Fundamental core of general education. Fundamental core of GEF NOO

Fundamental core of general education. Fundamental core of GEF NOO

Fundamental core of general education

Concept of the fundamental nucleus of general education

Fundamental core content general Education - Basic document required to create basic curricula, programs, teaching materials and benefits. Its main purpose in the standard support system of standards is to determine:

1) a system of leading ideas, theories, basic concepts relating to the areas of knowledge presented in high school;

2) the composition of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal species academic actionadequate to the requirements of the standard for the results of education.

To implement these functions in the fundamental core of the content of general education are recorded:

· Fundamental elements of scientific knowledge of a methodological, system-forming and ideological nature, intended for compulsory study in secondary school: key theories, ideas, concepts, facts, methods, both universal properties and related to individual branches of knowledge and culture;

· universal learning actionsThe formation of which the educational process is directed. These include personal universal learning activities; regulatory actions; Cognitive actions; Communicative universal learning actions. Determination of the fundamental nucleus of the content of general education is an important part of the new concept of general education standards, outgoing, in particular, from the thesis on the need to divide the problem of generalized requirements for the results of education and the problem of the specific content of general secondary education.

The first problem is socurated political. It is associated with the identification and fixation of generalized modern demands and expectations in the field of education and the requirements for it in terms of personality, family, society, states.

The second problem has a scientific and methodological nature and, accordingly, should be solved by scientific and pedagogical professional communities.

The need to determine the fundamental nucleus of general education follows from new social queries reflecting the transformation of Russia from the industrial in post-industrial (information) society based on knowledge and high innovative potential. Processes of globalization, informatization, accelerating the introduction of new scientific discoveries, the rapid update of knowledge and the emergence of new professions nominate the requirements of increased professional mobility and continuing education. New social requests define new education goals and its development strategy. The fundamental core of the content of general education, in turn, specifies the goals as the results of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students.

Thus, the fundamental core of the content of general education actually normalizes the content of curricula, and the organization learning activities According to individual training subjects, identifying elements of scientific and functional literacy, without the development of which or without acquaintance with which the level of general education achieved by a graduate of the Russian school of the beginning of the XXI century cannot be recognized as sufficient to fully continue education and the subsequent personal Development.

The fundamental core as a means of universalization of the content of general education makes it possible to implement the most important requirements of the Company to the educational system:

· Conservation of unity educational space, continuity of the stages of the educational system;

· Ensuring equality and availability of education in various starting capabilities;
· Achieving social consolidation and consent in the context of the growth of social, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of our society on the basis of the formation of civil identity and the community of all citizens and peoples of Russia;
· Formation of a common activity basis as a system of universal training actions that determine the ability of the personality to learn, to learn, cooperate in the knowledge of the transformation of the surrounding world.

The methodological basis of the fundamental nucleus of the content of general education is the principles of fundamental and systemics, traditional for the domestic school. In this context, the discrepancy between the views: a) supporters of preserving the historically established Russian system of education-focused on the fundamental knowledge (i.e., a high scientific level of general education); b) supporters of the expediency of the transition to a system of learning adopted in a number of countries, for which a significantly lower level of outlining the foundations of sciences compared with the level of the Russian school is characterized.

All previous developments of education standards as a source methodological basis that determines the amount of education, used the mandatory minimum of education. As a result, most teachers of the concept of "Education Standard" and "Mandatory Minimum" were perceived as synonyms.

The key difference is new educational Standard The preceding development is that the essence of his ideology is the transition from a minimization approach to the design of educational space based on the principle of fundamental education, which is fixed by the term "fundamental core of general education." Such a transition fundamentally changes not only the organization, but also the essence of the educational process.

In the era of the formation of the knowledge economy, the importance of the principle of fundamental education does not simply increase, but becomes the most important factor in the development of innovative those nologia determining the competitiveness of the country. At the same time, implementing this principle, it is necessary to decisively free themselves from the outdated, secondary, pedagogically unjustified material. Along with the fundamental knowledge, the document identifies the main forms of activity and the corresponding tasks classes, the ability to solve which indicates functional literacy.
The theoretical basis of the fundamental nucleus of general education - ideas previously formulated in domestic pedagogy and psychology:
· "Nuclei" and "shell" of school courses (A. I. Markushevich);
· Allocation of "volume of knowledge" on the subject (A. N. Kolmogorov);
· The cultural approach to the formation of the content of education (M. N. Skhatkin, I. Ya. Lerner, V. V. Kraevsky);
· System-activity approach (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontyev, D. B. Elkonin, P. Ya. Galperin, L. V. Zankov, V. V. Davydov, A. G. Asmolov, V. B. Rubtsov).
In the course of the reform of the general secondary education conducted in our country in the 60-70s. XX century, to solve problems associated with the principal novelty content for a number of objects and overload of students, A. I. Markushevich put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe allocation of the "nucleus" of the school course (i.e. the most important part of it) and his "shell" varying in Depending on the interests and abilities of the student, the type of school, etc. This idea underlies the variability of education. It is fully in relation to the content of education, it was not implemented: the "core" of the formation of the formation explicitly was not allocated.
At the same time, preceding development new program In mathematics, the Commission on the Mathematical Education of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, chaired by Academician A. N. Kolmogorov, developed a brief document "The volume of knowledge in mathematics for the eight-year-old school". It contained a description of the key facts, concepts, ideas, methods, theories that the student must master at the end of the eight-year-old school. The distribution of the material in classes, as well as the allocation of academic time on topics, was not conducted in this document. After a broad discussion based on this document, detailed training programs were prepared. In the early 80s. XX century Similarly, a mathematics program was created, describing the content of education at the outlet of each stage and leaving more freedom to the author's teams. According to the concept of the cultural approach to the formation of the content of education (M. N. Skhatkin, I. Ya. Lerner, V. V. Kraevsky), the source of the formation of the content of general secondary education - culture, i.e. the most significant forms of sociocultural experience. In accordance with this concept, the formation contains
general secondary education is carried out in several stages:

Stage I (appropriate) - the formation of general theoretical ideas about the composition and structure of the content of education.

