Conspiracies to remove damage. How to make damage on someone who offended

Conspiracies to remove damage. How to make damage on someone who offended

Sometimes damage to the enemy is the only thing that remains to be done when there is no other opportunities to influence the person. But do not forget that everything has its price.

In the article:

Damage to the enemy - what you need to know about it

Supposing damage to the enemy, you must be prepared for the fact that it is punishable. If the victim of your witchcraft is negative, he will return back and will harm you. There are many who threw off the negative with you or send it again the victim. But it is this article - exclusively about how to damage the enemy.

If you appeal to the malicious section of magic in a truly critical situation, most likely, no punishment you will incur. It will not be if you punish the killer or the rapist of your native person. But for this there are special rituals, which are much safer than damage.

There are cases that you should not leave unpunished. By making the decision to send, first think about - do you really need it? If the answer is positive, choose one of the rituals that are described below.

How to damage the enemy without conspiracy

There are methods for guiding damage to a person and without the use of conspiracy, but the consequences does not cancel. It also does not cancel the appropriate attitude and concentration on damage to your enemy.

In order for the person to gradually lose, throw his photo in Tina. Any green standing reservoir that is in your city is suitable.

Try to slip the enemy of the berries, which before that was made in the cemetery. They act as far as land and other subjects from this place.

If you get a photo of your enemies and throw it on someone's grave, he will be sick. And the picture that was placed in the coffin to the dead man ,. The photo can also be poured hot on the candle (not on the fire lighters!) Needle. You can prick any parts of the body, the harm will be applied specifically.

If you have the opportunity to get your urine of your enemy, you can make it so that it will turn yellow and go to the light no later than a year. Buy a chicken egg without trading. At night on Tuesday or on Saturday, go there where no one hurts you. The ritual is carried out only on the street, at home and in general it is impossible to do it. Have a white wax or white candle with me.

In the blunt end of the egg, do a small hole and release the protein. You can pour it right on the ground. In the same hole pour urine, while simultaneously speaking the name of your enemy. Hole close wax, then scream the egg to the ground. After that, immediately go home without turning around and not talking to anyone on the road. On the parish home immediately go to bed. The damage to the enemy will work immediately after the egg rotches in the ground.

If your enemy has a garden, you can spoil it, sculpting water to the ground, which the dead man washed. On this earth, nothing will grow, even weed herbs.

You can hurt. To do this, after any feast, collect all the glasses, of which drank alcohol. Drain everything left in them, in one dishes. These are layers, drinking them categorically impossible, because it leads to dependence on alcohol. But they can be added to them or give a drink under the guise of treating your enemy.

Damage to the enemy - conspiracies

If you can get a broom to whom the fellow floor after the dead man, then you can damage it. Your enemy will hurt legs, and medicine will not be able to help him. We must place this broom the carpet with such words:

You can't walk in the dead knight. May it be so!

The damage will get to the one who will be the first to pass through this carpet. You can use the rug near the door to the apartment.

On the night before the full moon make damage on nails. Put seven candles in the form of a circle and burn them. Prepare a small cut of black fabric. To the center of the circle from the candles it is necessary to put seven nails and read seven times on them:

Horse in soap, iron in the horn. Spirit flames, mountain burns. To spin to you (name) in the gland boiling, on stones are sharp, on the swamps of Zybuchim, and on the Omutam dark, without sleep, without rest, the day is clear, yes at night the dark. Always suffer from you, in the darkness yes darkness! Ugh on you! The case is dark closure, in the word secretly locking!

When all the candles store (you can take thin, which are in just 15-20 minutes), collect nails harvested with cloth and wrap them. Do not touch the nails with bare hands, only this cloth. They must be thrown under the threshold to your enemy. The fabric should be buried by you in the cemetery, near the fence, but from the inside. This is done at midnight.

The damage "pinning" is done on three needles. Each of them is required to hold over a candle flame with such words:

Of the one who offended me, let the disgraces be disgraced. Curse, evil urge, punishing terrible revenge. Needle - my sword punishing!

After that, hide the candle and wrap the needles in black fabric. Go to the house where your enemy lives. Stick the first needle in his door jamb, say six times:

I curse here living.

Do this with the second needle, the words of the conspiracy on damage also talk six times:

I curse my enemy.

And on the third also six times say plot and stick it into a jamb of the door:

I curse the enemy who lives here.

You can find an aspen nest and make damage to it. To do this, take the knife for the blade, and turn the handle around it and say:

The wasp is quickly sting, my damage quickly in the grave reduces. The sting of the Osin hurts, the body burns from it, and from the damage to my (name) to hurt, and it will be burning to the grave to death. The word is said, the case is done!

The knife should be thrown into the enemy to the house, stick in the door jamb or put under the threshold. It is strictly forbidden to take a handle - damage will enter the person who first takes it for her.

Pulling is often done on salt. The conspiracy is:

I do not smell salt, and I urge pain.
I do not give anything, the strength of (name) is theft.
Demons Lyhhe, take it peace,
Days to miss him, do not sleep at night,
Neither under the moon nor under the salty of happiness not to know!
Key. Lock. Language.

Salt roll on the threshold of your enemy.

You can try to get the hair of the person who must be spoiled. For example, it is imperceptible to collect from clothes, or, being a guest, take hair with combs. After that you need a fast river. Throw your hair enemy into her and say:

As in the river, the hair is drowning, so for them and happiness (name) runs away!

The fate of your enemy will be unhappy.

