Nuvaring if you start to work. Kіltse contraceptive - vaginal female hormonal zasіb new generation

Nuvaring if you start to work. Kіltse contraceptive - vaginal female hormonal zasіb new generation

What are the side effects of Nuvaring? Tse pitanya tsіkavit be-like a modern woman, like looking at options for hormonal contraception in the fire and tse kіltse zokrem. Dіysno, obіtsyanki virobnika viglyadayut zamanlivo, ale in the vast іnternetu mozhna Know Cheema scary vіdgukіv - nіbito in deyakih povnіstyu pripinyalisya mіsyachnі krovotechі on tlі vikoristannya tsogo efektivnosti contraceptive INSHI strazhdayut stribkami spirit, emotsіynoyu nestabіlnіstyu and htos not Mauger zavagіtnіti. Is it true? To understand what to be afraid of, follow the instructions for stopping.

Imovirnosti buvayut raznі

In the instructions, the compiler indicates what side effects "Novaring" can provoke, after which it gives a final list of such phenomena. It is important to not seriously threaten the time of the timchas disorder of the style, or the increased gas formation. All the stinks will go away on their own, if the body adapts to the hormonal drug. Ale, on the expanse of the All-World's Web, the deacons are guessing about more serious consequences - right up to unsuccessful attempts to capture contraceptives on aphids. For some people in history, it is an important incentive to take action in order to correct the woman's hormonal background. Let's take a look at the beginning of time, for which the virobnik has been given respect in the first black, and for whom we can look, about which the mova went.

As you can see from the instructions, the “Novaring” kilce is a type that does not have a color, vikonan from a smooth material. This is a visionary object, which cannot be found on the outer sides of the ear, visible to the human eye. Mіsce z'єdnannya, or else I will open the gap, or close to it. This unique development of Dutch doctors can have a superior contraceptive effect, allowing you to get ahead of the unbearable pregnancy, ensuring a high level of confidence. Kіltse is just in zastosuvanni, it is not necessary to take a day off the skin, as if you were drunk with pills, if you need to take a drug. The only weak side of yoga is in the real world there is a negative impact on the body.

What is possible?

Apparently, the side effects of "Novaring" can be turbulent, quiet, which vikoristu zasib uncontrollably, without harming a jubilant doctor, without screeching instructions. In addition, there are intolerances, allergic reactions. Individuals can get stuck with a negative impact on the body, like “Novaring” for instructions, or it is allowed only with great care. In order to minimize the risks for yourself, reduce the chance of unacceptable damage, before the cob of the cob, I would like to undergo a consultation with a professional gynecologist, perhaps, to conduct an analysis to determine the characteristics of the hormonal background. In any case, it is guaranteed to know the best option.

Through the side effects of Nuvaring, as indicated in the supporting documentation, it can cause a change in sexual desire, as well as increase sensitivity. Virobnik zvertaє respect for the possibility of activating the appetite, increasing the mass. In rare moods, the "Novaring" victoria becomes the cause of depressive states, a sharp change in mood, sometimes not overpowering. Imovirnist headache, similar to migraine. In addition, "Novaring" can provoke a deterioration in the functioning of the star system.

Advances mean omissions

Apparently, the number of side effects of the "Novaring" ring includes a negative impact on the work of the heart, the vascular system. There is an increase in thromboembolism, possibly damage equal to the arterial pressure. Deyakі zhіnki, koristuyuchis tsym contraceptive method, stuck with hot flashes. In addition, the ring can negatively stick to the gut, the intestines. It manifests itself in the destruction of the style, the rise of gasification, and other discords. Є risik sverblyachki, shkіrnih visipan, drіbnih fuse, including the area of ​​the individual.

Detection in patients' comments about Novaring's kilts Deyakі skarzhatsya nabryaki, zagalna mlyava camps to the body. Є risik appearance of cystitis, it is possible more often positive to sechovipakannya, dysuria. Negative feedback can be felt from the side of the reproductive system. In deyakih zhіnki with Vikoristan "Novaring" as a method of guarding the posterity of engorgement of the breasts, the disruption of the monthly cycle, the presence of blood visions in the recognition of the term. Apparently, if there is a surge of hormonal disorders, if you go to the colony, you may have a genital vuzol, you can bleed for no reason, you can see bloody vision during intimate contact. "Novaring" can become the cause of unacceptable misfortunes - fever, liver, soreness.

Chi is such a terrible devil?

How to guess in the instruction manual, the side effects of the Novaring ring can be provoked, but in practice it is rarely possible to be afraid of such. It is important that the hostility is accompanied by the very beginning of the exploitation of contraceptive zasib, with an hour to pass step by step. No specific jubilation is needed. In times like this, the symptomatology is important, it is difficult to endure, and if you can, you can quickly turn around for help to a qualified doctor. The doctor will help you to choose the best option to replace it, because Nuvaring does not fit as a contraceptive.

The deyakі say in their opinions the side effects of "Novaring": to be fooled, to have a headache. It seems that in some vipadkas, the opposite winds became the cause of an anxious state. When using this method, vomit can be prevented, if you want to be able to drink it rarely, the shards of the sap will be taken out of the mouth, and not orally, do not drain the intestines, and the tube at the stage of the primary reprocessing of the medicine. More bulo was guessed about the possibility of a set of vaginas, but in rare fluctuations, having poured into the Novaring vicorystal, the woman was evenly opposite - when the contraceptive was congested, there was a risk of rapt unreasonable weight loss.

Experiments and results

In order to understand, some insights about the side effects of "Novaring" were primed, a special testing was organized by the vibrator. The first one was held before the launch of the ring in sales, and the other one - after the marketing company, putting out the money, appeared in the bulletins available to the general public about possible negative reactions. The peculiarity of such an investigation is due to the specific effect of the human psyche, which makes it possible to develop a negative impact on the body in the minds of the awareness of the development of such a phenomenon. In the meantime, the results of all stages of testing show directly that negative phenomena are fixed in a really small number of vipadkivs.

As stated in the comments about the "Novaring" kilts, side effects can be manifested in the reproductive system in the form of Whites. In rare cases, under the influx of active sprouts, an igniting process began in the mucous membrane of the vaginal tunic. Also, there is a risk of fire in the sich paths. Deyakі zhіnkі vіdznaval, scho head turbuyut yavії bіyne vіyne vychuttya alien object in organіzmі. Virobnik gives respect to the possibility of living in the country. It is not possible to directly determine side effects, but if the product fails, it may be possible to change the scope of contraceptives.

Rіdko, ale vluchno: i tak buvaє

In the instruction from zastosuvannya, it is indicated that the side effects of "Novaring" are seen, that they are guessing. Such zustrіchayutsya often, although not all women have contraceptives. Є reactions, yakі they are afraid of something richer. In the average, their frequency is one hit per skin thousand, and even ten thousand zastosovuyut product for women. This is how the risk of falling hair on aphids is assessed. With such a small frequency, eczema, visip, can appear. Allergic reaction to the drug may be mild. "Novaring" can become the cause of hypesthesia, provoke rejection, sickness in the pelvic organs. In rare cases, hormonal contraceptives become the cause of breast enlargement, provoking uterine polyps, ectropion of the uterine cervix.

In the comments about the side effects of the “Novaring” ring, there are unacceptable, ill-looking, connected with intimate contact. On aphids, hormonal contraception can develop mastopathy (cystic, fibrous type). It is possible to see more clearly, similar to the primary menstrual ones, otherwise there are many such, as well as bleeding, which does not have a cycle. In rare cases, women were stuck with PMS, an unacceptable smell of pikhvi. "Novaring" can provoke negative symptoms, become the cause of even dry mucus, severe discomfort in the area of ​​the state organs.

Respect for all details

In the instructions for the hormonal cycle "Novaring" the pharmacist takes great care that the estimates of the frequency of negative effects on the body should be approximately, the scores are based on information, in a voluntary manner. It is impossible to conduct a more accurate assessment of the situation at the present moment. Deyak spontaneous calls avenged the information about the negative consequences of stosuvannya zasobu not only for women, but also for people. In case of a state act with the choice of which method, protection against conception is a risk of sickness in a person's state member. Rizik of hyperemia is moving, sadna, sinci can settle down. All propositions, which were mentioned above, were confirmed by the compiler and fixed in the accompanying documentation to the product.

Virobnik in the instructions for using the Nuvaring station, dodatkovo pays attention to possible negative consequences when contraceptives are stuck in depressions, if the method is contraindicated in women. Zokrema, with angioedema, "Novaring" can become the cause of the worsening of the gastric state, the worsening of the symptoms. Such a result shows not only a description of the cycle, but also whether it is exogenous hormonal disease. Also, side effects will definitely be accompanied by contraceptives, like a woman suffering from pancreatitis, cholecystitis, like a newly established (malicious, good-natured) that lie in the hormonal background, as well as other people. All stinks are reportedly reconsidered in the instructions in the part, conferring contraindications and stations, which are of particular importance.

How do you work?

Having looked at the possible side effects of "Novaring" (menstruation disappeared, headache, turbulent damage to the style), there is a chance to find out, how and why does it work against the disease. In the description of the virobnik, it is shown that the contraceptive can lie up to the number of combinations, there are two types of hormones in its warehouse, which correct the work of the female reproductive system - etinilestradiol, etonogestrel. The first one is estrogen, in this hour it is widely expanded as a contraceptive zasib. Another name is progestogen, which is promoted to progesterone receptors.

Antizaplіdny "Novaring" is effective for the rahunok of the combined infusion on the female organism. Actively zadatnі zadatnі stifle the process of ovulation, but for the increase of the reliability of the introduced components, which are added to the other features of the female organism, including mucus. As shown by the special testing, the indicator of the frequency of pregnancy in the rozrahunka for a hundred women, as the drug was tested for one test, - 0.96. Follow-ups were held for the participation of women in the ages of 18-40 years. The negative result can be compared with indications for oral administration of hormonal anti-inflammatory combinations.

