Dragon Age: Inquisition. The bed and the interior of the land

Dragon Age: Inquisition. The bed and the interior of the land

The quest will be distributed if you know a leaf on the floor of a dead dwarf in a small cavern on the first day of the cob camp. Ydemo is indicated on the card of the mice and the stick with a magic bar, which closes the entrance to the oven. If you zruynuvati, it is necessary to attack your "protolezhnoy" magician (in this vypadku bar'єr shouting), to that we take the fire staff and shoot on the bar'єr. In the middle we pick up the paths and go to the very heart of the oven. There is known the vein of the red lirium.


On every side of the cob camp, you can know how to stand a hatina. We go all the way and grow up with the widow Mauro. Ask Vaughn to know the gold, they took the Templiri, killing the Cholovik. Anyway, in the meaning on the card, the place is interrupted, and all the templates are interrupted, and from one of them, a copy is taken, like a turned Mauro.

Kidney loveє

On the first descent from the cob camp, in the gorge, there is a leaf on the corpse of a woman. Z ny viplivє, so she was directing all the way into the settlement, in which the followers of the cult live ("Posilannya Lorenan"). Ydemo in the area indicated on the map. Walking through the gate, go to the right and go through the gatherings. It is known BERANDI, and it seems that Vellina lost her kokhan. The nobleman can come to the Inquisition for a sign of good luck.

Glory to Visnitsa Andraste

Speak with Anais at the entrance to the cult settlement ("Lorenan's Possession"). Wonder if Vi is not the one you see for yourself. Ydemo in the found part and descent into a small cave, de curved. Turning back to Anais, as a proponent of options for that, as a sect can help the Inquisition.

unseen blowing

The quest is taken from the distributor, which is worth at the private time from the camp to the gnome passes. Ydemo on a weekday, before the designated area that the temple makers are driving. Falsely, because of the fact that Ritts died, she was told to the turbaned distributor.

beloved amulet

On a first visit from the camp to the gnome passes, for the pagorba, one knows only the Templar, with a kind of amulet. Apparently the yogo kokhanoi tsiy templir - chaklunka Ellendre. There will be a bіlya vіvtarya at the beginning of the night crosshairs (de mi zustrіli mati Giselle).

negliboke dikhannya

In one of the khatin bilya, crossing over the zustrichaymo bizhentsya, which is to ask to know the dream for the important ailment squad. Ydemo in the settlement of the epicenter of the cult ("Posilannya Lorenan"). Having walked through the gate, just right, into the tower, and walked along the vertical drag. Everything is open to Hindela, it’s enough for a business owner.

pangs of hunger

It is spoken by the miser at the cross. Ask me to bring sheep meat. For the quest, drive in rams and pick mutton from їхніх тіл. If you earn 10 pieces, turn to the misleading.

Brother by blood

At the khatin, not far from the cob camp, you can know a note, in the yak templar viklikak his brother for a night. Go to the indicated place at parties and kill everyone there.

Heralds in the Witch's fox

The quest is to be repaired, if you know the leaf in the hatchin on the first day of the cross. Go to the back to the crooked formations, to erase from the ground. We know how far the furnaces are, entering until it is closed by a fire bar. Against a vicious staff, attacking with cold. In the middle of all the cities.

Templars at entry

There is no sense in the quest, so you can find the necessary list on the corpse of the Templar you killed. Ydemo on the way to the evil bridge, then on pivden. There you will know the tabir of the Templars. Yak tilki all їkh vb'єte, zavdannya will be insured


About those who can drive us horses, see the officer at the crossroads. Idemo in the designated area and the development of the owner Dennett. Win does not want to propose his help to the Inquisition, as long as you don’t visit two quests, which will be activated automatically: "Safe for farmers" and "Trouble with wounds." If you want to see the meaningful quests, turn around to the customers. However, all at once, before the vikonannya tsikh dvoh zavdan, you can take a personal book from Dennett's booth.

conscientious pedagogue

It is necessary to obshukat the corpse on the pagorbi with the mitkoy "The Magician in the Fire", as it is located on the first stage of the camp on the gnome passes. Go to the designated place on the khatina card. Yak tilki You see the doors, the Great Zhakh appears. If you want to drive it, you can go to the hatina and I will screen it around.


From the corpse at the entrance to the upper lake, a leaf is picked up, in which it is said, it is necessary to go around the statue three times behind the old arrow. At the same time, it is necessary to perebuvati even close to her. The statue is located pivdennishe. Yak tilki Vi zrobit like that, as it is written on the sheets, to appear "Didus", and more precisely mrets. Vbivaєmo yogo, і quest of endings.

At the saddle

When you send a message to the quest "Ob'yzhdchik", you need to talk to Shyinoi, as it’s worth sitting for a stay, not far from Dennett’s booth. You will need to take part in horse racing. Required missions will be two-fold, if you need to, and if you instruct, there will be a blue fire. The points will also be shown on the mini-cards. An hour will be indicated at the upper right corner, for the yake it will take a distance. In total, three stakes will be propounded, for which the quest is completed.

fortress naimantsiv

Having talked with the corporal bіlya crossing over, go to the indicated place on the map. There i will be a fortress (Velikolesskaya sadiba). To complete the quest to finish, just know the price, you can go to anybody in the middle not to drive.

delivery failed

After reading the sheet, you can find out at the winter entrance from the evil bridge, go to the designated area on the map at the private entrance to the camp of Redklifskih farms. There, pick the keys [v], so you know the whispering subject.

De wander druffalo

The quest will be distributed as soon as you read the nakedness on the parking lot at the turn to the house of the owner Dennett. Ydemo shown on the map of the gorge. There was a creature in Bachimo. Having killed, they attacked the new ones, turning the peshki back. Follow you, druffalo follow you. In addition, if you will lead Druffi into the zagin, let's see about the tse of the Gentlemen.

kіgtі Berghrіta

To start reading, you need to know the sheet at the entrance to the house of the owner Dennett, on the skeleton (start by the sign of the call on the card). Let's go to the designated area for the first time and in the three great sirich media. Kigty is taken from them. There is no need to give it to anyone, and we will be involved in the completion of the project.

wash the turn

Writing the reading of the sheet, known on the dead wall on the way to the evil bridge. Go to the designated area on the map, on the weekday from the "Velikolesskaya sadibi". There, there is an active vivtar and rozbiramosya with the cried demon.

Salesmen: Skhidna road

To fix it, as if to talk to the recruit of Beletty, to stand on the first stage from the cross, to the vorit. Dal i demo is shown on the map area at the turn of the cross and thugs in there. Writing a turn to recruit and creating a quest.

Come in against the marauders

For a cob to grow, you need to know a leaf in a khatin not far from the village of Redklifskih farms. Then we go to the place indicated on the map (in this one also shows one of the stages to the quest "Troubles with the wounds"). There, picking up on the upper level and passable to the found kut. There will be a great wood box. Shoot yogo, and the quest will be completed.

Trouble with wounds

Pislya rozmovi with the customer Dennett go to the yogi squad ELINE. Vona pratsyuє in the garden ransom. We sent it to the designated area, to the cave, devilishly into the demon. Pislya turned up to ELINE.

Bezpeka for farmers

Have a chat with a customer Dennett, go to the booth, and hang out Dennett's private booth. There is a change from the armor. Then, we see three readings on the map of the month and one-to-one. Then we turn to the lane and there on the table of the headquarters the team of the staff "Guardians for farmers". Then we turn back to the reservation and finish the job.

