Good afternoon. I started taking the Novinet anti-inflammatory pills from the first day of my period. Novelty

Good afternoon. I started taking the Novinet anti-inflammatory pills from the first day of my period. Novelty

If the months do not end with the woman for a long time - this is a reason for restlessness. Normally, the critical days are 3 to 7 days. However, with a hormonal imbalance, the picture may change.

Zayva trivaly menstruation can be the cause of both transferred stress and serious illness. You can't let go of any vipadku, zbіy cycle without respect.

Yakim is to blame for the menstrual cycle, the skin woman of the reproductive age is to blame. Allow me to understand, if something goes wrong in the body:

  • Menstruation starts early in the mid-life (approximately 12-13 years) and three to the present climax.
  • The trivality of the cycle becomes from 25 to 35 days, which is the norm, and monthly dues go no less than three and no more than seven days.
  • After conception and during the whole period of winemaking, the child and menstruation in the woman every day. After the gradual and completion of breast growth, the cycle is progressively restored and normalized.

Chi do not end months

Parts of nutrition - what a job, if the months don’t end. In such a situation, it is necessary to go to the doctor and go through a constriction with a method of explaining the reason.

It is important to pay respect and see the character. As if the stink of a thriving hour - there may be one reason, as well as being seen and being married - you may be able to tell about a reversal of pregnancy, you may not know about the reason for such a woman.


If the months don't end, the reason is the first, that the guilt is charged. Just on the basis of the results of the conducted obstezhennya, the doctor can recognize adequately.

Let's take a look at a number of factors that will explain why the month won't end.

hormonal imbalance

Damage to the correct balance of hormones in the body of a woman can be due to a number of reasons, both internal, natural, and external.

Problems with hormonal balance can start in the following situations:

  • Pіdlіtkovy vіk. In the whole period, there is a stage of ripening, which is far from regularity at the cob stage. , Yak and trivality of critical days, can jump from the minimum to the maximum values.
  • Vagіtnіst i pіslyapologii period. The reason is serious changes in the body. On the back of the body, the body adapts to the winemaking of the baby, then - to return to normal. Everything is accompanied by a change in the concentration of the same state hormones.
  • Premenopause and menopause (or). Here everything is explained by the natural decay of the reproductive function, the ovulation and the production of hormones.

If the months don’t end in one of the wisest stages of a woman’s life, then this is a variant of the norm. In other cases, they turn back to the clinic.

hormonal contraception

With the adoption of anti-impact measures of the robot, the organs of the state system can also change. OK not only change the unsatisfactory vagity, but the sdatny vplinut on the trivality of menstruation.

On the cob, taking the drug, the months can be as transcendentally short, so i. As soon as the end of a decade of months, the cycle did not return to normal, the end - a referral to a gynecologist and a second protizaplidny.

IUD or intrauterine spiral

This variety of contraception is handy and accessible, and at the same time - superior and effective.

However, there are side effects, one of them is clear and trival menstruation. Even though the months won’t end after the IUD is placed, it’s possible that there may be an individual intolerance and the spiral will be cleared up.

- dobryakіsna puff, which is localized in the thoracic tissue of the uterus. Pathology is typical for the organism of women of the reproductive age, yakі zіtknulis with the problem of hormonal imbalance.

One of the symptoms of myomy is menstruation, which does not end for a long time, as well as uterine bleeding.

Another gynecological pathology, which is characterized by the growth of the inner ball of the empty uterus - endometrium, on the tissue of other organs.

What work?

Self-medication for protracted menstruation is included. The choice of therapy is the responsibility of the doctor after the diagnosis is made.

In some cases, in order to see the vision, they assign it like this:

  • dicynone;
  • Traneksam;
  • Vikasol.

In other cases, it is necessary to take other drugs, for example, hormonal ones. Appointment therapy to lie in the cause of the problem.

You can spend three months in your home minds for additional recipes of folk medicine:

  • Vidvar horsetail. Pour a tablespoon of syrovin with a bottle of okrop and cook in a water bath for 15 strands. Take two for a day, 50 ml.
  • Nasty oak measles, raspberry leaves and sunits, wood and goose finger. Pour a tablespoon of sumish herbs with a flask of sprinkles and insist for a decade. Take three times a day, 50 ml a day before eating.

