Dragon age origins Dragon Age: Origins DLC Walkthrough - Kam'yana Polonyanka

Dragon age origins Dragon Age: Origins DLC Walkthrough - Kam'yana Polonyanka

To complete this quest, you may have the "Kam'yana Polonyanka" add-on installed. Head to the location Sulker's Pass, and stand there the merchant will give you a control wand for the golem. You can take yoga absolutely without cost, so like behind the great rahunka this rod of fire - the golem doesn’t get to the new one, it’s necessary to tell yoga in the village of Honnlit, as in the present hour it is occupied by the corral of the birth of a temrya.

Go to the new location on your map. Vaughn is defiantly filled with various ferns of Temryavi, mainly archers and warriors. If you manage to figure it out, you can try to activate and stand on the golem's square for the help of the password given to you.

Having changed, that the password does not work, break it further, and yourself - at the door, as it is marked as "Pidval Wilhelm". Having made your way through the crazily dark corner of the spawning of the temryavi, bewitched by the emisar of the gerlocks and alpha HARLOC, you will see the healthy inhabitants of the village behind the magical barrier.

Behind the bar you will find Mattias, the son of Wilhelm. I'll tell you that the Golem drove in Yogo Dad and Yogo Mother sold the control wand, which was better for everything, specifically naming the wrong password before the new one. Matthias will tell you to enter the correct password, as if you were so kind to the laboratory Wilhelm yogo daughter, as if I had flown in there for an hour, I would attack the village. The laboratory is protected by a variety of magical pastes, so that other residents of the village cannot go there (those who tried it, unfortunately, could not bear their heads).

The laboratory is located in the same yard along the corridor, and the pasta for re-verification turns out to be Shadows, hour after hour they see you from the ambush. Stick far along the corridor and the bridge (there is a great expanse of the basement near which Wilhelm, why not?) and you will find another magical bar'er. The orders are not for you, so boldly go through the new one.

Behind the bar you will find Amalia, the daughter of Mattias, in the company of talking guts. But then, like a guilty accusation of evil spirits, you know perfectly well that without some kind of demon it couldn’t have sung. The demon cannot exit the lab through the magical barrier set up by Wilhelm.

You can call the demon on the beat (ale she will move into the girl and you happen to be beaten) or you can let the demon in (you can brehat), as a substitute for you to leave the calm Amaliya (ale destroy the її, after that) ) . So you can turn around and tell about the situation to Matthias, who will sacrifice himself for the sake of Amaliya’s sorcerer, allowing the demon to enchant Yogo’s body (and then you happen to either beat Yogo, or let go of Yogo, and Vlasnikov’s demon).

In the light of the whole overexploited world, if you want to bury the girl and її dad, let the demon in.

For whom you happen to solve a small puzzle - how to make a fire on stone slabs from one kut to another. The answer is simple: pass the tiles with arrows. The fire fired the arrows straight ahead, so that everything that you need - turn the arrows so that the stench led the fire in the right direction. Variants of їх roztashuvannya here can be even richer.

One of the variant virishennya:

After that, as the bar'єr will be taken, the demon will destroy it and attack you at once with a lot of fierce demons. As an option, you can allow the body of Amaliya to be blessed, and you can claim for the gift of the city - an enchanting staff. (True, this club is not so good, and the axis from the body of the demon can be taken one of the best sholomіv in gr.)

Yakshcho you immediately called the demon to beat, to praise Sten.

If you go to please the demon, or let Matthias sacrifice himself, tse viklich praise Morrigan and unpraise from the side of Vinn, Zevran, Alistair and Leliana. Obviously, if you take in a demon and lie in a girl, Morrigan cannot be praised, otherwise they will be quite satisfied.

In any case, the result will be the removal of the correct activation password for the golem. Turn around on the square and take a new companion to your group - the golem Sheila (Aleister doesn’t get the idea especially to the soul, but you can spend up to a minimum of (-1) for the help of Perekonannya).

If you want, you can also hit Sheila.

