Creation of personnel conditions. Terms of implementation of GEF NOO Personnel conditions of introduction of GEF does not apply

Creation of personnel conditions. Terms of implementation of GEF NOO Personnel conditions of introduction of GEF does not apply

The educational organization should be staffed by frames that have the necessary qualifications to solve problems identified by the main educational program of the educational organization capable of innovative professional activities.

Requirements for recruitment conditions include:

· The staffing of the educational organization by pedagogical, senior and other employees;

· The level of qualifications of pedagogical and other employees of the educational organization;

· Continuity of the professional development of pedagogical workers of an educational organization that implements the educational program of the main general Education.

The basis for the development of job descriptions containing a specific list of employee duties, taking into account the characteristics of the organization of labor and management, as well as the rights, responsibility and competence of employees of the educational organization, are qualifying characteristics submitted in the Unified Qualification Directory of Managers, Specialists and Employees | , section "Qualification characteristics of the posts of educators".

Official duties may be found presented in the professional standard "Pedagogue (pedagogical activities in the field of preschool, primary general, general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" generalized labor functions, which can be assigned to the employee who occupies this position.

Certification of pedagogical workers in accordance with Federal law "On education in Russian Federation"(Art. 49) is held in order to confirm their conformity to occupied positions on the basis of assessing their professional activities, taking into account the desire of pedagogical workers in order to establish a qualification category. The certification of pedagogical workers in order to confirm their compliance with their positions should be carried out once every five years on the basis of assessing their professional activities attestation commissions, independently emerged educational organizations.

Certification In order to establish a qualifying category of pedagogical workers, is carried out by certification commissions formed by the federal executive bodies, in which these organizations are underway. Certification against pedagogical workers of educational organizations under the jurisdiction of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal and private organizations is carried out by certification commissions formed by the authorized state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for holding the certification of pedagogical workers is established by the federal executive body carrying out functions to work out public Policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education, in coordination with the federal executive authority, carrying out functions on the development of state policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of labor.

The educational organization must be equipped with subsidiary personnel. Description of personnel conditions of the educational organization can be implemented as a table. It is advisable to relate official duties and the level of qualifications of specialists in accordance with the professional standard "Pedagogue (pedagogical activities in the field of pre-school, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)", with the existing personnel potential of the educational organization. This will determine the state of personnel potential and outline the way the necessary work on its further change.

Recovery implementation of the main educational program The main general education can be built according to the scheme:

- position;

- duties;

- the number of employees in the educational organization (required / is required);

- Level of employees of the educational organization: Requirements for the level of qualifications, the actual level.

The educational organization, taking into account the peculiarities of pedagogical activities for the design and implementation of the educational process, is the list of necessary posts in accordance with the EX and the requirements of the professional standard "Pedagogue (pedagogical activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary education) (educator, teacher)" .

Professional development and advanced training of pedagogical workers.The main condition for the formation and buildup of the necessary and sufficient personnel potential of the educational organization is to provide in accordance with the new educational realities and the tasks of the adequacy of the system of continuous pedagogical education to make changes in the education system as a whole.

In the OOP of the educational organization, schedules may be presented, including various forms of continuous advanced training of all pedagogical workers, as well as graphics of personnel certification for compliance with the position and qualifying category in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 7, 2014 No. 276 "On the Procedure Certificates of pedagogical workers of state and municipal educational organizations ", as well as a methodology for assessing the level of qualifications of pedagogical workers.

At the same time, various educational organizations that have a relevant license can be used.

Forms of advanced training can be: postgraduate training in higher educational institutions, including magistracy, graduate school, doctoral studies, on advanced training courses; internships, participation in conferences, training seminars and master classes in certain areas of implementation of the main educational program; distance education; participation in various pedagogical projects; Creation and publication of methodical materials, etc.

To achieve the results of the main educational program, during its implementation, an assessment of the quality and effectiveness of pedagogical workers in order to correct their activities, as well as determining the stimulating part of the wage fund.

Exemplary criteria for assessing the effectiveness of pedagogical workers. Performance of activity can be assessed according to the scheme:

· criteria for evaluation,

· Indicators / Indicators.

