Classification of elites and its functions. Higher, middle and administrative elite

Classification of elites and its functions. Higher, middle and administrative elite

Elites are inherent in all societies and states, its existence is due to the action of the following factors:

1) psychological and social inequality of people, their unequal abilities, opportunities and desire to participate in politics;

2) the law of division of labor, which requires professional management of management work to increase its effectiveness;

3) the high social significance of managerial labor and its corresponding stimulation;

4) wide opportunities to use management activities for various social privileges. It is known that political and management work is directly related to the distribution of values \u200b\u200band resources;

5) the practical impossibility of implementing comprehensive control over political leaders;

6) the political passivity of the wide masses of the population, the main life interests of which usually lie outside the sphere of politics.

All these and other factors determine the elitism of society. The political elite itself is internally differentiated. It is divided into the ruling, which directly possesses the state power, opposition (ie, counter-elite), on the highest, which takes a significant decision for the whole state, an average that acts as a public opinion barometer (including about 5% of the population), administrative - These are employees managers (bureaucracy), and also distinguish the political elites in parties, classes, etc. But the distinction between political elites does not mean that they are not intercoured and do not interact with each other.

Thus, the elitism of modern society is a reality. Eliminate the same political elitism can only be due to public self-government. However, at the current stage of development of human civilization, the self-government of the people is rather an attractive ideal, utopia than reality. The task is now in the other - in the need to create relevant institutions that would ensure the effectiveness of the political elite and its controlling society.

The level of solution of this task largely characterizes the social representativeness of the elite, i.e. Representation of various layers of society, the expression of their interests and opinions in the political elite. Such a representation depends on many reasons. One of them is social origin and social affiliation.

Strictly speaking, social affiliation is largely determined by the elite belonging, since the entry into the elite usually means the acquisition of social and professional status and the loss of old.

The social origin of the representatives of the elite affects their social orientation. For example, commendations from the farmers, workers, employees and other groups are easier to understand the specific requests of the respective layers of the population. But it is not at all necessary that the interests of the workers defend workers, peasants - peasants, youth - youth, etc.

More important, compared with social origin, a guarantee of social representativeness in the elite, is the organizational (party, trade union) belonging of managers. It is directly related to their value orientations. In addition, parties and other organizations usually have enough opportunities to affect their representatives in the right direction.

The main typology of elite

Moscow and V.Parto focused on a greater extent on the structure and general principles The functioning of the elite, therefore the expected foundations of the classification of the elite of the founding theorists is quite wide. As criteria, they tried to apply such large-scale indicators as political stability or instability, the form of government, economic conditions, and even the "level of civilization". It should be noted that, despite unsuccessful attempts to classify elites on the basis of these criteria, Pareto and Moska allocated as a possible foundation and features of the organization of power (or political regime), highlighting the tendency of the elite to the "autocratic", "democratic" either mixed "liberal "Modes (Moska), as well as sharing the methods of implementing elites of their own power (Pareto). According to Pareto, there are elites that rely on their mind and cunning, and elites, guided by categories of violence, religious, etc. irrational factors. For a simpler distralation of these types, Pareto applied the terms of Machiavelli, calling them the elites "Fox" and "Lviv", respectively.

Researchers elite subsequent generations also proposed various options The classification of elites, and in most cases followers acted in a wide framework of the concept of Moscow. The most common principle of classification used in modern models was proposed in 1950 by R. Arone.

R.Aron shares 3 types of elites: 1) a cohesive, representing a monolithic structure with a high level of centralization of internal relations (Soviet Union); 2) the disciplined permafront isna of the dominance of one group in the overall management layer (Nazi Germany); 3) divided; Approving pluralistic competitive interaction between different elite groups.

The typology, close to the classification of the Arona, is offered by K. Bek and J. Mela - 1) cohesive closed elite ( Soviet Union); 2) separated closed elite (developing countries); 3) separated open elite (Western democracies).

The tradition of Arona completes one of the later classifications (1985), developed by G. Fild and J. Higley. Scientists allocate 4 types of elites: 1) ideologically cohesive (communist regimes, as well as Nazi Germany), which is characterized by a high level of internal integration and carrying out the values \u200b\u200bof only one ideology; 2) separated (in most developing countries), characterized by the minimum level of structuring, and often, rigid competition between elite groups; 3) partially cohesive (took place in post-war italy and Japan, in France in 1960-70), which is distinguished by the presence of the most influential fraction in the elite group, within which the rules of the elite of the first type are established; 4) Consistently cohesive (most European countries of the late twentieth century), for which wide structural integration and procedural consent between all influential elite groups demonstrating ideological and political differences.

