Dragon Age Inquisition as a way to take specialization. How to take specialization? Quest for specialization with Lord Chancery

Dragon Age Inquisition as a way to take specialization. How to take specialization? Quest for specialization with Lord Chancery

We present to you a piece of good builds for magicians in Greece. Most of them will be grounded on the song specialization presented in gr.

It is impossible not to notice that magicians in the Dragon Age game series are not the most popular class and for no particular reason. First, they have a powerful storyline, tied to the eternal opposition of magicians and templars. All the same, it’s better to wait for this antagonism, if you can reach a new uninterrupted meeting. In another way, the ability to combine different spells to create a unique effect. Thirdly, visualization of magical devices.

In the third part, the rozrobniks seriously slandered the magicians, for example, the stench took away all the gleeful things from them and gave them all the weight of the middle for active death. At first glance, you can get rich, which means that a lot of able builds will be much faster, but really, everything else. In grі there are three basic well-documented navichok, skin z of which can be victorious to reach other goals. Plus three more specialties. You can add a large number of combinations to the sub-bag, so that you can significantly change the style of the battle of the magician.

In this field, we described five different builds: two of them were based on the basic headings of the mind, and three others were based on the beginnings of specializations. In order to speed up the build to the maximum, so that you can get all the skills you need, your hero is guilty of reaching the eighteenth level.

Lord of the Underworld

You can already guess from the name that this combination is based on the skills of the “Necromancer” heading. As a rule, magicians are vvazhayut by unsafe fighters, who create a lot of harm to enemies for the help of hard "spells" that are thrown across the square. The necromancer pomitsya in the presence of such enchanters. On the right, in the fact that their attacking spells inflict damage not in a row, but step by step (mark to the spirit or a walking bomb), plus the other main ones are based on control, and not on the infliction of a great shkodi.

Note: the controller is a character that can be used on opponents, lowering their characteristics and controlling skin crotch. For example, magicians can lyakat enemies, trim them in one place or look at themselves.

For the help of this build, you won’t be able to cheer up your companions, then you can seriously help them by controlling the enemy. For the greatest efficiency, your group is to be composed of two tanks, as they will protect you from opponents, and one damage dealer (an archer's bag). Tim, the enemies themselves simply cannot reach you, and in the meantime you will be shamelessly raped on them.

Do not varto act in the form of the spell "crok at the shadow", which allows you to climb from the battlefield to the great stand. In battle, it is necessary to competently combine “spell” with the basic heads, the building commanders of the shkod on the singing territory with the controlling features of the lord of the dead. In this case, you can one-by-one get along with the whole NATO.

vikoristovuvani novice

Hilka "Storm" - a bright lance, a flurry of energy, a thunderstorm, electrical conductivity and a sparkle. The first building is effective against a lot of monsters or people. When її zastosuvanni the caster releases an electric charge, which is the head of the mind of one enemy, and then immediately transferred to others. There's more than two hundred vіdsotkіv vіd shkodi of your main armor.

Note: as you could remember, shkodi spells do not have a fixed character, but lie without a middle ground according to the characteristics of your armor, so that the stronger your staff, the more effective will be the building.

Zavdyaki Burevisnik you can secure yourself in the form of opponents who came too close to you, so that “passivka” will beat them with a spark. The spell "blisskavka" can cast a great shkod to one enemy. Until then, it’s good to paralyze the meta for a few seconds.

Vidminno in battle, a flurry of energy helps, which ushkozhu your enemies in the elements. Works great against monsters, as if they can be weak to the elements. Ale for whom it will be necessary to change the clubs hourly. If there is a need for electrical conductivity, then it will lead to shkodi in all deaths, but stained glass at the same time, the singing of mani.

Gilka "Inferno" - taking sacrifice and sleeping. A friend can be the head of the enemy of the great shkod and viklikati at the new house, and the first head of the small shkod in the territory. It is significant that for all the spells of the eight middle ones you may not be able to cast, then when more straining needs appear in the old ones, you need to get rid of it. For example, you can tidy up the bedrooms.

Hіlka "Winter" - crooked into the shadow and krizhan grip. For the first year of the year, you can add an additional navik under the name of the “ice course”. For additional grip, the magician of the building freezes the opponent, injuring him and not allowing him to enter the fight. It is especially effective against fire demons of anger. We already looked at the other buildings earlier.

