Bandera of his crime. Stepan Bandera - Hero or Traitor? Stepan Bandera - myth about the hero, the truth about the ward

Bandera of his crime. Stepan Bandera - Hero or Traitor? Stepan Bandera - myth about the hero, the truth about the ward

Interesting documents recently published a blogger, testifying to atrocities ukrainian nationalists From the OUN-UPA against Poles in the 1940s. Truthful evidence, what is always trying to not notice European and American politicians and officials supporting the Kiev junta, in fact, the time of the descendants of those fascifying Ukrainian radicals, 70 years ago in the bold of Eastern Europe. See, and who can, show it to Europeans and Americans - whom they led to power in Kiev and who are ready to provide military assistance! This is madness…

And of course, the most inexplicable absurd is that Poland, as the country most affected by the OUN-UPA, is now openly supported by the descendants of Ukrainian radicals, the most who less than a century ago suffered and destroyed thousands of Poles - women, children and old people! Does the historical memory of the Polish people no longer work or healed national wounds after a terrible tragedy, for just some 70 years!?

In the foreground, children are Yanush Belavsky, 3 years old, the son of Adeli; Roman Belarus, 5 years old, Son Cheslam, as well as Jadvig Belavsk, 18 years old and others. These listed Polish sacrifices are the result of a massacre committed by the OUN - UPA.

Lipniki (Lipniki), bang Kostopol, Voivodia Lutsk. March 26, 1943.
Blowing to identify and funeral corpses of Poles - victims of a massacre committed by the OUN - UPA. Behind the fence there is a Keryzh Skalsky, who saved life thanks to the existing firearm (visible in the photo).

Two-handed saw - good, but long. Ax faster. In the picture - a Polish family in Maziev (Lukov), the Polish family in Maziev (Lukov), February 1944, in the far corner on the pillow, lies. From here it is bad.

And lie there - chopped human fingers. Before his death, Bandera tortured their victims.

Lipniki (Lipniki), bang Kostopol, Voivodia Lutsk. March 26, 1943.
The central fragment of the brotherly grave of Poles - the victims of the Ukrainian massacre, performed by the OUN - UPA (OUN - UPA), - before the funeral near the people's house.

Katharinovka (Katarzynówka), Bang Lutsk, Lutsk region. 7/8 of May 1943.
In terms of three children: Two sons of Peter Mekala and Anelsels from Gubdvski - Yanush (3 years old) with broken limbs and Marek (2 years), swapped bayonets, and in the middle there is a daughter Stanislav Stephanica and Mary from Boyardchuk - Stasya (5 years old) Cut and open tummy and interns outside, as well as broken limbs.

Vladin Polynopol (Władynopol), an area, vow Vladimir, Voivodship Lutsk. 1943.
In the photo of the killed adult woman by the name Chiier and two children - the Polish victims of the Bandera terror, attacked in the House of the OUN - UPA (OUN - UPA).
Demonstration of photos indicated by W - 3326, thanks to the archive.

One of the two Glurst's families in the podlyyrkov is tortured by OUN - UPA on August 16, 1943. In the photo, a family of four people - spouses and two children. The victims of the eyes of the eye, hit the heads on the head, caught the palms, tried to cut the top and lower limbs, as well as brushes, brushes were applied on the whole body, etc.

Callows (Podjarków), Bobrka hang, Voivodeship Lviv. August 16, 1943.
Klegshinsk, a member of the Polish family in the podlyyrkov - the victim of the attack of the OUN - UPA. The result of the strike of the attacker who tried to cut off his right hand and the ear, as well as the caused to the flour - the round wound rod on the left shoulder, a wide wound on the forearm of the right hand, probably from its moxibustion.

Callows (Podjarków), Bobrka hang, Voivodeship Lviv. August 16, 1943.
The view inside the house of the Polish family of Klemynski in the podlyokov after the attack of the terrorists of the OK - UPA on August 16, 1943. The photographs are visible to the ropes, called Banderovtsy "Crepuls", used for the sophisticated cause of torment and suffering from Polish victims.

January 22, 1944, a woman with 2 children were killed in the village (Polish Family Popel)

Lipniki (Lipniki), Costa Costa Costa, Lutsk region. March 26, 1943. View before the funeral. The Polish victims of the night massacre made to the People's House, performed by the OUN - UPA.

Ostrówki and the Wola Ostrowiecka (Wola Ostrowiecka), lomomal, Vojovsky Vojovka. August 1992.
The result of the exhumation of the victims of mass massacre of the Poles held on August 17 - 22, 1992, located in the villages of Ostroves and the will of the Ostovetka, performed by the OUN terrorists - UPA (OUN - UPA). Ukrainian sources from Kiev from 1988 report the total number of victims in the two listed villages - 2.000 Poles.
Photo: Dziennik Lubelski, Magazyn, Nr. 169, WYD. A., 28 - 30 VIII 1992, s. 9, ZA: VHS - PRODUKCJA OTV Lublin, 1992.

Gurna Blovy (Błożew Górna), Vochitovil, Voivodship Lviv. November 10, 1943.
On the eve of November 11 - the People's Holiday of Independence - UPA attacked 14 Poles, in particular, on the family dry, applying various cruelty. In terms of the murdered Maria Grabovska (Vir. Surname Sukhai) 25 years old with a daughter of Christina 3 years old. The mother was a pinch of the bayonet, and the daughter had a broken jaw and a trite of the tummy.
Photo published due to sister sacrifices - Helen Kobzhitsky.

Latach (Latacz), bang the rings, Voivodeship Tarnopol. December 14, 1943.
One of the Polish families - Stanislav Karpyaka in the village of Latach, killed by a gang of the UPA from twelve person. Six people died: Maria Karpyak - wife, 42 years; Joseph Karpyak - Son, 23 years; Vladislav Karpyak - Son, 18 years old; Sigmunt or Zbignev Karpyak - Son, 6 years old; Sophia Karpyak - Daughter, 8 years old and Chernitsky's genera (Carpyak) - 20 years. Chernyksky's zbignev - a two-way wounded child, was hospitalized in the ripples. Visible in the picture Stanislav Karpyak, escaped, because there was no.

Polovtsy (Połowce), the region, vaulting chorts, Ternopil's Voivodeship. January 16 - 17, 1944.
Forest near the yagling, called Roshach. The process of identifying 26 corpses of Polish residents of the village of Polovtsy, killed the UPA. Known names and surnames of victims. The occupation German authorities have officially established that the sacrifices were divided by doggings, they were brutally tortured and tied. Persons were bloody due to circumcision of noses, ears, neck cutting, knocking out eyes and suffocation with the help of rods, so-called Arkanov.

