Why do Russians call "vitro. General characteristics of cotton type

Why do Russians call "vitro. General characteristics of cotton type

, dying, cotton, flax, hemp, pine, asbestos, and artificial - cellulose, glass, metal, slag, basalt.

Natural wool on purpose is divided into advantageous, furniture, technical (thermal insulation, fire-resistant, etc.), gasket, leaf glue and medical.

Making wati

In the manufacture of cotton wool, herbal fibers are dilked, loosen and purified by impurities, the resulting fibrous mass is formed into the so-called canvases on the machines of a tearful-trepal aggregate; The shapeless mass of the fiber constituting the canvas, on the chest machine turns into a variety of thickness. In the production of medical cotton wool, raw materials are under pressure in a pitch under pressure and then treated with sodium hyposulphite. As a result, the fiber acquires whiteness and characteristic properties - the ability to quickly be saved and absorb liquids.

Types of medical wat

Cotton Wool Balls

Distinguish hygroscopic and compress medical cotton wool. The hygroscopic wool white, easily strangers, is used as a material absorbing liquid selection (pus, sucrovitsa) when the wound dressing of the wound gauze. The compressive wool serves to select the tied or bandaged part of the body (for example, during warming compresses), as well as a soft lining when overlapping tires, immobilizing dressings (for example, plaster).


Artificial wool is widely used in construction as a heat and sound insulation material; In the chemical industry - to filter liquids and gases.


Special type of wool - the so-called vaticin, that is, the cotton swallowed with one or both sides of the adhesive emulsion. Watlin is a wool substitute when sewing clothes, gasket material, etc.

see also

  • Sugar wool - sweetness obtained from sugar and resembling appearance Cotton cotton wool.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Iraj Phezhek-Zod
  • Gallahher, Liam.

Watch what is "Wat" in other dictionaries:

    vata. - s, g. OUATE F., it. Watte Arab. 1. Oat or wool. Cotton paper is very soft and loving. Oath is closed in the pods, koi prosepte, seeds, in these cotton are, small, flat and doscerans. Sl. Comm. 1792 7 112. 2 ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    Vata. - Slightly compressed mass of arbitrarily woven and clutch cotton or wool fibers. Cotton cotton wool is divided into assaigible, furniture, gasket and medical. Related wool produced various quality, in ... ... Brief encyclopedia Household

    Vata. - (it. Watte, from English WAD). Product processing cotton paper lower varieties. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Vata it. Watte, from English. WAD. Cotton. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Vata. - Wool, cotton mined from cotton Gossypium Barbadense L., Gossyp. Hirsut. L., Gossyp. Herbac. L. (Sem. Malvaceae), cleaned on the trunk machines of an ordinary device and combed on a special machine. By your quality, cotton shares ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

    Vata. - (from him. Watte) weakly compacted mass of confused fibers cleaned from impurities. Vators are distinguished: natural woolen, silk, dying, cotton, asbestos, etc., and artificial glass, slag, etc. Natural wool ... ...

    Vata. - Wat, Wat, MN. No, wives (it. Watte). Strong flip fibrous substance, for the most part of cotton, UPOTR. In medicine and serve also a warm lining for clothes and blankets. Gigroscopic wool. Sterilized wool. Coat on the cotton ... ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Vata. - s, husband. Star. Name form (see Wat). Tote: Vatich, Vatichna. Dictionary of personal names. Wat see wat. Day Angel. Handbook on names and names. 2010 ... Dictionary of personal names

    vata. - Vatok, textiles, cotton paper dictionary of Russian synonyms. Wool cotton paper (statute.) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical directory. M.: Russian. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

    Vata. - Wat, s, wives. Fibrous flue material made of cotton, wool or synthetic, ejetr. In medicine, for insulation pads. Sterile in. Coat on the cotton. Mineral wool synthetic fibrous heat and soundproofing construction ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Vata. - Women. combed warm podbo, tide under clothing or blanket, usually from paper cotton; Sometimes from wool, linen, silk ochlopings or bird fluff. Wool glued, combed into sheets and slightly, on one side, covered with glue. Cotton, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    Vata. - Vediy God God ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The jacket is a short quilting jacket made of thick cotton fabric, warmed by cotton. For some reason, it is believed that this object of clothing appeared in Russia, however, the true Motherland of the Visantium Votania. Even in the century, the pixel was the military uniform of Byzantine infantrymen. Previously, the jetty was called "Cavadion" and served as an easy arm. This light jacket has protected from chopping strikes in the near battle.

In Russia, the jetty hit only in times Russian-Japanese war. The officers of the Russian army, stationed in Manchuria, drew attention to the lungs, warm and inexpensive jackets and ordered a batch of this garment from local merchants.

Since then, the Vatniki began to spread Russian Empire. This universal clothing was quite common in those days, but the special popularity of the tag was acquired in the 30s of the last century. The charter was the official uniform of prisoners.

In real cult clothes, the Vatica turned around during the Great Patriotic War. It is difficult to overestimate the value of the degree racing in the years of this terrible war, how many people literally retained life, saving from the cold.

Now the vocabulary on the Internet began to call people who express a pro-Russian point of view, support official power and believe that the United States is the enemy of Russia. Previously, there was a "scoop", now - "Muck".

The charter - with the "slave mentality", which blindly worships the "sovereign of Putin", hates all the western. Drinking the pits glass washing liquid, and on holidays - Putka vodka.

The Vatenka has internet meme. The picture shows such a square little man (something like a sponge bob). This is an unshaven, drunk friendly gray color, with a bruise under the eye and red, from non-digestion, nose. The picker often stands against the background of the Russian flag. It is believed that the vat in your head instead of brains, he constantly watches the news on TV. The charter believes in God, so the Orthodox Cross is often hanging on his chest. He is an opposite of traditional values \u200b\u200band does not like representatives of sexual mercy.