Stage II (subject) - determination of the composition of training items, their specific content and distribution of training steps.

III Stage - Creating training materials.

IV Stage - organization of the learning process.

V Stage - Assignment of new contents.

Creating a fundamental nucleus is an important part of the appropriate stage of the formation of content. This work scheme from previously taken significantly distinguishes the fact that the curriculum (the distribution of study time and the list of objects) is not postulated at the very beginning, but is preceded by large analytical work. The structure of students' training activities, as well as the main psychological conditions and mechanisms of the learning process today, the most fully describes a system-activity approach, based on theoretical provisions of L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonina, P. I . Galperin, V. V. Davydova, A. G. Asmolova, V. V. Rubtsova. The following is the thesis that the development of the personality in the education system is provided primarily to the formation of universal training actions (Wood), speaking as the basis of the educational and educational process. The concept of universal educational actions also takes into account the experience of a competence approach, in particular its challenge emphasis on the achievement of the ability to effectively use the knowledge and skills in practice.

Following this theory in the formation of the content of general education implies, in particular, the accounting of age-related psychological characteristics of students, analysis of the types of leading activities (game, educational, communication) and forms of training cooperation, the allocation of universal training actions that generate competences, knowledge, skills and skills. The concept of the fundamental nucleus synthesizes the described ideas of the "kernel" and "shell", "knowledge of knowledge", the allocation of the appropriate stage, a systemic activity approach.

The development of the fundamental nucleus was carried out taking into account such framework restrictions as:
1) shortage of the generalized contours scientific content education;
2) Refusal of parts, purely methodical nature and specific methodological solutions. The fundamental kernel determines the volume of knowledge that the graduate of the school must be seized, but not the distribution of the proposed content on specific subjects and training steps;
3) Description in the laconic form of the areas of knowledge presented in modern school, but not specific items.
A brief format of the fundamental core opens up the ability to create a consensus zone to form a lack of a missing holistic look at the content of school education and on a new basis to embark on the problem of interdisciplinary relationships, coordinating the scientific content of various knowledge areas at the preliminary development phase. The criteria for the selection and inclusion of the material into the fundamental core due to its enormous diversity can hardly be formalized. In this case, the criteria for not inclusive are more significant: the fundamental kernel should not include archaic, insignificant and excessively detailed material. It should not be included in it concepts and ideas, the meaning of which cannot be quite popular and fully disclosed to the schoolboy.
Creating a fundamental core is the initial stage of developing a new content. Subsequent stages - the development of concepts of subject areas, planned results of training at the exit of the training steps (initial, basic and senior schools), a basic curriculum and exemplary programs of objects, educational and methodological complexes of the new generation. At the same time, a broad discussion of the content of the fundamental core in scientific and pedagogical communities and the organization of experimental work on the approbation and the introduction of a new content is important.
In parallel with the development of a new content of school education, work should be carried out on the relevant updating of the content of pedagogical education.

Fundamental core of general education *

Russian language

Explanatory note

In the school system, the Russian language is not only the subject of study, but also a learning tool defining the success in mastering all school subjects and the quality of education as a whole.

The main objectives of the Russian language study at school:

· Formation of ideas about Russian as the language of the Russian people, the state language Russian Federation, means of interethnic communication, consolidation and unity of the peoples of Russia;

· Formation of knowledge about the language of the language system and the laws of its operation at the present stage;

· Enrichment of the vocabulary and the grammatical system of speech, mastering the culture of oral and written speech, types of speech activities, the rules and methods of using the language in different conditions of communication;

· Mastering the most important general security skills and universal activities (extraction of information from linguistic dictionaries of various types and other sources, including media and the Internet; information processing).

These goals are implemented on the basis of personal-oriented and activity approaches to training and education in the process of developing the mental and speech activity of the schoolchildren, the formation of linguistic, linguistic, communicative and cultural competencies. In accordance with the goals of the course, the fundamental core of education in the Russian language consists of two interrelated components. The section "Speech" provides for the mastery of speech activity and speech communication; Formation of skills to create texts of various functional and communicative orientation.

The "Language System" section provides for the development of the foundations of linguistics, the system of its key concepts, phenomena and facts.
* The content of some educational areas (informatics, art) in this project is not included.


Language and speech. Types of speech activity (speaking, listening, letter, reading). Types of speech (oral and writing, dialogic and monologic). Texts oral and written.