Gilka "Necromancer" - slid all the features, plus other rows of vminnya. For the help of “fear”, you can smash all the enemies in a fever (practice six seconds). You can hit a strong opponent with a heart of spirit, so that the whole “spell” of the head of the majestic shkodi lasts for twelve seconds. Plus, if you fight to die, carry a mark on yourself, then a ghost will move into your body, and you will become your ally. According to its principle, a walking bomb is similar to a forward warning, just after the death of the enemy, sway, and rather don’t feed what is trapping in the same fall with yoga companions.

Reshta zdatnosti have a passive character - stench can increase shkodi in the presence of "spells" for a short period of time after the invading of the black monster or fight, give the ability to vismoktuvat the souls of those who have died for a day in their own health and change the parameters of the enemy to the song. Vikoristovuyuchi zdatnіst "speak" that pratsyuє on zoseredzhennі, the necromancer can hasten all his comrades and improve opponents.

creator Rozlomiv

With the development of a specialization under the name "Mage of Rozriviv", the magician gains access to the most powerful spells, which can be used for a stake of small diameter. With this build, you won’t be able to control the opponent’s behavior in such a good way, as if you were slaying necromancers, then you take away the ability to undermine the great groups of the enemy at a time.

In this case, bіldі combine mainly vminnya z dvoh hіlok: mage broken and hell. A friend of Volodya has such vibrances, such that they can command great shkodi in the area, and the first one can “boast” of the manifestness of a spell that pulls all the enemies down to one month.

But let's not forget that in Dragon Age: Inquisition you can shoot monsters and people who are resistant to fire attacks, this is followed by bar'er and krizhan's grip. A great part of the spell is to cast a spell on the great vіdstanі vіd meti, to that, it’s not necessary to take it into the darkness.

The main combination will look like an offensive rank: we cast heavy abyss, tightening all the enemies in one place, then we hit them with a stone fist and a spring blow, to weaken them and knock them down to the ground, after we put a mine on fire and zastosovuє Such an attack can only be experienced by the barefoot.

vikoristovuvani novice

Hilka "Inferno" - here is a sacrificial offering, a sleeping place, a burning point, a zustrichny fell, pyromancy, a fire mine and a fire wall. We already looked at the spellcasters earlier, but we won’t talk about them again. Significantly less, as if with necromancy, if you die for more money, you will be able to get lost. Write for yourself, what is inappropriate for you, but we recommend that you see the bedrooms.

If you talk about more unseen spells, then the point of burning is not bad “passivka”, as if it’s a good thing to see the victorious building after that, like your magician hit the enemy’s critical strike. At the cob stages of bark, it will not be rich in it, so as a magician it is rare to inflict Crit on opponents. However, then the immovability of Crete inflicted by the magician is significantly greater, and it will be more beautiful for us. Zavdyaky pyromancy trivality of the mountain and fear zbіshitsya a quarter.

Zustrіchny having fallen pomit soon, the renewal will die. Vіdkrivaєmo tsyu "passіvku" yakomog earlier, and even in tsomu vpadku inflicted by you shkodi for the hvilin hour move in razi. Ale, the largest brown building is a fire mine. Won to opponents 1600 vіdsotkіv vіd shkodi zbroї, and to that you can drive in weak opponents at once. Ale robiti tse spells start not immediately, but after a few seconds. To this yogo varto combine with the breaking of the abyss or with a stone fist, like a camp of an enemy (trimming them in one place). The fire of the wall is no more than a rich shkodi, then it screams fear from the opponents.

Gilka "Winter" - take a krizhanu's grip, so that mothers can effectively fight monsters, as if they can hold their head up to half-day. From the needle "Spirit" you can see the bar'єr. This spell is for a short time to protect your character from being a shkodi.

Gilka "Mag Rozriviv" - in nіy you need all "spells". For їх vіdkrittya happen to donate dekіlkom navikami from the hell "Inferno": a spalah and a fire wall. Dodatkovі vminnya vіdkrivаєmo in all spells. The spring blow of the building will weaken the enemies and inflict a small shkod on them. Obov'yazkovo vikoristovuєmo її, first lower to cast more powerful attacking spells. The fires of a stone fist can tempt the opponents to fall to the ground - you will be out of battle for a short hour and allow you to set a fire mine.

