Training seminars for teachers of additional education. Methodical development of a seminar for teachers on the topic: "Professional portrait of an additional education teacher

Training seminars for teachers of additional education. Methodical development of a seminar for teachers on the topic: "Professional portrait of an additional education teacher

Abstract Workshop Workshop for Pedagogues additional education "Simulation of training sessions as a condition for improving the quality of the educational process"

Author: Shaiko Olga Valentinovna, Methodist state institution Education "Slutsk Center for Children's Creativity", Minsk Region, Republic of Belarus.
Description: Workshop workshop addresses educational institutions of additional education of children and young people. Development contains theoretical and practical materials on the structure of training sessions, types and types of classes, requirements for the purpose and tasks of training sessions.
Purpose: Working out teaching technologies for training technologies
1. To form a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization and structure of educational classes in the system of additional education.
2. Training clearly and accessible to formulate the subject of training sessions, set the goal and objective tasks from it.
3. To familiarize yourself with the basic forms and methods of conducting classes, the right choice of methods and means.
4. Raise the level of professional competence of teachers.
1. Input questionnaire for teachers
2. Methodical dialogue with teachers
3. Laying on the topic of the seminar with a display of a multimedia presentation and a parallel discussion

5. Reflection. Final questionnaire
1 .Leading: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! The theme of our today's workshop - "Simulation of training sessions as a condition for improving the quality of the educational process". On the one hand, it is simple, and it seemed that we have long been thoroughly mastered, on the other hand, as shown by the results of monitoring organized and conducted by the methodological service, many have a certain kind of difficulty in drawing up an abstract plan, when implementing steps classes. Therefore, today we systematize our knowledge of the study lesson, we will work out the skills of modeling the goals and objectives of classes.
First, I propose to check the level of your knowledge on this topic and answer the questionnaire questions. Teachers fill input questionnaires.

2. Verifying: And so, let's remember what is a training session, his characteristic signs, features? And what are you knowing the types of training sessions? What forms of classes can you call, learning methods? Which ones do you use in your work? Answers of teachers.
3. Watching (summarizes): Educational sessions are the main and permanent form of training organization. In the system of additional education, this is a collective (group, melographic) individual) form of learning, which is characterized by a constant composition of students; Sustainable temporary frames (45 min., 35 min.).
Signs that distinguish learning from other organizational forms:
This is a constant group of students,
management of students' activity, taking into account the characteristics of each of them,
Mastering the basics of the material being studied,
Work on the educational program approved by the schedule.
There is a generally accepted classification of educational activities on the didactic goal:
1. An occupation for familiarization with the new material;
2. To consolidate the studied material
3. on the use of knowledge and skills;
4. In generalize and systematize knowledge and skills;
5. for verification and correction of knowledge and skills;
6. Combined (several didactic tasks are solved throughout one lesson).
Forms of organization learning activities Pupils: group, individual, frontal.
Method (gr. "The path to something") is a way to achieve a certain goal.
Training method- this is a way to occupy the teacher and students, a set of actions and techniques for the work of teachers and students; The path for which the teacher conducts students from ignorance to know.
Basic learning methods:
verbal (explanation, story, conversation, discussion);
Visual (illustration (Tables, Schemes, Pictures), Demonstration (Slides, Films);
Practical (exercise, practical work, didactic games).
In the latter, interactive learning techniques were widely widespread:
- Methods for creating a favorable atmosphere,
- Communication organization methods,
- Methods for sharing activities,
-Mo model methods,
- methods of reflexive activity.
Forms organization of training sessions:
- conversation, consultation, modeling
- Practical lessons. Are held to consolidate and apply knowledge, mastering practical skills and skills.
- Seminar classes. It is carried out for the development of intellectual, cognitive activity, creative thinking, the development of independent skills with additional literature, information material.
- Excursions. This completed cycle of a gradual solution of a cognitive task. By classifier: preceding, concomitant, subsequent
- Lesson-game (imitation, role-playing games, trainings)
- Classes with a gaming basis: "Come up with the project", "Lotto", "Domino", "What? Where? When? "," The investigation is conducted by experts "," KVN "," Sea battle "," Field of Miracles ", etc.
- Classes based on fantasy: "Fairy Tale", "Creative Report", "View Exhibition", "Vernissage".
- Classes based on the original organization of studying educational material: "Review", "Reflection", "Abstract", "Monologue of Memory", "Portrait".
- lesson by analogy with organized events: "Auction", "Fair", "Conference", "Concert", "Benefis", "Court", etc.
- Classes by analogy with well-known forms and methods of activity: "Dispute", "Interview", "brainstorming".
And now let's remember the structure of the training session. What are the main stages we allocate?
Structure of training sessions - This is a combination of its elements, parts that ensure its integrity and achieving didactic purposes. The structure of classes is determined by its purpose, content, methods, learning tools, the level of training of students. On various reasons can be allocated a large number of Stages of training sessions, but, as practice shows, the teachers are most convenient and the following structure of the lesson is understood:
1. Organizational stage (preparatory, etc.),
2. The main stage,
3. Final stage,
4. Reflection.
Organizational stage Solves the following tasks: to organize a workplace, "set up", "introduce" students to the course of cognitive activity, report the subject of classes, to carry out the goal-setting and formulation of tasks.
The purpose of the lesson is an intended result, it must be concrete and achievable.
Requirements for educational purposes
- clarity and simplicity of purpose wording;
- Diagnosticity of the goal, i.e. Does the objective formulation reflect the final (expected) result;
- the correlation of the purpose of the content of the educational material;
- Perspective goal, i.e. Communication goals with the topic of training sessions (both one specific and subsequent classes on this topic);
- the validity of the purpose of the goal, i.e. What is caused by: the requirements of the educational program, the peculiarities of the children's team, the interests of students, etc.;
- the operationality of the goal;
- reality achievement.
One of the traditional mistakes of the teacher in the formulation of classes of classes becomes abstract or excessive scale: for example, it cannot be for one occupation. The purpose of education in children of love for the subject, nature or formation of a complex of knowledge, skills, skills has been reached.
Tasks Reveal the goal, specify it, determine the content of the main stages of classes. When planning tasks, it is necessary to put them in view of the age-related features of students, their academic preparedness, educational, development.
Formulating the tasks, the teacher answers the question: "How to achieve the goal?". Tasks are divided into 3 groups:
- educational,
- educational,
- Developing.
Educational tasks Aims are aimed at mastering students a system of training knowledge and the formation of subject skills and skills:
To form students of the idea of \u200b\u200b(concepts O) ...;
reveal (identify) ...
introduce to acquaint, continue to acquaint ...;
expand ...; secure ...; generalize ...; systematize ...;
differentiate…; teach to apply in practice ...;
Teach to use ...;
teach ...;
Create conditions ...
Developing tasks Aims to develop cognitive interest, abilities and childcares:
Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, cognitive interest,
develop creative abilities
develop curiosity
develop flexibility, logicality of thinking, evidence of judgments,
Develop aesthetic feelings and others.
Educational tasks Aimed at the development, assimilation and assignment of general cultural values, the formation of positive qualities of personality, social competencies:
bring up love for a small homeland
Friendly attitude to others
kindness, sincerity, sensitivity, sociability;
form accuracy, thrift, hard work, restraint, etc.
The main stage
Main appointment: assimilation of new knowledge, consolidation of knowledge, skills and skills, independent work, checking the mastering of the material (depending on the type of classes).
What is needed to assimilate new knowledge:
1. Using a variety of knowledge sources: visual aids, multimedia presentations, videos, additional literature, information of Internet resources;
2. Phased assimilation of new knowledge. The material of the classes is divided into small logic elements, each of which is being worked out with students until it is understood and learned.
3. The new material is studied in a certain style: a research path, a problematic method (from the consideration of private, composite elements of the new material to generalize and conclusions; from the formulation of the problem, the wording of the hypothesis  to its proof).
The process of learning knowledge to students:
1. Perception of the subject
2. Conference, understanding
3. Application in practice, summarizing knowledge
4. Fastening and applying the knowledge gained
The final stage. The main purpose is to summarize the classes in various shape: a survey, quiz, presentation, protection of creative works).
Reflexing stage - organization of reflexive activities of students, receiving feedback, analysis of the emotional state of students:
What did you learn what new learned?
What did you manage to do?
What did not happen? What is the work on the next lesson?
There are many interesting reflective methods and techniques. We will consider them in more detail in a separate lesson.
4. Workshop "Setting the goals and objectives of classes"