In other words, to love the Motherland today has become a "cotton case." If you think about the word "VATER", applied in relation to all people who dislike the West or simply ethnic Russians and do not plan to move abroad, is an analogue of the word "flu". And who introduced this word to everyday? Propaganda of the Third Reich.

The mass consciousness is trying to introduce that the charter is not a person. It is emphasized by a humiliating term, which seeks to diskete the Russians.

However, you should not forget that the vocabulary or tag is a symbol of the Great Victory of our ancestors who gave their lives and defended their homeland and, in fact, there is nothing shameful or humiliating in it.


Dictionary of medical terms

wat (Gossypium)

loose, laid with layers of randomly neat vegetable or synthetic fibers; In medicine used ch. arr. As a dressing material.

Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian, Dal Vladimir


g. combed warm podbo, tide under clothing or blanket, usually from paper cotton; Sometimes from wool, linen, silk ochlopings or bird fluff. Wool glued, combed into sheets and slightly, on one side, covered with glue. Cotton, vaccine, relevant to cotton; it is anted, integral; Warm, quilted dressing. Watch clothes, pour, spur, put on cotton, sway; Watch up.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


watts, mn. No, g. (it. Watte). Strong flip fibrous substance, for the most part of cotton, UPOTR. In medicine and serve also a warm lining for clothes and blankets. Gigroscopic wool. Sterilized wool. Coat on the cotton.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, g. (statute).

    Large scales for heavy items.

    Six-serving lever when lifting weights.


S, g. Fiberated fibrous material made of cotton, wool or synthetic, ejetr. In medicine, for insulation pads. Sterile in. Coat on the cotton. -To mineral wool - synthetic fibrous heat and soundproofing building material.

arr. cotton, and, and vatory, -ay, -th (statute). Cotton blanket (on cotton).

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Fluffy fibrous material made of cotton, wool, etc., used in medicine and everyday life.

      Like, view, color, etc. resembling such material.

  1. Material consisting of weakly compacted neat natural or artificial fibers of the case, used in construction, chemical industry, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Wat (from him. Watte) is a poorly compacted mass of confused fibers, purified from impurities. Vators are distinguished: natural - woolen, silk, down, cotton, asbestos, etc., and artificial - glass, slag, etc. The natural wool is divided into clothing, furniture, technical, gasket, leaf glued and medical. Artificial wool is used mainly for technical purposes (heat and sound insulation, etc.). Special type of wati - so-called. Vatlin, i.e. Wat, punched from one or two sides with adhesive emulsion. Watlin is a wool substitute when sewing clothes, gasket material, etc.


vediy God Wind.

Mythological Dictionary


(Dr. - Ind.) - "Wind" - the Vedy God God. His chariot, horses in which Indra harnesses, with a crash and dust, all the crushing, rushes on the ground and through the air. He never rests, along with him on his chariot sits the Indra himself.


(from him. Watte), fluffy mass of fibers, weakly intertwined among themselves in various directions. According to the method of production, V.: Natural ≈ woolen, silk, dust, cotton, flax, hemp, pine, asbestos, and artificial ≈ cellulose, glass, metal, slag, basalt.

Natural V. for appointment is divided into advantageous, furniture, technical (thermal insulation, fire-resistant, etc.), gasket, leaf glue and medical.

In the manufacture of V. Raw materials are dilked, bursts and cleaned from impurities, the resulting fibrous mass is formed into the so-called canvases on the machines of a tearful-trepal aggregate; The shapeless mass of the fiber constituting the canvas, on the chest machine turns into the eating V. of a certain thickness. In the production of medical V. These raw materials under pressure under pressure and then treated with sodium hyposulphite. As a result, the fiber acquires whiteness and characteristic properties ≈ the ability to quickly be saved and absorb liquids. There is a hygroscopic and compress medical V. Gigroscopic V. White, easily rescurates, is used as a material absorbing liquid discharge (pus, sucrovitsa) when grabbed wounds over the dressing gauze layers. Compressive V. serves to sep the tied or bandaged part of the body (for example, during warming compresses), as well as a soft lining when the tires are applied to immobilizing dressings (for example, plaster).

Artificial V. Widely applied in construction as a heat and sound insulation material; In the chemical industry ≈ for filtering liquids and gases. Special species V. ≈ The so-called Watlin, that is, B., clermed with an adhesive emulsion with one or both sides. Vaticin ≈ Replane V. When sewing clothes, gasket material, etc.



Vata. - fluffy mass of fibers, weakly intertwined among themselves in various directions.

Wat (Gallery)

"WATT" - Private non-commercial art gallery of contemporary art in Rostov-on-Don.

Wat (Hinduism)

Vata. - In Indian mythology, the deity of the wind.

Wat is very closely connected with the God of Wash, so sometimes these names are combined into one image. Nevertheless, the characteristics of these two deities differ significantly, therefore it makes sense to consider them separately. Wat in contrast to Wash is a much less individualized and non-protesorphic form of the wind god; Sometimes cotton is the personification of the strength of the storm wind. In Rig Veda, one anthem is devoted to him completely (RV, X, 168), another partially (RV, X, 186). In the first of these, his chariot harvested by red or snoring horses (often managed by Indra, RV, I, 121, 12), rush, rumble, generating scarlet tones, raised dust, on the ground and in the sky. Watt is followed by all types of winds. Vata is called firstborn, embryo the universe, other waters, breathing of the gods, devoted to the law. In addition, God is always on his chariot - the king of all the universe. In addition to Indra, Vata is closely connected with the Godheads, their names are often mentioned in a pair both in the Rig Hymn and in Atharva-Veda. From this union there is a connection of wool with rain, storm, thunderstorms.

