’s department for the organization of "miracle workers", which is worthwhile in the ranks of the Charter.

Lies will sit in the Zhitlovy part of the Lower Mist. As soon as you go before them, the stench will immediately attack you. Kill all of them and turn back to Sergeant Melrinda, just clean up the city and finish the job.

taєmnі Zustrіchі

If you know you have seen the "Shibenik" tavern, then please remember this wonderful lady. Lady matima do your job: go to the Port at night, de heap the captains of the pirates and go there from us. If you will respectfully hear, if you’re about to be happy there, then take it away from the dodatkovo wine town.

Zagalom, virus in a meaningful place. Here it is unnecessarily practical, secretly, when you hear a piratesky rosm - if you carefully go forward and immediately zupinit, then you can listen to the whole rozmova until the very end. Well, if you are already rubbed off, kill all of them and turn around for your wine.

Change Your Nature

Zavdannya to appear deprived of that vipadku, as you are being imported Syrius the Guard was pricked by standing on the side of the inverted and not knowing the damn thing with him. If you did it that way, then Klara is a representative of the inverted clan (as you know in the camp of Doliysk elfs), ask you to bring the їy deyaki Ingredіunti for the sake. Ingredієntіv will be all the chotiri and all the stench will be on the chopping mountain: the first is in the screen, in the taborі of Dolіyskіkh elfіv (like Clary); the other - in the small part at the entrance to the cave, behind the stone wall; the third - in the heated ruins, which are located in the western part of Gori; quarters - from the storehouse of the elfs in the common part, on the protylezhny boat of chopping Gori, because they were robbing the ritual for the factory "Dovga Road to Dodomu". If you know all of the Ingredianti, then turn to Clare and see the city.

dark epitaphia

Zavdannya will be available to you, if you have imported the hero from the first part and spared Avernus in the past. As soon as you broke everything the same way, you will know nothing on the corpse of the birch, as if it were on the torn Berez - an experimental dream of Avernus. As soon as you vip'yte dane zilla, then take off two points to the characteristics. Krim, there will be a leaf from Avernus. The list is addressed to Wart Commander Ferelden from Wart-Commander in Weisshaupt Fortress. Zilla can be drunk at once and not viciously. Know the leaves you will have to put in a barrel, as you stand in a livar. Three more, you will come to the city from Syrikh Vartovikh for a visit.


The zavdannya will be available in the same way as the character was imported, as in the passage of "Awakening" in the video of Amaranthina. Your sister by name Joanna will give you the job, she will be in the Lower Misti. Zagal, you will have a chance to be driven in by a nobleman, as they flowed in from Ferelden because they tried to drive in the Wart-Commander. Roztashuvannya nobles: the first will be found in a brothel under the name "Kvitucha Rose"; the other will be located in the Vishoi Misti: the third will be in the Port, but you can only know it at the hour of the fourth, and you will be able to drive to the mountain.

In addition, as you travel from usim chotirma zradniki (at once with the guardians), then turn to the sergeant for your well-deserved city. Krym tsyogo, the sergeant can see an okremo in the city, tobto for a cut-in skin okremo.

Ostanniy z Kin

Zavdannya will be available in the same way, when they imported Siero Wart, as if they had captured Orzammar Belen as king. At the end of the day, in Port, you hit Renville Harromont, who attacked the bandits. You will need to help you visit the city. Harromont ask you for help to shake off the tail, like a message to Khartin. You can do it like this, if you ask you, or else you can talk to the leader of the bandits. Rozmova will lay down with him immediately at the first creation with a group of enemies. Zagalom, you can convey Harromont's message, or if you can be bitted at the same time with him and his guardians. If you drove Harromont, then from the Charter you will get three gold coins. Well, you helped Harromont, so I take off one gold, and on the very cob of another act you take off a leaf, so that Harromont will be present in the city of Dodatkov: take gold coins and Velmi are good mittens for the war.

stripping Vulitz

Lantsyuzhok zavdan polyagaє in that, scho you happen to clean the spike in the Kirkwall street at night. Also, you need to clean up: Port, Lower Misto and Upper Misto from rozbiynikiv. In addition, if you finish, be it written, then a lady will come before you and will be identified as "Friend". Vaughn to praise you for the Vikonan robot and poobitsyaє to you in the city of Maybutny. If you want to negate the lady, you need to go to the tavern under the name "Shibenik" (at night), and see the lady in one room. If you go out with a gang of gangs, then talk to her again and take away a part of the city.


Please follow the location of the Lower Misto at night. Here you will be attacked for an hour every hour by bandits from a game called "Gostri". In addition, if you are in a position to reach a large number of enemies, then cancel the tip for rooting out the base. The headquarters of the rooting is in the same location in one of the weekends, in which it will be possible to escape at night. If you go through the middle of the little house, then you will create a couple of bandits, and even if you go to the wire.

Then you can correct the lead on the lane, you can go back and forth to the location of the little Kirkvola. In a couple, it is possible to clean up the street up to three times, it can be a bug, and it can be so and it is planned by the developers. Zagalom, pay attention to uvaz. If you go through the enemies to your lane, then turn to a certain "Friend" and deny your city.

Zavorushennya in Pirsi

Zavdannya podbne before the front zavdannyam, the axis only for the whole time you will have a chance to greet piratsky ugrupovannya named "Chervona Voda". I use it like that, and in front of the bandits, it’s deprived in the hour. If you know them just and you will be fighting with them all in the middle, then try to be able to see them better, the magician Lich, and you will be able to significantly reduce the folding of the battle.

Nichny Deception

Otzhe, zavdannya podbne two in advance. For the rest of the time, you will need to go to the front yard, which is located in the Vishoy Misti. Vidshukati yak will be too late at night. Dannya zavdannya foldable teammates, so the final fight will not only be with the leader by name Perth, but with the playwright. In addition, there will be more people in your family, you will not be afraid to get sick of the enemies (which will be more in the future). I zvazhte those who, in this given moment, are not enough for your maneuvers.

Bureau of sorcerers

A great part of the tsikh zavdan polyagaє is that you need to turn the speech. You can find yourself in the course of the pre-location / mission, or just in the other departments. For knowing speeches, beckon you to see gold at once with admiration.

Home Bugalteria

Zavdannya you can think of it as a fallacy, when you imported the Gray Wart from the last part, which sided with Harromont. Appointed documents and you can see a corpse, as if lying on a birch torn, in a location called "Transition Merts". You can eat there while watching "Porokhovi Nadiya". If you know an object, then turn it to a gnome, like a bag in Vishoi Misti.

Scar in the dance, Rik Vipusku 5:34, Sacred Era, you can see a dance in the western priory to the castle of the messenger. If you know, then you don’t need to see a dance of elfi, which is located in the Lower Mist (formerly-western part of the location).

Kirkwall's payback card - You can see one more dance and the last time - to the ancient castle of the master. It’s very necessary to see it, because it’s located in the old-fashioned part of the Lower City.

Druk budinku Talvein - you can see the seal in the stove, yak roasted on the hole in the Mountain. Through the given peche you see for the director "Dovgy Shlyakh Dodomu". If you know the seal, then turn to the representative of the Talvein booth, which is located in the Upper Misto location.

Thumb of the Foot thoroughly - given the release and you can see it in the box, which is located before the Dzhitan's room for the "Persha Sacrifice" factory. You will have a chance to go to a brothel called "Kvitucha Rose". Yak Go to this release, then turn to the gnome, which is located in the Lower Misti.

Castles of the Golden Durniv - you will know the book in the private part of the Church, on one of them there are tables. If you know a book, then turn it around, which is located in the Dark City.

Shawl Deilsdotter - you will have a shawl shukati in the afternoon, in a tavern named "Shibenik". If you know the subject, then turn yo Mais Deilsdotter, as you will be in a brothel under the name "Kvitucha Rose".

Grimaur Uchnya - daniy grimuar you can go to the local lane of the Blood Magicians, going after the works of the "Vorogi of the middle of us" (near Kerala). Zagalom, as you know grammar, then turn your character to Bonevald, which will be located in the Nizhniy Novgorod location.

Remains of Sister Plint - You can take the remains of your sister in the Cloaca location, near Danzig, which you can see for the prodigal "Prodigal Sin". If you know the remains, then turn the brother's plate, which will be located in the Church.

The tip of the Sword Justis - the whole object you can bring into a bear, in the mine I will call it "Bone Pit", in which you can eat "Bone Pit". If you know a little thing, then turn the Guardian by the name of Yustis (you will be in the palace of the man).