Coni for Інквізиції

Send the quests "Trouble with the vows" and "Bezpeka for farmers" turn up to the owners of Dennett and we ask you to bring horses for the Inquisition. Also, if you have Cassandra on your team, you can recruit you.

Application for puzzle boxes

The head of state is the tenant, as long as you come to the Internal Land. To complete the quest, you need to take 3 dragon stones, 5 obsidians, 5 sheep skins and 1 Krishtalev grace. It is possible to know all the components, except obsidian, near the Internal Lands, simply by the location. If you want to take some obsidian, you will need to check it out, as long as you are not in the picture from the thresholds, if you know it in the screen, or to go to the private world, in the location with the dragon, so there is a great opportunity to know the greats. To complete the quest, take the box on the desk of the tenant.

grasping hand

Having energized the officer at the crossroads, it is possible to know that the businessmen need the clerk, and you can know that in the village of Redklef. Near the village you can eat only by going to the storyline quest... Orієnuyuchis by marker, go to the hut in the demand and let the elf-woman help the businessmen (take with him Cassandra or Solas). You can also take three quests from her, powered by her, whose dumb herbs are not strong: "Likuvannya", "Likuvannya is painted" and "Ridkisny likuvannya".

very likuvannya

To repair the writing with a cellar in the village of Redklef. Look, she doesn't have any herbs, and she has everything on the list on the table. Read the note and select the necessary herbs (2 Veretenko and 4 Elven roots). The quest will be completed.

painted lіkuvannya

The quest "To the best of your liking" is taken and displayed in the same way: it is necessary to bring 1 royal elf roots and 6 elf roots.

rіdkіsne lіkuvannya

It is taken to give the quest "Likuvannya is painted" and to be shown in the same way: it is necessary to bring 2 crystals of grace and 5 spindles.

spirit of the lake

Take a storyteller in the village of Redklef. Idemo at the designated point on the map and put the crooked lotus on the bowl. The quest will be vikoniy, and you will be given a sword in yakosti.

Quites for Senny

It is said with a friend that there is a lake in the village of Redklef. Ydemo to the grave, using the marker on the card and putting it into the room. Then turn back to the house and create a quest.

Balad about Lord Sherstley

Rozmovlyaєmo z Lonely Jimmy in the village of Redklef. Win ask to turn yogo unique ram. Idemo is the area on the map and the shukaymo of a well-groomed red-chewed ram. There are two options for the development of podіy. First: pidbigaєmo to the ram and trokhi bigaєmo behind him. May Lord Sherstley wait and turn around. Ydemo to lonely Jimmy and the quest will be completed with him. Another option: driving in a ram. Todi win to re-create in ... punch yourself in who. In spite of this knowledge and everything is clear to Jimmy.

great disagreements

The quest starts, if you know the key in the fortress of the naimants (Velikolesskaya sadiba) on the balcony on the upper surface. Then we go to the charter of the charter near the Verkhniy Lake, we enter the yak at the edge of the waterfall and spreading to the small mountains. See the door behind the help of the known key and use it all the way. Walking through the place, walk up the hill along the descents and go right to the very end. Go down there. Having gone down, we drove in all the thresholds, and then we opened the doors by the descent, along which they went down. There I know everybody, including a bunch of bandits. At the end of the quest.

Valammar skuchishche

The quest starts when you see the mechanism (viglyada, because the gear is great), and lie on the table in the room, because there are bandits in the quest "Great troubles". The Іnsha part of the mechanism is located on the іnshy edge of the prіrvi. Walking from the room and passable directly over the bridge and distance into the closed room, right-handed. In order to open the doors to the room, the rogue is guilty in the corral. Then we turn back to the room, de buv vatazhok of bandits from the quest "Great disagreements." Install the gears in the driver's seat by hurting the sides of the doors. Open doors. For the whole zatiskaєmo [RMB] on important and utrimєmo, as long as the hero does not let him in. Let us use the same prophecy with a different importance. As soon as the doors are opened, we will finish the work. In the middle of the drive and pick up the Loot.

Dilovi vidnosini

The trigger for the cob quest is to serve as a knowledge on the tili of the Templar leaf (to lie bilya khatini at the winter entrance to the camp bilya zakidne, there, then, to start fighting from the quest "Brothers by Blood"). I was sent to the village of Redklef, and it is known there that I was taken to the church shati Tanner (standing in order with the church). Razmovlyaєmo with her and vibraєmo, now with her will be distant. Can be recruited as an agent.

Vidnosini: Internal earth

For a cob, you will need to eat in the cave of old Simeon, which is located at the end of the camp in the forest on the first entry of the Internal Lands. They also have a problem. Processed in the opposite direction її entrance kіnets, you hit the map with a sign of the hail. Having walked all the way through the university school in the mountains, you should be aware of the list of misses, as you need to put it in the post screen. Your mission will be indicated on the map. Having broken the tse, the quest is completed.

List of kokhanoi

On a private visit to the lowlands є tabir. At the new one on the table (there is a call to the cards) there is a sheet. Having read yogo, mi diznaєmosya, it is necessary to bring the felandaris to the tree with a lady from Kam'yan. Felandaris is a priceless plant that does not grow in the Inland Lands, but it can be found in Empires du Lyon. Mіsce vіvtarya, kudi slіd bring roslin, as indicated on the map. For that, how to lay the felandaris in front of the statue, a ghost appears, how to drive in, and the quest is completed.

From the Lord of the Elements

The zavdannya is taken from the recruit of Vitla, who stands at the end of the line crossing. For the first time, there are 5 areas indicated on the map. There are boxes, barrels of toys, etc. at the required items. Between them, there is a place for the installation of the enskvizіtsіі. For that, as a matter of fact of finding all the skirmishes, we turn to the recruit of Vitl and the building is dedicated.

Dream about stones

The quest is activated when you read "Leaf, known in the abandoned booth". The booth is located on the street across from the crossing in the area of ​​the Redklifskoy road. From the leaf of the book, which the author has virishaws in the cave here in the pagorbahs. Orinuyuchis on the marker on the map of the virus in the area of ​​the gnomes in the pass on the crack of the pecheri. (Viconannya ts'go zavdannya can be found with three quests: "We didn’t live up to it", "Go to the possession of elements", "In red tones"). Knowing the cave, a magical bar appeared, closed in it. For the help of the magician and the club (fire), there is a ruinous transition. It is entered in the middle and the sticks with no less amicable set up by the intercessor and his priests. Pislya їkh humble quest will be completed.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released on 18 leaf fall 2014 to the rock, ale only at the same time I see, nareshti, zrobiti describe the passage. If I want to add a bit of release on the day, then after recording nearly 7 years of gameplay, uploading video on youtube to close access and everything ...

Chi didn’t fit. Tedious, stereotyped, line, with quests right from World of Warcraft. Kills 10 weddies, 15 rams, see the spots on the cards, etc., etc. Inquisition has that atmosphere of Ferelden's, like the bull in the original Dragon Age: Origins.

But maybe there is a ts_kaviy plot here? Neji, mute. Rozlomi, demons, take an army of one-thinkers, as well as gay and negroes. A classic of the last rock from Bioware. Well, does the beauty of the next gene mean? Neji, dumb. Graphically, graspingly don’t say it’s nasty, but through its linearity, here, for example, it’s impossible to see such a wicked thing like the snake of the day and night. Skyrim (2011 ric vikhodu) without mods viglyadє more beautifully at my glance. With mods, then vіn vzagalі pose rivals.