There is also a plot of grave land. When you take it, be sure to leave the bump. Just come to the cemetery and it is impossible to take the earth, you must give something in return. The land must be dry. Read it:

In Sorrow-grass I spit, smoking it at the same time, with a delaimer, the broom was noticed. Black dead sand - yes enemy to my bag!

Spit three times through the left shoulder and tell me: "May it be so". Read, then spit three times over your shoulder and talk final words follows seven times. Land over the Enemy to Earth, for a garden, for example.

Strong plotwhich will help get rid of damage

In this article:

Over the past few years, the popularity in the population of black magic has grown significantly. Deceived and jealous wives, mistresses, envious, offended subordinates, competitors, they all got access to the Internet, where all the necessary information is collected about how to harm the person.

But few of them in reality think about the consequences of their actions, they do not understand that damage will not solve their problems, but only aggravate the situation even more negative.

Be that as it may, but the growing popularity of black magic led to large quantity People suffering from damage.

The curse is able to strongly damage the physical and spiritual state of the person, and therefore, when the first signs of negative magic are found, it is necessary to hold a controlled control as soon as possible.

Conspiracy to get rid of damage - strong and safe magical rites that help themselves and at home to remove from themselves or their loved ones superimposed negative. Such rituals can be used even by newcomers, but only with the condition that they will be completely confident in their abilities and will believe in Magi itself.

The first signs of negative impact

Porki is very diverse and can act differently to the body and human well-being. However, there are several main manifestations, which indicate a negative magical impact:

  • the emergence of auditory hallucinations, that is, a person begins to hear the voices of the people unfamiliar to him or dead relatives, it happens that a person hears other sounds, the presence of which cannot be explained from a practical point of view;
  • quick set or discharge;
  • sudden manifestation of unreasonable fear, wild horror in front of anything, as well as apathy, longing, sadness, general oppressed state without visible reasons;
  • constant drowsiness or insomnia;
  • nitrogenation on everyone around, a person under the influence of negative magic may be unreserved to show aggression even with respect to the closest and expensive people;
  • a person can become bad in the church or when exposed to consecrated subjects (a native cross, holy water);
  • The "black band" of trouble, the man literally pursue failures in any of his undertakius;
  • the appearance of sensation of gravity in the whole body, common decay physical strength, frequent malaise;
  • the emergence of the feeling of gravity on the shoulders, as if someone sits in a person on her neck;
  • under the influence of damage, the non-drinking person can suddenly go in the jack, from which nothing can withdraw.

Ritals for damage

In addition to universal signs, testifying to the person's imputable damage, there are also special magical techniques that allow you to accurately and quickly determine if there is any third-party negative on the person.

Ritual with egg

To learn about the induced damage you need to take a glass and fill it cold water From under the tap. Now smash a raw chicken egg in a bowl and pour it into the water, it must be done in such a way as not to damage the yolk. Next, you need to keep the container on the human pattern, which you need to check for damage for 2-4 minutes.

This is one of the easiest ways to diagnose.

After this time, carefully consider the contents of the vessel, if the yolk remained the same color as he was, and he floats intact in a yolk, which means there is no negative magical impact on a person. If black dots fired on the surface of the protein, it means that you really lies a strong curse and you can get rid of it only with the help of the most effective rituals.

Ritual for salt and matches

To carry out this rite, it will take half a cup of cold running water, six matches and pinch of salt. You need to throw salt into a glass with water, take one match in my hands, set fire to them and, holding a cross over a glass, read the words of the prayer "Our Father". As soon as the matches blown, you need to throw them into the water, light new and continue reading.

As soon as the last pair of matches, and she will go to the water, carefully consider a glass with water. If all matches float on the surface, it means that there is no magical effect on you.

If the matches are like floats, sticking out of the water, then there has been a slight magical intervention and it is necessary to get rid of it. If all matches drowned, then a person is cursed or under action strong deteriorationthat you need to remove as soon as possible.

Water that you used in this way can be washed

This method allows you to diagnose the presence of a negative impact not only on yourself, but also on another person, for this, before reading the prayer, you need to pronounce the full name of the person and try to prevent this person in their thoughts as clearly as possible.

Conspiracies against damage

Praise is a very strong negative impact on a person and it is possible to remove it only strong and competently conducted magical rites, because it is necessary to carry out one of the available diagnostic rituals, which will be prompting whether the damage was really imposed, and how it is better to remove it. In addition to the already mentioned signs of negative magic, you can also call any disease of the body that is not amenable to standard treatment.

It happens that even the most common runny nose is tormented by a person for many months and no medicine helps against him. This is an indication that the cause of human weakness is on spiritual, and not on the physical level.

Strong conspiracy with dolls

To carry out this effective rite you will need 12 dolls made by your own hands. Dolls can be made from any material that you have at hand, it can be wax, wood, clay, yarn, paper, or any other available material.

It is very important to give the dolls with human traits and make clothes for them.

When the dolls are ready, you need to place them next to the fireplace, a stove or stove so that they are at home the hearth, and leave them there for a day.

After that, the dolls need to be removed and go to them into the nearest forest, where there are pines or ate. Puppet hang on an old coniferous tree.

This ritual is based on ancient belief, which states that any strong birth consists of 12 sisters that suffer very much because they have no housing. In search of your own house, they can pounce onto a person and lead to various diseases.

When the sisters see that a person made their images, they decide that they did housing, because they will come out of the person and settle in these houses.