Note: If you go back from the laboratory, the girls will attack you again Tіnі.

At Honnley, one of the budins you can find the screen closures. The key to the screen is found on the body of a villager not far from Sheilly. At the screen there is a good dagger with two slots.

Fortress Wartowich

You will accept this quest, as you have the “Fortress Vartovikh” add-on installed. After this is installed in your camp, someone will appear on the name of Levi Dryden. Vіn ask you to open the fort of Sirikh Vartovih with him at once, in which time great-great-grandmother Sophia (at that time - the Guardian-Commander of Ferelden) fought to prove there a heroic life and there yourself to restore good to Dryden.

Go to the information that appeared on your map of the location of Soldier's Peak. On the underside of the fort you’ll sing the towers from the past - the stench will trap with you with the stretch of your last fort and give a bad notice about the rest of the days of defense. If you lie at the courtyard of a corpse, it will rise up and attack you, if you get close to the stairs, if you lead to the fort. From the body of their elite commander, you can take the indecent antique crossbow.

Clear the first and the other over the fortress, simultaneously learning more about history from seeing and spreading records and books everywhere. At the great hall on the first turn you fight the very last battle of Sophia, after which the fierce demon attacks you. May you be on the safe side, that you will continue to vilify yourself, while you are still alive, if you want one to help you, the spirit of Wart, so that the sense of the back of the head will be healed by the Right-Worshipers (the stench will be called out by the demon only twice).

Went from the other on top, while for you it’s time for you to shut down - go to Sophia’s office and talk to her yourself - otherwise, what was left of her. Now you have to choose to choose - to accept the proposition of chi. If you see it, then you happen to fight with it, if you can’t - go through the doors and the place (beware of the shepherds on the new one) into the tower of Avernus and fight with him. As soon as you beat Sophia, then Avernus will order you to patch up the wound in Pokrov in his court. Regardless of which side you are on, you will have to fight against some of the demons’ wind, while the ally’s appeal is controlled by the Cover, the demon will be left behind.

After the battle, you can either deprive your ally of being alive, or drive in yoga. If you lose them alive, then you won’t feel more about them (hiba scho Levi can guess that Avernus chi doesn’t hang from his own veins). So, if you kill an ally alive, then you do not take away either the set of possessions of the Commander Vartovikh (Sofia), or the mantle of Avernus (Avernus).

If Levi speaks to you, your quest will be completed. Kindly remember Dryden, unfortunately, it didn’t go away, but then now you and the same Levi can become a fortress like a base. If you see the Pik of the Soldier (want to go to Tabir) and turn back, then take it into your own screen, in which you can trim the dribnichki without clogging your backpack with them, and two merchants - Lev himself and his brother-forger. Koval can also forge for you the beautiful sword of Zoryanii Iklo, so you will know the meteorite in the middle of one hour with sharp teeth on the map of the world (it’s a pity, it’s not in the skin grit).

Note: By the entrance to the room, you will see Avernus, you will shake the vial to avenge the results of your investigation on Blood Magic. If you learn yoga together, then you take away two additional skills - like yourself, lie down in the class of your hero.

Find out some dzherel information about treasures in the fortress treasures, and then find out the treasure itself. This quest will be activated, if you know if there are any of the following information:
- a statue in the back part of the courtyard
- the book is archived on the first version
- a jar of raspberry jams on another version
- a corpse on the wall in the tower of Avernus.

I recommend activating the statue of the first one (every time it doesn’t stop) - if you finish the Soldier’s Peak quest, then you won’t be able to turn into the fortress itself and, obviously, you won’t be able to get your belongings there. If you know all the information, then go to the other one on top and look at the great picture above the fireplace. To repeat the Oath of the Wartovs and from the wall to hang on the screen from the more indecent dribnichki, from such vartos the Sword of Asturian is a one-handed sword with one slot and the power of weakened Temryavi's flocks.