It is necessary to understand that traditional medicine should be more stagnant after consultation with a doctor and only as an addition to the main therapy.

Protracted months can become evidence of the presence of any illnesses in the body. Make an accurate diagnosis and sign of a viable treatment of the building only after the decontamination.

To get rid of serious nasledkіv zhіntsi slid buti respectful to your self-esteem and go to the gynecologist, like a month to try more, to lie down.

On the video about uterine bleeding

The site provides additional information, including for information. It is necessary to go through the diagnosis of that likuvannya ill under the supervision of a fahіvtsya. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation fahіvtsya obov'yazkova!

Olena asked:

Good afternoon! After the rest of the reception of "Novinet" 5 days passed, and the month did not come. Why can you be tied up? all 21 days I drank in one and the same hour, without gaps. After Mayzhe 2nd river, interrupt my first month of renewal of the drug. Earlier months started on 2-3 days after taking the rest of the pill. What work? perekonuvatisya in vіdsutnostі vagіtnostі? And how can I take the pills of the offensive cycle? I'm checking for sake. Thank you.

You will need to take a blood test for hCG, as the results of this follow-up will turn off your pregnancy, taking Novinet you can continue after a 7-day interruption.

Katerina asks:

I live! I'm taking Logest another month. after receiving the first pack of months, they came on the third day. accepting a pack for a friend, I forgot to take a pill, the hour I missed was more than 12 years old, as soon as I guessed, I immediately sipped it. I took the pill at the right time. today is the fourth day after the end of the reception, and menstruation does not come. with whom can you buti pov'yazano?

Call menstruation due to come on for 7 days interrupt. Possibly, these changes have become a consequence of the damage to the consistency of the drug intake.

Evgenia asks:

I’ve been drinking news for 7 months already, at the same time for the sixth day after the rest of the month-long pills are gone! Zrobila test-negative.

The most important reason for the absence of menstruation is vaginess. Keep in mind that tests can give chibnopositive and mildly negative results, that the most accurate method for detecting vagity is the determination of hCG in the blood.

Olga asks:

Good afternoon. I took the drug for six months, the last month of the month went on and the stench didn’t even wake up, It’s already the fourth day of zatrimki. Vagination is turned off. What is the problem?

Please specify the name of the contraceptive drug for an adequate consultation. For more details about contraceptive drugs, read the following for help: Contraceptives.

Olga asks:

Good afternoon. The drug "Novinet".

In this case, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist, possibly becoming a hormonal background. Clarify the diagnosis and, if necessary, provide adequate treatment for you to help the physician fahivets - a gynecologist, after a special examination of the obstezhennia: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood on the hormones. Only after taking into account the results of the obstezhennja drug, to make an accurate diagnosis and to recognize adequately the treatment and acceptance of the decision, it is necessary to carry out a break in the contraceptive drug intake. For more details about this drug, please refer to: Novinet.

Olga asks:

Good afternoon. I took Novinet pills for 4 months, in that month the surroundings piled up and I could not immediately start taking Novinet. I have thick visions for the duration of this month, and my months are delayed for 2 days! (While I was taking the pills for an hour, the stench came regularly on the same day!) How can we take the pills?

Please clarify, why did you take Vi Novinet in this cycle, if so, then from what day did you start taking the drug, and also, what were your unprotected contacts in this cycle? With this information, you can be more accurate about your diet.

Luchiya ask:

Good afternoon. I took drugs new for 4 months. Months went regularly. At once the first month passed without news - the months did not come. stall 3 days. to hurt the chest and pull the lower abdomen like before menstruation. The basal temperature for the rest of the month is not higher than 36.5-36.7. Pіd hour prema Novіnet basal temperature bula 36.8-37.4. Why can you be tied up? (Until the prema news of the month did not come regularly) Dyakuyu!

In this case, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist, it is possible to change the hormonal background again. In the first month of administration of the drug, the ovaries adapt, their function is restored and may be due to a stuttering of the menstrual cycle. Clarify the diagnosis and, if necessary, provide adequate treatment for you to help the physician fahivets - a gynecologist, after a special examination of the obstezhennia: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood on the hormones. Only after reviewing the results of the examination of the doctor, to make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, recognize adequate treatment. For more details about this drug, please refer to: Novinet.

