Northwest Economic District. Northwest of Russia

Northwest Economic District. Northwest of Russia

Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk Region, Republic: Karelia and Komi, Nenetsky autonomous District.

Economic and geographical position.

This is the northernmost economic district in the European part of Russia. The territory is large - 1643 thousand km 2. Washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Here are important ports of the Russian Federation - Murmansk (non-freezing), Arkhangelsk. Part of the Barents Sea, the warming branch of the warm north-atlantic flow, does not freeze. A fairly significant part of the area is located north of the polar circle in a cold belt.

The territorial accommodation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe district was influenced by many factors, including the proximity of the Arctic Ocean, the severity of the climate, the complex configuration of the coastline of the White and Barents Seas, as well as the immediate neighborhood with the central and northwestern economically highly developed areas of the Russian Federation.

Natural conditions and resources.

The feature of the natural conditions and climate of the region is the unusualness of lighting and heating ground surface In different seasons of the year ("Polar Day" and "Polar Night"). In the middle of winter, the duration of the "Polar Night" on the latitude of the northern polar circle is 24 hours, and in areas located on parallels 70 degrees of northern latitude - already 64 days a year.

The following natural zones are presented - Tundra, Forestandra and Taiga. Forests occupy 3/4 territories.

In the geological sense, the area includes the Baltic Shield and the North of the Russian Plain (between the Baltic Shield and the Urals), where the extensive Pechora lowland and the Timan ridge are distinguished. River of the district (Pechora, Mezen, Onega, North Dvina) belong to the Northern Ocean Basin.

In the Baltic shield, low mountain ranges of the Kola Peninsula (Hibin) are distinguished. The peninsula slowly continues to rise (earthquakes of up to 5 points occur by force). The originality and complexity of the relief of the northern region is due to the action of glaciers (in the quarter). Karelia master the "edge of the blue lakes", noting their numerous.

The area is very rich in various minerals. Granite mining, marble and other building materials began during the construction of St. Petersburg.

The deposits of iron and ores of non-ferrous metals, as well as apatito-nepheline ores are located on the Kola Peninsula. The strata of sedimentary rocks of the Timan-Pechora basin is rich in stone coal (including coking), oil and gas (Komi Republic and the Barents Sea). Another northern district is rich in boxats (Arkhangelsk region), as well as ores of titanium, tungsten, molybdenum, etc. Metals.

Population - 5.9 million people; The average density is 4 people per 1 km 2 (in incorrect areas even less). The urban population prevails (the urbanization coefficient is 76%).

The population and economic development of the area is significantly less than in other areas of the European part of Russia. The area is weakly secured by labor resources. The Russian population prevails. There are other nations of the North. In the Republic of Komi (1.2 million people), the National Committee is 23% of the population; In the Republic of Karelia (0.8 million people), Kareli make up about 10% of the population. And in the Nenets Autonomous District of Nenets - 6.5 thousand people (12% of the population of the district).


The indigenous population (Komi, Nenets, etc.) has long been engaged in hunting, fishing and reindeer herding. Currently, the district specialization is determined by the presence of richest natural resources, as well as the peculiarities of the geographical position.

District specialization sectors are fuel, mining and forest industry. Received (based on local resources) Color and ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and chemical industry.

This area is the main raw material and fuel and energy base for many areas of the European part of the Russian Federation. It produces a third of the wood, paper and cellulose of Russia (Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, Kondopoga, Segezha, Kotlas).

The mining industry is developed. On the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia, 1/4 of iron ore, 4/5 raw materials for the production of phosphate fertilizers (apatites) are produced, a significant part of non-ferrous metals mines mined in Russia.

In 1930, large oil fields on the River Ukhta and Stone Coal in Vorkuta were explored. Currently in the jares (on the right bank of Ukhta) mined thick mine oil. On average, the Pechora is developed a gas condensate field Vuktyl. The reserves of the modern Pecher coal basin make up billions of tons. Coking coals Vorkuta and Vorgashor in quality are the best in the country. Most of them enters the Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine, as well as in St. Petersburg and Tula.

Black metallurgy is represented by the Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine. The technological fuel is the Pechora coking coal, and the raw materials are iron ores of the Kola Peninsula (deposits Kovdorskoye and Olenegorskoe) and Karelia (Kostomukshsky GOK).

Color metallurgy is represented by enterprises in Monchegorsk (copper-nickel combine on ores of the Kola Peninsula fields) and Nickel. On the nechangels of the Kola Peninsula and Boxites of the Arkhangelsk region there is an aluminum plant in the city of Nadvoitsy.

The oil refining and chemical industry is developing.

In the city of Ukhta, there is an oil refinery, in Sosnogorsk - a gas processing plant, in Cherepovets - the Chemical Combine.

The auxiliary industry of the district is mechanical engineering (Petrozavodsk, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk).

Agro-industrial complex. Maloztemelskaya (between the Timan grazing and Pechora lip) and the Tundra (east of the mouth of Pechoras) Tundra are the best pastures of reindeer. The hunting and fisheries are developed.

Livestock and now prevails over crop production (for the development of which, for the most part of the territory, the conditions are unfavorable; the cultivation of feed and grainiferous cultures prevails). Flax (Vologda region) is grown in the south of the district. The floodplain bay meadows (along the rivers) have long served in the same southern part of the area, the base for the development of dairy farming. The oil produce industry is developed.

A significant place in the economy of the Northern District is occupied by the fishing industry (the fishing mill in Murmansk).

Fuel and energy complex.

The fuel industry of the area is one of the industries of its specialization. Electricity production is connected with the fuel industry.

In the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions and the Republic of Komi, all power plants operate at the coal of the Pechora Basin (Vorkuta) and the Gaza of the Vuktyl deposit. The largest is the Pechora GRES.

In Karelia and the Murmansk region, electricity production is more focused on hydropower plants built on a number of brown small rivers. These hydraulic stations largely ensure the development of energy-intensive industries in this part of the district.

The development of non-ferrous metallurgy and other industries was the cause of commissioning of the Kola NPP (Murmansk region). The natural resources for the production of electricity are used and an acidic tidal power plant is built.


In the context of the weak transportation of the territory, the rivers play a major role. The forests are fused on the rivers, loads and passengers transport.

Railways are laid in a meridional direction from the central regions of the European part of Russia to Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and northeast, to Vorkuta.

Large transport knot - Cherepovets. Ports: Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Onega, Mezen, Naryan-Mar. Murmansk (the largest Polar cities in the world - 400 thousand inhabitants) is the most important non-freezing port of Russia in the north.

The North-West Federal District is an administrative education placed in the northern and northwestern parts of European Russia. District occupies a territory of 1677.9 thousand km. The population of the region is 13.74 million people. The North-West Federal District has external borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Belarus, its internal borders coexist with the territories of Central, Volga, Ural Federal Districts. In addition, the district has its own access to the Barents, Baltic, White and Kara Seas.

The North-West Federal District consists of 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The North-Western Federal District includes the Republic of Karelia and Komi, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov Region, the city of federal significance St. Petersburg, Nenets Autonomous District. The main city of the region is located in the north-west of the Russian Federation, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, at the mouth of the Neva. The population of St. Petersburg is more than 5 million people.

As mentioned above, 83% of residents live in cities and urban settlements, 49.97% of the population lives in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. The remaining regions are poorly inhabited. Average population density in the district? 8.6 people per 1 square meter. kilometer. Most of the population? Russian, Komi, Ukrainians, Belarusians. Among other nations, people from Central Asia and the Caucasus are currently dominated. The total population of the district in 2013 decreased by 16603 people, at the same time, the natural population growth is observed in St. Petersburg, the Republic of Komi, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Murmansk region. The most significant natural settlement of the population in the Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod regions. Migration balance for the district? positive. In 2013, 592097 people moved to the region, 492638 left. The increase was 99459. Most people move in St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions. The greatest negative balance of migration in the Republic of Komi, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions.