Return to Ostagar

The Danish quest will be available to you immediately after installing the DLC "Turn to Ostagar" after you pass Lothering. The essence of yoga lies in the fact that it’s more expensive and it’s unclear a little bit about a soldier who survived the battle in Ostagar and is here on the lands of Bann Loren and - maybe, from pure cіkavostі, or, maybe, maybe, just like comradeship - they knew about him more.

Go to the information that appeared on your map for a new location. You can get in touch with those who are in trouble, but the share of Elrikam is not in the line - the soldiers of Banna stab yoga on the mission and the difference will be only in the fact that the stink of the next day will flow in, or they will attack you. Have some kind of mood to talk to the dying. Elrik told you that before the battle, King Kailan handed you the key with screens of important documents and asked you to open these documents, and at the same time try to give birth to the darkness of the possessions and Kailai’s armor and - in times of familiarity with the body of the king - to rule you for help.

Go to Ostagar. Vіn teem with Temryavi's offspring of all sorts and roses, and Kailai's possessors shared five of their commanders among themselves. Two of them are rebuying in the western part of Ostagar, two - in the hiding place, and you will have to get a little more to the rest.

At the western part of the fort you will find the key, about which Elrik guessed. The screenshot of Kailai is in the same place; At the screen, there are other documents...

Krіm skrinі Kailai you will know in the western part of the fortification one more closure of the shield, meanings like "Screen Magіv". You can use it only in that moment, as you did NOT open the screen with the deserter's key at the very beginning of your benefits, following the quest "The Hungry Deserter". If earlier you didn’t take away the key to the deserter, then you can know yoga on the body of the bidolakh in the western part of the map.

Having cleared the back part of the fort and otrimavshi two parts of the owners of Kailai (near HARLOK-Kolobrod in the peninsular part and HARLOK-Varta - in the pivdenno-shіdnіy), go through the town. There you will know the body of the king, but you won’t be allowed to work with him, so that the colorful Necromancer Viplodocus appears on the battlefield, which sends dekilkoh skeletons at you to attack, including the magician. Sprat opponents also appear behind your back, so be careful.

Having broken through the enemy, go to clean up the lost part of the fort. Crimea spawned temryas on the surface in the middle part of the river, right behind the bridge there were spreading pastes, and behind them they check ballistics (fortunately, they have practically no maneuverability, so the bunt - do not stand on a straight line of shooting). Behind the shepherds and ballistas you will find the HARLOC-Strategist, from whom you can take one more part of the king's possessions. Another part of the possessions is found in the penny part of the map of General HARLOCK, which protects the child to the door of Ishal.

Having cleared the territory from the spawning on the surface, go to Vezha Ishal. Don't fawn - you don't need to go through the mustache over the top, this time you need only the first one. There you will be attacked by an ogre and impersonal low-growing fruit trees, which are not guilty of causing you any problems. Follow the first one over. Nearby, barricading the door, you will find a breach (you can remember that the guard in Ostagar told you about the underground tunnels that appeared in the basht) - shoot there.

In the tunnels you will find spiders and a couple of emisarіv gerlocks, but in the dark, you will smell a little, and soon they will lead you to the vast battlefield. Here you will have the rest of the battle. The necromancer raises the same ogre from the dead that killed Kailai. The Crimean necromancer will click on the aid of the dead from the still dead frozen bodies, as if in abundance lie on the side. Having finished with the ogre, go to the necromancer - the wine is not too strong and attacks mainly from the staff - obviously, having spent all the mana to boost the nebizhchiks.

From the ogre you can get Duncan's dagger and sword, and from the necromancer you can take the rest of the king's possessions. Go back to the tunnels - and you will automatically lean on the bridge of the white body of Kailai. Now you will need to untie, what to work with him. You can rule yoma funeral bagattya, you can deprive yogo like є, or you can take yogo, but not howat, but deprive vovkas on potala. Depending on what you believe, your comrades-in-arms can praise tse chi. After that, if you make a decision, you can lose Ostagar. A small warning - you won’t be able to turn around here, so that it’s already left with an unstitched and unfinished - better than slaying it all at once.

In order to take this task into account, you may have installed an addendum under the name "Kam'yana polonyanka".