Get rid of damage caused

If you know that damage to you, and its consequence has become a protracted disease, you can get rid of it with the help of this ritual. For the rite you will need two spiders caught at home. Spiders need to be placed in an empty walnut, combine its halves among themselves and fasten them with thick black threads. This nut now will be a talisman for you, which will help get rid of the inductiva and protect enemies from new actions. As soon as you lose an amulet, it means that the disease has left and never returns again. Do not try to "lose" an amulet intentionally.

Web - symbol of negativity


This magic ritual is best suited for removing a powerful damage induced on commemoration. To remove the negative impact you need to read the words of the conspiracy.

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  • All rituals of varying complexity, so even beginner sorcerers can cope with some. Most often, such rites are concluded in just 1 action. Magu should take an image of the victim and put it in the coffin to the dead man.

    It does not need additional attributes or spells. As a result, the deceased will not calm down until it takes the sacrifice of damage to himself - to the world. It is possible to put a photo under the head or clothes of the dead. But it will be better done damage, if the image of the victim is put next to the heart.

    Often, as a subflade use an icon that pre-lying between the palms of the deceased. The task of the sorcerer is to withdraw it and put under the sacrifice under the bed.

    In this case, the dead will also come to a person, trying to return what belongs to him. The soul of the deceased will not be able to go to the world sometimes until he picks up with him to whom it turned out to be tied.

    It is risky enough to carry out such a ritual. If the victim finds an icon in his bed and takes it back to the dead, then all the magic curse will fall on the one who did it.
    You can enhance the ritual by choosing the dead man with the same name as the victim.

    If the magician will use a thread that the hands of the deceased, and throw it to a living day, then the dead person will not just come for the victim. As the expansion of the corpse, the vital forces of the victim will be faded.

    Make a damage to death can even inexperienced magician. But for this you need to have a sufficient reserve of energy. There are at least two pretty simple ritual, which in force inexperienced Magu. In order for them to have aware, it is necessary to concentrate all their hatred for a certain person and the desire to harm him.

    Black magic - damage to death with dead water

    In the people of dead water, they call the one who was pre-washed dead man. Pick it will not be difficult if there are many people in the house. The main thing is that no one notice that you have merged with this fluid in the vessel and took yourself.

    If there is no possibility to get the necessary liquid, take simple water and oven 3 cross on the cemetery. After that, assemble into the container.

    Together with this article read: a conspiracy to death.

    This fluid should be a victim for three days. During this period, you need to spend all the collected water. And on the moments of the deceased, whom washed with water used for the ritual, take a loaf of bread and, stabbing her knife, whisper:

    Change the naval on the point. You, the dead man, find a sacrifice, and reveal on Navoki.

    The knife must be scrolled in bread 3 times counterclockwise. In order for the damage to death faster, take with the amersion to the tablecloth and shook off the whole garbage on the back of the person who is imposed curse.

    Ritual with black cock

    For the rite, the sorcerer needs a T-shirt or shirt of the victim. It is advisable to get the one that it is most often wears. At midnight decompose a shirt on the ground, take a living black rooster and dance the bird right above the sacrifice clothes. Blood birds must pour the shirt. The more blood, the better. Then whisper:

    As a black rooster, unclean spirits are silent, so his blood demons to the name is attracted.

    Put the killed rooster on the shirt and the ritual knife, firmly start everything into the knot. Now go for the crossing of the trail and bury a bundle there, accompanying the action already known words. You need to go away from the venue, without turning and not talking to anyone.

    Curse or targeting implies an energy impact to destroy the usual lifestyle of a person from ill-wishers. And if you can smooth someone unknowingly, then the guidance of any damage is the process conscious, which involves the implementation of special rites. An offended or disappointed person in a rustling of emotions can wonder how to damage the person.

    And not everyone understands the strength of such a rite and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and the choice of a ritual, it is best to weigh everything over and against this rite, because the consequences can touch all the participants, and not just the victims. Methods of negative magical impact in most cases a person who wonders how to impose damage to death, impose a curse or at least to smooth a person, dreams of one - revenge.

    Moral harm, physical injuries or financial troubles - revenge dictates rather strong emotions, fighting with which it is very difficult. However, it should be remembered that the rooting should be carried out by either a professional magician or a person familiar with this sphere.

    Errors and inaccuracies in ritual can contribute to the opposite result. And sometimes performed correctly, the ritual may be accompanied by side effects and consequences for the artist. The most common methods of towing negativity per person: a curse or damage in the photo. Pretty popular way And very affordable - use of photography.

    This is due to the fact that the snapshot, if it is made no earlier than a year before the rite, is a strong link between the performer of the ritual and the victim. Impact damage is easy and, depending on your intentions, the impact may be provided to various areas of human life. using genetic material. Among the magicians is considered a vast success of the possession of a genetic material of any person.

    This is explained by the fact that in this case the management of the owner of the hair or nails becomes a simple process. Use of particles human bodyTo bring a negative impact of a winner, which is characterized by high efficiency. In addition, the curse can also be done using the hair or nail of the victim. with the use of needles, nails and other stitching items. Pulling can be guided using stitching items to be read by conspiracy.

    Usually the last stage of the rite is to drive or inwing a conspiracy nail or needle into a cant of the victim door or instillation in a place where the person usually goes to which the negative should be applied. Using water. To damage the damage to a disadvantageous person, water may be required. As a rule, water is not needed. Most often water is used after sheepding the dead man or swamp fluid. The use of this composition can be used and when the curse is made. Using cemetery items. Earth from the cemetery, grave elements and other similar attributes can be used to damage or impose a curse. damage on the figure. This rite is similar to voodoo damage.

