Approximate educational program for ABS. Types of educational programs for children with OVD

Approximate educational program for ABS. Types of educational programs for children with OVD

Speech material with a presentation at a seminar on the topic "Adapted educational program for children with ABS as a means of implementing an inclusive educational process"

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"AOP for children with ABS as a means of implementing an inclusive educational process"

Adapted educational program for children with APV as a means of implementing an inclusive educational process

One of the indicators of the effective work of the pedagogical team in the implementation of inclusive practice is a flexible, individualized approach to the creation of special training conditions and education for a child with disabilities.

Such an approach is manifested primarily in the development of a variable individual educational route of a child with ABS within the framework of the educational organization, the development of an adapted educational program, the creation of an inclusive educational environment, special educational conditionscorresponding to the needs of different categories of children with ABS.

The creation of special educational conditions necessary for children with APP of all categories is divided into the following general directions: organizational provision, psychological and pedagogical and recruitment.

The program-methodical support of the inclusive educational process is reflected in three documents:

- a correctional work program, which is an integral part of the main educational program developed by the educational organization based on the recommended list of general education programs,

Adapted main general education program (AOOP) (underlies)

An adapted educational program (AOP) developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Adapted main educational program - This is a program adapted to teach certain categories of persons with disabilities, including disabilities.

The program is aimed at "overcoming the inconsistency between the process of teaching a child with ABS on educational programs of the initial, main, average general Education And the real possibilities of the child, based on the structure of its violation, cognitive needs and opportunities. "

A competently built adapted educational program for a student with ATS allows to ensure the personal development of the schoolchildren, the assimilation of educational material and socialization in the children's team.

An adapted educational program, like any other program, developed by specialists of educational organizations, should be approved by the head and is designed and implemented for the child in need with the consent of the parents (legal representatives), which is also enshrined in regulatory documents in the field of education.

Structure of an adapted educational program of primary general education (AOP NOO) for students with APV

1. Target section

In an explanatory note The adapted educational program is given psychological and pedagogical characteristics and description of the special educational needs of students with HSA, and, accordingly, the key ideas of organizing an educational process for this category of students in the initial learning step.

Planned results The development of educational AOPs NEO should reflect subject, meta-subhead and personal learning results for each direction for each educational area.

Evaluation System Achievements of the planned results of the development of AOP makes not only the requirements for subject, metapred and personal results, but also the requirements for the use of knowledge and skills in practice, to the activity and independence of the child, as well as special requirements for the development of the life competence of the student in accordance with its individual capabilities.

"The program of formation of universal academic action» It is built on the basis of an activity approach to learning and allows you to implement the correctional and developing potential of education of students with ABS and is designed to promote the development of universal training actions that provide students to learn.

Curriculum programs, correctional and developmental courses Provide the achievement of planned subject results of the program. It is important to note the material and technical support: the office, lighting, workplace, etc.

Program of spiritual and moral development, upbringing It is aimed at organizing the moral embodiment of school life, including educational, educational, extracurricular, socially significant activities of students with APV, based on a system of spiritual values, moral priorities implemented in the joint socio-pedagogical activity of the school, family and other subjects of public life.

Program for the formation of ecological culture, healthy and safe lifestyle A comprehensive program of formation from students with HDS knowledge, installations, personal landmarks and behaviors that ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health.

Special attention deserves the program correction work. According to the GEF of primary general education, the program of correctional work should provide:

Identifying the special educational needs of children with ABS due to the disadvantages in their physical and (or) mental development;

The implementation of individually oriented psychological and medical and pedagogical assistance to children with ABS, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and the individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission);

The possibility of developing children with ABS of the main educational program of primary general education and their integration in an educational organization. In GEF projects for students with ABS, the functions of the Correctional Work Program are defined, which are to identify the special educational needs of students with ABS.

The program of extracurricular activities Its essence and the main value is to provide additional conditions for the development of interests, the inconsistencies, the abilities of students with OVI, organize their free time.

3. Organizational section

Includes Syllabus implementing AOP ENO students with the CPR fixes the total load, the maximum volume of the audited load of the students, the composition and structure of mandatory subject areas, distributes the school time allocated to their development on classes and educational subjects.

Special attention deserves system of conditions of implementation AOP, which includes a description of the conditions and resources of the educational organization, the substantiation of the necessary changes in the existing conditions, taking into account the special educational needs of students with APFs and the requirements of the GEF, a description of the assessment system of the AOP NEO implementation conditions for students with ABS.


1. Target section

1.1. Description

1) the objectives of the adapted educational program of general education in accordance with the requirements of GEF to the results of the development of educational educational programs of the NEO.

2) Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, a description of the special educational needs of students.

3) the key ideas of the organization of the educational process for students with APV at the initial stage of the school (principles and approaches to the formation of AOP NOO and the composition of the participants in the educational process of the educational institution; the overall characteristics of AOP NOO; general approaches to the organization of extracurricular activities).

1) the formation of universal educational actions, personal and metapredal results.

2) subject results of the development of academic disciplines (academic achievements).

2) Requirements for subject, meta-concrete and personal results at this level of education.

5) Special requirements for the development of vital competence.

6) Forms of certification.

1) Communication of universal academic actions with the content of training items.

2) Characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal educational actions.

1) general provisions (characteristics of the educational subject; description of the place of the study subject in the curriculum; Description value landmarks content of the educational subject; Personal, meta-concrete and subject results of the development of a specific educational subject).

3) Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

1) Objective, tasks, main directions of work on spiritual and moral education and development of students.

2) the planned results of spiritual and moral development and upbringing (social competencies, behavior models).

2.4. Program of formation of ecological culture, healthy and safe lifestyle

1) goals, objectives, planned results of the educational organization for the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle.

2) The main directions and a list of organizational forms of work on the formation of an environmental culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle.

1) List, content and plan for the implementation of individually oriented correctional measures, ensuring the satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with APV, their integration in an educational institution and the development of AOP NOO.

3) a description of the special conditions of training and education of children with ABS (including a barrier-free environment, the use of special educational programs and methods of training and education, special textbooks, training aids and didactic materials, technical means of teaching collective and individual use, the provision of tuttor services , conducting group and individual correctional classes).

4) models and technologies for the implementation of correctional work in the educational organization.

5) planned results of correctional work.

3. Organizational section

3.1. Syllabus

1) Base curriculum.

2) the working curriculum of the educational institution.

2) the rationale for the necessary changes in the existing conditions in accordance with the objectives of the AOP of the Educational Institution, taking into account the special educational needs of students and the requirements of GEF. 3) mechanisms for achieving the necessary changes in the system of conditions.

In our school, preparations for the introduction of new standards, the following events became training for children with ABS:

    a diagnostic stage with 1-graders was carried out, to identify children with ABS: documents, medical cards were studied, and parents were interviewed.

    a package of documents on the implementation of GEF for children with OVD (order, local act ...)

    developed AOP NOO for children with OVD

    the Cabinet of the psychologist, in which there is an equipment ... A psychologist is ready to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support of students educational activities.

    the Cabinet of the Social Pedagogue, which has the social protection of the student and their development in society.

    equipped with a bathroom ????

    pedagogue on the topic "Preparations for the introduction of GEF NOO students with OVD"

Thus, the concept of GEF for students with ABS asks targeted and informative guidelines in ensuring the rights of children with ABS on education through the creation of an adapted educational program, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and special educational needs of children, the organization of integrated assistance in the process of development and training, the implementation of inclusive educational process.

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Adapted educational program for children with APV as a means of implementing an inclusive educational process

Compiled by Avdeenko Elena Alexandrovna,

primary school teacher


"Education is the right of every person who is of great importance and potential.

The principles of liberty, democracy and sustainable development are built on education ...

... there is nothing more important, no other mission, except for education for everyone ... "

Kofi Annan.

