Waters of water biological resources. Water biological resources of the world: description, list and use

Waters of water biological resources. Water biological resources of the world: description, list and use

All wildlife surrounding us is a complex, multi-level system of combined biological resources. Man can also be considered as an integral part of this system.

Biological resources - wealth, this
man planet

Bioresources are the "Life of the Earth". All living, from unicellular marine organisms to multi-meter mammals is biological resources of the world. These include:

Living organisms that cannot be found to the flora, nor to the fauna, for example, sea are also part of the Bioresources of the Planet and in the aggregate can be called biomass.

They simultaneously perform many functions and are of great importance for humanity. Let's consider all components of the parts combined into the concept of "biological resources".

Animal world

Animals - an integral component of the Earth ecosystem. They play an important role both for humans and for the functioning of the remaining elements of the biosphere.

Ensuring soil fertility, pollination of plants, water purification in natural conditions, the transformation of organic substances in the ecosystem is only a few of their functions.

Plant resources of the world

This group includes forest biological resources primarily. They renewable, but exhausted. The dimensions of these bioresources are calculated with an area or volumes of wood, which can be used by a person. Forests occupy about 30% of the planet area, which is equal to 40 million square meters. km. If we consider wood reserves as raw materials, then its volumes are approximately 350 billion cubic meters. m.

But the forest is not only the material for production and fuel, and also the habitat of many animal species. This example shows the close relationship between all the components of the biological resources of the planet.

Biological Ocean and Fresh Water Resources

The world ocean occupies 70% of our planet. Reserves of minerals in the depths of ocean shelves are not related to bioresours. Biological resources - These are all living organisms located in the depths of the aquatic expanses that a person can use himself for good. The total mass of such living organisms is estimated at 35 billion tons. The highest productivity in terms of catching fish has a quiet ocean, as well as Bering, Norwegian and Japanese seas.

The biological resources of the ocean are also renewable.

As a person uses bioresources planet

The volumes of biological resources are hard to determine, and even more difficult to learn their value in the monetary equivalent. For example, forest areas can simultaneously perform many functions: to be a building material, fuel and resting place also a vegetable world is an invaluable source of oxygen.

In the case of agriculture, it is difficult to distinguish between bioresources and agroresurs. All alignment of agricultural products used by man appeared due to the reduction of untouched natural areas previously charged to bioresources.

Water biological resources are used by man constantly. are a source of food, as well as raw materials for other industries (medicine, agriculture).

Terrestrial animals are also biological resources. Animal world, if we consider exclusively wild animals, loses its former importance for a person. This is due to the development of animal husbandry. Although in some regions, the hunt still remains strategically important fisheries.

The state of biological resources of the planet

As you can see, a person has always boldly enjoyed that he gave him a planet. And bioresources did not exception. But human intervention is not left unnoticed.

The biological resources of the world year after year lose their primary appearance under the influence of human acts. We do not always think that one action may cause irreversible violations of the planet ecosystem. For example, it becomes the reason for the disappearance of many species of animals.

Over the past 30 years, the areas of green plantings have significantly decreased. The scale of cutting is so great that it is even visible in the pictures made from the space. And during the existence of civilization by our hands, 35% of forests were destroyed. Work on the restoration of green plantings, unfortunately, do not bring due results. Now the reduction rate is 18 times higher than the speed of their regeneration.

Independed consequences of human activity feels and water biological resources. First of all, damage applied water bioresurs, manifests itself in large-scale fish catch and other seafood, pollution of water bodies, destruction of spawning.

Animals are a source of raw materials for many manufacturing processes. However, the scale of the use of wild ground fauna is insignificant, if compared with the volumes of agricultural animal husbandry.

Protection of bioresources - the task of each of us

The fact that the biological resources of the world have an incommensurable importance for humanity, do not need any arguments. It is even impossible to imagine how people will be able to exist without access to these wealth of the planet.

World biological resources do not have borders, so the issue of their protection should be solved at the international level. In total, there are now more than thirty organizations that regulate active actions aimed at protecting bioresources in each individual state. The UNESCO initiative was to create an "International Union and Natural Resources". More than 90 countries are involved in the research "Man and Biosphere" under the guidance of the same organization.

Another socially active association "Friends of the Earth" holds regular campaigns in defense of flora and fauna. "The action in defense of the Earth" is the youth division of this organization.

Protection of biological resources is the main task of the activities of the International Association "Greenpeace". This organization is valid at the local, national and international levels and has the support of the broad masses.

Basic Bioresource Preservation Methods

As you can see, organizations, positioning themselves with defenders of nature, are sufficient, but what specific measures is making humanity so that the biological resources of the world have been subjected to as little as possible on his part?

  1. Rational attitude towards biological goods. The introduction of technologies for wastewater production and reuse of raw materials.
  2. Protection against pollution - targeted events whose task is to eliminate the negative impact of human activity (installation of wastewater treatment plants in enterprises, waste disposal).
  3. Arrangement of territories where biological resources are protected. Animal world and vegetation here can be observed in untouched. Reserves, reserves, nature monuments, national parks are places where the ability to restore populations and plants appears.

And finally ...

Each of us is conscious or without daily use of available bioresours. In this regard, our task is to use them as soon as possible, to protect, restore, to enable our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to see and appreciate all the riches of the Earth.

According to the common definition, any sources of health of the necessary goods are related to biological resources. That is, everything that can go for the benefit of people can be called biological resources. And if humanity has not found the use of animal or plant world or does not use for their good, it is impossible to relate to this definition.

World Resources

Our planet's resources are classified for a variety of directions. They can share to exhaust and inexhaustible. Based on such definitions, all biological resources of the world belong to the first type. They have property to end.

The division can occur by parameters: renewable and non-renewable. All representatives of the animal and vegetable world are renewable resources, although some of them are only partially restored. In the relations of humanity with the surrounding world relatively recently, such a concept has emerged as security of biological resources. Red books of extinct animals and plants appeared. Before the twentieth century, people in search of the profit actively mined rare, valuable copies of plants and animals, which led to the complete disappearance of entire species.

Resources may be replaceable or indispensable. And if the mineral components of a person's life can be compensated, then the biological components of a person cannot be replaced. At least at the level of modern technical development.

Animal and floral world of the planet

As you know, the surface of our planet is covered with water more than seventy percent. It would seem that the population of the aqueous medium should be higher. In fact, it is not. No matter how much scientific counts of the total number of animals and plants on Earth are different, everything is converged in one - in the World Ocean, significantly less living organisms live. And the calculations differ at times.

So, in different sources, animals in the world exist from two to eight millions of species, and plants are just from one hundred to three hundred thousand. Such a difference is explained by the fact that most species have not yet been described by scientists. But this majority belongs to numerous in their diversity, but insignificant to the general biological mass. For example, insects are already known for more than one and a half million species, but their influence on biological resources is insignificant.

Be that as it may, all scientists agree that the number of species and animals, and plants in the aquatic environment is less than ten percent of the total number on Earth. This confirms the fact that, despite the origin of the whole world of the oceans, the processes of evolution on land occurred much more intense than in the aquatic environment.

By weight difference water World And the continental part is even more striking. In terms of volume, biological resources - animals and microorganisms, inhabiting the world ocean, make up about the same ten percent of the entire animal mass of the planet. The mass of oceanic plants is simply lost against the backdrop of the plant world, because less than ten thousand times.

World Ocean Resources

By themselves, the resources of the World Ocean are inexhaustible and diverse. The main wealth is water itself, without which the other living beings cannot exist. In addition, water contains many chemical elements that are either produced from water, or in a dissolved form contribute to the vital activity of all living organisms, whether plants or animals.

But according to value in monetary terms for humanity is important mineral resourceswhich are mined from the bowels of the ocean. First of all, it concerns the oil and gas of the continental shelf. Data hydrocarbons produced by mankind from the Ministry of Ocean, in value terms are up to the ninety percent of all oceanic resources.

Naturally, energy resources of water are used - energy of rivers, tides and tides, waves and flows. Hydroelectric power plants have been working for a long time, almost a century, and they produce a significant part of electrical energy in the modern world. Tidal stations began to be constructed relatively recently, their power is still small. And over the projects of using waves and flows, scientists of different countries are fighting today.

And, of course, the value of such resources is not the highest in monetary equivalent, but the most important, since this is the biological resources of the World Ocean.

Habitats of plants and animals in the ocean

In the ocean, as well as on the surface of the sushi, there are more and less productive regions. Ground deserts (hot and icy) correspond to the great depths of the ocean. That is, in relative values \u200b\u200b(and in absolute too) desert places in the ocean much more than saturated with life - about two thirds of oceanic areas are low inhabited. And if we take into account the depths of the oceans, the low productive volumes of the water space becomes even more.