Functionally semantic varieties of text (narration, description, reasoning). Functional varieties of language. The main features of colloquial speech, functional styles (scientific, journalistic, official-business), language of fiction. The main genres of spoken speech, scientific, journalistic, formal business styles.
Speech situation and its components. Speech act and its species (reports, motivations, questions, ads, expressions of emotions, expressions of speech etiquette, etc.). Dialogues of a different nature (etiquette, dialogue-abrasion, dialogue-motivation, dialogue - exchange of views, etc.; Combination different species dialogue). Polylog. Free conversation, discussion, discussion.
Adequate understanding of oral and written speech in accordance with the terms and conditions of communication.
Mastering various types of reading.
Creation of oral monologic and dialogical statements of different communicative orientation depending on the objectives, sphere and situation of communication.
Creating written texts of different styles and genres.
Analysis of text from the point of view of its topic, goals, main thoughts; Basic I. for more information, accessories for functional and semantic type and functional variety of language.
Information recycling text.
Mastering the national-cultural standards of speech / non-body behavior in various situations of formal and non-formal interpersonal and intercultural communication.


General information about language. Russian language is the National language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication. Russian language in the modern world.

Russian as one of the Indo-European languages. Russian language in the circle of other Slavic languages. The role of Starrog Slavic language in the development of the Russian language.
Russian as a developing phenomenon. Form of the functioning of the modern Russian language (literary language, territorial dialects, spacious, professional varieties, jargon).
The relationship of language and culture. Russian language is the language of Russian fiction. The main features of the Russian language and their use in speech.
Outstanding domestic linguists.
Phonetics and Orphoepia
Sound as a unit of language. The system of vowels. System of consonant sounds. Change the sounds in the speech stream. Syllable. Emphasis, its senseless role, the mobility of emphasis during the form and word formation. Intonation, its functions. The main elements of intonation.
Orphoepium as a section of linguistics. The main norms of pronunciation and stress.
The composition of the Russian alphabet, the names of the letters. Designation on the letter of hardness and softness of consonants. Methods for designation. The ratio of sound and letters.
Morfemic (composition of the word) and word formation
Morphem as a minimal meaning unit. The basis of the word and end. Types of morpheme. Alternating sounds in morphemes. Basic ways to form words. Source (producing) base and word forming morpheme. Treatment pair.
The concept of etymology.
Lexicology and phraseology
Word as a unit of language. Lexical and grammatical meaning of the word. Unambiguous and multivalued words; Direct and portable meaning of the word. Lexical combination. Synonyms. Antonyms. Omonimi. Paronyms. Active and passive vocabulary. Archaisms, historians, neologisms. Sources of consumption of Russian vocabulary. Stylistic layers of vocabulary (book, neutral, reduced). Ordon Russian and borrowed words. Phraseologisms and their signs.
Parts of speech as lexico-grammatical discharge words. Classification of speech parts.
Independent (significant) parts of speech. Outlines, morphological and syntactic properties of each independent (significant) part of speech.
Service parts of speech.
Interdomitia and sound-speaking words.
Omonium words of different parts of speech.
Units of syntax of the Russian language.
The phrase as a syntactic unit, its types. Types of communication in phrases.
Types of proposals for the purpose of statements and emotional color. The grammatical basis of the proposal, the main and minor members, the ways of their expression. Types of the tag.
Structural types of simple proposals (twisted and single-main, common and unprofitable, suggestions of complicated and uncomplicated structure, complete and incomplete). Types of single-part offers. Homogeneous members suggestions, separate suggestions; circulation; Introductory and plug-in structures.
Classification of complex proposals. Means of expressions of syntactic relations between parts of a complex sentence.
Ways to transfer someone else's speech.
The concept of text, the main signs of the text (selence, meaningful integrity, connectedness).
A culture of speech
Culture of speech and its main aspects: regulatory, communicative, ethical. The main criteria for speech culture.
Language rate, its functions. The main norms of the Russian literary language (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic spells). Normal options.
Evaluation of the correctness, communicative qualities and speech efficiency.
Types of linguistic dictionaries and their role in mastering the vocabulary wealth and literary norms of the modern Russian literary language.
Spelling: spelling and punctuation
Spelling. The concept of an orphogram. The spelling of vowels and consonants in the composition of Morpham. Spelling Kommersant and b.
Fitting, defisco and separate writing. Capital and lowercase letters. Hyphenation.
Punctuation. Signs of punctuation and their functions. Single and paired punctuation marks. The signs of punctuation at the end of the sentence, in simple and complex offers, with direct recyal and quotation, in the dialogue. Combination of punctuation marks.

Foreign languages

Explanatory note

Foreign language training is considered as one of the priority areas of modern school education. Specificity of a foreign language as a training subject in its integrative nature, i.e., in combination of language / foreign language education with elementary foundations of literary education (familiarization with samples of foreign literature), as well as in its ability to act as a goal, and as a means of learning to familiarize With another subject area (humanitarian, naturally scientific, technological). Thus, it can be implemented a wide variety of interprecotement (with native language, literature, history, geography, etc.).

The main goal of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bin school is the formation of foreign language communicative competence in schoolchildren, that is, the ability and willingness to carry out foreign-language interpersonal and intercultural communication with the native speakers. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to strengthen the sociocultural orientation of training in foreign languages, the focus on strengthening the cultural aspect in the content of training, on the inclusion of schoolchildren in the culture dialogue, which contributes to the admission of schoolchildren to the culture of the country under study, the development of mutual understanding, tolerant attitude to the manifestation of other culture helps them It is better to realize the features of the culture of their country and develops the ability to present it in the process of communicating with the funds of a foreign language.
Interactive communicative competence provides for the development of communicative skills in the main types of speech activities: talking, an understanding of the perceived rumor (audit), reading and writing. The subject matter of the speech is determined on the basis of the spheres of communication (socio-household, socio-cultural, educational and labor), situations of communication and allocated on their basis the subject of communication. Thus, the components of the content of learning are:
- the subject matter of speech and emotional-value attitude to it (value orientation);
- Communicative skills in these types of speech activities;
- Language knowledge and skills;
- sociocultural knowledge and skills;
- educational and compensatory skills (general educational skills and special / subject skills).