In the postfoot period, the role of wool decreases, and often his name becomes one of the synonyms of Wash. The image of the wool as the impersonation of the wind goes back to the Indo-European era.

Wat (Nizhnevartovsky district)

Vata. - Village in Russia, located in Nizhnevartovsky district, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous District - Ugra. It is part of the rural settlement Vata. The population as of January 1, 2008 amounted to 638 people. From the national language Khanty Wat - God of Wind, the village is on high Bank Wool ducts, open to all winds.

Postal Code - 628636, OKATO code - 71119927002.

Examples of the use of the word wool in the literature.

From premature awakening on Azarov, neurasthenia fell: the body seemed downed vata., empty head, life disgusting.

The last ridiculous words of Antonov came to him, as if through watu.: - Goodbye, dummy.

Wrapped a fool of watermelon vata., put on the bed, the warmest place, every day he watches whether the fox hatched.

Staying in the office one, the Arefiev took disposable syringes from the safe, alcohol and watu..

In front of his spiritual glance, the hand of time is building the city - dark and bright, large and small, bold and cowardly, without choosing, again destroys them, draws them, draws rivers that are walking on sliding silver snakes, gray deserts, Arlekinsky costume fields and arable land in brown , purple and green cage, dusty big roads, isothechoshoplas, flavored meadows, grazing herds and energies of their dogs, crucifixes at intersections, white vest stones, old and young people, shower, sparkling drops, frogs in water canvas, horseshoes with rusty nails, single-legged caravals, lustful twigs, yellow flowers, cemeteries and clouds, similar to watu., foggy vertices and flaming mountains: They appear and disappear, changing, as if night and day, are immersed in the past and are again, as children playing hide and seek if they call a breath, the sound, the missing word.

The ligatures were sterilized, the scissors were boiled in the bath, a large galvanized bath was shining on the floor, vata. I was waiting for it to roll into the tampons, the bandage was on the spot - everything was essentially ready.

Silence in the apartment was not unguardous always expecting and fair items, but consisted of imperceptible wati, in her, it was necessary to move, dress and think, because in the traffic police, and in the hospital, and in the family of the Sinitsyn, he touched the mysterious, incredible in the sophistication and keenness of the crime, incredible for the reason that, it seems, all criminals are dead And the composition of the crime is not guessed.

In the eyes of the liar - water and belane, there Polakan's paws and wine glass is trembling in a glass of sliding in the eyes of the liar - thick vata. And B. best case - White wall.

After processing the skin around the wound on the fallen organs, they put the sterile gauze, on top of it and on the sides of the organs - a thick layer wati And make a bandage dressing.

He opened the suitcase and began to pull out with Buzoni watu.which was covered by a large package, linked with ribbon.

But here the farmer lives here, by name it will WAT.So the earth is just where this battle was, and he himself loves to chat about what happened to the old day.

Of course this WAT., I could specify more precisely, but let's try to do without it.

Then maybe he lies somewhere in Pelosy or Deira, - replied WAT., rising to pour beer and milk.

Snooked with milk drunk, Verka returned to the previous place, shut down her ears vata.I tried to go in my pocket, tried to forget about everything and eventually fell asleep, curly fatigue.

Forest in the back breathe, and over the forest stunned from wati A canopy, like yogi on the tops of a fir tree who did not know the cradle lay asleeping the sky, and with the crust of frozen bread, I slept on the shell of Nasta, trying to learn in vain to walk on the deception of the crunch, the support is to look for where it is empty, and fell from the vertices of Navidaya, my step Started from the birthday, taking a crawling on the land, I saw that we were weak that I would like a miserable, unsubstantial fraction of the forest would easily proceed in the field, and the trace of the uneven chain would drown out the distant steppe, and cross the dream at sunset, the thunder will cut the thunder on Raskat, And the neck dissected half the sky will fall on us.

Vata is Air, Prana, Ether - that is, everything that moves and moves; Wat is a biological manifestation of the vitality of space.

People of cotton-type distinctive physical adoption of people who belong to the wat-type are considered "thin bone". In such people, thin brushes of the hands and the complete absence of a fat layer of the body, and on the lower limbs, as a rule, a venous grid appears. Such slender, graceful and flat-armed girls with neat hips and rectangular shoulders can often be seen on the modes. For some reason, this type of women with the Vata constitution is chosen by the female standard in the fashion industry.

Usually all vividly pronounced wat-type representatives long legs Or at least they are longer than Cape and Pitt. Wat often "crunch" joints. They have dry skin, forever cold hands and legs, they always freeze. "Strong place" WAT is practically permanent weight, which remains stubbornly at one mark, whatever overferences they would not pour themselves. As a rule, wats are moving quickly and they always want to eat and drink. At the same time, the appetite (digestive fire) is unstable, and wats are often difficult to force themselves to observe the regime in nutrition.

If it was necessary to describe Wat in one word, it would be the word "suddenly." They all always happen spontaneously and gust. They are easily and quickly inspired, for example, in the store, where come over with one dress, and return with three, plus a jacket, blouse, swimsuit and a pair of jeans. They can catch fire from one thing said: Association emerged, imagination began, and the thought is already flying, and Wat runs behind her. Wool light up quickly, quickly burn and quickly burn. "Silver", they feel weakness, the decline of strength and devastation, and all because they do not tend to measure their strength. They are also suddenly disappointed, as lighting up. They can instantly lose interest in the fact that only quite recently seemed to them the meaning of life. They easily change the mood, they are inherent in the attacks of both love and adorations and a complete denial, bordering hate, but they easily forget the insults. Such volatility of nature leads to impassableness and irregularity in everything: in nutrition, sleep, health, work, in sex.