The main typology of elite

Moscow and V.Pareto focused on the structure and general principles of the functioning of the elite, therefore the suggestions of the classification of the elite of the founding theorists are quite wide. As criteria, they tried to apply such large-scale indicators as political stability or instability, the form of government, economic conditions, and even the "level of civilization". It should be noted that, despite unsuccessful attempts to classify elites on the basis of these criteria, Pareto and Moska allocated as a possible foundation and features of the organization of power (or political regime), highlighting the tendency of the elite to the "autocratic", "democratic" either mixed "liberal "Modes (Moska), as well as sharing the methods of implementing elites of their own power (Pareto). According to Pareto, there are elites that rely on their mind and cunning, and elites, guided by categories of violence, religious, etc. irrational factors. For a simpler distralation of these types, Pareto applied the terms of Machiavelli, calling them the elites "Fox" and "Lviv", respectively.

Researchers elite subsequent generations also proposed various options for the classification of elites, and in most cases followers acted in a wide framework of the concept of Mazka. The most common principle of classification used in modern models was proposed in 1950 by R. Arone.

R.Aron shares 3 types of elites: 1) a cohesive, representing a monolithic structure with a high level of centralization of internal relations (Soviet Union); 2) the disciplined permafront isna of the dominance of one group in the overall management layer (Nazi Germany); 3) divided; Approving pluralistic competitive interaction between different elite groups.

Typology, close to the classification of Aron, are offered by K. Bek and J. Mela - 1) cohesive closed elite (Soviet Union); 2) separated closed elite (developing countries); 3) separated open elite (Western democracies).

The tradition of Arona completes one of the later classifications (1985), developed by G. Fild and J. Higley. Scientists allocate 4 types of elites: 1) ideologically cohesive (communist regimes, as well as Nazi Germany), which is characterized by a high level of internal integration and carrying out the values \u200b\u200bof only one ideology; 2) separated (in most developing countries), characterized by the minimum level of structuring, and often, rigid competition between elite groups; 3) partially cohesive (took place in post-war italy and Japan, in France in 1960-70), which is distinguished by the presence of the most influential fraction in the elite group, within which the rules of the elite of the first type are established; 4) Consistently cohesive (most European countries of the late twentieth century), for which wide structural integration and procedural consent between all influential elite groups demonstrating ideological and political differences.

Elites in the Transforming State

For states that are at the stage of transformation, it is characterized by raising the role of elites in political system. This is due to the increase in the level of responsibility of the ruling layer, since it was within the transitional period that the basic principles and mechanisms for the functioning of the state system of the future are laid.

In this aspect, the "capacity" of elite, expressed in the presence of an effective mechanism for controlling processes within the state, as well as in the possibilities of attracting effective socio-significant resources.

In the structure of the ruling layer, two groups are allocated, the elite as a whole, the political and economic elite is largely determining the effectiveness of the functioning of the elite. The political elite includes the highest and average echelons of the executive power, the parliamentary corps, the courts of the highest and middle levels. The economic elite is represented by the heads of the enterprises of financial, industrial and agricultural sectors influential in the economic system. The consequence of the objective coexistence in the elite layer of the two most influential groups is constant competition between the political and economic elites. Of course, in any state there is a certain specificity of such struggle, the result of which is usually the conquest of the preemptive position of one of the main elites.

And from the point of view of the theory of elites, for a transition state, this provision is more preferable - it is very important for it to prevent the split of the elite into opposing groups. Under conditions, when a single integrated state ideology is still not yet formed, the so-called "elite games", which are at the heart of exclusively narrow objectives, can lead to deep social cataclysms, to stop which will later be extremely difficult.

Regardless of the type of elite that has won priorityThe latter in any case continues to be the integration core of the society, the most important task of which is to preserve the integrity and high level of consolidation in society. Moreover, in the opinion of many researchers, only elite forces fulfilling this mission.

In conclusion, back to the problem set at the beginning of the chapter: how can the presence of elite with democratic standards recognized in all developed states prerequisite state Development? Given the objective nature of the emergence of the elite in society, as well as the characteristics of the ruling layer, allowing it to maintain its influence, in modern conditions there are grounds for calling a democratic state, the elite (elite) of which pursues the goals that coincide with the goals of the majority of the population or relates their aspirations with Interests of most citizens.