    It will require a figurine to perform it, which will be identified with the victim. To create it, depending on the ritual, the use of or photograph or genetic material of the person will be required. The difference between two negative impacts before proceeding with the choice of the necessary ritual to punish the offender, it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between the damage and the evil eye. The main difference is intention. If the damage is targeted - the process is targeted and conscious, then the person can be smoothed unconsciously. The evil eye is the negative bioenergetic effect of one person to another. You can smooth out almost anyone, look enough to envy or just watch the space. It is impossible to control such an impact.

    However, people with a weak biopole and character or without energy sewn are most susceptible. Therefore, it is impossible to specifically smooth out anyone and there is no rite to perform the evil eye. Pulling or curse is done using special rituals and is a negative impact method, which is completely proved to man and they are controlled. Depending on the purpose of the ritual, you can perform various rites: damage through the photo, a ritual with a needle or ritual on the cemetery - the choice is yours. The negative impact on the health of a fairly common ritual for the weakening of human immunity and ties to it of various diseases is considered a pitch in a photo.

    It is very important here to accommodately approach the selection of photos. On her, the victim should be alone. Try to use a relatively fresh snapshot: Photos should not be more than a year. On a decreasing moon, you need to go at night on the cemetery and find the tomb of your enemy, after which you jump into the grave land with the words: "I will bury up, I will bury, I will help you to eat, so that health has not enough for life, so that the diseases surrounded, the mountain accompanied ! " After pronouncing words, when there are no photos under the layer of the Earth, you need to leave the cemetery without looking around. The pitch in the photo begins immediately after the ritual is fulfilled. A strong magical impact to impose a curse on a person, its genetic material will need. After you have several hairs or a piece of nail, you need to read a conspiracy: "I spell, talking, smoothing helped. Curse on slave (name) I impose. In order for the life of honey, it did not seem, misfortunes and misfortunes did not reduce, diseases, anxiety and bad luck only added. Do not live, do not enjoy him. In order for all sores to be attached to him, the eyes of evil jammed the wrap, and so that everything was bad! " After reading a conspiracy, the nail or hair is needed imperceptibly to put in the coffin to the decease, which is going to bury. It is necessary to do it no later than through three days after reading the conspiracy. IN otherwise The curse will not fall.

    A rite of failure to eliminate a competitor in business or take revenge on the enemy, this ritual can be used. For him you will need the water that was washed the dead man. The text of the conspiracy is compiled in arbitrary form. But try it to clearly formulate what you want and what you want your enemy. This plot Read on the water and on the same day the liquid must be pulled out on the threshold of your enemy. The versatility of this ritual is that it can be used to influence the various spheres of the enemy.

    If you are interested in the ways of guiding damage, then most of the truly strong and malicious spanks are leaving with the help of items capable of transmitting the energy of a possible victim: personal belongings and decorations, a photo or biological material (blood or hair). After holding such a ritual, you will not need long to wait for the desired result, which will certainly be very powerful. But for all power, you should pay, including to make damage, what is well known to professional magicians. But the newcomers do not always know about the possible consequences of such a ritual for themselves and their family: the return magic strike, as well as damage itself to the rival, can harm you. Therefore, before pointing, you need to take care of the mental protection, receiving appropriate knowledge. From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, you make a grave sin. But how to be in the event that your desire to make damage is only opposition in response to the attraction of your man with another woman, because of what family broke up? Magic on this score gives an unambiguous answer: if you are punished deserved, then you can send damage. But if you decide to use a similar dark ritual for your own benefit, then we definitely wait for the chairs of higher strength. Such an event will not remain unpunished, damage to the rival is very dark magic. After you have weighed all the pros and cons and rated our own strength, you can proceed to the implementation of the ritual. It should be properly choosing the kind of rite, given all the nuances of how to damage the enemy at home.

    Almost every person heard about the evil eye, and, of course, I would not like to become his victim to anyone. However, no one is insured against negative species of energy exposure. If the influence of bad spell has already touched you or someone from your family, try to apply a conspiracy from the evil eye - the means whose effectiveness was tested by our distant ancestors.

    Under the declamation is understood as the direct impact of negative energy per person, which is happening at the information level and leading to a violation of its energy protection. In contrast, from one variety of negative witchcraft exposure - damage, the evil eye has a weaker influence on the victim.

    The evil eye is most often emerging unconsciously - when the flow of information containing a negative promise is sent to a person: it can be praise, compliment made with bad thoughts, with envy.

    The result of this negative impact becomes bad luck and failure - they literally begin to pursue the sacrifice on the heels. It is also fairly often applied serious damage to health, in which drug treatment is useless.

    Not always the evil sacrifice feels immediately. If a person overflows positive energy, its body is in good tone, at first it can resist negative effects. But over time, his victim pierces his victim in the biofield, through which his vital energy begins to flow (it).

    Conspiracy from the evil eye is a simple, but very powerful tool that can overcome alien negative. The species of this magical ritual there are a huge set, but it is necessary to perform it only with a firm confidence in the presence of a decline on himself or on a close person.