Full picture: respect for all factors

Others, described more negative features, as they say in their opinions richly, are more likely to be compared with the advantages of "Novaring". It was reported that on the basis of contraceptive use in most women, the menstrual cycle becomes clear, orderly, regular, pain is reduced, the intensity of bleeding is reduced. Also, "Novaring" reduces the risk of insufficiency of air in the woman's body. At this time, analytical data allow the growth of visnovkas, which can be used to inject this medication by reducing the risk of evil neoplasms in the ovaries, endometrium.

There are no other analogues of "Novaring" for sale, and an alternative with a similar level of efficiency can be called tablets, which correct the hormonal background. Virobnik to bring to the fore what the ring is better and more practical. Statistical studies show that the subject has been reduced to a lesser frequency of blood sightings, lower implantation of tablets. Decreased bleeding bleeding. In the meantime, Nuvaring was victorious more than a hundred women, in whom they were wary of bleeding strictly when they stopped taking contraceptives.

important aspect

At the moment, there is no official information about the possible negative consequences of the Nuvaring victoria station by non-standard girls. There were no special investigations with the method of acknowledgment of this fact.

Analyzes were carried out to assess the influx of active deposits on the mineral content of the bone tissue. The trivality of the program is two fates. "Novaring" was compared and For the results of the priming of the visnovkas about the impact on the gap of the bone tissues when choosing "Novaring" as a contraceptive method, it was made.

The deyakі are doubtful, what can be said about "Novaring". Virobnik zvetaє respect: no special entries are needed. It is only necessary to please the jubilant doctor in times, as if the vicarious ring was on the aphids of myom. In other times, a woman, at some point in her life, simply puts on a contraceptive.

What happens in the body?

In order to understand why the number of months after Nuvaring is remembered, for what reasons the stink is changed during the trial period of the drug, we should delve into the logic of yoga and spit on the woman. Hormonal spoluchy, scho to be in a small country, now in automatic mode vporskuetsya in the fabric of the extra space, vplyayuchi on the reproductive system. The stench is fast reaching the target organs, minimizing the unacceptable manifestations, administering to the pills, so as not to slacken such an injection on the stool, the intestines, as it is prescribed for oral intake of the cat.

Etonogestrel, vibrating from the kiltsya, quickly penetrates into the middle of the body, being adsorbed through the mucosal system. The highest concentration of stool in the circulatory system is observed approximately 7 days after the administration of the drug. In plasma, the concentration gradually changes, although the average is small. Biological availability of the active component - 100%, that is more, lower when administered orally.

Etinilestradiol is another hormonal drug that is released into the colony and regularly enters the female body in small doses. The highest level of concentration in the circulatory system is observed already in three days from the moment of the cob zasosuvannya zasobu. After three days, there will be an insignificant decrease, the process of changing the number will be smooth. Bioavailability is estimated at 56%, which is approximately similar to tablets.

special drop

As it is appointed more, the risk is closed with negative phenomena in case of "Novaring" more, so the woman belongs to the singing groups of patients. For example, a number of unsafe indications for insufficient functioning of the nirk and liver systems. There is no official information about those, in which way the circulation of active contraceptive diseases in the body in such minds can change. It is known that when the functionality of the liver is impaired, the metabolism of state hormones improves, deteriorates.

When to be greedy and when you can't?

"Novaring" of appointments for all current women, zakavleny in zabіgannі negligence vagіtnostі for help naіynogo method, pov'jazanogo z іnіmіmіmіmіnіmіmіnіmіnіmіm nepriemennyh vrazheni. And the axis of the list of contraindications for the name is significantly wider, lower indication. When zastosuvanni kіltsya zhіnіkami, yakі lie down to a group of quiet, to whom it is contraindicated, the high level of negative impact on the body.

Do not follow the installation of "Novaring", as a result of increased sensitivity, intolerance to any of the components, as if they were stagnant at the vikonannі koshti. The cost is not only the main ones, but also additional speeches. Not a trace of zastosovuvati "Novaring", as a diagnosis of thrombosis, thromboembolism. Tse expands not only for the current moment, but for the whole history of ailment. "Novaring" is not intended for patients, whose status allows to have a severe thrombosis, as well as for those who are too weak.

There was no trace of vikoristovuvaty antiseptic kilce "Novaring", as if turbulent migraine follicles, symptoms - neurological. It costs not only the current moment, but also the anamnesis. The pocket is not used for contraception in diabetics, as a result of a vessel injury, it is not suitable for ailments with pancreatitis, evil, benign neoplasms, bleeding of state organs, the cause of which cannot be determined. Do not follow the vikoristovuvat "Novaring" with important liver ailments, under the hour of pregnancy and suspicion of conception, when breastfeeding a child.

You can, but be careful

Due to the rise of the risk, the appearance of side effects in the case of the “Novaring” chiropractic was diagnosed by individuals, who were diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, heart valve disease, tick movement, diabetes, acute liver pathology, nirok, stones in the zhovchnomu mikhuri, vovchak in the systemic form , which provoked a decrease in auditory function.

  • Application instructions Novaring ®
  • Warehouse for NovaRing ®
  • Indications for NovaRing ®
  • Wash your mind with NovaRing ®
  • Appropriateness term for NovaRing ®

Release form, warehouse and packaging

Registry. №: 9438/10 dated 28.09.2010 - Finished

ring vaginal

Additional speeches: ethylene and vinyl acetate copolymer (28% vinyl acetate), ethylene and vinyl acetate copolymer (9% vinyl acetate), magnesium stearate, purified water.

1 PC. - bags of aluminum foil (1) - packs of cardboard.
1 PC. - bags of aluminum foil (3) - packs of cardboard.

vaginal ring 11.7 mg + 2.7 mg: 1 or 3 pcs.
Registry. №: 7673/06/10/11/16 dated 02.03.2016 - Term dії reg. beats no frills

ring vaginal smooth, clear, bezbarvne or mayzhe bezbarvna, without great visible poshkodzhen, with a clearing, or may be a clearing area in the mist of the day.

* Vaginal vibrating 0.120 mg etonogestrel / 0.015 mghetinilestradiol per doba, for 3 days.

Additional speeches: ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (28% vinyl acetate), ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (9% vinyl acetate), magnesium stearate.

1 PC. - bags of waterproof aluminum foil (1) - packs of cardboard.
1 PC. - bags of waterproof aluminum foil (3) - packs of cardboard.

Description of the drug Novaring ® based on the officially approved instructions for drug administration and finalized in 2011. Update date: 03/04/2011

Pharmacological activity

Hormonal contraceptive for intravaginal zastosuvannya, shcho revenge estrogen - ethinilestradiol and progestogen - etonogestrel, similar to 19-nortestosterone.

The main mechanism of contraceptive drug use is the inhibition of ovulation. The gestagenic component (etonogestrel) galmues the synthesis of LH and FSH by the hypophysis and, in this way, zapobigaє maturation of the follicle (blocking ovulation).

The Pearl index, an indicator that reflects the frequency of current vaginess in 100 women during contraceptive use, when Novaring ® is used, becomes 0.96.

In the presence of Nuvaring ®, the pain and intensity of menstrual-like bleeding change, the frequency of acyclic blood sightings and the development of cold-deficient conditions decrease. In addition, there are data on the reduced risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer.

Novaring ® does not reduce the mineral content of the bone tissue.



smoky bath

Etonogestrel, which is associated with Novaring ®, is quickly wetted by the mucous membrane of the flu. Cmax of etonogestrel becomes close to 1700 pg/ml and is available approximately the same day after the introduction of the cycle. Syrovatkova concentration is moderate to small amounts and is generally reachable for 1400 pg/ml after 3 days. Absolute bioavailability to become close to 100%.


Etonogestrel binds to serum albumin and globulin, which binds to state hormones (HSSH). V d etonogestrel 2.3 l / kg.


Etonogestrel is metabolized by hydroxide route and is derived from the dissolved sulfate and glucuronide conjugates. Sirovatkovy clearance becomes close to 3.5 l / year.


The decrease in the concentration of etonogestrel in serum is biphasic. T 1/2 β-phase becomes close to 29 years. Etonogestrel and yogo metabolites are seen in cross-section and zhovchyu in spіvvіdnoshnі 1.7:

  • 1. T 1/2 metabolites - about 6 days.


smoky bath

Etinilestradiol, which is associated with Novaring ®, is easily wetted by mucous membranes. C max becomes close to 35 pg / ml, reaches up to 3 days after the introduction of the cycle and changes to 18 pg / ml after 3 days. Absolute bioavailability is close to 56%, which is comparable to oral bioavailability.


Etinilestradiol binds to gray matter albumin. V d become close to 15 l / kg.