Easy (Buszcze), Berezhany Borean, Ternopil's Voivodeship. January 22, 1944.
On the plan, one of the victims of the mass massacre - Stanislav Kuzuiv 16 years old, tortured UPA. We see the spinning belly, as well as the wounds - wide and round smaller. At a critical day, Bandera burned several Polish yards and at least 37 Poles killed cruelly, including 7 women and 3-little children. 13 people were injured.

Haupki (Chałupki), Vyselki village Barzhovice, Bang Lviv, Voivodeship Lviv. February 27 - 28, 1944.
Fragment of Polish courtyards in Haupoki burned by the terrorists of the UPA after the murder of 24 inhabitants and robbery of movable property.

Magdalówka (Magdalówka), Bang the scallet, Ternopil's Voivodeship.
Catagina Gorvath from Hablov, 55 years old, Mother of the Roman Catholic Xendza Yana Gorutha.
View from 1951 after plastic surgery. The terrorists of the UPA almost completely cut off her nose, as well as the upper lip, knocked out most of the teeth, the left eye and seriously damaged the right eye. In that, the tragic March night of 1944, another members of this Polish family were killed in a cruel death, and their property attackers kidnapped, for example, clothes, bed linen and towels.

Bilgoray (Biłgoraj), Lyubelskoye Voivodship. February - March 1944.
A view of the burned town of Bilgoray burned in 1944. The result of the share of extermination carried out by CC-Galine.
Photographer is unknown. The photo designated W - 1231 is represented by the archive.

We see the risk stomach and inside outside, and also hanging on the skin brush, - the result of attempts to cut off. Case OUN - UPA (OUN - UPA).

Bełżec (Bełżec), an area, vault Rava Rusk, Voivodeship Lviv. June 16, 1944.
An adult woman with visible, more than a deciment meter wound on the buttock, as a result of a strong impact of a sharp gun, as well as with small round wounds on the body, testifying to torture applied. Nearby small child With visible damage to the face.

Fragment of the execution of the execution in the forest. Polish child among adult victims killed by Bandera. Condisched by a disheveled baby head.

Lubycha Krölewska (Lubycza Królewska), an area, vault Rawa, Voivodeship Lviv. June 16, 1944.
Forest fragment at the railway track near Lubichi Krollian, where the terrorists of the UPA cunning were detained by a passenger train of Belzhets - Rava Ruska - Lviv and shot at least 47 passengers - Polish men, women and children. Previously mocked for live people, as later over the dead. Violence - blows were used, beating the rifles with rifles, and a pregnant woman knocked off bayonets to the ground. Desecrated the dead bodies. We assigned personal documents of the victims, hours, money and other valuable items. Known names and surnames of most victims.

Lyubych Krölewska (Lubycza Królewska), a forest area, BVA Rusk, Voivodship Lviv. June 16, 1944.
Forest fragment - execution places. On Earth lie Polish victims killed by Bandera. On the central plan, a nude woman attached to the tree is visible.

Forest fragment - the place of execution of Polish passengers killed by Ukrainian chauvinists.

Lubycha Królevska (Lubycza Królewska), Burn Rawa Ruska, Voivodeship Lviv. June 16, 1944.
Forest fragment - execution places. Polish women killed by Bandera

Chortkov (CzORTKów), Voivodeship Ternopil.
Two, most likely Polish victims of the Bandera terror. There are no more detailed data on the names and the names of victims, nationality, place and death circumstances.

- ZD From Poland: "In those who flew, were catching up and killed on the horses and killed. 08/30/1943 In the village of Poleno Starosta appointed 8 Poles to work in Germany. Ukrainian partisans-Bandera took them to the forest of Kobyl, where they used to be Soviet camps And they dismissed alive in the well, in which after that they threw a grenade. "

- Ch. B. From the USA: in the pastry, it was called the village, the Bandera laughed four of the family of Melnik Petrushevsky, and 17 years old Adolafin was pulled by a rocky rural road until she died. "

- E.B. From Poland: "After kokyubsky's murder in Belozerka, near Kremeza, Bandera went to the farm to G_iuzihovsky. Seventeen-year-old Regina jumped out the window, the bandits killed the daughter-in-law and her three-year-old son, whom she kept on her hands. Then they set fire to the hut and left."

- A.L. From Poland: "30.08 1943, the UPA attacked such villages and killed them:

1. Cute. 138 people, including 63 children.

2. Yankovitsy. 79 people, including 18 children.

3. Extender. 439 people, including 141 children.

4. Will island. 529 people among them are 220 children.

5. Chmikov Colonia - 240 people, among them 50 children.

- M.B. From the USA: "fired, cut the knives, burned."

- TM From Poland: "Okashka hung, and before that burned his hair on his head."

- M.P. From the USA: "Surrounded by the village, set fire to and killed running away."

- F.K. From the UK: "We took with my daughter to the national team near the church. There were about 15 people - women and children. Sotnika Golovachuk and brother began to knit hands and legs of barbed wire. Sister began to pray out loud, Sotnik Golovachuk began to beat her face and trample legs ".

- FB From Canada: "Bandera came to our courtyard, they caught our father and the ax cut off his head, our sister punctured the bayonet. Mother, seeing all this died of heartbroken."

- Yu.V. From the UK: "Brother's wife was Ukrainian and for married to the 18 Bandera Poles raised. From this shock she never cured, her brother did not regret her and she was drowned in the Dniester."

"V.S. from Canada:" In the village of Bushkovitsa, eight Polish families drove into Stodol, there all their axes were killed and set fire to Stodla. "

- Yu.x from Poland: "In March 1944, Bandera was attacked by the village of Guta Shklyan, among them the name Diduh from the villages of the streets. They killed five people. Shooted, finished off .

- TR From Poland: "The village of Osmigovichi. 11. 07. 43. During the service of God, Bandera was attacked, they killed praying, a week after that they were attacked by our village. Little children disastened to the well, and those who are more closed in the basement and piled His. One Bandera, holding a breast child behind the legs, hit his head about the wall. The mother of this child shouted, pierced her bayonet. "

A separate, very important section in the history of evidence of the mass destruction of Poles, conducted by the OUN-UPA on Volyn, is the book of Yu. Tourovsky and V. Semashko "The atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists committed against the Polish population of Volyn 1939-1945". The named book is distinguished by objectivity. It is not impregnated with hatred, although describes the martyrdom of thousands of Poles. This book should not read people with weak nerves. It contains on 166 pages of small font and describe the methods of mass killings of men, women, children. Here are just some fragments from this book.