    Signs of the evil eye

    How to diagnose the availability of the evil eye? This negative impact manifests itself with a number of signs. They are:

    • sudden deterioration of well-being and health. A person may have general malaise, weakness, frequent headaches and dizziness, whose nature is not amenable to medical explanation;
    • depressive condition, apathy and indifference to everything;
    • insomnia, nightmares with reinforced realism, awakening in cold sweat;
    • troubles and failures covering all the spheres of the victim's life;
    • sudden and unwedful disruption of all plans;
    • deep guilt feeling.

    The presence of one or more of the above symptoms is highly likely to be evidence of the evil eye, but not always. Determine for sure that the person has undergone negative effects, it is possible by conducting special magic rituals.

    Rite to identify the evil

    There are many techniques to help reveal the evil eye on a person. I will describe the most simple and accurate.

    Ritual with a candle

    The rite is fast and efficient, but requires extraneous assistance (it is better to trust a native or close person who exactly who does not want evil to you). It is also necessary to prepare a candle - preferably church, but in the extreme case it is possible to do the usual. The essence of the rite:

    1. Actions of a potential victim: Sit on the chair, back and head to keep right.
    2. Assistant actions: To bring a lit candle to the sacrifice head and it is clockwise, trace the result.
    3. Rating results: From the candle proceeds black smoke - explicit presence of the Schalza; Black and melting wax (paraffin) - a sign of damage.

    This ritual is also able to perform a conspiracy function from the evil eye and apply instead. To remove the ailment, the candle that was used to diagnose, you need burn in open fire (oven, fireplace) or melt it completely and throw out the remnants.

    Independent ritual with matches

    This independent rite used to diagnose the evil eye also acts simultaneously with the means to eliminate the negative impact.

    1. Preparation for the rite: stay at sunset at the table, put in front of you glass clean, Next to put matchbox, 9 matches Remove from the box and postpone.
    2. Rite content: Take one postponed match, light, holding it in front of your face, and looking at her burning, pronounce a conspiracy from the evil eye: "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Blood celestial net, save and save God's slave (God's slave)(His name) from any unkindy eyes, from a bad hour, from the male and female, from the children's and joyful, from the conspiracy and hated, from the negotiation yes evil. Amen (3 times)! " Having waited when the flame of the match will reach the fingers of the artist, lower the match into the water. The same actions should be done with all 9 matches (the conspiracy is chipped 9 times).
    3. Assessment of results. Count the number of sunken matches: did not touch anyno sloe; sound 1-4 matcheslight formwho managed to remove with the help of the ritual; 5-9 matches under waterstrong evil eyerequiring the repetition of this rite as another day. If, after repeating the ritual of sunken matches, there was no less, it means that it is necessary to carry out a more powerful ritual from the evil eye or for help to turn to professional MAG.
    4. Completion of the rite. Without removing the matches from the glass, fastening one sip of water from 4 sides of a glass with the words: "God, help, God, up. Amen" . Water remnants with matches together throw out to the street - through the threshold of the house or from the window.

    The best rituals and conspiracy to remove the evil eye

    Vintage fashion "Grandma Salomonide"

    This is an old powerful rite that even applies. Count of conspiracy - grandmother Salomonide - was the strongest ancient sign, who knows how to heal people from any varieties of negative witch influence. For the first time, the spell text was published in the XV century, it is successfully used in modern magical practice.

    If a conspiracy from the evil eye is applied to himself, then it should be read in absolute loneliness and darkness, if for a person of another, then in its presence. Conspire text:

    "There are in the east Great Sea, the Deep Sea, the Bison Sea. It is among that sea the Great Island, on it - the stone church. It is in the church that the throne of the saint from pure, the grandmother Salomonide sits on it. God's slave (name) is the island that the mean of the blue sea will come to the golden throne yes to the grandmother Salomonide, that the Pelhenal of Jesus Christ himself, he won his silk belt, threw his robe to his robe. Grandma Salomonide, take away from God's slave (name) all evil smlorassa da podsochi, all the spoofs are night and bottom, morning and evening, midnight and mid-lane. How not to keep water in a fist of one, and the evil eye on God's slave (name) will not be able to hold. As a gray goose swims in water and floats, shakes away from the droplets and remains dry, and the smoothing and pursuers from God's slave (name) are sherring and come. As drying dew on the morning grass, and the evil eye and the pursuers will dry on God's slave (name). As the fire from the water swells and the power of the evil eye will go out. The evil eye and pursuers, follow the dark forests, in black mud, where no one person walks, does not pass the horse, where the dog does not run, where birds do not fly. Go to the swamps of the swamps, in green moss - do it cool and stay forever. What is said, will come true. Amen (3 times)! "

    On milk

    One of the effective rituals to eliminate the evil eye. To fulfill, you will need: cow's milk, red candle, glass container, metal dishes, ordinary sponge. A rite is done after sunset daylight, alone. Procedure of the artist:

    1. Pour the milk into the glass container, put on the table, lay a closer red candle.
    2. Take a sponge and moisten it in milk, wipe her face and neck with the words: "White milk cleans me. I clean up from evil. White milk leather animated. I am reborn in the world. Amen!" Repeat all actions 2 more times (it turns out only 3 repetitions).
    3. After the third repetition in the metal dishes, it is necessary to ignite the fire and burn a sponge with the words: "How to burn in the heat of dirt black with my skin, so in him and evil black burns, the castle does not hang on me".
    4. The face and neck can be blocked up with a napkin, which will then need to burn. Also burn it is necessary and the flashes from the candle. Milk residues need to be poured under any tree.

    After the ritual, not to wash 2-3 hours.