Justification of the need to develop special GEF EMO for children with disabilities (OBA)

  • The right of children with disabilities for education and its implementation in practice.
  • Children with disabilities - inhomogeneous group of schoolchildren.
  • Modern trends in changing the composition of schoolchildren with ABS.
  • Children with OVD are children with special educational needs.

Software-methodical support:

  • correctional program;
  • adapted basic general education

aOOP program;

  • adapted educational program AOP


Adapted educational program - This is a program adapted for learning persons with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensuring the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons.

AOP goal: Building an educational process for a child with ABS in accordance with its real capabilities, based on the features of its development and educational needs.


  • formation of training skills and skills;
  • mastering knowledge of the basics of sciences;
  • activation of interest in artistic and technical creativity, attachment to the cultural values \u200b\u200bof humanity;
  • individualization of learning, given the state of their health, individual-typological features.

Address in the program:

  • deaf;
  • weighted;
  • late boilers;
  • blind;
  • visually impaired;
  • with impaired musculoskeys

apparatus (node),

  • delay in mental development (CPR);
  • severe speech violations (TNR);
  • disorders of the autistic spectrum (races).


1. Target

3. Organizational


1. Target

1. 1. Explanatory note

1) the objectives of the implementation of the AOP of general education in accordance with the requirements of the GEF to the results of the development of the educational educational program of the NEO.

2) Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students , Description of the special educational needs of students.

3) Key ideas of organizing an educational process for students with ABS at the initial stage of the school (principles and approaches to the formation of AOP NOO and the composition of the participants of the educational process).

1. Sale section

1.2. Planned results of development of educational AOP NOO

  • Formation of UUD.

1.3. The system of assessing the achievement of the planned results of the development of AOP NOO

2) Subsection of the development of academic disciplines.

1) A description of the directions and objectives of valuation activities, an object and content of the assessment, criteria, procedures and the composition of the assessment tools, the forms of representing the results, the conditions and boundaries of the application of the evaluation system.

2) Requirements for subject, meta-concrete and personal results at the initial level of education.

3) Personal learning outcomes for each direction (development of vital competence).

3) Requirements for the use of knowledge and skills in practice.

4) Requirements for the activity and independence of the application of knowledge and skills in practice.

2.1. Program for the formation of universal training actions

1) Communication URU with the content of training items.

2.2. Programs of individual learning items

2) characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative Wood.

2.3. Program of spiritual and moral development

2) Description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

1) Objective, tasks, main directions of work on the DNV and the development of students.

3) Typical tasks of the formation of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal training actions.

2) the planned results of spiritual and moral development and upbringing.

3) Forms of organization of educational measures that allow students to explore and in practice to use the knowledge gained.

2.4. Program of formation of zozh

1) Objectives, tasks, planned results of work on the formation of an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle.

2.5. Program of correctional work

2) Main directions and list of work forms.

1) List, content and plan for implementing individually oriented correctional measures to develop AOP NOO.

2.6. The program of extracurricular activities

2) a system of comprehensive psychological and medical and pedagogical support of children with ABS in the conditions of the educational process.

1) General provisions, goals, tasks of extracurricular activities.

2) the main content and organizational and methodological conditions of extracurricular activities.

3) a description of the special conditions of training and education of children with ABS; Models and technologies.

4) planned results of correctional work.

3) goals, objectives and content of individual directions of extracurricular activities of the school.

4) courses of extracurricular activities implemented in the educational organization.

3. Organizational section

3.1. Syllabus

1) Base curriculum.

3.2. System of the conditions for the implementation of AOP NOO

2) the working curriculum of the educational organization.

1) Description of the conditions and resources of the educational organization.

2) the substantiation of the necessary changes in the existing conditions in accordance with the objectives of the AOP Educational Organization AOP, taking into account the special educational needs of students and the requirements of GEF.

3) Explanatory note to the working curriculum.

3) mechanisms for achieving the necessary changes in the system of conditions.

4) Schedule (roadmap) to create the required system of conditions.

5) The system of assessing the conditions for the implementation of AOP NOO for students with OVD.

Thanks for attention!

Colleagues, congratulations

with the beginning of the school year !!!

Training of children with ABS is carried out on adapted educational programs. Such programs are developed for groups of children:

BUT - with similar problems (deaf, weakly impaired and late boilers, blind, visually impaired children, children with impaired musculoskeletal system, with severe speech disorders, with a delay in mental development, with impaired autistic spectrum, multiple developmental impairment);

B - with similar educational needs , differentiated in the group of children with similar problems (for example, in the group of children with disorders of the autistic spectrum (RAC), the following groups are allocated:
- Children with races that reach the development of the level of development close to the organization, have a positive experience of communicating with peers;
- children with races that do not reach the development level of development close to the age norm and do not have additional health restrictions that prevent education in the conditions that take into account their general and special educational needs;
- children with races complicated by light mental retardation (intellectual violations);
- Children with races with additional heavy multiple developmental disorders: mental backwardness in moderate, severe or deep degree, which can be combined with violations of vision, musculoskeletal system and to be varying severity, be complicated by current somatic diseases and mental disorders).

Each of these groups developed educational programs with their own characteristics (2-4 options). And, for example, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the initial general education of students with ABS (will enter into force on September 1, 2016) for children with races with additional severe multiple developmental disorders, it is provided for, on the basis of the educational program, development for each child Special Individual Development Program, taking into account the individual educational needs of the learner.

Features of adapted educational programs are established by federal state standards.

Currently act:

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 № 373),
- Federal State Educational Standard of the General General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897),
- Federal State Educational Standard of Middle General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 17.05.2012 No. 413).

From September 1, 2016, the educational relationship arising from the specified date will be applied:

  • federal State Educational Standard of the Primary General Education Education with ABS (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 1598);
  • federal State Educational Standard Education Study with Mental Nativehood (intellectual violations) (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2014 N 1599).

Determination of the version of the educational program for studying with APV is carried out on the basis of recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission (PMPC), Formulated according to the results of its comprehensive psychological and medical and pedagogical examination, and if there is a learning disability, taking into account the individual rehabilitation program (IPR), a disabled child and the opinions of his parents (legal representatives).

For each type of similar developmental disorders, children have several options for educational programs. In the process of mastering the educational program the possibility of transition of learning from one version of the program to another. The translation of the student with one version of the program to another is carried out by the educational organization on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the results of the development of the educational program, on the recommendation of the PMPC and, taking into account the opinion of the parents (legal representatives) in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Installed certain requirements for adapted educational programs for:

  • deaf children
  • low-impaired and late boilers
  • blind children
  • visually impaired children
  • children with impaired musculoskeletal system
  • children with severe speech violations
  • children with mental delay
  • children with impaired autistic spectrum
  • children with mental retardation

For children S. multiple disorders of development Requirements for adapted educational programs are indicated in the latest training for children with similar health problems (for example, the second way of learning children with mental retardation provides for the requirements for learning children with mental retardation, which can be combined with local or systemic violations, hearing, reference motor apparatus, disorders of an autistic spectrum, an emotional-volitional sphere, expressed in varying severity). These requirements can be found in the appropriate section of the table (extreme right column).

Particular attention should be paid to mandatory correctional courses, which are provided for by federal state educational standards from September 1, 2016. Mandatory Correctional Courses provided for by standards can be supplemented by an educational organization on their own on the basis of the recommendations of the PMPC and taking into account IPRs.

Section I.Program passport

Section II.

2.1. Characteristics of the contingent of students with ABS

2.2. Characteristics of the educational process for children with OVD

2.3.The scientific, methodical, personnel and logistical support of the educational process of students with ABS

2.4. Analysis educational space Schools.

Section I.V.. The main approaches to the organization of educational space schools.

4.2. Organization of psychological - medical and pedagogical and social accompaniment of students with OVD.

4.3. Organization of educational work and additional education of students with ABS.

4.5. Pedagogical technologies that ensure the implementation of the program

4.7. Monitoring the educational process of students in OVD.

SectionV.. Control and managing the implementation of an adapted educational program.