Ethinilestradiol is metabolized by aromatic hydroxylation pathway with further methylation to various hydroxyl and methoxyl metabolites, which are present in the countryside, as well as in glucuronide and sulfate conjugates. Clearance is about 35 l / year


Decreased concentration of etinilestradiol in sirovattsі be biphasic. T 1/2 of the β-phase is characterized by great individual powers, and, on average, becomes close to 34 years. Etinilestradiol does not appear unchanged; yogo metabolites are shown in the section and live in spivvіdnoshennі 1.3:

  • 1. T 1/2 metabolites become close to 1.5 days.

dosing mode

Kіltse NovaRing ® to be introduced into pihva. Kіltse znahoditsya in fіkhva for 3 days, and then vіddalyaєetsya on the same day of tizhnya, on which day it was placed in fіkhva. After the end of the week, interrupt the introduction of a new ring. Bleeding, associated with the drug, usually disappears in 2-3 days after the withdrawal of Novaring ® and may not be delayed until the moment, if it is necessary to start the bleeding of the offensive collar.

yakscho hormonal contraceptives were not stuck in the anterior menstrual cycle, Novaring ® should be administered on the first day of the cycle (that is, on the first day of menstruation). It is allowed to install a ring on the 2nd-5th day of the cycle, prote in the first cycle in the first 7 days of stopping Nuvaring ®, it is recommended to supplement the most common methods of contraception.

at switching to combined hormonal contraceptives Novaring ® should be administered on the remaining day of the free interval in combination hormonal contraceptives (tablets or plastic). If a woman correctly and regularly took a combination of hormonal contraceptives and is convinced that she is not vaginal, then she can switch to the vaginal ring on any day of the cycle. Trivality of the interval in the use of hormonal contraceptives is not guilty of revisiting the recommendations of the term.

at switching to progestogen contraception (minimum-drinking, implant or non-eccective contraception) or progestogen-vivifying intrauterine disease (IUD) The introduction of NovaRing ® can be done on any day (to be inserted on the day of the removal of the implant or the IUD or on the day of the injection). In all of these cases, there was a tendency to overcome the bar'ern method and contraception for the first 7 days after the introduction of the cycle.

After an abortion, virobleny in the first trimester of pregnancy, You can start using NovaRing ® immediately after an abortion. For this person there is no need for additional contraceptive methods. If the stoppage of Nuvaring ® was not necessary after the abortion, then the stoppage of the cycle should be carried out in the same way, as if in the past, hormonal contraceptives did not stop in the forward cycle. At intervals, an alternative method of contraception is recommended.

After a half-life or an abortion, which occurred in the second trimester of pregnancy, Next to start trying NovaRing ® on the 4th day of September after the fall (as the woman is not fit with breasts) or an abortion. If the stoppage of Novaring ® is indicated in a larger term, then it is necessary to supplement the selection of bare methods of contraception in the first 7 days of the stoppage of Novaring ®. However, even in this period, the contacts were too small, it is necessary to turn off the vagism on the cob, or to bud before the first menstruation to the cob of Novaring ®.

The contraceptive effect and control of the cycle can be disrupted, as the patient violates the recommendations of the regimen. In order to avoid the contraceptive effect in different ways in the regimen, it is necessary to follow the next recommendations.

In times podovzhennogo break at vikoristannі kіltsya next turn off the vagity, as if by stretching out, interrupt the vikoristannі kіltsya were state contacts. Chim dove break, Tim is the greatest risk of vaginess. After turning off the vacancy, we should introduce a new ring at the pikhva of the yakomog shvidshe. Dodatkovo for the next 7 days, follow the victorious method of contraception (for example, a condom).

yakscho kіltse bulo timchasovo seen and lost posture pіhvi less than 3 hours, The contraceptive effect will not change. Next, I will re-place the kiltse at the pіhv of the yakomoga shvidshe (not later than in 3 years).

yakscho kіltse bulo pose pikhvoy stretching more than 3 years stretching the first or another type, The contraceptive effect may be reduced. Slid to place a kіltse at the pіhvu of the yakomog shvidshe. For the coming 7 days, it is necessary to additionally stop the bar'erny method of contraception (for example, a condom). How long ago the kіltse was a pose of a fir tree and how sooner the term until a 7-day break from vikoristannі kіltsya, moreover, it’s better to have a vaginess.

yakscho kіltse bulo pose pіhvoy more than 3 years stretching the third day of wrestling, It can reduce the contraceptive effect. Tse kіltse next to see and choose one of the two methods:

    1. Install a new ring in the same place. A new ring can be beaten by stretching the coming 3 years. In case of this, bleeding can be daily, due to the drug used. However, it is possible to see that they smear blood or bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

    2. Bleeding associated with the drug, and introduce a new ring no later, lower after 7 days, after removal of the front ring. This option should be chosen only in that moment, as the regime of victorious kіltsya earlier was not broken by the first two tyzhnіv.

    In times of the Produced Winner of Kіltsya, Ale no more than the maximum term 4 tyzhn, the contraceptive effect is taken sufficient. You can make a break for the day at Vikoristanniy kiltsya, and then introduce a new kіltse. If NuvaRing ® has been in the past 4 years, then the contraceptive effect may change, so it is necessary to turn off the viability before the new NovaRing ring is placed.

    If a woman does not comply with the recommended regimen, and then, during the protracted period, stop bleeding in the vaginal ring, caused by the removed ring, before the new vaginal ring, it is necessary to turn off the vaginitis.

    shob mark the hour of the present menstruation, You can start a new ring without a break. The next ring can be victorious as well with a stretch of 3 tyzhniv. With whom you can blame bleeding, or you see that they are smeared. Dali, after the scheduled break for the day, next turn to the regular NuvaRing ®.

    shob disrupt the onset of menstruation on the next day of the month, you can take a longer break at the victorian church for more days, for more days it is necessary. Why is the shortest break at the victorious kіltsya, the more imovirnіst vіdsutnostі kіltsі, scho comes after the end of the kіltsya, and the viniknennya bleeding or see what is smeared in the period of victoria of the advancing kiltsya.

    In rare cases, depressions with vicariousness Novaring ® was afraid opening of the ring. The core of Nuvaring ® is solid, so it is completely intact, and the hormone vision is not changed. At the time of opening the ring, it will sound vipadaє z pikhvi. When opening a ring, it is necessary to introduce a new ring.

    Sometimes there was a withdrawal of NovaRing ® from pikhvi, for example, in case of incorrect insertion, in case of removal of a tampon, under the hour of the state act, or on aphids, important or chronic constipation. At the link with the cym women dotsilno regularly re-verify the presence of the ring in the pihva.

    In some rare depressions, there was an undesirable introduction of the Nuvaring ® ring into the urethra. If symptoms of cystitis appear, it is necessary to correct the misuse of the ring.

    Novaring ® Wicory Rules

    The patient can self-inject Nuvaring ® in pihvi. The doctor is obliged to instruct the woman how to introduce and remove the Nuvaring ® ring. For the introduction of the ring, the woman is obliged to choose the most convenient position for her, for example, standing, raising one leg, sitting on her back, or lying down. Nuvaring ® must be squeezed and held in the pouch until the ring is in the hand position. Precisely, the position of NovaRing ® in pihvi is not virishal for the contraceptive effect of the ring. After the introduction of the ring of guilt, it is known in the pіhva postiyno stretching 3 tizhnіv. Women are recommended to check regularly to see if they are left in the pit.

    Kіltse Nuvaring ® should be removed after 3 days on the same day of the next day, if it was introduced into the womb. After the end of the day, interrupt the injection of a new ring (for example, if the ring of NovaRing ® was inserted on Wednesday at about 22.00, then it should be removed on Wednesday after 3 days at approximately 22.00; on Wednesday, the new ring was introduced).

    If the kіltse was visibly seen (for example, when the tampon was removed), then it is necessary to wash it with warm water and place it gently in a bed.

    For the distance of the ring, you can pick it up with a smart finger, or clenching it between your smart and middle fingers, wrestle with a pixie. In Vikoristan, put the bag into a bag (trip in a place inaccessible to children and household creatures) and put it away.

Pobichna diya

Frequency of adverse reactions
(> 1/100)
(< 1/100, > 1/1000)
Duzhe rarely
(< 1/1000
Infections and invasions
Vaginal infection (candidiasis, vaginitis) cystitis
Infections of sich paths
allergic reactions
From the side exchange of speeches
Increased weight of the body increase your appetite
From the side of the psyche
decreased libido
change mood
From the side of the nervous system
Headache, migraine zamorochennya
Z side organ zoru
destruction of the dawn
From the side of the cardiovascular system
From the side of the grass system
Bіl in the stomach, boredom Abdominal bloating, diarrhea, vomit, constipation
dermatological reactions
acne Alopecia, eczema, sverbіzh skіri shkirny visip
From the side of the cystic-m'yazovo system
Bіl y dіlyantsі nirok
m'azovі spasms
Pain in the kіntsіvki
From the side of the sieve system
imperative call
From the side of the reproductive system
Engorgement and soreness of milk ulcers
Genital sverbіzh in women
Bill in the pelvis
Seen from pikhvi
Polyps of the cervix
Contact (prid hour of the statutory act) bloody vision (bleeding)
ectropion of the uterus
Fibrocystic mastopathy
premenstrual syndrome
uterine spasm
Seeing the liver in pikhva
Dryness of the vulva and mucous membrane
Miscal reactions from the side of the state member (feeling the foreign body as a partner during the hour of the state act, raising the state member when sensitivity is raised to the component of the drug)
Vipadanya of the vaginal ring Rozriv (poshkodzhennya) kіltsya
Pain in the stomach
Seeing a third-party body in pikhv

Contraindication to congestion

  • venous thrombosis, including deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolism of the legenous artery, in this case or history;
  • arterial thrombosis, including stroke, past cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction and / or thrombosis, including angina pectoris, transient ischemic attack, incl. in history;
  • heart defects with thrombogenic complications;
  • zmіna pokaznikіv krovі, SSMSC svіdchat about skhilnіst to abo arterіalnogo rozvitku venous thrombosis, vklyuchayuchi rezistentnіst to aktivovanogo proteїnu C, defіtsit antitrombіnu III, defіtsit proteїnu C, defіtsit proteїnu S, i gіpergomotsіstіnemіya antifosfolіpіdnі antitіla (antitіla to kardіolіpіnu, vovchakovy anticoagulant);
  • migraine with moderate neurological symptoms;
  • arterial hypertension (systolic AT ≥160 mm Hg or diastolic AT ≥100 mm Hg);
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • pancreatitis (incl. in history) in a progressive degree of hypertriglyceridemia;
  • important liver disease (until normalization of indications of function);
  • swelling of the liver (including history);
  • hormone-depleted malignant swelling (inserted or transferred, for example, breast cancer);
  • vaginal bleeding of unclear etiology;
  • vaginess or suspicion on her;
  • lactation period;
  • surgical intervention with an attacking trival immobilization;
  • chicken (15 or more cigarettes per day) for women aged 35 and older;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