Remains of Rozbyynyk Silsam - and you can see the remains on the pidloz in the Pidzemny Perekhid location (at night). You can have a meal at any moment from the Port location until you get to the location. If you know the remains, then turn them by the name of Ebu Sils (which is located in the Tabor of Doliy Elf).

Remains of the Rozbyynik "Borodatiy Zvir" - the remains are found on the surface of the Bone Yama mine. The location will appear on your map in the same way, if you have been waiting for help for the staff of the "Bone Pit". The remains are located in the winter-western side of the location.

Chervoniy Buton - Daniy's card of rosetting in the Rvana Uzberezhzha location. If you know yogo, then turn yogo Dalien Shau, like a bag in the area of ​​cloaca.

Act - 1: Final

In addition, as you see Bartrand, that you are now ready to go to your expedition, then all your characters will automatically come to you. Dal the dwarf say to the tsikav mova, yak want your hike. Ale not vіnvіnuvіn to finish his promovu, as everything is digested by your mother. Mother to ask you to abandon your brother or sister (in the absence of the fact that kim vi grate), so as to be very much afraid of spending all your children. If you look at the time, then at Carver you will take off the eyepieces of the supernatural, if you take it, then take off the eyepieces of friendship. As soon as Betania is with you, you will be able to abandon a small house without any negative inheritances, but if you mind, you have a hundredfold friendship with her. Zagalom, if you have chosen to miss your sister or your brother, then try not to show it even roughly, so as there are traces of negativity in the edge.

If you are going to be engaged in the selection of characters in a group, then screw it up, then before the hour of the expedition you will not be able to find a new warehouse. At the same part of the grill Varrik will be at your group with any kind of distribution. In addition, as we rose up and returned to the detachment, then you hit on your first serious transition - a landslide. Shakhtari will be sturdzhuvati, but the stench cannot be cleared out of the way, and it may not be an option to pass from the side, so it’s more likely there.

Otzhe, volunteered for development in the tunnels, you should see our knowledgeable gnome on im'ya Bodan. To shine forth, which yogo take a sin on im'ya Sandal, ruining here in the tsikh tunnels and gnome stroking bless you all. As soon as you see it, then take off the friendship points from Avelino and Varrik.

If you have a vipad, go viral. It’s not hard to get on your way to get a kindred temryavi - yak і maє buti on gibinny stitches. I will, you will come to Galyavin, if there will be a sprinkle of "fat" screens, as you will not be able to protect them. At the end of the day, whether you are to blame is whether you are thinking. Zagalom, the vorogi do not fidget about their arrival. If you are going to go through the gangways to the door, then a group has attacked you unsupportedly, and you will be stacked with pavuks, which are just a majestic pavuk. Crack it up, it's great size - it's weakness. Through the end of the great gabbary wines, you can’t be seen at the gatherings, so if you can get up at the gatherings, then without any problems you can simply shoot him. In the bag, the enemies will be changed without any problems. For the battle, go through three miles and go along the road of all the kindred temryavi. I will, you will come to a healthy sandal. If you talk to him, then you will turn back to the tabir, and you can continue your development of the tunnels.

Practically, through a little crooked dal, you check a new ambush. A new visit, see the old ones, now there will be Emmisar in the group of attackers, for that we recommend that you be in the region accurate. Yak get through the enemies, then move on to the collapse of the distance. If you have a lot of fun on the descent - go on and on and find yourself in the primitive, if you don't have one ogre. Its self-importance is compensated for by the time, but it’s just a lot of pastes, the smell is thrown across the whole area of ​​the room, that is more beautiful than all the life of an ogra in a way, it’s not a big place for a safe area. Zagalom, put everything into your game tactics and the warehouse of your group. In addition, as you hack to death the ogre, then collapse the distance and beat the way out of the whole mission. Wihid will protect the wicked dragon (not Vishcha). The dragon will start a battle with you in self-help, albeit through a sprinkle of chilin, you will more often call your little ones to help you, so screw it up.

Yak sort out with Chergov's monstrosity, then collapse to the exit. If you go, then automatically lean close to Bartrand. Tell you about going through development. When you hear me, you will find yourself in the mission called Pervinny Teig - that was your main point in the history of the expedition.

If you talk to Baratrand, then you can sell or buy something in the store to buy (it’s a matter of urgency for you to have a gostra need in general). When you are dressed, then pass forward and respectfully observance of Teig's data. At any moment, Tin will attack you at once with the golem (and steal, but the golems are strong enemies, not like in the "Cob", the stench is more similar to galmovs).

If you have a new party of enemies, then go to the Ancient Crypt. Here you can sip on a wondrous idol, like the destruction of the most pure lyrium, without a bar. At the end of the day, a video clip appears, from the legacy of the henchman - wonder and when, move on to the collapse of the distance. In the middle of the Crypt, attack Tini for a couple of them with one golem. Besides, there are still new enemies here, who have never been crushed before. New opponents are called "Yazichniki" - the stench looks like a stone at once with the spirit.

You are attacked by more than one group of languages, so get ready. I dare say it’s almost impossible to speak to you, because I’ll help you in jokes when you go out of the city. Anders can explain the essence of the essence of the essence to you, if only in the light of what they took. That and vzagalі, here і so guilty, it was zoosuilo, so tse so. As soon as you look at the proposition of the essence, you will take off the supernatural glasses from Fenris, Anderson and Avelino. Well, you see, that you will happen to be bitis with him. Thief will call for help Pogan (і in chimalіy kіlkostі). Krim tsyogo, win little kilka forms. If I say hello to persuasion (yak is still weak), then a friend will appear (more taut). Yak hello your enemies, or if you accept them, please, then the distance will collapse.

So, now get ready before you get the best fight at once for the whole first Act (you can do it, but there is a most difficult battle for the whole load). It’s more important that they attack you without any negotiations or dialogues. The Kam'yaniy Spirit will be in the reserve of a few unique and even straining blows, for that the characters of a distant battle may pass a number of passes through the distance. It is important to trim your characters yaknaydal, so that with your hard blows, you can without any problems refer to the light of your magician (see if you have more health). Zagal, if you will be correct and correct with the actions of your heroes, then you can practically evade from the attacks of the Boss. Without going into the distance, there is a lot of escaping from one attack - attacks by electricity (in the country), which will be all over the place, albeit just a little at a loss.

If you take away a part of your health, then you must move abruptly to the middle of the heart of the heart and start burning with hearts. You will now have a chance to quickly reactivate and hug your one-party members behind roztasvanny columns, so as at once to hit all over the caves with even a strong attack, and if you can’t hide it would be deprived of the order to stand in columns. When you write your attack, it’s for a day that you become unruly, if you don’t know at all the moment you don’t give in to it, you don’t get angry, because it’s like Pogan, because it’s going to hit you. As soon as I know if I know it, I’ll repeat the tactics a couple of times (it’s not necessary). If you can do it, then remember that you can follow him to finish a decent belongings. The key that vived you to the Crypt will lie in one of these screens.

As soon as you accepted the demon's prophecy before, we waited for those who were guilty of you, but now they are hungry, but you took the key again and called from the Crypt, but here you can give Varik the opportunity to talk to him at once.

Otzhe, go from this pidzemlya to finish Act - 1, please, go to the farther from the one that you have gone to Glibinni Stitches. Here are those who will be with you Bethany or Cover.

From that vipadku, if you took Carver or Bethany last year, then if you go out of the crypt and talk with Varrik, your relative will ask for three more. In addition, if you are attracted to the new one, then bach, how can you see infections with badness.

As soon as your group will have Anders, I will propose to you an alternative option - the article by Syrim Guard. Let me tell you about those little pictures of the Great Trails near the Vilna Marke, and about those who are not far from here for a moment, there are groups that are stored with the Syrihs of Vartov, so if you see Cartoons at once, then you can for Bethany.

Swing forward, Anders is not a bargainer, but beforehand, I’m not safe, because I’m going out of the family — win and see, and Syrikh Vartovikh. Do not beat bachachi NATO in advance, the stench will be weak; If you lay the whole yurba of the kind, then at the last stage it is up to you to have a group to be stored at the Sirikh Vartovikh.

Sponsor for the grandmother of the tsikava rose Anderson and Syrikh Vartovikh, for whomever you dwindled, they took the stench and performed a ritual for your sister or brother. Right-wing supporters will love to wait a bit and take Betana or Cover at once with them. Anderson will come to see you, if you will again sell your way.

In another act, you will remove the sheet, in which the new life of your brother or sister in the warehouse of the Syrikh Vartovich is described. A trifle of you can grow up with a relative, but you will not be as a post-companion at once.