Types of speech activity as learning content

Dialogical speech
Dialogues of different character: Etiquette, Dialogue-Dialogue, Dialogue & Interest, Dialogue - Exchange of views; The combination of different types of dialogue. Polylog. Free conversation, discussion, discussion.
Monologic speech
The main communicative types of speech: description, message, story, reasoning (including characteristic). The presentation of the read, listened, seen. Refpering. Annotation.
Understanding perceived by rumor (audience)
Understanding with varying degrees of depth and accuracy of the interlocutor's statement, as well as the content of authentic audio and video texts of various genres and styles.
Basic types of reading: An introductory (with understanding of the main content of the read), studying (with a relatively complete understanding of the content read), view / search (with a selective understanding of the content read). Texts of different genres and styles: journalistic, popular science, artistic, pragmatic.
Written speech
Writing personal letters; Filling out the questionnaire, formulas. It is a written autobiographies / summary. Drawing up a plan, oral / written abstracts. Presentation of read, referencing, annotation.

The fundamental core of the content of federal state educational standards

  • Krivolapova N.A.
  • first Vice Rector, Dp N., Professor
  • Industrial
  • society
  • Post-industrial
  • (information)
  • society
  • globalization
  • Education
  • For life
  • Education
  • throughout life
  • Fast growth
  • knowledge
  • The foregoing is commonly educational skills of a general advantage (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.) who are not related to specific objective activities, but formed within the framework of specific learning items.
What is the standard oriented?
  • MetaPered results - MetaPered knowledge and generalized ways of activity, developed by studying in the process of studying several or all learning items, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in various life situations.
  • Personal results - value orientations of graduates of the corresponding level of general education, reflecting their individual personal positions, activity motives, incl. Educational, social feelings, personal qualities.
Fundamental Education Core
  • fixes fundamental elements of scientific knowledge: leading scientific theories and ideas, methods of scientific knowledge, fundamental categories and concepts, essential events and phenomena.
  • This is a conceptual terminological (methodological) section (complex of knowledge ...) Methodology -NUKI on the organization of activities (methods, funds, etc.) - slides below ...
  • The composition of the fundamental nucleus of general education
  • Fundamental elements of scientific knowledge:
  • - Leading ideas and theories
  • - Key facts
  • - Home concepts
  • - Methods
  • Universal learning actions
  • personal
  • regulatory
  • - Cognitive
  • Fundamental
  • Fundamental core - means
  • Universalization of education
  • The fundamental core ensures the implementation of the most important requirements of the Company to the educational system:
  • Preservation of the unity of the educational space and continuity of the stages of the educational system
  • Ensuring equality and accessibility of education in various starting capabilities
  • Achieving social consolidation and consent on the basis of the formation of civil identity and the community of all citizens and peoples of Russia
  • Formation of a general personality basis as a system of universal educational actions
  • Place and appointment of the fundamental core
  • in the system of regulatory standards
  • Requirements Standard
  • Basic curriculum
  • Planned learning results
  • Fundamental
  • Program for the formation of universal training actions
  • Approximate training programs
Approximate programs for educational subjects The program for the formation of universal training actions for basic general education.
  • It contains:
  • description value landmarks formation at the level of basic general education;
  • description of the continuity of programs for the formation of universal educational actions during the transition from the main to the medium total education;
  • communication of universal training with the content of educational items;
  • characteristics of personal, regulatory, educational, communicative universal training actions;
  • typical tasks of forming personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal training actions.
Theoretical Provisions Concept Wood
  • Competence approach
  • Problem oriented educational education
  • Personal-oriented educational education
  • Semantic pedagogy of variable educational education
Main pedagogical task -
  • Main pedagogical task -
  • Organization of conditions initiating
  • Children's action
  • System-activity approach
  • What to teach?
  • Update
  • content
  • education
  • How to teach?
  • Update
  • funds, methods and
  • technology
  • learning
  • For what
  • learn?
  • Values
  • education
  • Primary School
  • Basic School
  • Lead
  • activities -
  • training activities
  • Leading activities
  • activity
  • interpersonal
  • communication
  • The ability to learn
  • in communication
System-activity hike provides
  • formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;
  • design and designing the social environment of the development of educational in the education system;
  • active educational and educational activities of students;
  • building an educational process, taking into account individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.
  • Universal learning actions - a set of ways to perform a student (as well as related learning skills), providing its ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.
Universal learning actions
  • personal
  • regulatory
  • cognitive
  • communicative
Planned results: Three main groups
  • Personal
  • MetaPermet
  • Subject
  • Self-determination:
  • The internal position of the schoolchild; self-identification; Self-esteem and self-esteem:
  • Regulatory:
  • Management of their activities;
  • Control and correction;
  • Initiative and independence
  • Meridizing:
  • Motivation(training and social);
  • borders of their own knowledge and ignorance.
  • Communicative:
  • speech activity;
  • Skills of cooperation
  • Value I. moral-ethical orientation:
  • the ability to solve moral problems; Assessment of your actions
  • Cognitive:
  • work with information and training models;
  • The use of iconic and symbolic and general schemes ..
  • Basics of the system of scientific knowledge
  • Experience of "subject" activities for obtaining, transformation and application of new knowledge
  • Subject and meta-delicate actions with educational materials
Personal Wood
  • Provide value-semantic orientation of students
  • Building