Go to the location under the name "Sulker's Pass" and look for a merchant there. Vіn you propouє control wand for the golem. You can take the Danish wand absolutely without cost, so as the Danish wand is free of charge in the greater world, but if the axis of the golem does not reach the wand, you will happen to see yoga okremo. Go to the village under the name of Honnlit. At the present moment, the settlement has been attacked by the dungeons of the dark forest.

Golem in Honnleath

Go to the location as it appears on your map. Siltse really will be crammed to the top with rіznomanіtny monsters, but in the main there will be archers and zvichaynі wars. If you find yourself with a lot of monsters, you can try to activate and stand on the head square of the village - the golem. For help with the password you found. Nevdovzі vy perekonaєtes, scho given the password zovsіm not pratsyuє, that ruhaєmosya gave. Not far from the golem there are doors, which are marked as "Pidval Wilhelm". Make your way through the black muzzle of the spawned temryavi, as if you were already emisar-gerlocks and alpha-Harlock. Behind them you will know the local inhabitants, who hid behind the bar'er.

Behind this bar you will know a man named Mattias, who is the son of Wilhelm. Vіn you rozpovіst, scho golem a long time ago driving in his father, to that mother sold the control wand and specially named the wrong password. Mattias will tell you to give the correct password, but think of the one you are lying to the don of the laboratory Wilhelm. If the spawned dark creatures attacked the village, then Yogo's daughter flowed into the glib of the laboratory. Wrath, that the laboratory is protected by various magic pastes, that other civilians cannot go there, and those who have done their magic are now left there for good.

The laboratory was laid out in the basement a few feet away along the corridor. Shepherds will appear in the heat of Tіnі, as if for an hour they will vistrate at you, to kill you. Rush down the corridor all the way to the city, and in no time you will have a meal on the bar'er. Ale dans the bar'er protects not from such sources as you, but from others, so you can safely go through it. Right behind the bar, the daughter of Matthias is seen at once with a wondrous gut. Ale ve yak dosvіdcheny shukach fit and hero - you know that without demons you can't get along here. Live here, the demon of confinement, and you can't get out of the bar'er, which if you set up Wilhelm.

You can immediately call the demon to beat, but only the axis of the wines bury the body of a little girl and you happen to beat the demon at once with her. Є variant of letting the demon go, but really try to cheat, the devil will tell you to deprive the little girl in peace, but the axis will destroy your word, just like you know the bar'єr. And the option is to turn back to Mattias, if you sacrifice your body to the demon for the sake of saving your daughter, then you can either drive it in, or let it in at once with the demon.

Zagalom, from a rehabilitated greater place, it is necessary to understand, that it is better to do without victims for everything, that it is necessary to vryatuvat and the father, and the girl, so denounce the demon to let him in. You have to solve a small puzzle - how to make a fire on the stone tiles lying in front, from one corner to the next. The puzzle is not too hard. Otzhe, you need to pass the stoves with arrows. The fire ignited in a straight line of arrows, that's all that you need, so lead the half-light into the necessary kut. There are too many options, so the practical skin scheme will be correct. After that, as you know this bar'er, the demon will immediately destroy his own and attack you with a couple of fierce demons. So you yourself can allow yourself to be blessed with the body of a girl, and after that, to yearn for a wine-grower's gift - an enchanting staff, but the staff will not be such a good one, like a shlop, which you can take from a demon, moreover, this sholom is one of the best in grі.

Ale, yakscho vy vіdrazu viklichte the demon on the bіy, then your dії praise Sten. If you please, let Matthias sacrifice himself in the capacity of a daughter's ancestor, either to praise Morrigan, or not to praise Vinn, Zevran, Leliana and, most importantly, Alistair. And yet you see the girl and drive in the demon, then all are satisfied with the Crem Morrigan.

If you feel like it, you take away the password for activating the golem, then turn back to the square and take it as a new companion of the golem in the name of Shale. It’s a pity that Alistair cannot be praised, but you can call him dissatisfied until you spend more than -1 infusion. Alevie, you can do it yourself and find Sheila. Wrath, if you come out of the laboratory, then two demons from Tiny will attack you.