The largest cities of the district: St. Petersburg (city of federal, administrative center of the federal district, cultural capital of Russia), Kaliningrad (administrative center of the Kaliningrad region), Arkhangelsk (administrative center of the Arkhangelsk region), Cherepovets (major industrial center in the Vologda region), Vologda ( Administrative Center, Vologda Oblast), Murmansk (Administrative Center of the Murmansk Region The world's largest city located behind the North Polar Circle), Petrozavodsk (Administrative Center of the Republic of Karelia), Syktyvkar (Capital and the largest city of the Komi Republic), Veliky Novgorod (Administrative Center of the Novgorod Region One of the oldest and most famous cities of Russia), Pskov (Administrative Center of the Pskov region, one of the oldest cities of Russia) ,. Severodvinsk (city in the Arkhangelsk region, the center of the atomic shipbuilding), Ukhta (city in the Komi Republic, the center of oil production), the Great Luki ( City in the Pskov region Multidisciplinary trade and prom Broken and cultural and educational center), Gatchina (the largest settlement of the Leningrad region industrial, scientific, cultural and educational center), Vyborg (large economic, industrial and cultural center of the Leningrad region, port in the Baltic, hostess of road and railways).

The structure of the employed population by industry increases the share of working in trade, public catering, domestic services while reducing the number of employment in industry, agriculture, construction.

Table 1

Characteristics of the North-West Federal District in the population density.

Territory, thousandkm2.

Population, thousand people.

Including the population, thousand people.

The proportion of the population,%

Population density, person / km2





Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arkhangelsk region

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Arkhangelsk region without a nonsense autonomous district

Vologodskaya Oblast

Kaliningrad region

Leningrad region

Murmansk region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

saint Petersburg

The fuel resources of the region are deposits of oil, natural gas, coal, combustible shale and peat. The promising areas for the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials reaches about 600 thousand, and the balance reserves of oil are estimated at 1.3 billion tons, suburban gas - 1.1 trill. Kub.m.

A promising area of \u200b\u200bhydrocarbon raw materials is the Timan-Pechora Oil and Gas Province. More than 70 petroleum and gas fields are open here. Large prospects for hydrocarbon production have a field on the shelf of the Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas, including the Shtokman gas condensate deposit and a subjacious oil field. It is carried out in small amounts of oil and gas production in the Kaliningrad region. Deployed coal reserves in the district are estimated at 240 billion tons. The coals of the Pechora high-quality Pechora basin, about half of stocks fall on valuable coking coals, the depth of which is 170-600 m. The reservoir power is from 0.7 to 1 m. The main part of the reserves and all the extraction falls on the instin, Vargashorskoye and Usinskoye deposit. However, complex minogeneous conditions for their occurrence and location in the northern zone determine the high cost of mining.

The reserves of combustible shale, which occur in the Leningrad region and in the Komi Republic (Venture and Timan-Pechora deposits) are assessed by more than 60 billion tons. The inventory reserves are also significant and used as fuel, as well as in agriculture.

The district has significant reserves of ores for the production of black, non-ferrous and noble metals. Balance reserves of iron ores (3.4 billion tons) make up about 5% of stocks Russian Federation. The most important iron ore deposits are Olenegorskoye and Kovdorskoe (reserves of each more than 0.5 billion tons) located on the Kola Peninsula. With a low content of iron in the ores of these deposits (28-32%), they are easily enriching and ensure high quality of the metal weighted. In Western Karelia, there is a large Kostomuksh iron ore deposit (stocks of over 1 billion tons). After enriching ores on the mining and processing plant, concentrates (pellets) of iron salary 60-65 are obtained and even up to 70%. Iron ore lies with a naked depth and its development is carried out in an open way.

In the district there are deposits of aluminize-containing raw materials, represented by the Tikhvin Boxitite deposit with a high (up to 55%) content of alumina, North-Onega, Middle-Timan, South Timan, North Ural Boxitoy, Nethelinka of Khibiny deposits and Kyanites of the Murmansk region. High-quality boxites are revealed on average Timman in the Komi Republic, which constitute the basis of the raw material base of alumina and non-metallurgical production. In total, 13 fields with common reserves of 400 million tons were revealed within the bauxiloidal province of the Komi. In terms of quality, they exceed Boxits of Tikhvin and Northwest deposits, but inferior to the Boxits of the Northwood Banxiton region. The alumina content in them is 40-70%. Boxitics and in the Arkhangelsk region (Ilsinskoye deposit) of the alumina in 50-59% were revealed. The largest reserves of kyanite (raw materials for the production of siliconaluminous alloys, valuable refractories) are concentrated in the Kayiva array. The silica content in the Khibiny nephelines ranges from 12.8 to 14%.

Raw materials for the production of rare metals are focused mainly in the Kola region. This is a tantalum, niobium, lithium, cesium, zirconium, strontium. Titanium-containing raw material has been identified in the Murmansk region, the Komi Republic.

At the Polar Urals, a chromitonous area with forecast resources up to 120 thousand tons is located within the borders of the Komi Republic Due to the absence of the raw database of chromium in Russia, Polarnoural chromite deposits are of exceptional importance in ensuring the needs of the economy in this important raw material. Rudes of non-ferrous metals are also represented by copper-nickel fields of Monchegorsk and Pechengi, manganese and barite ores of the Komi Republic.

The phosphate raw materials are available in the unique and quality of apatitonefeline ores of the Khibiny field (the content of more than 40% of apatite and about 40% of nefeline) and in the apatite-magnetite ores of the Kovdorskoye deposit. The total reserves of apatite ores make up 10 billion tons. Non-metallic raw materials are represented by large reserves of high-quality mica (muscovit, vermiculitis, flogopit), field spat, high carbon shungitis.

The district is explored by the limestone deposits, dolomites, brick-tiled and clay clay clay, granite-sand materials and sands, facing and building stones and other building materials.

On the territory of the Arkhangelsk region are explored and prepared for open development to a depth of 460 m large diamond deposits. The deposits are distinguished by complex hydrogeological conditions of production. The mineral base of the North-Western Federal District is characterized by a high degree of study, the compact placement of the most important types of mineral raw materials, the complex nature of the content of the useful substances creates the possibility of organizing multi-sectoral industries.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe county forests, possible for operation, is 55 million Gectar with a total margin of wood 9082.1 million cubic meters. The largest reserves are the Komi Republic (3022 million bubbles), Arkhangelsk region. (2270 million bubbies), Vologda region. (1126 million bubbies) and the Republic of Karelia (965 million bubbles). The most valuable coniferous rocks (spruce, pine) grows mainly in the northern, deciduous - in the southern regions - Kaliningrad, Pskov, Vologda, Leningrad regions.

The North-West Federal District has significant water resources. The use of fresh water here significantly exceeds the absolute indicators of the use of this resource in the Central, Volga, Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. Large rivers And the lakes are used for shipping, fisheries, ensure the development of water-made industries. On the rivers Svir, Vuoks, Cola, Sheksna are built hydroelectric power plants.

"North-West District of Russia" - North-West. Plan for the study of the economic district. Eliminated shoe, textile industry. Urbanization coefficient is 87%. Problems and prospects for the development of the area. Population. Physical - geographical position and economic and geographical position. The largest - Ladoga, Onega, moon, Ilmen.

"North Caucasus Economic District" - Farns Gradually goes into the system of mountain revolties of the Caucasus (Mining). Natural landscapes of the North Caucasus are diverse. The area has fertile lands (on plains) and natural pastures (in the foothills). Natural conditions and resources. The main disadvantage of natural conditions is uneven security with water resources.