Which, in fact, introduced this concept, made the elite as a special scientific analysis and introduced it in the form of a certain system of views on the social layer, which is due to possess the greatest number positive qualities, types of values \u200b\u200band priorities (power, wealth, origin, culture and highest level Competence, willpower, the place in the church-spiritual sphere, etc.) occupies the most influential position in the public hierarchy.

A group of people engaged in politics and government management. As the scientific category of the elite definitely expresses the relationship between society and people in power (S. Belyaev);

People who have intellectual or moral superiority over the mass regardless of their status (L. Bodan).

Getting acquainted with the works of elitologists, it is impossible not to note the idealization and exaggeration by some of them the role of elite layers, considering them almost the main condition for successful social development. They emphasize the special significance of the authority, intellectual and moral and psychological superiority of the elite above the mass. Workers masses as writes X. Ortega-and-Gasset In the book "The uprising of the masses", should not be left without leadership, go to the streets and rally. They were born only to be passive to make someone influenced them, directed, represented and organized. "Mass" needs leadership by elite, leaders;

Persons with the positions of power (A. Etzi), the formal power in organizations and institutions defining social life (T. Dai);

- "Corresponding" personalities who responded to the "Higher Call", heard "call" and felt capable of leadership (L. Freund);

Creative minority of society, opposing the non-multicast majority ( A. Toynbi.);

Comparatively small groups, which consist of persons engaged in the leading position in the political, economic, cultural life of society (accordingly the political, economic, cultural elite) - V. Gatsman and other theoretics of elite pluralism;

The most qualified specialists, primarily from the scientific and technical intelligentsia, managers and senior employees in the system of bureaucratic management (representatives of technological determinism), people who are qualities that are perceived in this society as the highest values \u200b\u200b(supporters of the value interpretation of the elite); Persons engaged in the state in the state hosting the most important decisions and controlling their implementation through a bureaucratic apparatus (L. Sanneban);

Guiding layer in any social groups - professional, ethnic, local (for example, the elite of the provincial city); The best, most qualified representatives of a certain social Group (Elite of pilots, chess players or even thieves and prostitutes - L. Boden). "

Ashin G.K., Okhotsky E.V., Course of Elitology, M., "Sportakadempress", 1999, p. 117-119.

Elite (from FR. Elite) means the best, selected, elected. In everyday communication, this word can characterize a variety of items and phenomena (for example, an elite club, elite grain, etc.).

Starting from the XVI century. The word "elite" began to be used to denote a certain selected category of people in the hierarchical social structure of society a privileged position. At the same time, in each sphere of vital activity, as a rule, there is its own elite, for example: "literary elite", "Scientific elite", "creative elite", etc.

The concepts of the elite arose in ancient times. For example, Plato highlighted a special privileged group of people (alocratic philosophers), which knows how to manage the state, and opposed the led from the bottoms. Subsequently, N. Makiavelli, F. Nietzsche, G. Karleil, A. Shopenhauer, and others expressed similar views.

The system of views and ideas in the form of theories of the elite was formed in sociology and political science at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. All elite theories converge in any society, in any sphere of vital activity there is a relatively few higher layer of people who dominates the rest.

In Soviet social science, over the years, the theory of political elites has been considered as a pseudo-native bourgeois teaching, conflicting the principles of democracy (folk democracy). V.I. Lenin, in particular, spoke that in the socialist destination every kitchen could manage the state. Therefore, the political elite among the Bolsheviks was associated with the political aristocracy of the bourgeois type, which should not be in the proletarian state. But the reality has denied the illusions and the dogma of the theoreticals of classified society, and in the USSR over time, a powerful and closed political elite was formed.

Of all the types of elite, the political elite occupies a special place, as it is involved in the use of state power, has certain powerful powers.

- a few, relatively privileged, self-sufficient, higher Group (or a set of groups), to a greater or lesser extent, possessing certain psychological, social and political qualities necessary to manage other people and directly participating in the implementation of state power.

People belonging to the political elite are usually engaged in a professional-based policy. Elygism as holistic system Was formed in the first half of the XX century. Thanks to the works of V. Pareto, Moski and R. Michels.

Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) - Italian economist and sociologist. He argued that all societies are divided into managers and managed. Managing must have special qualities (flexibility, cunning, the ability to convince others) to be able to subjugate others. They must also have the willingness to use violence.

V. Pareto divided the managers into two major psychological types: "Lis" and "Lviv". "Foxes" are elites that prefer trick, quirky. Such types of elites are more suitable for the board in stable democratic regimes of power. Lions - elites that prefer hard manual methods. They are more suitable for decision-making in extras: Major conditions.