Unfortunately, Bioware is experiencing a crisis of ideas and judging by the talented people. Pislya mega-successful Mass Effect 2 in 2010 rotsi, the studio stamped in the door to hack:

Dragon Age II - I think comments zyvі

Star Wars: The Old Republic - WoW facelifting with lasers to insult the MMORPG revolution

Mass Effect 3 - with the entrance of Drew Karpishin from Mass Effect 2, Shepard's story flew past ukis

This year's view of Bioware, the studio of yak opened Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: KotOR, Mass Effect and Dragon Age, are not enough. a negative trend? I would especially not rozrahovuvav, but I would like to see if the rozrobnikiv vyde vyde vypustity project, which is famous for the Bioware brand.

Let's turn to the passage of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Unimportant to such an entry, I can’t say that Inquisition’s priceless gras, sooner just didn’t correct the ochikuvan, in ten balls I’m ready to give it in half. And as a matter of fact, it’s not like Bioware in the market, it’s all of them.

Heavenly reprisal

Otzhe, cob. Setting up the history of the whole house on the trailer, like the viyshov before the release of the self-gris - we get the role of the opposite, like seeing the message of the magical vibuhu, as well as opening the Prolom. A break in the heart of its tse is a portal to Tin, from which in civilizations the light of all evil spirits, aka demons. The value of the hero of the Pole is in a special magical mittsi, for the rest of which you can curl up the eyes, which appeared at once from Breshia. Writing a standard procedure for choosing a class (I vibrate "Rozbyynyka") and starting your character's name on the road.

In front of it, it is necessary to go to the cutting at once with Cassandroi. Vaughn is in the position of a guard, which is not wonderful. Even if the vibuhu of any of the protagonists is not lost in the living, they don’t trust him either. Visuvaєmosya.

Along the way, there are two companions: the gnome-rogue Varrik Tetras and the Elven magician Solas.

Zakryvaєmo first rose and turn into tabіr. Here you will see the Persha of the Church with the Supreme Chancellor of the Church and the character of Dragon Age: Origins - Leliana.

The next step is to walk to the temple along the girskiy stitch. You can go to the speech, bulo vibrati, krym girskogo proponuvavsya options for passing just with soldiers. Along the way, make your way to pick up the Primars and Malimi Zhakhs.

Get to the temple. Here they were already involved in the sacrifice ceremony. The procedure is overridden and it enters into battle with the first boss - the Demon of Gordin. The tactics are even simpler - close up in the Dependence and the enemy will leave the new armor. Repeat if necessary.


At this part of the day, the formation of a new political power of Ferelden - Inquisitions, is being seen. And there are three more plans and choices. For example, it is necessary to have a quest in the person of the protagonist and his companion in his main strength. Eyepieces are injected directly onto the vibration. Writing an underdog virus to the development of Internal lands. Here, not far from the Redklif, the last time they bached Mati Giselle, they need to cleanse the church (to take care of the nursery from the side of the Church), and at the same time put things in order in the outskirts. Besides, the editorial staff Dennett can take care of the horses for the Inquisition.

Main location:

ob'izhchik- Home from Dennett to drive horses

Nebezpeka did not pass- stick the nezapeka on the cross

Rise in front of- close 2 razrivu in Zavisі

Utrimania of internal lands- rozbiti 6 taborіv

Besides, there are rich dodatkih missions, such as, for example, "Brothers by Blood"; picking up fragments; picking up 10 carcasses of sheep and breeders, etc. At the end of the video there is only a cob of ear traversed by the Internal Lands.

internal earth

At the end of the video there is a continuation of the passage of internal lands. Cleaning up the territory, collecting splinters, breaking tabs, rocking a character and making glasses in pour. Behind the plot, letting go is nemaє, then introducing the Bago tactics to the tsikav. In great times, the enemies do not react to the magician and that methodically can shoot the victim with the staff.

Widely inflow Інквізиції

As I have already said, Inquisition, for the equal monotony of the gameplay, can be plugged into the belt of the MMO deyak, but in the whole part, I continue to pick up the fragments, corins, rams, and also put the squad and curl up. Threesomes by adding third-party quests. So the widow of Maduro in the "Farmer-Intruder" plant to ask to turn the ring of the cholovik, which pomilkovo drove the temples.

In the middle of the video, I know the sect in the napivzruynovy fort ("Winter Tower"). In the plus-gris, you can write down those that have a significant cutaneous budovi / micevosty є its own history or a description. So it’s a whole lot of fun. If you are bazhanna, you can read the entry under the name "Posilannya Lorenan".

Here before the speech you can know Hindel. In one of the supplementary quests "Negliboke Dihannya" the cholovik of a sick little woman should ask for help from Khindel's son, for that additional help to prepare a drink.

Ale naygolovn_she close up the muscular rose. It is wonderful how people can live quietly practically by entrusting them with a portal, where demons can enter. Not all of them, however, just curl up, so as the deyaki protect the most high-ranking enemies, our party has gotten into a prosthesis. If I can do it well, it’s necessary to talk to the preacher Anais. Wonderful of the hero and proponate his help to the Inquisition. You can vibrate from decilkoh options: additional help to businessmen, zbir views, or just an extension of news about Inquisitions. Apparently, our party is growing!

Doslidzhuєmo Internal earth

How do you visit a part? That's right, zbir korintsiv, rams, splinters, etc. And then I see all the available taboris (through them the process of moving), and then I’ll be oversaturated by hand on all the cards. Also turning the circle, about how to write in the front section and closing the circle of side quests. I will not describe here the reports of all the staff, it is not guilty of the Inquisition's practical system of markers and some folding during the passage of the winners. From time to time, there are pictures of belongings, a bit more similar to the genus of charades, but they didn’t bully with my conic and in those games.

In the first part, it stuck to the dungeons, and if you speak Russian, sometimes it’s pidzemlyami. There is a lot of space to illuminate in large and small spaces. Zgadati hocha b Skyrim, in which below the earth the bulo can be seen more beautifully, lower on the surface at night. If you want, you can explain how to curl up with mushrooms and crystals. The Inquisition illuminates the land from lightly illuminated to completely dark. Here you can play torches, or a special curtain of fire - a magical dzherelo light, for the help of which there is not only visibility, you can still read the runes on the walls.


In the most part, there are many more battles, the media in the forests of Inquisition graze in large numbers of mabut. It’s firing, it’s growing and freezing, and the stench is still licking and licking. The Vedmezha Bacchanalia will end here at 40 minutes. Here, for the first time, the astrarium is known, such a small prist_y, for the help of which it is necessary to fold the suzir'ya. Tsia mini-gra took the tsikavishe, less monotonous battles with the battalions of Medevedev. Far away to the customer Dennett. Yak vie is not melodiously remembered, Dennett, but rather the horse is needed by the Inquisition. Ale the farmer does not part with the creatures just like that, as if you want to call it up, you need a viscous kilka dooruchen.

De wander druffalo

It was not without knowledge, and here, ale the smut - know and cleaned out the tabir of the Khramovniks, as well as the vicon of the department "De wander druffalo". The bottom line is to know the mule and lead him back to the farm.

Nebezpeka did not pass

Zakrit all razrivi in ​​the inner lands at one time did not come. As I’ve already said, the actions of defeating the foldable opponents, and even more urgency, turning back to the team’s rate. Trochs having run away, explore the "home" outskirts.

Let's take the virus to a new location - Val Royom, with the aim of fostering contacts with this great sect - the Church. A plot cut-scene here for 30 video clips. It is possible to know that there is a crack in the middle of the Church itself. The Order of the Templars - the warriors of the Church - now, judging by us, by an independent force, with which it will be possible to hear about the education. However, the guys who have been set up to the Inquisition are friendly and call our party the ruin of the uretik.