It’s not like they didn’t take Carver, for the beta all at once with them, then, after turning before you check, it’s even an unacceptable surprise. As soon as you will be Covering, once you enter before the lavas of the Templars. Well, if you have Betania's bully, Todi the captain-captain Cullen, who has a rank, sniffed out, what a magician is there and taking away from the Kolo Magiv Kirkwall. Zvychayno, you can learn with them in the maybutny, ala in the fake comrades-in-arms, and you will not be.

Act - 2: Plot line

Now, when we go, as we are in the first act, the knowledge of scarbs from big stitches has brought you great bad luck, and now you have in your wits a majestic povaga in a great suspension. Tell me here, as if you were helped by the namisnik. Zagal, podії another act obedient to the very moment, if you have a call to yourself.

vimogi kun

Dana vandannya vіtrimaєte immediately and if you talk to the messenger, otherwise the vikonannya this zavdannya will be deprived of another act in the final, so leave no one sick.

Vibukhova Posluga

The namіsnik is even more anxious not only through the more growing prototypes around the Magicians and Templars, but hey, Kunar didn’t go out of place. Tell you if you are guilty to go to Arishoku, but the axis is now - leave unavoidably. Seemingly deprived of those who have come to see you Navigate by naming you on IM'ya.

Drive to the Port in the afternoon and talk to Arishok there. As soon as you know the recipe is right for you, you can add a special vibe - gaatoga. It’s more shocking, to shine, but the recipe is not vibrating, but spun gas, which will be specially made for donations. As soon as the hour of inhalation is given, the gas will end, and it will just come to an end, if you just go to the brain and in the end of the day, a lethal result will come. Naturally, all the suspicions fell on the well-known gnome on the name of Javar (as in the memory, then I fell in love with the recipe earlier).

Here you will find a Varrik, for a moment in the cloaca. Suspicion of starting to sell Javaris' dibs, that is why it’s all right there from the place. Go to the cesspool (steal, but the tip of the dwarf Varrik is not obov'yazkov, in any case you will know the necessary characters). When I enter the land, talk to the Partnership, or rather, to the representative, as once and to be engaged in the sale of speeches. You can choose absolutely, be it dialogues, or you will be the only one - Jovaris in the time has overshadowed the place, at the same time having overflowed a lot of Borgs. To leave the place in the general guards can be deprived of one path - the vikoristovuchi underground tunnel with the name "Smuggler's Pit".

Otzhe, turn for the kut and collapse to the "Yamі Smugglers". Walk in the middle of the land and collapse to the opposite exit. Fuck, there will be even more abundant nasty people in the middle of the land. Here, you will set up a bagatech of paths, including vbivts, as they are still very fond of attacking in the back. Respectfully quest for your characters, as there is little health. In the tunnels, side by side, there are bandits in and out of the pavukiv (otruynykh). Before entering the "Yami Smugglers", do not miss the screen, in which you can see a gift for your izabel - a boat in the dance.

As soon as you go out of the pied-land, then you immediately start guarding the gnome. Here it is so necessary to stitch behind the backs of your comrades-in-arms, so as the enemies can ward off. In addition, since you have all the protection, then you will burn with a gnome. Javaris will tell you about her hard life, for whom to see, how to blame for everything, but it’s not a fault, but a character who, for a moment, is on the same street of Kirkwall.

If you can let go, so if you knock in the gnome, you can do it. Fuck it, but the gnome’s driving in doesn’t grab Abelino at once with Varrik (before them, you will remove the eyepieces cn = supernatural). Go back to the land, for you will see the Kirkwall map from the new location - the dance has fallen. Go to the street, there will be an elf. If you arrive there, then immediately you will be deployed with a group of Mysky guards, who will be in command of Ser Mekon. As a result, you know that it has become a waste of time - it’s hard to try it after trying the Kunar recipe as soon as possible. At the bag, the guards start blocking the street. You will need to move the Mekon, so you can get back from us. As soon as your group will have Avelino, then speak to the guards if it will come out, so that the rosm will come to you with her. If you change it with a jar, then take off the decal point to the supernumerary from Avelino, if you choose to be the only one, to remove the eyepieces of friendship.

If you go to the provulok, then your group will quickly get healthier through the foggy fog, which then rots around the whole environment. You will need to see more important things, such as roasting on the ground and for the rest of the time, to cross the gas barrels. If not, everything will not be so simple: if you have a skin-topped barrel, you will need to be seen from the attackers. The first attack will be weak, and the first will be stronger. It is recommended for you to go to one of the lateral dead ends and trim yourself there, so as the position is even more manual in that plan, before you will be on the way through the gates and you will be able to navigate with him through the devil. Zagalom, everyone wants to stick to those who use tactics to repent and how you have tactics.

The latency of the barrel is not a principled option. Pislya dermal bіynі, before the corpse of the enemy will be important (the vinyat is the first option). When the skin is overhauled the barrels, the shkodi you will be trimmed out of the spray gas will be weak. First, turn it over, so you won't be able to overwhelm the barrel until a quiet feast, if you don’t greet all the enemies, if you will be important.

Yak tilki vi, close the barrel, while the bran gas will not be safe for you. It’s uncommon for the elf_yka to be ill. And the boom will end with her. Virishiti problems and a peaceful path are simply not sensible, so kill with a pure conscience.

Hello, then turn back to Tabir Kunar and tell about the trap to Arishok. Show you all the history of what you see. Let us be guilty of hearing this message and go back at once with our additional guide to Namisnik. At the end of the day, the project will be completed and you will automatically cancel the advance.

Arrival і Zbitki

If you take away the lack of it, if you took pennies (in addition to help) from the arc in the first act, if you organized an expedition to Glibinni Stitches. Dugal will not be able to show up at your booth and if you will be able to get paid a payment (while you turned your money around). If you think about it, then you will attack you, if you move from one part of the city to the one.

Know and Know Vratiti

The manager will automatically display the name of the Namisnik Dumar, for the purpose of completing the work of "Vibukhova Posluga". Otzhe, the namіsnik even strongly sturbed Tim, that the group of the last Kunar disappeared, as if they came to the fortress. Go and talk about the tse with Senchal Bran and go to the tavern at night under the name "Shibenik". At the tavern, it is necessary to feed about those who have become the greats of the drunken guard on the name of Orvald. We recommend that Avelina talked to you with the guards, so I’ll need you to get information and when you take away the eyepieces of friendship with her. I won’t be in the group, so it’s all over, so you’ll beat Orwald all at once. Krym, on the side of the guard you will stand up to another circle from the entrance to the tavern, while you will be able to navigate the most peaceful way of the show. Zagalom, in the kintsevo bag, the guard will recognize you at the fact that the decree on Kunar has seen one of the templars, at the same time showing the friend of the High Priestess Eltini.

Drive in the afternoon to the church and talk to the High Priestess Eltina. In one of the central gulfs, you know nothing about the family Petris. It will appear that Petris was already moved to the village right up to "Materi". It’s easy to create your own kingly spiel in the region - їm a fanatical templar named Vernell appears. Vernell saw off the zbori of the giants, as in the edge of the war against the people of Kunar. Also, Varnell is located here in the cesspool area.

Shvidshayte on the occasion of your message. Upon arrival. we didn’t say anything good and didn’t see. As long as you speak with aggressive replies, you will earn a point of friendship with Avelino. It’s a vain, everything will end with a chergovy essence. Vorozhiv will be in the land rich, ale the strongest of all will be Varnell, those who are fanatical specialties will not be any stronger, but their brothers will be through those who are so great.

After the end of the battle, as in all the rioters, the Namisnik himself will arrive at the moment of the moment and having talked to him the work will be over. After the completion of the work, you will take away the eyepieces of friendship with Avelino, but for another word, you didn’t please tell me about those who were trapilia.

Note: If you want the magazine not to say what you want, you can easily talk with Arshok about those who have become here (if you can finish the job), in lieu of hearing the special thought Arshok about you and about the Namisnik.

head Podozruvaniy

Dane zavdannya vi otrimte on the very cob of another act of gris. At your booths, Avelino is not encouraged to come, when you’re not satisfied with the tidy templar for the name of Emerik, which I’ll know about the mystery of the future. For the captains of the guards, drive to the casemates and talk at once from Emerika - tell you if you have attacked the next mysterious vbivtsi, which will help its victims of the mighty line. The commander-in-chief zaboroniv Emerieu will take care of the investigation and that Emerik will be encouraged to complete this right.

The head of the survey at the Danish moment is an Orlesian by name Gascar Dupuis, who recently arrived in the place. To emerge, wіn prompting wіn hаνе tο dіvchat. You will need to make your way to the booths until the end of the day, which is rooted in the Upper Mist and is shown to prove that you are honored to the children - for the sake of innocence. Zagalom, go to Dupuis's booth.