North-West District - We define the EGP of the North-West District: fixing the material. Work with a map. The outcome of the lesson. Old cities - historical memory and national wealth of Russia. Specialization of the area. Northwest district. Determine the composition of the North-West District. Theme of the lesson: geographical position and nature. Equipment:

"EGP of Russia" is weakly populated by the extensive spaces of Siberia and the Far East. Features EGP. Loss after the collapse of the USSR of large ports on the Black and Baltic Sea. Outputs to the seas of 3 oceans. Fish fishing in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe seas and oceans. The predominance of plain territories. Question: Was the EGP of Russia changed compared to the USSR?

"Northeast Siberia" - only larch is growing. Rivers Siberia - Centers of historical events. April 17, 1912 Angara Baikal, Lena is the longest river of Russia \u003d 4400km. With a tsarism of the Tungusov considered stray foreigners. Siberian reference place. Equipment: Physical Map of Russia, Computer Presentation, Atlas, Tutorial.

"North-West Economic District" - what kind of people prevails in CER: a. Chuvashi; b. Mordva; in. Markets; Russian. Composition and EGP of the North-West District. Specialization of the area. Lithuania. Question number 1. Many lakes are the largest - Ladoga and Onega. Through the channel system has access to the Volga and the White Sea; Fastening the material. Finland. Specialization of St. Petersburg.


1. The territory of the district and its administrative composition

Economic and geographical position of the Northern Economic Area and its assessment

Natural conditions and resources of the Northern Economic Area, their economic evaluation

Population and labor resources of the Northern Economic Area

Characteristics of the economy of the Northern Economic Area

Domestic differences and cities of the Northern Economic Area

Economic ties of the Northern Economic Area

Problems and prospects of the Northern Economic Area


List of sources used


Regional Economics is a branch of economic science, which studies the territorial organization of production. It describes the economic phenomena and processes associated with the market development of the economy of individual regions and their inclusion in a single economic space. Therefore, the purpose of researchers is, on the one hand, the definition of common features inherent in the regions, on the other, the identification of the specifics of each of them and on the basis of the results obtained developing a specific program for their further integrated development.

The purpose of the regional economy is to ensure a high level and quality of life of the population of the relevant region. The regional economy should be based on the use of three basic principles: first, careful accounting for the needs of the population, the state and dynamics of the formulated markets, the interests of the state and individual enterprises; secondly, creating conditions for the maximum adaptation of the structure of the region's economy to internal and external factors; Thirdly, the active implementation of regional interests.

Economic zoning is the basis of the territorial management of the national economy of Russia. The system of economic areas is the basis for the construction of material and other balances in the territorial context in the development of targeted and regional programs. Economic zoning serves as a prerequisite for improving the territorial development of the economy and is of paramount importance for organizing regional economic management. This is especially important at present when the regions of Russia have received economic independence.

Economic zoning that is inextricably related to the specialization of districts on certain types of production is one of the factors of increasing the productivity of social labor, rational and effective placement of productive forces.

The modern economic district is a holistic territorial part of the country's national economy, which has its own production specialization, other internal economic ties. The economic district is inextricably linked with other parts of the country with public territorial division of labor as a single economic integer with durable internal connections.

The purpose of this test work is to study and consider the data of the Northern Economic Area.

1. The territory of the district and its administrative composition

The Northern Economic Area includes six federal subjects, namely, two republics: Karelia (Capital - Petrozavodsk), Komi (Syktyvkar) and three areas: Arkhangelsk (including Nenets Autonomous Okrug), Vologda and Murmanskaya. (Fig. 1)

Figure 1 - Territory of the Northern Economic Area

The area is characterized by the vastity of the territory, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 1476.6 thousand square meters. km. generally.

Table 1 Square of the Subjects of the Northern Economic Area

Subject of the Northern Economic Region, km² % of the Russian FederationArkhangelsk region<#"justify">According to Table 1, the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern Economic Area is occupied by the Arkhangelsk region (589913 sq. Km), and the lowest territory at the Vologda region (144527 sq. M. KM).

2. Economic and geographical position of the Northern Economic Area and its assessment

The Northern Economic District is distinguished by a significant length along the polar circle, extreme natural conditions (only the Vologda region is not included in the north zone).

The northern region is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Here are important ports of the Russian Federation - Murmansk (non-freezing), Arkhangelsk. Part of the Barents Sea, the warming branch of the warm north-atlantic flow, does not freeze.

Arkhangelsk region is located in the north of East European Plain<#"justify">- in the south borders with the central economic area, as well as with Finland and Norway, which are markets for the extracted raw materials;

the forest industry is developed (42% of the paper is produced here);

the presence of huge natural resources (coal, oil, gas);

The minuses of the economic and geographical situation of the Northern Economic Area should include harsh, in the Arctic districts - extreme, climatic conditions that reduce the comfort of residence and labor activity of the local population, significantly reducing technical and economic indicators of almost all branches of the economy. Therefore, the Northern Economic District is a relatively low level of development and population, low density and underdevelopment of industrial and social infrastructures, as well as environmental disadvantages.

3. Natural conditions and resources of the Northern Economic Area, their economic evaluation

Northern District is an important fuel and energy base of European Russia: it concentrates more than 1/2 of its fuel reserves (oil, gas, coal, peat, shale), 1/2 forest and 40% water resources district. Large reserves of mining chemical raw materials (apatites on the Kola Peninsula and salts in Komi). Significant resources for non-ferrous metallurgy (nepheline, kyanites, bauxites, copper-nickel ores), industry of building materials and ferrous metallurgy (Karelia, Kola Peninsula). Near Arkhangelsk are open large stocks of diamonds (Lomonosovskoye deposit) and vanadium ores in South Karelia.

In the Vorkuta area, the content of workers costs compared with Central Russia, 2-2.5 more expensive. The development of natural resources is conducted in the conditions of permafrost, wetlands and harsh climate. All this limits the development in the north of a number of manufacturing industries and agriculture in open soil.

On the territory of the European North there are two zones of the concentration of resources. The main share of fuel resources along with salt reserves and ores of light metals is concentrated in the Timan-Pechora territory in the north-east of the area. Oil and gas reserves are especially large on the coast and on the shelf of the Barents Sea.

The largest resources of phosphorus-containing raw materials, significant reserves of non-ferrous, rare metals, iron ore, mica are concentrated in the north-west of the district - Kohl-Karelian territory. Everywhere, with the exception of the Far North, the forest resources and reserves of peat are common.

The Northern District differs in the composition of minerals in the West and East. In the West: iron ores, copper-nickel ores, apatites, nebelines, forest resources. In the East: gas, oil, coal, bauxite, forest resources.

The forest is one of the main natural wealth of the North. The economic district refers to the main forest-plane regions of the country. Its wood painted area occupies 69.2 million hectares, which is 9.7% of Russia. Total stocks of wood are 6.9 billion mkub. (8.5% of the reserves of the Russian Federation), including ripe and overruns of 4.9 billion km. (9.8% of the stocks of the Russian Federation). The characteristic feature of the forests is the predominance of valuable conifers (spruce, pine), whose share is 81% of the forest-oiled area. The main forest resources are located in the Republic of Komi and the Arkhangelsk region (more than 80%). In the forest forests there are significant reserves of berries, fungi, medicinal raw materials. The disadvantages of forest resources use should include significant losses of wood raw materials during harvesting, transportation and processing, low recovery rates, weak use of deciduous wood, insufficiently developed network of roads, low level of development and introduction of modern technologies for more rational use of wood.

Recently, there are about the possibility of mining of ores of various non-ferrous metals in the East, a Holmogorsk diamond field has been prepared for operation in the Arkhangelsk region. In the West of the district, the hydropower potential is not yet used. The area is most promising for the construction of tidal power plants.

The development of agriculture is hampered by a small duration of the growing season and lowland soils.

For a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe Area, complex northern conditions are characterized, the impact of many natural and related economic factors, reducing and complicating economic development.

northern Economic Area Resources Economy

4. Population and labor resources of the Northern Economic Area

The population of the district according to the 2010 census data is 4 million 725 thousand people. (The smallest area of \u200b\u200bRussia in the population).