Already chosen to go, ale the arrows from the messengers appear. Viconannya tsyogo quest to add to the group a new companion - Seru (class "Rozbyynik"). And literally through a few meters the messenger of the stake of magicians gives the requested from Charivnitsa Viv'on (class "Magician"). You can also be recruited.

Viv'єn i Sulfur

Here is a visit to the head of Rudoi Jennie (a chuckle of corny speeches) and Val Royom, who is called maliy for the place behind the sizes. In fact, it’s just the bets of some and no merchants. One non-vicious merchant is selling, yak singing, which is even more valuable (10,000 gold pieces), but at the same time not to say it myself. Mabut, tse golovna viznachna memory of the location.

It is very important that in Dragon Age: Inquisition it is a matter of course to add value. You can borrow some chilin to help you get the best out of yourself! Є At the end of the day, it’s tied to the Victorian DRM Denuvo. For anybody, such a layout will not be suitable for anyone.

So, for example, I went to the African-Negro enchantress Viv'on. There are no locations to navigate here, only a cut-scene is trivial 4 chili. With a whole lot of won і entangled 4 hilini! Marveling at a mile or so, cut off another 4 and a half chilli of the inviting screen !!! All at once, a quarter of a year, there was not a lot of gameplay. I’ll get nasty if I’m guiding Skyrim with a magnificent seamless light, and it took 10-15 seconds to fix it, in which case you can see all kinds of 3D figures from the light of Tamriel.


At the end of the video, we turn to the Crossroads and to the Internal Lands. Only once again the media and the words are not chipaєmo, but virusaєmo according to the storyline in Redklef, how to talk with the magicians and enlist the help of this child. And we ourselves need the Great Magician Fiona. Zustrich is guilty of being in the tavern "The Seagull and the Lighthouse".

They pissed off at the place, albeit just as I know, everything did not go according to the plan, and to see the Chergov port of internal political gatherings, in which you need to go. The bottom line is that Fiona's Enchantress, when it seems like it, wasn’t about any union with the Inquisition, she didn’t get home, and she didn’t ask for any messages about development, but the magicians didn’t come to the news. Besides, now I'm not pouring into the magicians, since the master Geryon Alexius became the head of the order. Yeah, now the big-mensh is clear. Tevintertsi put their own "Yanukovych" in the individual Alexius. So now, I need to get home with him, or to take advantage of him and put more loyal Inquisition people, the same Fiona. They didn’t get to talk, but they took away the anonymous note “Come to church. We are in favor. "

Dal to the tsikavishe ... At the church of the additional aid of the mysterious magician, close the gap. The whole magician sounds like Dorian і vin mabut gay, and for the crazy shit we'll learn Alexius. Zagalom the sorcerer-sodomist would like to help us Zupiniti Alexius, so as a great mentor Vikorist will not be without magic. Here is Felix, sin Alexius. First of all, whoever joins the sect of clerks of Tevinter's panuvannya under the name "Venator" and to destroy everything, to get rid of it. При цьому Фелікса і Доріана схоже пов'язують відносини аж ніяк не платонічного характеру ... Піди розберися в цих тёрках. Shorter than it seems, the Rajah will marvel at the video, so that he will not be ruined enough in the intricate plot.

Changing the course of the Inquisition through the lands of Denerim and Orley in Dragon Age: Inquisition will feel like a small paddock. The power of the order is quick to act, in an hour to enlist the adherents of the nobility, the conciliators (magicians or templars), the Cyrh of War and the first allies, ale the first time to become, to be brought to the head of a demon of unrepentant problems, a hero Requirements in the Inquisitorial Office are strictly subordinated to the Ministry of Railways: Josephina advice for diplomacy, Lelliana- distribution, Cullen- vіyska. Management of the order is carried out at the rate of the team, where all the important supplies are found and the keys of the order are indicated on the card. Kozhen from radniks in his own way go to the top of the building. From the choice, to lay down the result of a completed right and take an hour: you can do it in a word, with a little trick, or with brute force (there are absolutely no software solutions).

Speed ​​up the process of visiting the factory by adding agents who can be recruited from all the little corners of Thedas, as well as the stink of building new specializations without a glass. Recruitment of agents in Dragon Age: Inquisition, get ready to fix up with a match with a potential candidate, but not all of them come to Inquisition all at once, for a skin reason: huh, hobbies, ht, it’s not done, it’s easy to vibrate, you’re afraid To come to help in such vipad companions, As well as the building of the uninvolved (in the range there are additional remarks). If you try your supporters in vain, the only way for recruiting an agent is to a small envy of loyalty... It is important not to miss the coming moment for recruiting, as the agent can be a chasm with the development of the plot. Agents are recruited to be added to the radio list in the special selection window.

Finding agents for Inquisition in Dragon Age: Inquisition:

  1. Calm Clemens(Head of "Secretly") - ochіkuє establishment with an inquirer in the Redklіfa tavern near the Inner Lands. For recruiting to finish, talk to him. Access to the village is based on the plot, if it is necessary to create a vibe between magicians and templars. Help in Cullen's robots.
  2. Weil's volunteers- for recruiting, it is necessary to declare the passage of Corporal Weil; add 10 shmatkіv of mutton for the prohannya bizhentsya-mislivtsya in the plant "Flour of hunger" (mutton is found in the fox); talk the clerk from the Redklif to the Perehrestya in the plant "Tsilyushcha Hand" (it is necessary to be an elf or mother in Solas's pen); Deal with the criminals, the magicians and the templars in the establishments "The criminals in the Witch's fools" and "Templars at the entrance." Moving to Skyhold will automatically close access to the building. Turning to Corporal Veylu, I ask him to "Find the dead themselves." Companions are positively supplied before the acceptance of volunteers to the lavas of the Inquisition.
  3. Alexius(Zavdannya "spooky whispers") - for recruiting, you need to stand on the side of the magicians and save the life of the master, and on the trial in Skyhold you will have a share. Before the process, it is necessary to see the command "Taumne knowledge" on the table (tab "Taumnitsi"), as it will allow expanding knowledge in magic and adding a new item to dialogues. Nadal Alexius sees a job for a change in supply of Іnkvizitsії and to pin the number of luminaries on. Additional help in robotic Lelliana.
  4. blades of Gessarian(Zabdannya "Bringing order") - on the table, on the Storm Birch, it is necessary to be ready for the shkiri of the birch mislive (to be found in the caves of the "Morrine whistle") through the inventory and come to the Gessarian taber in the central part of the location, debitisya with a vatazhkom. Blades are a great addition to Cullen's robots.
  5. Laurent(Head of the "Delight of the Dolians") - a bag in the camp of the Dolians in the Smaragdian graves, in the ancient western part of the locality. When successful, the elf ask to join the Inquisition, or without the permission of the guardian, you cannot leave the clan, and if you have thought of it. Conquer the dole of the Dolіys to help the teammates see Laurent. Let me start and start helping Cullen.
  6. Frederic de Siro(Head of the "Glibinna Vishcha Drakonitsa") - teaching about information for your new robots, dedicated to dragons, in the Wandering Meadow, on the day of the new camp of the Inquisition. We will wait until the Inquisition, de and will help Lelliana.
  7. smuggler Tanner(Head of "Dilovi vidnosini") - at the Inner Lands for the first day of the Crossroads, the businessmen went off, there are oval trees on the slopes, in the middle on the ridges to hang a note, which activates bloodshed. We reach the marker from the factory (on the last day of the last day from the camp of the “Inkvizitsyi bilya” to the old part of the local area), clearing out the tabir of the bandits, at the end of the day, there are two of them, another At a certain moment, if the plot has access to the village of Redklef, Tanner is known in the taboria in front of the entrance to the church. For the recruiting of the agent Vikoristovuєmo Cassandra, Varrik, or the knowledge of the evil light, is available for the vivchennya for Inquisition points on the table of the team in Pritulok, or the castle in Skyhold in the distribution of Vijska, additional to whom.
  8. Fairbanks(Head of "Nobility in the heart and on the right") - we know the tabir of insurgents at the ancient part of the Smaragdian graves, speaking with Fernbanks, the vicon of all this zeal for cleaning up the miraculous The new agent will welcome the robot Lelliani.
  9. Lord BERANDI(Head of "Lyubov pochekak") - it is known that a woman is in the gorge on the first skid) to the Inkvizitia Tabor in Front A sheet of paper is picked up and delivered to Lord BERANDI in the fort of sectarians, on which I put a marker on the map. Until then, I will be stunned by the sound of the death of the Kohana, I propose to you to join the Inquisition.
  10. Michel de cheveniv(Head of the "Klich me Іmschel") - on the outskirts of the zruynovanoy village, which is known as a prisoner of the Inquisition in the Empires du Lyon, known to be the great knight of the Emperor Selina, who was raided by the racist The madmen have a message about their freedom to overcome the demon Imschel, who is mastering the fortress of Suledin. Viconuєmo all the trouble of the robot for a new one, for whom the Inquisition will be replaced by a new agent, which will help Kallen.
  11. Ser Barris(Head of "Zakhisniki of Justice") - it is necessary to take the side of the templars, having seen the minds of the magicians. At the moment of the joke of the veterans and the lirium when they seize the hall of the namagaumosya, do not let the level of health fall from the new ally below 30%, innakshi vin zagine. The painting of Skyhold can be made to designate Barrice as the Commander-in-Chief, who will assist Cullen.
  12. Jenna- on the way from the camp of Inquisition to Krestvudi, the additional help of Syrim to the Pravookhorontsy travels with the revived corpses, a little elf, as you can know better in one of the Sils' buddies. At the beggar, he can talk about his freedom to enter the lavas of Sirikh Vartovikh, if Solas is in the corral or an Inquisitor is a nobleman, then Jan can be recruited into Inkvizitia. As soon as the message goes to the Syrim Pravookhonets, then it will be sacrificed before the hour of the storming of Adamant.
  13. Marvel at the sky(Head of "Trishchini in shaking") - in shaking Storm shaking along the road to the fortress of Avvars, we know a giant in the skin of a weddy, seemingly and curling Rose on his eyes. Passing over Dolonei Court in the fortress of the Avars and the enlightenment of the soldiers of the Inquisition in full (needing a family room in the fortress) Zvdannya on zvіlnennya disappeared after moving the headquarters to Skyhold.
  14. Avvar leader(Zabdannya "Judgment") - having turned from the Buroy, the shaking was carried out over the Dolonei Court and the soldiers of the Inquisition were full, in the Throne Hall of Skyhold the trial of the leader Avvar Movran of the previous one was passed, as the agony of the invocation of the recruits
  15. Prophet Anais(Head of the "Glory to Visnik (-ce) Andraste") - near the Inner Lands there is a castle of sectarians, who are rooting in the temples for the day off to the camp of Inquisitions on the gnome passes, in the new-localized parts. Please let go all the way, closing the door to the inner courtyard and speaking from the sermon Anais, if you ask to listen to people say, then the help of the new agent will be directed by Lelliana, who will ask for the news about the message.
  16. Enchantress Ellandra(Head of the "Amulet of Love") - on the right side of the entrance to the fortress of the sectarians, such as the preacher Anais near the Internal Lands, on the grave of the mountain lie the corpse of the Templar from the philakterii, as they were desperately despised For the delivery of the Viv'on amulet, you can also transfer the magician to the cinnamon of Inkvizitsiya, you can also live the knowledge of magic, so that you can be seen for Inkvizitsiya points on the table, the team in Skyhold in the retail
  17. Hitra Ritts(Head of the "Unprecedented blowing") - for the first time from the camp of Inquisitions on the gnome passes, in the ancient-skidny part of the Internal Lands, it is known at the intersection of the grasped rose. Otrymuєmo zavdannya znikloi Ritts, it is possible to reach the marker at the fortune sectarians, the preachers of the preacher Anais, who are additionally seen from the tampliєrіv, we know the dead man to the attacker to Varrik can help you to get over to the Inquisition, it is also possible to grow up without any help, as the Inquisitor is a dwarf.
  18. ob'yzhchik Dennett(Head of "Koni for Inkvizitsiya") - get to the Inkvizitsi camp near the redklin farms in the rural-remote part of the Internal lands, in the village known to Dennett, the vicon is known for the farmer. Recruiting a new agent in the Inquisition to help Viv'on or Kassandra, in the same way it is possible to vikoristovuvati knowledge of evil light, so that you can be seen for Inquisition points on the table of the team "In Skyhold".
  19. Duchess Floriana(Head of "Court") - sent to the palace of Halamshiral in the factory "Evil eyes, evil hearts", the duchess is delivered alive and dead to Skyhold, decease will be judged, for the new agents of the agent I can see the robot Josephine.
  20. Nobleman, captain of naymantsov Gaspar(Head of "Evil eyes, evil hearts") - before the hour of visiting the office in Halamshirale, when two noblemen were raised at the courtyard with grates on the wall, which led to the library on another side of the palace. It is important to stand on the balcony exactly above the goals, if the stench starts talking about the templars and magicians, going down to them and starting to move, as if to pick one of the nobles, becoming an agent. Recruiting captain of naimants Gaspar is also available in the "Viiyska" distribution on the team table in Skyhold for Inquisition points.
  21. Belle(Head of "Nebezpeka did not pass") - written by the names of the templars and ministers of the church on the main square Val Ruay, we know the merchant Belle, who wants to come to Inquisition. It is important not to forget the place, because Belle is not familiar, but Josephine is to become the father-in-law.
  22. Samson(Head of the "Court") - for the recruiting of the red temple, it is necessary to send the magicians to the Redklef in the "Wardens of Justice" plant, to transfer Samson to the temples of Mital and to bring the trial over him to the Skyhold, for the last time and you will fight on the sides against the luminaries.

This quest will give you an elf-bizhenets on Perekhrest. Win kroku back and forth literally three meters away at a pivne from the point of a fast road. Yogi squad needs a special zill, and gotuvati yogo in the only one ichniy sin Hendel, who came to the wondrous cult at once to be in his camp. Do that. Conducting a cult, preacher Anais, if Bachiti would be no more happy for you, ale the gate to the fortress of the vidkry. Hendel is on a different level of fortune. Talk to him - and I will give you the money you need. Turn up to your daddy in the tabir on Perekhresti, give the zillya and complete the quest. (Solas and Cassandra grab your efforts lightly.)

Glory to Visnik Andraste

Tsey even a small quest is given to you by writing anais (div. The frontal quest). Close it with Rozl, which is located right on the side of the fort. Tse rekonaє all in your divine designation, and in order to reject the possibility of recruiting cultists in addition to the Inquisition.

Lyubov Kidneyє

On the corpses of a noblewoman by name of Wellin in the Dwarfs of the Pass, you will know a sheet of what Lord BERANDI is. Judging from us, the Bidolakha Bula on the way to his own Kokhany, albeit in her own way, she indulged in a conflict between the protestors and the Templars.