Yes, life exists at the day of the Mariana depression. All major places where water biological resources are inhabited - this is coastal sites Seas and oceans with a depth of two hundred meters. The rivers and lakes of the coastal part, of course, also densely populated by representatives of the animal and plant world, but in the total amount of their size is insignificant.

List of water biological resources

Like the rest of the wildlife, the ocean population is divided into biological resources of the animal world and vegetable. Moreover, as noted above, the animal world is more diverse than vegetable, and animal species in the ocean are much more than plants. The biological resources of the sea include algae, mammals, mollusks, crustaceans, fish. The difference from the land flora and fauna is that the aquatic floral world is also a variety, and for the total weight of an order of magnitude less than the animal. But people who are especially living on the shores of the seas and the oceans have learned how to use the potential to be filled with the biological resources of the World Ocean, for the universal benefit.

Fish as the main water bioresource

Despite the impressive sizes of marine mammals (and whales, as you know, the largest animals on our planet), the main value in today's world for humans are fish. Of the variety of ocean resources up to eighty-five percent of the entire water biomass, which humanity uses, falls on fish. And this is despite the fact that in terms of biological resources, the total mass of the fish is no more than two percent. In order not to underestimate the natural content of fish in the oceanic expanses, people learned how to build fish farms where the most valuable rocks are grown.


Ocean resources humanity adapts for their needs on land. Aquatic biomass is processed into high-calorie flour, which is used in animal husbandry. Widespread mariculture is obtained - breeding marine organisms on plantations. With the help of mariculture in European countries, edible oysters and mussels are divorced, and in the countries of the Far East - pearl oysters. In addition, edible algae is grown in the Far East - marine cabbage.

Resource problems

Increased use of some kinds water resources leads to problems from others. Thus, the construction of hydroelectric power plants affected the composition of the fish livestock of rivers, but on a global scale these numbers are insignificant.

The greatest problem modern Mira It is pollution of marine and ocean waters after accidents in the extraction and transportation of oil. In addition, the rapid growth of the industry leads to water pollution by industrial waste and fertilizers. Yes, and an increase in the use of seas and oceans with a large number of people in the form of travel and relaxing pollutes the waters of the household garbage. From how correctly, humanity will solve the problems of the World Ocean depends on and large its future.

At the legislative level

At the international level, a number of restrictions are adopted, which is aimed at reducing pollution of marine and ocean waters. In addition to international agreements, at the level of each country there are legislative acts to protect water resources.

IN Russian Federation There is a law that gives the definition that such water biological resources. This definition includes naturally fish, as well as aquatic invertebrates, mammals and algae. At the same time, it is added that they must be in a state of natural freedom. The law and other subtitual acts are aimed primarily on the preservation of those species of biological resources that are indispensable. After all, twenty percent of their food receives humanity from the ocean.

The most important component of human habitat is natural resources. These are plants, animals, mushrooms, algae, bacteria, as well as their totality - communities and ecosystems (forests, meadows, aqueous ecosystems, swamps, etc.). Biological resources also include organisms, aligned with human: cultural plants, pets used in industry and agriculture strains of bacteria and mushrooms. Thus, biological resources are natural sources of obtaining the necessary man of material goods (food, raw materials for industry, material for the selection of cultivated plants, farm animals, microorganisms, for recreational use).

Due to the ability of organisms, all biological resources are repaired, but a person must support conditions under which the renewability of these resources will be implemented. With a modern system of using biological resources, their considerable part threatens the destruction.

The main biological resources are the resources of the vegetable and animal world. A person is inextricably linked with wildlife. The seeming of its current independence, the insulation of nature is in fact only the consequence of the fact that a person in the process of evolution went beyond its resource cycle. However, nature will live and without a person, the man without nature will die. It is in this that the significance of natural biological resources.

Biological resources - the basis of human life. It is his food, dwelling, clothing, respiratory source, recreation and restoration environment. The depletion of biological resources can lead to mass hunger and other unpredictable consequences. To maintain the stability of biological resources, a rather highly developed base of their reproduction is necessary. The number of humanity is growing, and the amount of arable land on which the necessary agricultural products is grown, in the calculation I understand the population decreases. Even if we assume that the total area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land will not decrease, then in this case the number fertile land per capita will decline due to the increase in the number of people.

Today, each inhabitant of the planet, including children, is accounted for 0.28 hectares of fertile land. By 2030, the sowing grounds would be estimated by 5% (total!), While the population of the Earth, according to forecasts, will increase to 8 billion. This will reduce the number of Earth to inflation to 0.19 hectares. Almost all Asia, in particular China, will try to feed themselves from a much smaller calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bfertile soil.

Security of land and arable land (ha / person) in some countries of the world:

Earth Supplement





Great Britain

The need for food resources is mainly due to the fact that it grows various varieties of cultivated plants and breed pets. These include such agricultural sectors such as crop production, including field breeding, fruit growing, luracystroy, vegetable growing, mudflow, forestry, flower growing, and animal husbandry - annoying, fish and other types of fishery. Thanks to these industries, a person provides himself with food, and industry - vegetable and animal raw materials.

Plants create the necessary environment for people's lives, serve as an inexhaustible source of various foods, technical and medicinal raw materials, building materials, etc. It is plants that are a primary link in food natural chains, and, therefore, represent the primary link (producers) in relation to the animal world (consversions).

Water biological resources

According to the common definition, any sources of health of the necessary goods are related to biological resources. That is, everything that can go for the benefit of people can be called biological resources. And if humanity has not found the use of animal or plant world or does not use for their good, it is impossible to relate to this definition.

Our planet's resources are classified for a variety of directions. They can share to exhaust and inexhaustible. Based on such definitions, all biological resources of the world belong to the first type. They have property to end.

The division can occur by parameters: renewable and non-renewable. All representatives of the animal and vegetable world are renewable resources, although some of them are only partially restored. In the relations of humanity with the surrounding world relatively recently, such a concept has emerged as security of biological resources. Red books of extinct animals and plants appeared. Before the twentieth century, people in search of the profit actively mined rare, valuable copies of plants and animals, which led to the complete disappearance of entire species.

Resources may be replaceable or indispensable. And if the mineral components of a person's life can be compensated, then the biological components of a person cannot be replaced. At least at the level of modern technical development.

Animal and floral world of the planet

As you know, the surface of our planet is covered with water more than seventy percent. It would seem that the population of the aqueous medium should be higher. In fact, it is not. No matter how much scientific counts of the total number of animals and plants on Earth are different, everything is converged in one - in the World Ocean, significantly less living organisms live. And the calculations differ at times.

So, in different sources, animals in the world exist from two to eight millions of species, and plants are just from one hundred to three hundred thousand. Such a difference is explained by the fact that most species have not yet been described by scientists. But this majority belongs to numerous in their diversity, but insignificant to the general biological mass. For example, insects are already known for more than one and a half million species, but their influence on biological resources is insignificant.

Be that as it may, all scientists agree that the number of species and animals, and plants in the aquatic environment is less than ten percent of the total number on Earth. This confirms the fact that, despite the origin of the whole world of the oceans, the processes of evolution on land occurred much more intense than in the aquatic environment.

By weight, the difference in the water world and the continental part is even more striking. In terms of volume, biological resources - animals and microorganisms, inhabiting the world ocean, make up about the same ten percent of the entire animal mass of the planet. The mass of oceanic plants is simply lost against the backdrop of the plant world, because less than ten thousand times.

World Ocean Resources

By themselves, the resources of the World Ocean are inexhaustible and diverse. The main wealth is water itself, without which the other living beings cannot exist. In addition, water contains many chemical elements that are either produced from water, or in a dissolved form contribute to the vital activity of all living organisms, whether plants or animals.

But in value in monetary terms, mineral resources are important for humanity, which are mined from the bowels of the ocean. First of all, it concerns the oil and gas of the continental shelf. Data hydrocarbons produced by mankind from the Ministry of Ocean, in value terms are up to the ninety percent of all oceanic resources.

Naturally, energy resources of water are used - energy of rivers, tides and tides, waves and flows. Hydroelectric power plants have been working for a long time, almost a century, and they produce a significant part of electrical energy in the modern world. Tidal stations began to be constructed relatively recently, their power is still small. And over the projects of using waves and flows, scientists of different countries are fighting today.

And, of course, the value of such resources is not the highest in monetary equivalent, but the most important, since this is the biological resources of the World Ocean.

In the ocean, as well as on the surface of the sushi, there are more and less productive regions. Ground deserts (hot and icy) correspond to the great depths of the ocean. That is, in relative values \u200b\u200b(and in absolute too) desert places in the ocean much more than saturated with life - about two thirds of oceanic areas are low inhabited. And if we take into account the depths of the oceans, the low productive volumes of the water space becomes even more.