Municipal educational budget institution

"Secondary school № 3 of the city district" City Yakutsk "

Adapted educational program

for students

with disabilities

for 2016-2017 academic year

yakutsk 2016

Section I. Program passport

Section II. Conceptual bases of work Mobu Sosh№ 3 with children with OVD

2.1. Characteristics of the contingent of students with ABS

2.2. Characteristics of the educational process for children with OVD

2.3.The scientific, methodical, personnel and logistical support of the educational process of students with ABS

2.4. Analysis of the educational space of the school.

Section III. Priority directions, goal and task of school work with children with OVD.

Section IV. The main approaches to the organization of educational space schools.

4.2. Organization of psychological - medical and pedagogical and social accompaniment of students with OVD.

4.3. Organization of educational work and additional education of students with ABS.

4.4. Characteristics of activities and objectives solved by the subjects of the educational process for students with APV
4.5. Pedagogical technologies that ensure the implementation of the program

4.6. System of certification of students with OVD.
4.7. Monitoring the educational process of students in OVD.

Section V. Control and managing the implementation of an adapted educational program.

Section I. Program passport

Name of the program

Adapted educational program for students with limited health capabilities MOBU SOSH№3

Grounds for program development

In its activities, the school is guided by the charter, federal laws, decrees and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, the regulations and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, international acts in the field of protecting the rights of the child and its legitimate interests.

The program is based on the federal legal framework:

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Sanpine sanitary rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general educational institutions"(Dated 10.06.2015« № 26,).

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Law of the Russian Federation "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child"

Customer program

Administration MOBU SOSH №3

Program Coordinator

Administration MOBU SOSH №3

The main developer of the program

Administration Mobu Sosh No. 3, creative group.

Strategic goal of the program

With Location Mobu Sosh No. 3 human adapted environment for children with mental delay and a special medical and pedagogical environment for mentally retarded students in order to socially rehabilitate their and subsequent integration in the modern socio-economic and cultural and moral space.

Strategic tasks of the program

Program implementation periods

2016-2017 academic year.

The main activities of the program

The creation of the conditions in the School of the Conditions necessary to receive educational with HSAs, including the mentally backward study of the academic level of general education and labor knowledge, skills and skills necessary for the successful adaptation of this category of children in post-school space.

Qualitative organization of socio-personal rehabilitation of schoolchildren with mental retardation.

The formation of the schoolchildren of the ability to build their livelihoods in cultural, civilized forms: the influence of the ability to self-regulation of their activities, relations, behavior; Advanced goodwill, tolerance, compassion, empathy.

Creating safe conditions for learning and education of students.

Preserving and promoting the health of students based on the improvement of the educational process.

Qualitative increase in the level of professionalism of teachers working with educational with ABS.

Sources of financing of the program

Municipal budget

Expected results of the program and indicators of socio-economic efficiency

The achievement of the following correction performance indicators:

Early detection of children with a diagnosis of VII View and V View;

Preparation of students for state (final) certification;

Interaction with pre-school educational institutions on early diagnosis of developmental deviations.

Training pedagogical workers involved in an inclusive education system in order to master modern educational correctional technologies;

Ensuring items of an adapted educational program by electronic educational resources.

Program Execution Management System

The implementation of the adapted educational program is carried out by the school administration, the Pedagogical Council.

Decree on the approval of the program

Decision of the Pedagogical Council

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 79 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation") established: "... The content of education and the conditions for organizing training and education of students with disabilities (hereinafter referred to ) are determined by the adapted educational program, and for persons with disabilities also in accordance with the individual disabled rehabilitation program. " In this regard, the OO developed an adapted main educational program for the following categories of students:

Children with ABS, receiving education in the form of an individual

learning at home, including children with disabilities;

Children with OVI students in the form of full-time learning.

This program allows children with OVD:

Master the main educational program at the level accessible level;

Increase the level of personal development and education;

Fill the gaps of preceding training and upbringing;

Increase the level of cognitive and emotionally personal sphere.

And provides:

Organization of a barrier-free, developing subject environment;

Creating an emotional comfort atmosphere;

The formation of relationships in the spirit of cooperation and the adoption of the characteristics and capabilities of each child;

The use of variable forms of education;

Participation in the educational process of various specialists and teachers:

Pedagogian psychologist;

Teachers - subjects;


2. Target appointment of an adapted educational program

2.1. Promoting students with the limited health capabilities of high-quality education necessary for the implementation of educational queries and further professional self-determination;

2.2. Providing comprehensive psychological and social and pedagogical care and support for students with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives) in the development of the main educational program of primary, basic and secondary general education;

2.3. Social adaptation of children with disabilities through the individualization and differentiation of the educational process.

2.4. Formation of social competence students with disabilities, the development of adaptive personality abilities for self-realization in society.

3. Program tasks

3.1. Timely identification of children with difficulties of adaptation due to limited health capabilities.

3.2. Determination of special educational needs of children with disabilities, children with disabilities.

3.3. Creating conditions that contribute to the development of children with disabilities for the health capabilities of the main educational program of primary, basic or secondary general education and their integration in the educational organization.

3.4. Development and implementation of individual curricula, the organization of individual and (or) group classes for children with a pronounced violation in physical and (or) mental development.

3.5. Ensuring the possibility of learning and education on additional educational programs and obtaining additional educational services.

3.6. Consultative and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities for medical, social, legal and other issues.

4. Principles for the development and implementation of the program

5.1. The principle of humanization - implies the implementation of a personality-oriented approach aimed at general development Personality with OVD, its socialization, maximum integration into modern life.

5.2. The principle of an individual approach - implies the need to determine the individual purpose of education and training, the selection of detention, the choice of forms and teaching methods for each child with ABS, taking into account its professional and educational needs, opportunities and conditions of education.

5.3. The principle of systemicism - ensures the unity of education, diagnosis, correction and development of students with OVD, i.e. systems approach to analyze the characteristics of their development and correction of violations, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach to solving the problems of the child;

5.4. The principle of an integrated approach - implies integration of training and correction by incorporating into the working curriculum by a correctional component-oriented defective defects presented in the structure of student development violations.

5.5. The principle of continuity - guarantees the continuity of pedagogical assistance to students with ABS to a complete solution to the problem or determining the approach to its solution.

5.6. The principle of integrated interaction of all participants in educational relations during the implementation of AOPs - implies the continuous cooperation of teachers, psychologists, the administration of the OU, medical professionals and other specialists for the most successful implementation The goals of student learning with AOP.

5.7. The principle of priority of independent forms of educational activities - implies the maximum activity and independence of the student during the training.

5. Conditions for the implementation of the program

Organizational conditions

This program provides for variable forms of learning and various options Special accompaniment of students with disabilities. These may be forms of learning in a general education class on a common educational program or by an individual program; Using home and (or) remote forms of learning.

Psychological and pedagogical support includes:

Optimal learning mode;

Correctional orientation of the educational process;

Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child;

Compliance with a comfortable psycho-emotional regime;

Use of modern pedagogical technologies;

Wellness and security mode;

Strengthening physical and mental health;

Prevention of physical, mental and psychological overloads of students;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and norms;

Participation of all children with disabilities, regardless of the severity of violations of their development, together with normally developing children in educational, cultural and entertainment, sports and well-being leisure events.

This work is ensured by the interaction of the following specialists and teachers:

Pedagogian psychologist;

Teachers - subjects;

Classroom teacher;


Feldscher controls compliance with SanPiN requirements2. of June 102015 №26

Pedagogue - a psychologist diagnoses the emotional sphere, aesthetic and cognitive needs and assists the child and parents (legal representatives) in solving complex socio-emotional problems.

Together with the deputy on legal issues, the teacher - psychologist and paramedic, the complex psychological and pedagogical and medical and social accompaniment of students in order to create conditions for their most complete self-organization and the development of educational programs is carried out by the class teacher and teachers - subject.