Karina asks:

Hello! I took Novenet for the last 6 months, and then I decided to take it immediately after the end of my menstruation, but at the same time I need a lull, what can I do about it? (Vagity off)

After the end of taking a contraceptive drug, the menstrual cycle may be delayed. In that case, as you have switched on vagity and menstrual vision does not wake up after 10 days, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for a special examination of that obstezhennia: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood on the hormones. Only after reviewing the results of the examination of the doctor, to make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, recognize adequate treatment. For more details about this contraceptive drug, read on for help: Novinet. You can read more about the possible causes of menstrual cycle disruption and the absence of menstruation, posture of pregnancy, in our article: Menstrual cycle disruption.

Hope asks:

Hello! The doctor recognized me to drink Novinet, I drank it for 21 days and already on the 3rd day I check my periods. Tell me to be kind

Clarify whether weasel did not have any unprotected actives in the first 7-10 days of taking the drug, did you take the drug regularly and did you have any gaps in taking the drug? Having only taken this information into account, we can give you further recommendations. You can read more details about the contraceptive drug Novinet, the rules of yoga zastosuvannya, indications and contraindications before zastosuvannya, and also, after injecting this drug into the reproductive system of a woman, you can read in our thematic section with the same name: Novinet.

Katerina asks:

Good afternoon! I accept news 4 months. Pіv rock that bula pozamatkova vagіtnіst. Zatrimka at once 4 days. The test is negative. How can the pregnancy be confirmed obov'yazkovo robiti abortion? Thank you.

In that case, you regularly and without gaps take the drug. in that case, in order to confirm the pregnancy, it is recommended to consult with a geneticist for screening and exclusion of fetal pathology. Only after taking into account the results of the screening of the drug fahivets, it is possible to determine further tactics of conducting pregnancy and including the pathology of the fetus. You can read more details about the contraceptive drug Novinet, the rules of yoga zastosuvannya, indications and contraindications before zastosuvannya, and also, after injecting this drug into the reproductive system of a woman, you can read in our thematic section with the same name: Novinet. Read more about the screening interpretation of data in a series of articles on request: screening.

Anastasia asks:

Hello. I accept Newsletter for the first month. completed a 21-day course for 3 days without a month. In the first 10 days, theft of articles of the act. The drug was not missed. Vagity test negative

In this situation, you can consider stopping the drug after the end of the seven-day cycle, so that menstrual bleeding does not start. So, as in this case, the stuttering of menstruation can be explained by the adaptation of the body to the drug. However, in that case, if there will be no menstruation in another cycle, it will be absolutely necessary to go through a gynecologist's examination to find out the reasons for the interruption of menstruation. You can read more about the drug Novinet and yoga on the reproductive system in the following section: Novinet.

Katerina asks:

I live! The first month I drank Novinet for 21 days, there were no passes, for 7 days the state act was not taken. The first day after the end of the pack, but there are no monthly ones. As if there won’t be any in this month, why can the stench begin at the hour of the reception of the offensive pack? I chi give this drug 100% zahist vіd vagіtnostі??

If you took Novinet correctly and did not break the reception regimen, then the reason for the absence of monthly vacancies is not to blame. This drug has a high contraceptive effect (99%), and there is a risk of non-negligible vagity when the pill regimen is disturbed. Monthly may be due to various causes associated with hormonal overbudding organism, which are always associated with hormonal contraception. In this case, you are recommended to see a gynecologist and only after that continue taking Novinet. You can read a report about the faces of Novinet You at the relevant distribution of our site: Novinet

Katya asks:

Hello! I accept news for a month, after a court break. On the 4th day of the 7-day break, small sightings began, and the axis is already another day just smeared ... Can you call it monthly and normal?

During the first cycle of taking the drug, you may see that you are smearing, but this is a normal manifestation. In that case, if you took the drug correctly and there were no unprotected state actives in the first seven days of taking the drug, you don’t have to worry about turbulence, in the next mood, you need to turn off the vagity. Read more about this contraceptive drug in a series of articles on request: Novinet.

Veronica asks:

I take Novinet pills for another month, for the first time the months came at once. But in another month there was a zatrimka, the vaginess was turned off, to the fact that Sex was not protected after 15 tablets and the test was negative. Why can you be tied up and why should you start drinking the pills again?