Yes, life exists at the day of the Mariana depression. All major places where the objects of water biological resources live are coastal seas and oceans areas with a depth of two hundred meters. The rivers and lakes of the coastal part, of course, also densely populated by representatives of the animal and plant world, but in the total amount of their size is insignificant.

Like the rest of the wildlife, the ocean population is divided into biological resources of the animal world and vegetable. Moreover, as noted above, the animal world is more diverse than vegetable, and animal species in the ocean are much more than plants. The biological resources of the sea include algae, mammals, mollusks, crustaceans, fish. The difference from the land flora and fauna is that the aquatic floral world is also a variety, and for the total weight of an order of magnitude less than the animal. But people who are especially living on the shores of the seas and the oceans have learned how to use the potential to be filled with the biological resources of the World Ocean, for the universal benefit.

Fish as the main water bioresource

Despite the impressive sizes of marine mammals (and whales, as you know, the largest animals on our planet), the main value in today's world for humans are fish. Of the variety of ocean resources up to eighty-five percent of the entire water biomass, which humanity uses, falls on fish. And this is despite the fact that in terms of biological resources, the total mass of the fish is no more than two percent. In order not to underestimate the natural content of fish in the oceanic expanses, people learned how to build fish farms where the most valuable rocks are grown.


Ocean resources humanity adapts for their needs on land. Aquatic biomass is processed into high-calorie flour, which is used in animal husbandry. Widespread mariculture is obtained - breeding marine organisms on plantations. With the help of mariculture in European countries, edible oysters and mussels are divorced, and in the countries of the Far East - pearl oysters. In addition, edible algae is grown in the Far East - marine cabbage.

Resource problems

Increased use of some types of water resources leads to problems from others. Thus, the construction of hydroelectric power plants affected the composition of the fish livestock of rivers, but on a global scale these numbers are insignificant.

The greatest problem of the modern world is pollution of sea and ocean waters after accidents in the mining and transportation of oil. In addition, the rapid growth of the industry leads to water pollution by industrial waste and fertilizers. Yes, and an increase in the use of seas and oceans with a large number of people in the form of travel and relaxing pollutes the waters of the household garbage. From how correctly, humanity will solve the problems of the World Ocean depends on and large its future.

At the international level, a number of restrictions are adopted, which is aimed at reducing pollution of marine and ocean waters. In addition to international agreements, at the level of each country there are legislative acts to protect water resources.

In the Russian Federation, there is a law that gives the definition of what water biological resources. This definition includes naturally fish, as well as aquatic invertebrates, mammals and algae. At the same time, it is added that they must be in a state of natural freedom. The law and other subtitual acts are aimed primarily on the preservation of those species of biological resources that are indispensable. After all, twenty percent of their food receives humanity from the ocean.

Biological resources of the sea

The biological resources of the seas and oceans have long been, and primarily the fish, served as the most important source of food for humanity.

However, the Ocean acquired the greatest importance as the breadwinner of our planet's population, when there are tens of millions of fishermen with huge spaces "Blue Niva", using hundreds of thousands of fishing vessels and applying diverse, sometimes highly complex technique, more than 60 million tons of algae are produced annually, Cruise, mollusks and fish. Products from these inhabitants of the ocean not only diversify and decorate a dining table, making meals more rich extremely necessary for the human body with vitamins, proteins and microelements, but in many countries is the most important, and sometimes even the decisive part of the supply of food.

Our ancestors who lived many thousand years ago, settled on the shores of the seas and the oceans and used their rich gifts for food. No fisheries or hunting for marine animals would be impossible to exist for many nations. This is especially true for the pool of the Pacific Ocean.

Inhabitants of Polynesia and Micronesia islands, the population of Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan, the inhabitants of the harsh coasts of Bering and the Okhotsk seas, the Aleutian and Kuril Islands, the ancient settlers of the Mexican-Peruvian coast, Maorians of New Zealand and many other peoples and the Pacific Pools are actively Engaged in fishing and widespread marine animals and plants for nutrition.

Now the fisheries of 210 countries and territories (out of 233 numbers) are occupied by marine and oceanic fishery (out of 233), and their efforts are ensured by such a volume that each inhabitant of our planet falls per year at 17 kg water objects. About 20% of animal proteins, these essential and completely mandatory nutrition components, humanity gets from the ocean. However, the population of Japan, the Korean government, Filipino O-Gossi and others. The share of fish food in nutrition takes much greater, and sometimes even the prevailing place. So, on average, about 80 kg of inhabitants of the seas and oceans each year is produced annually. In the food balance of these countries, fish is the most important and at the same time favorite nutrition component.

Many countries expect to significantly increase the catch of water bodies and precisely this way to ensure the need of their population in protein food, and everyone, together, to at least double the total amount of catch. Therefore, the world ocean and above all its coastal zone, within which more than 90% of the entire world catch of water facilities is mined, for last years It is used in fishing relationship with rapidly increasing intensity, and many evidence has already appeared to reduce the effectiveness of the fishery of some traditional objects of the shelf zone, the slowdown in the growth of total catch. However, according to many and above all, the Soviet scientists, the potential biological capacity of the seas and the oceans are now used absolutely not enough, and there are opportunities for a significant, even multiple increase in the useful products of aquatic animals and plants.

As is known, bioproductive processes inherent in the ocean, and especially their ultimate, products do not respond to the interests of a person. The features of these processes are such that predominantly animals are produced that do not represent fishing value.

It is enough to recall that according to modern ideas in the ocean, about 600 billion tons of vegetation are created annually, and the catch of traditional objects, the fish fishery is unlikely to exceed 90-100 million tons, since the effectiveness of naturally occurring ocean bioproduct processes in hundreds and thousands of times less than in man managed by livestock and fish farms. So, for example, in order to grow one kilogram of meat in livestock farms, it is necessary to rain 20-25 kg of vegetation, while on the creation of the same amount of fish meat that feeds the smaller fish, the feed for which are invertebrate animals, in turn Using plankton animals and plants as food, ultimately spend a thousand times a large mass of algae.

Indeed, the comparison of the amount of food obtained from the Blue Niva and as a result of agricultural production and animal husbandry, indicates a negligible low-cost yield characteristic of natural ecosystems of the World Ocean. If, as a result of 15 thousand years ago, the Neolithic Revolution, which gave a impetus to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, humanity from 4.44 billion hectares, i.e., 9% of the area of \u200b\u200bour planet engaged in agricultural land - arable land, meadows and pastures (Of these, under a lot of 1.5 billion hectares), now obtaining more than 98% of food, then from 71% of its surface occupied by the seas and oceans, and from 2.5 million km2 of freshwater reservoirs is mined only 1-2% total food.

Thus, the modern fish productivity of the World Ocean, being a peculiar result of various historically established natural biological processes, as well as the methods of fishing and the nature of the use of produced objects, is already approaching its limit, and without significant adjustment, it is impossible to count on significant, and even more so multiple increase in world The catch of traditional objects.

It is already obvious that the problem of the effective use of ocean biological resources should be approached from completely different positions than it was done until now.

First of all, the intensification of fishing efforts are intensified by the extensive water area of \u200b\u200boceanic pelagial and areas of raising oceanic beds. In recent years, the features of the oceanological regime of open areas of the ocean, associated with existing vortex movements, front areas, as well as complex underwater terrain with a plurality of oceanic bed raises, contribute to the creation of areas, sometimes extensive in space, with an increased level of bioproductivity. Within this kind of districts, whose common waters are 10-20 million km2, as well as over the peaks of the "Underwater Mountains", clusters of such rangenitic objects are found as a mackerel, stavride, Putassu, Sardin, Macrel, Berix, Prestipes, Kalmara et al., providing sufficiently high catch.vv significantly changed, and essentially there were ideas about the production of many small inhabitants of the ocean standing at the "first steps of the trophic staircase", and first of all the small pelagic ladies - Antarctic Krill, as well as inhabitants "Sound screening layers", small pelagic fish, luminous anchovs, Mavrolicus, etc.

Currently, many scientists assess Krill biomass in 2 or more billion tons, and a possible catch - to many tens of millions of tons.

Organization of rational ocean fishing is essential.

Now they are often caught fish, who did not have time to achieve optimal sizes, not fully used the feed base, did not have time to returned at the most optimal age, without taking into account their genetic-population structure, etc., which, ultimately, leads to a rapid Reducing fish productivity and fishery efficiency.

According to the most modest calculations, humanity has already lost as a result of this kind of irrational fishery of about 10 million tons of possible catch. Naturally, the efforts of scientists and employees of the fishing industry in this direction could restore such tangible and completely unjustified losses and prevent them in the future.