Software-methodical support:

UMK "Planet Knowledge" 1-4 CL. and work programs for educational subjects;

Diagnostic and correctional and developing tools necessary for the implementation of the professional activity of the teacher, the teacher-psychologist, social teacher;

Digital educational resources.

Personnel support:

Education of children with ABS carry out teachers of relevant qualifications. The level of qualifications for each position occupied corresponds to the qualification characteristics in the relevant position.

Information Support

using modern information and communication technologies IEF

Creating a system of wide access of children with disabilities, parents (legal representatives), teachers for network sources of information, information and methodological funds involving the availability of methodological benefits and recommendations for all areas and types of activities, visual aids, multimedia, audio and video materials .

Working programs for students with ABS are compiled on the basis of exemplary programs on subjects. They comply with the requirement of FCGOS and GEF. Programs determine the objectives and objectives of the study of the subject, possible levels of development of educational material, criteria and methods for assessing educational results. The content of the programs provides the ability to study objects, both at the level of basic general education, and at the universal and profile levels of secondary general education. The number of hours, allocated to the study of software, is planned based on the individual curriculum.

7. Pedagogical technologies, forms and methods of teaching

And raising children with OVD

7.1. Technologies of modern traditional learning.

Traditional training provides for a cool-term training organization that allows you to ensure:

Systematic training;

Logically correct learning of educational material;

And optimize resource costs when learning.

7.2. Technologies based on personal orientation of the educational process. This group of pedagogical technologies is characterized by the orientation on the properties of the personality, its formation and development in accordance with the natural abilities of a person, the maximum implementation of the possibilities of children. It is represented by the technologies of pedagogy cooperation, implementing a humane and personal approach to a child using an activating and developing didactic complex that exercise pedagogylation. ambient. Working with the application of these technologies ensures the most complete immersion of students in the pedagogical process, "accommodation" in itself the peculiarities of such interaction of the participants in the pedagogical process, which is characterized by a humane and personality and more, an individual approach to the child.

7.3. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activity. Implement the principle of activity of the child in the educational process, motivation, the awareness of consumption in the assimilation of knowledge and skills is achieved, compliance with the social needs of students, their parents and social environment.

The group of these technologies includes game technologies, problem learning, communicative technology elements of which are implementing school teachers.

7.4. Gaming technologies (mostly cognitive and business games) are widely used at all levels of training, since they are a universal way to transfer experience of older generations, and in the structure of the game as an activity, goals are organically entering, planning, the purpose of the goal, the analysis of the results in which the identity is implementing oneself as a subject of activity.

7.5. Problem learning is such an organization of training sessions, which involves creating a teacher's problem situations and active independent activities of students to resolve them, resulting in creative mastering knowledge, skills and skills and the development of mental abilities. Problem learning is an important preparatory step towards achieving competence as a predicted level of education, preparations for solving educational and life tasks.

7.6. Information (computer) technology ensure the development of skills to work with information, develop the communicative abilities of students, form research skills, the ability to make optimal solutions, allow everyone to work at an optimal pace and on an optimal content for it. Thus, students are trained to life in the information society and the development of professional educational programs.

8. Certification of students

Certification of students with APV is carried out in the form:

Current and intermediate certification in accordance with the local regulatory acts of the OO;

State (final certification) in line with regulatory documents for the conduct of OGE (GEE) and EGE (HBE).

9. Individual curriculum

For students with APV, students studying at home, an individual curriculum can be drawn up. An individual curriculum (IUE) is a set of training items (courses) selected for the development of students with ABS from the curriculum of a general education organization based on the federal basis curriculum. It provides the ability to achieve the requirements of the standard while maintaining the variability of education.

10. Stages of the program and responsible for their implementation

1. Collecting and analyzing information about children with APV (psychologist, deputy. Director for OIA, Feldsher and Class Leader):

Assessment of the contingent of students for accounting for the features of the development and education of children;

Determination of abilities and needs;

Evaluation of the educational environment in order to comply with the requirements of software and methodological support, logistical and personnel base of the school.

2. Planning, organization and coordination of activities (administration, psychologist, hands. Shmu, teachers - subjects):

Organization of the educational process for children with OVD;

Ensuring special accompanies of children with APV by different specialists and teachers;

Development of working programs.

3. Preparation of a material technical base to create an affordable barrier-free environment (administration, deputy. Director for AHC):

Acquisition of a correctional - developing software package complete with a special programmable keyboard;

Equipment of the gym and sports grounds by a modular set for disabled people;

Picking library with special adaptive techniques for disabled.

Creation of comfortable conditions and equipment of recreation areas and expectations for children with OVD.

3. Diagnostics and control (administration):

Diagnostics of compliance of the created conditions and selected educational programs by the special educational needs of the child;

Control over the results of the development of educational programs;

Control and diagnostics of student training, compliance with the requirements of FKGOS and GEF.

4. Regulation and adjustment (administration, psychologist, teachers - subjects):

Making the necessary changes to the educational process and the process of accompanying children with disabilities;

Adjusting the conditions and forms of training, methods and techniques of work.

11. Estimated implementation results of the program

Creating a comfortable and accessible environment in training, development and education of children with APV:

Contributing to high quality and affordable education;

Providing joint training of children with OVIs and children who do not have violations of development;

Providing social adaptation and integration in the society of children with disabilities.

Section II. Conceptual basis of school work with students with disabilities.

2.1. Characteristics of the contingent of students with OVD

Municipal general education budget institution Secondary school №3.

Parents of children with OVD school age He expressed a desire to train them at the place of residence in Mobu SOSH No. 3 for this reason in the 2016-2017 academic year in the contingent of students with ABS:

Y type (with severe speech violation) -3

Yii type (children with mental delay) -8

2 class -1 people. (Home Training)

Children - invalid -0

6 people Children with CPR are predominantly children with normal intelligence who have no motivation to study, or there is a lagging in mastering school skills (reading, letters, accounts).

The absence of concentration and rapid dispersion of attention leads to the fact that it is difficult for them or cannot be operated in a large group and independently perform tasks. In addition, excessive mobility and emotional problems are the reasons for the fact that these children, despite their capabilities, do not reach the desired results in the school.

A well-structured material is needed with a student with the CRA.

For children with CPR, learning without coercion, based on interest, success, trust, reflection studied. It is important that schoolchildren through the performance of the tasks affordable and character, personally oriented tasks believed in their capabilities, experienced a sense of success, which should be the strongest motive that causing the desire to learn.

3 people - children with OVD V species. This student has serious violations in intellectual development and in the context of training in a secondary school requires the most close attention. This child has a systemic violation of severe speech, low logical thinking, lack of operational and long-term memory

The school implements the spectrum of educational services in its activities: primary general, basic general education and additional education

2.2. Characteristics of the educational process regime for children with HSA (students inclusive in classes)

School work mode - 6 days.

Start of classes at 8.15 -1 shift,

The duration of the lesson is 40 minutes 2-10 classes. In grade 1, the stepwise learning mode.

Duration of change from 10-30 minutes.

Training period - 4 training quarters, the duration of the school year is 35 weeks.

Form of education: full-time.

Maximum learning load:

2 cl. (Home Training) - 8 hours

The organization of the educational process is conducted in order to protect the life and health of students. Training and education carry correctional and developing nature, accompanied during the school year by the work of psychological and medical and pedagogical consultation (consultation with a psychologist)

The school hosts regular medical examinations, conversations in the lessons and cool clock With the invitation of specialists. The lessons apply health-saving technologies. Monthly years of health, sports competitions take place in school. Organized: Summer holiday at school, didactic pauses between the lessons.

Extracurricular activities are organized in the afternoon through the work on additional education programs.

The institution has the following security measures: fire alarm, visitors' accounting log. Students with ABS are constantly held conversations on safety, according to traffic rules, trainings.

2.3. Scientific and methodical, personnel and material and technical support of the educational process for students with ABS.

