Black magic conspiracies on damage. Conspiracies helping damage will remove severe magic

Black magic conspiracies on damage. Conspiracies helping damage will remove severe magic

Each person in his life came across difficulties. However, sometimes they are flooded in a huge amount. At such moments it seems that the whole world stumbled on you. One of the reasons for such difficult life situations may be damage. What it is and how to deal with it, let's talk in this article.

What is damage?

The damage is a certain impact on a person with negative energy. It happens two types:

  1. Involuntary;
  2. Targeted.

Often, people experience strong curled or hate to a person. A similar rush of the dark energy can significantly affect this person. This is what is called an involuntary spool.

The targeted damage is carried out only by professional sorcerers and magicians. For this, a variety of rites are carried out, which lead to the Schalu.

How to deal with a damage?

Many believe that it is impossible to avoid negative impact on the spanking and evil. However, it is not.

There are two groups of methods to combat mystical forces:

Do not be afraid. Spend large amounts for the purchase of various amulets and magic items Do not have. Usually, the conspiracy from the damage is enough water, salt and a number of other inexpensive things.

You can remove damage not only with yourself, but also from your loved ones. The main thing is to carry out all the rituals described below correctly.

Interesting moment: shot of damage Immediately returns to the one who brought her to you. It can help you learn offensive. If someone from the environment suddenly began to suffer, like you once, then know the culprit of your sufferings he!

Conspiracy due to water

As you know, there are different conspiracies from damage, but the most popular and useful are those in which water is used.

The best plot for damage is the appeal to the Saints Peter and Paul.

For this rite, only one glass of water is needed. It is best for water from the holy source. If there is no such, buy it in the store.

Do not use water from the crane. She has the most weak useful properties And it is bad for such rituals.

Over a glass, read the following words:

"Saints Peter, yes Paul


From Duma Duma, yes, black

From the evil of human, yes witchcraft demon.

From now on, and forever.


After that, you need to drink a glass with a charged water charged with positive energy. After that, damage will remove into the moment.

There is another water rite. For him, it is necessary to speak holy water with the following prayer:

"Lord, bless all people, and me, including. Take you Holy Mother of God, this driver, yes, see it with me all the boots and lessons.

All eyes enviable let the holy water wash off with me, all glances hate, male views, female, girls.

Funny, sent, rejected, phoned, rusked, faked, let everything envy the holy water from the slave of God (name).

May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen"

After that, water can be drunk daily. It will maintain you in a tone and with an increased resistance to magical effects.

Smoke conspiracy

This plot conspiracy is ideal for those who live in country houses. After all, it is there, in rustic houses, there are huge furnaces. They anciently helped the peasants to fight conspiracies from those who did not like their neighbors or boyars.

In order to get rid of damage, it is enough to melt the oven, wait for the smoke to dwell from the chimney and go out. There you need to read a special prayer:

"Drying, chimney king,

Pick me out of me

The word is someone else's evil.

Put it on the nebushka clear,

Let his rays of the red sunshine.

In the forest, the densely

In the river quickly drowned it.

And the owner, enemy, grown. Key. Lock. Language.


Also, this text can be pronounced over the fire - and the effect will be almost the same.

Conspiracy on the removal of damage salt

Since ancient times it was believed that salt is an incredibly strong magical agent. With it, you can get rid of even the most terrible evilles. It was Sol who defended the main character of the novel "Viy" from the Witches.

It is not surprising that today the salt is used in various rites from damage.

The most popular is the following. It is necessary to conduct it at sunset. Take a small plate and pour 1 tablespoon of salt on it. Light the candle next to it and read the following prayer:

"Salt Bela and Chista, cleanse me (name) from Pull, Silla, Privotov, obsolete, from conspiracies, leading to water, for food, in the wind, in the back, eye. May it be so."

After that, you need to pour salt into the envelope and leave on the windowsill. From there, she will collect all the negative energy located in the room.

After three days, the envelope must be buried or drown in water. You can even pull it into the toilet (agree, it is enough to symbolic to send all problems in the toilet).

Another way to remove the evil eye is also effective, and possibly stronger. The fact is that he often leads to the fact that your abuse itself is recognized in everything. After all, damage returns to the most doubted power.

The rite is held at midnight. When the moonlight will illuminate your room, and the celestial canvas will be made up with star bites, turn on the gas stove and put the pan on it. After that, throw three sadstones of salt on it. Then, depending on how salt loses its natural look, read the prayer:

Seventy seven grains, seventy-seven spirits. I give you, I sing the water. You will serve me, but the enemy of my sworn show. Who is evil on the slave of God (name) adds? It is not a rod of animal, not a bullbon fish, not singing the birds, but with the words of Lyhimi. Tell us what kind of person was it? "

Salt emit an unusual twistful sound, as if something dies. This evil eye leaves your body.

Now you need to go out into the street, breathe full of breasts and squeeze the following words:

"Status-Princess, turn everything evil that I brought him to the house. I forgive him, I will return it all about him. "

Congratulations! Your body is clean, and the enemy suffers from incredible torment.