Since 1991, the trend has been traced to reduce the total population, which is due to the peculiarities of the demographic situation in the region. In 1995, 5.9 million people lived in the district, or about 4% of the country's population.

All areas and republics of the district refer to the depopulation territories of Russia, and the natural increase in 1995 amounted to 5.5%, the birth rate here reaches 8.7%, and mortality - 14.2%.

From the late 80s. Return migration began from the Northern District, associated with the withdrawal of numerous benefits and stimulation of "northern money", which previously contributed to the influx and consolidation of the population, especially since the development of the North was considered the problem of nationwide. The policy on the North currently acts in a diametrically opposite direction: only for three years the area lost 103.6 thousand people.

A special place is occupied by the departure of the Russian-speaking population from the republics of Karelia and Komi. For 30-35 years, these republics were characterized by a positive migration growth of Russians. However, since 1989, the Komi Republic began to lose residents of Russian nationality. In Karelia, the influx of Russians persists (about 2 thousand people per year). The exception was the 70s., When more than 14 thousand Russians left.

The nature of the settlement in the region is due to differences in natural conditions and the level of socio-economic development of individual territories. The average population density is almost 2 times lower than the all-Russian and amounts to 4 people / sq. km, minimal - in the Nenets Autonomous District (0.3 people / sq. Km), maximum in Vologda (9.3 people / sq. Km) and Murmansk region (7.2 people / sq. Km).

The area has a high level of urbanization. In 2010, the urban population accounted for 75.8% of the total population, while the highest figure in the Murmansk region, where the agricultural production is practically absent - 92.1%, the lowest - in the Vologda region - 67.6 \\%. In area of \u200b\u200b62 cities and 165 urban-type settlements. However, major cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people. There is no, and about 63% of the urban population lives in large cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants, 13% - on average (from 50 to 100 thousand inhabitants) and 24% - in small cities (less than 50 thousand. residents) and urban-type settlements.

The national composition of the population is heterogeneous. Karelia, Komi live in the territories of their republics, Nenets - in the autonomous district, which is part of the Arkhangelsk region, Saama - in the Murmansk region, Veps - in the Vologda region and Karelia.

There is high employment in public production. The national economy employs 83.6% of labor resources, of which 67.8% in the industries of material production and 32.2% - in the non-productive sphere. The number of economically active population in 2010 amounted to 2.9 million people.

However, in the conditions of the continuing decline in production, the problem of unemployment sharply sharpened, especially in the extractive industries in the territory of the Komi and the Murmansk region, the level of which is 4.5 - 7.6% in various territories.

Currently, the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum is 19.2% of the total population of the Northern Economic Area.

5. Characteristics of the economy of the Northern Economic Area

The leading place in the economic complex of the Northern Economic Area is occupied by the industry, which accounts for almost 4/5 of the total products and industrial and industrial foundations, as well as 2/3 of those employed in the industrial production sectors. Second place is engaged in transport; Agriculture mainly serves the internal needs of the area.

The development of the productive forces of the European North is traditionally based on the use of resource potential, which involves a high share of the production industry, which is under the influence of extensive factors of industrial development. The movement of oil production and gas production continues to the undeveloped northern and indoor areas, complex for development and operation, the production of oil on the shelf of the Barents Sea begins, produced on the basis of the North-One-New-Timan fields of bauxite, titanium deposits and rare-earth metals, which is accompanied by constant increasing The cost of mining raw materials. A more affordable and saturated raw material base is gradually exhausted, the mining and geological and environmental conditions are worsening the development of mineral deposits.

The significant proportion of such industries in the economy of the district worsened the already severe economic situation. Over the past 5 years, industrial production has decreased by almost 40%, the crisis phenomena most touched on the industry of fuel and energy and metallurgical complexes, the chemical industry, the release of consumer goods.

The concentration in the Northern region of the most valuable natural resources determines the specifics of its national economy based on the development of fuel and energy, mining, timber and fish processing complexes.

The metallurgical complex gives about 30% of the industrial products of the area and includes black and non-ferrous metallurgy. 16% cast iron is paid in the area and about 16% of Russia. Karelia (Kostdukshsky GOK) and Kola Peninsula (Kovdorsky, Olenegorsky GOC) account for almost 20% of the All-Russian manufacturing of commodity iron ore. Black metallurgy is represented by the Cherepovetsky Metallurgical Combine of the Complete Cycle (Vologda region) - the only plant in the north of the European part of the country. This is one of the largest suppliers of sheet rolled suppliers for car and shipbuilding, dynamous steel for electrical engineering and leaf blanks for pipe rolling production. Metal Cherepovets is mainly used on machine-building plants of St. Petersburg.

In the production of non-ferrous metals predominant primary stages - mining and enrichment of nebelins, bauxite, titanium ores. In Kandalaksha (Murmansk region) and the supervoys (Karelia) from alumina coming from the Leningrad region, aluminum is paid. At local raw materials and imported ore concentrates in Monchegorsk and Nickel produced copper, nickel, cobalt and a number of rare metals.

The fuel and energy complex (fuel and energy complex) provides coal, oil, natural gas and gas condensate, oil and gas processing, and the production of electricity and heat. In the sectoral structure of the production of industrial products of the area, these industries account for more than 23%.

The leading place in the composition of the fuel and energy complex belongs to the coal industry. Coal mining in the Pechora coal basin is constantly reduced. The complication of mining and geological conditions, insufficient technical equipment and weak social infrastructure suggest the elimination of non-prospective coal mining enterprises and low-loaded auxiliary industries.

Industrial oil production in the region is conducted at the fields of the Timan-Pechora Oil and Gasbon Province, and the Usinskie and the Last Deposit until recently provided up to 80% of the oil produced in the area. The volume of oil production also falls, so the operation of the Ardaalinsky field is of great importance, in the development of which the American company "Konoko" has invested about $ 400 million - the largest one-time investment foreign company to the oil industry in Russia.

Natural gas production also decreased significantly, which is associated with a drop in production at the Vuktyl field, which defines the economic indicators of the industry. Oil and gas processing facilities at the Ukhta Refinery and Sosnogorsk GPZ do not provide the needs of the area, which involves large economic decisions to create a powerful oil and gas complex in the Komi Republic with the involvement of foreign investors.

The electric power industry is oriented mainly on its own fuel resources in its eastern part and hydroresources in the western part. In the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions. The Republic of Komi is dominated by thermal power plants, in Karelia and the Murmansk region - hydroelectric power plants, built on the spray rivers. At the Kola Peninsula there are nuclear power plant and an experimental tidal (oxygen). Small power, but effective power plants are united in the region's power system, and some of them are already associated with the North-West energy system on the territory of the Murmansk region and Karelia.

One of the leading industries is the forest industry, which accounts for more than 20% of the production of industrial products of the area. It has a high level of specialization and the completeness of forestry cycles. The largest development of the forest industry was obtained in the Arkhangelsk region, the Republic of Karelia, where it gives more than 1/2 industrial products of these territories, and the Komi Republic.

Recently, the volume of wood harvesting in the area is reduced, the logging has shifted from traditional areas from the banks of the Northern Dvina rivers, Onega to Forests - to the Power River Pools, the top Pechora, Mena. Large sawmills are located in Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, Kotlas, plywood production is represented in Karelia (sorted). The share of the North accounts for more than 4/5 of the production of business wood, 1/6 of lumber, over 2/5 of the paper in the Russian Federation.

A distinctive feature of the industry in the area is deep processing of wood, which is carried out on large pulp and paper plants of Condopoga, Segezh, Kotlas, Arkhangelsk, Novodvinsk. Currently, the existing level of production of the timber industry complex does not provide the needs of the national economy, which contributes to the increase in forest products deficit, although they are still being exported to many European regions of Russia, near and far abroad.