At school on September 1, 2016teach 3. A person working with this category of children. Among them there are no specialists who have a special educationto work with children with OVD, therefore, it is necessary to improve the qualifications in special courses. According to the plan of the school, 10 people are expected to train at special courses. In order to ensure the development of children with disabilities for the health capabilities of the main educational program of primary and basic general education, the correction of the shortcomings of their physical and mental development is in the staffing of the educational institution a pedagog institution rate.

The level of knowledge of teachers is increased by self-education, organization and conduct of seminars, master classes, consultations with specialists working in this area.

Material and technical equipment

The following special purpose rooms are operating at school: Cabinet: informatics, technology, biology, history, Russian language, primary classes, physics, mathematics, library, dining room, sports ground.

Material and technical resources for informatization of the educational process: all computers -65,

  • in subject cabinets - 50,
  • computer classes - 1,
  • total number of computers in computer classes - 14,
  • computers in the library - 1,
  • computers connected to the Internet - 50,
  • interactive boards -,

Food is a two-time.

Educational - Methodical Kit for Pupils of ZPR UMK "Planet Knowledge"includes:




Bashmakov M.I.

The world

Ivchenkova G.G.

Russian language

Yolovskaya L.Ya.

Literary reading

Katz E.E.



Pierorova O.V.


Sokolnikova N.M.

Physical education

Lisitskaya TS


Baklanov T.I.




Bashmakov M.I.

The world

Ivchenkova G.G.

Russian language

Yolovskaya L.Ya.

Literary reading

Katz E.E.


Bykov N.I., Duli D.


Pierorova O.V.


Sokolnikova N.M.

Physical education

Lisitskaya TS


Baklanov T.I.

The foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia

Saplin E.V., Saplin A.I.

Material and technical equipment allows you to create the necessary conditions To implement the concept of inclusive education. For the next academic year, one of the tasks facing the pedagogical team will be the maximum attention to children experiencing difficulties in school. The program is maximally adapted to the school conditions and the possibilities of students. The program takes into account the peculiarities of cognitive activity with the delay in mental development and mentally retarded children. It is aimed at the versatile development of the personality of students, contributes to their mental development, provides civil, moral, labor, aesthetic and physical education. The program contains material that helps students achieve the level of general educational knowledge and skills, labor skills, which is necessary for them for social adaptation. It specifies the ways and means of correction of the shortcomings of the general, speech, physical development and moral education of the mentally retarded children in the process of mastering each educational subject, as well as in the process of labor learning. However, logistical equipment and CMDs available in Mobusosh No. 3 do not fully create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the concept of inclusive education.

2.4. Analysis of the educational space of the school

The educational activity of the school is aimed at solving social problems, the specific needs of parents and children, takes into account the four fundamental principles: to teach live, teach live together, to teach learning, to teach to work - socialization, labor rehabilitation, adaptation in the society of students.

When working with children with APV, attention is paid to the following points:

Government order;

Educational needs;

Waiting for parents;

The needs of teachers;

Satisfying expectations of vocational education institutions.

Social order

Estimated ways to implement it

Department of execution of the order

1. Cooking and strengthening the health of children

Diagnosis of physical, mental, moral health of students;

Improvement of medical care;

Creation of a gentle and security regime of the educational process;

Development of sports and recreation work;


Cooperation with PMPK G.Irbit;

Class health sheet;

Scientation of students in accordance with the schedule; Dynamic pauses, physical attacks;

Gaming zones in classes;

Conducting days of health;

Participation in Sports Events and District

Power control by the school commission, the administration.

2. Qualitative and effective education.

Profile labor education;

Work on individual curriculum;

Homing form of training;

3. Expand the possibilities of additional education.

Strengthening the humanistic, cultural, moral aspect of additional education.

The introduction of new courses extra. education at school;

Participation in municipal competitions;

4. Socialization of students

Moral education;

Socio-household orientation;

Cool clock;

Parent meetings;

Visiting exhibitions;


Classes with access to social objects;

5. Perfection methodical work at school.

Expansion of search techniques, the use of modern pedagogical technologies (including information);

Strengthening the direction of methods for the development of communicability, dialogue culture of communication;

Communication of lessons, organization open lessons, seminars;

Optional, extracurricular activities, classes in the library;

Scene games, holidays;

6. Perfection - the subject matter

The creation of comfortable conditions for the vital activity of teachers and students in school, school life culture;

Registration of OU works of children

Organization of exhibitions;

Improving classrooms;

Equipment and re-equipment of school premises;

7. Perfection of the organizational and managerial component.

Strengthening management culture;

Ensuring the functional psychological-medical and pedagogical consultation.

Continuous modernization of the management system, the development of the functional duties of all control units, the provisions of all structures;

Planning the work of all units and structures;

Enhancing the role of pedal councils, MO, the planning of their work, monitoring the implementation of solutions.

Teachers working with children with special educational needs are carried out by studying students in order to identify their individual characteristics and determining the directions of developing work, record the dynamics of the development of students, keep records of the development of general education programs, fill the accompaniment cards on them.

The system of teaching children with the CPR provides for the conduct of corrective classes with students aimed at preparing for the assimilation of the educational material. Correction hours are conducted by a general education teacher.

  • Correction classes are given 2 hours a week outside the grid of the training schedule (they are not included in the clock of the maximum load of students). The duration of mandatory correctional classes with one student does not exceed 20-30 minutes. When conducting correctional classes, teachers take into account:
  • - the child to the teaching;
  • - Condition of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, speech);
  • -Postility;
  • - Durability;
  • -tematic work;
  • -these independently overcome difficulties in solving the tasks assigned;
  • - Help the help of the teacher.

Students, satisfactoryly absorbing educational material, are not attracted to individual classes. The content of individual classes is mostly aimed at the development of the student. In class, various types of practical activities are used: action with real objects, countable material, conditional graphics schemes and graphs are used, which makes it possible for wide preparation of students to solve a different type of tasks: the formation of spatial representations, the ability to compare and summarize the phenomena, analyze the words and summarize sentences, various structures; understanding of educational and artistic texts; Development of operating skills of own activities, control and verbal report. Forms with the help of objective and practical activities of the concepts that will be based on clear and bright images of real objects presented in a variety of connections with each other (relationships of generality, sequence, dependence and D.R.)

Special work in classes is dedicated to the correction not enough or incorrectly formed individual skills and skills, for example, calligraphy correction (skills to see the string, comply with the size and elements of letters, to connect them correctly), reading techniques (smoothness, fluency, expressiveness), speed, correctness, Ability to make a plan and retelling read.

In some cases, individual classes are needed for teaching acceptance of individual didactic benefits, schemes, charts, tables, a geographic map, as well as action algorithms for one or another rules, samples. Equally important is the individual training for memorizing poems, individual rules or laws, multiplication tables, etc.

Educational work at school is conducted In the following directions:

Civilian patriotic education;

Labor education;

Moral and aesthetic education;

Health and physical education.

Section III. Priority areas, purpose and objectives of the educational process as part of inclusive education.

The choice of priority areas of school work, determining the purpose and objectives of the activities of the pedagogical team with children with OBS is determined depending on the specific characteristics of the educational space of the school, namely:

  • social order for the provision of educational services for students with disabilities;
  • individual capabilities, abilities and interests of students with intellectual violations and their parents;
  • the actual state of physical and moral health of students; the need to maintain and develop a healthy lifestyle;
  • the need to intensify the formation of value orientations of students through a system of upbringing and additional education, providing meaningful educational and cultural leisure.