For the help of revitalization in the form of veil and veil lock, you can restore your mana and strengthen your spells, taking energy from weakened opponents. Suffocating veil and twisting veil change the characteristics of the enemies and advance the shoddy of your magical skills. The gravity of the abyss is deeply rooted in the weight of the deep - it pulls monsters and people into one point, and also weakens them.

Litsar Mage

The basis of this build is the specialization "Charming Person". In terms of its name, it is similar to the specialization "The Fighting Magician", as it was popular with engravers in the first part of the series. Ale, in their essence, they stink strongly one kind of one.

In Dragon Age: Origins, the combat mage becomes practically a warrior, so he can wear important armor and fight with a sword, not a club. Well, if you talk about the face-enchanter, then you are a great magician, who simply fights in the thick of battle and helps his allies with spells.

The face-magician has a bad attacking vminnya (spiritual sword or a strike at the wind through the veil) and defense of the navichi (shadow cloak, shadow shield, face-protector). However, the stench reaches the greatest efficiency when combined with the spirits of the spirit. Vikoristovuyuchi doskonaleniya bar'єr i kіlka "passivok" you get to fight with the enemy in the near future and do not die with it.

I will conjure, as if they are working on the serendipity, є turn to life, as if I were building, I will break the battle in your direction.

vikoristovuvani novice

Gilka "Spirit" - in it is taken the spirit of a zahisnik, bar'єr, elegantly zahist, strength of spirit, rebirth and vibukh of the mind. Bar'єr primіtniy tim, scho vіn zdatny svorit like a caster and yogo comrades special shield, which looks like timchasovoj dodatkovoї scale of health. Vin Shvidko disappears, it is necessary to cast yoga before or before the hour of the battle. The other row of nav of this "spell" is greater than the speed of renewal of the bar. The spirit of the defender automatically activates the shield of the magician, which takes away a great expense.

Vibukh rozuma - tse own postal strength, which allows you to see your opponents and reduce your aggression to a charmer. Vіdmіnne vminnya, yak often be ryatuvat life to your magician in the battle with a group of opponents. One more brown “abilka” is a resurrection. Zastosuvav tsyu zdatnіst, and instantly pіdіymіt on the feet of all your comrades, scho to lie on the ground. The strength of the spirit moves the bar'er's magic by half.

Gilka "The Tempest" - here you can see the Lantzug glint and a flurry of energy. We already wrote about them in the past builds, so we won’t repeat it. Hilka "Winter" - we need it in it: the crock of the shadow and the krizhan's grip. Їx mi tezh already described.

Gilka "Litsar-charivnik" - we take all the newbies of the Crimea to strike through the veil. More often than not, you will win the spiritual sword and shadow cloak for everything. The first navik allows you to create magic swords, like penetrating through armor and the enemy’s magic shield, leading to poor health. The other one - otochuє magician Zavisoy and nadіlyaє yogo inconsistency for a short interval of an hour (two seconds). Dopomogaє vyvіrvatisya in a group of enemies, the leader of the maximum shkodi and shvidko vіdstupati (vicory crochet in the shade). Passive spells on the shadow shield and face-protector move the magic of the bar. Health is turning to life, staining the mind, restoring the health of all members of the same party to the maximum and constantly exuberant for ten seconds.

winter camp

As you could remember, past the builders were primed on the victories of the three specializations. However, this doesn't mean that in Dragon Age: Inquisition you can't level up a good mage without getting stuck in the descriptions above. It's just that wine may appear less effective in singing situations.

From the mushrooms, all the gleefully “spelled” were picked up. The “Spirit” guild now has a spell, so that they no longer encourage allies, but do not rejoice at them. But with the right combination of these traits with the skills of the “Winter” needle, you can create a strong cover for your companions, so after a skin fight, there won’t be any underwear on one of them.

Plus, you don’t have to go only to support your allies, but to inflict great harm on the enemy. For whom it will be necessary to cast a conjuration of khurtovin and krizhan mine. The stench will be most effective against enemies that are cold to the touch.