W thrift follow-up of the drug in patients with a history of venous or arterial thrombosis in brothers and sisters and/or fathers); with obesity (mass body index more than 30 kg / m 2); dyslipoproteinemia; varicose ailments (in the past with thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins); atrial fibrillation; circulatory diabetes; systemic red dog; hemolytic-uremic syndrome; epilepsy; hronіchnih glow bowel zahvoryuvannyah (hvoroba Crohn virazkovy kolіt; sickle klіtinnoї anemії; vrodzhenoї gіperbіlіrubіnemії (Gilbert syndrome, Dubіna-Johnson syndrome, Rotor); chloasma, uterine fіbromіomі; fіbrozno-kіstoznoї mastopatії, with mills scho uskladnyuyut vikoristannya vagіnalnogo kіltsya (vipadannya shiyki uterus, hernia of sich mihur, hernia of the rectum, important chronic constipation); with adhesions in the penis; in curts (less than 15 cigarettes per day) women in women aged 35 years and older.

With the presence of any of the signs of the disease becoming ill or risk factors, the drug is to blame for the seriousness of corystitis and risk of infection with the drug Novaring ®. In times of acute illness, I will become ill, or if other factors appear, the risk of life should also be consulted with a doctor and, possibly, administer the drug.

Although the cause-and-effect relationship has not been reconciled, care should be taken when NovaRing ® is prescribed, even earlier, at the hour of the stoppage of any other hormonal contraceptives, or anterior vagity, the rise or decrease in such conditions was indicated.

  • zhovtyanitsa that / or sverbіzh, po'yazaniy z cholestasis, utvorennya kamenіv in zhovchnomu mіkhurі, porphyria, Sydenham's chorea, herpes vaginitis, otosclerosis z vtratoyu ear, angioneurotic (spadkovy) swelling.

Recurrence of cholestatic zhovtyanitsa and / or cholestasis with scurvy, yak poserigalis with vagity or anterior stasis of state hormones, є pіdstavoi for administering the drug.

Congestion with vagity and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated until zastosuvannya with pregnancy and during lactation (breast vigo).

At the time of the current vaccinity of the Novaring ® kilce, it was seen.

The drug can be injected into lactation, change the quantity and change the store of breast milk.

It is possible to see hormonal contraceptives of steroid structure and/or metabolites in breast milk.

especially vkazіvki

Before that, to recognize Nuvaring ® or to recognize it, it is necessary to carry out an obstezhennja to an organism, to analyze the anamnesis (including familial), to include vagity. It is necessary to carry out control of arterial pressure, obstruction of milk ulcers and pelvic organs, including cytological examination of smears of the cervix, laboratory investigations, to exclude contraindications and reduce the risk of possible side effects in the drug Novaring ®. The frequency and nature of medical obstezheniya carried out fahivtsem z urahuvannyam іndivіdualnyh osobennosti kozhnoї patsієntki, but not more than 1 time for 6 months.

It is the wife's responsibility to read the instructions for taking NovaRing and follow all the recommendations.

Keep in mind that NovaRing ® does not protect against VIL-infections (SNID) and other diseases that are transmitted by the state route.

Women aged 40 years and older, women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, as well as reducing women in any age need additional consultation with a gynecologist before taking Novaring ®.

With a non-violent dosing regimen, there may be a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug Novaring ®.

Zastosuvannya tampons do not affect the effectiveness of the drug Novaring ®. In rare cases, the ring may have been removed when the tampon was made.

Under an hour of exposure to the drug Nuvaring ®, it is possible to cause acyclic bleeding (see how to smear or rapt bleeding). As such, bleeding is likely to occur after regular cycles on aphids with the drug NovaRing ®, according to the instructions, you should contact the doctor-gynecologist for the necessary diagnostic investigations, incl. for the inclusion of evil swell and vagity. You may need diagnostic imaging.

Some women do not bleed after the removal of the ring. Like Novaring ® vikoristovuvavsya vіdpovіdno to іnstruktsії, malomіvіrno, scho zhіnka vagіtna. In case of non-violent recommendations of the instructions and the presence of bleeding after the end of the cycle, as well as in the presence of bleeding in two cycles after the end, it is necessary to turn off the bleeding.

The degree of infusion and possible pharmacological effects of ethinilestradiol and etonogestrel on the mucosa of the head and the skin of the penis were not investigated.

The most important risk factor for the development of cervical cancer is infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). Epidemiological studies have shown that the triple zastosuvannya of combined hormonal contraceptives to bring such a risk to an additional level of progress, remains unclear, but it is due to other factors. The role of regular examinations of the woman by the gynecologist and the establishment of bar methods of contraception is obviously positive. There is no information about the rise in the risk of developing cervical cancer in IDP-infected women who have NovaRing ®.

In the studies, there was an insignificant increase in the risk of breast cancer (1.24) in the development of breast cancer in women who take combined hormonal oral contraceptives, and this risk gradually decreases for 10 years after the application of the drugs. Breast cancer rarely develops in women in women up to 40 years of age, to which the number of cases of breast cancer in women is eliminated, combined oral contraceptives, or continue their infection, it is a small cause of breast cancer. Data were taken away, that in women, if they took oral combined contraceptives, breast cancer is less dilated, lower in women, if they were not treated with such drug treatments. The possibility of adding Novaring ® to the incidence of breast cancer is being tested.

In rare cases in women, they have taken combined oral contraceptives, have predicted good liver swelling and, more likely, evil. In a few drops of qi, the swellings were brought up to the development of bleeding, which was dangerous for life, into the empty throat. With the appearance of pronounced pain in the upper half of the abdomen, enlargement of the liver, or a sign of intracerebral bleeding on aphids due to the drug Novaring ®, the swelling of the liver is turned off.

If you want women who take hormonal contraceptives, there is a slight increase in arterial pressure, clinically significant arterial hypertension rarely occurs. A direct connection between hormonal contraceptives and the development of arterial hypertension has not been established. However, even if the NuvaRing drug is congested, there is a gradual increase in arterial pressure, it is necessary to turn to a gynecologist, see the circle, signify antihypertensive therapy and rule out the choice of the most accepted method of contraception, incl. it is possible to reconsider zastosuvanya drug Novaring ®.

Although estrogens and progestogens can contribute to peripheral insulin resistance and tissue tolerance to glucose, there is no evidence of the need to change hypoglycemic therapy to aphids. However, women with diabetes mellitus are guilty under the constant supervision of a doctor when taking the drug, especially in the first month of contraception.

Workistanna contraceptive sterreydіv can be supplemented on the results of the singing laboratory Delzdjej, turn on the bіokhimіchnі Завинки lipid / lipoprotein fractions, indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, indicators of larynx and fibrinolysis. Indicators, as a rule, change in the range of normal values.

Serious surgical intervention (including at the lower endpoints) is contraindicated until the drug is ingested. At the time of the planned operation, it is recommended to administer the drug, at least, for 4 days, and not earlier, lower after 2 days after the re-emergence of rukhovo activity.

For women who are slender to the development of chloasma, under the hour of instillation of the drug Novaring ® should be uniquely infused with sony light and ultraviolet vipromination.

Injected into the building keruvati transport means and mechanisms

In view of the pharmacodynamic powers, Novaring ® is not guilty of compromising the quality of the drug by transport means and mechanisms.


Serious consequences of overdose of hormonal contraceptives have not been described.

transfer symptoms overdose:

  • nausea, vomiting, small vaginal bleeding in young girls.

jubilation: conducting symptomatic therapy. There are no antidotes.

medical interaction

Interactions between hormonal contraceptives and other drugs can lead to the development of acyclic bleeding and/or ineffectiveness of contraception.

It is possible to interact with medicinal preparations that induce microsomal enzymes, which can increase the clearance of state hormones. Mozhlive znizhennya efektivnostі drug at odnochasnomu zastosuvannі protiepіleptichnih zasobіv (fenіtoїn, fenobarbіtal, primіdon, karbamazepіn, okskarbazepіn, topіramat, felbamate) protituberkuloznih zasobіv (rifampіtsin) protimіkrobnih zasobіv (ampіtsilіn, tetratsiklіn, grizeofulvіn) mozhlivo, protivіrusnih zasobіv (ritonavіr) i preparatіv , what to avenge the zvіrobіy prodіryavleny.

In case of treatment, be it for the re-expenditure of cats, it is time to beat the bar'ern method of contraception in combination with the drug Novaring ® or choose another method of contraception. In case of treatment with methods that induce liver enzymes, the barrier method (condom) should be stagnant on aphids and for a period of 28 days after the administration of such preparations.

As the adjunctive therapy is due to be continued after a 3-day stoppage of the ring, then the step of the ring must be entered negligently without a significant interval.

When treated with antibiotics (including amoxicillin and doxycycline), a bare method of contraception (condom) should be tried for an hour of treatment and for a period of 7 days after your appointment. As the adjunctive therapy is due to be continued after a 3-day stoppage of the ring, then the step of the ring must be entered negligently without a significant interval.

As a result, there was no correlation between the pharmacokinetics of contraceptive efficacy and safety of NovaRing ® during one-hour exposure to antifungal agents and spermicides. With an one-hour stagnation of suppositories with antifungal agents, there is little risk of opening the ring.