Thus, the organization of inclusive education at school is based on the principles of personality-oriented pedagogy, humanization of education and the variability of the content of education. In this adapted educational program, the following priority directions of the pedagogical team activity are formed:

  • implementation of training and education of the individual capable of adapting to society and find its place in life; the responsibility of the family, society and the state, respecting the right, freedom of other citizens, the Constitution and the laws capable of mutual understanding and cooperation between people,
  • ensuring the continuity of the initial general, the main general special (correctional) education;
  • creating conditions for the most efficient development (modifying disturbed functions) and social rehabilitation of a student with disabilities, for a conscious choice of profession through the organization of in-depth labor education,
  • implementation of additional education through the system of extracurricular and out-of-school activities;
  • ensuring measures that increase the effectiveness of social adaptation of students;
  • creating conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the physical and moral health of students.

Priority areas in the activities of the School in matters of inclusive education can be implemented only with a clear, complementary interaction of the main structural blocks:

  • pedagogical work providing basic education in accordance with the requirements of educational programs;
  • psychological work that ensures the correctional direction of training and education and the comfort of students in the framework of the educational space of the school;
  • additional education;
  • in-depth labor preparation, aimed at socializing students;
  • educational work that ensures the formation of value orientation of the individual;
  • the introduction of health-saving technologies that ensure the formation of a stereotype of a healthy lifestyle.

Main the purpose of the adapted educational programit is the creation of a humane medical and pedagogical environment in the school with the aim of socially rehabilitation of children with ABS, including the mentally retarded students and their subsequent integration in the modern socio-economic and cultural and moral space.

The adapted educational program provides for the solution of the main tasks:

Ensuring the conditions for the realization of the rights of students with ABS to receive free education;

Organization of high-quality correctional rehabilitation work with students with various forms of developmental deviations;

Preservation and strengthening the health of students with APV based on the improvement of the educational process;

The creation of a favorable psychological and pedagogical climate for the implementation of the individual abilities of students with ABS;

Expansion of the material base and resource support of the school to organize teaching children with OVD.;

Improving the personnel support system.

Expected final results of the program.

The adapted educational program MOBU SOSH№3 is implemented in two levels of education:

The first step is the initial general education - 4 years,

The second step is the main general education - 5 years.

Ensuring the quality of education for students in ABS.

Achieving positive indicators of correctional work:

Reducing the number of children with a diagnosis of VII view of an early learning step;

Preparation of students to state (final) certification;

Interaction with Dow "Sunny" on the early diagnosis of development deviations.

Increasing the number of pedagogical workers involved in the inclusive education system, which mastered modern educational correction technologies up to 50%.

Ensuring items of an adapted educational program by electronic educational resources up to 50%

At the first stage of learning- Pedagogical team elementary school It is called upon: to form a desire and ability to learn from children; humanize relations between students, teachers and students; help children with ABS gain experience of communication and cooperation; Motivate interest in knowledge and self-knowledge, and correlate broken cognitive processes, lay the foundations of the formation of personal qualities, to create conditions for the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, ensure their emotional well-being

N. and the second stage of learning, which is a continuation of the formation of cognitive interests of students and their self-educational skills, the pedagogical team of the basic school seeks to lay the foundation for the general educational training of schoolchildren necessary to master the general education program (in the absence of a child in a child in mental development, as well as for children VII of the species), professionally - Labor training and selection of students in the direction of vocational training (children v species and) taking into account their own abilities and opportunities; Create conditions for expressions of students on educational and extracurricular occupations at school.

Section IV. The main approaches and organization of the educational space of the school.
Explanatory note

to the curriculum of primary general education of children with mental retardation

Municipal Autonomous Communication Institution

Secondary school № 3

Training in the program A special (correctional) school is a training, raising, corrective nature. The main task of the program is the comprehensive correction and compensation for the deficiencies of the development of children and the formation of their personality as a whole.

The activities of the educational institution for this program are aimed at:

  • creation of conditions for education, training, recovery, social adaptation and integration into the society of children with disabilities;
  • correction of the shortcomings of the speech, mental, physical development of students;
  • correction of shortcomings of the intellectual, emotional-volitional sphere;

The curriculum is drawn up in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • 1. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ;
  • 2. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2002 No. 29/2065 -P "On approval of curricula of special / correctional / educational institutions for students, pupils with development deviations";
  • 3. Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation No. 48 of September 4, 1997 "On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions 1-8 of the species";
  • 6. "Hygienic requirements for training conditions in educational institutions, Sanpin
  • The curriculum is based on 1 version of the curriculum recommendedOrder of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2002 No. 29/2065-P "On approval of curricula of special / corrective / educational institutions for students, pupils with development deviations",with the adjustments proposed in the package of scientific and methodological materials for the directors of the Correction Schools Analytical Scientific and Methodical Center« Development and correction» Moscow, 2010, in the section "Upgraded curricula for correction schools"when preserving specific features of learning children with disabilities (Order No. 29/2065-P dated April 10, 2002), which provides for the required 9 year term of learning, as the most optimal for obtaining educational with intellectual lack of general education and vocational training, Required for social adaptation and rehabilitation of graduates.

In 1-4 classes the initial stage of learning is carried out, on which general education training is combined with correctional and propaedeutic work. At this stage of training, the level of complexity and depth of the child's development defect is determined, the possibility of mastering by a particular profession.

The curriculum consists of the following educational areas:

I. - general education;

P. - Labor preparation;

S. - Practical-oriented and corrective support

The first three educational areas are included in the mandatory load of students and give them the necessary amount and level of knowledge, skills, skills and competencies.

The task of general education and labor learning is to provide students with the level of knowledge, skills, skills and competencies that are necessary for their successful social adaptation.

Section I: General Trainingincludes the study of traditional mandatory learning items, the content of which is adapted to the possibilities of schoolchildren: Russian language (reading and writing), mathematics, environmental education, biology (natural science), history, social science (social studies), geography, from, singing and music, physical education.

A specific feature of training in a correctional school is to include in the mainstream of each training subject of a propaedeutic period aimed at the preparation of students in the assimilation of a particular educational material. The propaedeutic period is particularly important in grade 1, when all mental functions are developed involved in the formation of reading and writing skills, mathematical concepts, allowing to seize the score and solving simple tasks.

Russian language, As a training subject is the lead, since the success of all school learning depends on his absorption.

In a correctional schoollearning letter And reading is elementary and practical and is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

Teach schoolchildren correctly and meaningfully reading their understanding texts;

Develop quite strong skills of a competent letter;

Teach consistently and correctly state your thoughts in oral and writing;

Increase the level of overall development of students;

To form moral qualities of the person.

Special task of learning writingis the correction of speech and thinking of schoolchildren. The program on the letter includes sections: literacy training (1 cl.); reading (2-4 cl.,) and literary reading (5-9 cl.,) Letter (1 cl.,) And Russian language (2-9 cl.). The basic principle organizing these sections is the development of speech, since the process of mastering the speech in children of this category is significantly difficult due to the inferiority of their mental development.

The main task of learning reading is the formation of skillthe conscious reading of texts out loud and "to ourselves", the ability to express cure. Express your judgments about the events and actions of the main characters.

In 2-4 classes, students are formed by the skill of conscious reading.

Mathematics it is one of the main training items. The task of this subject is to:

Give training quantitative, spatial, temporary ideas that will help them in the future to engage in labor activity;

Increase the level of overall development of students, corrected the shortcomings of cognitive activity and personal qualities;

Educating focusing, patient, independence, control and self-control skills, develop accuracy and eye meter, the ability to plan work and bring the work started before completion.

On the study of geometric material in 1-4 cells. one lesson is given a week, in the lessons of mathematicski. Much attention is paid to practical exercises in measuring, drawing, modeling.

Mathematics training is a subject-practical orientation, closely associated with life and professional training of students.

Music it has a deep aesthetic effect on man. Through music, you can transfer a whole range of feelings and sentiment. Music is capable of expressively and brightly reflect the reality phenomena. Acting on students with artistic images, it enriches their skill deep and emotionally perceive the world, expanding their life experience.