- On July 16, 1942 in Klevan, Ukrainian nationalists committed a provocation, prepared an anti-leaflet in Polish. As a result, the Germans shot several dozen Poles.

November 13, 1942 insults, Polish village near Lutsk. The Ukrainian police under the team of the Nationalist of the Sachkovsky, former teacher, attacked the village because of cooperation with the Soviet partisans. Women, children and old people beat one dollars, they were killed there, and then burned. 17 people were taken to Kleman and shot there.

- November 1942, Solly Tel Varka. Ukrainian nationalists tortured Yana Zelinsky, putting it connected to the fire.

- November 9, 1943, Polish village Parosist in the Sarna district. The gang of Ukrainian nationalists, pretending to the Soviet partisans, misled the inhabitants of the village, who were treated for a gang during the day. In the evening, the gangsters surrounded all at home and killed the Polish population in them. 173 people were killed. Only two were saved, which were littered with corpses, and a 6-year-old boy who pretended to be killed. The later inspection of the dead showed the exceptional cruelty of the executioner. Breast babies were nailed to the tables of kitchen knives, soldered the skin with several people, women raped, some have been cropped their chest, many had cropped ears, noses, eye pumps, cropped heads. After the massacre staged a drink from the local elderly. After the care of the executioners among the scattered bottles of the Goh itself and the residues of food, they found a one-year-old child, nailed to the table, and he stuck in his mouth abdicted by someone from the gangsters a piece of sauer cucumber.

- On March 11, 1943, the Ukrainian village of Mostolishing near the Cove. Ukrainian nationalists tortured the Pole of the Teacher, as well as several Ukrainian families who resisted the destruction of Poles.

- March 22, 1943, village Radovichi Kovelsky district. A gang of Ukrainian nationalists, disguised into German uniforms, demanding the issuance of weapons, tortured the Father and the two Brothers Lesnevskiy.

- March 1943 Zagormen, Dubnensky district. Ukrainian nationalists were painted by the management of the economy, and when he escaped, the executioners became his bayonets, and then knocked to the ground, "so as not to get up."

March 1943. In the Okolitsa Guta of the Stepan Kostopolsky district, Ukrainian nationalists were painted by deception 18 Polish girls, who were killed after rape. The bodies of the girls folded into one row and put the tape with the inscription: "Lyask (Polka) should die."

- March 1943, the village of Bridges, the Kostopolsky district Paul and Stanislav Bednoshev had wives of Ukrainians. Both were tortured by Ukrainian nationalists. They also killed his wife alone. The second Natalka, was saved.

March 1943, Banasovka village, Lutsk district. Banda, Ukrainian nationalists suffered 24 Poles, their bodies were thrown into the well.

- March 1943, the settlement of Antonovka, the Sarannsky district. Jusef Eismont drove to the mill. The owner of the mill, the Ukrainian, warned him about danger. When he returned from the mill, the Ukrainian nationalists attacked him, tied to the pillar, they smeared their eyes, and then lived with a saw.

- On July 11, 1943, the village of Biskupichi, Vladimir Volynsky district, Ukrainian nationalists learned the mass murder, the inhabitants of the residents in the school. At the same time, brutally killed the family of Vladimir Yaskula. The executioners broke into the hut when everyone slept. Parents killed the tops, and five children were laid there, laid out of the mattresses and set fire to straw.

July 11, 1943, inhabited by Prichchelev near Vladimir Volynsky. Ukrainian Glembitsky killed his wife Polka, two children and his wife's parents.

July 12, 1943. Colony Mary Will near Vladimir Volynsky about 15.00, it was surrounded by Ukrainian nationalists and began to kill Poles, using firearms, axes, forks knives, drumpups died about 200 people (45 famils). Part of people, about 30 people, threw in a spear and killed them there. Who escaped, he was caught up and killed. During this slaughter, the Ukrainians ordered Vladislav Didukha to kill the wife of Polka and two children. When he did not fulfill the order, they killed him and the family. Eighteen children aged 3 to 12 years old who hid in the field, executioners flew, planted on the cart, brought to the village of a honest cross and they were killed there, pierced to forks, struck the tops. The action was led by Klavnyatsky ...

- August 30, 1943, Polish village of Kuta Lomomla district. Early in the morning, the village was surrounded by Sagittarius UPA and Ukrainian peasants mainly from the village of Lesnaya, and the mass massage of the Polish population was killed in the huts, in the courtyards, in hundreds, using forks, axes. Pavel Prlandchuk, the Pole, who tried to protect his mother, put on a bench, cut their arms and legs, leaving a martyrdom.

- August 30, 1943, the Polish village of Ostrodov near Lomomla. The village was surrounded by a dense ring. Ukrainian emissary entered the village, offering to fold the weapon. Most men gathered at school in which they were closed. Then they took five people per garden, where they were killed by a blow on the head and threw the pits into digs. The bodies folded with layers, speaking the earth. Women and children were collected in the church, ordered them to lie on the floor, after which they were shooting in turn. 483 people died, including 146 children.

Member of the UPA Danilo Shumuk leads in his book the story of the Ubscan: "In the evening we came out again to these very farms, organized ten souls under the mask of the red partisans and drove in the direction of the trough ... We drove, sang" Katyusha "and from time to time they swear - Russian ... "

- 15.03.42, village Kosice. Ukrainian police together with the Germans killed 145 Poles, 19 Ukrainians, 7 Jews, 9 Soviet prisoners;

- On the night of 21.03.43, two Ukrainians killed in Shiske - Ishovka and Kravchuk, who helped Poles;

- April 1943, Belozerka. The same bandits killed Ukrainian Tatiana Mikolik for the fact that she had with the Pole of the child;

- 5.05.43, Klepauchev. Killed Ukrainian Peter Trohimchuk with his wife-Polyacham;

- 30.08.43, Cute. Brutants killed the Ukrainian family of Vladimir Krasovsky with two young children;

- August 1943, Yanovka. Bandera killed a Polish child and two Ukrainian children, as they brought up in the Polish family;

- August 1943, Antolin. Ukrainian Mikhail Mishcheuk, who had a wife-pool, received an order to kill her and a one-year-old child. Due to the refusal of his wife and child killed neighbors.