    Conspiracy from the declamation of water for washing

    Claimed water should wash the victim from negative man. Sounds text like this:

    "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Earth king, marine king, heavenly king, nice and save God's slave(the name of the sacrifice) from the eye of the evil and man is lurch. Amen!"

    On holy water

    This conspiracy from the evil eye is phoned to the holy water taken in the temple. The spoken water is used daily for - Morning and Evening. Text:

    "Lord God bless the whole Orthodox and me. Holy Mother of God, Take you water this and her see all lessons and hooks with me. Let him wash with me holy this water all enviable eyes and all hated views, the views of female and men's. Sent, thought, rejected, faked, rusked, philanthropes, let the holy water take envy all from God's slave(the name of the victim). What is said, will come true. Amen (3 times)! "

    In addition to waters, water conspiracy is needed to spray clothes and a bed victim from the evil eye of a person, all the corners and walls in his dwelling, its workplace.

    Another way watch in the video:


    In addition to the usual evil eye, induced in other people's people, there is another phenomenon that is called self-headed.For example, it may occur if a person is delighted with some successful breathtaking, heals from the alend or just praise himself for something.

    To eliminate the self-heading, there is a special conspiracy, pronounced which is pronounced in front of the mirror. The performer has to look at its reflection, and in the hands of keeping a lit candle. Words are pronounced three times:

    "The mirror world, the appearance of the evil eye, with sobody, put it firmly, fix it, do not let him go anywhere, do not return it."

    After a triple pronunciation of the conspiracy, put the candle to the windowsill, give it to the end to burn. Sparks need to throw out or bury.

    If they smoothed the child

    Often the victim of the evil eye becomes small children. Children's biofield (especially in kids up to 7 years) is more vulnerable and easily undergoing negative impact. The most defenseless before the influence of the evil eye are newborn kids. Therefore, parents immediately after the birth of a new family member must comply with certain measures that will help protect the child:

    • to try anyone to show a newborn child before baptism. The baptized child receives his personal guardian angel who will protect him from any evil and bad impact;
    • you can not admire and for a long time to look at the sleeping baby - the restriction applies to the parents themselves;
    • it is desirable for the sleeping kid to pronounce the prayers of the "Father" and "the Virgin Delo, Rejoice", and also to baptize him more often;
    • you can not allow anyone to praise the baby. If it still happened, it should be made the thrustery immediately spit.

    If the kid still failed to protect from the evil eye, special conspiracies will help parents. Read their best native mother or mother of the godfather.

    On water

    You need to wash the child and drain this to earth or to the floor, pronouncing:

    "Water with poppy, sorrow with a baby. Where did it come from, there and merged. Who is on a dyatko with anger, then back with Corn. Amen!"

    On water and salt

    In the water, pour 3 pinching salts, whisper says:

    "Light-father and God's Mother of God, I help me, with God's slave (from God's baby For children under 7 years old) (child name) Sloggle. Amen!"

    It is necessary to wash this pit with water. Towel cannot be used - the water itself should dry on the skin.


    This conspiracy removes the evil eye and also performs a protective function. For the ritual, you need to prepare a new and chew (better with juniper) - it must be pre-washed and dried. You waw in the metal dishes, set fire to the match, wait for a strong smoke. In this smoke it is necessary to keep the pin and utter a conspiracy:

    "Smoke black, fences, defend from trouble, eaten away by malice, guard(child name) Stand. "

    The plug in the smoke pin should be attached to the inside of the child's clothing - opposite the region of the heart.

    This article, I, Mag. Sergei Artgrom, dedicate cleanlings and protect against negative, will offer you strong conspiracies for removing and protection against damage and evil eye. Negative accompanies us as if shadows, and you need to accept these and adequately react. The evil eye and damage can be picked up just by chance, going out on the street, or by having a new thing among the ordinary seller.

    Often, lucky sellers make a black negative discharge on their goods. So, in order not to become an object of cross-country, and protect yourself from damage, before going shopping, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I advise you to read protective conspiracy from damage and evil eye. And if you still failed to avoid trouble, then, coming home, from negative energy, water. Understand that the negative is not difficult for you. The energy or magical damage always hits in the most vulnerable place, so people immediately exacerbate chronic diseases, the body reacts to the negative, deteriorates to deteriorate, where it is fine there.

    Independent conspiracy on determining damage when using wax castings

    There are magical rituals of accurate diagnostics. These include wax castings. But, often in the diagnosis or cleaning of the induced damage with the use of wax, it turns out that the witchcraft conspiracies do not give the desired result. So, with what spell cast a diagnostic casting?

    Take note of this magic conspiracy to determine damage.

    Clearing and pouring wax, read:

    "Praise on the wax all the negative, which is on (name). All evil, witchcraft, malicious, applied, trembled, fertilized, sore, overlooked, rased, and smoothed. All that bad people (name) is done, all that sorcerers yes sorcerers (name) is sent. Praise on, the witchcraft, sent, faked, not native, all that in blood, in the joints, in the bones (name), in the head, in all organs, and thin bodies (name). They have been praised by me and drag into wax, in it I have been preserved, but I will show me. "

    Quite often on a negative program, if it was done by a professional sorcerer, there are castles. To remove damage, the locks need to be broken; For this, there are very strong conspiracies to remove magic locks. While melting wax, read the words of the conspiracy from all sorts of spanking:

    "As the wax melts and melts, so all the witchcraft locks made to work, hunting, to conceal yes to the shelter, open and break."