Crimea, in Honnlit in one of the houses you can see the screen locks. The key to this screen you can see on the body of one villager, as it lies not far from Sheilly. At the screen you can see a dagger, which can have two slots.

At the end of the passage of this DLC is completed.

The quest begins at the dotik to the tombstone at the pivnochi of the Bresilian forest. You need to pick up a set of Juggernaut's Obladunks. Mittens, slippers and sholom, are found in tombstones under the funeral of the dead in the zahodnoy and safe Bresilian. In order to find a lati, it is necessary to go to the elves in the burial chamber, as to be found on the lower level of the ruins.
For this sarcophagus, it is necessary to take a tablet with a description of the ritual, and then perform the ritual in the hall with the fountain.
The order of the vikonanny ritual:

  • take a glider from the fountain,
  • fill yogo with water,
  • drink in front of the fountain,
  • put a glechik on vіvtar,
  • pray
  • look at the bug
  • drink one bowl,
  • take a stick
  • five times a day,
  • pour water into the fountain.

Puzzle in the cellar of Wilhelm (Honnlit)

It is necessary to move the tiles, stacking on them, so as to conduct a fire in the old hut. Direct fire is indicated by an arrow on the stove.

Key to the place (Orzammar)

Area of ​​importance of documents:

  • hall of heroes,
  • community halls,
  • diamond halls,
  • Drinking place,
  • Tryout arena.

The Life of the Savings (Orzammar)

The place of significance of three rune stones:

  • community halls,
  • Crossroads Karidina,
  • Die dead.

Throne Room (Orzammar)

Sequence for wilting a dragon:

  • reach for the throne
  • put two characters on the pressure plates in the throne room
  • put the third character on the third I will push the plate, like being in the hall in front of the throne room,
  • znovu dotorknutissya to the throne.

Curved Bears (Glibin's Stitches of Orzammar)

The place of significance of the bears. yakі it is necessary to rise in the Teige Orta: one - Teige Edukan and two - at the Crossroads of Karidina.

Guardian of the Mezhі (Vezha Magiv)

Three fragments in the text:

  • three in the room uchniv,
  • two senior magicians in the room,
  • one in the Great Hall.

The sequence of activation of the statues in the Great Hall:

  • bowl statue,
  • a statue with a raised sword,
  • a statue with a lowered sword,
  • a statue with a shield (located in another hall in the center of the location).

After that, having reached the door of the pіdvalu in the kіmnaі uchnіv, viklichte demon Shah Vird.

Science will call (Vezha Magiv)

Know and read one of two fragments in the text of Science I will call in the Basht magi, as you know in the study room. The ritual of the call is in the library

The heart of the skin call to reach the Font in the central library of the library (when all necessary items are included in the library). Then we need to activate the items listed in the list, and get to the top prize for the prize (three are in the library, a quarter is in the central hall in the niche. Rose gold at the entrance).

The order of activation of items:

First call:

  • Dovіdnik of spiritual children.

(Z'appear ghost boar).

Another call:

  • Mage Gorvish.

(The Primary Spritny shahrai appears, Tsey call opens the additional quest on the preacher's dosh in Redcliffe).

Third call:

  • Great Bestiary of Elvorn,
  • Place for cutting tables,
  • Spiritorium Eternalis,
  • Mage Gorvish,
  • Novice amulet.

(Bereskarn appears to open Tіn, which is an attack on you).

Fourth call:

(All subjects of the first three prizes)

  • Dovіdnik of spiritual children
  • The unseen profession of Rodercom,
  • mage Gorvish
  • Great Bestiary of Elvorn,
  • Place for cutting tables,
  • Spiritorium Eternalis,
  • Mage Gorvish,
  • Novice amulet.

(Earl Forshedow will appear, from whom it is necessary to steal a note).