You can’t get along without shelter in the dark, which allows you to deprive the battlefield and help comrades in a safe environment. The main meta - support of companions for the help of the bar'єra and regeneration.

vikoristovuvani novice

Gilka "Spirit" - take a calming aura, bar'єr, elegantly zahist, resurrection, dispelling, vibukh to the mind, saving life, the spirit of the protector, which bodior the bar'єr and zmіtsnyuє vibukh. Part of these minds were looked at by us earlier, and for that we described it in a calm aura. This passive navik lowers the “aggro” of the opponent, robbing you is absolutely unremarkable for them, so the stench immediately permekayutsya on your companions. Able to dispel all negative and positive effects from enemies or allies. Zavdyaki to the bad-tempered bar'єra, your magical shield not only protects the companions, but also increases their speed of resurrection and manny.

Hilka "Winter" - in the grip of a cry, a crock in the shade, a cry in the wall, a minute and a cloud, winter calmness, a snowstorm and a whirlwind. Some of the features were learned by us earlier, for reasons of reason, let's move on to a look at other new beginnings. Winter's calmness will speed up the rebirth of mani at the magician after standing unruly for three seconds. In a protracted battle, it may be more difficult. For the help of the crying wall, the enchanter can create a great fence, which is formed by the ice. Tsya wall is built to protect the magician from the enemies. Krizhan mine is similar to fire mine in its principle of diy. If you want to get out and start richer than shkodi, then freeze the enemy, making him unbearable for a short period of time.

The possession of the ice replaces half the possessions of shkodi. Vykoristovuvati in vipadkas, if your exorcist is a heap. For the help of a newcomer, you can also strengthen the tank, making him practically unstoppable for enemies. And let’s add the best “spell” in the “Winter” headline to the zavіryuha. When її vikoristanny vinikaє sravzhnya khurtovin, upovіlnyu vorogіv in sing galusі and zavdaєm stіyny shkodi. The other row of navik supports the main spell, because of which it doesn’t just uplift the enemies, but freezes them.

When you get to the eighteenth eve, you remember that you may have the right eyepieces for your convenience. We recommend that you spend them on your mind whether to call you specializations.

fierceness of the elements

You can create a mighty magician, who can inflict stingy shkodi on your enemies without a whim. Tsey bild camp in favor of these graves, yakі do not like to win absolutely all the quests in grі, but want to just walk along the main storyline. On the right, in order to take care of those specialties, it is necessary to spend an hour on finishing the folding missions.

The building of the fierce elements will help you in the battle practically with any kind of enemies, so that all the stench is intoxicating to the singing elements. But don’t forget that this magician doesn’t have any spells, he will not have a chance to play one more enchanter with a pumped “Spirit” in the party.

One more small number of combinations of advantages is the single-manhood loan. In battles, you will need to consistently victorious one and the same methods and in the same sequence. Plus, you have to spend the whole hour relying on your comrades in defense (tank and mage of support), so you won’t be able to defend yourself on your own.

Vtіm, if you correctly cast the spell and do not lie on the birth, then you can blame the great groups of enemies of the whole dekilkom onslaught of buttons. Stupidly follow your scale of health and trim another caster nearby.

victorious buildings

Hilka "Storm" - exudes a lancet sparkle, a flurry of energy, an arc wave, a static charge, a sparkle, a bursting sparkle, a thunderstorm atmosphere, a thunderstorm and a static cell. About bagatioh s tsikh spells we have already been told, so let's move on to the look of a static charge. Violence does not attack your opponent with a paralyzing electric charge. Tse give you an hour to drink from the field of yoga dawn and natskuvati on a new tank. A stormy atmosphere to speed up the stagnation of zdіbnosti. A static clitina allows you to stun opponents in a small area.

Gilka "Inferno" - in it you need to take sleeping, pyromancy, sacrifice, a fire mine and a burning point. We have already spoken about all these newcomers earlier. Gilka "Winter" - take winter calmness, krizhan grip, wall and armor, as well as zavіryukha.

friends, blogger under the name Knight enchanter conducted a small investigation of the drive specialization our possible fellow party members Inquisition and come to the cіkavih visnovkіv! Read the details below in the news! However, guess what conjectures, no more.

inquisitor you can choose one from offensive 9 specializations (3 for leather class):

warrior - Knight, Templarі Riznik;

robber - mechanic, Vbivtsya (Assassin)і storm(Tse yakscho literally itself title translate. Maybe, like Isabelli, bully?);

magician - Face-enchanter, rift mage (Magician Tinі) і necromancer.

inventory for Vityaz, mechanicsі Litsar-charivnik can be found on our site, On the. call others specialization were recognized fans(For help, name the image files).