As soon as you enter the room, then the primari will attack you, if you will fool the Demon of Gniva. Yak hello yogo, then go up the hill along the gatherings and go to the center in the center, a couple of mayors attack you. There will be two doors in front of you: on the right side you will know a jar of blood, as if you were to use it on those who knew the magic of the blood; for the lіvim doors, there will be found descend. When you go through the cikh gatherings and you will know a note without a bar, de you vibachennya Meredit (Head of the Templars). Krim, there are two doors here. At the room, on the right side, you will know a screen with life-like speeches, and in the left room, Dupuy himself will be nailed down in the company as a child, as if you would shout about attacks and vikradennya. Dupuis more and more thinks of him, having caught a little bit of the divine and repenting to the magician of the Blood in order to see the good man, as if he had killed his sister. There are two options for your vibration:

If you don’t believe in an attack on a new person, then immediately the demons will arrive at once with the mayors to help him, so that, if all of them interrupt, all one will be called upon to see you. You will have a chance to finish chasing him in the rooms, ala in kintsi kintsiv vi yogo vb'uta.

If you believe and accept, then ask you to trim it in the course of all the steps and if you do not need it, then go to the cloaca (de win to get out of the way). Give you the chance to turn back in the Casemati during the day and tell you about all of Emerika, but not at once the famous Templar of you has been created by the Templar for Moira, as you tell me, that Emerik has recently returned to one of the fixes, Having climbed after him, he will appear, so that he is killed and lies on the ground. If there is a new primari and how to go out with them, then the Demon Bazhannya will appear. Pislya beyni, Moira will appear and energized, so it has become (NOT Dupui chi vinen?). Think of it like this, as you are concerned about your needs, and the end of the day will be finished.

Everything is gone

The manager will automatically reject the message as a visitor before the front office of the "Golovniy Pidozryuvaniy". Upon arriving at home, you see that Lyandra Hawk walked out of your booth under wonderful circumstances and did not turn around. You can find Z'yasuvati de vona in two ways:

Sposib first. Go to the scene from Gamelena, which will be in the location of Nizhniy Novgorod. There you will find a boy who will need to be fed about those who Lyandra has agreed to. Boy, tell you about those who like the master asking Landry Hawk for help. Give you the chance to follow the crooked tracks, which will be in life on earth.

Other way. If you have spared the Gaskarov Dupuis and did not tell about everything Moira, then you can go to the cloaca at the private location. Having frozen on the Magic of Blood, you will be automatically transferred by traces.

Yak, lean back in livarnoy, then collapse along the crooked beaches і lean back at the hatch without a bar. Go downstairs. As you descend, a couple of mayor and Demon Gniva will immediately attack you. Yak vb'єte yogo, then collapse dalі. In anticipation of the attack hall, you can see the amulet of your Landry Hawk. I know to go lower and fight with the Demon Gniv. In the capacity of the demon's child there will be primari, possessed and reared corpses. In addition, since it will be done away with us, the beast of respect for the portrait will hang over the stone - the image on the portrait of the girl will be much more similar to Lyandra.

Pass far and not bar will need to go down even lower. Here you already have a check for a reference, which is constantly vistyzhuvav Emerik. As soon as Gascar Dupuis arrives before you, then drive to speak to him at once, if you do not know if you want Dupuis. As soon as you select the option at once with the star, then you can cross Dupuy and see your intentions and take your side. In the opposite direction, we can take the side of Quentin and misfortune on you. Krym, as long as you will be Warrik, so Dupuy can see everything and become neutral.

The fight will come together with the decils of the stages, which will be tied with the wyklik of the demons of Bazhannya. The demons will be with Ninette, Alessio and Landry. Christ, the middle of the enemies will be the mayor at the same time with the revived corpses. If you’re in all, then talk at once with Quentin and Lyandra. Pislya rage, you will automatically return to your mansion.

Uncle Gamelin is already talking to you about the booths, and this is a romantic character, as well as it’s awesome with you є. Pislya dovgyh conversations, the work will be completed.

touch kun

Zavdannya at you will appear automatically immediately after that, as you see the zavdannya "Everything, Scho Zalishilosya". See the list of names of Namisnik Dumar. You will need to study with him at the signified Fortetsi and talk about the Seymus' son.

Pislya rozmovi with Namisnik, go to Arishoku and talk to him. Attack on the way to you. Kill them and crumble away. Arishok you will see, how the synonyms of the Namisnik are now in the church at once, kudi vin pishov, who will develop with his dad.

Go to the Church at night and wonder how you see it there. Pislya, talk to Petris. At once with her, fanatics will arrive in the Church, and in the very end of the rage, you will not be spun into battle with them. Ale fanatics will be filthy warriors, so you naturally only benefit from it.

In a dozen hour, on the noise of the battle, Eltin will arrive and if you don’t need to try to help you, you will see the distance. On the result of all the total history, you cannot fit in.

Act - 2: Chi is not a plot

plant manager of Travnik

Old Solіvіtus, who sits in the casemates all the same shukak rіdkіsnі Ingredіonti. Every once in a while you need this kind of investment:

Quote for the name "Rum'yanets Courtesans" - it was to be found on the rags of the Birch, bile of the peppers, because Tal-Vashot was on the cob of the first act.

Doliy chornilo for Tatuyuvan is an item that can be seen in the Tabor of Doliy Elves.

Heart of Warterall - see the Danish Ingredient and you can deprive in the course of a special work from Merril. The head of the Merril is called "Imaging in the Dzerkali".

Krym, all three Ingredients will be able to see you before you see the Travnik. In addition, if you bring all the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof the Ingredient, that will be completed.

Drink on the slopes

If you walk along the torn Birch tree, then some lower ones, you know, you know, a bitter kunar zagin, you will automatically deny wake up to a pack of pirates. Having passed the trochi lower, see the zagin guards, who will be commanded by the lieutenant on im'ya Kharli. You will have a chance to see that marauders have settled on the steep slopes, as they will serve even the old house of the vets. Ale for a given moment, the leader of the pirates will not be, if his intercessor is the Blood Mage Fell Order. Warta is not in the snake to be sent out by criminals marauders, who are even stronger than the Blood Magician. The lieutenant ochіku pіdkrіplennya arrived, ale yogo dumb, and then deprived of it.

If your command will have Avelin, then you will have the opportunity to earn money from her eyepiece of friendship (for which it will be necessary to vibrate the option "Let's beat it at once", if you want to take the fighting spirit of Varti with your tongue). Krym, you can also make out and eyepieces of her supernatural, if you dare to thank everything in a special way.

Varrik at once with Izabela vzagal not to be set. Be safe, because there will be pastes here, as they stand on the skin stitches and on the steps to the passages. If you can't do it yourself, then it is recommended for you to take Isabel into the team, or else Varrik and go through all the pasta very well. There will be three types of pastes here: otruyna viparovannya, vognyany vibuhi and ti, as there will be spovilnyuvaty your oversupply.

If you are more likely to fight with enemies, then it is recommended that you immediately rush with your forces on the Blood Mage Fell of the Order, so if the marauders get lost without his help, then immediately become victors, who you can greet without problems. If you are in all the enemies, then listen to the news and see to respect, that you are checked out of the city, as you can read the Namisnik in the Fortress from the captain on the name of Dzhalil.

Do not forget to obshukati the corpse of a magician, so it will be so much, like "Gnuchka Lantsyug" - tse vizerunok varti, which is an upgrade for Avelino's armor. Item є, yak is one middle for runes. Krym, to take out of the corpse's shaved hair, from which you will take away the new factory. Yak leave from the usim on the right, then go to Dzhalena behind the city.

Nichni nightmares

Otzhe, Arianna, the mother of that hidden boy magician on Im'ya Feynreel, sent you a leaf with the passages to be found with her in Elfinazh. Here, it’s not meaningful kudi vi in ​​the past, they sent the boy (in Kolo, to the Doliy elfs). him in Tin through the ritual of the keeper of Maretar.

Bereginya Maretari will tell you about those who are smart, when they happen to beat the lads, who killed him when they were subdued. Drive in to Tini. As soon as you see it on the spot, then take off the eyepieces of the supernatural from Anderson and Merril.

In addition, as you choose three companions for yourself, then go to Tin. Even at the moment of rampage from Meretar, among your characters, the Bula Merril was not taken at Tin vi її at any moment, then you should take away the eyepieces of the supernatural from her, but if you take it, then you should take out three points less than a point to supernatural. As soon as your group will have Anders, then upon arrival in Tin Vin I will take Pomsty's uniform and you can talk to him about the whole thing.