Indicators and indicators can be developed by the educational organization based on planned results (including interdisciplinary programs) and in accordance with the specifics of the main educational program of the educational organization. They reflect the dynamics of educational achievements of students, including the formation of UUD, as well as the activity and effectiveness of their participation in extracurricular activities, educational, creative and social, including intercourse, projects, school self-government, volunteer movement. The generalized assessment of personal learning results of students can be carried out during various monitoring research. In assessing the quality of the activities of pedagogical workers, the demand for teacher's services (including extracurricular) students and parents can be taken into account; use by teachers of modern pedagogical technologies, including ICT and Heating Saving; participation in methodological and scientific work; distribution of advanced pedagogical experience; level up professional skills; work teacher for the formation and maintenance of individual educational trajectories of students; management of project workbook; Interaction with all participants in the educational process, etc.

The expected result of advanced training is the professional readiness of educators for the implementation of GEF LLC:

- ensuring the optimal entry of educators to the system of values \u200b\u200bof modern education;

- Mastering new system The requirements for the structure of the main educational program, the results of its development and the conditions of implementation, as well as the results of the evaluation systems educational activities trainees;

- Mastering educational and methodological and information and methodological resources necessary for the successful solution of the tasks of the FGOS LLC.

One of the conditions of readiness of the educational organization for the introduction of GEF LLC is to create a system methodical work, ensuring support of the activities of teachers at all stages of implementing the requirements of the FGE LLC. The organization of methodical work may schedule according to the following form: Events, deadlines, responsible, summarizing, discussing results (but not limited to this).

At the same time, measures can be used:

1. Seminars dedicated to the content and key features of the FGOS LLC.

2. Trainings for teachers in order to identify and conclude their own professional position with the objectives and objectives of the GEF LLC.

3. Meetings of methodological associations of teachers, educators on the issues of administration of GEF LLC.

4. Conferences of participants in the educational process and social partners of the educational organization on the basis of the development of the main educational program, its individual sections, the problems of testing and the introduction of GEF LLC.

5. Participation of teachers in the development of sections and components of the main educational program of the educational organization.

6. Participation of teachers in the development and approbation of an assessment of the effectiveness of work in the implementation of the implementation of GEF LLC and a new wage system.

7. Participation of teachers in master classes, round tables, inner sites, "open" lessons, extracurricular activities and events in certain areas of introduction and implementation of GEF LLC.

Summing up and discussing the results of activities can be carried out in various forms: meetings in the director, meetings of pedagogical and methodological advice, decisions of the Pedagogical Council, presentations, orders, instructions, recommendations, resolutions, etc.

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GEF SOO P.22 Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the OOP of secondary general education. Key features of GEF SOO. FZ Art. 5 p. 2) The right to additional vocational education on the profile of pedagogical activity at least once every three years. The qualifications of pedagogical workers of educational organizations should reflect: the pedagogical worker must be formed the main competencies, including the skills: competence in the respective subject areas of knowledge and methods of training. Provide conditions for successful activities, positive motivation, as well as the admiration of students. The formation of a humanistic position, positive focus on pedagogical activity. Survey and analyze information using ICT. The total culture that determines the nature and style of pedagogical activity affecting the success of pedagogical communication. Develop programs methodical materials, Recommend learning additional sources of information. Self-organization, emotional stability. Organize and accompany educational training and project activities. Implement pedagogical assessment of the activities of students in accordance with the requirements of the Standard. Use standardized and non-standard work; To interpret the results of the achievements of students.

Slide 34 from the presentation "Introduction of GEF General Education" To the lessons of pedagogy on the topic "Introduction of GEF"

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Introduction GEF

"Introduction of GEF" - 1. Conducting works on the development of a single project. Method for analyzing and defining the necessary changes. 1. Development of a project to teach subjects in accordance with the requirements of GEF. Problems of introducing and implementing GEF. Block diagram for analyzing changes in the educational system of school. The structure of the introduction of GEF but.

"Introduction of GEF General Education" - Formation of the GEF system. About education in the Russian Federation. Network form for the implementation of educational programs. GEF - selection standards. Requirements for the structure of the main educational program. Key features of GEF SOO. Personal results. The Russian Federation. Financial terms of implementation.

"Introduction of GEF NOO" - some features of the UMC. Approval of federal state educational standards. Regulatory and legal regulation of the introduction of GEF. Requirements for the PCO structure. Phased introduction of GEF. Decrypt abbreviation. Information support GEF NOO. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

"The problem of introducing GEF" - the problems of introducing GEF NOO. Objective contradictions. Organizational support of the introduction of GEF. Regulatory support. Requirements for the conditions for the introduction of GEF NOO. General problems for the introduction of GEF NOO. Ways and ways to implement. OS's cooperation with higher professional education institutions.

"Actual problems of administration of GEF" is the main educational program. Change base paradigm. Innovative components. Approval of the main educational program. Resolution. Competence. Information Support. Name common educational institution. Preparation of a professional student. Forms of organization of the educational process.