Vyprobuvannya vіri (Destroyed Temple)

Correct dietary advice:

  • Armor - Snee;
  • Thein Shartan- Budinok;
  • General Maferat - Jealous;
  • Archon Hessarian - Spivchuttya;
  • Uchen Katair - Hunger;
  • Uchen Havard - Gori;
  • Lady Vasily - Pomsta;
  • Elisha - Melodiya.

Primary city

Bіlya Primary Bridge Rose'dnati Zagіn. One person can walk along the bridge, three (A, B and C) push the tiles.

The sequence of pressing tiles:

  • (A) a right-handed friend,
  • (B) the third evil.
  • (B) shosta zliva.
  • (B) fourth from the right.
  • (A) first evil.
  • (C) pyata on the right.
  • (B) good luck.

P After installing the DLC on the map of the world, you will see a new location Sulkerov Pass. The trader who is stuck there will prop you up with the golem control wand and say the activation words. The wand will be delivered to you absolutely free of cost, for the fact that the golem itself is in the village of Honnlit, a horde of darkness is obliged to pass through the axis-axis.

per The next thing on your map is the village itself, in which and rightly ruled the Kind of Darkness. If you can deal with the creatures, then you can try to activate the golem revealed on the square. Fully cleared the password is not required and you will need to tell someone from the living inhabitants of Honnleath to try to identify the correct one.

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Pro go to Wilhelm's basement. Having left the corral of the birth of the darkness, you will find the mystic landscapes behind the marvelous magic bar, and among them - Matthias, Wilhelm's son. Vіn u farbakh rozpovіst to you, like a golem razchav yogo dad, and the mother in the hearts sold the baton of management, specially podomivshi wrong password. Matthias would be good to tell you the right words, but just as soon as you turn your daughter Amalia back to you, glaring and vtіk in Wilhelm's laboratory, as it was possessed by all the shepherds, who did not allow other residents and the chance to be lost alive.

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

H about having a meal there, walking far along the corridor, wading into the Tinea. In kіntsi-kіntsіv you will find one more bar'єr. You won’t have a fault, and after him you will reveal Amalia in the company of talking guts, suffocated as if by a demon. In the course of the roaming, you find out that the Demon of Closures in this room is Wilhelm, and the girl is left alone in the basement without a new girlfriend. The demonic animal vimagatime you take the bar'єr and let yogo in the tіlі Amalії, having put the slabs on the bed with a special rank.

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

V I have available next options:

As a result, attack the demon (as a result, you will move into Amalia, and the girl will be beaten, then Stan will praise your decision);

Promise to let the demon in, as a substitute for that, give the obіtyanka not to chip Amalia (the demon does not stream his own obіtyanka and move into the girl, as if you know the bar'єr);

Be good to please;

Turn around and tell about those that happened, Matias, which, for the sake of the daughter’s daughter, allow the demon to move into his body (you happen to either let the demon in, or beat Matias);

Zbrehat, scho you fit for the sake of it, and having taken the bar'єr, attack the demon (the most pleasant option).

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

A Lister, Vinn and Leliana to praise, if you are lying to the girl and її father, then Morrigan will be unhappy. If you please wait to help the demon, or let Mattias sacrifice himself, Blessed to be smitten.

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

H about calling a demon, you will need to solve an awkward puzzle - to draw a line of fire through the stone slabs on the slope from kutka to kutok. The puzzle is similar to the "blows". On the skin plate there is an arrow, straight ahead like a fire. You will have to put the stoves in such a way that the arrows on them led in the right direction. Solution options are impersonal here, and the axis is one of them:

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

E if you allow the demon to want the body of Amaliya, then I will give you the indecent belt “The Cord of Broken Dreams”. So it is possible to vimagati the dodatkovo city, and you take away the middle magic staff. Abo after the destruction of the bar'єru the demon will attack you at once for the demons of the fierce, and from your body you will know the best sholom in the grі and the same belt. So it is, if you allow the demon to want a body, you will take more pennies in the city.