Conspiracies for damage by eggs

Egg - symbol of life and wisdom. It was precisely it contained the death of Koscheyev. In addition, it was repeatedly mentioned in folklore and spell books.

There is a special rite, allowing you to know if there is damage to you.

Take a bowl and pour a glass of water into it. After breaking into it the egg. Try not to damage the yolk.

This bowl is located on the Temkin and hold 5-10 minutes. If the yolk remained intact, the damage was not. If there were strange black dots, it means that you were evil eye, but now he left the body.

Conspiracies for damage from death

Most often, people are trying to get rid of their competitors. Sometimes they resort to the help of black magic and try to send the enemy to the light by damage.

Everyone should be ready for such attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out one of these conspiracies.

This rite needs to be held at night in the cemetery. It is necessary to wipe off his face on the night in the night, throw it on the ground with the words of prayer:

"Death Death Return, where he received, I give and give. Sleep, dead man dead, my illness to take myself, pick up the sick in the grave, fold on the locks. I sleep peacefully without getting up, my disease is not returning to me. Amen."

Immediately leave the cemetery, as it is an extremely negative place. Not everyone to dare to turn this rite.

Conspiracy not to become an old virgin

Guys are often offended by girls who do not agree to relationships with them. It becomes the cause of a strong negative, which develops into damage.

Because of such evil parts, the girls remain old devies. They cannot make a normal relationship. And all because of the old insult.

Exists effective method Do not stay one. To do this, you need to disappear into the nearest church in which we hold wedding. Buy two candles and hide them in a secluded place (pocket, handkerchief, pack, etc.). During the entire procession, read prayer:
Go, the road to the church threshold. In the way, I will meet with whom I will meet, and here will happen. Amen. Amen. Amen

After that, for a sime, every evening you burn two candles. They will charge you with energy of sexuality and completely destroy damage.

There is another conspiracy from loneliness. To do this, you will need 3 pelvis with holy water. She needs to be washed and pronounce the following words:

"God's water, morning dew, I wash my face, flushing with myself. Let my lips are kissed, let my breasts will be pretty. God's water, morning dew, the grooms flow to me, get married to take away. Amen."

These words can be pronounced in the bath. There they will be even more efficient.

Conspiracy from alcoholism

"The Battails", "these words often say about those who suddenly begins to drink. Alcoholism attacks are also due to damage. And you can only fight with the help of prayers and conspiracy.

In order to save someone from alcoholism, you need to purchase three apples. Buy them preferably in the market, without bargaining. After buying, throwing them into their pigs, saying the following conspiracy:

"A pig eats, and vodka does not drink. So the slave (the name of the damned) vodka will not drink. Amen. "

Pigs may be strangers. The most important thing is to pronounce the words sincere and from the bottom of my heart.

Creating a personal charm

It is wrong to believe that it is enough to just buy a horseshoe or amulet from damage. They still need to charge their own strength so that they help only you and close.

In the evening you need to light 5 candles. Position your personal charm between them and say the following words 3 times:

"You will serve for me to protect, faithful to be protected from evil that dwells and hovers around. May I say, as I said! "

Now the charm is charged by your energy. The rite needs to be repeated 3 times a year to maintain its defense in the tone.


Damage is a terrible thing. She destroyed the lives of many good people. Particularly injured by those who did not have such knowledge. They just suffered from negative energy and could not get rid of it.

You now know about major conspiractions against magicians. This is a strong weapon that must be used with the mind.

Especially useful to have a personal guard. It helps not fall under the stream of someone else's negative.

The main thing is not to be afraid. Use these rituals, and all troubles and adversity will bypass your home.

Sometimes damage to the enemy is the only thing that remains to be done when there is no other opportunities to influence the person. But do not forget that everything has its price.

In the article:

Damage to the enemy - what you need to know about it

Supposing damage to the enemy, you must be prepared for the fact that it is punishable. If the victim of your witchcraft is negative, he will return back and will harm you. There are many who threw off the negative with you or send it again the victim. But it is this article - exclusively about how to damage the enemy.

If you appeal to the malicious section of magic in a truly critical situation, most likely, no punishment you will incur. It will not be if you punish the killer or the rapist of your native person. But for this there are special rituals, which are much safer than damage.

There are cases that you should not leave unpunished. By making the decision to send, first think about - do you really need it? If the answer is positive, choose one of the rituals that are described below.

How to damage the enemy without conspiracy

There are methods for guiding damage to a person and without the use of conspiracy, but the consequences does not cancel. It also does not cancel the appropriate attitude and concentration on damage to your enemy.

In order for the person to gradually lose, throw his photo in Tina. Any green standing reservoir that is in your city is suitable.

Try to slip the enemy of the berries, which before that was made in the cemetery. They act as far as land and other subjects from this place.