Wat type people are subtlety, lightness, piggyback, mobility, impermanence and variability. It seems that WATT people are like a wind whiffer completely next to you, you feel their presence, but they remain invisible, vague, blurry, like people depicted in photographs with a knocked focus. Vata must mostly ruler the subtle body and its highest ether plan, so the developed essence of the wool is embodied in the energies of the heart and throat chakra. They possess a light gift - they are able to experience love and show sensuality on the spiritual plan. As a rule, as such people ripen, their physical desires fade and begins to flourish their deep and divine qualities. These people must reveal and allow their unusual nature to enjoy the true spirit of universal love. It is this that will give them the maximum satisfaction in the knowledge of sensory feelings.

Wat people are the most ancient and highly developed souls, embodied in human civilization and against the background of other types, they often turn out to be incomprehensible. They are equally different from pisceing strong health and Pitt's activity and solid, sober, practical caps, although the latter are usually less developed spiritually and much less passed on the path of knowledge. AND typical errorwhich representatives of this type are allowed, is that they are trying to adapt or dissolve in routine generated by Pitts and Kaphami. When wats are trying to keep up with amphibian kaps or with fire-haired Pitts, they laughed in energy.

All so-called norms and rules that are guided by Pitts and Caps are unacceptable for WAT, which seek to avoid any restrictions of their freedom. But from time to time, watts have to fall on the ground to "ground". They must alternate the periods of "flyers" with the "grounding" periods to relax and accumulate energy before the next flight. Sometimes such periods of the forced "weighting" last longer than what watches wanted, and it is due to the fact that firmly standing on the legs of Kapha and Pitti are trying to catch cotton in the yoke of everyday life. Sometimes wool consciously perform such "ground disembarks", seeking to deliver the joy to households or comply with standards at work. However, even at the moments of "disembarking", the main "ground" principles of wool are deeply different in nature from the principles that are guided by representatives of other types.

People who belong to the type of wool always carry in the avant-garde of any events and trends, but they rarely strive to lead or head the masses. They are capable of hot love, deep compassion and subtle conclusions. Emotionality, impressionability, sensitivity, the responsiveness always indicate the presence of dash in a person, to whatever type it belongs. They are highlighted by high mobility and variability and often look, contradictory and inconsistent.

Wat is always on the other side of material ideas, concepts and ideas of everyday life. In comparison with the staic endurance of kapha and the high activity of Pitta, the property of the Wool is especially noticeable, worry and doubt. But in contrast to Kapha and Pitta, Vata has tremendous spiritual potential and can lead a deep spiritual life.

Watt inherent in congenital music. Ascetic wool must necessarily relax, contemplate and meditate to get rid of irritation accumulated after the endless noise cavities of the day. Healing practices for WAT can serve as activities whose energy is deeply resonted with thin vibrations of Vata.

Cardiac chakra, the main channel of the wool connection to the universe is washed and feed on clean sound. Outsided sounds, even natural origin, interfere with wats vibrate at deep levels, resonating with the pulsation of the universe. That is why they are so loved by silence and sometimes have a need for solitude. They possess a unique gift to deepen in their inner world, enter the peace of silence, listen to the inner sensations and find refuge, where only flows that are consonant with their internal energy are reigning.

Wool are sensitive not only to sounds, but also to touch. They are distinguished by a thin tactile reaction, and this should not be surprised, because the skin is under the auspices of the air. They are soothing the light gentle touch of natural fabrics, causing a feeling of well-being and comfort.

People who relate to this type are always once, they have every second in their account. Where is it here to think about strengthening health and energy nutrition? They are sorry to spend the precious time "on nonsense." Wat simply does not fit in the head, as it can be not safe in a hot bath with aromatic oils, the sleeve and feeding every time of his body with healing moisture, and how can the session of a relaxing massage be improved. Not keeping it, watts subconsciously fear that such a concern for the body will distract them from pressing and more familiar activities: anxiety, excitement, experiences, bad premonitions, etc. But they must necessarily take care of their body and strengthen health, allocating these events. At least a couple of hours a day!

Watts are difficult to live family life, Being a family member, clamped in the vice of continuity and traditions. The wind always slips out of strong hugs, although these arms may die and support the burning fire of the Spirit. Mightness, foresight, insight and intuition of wool focus on universal and dismandable good for everyone and everyone, so family responsibilities seem to them burdensome. Usually, relatives and friends refuse to admit that wools have an innate sense of justice and sanity. Wats often come into direct conflict with close, requiring love and respect, because they sincerely do not understand why, because of biological communication with relatives, they should love them more than friends and dogs.

Watts need to learn tolerance. They should patiently maintain contacts with aimlessly elegant in distance or grazing on juicy green meadows with heavy, leisurely kaps and amphibious, glory, aggressive, eager than glory, power and recognition by Pitts.

Watts are white crows in a hundred world. But they must certainly realize that they are endowed with the highest gift and special subtle relationships with divine plans. Without this, they will never be able to find the inner and external harmony and reconcile spiritual with the carnal.

What attracts in wats?

Extravagance, unpredictability, cheerfulness, vitality, enthusiasm, imagination ability, fineness of perception, greater impressionability and openness ... Next to such people is always interesting, they are still in search of beauty, grace and inspiration. They are cheerful, lively, witty, far from stereotypes and easily excit. Fantastic worlds created by their imagination, ease and incendiary manner of communication, enthusiasm and gustiness, non-standard thinking, the ability to see "behind the curtain" will unstoppable people who fly to them like bees to the flower.