  • "I am an image";
  • Formation
  • identity
  • personality;
  • Personal
  • professional
  • vital
  • self-determination;
  • Building
  • life
  • plans.
  • Search response to
  • question:
  • What's the point
  • for me
  • does the teaching?
  • Selection
  • moral-ethical
  • aspects B.
  • events and actions;
  • Building a system
  • moral
  • values;
  • Moral and ethical
  • estimation;
  • Exercise
  • personal
  • choice;
  • Self-knowledge and self-determination
  • measiacy
  • Moral and ethical orientation
Regulatory URU provide students to organize their study activities
  • goaling
  • planning
  • forecasting
  • control
  • correction
  • Evaluation
  • provide students to organize their study
  • activities.
  • Goaling -Nost of the learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students, and what is still unknown
  • planning- determination of the sequence of intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result; Drawing up a plan and sequence of actions
  • - forecasting- anticipation of the result and level of learning of knowledge, its temporary characteristics
  • - controlin the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given benchmark, in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to the volitional effort
  • - self-regulation -the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to the volitional effort and overcoming obstacles
  • - correction- making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of the discrepancy between the standard, real action and its result;
  • - evaluation- allocation and awareness of students in what and to what extent is already learned and what else needs to be assimilated, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation
  • Regulatory Wood
Cognitive Uud.
  • - skills that ensure a clear structure of the content of the process of setting and solving educational tasks.
  • general educational
  • brain teaser,
  • actions related to the resolution of the problem situation (the missing. Uncertainty information), as well as the formulation and solution of the problem.
  • Cognitive Uud.
- independent allocation and formulation of a cognitive goal;
  • - independent allocation and formulation of a cognitive goal;
  • - information retrieval activity in accordance with the task (search and allocation of the necessary information); Application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools; not just walking in the Internet, which is found, and the address request, search, adjustable
  • - structuring knowledge;
  • - conscious and arbitrary construction of speech statement in oral and writing;
  • - The choice is the most effective ways solving problems depending on the specific conditions;
  • - reflexion of methods and conditions of action, control and assessment of the process and results;
  • - semantic reading as an understanding of the purpose of reading and choosing a type of read depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from the listened texts of various genres; definition of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official-business styles; Understanding and adequate assessment of the language of medium
  • Oblocked Woods
- formulation and formulation of the problem, independent creation of algorithms of activity in solving problems of creative and search nature
  • - formulation and formulation of the problem, independent creation of algorithms of activity in solving problems of creative and search nature
  • symbolic actions
  • - modeling (coding and decoding infoacts) - transformation of an object from a sensual form into a model where the essential characteristics of the object (spatially graphic or iconic-symbolic) are highlighted;
  • - Model transformation in order to identify general laws defining this subject area
  • Oblocked Woods
- analysis of objects in order to allocate signs (significant, insignificant);
  • - analysis of objects in order to allocate signs (significant, insignificant);
  • - Synthesis - compilation of a whole of parts, including independent completion with the filling of missing components;
  • - the choice of bases and criteria for comparison, serialization, classification of objects;
  • - Summing up for the concept, deregulation;
  • - establishment of causal relationships;
  • - construction of the logical chain of reasoning;
  • - proof;
  • - Advance hypotheses and their rationale.
  • Staging and solving the problem:
  • - formulating the problem;
  • - Independent creation of ways to solve problems of creative and search nature.
  • Logic Wood
Communicative Woods
  • Defining a goal
  • and functions of participants;
  • ways of interaction
  • Identification of the essence of the conflict,
  • search for various methods
  • his permissions;
  • adoption and implementation
  • solutions
  • Initiative
  • cooperation
  • in search of
  • information
  • Planning
  • training
  • cooperation
  • Staging
  • questions
  • Resolution
  • conflict
  • Control, correction,
  • evaluation of his actions
  • Monologic possession
  • and dialogical speech forms
  • according
  • with language standards
  • Control
  • behavior
  • partner
  • Skill
  • to express
  • his thoughts
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The fundamental core of the content of general education is the basic document necessary to create basic curricula, programs, educational materials and benefits. The main purpose of the fundamental core in the standard support system of standards is the definition:

1) systems of basic national values \u200b\u200bdefining self-consciousness russian people, priorities of public and personal development, the nature of the human relationship to the family, society, the state, the work, the meaning of human life;

2) systems of basic concepts related to the areas of knowledge presented in high school;

3) systems of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal types of educational activities, adequate to the requirements of the standard for the results of education.

3. To implement this function of the fundamental nucleus of general education, it is fixed in it:

· Basic national values \u200b\u200bstored in religious, cultural, socially historical, family traditions of the peoples of Russia, transmitted from generation to generation and ensuring the effective development of the country in modern conditions;

· Fundamental elements of scientific knowledge of a methodological, system-forming and ideological nature, both universal properties and related to individual sectors of knowledge and cultures intended for compulsory study in secondary school: key theories, ideas, concepts, facts, methods;

· Universal learning actions, on the formation of which the educational process is directed. These include personal universal learning activities; indicative actions; Specific ways to transform educational material; Communicative actions.