Teachers are distributed in groups of 3-5 people according to their profile of activities. Each group receives a card indicating the subject of classes and its place in the learning plan. For 5-7 minutes of the group must formulate the purpose and tasks of this lesson. The result is read and discussed by all groups (members of the collective).
5. Reflection. Final questionnaire (Questionnaire # 2).
Profile 1.
Dear colleges! We ask you to answer questions offered questionnaire:
1. What types of classes do you know? (Mark "V"):

Check out the new material
Lesson for generalizing and systematization of knowledge and skills
Claim for the use of knowledge and skills
Excursion experience
Talk Show
Checking and Correction Correction and Skill
Consignment of the studied material
"Literary living room"
Combined occupation
2. What stages are the occupation? (Mark "V"):
organizational motivational
Reflexive goal setting
Check control
Preparatory integrative
Basic information
Theoretical practical
Developing generalization and systematization of knowledge
3. How do you use work forms? (Mark "V")
Collective frontal
Group active
Differentiated individual
4. What does it depend on the setting of goals and objectives of classes?
Thanks for participating!

Profile 2.
Dear colleges! We ask you to answer questions offered questionnaire:
1.Fofil your merger in interest.
2. With the help of what forms and methods of organizing classes can you increase the effectiveness of learning students?
3. What types of classes do you prefer to use?
4. What types of classes cause you difficulties?
5. How does the stage of classes cause you difficulties?
6. What step is able to do you best?
7. With which methods of learning would you like to meet?
8. How do you determine the effectiveness of the occupation?
Thanks for participating!

Methodical development Seminar

for teachers of additional education on the topic

Kudryashova N.L., Methodist

Klyavlino, 2016.

Abstract Seminar on the topic: "Creating a developing educational environment

for students in class "

This methodological development of the seminar is devoted to the topic of creating educational educational environments for students for students in additional education institutions.

Methodological materials of the seminar are aimed at improving the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers of additional education of children in

areas of organization of developing educational space in classes,

in matters of psychological and pedagogical support to each child.

The relevance of the seminar is due to the fact that the data of psychological and pedagogical

knowledge testifies to the vast importance of the educational environment and psychological and pedagogical support from the teacher to develop the identity of the child, preserving his psychological health.

Getting theoretical and practical experience at the seminar will focus

pedagogues for success in further pedagogical activity.

Seminar materials can be used in the field of additional

education of children in the work of methodists to organize seminars, individual consultations, in the work of direct teachers of additional education in order to self-education and increase their psychological and pedagogical competence.

Explanatory note Methodical development of a seminar on the topic "Creating a developing educational environment for students in classes"

The purpose of the seminar It is to provide an additional pedagog

education Awareness, feasibility and efficiency of creating an educational environment in classes with students.

Tasks of the seminar:

1. Motivate teachers to work on creating and improving

developing educational environment for students in classes.

2. To familiarize teachers with the concepts of the developing environment and the conditions for its creation.

3. To form the ability to support students in classes through

interiorization of professional ways of performing practical exercises.

Target group: Teachers of additional education.

Organizational seminar parameters. The seminar consists of one meeting,

which can be held throughout the year. The duration of the meeting is1.

The number of participants of the seminar is 8 to 15 people.

Duration of the seminar: 1 hour.

View of the seminar: practical oriented.

Brief description of the expected result. The work of the participants at the seminar will contribute:

Systematization of knowledge to create a developing educational environment for

studying in classes;

Obtaining practical experience in supporting children in the process of their

training and upbringing;

Mastering the experience of analyzing their own pedagogical activities and finding ways to improve it.

Methodical and logistical support of the seminar:

A set of handouts;

A4 sheets and handles;

Big room: There should be a possibility of free movement

participants, their location in a circle, association in a microgroup.

Workshop on the topic

"Creating a developing educational environment for students in classes"

Date of implementation: 03/11/2016

The beginning of the seminar - 09.00.

Venue: Prometheus JV GBOU SOSH No. 2. V. Maskin.

1. Greeting. Creating an emotionally positive attitude to work on

seminar lesson.

2. Theoretical part of the seminar - familiarization of PDOs with technicians providing a developing and comfortable educational environment of students, theses in combination with the work of participants in the sets of handouts

3. The practical part of the seminar is the development of elements of theoretical material when performing practical exercises and games.

4. Summing up the seminar - the reflection of participants on the possibility of using the workshop materials for further work, the wishes at the end of the seminar

The course of the seminar:

1. Greeting. Creating an emotionally positive attitude to work

in the seminar lesson.

Participants are located on chairs, pre-placed in a circle.

Exercise "Greeting". Main appointment of this exercise

- Creating an emotional attitude, including participants in the overall process.

The presenter gets into the center of the circle and offers each participant in turn to call

his name and in one word characterize yourself. For example: "I am a hurt. I am pretty".

2. Theoretical part of the seminar

The concept and essence of the developing environment

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the term "environment" appeared in the 20s, when the concepts of "pedagogy of the medium" (S. T. Shatsky), "Public Wednesday" (P. P. Blonsky), "Environment" (A. S.