If you get a photo of your enemies and throw it on someone's grave, he will be sick. And the picture that was placed in the coffin to the dead man ,. The photo can also be poured hot on the candle (not on the fire lighters!) Needle. You can prick any parts of the body, the harm will be applied specifically.

If you have the opportunity to get your urine of your enemy, you can make it so that it will turn yellow and go to the light no later than a year. Buy a chicken egg without trading. At night on Tuesday or on Saturday, go there where no one hurts you. The ritual is carried out only on the street, at home and in general it is impossible to do it. Have a white wax or white candle with me.

In the blunt end of the egg, do a small hole and release the protein. You can pour it right on the ground. In the same hole pour urine, while simultaneously speaking the name of your enemy. Hole close wax, then scream the egg to the ground. After that, immediately go home without turning around and not talking to anyone on the road. On the parish home immediately go to bed. The damage to the enemy will work immediately after the egg rotches in the ground.

If your enemy has a garden, you can spoil it, sculpting water to the ground, which the dead man washed. On this earth, nothing will grow, even weed herbs.

You can hurt. To do this, after any feast, collect all the glasses, of which drank alcohol. Drain everything left in them, in one dishes. These are layers, drinking them categorically impossible, because it leads to dependence on alcohol. But they can be added to them or give a drink under the guise of treating your enemy.

Damage to the enemy - conspiracies

If you can get a broom to whom the fellow floor after the dead man, then you can damage it. Your enemy will hurt legs, and medicine will not be able to help him. We must place this broom the carpet with such words:

You can't walk in the dead knight. May it be so!

The damage will get to the one who will be the first to pass through this carpet. You can use the rug near the door to the apartment.

On the night before the full moon make damage on nails. Put seven candles in the form of a circle and burn them. Prepare a small cut of black fabric. To the center of the circle from the candles it is necessary to put seven nails and read seven times on them:

Horse in soap, iron in the horn. Spirit flames, mountain burns. To spin to you (name) in the gland boiling, on stones are sharp, on the swamps of Zybuchim, and on the Omutam dark, without sleep, without rest, the day is clear, yes at night the dark. Always suffer from you, in the darkness yes darkness! Ugh on you! The case is dark closure, in the word secretly locking!

When all the candles store (you can take thin, which are in just 15-20 minutes), collect nails harvested with cloth and wrap them. Do not touch the nails with bare hands, only this cloth. They must be thrown under the threshold to your enemy. The fabric should be buried by you in the cemetery, near the fence, but from the inside. This is done at midnight.

The damage "pinning" is done on three needles. Each of them is required to hold over a candle flame with such words:

Of the one who offended me, let the disgraces be disgraced. Curse, evil urge, punishing terrible revenge. Needle - my sword punishing!

After that, hide the candle and wrap the needles in black fabric. Go to the house where your enemy lives. Stick the first needle in his door jamb, say six times:

I curse here living.

Do this with the second needle, the words of the conspiracy on damage also talk six times:

I curse my enemy.

And on the third also six times say plot and stick it into a jamb of the door:

I curse the enemy who lives here.

You can find an aspen nest and make damage to it. To do this, take the knife for the blade, and turn the handle around it and say:

The wasp is quickly sting, my damage quickly in the grave reduces. The sting of the Osin hurts, the body burns from it, and from the damage to my (name) to hurt, and it will be burning to the grave to death. The word is said, the case is done!

The knife should be thrown into the enemy to the house, stick in the door jamb or put under the threshold. It is strictly forbidden to take a handle - damage will enter the person who first takes it for her.

Pulling is often done on salt. The conspiracy is:

I do not smell salt, and I urge pain.
I do not give anything, the strength of (name) is theft.
Demons Lyhhe, take it peace,
Days to miss him, do not sleep at night,
Neither under the moon nor under the salty of happiness not to know!
Key. Lock. Language.

Salt roll on the threshold of your enemy.

You can try to get the hair of the person who must be spoiled. For example, it is imperceptible to collect from clothes, or, being a guest, take hair with combs. After that you need a fast river. Throw your hair enemy into her and say:

As in the river, the hair is drowning, so for them and happiness (name) runs away!

The fate of your enemy will be unhappy.

There is also a plot of grave land. When you take it, be sure to leave the bump. Just come to the cemetery and it is impossible to take the earth, you must give something in return. The land must be dry. Read it:

In Sorrow-grass I spit, smoking it at the same time, with a delaimer, the broom was noticed. Black dead sand - yes enemy to my bag!

Spit three times through the left shoulder and tell me: "May it be so". Read, then spit three times over your shoulder and talk final words follows seven times. Land over the Enemy to Earth, for a garden, for example.

Almost every person heard about the evil eye, and, of course, I would not like to become his victim to anyone. However, no one is insured against negative species of energy exposure. If the influence of bad spell has already touched you or someone from your family, try to apply a conspiracy from the evil eye - the means whose effectiveness was tested by our distant ancestors.

Under the declamation is understood as the direct impact of negative energy per person, which is happening at the information level and leading to a violation of its energy protection. In contrast, from one variety of negative witchcraft exposure - damage, the evil eye has a weaker influence on the victim.