V. Pareto also substantiated the theory of shift elite. For example, if "foxes" cannot be effectively managed in the current situation, "Lions" come to replace them, and vice versa. In addition, he shared the elites on the ruling (participating in the Office) and not ruling (counter-election) - people with elite qualities, but not yet accessing steering functions.

Gaetano Mosca (1858-1941) - Italian sociologist and political scientist. In his work, the "ruling class" he argued that all societies were divided into two classes: the ruling (elite) and managed. The ruling class monopolizes power using legal and illegal methods for maintaining it. The rule of elite exists in any society - this is a law, which is confirmed by the entire history of mankind.

Moska believed that the most important criterion for the formation of the dominant class is its ability to manage other people. Elite, which focuses solely on his personal interests, gradually loses its political and ideological influence and can be overthrown.

According to the city of Moski, there are two main ways of updating (replenishment) of the ruling elite: democratic and aristocratic. The first is open and contributes to a constant influx of freshly prepared managers. The second method is an aristocratic (closed). The attempt of the ruling class to form the elite only from its ranks leads to deletion and stagnation in public development.

Robert Michels (1876-1936) - German sociologist, politician. In his most famous book, "Political Parties", he argued that any social organization was subjected to the domination of the oligarchy. The power of the elite depends on the organization, and the Company itself itself requires the elitism of the leadership and inevitably reproduces it. So formulate "Iron Law of the oligarchy" R. Mikhels.

In the course of the formation of elites in the organization (society), the governing nucleus and the apparatus are allocated, which gradually come out from under the control of ordinary members. First, ordinary members, according to R. Mikhels, due to their inertness and incompetence, are not able to control the leaders. Secondly, the masses inherent in the psychological need for leaders and leadership, the thrust to the strong power and the adolescence in front of the charismatic qualities of the elite.

R. Michels believed that democracy in a strict sense is impossible. IN best case It comes down to rivalry of two oligarchic groups.

Modern theories of elite

Currently, there are many schools and directions in the development of the theory of elites. The ideas of Moski, V. Pareto, R. Mikhels and other included in the so-called Machiavellist school, unites what they recognized them:

  • the elitism of any society, its division into the rule of creative minority and the passive majority;
  • special psychological qualities of the elite (natural gift and upbringing);
  • group cohesion and elite self-consciousness, perception of themselves with a special layer;
  • the legitimacy of the elite, recognizing the masses of her right to leadership;
  • structural constancy of the elite, its power relations. Although the personal composition of the elite is constantly changing, the relationship of domination and subordination is basically unchanged;
  • the formation and change of elite occurs during the struggle for power.

In addition to the Maciavellist school in modern political science and sociology, there are many other elite theories. For example, Value theory It comes from the fact that the elite is the most valuable element of society and the government dominant in the interests of the whole society, because it is the most productive part of society.

According to Pluralistic concepts In society, there are many elites in various spheres of vital activity. Competition between elites allows the masses to control the activities of the elite and not to put together the unified dominant group.

The political elite is divided into two main categories. The first is the officials of state bodies and workers of the staff of parties and movements. They are appointed to their positions by heads of organizations. Their role in the political process is mainly based on the preparation of political decisions and legal design of the decisions already taken.

The second category includes public policies for which policy is not only a profession, but also a calling. They are not appointed by positions, and conquer their place in the political structure in an open political struggle.

In addition, the political elite is divided into the ruling and opposition (counter-election), the highest, secondary and administrative.

In general, the elite is a necessary element in the organization and management of any society, any social community. Therefore, it is not necessary to fight against the elite, but for the quality of the elite itself so that it is formed by the most active, initiative, competent people and possessing moral qualities. One of the tragedies of the modern Russian society is that we have not yet formed the elite that meets the requirements listed above. Therefore, you can agree with the opinion of J. T. Tishchenko, who believes that it is impossible to call the elite every possessing political power The group and "What we rule - both in politics and in the economy - are not elite, but groups of people who are most applicable and correspond to their spirit, goals and methods of work such concepts as" click "," Clans "," Caste " . They characterize specific social entities whose cohesion is based on corporate consciousness, and not on public interest. "

There are three main metol detection of the political elite:

  • positional analysis - Determining the elite for occupied positions (positions) in the formal political structure;
  • reputational analysis - identifying those groups of politicians that, regardless of the formal positions, have a real impact on the political process;
  • decision making analysis - Detection of those politicians who really take the most important political decisions.

There are other methods for identifying the political elite, for example Expert analysis, sociological survey etc.


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