In that case, as the status of vagity is definitely turned off, you can continue to stop the Newsletter and further. However, in order to blame you for any non-primary symptoms (nausea, weakness, bloody sightings of the piss in the middle of the cycle), it will be necessary to interrupt the stagnation of Novineta and go through a gynecologist’s examination, to find out the exact reasons for the loss, I will become healthy. More information about the drug Novinet and the rules of yoga zastosuvannya, you can read in our one-name distribution: Novinet.

Katerina asks:

What will be the replacement for 7 days? or where is the tolerance in days?

Clarify whether weasel what kind of drug you missed and how long ago you take it?

Katerina asks:

novelty, the 3rd month has begun

If you have taken a break for more than 7 days and started taking the drug Novinet given, then in the first 7 days you need to stop using an additional method of contraception. You can find out more about the price from the distribution: Novinet

Olena asked:

Good afternoon!
4 days later I have a due month.
it is possible to sip a pill or take a sprat for 5 days.
What course do you need to take? please be kind!

Anastasia asks:

Hello, after the weekend on the 6th of September, the wedding day was 10 limes. Everything went well and the doctor was not ill for 3 months and appointed to drink novelty. On August 25, she took the rest of the pill and finished the third month, after which she did not take any more. The rest of the month will be from 28 to 31 July. Today is the 28th day of zatrimka. The test is negative. Tightness of the lower abdomen, this year's crying sights are not like blood, may be constantly forced afterward, often have a headache ... earlier it was like this - 20-21 days of calm and 4-5 days of blood. Why can you be stuck and why can you test pseudo-negatives? In the fall of the sprat, there is a time for not stealing sex.

Katerina asks:

Hello, I’m drinking a novelty already 6 months ago, in the previous month I missed a pill for 16 years, I finished my pack, I took a 7-day break, my months passed, I started a new pack and for 8 tablets my months (NOT brown vision) began again to take already 3 days. tell me what to do, what to take pills given

Data change can be evidence about the disruption of the hormonal background, which is connected with the disruption of the regime of receiving Novinet. Further, I recommend that you take the drug according to the regimen and normalize the hormonal background in the body. You can learn more about this drug from the thematic section of our website: Novinet

Olena asked:

Hello) Let me tell you, I pinned the news on the 12th leaf fall, then it was monthly for a month, and then it was already 3 days of zatrim, I didn’t take the news. Chi mozhe buti zatrimka monthly through skasuvannya Novіtet ???

Irina ask:

Hello! I took Novinet for 2 months, after I took the rest of the pill (for myself, the rest, but not in packs), on the 3rd day, menstruation began, and it lasted less than a day. why on the right ?!

Clarify whether weasel on what kind of tablet you took the drug and in conjunction with what? Having reviewed this information, we can more objectively respond to your request. Read more about this contraceptive drug in a series of articles on request: Novinet.

Irina comments:

I took the drug for 17 tablets (I didn’t drink anymore)! Pinned at the zv'yazku z innocence of the line of the menstrual cycle after the release.

In the most recent case, this disorder is related to the trial of taking a contraceptive drug. In your opinion, it is recommended to take a break in taking the drug for 1-2 months and after that continue taking the contraceptive drug. For this interval of time, the function of the ovaries is restored.

Read more about this contraceptive drug in a series of articles on request: Novinet.

Julia asks:

Good afternoon, please be kind, I took Novinet for more than 2 years, I practically didn’t worry about any problems for the hour, I decided to take pills (there was a pack in the fierce, monthly boules were behind the schedule), so the axis of this year was behind the schedule " Monthly after saying OK, but I can't. How long do I have to check? and when to go to the doctor? Behind the hell.

Victoria ask:

Good afternoon. I took a stretch of 5 months New month came on the fourth day after I finished taking 21 tablets. my breasts have become very engorged (before this was not possible to bring on during menstruation) and I gained 1 kg. Tell me what happened? Maybe it's not necessary to start taking yoga?

In your opinion, it is recommended to turn off the pregnancy and consult with a gynecologist. Only after a special inspection will the exact diagnosis be made and the need for a distant injection of the contraceptive drug will be determined. Read more about this contraceptive drug in a series of articles on request: Novinet.

Xenia asks:

Hello, I took a novelty, without a pass, for nothing, but don’t start at the same hour, I drank all 21 tablets (the 25th day of the last tablet was bula) but until now I haven’t had a month, I guess what can be tied to? why didn’t you drink at the same hour?