Indeed, now, now the overwhelming majority of water objects - fish, crustaceans, mollusks, whales, seals, etc. - represent a kind of hunting trophies - the result of a peculiar marine hunting, carried out using technically equipped methods of searching, various bait, highly efficient instruments and Fashion methods and modern fishing ships. All this allows you to receive high catch in the extent - the inhabitants of the ocean.

There was a need to actively influence the ocean and its inhabitants in order to increase its fish productivity, to create a managed marine underwater "gardens" and "farms" in it, change in the direction necessary for a person. Some oceanological and biological processes that flow in it, which determine the fish productivity or other districts, make the establishment of new forage and commercial facilities, carry out large-scale biomelilation and make much more for these purposes.

The greatest possibilities in this regard is the huge pool of the Pacific Ocean with the extensive areas of the shelf zone, numerous underwater hills and the unbarrous water areas of pelagic, with exceptionally diverse fauna fish and invertebrates. It is produced within 15.2 million tons (1978), that is, half of the world catch and undoubted that in the coming decades this share will be even more significant.

In the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, there are relatively shallow outlook seas (Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese, Yellow, East-Chinese, South China), the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich exceeds the total water area of \u200b\u200ball other seasons of the world's ocean. So, for example, only the shelf Bering Sea along the area is approximately equal to the shelves of the Barents and the North Seas, combined. Somewhat less shelf of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk. It is here that within the outskirts of the seas and the areas adjacent to them are currently being carried out by the most efficient fishing.

A narrow and steep mainland slope is a significant part of the underwater outskirts of North and South America, Japan, peripheral island trees in the West and the North-West of the Ocean.

The relief of the Pacific basin is characterized not only by the predominance of large (over 3 thousand m) depths, but also the presence of many extended underwater ridges, islands and plateau, numerous raising of the oceanic bed. Here there are a large number of underwater mountains, of which more than 3 thousand have a depth of less than 2 thousand m. This kind of hill contributes to the intensification of the mixing of deep-rich water-rich water elements with surface water masses, the formation of high biological productivity in the adjacent sections of high biological productivity. Because there is a large cluster of fish.

The total large-scale circulation of the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the flow system determine the zonal distribution of water masses and productive areas.

Mesoscale water circulation, meandra, whirlwinds, stable depth water lifts are affected not only on delivery to the fotic layer of biogenic elements and on the primary production process, but also on migrations of commercial objects, on their life cycle. In front of the front areas, the boundaries of the distribution of certain types are established, and the migrations of many pelagic species are sent along such zones, such as salmon, squid, tuna.

It should be emphasized large, sometimes defining the value of relatively small circular flows that make a complete circulation for 10-20 days in the shelf, non-growth, longlenitic and epipelagic zones, for reproduction, and thus for the level of the number of many commercial facilities (staudded, mackerel, sardine, Macrel, Minttai, Kambala, crabs, etc.).

Modern ideas about the placement of water masses of various origin and the volume of primary products make it possible to estimate various areas of the Pacific Ocean from a bioproducement point of view. It has been established that high-product zones, within which about 70% of the total volume of primary products are created, occupy 30% of the ocean water area, and 56% of the total zooplankton is located on 17% of the most productive ocean area.

In the Pacific Ocean, there are several very productive areas - the outskirts of the seas, the Zones of California and Peruvian Audoles, Kurosio, the flow of Humboldt, separate areas of the oceanic pelagiel, etc. in the eastern part of the Bering Sea, for example, the primary products are 150 GC / m2, and in some sections Reaching 300 Gs / m2.

The high level of fish productivity of the Pacific, the seasis is determined by the bentic fauna, vertical circulation of water in the autumn-winter period, which is increasing in surface layers of nutrients, as well as inherent shallow water circular currents and at the same time the presence of shelters required for eggs. All this ensures the favorable development and vital activity of juvenile and adult individuals of many bottom species (Cambal, sea perch, terbo, herring, crabs, etc.).

In the Pacific Ocean (in a layer of 0-500 m) more than 10 billion tons of zooplankton are produced annually, which ensures the existence of a diverse fauna of fish and large invertebrates, the volume of reserves of which, according to an estimate estimate, allows you to bring the catch at least to 50 million tons, i.e. significantly exceeding the currently achieved.

Within areas of high-gradient water distribution in Pelagial, i.e., where the greatest deviations from the "normal" placement of the aquatic masses are observed, conditions are conducive to the formation of increased bioproductivity zones, and thus fish productivity. It produces commercial accumulations of many pelagic species of fish. Within the open areas of the Pacific Ocean P. A. Moiseyev, the presence of 4 to 9 million km2 of this kind of vigentiary zones, within which fish production can be about 800 kg / km2, and the likely catch to reach 5-7 million tons relative to large objects (Stavrids, mackerel, machelches, sardines, squid, etc.).

Particularly encouraging were the results of research and search for the identification of small mesophelgic fish resources and their distribution within the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific, the possibility of the catch of which was previously practically not taken into account in the estimates of potential ocean fish productivity. More than 40 species of fish, the size of which usually does not exceed 8 cm relating to micropide and gation families can be viewed as commercial, capable of forming highly voluminous clusters with catch up to 70 or more tons per day per trawler. According to the estimates of the previously mentioned researchers, in the Pacific Basin, the biomass of these fish reaches 40 million tons, and their catch, according to the English biologist Gullard, can be several tens of millions of tons.

Exclusively the volumes of krill biomass in the Pacific Sector of Antarctica are great. There is no doubt that small objects, curls and mesophelagic fish are the most significant among unused the resources of the Pacific Ocean.

In the pool of the Pacific special meaning They acquire efforts to create and develop mariculture farms, in directional biomelilation, acclimatization and transplantation of hydrobionts, to increase the bioproductivity of valuable commercial facilities.

It should be remembered that it was in the pool of the Pacific Ocean who originated and especially significantly developed mariculture farms. So, Hawaiians still in the XV century., I.e., long before the captain of Captain Cook ships have successfully divorced and grown marine fish.

The efforts of Japan's fishermen, the Philippines and other countries within the Pacific Basin are grown to 80% of the total global volume of maricultural products. Preliminary calculations show that near the Pacific coast of the USSR there are 38 thousand km of shalkodiy, suitable for creating maricultural farms, the products of which can be 1.5 million tons. Respectively, 8 million tons can be grown (40 thousand km2) At the coast of the United States (40 thousand km2) - 9 million tons of water bodies.

Speaking of mariculture, it is appropriate to emphasize the huge prospects of the efforts of countries, in the rivers of which Pacific salmon will spawn, to build up the scale of their artificial and natural reproduction. There is every reason to argue that this kind of combined and coordinated efforts can provide a significant increase in the number of these valuable fish in the near future and an increase in their total catch from 350-400 thousand tons to 800-900 thousand tons.

The total volume of mariculture facilities in the Pacific Pool can be in a relatively closest perspective at least 15 million tons.

The self-reproducing biological resources of the Pacific Ocean have such potential facilities that, subject to their rational use and adoption of due measures to preserve and increase, they can provide at least 80 million tons of water objects, or up to 30 kg per resident of the region, i.e., much more than now.

If we consider that half of the population of our planet, i.e. about 2.5 billion people, lives in the countries of the Pacific and that many of the coastal countries seek to improve their food balance, sometimes completely unsatisfactory, due to the development of marine fishing and growing water Objects, it becomes obvious to the special importance of targeted efforts to improve and develop fisheries in the basin of this large ocean of our planet.

There is no doubt that consolidating the efforts of scientists of all countries at this noble field will help ensure that the motto of the XIV Pacific Congress "Natural Resources of the Pacific Ocean - for the benefit of humanity" has been implemented.

Biological resources of the world

Different types of fauna and flora uses for a very long time (primitive man has already been a collector and a hunter), but new new beneficial features Plants, animals, microorganisms.

In terms of use, the first place belongs to plants, especially forest. This is due to the fact that forest productivity is significantly higher than other biocenoses, and woods, needles and juice of trees serve as the basis for the production of hundreds and thousands of product names.

Forests on the globe are concentrated in two belts: North, represented by coniferous and mixed forests of Eurasia and North America, and southern, which covers the forests of equatorial and tropical belts. Wet equatorial forests have the highest performance, but their development is complicated by the fact that the trees of one species occur here very rarely, and a hot and humid climate. The greatest stocks of wood in this belt have Brazil, Indonesia, Venezuela, Congo. The forests of moderate belt, especially taiga, have a homogeneous species composition, and the predominance of valuable coniferous rocks makes their operation very cost-effective. The largest reserves of the wood of moderate belt are concentrated in Russia, the USA, Canada, Scandinavian countries and in the north of China. In most countries in Europe and North America, thanks to the enormous labor of forest products, they are expanding both the area of \u200b\u200bwooded territories and wood reserves. Western Europe is already quite able to provide its needs with its own forest resources, only a small amount of particularly valuable wood species from the southern belt.