The purpose of the lessons of singing and musicis an:

1. upbringing aesthetic feelings of students;

2. the formation of the elements of musical culture;

3. correction of the shortcomings of the cognitive activity of children and their emotional-volitional sphere.

artit provides comprehensive development, training and education of children - sensory, mental, aesthetic, labor, moral, physical.

Fine art solves the following tasks:

Contributes to the correction of the shortcomings of the cognitive activity of students, their development right perception forms, designs, values, colors of items, their positions in space, develops the ability to find significant signs in depicted, establish similarities and differences;

Contributes to the development of the study processes of analysis, synthesis, comparisons, generalizations;

Raises the ability to plan their work, schedule a sequence of drawing;

Forms drawing skills from nature, decorative drawing and ability to apply them in the process of educational, labor and socially useful activities.

To solve these tasks, the program provides for four types of classes:

Decorative drawing,

Drawing from nature,

Drawing on topics

Conversations about fine art.

Physical educationdecides educational, educational, correctional and compensatory and medical and wellness tasks and occupies one of the most important places in the preparation of schoolchildren to independently life and productive work.

Specific tasks physical education are:

Strengthening the health and hardening of the body, the formation of posture;

Formation and improvement of motor skills and skills;

Correction and compensation of physical development disorders;

Maintaining sustainable physical performance;

Message of available theoretical information on physical culture;

Education is quite sustainable interest in physical education classes;

Education of moral, moral - volitional qualities, perseverance, courage.

Section II. Labor training.

Training Labor in junior grades (1-4) is aimed at raising the positive qualities of the personality of the pupil (hard work, perseverance, the ability to work in a team, respect for labor people); Message of elementary knowledge by type of labor, the formation of labor qualities, training accessible techniques, the development of independence in labor, instilling interest in labor. Formation of organizational skills in labor: coming on time to classes, work only at its workplace, correctly position the materials and tools on it, to remove them at the end of work.

Along with these tasks, special tasks are solved, aimed at the correction of the mental activity of schoolchildren. Correctional work is expressed in the formation of skills: navigate the task (analyze objects, working conditions); Pre-planly plan work on the product (to establish a logical sequence of making crafts, determine the techniques and tools needed to perform their execution, make a report on the work done); Control your work (define the correctness of actions and results, assess the quality of finished products).

In the process of labor learning, the shortcomings of cognitive activity are being corrected: observation, imagination, speech, spatial orientation, as well as disadvantages of physical development, especially small motility hands.

Section III. Practical oriented and corrective support.

The special task of correction of specific violations, the difficulties of the formation of the vital knowledge, skills, skills and competencies available in pupils are carried out not only in the study of the main training items, but also in special occupations.

Correctional classes in junior classes (1-4) includeclasses for the development of oral speech and the world around.This is a specific subject, whose tasks include the formation of elementary representations and the concepts necessary for further teaching Russian, reading, mathematics, biology, history, geography, work in high schools.

This plan carries out a comprehensive system of learning and education of children with disabilities, ensures the solution of the tasks of professional orientation and socio-labor adaptation has software and personnel provision.

Home Training Plan

according to the general education program for children with mental retardation

in 2016 - 2017 academic year

Studying in grade 1 according to the program of the UMC "Planet of Knowledge".

Academic discipline



Russian language (learning letter)

Lviv AA

Literary reading (literacy training)

Lviv AA


Lviv AA

the world

Lviv AA


4.2. Organization of psychological - medical and pedagogical support, social protection of children in school.

Psychological and medical and pedagogical support for children with ABS organized at school to study the personality, identifying the child's capabilities in order to develop forms and methods for organizing the educational process. The organization of psychological and pedagogical support for children with OVI is entrusted to the class teacher and deputy director for educational work.

Psychological support of the educational process is implemented during the correctional work in the lessons and in after school hours. Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Consilium carries out the support of students throughout the period of school training, consulting all participants in the pedagogical process and promoting defectological knowledge.

The school has a system of medical recreational work, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students, which includes the following activities: monitoring the state of health student; educational work with students and parents; Creating a health-saving medium involving compliance with the protective regime, sanitary standards and rules, introducing into an educational process of health-saving technologies, conducting sports events and holidays.

All teachers working with children with ABS are monitoring the development, features of the mental functions of each child, fix it in sheets of psychological and pedagogical observations for the development of a student, which allows all educators to explore past experience and make correction and conduct corrective measures on it.

The socio-pedagogical support of the studying is carried out by class leaders and teachers.

The school pays great attention to the prevention of offenses, individual work with students of risk group is being carried out, the attendance of school classes is monitored, meetings with KDN inspectors, meetings with parents, teacher consultation - psychologist, family surveys. A program has been developed and implemented to protect the rights of children, the prevention of offenses and crimes, the prevention of smoking and alcoholism, toxicizing and drug addiction among students with APV, among other things.

The psychological and medical and pedagogical consultation is entrusted with a duty

  • track the level of mental and psychological development of students;
  • conduct a correction of cognitive processes, personal and emotional-willed development of children,
  • provide psychological assistance to students who have difficulty behavior and communication;
  • to identify socially degenerate families in a timely manner and to provide psychological support to children from them.
  • monitor the level of physical health of children with subsequent reduction recommendations (if necessary) the volume of homework, the choice of classes, translation to an individual curriculum.

4.3. The content of educational work and additional education of students with ABS.

Educational work at school with children with ABS is considered as the most important interaction and cooperation of all subjects of the educational process in a cultural environment. We simulated culturalthe school environment is focused primarily on the moral self-development and self-determination of schoolchildren in the course of mastering knowledge, on the development of their thinking, feelings and personal experience.

The concept of the educational system of the socio-active school is being implemented at school. In order to overcome the social isolation of children with ABS, including with intelligence impairment, we expand the educational space of the school at the expense of additional education. The organization of additional education related to extracurricular work increases the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, allows not only to prepare students to school, but also include guys in life makes it possible to correct the impaired development of students.

Additional education is implemented in several traditional directions, covers all groups of students with HSA.

Additional education programs are held at school. By organizing additional education of children with APV at school, making a choice of classes, selecting the content of education, the pedagogical team is focused on the demands of the pedagogical feasibility of organizing children. An essential point is that, in our opinion, additional education is not something minor with respect to the basic, but is a logical continuation of it. Additional education bears the main responsibility for updating the content of education and its individualization. Choosing from the proposed classes, which most of all meets individual interests, opportunities and abilities, the student implements the internal desire of activity and interest in it.

4.4. Characteristics of activities and objectives solved by the subjects of the educational process.

Primary general education

Types of activity of the younger schoolboy:

  • game activity
  • creative activity (design),
  • labor activity (self-service, participation in socio-useful labor)
  • sports activities (mastering the foundations of physical culture, acquaintance with various sports, experience participation in sports competitions).

Tasks solved by younger schoolchildren in different types activities

  • learn to solve the goal made by the teacher;
  • learn to control and evaluate your learning work;
  • master collective forms of academic work and relevant social skills;
  • master various kinds of game;
  • learn to bring the started (for VII species - a simple) deal to the end;
  • purchase self-service skills, seize simple workforce and operations in labor lessons (technology);
  • purchase the experience of interaction with adults and children, master the rules of etiquette, learn how to correctly express your thoughts and feelings.

Tasks solved by teachers:

  • implement an educational program of primary school in a variety of organizational and educational forms (lessons, classes, games, practices, contests, competitions)
  • provide comfortable conditions for changing leading activities - educational game.
  • provide conditions for formation learning activitiesWhat to organize the formulation of educational goals, encourage and maintain children's initiatives, carry out functions of control and evaluation, create space for social practices junior schoolchildren and admonish them to socially significant cases.