The evil eye is most often emerging unconsciously - when the flow of information containing a negative promise is sent to a person: it can be praise, compliment made with bad thoughts, with envy.

The result of this negative impact becomes bad luck and failure - they literally begin to pursue the sacrifice on the heels. It is also fairly often applied serious damage to health, in which drug treatment is useless.

Not always the evil sacrifice feels immediately. If a person overflows positive energy, its body is in good tone, at first it can resist negative effects. But over time, his victim pierces his victim in the biofield, through which his vital energy begins to flow (it).

Conspiracy from the evil eye is a simple, but very powerful tool that can overcome alien negative. The species of this magical ritual there are a huge set, but it is necessary to perform it only with a firm confidence in the presence of a decline on himself or on a close person.

Signs of the evil eye

How to diagnose the availability of the evil eye? This negative impact manifests itself with a number of signs. They are:

  • sudden deterioration of well-being and health. A person may have general malaise, weakness, frequent headaches and dizziness, whose nature is not amenable to medical explanation;
  • depressive condition, apathy and indifference to everything;
  • insomnia, nightmares with reinforced realism, awakening in cold sweat;
  • troubles and failures covering all the spheres of the victim's life;
  • sudden and unwedful disruption of all plans;
  • deep guilt feeling.

The presence of one or more of the above symptoms is highly likely to be evidence of the evil eye, but not always. Determine for sure that the person has undergone negative effects, it is possible by conducting special magic rituals.

Rite to identify the evil

There are many techniques to help reveal the evil eye on a person. I will describe the most simple and accurate.

Ritual with a candle

The rite is fast and efficient, but requires extraneous assistance (it is better to trust a native or close person who exactly who does not want evil to you). It is also necessary to prepare a candle - preferably church, but in the extreme case it is possible to do the usual. The essence of the rite:

  1. Actions of a potential victim: Sit on the chair, back and head to keep right.
  2. Assistant actions: To bring a lit candle to the sacrifice head and it is clockwise, trace the result.
  3. Rating results: From the candle proceeds black smoke - explicit presence of the Schalza; Black and melting wax (paraffin) - a sign of damage.

This ritual is also able to perform a conspiracy function from the evil eye and apply instead. To remove the ailment, the candle that was used to diagnose, you need burn in open fire (oven, fireplace) or melt it completely and throw out the remnants.

Independent ritual with matches

This independent rite used to diagnose the evil eye also acts simultaneously with the means to eliminate the negative impact.

  1. Preparation for the rite: stay at sunset at the table, put in front of you glass clean, Next to put matchbox, 9 matches Remove from the box and postpone.
  2. Rite content: Take one postponed match, light, holding it in front of your face, and looking at her burning, pronounce a conspiracy from the evil eye: "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Blood celestial net, save and save God's slave (God's slave)(His name) from any unkindy eyes, from a bad hour, from the male and female, from the children's and joyful, from the conspiracy and hated, from the negotiation yes evil. Amen (3 times)! " Having waited when the flame of the match will reach the fingers of the artist, lower the match into the water. The same actions should be done with all 9 matches (the conspiracy is chipped 9 times).
  3. Assessment of results. Count the number of sunken matches: did not touch anyno sloe; sound 1-4 matcheslight formwho managed to remove with the help of the ritual; 5-9 matches under waterstrong evil eyerequiring the repetition of this rite as another day. If, after repeating the ritual of sunken matches, there was no less, it means that it is necessary to carry out a more powerful ritual from the evil eye or for help to turn to professional MAG.
  4. Completion of the rite. Without removing the matches from the glass, fastening one sip of water from 4 sides of a glass with the words: "God, help, God, up. Amen" . Water remnants with matches together throw out to the street - through the threshold of the house or from the window.

The best rituals and conspiracy to remove the evil eye

Vintage fashion "Grandma Salomonide"

This is an old powerful rite that even applies. Count of conspiracy - grandmother Salomonide - was the strongest ancient sign, who knows how to heal people from any varieties of negative witch influence. For the first time, the spell text was published in the XV century, it is successfully used in modern magical practice.

If a conspiracy from the evil eye is applied to himself, then it should be read in absolute loneliness and darkness, if for a person of another, then in its presence. Conspire text:

"There are in the east Great Sea, the Deep Sea, the Bison Sea. It is among that sea the Great Island, on it - the stone church. It is in the church that the throne of the saint from pure, the grandmother Salomonide sits on it. God's slave (name) is the island that the mean of the blue sea will come to the golden throne yes to the grandmother Salomonide, that the Pelhenal of Jesus Christ himself, he won his silk belt, threw his robe to his robe. Grandma Salomonide, take away from God's slave (name) all evil smlorassa da podsochi, all the spoofs are night and bottom, morning and evening, midnight and mid-lane. How not to keep water in a fist of one, and the evil eye on God's slave (name) will not be able to hold. As a gray goose swims in water and floats, shakes away from the droplets and remains dry, and the smoothing and pursuers from God's slave (name) are sherring and come. As drying dew on the morning grass, and the evil eye and the pursuers will dry on God's slave (name). As the fire from the water swells and the power of the evil eye will go out. The evil eye and pursuers, follow the dark forests, in black mud, where no one person walks, does not pass the horse, where the dog does not run, where birds do not fly. Go to the swamps of the swamps, in green moss - do it cool and stay forever. What is said, will come true. Amen (3 times)! "