In developing countries, the use of forest resources is irrational. More than half of wood is burned here for household needs and increase soil fertility. The area of \u200b\u200bwet equatorial forests is quickly reduced, their species composition is impoverished. It is gratifying that in recent decades in Australia, Brazil and other countries, artificial forest plantations are created on large areas, mainly eucalyptus, which grows very quickly, reaching maturity in 25-30 years, and has quite valuable wood.

In addition to woody breeds, berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants are widely used in the farm, their main resources are confined to the forest belt. But many mushrooms and berries also grow in Lesothyndra and Tundra, and medicinal plants are found almost in all natural zones.

Now scientists are increasingly inclined to think that in nature there should be a cure for any human diseases. Therefore, it is important to preserve all the variety of biological species. The potential of most of them has not yet been studied.

Wood coniferous breed is considered the best raw material for the pulp and paper and forestry industry.

Wild fauna resources are now used in a relatively small scale. The hunt for animals remains the basis of the economy only in individual northern peoples and tribes of Africa, Amazonia and the Malay archipelago. However, almost all over the world has a sports hunting and his companion - poaching. The well-supplied hunting case in Europe and North America allows not only to receive income from the sale of licenses, as well as to increase the livestock of many species of animals. A good prospects for the development of hunting have the countries in African Savannas, but, with the exception of South Africa, poaching is thrive in all these states - even in the territories of national parks and reserves.

In recent years, in connection with the development of microbiology and biotechnology, various microorganisms are increasingly interested. The useful properties of them are so wide that they can be used not only in medicine or for biological protection of plants, as well as in the chemical industry to simplify many technological processes and even for the extraction of rare minerals.

Biological resources of animals

The resources of the animal world are, above all, the hunting resources. Hunting fishery is one of the most ancient human practices. The main commercial fur animals of Russia include protein, luxury, fox, hareboat. More rare furny animals are the curtain, columns, otter, beaver.

The territory of Russia is huge - over 17 million square kilometers. Natural conditions are the most diverse. Therefore, a significant part of the global biological diversity is in our country. Let's think about the figure - 1513. It is so many vertebrate species in Russia, namely: 320 species of mammals, 732 species of birds, 80 species of reptile, 29 species of amphibians, 343 types of freshwater fish, 9 types of circulation challenches.

In addition, about 1,500 species of marine fish live in the seams.

As for the fauna of invertebrates, it has up to 150,000 species, of which 97 percent are insects.

And many of these species exist only with us, there are no more of them anywhere in the world. Scientists call such types of endemics.

It is permitted to hunt in Russia for 60 types of mammals and 70 species of birds. According to the testimony of the state-owned hunting resources, the number of hunting animals is stabilized. Named oscillations are caused by changes in weather and climatic conditions.

In a good condition, the number of valuable fur animals - the number of sable and beaver increases, despite the fact that their prey has increased.

Finally, the number of black birds was restored, the state of which was alarming five years ago.

Hunting reserves play a positive role - now there are more than a thousand of them, with a total area of \u200b\u200bnearly 44 million hectares. For the most part of the reserves, animal density is much higher than in adjacent grounds. And over time, animals from the reserves naturally go to neighboring territories.

As in other years, the main part (more than 41%) is petty fish; bream and sigal species (16%); very little sturgeon and salmon. This is not surprising, because the reserves of valuable fish species (sturgeon, salmon, pike perch) are reduced, as well as stocks and the number of predatory species of fish, such as Pike, Nalim, Som.

Too active human activity (not only fishery, but the development of industry) led to the fact that in such lakes, like Ladoga, Onega, Ilmen, white also decreased stocks of fishing fish species. Although in general in Russian reservoirs, the stock of fishing species of fish is maintained at a fairly high level.

In general, the most intensively used fish stocks of water bodies of the European part of Russia - about 80% of the fish from the reservoirs are produced. And on the reservoirs of the Urals and Western Siberia accounts for up to 70% of the total catch of river fish.

For economic reasons, the past two years, the seal fishery is not conducted by any of the Caspian countries.

In natural reservoirs, hundreds of millions of people of particle fish are produced annually on plants - Sazan, bream, pike perch. And catches show high efficiency of artificial reproduction of their stocks. Thanks to the activities of the Tsimlyansky fishing plant in the reservoir of the same name, a commercial flock of a white tolstolob is formed. Fishing stocks of herbivorous fish appeared in Krasnodar, Volgograd, Saratov and other reservoirs.

What is the ecological state of Russia's fishery reservoirs? And then sometimes it turns out a paradoxical picture: one plant is growing fish, and the second it is immediately ruined.

In 2000, 58 cases of volleary pollution of water bodies were registered in the fisherous bodies. One of the deplorable results of this is the deceased fish. By the way, the damage from these volley pollution amounted to more than 60 million rubles.

In addition, natural factors are negative for many reservoirs. For example, in Primorsky Krai because of the logging of the forest in water protection zones (Installed for each river, depending on its size), severe unservation occurred.

Due to the pollution of water in the bays of Nakhodka, Amur and Ussuriy, the reserves of redfire, cambals, thermopurguga, Koryushki, Navaga, Malta have decreased. In addition, Kamchatka crab is no longer suitable for the polluted coast, the spawning of herring decreased, and the lost habitats of the scallop and the trepang are not restored at all.

A detrimental effect on the fodder base, and accordingly, on the reproduction of fish, oil and gas complex has an Obii basin.

Pulp and paper plants on the shores of Ladoga, Onega Lakes, the Yanis-Yoki River also do not contribute to the reproduction of the fish. The stocks of the ripple decreased from dirty wastewater, spawning and wintering pits of bream decreased, and the fish itself began to have a specific one - not a fish-smell at all.

And, on the contrary, where the activities of enterprises stop or declining, - there are fish reserves. For example, as soon as some enterprises stopped working on Sakhalin, they began to go to the nestosian born, Navaga, pink salmon in the marine zone. The Kholmsky and Chekhov cellulose-paper mills stopped the activity - the state of salmon rivers has improved.

With a decrease in the volume of drilling work in the Arkhangelsk region, fish reserves were restored in the tundra lakes.

Ihthyofaunarek Puchs and Rainin recovered only after the closure of two cellulose plants; Even successfully passed spawning of the Sigovy, and the young people managed to impose into the Pux River.

Of course, it is not about the complete closure of all enterprises. But, as the Paracels said, in all the dose, that is, a measure. And in our century - and the use of new cleaning technologies. Of course, bad without paper and cardboard, but they have nothing, if not because of them, forests, rivers, fish and nature will not become.

Recently, an understanding of not only the environmental, but also the economic value of such a specific resource is increasing, as the ability of the environment for assimilation and a certain amount of waste entering it, i.e., to self-cleaning. The economic significance of this property means that within the assimilation capacity ambient You can carry out the production process, without spending money on environmental protection.

This property of nature is the property of all peoples and generations, but they took advantage of a relatively small number of countries, the first to those who were on the path of industrial development, thereby restrain the progress of other countries and is made a threat to the existence of future generations. The fair solution of this problem is possible on the basis of objective international agreements.

Protection of biological resources

One of the main conditions for restorative environmental management is the operation of wildlife resources in such a way that their reproductive potential is not disturbed and there was no need for special and expensive recovery activities. The reasonably operated resource should, based on the mechanisms of environmental self-regulation, independently restore its number to the level of operational (commercial). It is significant that many large-scale types of human activity have long and successfully use this principle.

Collecting mushrooms and wild berries, while observing the terms and technology of harvesting, it is possible on the same areas almost forever. The same applies to the Tayrian cedar household, especially the soldier, who had a steady stationary character. Annual sealing on natural Russian meadows was carried out in such a way that the preserving Otawa reproduced the next year high-quality height, suitable for effective sealing. Only minor aelic work on the fight against expansion of trees and shrubs were required. In the absence of fan of fish in local reservoirs in a settled population (and this was the rule) they were capable of maintaining the fishing harvest and the reproductive population at a constant level. The same can be said about hunting resources in conditions of stable commercial economy - with the existence of a conservative system of hereditary hunting grounds. Of course, all processes in the communities of the mentioned biological resources, their abundance, the distribution must comply with natural successes and, therefore, somewhat change, but very slowly.