The ring is vaginally smooth, clear, bezbarvne, or may be bezbarvna, without great visible gaps, with a gap, or may be a clear area in the mist of the day.

Fluent speech: etinilestradiol 2.7 mg, etonogestrel 11.7 mg. Additional speech: ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (28% vinyl acetate), ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (9% vinyl acetate), magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological activity

Combination of hormonal contraceptive preparation for intravaginal contraception. Use etonogestrel, which is a progestogen, similar to 19-nortestosterone, and etinilestradiol, which is estrogen. The main mechanism of contraceptive use of NovaRing is the inhibition of ovulation. The gestagenic component (etonogestrel) galmues the synthesis of LH and FSH by the hypophysis and, in this way, zapobigaє maturation of the follicle (blocking ovulation).

The Pearl Index, an indicator that reflects the frequency of current pregnancy in 100 women during contraceptive use, when NuvaRing is ingested, becomes 0.96. On aphids, the preparation changes the pain and intensity of menstrual-like bleeding, the frequency of acyclic blood sightings and the development of cold-deficient conditions decrease. In addition, there are data on a reduced risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer blamed on aphids ingestion of the drug. Novaring does not reduce the mineral content of the bone tissue.

Indication before zastosuvannya

  • intravaginal contraception.

Way to zastosuvannya

Novaring should be injected into pihva 1 time in 4 days. The kіltse is located in the fir of the 3rd day, and then it will be removed on the same day of the day, on which day it was placed in the firth; after the end of the week, interrupt the introduction of a new ring. For example: if the NovaRing ring was opened on Wednesday at about 22.00, then it was next seen on Wednesday after 3 days at about 22.00; in the coming Wednesday, introduce a new ring.

Bleeding, due to the drug, will usually disappear in 2-3 days after the removal of Nuvaring and may not be fixed until the moment when a new ring is inserted.

Cob zastosuvannya Nuvaring

  • Hormonal contraceptives were not stuck in the anterior menstrual cycle
    Novaring should be administered on the first day of the cycle (then on the first day of menstruation). It is allowed to set the cycle on the 2-5th day of the cycle, prote in the first cycle in the first 7 days of stopping the NuvaRing drug, it is recommended to use additional alternative methods of contraception.
  • Transfer from the acceptance of the PDA
    Novaring should be administered on the remaining day of the free interval in the form of combined hormonal contraceptives (tablets or plastic). If a woman correctly and regularly takes a combination of hormonal contraceptives and is convinced that she is not vaginal, she can switch to the vaginal ring on any day of the cycle. Trivality of the interval in the use of hormonal contraceptives is not guilty of revisiting the recommendations of the term.
  • Switching from progestogen contraception (minimum-drinking, implant or non-exctive contraception) or progestogen-vivifying intrauterine disease (IUD)
    A woman who is taking mini-drinks can switch to the drug NovaRing on any given day (inject the implant on the day of removal or the IUD or on the day of the last injection). In all these cases, the woman is guilty of using the bare method of contraception for the first 7 days after the introduction of the ring.
  • After an abortion, virobleny in the first trimester of pregnancy
    Vikoristannya Nuvaring can be started after an abortion. In this case, there is no need for additional contraceptive measures. Just as the zastosuvannya Novaring after the abortion was not necessary, the zastosuvanya of the cycle should be carried out in the same way, as in the case of the hormonal contraceptives, they did not zastosovulyatsya in the forward cycle. Recommend an alternative method of contraception at the woman's interval.
  • After a half-life or an abortion, which occurred in the second trimester of pregnancy
    Vikoristannya Novaryng should be started on the 4th day of the next month (as a woman is not fit with breasts) or an abortion in the II trimester. If the stagnation of Novaring is known in a larger term, then it is necessary to supplement the selection of bare methods of contraception in the first 7 days of zastosuvannya Novaring. However, even in this period, the contacts were too small, it is necessary to turn off the vaginismus on the cob, or to kidney before the first menstruation to the cob of the drug NovaRing.

The contraceptive effect and control of the cycle may be impaired, so the patient does not follow the recommendations of the regimen. In order to avoid the contraceptive effect in different ways in the regimen, it is necessary to follow the next recommendations.

Interrupt at vikoristanni kіltsya

For a break for an hour at the vikoristan kіltsya, there were state contacts, the next thing to look at was the imovirnіst vagіtnostі. The longer the break, the greater the ease of vaginess. When the vacancy is turned off, if possible, it will be possible to introduce a new ring in the fir tree. For the next 7 days, you can use an additional bar'erny method of contraception, for example, a condom.

Yakshcho kіltse bulo timchasovo was seen from pikhvi

yakscho kіltse zalivalos pose pіhvi less than 3 hours, The contraceptive effect will not change. Next, I will re-place the kiltse at the pіhvu of the yakomog shvidshe.

yakscho kіltse bulo pose fir more than 3 years stretching first or another day, The contraceptive effect may be reduced. Slid to place a kіltse at the pіhvu of the yakomog shvidshe. For the next 7 days, the next one is to be treated with a bare method of contraception, for example, with a condom. How long ago the kіltse was a pose of a fir tree and how sooner the term until a 7-day break from vikoristannі kіltsya, moreover, it’s better to have a vaginess.

yakscho more than 3 hours stretching the third tizhnya yoga vikoristannya, The contraceptive effect may be reduced. Zhіntsi slid vykinut tse kіltse i choose one of two methods:

  1. Install a new ring in the vіdrazu. The mother’s trail is on the horizon, so that a new ring can be beaten with a stretch of the coming 3 years. In case of this, bleeding may occur during the day, it is connected with the drug administered. However, it is possible to see that they smear blood or bleeding in the middle of the cycle.
  2. Dochekatisya bleeding associated with the drug, and introduce a new ring no later, lower in 7 days, after the removal of the front ring. This option should be chosen only in that case, as the regime of victorious ring was not broken before by the first 2 strokes.

Prodovzhene vikoristanny kіltsya

How is the drug Nuvaring vicoristovuvsya no more than the maximum term in 4 tyzhn, then the contraceptive effect is sufficient. You can make a break for the day at Vikoristanniy kiltsya, and then introduce a new kіltse. Yakshcho NovaRing got stuck in the pikhva more than 4 types, then the contraceptive effect may be worsened, so before the introduction of a new ring, the next step is to turn off the vagity.

To change the hour of the present menstrual-like bleeding

shob vіdklasti (zabіgti) bleeding of the eye, you can enter a new ring without interruption. The step of the kіltse needs to be beaten with a stretch of 3 tyzhnіv. With this, they can bleed, or see what they smear. Dali after a great winter break, turn around until the regular stopover of Nuvaring.

shob carry the bud of bleeding on the next day of the month, you can recommend a more short break at the victorious country (for days, for skis it is necessary). Why is the shortest break at the victorious kіltsya, it’s more imovirnіst vіdsutnostі kіltsі, scho blame after the end of the kіltsya, and viknennya bleeding or see, smear during the period of victoria of the offensive kiltsya.

poshkodzhennya kіltsya

In rare cases of victoriousness, Novaring was able to open the ring. The core of the NovaRing ring is solid, so it is completely intact, and the hormones are not completely changed. At the time of opening the ring, it will sound vipadaє z pikhvi. When opening a ring, it is necessary to introduce a new ring.

vipadannya kіltsya

Sometimes there was a violation of Nuvaring z pikhvi, for example, with improper insertion, with a tampon removed, under the hour of the state act or on aphids of important or chronic constipation. At the link with the cim women dotsilno regularly check the presence of the NovaRing ring in the fox.

Incorrectly entered number

In some rare cases, women inadvertently injected Novaring into the urethra. If symptoms of cystitis appear, it is necessary to correct the misuse of the ring.

Rules of the contest Novaring

The patient can self-administer NuvaRing into the piss. For the introduction of the ring, the woman is obliged to choose the most convenient position for her, for example, standing, raising one leg, sitting on her back, or lying down. It is necessary to squeeze the novation and hold it in the pikhva to the handy position of the ring. Precisely, the position of NuvaRing in the piss is not viable for the contraceptive effect.

After the introduction of the ring of guilt, it is known in the pіhva postiyno stretching 3 tizhnіv. If the kіltse was seen vipadkovo, then it is necessary to wash it with warm (not hot) water and gently introduce it into the pіkhva.

To see yoga, you can pick it up with a smart finger, or clench it between your smart and middle fingers, and wriggle from the pixie.