Tasks. Creation of personnel conditions for the introduction and implementation of GEF SOO. Regional level. It is necessary: \u200b\u200bto promote the reorganization of real pedagogical practice, to arm a teacher with new activities, which demonstrate another level of pedagogical professionalism to create an infrastructure that allows the teacher to have access to these samples (internship sites, tutor centers, including in remote mode) to create a system for monitoring the efficiency of programs PC, correlating criteria with the requirements of GEF and practical activities to develop not only a separate professional, but also the pedagogical team, the "team" to organize additional professional education in the personification of state obligations to ensure the possibility of independent definition of the teachers of the timelines and the forms of advanced training to introduce new effective financial and economic Mechanisms (the direction of funds in the OO, teacher, the influence of the PC on the salary). Ensure the formation of professional competence - a dynamic combination of knowledge, cognitive (cognitive) and practical skills, the values \u200b\u200bthat man operates in a professional context.

Slide 35 from the presentation "Introduction of GEF General Education" To the lessons of pedagogy on the topic "Introduction of GEF"

Dimensions: 960 x 720 pixels, format: jpg. To download a free slide for use in the teacher's lesson, click on the image right-click and click "Save the image as ...". Download the entire presentation "Introduction of GEF General Education .PPTX" in the ZIP archive of 2363 KB.

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Introduction GEF

"Actual problems of introducing GEF" is a regulatory legal act. Change base paradigm. Approval of the main educational program. Actual problems of introducing GEF. Preparation of a professional student. Making the necessary changes. Standards are a social norm, a public contract between family, society and the state. Society Safety and Health Freedom and responsibility Social justice welfare.

"Introduction GEF LLC" - technology. Chemistry. Mathematics. Considered questions. Geography. CMD - Grade 5. LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Physics. Biology. Introduction GEOS LLC. Training plan - grade 5. Music. Map of self-esteem readiness OU in the introduction of GEF LLC. Computer science. Treaty on the provision of general education. From. History. Readiness of material and technical conditions for the implementation of OOP LLC.

"The problem of introducing GEF" is the cooperation of the OS with institutions of higher vocational education. Organizational support. General problems for the introduction of GEF NOO. Ways and ways to implement. Objective contradictions. Problems of administration of GEF NOO. Regulatory support. Differences standards. Organizational support of the introduction of GEF.

"Introduction of GEF NOO" - decipher the abbreviation. Monitoring the conditions for the implementation of the main educational school program. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". About education. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the OOP NOO. Order of the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region. Requirements for the results of the development of the OOP NOO. Regulatory and legal regulation of the introduction of GEF.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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2 Slide

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Education is a pedagogically adapted system of knowledge and key competencies, experience of creative activity and an emotional-value attitude to the world, the assimilation of which ensures the development of the personality, the participation of students in social unprofessional activities, forms their worldview, system of values \u200b\u200band ideals that cause the civil position of the personality, its attitude To the world and the definition of your place in it.

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The main goal of the educational institution is the development of an educated, competent and enlightened personality capable of a conscious and responsible solution of diverse problems in conditions of uncertainty.

4 Slide

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Different aspects of the activities of the educational institution: - Subjective activities, - team workNamely: educational, socially directed, pedagogical, production, managerial.

5 Slide

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New technologies are applied: -Technologies of universal training actions, ensuring the solution of the task of learning to learn in new information conditions of training, allowing universal academic action, developing common abilities of the child, develop special abilities - closer, search, design teaching technologies, ensuring the development of the child's independence in the formulation of tasks, samples of action, achieve the result and reflection of their activities

6 Slide

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Game and projective didactics technologies that allow us to construct learning activities and increase the motivation to the training of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and projective pedagogical goal-to-pedagogical studies, focused on the development of new formations in the identity of the child under the law of the child's development (D.B. Elkonin) - pedagogical technologies motivating to find a problem and methods of action taking into account the peculiarities of the new situation in which the child has to act. - Pedagogical technologies of "Scaffolding" of the future building of children's independence and competence in which the leadership and assistance of the adult appears, increases or decreases in response to the developing competence of a child

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The presence of uniform goals for various participants included in this activity is required. A single goal is the initial moment for forming some of their community from individual participants and as a result - the presence of a single end result, common to participants in joint activities.

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General Education Standards These are conventional social norms that ensure the balance of interests of families, society, states and schools in achieving high-quality education.