4. Determination of the fundamental nucleus of general education is an important part of the new concept of general education standards, outgoing, in particular, from the thesis on the need to divide the problem of generalized requirements for the results of education and the problem of the specific content of general secondary education.

The first problem is socially political. It is associated with the identification and fixation of generalized modern demands and expectations in the field of education and the requirements for it in terms of personality, family, society, states.

The second problem has a scientifically methodological character and, accordingly, should be solved by scientific and pedagogical professional communities.

The need to determine the fundamental nucleus of a general education flows from new social queries reflecting the transformation of Russia from the industrial to post-industrial (information) society based on knowledge and high innovative potential. The processes of globalization, informatization, accelerating the introduction of new scientific discoveries, the rapid update of knowledge and the emergence of new professions nominate the requirements of increased professional mobility and continuing education. New social requests define new education goals and its development strategy. The fundamental core of the content of general education, in turn, specifies the goals as the results of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students.

5. Thus, the fundamental core of the content of general education actually normalizes the content of education and curricula, the organization of educational and educational activities on individual educational subjects, identifying elements of scientific knowledge, culture and functional literacy, without the development of which or acquainted with which the level of general education achieved A graduate of the Russian school of the beginning of the XXI century, cannot be recognized as sufficient for the full continuation of education and subsequent personal development.

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APK and PPRO Ponomareva Elena Anatolyevna K.P.N., Associate Professor Moscow 2010 Fundamental core of the content of general education. / Ed. Kozlova V.V., Kondakova A.M. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009. - 59С.- (second-generation standards)

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The need to determine the fundamental nucleus of a general education flows from new social queries reflecting the transformation of Russia from the industrial to post-industrial (information) society based on knowledge and high innovative potential. New social requests define new education goals and its development strategy. The fundamental core of the content of general education specifies the goals as the results of the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students.

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- Basic regulatory document Important part of the new concept of general education standards - what is it?

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Basic appointment Basic document for the fundamental core of the content of the general education of creating curriculum writing programs for creating educational and methodological materials and benefits The fundamental core of the content of general education Definition 1) system of basic national values \u200b\u200b2) system of basic concepts 3) system key tasks

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The fundamental core of the content of general education rations the content of curriculum organizations by the Organization of the subjects determines the elements of culture determines the elements of scientific knowledge determines the elements of functional literacy without mastering or acquaintance with these elements of the fundamental nucleus of the general education level of general education achieved by graduates of the Russian school of the beginning of the XXI century, cannot It is recognized as sufficient to fully continue education and subsequent personal development.

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- An important component of the new concept of general education standards, the essence of which is the need to divide the two problems: 1) the problems of generalized requirements for the results of education and 2) the problems of the specific content of general education. The first problem is socurated political. It is associated with the identification and fixation of generalized modern requests and expectations in the field of education and the requirements for it in terms of personality, family, society and the state. The second problem has a scientific and methodological nature and, accordingly, should be solved by scientific and pedagogical professional communities.

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allows you to implement the most important requirements of the Company to the educational system: the preservation of the unity of the educational space, the continuity of the steps of the educational system; ensuring equality and availability of education at various starting capabilities; Achieving social consolidation and consent in the context of the growth of social, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of our society based on the formation of Russian identity and the community of all citizens and peoples of Russia; The formation of a common activity basis as a system of universal training actions that determine the ability of the personality to learn, to learn, cooperate in the knowledge and transformation of the surrounding world.

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the methodological theoretical methodological basis of the fundamental nucleus of general education is constituted the principles of fundamental and systemics, traditional for the domestic school. Theoretical basis - previously formulated in the domestic pedagogy

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(Methodological basis) The key difference is the essence of the ideology of the new educational standard lies in the fact that it is a transition from a minimization approach to the design of educational space based on the principle of fundamental education, which is fixed by the term "fundamental core of general education." With all the preceding development standards for education as the initial methodological basis, which determines the amount of education, used the mandatory minimum of education. As a result, most teachers of the concept of "Education Standard" and "Mandatory Minimum" were perceived as synonyms.

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(Methodological basis) This transition fundamentally changes not only the organization, but also the essence of the educational process. The implementation of this principle - the fundamentalities of education - will require decisively free from outdated, secondary, pedagogically unjustified material. Along with the fundamental knowledge, the document identifies the main forms of activity and the corresponding tasks classes, the ability to solve which indicates functional literacy.

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(theoretical basis - the ideas previously formulated in the domestic pedagogy) theoretical basis of the "core" and "shells" of school courses (A. I. Markushevich); allocations of "knowledge of knowledge" on the subject (A. N. Kolmogorov); Cultural approach to the formation of the content of education (M. N. Skhatkin, I. Ya. Lerner, V. V. Kraevsky); System-active approach (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontyev, D. B. Elkonin, P. Ya. Galperin, L. V. Zankov, V. V. Davydov, A. G. Asmolov, V. in . Rubtsov).