Pobichna diya

When vikoristannі Nuvaring can posterіgatisya such side effects:

System organ classside effects
Infections and invasionsVaginal infection (candidiasis, vaginitis). Cystitis, cervicitis, infections of sichway paths
broken metabolismIncreased weight of the body. increase your appetite
Mental discordDepression, decreased libido, change in mood
Nervous systemHeadache, migraine. zamorochennya
zoru organdestruction of the dawn
Cardiovascular system"Sink"
Travna systemBeat in the stomach, boredom. Abdominal bloating, diarrhea, vomit, constipation
Curve the skinsAcne. Alopecia, eczema, sverbіzh skins. shkirny visip
Kistkovo-m'yazova systemBіl at dilyantsі nirok, m'yazovі spasms, pain in kіntsіvkah
Human anatomical modelsDysuria, imperative call, pollakiuria
reproductive systemEngorgement and soreness of milk ulcers, genital fever in women, pain in the small pelvis, vision of the stomach. Amenorrhea, polyps of the cervix, contact (prior to the state act) bloody vision (bleeding), diaspora, ectropion of the uterus, fibrocystic mastopathy, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, PMS, dysmenorrhea, uterine spasm, liver in the pelvis, dryness of the vulva and mucous membranes pikhvi shells. Medical reactions from the side of the penis (feeling of a foreign body as a partner during the statutory act, stretching of the penis when sensitivity is raised to the component of the drug)
OtherVipadanny of the vaginal ring. Rozriv (poshkodzhennya) kіltsya. Stomach, unwellness, pain in the abdomen, swelling, feeling of a third-party body in the lungs

Contraindication to congestion

  • venous thrombosis (including history), including deep vein thrombosis, legenous artery thromboembolism;
  • arterial thrombosis (including in the anamnesis), including stroke, past cerebrovascular accident, myocardial infarction and / or thrombosis, including angina pectoris, transient ischemic attack;
  • heart defects with thrombogenic complications;
  • changes in blood tests, as evidence of susceptibility to the development of venous or arterial thrombosis, including resistance to activated protein C, antithrombin III deficiency, protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, hyperhomocysteinemia and antiphospholipidnist, anticoagulant cardio;
  • migraine with moderate neurological symptoms;
  • arterial hypertension (systolic AT ≥160 mm Hg or diastolic AT ≥100 mm Hg);
  • blood diabetes with lesions of the vessels;
  • pancreatitis incl. in the anamnesis, in the past with severe hypertriglyceridemia;
  • important liver disease, until normalization of signs and functions;
  • swelling of the liver (including history);
  • hormone-dependent malignant swelling (for example, breast cancer), installed, transferred or in history;
  • bleeding due to unknown etiology;
  • vaginess (including perebachuvana);
  • lactation period;
  • surgical intervention with an attacking trival immobilization;
  • chicken (15 or more cigarettes per day) for women aged 35 and older;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

For protection slid to recognize the drug in case of obviousness, whether it is from overexposure to lower levels of illness or risk factors; in such cases, the drug is responsible for the seriousness of corystosis and the risk of congestion with the NovaRing drug:

  • venous or arterial thrombosis (in brothers and sisters and / or fathers);
  • obesity (mass body index more than 30 kg / m 2);
  • dyslipoproteinemia;
  • varicose ailment (in the past with thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins);
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • systemic chervona vovchanka;
  • hemolytic-uremic syndrome;
  • epilepsy;
  • chronic inflammation of the intestines (Kron's ailment and virazkovy colitis);
  • sickle-clitin anemia;
  • congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert, Dubina-Johnson, Rotor syndromes);
  • chloasma;
  • fibromyoma of the uterus;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • I will make it difficult for the vaginal ring to become difficult: the cervix of the uterus, hernia of the sich mihur, hernia of the rectum, important chronic constipation;
  • solderings in pihva;
  • chicken (less than 15 cigarettes per day) for women aged 35 years and older.

In case of acute illness, I will become ill, or if other factors appear, the risk of life will also be consulted with a doctor and, possibly, administer the drug.

Although the cause-and-effect relationship has not been reconciled, the following precautions are taken to the recognition of the drug NuvaRing, even earlier, at the hour of the stoppage of any other hormonal contraceptives or anterior vagility, the development of the disease was prescribed, or the failure of such cases: , indications for cholestasis, calculi in the stomach lining, porphyria, Sydenham's chorea, vaginal herpes, otosclerosis with hearing loss, (recessive) angioedema.

Recurrence of cholestatic zhovtyanitsa and / or cholestasis with scurvy, yak it was predicted for an hour of vagity, or an anterior stasis of state hormones, є podstavoy for zastosuvannya drug NovaRing.

Stopping Nuvaringa with pregnancy and breastfeeding

Do not recommend Nuvaring in cases of pregnancy, suspected pregnancy and during lactation. Novaring of contraindications during breastfeeding. New construction to add to lactation, change the quantity and change the storage of breast milk. Small amounts of contraceptive steroids and/or their metabolites may be seen in milk.

Zastosuvannya with impaired liver function

Novaring of contraindications for important liver diseases (up to normalization of indications in function).

especially vkazіvki

Before this admission or the introduction of the drug NovaRing, the following should be carried out medically: analyze the anamnesis (including family history) and switch on the vagity; vimirati arterial pressure; to carry out obstezhennya of milk ulcers, organs of the small pelvis, including cytological examination of smears from the cervix; conduct laboratory investigations to exclude contraindications and reduce the risk of possible side effects of NovaRing. The frequency and nature of medical obstezheniya carried out fakhivtsem z urahuvannyam іndivіdualnyh osobennosti zhіnki zhіnki, but not less than 1 time for 6 months.

It is the patient's responsibility to read the instructions for taking NuvaRing and follow all recommendations.

Keep the mother safe, so NuvaRing does not protect against VIL-infections (SNID) and other illnesses that are transmitted by the state way.

Women aged 40 years and older, women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, as well as women who need to be consulted by a gynecologist before being admitted to Novaring.

The effectiveness of NuvaRing may be reduced with a non-violent regimen.

Under the hour of vykoristannya Novaring it is possible to eliminate acyclic bleeding (it was seen that smearing or rapt bleeding). As such, bleeding is likely to occur after regular cycles on aphids. for the inclusion of evil swell and vagity. You may need diagnostic imaging.

Some women do not bleed after the removal of the ring. As a matter of fact, NovaRing victoriously followed the instructions, little like that the woman is pregnant. In case of non-violent recommendations of the instructions and the presence of bleeding after the end of the cycle, as well as in the presence of bleeding in two cycles after the end, it is necessary to turn off the bleeding.

The most important risk factor for the development of cervical cancer is infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). Epidemiological studies have shown that the triple zastosuvannya of combined hormonal contraceptives to bring such a risk to an additional level of progress, remains unclear, but it is due to other factors. The role of regular examinations of the woman by the gynecologist and the establishment of bar methods of contraception is obviously positive. There is no information about the rise in the risk of developing cervical cancer in IDP-infected women who win NovaRing.

In the studies, there was an insignificant increase in the risk of breast cancer (1.24) in the development of breast cancer in women who take combined hormonal oral contraceptives, and this risk gradually decreases for 10 years after the application of the drugs. Breast cancer rarely develops in women in women up to 40 years of age, to which the additional number of cases of breast cancer in women, as a combination of oral contraceptives, or continue their stasis, it is not a big deal due to rose risk. Data were taken away, that in women, if they took oral combined contraceptives, breast cancer is less dilated, lower in women, if they were not treated with such drug treatments. The possibility of using NovaRing on the incidence of breast cancer is being tested.

In rare cases in women, they have taken combined oral contraceptives, have predicted good liver swelling and, more likely, evil. In a few drops of qi, the swellings were brought up to the development of bleeding, which was dangerous for life, into the empty throat. With the appearance of pronounced pain in the upper half of the abdomen, enlargement of the liver, or a sign of intracranial bleeding in the woman, which is corystrated by Novaring, the liver swelling should be turned off.

If you want women who take hormonal contraceptives, there is a slight increase in arterial pressure, clinically significant arterial hypertension rarely occurs. A direct connection between hormonal contraceptives and the development of arterial hypertension has not been established. However, even if the NuvaRing drug is used up, there is a gradual increase in the arterial pressure, the patient is guilty of going to the doctor-gynecologist; in such situations, there was a trace of a circle, a sign of antihypertensive therapy and a choice of nutrition about the choice of the most acceptable method of contraception, incl. it is possible to reconsider the application of NuvaRing.

Wanting estrogen and progestogens to contribute to peripheral insulin resistance and tissue tolerance to glucose, there is no need to change hypoglycemic therapy for aphids. However, women with diabetes mellitus should be blamed under the constant supervision of a doctor when they take NuvaRing, especially in the first month of contraception.

Vicaristanny contraceptive swinds can be supplemented on the results of the singing laboratory Delzdjej, turn on the bіokhimіchnі Завинки lipoprotein, indicators of carbohydrate metabolism and indicators of larynx and fibrinolysis. Indicators, as a rule, change in the range of normal values.

Serious surgical intervention (including on the lower ends) is contraindicated until the drug is ingested. At the time of the planned operation, it is recommended to administer the drug, at least, for 4 days, and not earlier, lower after 2 days after the re-emergence of rukhovo activity.

For women who are weak to the development of chloasma, an hour of infusion of the NovaRing preparation should be followed by an infusion of sony light and ultraviolet vipromination.

The degree of infusion and possible pharmacological effects of ethinilestradiol and etonogestrel on the mucosa of the head and the skin of the penis were not investigated.

Injected into the building keruvati transport means and mechanisms

Looking at the pharmacodynamic power of the drug NovaRing, I do not appreciate it influencing the construction of a car and the use of folding equipment.


Serious consequences of overdose of hormonal contraceptives have not been described. Transient symptoms: nausea, vomiting, small vaginal bleeding in young girls.

Treatment: carry out symptomatic therapy. There are no antidotes.

medical interaction

Interactions between hormonal contraceptives and other drugs can lead to the development of acyclic bleeding and/or ineffectiveness of contraception. It is possible to interact with medicinal preparations that induce microsomal enzymes, which can increase the clearance of state hormones.

Efektivnіst preparation NuvaRing Mauger znizhuvatisya at odnochasnomu zastosuvannі protiepіleptichnih lіkarskih zasobіv (fenіtoїn, fenobarbіtal, primіdon, karbamazepіn, okskarbazepіn, topіramat, felbamate) protituberkuloznih preparatіv (rifampіtsin) protimіkrobnih preparatіv (ampіtsilіn, tetratsiklіn, grizeofulvіn) mozhlivo, protivіrusnih preparatіv (ritonavіr) and medical benefits to avenge animal manifestations.

In case of treatment, be it your overprotection of the bones, women should be treated with a bare method of contraception in the same time with the drug Novaring or choose another method of contraception. In case of treatment with methods that call for the induction of liver enzymes, the barrier method (condom) should be applied to aphids and for a period of 28 days after the administration of such drugs.