Makarenko). In general, a number of studies consistently and though it was proved that the object of exposure to the teacher should not be a child, not his

features (qualities) and not even his behavior, but the conditions in which it exists:

external conditions - School, environment, interpersonal relationships, activities. BUT

also internal conditions -emotional condition child, his attitude to

to myself, life experience, installation. In the widest context, the developing educational environment is any sociocultural space, within which the process of personality development is carried out spontaneously or with varying degrees of organization. From the standpoint of a psychological context, according to L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydova, L. V. Zankova, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonina, etc., developing environment

This is a certain way ordered educational spacein which

oM is carried out by educational training. In order for the educational space to speak as a developing educational environment, during the interaction of components that are included in it, it must acquire certain properties.

Properties of the educational development environment:

Flexibility denoting the ability of educational structures to rapid

rebuilding in accordance with the changing identity needs,

ambient, society;

Continuity expressed through interaction and continuity in

the activities of the elements included in it;

Variability involving a change in the development environment in accordance with the needs of educational services;

Integration, ensuring the solution of educational tasks

by enhancing the interaction of the structures included in it.

Educational environment-system of influences and conditions of personality formation for a given pattern, as well as opportunities for its development contained in the social and spatial and subject environment (V. Yasvin). The developing educational environment is manifested in productive creative communication, in the adequate self-assessment of the child, in its assessment of the achievements of other participants in the creative process, in its orientation on universal values, in willingness to protect their interests and in respect of the rights of other people. Elements of pedagogical technologies are aimed at creating a developing educational environment, the development of the creative abilities of children. The basis of pedagogical technologies is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "activity approach". Conditions for the formation of a developing educational environment:

Creating a psychological climate in class: benevolent

relationships to the student, emotional relations to knowledge;

Creating a child with high self-esteem, "taste of success", confidence in their

Compliance with the principle of "rights to an error";

Dialogical form of classes, "Subject -Subject" relationship

between the teacher and the student;

Accounting for the results of individual creative activity (each child has its own "portfolio" of achievements). Children in the diary of their own creative achievements;

Comparison of the new successes of studying with his past successes, and not

comparison with each other;

Optimal combination of frontal, group, individual forms

work in classes;

Formation of the schoolchildren of the holistic vision of the world and understanding of the place and

the role of a man in this world, the transformation of the information received by students in the process of learning information into personally meaningful for each studying;

Creating a system of problem-cognitive search problems.

If the contradiction occurs, two ways of its permission are possible: a compromise, reconciliation of opposite requirements or the creation of a qualitatively new idea. The second way is the path of development!

Thus, the developing educational environment, such an educational

wednesday, which is able to provide a set of opportunities for self-development of all subjects of the educational process.

Psychological support of the child

Psychological support - One of the most important factors of success

the functioning of the educational environment.

Psychological support is the process:

In which the adult focuses on the positive sides and benefits

child in order to strengthen his self-esteem;

Who helps the child to believe in itself and their abilities;

Which helps the child to avoid mistakes;

Which supports the child with failures.

In order to learn how to support the child, you need to change the style of communication and

interaction with him. Instead of paying attention primarily for mistakes and poor behavior of children, the adult will have to focus on the positive side of his actions and encouraging what he does.

Maintain a child - it means to believe in it!

So, in order to support the child you need:

Rely on the strengths of the child;

Avoid underscouncing misses of the child;

Show that you are satisfied with the child;

To be able to demonstrate respect for the child.

Make humor in relationship with the child;

To be able to help the child, break a great task for smaller tasks, such as he can cope;

Be able to interact with the child;

Allow the child to solve the problems where it is possible;

Avoid disciplined rewards and punishments;

Demonstrate optimism

Show faith in a child, be able to empathize to him;


Individual words and phrases ("beautiful", "carefully", "great",

"Keep", "I like how you work ...").

Touches (pour on the shoulder, touch up, hug,

bring your face to his face).

Joint actions (sit, stand next to the child, listen to him).

Facial expressions (smile, wink, nod, laughter).

A very important question in the method of psychological and pedagogical support on how to create in an institution of education the necessary conditions Its implementation. Here will be appropriate to remind the famous wisdom, which has a direct relation to this issue:

If the child grows in tolerance, he learns to take others.

If the child is encouraged, he learns to be grateful.

If the child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair.

If the child grows safe, he learns to believe in people.

If the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate.

If the child grows in the hostility, he learns aggressiveness.

If the child is ridiculed, it becomes closed.

If the child grows in reproes. He learns to live with a sense of guilt.

Exercising psychological and pedagogical support is very important to observe

feeling measures, guided by considerations of pedagogical tact.

In the upbringing that we call pedagogical support, the atmosphere of interpersonal relationships, the style and tone of communication, the palette of value orientations, the psychological climate is very important, ... But the main-admission must live and develop in the space of love.

3. Practical part of the seminar:

Exercise "Support"

Objective: to give participants to feel the effect of supporting relationship with

partner's side.

Participants of the group are divided into pairs. In pairs, one tells any situation (problem or successful), his partner listens attentively, says

something that considers it necessary to support the speaker, then roles in

pare is changing. After all participants visit the role of

support and receiving it, a discussion is carried out by the exercise according to the scheme:

In which case it was easier to respond, in what is it?

What words did you provide support, what feelings have experienced?

Exercise "You, Well done"!

Objective: Give participants to exercise the opportunity to get support and enhance

4. Summing up the seminar

Reflection of the participants of the seminar - answer three questions and write your opinion

on sheets A4.

1. The question was what was the most interesting and useful for you during

today's classes?

2. The question is how you plan to use the seminar materials obtained for

further work?

Wishes at the end - at the end of the seminar, I would like to thank all the participants for the work. Wish success and creativity in work. If there are difficulties, I will be glad to provide methodological assistance and support.

Used Books:

    Krivtsova S.V., Muhamatulina E.A. Skills constructive

teenage interactions. Training for teachers. -4-E ed., Act. And add. - (psychologist at school). -M.: Genesis, 2004.

    Practical psychology of education / ed. I.V. Duvrovina: Tutorial for students of higher and secondary special educational institutions. -M.: TC "Sphere", 2000.

    Internet resources:,

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education "Center for Children's Creativity", Okhhansky district, Perm Region

Baryshnikova Nadezhda Ivanovna, deputy. Director for OIA, Additional Education Team

Methodical seminar

for teachers of additional education


Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process in additional education

purpose : To introduce modern approaches, principles and forms of planning and organizing the educational process.

Seminar's move:

Introduction: The topic of the seminar, work plan, the actualization of the issues put forward.


Slide 1.

The learning process in additional education is less formalized in comparison with the secondary school, does not have a rigid framework.

Individualization of training in the system of additional education of children is carried out by the child himself, which himself chooses an interesting for himself . The position of the teacher changes and the position of the teacher: he acts not only as a carrier of knowledge, but also as an assistant in the formation of the personality of the studying.

Performing the function of the consultant, the teacher of additional education most often has a strong personal impact on children. From here - increased requirements for his personal qualities.

Slides 2-5.