"Member of the Wire Guide (OHU Bandeps - B.P.) Make Pyban (Nikolai Lebe) demanded from the main KoManda of UPA (there is from Tapaca Byluba-borot - B.P.) ... OCCMUM WCCsManic Meprumopia from the NACENE .. . "

* Lekcandp GPITNOKO: "APMIA 6EPS", Y Z6iPTsi "Tydi, DE 6II Sea", LOPON, 1989, C. 405.

"Already during the negotiations (between N. LEBEM and T. BYLBOY-UNDER - B.P.), instead of carrying out a share in a jointly drawn line, OUN military departments (Bands - B.P.) ... began to destroy Shamefully Polish civilian population and other national minorities ... No party has a monopoly on the Ukrainian people ... Did the true revolutionary-holder be obeyed by the party line, which begins to build a state with cutting national minorities or meaningless burning of their dwellings? Ukraine has more terrible enemies than Poles ... What are you fighting for? For Ukraine or your OUN? For the Ukrainian state or for the dictatorship in that state? For the Ukrainian people or only for their batch? "


"One who shied out of them (ohh bands - b.p.) Installations about mobilization, that was shot with his family and burned his house ..."

* Make a piece of paper: "NACTYPAX I VIDCTYPAX", ChIKAGO, 1961, Software: "Tidy, DE BIA Sea", Kiït, 1992, c. 174.

"The CB began mass purge among the population and in the UPA departments. For the smallest gum, and even for personal scores, the population caught death. In the departments, Schidnyaki was most affected (people from Eastern Ukraine-conducted perpetrators ... In general, Sat with its activities - it was the most black page of the history of those years ... The security of the security was organized on German manner. Most SB commanders were the former cadets of the German police in Zakopany (since 1939-40). They were predominantly Galichan. "

* TAM ZH, CC. 144,145

"The order came to destroy the entire unconfigured element, and now the persecution of all who seemed to be a barbecue suspicious. The prosecutors were Bandera Static, and no one. That is, the elimination of "enemies" was carried out exclusively according to the party principle ... Stanny cut the list of "suspicious" and passed the Sat ... marked by cross - should be eliminated ... But the most terrible tragedy was played out with the captive Red Army, which thousands lived and worked in The villages of Volyni ... Bandera invented such a method. Came at night to the house, took the prisoner and stated that they were Soviet partisans and ordered, so that he walked with them ... these were destroyed ... "

* O. Shailyak: "B IM" I NPAVDI ", PA:" Tydi, De Bii Sea ", Loord, 1989, CC. 398,399

The witness of the events of the time on Volyn, the Ukrainian Gospel Pastor, so evaluates the activity of the OAH-UPA-SB: "It came to the fact that people (YKPain peasants - B.P.) were rejoiced that somewhere near the Germans ... broke the rebels (UPA - B.P.). Bands, besides, collected from the population tribute ... 3A Any resistance of the peasants of the Kalarel Sat, who was now as horror as the NKVD or Gestapo. "


Olow in the opportunity after the liberation of the Soviet Army of Western Ukraine put the population of that region in a hopeless position: on the one hand, the legal Soviet government has consisted of men in the army, on the other side of the UPA, prohibited under the fear of death Soviet army. Many cases are known when the UPA-CB is brutally destroyed conscripts and their families - parents, brothers, sisters.

* CETP. APXIV MIN. CPCP, f. 134, OP. 172182, n. 12, LL. 70-85

In terms of terror OUH-UPA-CB, the population of Western Ukraine could not, not risking his life, not to assist the UPA, at least in the form of a glass of water or milk, and, on the other hand, the dominant Stalinist terror applied for such actions of cruel repression in the form of deprivation Freedom, links to Siberia, deportations.

The woman of the Belarusian-Lithuanian origin was a witness as a deserter from the UPA, which "ne who knew how to kill", the SB grabbed, tormented him, broke his arms and legs, cut off his tongue, cut her ears and nose, and finally killed. This Ukrainian was 18 years old.

OUN - UPA against Ukrainians:

According to the consolidated data of Soviet archives, for 1944-1956, as a result of the actions of the UPA and the Armed Underground, the OUN died: 2 deputies of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR, 1 Chapter of the Regional Executive Committee, 40 chapters of the Gor- and Rain Executives, 1454 heads of rural and settlement councils, 1235 other Soviet workers , 5 secretaries of urban and 30 district committees of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR, 216 other employees of party bodies, 205 Komsomol workers, 314 heads of collective farms, 676 workers, 1931 representative of the intelligentsia including 50 priests, 15,355 peasants and collective farmers, old men, housewives - 860.

Stepan's name Bandera Now for many is the identical concept of fascism, along with Hitler, Goebbels and Mussolini. But for many Stepan Bandera, this is a symbol of the struggle for independence, sovereignty and the conciliarity of Ukraine, whose personality cult is honored, and the nationalist ideas of which still excite the minds and are the cause of the concern of the whole world. Stepan Bandera is a native of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lomomeria, which in Austria-Hungary - theorist and the ideologist of all Ukrainian nationalism. It was born in the family of the Greek Catholic priest, was distinguished by religious fanaticism and, at the same time, obedience. He organizer of a number of terrorist acts, is involved in the mass killings of the Peaceful Polish population during, from 1927 - a member of WEV (Ukrainian military organization), from the 1933 member of the OUN (organization of Ukrainian nationalists). He was also the edge conductor of the OUN in the West Ukrainian lands.

Life Stepan Bandera (01.1909-15.10.1959)

Stepan Bandera - the Son of the priest, raising in the spirit of Ukrainian nationalism, back in 1917-1920. Commanded with various combat detachments, fighting against communism. Entered the Union of Nationalist Youth in 1922. And in 1928 he became a student of the Lviv Higher Polytechnic School, enrolling on the agronomic faculty. A year later, in 1929, he passed the training course in the Italian school of saboteurs. In the same year he became a member of the OUN and soon headed the radical grouping of this organization. He organized the killings of his political opponents, and also headed the robbery of branches of communication and postal trains. Also personally organized the murders of Tadeusch Holozhko (deputy of the Polish Sejm), Emelyan Chekhovsky (Commissioner of the Police of Lviv), Andrei Malova (Secretary of the Soviet Consulate in Lviv). In 1939, the Bandera, like many other nationalists, fled to Poland. It was associated with the accession of Western Ukraine to the Soviet Union. In the occupied Poland, the fascists were released to freedom of all members of the OUN, as they saw allies in their face in the upcoming war with the Soviet Union. In the same year, receiving freedom from Germans, the Bandera raised the uprising against Melnik - the OUDER leader, whom he considered an unsuitable leader, in view of his low-initialities.