Sometimes linguistic accents can significantly affect understanding and even on the essence of the problem. In all listed cases, users were maintained to obtain a constant relatively high harvest, and the preservation of resources is necessary, but a concomitant condition. The teaching of Russian forest products Morozov and Nesterova, put forward in late XIX. - The beginning of the XX centuries, - the doctrine of non-sustainable, eternal forest management, has shifted accents. The first place has advanced protection of resources, and the practical result is on the second. Although the main indicators could remain the same. Born, repeat, the most important science of the eternal, sustainable exploitation of biological natural resources. The economic effect of its application on the scale of land, sometimes the use of spontaneous, traditional, is determined hundreds of billions, if not in trillions, dollars.

In the United States and Canada, the effectiveness of "protection through reasonable use" is carried out in an even broader scale, almost on the entire fauna hunting animals. As a result, the number of some hunting facilities, despite their intensive operation, has reached a historic maximum: Canadian beauty - 6-8 million individuals, white-tailed deer - 32-33 million, wapiti - 10 million, wild turkey - 5 million and t .. This population of hunting animals and birds fully satisfies the needs of 13-14 million hunters.

The available fish resources allow to satisfy the needs of more than 43 million fishermen, while respecting the high LOVA standards and strict fishermen controls. A significant part of the caught fish is released back into the reservoirs.

The volume of tax revenues to the federal and staff budgets from amateur hunting and fishing, as well as from observers for wild animals exceeds $ 10 billion a year. The cost of natural products of hunting and fisheries is hundreds of millions of dollars - with the safety of biological potential, the resources of operational diothe and fish populations.

Humanity has taken and undertakes a variety of attempts to reduce and prevent threats by bioform. The use of gene pool and animals is regulated by a set of legislative, legal, regulatory documents containing the principles and methods of protection, operation and restoration of the resources of the vegetable and animal world. The range of these documents is very wide - from the exploration and definition of general and operational reserves to the calculation of specific exemption norms. Russia has been operating the law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection", Forest, Land and Water Codes, a whole system of sub-lawyal regulatory acts, departmental provisions on the use of certain biological natural resources, etc. Their principal disadvantage is a departmental character, the absence of uniform organizational and methodological approaches. Significant concretization on the basis of general conceptual provisions should be subjected to regulatory documents of direct consumption, such as provisions on hunting and fishing, production regulations, rules of hunting and fisheries, methods of cutting forests, etc. Regional features and local traditions of attitudes towards wild animals and plant intercourse may be taken into account, the principle of integrated environmental management (Multiple Use) has been implemented.

From the standpoint of restoration environmental management, we are particularly interested in the protection and restoration of particularly rare, threatened forms of organisms, in the essence of the submarine regulations. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" contains articles providing for the protection of a gene pool of plants and animals. "Plants and animals related to the species listed in the Red Books are everywhere to withdraw from economic use. The activity leading to the reduction in the number of these plants and animals is prohibited, the worsening environment of their habitat. "

As you know, since 1963, the Red Book of IUCN operates, which includes (with a gradual increase in coverage) of the form of plant and animal world, the preservation of which is international significance. This book is continuously adjusted on the basis of changes coming in the plant and animal world of the Earth. In the first edition of the book in 1963 included information about 211 species and subspecies of mammals and 312 species and subspecies of birds. The fourth edition appeared in 1978-1980, has already imagined information on 226 species and 79 subspecies of mammals, 181 and 77 sublovations of birds, 77 species and 21 subspecies of reptiles, 35 types of 5 like amphibian subsidies, 168 species and 25 subspecies of fish . As you can see, the number of security objects increases. However, there are also restored forms of organisms: 7 species and subspecies of mammalian birds, 2 - plants. The Red Book of IUCN works. Thanks to it, many forms of plants and animals are derived from the category.

"The necessary addition to the Red Book of IUCts should be (and steel), national red books, which can take into account specific circumstances and plan protective measures with a much greater degree of efficiency and reality," said A.G. Bannikov and V.E. Flint.

As you know, the Red Book of the USSR emerged in 1978 and in 1984 there are two releases of the Red Book dedicated to animals and one - plants.

In Russia, the process of differentiation of red books lasted up to the republics, regions, edges and even major administrative districts, which was not always approvingly met by some scientists and environmental publicity. A summary of regional protection facilities in Russia was compiled by V.V. Gorbatovsky. It provides an overview of the edition of red books and other publications devoted to the rare and endangered species of plants, animals and fungi in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Vegetable world. The approximate number of types of flora of the Russian Federation is 12500. In the Red Book of the RSFSR (a new edition is in the process of preparation) included (indicating categories) 465 species of vascular plants (440 types of coated, 11 - vote, 10 - fern and 4 - plauenovoid), as well as 22 - moss, 29 - lichens and 17 - mushrooms (only 533 species). Among the vascular plants in the Red Book, the following families are most widely represented: orchid - 46 species, legumes - 54, complex beds - 24, umbrella - 26, cereals - 23, cruciferous - 20.

Animal world. The Red Book of the Russian Federation (animals) includes 415 taxa and animal populations. Of these, 156 invertebrates (95 of which, or 0.1% of their total number on the territory of Russia - insects, 42 - mollusks) and 260 vertebrates: 3 chapped 3, fish - 47 (5%), amphibians - 8 (30), Reptiles - 21 (28), birds - 126 (17), mammals - 74 (20%). Of these species 123, the species of vertebrates and 6 kinds of invertebrates are in the Red MSOP list.

In the new edition of the Red Book of the Russian Federation, 225 new taxa and populations were listed: ring worms (13 species), Msanka (1 view), Plephaned (1 type), crustacean (3 species), 3-piece (3 species). The number of species represented only by individual populations increased significantly. Currently, the number of invertebrate animals in Russia is estimated at 135 thousand, of which 120 thousand accounts for clansical, including 100 thousand in the insects. Mounted significance in the national red book of animals belonging to 1 and 2 Categories, which indicates its high nature-building role.

The red book of various levels played a primary positive role in the protection of the gene pool of the vegetable and animal world of Russia. It can be argued that without this environmental tool, we would not be able to preserve the Amur Tiger, Far Eastern and Front Asian Leopards, Irbis and some other rare animals. Now it is advisable based on a summary of V.V. Gorbatovsky to conduct a scientific audit of the Russian Red Books System, evaluate their effectiveness and clarify the content. We need an updated scale of criteria for planting plants and animals in a book of one or another level. We must clearly represent the biogeocetic, ecosystem, economic and aesthetic significance of each protected form of living organisms and on the basis of these knowledge to determine their role in restorative nature management and the priority of work with them. Theoretical Foundation This was created by A.G. Bannikov and V.E. Flint and completed V.E. Flint.

The legislative strengthening of the protection of the gene pool of living organisms in Russia is important. V.V. The admission of the following wording to the Constitution of the Russian Federation was proposed: "The living substance of the biosphere and its components need to preserve and maintain the conditions for constant reproduction as an indispensable part of the great biological cycle, creating and supporting life on the planet Earth.

Thus, it becomes clear that the preservation of the biological diversity of the gene pool of animals and plants is also one of the problems of environmental ethics.

Vegetable biological resources

Plant resources are all vegetable organisms ( higher plants, mushrooms, mosses, lichens, algae), which grow in territories and water areas and are used or can be used for the various needs of society. Among them, forest resources are particularly economic importance.

Forests occupy about a third of the surface of the globe. Wood is a universal raw material from which more than 15-20 thousand different products can be made. Also known hydroclimatic, ґrunto and trace value of the forest. In addition, sanitary and hygienic, balneological and recreational functions of forests are very important. Forests are inherent in the high level of biomass formation - today they create about 92% of the sushi biomass. The forests are also valuable by the fact that it is reducing resources and produce about two thirds of the organic matter, which is created on Earth.

Forest resources are wood, technical, medicinal and other forest products, which are used to meet the needs of the population and production and are reproduced in the process of forming forest natural complexes. Forest resources also include the beneficial properties of forests (the ability to reduce the negative effects of natural phenomena, protect the soil from erosion, to prevent pollution of the environment and clean it, contribute to the regulation of water drain, improving the population and its aesthetic education, etc.) that are used To meet public needs.

The forest resources of the world have about 4 billion hectares, and industrial wood reserves are up to 50 billion m3. Most of the forests are concentrated in two forest belts - Northern, with a predominance of coniferous rocks (passes through Canada, USA, Scandinavia and Russia), and southern, with deciduous species of trees (territory of Central and South America, Equatorial African, South and Southeast Asia ). Forests cover about 38% of the European territory, and approximately 80% of European forest resources are located in Russia. The largest area of \u200b\u200bforests remained in Asia and South America, the smallest - in Australia and Europe. Since the size of the continents of unequal, it is important to take into account their forest science, that is, the attitude of the wooded area to the total area. For this indicator, South America occupies the first place in the world. For such an indicator, as wood reserves, the countries of Asia, South and North America are distinguished by Canada, Brazil, Russia and the United States. Almost no forests in Bahrain, Qatar, Libya, etc.