The development of the chemical industry is the extensive resource and share of this industry in the release of industrial products of the North is small. However, the district is the main manufacturer of phosphorus-containing raw materials in Russia. In the Murmansk region, 100% of apatite raw materials are produced, which employs superphosphate factories of the European part of the country. Production volumes are reduced, which is associated with the deterioration of mountain-geological conditions for the development of deposits and the quality of ore, noncompleteness of the use of raw materials, outdated equipment and technologies requested replacement. The loss of phosphorus in the process of mining, processing and transporting apatitis produced on the Kola Peninsula is constantly growing.

In addition to mining chemistry, the production of basic chemical products is also developing. The area produces phosphate fertilizers from their own raw materials and nitrogen fertilizers based on the use of coke gas obtained in one of the Cherepovetsky Metallurgical Plants. At the plant "Severnikel" on the basis of non-ferrous metallurgy waste, the production of sulfuric acid is carried out, the area gives more than 1/6 of this product in Russia. In Sosnogorsk on the basis of natural gas, the particulate production is developing.

Among the sectors of the food industry, the All-Russian importance is fish. In the northern pool and in the districts of the Northern Atlantic, crucible and herring fish are found, the processing of which is carried out on the Fishes of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. The area gives 1/5 catch fish in the country, occupying in terms of the development of the fishing industry second place after the Far East.

The traditional industry of specialization is the oil produce industry, the production of condensed and dry milk, which develops in the south of the district and primarily in the Vologda region (Belozersk, Totma, Falcon).

From the complexing industries of the Northern Area, mechanical engineering, light industry and the production of building materials are distinguished. They provide the functioning of the main national economic elements and the internal needs of the region.

Mechanical engineering is one of the dynamically developing industries that ensure the production of droplet tractors, papermade equipment (Petrozavodsk), sawmills (Vologda), vessel repair (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk). Begins to develop the production of bearings (Vologda), various measuring instruments, products of radio electronics and machine-tooling, construction and road machinery.

The share of the light industry in the total volume of commercial products in the republics and regions of the district fluctuates and tends to reduce, which is due to the limitations of the raw material base and the shortage of labor resources. The main subproduces are linen (Vologda, beauty) and knitted.

The salivary industry and the extraction of decorative stone in Karelia are becoming increasingly important.

The role of the agro-industrial complex due to the natural climatic conditions is small. Agriculture does not provide their own needs of the district, the balance of the most important types of food products in the area is made up with a negative balance in all its species, with the exception of fish.

The area is characterized by a low level of the territory of the territory, agricultural areas are only 1/5 of the total land area of \u200b\u200bthe district, of which more than half are concentrated in the Vologda region, and the rest - in the south of the Arkhangelsk region, Karelia and Komi. In the southern zone of the district, feed and grain crops (rye, oats, barley), Len-Dolganese, potatoes, vegetables are grown. IN last years The growing of vegetables in the closed soil is practiced, especially in areas with extreme natural conditions.

In the structure of agriculture, animal husbandry dominates, its share accounts for 78% of the gross products of the industry. In the south of the district, a large cattle of dairy-meat directions predominate in the population, as well as pig breeding and poultry farming. A special place in the extreme north belongs to reindeer herding. Oleni pastures, where 17% of the livestock of the deer of Russia are concentrated, occupy more than 1/5 of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe land area.

The transport infrastructure of the region is formed under the influence of the area of \u200b\u200bthe district, the availability of direct exit to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Northern Basin, the freightness of the production of producing industries, it led to the specifics of transport and economic relations. The main freight traffic have the southern and southeastern direction. Forests and timber, oil, gas, stone coal, black and non-ferrous metals, apatite ores, cardboard, paper, fish and fish products are exported from the area, and products of folk consumption, machinery and equipment are imported.

All types of transport are developed in the area, but railway, sea and river are most important. Almost 70% of cargo turnover is provided by rail, meridional highways prevail: Volkhov - Petrozavodsk - Murmansk, Vologda - Arkhangelsk, and latitudinal affect only the south of the district (St. Petersburg - Cherepovets - Vologda).

Significant role water transport. Using inland waterways and channel system (Northern Dvina River, Pechora, Ladoga, Lake Onega, White Sea-Baltic and Volga-Baltic Channels), is actively developing river transport. Sea transport provides coastal transportation on the high seaside route, which is especially important for the economic functioning of the northern territories, including the Norilsk Metallurgical Combine. In Murmansk, in addition to icebreaking, the fish fleet is based, in Arkhangelsk - woody. In modern conditions, the export-import oriented director of the Northern District ports is enhanced.

6. Domestic differences and cities of the Northern Economic Area

Arkhangelsk region.

The Arkhangelsk region is the most economically developed and most promising part of the Northern District. The main branches of the market specialization are forest, woodworking, pulp and paper, fishing industry and mechanical engineering, especially shipbuilding. In the near future, oil and gas production will be developed on the continental shelf and diamond mining. In agriculture, the Arkhangelsk region specializes in milk animal husbandry. The ingoing industrial centers of the district are Arkhangelsk and Kotlas. The leading place in their industrial structure is occupied by sawmill, wood chemistry, pulp and paper production, standard home-building. On the basis of the development of the North-One-One Boxitites, a large industrial center has arisen - Plesetsk with an aliens, oil refining, woodworking and timber industry, as well as a new cosmodrome.

Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

As part of the Arkhangelsk region, the subject of the Federation is allocated - the Nenets Autonomous District, in which such branches of the economy, like reindeer herding, fisheries, fur fisher, foxes, etc. are developed. Drain of cattle. In the capital of Naryan-Mare district, sawmills are developed on the imported forest along rivers, fish processing, leather treatment of deer. The Nenets District has tremendous development prospects, since a new oil and gas area opened on its territory, on the mainland and the sea shelf.

Murmansk region.

The Murmansk region is allocated by the developed fishing industry, the extraction of nebelins and apatites, a copper-nickel and iron ore industry, shipbuilding. Large industrial centers were formed in the region - Murmansk, Pechenga, Apatity, Monchegorsk. Murmansk is a non-freezing port, the support base of the Northern Sea Route, which occupies one of the leading places in Russia.

Vologodskaya Oblast.

Vologda region specializes in the production of products of ferrous metallurgy, forest and woodworking industry, the production of linen fabrics, weaving lace. The region has the largest Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine and Cherepovets Steel Rolling Plant. The Cherepovets also contain a large chemical enterprise - the production association "Ammophos" and a nitrogen-tucker plant.

Agriculture specializes in flax, milk animal husbandry, potatoes. In the largest center of the region of Vologda, mechanical engineering, woodworking, flaxseed production and food industry are developed.

Republic of Karelia.

The Republic of Karelia is the most important industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe North. In the republic, the pulp and paper industry, a standard home building, a variety of engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy, production of building materials. Together with Finland, a large Kostomukshsky mining and processing plant was built, producing high-quality iron ore concentrate. Agriculture specializes in animal husbandry of the milk-meat direction, poultry farming, sheep. In the lakes and rivers of the republic, a significant amount of fish is caught, which is processed by enterprises. Was the development of fur animals.

The largest industrial center of the Republic of Petrozavodsk is the center of mechanical engineering, the production of spring tractors, equipment for the forest industry, the center for the production of building materials and products of forestry. The major industrial centers of Karelia are Kondopoga and Segezha, specializing in the pulp and paper and machine-building industry. The sawmill, shipbuilding and fish repair industries were developed in the towns of Belomorsk and Medvezhizkorsk.

Komi Republic.

The Komi Republic stands out by such industries as coal, petroleum, gas, forest, woodworking, pulp and paper industry. Here there are deposits of titanium ores, bauxite, stone and potash magnesium salts, on the basis of which their mining and processing are being processed. The main branches of agriculture of the republic are: in the north, reindeerness, on the rest - mainly on the valleys of the River Rivers and Sysol - dairy livestock and the cultivation of rye, oats, barley, vegetables and potatoes.