The educational process organized in the system of additional education should meet the following requirements:

    have a developing nature , i.e. it should be aimed at developing natural departures and interests;

    be diverse (group and individual, theoretical and practical, performing and creative classes) and maintenance;

    be based on the variety of additional ;

    based on educational methods of children's education ;

For the teacher of additional education there is no knowledge of only the subject area that he teaches, he must:

    havepsychological and pedagogical knowledge;

    use diagnostics of interests and motivation of children In order to ensure such a variety of activities and forms of their implementation, which would allow different children with different interests and problems to find a classes for themselves;

    based on societies;

    reflect regional features and traditions.

Slides 6 - 19.

Educational sessions are the main form of the organization of the educational process.

In order for the occupation to become a training, it needs itthoroughly prepare, plan.

The seminar in this direction was conducted. Recall some aspects.

BUT)Types of classes:

    studying a new material

    formation of skills and skills

    consolidation and development of knowledge, skills, skills


    application of knowledge, skills, skills

    combined occupation

    control exercise

B)Goals and objectives

C) 12 slide.Didactic means .

D)Structure of classes . In general, the training session of any type as a model can be represented as a sequence of the following steps: organizational, inspection, preparatory, main, control, reflective (self-analysis), outcome, information. Each stage differs from another change of activities, content and specific task. The basis for the allocation of stages can be the process of learning knowledge, which is constructed as a change in species of students' activity: perception - understanding - memorization - application - generalization - systematization.

17 slide. Typical errors In the preparation and conduct of classes.


    Lack of specificity of additional education

    Overloading classes(show all the best immediately)

    Dominance of the form of classes over its content

    Not observance of the time of classes

E)Recommendations for classes .

Teaching methods

Consider two classifications of learning methods.

    According to Yu. K. Babansky

Verbal ( source of knowledge is an oral or printed word)






    Working with a book

Visual (Source of knowledge are observed items, phenomena, visual aids)

    Method of illustrations (show illustrative aids, posters, tables, paintings, cards, sketches on the board, models, etc.)

    Demonstration method (Demonstration of instruments, technical installations, video films, presentations, etc.)

Practical (gain knowledge and produce skills, performing a practical action)


    Practical work

    Solving tasks

    Simulation of objects

According to M. N. Shotkina and I. Ya. Lernera

    Explanatory illustrative method (the teacher reports the finished information by various means, and the students perceive it, realize and fix in memory)

    Reproductive method (The essence of it is in repetition (multiple) method of activity on the task of the teacher)

    Problem method (The teacher puts the problem in front of the students and himself shows the path of his decision, opening the emerging contradictions, the purpose of this method - to show samples of solving the problem)

    Partially search method (The teacher dismembers the problematic task on submissions, and students exercise certain steps to search for it, each step implies creative activities, but there is no holistic solution to the problem)

    Research Method (providing organizations of searching creative activities of students to solve new problems for them, creative application of knowledge)

Traditional forms of organization The activities of children in the educational process.

- Lecture - Oral statement of any topic, developing creative mental activity of students.

- Seminar - The form of group classes in the form of a discussion of prepared messages and reports under the guidance of a teacher forms analytical thinking, reflects the intensity of independent work, develops public speeches.

- Discussion - comprehensively public discussion, consideration of a controversial issue, a complex problem; Expands knowledge by exchanging information, develops the skills of critical judgment and defend its point .

TOonperition - Meeting, Meeting of representatives of various organizations to discuss and solve any questions; Intensify the skills of an open discussion of the results of its activities.

- Excursion - campaign or trip for the purpose of inspection, dating with any landmark; Enrich sensual perception and visual performances.

- Expedition - A group trip with a special task: solves a complex of diverse tasks for organizing effective practice in the process of obtaining a profile result outside the audit conditions.

- Tourist hike - movement of a group of people with a certain goal; implements the goals of knowledge, upbringing, recovery, physical and development.

- Educational game - a lesson that has certain rules and serves to know the new, rest and pleasure; It is characterized by modeling of vital processes in the conditions of a developing situation.

Non-traditional forms organization of children's activities.

- Presentation of the subject, phenomena, events, fact - Description, disclosure of the role of the subject, social purpose in a person's life, participation in social relations.

- Sociodrama - plot role-playing game predetermined by the position of the main characters; Situation of choice on which the course of life and social and psychological relations depend on, awareness of itself in the structure public relations.

- Protection - The ability to project a change in reality in the name of improving life, the correlation of personal interests with public, the proposal of new ideas for solving life problems.

- Round table - Collective work on finding social importance and personal meaning of the phenomenon of life - "Freedom and Duty", "Man and Nature", etc.

- Tea drinking - It has a lot of power, creates a special psychological atmosphere, softens mutual relations, liberates.

- "Toughie" - solving difficult issues in life together with the group, trust talk based on good .

- Day of Good Surprises - Exercise in the ability to make attention signs, deliver joy to people.

- Envelope questions - Free exchange of views on different topics in a friendly atmosphere.

- Graduation ring - Report of graduates of creative teams, analysis of the past, plans for the future; creating an atmosphere of friendship ; Formation of the ability to interact with people

Summing up the seminar. Teacions reflection.

Structure of innovative classes

(on N. E. Schurkova)

Stage 1: Organizational.

Task: Preparation of children to work in the lesson.

Stage Content: Organization of the start of classes, the creation of psychological attitude to educational activities and intensify attention.

Stage 2: verification.

Task: establishing the correctness and awareness of the homework (if it was), the identification of spaces and their correction.

Stage Content: Checking homework (creative, practical), checking the learning of the previous lesson.

3 Stage: Preparatory (preparation for new content).

Task: ensuring the motivation and adoption by children the goal of educational and cognitive activity.

Stage Contents: Message Themes, Target Goals and Motivation of Children's Educational Activities (For example, heuristic question, cognitive task, problem task for children).

4 Stage: Basic.

As the main stage can be the following:

1) assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action.

Task: ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of connections and relationships in the object of study. It is advisable when learning new knowledge to use tasks and questions that activate Children.

2) Primary testing of understanding.

Task: Establishing the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of the new educational material, identifying incorrect ideas and their correction. Apply trial practical tasks that are combined with the explanation of the relevant rules or justification

3) consolidation of knowledge and ways of action.

Task: Ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action. Apply training exercises, tasks that are performed by children.

4) generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Task: Formation of a holistic presentation of knowledge on the topic. Common ways of work are conversation and practical tasks.

5 Stage: Control.

Task: identification of quality and level of mastering knowledge, their correction. Test tasks, types of oral and written survey, questions and tasks of various levels of complexity (reproductive, creative, search and research) are used.

6 Stage: Total.

Task: give an analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospect of subsequent work.

Stage Contents: Teacher reports answers to the following questions: How did the guys worked in the classroom, what's new learned, what skills and skills mastered? Encourages guys for learning work.

7 Stage: Reflective .

Task: Mobilization of children for self-esteem. Performance, psychological condition, performance, maintenance and usefulness of academic work can be evaluated.