    Pouring wax into the water, pronounce such a plot for breaking the locks and the subsequent removal of damage from a person:

    "Wax pouring, and I open it with a key, unlocking, opening, any witchcrops breaking. All locks hiding, all locks locking key broke, breaks down, but spray in the dust. How not to hide the sun from the sky, how not to cover the sky from the Sun, so do not hide from me (name) nothing in this wax. All locks are key to break, all the locks will unlock the key. Everything that (name) was hidden and hidden was, all that on (name) was done yes closed was, breaking the key, opens, it turns out on the wax, but it is manifested. "

    Free conspiracy from damage - the negated negro on old clothes

    With wax casts, you can remove a lot of things and clean a person. This is essentially a universal ritual. Many sorcerers in their rituals enjoy them. With all the advantages, it is, however, in the castings on the wax and the reverse side. So, these magical rites are very energy consuming, and, moreover, weaken protection. I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I think that you can, of course, try to agree with wax, on your own read plotBut at the same time specify that the cleaning does not affect protection. However, this does not always help. Therefore, in the arsenal of sorcerer, there are always diverse rites of cleaning from any spanking and evil eye. Here, for example, the witchcard to nonsense clothes.

    Preferably repeat magic ritual 3 times, i.e. 3 days in a row to burn the old clothes of the patient and read a plot for removing strong damage from another person. Admissible witchcraft to apply for themselves. With the help of an effective cross, you can solve health problems due to the guidance of the magic damage. You can be expelled not very strong entities that include:

    • lyarva,
    • thoughtformers
    • shells, energy leeches
    • and other foreign energetic structures of astral plans.

    To burn the old, nonsense for a long time, not washed with a patient's clothing. All the time, while the thing is burning, they read a strong conspiracy with black damage from a person. I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom recommended, to conduct a magic ritual outdoors, in no case at home. Wait until the thing burns entirely (all this time without stopping reading the text of the spell from damage and the evil eye), then rotate and leave.

    "As the sky with its thunder creature scares, as heavenly bugs of the forest, the fields, the house burns, so I'm from the body of a demon demon (damage, illness) I'm burning in the crimson. I am you, snakes and snakes, and your sons, and daughters, sorcerers and sorcerers, unclean forces and fearless perfumes, people from the body from the body (name) run, through the fire it is released. Go, snakes, for Kalinov Bridge, the abandoned graveyard you have come. Who unclean power In (name) sat down, not to collect more strength. I expel out of (name) an unclean strength, which trample a bad spirit, which kicks the demon of the night and midday, whether the sorcerers of the sorcerers, the sorcerers, mean by the power of unclean. As this thing is burned, the ashes refers and the devils burn, from (name) away. Fire - Hello, ash - baker. Amen".

    Independent conspiracies for wax castings from induced damage

    If there is a need to pour the subsidence to the wax, then this conspiracy read when casting:

    "The soul is dead, the soul hurried, the essence is delivered, yes populated from the work, from hunting, in its will or by a witchcraft share, sorcerer or sorcerer (name) made, lead or leading to (name) tied, at will in (name) Halfed, Ile, turned off, reversing, leave the (name) on the wax, and dissolve in it. From the body (name), from the head (name), with the intestine, from the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, and from the kidneys, from all the bones, yes of the joints, everything lived, from the blood (name) yes from all his thin bodies . Sowned with the (name) shower dead, essentially trembled, leave the body (name), the mind of it and all his subtle bodies. There was this wax, yes, I remained forever. So it will be. "

    how self conspiracy to get rid of damage, calm the kraft to wax, cut off the channels?

    Here is a good, effective conspiracy. When working with this magic spell, the negative is destroyed without return, i.e. without reverse impact.

    You can conclusions with this plot from the pitch in the photo taking a negative.

    "In a word strong, the progress of ancient, generic force. Wax wax, tequet, grow out, have a detrimental case. There is a high mountain, on the grief there is an idol of copper, under that mountain fire burns, flares, damage burns. They do not stick to idiot, dashing things, everything burns, burns the hollow fire. Wax melts, wax pours, the damage is damaged. Amen".

    ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

    Home conspiracy of wax casting for the removal of damage and cutting

    It is advisable to do on a decreasing moon, like most of the cleaning in rituals of black magic where conspiracies against damage are read at loss, because it is easier to fight the negative. However, if there is no possibility to wait for a decreasing moon, then you can cast damage from a person on any day of the lunar month. For this, the rite will need:

    • natural beeswax
    • capacity with cold water
    • ritual knife
    • candle

    I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I will immediately say that the knife is needed red (on the flame of the candle, the blade is dried), since this hot knife canal the kolynnik will dissect.

    The home conspiracy from the induced damage should be read like this:

    "My thief in my house I clapped, good luck to my, money, health and beauty to myself, I prayed, my dead, I asked myself. I (name) Sword of this take, Fire Palo, Counting, Molub Sims Sword Good luck to my thumb, not to it. What is glad that it is said that it is desdened that the opairen cause was controversial, I remove myself, I returned myself, I lock someone else's wax. May it be so. Amen".

    How to get rid of the damage through the castings of the morok

    Without cleaning its consciousness, without worrying about positive thoughts and reactions, a person is addressed to the dependence on the hot emotions of the evil, in the power of the dark energies, internal whilapal negative experiences. This is MOROK. However, the marrow can hide the sorcerer. The ridiculous sees reality in distorted light. What is happening is imprinted in its consciousness, no one is in fact, but appears as a favorable sorcerer. The marrow is undoubtedly damaged. There is I. conspiracy from damage This character. Do everything as usual.