On milk

One of the effective rituals to eliminate the evil eye. To fulfill, you will need: cow's milk, red candle, glass container, metal dishes, ordinary sponge. A rite is done after sunset daylight, alone. Procedure of the artist:

  1. Pour the milk into the glass container, put on the table, lay a closer red candle.
  2. Take a sponge and moisten it in milk, wipe her face and neck with the words: "White milk cleans me. I clean up from evil. White milk leather animated. I am reborn in the world. Amen!" Repeat all actions 2 more times (it turns out only 3 repetitions).
  3. After the third repetition in the metal dishes, it is necessary to ignite the fire and burn a sponge with the words: "How to burn in the heat of dirt black with my skin, so in him and evil black burns, the castle does not hang on me".
  4. The face and neck can be blocked up with a napkin, which will then need to burn. Also burn it is necessary and the flashes from the candle. Milk residues need to be poured under any tree.

After the ritual, not to wash 2-3 hours.

Conspiracy from the declamation of water for washing

Claimed water should wash the victim from negative man. Sounds text like this:

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Earth king, marine king, heavenly king, nice and save God's slave(the name of the sacrifice) from the eye of the evil and man is lurch. Amen!"

On holy water

This conspiracy from the evil eye is phoned to the holy water taken in the temple. The spoken water is used daily for - Morning and Evening. Text:

"Lord God bless the whole Orthodox and me. Most Holy Virgin, take water this and her see all lessons and hooks with me. Let him wash with me holy this water all enviable eyes and all hated views, the views of female and men's. Sent, thought, rejected, faked, rusked, philanthropes, let the holy water take envy all from God's slave(the name of the victim). What is said, will come true. Amen (3 times)! "

In addition to waters, water conspiracy is needed to spray clothes and a bed victim from the evil eye of a person, all the corners and walls in his dwelling, its workplace.

Another way watch in the video:


In addition to the usual evil eye, induced in other people's people, there is another phenomenon that is called self-headed.For example, it may occur if a person is delighted with some successful breathtaking, heals from the alend or just praise himself for something.

To eliminate the self-heading, there is a special conspiracy, pronounced which is pronounced in front of the mirror. The performer has to look at its reflection, and in the hands of keeping a lit candle. Words are pronounced three times:

"The mirror world, the appearance of the evil eye, with sobody, put it firmly, fix it, do not let him go anywhere, do not return it."

After a triple pronunciation of the conspiracy, put the candle to the windowsill, give it to the end to burn. Sparks need to throw out or bury.

If they smoothed the child

Often the victim of the evil eye becomes small children. Children's biofield (especially in kids up to 7 years) is more vulnerable and easily undergoing negative impact. The most defenseless before the influence of the evil eye are newborn kids. Therefore, parents immediately after the birth of a new family member must comply with certain measures that will help protect the child:

  • to try anyone to show a newborn child before baptism. The baptized child receives his personal guardian angel who will protect him from any evil and bad impact;
  • you can not admire and for a long time to look at the sleeping baby - the restriction applies to the parents themselves;
  • it is desirable for the sleeping kid to pronounce the prayers of the "Father" and "the Virgin Delo, Rejoice", and also to baptize him more often;
  • you can not allow anyone to praise the baby. If it still happened, it should be made the thrustery immediately spit.

If the kid still failed to protect from the evil eye, special conspiracies will help parents. Read their best native mother or mother of the godfather.

On water

You need to wash the child and drain this to earth or to the floor, pronouncing:

"Water with poppy, sorrow with a baby. Where did it come from, there and merged. Who is on a dyatko with anger, then back with Corn. Amen!"

On water and salt

In the water, pour 3 pinching salts, whisper says:

"Light-father and God's Mother of God, I help me, with God's slave (from God's baby For children under 7 years old) (child name) Sloggle. Amen!"

It is necessary to wash this pit with water. Towel cannot be used - the water itself should dry on the skin.


This conspiracy removes the evil eye and also performs a protective function. For the ritual, you need to prepare a new and chew (better with juniper) - it must be pre-washed and dried. You waw in the metal dishes, set fire to the match, wait for a strong smoke. In this smoke it is necessary to keep the pin and utter a conspiracy:

"Smoke black, fences, defend from trouble, eaten away by malice, guard(child name) Stand. "

The plug in the smoke pin should be attached to the inside of the child's clothing - opposite the region of the heart.