During the war

The thirtieth of June 1941 on behalf of Bandera Ya. Stetsjko proclaimed the creation of Ukraine as a power. At the same time, the supporters of Stepan in Lviv staged pogroms in which more than three thousand people died, after which the Bandera was arrested by Gestapo, where he signed consent to cooperation, and then urged the whole true Ukrainian people to provide the Germans to the Germans and smash Moscow. Nevertheless, despite cooperation consent, in September he was again arrested. He was sent to Zacchenhausen - a concentration camp in which it contained quite in decent conditions. The Bandera was one of the initiators of the creation of UPA (14.10.42), at the head of which he set, who replaced the Potchikovsky D. The goal of the UPA was, in general, the same is the struggle for the independence of Ukraine. But still, OUN executives did not recommend fighting with the Germans, seeing allies in them. In 1943, the OUN makes a decision at a meeting with the German authorities joint efforts to fight the guerrillas. So it was decided that the Ukrainian rebel army will be engaged in guerrilla protection railways and maintain any initiatives of the German authorities in the already occupied territories. Germany also in return supplied the army of the gang of weapons. In 1944, the Bandera was released and took up the preparation of sabotage troops in Krakow as part of 202 Assavers in Krakow. In February 1945 Stepan Bandera took the post of conductor of the OUN. By the way, he did not leave this post until his death.

After the war

After the end of the war, during the 1946th and 1947, Bandera had to hide from the authorities, as he fell into the zone of the American occupation of Germany. Stepan had to live on an illegal position until the beginning of the 1950s, until he settled in Munich, where he could live almost legally. Four years later, in 1954, a wife with children joined him in Munich. Americans have no longer pursued a banner by this time, leaving him alone, but the agents of the Soviet Union special services still continued to hunt and did not leave hope of eliminating the OUN OUTER leader. OUN allocated a powerful security guard that, cooperating with the German criminal police, saved his leader's leader several times, preventing attempted his life. But in 1959, the second Sat OUN (b) still found out that the killing of Bandera was already planned and this plan can be carried out at any time. He was offered, for the sake of security, leave Munich. Initially, he refused, but then still entrusted the preparation for his departure Stepano "Mechnory", the head of intelligence ZCh OUN.

Murder Stepan Bandera

October Fifteenth, 1959, the OUN Leader Stepan was going to go home for lunch. Together with his secretary, he drove to the market where he made several purchases, then he left the secretary and went home alone. As always, he was expected to guard him near the house. Leaving his car in the garage, the Bandera opened the door of the entrance in the house where he lived with his family, and went inside one. At the entrance, he was already waiting for the killer who had previously followed him for several months. The killer, the KGB agent - Bogdan Stashnsky - held a murder gun in his hand - hidden a pistol-syringe-filled tube, filled with cyanium potassium. When the Bandera rose to the third floor, then, faced with Starsh, he recognized a man in him who saw in the church in the morning. "What are you doing here?" - He asked a logical question. Not responding, Stashinsky raised his hand with a newspaper forward and made a shot in the face. Cotton from a shot was almost not heard, but the neighbors responded to Creek Bandera. Under the action of cyano potassium, the OUN leader slowly sunned on the steps, but there was no longer an old staminsky ... Stepan Bandera died towards the hospital, not coming into consciousness.

Monument Stepan Bander

At the moment there are several monuments to leader Oun Stepan Bandera, and all of them are focused on the territory of Western Ukraine, or rather, in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Ternopil regions. In Ivano-Frankivsk, the monument was set by Stepan Bandera century in 2009, January 1st. The Kolomy Monument was settled in 1991, on August 18, in Gorodenka - in 2008, November 30th. Interestingly, a monument to Bandera on his small Motherland, in the old Ugrinov, he was undermined by unknown twice. Monuments Leader OUN are also installed in Sambor, old Sambor, in Lviv, in Buchach, in Terebed, in Kremenets, in Truskavets, in the rippers and many other settlements.

Evaluation of activities

It is now quite difficult to fully appreciate the activities and identity of the OUDER leader - Stepan Bandera, because there is still no full biography. Even more difficult to evaluate books about Ukrainian nationalism, because they are written exclusively by the Ukrainian nationalists. For the study of its activities, people were never connected, not drawn into the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism. Someone from historians accuses Biographers Bandera in the fact that they are scooping the facts from his life, they say that he was an obedient son, devout to fanatism a man that he was a good friend, and quite dryly talk about his "heroism" Fearing to make a cult of personality from this contradictory figure. Only one thing is clear for someone Stepan Bandera - the ruthless killer of thousands of thousands of people, and for someone - a fighter for the independence of his own country. And for such a high goal, they say, it is impossible to disperse any means, including cooperation with the fascists and the extermination of the civilian population, clearing the place in Polish land in order to create an independent state of Ukraine and settle in the Ukrainians. For someone, the Bandera is a romantic-utopist, for someone dictator and tyrant, since childhood I prepared myself to a great mission. In short, and you can't argue with this - he is very contrary to the figure.

Stepan Andreevich Bandera Born on January 1, 1909 in the village of Old Ugzhnik (now Kalushsky district of Ivano-Frankivsk region). His father was the Greek Catholic priest, and the mother of the priest's daughter, so Stepan was brought up in the conditions of national cultural patriotism.

Since childhood, he became a repeated witness of the war, because through his native village four times (1914-1917) the fronts of the first world and the territory of Galicia constantly passed from one occupant to another. It was in those rapid years that there were dramatic attempts to restore the Ukrainian independent state.

Stepan's father, Andrei, had a big library and took an active part in the socio-political life of Galicia during the formation of the West Ukrainian People's Republic (1918-1919). He was an ambassador from Kalukovo to the Parliament of the Republic - the Ukrainian National Council. During the Ukrainian-Polish war (1919), he was a military chapel in the Ukrainian Galician army. Also at the Dnieper fought with White Guards and Bolsheviks. Andrei Bandera returned home in 1920.

According to S. Bandera himself in those years, "survived the exciting events of the revival and construction of the Ukrainian powers."

In 1919, Stepan enters the Stryskaya gymnasium, which takes an active part in the plastic organizations and students of the resistance of the Polish power, operating under the auspices of WSVO (Ukrainian military organization - an illegal military revolutionary and political formation headed by Evgeny Konovalz).