Tin will picture a piece of casemate, in yaku you will not have access to it. Zagalom, go to the courtyard and device of the Demon of Innocence, you will need to talk. Pislya tsyogo, є two options for development of podіy:

As soon as you see it, you will be able to spypratsyuvati at the same time with the cym demon, and by yourself, get the eyepieces of friendship from Anders, Avelino and Fenris, or take off the supernatural glasses from Merril. If you drive in a demon, then go to the Demon Bazhannya. At the end of the day, you can reject the callousness of Feynreel's mother and bach, like a boy, to be confused at once with your dad. You need to change your mind about the demons, about the demons, about the demons, about the demons - the daddy is not illusions. As soon as your team will have Avelino or Isabella, then the demon can win them over to your side. Kill the demon at once with the helpers. The unwitting companion will be driven in like that. Pislya, you can turn back at the doors, and the Demon Gniv will attack you so. Yak vb'yte yogo, then turn to the demon Gordin, which is rooting in the protolezhny entrance from the place of residence of the Demon Bazhanny. On the way, take a quick look at the side of the right and left side, so as there you can replenish your reserves in the code. If you arrive at the place, then talk to the Demon. You can tell the lads that everything is going to come from demons, or it’s just that it’s not illusory for the whole, not thinking about demons (so it’s like you’ll be good at it yourself). As soon as your group will have Merril, Varrik or Fenris, to win one of them to your side and you will have to beat everyone. Pislya tsyogo, go to the door and kick Feinreel out there. Even in the forefront, they said to him that the demons would be smashing with him, that he would ask you to kill him, if you can see him, if you turn back, if the boy becomes subdued. Another option is to reconsider the fact that you need to go to Tevinter and continue your new life.

As soon as when you were growing up with demons, Bazhanna and the proud boy were not told anything about demons, because he himself was proponent of the option to go to Tevinter. Zagalom, in the whole option of turning from Tin, Maretari, give you one book as a gift, as you can sell it, (if you want for three).

As soon as you wait for the sake of the Demons, the lack of uneasiness (greet the demons and pass the boy to you, if you turn them off as a substitute may have as many as six characteristic points), then Anders will attack you and see Fenris and take your friends from the supernatural eyepieces, and from the Merkar Pislya, go to the Demon Bazhannya and say no to the cottonseers not to hear his words. Let you ask for the hello of the demon (as you can easily win over one of the companions to your side), now kill the demon Gordin. Nareshty you can go to the podvir'ya, the Demon of inconsistency doesn’t force the boy, and you don’t want to get rid of the demon’s ability and allow him to move into the whole youngster.

If you are zradzhu htos from your comrades-in-arms, then if you turn from usim to Tin, you will not have much zeal, in which you happen to talk to him about those who have become. When you write, you can take away a pair of friendship points or a couple of supernatural points.

Krym, in this case there is only one book of tsikava, how to give to any character, how to read 1 point to the characteristics and trochas to see (550 op). There is a book in the same room, in which you appear in the very ear of Tini. You will need to miss the moment, if the stench becomes available to you, if you activate it. You will always be in one and the same place, so you will need to deprive yourself of the moment.

So, in this way, you can create two riddles, which are tied without the middle from the barrels. In one village, where there are small and large barrels, you will need to replace barrels in one row by larger barrels. Krym, you will have a number of questions in front of you, as demons attack you. If you drive the demons, you deny the access, or you can’t carry out more machinations with the barrels (in the city, you will deduct 1 point of characteristics). The riddle of the field is approaching in the fact that you will need a middle of a big, red and a big barrel, push all the barrels of a red collar into the center (two down, two up). It doesn’t matter, because when there’s a lot of distance there will be roztasovani іnshі barrels, but to be found to the sides. So, as it is, in the next riddle, your number will be bounded (in the city, you will deduct 2 points of the characteristic).

Whole from their own

Here, in the middle of another act, you will not be able to get a sheet of information from a merchant named Hubert with whom you have poured the Bone pit mine (you were lucky enough to have a fortune in the first act). Zagalom, the problem is that for the last hour they often attacked your caravan. Ale and not all, aje Hubert will sing you in the fact that you have got a "schur". Garazd, it's time to talk about old Hubert in a special way, so go to Verkhny Misto.

Having talked with him at the Upper Misti, it appears that he has already caught up with the virahuvati of the one who sold you into his own house. The character on im'ya Sabin, in addition to it, is not a connoisseur, so it’s like it’s and it’s like it’s Lothering. It's time to talk to him especially. If you see it right away, talk to him right away, then you will be transferred to the community for additional drinks.

You have the life of your fellow countryman in your hands. You can vibrate all information from it: reports, histories, dialogues (by yourself, remove the supernatural eyepieces from Varrik, Anders, Avellino and Sabastian). Ale є option spokiy talk with him.

In any case, Sabin will tell you about her history of history, if you have an option to hit it. Naturally, the option of driving more of your one-party members is not to be grasped. There is also one more option for this - to create a new owner. So you can let go of it yourself, by yourself you can do it quietly, hto pratsyuє in your mines. In addition to everything, in the form of Sabina, you can try to help you, in any case, if you are already very unhappy (in the whole option, you should pay more money for more money). Even in the dialog you can say: “I’m going to sleep” and tell you about my cache, in which there will be a few pennies (don’t hate it, there’s a troch, but I want it).

As soon as you got home from Sabina, old Hubert will come before you, albeit with the representative of the Partnership (Lily). If you don’t want to know about the solution, if you have accepted it, you can collapse even before the second attack on the caravan.

As soon as the robbery was transferred, the ale axis of the robbers did not rise yet, so they entered the battle. Play battles, respectfully look around the entire clearing. Lilya is unsuccessful, as if he knew one of the rogues who attacked the caravan. Zagalom, zagalom to be found not in the Partnership, but zagal on the wire of Brecker. At the end of the day, the girl is leaving you and saying that you knew you were already in the cloaca. Lily herself is going to get out of Brecker.

Well, well, the virus is in the cloaca. Lily's corpse is located behind the mіscem of arrival at the entrance. At all times it is up to you guys, as they themselves are stored in Tovarstvo. Zagalom, yak and transferred, vbivy to hang on you and give an explanation. Problems with the Partnership will be violated by two paths: you can kill everyone on the grass on them, or you can just peacefully regulate everything, having told him the whole truth about those who are here to see.

In addition, if you are grateful for the problems with the Partnership, then try to nareshti to Brecker. There will be a place in the pidzemella of the Partnership, as it is in the cesspool. And be in the right place, so as you go along the way, you will find a lot of pasta. Having looked respectfully around the land, you know Brecker at the end of the day. Pislya rage with him, be a kind of dialogue to produce before the battle. The message is going to end. You will not need to go away and find out all the old-fashioned H'ubert, who subtly stretched out on those who would be good, when people were brought in every hour to work in the mines, so that such problems would not be bigger.

Popovz in Pecheri

It will be remembered that you have finished the quest "Chtos from svoykh". If you arrive before the workers in the mines (to provide them), then ask for your stench for help. Talk to a representative of the miners on Im'ya Jansen. I ask you a message about those that pawuki started up in one of the mines, so it became uncomfortable for them. Well, well, the virus is vicious about the robots. Immediately at the entrance, visit the Queen of Pavuk with a couple of children. On all the paths and turn back to Yasen, at which one will have a Viconano.

Peches of the Dead

As soon as you turn into the Kistyan Pit to the mines, then Jansen will know you about the problems. Now, in the mines, it’s uncomfortable to see through the imperceptible glimmer. Please keep track of your problems. Collapse to the mine, having told you about the yak, Jansen, and kill all the undead there, if only you will. The group of the undead will have a revenant at once with Taumniy Zhakh. As soon as you drive in all the monstrosities, then turn back to Jansen and give him a job.

Poshuk kirok

When you see Kostyanoy Yami, you will see that new problems have come to light. For the rest of the time, all the tools for the robots broke down at the robots. Hubert, well, what a mav bi vidpovidati for the price, skimp and not even get back to posilati new order. Jansen tell you about those who in the Lower Mist were picking a farrier, who could make a great party of picks for robots in mines.

Go to Nizhniy Misto and from the seller with clouds you can know the same farrier who can be a great party of picks. Koval tell you about those who can sell a large lot of picks for fifteen gold pieces! It’s obvious that you’ll try to get rid of the price. Zagalom, when shopping, turn back to Jansen and ask your mom to shop.

gold of durn_v

Fuck it, so the price of a new life is available only when importing a song part of the gris - it’s definitely not visible, but it’s more available for a mind, but Nathaniel Howe in "Awakening" is lost alive. Ale buvaє take, how the zavdannya simply doesn’t appear, to that one can say - zavdannya Bagan and everything can be eaten.