Lord BERANDI is in the same fortress, which is a sin bizhentsya, which you need to see for the Negliboke Dihannya quest. Tell you about the death of Lady VELLINA, and see the possibility of recruiting him as an agent of the Inquisition. Agents of Інквізиції крім ібільшення It is also an hour to drop in flow, as your radians are going to visit their missions.

Lord BERANDI will become an agent of the Inquisition at your report about the death of VELLIN in whatever way, the difference is that if you ask, then you will become an agent, assign you to Kallen (tsera) turn around and capture people there, then you will become an agent, we will assign to Josephine (to catch Solas and Syrka).

You will need to close Rozl in the fortress to complete the quest.

The whole quest can be victorious in a vortex order: to know a little bit of Lord BERANDI, who will ask you for a wondrous look at your kohan, then know this only, as in any case, it will be indicated by the quest markers in the future.

the pangs of hunger

The bizhenets-mislivets in the camp on the Crossroads inform you that you are not getting food. Lisovy and girski lamb in abundance to jump in the navkolishnyh mountains and forests. Hunt them and deliver a set of 10 pieces of mutton for completing the quest and easy grabbing of Solas and Seri.

At Vlad Verses

Tsey quest give you a recruit of Vitla in the tabor of bizhents on Perekhrest. Businessmen suffer through the cold, so as not to waste a sufficient supply of carpet. Let it go, but in the caches of the magicians-intercessors it is melodiously known to be stored up. All the shots are p'yat, and the stench is found no more far away from one thing - deyaki right on the surface, deyaki - in the furnaces. Touch the marker on the map and you will know without a trace. In addition, as you know all the five skovanok, Vitla's report. Krim a point In pouring that message you also take away from Solas, Syrka, Cole and Cassandri.

tsіlyuscha Dolonya

Corporal Veil guessed that the bizens needed a clerk. Such a clerk - vіrnіshe, cіlitelka-elfіyka, is located in the village of Redklіf. You need to talk about getting help, so you’ll be afraid that the business woman will be disgustingly put before her because of the fact that there’s an elf. You can argue її, as well as wi samі - elf, as if your group has Cassandra or Solas, as if you have a perk for the Knowledge of the nobility or history.

Tsia zhitelka give you three small subquests for the collection of herbs for the needs of businessmen. Feed it, which is necessary, and then read the list on the table. The list will be two-fold, if you bring in an elf of the consumed herbs.

You need to know:
1. 4 Elven roots and 2 Veretenko.
2.6 elf roots and 1 king elf roots
3.5 spindles і 2 pieces of Krishtalevoy Blagodatі.

Bizhentsi yak Agents Інквізиції

If you didn’t appear in the magazine, if you didn’t see all the three quest described in the description of the quest to polish the minds of the life of business people, then go and talk to Corporal Veil, and for a sign of visibility, in order to help you. You can recruit businessmen as agents for any of your three radios for your choice. It’s like a bonus, it’s practical to grab all your associates - to see them, who are not present in the group.

amulet to the beloved

Not far from Zimovakhtennaya Vezha you will know the corpse of a Templar, and a new sheet for Yakois Ellandri. Krim the leaves and find the amulet-phylactic. Give it to the magician Ellandra (Solas grab it a little). Vona is located in the tabor of businessmen. You can recruit її in the capacity of an agent of the Inquisition, if your GG is a magician, because your group has a presence of Viv'on. (SOLAS, however, is not worth it.)

unseen blowing

The Danish quest can be read off at the picker for a private party from the camp in the gnomes of the Pass. Win anxiety for a share of development by name of Ritts. Follow the instructions on the map of the world and play the occasion, see from some of the templars. Help їy play the battle.
So yak Ріттс in safety, you can go straight to the quest giver and report about your success.

Have you mentioned your name on the mini-picture of the blimp? Would you like to have a sprinkle of jokes about? Follow the joke. You know a cat for a picture and a corpse. Talk to the hidden woman about the knowledge, and send a report to the investigator.

If your group has Varrik, or your GG is a gnome, then you can recruit Rits as an agent of the Inquisition. (You can’t fix it, because you don’t know a cat for a picture and a corpse of a magician.)

Brother by blood

Tsei quest vi otrimate, if you read the pinned up to the stop sheet in khatin in literally three crocs per day from your best camp in Peredmistya. Obviously, one of the brothers who will be guessed in the leaves is a fellow magician, who, having written a sheet, the brother-Templar wants to meet with him and get in touch with the intercessor. Go to the vkazane place, shoo the knowledge of the corpse there - and complete the Danish quest.


The quest will give you a widow-elf in Peredmistya. As soon as you go exactly to the path towards the new part of the lake, then once every day you go to your camp and every day you go to the camp of businessmen (trochs on the road) and you know ї khatina. (There is one of the small Rosrivivs next to her, as you need a supplementary order.) The templars drove the farmer's cholovik, who thought they had taken him for a fellow magician, and took his hoop. Required Templars to be found on the first stage of the Hatini - go with them and turn the widow's circle. Cassandra lightly grab your vchinok.


(Podkvesti: Horses for Інквізиції, Troubles with Vovkami, Bezpeka Farmers)

The whole quest is automatically given to you at your first visit to the Internal Earth. Cullen bazhav bi otrimaty good horses for his vіysk, for whom he needs a brilliant ob'yzhchik in danіy mіstsevostі, Maister Dennett. You will need to know Dennett and change your horses for Inquisition.

Meister Dennett, however, you just won't give you some horses. A collection of wi-guilt viconati kіlka zavdan-podkvestov. We will direct you to ELINE and reservation, which are located right there on the farm. Elaine will ask you for a problem with the wounds, as they become aggressive, and do not give in. Bron ask you to move the guard around, having set up the watchmen in the necessary places.

Elaine's quest to make it simple - go to the private circuit of the farms to the quest mitts, you know, in the caves, in the ligvische. Krim vovkiv in a new buda, a demon - if you see him, you can turn around and report to ELINE about your success.

Bron's quest is stored in two stages - you will need to store a copy for the vezh (all three, and the stench is automatically identified on the card). See a new mission on your card of missions, and you can send your soldiers to the future. When the mission is complete, turn to the reservation with additional information.

After completing the work of Bron and Elaine, talk to Mayor Dennett, and we decided to wait a little longer without taking care of the information with your short letters. Moreover, you can recruit Maister Dennett himself as an agent of the Inquisition, since your group will have Kassandra abo Viv'an, or your GG has a perk of Inquisition for the knowledge of the nobility.

Horse Racing / In Sidlі

Tsey quest give you the daughter of Maister Dennett, Shane, in order to get rid of your pershu cin. Play three races to break the hourly record. The races are not important, the smut is respectful, the race has not swept through all the time in order to pass through them. It’s necessary to go at a gallop - you won’t be able to fit in an hour. Demonies are close to Rosriva, beckon not to beastry uvagi to rush povz on horseback GG, if you want a big road and go to get close to them.

You will need to successfully complete three runs - the skinny ones who did not get lost and the trochies get lost before the foreground ones - and the more you complete the quest.

As soon as your group has a Zalizny Bik, then it’s worth grabbing your skin, but only if you play from the first pipitki.

Come in against the Marauder

A whole quest to be repaired from reading a sheet in one of the empty houses on Redclef's farms. Htos Hessl write your own others, how to store documents in the ovens of the pavnichnykh pagorbakh. The whole quest is kindly combined with the quest "Troubles with the Vovkami", which give you the squad of Hennett, Elaine, so it’s okay to be in the same cavern. You need three posts and go upstairs, so you know how to find it in a box on one of the ledges of the skeleton not far from the city, you know the demon behind Elaine's work.