Wool type people are sensitive and sensitive. When they reach the level of maturity, then become responsible, volitional and able to logically think in critical moments. Wool feel perfectly and instantly captured how they treat them. All pioneers, as a rule, belong to the type of wool, they are always at the origins, they are always the initiators of the new. They pushed, encourage, charge energy and set up.

What annoys in wats?

When dosha wata comes out of equilibrium, then the people of this type become impulsive and easily excitable, they will be weak will, they become frivolous and at the same time suspicious. Their imperidity and anxiety begins to clarify others. By the way, an increased anxiety indicates the presence of energy blocking in the heart chakra.

In order for the body to have an imbalance of Doh Vata, and after it and other doshes, it is not necessary to especially try. It is enough to stop adhere to the mode of the day, work overtime, bring yourself to overwork, always hurry and never rest, live on the run, deplete yourself with stormy emotions, grab the many things immediately and none of them do not bring to the end. In general, cottones are inclined to lead a random lifestyle, overestimate their strength and inappropriate.

When dosha wata is in equilibrium, people of this type feel the energy lift and vigor that gives them an illusion of permissiveness. It seems to them that they are strong that they can painlessly destroy their organism not only with mental and emotional, but also physical overloads.

What is detrimental to the wool?

Gruel sports workouts, long and regular classes sports that cause fat burning in the body and are not directed to an increase in muscle body weight (namely, an increase in muscle mass leads to "grounding"), testing all kinds of new energy practices (these people love all new, all that worries imagination) - All this leads to an excessive increase in the "air" properties of WATT type people. Their health deteriorates with insufficient consumption of fluid, the unlimited consumption of alcohol, dismissal in action and inability to concentrate on the main thing.

Physiological and psychological discomfort immediately creates fertile ground for nervous exhaustion, anemia, decline, the feeling of breakdown, fatigue ("But I almost did nothing today"). A person is not able to relax, sit down, relax and calmly enjoy the fact that it gives life at the moment.

Dreams of such people are always dynamic: in a dream they are pursued, they wander in maze, trying to hide or find a way out. As a rule, they often see themselves in a dream falling, taking off and sometimes flying. Sometimes when we wake, they twitch, because they have not yet learned to neatly return to the body, which consciously leave in a dream.

The prevailing influence on people who belong to the type of wool is provided by Venus and Jupiter, although they are also managed by Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. From uranium, they receive electrified and lightning energy bursts, from Saturn - dry, thin backbone, or high or very low growth and a sense of time, Neptune gives them a rich imagination, intuition, mysticism and ability to deep meditations, and Mercury gives contact, mental ease , airiness and excellent oratoric abilities ... But still, the main watments of WAT consider Venus and Jupiter. Lunar female principle of Venus initiates in people of this type love for art, pronounced interest in the phenomenon of culture in general and phenomenon social relationship, in particular.

Sexy Wati

Wats have sensual nature and value beauty more than other types. Vata craves clean love. These people prefer sublime romantic relations with passions of intimate love. Their love is rather platonic character than physical. Primitive sex as a sport is alien to them. They are willing to implement beautiful ideas and ideals associated with Platonic sensuality, and appreciate such relationships more sex. They are conservative and erected into the cult of the traditional value system, although it is often challenging and not always recognized in this even themselves. The development of intimate relationships at Wat is pretty slow and often delays for a long time. But wats must remember that it is impossible to turn this process into an endless and painful lift to the mountain. Sometimes they do not prevent them from relaxing and stop controlling the situation.

Mystery and creative imagination of WATT people, both men and women, awakens most often from sensory sensations, and not as a result of the physical and biological needs and instincts of the body. And women, and men wool seem cold. But in fact, their poetic fantasies overflow them, and when "the very, or that itself is the only one comes to them, they bloom and turn into gods and goddesses of love. For them, love is a spiritual process, and not the result in the form of sexual contacts.

If Vata made his choice, then honors his relationship with a partner and refers to it devotionally and sincerely. Sometimes the cotton can "fly", without entering into intimate relations with a partner, but when he is solved for this, it turns out to be a stunning lover who can deliver the partner to the Higher Delight.

Watts need to choose the right partner for life. The best satellites of life for them are usually the mature types of Kapcha-Pitt, Pitt-Kapha or Kapha-Wat, who have already won minotaurs, crocodiles and tigers of excessive passion and sexuality.

Career Wati

Jupiter is called the planet Guru and teachers who transmit knowledge about the internal "I" of a person, about God and about the universe. The true guru is able to withdraw a student from the state of complete ignorance to immortality. Asceticism of WATT type people organically corresponds to this rare vocation, and many wool join this path. In their nature, the qualities of the mentor are laid, so it is not surprising that among them there are many teachers carrying esoteric knowledge. At the same time, it does not prevent them from being the best and first among those who offer law and order in the world. According to psychological nature, people who belong to the type of Wat represent the most mature of all types, so they are perfect for the role of patriarchs of the Universe, fathers, teachers and inspirations.

By nature, watts love privacy and mobility. They may be ascended over the world and go to the celia, considering the monastic gate a blessing. Wats who managed to work out their own fears and complexes, become guides of light flying on the wings of the wind. They unconsciously attract people to them and fond of them. Also without knowing, they are able to alleviate someone else's pain and suffering.

Watts are most often becoming teachers and philosophers, lecturers and musicians, lawmaking and international coordinators, intermediaries and diplomats, political scientists, clergy and theologians, monks and bankers, founders of charitable societies and Funds of Mercy, trade union leaders and psychological consultants. Although the people of this type do not become charismatic leaders on the material plan, no participation will not be successfully implemented or a large program. But if they manage the project, it serves as a guarantee of the quality and reality of the realization of the most remote prospects. In addition, wats are indispensable in cases where you need to perform the work "behind the scene". It is possible without exaggeration to say that people of this type are the heart, soul and spirit of any organization.