Zagalom, near Vischomu Misti, close to the Trade Guild, and you can create a gnome on the name of Yevlen. It will appear that a new one has three blues and leathers from them, having heard the stories about yours, you can use them to make the same vilazka in Glibinn. The stitches are similar to yours.

It's time to get back to Glybinny Stitches and children of Yevlen. At the same time, on the glittering stitches, you create one of the brothers, which is the name of Emris. When you grow up with a dwarf, you can virishity for one of two, but you have lost your brothers and you will go first. Steal, for that, for whom you go first, then you will live. Vryatuvati dvoh you do not see. Krym, in whatever kind of mood you will be seen from the great game of the gentiles, as a couple of emissaries in your ranks. І still heck those who in deyakі moments on you will be unsupported to attack pawuki.

Zagalom, having talked about the know brother, virus the distance. At that moment you will find the Wand of Control by the Golem, as you can speed up on one of the galms, so that you can stand not far from you. A living dwarf can help you in a small battle in which you will be able to get rid of the same galms.

Steal those who know how you dare to collapse behind Ivan (in the hope of seeing a great sword), then the wickedness, as you know, will simply be irrevocably captured. If you want to win, you will be able to finish off the bad club.

As soon as you vibrate from the Paths of God, then on the surface of you there is a new group of rocks. The group will not only have an extravagant breed of temryavi, but more and more at the same time with the emisar. In addition, as you get out of the way of the enemies, then turn back to the dwarf Yevlen and go to the city of wine.

Act - 2: Other row

znikly watch

Zavdannya you vzhe war-Kunar, which will stand at the entrance to the port. I would like to know about those who went to the patrol, who would have gone to Rvaniy Bereg. You will be suspected of being in the presence of the patrol. Zagalom, virus in the place, having told you war-Kunar. Kunar will be really dead, and the middle of these remains will wander obsessed with a group of ghosts. Dovgo do not think the stink of attacking you. If you are in the middle, then turn back calmly to the port and tell the war-Kunar about those who have become there. In the quality of the city, you will deny one gold coin and the infidelity of the palace sword, called "Vityha Binki".

vidchuvayuchi Poleglich

At the shop you will need to take all the amulets of the killed mislers (there will be three in total), if you will look around the peter with the varteral for the staff from the Merril under the name "Viddzerkalennya in Dzerkali". Pislya tsyogo, you can turn right up to the coast of Maretarі.

Opіvnіchna Zustrіch

Zavdannya vi otrimaєte leish in that vipadku, as if injected in the first act on the plot zavdannyam "Merciful Vchinok" filled up the templars. In addition, if you reject the leaf, then send a message to one of the templar lieutenants, who would like to know the truth about those who were eating through the whole corral of the elite battles. Be it yours to create a dialogue to the point that you fix the bitisya with the czim of the templars. Pislya vbivva tsya soldier, zavdannya to end.

bend Lotheringa

If we were grabbing in the demo, then the ear of grapes won't be a surprise to you.

Otzhe, obey your first knowledge with a groove. The Diablo II-shaped screen vibrates with a class and a log. On the vidminu from the first part of the race, vibrati is not possible - as in Mass Effect, only people are available.

Master the combat system. For the sake of intent, a legion of bred temryavi will descend on you. Shown to goat, as well as onslaught on digital keys, you can see the boyovy priyomi. Piznish attack the majestic boyovy ogre. To die in this epizodi is uncomfortable. Pislya will give you a chance to vibrate the character's call. Epic Fаil! Paid aje robiti tse BEFORE a cob of gris! Go around, scho a match of my graєmo for one character, and then BAM! Already for іnshogo. In the same time, it is not given to be brightened up with great versatility, to improve the quality of life. You can choose whoever you want, see the characters from the first part. This is also where you can import and save from Dragon Age Origins.

Nareshty, deny your tvir. Obstezhuєmo mіstsevіst, obshukuєmo corpses, drive in thieves. Along the way, we are growing in Rivne. A couple of templars are unbelievably good-looking for a family. The company is even more unacceptable; our sisters are uncomfortable. It's not possible to beat them in, it's a pity. Rukhaumosya dalі, zustrіchaєmo pt-magician and company. Vbivati ​​is necessary in this order. Zbiraєmo Lut і doesn’t forget to grow rіven.

The offensive beat is important. Against you, the majestic evil ogre. Falling from your class will die either a brother (your class is a rogue / warrior), or a sister (a class magician). A lot of people need to go with their retinue, do not enter the huge battle, do not enter all the points. Well, and then just quit, the team is not overwhelmed. Then there will be one more hvilya Fri, і, nareshty, okay at the viglyadі of the pre-iron cat-stage.

This is the end of the dubbing of the demo version.

We kindly ask you to visit Kirkwall, Vilna Marka. However, it is not allowed in the place, it will happen that you get started in the yogh port. It is necessary to know our relative, Gamla Amell. Go through NATO. The guard will zupin you. Ask for permission to talk to the commander. Go up the hill on the gatherings. There, Ferelden's warriors deserted to be confronted by the guard, letting them in. Get yourself into the superset. Slay the deserters. On the sign of a friend, the guard is a priest of your kinsman. It's a pity, I just can't take you to the place. Get to the bottom of the story, having found yourself in the wrong place. U yaku sama - virishuvati to you.

On one side of the neohay-eyed people are naimants, on the other side there are smugglers of elf. Naymantsi ask the huckster to pinch, and the smugglers - to pull down the Borg. Your choice is to mark the deeds gained by you in the future.

Pass three rocky pictures of your turn from the Great Paths, know the videobutok brought you wealth, and then, at your house - a poop at the food slurry. Navit the messenger having thought of you is completely, another act is to be repaired because of the fact that it is the fault of the wicked to you on your behalf.

Vimogi Kun / Demands of the Qun

The Danish quest will be recognized immediately by writing with the man, and you will be able to see it in the final of another act.

Vibukhova Posluga / Blackpowder Curtesy

A man of haircuts is not so stubborn prototypes between the templars and all around, even though Kunar never left the place. He will see us, who are guilty of coming to Arishoku. Navishcho - unavoidably, Ale leader Kunar vimagak us himself. By name.

Go to the Port in the afternoon and talk to Arishok. Vin rozpovidaє, well, there’s a recipe that’s guilty of a special recipe for a special vibuhivka - gaatoga, altogether є a recipe for spun gas, given about human eyes to potential victories. As soon as you breathe in the next hour, then everything will end with God and death.
Pidzri fell on the dwarf Javaris, who fell in love earlier for the recipe for vibukhovy speech. You, melodiously, remember this one hour before the expedition to Glibinni Stitches.

Varrik rozpovidє to us, at once in the cloaca. The success of the sale of Javaris's speech, which means that it’s better for everything, I got it from the place. Go to the cloaca (a tip from Varrik is necessary - everyone who is needed, you know there) - and the order at the entrance to the pidzemlya of the Partnership is promoted with a representative, as a distribution of speech. You can vibrate be-like dialogues - we can all say one thing, that Javar has left the place in time, having overshadowed a lot of boroughs. And leave yogo in the roundabout of the guards in the middle of only one way - speeding through the ground passage with the poetical name "Smuggler's Pit".

Zagortaєmo for kut і pіdbіgaєmo to "Yamі", pіrnaєmo in pіdzemellі і ydemo until the next exit. Safely - in pidzemlyahs, there are more dark peculiarities of the native kind, including Vbivts, as they still love it in stealth and strike in the back. Respectfully follow all your comrades-in-arms, who have little health. There are otruyny pavuki near the bichny tunnels of the Crimean bandits.
Before entering "Yami" do not miss the screen in which there is a gift for Izabelli - Boat in the dance.

Vyhodimo from pіdzamellya and practically immediately enter into the essence of the protection of the gnome. So quit behind the backs of your companions!
In addition, as the guard will be dead, roaming with the gnome.
Saying voices about their hard lot, Javaris tell us that we are guilty of stealing at once in one of the provinces of Kirkwall.

Vidpuskaєmo abo drove a gnome - on your vibir. Driving not to grab Varrik і Avelino (give the eyepieces to Supernatural).
Bizimo to the land and, if the map of Kirkwall appears in front of us, a new image - a dance has fallen, which means the wanderings of the place, and there is an elfiyka at once.
Ydemo thudi and creation with the corral of the Miskoy Warti under the command of Sera Mekon. Z'yasovuєmo, scho in the provinces trapilos - judging by us, hthos quickly steal with the recipe of Kunar, and the guards at once block the tsyu part of the street.
Having overturned the Mekon, it’s free from effort, and the virus is on the go.
As soon as you have your team, Avelino, I’ll take you out with a friend, so that you will have a dialogue with her. As a result of the jarme, we can see the supernatural eyepieces, as the vibration of the іnshі options is the Friendship.