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

V be-yakoy vpadku you take away the correct password (otherwise say Matias, or some kind of demon has sprung up your body), and then turn around on the square. After activating the golem, after a short break, you can either take yogo to the group (Alister is not worthy, but for help, you can reduce the Compliment to a minimum), or you can get it right, or you can beat it.

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

Walkthrough DLC "Kam'yana Polonyanka"

E If the golem Sheila is left out of the group, you can take on an additional quest. You will show up after you complete the story quest "Finished it", so you can talk to Sheila in the camp and then lead you to Glibin's Stitches. Sheila to remind you that she began to make deaky speeches from her past and ask to be restored in the Teige Kadash.


Leliana can be found in a tavern in Lothering. Vaughn herself ask you to take you to the group after the battle, so that it will automatically grow after your teeth.

As special gifts for Leliana, the letter "Grace of Andraste", like growing in the forest of Bresilian, white of milk in Redcliffe and in Elfinage in Denerim, and holium, which the Dozvlny Dwarf in the Kurny Mistі can evoke for you. (For someone to talk to the naga hunter Bournor in the humble Region with Leliana in the group, and then talk to her again - otherwise, the option is to ask the holy Dwarf to evil the naga for you not to appear.) scho may come to Andraste, and more beautifully inwardly.

Leliana can teach you the specialization of the Bard.

Quest - Minule Leliana

If you have already spoken to Leliana about the past, then you know that in Orlais she was a bard and that her mother was from Ferelden. You are obliged to leave the camp and turn around in a new way, so that Leliana told you about Marjolein, a great friend and mentor. If you move up, if you will rise in price on the map of the world with Leliana in the group, you will be attacked by robbers. It will be a narrow passage, and the group of attackers will include an elite archer and magician (magic), so be careful. Obviously, to lay everything in the warehouse of your group, your peers and your favorite tactics, and even as a rapt you blame the problems with the tsієyu zustrіchchyu - I recommend to bring the magician out of the fret of the first and as a minimum, the archer-cottage, while choosing. (As an option - immediately throw all your strength on the bat - so if you know all the life of the new one, it will end.) Mist there, before the speech, thefts of fireballs.

After that, as you deal with the attackers and may be able to work with a bat, Leliana ask you not to drive in yoga, so that you can feed. In a new way, you know that the robbers were hired specifically to drive in Leliana, and take away the address, for which you can know the one who killed the attack. If so, you can drive in a recruit or let it in on all sides - it’s already yours on the right.

Leliana to hang up the excuse that Marjolein is behind everything and proponing roses in Denerim. If you wait, then you deserve Leliana's praise. Denerime will need a house of signs on the map. Vin is located in the Trade District. You happen to fight with two law enforcement officers, if you get into a new one, but the stench is unlikely to be a problem for you. After the battle, go to the room - and you will be the friend of Marjolein.

Rozmova and Marjolein can fold peacefully chi nі - in the fallow land in front of your bajan. If you say to Leliana, “you will understand that she will follow you while she is still alive”, you will have to fight with her. Marjolein called out to help two magicians and two warriors, but if you step quickly to the door to the street, then there you go behind you, and others may be left behind. Magicians are left in their rooms, in fact, for sure, the warriors can be left out or drink for Marjolein.

Marjolein is a very strong bard. I recommend not to bunch up with it all in a group - sometimes a bard is stagnant, like paralyzing all neighbors (although the bard himself is also a tezh), in this way you can easily drive it in with your comrade-in-arms, who did not spend it in the sphere.

Be careful - in front of both rooms with magicians, spread out pastas.

If you get over all (otherwise let Marjolene in the light), Leliana declare what she needs to think and what she will talk to you later. (Do not forget to look at the screen in one of the rooms - there lies one of the shortest bows in the gr, making yourself look like Leliana.

Talk to Leliana in the camp. With this rose you will have a chance to “strengthen” your character. You won’t be able to make a special splash on the load - you’ll have a chance to go to “Perlina” in Denerim, you’ll have a chance to win a “trikutnik” with you and Іzabella and in rare occasions - to “chotirikutnik” from wa


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