In that case, since you didn’t break the rules of admission, menstruation is due on the first day of a seven-day break, and it may not end until the hour when you need to take pills from the next package. You can see the details of this food in the thematic section of our site.

Today, oral contraception is the most popular among women. In the first place, you can achieve contraceptive effectiveness to the temple, in a different way, discomfort is turned on at the top of the mechanical blockage and, thirdly, allows women to control the whole situation. Skin lady succumb to this contraceptive method of her own supplements.

However, the minuses are not spared, but, in my opinion, there are more women, pluses they still have more. Now there is a shortage of the most optimal pills, which would be effective and did not cause side effects. The choice of the flooring is great, but for an hour doctors-gynecologists can’t take a look at it. Today we tell about Novinet tablets. The opinions of doctors about this drug are ambiguous, but all the same, the majority of fahivtsiv stverdzhuyut about this high level of zahistu.

How to use the drug "Novinet"

Qi tablets are composed of synthetic analogues of natural and progestin. It has been shown by scientists that the most synthetic hormones produce more strength. This drug blocks the production of sing hormones, which is responsible for ovulation. As a result, the ovum does not ripen, and it does not appear and flooding. Cervical mucus thickens under the pills, as it passes through the passage of spermatozoa.

Tim, who suffers from dysmenorrhea and severe premenstrual syndrome, should take Novinet. The opinions of doctors in such situations are only positive. Special advantages: improvement of the menstrual cycle (which is irregular), reduction of pain syndrome during the first hour of menstruation, regulation of clear bleeding and relief of acne.

In order to respect given contraceptive benefits with other OKs, then the drug "Novinet" is considered to be one of the most prosperous and safe. In tablets, there is a presence of minimal estrogen levels, which allows you to significantly reduce the risk of various side effects - especially gaining weight.

Pobіchnі dії, scho called pills "Novint"

Advice from doctors-gynecologists about the drug to report on the onset of side reactions: diarrhea, nausea, constipation, head pain, change in libido, zhovtyanitsa, increased viscus, swelling of milk infections, decreased or increased body mass.

Possible other manifestations: stoma, amenorrhea, candidiasis, hair loss, nodular erythema, thrombosis, hypertension, mycosis of the lungs, pigmentation on the skin. Deyakі manifest themselves independently after three months of regular zastosuvannya tablets.

Pills "New": how to take

Zavdyaki zruchnіy pakovtsi, on yakіy it is instructed how to correctly take the drug woman can easily control the use of contraceptives. The first tablet is taken on the day of the menstrual cycle. Away is accepted in those years, which is the first. The course is three 21 days, then a seven-day break begins, in which period the months begin.

Through sim deb we start to drink a new pack - 21 days. As if the menstruation has not ended, and the week has passed, all the same, start drinking Novinet. Due to the drive of trivality of zastosuvannya, doctors converge on thoughts - more than two years it is not recommended to live.

It is necessary to break at least for a break, so that the work of the ovarians is inspired. Slid to accept the following:

  • The vagіtnіst has come at the hour of my appointment.
  • Chi did not come onset of menstruation.
  • Hepatitis has developed, or Zhovtyanitsa.
  • Zir has decreased.
  • Strong headaches began.
  • Vinicli (more frequent) epileptic seizures.
  • Hypertension developed.
  • An operation is about to take place.

As if you didn’t have to take a damn dose, or you just forgot, take a pill right away, as if you guess about it and gave everything according to the schedule. If you have not taken the drug for close to a month, then it is necessary to restart the course of taking it, just check if the effect of the pill is significantly reduced.

Contraindication of the Novinet tablet

Start the therapy on the 1-5th day of the menstrual cycle. Bloody visions, characteristic of a particular woman, do not change their characteristics during the whole period.

The most common method of therapy is to normalize the cycle and for a few months, I can reach regular monthly periods. If the scheme transfers a stable level of hormones for 21 days, and then a sharp decrease through interruptions in the reception, then the onset of menstrual-like vision can be predicted accurately.

The endometrium is traded not through vaping, so it didn’t, but through adjusting the dose of estrogen. Therefore, bloody visions are not monthly, but rather bleeding.

The most frequent sightings come at the first hour of the 7-day break and spend a total of 2-3 days. During the whole period, about 40-50 ml of blood is used. Similar miserable menstruation is considered a good way to prevent cold deficiency in women.