8 Stage: Information.

Information about the homework (if necessary), instruction on its implementation, determining the prospects of the following classes. Task: ensuring an understanding of the goal, content and methods of completing homework, logic of further classes.

The stated stages can be combined differently, any of them may not be seen depending on pedagogical purposes.

Sections: Common goodsAgological technologies

Purpose: understanding the need and the possibility of applying modern technologies as an indicator of pedagogical competence of a modern teacher.

- to systematize theoretical knowledge of the socio-pedagogical concepts in the formation of "competence approach", "competence": meanings and content of concepts;
- analyze and determine the impact of the application of modern technologies in the context of the competence approach to the quality of children's education;
- Exchange the existing experience in the design of ways to transition to a competence approach in the educational practice of additional education institutions


- computer, media projector, media screen, music center;
- Presentation "Modern technologies as a tool for management of education" ( Attachment 1);
- Cards for the game "Consequences" ( Appendix 2.);
- Memo "Conditions for the formation of key competencies" ( Appendix 3.);
- Business cards, ball, handles, clean sheets of paper, markers.

Plan of the seminar

  1. 1. Great. Goals and objectives of the seminar. Seminar work plan message.
  2. 2. Exercise "View"

  3. Opening part
  4. Theoretical part
  5. Practical part
  6. 1. Business game
    2. Game "Problem on Palm"
    3. The game "Consequences"

  7. Reflection
  8. Outcome of the seminar


1. Greeting. Goals and objectives of the seminar. Seminar work plan message.

2. Exercise "View"

Each participant draws up in an arbitrary form a card-business card where it indicates its name. The name must be written or large enough. The business card is attached so that it can read.

It is 3-4 minutes to ensure that all participants make a cinder business cards and prepared for a mutual representation, for which they are united into couples, and each tells about themselves to their partner.

The task is to prepare for the presentation of your partner to the whole group. The main task of the presentation is to emphasize the individuality of its partner, to tell about it so that all other participants immediately remember him. Then the participants are sitting in a large circle and in turn represent their partner, starting a presentation from words: "for ... the most important thing ...".

II. Opening part

1. Seminar epigraph.

Who does not want to apply new funds,
should wait for new troubles

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon is one of the greatest erudites of the XVII century, the contemporary of Galilee and the predecessor of Newton, the author of the treatise "Experience and instructions of moral and political"

The teacher and the student grow together:
Training - half a doctrine.

III. Theoretical part

The education modernization program affects all parties to the educational process. Its task is to achieve new quality - quality that meets the requirements for the identity in modern rapidly changing socio-economic conditions.

Traditionally, the entire domestic education system was focused on knowledge as a goal of learning (zuna). The transformation of the Russian society as a whole and the formation in particular was determined by changing the requirements for the student. The "knowledge graduate" stopped complying with the requests of society. There was a demand for a "graduate of the able, creative" having value orientation. A competent approach to learning is designed to solve this problem.

Consider the concepts of "competence" and "competence", which are almost synonymous.

"Competence" is a set of interrelated personal qualities (knowledge, skills, skills, ways of activity), which allows you to put and achieve a goal.

"Competence" - the integral quality of the personality, manifested in the overall ability and readiness for activities based on knowledge and experience.

The student is considered competent on the results of activities, if it is able to apply assimilated in practice, that is, to transfer competence to certain situations of real life.

What techniques and technologies need to own a modern teacher to develop key competencies from students? What professional pedagogical competencies need to own the teacher himself in order to ensure its own professional promotion and development? Under what conditions of competence will move to the level of professional competence? Let's try to figure it out in this matter.

IV. Practical part

1. Business game

Participants are divided into three groups "Students", "Pedagogues", "Experts"

First question for discussion: When is the student not interesting to learn? When the teacher is not interested in learning?

Within 5 minutes, the method of brainstorming participants make up a list of causes and provide an expert group that prepare an information certificate for the audience.

From the answers, experts allocate 2-3 the most relevant problems for this audience and voiced them.

Suppose that the following problems are allocated:

1. Insufficient level of the teacher's teacher with modern educational technologies impede the formation of key substantive competencies.
2. Development of students' ability to independently solve problems in various areas of activity is impossible without a practical oriented oriented learning.
3. The contradiction between the frontal forms of training and the "passive" methods of training on the one hand and the need to ensure the activity of learning on the other side.

The second question for discussion: will the teacher be interested in learning, and the learning is interesting to learn, if we use modern educational technologies and techniques in the educational process?

Within 5 minutes, the participants select at least 3 arguments that, in the opinion of the members of the Group, prove the effectiveness of technology capable of increasing interest in the learning process.

From the answers, experts allocate 2-3 most effective, according to this audience, technology and voiced them.

Suppose that the following technologies are allocated:

- personal-oriented technologies provide for the priority of subject-subject learning, diagnosis of personal growth, situational design, game modeling, including educational tasks in the context of life problems involving the development of the individual in the real, sociocultural and educational space;

- Health-saving technologies whose distinctive feature is a health priority, i.e. competent health care - a prerequisite for the educational process;

- Information technologies make it possible to individualize and differentiate the learning process, stimulate the cognitive activity and independence of students;

- Gaming technologies allow you to control emotional stress in the learning process, contribute to mastering the skills necessary for cognitive, labor, artistic, sports activities, for communication. In the process of the game, children are imperceptibly mastering what was previously difficult;

- Problem-developing teaching technologies contribute to the development of creative abilities of students; The formation of critical thinking and positive emotions.

project technologiesThe essence of which is that the student in the process of work on the study project comprehends real processes, objects, living specific situations. The basis of project technologies is the method of projects, which is aimed at the development of cognitive skills of students, critical thinking, the formation of the ability to independently design their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space.

A competence approach imposes its requirements for teachers: finding new forms, methods, training technologies. The teacher must be focused on a wide range of modern technologies, ideas, directions, not to spend time on the opening already known. The technological knowledge system is an essential component and an indicator of pedagogical skill of the modern teacher.

In the educational environment, the opinion is firmly established that pedagogical skill Purely individually, so it can not be transferred from hand to hand. However, based on the ratio of technology and skill, it is clear that the pedagogical technology that can be seized, like any other, not only mediating, but is determined by the personal parameters of the teacher. The same technology can be carried out by different educators, where their professionalism and pedagogical skill will be manifested.

2. Workshop

The teachers of the Center apply modern technologies in the practice of their activities, active learning methods, new forms of conducting classes and events.

We are most successful we consider the use of game technologies by N.E. Khurkova. We have a certain experience and result in this direction.

Game "problem on the palm"

Game traffic:

Each participant is invited to look at the problem as if from the side, as if he kept her on his palm.

The host holds a beautiful tennis ball on his palm and appeals to the participants of the seminar: "I look at this ball. He is round and small as our land in the universe. Earth is the house in which my life unfolds. What would I do with my life if it were completely dominated above her? " (Musical accompaniment: Music of the Universe)

Participants alternately hold the subject to the palm, symbolizing the problem, and express their personal attitude towards it.