It looks like skin from our nine companions you will be alone specialization, as available inquisitor(Admission, logically from the point of view of the number - 9 and 9). Substituting for such an allowance, you can take into account those who are on the frames demo from E3 can you name it the tree of death of Zalizny BikRiznik (Warrior). V DA:O we lasted specializations h character, v DA2 f skin character bula own unique specialty(For example, Fenris - Tevinter duck).

I think that everything will look like an offensive rank:

Dorian - necromancer. Dorianє can magicianі Tevinter Master, Yaki grew in the suspіlstі, de magi learn to win their strengths, and not to take them, de magic, Yaku in other lands is vvazhut with evil, not with water. V interview yoga creator, David Geider, It was said that Dorian know spell to control spirit and death.

SolasThe magician of brokenness (the magician of Thine). gamestarі OHM magazines described Solas, yak expert on Тіні. inquisitor Well guilty close break into nіy. about peculiarities tsієї specializations we are left only to guess, ale "Mage Tinі", Vіdpovіdno, maє setting up the reality of demons. Tsіkavo, what is still pіr tsia specializationє the most mysterious of the three possible for magi. Just like that Solas get stuck and the most mysterious companion in terms of character.

Вів'єнFace-enchanter. Face-enchanter tse navik, which can be found in if magicians. also Вів'єнє The first spell of Montsimmardі side with the circleі magi.

Cole - driving in. description yoga characterі interview with Patrick Viks introduce us to yoga, yak primari in the shadows, Which indefinitely passes over in the NATO, and indefinitely is left on the battlefield, slitting the throats of enemies until the stink smells of presence. Vіn Volodya two daggers, At the book "Dragon Age: Rozkol" you drive in two templars in such a way that you didn’t succumb to the yogo, and the offensive - you can’t give a sign. Cole- vtіlennya type driving in.

Varrik Tetras - mechanic. V comics "Quiet Guy", Varrik dismantle a series of pastes in archive Voronov, Including the snake's tooth, the brittle wind and the fiery fountain. mechanics know about technology and folding mechanisms; Bianca described as a marvel of the dwarves of maisternosti, the pure robot of the maister, and the only thing that is wonderful in it is the robotic mechanism crossbows in general. By the right constructor of the bula kohanka Varrik, Bianca(The stink planned what crossbow crush them with riches, and stink spit out Osteima).

Sirka - robber(perhaps Buyan). About the features of the qiєї specializations tezh zalishaєtsya less guessing, but according to її description, Sirka- temperamental and wind sprat. Vaughn is a bit rude, biased, impulsive and generous, her character is a revolutionary. They put tags on it with the inscriptions "Unusual energy", "Primhly primhi" and "Reckless decision". Vaughn, without hesitation, shoot an arrow at any one who stands on her way. V gameplay videos mi bachimo somersault.

Blackwall - Knight. per inventory v DA:O, knights, Tse military veterans, heroes, who can often be cheered on by the armies, who are inspired by the leaders and suffocate the allies. BlackwallSyria watchman, Yakiy, judging by the descriptions, went through the faceless battles and conflicts. In addition, as descriptions of yoga character in an interview with Cheryl Chi(Author of the character), you can robiti visnovok, scho Blackwallinculcation of the ideals of Sirikh Vartov. Yogo way of promptings for valor; vin - defender of residents Thedas, Zahisnik vіd spawn of darkness. Vіn bachit yourself їх хhisnik, and vіdchuvaє yourself goiter's to protect people from evil, and not only from mora. Tse yoga is a moral priority.