Having descended into the provulok, our team began to take health out of the spray fog, which would spread throughout the entire territory. Our zavdannya is to know quickly on the ground a chotiri vazhelya and from others to close the chotiri vidkritich barrels of gas. But not everything is so simple: if we send a skin-locked barrel, we will be able to resist the attacks of the enemies. Persha is the best, and will be stronger. You can go through one of the lateral Dead ends and trim the defense there, then go out with the enemy opponents in the middle, or even stay in your group and your favorite tactics.
The finish of the barrel is not principled. It is important to be on the ground under the corpses of the enemies of the skin for a skin attack - for the first vignette, which lies there all at once. With a skin closed barrel of a whip, which you will constantly remove, perebuyuchi in cold gas, if you are weak. May be on uvaz, how you can't close the barrels, no matter where you go, you see how important you will be until the end.
Yak tilki vi close the fourth barrel of gas and if you don’t think it’s safe for you, a fanatical elfiyka will show up.
Rozmova, with her, expect to end the battle. The alternatives to virіshiti nutrition by a peaceful path are not іsnu.

Changed її, turning to Tabir Kunar, de rozpovіdaєmo Arishoku, which became righteous.
Vislukhovuєmo under the head of the Kunar and virusєmo from the additional trip to Namisnik.
Tse complete the Danish quest і will automatically see the offensive for you.

Profit and Loss

Tsei quest you will get rid of only, if you took a penny to help the arc in the first act during the coordinated expedition to Glibinni Stitches. Dugal to show up at your booth and crave additional payment (I hope you have already turned your borg with the necessary attachments for a long time). If you see an attack on you, it will take an hour to get more expensive from one part of Kirvoll in the village.

Offered and Lost

This quest will automatically be canceled from the Namisnik Dumar after the completion of the quest "Vibukhova Posluga".
The messenger of the sturbations to the knowledge of the embassy group of Kunar, who came to the fortress. Talk to Seneschal Bran and go to Shibenik at night, you can feed about those who have become nourished by the guard Orwald (most beautifully, if you want to destroy Avelino, it’s easy to get information out of the eyes of Friends). Yakshho Avelino in the group is not, on the right, end with a little bit of Orvald - bought from a number of tavern walkers - and with your group, if you will choose the most "peaceful" messages.
The vindictive guard viznaєitsya, who ordered Kunar by giving him a templar, who had shown the seal of the Supreme Priestess Eltini herself.
In the afternoon go to the church and talk about the tse of Eltina. At the central hall of you, your old know-how Petris, is also promoted to the posad to the "mother". It’s easy to finish building your own collegiate spilnik - the fanatical Templar Varnell, who can lead the zbori of the townspeople who are aggressively set up against the Kunar - it is located here in the area of ​​the cloaca.
Follow in the specified place. As if they didn’t say, the result is not in line with the result (even if Avelin’s aggressive replicas give the eyepieces of Friendship), everything will end in battle. Vorozhіv will be rich, but the best enemy there is Varnell himself, these fanatics themselves are not particularly strong and take in the main for rakhunok only a few.
In addition, as you interrupt, the Namisnik himself appears at the place of the journey - to talk to him, and to complete the Danish quest. You can remove the eyepieces of Friendship from Avelino, if you please, do not prikhovuvati those who were trapilia.
Note: If you do not want to appear in the magazine, you can talk to Arishok about those who were going to the completion of the quest and their thoughts about the messenger and about you.

Head Suspect / Prime Suspect

The quest is given on the very cob of 2 acts: Avelino comes to the mansion before you, not satisfied with the persistence of the Templar Emerika, also a little bit of rock in the wake of prodovzhu, and I ask about the knowledge of women. For the funeral of Captain Varti, go to the casemate and talk to Emeryka - I’ll tell you about those, who were wrong about the next step, who made their Maybut victims biley lily, ale the person-prodor of the temple Now Emerik will be able to hand over the right to you.
The Orlesian Gaskar Dupuy, who recently arrived in the place, has become the chief suspect at the vvivstvo and prompting clues about new women. See you to penetrate into the Dupuis mansion (Upper Misto) and to know the proof of your guilt - chi navpaki, innocence. Do that.
Ice you will enter the Dupuis hand, as you will be attacked by a little ghost on a chol with the Demon Gniva. Go to the gatherings and enter the central hall to see more ghosts for you. There will be two doors in front of you: in the room to the right, on the table, you will shake the bottles of blood, so that you can point to the knowledge of the master of the mansion of the Magic of Blood; go outside the door. Come on and read the note about Meredith, the head of the Templars. There are also two active doors on the whole Maydan. At the room to the right, you can know the adolescent screen with a woman’s dressing, and in the room you’ll see Dupuy himself with a woman, as it’s safe to ring him in an attack and a victim. Gaskar Dupuis himself is visnaє, having grasped a woman’s queen, and also victorious in an MK for poses of a maniac, not so long ago having hammered in his own sister. You have two options:
    A) Do not trust Dupuis and adversity to him. For the help of the magician, it is inaccurate to appear demons and primari, and to see if you are in the middle of us, Dupuy to go slink out of the bedroom. You will have a chance to send it from the hall to the hall, fight with the demons, and in the end, if you know it, knock it in.

    B) Turn Dupuis and let him go. Before entering, ask for trimati in the course, if necessary, to go to the cloaca.

At that chi іnshomu vipad, you need to turn in the afternoon in Casemati, tell us about your sorceresses. Aleksandr Emeryk will replace you with the establishment of the temple, Moira, to declare that Emeryk himself has recently gone to the scene, designated by you in one of the provinces not far from the cloaca. Go there - the murdered templar will lie on the ground, and near the new one you will beat the ghosts, sending the Demon Bazhannya to show up. For that, as you break through with them, Moira will come closer and power, but Dupuy is not guilty of the death of the Templar. Give an example so, as you vvazhaet for the demand. Tse complete the Danish quest і will automatically see the offensive for you.

All That Remains

The whole quest is automatically seen when the quest "Golovniy Pidozryuvaniy" is completed. Having come to her mansion, you see that Lyandra Hawk walked out of the house when the circumstances were old and did not turn around.

There are two ways to find Lyandri's mission:

    1) Make a meeting with Gamelin in the evening in the Lower Mist and feed the high-street cotton about those who Lyandra went to. That message about a man, like asking Pani Hawk for help, and you will be able to follow the crooked beaches on earth to the old Livarians.
    2) You spared the Gaskarov Dupuis and didn’t say Moira, but you didn’t say so, you can know him in the cloaca in the її ї ї ї ї ї і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і іpіvdennі part of that wіn, stuck with the Magic of Blood, will automatically lead you to the livar in the next few years earlier. (You spared Dupuis, you can feed the boy in all one thing, Dupuis is not necessary to complete the quest.)
At the livarny, go in traces of blood to the hatch and go down into the new one. It is practical to immediately attack you with a sprinkle of ghosts on a chol with the Demon Gniv. Having straightened out with them, go away. When you enter the offensive hall, you will know the ruin of Lyandri's amulet. Go downstairs, to the impromptu bibliotets vbivtsi, and take the fight with the Demon Gniv, possessed, mayors and revived corpses. For battle and brutalize respect for the portrait over the stone - the image of the new woman is even more similar to Lyandra (for good reason - the reference to the picture of one of the pre-Raphaelites - Beata Beatrix).

Go far and go down the gatherings. There you already have a check of a spravzhn_y vbivtsya, which so much vistyzhuvav left Emerik. As soon as you are here, Gaskar Dupuis has come to talk to him, and you see, Dupuis has himself come to think of it. Vibrated options to see from the star, you can change the Gaskarov to see from your mind, and in all cases it will be beating on your boss, vicarious and the Magic of Blood. In the first place, the Yunak will take the side of Quentin and attack you. Likewise, since your group has a presence of Warrik, Dupuis, for some reason, will not bother with anybody.
The battle will unfold from the decile stages, tied with the appearance of the Demons of Bazhannya ("Invited Ninette", "Invited Alessio", "Involved Landry") and "entourage" from the ghosts and the flickering came to life. Having interrupted them, leave Quentin and talk to Lyandra. Write yourself automatically at home.

Uncle Gamelin will talk to you in the booths, and if you are talking - the one with the same party, with your (a) GG is in romantic stosunkah (as it is, it’s sane). Tse complete the Danish quest.