Regular nutrition, sufficient sleep (it is necessary to get enough sleep so that there is a force of forces during the day), a sufficient amount of water, dosage communication, correct care Behind the body - and wool will always be in the balance sheet.

Seasonal and daily activities

In Nature, autumn is considered to be a period of watts, so in the fall in people who relate to this type, there are a lot of health problems. Every year, cotton wool must prepare in advance for autumn.

Before bedtime, cotton wool should regularly perform respiratory techniques and relaxation techniques. Wath will be very wise if they go to bed early. Only then will be able to sleep overnight and accumulate forces by the morning when the first rays of the Dawn Sun will be ruined. If possible, watts should take rise during the day between two and four o'clock in the afternoon, because in this watch the energy of Wat begins to dry and dissipate. If there is no opportunity to take a day, then in the afternoon it is necessary to reduce activity. Schedule The second half of the day should be compiled, taking into account the decline in WAT activity in the afternoon and transfer all responsible events and intensive loads on the first half of the day.
The health of this type has favorably affects a full-fledged three-time nutrition. The first meal, or an early breakfast, should occur about seven in the morning, it is useful to have a snack at noon, and at six o'clock in the evening you dine tight. The ideal time of waste to sleep is ten o'clock in the evening.

Watts should follow the established day of the day to be compiled so that it takes time to the time for afternoon sleep, body care, the technique of cleansing consciousness, relaxation and harmonization (it can be meditation, prayer or reflection). Watts are not worth overwhelming, intense loads are contraindicated. Unlike hardy and strong caps, people who belong to the type of wool are deprived of endurance and strength. They are uranitate to explode, and their energy bursts can hit the imagination, but these emissions are simultaneous, and for the next "burst" they have to save energy for a long time. Wool spend a lot of energy on "flights" of thoughts and imagination, so they must learn themselves to protect themselves and not bring to exhaustion. The congenital ability to "fly", multiplied by unconscious aesthetism and the need for beauty, dictates wats the need to live on the principle of moderation, beauty and grace.

Exercise stress

The exercises that watts are engaged, should be short and soft. It can be respiratory gymnastics, yoga, qigong, Taijan-Quan, Aikido (especially healthy (non-combat) direction of ki), wushu, ballroom dancing, dance aerobics, light walks, short swimming (in pleasure and without tension), lungs (not Systematic!) Fresh air jogging, short cycling, game of golf, tennis and badminton, as well as bathing in a hot jacuzzi bath.

Remember : If you want to stretch the body or work out certain systems and organs with yoga, perform these measures before the start of any other exercise! All exercises should be performed in a calm moderate pace, and the load should also be moderate, because the rapid pace leads to fatigue and imbalance dash wool. Power exercises must be performed in slow motion, using dumbbells and other burdens.

Watts are useful twice a day to perform a complex of yogic asan with measured breathing. Since the weak place of WAT is a spine and joints, in a complex of yogic exercises, they must introduce asans, which contribute to the elaboration of mobility and flexibility of the spine.

Aromatherapy and body care

Walt and wet aromas saturated with sweetness and sourness are beneficial to VAT. To resolve out of equilibrium, Vata is useful aromas of chosen in different combinations of linden, verbena, lemon and orange and orange and carnation, Cumin, Anisa, Altea, Basilica, Muscat, Orange Color (Neroli), Mandarin, Carnations, and Fennel, Cardamom and cinnamon.

Representatives of Ayurvedic type WATT useful to regularly undergo a relaxing massage courses. During the massage, such vegetable oils should be used as sesame, wheat germs, apricot or avocado in which essential oils added, the flavors of which are beneficial to the Vata. In addition, these oils nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate dry skin, they carry harmonizing information at the cellular level and lead to equilibrium dosh wata. Vata is the Queen of the Dosha, and the balance of all dos is beginning with the harmony of Doch Wat! Oils allow you to keep the heat charge in the muscles. After the massage it is useful to take a warm bath.

Style, Color Gamut and Precious Stones

Slim body allows wats to choose clothing in a wide range of styles and styles and wear a variety of jewelry. Watts are helpful to wear clothes that not only separates them from the outside world, but also gives confidence. It is impossible to present a more elegant woman than Wat's woman, destined in refined clothes from soft tissues and putting on themselves with tasteful decorations that perfectly complement her mobile, light slim face. By the way, most top models on the podiums of the world perfectly illustrate the type of appearance, which is characteristic of the constitution with the predominance of Dash Wat. Although wats may afford freedom and discrepancy in choosing clothes, they rarely pay attention to such "nonsense". The warm and muted colors of the earth tones, red, orange, green colors and their shades in various combinations give wat confidence in themselves and inner peace.

Healing precious stones And metals for wool are amethyst, sapphire, yellow pomegranate, white moonstone, red and yellow opal, silver and gold.

General characteristics of cotton type

Food level : All processes of movement and movement, breathing, blood circulation, muscle contraction, musculoskeletal function, intestinal emptying, sweating, sexual activity, growth process. Wool is connected directly to work nervous systemwhich controls all the processes in the body.
Mental level : creativity, inspiration, intuition, psychological flexibility and ease of communication.
Body type : Ascetic thin body, thin bone, high or low growth
Weight : hard to dial, easy to reset
Form face : Narrow and long, low forehead
Leather : Cool, dry, rough, with small pores, thin; a tendency to the emergence of premature wrinkles; Easy sunbathe
Hair : Dry, thin, slightly curly; Light and dark-born, shutters
Eyes : brown, gray, small, narrow
Nose : Long, thin, sometimes with a porridge
Appetite : Unregular, eaten little, but often, love warm food, suffer from thirst
Endurance : Low, fast forces
disadvantages : impermanence, nervousness, timidity, indecision, anxiety, weak concentration
Dostoist : emergency activity, creative power, sociability,
mobility, bright imagination
Tastes :
- Low cotton wool - salty, sour, sweet tastes
- raise cotton - bitter, binding, sharp
Dominant feelings : rumor and touch
Wati localization bodies : Thick, leather, bladder, kidneys
Typical problems with excess watts : Dehydration, dry skin, dandruff, sharp pain, back pain and loins, arthritis, nervous disorders, insomnia
Type of skin : Dry
Season : fall
Climatic zone for balancing : Tropics (hot and wet)
Age : from 50 (55) years
Times of Day : 2.00 – 6.00; 14.00 - 18.00
Symbols of watts - Fast deer, headlight control, and wise elephant, carrier of land history, plants and medicinal herbs, which controls the throat chakra.