The capital of the republic and the large industrial center is Syktyvkar. A large timber-sensitive complex has been created here, the pulp and paper industry is especially distinguished. Other industries are developed - leather-shoe, food industry. The main centers of the coal industry are Vorkuta and Inta, oil - Ukhta.

7. Economic ties of the Northern Economic Area

Multi-sectoral specialization of the district predetermines the widespread development of inter-district and interstate economic ties. The share of the European North accounts for almost 4% of foreign trade turnover of Russia, including about 5% of exports and 2.6% of imports.

The Northern Economic District is the largest supplier of fuel and energy and mineral and minerals, the products of the metallurgical, forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industry in the European part of the country. Oil, gas, stone coal, black and non-ferrous metals, apatite ores, cardboard, paper, fish are also exported from the district. The main freight traffic have the southern and southeastern direction.

From the Russian regions, the North receives most of the food, from the Republic of Cis and the Baltic countries - industrial consumer goods, import equipment for producing industries and a timrasional complex, vehicles.

The North has all the necessary prerequisites: the raw material and energy base, production facilities, transport infrastructure, as well as qualified labor resources for large-scale promotion of goods, both on the domestic market and on the markets of the CIS countries, near and far abroad. Participation of foreign, primarily Scandinavian and North American firms in the exploitation of the Northern Sea Route on the basis of the technical re-equipment of the fleet and navigation funds.

An important direction of improving the external economic relations of the district is its market integration with neighboring regions - northwestern, central, as well as with neighboring countries - Finland and Norway.

8. Problems and prospects of the Northern Economic Area

In the conditions of the formation of market relations for the Northern Economic Area, structural changes in the economy, the conversion of the military-industrial complex, the formation of a new market space and an increase in export potential are the most important.

Integrated intensive development of the unique natural wealth of the region in the near future, subject to the involvement of foreign investment and the latest technologies for the production and processing of raw materials, the creation of joint ventures with foreign companies, the organization of the FEZ. Among the promising projects - the creation on the basis of commodity resources of the Kola mining and industrial complex of alumina enterprises, calcined soda, potash, rare metals, severe oil at the Yegegian field in the Komi Republic, mining of diamonds in the Arkhangelsk region.

It should be especially allocated to the problem of the conversion of defense industries of the North, which accounted for a significant proportion of the production and intellectual potential of the region. As a result of the conversion of shipbuilding enterprises. Severodvinsk, the Arkhangelsk region can be established production and delivery to the market, including the world, various types of ships and marine platforms for oil and gas production on small and medium depths.

Under the conditions of the undeveloped market and instability of inter-republican ties, there is a big orientation of the Northern District on the importation of the necessary products from the regions of Russia, as well as imports provided by direct, including barter, supplies to the external energy markets, black and non-ferrous metallurgy products.

The prospects for the development of the Northern District are primarily associated with the development of unique natural resources, the creation of a large oil and gas producing area on the continental shelf of the Barents Sea. For the extraction of oil and gas, the Marine production platform will be built with the involvement of investments of foreign countries, in particular Norway. The advanced experience of oil and gas companies in the North Sea will be used, in particular, experience in the construction of platforms. For the bottom of the sea, pipelines will be laid to the coast. Veraey-sea is very promising. Currently, two wells are already drilled there and an industrial influx of oil is obtained. The reserves of the sea varadese are estimated at about 36 million tons. The development of the Shtokman deposit is planned with the involvement of foreign firms. Negotiations are underway with Americans, French, Norwegians, Finns.

The prospects for the development of the Northern Area are also associated with the development of the diamond field.

The district will still take one of the most important places in the development of fisheries and the fishing industry, as well as in the development of the sectors of the timber industry complex.

Currently, as in other regions of Russia, the economy of the Northern District is experiencing a crisis, decline in production, which is caused by a rupture of economic relations, a sharp increase in energy prices, ever-increasing transport fares, depreciation of production equipment, loss of large state orders for the defense complex products. \\

In the conditions of the formation and development of market relations, the most important task is the structural restructuring, the conversion of defense enterprises, the reorientation of them to the production of products for the sectors of the region's market specialization and the population.

The most important task in the development of new unique resources is the careful attitude towards the northern wounded nature, preventing the destruction of the ecosystem, the development and implementation of special program environmental activities for the protection of natural resources and rational environmental management.

No less important tasks - reform for the forms of ownership in all areas of the district economy, the development of entrepreneurship, the creation of a competitive market environment, attracting investments in the development of promising industries, the full development of production and social infrastructure.


For the Northern Economic Area due to specific natural, economic conditions and originality of the transport and economic situation, an important factor in the transition to the market is the full improvement in the use of natural resource potential, the development of the transport network and expanding transit export functions, the creation of international business centers, stock exchanges and other objects Market infrastructure. In this regard, there is a wide comprehensive development, rational use on the basis of environmentalizing technologies primarily by oil and gas resources identified in the Barents Sea shelf zone, as well as diamonds, apatitonefeline, titanium and iron ores, bauxite, forest resources, etc.

Specific regional prerequisites for the transition of the district to market relations are to develop business activities related to the integrated development of various minerals and other natural resources, including the most valuable natural resources contained in industrial waste (nephelines, apatite raw materials, non-ferrous and rare metals). Forest resources, a variety of wood waste and wood, lost during reflaking, small fields of various building materials, freshwater reservoirs are also related to reserves. The incentive of the development of a variety of small business is the organization of infrastructure service of the created forms of entrepreneurship (farming, small enterprises). Under the transition to the market, the priority development should receive the electric power industry oriented mainly on gas and nuclear fuel. The development of the machine-building complex will be determined both by the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises and the conversion of defense production. The transition to market relations will require new approaches to solving socio-economic problems. Therefore, it is very important to widely use a variety of forms of economic development with the wide involvement of foreign capital, technologies and equipment to create a network of new joints with foreign enterprises, in particular exploiting and processing natural resources, create a variety of sectoral, inter-sectoral and regional free economic zones.

List of sources used

1.Viyapina V.I. Regional Economics: Textbook / Ed. IN AND. Viyapina and M.V. Stepanova. - M.: Publishing House Infra-M, 2007-666 p.

.Granberg A.G. Fundamentals of the Regional Economy: Textbook for universities / A.G. Granberg; State UN-T - high school Economy. - 4th ed. - M.: Publishing House of the House of GU HSE, 2004 - 495 s.

.Keanov V.V. Regional Economics of Russia: Textbook / V.V. Keesov, N.V. Kopylov. - M.: Publishing House Finance and Statistics, 2009 - 584 p.

4.Electronic resource:

Electronic resource:


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2. Economic and geographical position of the district

Location: Northwest of the European part of Russia.

Area: 1.2% of the country area (196.5 thousand km2).

Population: 5.4% of the population of Russia (8.5 million people).

Economic environment:

a. Highly developed neighboring states - Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus;

b. Highly developed economic regions of the Russian Federation - Central and North.

Economic characteristics:

The position of the district is cross-border, Primorskoye, the area is located next to the Western border, has access to the Baltic.

It is not a single fuel, raw material and energy bases, removed from all bases of the country;

Favorable transport and geographical position: The port economy strengthens the export-import functions of the area on the Baltic Sea.

Economic Center: St. Petersburg - one of the most important foreign trade ports of the CIS and Russia, the largest cultural and science Center. It concentrates 59% of the population of the region and 68% of its urban population.

Production of consumer goods.

Highly qualified frames, a large number of scientific institutions, in the area concentrated 1/8 of the country's scientists. Personnel scientist capacity is almost 4 times higher than the average Russian indicators, and the high-tenderness of commercial products - more than 3 times.