Commentary of the game: The success of the game is possible when two conditions are met.

First, the presence of an object symbolizing the problem. It can be a candle, a flower, a nut, a bump ... - almost any item, but the main thing that meets the requirements of aesthetic taste. The professionalism of the teacher is not in the selection of the subject, but in the ability to present it to children. It is not solid, objectively, and in its sociocultural value. Candle - Fire, Light, Human Thought, Mind. The flower is not a plant generating oxygen, but the beauty of the world.

Secondly, there can be no "right" and "wrong" answers. The main thing is the movement of thought. Our problems cannot exist only within us if the existence is understood as life in the world of people.

- A person, in contrast to animals, to anticipate events, to anticipate the future by logical operations, analyzing events, actions, words, actions. For the ability to foresee the consequences affect our experience.

Game traffic:

  1. Participant announces perfect action
  2. (Actions are written on cards: "I brought and handed flowers good man"," I rudely turned over my colleague "," I love to brush, embellish, break, take it, "," I started smoking, "" I found someone's wallet and gave yourself money, "" I read a lot, "" started in the morning Do charging "," I said ugly that she is ugly "," I forget why I come to work, "I always bring any business to the end").

  3. The participant arises alternately the consequences of what happened, saying: "I
  4. your consequence is the first, I tell you ... ".

    The consequence-1 reports that follows "now" after the participant committed; The consequence-2 warns what the subject "in a week" expects;

    The consequence-3 draws a picture of "in a month";

    The consequence-4 will foresee an inevitable "in mature years";

    The consequence-5 reports on the result, to which the participant will come at the end of life.

  5. After listening to the predictions of the future, the participant decides: either he refuses to make a further done, or it is approved to significantly for his life what he committed.

Question to the participants of the seminar at the end of the game: What thought during the game?

V. Reflexia

1. Recall the king of one planet in Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "Little Prince": "If I lead to my general to turn around with maritime seagull, and if the general does not fulfill the order, it will not be his fault, and mine." What can these words mean for us? (Pedagogues Answers).

Essentially, in these words, one of the most important rules of successful teaching are concluded: put in front of yourself and before those who do you learn, real goals. It should be emphasized that any pedagogical innovation should be used competently, and the teacher should always be guided by the principle: "The main thing is not to harm!"

2. Question to the participants of the seminar:

- What is the condition for the formation or development of competencies.

So, key competence are formed, if a ( Appendix 3.):

  • training is active;
  • there is an orientation of the educational process on the development of independence and responsibility of the studying for the results of its activities (for this it is necessary to increase the share of the independence of the works of a creative, search, research and experimental nature);
  • conditions are created to acquire experience and achieve the goal;
  • these teaching technologies are used, based on the independence and responsibility of the teacher for the results of their students (design methodology, abstract approach, reflection, research, problematic methods, differentiated learning, educational training);
  • there is an increase in the practical orientation of education (through business, simulation games, creative meetings, discussions, round tables);
  • the teacher skillfully manages the training and activities of students. She also said Dysterweg that "a bad teacher presents the truth, good - teaches it to find", and for this he must have pedagogical competence).

Vi. Outcome of the seminar

1. We strive to find forms that will help the team successfully master the competence-learning strategy. And the proposed line of action can help us in this: try myself - offered to the student - share with your colleagues - find like-minded people - combine efforts. After all, only together you can achieve the best success.

2. Game "Applause in Circle"

Purpose: Remove tension and fatigue, thank all participants for work.

All participants are sitting in a circle. The presenter begins to clap your hands and looks at someone from the participants. They begin to clap together. The participant at which he looked presenter looks at another participant, including him in the game. Thus, all participants begin to clap.


1. Pedagogical technologies: Tutorial for students of pedagogical specialties / edited by V.S. Cucunin. - M.: ICC "Mart": - Rostov N / D, 2006.
2. Shchurkova N.E. Cool Guide: Game Methods. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002, - 224 p.
3. Khutorskaya A.V. Article "Technology designing key competencies and substantive competencies." // Internet magazine "Eidos".
4. Ivanov D.A., Mitrofanov K.G., Sokolova O.V. Competence approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools. Educational and methodical manual. - M.: APK and Pro, 2003. - 101 p.

Home\u003e Seminar

Methodical seminar for additional education teachers


Modern approaches, principles and form planning and organization of the educational process in additional education

purpose : To introduce modern approaches, principles and forms of planning and organizing the educational process in children's associations.

Seminar Plan :

    Features of the educational process in additional education.

    Training occupation - the main form of the organization of the educational process

- Objective and tasks - types of training sessions - requirements for organizing classes - Forms of working with children - Training methods are the main stages of modern classes. 3. The plan-abstract of educational training of an additional education teacher. 4. Master class teacher-psychologist "Methods and techniques of psychological unloading of children in classes". 5. The structure of the innovation classes on N.E. Schurakova.

Seminar's move:

Teachers are divided into groups in the direction.

Introduction: The topic of the seminar, work plan, the actualization of the issues put forward.

1. Features of the educational process in additional education.

What is the educational process in additional education, how does it differ from the educational process in a secondary school? (Replies of representatives from groups.)

Summarizing hypotheses, one can say: the educational process in the system of additional education of children is specially organized activities of teachers and students aimed at solving the tasks of learning, education, personality development. The learning process in additional education is less formalized in comparison with the secondary school, does not have a rigid framework. Individualization of training in the system of additional education of children is carried out by the child himself, which himself chooses an interesting activity for itself. The position of the teacher changes and the position of the teacher: he acts not only as a carrier of knowledge, but also as an assistant in the formation of the personality of the studying. According to the outstanding teacher-Novator V.F. Shatalina "... The main function of the teacher is not so much to be a source of knowledge, how much to organize the process of knowledge, create such an atmosphere in the class in which it is impossible not to learn." Performing the function of the consultant, the teacher of additional education most often has a strong personal impact on children. From here - increased requirements for his personal qualities. The educational process organized in the system of additional education should meet the following requirements: have a developing nature. should be aimed at developing natural deposits and interests in children; be diverse (group and individual, theoretical and practical, performing and creative classes) and maintenance; be based on the variety of additional educational programs - modified, copyright, adapted, all of them must undergo psychological and pedagogical examination before inclusion in the educational process and psychological and pedagogical monitoring during their implementation, so as not to harm the physical and mental health of students; based on educational methods of children's education; For the teacher of additional education, there is no knowledge of only the subject area that he teaches, he must have psychological and pedagogical knowledge; use diagnostics of interests and motivation of children In order to ensure such a variety of activities and forms of their implementation, which would allow different children with different interests and problems to find a classes for themselves; based on the social order of society; reflect regional features and traditions.