In 1929, he becomes an active member of the OUN (organization of Ukrainian nationalists), where successfully engaged in illegal agitation of the revolutionary-liberation struggle, whose goal is to establish an independent Ukrainian state. And in 1931, Stepan manages all OUN propaganda in Western Ukraine.

The main principal purpose of the OUN, as well as other national-patriotic organizations of that time, was the complete independence of Ukraine from any invaders.

In 1933, the Bandera rises to the regional conductor and under his leadership there is a number of punitive measures against the Polish occupation administration. In particular, on June 16, 1934, there is a murder of the Odius Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland Bronislav Peratsky, glorified by the bloody shares of terror against Ukrainians. Peratsky was the author and direct supervisor of the plan "on the Znishche of Russia", whose goal is to pacify the inhabitants of Western Ukraine.

The day before the murder, the Bander is arrested, and, on January 13, 1936 after a long investigation and litigation, he, and his two colleagues, a death sentence was brought out, which was subsequently replaced by life imprisonment.

In 1939, after capturing Poland, Stepan from prison liberate the Germans. And from this moment on, the biography of our hero begins the ambiguous and controversial interpretation of his role in Ukrainian and world history. Some historians and political figures prove its heroic patriotism and a huge positive role in approving Ukrainian statehood, others - collaborationism and crimes against their own people.

Immediately after going to liberty, in September 1939, he heads the revolutionary Wire of the OUN and immediately negotiates with the military leadership of Hitler's Germany on the joint struggle against the Russian-Bolshevik occupiers, which, at that time, according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop secret Covenant, occupied West - Ukrainian lands. The main goal of Bandera, with cooperation with the Germans, was to create an independent Ukrainian state.

Using contradictions within the Hitler's administration, the Northern Ukrainian Legion "Natigal" is created, the commander Roman Shukhevich, and the Southern "Roland". These military education, according to OUN plan, should have become the basis of the Ukrainian army after independence proclaimed. Since the beginning of the war, they were not officially not part of the German army, had a different form, we wore a trident and went into battle under a blue-yellow flag.

June 22, 1941 Hitler Germany, violating the conditions of the Molotov Ribbentrop Covenant, attacks Soviet Union. And already on June 30, 1941, Legion "Natigal", led by Roman Shukhevich, enters Lviv, seizes the strategic objects of the city, and on the same day the act of recovery of Ukrainian statehood is proclaimed. And the Chairman of the National Assembly, Yaroslav Stetsko, was instructed to organize the authorities of the Ukrainian authorities.

For such actions of Ukrainian nationalists, German authorities responded at first an ultimatum immediately cancel the act, and when they refused to fulfill the conditions of the Nazis, a mass terror was applied against them. Hundreds of participants of the so-called "Bandera Diversion" were arrested and thrown into prisons. The same fate suffered Stepan Bandera, he was arrested in Krakow. Two of his brothers Vasily and Alexei suffered to death in the concentration camp Auschwitz. Both Ukrainian Legion "Natigal" and "Roland", after refusing to obey the Germans, were disbanded and disarmed. But, despite this, it was the warriors of these divisions later become the kernel of the UPA (Ukrainian Rebel Army).

Due to the unfavorable move of war, the Germans, in December 1944 produce Stepan from custody and begin negotiations on joint actions against the Bolsheviks. The basic requirements of Bandera were recognized as an act of resuming Ukrainian statehood, and the possibility of creating an independent Ukrainian army. But these goals were not implemented, since Soviet troops soon captured Western Ukraine, and on May 7, 1945, Hitlerovskaya Germany signed the act of surrender.

The further struggle for independence has developed in the territory of Western and large Ukraine already against the Soviet occupation power and actively lasted until 1955. He led the anti-Soviet resistance of the Bandera from abroad.

October 15, 1959 in Munich Stepan Bandera was killed. As the German investigators will be installed later, the murder committed a KGB agent of Ukrainian origin Bogdan Stashinsky, shot in his face with a solution of potassium cyanide.

In the format of the Soviet historical concept, the Bandera is considered as a collaborationist, a criminal and a traitor for its own people, and his supporters equate to the fascists with which the Soviet state was heroically fought.

But, with the collapse of the USSR and the restoration of Ukraine as an independent state in 1991, the Ukrainian point of view appeared radically opposite to the figure of Stepan Bandera. Moreover, the history of the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people in the 20th century is inextricably linked with his name.

However, complex disputes on this topic continue in Ukrainian society so far. They especially aggravated after in 2004, the then President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko assigned Stepan Bandera the title of Hero of Ukraine, which later, in 2010, was canceled by a Donetic district administrative court.

The fact that in the interactive project of the TV channel Inter "Great Ukrainy", the Bandera took the honorable 3rd place, after Yaroslav Wise and Nikolai Amosov, speaks of his high authority among the Ukrainians.

In the context of the new wave of the struggle of Ukraine for independence from the encroachment of Muscovy 2013-2014, the idea of \u200b\u200bour hero acquire an extremely relevant value. It is definitely only one thing: each independent nation has the right to his heroes, despite the fact that they are not always positively perceived by representatives of other nations.

Stepan Bandera is a Ukrainian politician, the main figure of Ukrainian nationalism. Stepan Bandera Biography is filled with a series of terrible events, this politician has passed through the concentration camps, murders and prisons, many facts of his biography are still covered with a haze of secrets. Nevertheless, many data on Stepan Andreevich Bandera are known for certain, mainly thanks to the autobiography written by him shortly before death.

Childhood and youth

Stepan Bandera was born on January 1, 1909 in the village of Old Ugrinov (Kingdom of Galicia and Lomomeria, Austria-Hungary) in the family of the Greek Catholic clergyman. Stepan was born by a second child, after him, a six more children appeared in the family.

The parents did not have their own home, they lived in the service house owned by the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. In his autobiography, an adult banner wrote:

From childhood in the family reigned the spirit of patriotism, parents brought up in children live national-cultural, political and public interests.

In the service house there was a big library, many important politicians visited it: Mikhail Gavrilko, Yaroslav Veselovsky, Pavel Glodzinsky. They had an indisputable impact on the future leader of the organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUD). Primary education Stepan Bandera also received at home, he was taught by the father of Andrei Bandera, and some sciences taught the incoming Ukrainian teachers.