Developed tourism.

The proximity to the Western Free Market has created favorable prerequisites for concentration of international international-level financial institutions here.

Location: Extreme Eastern RF District, washed by the waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans.

Area: 36% of the country area (6.2 million km2) with a characteristic length from north to south and from west to east.

Economic environment:

a. Sea borders with the United States and Japan. From the United States, the Far East separates the narrow Bering Strait, and from Japan - Kunashir Strait and the Strait of Laperose. Big length of borders with China. The southern mainland, adjacent to the Japanese sea, is called Primorye. The seaside position of the district determines favorable prospects for the development of economic relations with the countries of the Pacific region.

b. In addition to the mainland territory, the Far East includes Islands: Novosibirsk, Wrangel, Sakhalin, Kuril and Commander.

c. The area plays an important role in the marine and foreign trade relations of Russia. Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - the most important ports of Russia in the Pacific Ocean.

The most important features of the EGP of the Far East are greatly remoteness from the central most developed areas of Russia, as well as the location at the intersection of marine and land routes to the countries of the Pacific.

3. Nature of the district and natural backgrounds of its development

Northwest Economics

Relief: flat western and elevated eastern parts.

Climate: moderately continental, on the coast - marine.

Soils: Dernovo-podzolic and podzolic-marsh, in agricultural use need fertilizers. Increased wetlands. Agricultural land occupy only 18% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe district.

Water resources, from here have fish resources. Many rivers built hydroelectric power plants.

Forest resources occupy 45% area area.


· Shale;

· Boxits;

· Refractory clay;

· Pure limestone;

· Quartz, abrasive glass sands;

· Salt sources;

· Granite;

· Oil and gas;

· Brown coal;

· Stone and potash salt.

· 90% of the world's amber reserves are concentrated here.

The North-West District has unique recreational resources: the outstanding monuments of history and architecture are combined with valuable for organizing recreation and tourism areas with natural landscapes. Recreation areas on the Karelian Isthmus, Valdai Hills, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and the Old Russian resort have all-Russian importance. The network of palace and park ensembles around St. Petersburg, Pushkin Reserve, Museum City Novgorod and Pskov are known.

Far Eastern economic district

The area is located at the junction of Eurasia and the Pacific. The northern parts of the Far Eastern region are located in the Arctic belt, and in the southern seaside part, in Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

Climate: moderate, mostly sharply continental, severe. A significant part of the territory of Yakutia and the Magadan region is located for the polar circle. Winter is characterized by windless, clear, frosty weather. Summer roast in continental districts and cool - in seaside.

Natural zones: Far Eastern Area are replaced from north to south - the zone of the Arctic desert, Tundra, Fierotundra, Taiga.

Relief: Young folded education, volcanoes, geasers, plains and lowlands. 90% of the territory is in the zone of many years of permanent. On the southern plains, fertile black soil and brown soils.


Forest (more than 250 million hectares, total wood stock - more than 22 billion m3).

Water resources: rivers, lakes, sea (Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese). The Far Eastern region accounts for 60% of Russian fish. Mineral-raw base: Tin, mercury, Icelandic and Platical Plum, Rhinestone, Mica, Graphite; tungsten, molybdenum, lead-zinc ores, ores of colored and rare metals, iron ores, diamonds, gold, coal, oil and gas, salt, sulfur, apatite, limestone, mergel, refractory clays, quartz sands. Cement raw material.

The conditions for agriculture are favorable in the south. The main agricultural land areas are concentrated here. Climatic conditions are favorable for growing monsoon climate cultures - rice, soy. Forests are rich in a valuable fur beast (ermine, sable, fox, protein, columns) having a commercial value.

4. History of development of the territory

Northwest Economics

The history of the North-West District begins with 9-8 thousand bastards. e.
By the middle of the 1st millennium there were a sedentary Finno-Ugric tribe .. In the VIII century, the Slavs, the tribes of Prussians, the people related to the current Latvians and Lithuanians were settled .. and the appearance of Ladoga (from the XVIII century old Ladoga) - the oldest Russian settlement in Russia. In the IX-X centuries, Ladoga became the most important political and economic center for the formation of the statehood of ancient Russia. Only at the end of the X century, it loses its meaning, inferior to his Novgorod. In 910-1348 Pskov Principality became part of the Novgorod land. In the XII century, Novgorod acquired political independence.

In 1226, Prussia's colonization began by the German knights of the Teutonic Order. Colonization was conducted under the guise of the appeal of the "wild" people into Christianity. During the conquest, which lasted about fifty years, the knights founded the castles that were supporting points. The first of them was the Balg Castle, founded in 1239 on the shores of the Vistula (Kaliningrad) bay and remained so far. Thus, in the territory of the current Kaliningrad region, the state of the knights crusaders arose. This state was led by permanent wars with Poland and Lithuania. Such a military overvoltage led to the crisis of Prussia, and she even fell into a vassal dependence on Poland from the second half of the XV century.

In 1348 he received autonomy from the Novgorod Republic, in terms of selection of landing the Pskov Republic, which existed until 1510. In January 1478, the Novgorod Republic ceased its existence in connection with its seizure of the Moscow principality. At the beginning of the XVIII century, the region was again joined in Russia, a new capital of the country was built here - St. Petersburg. In 1708, the Ingermanland province was formed. In 1710, she was renamed St. Petersburg, in 1914 - to Petrogradskaya, in 1924 - in Leningrad.

In 1657, Prussia entered the United Brandenburg-Prussian state and freed from vassal dependence on Poland. During the seven-year war, between 1758 and 1762, East Prussia was part of Russian Empire. In accordance with Potsdam agreements, the northern part of Eastern Prussia (about one third of its entire territory) was transferred Soviet Union, the remaining two thirds are transferred to Poland.

16 (27) May 1703 The city of St. Petersburg was founded by the first Russian emperor Peter I. This afternoon dates back to the tsor of the reformer of the Petropavlovsk fortress - the first building of the city - at the mouth of the Neva River on the Ware Island. Peter I gave the city the name dedicated to his patron in heaven - the Holy Apostle Peter. In the next, 1704 for the protection of marine bubbles of Russia on the island of Kotlin was founded by the fortress of Kronstadt. The new city of Peter I attached important strategic importance to ensure the waterway from Russia to Western Europe. Here, on the arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island, opposite the Petropavlovsk fortress, the first trading port of St. Petersburg was founded. From 1712 to 1918, the city was the capital of the Russian Empire (minus the time of the board of Peter II, when the status of the capital returned to Moscow for a short time) and the residence of Russian emperors.

The provisions created in Russia were extensive in their territory, the provincial office did not cope with the Office and in 1719 an interim administrative-territorial unit was introduced between county and province - province. The Pskov Province was formed in 1719 as part of the St. Petersburg province, and then from 1727 it was as part of the newly formed Novgorod province. The Pskov province was created in 1772 by decree Catherine II. After the abolition of the province on the territory significantly exceeding the current area there were three years, from August 1927 to August 1930, the Velikoluksky and Pskov district as part of the Leningrad and Western regions.

In 1927-1929, administrative reform was held in the USSR (provinces were abolished), in which the Leningrad region was formed on August 1, 1927. It includes territories of 5 provinces: Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov and Cherepovets. The territory of the region was 360.4 thousand km. However, it was subsequently declined significantly. During the Great Patriotic War, most of the territory of the region was occupied and significantly suffered. During the blockade of Leningrad through the territory of the region, the "Road of Life" was held - the only highway, bonding a deposited city with the country. A great contribution to victory over the enemy was made by partisan movement: by early 1944, 13 partisan brigades operated in the region, in which 35 thousand fighters were held. The region has developed in the region the longest and most bloody in the history of the Second World War Battle, associated with Leningrad's blockade and his Deblocade.