Wat is a dry and cold dosha. It is soothing warm, nutritious, soft and lightweight food. Salted, sour and sweet tastes are preferred for wool, as well as food, bringing peace and satisfaction.

Ayurvedic Nutrition Rules for Wat-Type People

* Prefer hot, satisfying, juicy and oily food, limit cold, dry and coarse consumption
* Prefer sweet, acidic and salty tastes with the addition of spices, reducing sharp, bitter and binding tastes
* Food takes should always be regular. Cotton can not eat on the go and hastily, in an excited or nervous condition, eat, at the same time reading or watching TV
* Cash should not mix too many types of food. Will be better if you will have what they have prepared themselves
* Most favorable all soothing dishes: warm milk, oil, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, casserole, porridge, warm soups, noodles and other flour dishes, stewed vegetables, fresh rootless bread
* You should avoid cold water And ice - cold food increases cotton wool, so, for example, salads should be room temperature, and not "from the refrigerator"
* It uses a dense and satisfying breakfast, for example, hot rice, wheat or oatmeal, as well as other: warm, dairy and sweet
* Before dinner, you can drink in a small sip of a glass of warm water. Instead of lettuce, it is better to eat hot soup, hot porridge for lunch is quite the right dish for cotton-type people. Boiled vegetables in salads are more acceptable for wool than raw. Fresh bread, oil and warm dessert are also shown
* At the end of the working day, when people-type people often fall out performance, hot herbal or ginger tea with cookies or other sweets helps
* Before bedtime, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk
* Wool problems often carry mental character, they are more connected with their high-sensitivity than with the received food. WATT-type people should be strictly adhered to the right mode and healthy lifestyle, to do yoga and meditation, use medicinal herbs to reduce cotton wool
* For example, reduce extra wool in the body can be a drink "Lassi". It can be prepared by himself, if you knocked down the halter of kefir and water, add a pinch of chopped ginger, salt or cumin.

MILK PRODUCTS. Good and useful any natural milk and dairy products: oil, yogurts, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream. Milk should be warm, before use - boil. Cannot drink milk with the main food
Sweets, honey and sugar. Any sweets are favorable for wool (just do not forget the measure), but the halva and honey (in combination with warm milk or infusion of ginger) are especially useful.
VEGETABLE OILS. Most of the vegetable oils are suitable, in order of preference: sesame, ghi, olive, sunflower, but it acts especially well: on the brain - almond oil, on the hair - coconut and sesame, on the skin - mustard. Only the consumption of margarine and corn oil should be limited.
Bikeroduks. Bread is shown without freezing and fresh-eyed, including buns, pies, pancakes or pancakes. White bread and from germinated wheat is better than others, you only need to avoid drinking crackers, gallets, crackers, dry breakfasts, etc.
VEGETABLES. Any vegetables, due to its ease and dryness, are bad food for wool. We can eat vegetables, but only in the cooked form (boiled, stew), with plenty of oil and spices. The use of raw vegetables is possible only in the form of juice. Favorable: beets, carrots, cucumbers, Bulgarian peppers, leaf salad, peas, green beans, zucchini, pumpkin, olives Black, Olives (Bummy), Topinambur, seaweed, spinach, onions and garlic. Potatoes are acceptable if you cook it, not fry. Maximum limit: crude cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, radishes, turnips, peas, mushrooms, celery, asparagus, spinach, leaf green vegetables, mushrooms. Listed vegetables can be used only after cooking with butter
Fruits and berries. It should be avoided by unhealthy and highly binding fruits, prefer sweet and juicy. Favorable: apricots, peaches, oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruit, bananas, grapes, cherries, plum, strawberry, raspberries, pineapples, mango, kiwi, papaya, dike, figs, watermelons and melons (but only mature and sweet). Avoid: consumption of unhealthy fruits and such as apples, pears, grenades, cranberries, as well as dried fruits. Apples and pears can only be used after cooking or baking
Grass and legumes. The rice, wheat and oats are very favorable, from legumes - Masha, gave, red lentils, soy and her products, Tofu. It is necessary to limit the consumption of barley, buckwheat, millet, rye, corn, beans, peas, white beans, dry oatmeal, chips, popcore, dry bread
Spices and spices. The best spice for wool is a fresh ginger promoting digestion. Almost all spices are useful, but especially sweet and warming: carnations, anise, bay leaf, basil, black pepper, cumin, cardamon, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, kinza, green shoots of coriander, etragon, fennel, and ketchup, mayonnaise , peak, chutney, chili, garlic, tamarind, vinegar, mustard and salt. Limit: Bitter and binder spices - horseradish, saffron, turmeric, Coriander seeds, as well as chocolate
Nuts and seeds. Everyone without exception nuts and seeds (except peanuts) are favorable. The most shown almonds, pumpkin seeds, Takhin (pasta of sesame seeds). 10 almond nuts (but clean - without husk) eaten in the morning, will provide the body with nutrients for the whole day. Salted nuts are better than any other dry and salt snacks.
Meat and seafood. It is possible to use chicken, turkey, fish and sea products (everything is in small quantity). Animal meat should be eliminated
Tea, coffee and drinks. For wool favorable: warm or hot water especially with lemon, hot milk with spices, cocoa, cakes from cereals, herbal teas, vegetable broths, natural wine and beer, juices: apricot, pineapple, orange, grape, cherry, grapefruit, carrot, Peach, mango, papaya, aloe, as well as berry juices (except cranberry). It should be eliminated by carbonated and cold drinks, natural coffee, black tea and strong alcoholic beverages
Herbs and plants. Favorable: Ajwan, Altech, Orange Skin, Hawthorn, Gaulteria, Carnation, Strawberry *, Ginger (Fresh), Cat Mint *, Lavender, Lemon Grass. Raspberry, marsh mint, mint curly, peppermint, oat straw, socket, fenugreek, chamomile, Sassapel, Sassafras, Solodka, Fennel, Chrysanthemum *, Flowers elderly, chicory, sage, saffron, rosehip, eucalyptus, juniper berries. Not worth using: Basil, Hibiscus, Blackberry, Jasmine, Ginseng, Yerba Mate, Holly, Kickl, Cinnamon, Nuts, Red Clover, Corn Strugs, Burn, Lucerne, Monsois, Mormon Tea (Ephedra), Tootchnik, Dandelion, Passion, Yarrow, violet, hops, barley
STARVATION. Preventive starvation is recommended to spend 1 time per month during the day on warm boiled water or sweet grape juice.