    Training occupation - the main form of the organization of the educational process

The educational process is carried out through training occupation. Question for discussion in groups: Give the definition of training sessions. Based on the definitions, summarize: Training occupationthis is the form of the organization of the educational process, limited by temporary framework, involving a specially organized teacher's training of children (the transfer of knowledge, skills and skills on a specific subject), as a result of which the tendering of these knowledge, the formation and development of skills and skills occurs. In order for the occupation to become a training, it needs it thoroughly prepare, plan. The teacher has the right to independently work out a convenient model of an educational plan. Planning classes begins with definition goals and tasks Educational classes. This moment is often problematic for teachers. It is necessary to proceed from the concept target- This is an estimated result of a person or human activity, the implementation of which they are directed. As a rule, no more than 1-2 classes are determined. They should be quite specific and achievable for one occupation. One of the traditional teacher errors in the formulation of classes of classes becomes abstract or excessive scale: for example, it may not be for one occupation, the goal of education in children of love for the subject, nature or formation of a complex of zunov has been reached. Goals achieve through the decision tasks. Tasks must disclose goals, specify them. When planning the tasks of occupation, it is necessary to set tasks taking into account the age characteristics of the students of this group, their academic preparedness, educational, development. Traditionally, three tasks are put to classes: educational, educational and educational. Workshop in groups: The wording of tasks of training sessions. Colleagues, sheets are distributed to the definitions of tasks without headers, working, determine which of them are indicated on sheets. Sign. _____________________________________ 1 - promote in the course of the formation of personal qualities ..., 2 - in order to solve the tasks of labor learning and education ..., 3 - to carry out moral education, to ensure the study of issues: patriotism, humanism, partnership, ethical behaviors ..., 4 - to solve problems Aesthetic education ..., 5 - to solve problems of physical and sanitary and hygienic education, performance, prevention of fatigue ..., 5 - to form the right attitude towards nature. ____________________________________ 1 - To solve the development problems in children of skills, allocate the main thing in the material studied (training schemes, plan, formulation of conclusions or control questions), the formation of skills to compare, classify, summarize the studied facts and concepts ..., 2 - to solve the development task in children Independence of thinking to provide during the lesson ..., 3 - ensuring the development of the speech of students ..., 4 - to form in students the ability to overcome difficulties in teaching, to ensure the situation of emotional experiences ..., 5 - for the development of cognitive interest ..., 6 - in order to develop intellectual abilities , Thinking skills, transfer of knowledge and skills to new situations .... __________________________________________ 1- Check the degree of assimilation of the following basic knowledge, skills and skills learned and formed in previous activities ..., 2- Ensure the assimilation of the following basic tasks included in the content of the lesson, 3- to form, continue forming, consolidate the following special skills and skills on this educational material .... Summing up the task formulating work, summarize: Educational tasksspecify what knowledge, skills and skills can be formed on educational material classes. Tasks of development of studentsdetermine what cognitive abilities of students develop specifically, how to carry out the development of will, emotions, cognitive interests, etc.

Educational tasks Describe what ideological conclusion it is possible to bring students and what educational opportunities to implement classes on educational material.

The study of the educational material involves the following didactic cycles: - Studying a new material; - application of knowledge in practice, the formation of practical skills; - Knowledge control. Accordingly, the types of training sessions differ. Question for discussion in groups: What are there types of training sessions? The result of the work of groups - definition of types of classes: studying and learning new material(lectures, explanation, demonstration, etc.); fastening and improving knowledge, skills and skills (repetition, generalization, exercises, solving problems, laboratory work, etc.); generalization of knowledge, skills and skills (independent work, seminars, discussions, conferences, auctions, ideas, etc.); combined(training session with all the elements of the learning process); control(Final). Specific requirements are presented to each type of training session, but there are general requirements. Question for discussion in groups: What kind requirements must be made to classes in additional education? We summarize the responses of groups: General requirements for classes in the establishment of additional education. - the creation and maintenance of a high level of cognitive interest and the activity of children; - expedient spending time; - application of a variety of methods and training tools; - high level of interpersonal relationship between teacher and children; - the practical significance of the knowledge gained and skills. Question for discussion in groups: What kind forms of organization Do you know the educational process? In an additional education, depending on the tasks with the student, the teacher operates frontal, in small groups, individually. Traditional forms of organization The activities of children in the educational process. - Lecture - Oral statement of any topic, developing creative mental activity of students. - The seminar form of group classes in the form of a discussion of prepared messages and reports under the leadership of the teacher forms analytical thinking, reflects the intensity of independent work, develops the skills of public speeches. - Discussion - comprehensively public discussion, consideration of a controversial issue, a complex problem; Expands knowledge by exchanging information, develops the skills of critical judgment and defend its point of view. - Conference - Meeting, Meeting of representatives of various organizations to discuss and solve any questions; Intensify the skills of an open discussion of the results of its activities. - Excursion - a collective campaign or a trip for the purpose of inspection, acquaintance with any landmark; Enrich sensual perception and visual performances. - Expedition - a group trip with a special task: solves a complex of diverse tasks for organizing effective practice in the process of obtaining a profile result outside the audit conditions. - tourist campaign - movement of a group of people with a certain goal; Implements the goals of knowledge, upbringing, recovery, physical and sports development. - an educational game - a lesson that has certain rules and serves to know the new, rest and pleasure; It is characterized by modeling of vital processes in the conditions of a developing situation. Non-traditional formsorganization of children's activities. - Presentation of the subject, phenomena, events, fact - description, disclosure of the role of the subject, social purpose in a person's life, participation in social relations. - Sociiodrama - a plot-role-playing game, predetermined by the position of the main characters; The situation of choice on which the course of life and socio-psychological relations depend on, awareness of itself in the structure of social relations. - Project protection - the ability to project changes in reality in the name of improving life, the correlation of personal interests with public, the proposal of new ideas to solve life problems. - Round table - Collective work on finding social significance and personal meaning of the phenomenon of life - "Freedom and Debt", "Man and Nature", etc. - Tea party - has a lot of power, creates a special psychological atmosphere, softens mutual relations, liberates. - "Strong Oreshk" - solving difficult issues in life together with the group, confidential conversation based on good relationships. - The Day of Good Surprises - an exercise in the ability to provide signs of attention, deliver to people joy. - Envelope of issues - free exchange of views on different topics in a friendly atmosphere. - graduation ring - report graduates of creative teams, analysis of the past, plans for the future; creating an atmosphere of friendship, mutual understanding; Formation of the ability to interact with people there is a diverse arsenal training methods, methods of motivation and stimulating cognitive interest, control and correction. Consider two classifications of learning methods.

By Yu.K. Babansky

Wonderful (source of knowledge is an oral or printed word)

  • Explanation

  • Discussion

  • Working with a book

Visual (source of knowledge are observed items, phenomena, visual benefits)

    Method of illustration (show illustrative aids, posters, tables, paintings, cards, sketches on the board, models, etc.)

    Demonstration method (Demonstration of instruments, technical installations, video, presentations, etc.)