For the rational use of forest resources, it is necessary to comprehensively process raw materials, rather than cutting out forests in a volume that exceeds their increase, conduct reforestation work. The forests call the "light" planets, they play a huge role in the life of all mankind: restore oxygen in the atmosphere, maintaining soil water, prevent the destruction of the soil. A solid cutting of the rainforest of Amazonia leads to the destruction of these "lungs". The preservation of forests is necessary, including for the health of humanity.

Not only wood, but also zhivitsa, tube, mushrooms, fruits, berries, nuts, medicinal plants, hunting, industrial resources, and so on, as well as the useful properties of forest (water protection, climatorshral, \u200b\u200banti-erosion, Wellness, etc.). Woody coniferous breeds are used for the manufacture of vitamin flour, coniferous extract, coniferous paste and other products. Important economic and social importance are resources of non-timber vegetation and forest fauna, of which complex forest enterprises make valuable food products.

World forest resources ruthlessly cut down under arable land and plantations, under construction, moreover, wood is widely used on firewood and woodworking products. As a result of deforestation, a threatening scale has acquired: the total area of \u200b\u200bforests in the world annually decreases at least 25 million hectares. Recently, there is a catastrophic rapid construction of tropical forests. Over the past 200 years, forest area has decreased by a minimum twice; Every year it is destroyed on average 125 thousand km2 of forests, equal territories of countries such as Austria and Switzerland taken together.

The main reasons for the destruction of forests is the expansion of agricultural land and the use of wood. Forests also cut down under the construction of power lines and communication. In addition to developing countries in which forests are cut down for the use of wood as fuel and produce arable land, reduce and degrade from the pollution of the atmosphere and soil forests in highly developed countries. There is a mass drying of the tops of trees due to their damage to acid rain, therefore the most developed and at the same time low-income forest countries are already introducing a program to preserve and improving forest land. So, in Japan and Australia, as well as in some Western European countries, areas under the forests remain stable, and the depletion of the asstensives in recent years is not observed.

Forest resources are a set of material benefits of forests that can be used without prejudice to the environment with the greatest economic efficiency.

All the diversity of forest resources, depending on their destination and features of use, are combined into the following groups:

Raw Materials of Wood Origin - Wood, Wooden Greens, Bark;
- resources of non-timber origin - mushrooms, berries, fruits, nuts, medicinal resources, feed and technical resources of non-timber vegetation and the like;
- resources of animal origin - useful and harmful forest fauna, eggs, honey, wild hoofs, etc.;
- Multilateral useful functions of the forest and its positive effect on the natural environment.

The forest complex includes three industries: forest, woodworking and pulp and paper. In the forest industry, logging and timberic production are the most developed. Forestry production provides a blank of round timber, production of technological chips and transporting them to the final consumption points, harvesting and export of steam and woody greenery. Lesochemical production in the forest industry provides steam processing on rosin, turpentine, and woody greenery - for vitaminous flour, extract, pasta, wax and other products, harvesting and recycling resin.

Forestry belongs to the forest complex, the main task of which is the reproduction of highly productive forests, their protection and protection. Forestry has few highly specialized enterprises that would only deal with forestry, protecting and protecting the forest. Most forestry enterprises are complex. In addition to forestry, they are engaged in forest exploitation and processing of wood for consumer goods. As a rule, in developing countries, woodworking forestry enterprises are characterized by a low level of technical development and inefficient use of raw materials.

The influence of anthropogenic factors on the forest is manifested both straight (destruction in deforestation, construction, creating reservoirs, open development of minerals, fires, etc.) and indirectly - as a result of changes in environmental conditions (with irrigation, drainage, soil salinization, pollution medium harmful chemicals, etc.). In the economically mastered forests, natural seaside conditions are disturbed, all components and bonds in ecosystems occur. The temperature regime is disturbed, relative humidity decreases by 5-10%, wind speed increases. When cutting out of forest soils, a huge amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium is made, formed simultaneous, single-tree, forest monocultures are developing. When creating dusts from dry trees, fire danger rises. So, modern trends are characterized by a deterioration in general soil and climatic conditions that are becoming increasingly unfavorable for the development of high-her-seat rocks of trees.

For example, in Europe in the doselerobic period of the forest covered from 70 to 80% of the territory. Just during the time when a person began to actively use fossil fuel, that is, from 1850 to 1980, the area of \u200b\u200bforests on the planet decreased by 15%. Earth forests also suffer from fires, in 97% of cases occur due to people. The needs of humanity have already exceeded forest capabilities. Over the past half a century, world forest area has been significantly reduced, and the largest losses suffered developing. 2050 provides for the reduction of forests per capita from the current 0.56 to 0.38 hectares. This figure takes into account both the growth of the population and the transformation of the part of the forests in arable land. In many cases, world needs for forestry products have grown - paper, timber, firewood, and they already exceed the possibilities of constant logging.

In most European countries, the number of forests that has no affected human activity is less than 1%, with the exception of Russia and the Nordic countries (Northern Sweden, Finland and Norway). About 7% of forest land in Europe is protected, and about 3% are protected areas, strictly protected.

The deforestation period (due to the deforestation of the forests), which appeared only in recent decades, is now used as wide as "desertification" or "soil degradation". By definition of UNEP, deforestation is the complete destruction of forest vegetation and lands transfer to another type of economic use.

Among the environmental consequences of deforestation, the main maintenance are:

Direct reduction in the amount of organic matter, changes in cycles of energy, water, global biochemical cycles of major biogenic elements, etc.;
- noticeable changes in climatic conditions at the local, regional and global levels;
- changes in the biological diversity of the plant and animal world.

It is biodiversity that is the most important natural resource, the global heritage of all mankind and the national heritage of each state. The preservation of biodiversity, the main forms of which are genetic, species and ecosystem, should be based on a permanent (balanced) use and restoration of biological resources.

This will contribute to various measures to protect and restore forests, which include the following:

First, the proper maintenance and intensification of forestry based on the rationing of deforestation and the full use of forest products. Conducting standards should be determined for each region, taking into account the forestry and the actual possibility of their timber industrial development in order not to cause deforestation of some regions and the formation of rebound forests in others. One of the most important forest protection tasks is the development of the optimal fraction of forest science differentiated for various natural zones.
Secondly, the increase in forest productivity and improving their quality by changing the forest conditions: drainage of wetlands, improvement of drainage and other forestry events.
Third, the struggle and forest fires and the protection of forests from pests.
Fourth, changes in the breed composition of forests for more efficient use of potential fertility of forest soils, that is, the introduction of rocks is growing rapidly, restoring forests on deforestation, other events.

Thus, the high intensity of forestry is understood as the sum of measures and forestry works, which are consistently carried out for a long period - from the cutting of natural forests to the deforestation of forests, a person raised. In order to preserve and increasing productivity, reproduction, protection and protection of forests, as well as improved forest management culture is carried out forest management.

Its main tasks are:

Determining the boundaries of the territories of forestry enterprises, forest resources, the breed and age composition of forests, settlement cutters;
- identification of sites on which the deforestation must be carried out in order to care and comply with sanitary conditions;
- clarification of areas intended for restoring forests and forest development and determining methods of reproduction of forests;
- Refinement of forest separation into groups and security categories.

Forest restoration can be carried out by three ways: the first - natural reforestation using a complex of forest measures; The second is an artificial reforestation, that is, sowing seeds or disembarking seedlings and seedlings grown in forest nurseries the third - combined reforestation, which combines natural and artificial recovery on one area.

Not only forest resources perform a variety of economic functions in society. Herbic vegetable resources play no less important role.

According to a person, they are divided into the following groups:

Valuable feed plants;
- medicinal plants;
- technical plants;
- The rest are decorative and other plants.

It should be noted that vegetation neither the natural zone was not subject to such a catastrophic effect of a person like the vegetation of steppes, especially in the last 150-200 years, when the appearance of this landscape zone has changed. The main directions of the impact of man's economic activity on the steppe horses associated with such factors as a grazing of livestock, the total destruction of virgin vegetation during plowing, haymaking, construction of cities, industrial facilities, transport highways, etc. The consequences of the disappearance of the natural vegetable cover of the steppe began to dry the soils and reduce surface and underground flow.

In addition to the vegetation of steppes, the restoration and security is also subject to meadows and pastures, marsh arrays (as important hydrological and climatic regulators), as well as wild plant types, with an economic goal, use only a minor part of a huge amount of species of wild plants. The main directions of use of wild plants are the manufacture of drugs, oil, honey and other products. Recently, the number of species of wild plants has decreased significantly, and many species have become rare and disappearing.