Family Stepan Bandera was extremely religious, the future of the OUN leader was a very obedient child, respecting his parents. Bandera from an early age was believes, in the morning and evening he prayed for a long time. From an early childhood, Stepan Bandera was going to become a fighter for the freedom of Ukraine, so in secret from his parents, he prepared his body to pain: he was a colole with needles, tied with heavy chains, was poured by ice water. Because of the so-called pain exercises, Bandera appeared rheumatism of the joints, who pursued him until the death.

At the five-year-old age, the Bandera has witnessed the beginning of the First World War, they were destroyed, because the Old Ugrin's village passed several times the front-line. An unexpected surge in the activity of national liberation movement was an even greater impact on his further activity. The father of Bandera took part in this movement: he contributed to the formation of the residents of the surrounding villages of full-fledged military units, and also provided them with all the necessary weapons.

In 1919, Stepan Bandera entered the gymnasium in the city of Stry, there he studied for eight years, during which Latin studied, Greek, literature and history, philosophy and logic. In the gymnasium about Bandera recalled "Low, poorly dressed young man". In general, the Bandera was a very active student, despite the disease of the joints: he was engaged in sports, participated in many youth events, sang in the choir and played musical instruments.

Carier start

After the gymnasium Stepan was engaged in cultural and educational work, the economy, and also led different youth mugs. At the same time, the Bandera worked under the Ukrainian military organization (WEVO) - he documented by a member of WEVI only in 1928, but with this organization I was even a gymnasium.

In 1928, Stepan moved to Lviv, where he studied in the Lviv polytechnic on the agronomical department. At the same time continued to work in WEV and the OUN. Bandera was one of the first members of the OUN in Western Ukraine. Stormy activity Bandera was a multifaceted: the underground correspondent of the satirical magazine "Pride of Nation", the organizer of illegal delivery to the Ukraine of many overseas editions.

General Council of "Chervona Kalina". Stepan Bandera - the fourth left in the top row

In 1932, Career Stepan Bandera received a new round of development: at first he took the post of deputy edge conductor of the OUN, and in 1933 he was appointed to the acting edge conductor OUN in Western Ukraine and the regional commandant of the combat department of the OUN-WEV. From 1930 to 1933, Stepan Bandera was arrested about five times: for antipol propaganda, then for the attempt on the Life of the Commissioner Brigade of the Political Police E. Chekhovsky, then for an attempt to illegally cross the Polish-Czech police.

Terrorist attacks

On December 22, 1932, when the execution of Militants-Ontans, Danilishin and Bilas in Lviv, Bandera organized a propaganda protest action: during the execution, all the churches of Lviv were distributed to the bell ringing.

Bandera was the organizer and many other protests. In particular, on June 3, 1933, Stepan Bandera personally led the operation to eliminate the Soviet Consul in Lviv, the executor of the operation was Nikolai Lemik, who killed the consul secretary only because the victim itself was not at that moment. For this, the lymic was lifelongly condemned.

In September 1933, the Bandera organized a "school campaign", in which Ukrainian schoolchildren boycotted all Polish: from symbolism to language. In this action, Bandera managed to use, according to Polish media, tens of thousands of schoolchildren. In addition, Stepan Bandera was also the organizer of many political killings: not all operations were successful, three of them received the widest public resonance:

  • attempt on the school curator Gadovsky;
  • attempt at the Soviet Consul in Lviv;
  • the fulfilled murder of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Poland Bronislav Peratsky (June 15, the diplomat was shot in three shots in the back of the head).

The Bandera was the organizer and participant in the huge number of terrorist acts of the OUN, in which the Polish police officers were killed, local communists, Galitsky political bond and their relatives. Nevertheless, Ukrainians became victims of OUN. By decree Stepan, Bandera in 1934 was blown up by the editorial board of the left newspaper "Prica" \u200b\u200b("Labor"). Explosives in the editorial board laid a well-known activist OUN, Lviv student Ekaterina Zaritsky.


On July 2, 1936, Stepan Bandera for his crimes hit the "Mokotow" prison in Warsaw. The next day he was moved to the "Svetna Ksizha" prison ("Holy Cross"), which is not far from Kielts. Bandera recalled that he was bad in prison due to the lack of normal living conditions: lacked light, water and paper. Since 1937, the conditions of stay in prison were even more tightened, therefore the Bandera and OUN himself organized a 16-day hunger strike, protesting against the prison administration. This hunger strike was recognized, Bandera went for concessions.

During the conclusion, the Bander moved along various Polish prisons, in which he conducted numerous protests. After Germany attacked Poland, the Bandera was released, like many other Ukrainian nationalists.

Concentration camp "Zakshenhausen"

On July 5, 1941, the Bander was invited to meet the German authorities allegedly for negotiations, but at the meeting a banner was arrested, because he did not want to give up the "Act of the Renaissance of the Ukrainian State", after which they were placed first in the German police prison in Krakow, and after a year and a half In the concentration camp "Zakshenhausen". There, he was kept in the block for "political persons", he was constantly observed.

When Stepan Bandera refused to offer the proposal of the German authorities, he did not be a victim of new persecution, but remained "overboard what was happening" - he lived in Germany and inactive. He tried to be aware of what was happening in Ukraine, but was completely isolated from her. But it lasted not long, after the discoloration of the OUN, he already headed the OUN (b) on the initiative of Shukhevich in 1945.


Stepan Bandera died not with his death, he was killed on October 15, 1959 in Munich. According to sources, the murder of Stepan Bandera occurred at the entrance of his house: he came home for lunch, but at the entrance he was waiting for the Agent KGB Bogdan Stashinsky - he waited a convenient moment to kill Bandera from January. Bander killed Stashinsky with a syringe gun with cyanium potassium.

Killed in the stairwell Bandera discovered the neighbors who heard his cry. He was covered with blood. It was assumed that the figure died from the paralysis of the heart, but the true cause of the murder of Stepan Bandera helped to find out the law enforcement agencies.

Stepan's killer Badder Bogdan Stashinsky was arrested by the German police, in 1962, a loud trial began against Stashinsky, in which he recognized the guilt. The KGB agent was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment, but after six years in prison, Stashinsky disappeared in an unknown direction.

The title of Hero of Ukraine

Posthilly In 2010, Stepan Bandera received the title of Hero of Ukraine, who assigned to him then the president "for the disadvantage of the spirit." Then Yushchenko noted that the millions of Ukrainians were waiting for a long time when the Bandera gave the Hero of Ukraine, and the decision of Yushchenko was accepted by the stormy ovations of the public, present at the awards ceremony of the grandchildren of Tseck Stepan Bandera.