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the cultural approach to the formation of the content of education (M. N. Skhatkin, I. Ya. Lerner, V. V. Kraevsky) The main idea: the source of the formation of the content of general education - culture, i.e. the most significant forms of sociocultural experience. The formation of the content of general education is carried out in several stages of the stage of maintaining the stage of the first - the appropriate formation of general theoretical reports on the composition and structure of the content of education, the second-certificate determination of the composition of training items, their specific content and distribution of training stages Third creation of educational materials The fourth organization of the learning process. Fifth appropriation with students of new content

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theoretical basis is a systemic approach (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonina, P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydova, A. G. Asmolova, V. V. Rubtsova) Home Idea: The development of the personality in the education system is ensured primarily by the formation of universal training actions (Wood), speaking as the basis of the educational and educational process. The concept of universal educational actions also takes into account the experience of a competence approach, in particular its challenge emphasis on the achievement of the ability to effectively use the knowledge and skills in practice. Following this theory in the formation of the content of general education implies, in particular, the analysis of the types of leading activities (game, educational, communication), the allocation of universal training actions that generate competences, knowledge, skills and skills.

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shortening of the generalized contours of the scientific content of education; Refusal of parts, purely methodical nature and specific methodological solutions; The fundamental core determines the amount of knowledge to whom a graduate of the school must be seized, but not the distribution of the proposed content on specific subjects and the levels of learning; Description in the laconic form of the areas of knowledge presented in the modern school, but not specific items. 1. The development of the fundamental nucleus was carried out with regard to framework restrictions:

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2. A brief format of the fundamental core opens up the opportunity to create a consensus zone to form a holistic look at the content of school education and on it, proceed to solving the problem of interdisciplinary relationships, agreeing on the scientific knowledge of various areas at the preliminary development phase. 3. The criteria for the selection and inclusion of the material into the fundamental core due to its huge variety can hardly be formalized. 3.1. There are significant criteria for not inclusion, i.e., in the fundamentally, the kernel should not include archaic, insignificant and excessively detailed material; 3.2. In this case, it should no longer be included in it concepts and ideas, the meaning of which cannot be quite popular and fully revealed to the schoolboy.

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development of concepts of subject areas; planning the results of learning output from the training steps (initial, basic and secondary) schools; development of a basic training (educational) plan; development of exemplary programs on subjects; The development of educational and methodological complexes of the new generation. 4. Creating a fundamental core is the initial stage of developing a new content of general education. 5. Subsequent stages suggest: 6. The broad discussion of the maintenance of the fundamental core in the scientific and pedagogical communities and the organization of experimental work on the approbation and the introduction of a new content is important.

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The main elements of scientific knowledge in high school Russian language Explanatory note in the school system The Russian language is not only the subject of study, but also a means of learning that determines the success in mastering all school subjects and the quality of education as a whole. The main objectives of the study of the Russian language at school: the formation of ideas about Russian as the language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation, the means of interethnic communication, consolidation and unity of the peoples of Russia; Formation of knowledge about the language of the language system and the laws of its operation at the present stage; enrichment of the vocabulary stock of students, mastering the culture of oral and written speech, types of speech activities, the rules and methods of using the language in different conditions of communication; Mastering the most important general security and universal methods of activity (extraction of information from linguistic dictionaries of various types and other sources, including the media and the Internet; information processing).

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Basic elements of scientific knowledge in high school Russian language Explanatory note These goals are implemented on the basis of personally oriented and activity approaches to training and education in the process of developing the mental and speech activity of the schoolchildren, the formation of linguistic, language, communicative and cultural competencies. In accordance with the goals of the course, the fundamental core of the content of general education in the Russian language consists of two interrelated components: sections "Speech" and "Language". Section "Speech" provides for the mastery of speech activity and speech communication, the formation of skills to create texts of various functional and communicative orientation. The "Language" section provides for the development of the foundations of linguistics, the system of its key concepts, phenomena and facts.

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The methodological basis of the fundamental nucleus of the content of general education is the principles of fundamentality and systemics, traditional for the domestic school. (methodological basis) a) supporters of preserving the historically established Russian system of education-oriented knowledge (i.e., a high scientific level of general education); In this context, it is fundamental to the discrepancy in views: b) supporters of the expediency of the transition to the system of learning adopted in several countries, which is characterized by a significantly lower level of outlining the basics of sciences compared with the level of the Russian school

The fundamental core of the content of general education is the basic document necessary to create basic curricula, programs, educational materials and benefits.

The main purpose of the fundamental core in the standard support system of standards is to determine:

1) a system of basic national values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing the self-consciousness of the Russian people, priorities of public and personal development, the attitude of a person to the family, society, the state, the work, the meaning of human life;
2) a system of basic concepts relating to the areas of knowledge presented in high school;
3) a system of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal types of educational activities, adequate to the requirements of the standard for the results of education.

The fundamental core as a means of universalization of the content of general education makes it possible to implement the most important requirements of the Company to the educational system:

  • preservation of the unity of the educational space, the continuity of the steps of the educational system;
  • ensuring equality and availability of education at various starting capabilities;
  • achieving social consolidation and consent in the context of the growth of social, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of our society based on the formation of Russian identity and the community of all citizens and peoples of Russia;
  • protection of educational space from false knowledge and pseudiscodes;
  • the formation of a common activity basis as a system of universal training actions that determine the ability of the personality to learn, to learn, cooperate in the knowledge and transformation of the surrounding world.

The school chemistry course includes the volume of chemical knowledge necessary for the formation of schoolchildren in the consciousness of the chemical picture of the world. These knowledge along with the physical are in the center of natural science and fillconcrete content many fundamental ideas about the world. In addition, a certain amount of chemical knowledge is needed both for everyday life and for activities in all areas of science, national economy, including those who are not directly related to chemistry. Chemical education is also necessary to create clear ideas from a schoolboy about the role of chemistry in solving environmental, commodity, energy, food, medical problems of humanity.