Cassandra Pentaghast - Templar. Order of the Templars- viysk organization churches. Shukachi Truths dіyut yak obezhuvach i protagonist order, І vіdpovіdat without intermediary before high priestess. Qi two groups boules if one - pid Ensign of the Inquisition. New molding for an hour inquisition, Shukachi vodokremili templars view churches, Leading them with the rebels magicians (specialization effective against magi). want, Cassandra do not come to your brothers, rice її character is similar to the rice of the ideal Templar: Pious, zahisnitsa of the shameless and innocent, with a sense of justice, hearing, virna, viddana priestesses, Dіє, yak її sword, i (in every time, on the hand), saturate the light of black and white. Church do not reveal secrets templars, Anybody; ale beyond the borders orders it is possible to use quiet, who knows the initiations of their knowledge, especially to protect the blue and the links between jokersі templars. Cassandra take a high position - won with the right hand of the High Priestess. Possibly, the very thing gave me access to secrets templars.

Zalizniy Bik - Riznik. Confirmation - already guessing more image (video) h E3. For me so specialization yoga character.

The quest for specialization will be canceled if you go to Skyhold first. You will need to start visconing the operation "Specializations for the Inquisitor" on the command headquarters table. By її completed, and an hour for її vikonanny is not necessary, you will have three mentors in the fort (according to the number of specializations, which are available to the skin class). If you didn’t add the quest on arrival to Skyhold and there was no command on the table of the headquarters, then you should see the location and turn back to Skyhold. Then we will talk to the skin mentor and take from the new manager for training those other specializations. You can select all three quests as a skin teacher, but you can still choose only one specialization. You can take a look at the knowledge about the skin with specializations with a mentor, and also marveling at the tree of death from your fellow party members, even if the skin has its own way.

way of the knight

Taken from Lord Chance de Lyon. The great heraldic symbolism is taken in the Sacred Plain, moving into the gates here:

Veridii can be known in the same location. You can also ask Cullen to viscount the resource gathering operation in the Sacred Valley at the command post. A book with descriptions of the receptions of the knight or the battle of Blackwall, or the purchase from the seller in Val-Royom. We will then choose the standard on the application table, instructed by the quartermaster and rozmovlyaemo with Lord Chance de Lyon, in order to choose the remainder of the specialization.

way of retail

Be taken from the ruins of Tram. Potions assistants are picked up in Crestwood, outmaneuvering opponents in these locations:

You can know the vine in the Sacred Valley, Smaragd's Graves and Emprese-du-Lion. You can also ask Leliana to viscount the operation to gather resources in the Sacred Valley at the command post. A book with descriptions of the priyomіv rіznik is found either near Zalіzny Bik, or bought from the seller in Val-Royom. Let's keep my mind at the table of applications, ordering the quartermaster and arranging the ruins Tram, so that we can choose the remainder of the specialization.

Way of the Templar

Take from Sirk. Evil temple judges are taken from the demons from the Inner Lands.

The Embryum can be found in the Inner Lands, Crosswoods and Emerald Graves. You can also ask Leliana to viscount the operation to collect resources in Smaragd's graves in the command post. A book with descriptions of the Templar's receptions is either sold near Cassandri, or bought from a seller in Val-Royom. Let's prepare a ticket on the application table with an order from the quartermaster and rozmovlyaemo from Siroma, so that you can choose the remainder of your specialization.

the way of the storm

Navchaє tsієї spetsializatsії Khіm. Equipment for morning essence is taken from demons in designated locations on Stormy Birch:

The essence of the spirit is often seen as ghosts. A book with descriptions of the receptions of the storm can be bought either in the Sirca climate, or bought from a seller in Val-Royom. Then we select a bottle of dim on the application table and order it from the quartermaster and revise it from Khim, so that we can choose the rest of the specialization.

vbivtsa path

Spets_alіzatsії vbivtsі vchit Spadkoєmitsya. The signs of the heads of the guilds will fall out of the gates in Crestwood in these locations:

A book with descriptions of priyomіv vbivts shukaetsya either close to Cole, or buy from a seller in Val-Royom. The root of death was traced in the Zahidny Mezhі or in the whistling wastelands. You can also perform an operation on the table of the headquarters of the command, asking Leliana to pick up grass in the whistling wastes. After that, it is chosen lower on the application table, instructed by the intendant and resolved by the Spadkojemice, in order to choose the remainder of the specialization.

way mechanics

The task is taken from Trekhglazik. Heads of glospins-vatazhkivs are picked up, in the light, from their corpses in the Western border:

Obsidian traces were found at the Inner Lands, Crestwood, Sacred Valley and Smaragd's graves. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in Crestwood, after completing the operation on the command headquarters table. A book with descriptions of the mechanic's priyomіv shukaєmo either close to Varrik, or buy from a seller in Val-Royom. After choosing the tools on the application table, I entrusted with the quartermaster and resolved with the Three-Eyed, so that the remainder of the specialization was selected.

path of the necromancer

Navchaє tsієї spetsializatsії Vіuus Anaksas. Nevarran skulls are found on Stormy Birch in the advancing areas:

The bloody roam in the Emprese-du-Lion or Smaragd's graves. You can also send Cullen to pick up resources in the Empress du Lyon, after completing the operation on the command headquarters table. A book with descriptions of the necromancer's priyomіv shukaєmo either near Dorian, or buy from the seller in Val-Royom. After many embellishments are made, the skull on the application table was commissioned by the quartermaster and decided by Viuus Anaksas, so that the remainder of the specialty should be chosen.

Way of the enchanter

The order is taken from the commander Helen. Essences of sightseeing in the brown quagmire in these areas:

Lapis lazuli is chosen in Zahidny Mezhі, Sacred Plains and whistling wastelands. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in the whistling wastelands, having completed the operation on the command headquarters table. A book with descriptions of the receptions of the enchanter-charist is either close to Vivian, or bought from a seller in Val-Royom. After that, the hilt of the spiritual blade is prepared on the table of applications instructed by the quartermaster and it is called by the commander Helen, so that you can choose the rest of the specialization.

Way of the magician of expansion

quest view your mentor. The folios of the venatori are seen, in the wake of the corpses of the venatori in the Sacred Valley in these locations:

Fine oxamite vipadae tezh z venatori in the Holy Valley. A book with a description of the magic of development can be known either close to Solas, or bought from a seller in Val-Royom. After whom we create a book about opening on the application table instructed by the quartermaster and we open it your mentor, Sob is enough to choose a specialization.

Development of the storyline to bring the main character to Skyhold Fortress. There are three masters, who built the hero of the new specialization. Leather from them is a logical development of the main class.

Vіdomostі for specіlіzаtsіyami v grі nadє Вів'єн. For the acquisition of a new profession, you will have a chance to complete a quest to blame monsters and search for a book with skills (Writing). Quest mobs don't look like they're superb, but their characteristics are turned up to the level of the bosses.

Video-look at the classes and specializations of characters in Dragon Age: Inquisition, look at the features:

The necessary Lut falls from these bares, and the Scriptures can be found in the singing NVC or in the bookstore, stashed in Val Royom.


The faces of the cloak and dagger can become:

  1. mechanics;
  2. driving in;
  3. or take away the specialization of the storm.

Skin specialization has its own tactful features. With this, the first is more suitable for archers, the other is universal, and the third is made for blades.


Zdatnist mechanics move across the battlefield and set up pastes, opening wide tactical prospects for archers.

The quest for the specialization of mechanics is necessary to take from the Three-Eyed.

Quest Loot: Obsidian -> Potato locations. Shipi -> Canyoni, pass Nazair, Prison road. Letters from Varrik.

driving in

Maystri quiet death, vbivtsі, zdatni zavdavat shkody in stealth mode. Moreover, correctly pumping assassins can work invisible to all fellow party members. A good option for a robber with daggers.

The quest for specialization is given by Khair.

Quest Loot: Tokens -> rіvnіnі аbo сhіdnі hіrbі Crestwoodі. Cole's letters.


The storm calls the robber, who has learned how to manage alchemy. The stinks of the building put on elemental armor and move shkodi. Specialization for rogues with blades, the strongest vminnya tied itself to each type of weapon.

The quest can be taken from Kim.

Quest Loot: Essence -> Thunderstorm protection (Dovga River or Thunderstorm Fortress). The writings are rebuyed at Sirka's.

Tse epіchna i zahoplyuyucha browser game in the style of MMORPG. The main meta gri is to vryatuvate the kingdom of Alderstone from chaos. Grati in Kingsroad is possible for the help of three main classes: an archer, a magician or a face.

Quest for the acquisition of specialization from Sirka.

Quest Loot: Remains -> Witch's Forest, Western Road, Shine Valley (Inner Earth). Letters from Cassandri.