De Wander Druffalo

After reading the nudity, you can fix the whole quest, pinned to the parkan from one of Redclif's farms. Druffalo Druffi was fond of one of the farmers in the flow of the yogo (it was for a very different version of the bizon). Know and turn the creature on the very own shepherd. Knowing її, following a quest mіtsі, is awkward, but it’s difficult to bring back from it — it’s not easy for a druffalo, tse in Persha, but, in a different way, if you can just get stuck on something like this, try to find the corral does not keep pace and the route is vibrant. In addition, as Druffy appears at the mission, talk to the Lord to complete the quest.

List of Cohanoi

To obey from reading the sheet, known at the abandoned tabernaya station in Guy of the Dead Sheep. The addressee will send the leaves to take the felandaris and bring him to the statue of the kam'yano dami. You don’t know Felandaris at the Inner Lands, so you’ll have to turn to this quest.

If you know you need a roselin, turn around and bring it to the statue. Kill the demon who has appeared, і tse complete the Daniy quest.

Кігті for Berghrit

To repair from reading the sheet on the corpse on the girsk_y stitch on the right to the end (and the troch on the first) from your camp on the redklin farms, entrusting with one of the shards. As you marvel from her down, you will see a wonderful view of the farm. Obtain three Great Wyrdbears. It's great to wander around on the quest markers with the territory marker (and only on them). If you see three keys, then complete the Danish quest. (You can choose to use it in crafting.)

Heralds in the Witch's Lisy

Give the reading of the sheet, known in khatin on the pivnich from the cross. You can also reject yogo by knowing a note from the murdered perpetrators. The note is vipadaє randomly, the sheet is on the message. Slay the mages-criminals in the їkh camp in the Witch Lis. The entourage of the intercessors is located in the cavern and was seized by the fire bar, so prepare an incantation for this podolannya, and a club for the cold. There will be many magicians and warriors. From the corpse, a witch of magicians can grab a unique staff in the second cold, and in the oven - a small version in small screens and mice - the king's elf roots.

The whole quest can also be activated, just natrapimo on the entrance of the adversaries. It is located at the private entrance to the Redklef castle (marked on the map with a black marker).

Templars at Sunset

Mayzhe mirror vidobrazhennya in front of the quest. Slay the rebellious templars, clearing the tabir from them. The quest is given, or automatically, if you know the taber of the Templars not far from the waterfall on the winter break from your camp near the Upper Lake, for if you read the sheet, take a leaf from the corpse you singing songs of the killed templars and maybe on corpses in other locations). The tabir of templars of rooting on the tops of a small mountain and, on the top of the tabor of magicians, there are no barriers to guard, so it’s so easy to get to it. Drive the Templars - the target archers and warriors with a shield and a sword. A vatazhok of templars - war-shchitovik - it is not enough to be seen as a snake shit-templar and is not guilty of causing problems. From this corpse you can take a unique one-sided sword.

Vidnosini - Internal Earth

The quest is to be repaired if you know the note before death on the skeleton in the Caves of Old Simeon. Vona is located on the cordon of the picture right on the west (and three for the first day) from the most ancient camp of yours, earlier in the first place there was one of the razriviv. The quest icon will be remembered if you close Rosryv. You will need three posts on the stone, to go up the hill, to a small visit in the cavern, to lay a skeleton. Send a note to your family's house at redklifskih farms and send it to the mail screen.

Dilovi vidnosini

You can fix this quest, if you read the sheet from the Templar's corpse, which lies in the decal crocs of the corpse, which you are guilty of knowing according to the quest "Brother by Blood" You should know that Tanner will secretly ask the Templars. Tanner is in the village of Redklefe and for good reason the church sister Tanner. If your group has Kassandra or Varrik, or if your GG has a perk on the knowledge of the criminal record from Kallen, then you can recruit an agent of the Inkvizitsiya in her pinkie with her.

Bandits on Skhidniy Dorozi

The whole quest will give you a recruit of Beletty to go to the camp of bizhents. Vaughn to get ahead of you, the bandits are not just a random rhetoric, but, by the way, there is a large group organized with unreasonable goals. Go through the gorge and Trokhi Dal, and you will come across a group of bandits. Prodvzhayte sliduvati quest shots, along the way razpravlyayuchis the bandits. If one is quiet, they have seen the city sooner or later toward you - you are close to the end of the mission. Follow him and kill the final group of the opponents, as they rocked out at the scene of your young camp. Tse complete the Danish quest. As soon as you shoo the tabir, then you know the leaf, in which there is information about the tsikava, and who is the one who found the bandits for robbery on the roads.

fortress naimantsiv

The quest is to be repaired, if you read the list in the bandit's camp, on which you come across, follow the quest "Bandits on the Shidniy Dorozi" (div. The frontal quest). There can be no more casualties from the random bandits who have not even gone through the security process. The tabir with the leaf is literally in the decal crocs at the end of the entrance to the card. Theoretically, the quest is to close, if you find a villa in the new part of the picture, seized by the rogues, if you don’t get the hero’s help, why don’t you get the help of the hero? As soon as you go to hire and clean it up, you can take a very important cloud from the leader's corpse, and in the documents nearby read additional information about hiring bandits, it is great to give you a quest.

great troubles

Go to the cave behind the waterfall, which is located in the paved part of the picture. Yogo safeguard a few members of the dwarves of the charter. Send them out and go in the middle. Yak is not marvelous, the alder of the cave appears not as a cave, but as a part of the old dwarves Teige - Valammar.

Be safeguards - in the groups of dwarfs, through which you will have to make your way in Valammar, often the presence of those who love it in stealth and inflict stabs on your heroes in the back.
Having made your way to the first group of the enemy and go to the gatherings. (If you go around the door, then rub it on the door, as you can see it only with a special mechanism. The door opens in the middle, so at once you won't see it.) On the Verkhniy Terasi, in the most permanent room, you can read the note, deceiving Rode Thy. There is also a wall, like you can beat only the war. Behind it lies a small belongings with random loot and a couple of schemes for crafting - for a grenade and a dagger.

When the door is closed, you will need a rocket scientist, you will be able to see it. Behind her you will know a singing random Loot and a couple of notes that shed light on the charter. Go far and go down to the gatherings - and talk about the charter members, as they fight against the Temryavi Porods, about which you read in the note earlier. Behind the door, there is a charter leader, which you need to drive in order to complete the given quest. At the same time, there are archers and vbivtsi, and if your battle is transferred to the place, then for a greater start, you can come to it and a spine of a temryavi.

Your quest will end, as soon as you zagine vatazhok charter. If you are a primate, you will have more paperwork to describe the scope of the charter. One of them will help you guess. In addition, there is one part of the dwarf mechanism in the room, and then there are two annexes, in which you can insert it. Tse will give you a small quest "Valammar Schovische". Yak vi bachite, parts for the repair of doors require two.

Go through the place and go to the Starіyshin Hall. The first door is closed with a key - you can only open the door. Behind it you will know another mechanism, as well as a part of the mosaic. Turn around and repair the mechanism, for which you turn the wheels of the machine and enter the storage bin. Tse complete your quest. Do not relax - there will be a visit with the relatives of the temryavi on the chol with Vatazhkom-HARLOCK.