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Requirements for the results of education must comply with modern ideas about the generalized personality structure and human activity. Under the introduction of GEF as new livelihoods of the educational institution, changes are required in the entire management system.

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The conditions for the implementation of the FGOS of the General General Education makes great and sufficiently strict requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education, including the level of qualifications of pedagogical workers of the educational institution, the continuity of their professional development is in the first place.

11 Slide

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Current requirements Professional competencies of pedagogical workers in the implementation of GEF General Education: The implementation of federal state educational standards of general education involves the creation and maintenance of the educational institution of a developing educational environment, adequate to achieve personal, social, educational (intellectual), communicative, aesthetic, physical, labor development students.

12 Slide

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The methodological basis of GEF is the implementation of a systemic approach, the development of personal, cognitive, regulatory and communicative universal training actions aimed at forming the schoolchildren of the skills to learn and apply their knowledge in various life situations.

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Conditions established in an educational institution should: comply with the requirements of the standard; ensure the achievement of planned results of the development of the main educational program of the educational institution and the full implementation of educational programs provided for in it; consider the features of the educational institution, its organizational structure, requests for participants in the educational process in general general education; Provide the possibility of interaction with social partners, use of social resources.

14 Slide

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The main tasks facing the teacher: 1. Ensuring professional personality self-determination in the professional space of the school. 2. Determining the components of professional competence and the list of major professional competencies contributing to the implementation of the school educational program

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Professional competence is the quality of the actions of the employee who ensure the effective solution of professional-pedagogical problems and typical professional tasks arising in real situations of pedagogical activities, using life experience, existing qualifications, generally recognized values.

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The basis for developing a list of basic professional competencies of pedagogical workers of general educational institutions is the requirements for the results and conditions for the implementation of the main educational programs, enshrined in the federal state educational standards of general education.

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requirements for the qualification characteristics of pedagogical workers: Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 No. 761n "On approval of a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of the posts of educators ".

18 Slide

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Competence is the ability of the teacher to act in the situation of uncertainty. The higher the uncertainty, the more significantly this ability! - The ability is optimally efficient, systemically, taking into account the achievements of modern science and their own interests, the ability to predict, to carry out pedagogical actions in the educational space.

19 Slide

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Characteristics of competencies 1. Professionally significant personal qualities: 1.1. The consignment and capabilities of the students 1.2. Phases 1.3.Corioxioreflection 1.4. Total culture 1.5. Emotional stability 1.6. Positive focus on pedagogical activities and self-confidence 1.7.Soorganization

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2. Competence in the formulation of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity 2.1. Items to put pedagogical goals taking into account age and individual characteristics of students 2.2. The ability to translate the subject of the lesson into the pedagogical task 2.3. Ability to involve students in the process of formulating goals and objectives

21 Slides

"A good past is positively dangerous if it makes us satisfied here and, therefore, not ready for the future."

Charles V. Eliot.

Exemplary test for the interim final certification of teachers who have passed the intra-school learning stage

1. Finance offers (Select 1 Word):

"Federal state-owned educational standards Must provide:

a) Unity educational space of the Russian Federation ";

b) continuity The main educational programs of the initial general, the main general, medium (complete) general, primary professional, secondary vocational and higher professional education. "

Words for reference: a) unity, b) continuity, c) continuity, c) availability.

2. List the distinctive features of the GEF of the new generation from the 2004 standards

does not regulate in its pure form content of education

includes the requirements for the structure, conditions and results of the implementation of the main educational programs

important attention is paid to upbringing

results are not only subject, but also meta-delta, personal

new methodological foundation

new document format

new Structure

wider range of user functions

3. Choose the basic principles on which GEF is based?

but) continuity;

b) development;

c) scientific relations;

d) variationality

4. In what basic document, the GEF is defined by a system of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal types of educational activities, adequate to the requirements of the standard for the results of education?

a) the concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the citizen


b) Fundamental core of general education;

c) the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

d) Presidential Message to the Federal Assembly.

5. Complete Proposal: "The standard establishes the requirements for the structure, conditions ....

a) goals;

b) teachers;

c) results;

6. What an approach allows you to allocate the main results of training and education in the context of key tasks and universal training actions that must be posted:

a) information;

b) system-actors;

c) integrative;

d) Traditional.

7. System-actuator approach as the methodological basis of the FGSA enshrines the priority of educational training. Select Signs of Educational Training:

a) based on the principle of availability;

b) relies on a combination of individual, group and frontal forms of training;

c) focused on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge;

d) relies on the nearest zone;

e) the first plan are educational tasks, solving their students, absorb general methods of mental activity.