    Read an independent conspiracy from induced damage, pouring molten wax into the water:

    "Mind of Shooting, souls Permanent, froker, bad, vicious, evil deed, self-dreaming, human guidance, benowy tricks, eagerly, the laughter, charm, magic wisdom, dazzling, man (name) Digitating, the Light and Radruted, with the man of that climb, Delighted, yes on wax, we, in the wax, boil the knife, sharpening, in the water, getting ridiculous, from a person (name) in the eyelid. I spell, I spent the name of the ineverance, unprecedented Tsar allegiantly in the future. It is also difficult for mi, the word in the case converts, to this good the day and the hour of hearing now my prayer voice. With a person (name) of the cloth, Spend, in the Earth, inexpose and anhydrous, we are trying, tamo typia, and not here. Vyshnya Cait, in the wax, this will sweep, the Word of Jaco sword will dissect, an angel will attract an angel to the court. The mind and the heart is freedom, freedom, from a person (name) away, sounded. In my punishment, according to the velve order, they are away, Izrini, the case and the word to my Amini. Amen, Amen, Amen.

    Powerful conspiracy from damage for wax casting

    I, Magician Sergey Artgrom ladies an effective conspiracy for removing the negative way of wax castings. Assemble to help patrons, the forces with which you work. Then melt wax. While to it, read the text of the spell spell from damage and negative:

    "Yako wax on the face of fire is experiencing, such a misfortune will overthrow."

    Then pour the molten wax and read the words of the conspiracy from the black damage:

    "I was cast waxed, I get rid of the sorcerer from the Kolden, from the harmful, from the lesson of created, from the curse of the induced, from, from the evil speech, from everyone to join, from all sorts of happy. I correct the paths, I bet with wax, it consistent with the cleanliness, I cleanse from the bad. Herp is thin, applied on the nezdilos, in the wax seminal utopilos. Sweaters are now performed, from the Tenets frees. This is a good deal, bouquet fortress. My Word is tagged to wax stuck. Amen".

    Then used castings should be burned, while reading the text of the conspiracy on the removal of damage from the right person:

    "The wax with fire is silent, I will throw any misfortune in the dust. Taco misfortune will overthrow. "

    I, Magician Sergey Artgrom remind, do not forget after cleaning you need to immediately put magical protection. Especially if you know that you have a notching enemy. When the damage is removed, the one who brought, always feels.

    What will fit protective plots after removal of damage? Protection for the magician, home and family in Magic rituals. What shields to install, check the diagnostics.

    Free conspiracy against damage - shield from a person

    Pollize water and drink in front of the mirror. To readconspiracy from curses, evil and energy negativity 7 times. You can do every day, working on the shield. It turns out strong combat protection. None of the unfriendlies and energy vampires in the family and at work will not touch.

    "I am going on a clean field, towards me with half thoughts, all black, all evil, all the unlike things. Go you, spirits with half-thoughts to Lychim people, keep them on the leash. So that I (name) from them was intact and unharmed and on the road, in the house and in the forest, in their own and strangers, in the dinner and on the feast, in the wedding and on trouble. My plot is a lot, the words are my strong. Whoever will be spoiled my word, to be Maundovo, at the Houdo, in the undevelopment, as the forever is said. Amen".

    Strong protective conspiracy from damage - Witch bottle

    With the previous plot, you can make a powerful multi-year defense - a witch bottle, works as a removal, moreover, it is a combat shield from magical attacks and influences. When attacking the energy shot is sent back to the enemy. Protection is valid for 7 years. After that the contents of the bottle should be buried, and make a new-need a bottle. Indicate the date on the bottle, so as not to be mistaken in the timing.

    Why is this protective conspiracy from any spanking valid for 7 years?

    There is a seven-year cycle, according to which every 7 years a life program is repeated, but updated. Powerful protection This for practicing magicians. However, fits both family members. This is a very strong, old rite. It is known not only in Russia, in Europe this defense is also considered very strong.

    What will take for this Slavic conspiracy from damage and witchcraft - a witch bottle:

    • bottle of red wine Mandatory from green glass
    • own bindings (or those who do you want to install): nails, hair, about 30 ml urine
    • nails of any size
    • pins
    • silver
    • large salt

    Wine pour into separate container. Throw a bottle in the Witch your bits, nails, pins, needles, any product of silver. The number of items can be any. Fill the bottle you need one third. Then pour into the salt bottle, and pour wine.

    "I am going on a clean field, to meet me seven spirits with half thoughts, all black, all evil, all unlike things. Go you, spirits with half-thoughts to Lychim people, keep them on the leash. So that I (name) from them was intact and hurt both on the road, in the house and in the forest, in, in the dinner and on the feast, in the wedding and on trouble. My plot is a lot, the words are my strong. Whoever will be spoiled my word, to be Maundovo, at the Houdo, in the undevelopment, as the forever is said. Amen".

    Clogged protection against witchcraft and magic - Witch bottle It is safe to hide so that it is not found and not broke. It is necessary to understand how such protection works. Bike excovers carry information about the human body. When a person is attacked, the negative is reflected in the mummy, following the law: what happens to the body, occurs with its particle. And with a particle, this is what: negative energy is neutralized by metal objects, silver and salt. Black negative is neutralized through body particles. Moreover, the energy blow is discarded by the enemy. In general, it is good wayallowing you to protect against any damage.


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