Today, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how can the magical rituals bring a strong damage to the enemy. If you have a strong enemy, who offended you scary or interferes, then you can punish it with a magical ritual at a distance - make a black damage to the enemy, so that you left, and left you alone. Powerful high-speed curses that practicing magicians in their own, all give results. But how strong it will turn out to be, and how long the effect will be kept on the victim, it depends, as always, from the one who becomes a curse using black magic conspiracy.

Here is an example of an independent rite that a person can make, which is long-dealing by witchcraft, but having some workers and concepts about the use of black magic. This is how at home to make a damage to the enemy, his health pour through his photo.

Damage to the enemy at home - sickness to send pictures

So that the enemy is on illness to speak and hurt hard life, it is necessary to do this black ritual on a decreasing moon.

And in order to send damage to your offender, take:

  • photo of the victim
  • ritual knife

This strong damage Made in the photo of the enemy. Take at night, you can freeze a candle for lighting. Holding a photo in the left hand, and in the right - ritual knife, draw the knife crosses from the corner to the corner. Those. Cut the knife on the image from the right upper angle into the left lower right, and from the left upper - to the right bottom. At the same time, 9 times you need to read the text yourself. conspiracy damage to the photograph of the enemy. Locked the photo of the knife all the time until you read the words of the conspiracy, and how many times you succeed, it does not matter.

"The scene of the Dark Forest stands the stump mossy. I am a mossy sideways, I will find a snake snake, I'll take a tangle gady. Oh, you, naughty creeping, snakes, not sit, do not sit in a forest dusk, and go to a slave (name) in his flesh and a core, brain and stomach. Drink his juices, so that he could neither live nor be, nor there, nor drink, but only to dry not by day, but by the hour, from the century before the century and now and are confused. Il, Erech, Azode, Awrakalan, Satan, Immanuel. Nima. Nima. Nima.

When pronouncing the castle, the knife is needed with force to zag in the photo of the offender. Do not remove the knife, so leave until the morning. Candle to pay off. In the rite, it does not play a key role, and it takes just for lighting. If it is possible to do without it, the candle can not be lit at all. In the morning (early in the morning, as soon as the light begins) the photograph of the enemy burn. There are 2 options of how to do with ashes.

You can attribute to the hiking crossroads, and dispel there. If the wind falls towards the house of the victim, it will strengthen the damage. The deposit in the guise of a magical damage in the name of the enemy at home is not needed, because the work is carried out on the personal strength of the magician - performer, and last words Conspiracy: "Il, Erech, Azode, Avrakalan, Satan, Immanuel" - this is still not a call, but an ordinary black castle. Words of power. In independent conspiracies, white magic also has its own types of trips: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," or "I believe in Christ and the Holy Militia", etc. So, you don't need to look for difficulties where they are not.
If you have experience with graves, it is possible to complete severe damage on his offender, Take the ashes from the burned out photo on the cemetery and pour out on the nominal grave. I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, remind you, on the grave everything is done according to the rules of the cemetery witchcraft, about the messenger of the dead assistant and about the gifts to the host cemetery to remember holy. Do not forget about visualization. The result of work depends on quality.

In general, any ritual is associated with visualization. The better the magician - the performer worked this moment, the better result. If we talk about this, a particular ritual to make a damage to the enemy, then the photo is obtained as a binding to a certain person. However, the final result of the independent ritual of a strong curse on the death of the enemy, he obeys the aggregate of many moments. It is best to work in the complex, if necessary, a black damage in the name of the enemy can be repeated, purposefully finishing a person, so that he suffers and suffered. Magic protection on yourself is necessarily. Before the rite, it is not hard to diagnose and strengthen energy protection.

Strong damage to the disease through a native cross

There are damage in black magic to send a disease to a person. And it is possible to do it through a native cross, giving it to his enemy to punish for evil. The black damage on the cross has long been known, and is practiced by the magicians for a long time to send the disease. That's just, believers believers are that the crosses do not give and do not take as a gift. So it's hard to give a cross and be sure that the one who severe damage through the crossit was intended, it would not run to the church the cross, and that in general to carry it.

You can apply this ritual if the deadly enemy is a close relative. But, it is difficult to hide from relatives to hide than you are industrial, I mean, Magic Sergey Artgrom mean, if on the way of the magician you go consciously, and do not call again when it is imparted. You can change the enemy from the enemy, for example in the bath. There are already a look, and in circumstances act. How a black damage through a cross will fall, look at. And first-fast protection from your offender check. Not all people with magical defensives, but many they have, even if they do not realize it. In some strong generic protection. Tarot cards will say about everything.
But, back to the independent ritual of pointing the damage through the native cross of his enemy. In the church to buy a native cross with a crucifix. As soon as the decreasing moon is, go to the cemetery, and in the nominal grave, cover it, turning up upside down. For 13 nights leave. It is clear that it is necessary to put a pominent, you can light the candle. And the owner of the cemetery also gifts. Without the knowledge of the owner, no magical rituals on the graves do not. I, Magic Sergei Artgrom, warn, even if the handful of grave land is needed to take, and then you need to welcome the owner, and it is necessary to leave something for anxiety. How to pass the last time, go and go dig.