A source: ecoglobus.com.

Vata. - This is a fluffy mass consisting of weakly twisted among themselves in different directions of fibers.

Where did the word "wool" come from?

The versions of the origin is well for all familiar words "Wat" there are several. According to the first version, this word came to Russian from the Japanese language in the seventeenth century - well-developed trade relations between Japan and Russia contributed to a large extent. In about the same period, words as "Mintai", "Ivasi" and "Sakura" were borrowed from the Japanese language. And the second version, nominated by M. Fasmer, it says that the word "wool" came from german language (from the word watte), in which it in turn fell out of arabic (from Batin ("Lining") or WADDA).

How is cotton wool made?

In order to obtain cotton wool, plant fibers are cleaved, loosen and purified from different impurities, after which the resulting fibrous mass is formed with the help of machines of a tearful and trepal unit into peculiar canvases. Then, with the help of honeycomb, the component canvas, the shapeless mass of the fibers turn into cotton varieties of a certain thickness. And in the production of medical wool, all the above raw materials boil on alkali under pressure, after which it is treated with sodium hyposulphite. In the course of such procedures, fiber acquires not only whiteness, but also characteristic of it properties - the ability to absorb liquids to well and quickly be wary.

Types of wati

There is a great many varieties of wool. By the method of obtaining, it is customary to allocate:

  • Natural wool. This is a fluff, silk, woolen, penx, linen, cotton, asbestos or pine wool.
  • Artificial cotton wool. Such consider metallic, glass, cellulose, basalt and slag cotton wool.

Types of medical wool

Medical wool is a fiber that is manufactured from the emergence of epidermis cells of seeds of certain types of cotton. This fiber is more than ninety-five percent consists of fiber.

The main types of medical wool it is considered:

  • Gigroscopic wool. This easily smelling white wool is used as absorbent liquid allocations (Sukrovitsa, PNU, etc.) of the material during the grinding of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As a rule, it is placed on top of the layers of dressing gauze.
  • Compressive wool. Such a wool is widely used for compresses - it is insulated with a bandaged or tied parts of the body (if the warming compress is made) or used as a soft lining when imposing immobilizing dressings (gypsum, for example) or tires.

And the hygroscopic wool in turn is divided into:

Cosmetic alternative to cotton woved discs. High-quality and comfortable cotton discs Paclan are universal to use for a number of cosmetic procedures - demacidia, washouts of masks, compresses for the age and face

  • Hygienic wool. It is used for the manufacture of female hygienic bandages and is made of a cotton lente of the first grade, which as part of the wool should be no more than twenty-five percent, and from the fifth grade cotton fiber.
  • Surgical wool. This is one of the most important dressings made of a third-grade cotton fiber with inclusion of no more than thirty percent of the viscose fiber of the first grade.
  • Eye wool. The name itself speaks of its main purpose itself, but produce such cotton wool from the first grade cotton.

Where is cotton wool?

Wool is widely used not only in medicine, but also in the chemical industry (it is necessary for filtering gases and liquids), as well as in construction (as a sound and thermal insulation material). True, in the chemical industry, and in construction only artificial wool is used. And Vaticin, which is a special variety of wool, cursed with a special adhesive emulsion with one or from two sides, is an excellent lining material and an excellent wool substitute when sewing clothes.

Non-standard ways to use watts

. Watted with essential oil is placed in a bubble, and you can enjoy your favorite aroma! By the way, its intensity can be adjusted by reducing or increasing the holes in the lid.

  • To eliminate the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator. This method is largely similar to the above method, only essential oil to eliminate the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator should be selected with a light and unobtrusive aroma - after all, the products are still stored in the refrigerator! The best option will be various citrus flavors: grapefruit, orange or lemon.
  • To extend the service life of rubber gloves. It's no secret that rubber gloves most often rush at the tips of the fingers. To avoid such troubles, it does not prevent small pieces of wool in every finger, and gloves will be securely protected from premature damage!
  • Links

    • Cotton discs. Where without them? , Beauty portal Mycharm.ru
    • "Masterpieces" from Wat. , social network for parents Stranamam.ru

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