However, the first 2-3 months the body goes through an adaptation period, at which time different options are allowed for critical days.

Misery months with the reception of Novinet

Maliy obsyag krov'yanikh vydіlen, yakі mayut smear character, vvazhaetsya variant of the absolute norm and most ochіkuvanim result in the acceptance of Novinet.

In connection with insufficient development of the endometrium through the infusion of low doses of estrogen analogues, it is administered with minimal blood loss.

Ryasnі monthly when you receive Novinet

Sometimes the situation is troubling, if the deputy of the spectators of the miserable visions, they show up, then it develops in such a way as a prolific bleeding. Mekhanizm yogo razvitka po'yazaniy z puzhnym infusion progestagen, scho to enter the warehouse of the oral contraceptive, as a result of some kind of atrophy of the endometrium, it becomes more difficult.

In the norm, an increasing concentration of estrogen is associated with bleeding spikes and the completion of menstruation. In Novinet, the dose of etinilestradiol is however low in skin tablets, and for some women it is insufficient to improve blood vision.

Other reasons may be:

  • skipping 1 and more tablets;
  • taking the drug for aphids problems with the herbal system (diarrhea, inflammation of the intestines, vomiting);
  • concomitant use of drugs that reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives (barbiturates, ampicillin, tetracycline, rifampicin, carbamazepine, St. John's wort tincture).

As a result of the use of visceral preparations for obov'yazkovy, it is recommended to use the contraceptive zahist bar'erny method.

For a long time to go months on aphids Novinet

As if with the reception of Novinet, the months will not end, but go into trivaly with clear visions in the day with pains in the lower abdomen, or without them, the next term will turn to the doctor. Since there is no such possibility, it is allowed to increase the dose of the taken pills - drink one vrantsi, the other in the evening, and repeat the same scheme until bleeding occurs. Let's turn around to a single dose.

In order for the pills to be taken for 21 days, it is necessary to add an additional package to the drug. It is not possible to change the number of days.

Like a bloody vision, the character is smearing and does not stick for a long time, it is a sign of the body's adaptation to a new hormonal background. It is normal when you see that you are smearing it with the first three months of taking oral contraceptives.

If you want to wear good pads for the care of special hygiene, then it’s not obov’yazkovo for medical assistance, like I’ll replace the drug.

Articles of resignation are not contraindicated in case of similar visions. Contraceptive protection against the drug is not weak. Taking Novinet pills is not a sign - after a few months the problem will disappear on its own. As the valency of this secondary phenomenon is more than three months, it is better to consult a doctor.

On which day do the months start when the Newsletter is received?

Menstrual-like visions fall down for a period of interruption in taking pills. Bleeding is caused by a sharp decrease in the level of hormones, so if the drug is regularly excreted from the body.

In healthy minds, with normal liver function, it will be observed 48-72 years after taking the remaining pill.

Forecasting of endometrial trade is different for vicorist. Take Novinet, continue taking hormonal pills after 21 days. For the guidance of women and doctors, the way is efficient and safe.

One month earlier than the term when accepting Novinet

Buvay, when the Novinet is accepted, the month starts earlier than the term. Go about the fluctuations, if the adaptation to the body has already become.

As it happened on the cob of the package, the reason could be due to an insufficient dose of etinilestradiol, Novinet's low-dose drug (0.02 mg of an estradiol analogue). Together with the drug, an oral contraceptive was prescribed, which should be replaced by 0.03 mg of ethinilestradiol (Regulon, Marvelon).

If the months have gone in the other half of the cycle, and Novinet has not yet ended, it is recommended to take the drug with a lower progestogen, do not use desogestrel in this period. Other types of progesterone analogues:

  • drospirenone (Yarina, Jess);
  • dienogest (Zhanin, Qlaira);
  • chlormadinone (Belara, Angeletta).

Important! Independently recognize the glee or go to anotherlikarsky zasib is categorically not recommended. All changes in therapy are carried out only for the weather with a jubilant doctor.

Zatrimka of the Months on Aphids Novinet

Sometimes on aphids, I take Novinet, often after skipping pills, I'm afraid of a delay in menstruation. As a rule, changes were made in the regimen for taking, in episodes of diarrhea, prolonging the cycle, or other officials, who reduce the contraceptive effectiveness of the drug, did not include current pregnancy.