At the same time, to read a conspiracy to damage the enemy:

"To the death of a slave (name) I take a birth to him on him, there will be a cross on her chest to hang, and his chest will be chill. If he decides, but to whom will give, then the birth will not give himself, but he will give himself a cross, he will give him a gloom, and the ghoul in his, yelling, and his chest will go, fell. Skat. "

If everything is done correctly, so the consequence of damage to the cross There should be breast disease, heart, and lungs. Magic ritual should be comprehensively necessary, because just with one intention and a pair of visits on the cemetery is strong illness. It is necessary to weaken the victim. To protect yourself from the return, it is clear to put protection. But the protection of their work, the marrow and impenetrate will not be superfluous. This is the case if the victim goes, so that Magu had to work hard to remove damage through the cross, you made.

Magic spanking on 13 grave crosses - quickly kill the enemy

Before you independently make a deadly curse to your enemy, the post-free post-free 13 days should be kept. Strong magic ritual Make on a decreasing moon. You need to get something from the clothes of the enemy, a shirt, for example. Break it into 13 bands, and on the 13 active registered graves of 1 flap to bury. I bury at the foot of each cross.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Reading the words of the conspiracy to bring fatal damage to the offender:

"The man of one norodili, and the name (name) was dying, and he was lit by the cross of church for life. Tako I also spell it, yes on life (name) I died to life, who was put in the grave, and the cross was crowned, and the cross is sown with one sown, and they are endowed with thirteen forces. So with my mouth as a word, yes from each cross force, and the power is the death, a detrimental, and unacceptable, and the cross is the cross, and the word strength. Yes, for three days, the grave is laundering, but I remove from each cross. So go, yes, the crosses will advise, but what is hes at you, then the dead on (name) is thrown. So the cross was dying him, so it is a cross in this hour and thoroughly. So not one cross, and there is a circle, yes the circle that thirteen crosses, and the dead bodies are complicated, but one is imposed on (name). That body is alive, yes to the body is dead, the cross began, and the cross is the end, it is also baptized by a cross, so in the grave of the cross (name) is summarized. Such is the spell, for thirteen crosses, the Duzden Curse. Amen".

These words strong curse on the death of the enemyread each cross. On every grave, leaving a piece of raw meat with blood. From each grave, you need to take the grief of the earth. Having done everything, the land assembled to the cemetery intersection. There, the earth should be poured in the form of an equilateral cross, and read the text of the conspiracy to the death of the enemy:

"Thirteen and one to go down, and one cross, yes to one fate, and that's the (name) now the cross everything is superimposed, and on all the roads it is broken, and thirteen unacceptable (name) to seek today will become. It is written, it is said, then the cross is noted. Amen".

Do not forget about the generous gifts to the owner. Leave from the cemetery, silently, without turning around. In addition to the fact that health is spoiled, so that the enemy is broken, you can additionally imagine damage to the enemy to work - to ruin trade, from work to dismiss, block, and even pick up good luck and luck is thought. But, you can and other way to go. If your enemy is a woman, you can cut damage to the house of the enemy, or witch to deprive her simple female happiness, making damage to eternal loneliness. And here is an example how to damage the perpetual loneliness through the doll from the gravestone.

Read the conspiracy to damage the enemy:

"Damn, my assistants, gonna, humpback, cosmatic, fly away because of the high mountains, out of rotten marshes, from the dense forests, on the call of my fly, the service faithfully serve."

Having said so, take a doll and begin to wrap it with threads, while reading the spokespoint in the name of the enemy:

"Cut on a slave (name), tormented it, tormented, troubles, eat it on it, take the beauty of it. Was with Da Bela, it became black yes, Gnile, the Zabyia mucus was covered, it was blocked on the dead. He was healthy and cheerful, began to be sad, it was sick, all the reversals are not needed, but no one needs. Damn, my assistants, I serve me, slave (name) surround. Near her to stand, guys yes guys drive off from her. Whoever comes to her how the feet will take away from the plague. Not to go with it with a freak, nor with a beautiful, nor with the workers, nor with a lazy, nor with a thick, nor with thin, nor with old or young. All of her side will be bypass, as they run away from the ledge. Damn, you have a slave (name) stand, my decree is executed. Amen".

This doll, conspired to damage through female diseases and full loneliness, out of the house to take the same night, and drown on the garbage or in the sewer. And the candle grinding with good bumps to attract the units to the intersection.

Simple words, damage is a negative impact on a particular person. In this article, we will analyze how to damage the damage on someone who offended, using homemade. She may worsen your health, deprive happiness and in rare cases of life. Damage can be called an energy virus that infects biopol man And he inflicts strong damage. Also, this virus, changes all your positive energy on a negative and does not allow to restore positive energy in a natural way.

There are very many types of damage, and ways to guidance. But damage always has one goal - destruction.