Appointment of a retailer - head of shkodi. For the sake of tієї meti vin sacrifice navit zdorov'yam. Vіn Volodya with different spirnіst promote shkodi, including a special circle, in the middle of which poshkodzhennya growth is applied.

The quest is taken from Tram.

Quest Loot: Tokens -> rіvnіnі аbo сhіdnі hіrbі Crestwoodі. The writings can be obtained from Zalizny Bik.


Call an attack on yourself and protect your companions - the axis of the champion's task. A classic tank, with a set of powerful minds, which encourages yoga to defend.

Quest for specialization with Lord Chancery.

Quest Loot: Champions -> Lonely Shore, Gilanaini's Grove, Hail'sulan. Letters from Blackwall.


From the masters of the club and the elements come out:

  1. magicians broken;
  2. faces-enchanters;
  3. i necromancer.

The first ones are aimed at inflicting shkodi, others become a variety of melee warriors, and the third ones are considered to be good control of opponents.

magician broken

The magicians have broken the focus on Skoda, and yet they have indignant control. Universal specialization, handy in the wild.

Quest Loot: Books -> Gilanaini's Grove, Hail'sulan. You can grow up with writings at Solas.


This is a universal specialization. Litsar-enchanter of the building to restore the health of the group and the power of mana. The leader of the majestic shkodi and promotes his defense. Universal specialization.

The quest for withdrawal is given by Heylen.

Quest Loot: Esence -> cry Shpilі, Stariy proїzd, Granit-point. Letters from Viv'en.


The necromancer in Dragon Age: Inquisition does not deal with the rebirth of opponents. Vіn appointments for zdіysnennya caposty. High rіven control pіdіyde gravitam, yakі zvikli trimatіu situation in their hands.

Quest at Viyus Anaksas.

Quest Loot: Skulls -> Vidstupnik's Place, Mala Grove, Storm Shield. Dorian's letters.

If you care that your Inquisitor will not make you become fresher and stronger, then the specialization is those that you need. The sense of specialization is somehow simple. You will get a little bit of new wisdom, which will seriously help you to give a stusan to your enemies. Do not be surprised at those who can choose a class and different specializations can have a lot of well-done rice among themselves, so that none, no magicians, no wars and robbers will NOT be deprived of hard jokes!

In order to start a few specializations, you need to know on the map (three parts of Skyhold) specializations for the Inquisitor and after the victor, a dekil of smart readers arrive in Skyhold for your training.


How to get the Mechanics specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Vikonati trio quest. For whom you will need to choose a different speech.
Obsidian and materials for tools are not easy to understand. As for other items, the Shipi can be found in the canyon, in the Passage of Nazair or the old Prison Road.
Writing - in the speeches of Varrik or from a bookseller in Val Royom.

How to take the Vbivts specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Vikonati quest Hare.
Tokens can be found in Crestwood, among similar camps, or on the plains.
Writing - in the speeches of Cole or a merchant in Val Royom.

How to take the Tempest specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Vikonati quest Kim.
Esence - at the found river, or in the fortress of a thunderstorm on a thunderstorm bank
Writing - in the speeches of Sirka or from a merchant in Val Royom.


How to get the Champion specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Vikonati Lord Chancery's quest.
It will be easy to find champions - in Gaia Gilanaini, Hail'sulan and on Samotny Birch on the lower plains. (Uvaga, name in the Russian translation shvidshe for everything quarrel)
Letters to Val Royom abo in Blackwall's speeches.

How to take the Riznik specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Vikonati quest Tram.
Tokens can be found in the hills of the other side, Rivniny and Crestwood
Letters to Val Royom or in the speeches of Zalizny Bik.

How to get the Templars specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Vikonati quest Sirka.
The remains of the deceased Templars in the Witch's Forest (Witchwood), Zahidnoy Dorozі and Shayni Valley near the interior lands.
Letters to Val Royom abo in the speeches of Cassandri.


How to get the Litsar Enchanter specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Vikonati Commander Helein's quest.
Essence in Granit Point, where weeping spiers and Old Passage.
Letters to Val Royom or in the speeches of Viv'en.

How to get the Necromancer specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Vikonati quest Viyus Anaksas.
Skulls from the dead at the place of Otsupnik, Malaya Gai and Stormy Coast.
Letters to Val Royom or in the speeches of Dorian.


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