Basic general education

Schoolboy's activities:

  • individual and collective educational activities
  • project activities focused on obtaining a socially significant product,
  • social activity
  • creative activity (artistic, technical and other creativity) aimed at self-realization and self-consciousness,
  • sports activities

Tasks solved by adolescents in different activities

  • learn how to plan training work independently, to exercise goaling in familiar activities together with the teacher,
  • learn to monitor and evaluate our own participation in different activities,
  • to build an adequate idea of \u200b\u200byour own place in the world, to realize your own preferences and opportunities;
  • learn to adequately express and perceive yourself: your thoughts, feelings, experiences, feelings.
  • learn to effectively interact with peers, adults and younger children, carrying out a variety joint activities with them.

Tasks solved by teachers:

  • implement the educational program of the main school in a variety of organizational and educational forms,
  • prepare students to choose a profession
  • organize a social life system
  • create space to implement adolescents, manifestation of initiative actions.

4.5.Pedagogical technologies that ensure the implementation of the program.

Selection of educational technologies is based on the psychophysiological characteristics of students with ABS. In its educational activities aimed at the harmonious development of the child's personality with disabilities, teachers use the following pedagogical technologies:

Traditional technologies:

required steps in the lesson:

Checking the assimilation passed;

Explanation of the new material;

Consolidation of knowledge gained;


types of lessons:

Lessons - Travel;

Tales lessons;

Playing at stations;


Technologies of active forms and methods:

Game technologies;

Project technology;

Work in pairs and groups;

Heating technology:

Psychological and pedagogical techniques of health

Phone-oriented approach

4.6. System of student certification.

Intermediate student certification is carried out in 4th grade. The final certification of students is carried out in grade 9

The school adopted a 5-ball system of marks of all the works of children with HSA. The requirements for students are consistent with the requirements of educational programs and recommendations for assessing knowledge, skills and skills of students. Responsibility for the objectivity of the assessment of students' knowledge is assigned to the teacher. Quality of learning quality student is controlled by plan inside school control.

Leading forms of interim and final certification are:

  • monitoring of knowledge, skills and skills on subjects of the invariant part of the curriculum;
  • administrative checks of the invariant part of the curriculum;
  • monitoring knowledge, skills and skills of students on subjects of the variable part of the curriculum;
  • monitoring the level of student development.
  1. Monitoring educational process.

Criteria and components of educational monitoring

Indicators of criteria

Periodicate control

Object study


The quality of education.

The level of development of the educational program (test work, testing of reading techniques)

Final state certification

1 time in a quarter




Teacher, hands. MO


Deputy Director for OIA

Dynamics of the development of mental functions and the emotional - volitional sphere

State of higher nerve processes

(Sheets of development dynamics)


Psychic functions

psychologist, teacher

Student health condition

Physical development of students

Psychosomatic health of students (medical examination, health and physical development sheets, data on the absence of disease lessons, the comfort of training, the level of adaptation to school training, school anxiety level).

September, may



Physical education teacher

Deputy Director for OIA

Pupil level of students

The formation of integrative personal qualities.

The number of students consisting of the CDNs.

Identification of students in risk.



1 time per year

1 time in a quarter


Classroom teacher

Deputy Director for OIA

Social status status

The composition of students in the level of material and moral well-being (social passport of the class).



Classroom teacher

The degree of socialization and employment adaptation

Sociometry data,

Employment results,

Results of the participation of school students in various subject competitions

Twice a year

1 time per year

Labor training teacher

Classroom teacher

Section V. Control and Managing the Implementation of the Adapted Educational Program

The implementation of the implementation of the educational program is based on the school management system, it comes from the need to constantly carry out a scientific and pedagogical search in the selected direction, adjust the training programs, education and development, to carry out the methodical support of the educational process.

An extended system of additional education and upbringing is implemented with sufficient amounts of supplementary educators rates. Responsibility for the effectiveness of additional education are direct managers of sections, circles, members of the administration. The principle of school management is concluded in the school charter.

The intra-school control system includes measures to obtain real data on the state of the educational process in the school as a whole.

Objective of intra-school control: to ensure the level of teaching and quality of training, education and development of students relevant to the requirements for correctional education and allow you to create a humane treatment-labeled correctional-developing educational environment.

Objectives of intraschool control:

  • exercise control over the achievement of student level of training in accordance with the requirements of educational programs;
  • exercise control over ensuring the content of education in accordance with the requirements of educational programs;
  • exercise control over the implementation of programs of the invariant part of the curriculum;
  • carry out control over the implementation of programs of the variable part of the curriculum;
  • make requirements for teaching that meets the program for the development of a holistic educational environment;
  • carry out control over the quality of teaching, methodical level and advanced training of teachers;
  • carry out control over the organization of continuity in teaching and training between I, II training steps;
  • monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for an educational process;
  • control over the implementation of the relationship of the main basic and additional education ..

The main result of the conducted intra-school control will be achieving all students of the level of training corresponding to his psychophysical opportunities, readiness of students for the development of the profession.

Inthechnical control over the educational process is carried out in traditional areas:

1. Control over the quality of teaching.

  • execution of training programs;
  • lesson efficiency;
  • methodical level teacher, growth of professional skills;
  • provision of educational and didactic material;
  • individual work with children;
  • compliance with the teaching of the school development program;
  • execution of sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2. Control over the quality of learning.

  • level of knowledge, skills and skills of students;
  • achieving federal state educational standards and state educational standards;
  • skills of independent knowledge of students;
  • readiness to develop the content of education in objects of the artistic - aesthetic cycle.

3. Control over the conduct of school documentation.

  • school journal management;
  • maintaining student diaries;
  • conducting student notebooks;
  • registration of personal affairs students.

The work plan of the intra-school control is consistent with the priority areas of school work. The formation of an intra-school control plan is based on the analysis of these diagnostic sections of knowledge, monitoring educational activities of the school. An annual plan of intra-school control is an independent local act of the school.

School graduate model

Elementary school graduate is a student,

  • who successfully mastered the educational program of primary school;
  • who has the need to fulfill the rules for students;
  • which has experience in participating in the preparation and conduct of social benefits,
  • which is able to empathize, sympathize, take attention to other people, animal, nature;
  • which seeks to become a strong, fast, clever and tempered.

Pupil School:

  • mastering common educational skills and skills;
  • mastering the skills of communication and the basics of hygiene and a healthy lifestyle,
  • formation of mental processes,
  • perception and understanding of such values \u200b\u200bas "School", "Teacher" "Comrade"
  • compliance with the procedure and discipline at school and public places;
  1. Family man:
  • perception of oneself by a family member;
  • psychophysical health
  1. Community Member:
  • mastering the simplest communicative skills and skills: the ability to speak, listen, empathize, sympathize
  • the presence of a need to fulfill the rules for accounting, the ability and desire to distinguish between the good and bad deeds of people, correctly evaluate their actions and behavior of classmates.
  1. A resident of Yakutsk:
  • perception and understanding of such values \u200b\u200bas "homeland",
  • knowledge of the history and traditions of the region;
  • labor activity.
  1. Citizen:
  • manifestation of attention and interest in other people surrounding, animal world,
  • gaining experience in the preparation and conduct of social benefits,
  • active participation in class and school life.
  1. Individuality:
  • the development of moral and aesthetic started personality.

Graduate of the main schoolthis is a socially adapted person who complies with social behavior that owns communicative skills. This is a professionally - a determined personality with developed creative abilities; Personality that can make decisions taking into account life circumstances and realize their abilities most effective for themselves and those surrounding ways leading to constant success, self-realization and self-actualization.

  1. Pupil School:
  • level of educational abilities, performance;
  • participation in collective, creative school matters;
  • foreign cases of behavior.
  • the formation of mental processes.
  1. Family man:
  • social status of the family;
  • psychophysical health.
  1. Community Member:
  • participation in leisure activities;
  • the nature of interpersonal relations in the team.
  1. A resident of G. Yakutsk
  • knowledge of the historical and cultural and labor traditions of the Yakut region;
  • participation in urban promotions, programs;
  • labor activity.
  1. Citizen:
  • formation of legal consciousness;
  • the formation of human qualities of personality
  • professional orientation;
  • participation in self-government.
  1. Individuality:
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