As the adjunctive therapy is due to be continued after a 3-day stoppage of the ring, then the step of the ring must be entered negligently without a significant interval.

For an hour of treatment with antibiotics (including amoxicillin and doxycycline) it is necessary to use a bare method of contraception (condom) for an hour of treatment and for a period of 7 days after your appointment. As the adjunctive therapy is due to be continued after a 3-day stoppage of the ring, then the step of the ring must be entered negligently without a significant interval.

As a result, there was no correlation between pharmacokinetics and contraceptive efficacy and safety of NuvaRing during one-hour exposure to antifungal agents and spermicides. With an one-hour stagnation of suppositories with antifungal agents, there is little risk of opening the ring.

Hormonal contraceptives and health consequences of metabolic disorders of other medical conditions. Apparently, their plasma and tissue concentrations can be increased (eg, cyclosporine) or changed (eg, lamotrigine).

To turn off a possible interaction, it is necessary to read the instructions for administering other drugs.

Zastosuvannya tampons do not affect the effectiveness of the drug NuvaRing. In rare cases, the ring may have been removed when the tampon was made.

It is of great importance among the methods of planning pregnancy to be introduced in advance of an unreasonable conception. For this reason, I use a vicor method to get different contraceptives: condoms, pills, spirals. Ale є i dosit exotic pharmacological forms, for example, vaginal protizaplіdny kіlce under the name Novaring (or Nova Ring). A rich woman feels about such a person in the future, it is necessary to pay attention to the consideration of the features, the method of stowing, showing and limiting the significance of the costs.


The pharmacological form is a bunion, prepared with latex, in the middle of which there are two active components: estrogen and progestogen. Therefore, Nuvaring is considered to be combined hormonal contraceptives with an important local mechanism of action. The gestagen is etonogestrel, and the estrogen group is etinilestradiol, synthetic analogues of natural hormones in the female body. The diameter of the ring is 5.4 cm, and that of the body is only 4 mm. So it is necessary to consider the majority of women who take care of the flexible form and її pіdstroyuvannyam pіd іndivіdіdualі osobennostі statevіh organіv.

Effects of anti-collisions of cumulative action of active speeches, which enter to the warehouse.

Etonogestrel and etinilestradiol bind to different receptors, lower blocking the local effects of natural hormones - estrogen and progesterone. It is mainly manifested in suffocated ovulation and suppressed secretory transformation of the endometrium.

Just like a ring is introduced into the fir, its shell takes on the temperature of a human body, becoming penetrating for being in the middle of speeches. The medicinal components are administered in low doses, the stench is injected more importantly into the uterus and ovaries, not zachіpayuchi іnshі systems of that organ. Vyhodyachi z mehanizm di etonogestrel and etinilestradiol, conceiving a child becomes impossible. The ovum is not matured and remains in the follicles, and the thin mucous membrane of the uterus does not allow implantation of the germ.

Rozpodil in the body

Speech, which is located in the kіltsi, actively vibrates from the new and is soaked through the mucous membrane of the pikhvi. The stench is consumed in the bloodstream, where it reaches the maximum concentration in about three days (etinilestradiol) and the next day (etonogestrel) on the cob of victoria. The bioavailability of the temple is comparable to that of other oral contraceptives. Having consumed in the blood plasma, intoxicating speech binds with proteins (most importantly albumin) and in this way is transferred to target organs. Metabolism occurs in the liver, the period of drug administration is administered from 29 to 36 years, and excretion from the body is carried out by nibbles (with a section) and intestines (with a stomach).


Kіltse NuvaRing zastosovuєtsya in the capacity of planned contraception. Ale has a new and exuberant power, which allows you to win the pharmacological form in case of some gynecological diseases. Go about menstrual dysfunction, if the cycle is irregular, and menstruation is painful.

Zastosovuyuchi kіltse z method zabіgannya nebazhany conception, you can be instilled in yoga pride and high performance. Imovirnіst nastannya vagіtnostі prodyazhu rock vikoristannya contraceptive does not change 0.9. This is the best showcase, as you can compare with the intake of hormonal pills. Ale, Crimea, near the village of NovaRing

  • Sustainability of zastosuvannya (replacement is due once a month).
  • It is important to take care of local action on the state organization.
  • Vidsutnya ymovirnist zbіlshennya masi tіla.
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  • The risk of oncological diseases of the uterus and ovaries is reduced.
  • The kіltse doesn't add up to the eye with the status closeness.
  • Shvidke renewal of fertility (after 4 days after birth).

A wide list of positive traits is responsible for pushing the patient's predilection to the point of neglecting this method. Ale, in pairs with other methods of contraception, wine may and a number of shortcomings. First, it’s not easy for a woman to finish a ring with a ring. In another way, it does not protect against condom infections (for example, condoms). І thirdly, є richly counter-indication and obmezhenie for Novaring vikoristannya.

In the yak antizaplіdny zasіb kіltse may be rich in advance. Ale є i pevnі nedolіki, scho surround yogo zastosuvannya.


Before that, how to stop the ring, women should consult with a gynecologist. The doctor carried out the obstezhennya, depending on the results of which I will say, what can I do with such a contraceptive. The fahivets of the service center explains how and if it is easier to enter and what can be assessed in the distant period.

Depending on the instructions, you can put the NovaRing ring on the woman as a whole. For this one, it is necessary to choose an appropriate posture on the back: lying on your back, sitting on your back, or standing with a raised leg. Two fingers squeezing a contraceptive, there you are, yogo introduction. The position of the kіltsya in pіhvu can be sruchnym, and the opposite effect cannot be deposited due to its accuracy.

An important meaning is the hour on the cob corystuvannya ring. The optimal terms of introduction are determined by many factors:

  • Other protizaplidnі zasobi did not stop - on the first day of the menstrual cycle.
  • If I take combined estrogen-gestagen preparations (tablets or plastiru) - in the rest of the day I will continue between these indications.
  • Transition from monocomponent gestagenic drugs - at any hour of the cycle.
  • In case of early abortion - immediately after re-vaccination.
  • In the prenatal period or in case of abortion in another trimester - after 1 month.

Kіltse znahoditsya in pіhvu protyag 3-4 tizhnіv. Stopping over this term reduces the anti-impact effect. At the time of self-discipline, Novairing needs to be inserted back earlier. If the ring was at the old middle age for over 3 years, then yoga day will also change. In intercourse between the installation of a contraceptive, as well as in the first 7 days of stagnation, it was observed that the condom looked like a condom (if it was gentle, or it was not necessary to have an abortion).

Side effects

NovaRing's antiseptic ring has low side effects. The stench is guarded with different frequency and not by all women. It is rich to lie in the form of individual features of the organism. Under the hour of victorious kіltsya can watch for such unfortunate appearances:

  • Gynecological: inflammatory processes (cervicitis), vaginal vision, liver, liver and dryness in the lungs, small bleeding (including contact and acyclic), discomfort with statutory act, ectropion, cervical polyps; swelling and soreness of milk ulcers, mastopathy.
  • Urological: cystitis, dysuric disorders (partially call).
  • Herbs: boredom, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation.
  • Nervous-psychic: migraine headaches, sickness disorders, confusion, weakness and drowsiness, drativity, decreased static tension, depression.
  • Shkirno-allergic: sverbіzh, dotted visip, kropiv'yanka, acne.
  • Sudinni: seeing the heat, I will become thrombotic.

Cream of effects, surrounded by the active components, the ring can simply vanish from the flu, roar, or become the cause of discomfort, enchanted by the very form. Ale shchob risik whether any side effects be minimal, zastosovuvat yogo next only after the consultation of the doctor and vidpovidnogo obstezhennya. Compliance with all recommendations and instructions to allow minimization of non-objection.

The blockage of NuvaRing may be associated with various unacceptable symptoms. Ale їх ymovirnіst can reduce the burden of clear understanding of all minds vikoristannya.

Impurement and contraindications

As if it were a drug treatment, a combination of etonogestrel and etinilestradiol may be a big part of the cold, so it’s impossible to stop the congestion of Novaring, but it’s extremely unbearable. All the same, I will be guilty of obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvatisya doctor at the stage of obstezhennia.

Looking at the contraceptive may have a number of contraindications. In the anti-falling ring of NovaRing, in the instructions, it is indicated that yoga cannot be stuck in the upcoming upheavals:

  • I will become thrombotic, including schilnist before them.
  • Associated migraine (associated with neurological disorders).
  • Diabetes, aggravated by angiopathy.
  • Important liver pathology (including Oncology).
  • Hormone sensitivity of the gynecological sphere swelling.
  • Metrorage with an unknown reason.
  • Vagіtnіst (pіdtvergenа i ymovіrna).
  • Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the ring.

It is necessary to protect yourself to such states as hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart defects, systemic disease of healthy tissue, inflammatory bowel pathology, sickle cell anemia. Deyakі obmezhennja are difficult to deal with the introduction of a contraceptive into the penis, yakі can be a posteriori in case of uterine prolapse, constipation, diverticula of the rectum, hryogenic rupture of the wall of the sich mihur.

especially vkazіvki

As if on the aphids of the victorious Novaring, vaginess rose up, the ring could be seen negainno. According to the results, which confirm the safety of combined contraceptives for the fetus, it is not enough to speak unambiguously about the presence of non-negligible findings. Under the hour of the birth of a child with breasts, it is also not varto to be cured by this method. Efficiency of the cycle among girls-children is not at home.