The main objectives of the study of chemistry at school:

  • formation of ideas about the chemical component of naturally! The scientific picture of the world, the most important chemical concepts, laws and theories;
  • mastering scientific knowledge to explain the chemical phenomena and properties of substances, assessing the role of chemistry in the development of modern technologies and obtaining new materials;
  • education of conviction in the positive role of chemistry in the lives of modern society, the need for a competent attitude towards their health and environment;
  • the use of knowledge gained for the safe use of substances and materials in everyday life, agriculture and production, solving practical tasks in everyday life, prevention of phenomena damage to human health and the environment.

Theoretical foundations of chemistry Periodic law D. I. Mendeleev. Atoms, kernels, protons, neutrons, electrons. Chemical element. Periods and groups. Nuclides, radionuclides. Half life.
Labeled atoms. The concept of the structure of electronic shells. Valence electrons. The degree of oxidation. How to use a periodic table.

Molecules. Electronic nature of chemical bond. Electricity. Ions and ionic communications. Power
oxidation and valence of chemical elements. Polar and non-polar covalent bonds. Spatial structure of molecules. Metal connection. Hydrogen bond.

Molecular and non-elastic substances. The conditionality of the properties of substances by their structure. Simple and complex substances. Ideas about the structure of gaseous, liquid and solids. Causes of diversity of substances: isomerism, homology, allotropy, isotopy. Clean substances, mixtures, solutions. Dissolution as a physico-chemical process. Hydration ions. True and colloidal solutions. Solutions of gases, liquids and solids. Methods for expressing the concentration of solutions.

Physical and chemical phenomena. Chemical reaction is the process of rebuilding atoms in molecules. The preservation of atoms in chemical reactions. Absolute and relative masses of atoms and molecules. Mol - measure of the amount of substance. The Avogadro law and the volume of gas praying. Number of Avogadro. Signs and conditions for the flow of chemical reactions. Classification of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic

Solutions. Solubility. Solutions of gases, liquids and solids. Saturated and unsaturated solutions. Concentration of solution and its calculation. Heat phenomena during dissolution. True and colloidal solutions.

Electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Cations and anions. Strong and weak electrolytes. Dissociation of salts, acids and bases. Acidness of solutions, concept of pH. Conditions of irreversibility of reactions in solutions. The concept of analytical qualitative reactions.

Chemistry and electric current. Electrolysis. Cathode and anode. Preparation of alkali metal and aluminum. Redox reactions as an electric current source. Galvanic elements and batteries. The concept of fuel element. Chemical and electrochemical corrosion of metals. Methods for protection against corrosion. Anticorrosion coatings.

Thermal effects of chemical reactions. The law of conservation of energy in chemistry. Communication energy and heat formation of compounds. Standard condition. Ex-and endothermic reactions. Heat of combustion and dissolution. GESS Act. Fuel and its varieties.

The rate of reactions, its dependence on various factors. Activation energy. Catalysis.
Reversibility of reactions. Chemical equilibrium and ways to displace it.

Basics of inorganic chemistry Metals and non-metals, their position in periodic system. The structure of nemetal atoms. Physical and chemical properties. Hydrogen and oxygen compounds of elements of subgroups of halogens, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon.

The overall characteristics of metals of the main and side subgroups. Physical properties of metals. Alkaline and alkaline! Land metals, aluminum, iron, copper, zinc and their connections. Recoveful properties of metals. Electrochemical row of metal voltages. Black and non-ferrous metals, methods for their preparation. Alloys. Corrosion of metals and methods of protection against corrosion.

The main classes of inorganic compounds and reactions between them. Oxides. Hydrogen. Hydrides. Hydroxides. Acids, bases, alkalis, salts. Amphoterity. Neutralization reaction. Acid! Basic indicators. The relationship between the main classes of inorganic substances.

Basics of organic chemistryThe electronic structure of the carbon atom is the cause of the uniqueness of its compounds. The ability of carbon atoms to form circuits. Homology and isomeria are the causes of the diversity of organic compounds. Simple and multiple links. Limit, unforeseen and aromatic hydrocarbons. Methane, ethylene, acetylene, benzene - the generic groups of homologous series. Natural sources of hydrocarbons: oil and natural gas.

Functional organic compounds: alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amino acids. The concept of heterocycles. Nitrogen bases. Genetic relationship between classes of organic compounds.

Chemistry and lifeHigh molecular weight connections. Monomers and polymers. Polymerization and polycondensation. Rubber, plastics, chemical fibers. High molecular compounds -
The basis of biopolymers and modern materials.

Proteins. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Fats. Carbohydrates. Chemistry and health. Balanced diet. Caloric food. Vitamins. Medicinal substances. Harm caused by narcotic substances.

Chemistry in agriculture. Circulation nitrogen and phosphorus in nature. Mineral and organic fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphoric, potash). Plant protection products.

Household superficial! Active compounds. Detergents and cleaning substances. Organic solvents. Household aerosols. Security rules when working with funds
Household chemicals.

General principles of chemical production. Main products of industrial chemistry (ammonia, sulfuric acid, mineral fertilizers, ethylene, styrene, butadiene, acetic acid). The concept of petrochemistry.

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