Following the Qun

Tsei quest vi will be removed automatically, upon completion of the quest "Everything that has been lost".
Pislya rejecting the sheet of Namisnik Dumar, learn with him in the Fortress and talk about his son Seymus.
Write a virus for rozmovi with Arishok. On the way, you are attacked by a hitch. Kill them and move on your way.
Arshok on the move to tell you that the Seymus is at the given moment, it’s right, in the church, where it’s gone, and it’s going to be with the daddy.
Go to church at night and wonder how you can see it there, so talk to Petris. At the same time, the fanatical city dwellers will come to the church with her - at the end of the conversation you will not have a minute to talk with them (fortunately, fanatics - ogidni beats).
Eltina herself will see the noise of the battle, and if you want to lose yourself only wondering how the whole history will end. On її you cannot insert the result.

I will propound your passage of the main quests of the 2nd act. Yak is ready, don't forget about the number of spoilers.

vimogi kun
If you see:

Key quest of the 2nd chapter.

  • Trivale perebuvannya Kunar in the place viklikak naprugu. The growth of Arshok's razdratuvannya, the growth and lateness of the man. It is necessary to know the turns of the problem.
  • go to the quest To know and to spend again dislike between Kunar and the townspeople from Kirkwall to continue growing and grow up to be fanatics from the Church. The nam_snik was gratified, that he owned everything, but he didn’t come to nikudi for a long time.
  • The upcoming stage is to be repaired when the quest is confirmed All you need to get lost... Now, since “Kirkvollskiy vbivtsya” is no longer to be found on the streets, all respect has switched to the grinning of Kunar. The manuscript has a list of new problems.
  • Pislya vikonannya zavdannya spymati villain virusaєmo in tabir Kunar. Necessarily from the fact that, say, Arishok to bare the wine.
  • Virushaymo to the fortune teller, why don't you get ahead of the mischief about Kunar's attack. Along the way, bettani / carvera (yakshho vin / vona siry guard).
  • At the Verkhniy Misty there is a construction worker with the face-commander Meredit, as well as Betan / Carver (yakscho vin templir / won the Circle mage). Become aware that Kunar is picking up residents in the fortress of the fortune-teller. I will sell it there.
  • When you get to the fort, know the messenger Dumar and tell me about his safety.
  • At the head hall we have a check Arishok. The namisnik, however, is no longer alive. Writing a small biyki Arishok to speak to us. If you have friends with izabella, then you’ll turn around at once with the release. You virishuvati, vidati izabella chi ni. At the first vipadku on the right, see it in light, but if you want it, you can draw in Izabella from the party. The other will either have a duel one-on-one with Arshok, or fight against all Kunar.
  • In the beginning of the day, Meredit will appear and you will be voiced by the Devil of Kirkwall. At the end of the second act.

Passage: Act 2, main quest

Passage: Act 2, main quest
vibukhova servant
If you see: on the cob of the 2nd act.
  • Rozmovlyaєmo s Arishok in the Kunar tabor.
  • Virushaimo in the cloaca until the Partnership and Diznaemosya were brought in, kudi went to Javaris (the one who wanted to get the vibuhivka Kunar).
  • Javaris vіk z mіsta. Ydemo follow him through the tunnels, lead from the cloaca to the Smuggler's Pit.
  • Appear, Javaris was sent. Virushaєmo into the provulok, which is led from the Lower Place.
  • They also let the blown gas into the wire. The barrels of gas are closed behind the additional locks, which lie on the floor. Along the way, we found bandits. Pislya tsyogo wrestling with the crazy elfiyka.
  • Additional information about fanatics Arshoku.
  • Povertaєmosya to the fortress and build a quest to the fortuneteller.
nabuttya booth
If you see: Butsannі on the cob of the 2nd act of going out from the fortune teller.
  • Amell's mansion in the Verkhniy Misti renovated. Bodan proponuvav turn around to the yakomoga shvidshe.
  • Avelino see the quest head percussion.
head percussion
If you see: Avelino on the ear of the 2nd act in Hawke's mattresses.
  • Virushaumo in Casemati and rozmovlyaemo from Emerika.
  • Let's get into the Gaskarov Dupuy's handwriting by Nastania Temryavi.
  • Gaskar stverdzhu, scho vbivtsya - not vin. Virishuvati for you, beat him in or let him live.
  • Turn around in Casemati to learn more about the pod.
  • Emerik go missing. Ydemo shukati yogo in the provinces of the cesspool (tse Deadlock at night on the map of Kirkwall).
  • A demon bazhannya and a lot of ghosts check us at the provinces, like, unfortunately, Emerika was driven in. B'mozya with them, instead of working with the templars. At the end of the quest.

Passage: Act 2, main quest

Passage: Act 2, main quest
To know and to spend again
If you see: the messenger wrote to the quest vibukhova servant.
  • Razmovlyaєmo with Seneschal Bran in the fortress of the minister and the knowledge about the nature of the suite of Kunar.
  • Virushaєmo at night on Hangman and shukєmo of the guard, who allowed to take Kunar. I don't want to speak in a good way, so there won't be a lot of buzz. Let the guard be sent to the guard, to be in charge of the Church.
  • Ydemo to the church of the schob diznatisya, where Volodarka was appointed Churches in the Kunar zone.
  • There, we see the old knowledgeable one - Petris, yaka, she caught up with the articles of the Venerable Mother. Viyavilosya, won’t know, hto vikrav Kunar - the king of the templar Ser Varnell, її kolishny okhoronets. Virushaєmo in the yogo lodge (the order of the cloaca on the map).
  • At the lakes there are bright sera Varnell, the knitted Kunar, as well as NATO fanatics. It doesn't matter how you tell Varnell, it's all the same for all the Kunars, but then the attack. To help you, there will be a small group of fanatics, one by one, attacking you. Pislya peremogi will be raised with the master and the quest will be completed.
All you need to get lost
If you see: send quests head percussionі To know and to spend again.
  • Hawke has a small brawler. Virushaєmo diznatisya, chim won a viclikana.
  • Appear, Hawke's mother, Lyandra, disappeared. Before the tsim they sent bili lilyi (zgaduєmo quest head percussion). Є two options for a joke: to know Gaskarov Dupuy in the cloaca (as it is alive) or to help Gamelin in jokes at night in the Lower Mist. If you vibrate the first option, then we will immediately find it in the place, but the other - we will go along the crooked track in the Lower place.
  • At the lіgvі vbivtsі we check a bunch of ghosts and demons. In the center of the location of the creation with the blood magician, alas, it's a pity, Lyandra is not even vryatuvati. In the battle, the demonic bazhannya will help you to supplement the battle.
  • Having straightened out with them, rozmovlyaєmo from Gamelin. Completion quest.

Passage: Act 2, main quest

Passage: Act 2, main quest
touch kun
If you see: go to the quest All you need to get lost.
  • Not long ago, there was a list from the man. Guilty bootie, Mova Ide about the safety of all Kirkwall. After reading the sheet, it is clear to the fortune teller and it is said with him about the more important special information.
  • Yak viyavilosya, synonymous with Seymus, I know pishov to the Kunar camp. Virushaymo before them in the tabir diznatisya, chi voluntarily pishov Seymus.
  • On the way to the port, we can see individuals that have not gone to the Kunar camp. Vidbivaєmosya from them and prodovzhuєmo shlyakh.
  • On the eve of Arshok diznaumosya, Seymus was lured to the Church. Virushaєmo tudi at night.
  • In the church it is viyavlyaemo, who drove the synagogue. Nichto insha, yak mother Petris, appeared with wine. Vidbivaєmosya from її fanatics and growing up from Volodarka Church.
  • In a ten hour, the messenger will come. Pislya rozmov and with them the quest ends.
spymati villain
If you see: go to the quest touch kun.
  • Izabella bazhaє talk to you vich-na-vich. Turn it over to Hawk's wrist.
  • Rozmovlyaєmo from Avelino and Izabelloy. Іzabella ask for help їy transfer the release. If you see it, then the quest ends and if you go to the group.
  • Ydemo with Іzabella in livarnu on the back doors.
  • Before livarnoy varto zagin Kunar, which is an attack on us. Viyavilosya, the release of Izabelli is even more valuable for Kunar. Virishuєmo, as a zbiraєmosya to enter into the relay: viddamo Isabella or it is too much for himself.
  • At the livarny master of the relics to go out of the way of the Kunar and the Tevinters. Isabella chased after him. There are plenty of Tevinters and Kunar in Livar, and then Idemo shukati Izabella.
  • At the entrance to one of the corpses we know the farewell sheet of Izabelli. Completion quest.

Passage: Act 2, main quest

Passage: Act 2, main quest

Save in Odnoklassniki save VKontakte