8. The development of the main educational program LLC refers to the competence:

a) the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

b) the Department of Education of the Vologda Region;

c) the founder of the educational institution;

d) educational institution.

9. In which document, the requirements for the main educational program of LLC are prescribed?

but) Charter of the educational institution;

b) F. State LLC;

c) P. rimmer educational program LLC;

d) the fundamental core of the content of education.

10. The main educational program of LLC contains the following sections (choose correct):

11. In the requirements for the structure of the main educational program LLC, the presence of a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants of the educational process. What is their ratio?

a) 80% and 20%;

b) 60% and 40%;

c) 50% and 50%;

d) 70% and 30%.

12. Relate the objectives of the implementation of the main educational program LLC with sections and subprogrammes aimed at implementing them:


Sections and subroutines

1). Providing planned results of OOP LLC

a) program of education and socialization

2). Formation of target installations, knowledge, skills, skills, competencies and competencies

b) curriculum

3). Accounting of personal, family, public, state needs and educational opportunities

in) Program of individual training items, courses

4). The formation and development of the personality in its individuality, identity, uniqueness, uniqueness

d) Target section OOOP

("Planned results of development of educational OOP")

5). Accounting for individual features of the development of learning and health

e) UUD development program

13. What is not part of universal training actions:

a) Personal block

b) regulatory block

c) cognitive block

d) heating Block

e) communicative block

14. Complete the offer:

If under meta-remote results in primary school Meet the developed universal training actions, key competencies and interprecotement, then on average, the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independently plan, exercise learning activities, build ....

a) development program;

b) individual educational trajectory;

c) life plans;

d) relationship.

15. Personal universal actions - this ... (exclude more superfluous):

a) the ability to relate actions and events with accepted ethical principles;

b) knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of the behavior;

c) orientation of social roles;

d) orientation in interpersonal relationships;

e) knowledge of the basics of religion.

16. Regulatory actions - this ... (eliminate superfluous):

a) goaling;

b) planning;

c) forecasting;

d) attention;

e) control;

e) correction;

g) evaluation;

h) self-regulation.

17. What is not included in the block of educational universal training actions:

a) logical actions;

b) general work;

in) estimated actions;

d) actions of setting and solving problems.

18. The program of education and socialization of students on the level of Ltd. should be built on the basis of the basic national values \u200b\u200bof Russian society such as patriotism, social solidarity, citizenship, family, work and creativity, science, traditional religions of Russia, art and literature, nature, humanity. Which value is missed?

and love

b) Health

c) Happiness

d) communication

19. The system of assessing the achievement of the planned results of the development of OOP LLC must (choose an excess):

(a) Provide an integrated approach to assessing the results of the development of the main educational program of basic general education, which allows for the assessment of subject, meta-concrete and personal results of basic general education;

b) orient the educational process to assess objective knowledge;

c) to evaluate the dynamics of individual achievements of students in the process of mastering the basic general education program of the main general education;

d) provide for the use of a variety of methods and forms, mutually complementary each other (standardized written and oral works, projects, practical work, creative work, self-analysis and self-assessment, observation);

20. In accordance with the requirements of GEF, the component of the final assessment of the graduate of the main school is an assessment for the implementation and protection of the project. Determine the type (types) of this project:

a) individual;

b) social;

c) group;

D) game.

21. Choose aspects of communicative Wood:

but) planning of educational cooperation;

b) ownership of monologic and dialogic forms of speech;

in) partner behavior management;

d) establishment of causal relations;

e) forecasting.

22. Specify the correct definition of the work program:

but) The work program allows you to fully take into account and reflect the national-regional component (taking into account the specifics of the participated training course, subjects, disciplines (module)), the author's design of the teacher, the possibility of methodological, information, technical support of the educational process, the level of training of students, the specifics of training in a specific educational institution.

b) the work program is a curriculum developed by the authors of the UMC based on Sample program For a specific educational institution and a certain class (group), having changes and additions in the content, sequence of study, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of training, etc.

c) workers The program is based on Fundamental nucleus Contents of general education and requirements for the results of general education presented in the Federal State Standard of General Education. It also takes into account the main ideas and positions of the development program and the formation of universal training actions, are given general recommendations of a methodical nature.

23. To recruitment conditions for the introduction and implementation of GEF LLCnot applicable :

a) raising the qualifications of pedagogical workers and heads of educational institutions;

in) creating a teacher self-development program;

d) ensuring continuity relative to the initial level of general education;

e) providing permanent scientific and methodological and information support to educators.


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