At the room you will know another part of the mosaic, the Amulet of Power for Varrik and a random random Loot. If you turn the wheel to the mechanism at the distant doors, then take a short way back - the doors themselves, you have rubbed them near the entrance to Valammar.

spirit of the Lake

Announcements in Redcliffe will tell you about the spirit of the lake, if you ask him to tell you about the place. Go to the lake and fill up the required ticket as a gift to the spirit (if you don’t know the crooked lotus, then there’s a little bit to grow near the lake), in order to wonder a little about the legend about King Arthur, take the city itself and tell.

Quites for Senny

Tsei quest vi will be removed from the gray-haired elf-vidіvtsya in the village of Redklіf. Through everything, you can’t go to see me about it, you can’t lay your hands on the grave of your deceased squad Senny, since you’re far from the village and the way to her is not safe now. Ask them to pay their respects, go, lay them on the grave, as they are not far from one of your camps, that report to the audience. Solas grab your help elfi.

Gra z Vognem

Tsey quest you will be discarded, if you read the sheet from the corpse, which is to lie at the end of the entrance point of the Upper Lake. The leaves have a wondrous ritual, which is guilty of viclikati chiyogos dіdusya.

Lead in the meaning of the place and bend around the statue of evil to the right three times, trimming to it as close as possible - and if you do it, you say “didusya” - virnishe, even if you don't mind, which obviously will be aroused on you for the turbo. Go along with him and complete the Danish quest.

Balad about Lord Sherstly

One of the inhabitants of Redclef, Lonely Jimmy, ask you to know the ram, Lord Sherstly, who, for his words, bring good luck to the family. Lord Sherstly is a velmy barvisto viglyadaє ram, so you can hardly cheat them. In a skate not far from that place, for the first time Blackwall was shot. You will need all the more you need to know and tell me that you will need to know the way, but you will need to follow him and talk to Jimmy. If you can beat Lord Sherstly ... with even more tricky inheritances, if you tell the gentlemen about them, you can’t think of a quest in any way.

Malunok bridgehead of Kalenhad

On the corpse of the Templar on the first day of your first camp, you will see a map of belongings.

Scarb in the ruins of the Kalenhad bridgehead is located not far from that place, de lie alone with the relics of Sirich Vartovikh. Bach go for the wall, until there is no aisle? Post on the stone uphill, schob reach her, go down, and for the additional function you will see a poke there.
Nagorod - recipe for the Kam'yaniy cloudy.

Vodospadu Map

Literally for a crock at the end of your camp at the Verkhniy Lake, lie with a pot of belongings near a waterfall. If you want one waterfall of the struma to reach close to your camp, if you respectfully marvel at the little ones, then you will not be the same. The one that you need, will be rocked at the camp of templars for the pivnichny zakid. The point of knowledge of the possessions is located in the mountains, so you can avoid stripping in the water because of the basics of the waterfall. Walk up the hill on the stitch yak yakby you went to the camp of templars all the way and the way, as long as it does not fit into the skeleton - and activate the funk function. I will be honored for your efforts to get some shmatok from Zaliznoi Kori - a wonderful material for crafting.

Pechery on the Farmlands Map

You will know the qiu map from the very first rose on the date of the territory. If you want to see clearly the images of the housekeeper Dennett, for the sake of the stove you shouldn't be so close to it - you will need to go to Guy of the Dead Sheep - you need to be there exactly at the end of the pre-school astrarium. Victory function of the joke, so that you know how to do it and complete the quest.

Oreintiri on the Inland Lands

On the skin card, the display of the air is at the sight of the old man, showing the golden light of the pole. At the Internal Lands їх 17. The Оrієntiri will automatically appear on your card at the viewer of the piracy icon. Everything you need to grow up is to know and click on them, in such a rank as a bi-level visibility, as you went to the period and "reserved".

Utrimania of the Internal Lands

Organize all your tabori on the territory of the Internal Lands. Everything you need to learn is to know the place, go to the camp (it is indicated on the map with a special sign-mark) and go there. Tabori to serve as a miscellaneous, new stocks, points for a quick rise. Also, you will remove the point.

In all, near the Internal Lands, you can organize a lot of camps, and if you send your quest to the camps, your quest will end.

Rosrivi in ​​Peredmistya

Practically, the skin card has one or a few more quests, depending on their size. You will need a small amount of Rosrivi, a weak copy of the main Gaps - the stench of the identification on the skin card is automatic. However, with copies, albeit be safe, especially on the cob stages - deyaki Rosrivi viplyovuyu to the greats of strong demons and it is perfectly possible to navigate in the Internal Lands, and you can drink to Rosriv, as if you won’t have any strength ..

At Peredmesya you need to close 2 Rose.

Rosrivi - Dwarves Pass

Close 3 Rose on the Dwarfs of the Pass.

Regions of Internal Lands

Skin teritor_ya is a supplementary quest. You will need to have some pictures with all the little girls. The Internal Lands have a total of 29 such mini-regions.

Astrarium at the Inner Lands

Astrarium - tse the cards of technical equipment, activating the yak, you bash the sky and repair a small minigro. At the lower right codend you are given a diagram of the suzir, as seen in a particular astrarium. Your zavdannya - z'adnati all zirki itself in such a little kid, with all the nicholas, do not spend one line of two. If you have covered all the astrarium in the dawn of the mission, you will take away the request for the mission of the meeting, in which it is necessary to have a screen (or to use a decal) with valuable speeches. If you pick up the speeches from the screenshots, then you will complete the quest (on the given map).

All three astrarium and all the stench are automatically identified on the map at the given moment. It’s important to go to the old-fashioned astrarium, because it’s important to go from each side of the mountain, but don’t walk on the stone, hovering until it’s still visible - until it’s another three stitches, I want to go to the next stitch. from the astrarium itself. Likewise, pay attention, if you will find a point on the whole astrarium, there will be more for a little one, you will not need to do it for Suzir Drakonis. It’s not just one suzir'ya, dealers can readily go to grab more points, it’s not necessary - so be respected.

Screenshot from the viewpoint, like є in the city for solving three astrarium of the Internal Lands, is located in the same cavern, as well as the lane of the intercessor magicians, in which you could also visit the Introducers in the Witch Lies quest. Navigate as you have already looked at the place, you know there is not a large cave that was previously inaccessible to you. You can know the scarbi of astrariums without having solved the riddle in advance.

Shards at the Inner Lands

Place a stop at the viglyad, crowned with a skull, spread it out on all maps. The center is equipped with eyepieces, a type of telescope, which can be used for adjusting those that can be used for special debris. Eyepieces are indicated on the porridge of the card with a skull icon.

The fragments, as you pick from others, will be found in one of the temples in the Fortified Oasis. With this help you can permanently adjust your characteristics. In the region, I recommend that you first take all the fragments available to you, first you will go to the whole temple. In order for the temple to become accessible to you, you will need a visitor to visit the splinters, as they appear at your table in the vyskovy operations in order that you know the smallest splinter.

In total, there are 22 shards near the Internal Lands. Most of them are easy to take. The winyat becomes those fragments (this eyepiece), which are found in the Valley of the Ice - the vein of the Vicious Dragon. As a matter of fact, this is a problem for the deyak. If you have a chance to visit a dragon, you can try hard things with a couple of fragments, as you wallow in a mission that is not handy for access. A shard on the top of the basalt skeleton is available with a very accurate protection by acrobatic acrobatic striae. Ale, having tripped around, all the way to the viconati.

Another "folding" splinter is to lie on the tops of the hill and to be inaccessible - if for the best, go to the new rundown easier, below the detailed description - you just need to know the road you will need. Look out for the waterfall on the first day from the splinter, there is a pile of stones shaved, on which you can see.

The problem of lying on a place where there are more accessible images is not guilty of presenting a folding problem.


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