Distinguish such types of damage:

  • damage to the disease;
  • to the destruction of marriage;
  • damage to loneliness;
  • on relationship;
  • damage to impotence;
  • in infertility;
  • damage to business;
  • for money or property
  • damage for fear.

If you decide to bring damage to someone, do not hope for a quick result. It acts slowly, but effectively, as a romel of black magic, which is smoothly embedded in a biofield and destroys it from the inside. And such an effect leads to various diseases, apathy and depression. A person disappears incentive to life , He begins to feel very exhausted.

Now let's say out loud what you wish to the offender. This should not be a lot of text, you need to clearly state the essence of the wishes, and at the same time remember all the offenses that he caused to you. All this time will erase on his photo and feel like all negative energy rushes in this person.. And do not forget that only one must be desired. Several will not work and there is a risk - it can turn against you. If a person is very greedy, wish him to live in a poverty before the end. In this case, you can put a small coin on the bread, and then it's carefully to put it, so that he does not notice.

Coins are very good carriers of spanking, and if you find unknown coins, it is better to throw them out.

Slap your wishes six times, and tear off the photo of the offender on small pieces. Then start to crumble bread on the table and you say such words:

« How not to become crumbs grains: Taki (the name of your offender) Do not know the rest: the trouble goes for you. Your thresholds bother: Life fills misfortune!»

Then carefully roll up a black tablecloth with crumbs and pieces of the photo, and pour out in the yard, where the bread jams the birds. In ancient times, these crumbs attributed to the yard of the villain and poured his birds (chirms or other animals). And if the rite was carried out correctly, then the first sign was the fact that the world was attacked by livery. Candle should not be left at homeFor greater effect, it can be buried at the gate of the offender.

But if you do not want to carry out such a complex magic rite to damage the damage on someone who offended you, then there is a simpler ritual for this. But it is already necessary to perform in the temple. Buy twelve sacred candles, install eleven of them by the Virgin, burn and pray for the icon. And put the twelfth candle for rest.

Also burn down and say such words:

« God, forgive and save! Not death to your slave. I wish.

Just ask! Let (say that spoiling a person).

If the Lord does not help, the devil will begin. Everything, in my opinion, will happen! Amen!»

Now you know how to damage the person who hurt a person. But remember that after this rite is damage, it is impossible to go to the church for a month. And the result may not be as effective as at the first ritual. Also this method is not predictable, since the Lord himself will decide how to punish the offender. It happens that the highest forces may consider that they hurt you right, and your enemy will not suffer any punishment. However, this method is the safest, it can protect against the error of a frustrated person. Decide yourself, what kind of way to catch up the damage to you like.

How to bring damage to the ruin

Often, women face the treason of her husband and almost always part because of this. To damage your marriage at the direction of your marriage, you should contact Black Magu. But if you decide to punish this woman on your own and enjoy revenge, then read on. But remember, use the knowledge of knowledge with caution!

For this ritual, damage, you will need such items:

  • The thing that is impregnated with the energy of the rainbits and which can be pierced with a needle;
  • Icon with the name of the victim (for example: Anna icon, or Victoria, and so on);
  • Two wax candles;
  • Thirteen new needles.

This ritual Porki is held from 16 to 19th lunar days at midnight. Light and put the first candle and put on the table, and the second melts and drop thirteen times on the icon. During the rite, it is necessary to pay off from the dark forces, and get their approval. To do this, write your ringtone on your left hand, and drop the blood to the burning candle. If the candle is walked, then you should stop this ritual, for it does not like evil spirits.

But if the candle continues to burn, then you need to whisper:

« Here's a demon, my fee, for my request»

When you finish the spill, split all the 13 needles over the flame of the candle, each in turn, and at the same time say:

« This is me, the witch (name), at midnight the Face of the Holy Patch, in the name of Satan, damage, and the hell for this face of my rival (name) will ruin. So that the face of the slave (name) arrows sharply, so that purulent ulces, but the grozhi scary on it appeared. So that she knew the bitterness bitter, and the sufferings are terrible, and terrible sadness. May come true what is said»

Then in turn stick all 13 needles in the thing of your rival (if it starts to light up, then put it up with her left palms).

Over the next day, take two bottles of vodka, five coins, a bottle of water and all yesterday's items that were used in the porching ritual on the one who offended and go to the cemetery. Find unnamed grave. Put an icon on it with a personal briefing and take them with vodka from the first bottle. Then quickly go and in no cases do not turn around. When you reach the first intersection, stop, open the second bottle and put on the road, and throw coins through the right shoulder and tell me:

« You, eternal hostess of this effort»

At the second crossroad, throw thirteen needles and pour them with water, whispered:
« It is to you, Beddown's demons, scary demons. I give you, I treat you. And you repay me, by force my rite»

After that, go home and do not try to turn around. This damage will soon spoil your rival life, and believe me she will still regret what has contacted you. On the first Sunday, it is desirable to go to the church and ask for forgiveness for all your sins.


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