Nevertheless, this event caused a large public resonance, many were disagree with such a decision Yushchenko. In the European Union, also negatively responded to this event, so they called for a newly elected president to cancel the decision.

At present, the Personality of Stepan Bandera causes a community point of view in the society: if there is a symbol of the struggle for independence in the Western Ukraine, the Eastern Ukraine, Poland and Russia perceive this politician mostly negatively - he is accused of terrorism, fascism, and also in radical nationalism.

Who are "Bandera"?

The concept of "Bandera" occurred from the last name Stepan Bandera, at present this expression has already become the name of the nominal one - in the modern society "Bandera" call all the nationalists.

Sources note that the concept of "Bandera" in modern society does not imply that the nationalists have a fully positive attitude towards Stepan Bandera - so called all the nationalists, regardless of their point of view on the activities of Bandera.

On October 5, 1959, in Munich during the operation carried out by the KGB, the leader of Ukrainian nationalists Stepan Bandera was killed. This date has become a reason to remind (and those who do not know - to tell) about how it was, to talk about the Bandener itself and his role in the history of Ukraine.

Munich Stefan Popel

On October 15, 1959, a man was delivered to the Munich Hospital with blood poured face. The neighbors who caused the victims of the victim knew him as a shtifana. When the doctors arrived, the pit was still alive. But do not have time to save his doctors. The pit died on the road to the hospital, without coming into consciousness. Doctors remained only to state death and establish its cause. Although delivered had a crack at the base of the skull, obtained during the fall, the direct cause of the death was paralysis of the heart.

When examined on the way, found a holster with a gun, it became a reason for a call to the police. Arriving police officers quickly found that true name The deceased - Stepan Bandera, and he is the leader of the Ukrainian nationalists. The body was examined again, more thoroughly. One of the physicians drew attention to the smell of bitter almonds, sown from the face of the dead man. Unclear suspicions were confirmed: the Bandera was killed: poisoned with cyanium potassium.

Required Preface - 1: OUN

The organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN) emerged in Western Ukraine in 1929 as a response response to the oppression of the Polish authorities of the Ukrainian population of Galicia. According to the 1921 Agreement, Poland pledged to give Ukrainians equal with the Poles of law, autonomy, university and create all the conditions for national cultural development.

In fact, the Polish authorities conducted a policy of violent assimilation, pushing and pumping against Galicians. In local governments, only Poles were appointed for all positions. Greco-Catholic temples and monasteries were closed. In a few schools with ukrainian language Teaching taught Pole teachers. Ukrainian teachers and priests were persecuted. They closed the reading school, the Ukrainian literature was destroyed.

The Ukrainian population of Galicia responded to massive shares of disobedience (refusal of taxes, participation in the population census, in the elections in the Senate and the Seimas, services in the Polish army) and sabotage acts (arson of military warehouses and government agencies, damage to telegraph telegraph communications, attack on gendarmes) . In 1920, former military personnel of UNR and ZUNR was created by WSV (Ukrainian military organization), which became the basis of the OUN created in 1929.

Required Preface - 2: Stepan Bandera

Bandera was born in 1909 in the family of the Greek Catholic priest, a supporter of independence of Ukraine. Already in the 4th grade of gymnasium, Bandera became a member of the semi-alone nationalist organization of students, took part in organizing the shares of the boycott and sabotage of solutions of the Polish authorities. In 1928, Stepan became a member of WSV, and in 1929 - OUN.

Thanks to its outstanding organizational abilities, he fastened to leaders. Since the beginning of the 1930s, the organization's leadership places on the Bander the organization of combat and terrorist shares. The enemies consider not only Poland, but also Soviet Russia. He organizes the murders of the secretary of the Soviet Consulate in Lviv A. Malova (October 1933) and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Polatsky Pershest (June 1934).

Since 1939, the Bandera has been a recognized leader of the revolutionary wing of the OUN, the head and ideological inspirer of the underground nationalist movement in Western Ukraine. The commander of the Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA) Roman Shukhevich has always stated that he obeys exclusively Bandera.

In the autumn of 1949, the Supreme Court of the USSR at its closed meeting sentenced S. Bandard to an exceptional punishment - the death penalty. The authorities were tasked to eliminate the OUDER leader.

Liquidator Bogdan Stashshsky

In May 1958, all the OUN guide came to Rotterdam. On May 23, a mourning rally dedicated to the 20th anniversary of his death was held at the city cemetery at the urban cemetery. (May 23, 1938, Konovalez was killed by the NKVD agent P. Sudoplatov.) Bandera performed first at the rally. Among those present are a young man, according to documents - Hans Joachim Budait, a native of Dortmund. In fact, it was the Agent KGB Bogdan Stashinsky, who was entrusted to the elimination of the OUTER leader.

A member of the OUN Stashinsky was recruited by the NKVD in 1950. In his air service list, the introduction of the Bandera and the subsequent destruction of the gang, the murder in 1957 of one of the leaders of the lion of the Rods in 1957. Since 1958, his goal is a banner. In Rotterdam, Stashinsky arrived with the sole purpose - to see the future promotion in the face of the object. He looks closely in the speaker.

Everything is ready for operation

In May 1959, Stashinsky arrived in Munich. It is somewhere here, according to the operational data of the KGB, S. Bandera lives under a stranger name. By October, Stashinsky traveled a banner and installed his address - Crystmanshtraße, 7. The liquidator received a secret weapon - a two-barreled cylinder with a spring and a trigger, charged with vulnery with syntic acid (cyanium cyatilation). Under the influence of the pore charge of low power, the ampoule is broken, the poison is thrown over a distance of 1 meter. Inspicious couple a person loses consciousness, the heart of the victim stops. The actor's executor himself pre-adopts the drug neutralizing the effect of poison.

That is how the stashsky in 1957 was killed a lion of the guys. The operation on the elimination of the guys was successful: doctors stated death from a heart attack. Now turn Bandera.


On October 15, about 12:50 Poshinsky, a few minutes ahead of the banner, it comes into the entrance of the house and rises a few spans up. Hearing how she slapped entrance door, he put an antidote tablet under the tongue and began to descend. Having grew up with Bandera, Stashinsky threw his hand forward with a cylinder wrapped in a newspaper and released a jet of poison directly in the face of the OUDER leader. Do not slow down the step and not looking around, the agent headed for the exit. Already closing the door, he heard the back of the fallen body.


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