Even if there was no interruption of blood sightings in an hour of the 7th day, the next thing to do was to take a blood test at the designated level of beta-hCG. As soon as the pregnancy is turned off, you can start a new packaging of Novinet.

In times of a positive test, either a high level of the hormone should be considered for further tactics, such as saving or reversing vaginess. In any case, a consultation with a gynecologist is indicated.

Numerical studies demonstrate the presence of a negative impact of combined oral contraceptives on the PLID, in different cases, in the most early terms. Therefore, the fact of being conceived on the aphids of the Novinet will not threaten the future child with a pathological development. Vagіtnіst poserіgaєtsya in zvichaynuyu order.

Olena Kravets, physician-therapist, specially for the website

Korisne video

tablets, coated

Pharmacological action:

contraceptive drug. Ignore pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones. Contraceptive effect of infusion on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Etinilestradiol is a synthetic analogue of the follicular hormone estradiol, taking part together with the hormone of the stomach in the development of the menstrual cycle. Gestagen (desogestrel) galvanic synthesis of LH and FSH by hypophysis (prevention of follicle maturation) and thus blocking ovulation. Sort order іz zaznachenimi Central i peripheral character mehanіzmami scho pereshkodzhayut dozrіvannyu zdatnoї to zaplіdnennya yaytseklіtini, contraceptive efekt obumovleny znizhennyam spriynyatlivostі endometrіya to the blastocyst, and takozh pіdvischennyam v'yazkostі mucus, scho znahoditsya uterine shiytsі scho robit її vіdnosno neprohіdnoyu for spermatozoїdіv. Favorably affects lipid metabolism: increases the concentration of cholesterol in plasma, without adding to the cholesterol in the LDL. Significant changes in the amount of blood that are used (with pochatkovy menorrhagia) are indicated on aphids. It is friendly to the skin, especially improving the stature with vulgar vulgaris, with regular use, hope and exuberance, normalize the menstrual cycle and promote early development of a number of gynecological diseases, incl. plump nature.




Hypersensitivity, vagity, liver failure, congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert, Dubina-Johnson and Rotor syndromes), liver swelling (hemangioma, liver cancer), thromboembolism (including a history of іnsult, gemoragіchny іnsult) ІHS, arterіalna gіpertenzіya (tyazhkі form), atherosclerosis, dekompensovanі sericite vices mіokardit, tsukrovy dіabet, retinopatіya, angіopatіya, sickle klіtinna anemіya cancer molochnoї zalozi that endometrіya, gіperplazіya endometrіyu, endometrіoz, fibroadenoma molochnoї zalozi, metrorrhagia (unclear etiology), damage to fat metabolism, zhovtyanitsya or sverbіzh under the hour of excessive vaginess, otosclerosis with worsening under the hour of vaginess, porphyria, women, scorching older than 35 years.

Pobichna diya:

Head bіl, bіl at the slug, tedium, vomit; sickness and engorgement of milk diseases; Півещненненнина Тольная таленный толенності клюкозись, Zmіn rіdini in organіzmі, zmіna l_bіdo, zinagenja mood, Vizka Knik, Shkіrny Visip, Unruitovat Eritea, Kon'Yunnіt, Nonsenі Vіdchuttya with Nosnіinі contacts L_NZ, History of Sprinka (assigned zero before eyes), thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, generalized sverbzh, cholestatic zhovtyanitsya, cholelithiasis, arterial twitching, intermenstrual bleeding, changes in pulmonary secretion (possible development of pulmonary candidiasis). With trivial congestion (rarely) - chloasma, hepatocellular adenoma. Overdose. Symptoms: metrorrhagia.

Method of stosuvannya that dose:

Novinet is taken in the middle, 1 tablet per day (starting not later than 5 days of the cycle; 1 day of the cycle - 1 day of menstruation) every day, at the same hour, without interruption, for 21 days, then we will try to break for 7 days . In the first 14 days, it is necessary to win additional contraceptives. If the onset of menstruation has passed already more than 5 days, then taking the pills will begin with the onset of the cycle. After a gradual stoppage, the drug should be started on the first day of the first independent menstruation. After a week or a piece abortion, the drug must be taken immediately. The new contraceptive effect is saved for the reason of the systematic taking of pills (the maximum delay is not more than 12 years). If more than an hour has passed, then on the next day at the usual hour, take 2 tablets of the drug, then it is necessary to overcome the contraceptive supplements for the next 14 days or until the last black menstruation.