Practical (gain knowledge and produce skills, performing a practical action)


    Practical work

    Solving tasks

    Simulation of objects

According to M.N. Shotka and I.Ya. Lernera

    The explanatory-illustrative method (the teacher reports the finished information by various means, and the students perceive it, realize and fixed in memory) the reproductive method (its essence is in repetition (repeated) method of activity on the task of the teacher) Problem method (the teacher puts the problem and himself Shows the path of his decision, opening the arising contradictions, the appointment of this method - to show samples of solving the problem) The partially search method (the teacher dismembers the problem task on the submissions, and students exercise individual steps to search for it, each step involves creative activities, but a holistic solution to the problem is still There is no) research method (providing organizations of searching creative activities of trainees to solve new problems for them, creative application of knowledge)
In accordance with the didactic tasks, the main stages of modern classes are considered. Question for discussion in groups: Highlight main steps Educational classes. In the process of discussion, we allocate the stages of the lesson: 1. Organization of the start of classes, formulation of educational, educational, educational tasks, message topic and classes plan. 2. Check in children knowledge, skills, their readiness for the study of a new topic. 3. Acquaintance with new knowledge and skills. 4. Exercises for the development and consolidation of knowledge, skills, sample skills, as well as their use in similar situations, the use of creative exercises. 5. Summing up the classes, formulation of conclusions.

3. Plan-abstract training session of the teacher of additional education

All listed positions: types of training sessions and requirements for them, work forms, training methods, stages of classes - find their reflection in the plan, which teacher is on every training session. The basis of diverse options for planning training sessions. general characteristics: - Each training session has a goal, specific content, certain methods of organizing educational and pedagogical activities; - Any training session has a specific structure, i.e. consists of separate interrelated stages; - Building training sessions are carried out according to a certain logic that depends on its purpose and type. Work in groups: Consider and discuss the option of an abstract plan of classes. Plan-abstract

educational sessions

Date Subject The purpose of the task:




Type of classes

Form of work

Teaching methods

Equipment for teacher

Equipment for students

Plan lesson:

    Orgmoment. Checking the readiness of children to occupation. Creating a psychological attitude to work. 1-3 min

    Checking the homework - creative, practical (if it was), checking the learning of the previous lesson. 10-15 min

    Studying a new material. Message Topics, TB, Introductory conversation, familiarization with new material (new technique, welding, exercise, work, variation, etc.). 15-20 min

    Independent (practical) workbook work. Consolidation of knowledge and ways of action. Practical tasks. Training exercises. Fizkultminutka. 30-40 min

    Outcome. Exhibition of work, oral summarization of the results, conclusions, statements of children, evaluation, encouragement, etc. Homework (if any). Reflection. 10-15 min

4. Master class teacher-psychologist "Ways and techniques of psychological unloading of children in class" The psychologist actualizes the value of physical counters and physkulopez in the educational process. Performing independent work, children are often busy with monotonous matter, especially for classes in children's associations from, DPI, a chess club, a music school-studio. To change the type of activity, psychologically unload children is invited to include in the occupation so-called psychological workouts. This form is often more interesting to children than traditional physical attacks. Under the leadership of the psychologist, teachers are acquainted and "losing" several psychological developments. 5. The structure of the innovation classes on N.E. Schurekova Earlier, we reviewed the plan-abstract of traditional lessons in additional education. Now let's get acquainted with the structure of the innovative classes on N.E. Schurakova. In general, the training session of any type as a model can be represented as a sequence of the following steps: organizational, inspection, preparatory, main, control, reflective (self-analysis), outcome, information. Each stage differs from another change of activities, content and specific task. The basis for the allocation of stages can be the process of learning knowledge, which is constructed as a change in species of students' activity: perception - understanding - memorization - application - generalization - systematization. Work in groups: Study of innovative classes on N.E. Schurakova (we distribute on sheets). Structure of innovative classes on N.E. Schurakova. Stage 1: Organizational. Task: Preparation of children to work in the lesson. Stage Content: Organization of the start of classes, the creation of psychological attitude to educational activities and intensify attention. Stage 2: verification. Task: establishing the correctness and awareness of the homework (if it was), the identification of spaces and their correction. Stage Content: Checking homework (creative, practical), checking the learning of the previous lesson. 3 Stage: Preparatory (preparation for new content). Task: ensuring the motivation and adoption by children the goal of educational and cognitive activity. Stage Contents: Message Themes, Target Goals and Motivation of Children's Educational Activities (For example, heuristic question, cognitive task, problem task for children). 4 Stage: Basic. As the main stage, the following are: 1) assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action. Task: ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of connections and relationships in the object of study. It is advisable when you assimilate new knowledge to use tasks and questions that activate the cognitive activities of children. 2) Primary testing of understanding. Task: Establishing the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of the new educational material, identifying incorrect ideas and their correction. Apply trial practical tasks that are combined with the explanation of the relevant rules or justification 3) consolidation of knowledge and ways of action. Task: Ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action. Apply training exercises, tasks that are performed by children. 4) generalization and systematization of knowledge. Task: Formation of a holistic presentation of knowledge on the topic. Common ways of work are conversation and practical tasks. 5 Stage: Control. Task: identification of quality and level of mastering knowledge, their correction. Test tasks, types of oral and written survey, questions and tasks of various levels of complexity (reproductive, creative, search and research) are used. 6 Stage: Total. Task: give an analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospect of subsequent work. Stage Contents: Teacher reports answers to the following questions: How did the guys worked in the classroom, what's new learned, what skills and skills mastered? Encourages guys for learning work. 7 Stage: Reflective. Task: Mobilization of children for self-esteem. Performance, psychological condition, performance, maintenance and usefulness of academic work can be evaluated. 8 Stage: Information. Information about the homework (if necessary), instruction on its implementation, determining the prospects of the following classes. Task: ensuring an understanding of the goal, content and methods of completing homework, logic of further classes. The stated stages can be combined differently, any of them may not be seen depending on pedagogical purposes. The result of the work of groups: Speech by representatives of groups. Discussion of the structure of innovation classes. The possibility of including such a structure into the practice of their work. Summing up the seminar. Teacions reflection.
  1. SCHO program for high school students. // We read. Learning. Play. 2007. №2. Pp. 75. Litvinov K. News of training and game software: Disc overview // World PC. 2008. No. P. 84


    Want to become a mathematician?: Materials of the mathematical department of the Lyceum "All-Russian Correspondence Multi-Conduct School." Objective test work.

  2. Planning and organizing the educational process 24 Structure and content of educational programs on certified specialties. 36.


    As in other faculties of the pre-war institution, the teacher's team of the faculty of language and literature was small. In different years, it was included in it.

  3. Recommendations for the organization of the educational process and the preparation of local regulatory legal acts in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Collection


    Antropov A.G. - Deputy Head of the Office of the Organization of Professional Training Department of Personnel Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Candidate of Legal Sciences;


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