In women, as a combination of estrogen and progestins as a protizaple zasib, there were signs of an increase in the arterial pressure, but a direct connection between them was not established. With the correct intake of hypotensive drugs, such an effect is not observed. Є vkaz_vki about the influx of fluffy speeches, how to enter the warehouse of the kіltsya, on tolerance to carbohydrates. But be there any changes in tsukroznizhuvalnoy zhuvalnoj terapії tse do not help.

Components of NovaRing can make a significant impact on the results of some laboratory tests: liver tests, thyroid and suprarenal hormones, indicators of the function of nirok, lipid spectrum, coagulogram. But all changes are within the reference values. Zastosuvannya tampons in no way contributes to the effectiveness of the ring.

As if on the aphids of a victorious cat, the woman had some symptoms, described as side effects or otherwise, which instill anxiety, immediately turn to the doctor. Mild reactions do not affect the withdrawal of the cycle, but in some cases, you should still take the first switch and switch to other contraceptives.

The skin zhіntsі trace the memory of the contraindications and other obezhennya, which would have become a crossroads for Novaring vikoristannya.


Estrogen-gestagenic anti-proliferative drugs, including Nuvaring, may interact with other medications. An accelerated metabolism, and therefore, a decrease in the contraceptive effect can be predicted with the parallel intake of microsomal oxidation inducers in the liver. Barbiturates, rifampicin, carbamazepine, ritonavir, preparations based on St. John's wort are considered to be similar drugs. Diya kіltsya prinychuetsya on aphids taking antibiotics from the ampicillin and tetracycline groups. It is the patient's responsibility to tell the doctor about all accepted faces.

Kіltse NuvaRing is a highly effective anti-inflammatory way of hormonal treatment. Zavdyaki of its own form, it can be more important than the work of the artist on the state of the organ. Є y іnshі pozitivnі yakosі, scho spriyat wide vikoristanny kіltsya. Aleyogo can be zastosovuvat only in suvoriy vіdpovіdnosti s likarskim recommendations and instructions. Tse allows you to minimize the risk of unforeseen events and achieve a stable result.

Abo is often asked by the hormonal cycle of Novaring, if you feel a drug on a skin medication.

What is Nuvaring?

- ce elastic kіlce, yak to be introduced deeply into pіhva. The system is installed in the first days of the menstrual cycle and stays in the stateway for 21 days. Antizaplіdny kіlce to mіstіt zhіnochі statuі hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Qi speech gradually see and penetrate into the bloodstream, block ovulation and reduce vaginess inability. Hormones also make the cervical mucus viscous, so that the spritny spermatozoa do not penetrate into the middle and do not lose their direct recognition.

Today, the vaginal ring of NovaRing is considered one of the most effective methods of contraception with a minimum amount of hormones. It is not a fact to break the system popular both among young women and among women of the older age. What should you know about NuvaRing and how to properly use this contraceptive?

Who is eligible for Nuvaring?

The opposite kіlce is a good choice for different categories of women:

  • They gave birth to young people who have one state partner.
  • After the beginning and completion of breast growth.
  • In the premenopausal period (with the presence of chronic pathology, contraindications).

Is Novaring better than anti-drug pills?

The vaginal cavity may have three obvious advantages over COCs with a similar warehouse:

  • Dosing of estrogen is lower, lower in any hormonal pills.
  • The drug does not pass through the intestinal tract and does not leak into the etching.
  • It is not necessary to remember the day of remembrance about taking the pills - to drink once, enter the ring and forget about it for 21 days.

Can you put Nuvaring on good mothers?

Instructions for zastosuvannya protizaplіdny kіltsya do not recommend vikoristovuvat NovaRing during lactation. The next step is to complete the breast breeding and only after that put a ring. Yearning mothers as contraceptives can use mini-drank (purely gestagenic preparations). Don't forget about condoms.

Why can a woman put up an anti-collision ring herself, or is it necessary to go to the doctor?

Nuvaring is simple, handy and accessible. Be it a woman, you can insert the ring on your own without any problems. For whom it is necessary to take a hand position - squatting, standing or lying down - and enter the ring of the yakomog more. If you blame it on any inconsistency, you can sign up for an appointment with a doctor. The doctor entered the kіltse, after which the report of the rozpo_st of the patients, as if they were working in the minds of the home.

Chi vіdchuvaє cholovіk pіd hour sex kіltse?

Nі, Nuvaring is absolutely not considered in case of a statutory act.

What is the woman's vaginal ring?

No, as the NuvaRing ring is installed correctly, it doesn’t look like a pohva.

Why doesn't the ring disappear?

Nuvaring, introductions are deeply, superficially fixed in the pixu m'yazami. Until then, the kіltse lie horizontally in the stateways, like on the floor, and the momentum of yogo vipadance is very low.

Chi can kіltse vipasti?

Rarely, but still they trap. In this fall, it is necessary to bring the flask with warm or cold water and carefully insert it back into the pikhva. The contraceptive effect does not suffer, since less than 3 years have passed since the end of the cycle.

The kіltse wipped, but I didn’t catch the quick turn of yoga on the plate. What work?

Even after the fall or the end of the cycle, more than 3 years have passed, it is necessary to work according to the scheme:

  1. As such, this problem was trapilas on the 1st or 2nd year of the year of the NovaRing ring, it is necessary to turn it around more quickly. The contraceptive effect of the drug is reduced, and for a certain hour the woman will not be protected from unsightly pregnancy. It is recommended that the condom be additionally tested for the next 7 days.
  2. As if the ring was wailing on the 3rd anniversary of the contest, it is necessary to throw it out and introduce it again. There will be no menstrual-like bleeding in this period, but there may be small visions that smear. It's normal, it's not necessary to panic. Kіltse viimaєєєєєє through pladenі 21 days, then try to interrupt the break for 7 days and introduce a new drug.
  3. If the woman doesn’t mind putting a new ring, she may bleed and enter NovaRing after 7 days. Such an option is possible only once, if the stretching of the first two tizhnivs in the ring has never happened. As the problem was blamed and earlier, marvel at point 2.

Chi can you win a kіlce z pіhvi pіd hour of sex?

So, but in what sense there is no sense, aje Novaring does not consider either a woman or a man. Still, it was seen that the ring was gone, it would be necessary to turn it back for 2-3 years and not later.

Can the NuvaRing ring fail too deep?

Ні, the protizaplіdny kіltse is superficially fixed in the fir. It won’t fall into the uterus, so it’s like entering the childbirth organ with a closed mouth. Kіltsyu nіkudi dіvatisya z stateevy shlyakhіv zhіnki, and navіt pіd hour sex won't penetrate too deeply.

Can you get a hold of NovaRing in Pikhva on the 4th day?

Tse is permissible, so that the contraceptive effect of the system is saved up to 28 days. After 4 days of the cycle, it is necessary to stink: the hormone levels are falling, and the woman is suffering from bad vaping.

Can you freeze the NovaRing bag?

You can save the anti-cold ring in the refrigerator for up to 12 years. Freezing in the freezer system is not recommended. If necessary, take a contraceptive with you (for example, when traveling to another place), hurry with a special cooler bag.

What can you say monthly?

So, you can introduce a new ring without a daily break. Menstruation will not come, but you can show bloody visions in the middle of the cycle. A new ring can be withdrawn in pikhva for 21 days (according to a special scheme).

How to reschedule the date of menstruation with NovaRing?

It’s even simpler: it’s better to introduce a new ring not after 7 days, but, for example, after 5 or 6 after seeing the front. It is important to know: the less the interruption, the greater the possibility of the appearance of insignificant bloody visions in the middle of the cycle.

Can you beat the anti-collision ring for girls younger than 18 years old?

The safety of zastosuvannya Novaring did not succumb to pidlіtkіv. A doctor's consultation is required.

Chi varto koristuvatisya kіltse, yakscho є prolapse of the uterus?

With this pathology, Novaring can be lost. It is recommended that you take other contraceptives.

Why can't you take antibiotics, as it costs a lot?

We don't call it that. As a doctor, acknowledging antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to take them. The problem is that with vicarious antibiotics (zocrem ampicillin and tetracycline), a decrease in the contraceptive effect is expected. While the woman is taking antibiotics, she will continue to use condoms for the entire period of treatment and for 7 days after the completion of the course of therapy.

Can the ring of NovaRing be torn?

Yes, that's possible. Rizik rozrivu kіltsya podvischuєtsya with one-hour vicarious vaginal suppositories against fungal infection (thrush). Under the hour of rejoicing, it is necessary to dodatkovo koristuvatisya with condoms and follow the camp of Novaring.

Can you beat the anti-inflammatory ring together with tampons?

Thus, the stagnation of tampons does not signify the functionality of Novaring. In rare cases, if the tampon is twisted, the ring can be lost.

Chi lead Nuvaring to cervical cancer?

It is important that the main cause of malignant lesions of the cervix is ​​the human papilloma virus (HPV), but not the congestion of hormonal contraceptives. Statistics show that women, like Novaring, are more likely to develop cervical cancer, proteogynecologists recommend regular check-ups at the doctor and screening tests (smear for oncocytology). Varto respect that in such a situation, the ailment sounds at the early stages, if it is easier to turn it around.

How fast can you get a quote after the NovaRing ring?

Fertility improvement is carried out for 1-3 months after administration of the drug. Tse means that a woman can be conceived already in the first cycle after her education. In okremih vipadkah conceived child nastaє through 3-12 months.

How does the menstrual cycle change after the installation of the vaginal ring?

After the introduction of Novaring, the steps of the hormones are changed. The menstrual cycle becomes monotonous. The riven of the body hormones is stable. Months, as a rule, become less clear, their trivality changes. Menstrual-like bleeding on aphids Novaring comes on the skin 28 days strictly according to the schedule.

Skіlki koshtuє Novaryng?

The average price for the opposite ring is about 1000 rubles.


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