Special remarks:

Before the cob and the skin for 6 months, the drug is recommended general medical and gynecological obstezhennia (which includes gynecological control, follow-up of thoracic ulcers, liver function, control of antibodies and cholesterol concentration in the blood, section analysis). In the case of superior contraceptive LZ: Pearl index (number of vacancies that occurred at the first hour of the contraceptive method in 100 women for a period of 1 year) - 0.05. At the same time, contraceptives for the first time in the world are manifested up to 14 days, in the first 2nd day it is recommended to stop the non-hormonal methods of contraception. After acute viral hepatitis should be taken after normalization of liver function (not earlier than after 6 months). With diarrhea or intestinal disorders, the contraceptive vomiting effect may decrease (without taking the drug, it is necessary to use additional non-hormonal methods of contraception). Women who can burn may increase the risk of the development of suicidal illnesses with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). To lay down the risk in a century (especially for women older than 35 years old) and in the number of smoked cigarettes. During lactation, the sight of milk may change, in small quantities it is seen with breast milk. Estrogen-induced LZ zbіlshuet nebezpeka viniknennya thrombosis in women, yakі recognized the operative insertion or trivaloї immobilization. Women, who are afraid of chloasma, are guilty of being changed to sun.


Rifampicin, isoniazid, ampicillin, neomycin, penicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, griseofulvin, barbiturate, carbamazepine, activating the vugillia and carrying LZ reduce the effectiveness and cause bleeding bleeding "breakthrough". Changes in the effectiveness of oral anticoagulants, anxiolytics (diazepam), tricyclic antidepressants, theophylline, caffeine, hypoglycemic drugs, clofibrate, corticosteroids.

Before injecting the drug Novinet consult a doctor!

07.11.2010 / 18:55
Nadiya, as there is no vacancy, then the regularity of menstruation occurs through a change in the endometrial comrade (more for everything). Start drinking a new pack of Novinet under the hour of the 7th day, break the brew.
08.11.2010 / 23:15
Yaroslava, this year I was prescribed Progesterone by the doctor for 10 days, so if I had to go earlier, what should I do right?
Yaroslava (clinical inspector):
08.11.2010 / 23:53
Nadiya, until what time did the doctors come?
09.11.2010 / 07:04
hello .. please tell me .. I’ve been drinking novelty since the last year .. there are no side effects .. I took the rest of the 21st tablet on Saturday .. on Monday, I didn’t steal the article of the act (to the fact that the bula was instilled, that I drank) .. and in this days in the evening came monthly .. the probability of vagity є?
And much can you drink without a break..just me more like it, so I can drink it, drink more roki for 3 :)
09.11.2010 / 19:30
Yaroslav, after the sea, the moons beat for me, they came not in strings, they were narrower, narrower, and only three days passed. The first time I missed it. Then after the 2nd tizhny zrobila test for negative vagity. I went to Ryazan, they took it to Ryazan and prescribed Duphaston until I recovered and vitamin E. After 10 days, I had a daub and tried for 10 days, the ability to go to Ryazan did not reach my doctors. They prescribed Trichopolum, Etamzilat, and I don’t remember anything about thrush. Bleeding stuck. I really want a child, naturally said about the healer. Vaughn prescribed from the first day of menstruation a new protract for 2 months, then sharply ingest and drink folic acid and I am very impressed. I drank it for a month, but I didn’t have any monthly, I didn’t do anything before it, I didn’t have any analyses, I just prescribed Progesterone until the next menstruation, and then I’ll take it to the reception. Help, be kind, I'm afraid of robiti!
10.11.2010 / 17:44
Hello ... I started to stop the news from the first day of the monthly pills on the 10th day, the months still do not end (they can go on the 10th day, I want to sound a maximum of 7 days), my breasts hurt and swollen for the same ten days. Say it's okay??? It’s just that I didn’t take anti-inflammatory pills before, but I prescribed a drug.
10.11.2010 / 18:24
15.11.2010 / 10:31
Months began and on the same day they began to receive Novinet (after the slopes were first, the slopes were 28.01.209). I drink for 12 days, but the months do not pass.
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