The Pskov region was formed on August 23, 1944. On July 1946, Königsberg region was renamed Kaliningrad, Königsberg - to Kaliningrad. The remains of the German population were deported to Germany by 1947.

Far Eastern economic district

Archaeologists have established that the ancient man settled the Far East already in the early Paleolithic. At the same time, the first archaeological monuments dating from 300 thousand to 3 million years ago appeared. The most famous and well-studied one of them is the Lower Paleolithic Parking Diring Yuras, which is located on average the river Lena. Starting from the middle of the first millennium N. e. On the territory of the Far East, the ancestors of Evenov and Evenkov appeared. By the XIII century. Tungusky tribes settled on medium Lena, Vilya, Olekma. The arrival of the ancestors of Yakuts to the Lensky region made them move back to the west and east of Lena.

The development of the Russian Far East begins in the XVII century. The first landlocks appeared in the northern territories of the Khabarovsk Territory.

In 1632, the Yakutsk Ostrog was laid on the right bank of Lena, which marked the beginning of the future city of Yakutsk. This date is considered the date of joining Yakutia into the Russian state. The Far East referred to prisoners from the 1640s. Starting from the XIX century, the link is mostly political.

The first Europeans on Sakhalin appeared in the 17th century, when Aina, Nivkhi, Evenks lived here. The first on the island was visited in 1640 Cossacks. At the beginning of the 18th century. The process of studying and the gradual accession of the Kuril Islands to the Russian state began. Simultaneously with Russian landfalls, who moved along smoked from the north, the Japanese began to penetrate the southern smoke and the extreme south of Sakhalin. Soon Sakhalin was joined to Russia and Russian military posts and villages began to appear on it. In gg Sakhalin was the largest cortica in Russia.

Kamchatka was "open" in 1697 by a detachment of Cossacks led by Vladimir Atlasov. Up to the coming of Russian Cossacks of the peninsula, only locals were inhabited: ITELEN, EVENA, Koryaki and Chukchi. They were engaged in fishing and reindeer herding.

In 1854, the resettlement of the Cossacks from Transbaikalia in the lowerring of Amur and the Amur region was finally entered into Russia.

In 1858, Khabarovsk was laid. In 1856, the seaside region was formed.

In 1860, the city of Vladivostok was founded.

In 1875, Russia handed Japan to her the northern chickens, having received all the rights to Sakhalin in return.

As a result of Russia's defeat in Russian-Japanese war 1904-05 South Sakhalin switched to Japan, but after the end of World War II, the USSR returned this island, as well as the Kuril Islands. The dispute over the three islands of the southern smoking continues until now.

The beginning of the history of the Magadan Territory can be considered the 1920s, with the arrival of scientific geological exploration expeditions. In the early 1930s, the deposits of gold places were found.

Production of reinforced concrete products and structures

Recreational economy:

Sanatorium-resort service;

Excursion maintenance of international importance.

Far Eastern economic district

The industry is 4.3% of the total industry of Russia, while the mining and manufacturing industry is 7.6%. Leading industry industries:

Food (fish and fish repairing);


Mechanical engineering;

Colored and ferrous metallurgy:

§ Mining and ore industry - Oil production and processing, mercury, polymetallic ore, tungsten, gold.

§ Stone and brown coal, oil.

Chemical and petrochemical industry;

Forest industry

§ Woodworking industry:

§ sawmill;

§ furniture;


§ crop production:

· Grain crops (wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat, soy, rice).

· Potatoes and vegetables;

· Feed crops;

§ Livestock:

· Reindeer herring;

· Hunting fishery;

· Four animalism (Sikhote-Alin, Sakhalin).

· Cattle breeding;

· Pig breeding;

· Poultry farming;

· Sheep fell.

Almost throughout the entire territory, the building materials industry develops, but, despite the presence of cement factories, plants of reinforced concrete structures, brick enterprises, etc., this industry does not fully ensure the need for the district.

7. Territorial structure of the district settlement and farm

Northwest Economics

In St. Petersburg and Leningrad regionWhile occupying less than 1/2 area of \u200b\u200bthe district, 80% of its population live, produced 80% of industrial and over 50% of agricultural products.

Novgorod region, occupying over 1/4 of the area, focuses less than 1/10 of the population. Mechanical engineering is developing - electrical engineering, instrument making, chemical engineering, medical instruments manufacturing and chemical industry - production of nitrogen fertilizers, synthetic materials, ceramic and glass production, sawmill enterprises, making matches. The main branches of agriculture are flax and dairy and meat animal husbandry.

Pskov region Engaged in liner, dairy animal husbandry and pig breeding. Energy and radio engineering enterprises develop, peat machines, spare parts for tractors and agricultural equipment are produced.

Kaliningrad region It is highlighted by the fish and amber sectors, the development of the resort zone. In the village of Amber, the only amber plant in Russia is running. There is a pulp and paper industry on the wood of the Northern District. The meat and oil produce industry received a large development.

The North West District owns all kinds of modern transport. Transport plays an important role in ensuring the processing industry with raw materials and fuel. The main type of transport is railway. There are also many river and maritime traffic.

Far Eastern economic district

In terms of economic development, the territory of the district is divided into three zones: southern, middle and north.

Southern Zone (Primorsky Krai, southern parts of the Khabarovsk Territory, Amur and Sakhalin regions). The basis of the economy is mining, fishing, forest, woodworking and pulp and paper industries.

Medium zone (Northern regions of the Khabarovsk Territory, Amur and Sakhalin regions, southern part of Yakutia). The main sector of specialization is the mining industry. The economy is concentrated along the Baikal-Amur highway. The main sectors are the coal industry, the heat and power industry, the forest industry and in the future - metallurgy. The Alandan River Pool is the South Yakut coal pool. Near the coal basin is the Alandan iron ore pool. In the basins of the Olekma and Chara, magnetite quartzites are explored, in the zone of the South Yakut mineral complex, the apatite deposits, deposits of mica, corundum, shale are revealed. More intensively developed producing industries based on selective use of minerals.

In the Far East, all types of transport are functioning, but the main place is owned by rail transportation (up to 80% of cargo turnover). Major (15% of domestic transport and 5-6% external) and river (almost 15% of domestic transportation) transport transport are of great importance for inter-district and intraranslate. The road is weakly secured by road, mostly seasonal roads are wintering, but there are large freeways. With air transport, passenger transportation and delivery of goods are carried out, including in the hard-to-reach areas and to the islands. On the huge spaces of the North, the deer type of transport is preserved. Pipeline transportation is developing: the OCA oil pipeline is built - Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

8. The main problems of the district and the prospects for its development

Northwest Economics

The area has a powerful economic potential, a special transport and geographical position and huge historical and cultural values.


The development of industries producing imports replacement products and export specialization (complex and accurate engineering), scientific developments, cultural and tourist services.

Development of the non-production sphere.

The use of the scientific and socio-cultural potential of the region;

Increasing the international role of the St. Petersburg Seaport and the entire transport system of the district in the transit and export-import systems of Russia requires an increase in its throughput and agrees due to reconstruction and new construction.

Organization in the Leningrad and Novgorod region of free economic zones that contribute to the large-scale involvement of foreign investors in a variety of industries.

Far Eastern economic district

District problems:

Weak development due to remoteness from the central and most oblivious districts;

Harsh natural climatic conditions;

Large distances complicate the development of economic ties with the center and increase the cost of products in its delivery from other economic districts;

The development of the richest resources of the Far East requires huge investments.

Expansion of gold, titanium, tin, polymetals;

The creation of large timber industrial complexes;

Creation of free economic zones, joint ventures specialized in the construction of fish-water plants, ship repair and shipbuilding capacity, seafood breeding, creating woodworking objects and pulp and paper industries.

Now the foreign economic activity of the Far Eastern regions of Russia is not only a source of replenishment of financial resources, but also the most important factor affecting the socio-economic situation of the region as a whole.


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