Currently, about 20-25 thousand species of plants are under threat of disappearance on Earth.

The Commission on the Protection of Disappearing Plant and Animal Nature Protection Union adopted the following classification of plant species, which threatens the danger:

0 - species that apparently have already disappeared (have not met in nature for several years);
1 - Threat species (further existence is impossible without special protection measures);
2 - rare species (the direct threat of disappearance is not yet, but they are found in such a small quantity or in such places bounded on the area, which can quickly disappear);
3 - species whose number is reduced (and also narrows the range for a certain time);
4 - uncertain types (perhaps are under threat, but the lack of information about them does not allow to reliably assess their current state).

So, plant resources are one of the most important types of biological resources. These are comprehensive, but renewable multipurpose resources are of great importance: atmospheric oxygen is restored, groundwater maintains, prevent the soil destruction; It is a source of various materials, fuels, mushrooms, fruits, berries, nuts and medicinal plants. Plants, in particular forest, is a place of recreation of people and play an extremely important environmental role. But at the same time, the plants are also most defenseless before the activities of a person, so their protection is a comprehensive international task.

Use of biological resources

The taxpayers for the right to use the objects of the animal world are organizations (Article 18 of this Code), individual entrepreneurs and individuals (Articles 24 and 26 of this Code), carrying out on the territory of the Russian Federation, using the objects of the animal world, on permits (licenses) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The taxpayers for the right to use water biological resources are recognized:

1) Russian organizations (Article 18 of this Code), individual entrepreneurs and individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation (Articles 24 and 26 of this Code) exercising using water biological resources in the inner waters of the Russian Federation, the territorial Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation , the exceptional economic zone of the Russian Federation, the open sea, including conventional areas, if the Russian Federation spends funds for their study and protection, as well as exercising using anadromic species of fish, spawning on the territory of the Russian Federation, throughout their area, on the basis of permits ( licenses) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
2) Foreign organizations and individuals, both residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation (Articles 24 and 26 of this Code), carrying out water biological resources in the inner waters of the Russian Federation, the territorial Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the exceptional economic zone The Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the use of the anadromic species of fish, unreserved in the territory of the Russian Federation, throughout their area.

The taxpayers for the right to use the objects of the animal world and water biological resources is further referred to as taxpayers.

Tax breaks

The following categories of taxpayers are exempt from collecting collection:

1) Representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Far North, and region equal to them (on the list established by the Government of the Russian Federation), for which hunting and fisheries are the basis of existence. Such exemptions applies only to the volumes (number) of the objects of the animal world and water biological resources produced within the territories of the traditional settlement and economic activities of this category of taxpayers for their personal consumption;
2) organizations and individuals engaged in the removal of objects of the world and water biological resources in order to protect the health of the population, eliminating the threat to human life, protection against diseases of agricultural and domestic animals, regulating the species composition of water biological resources, preventing damage to the economy, animal to the world and its habitat, as well as in order to reproduce objects of animal peace and water biological resources on behalf of specially authorized state bodies;
3) scientific organizations that exemprify the objects of animal peace and water biological resources for scientific purposes, in the manner and amounts defined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
4) public associations of hunters, fishermen, carrying out the protection and reproduction of the objects of animal peace and water biological resources at the expense of animal and water biological resources at their own expense;
5) bodies for the protection, control and regulation of the use of facilities of the animal peace and water biological resources using the objects of the animal world and water biological resources in order to study their stocks and industrial examination, in a part relating to the specified activity;
6) Organizations that have separated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation facilities of the animal world of a specific species on the territories enshrined behind them - for the term of the contract for the use of this territory (water management) in the sizes determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the animal world.

The legislative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to provide additional benefits to certain categories of taxpayers within the amount of collection amounts entering the budget of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation.

Tax object

The object of taxation recognizes the right to use the objects of the animal world and the right to use water biological resources, the use of which is carried out on the basis of permits (licenses) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The tax base

The tax base is determined separately in relation to each type (group of species) of the objects of the animal world and water biological resources allowed to withdraw from their habitat in accordance with the resolution (license).

The tax base is defined as:

1) the number (volume) of the objects of the animal world and (or) water biological resources to be seized;
2) The number of days during which a certain group of objects of the animal of the world and (or) of water biological resources of a particular type (group of species) is seized - for amateur and sports hunting and fisheries.

Tax rates

Minimum and maximum tax rates for the right to use the objects of the animal world, depending on the conditions for using the objects of the animal world and their species are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Specific tax rates for the right to use the objects of the animal world are established by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the submission of specially authorized state bodies for the protection, control and regulation of the use of objects of the animal world within the rates established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Minimum tax rates for the right to use water biological resources that are federal property, as well as for the right to use water biological resources in the inner waters of the Russian Federation, the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, the open sea, Including in conventional areas, for Russian taxpayers engaged in industrial production, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation differentiated, taking into account the catch of water biological resources allowed for the catch, the field of fishery.

Specific tax rates for the right to use water biological resources that are federal property, as well as for the right to use water biological resources in the inner waters of the Russian Federation, the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, the open sea, Including conventional areas, for Russian taxpayers engaged in industrial production, are established by the results of competitions and auctions by the authorities issuing permits (licenses) for the right to use water biological resources.

Tax rates for the right to use water biological resources for foreign taxpayers carrying out industrial production in the inner waters of the Russian Federation, the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as for the right to use anadromic species of fish, spawning On the territory of the Russian Federation, they are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the conditions of international treaties (agreements).

Tax rates for the right to use water biological resources that are owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are established by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

With ultra-dimensional and irrational use of the objects of the animal world and water biological resources, the established tax rates are increased by 10 times.

When using the objects of the animal world and water biological resources, no appropriate permission (license), tax rates are increased by 20 times compared with rates, usually installed in relation to such use based on permission (license).

The provisions of this part cannot serve as a basis for the liberation of the taxpayer who uses the objects of the animal world and water biological resources without relevant permission (license), from the responsibility provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Biological resources of Russia

Biological natural resources include the resources of soil and land, plant, animal world.

In the plain territory of Russia, the soil cover has a pronounced zonal character, and for mountain areas is characterized by a high-rise lower.

The territory of Russia is located in two belts - polar and moderate.

Biological resources include:

1) Land resources - Russia has the largest land in the world in the world, its territory is 17 million square kilometers, but agricultural land (Pashnya, Senokos, pastures) make up of them only 13%. The main part of the agricultural land is in the European part of Russia, including arable - in the center and in the south of the European part of Russia, as well as in the south of the Urals and Western Siberia, hay lands are mainly in the northern regions of the European part of Russia. The main arrays of pasture lands are in the south of the central part of Russia, southern Western Siberia, in addition, deer pastures are located in Siberia and the Far East. The most fertile are chernozem, gray forest and dark brown soils;
2) plant resources - in Russia there is a tundra (arctic, moss-lichen, southern, shrub), steppe, desert vegetation, vegetation of a moderate belt;
3) Forest resources - in the reserves of forest resources, Russia is in the first place in the world. Forests occupy 40% of Russia. Most of the forests belong to the coniferous, most valuable. Russian forest cover is divided into two zones - taiga and the zone of mixed forests. Coniferous breeds are dominated in the taiga - spruce, larch, fir, pine, cedar, in the zone of mixed forests - deciduous - birch, aspen, alder, oak;
4) Assembly of the animal world - furny beasts (sable, squirrel, ondatra, fox, sands), freshwater and sea fish (carp, pike perch, pike, lime, perch, hero, sturgeon and salmon fish).

The Russian Federation is the largest state of the land, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b17075 thousand square meters. km (11.4% of the sushi of the planet), it is washed by 23 seas. On the territory of the country there are more than 120,000 rivers and about 2,000,000 fresh and salted lakes, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bog reaches almost 1.8 million square meters. km.

In Russia, there are a variety different types Animals - 320 mammalian species, about 730 species of birds, 75 species of reptiles, about 30 species of amphibians, almost 400 types of coastal seabed fish and 269 species of freshwater fish (according to the Institute for Ecology Problems and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

The life of the animal world has always played a significant role in the life of the peoples of Russia. The use of animal resources is the basis of life for many peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation. Especially important they have for the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

Hunting and fisheries are traditional activities for the Russian population. The resources of the animal world create a large extent the basis of its economy and ensure the food safety of the country. Even the most terrible shocks for Russia are a lightweight pitching in the sea, while its indispensable natural resources promise to the people's degenerate nutrition and light in the houses. Perhaps everything would continue long enough, but the bioresources of Russia appear about help. In need of legal protection and animal world of the Russian Federation.

Currently, most animal species do not threaten complete disappearance. However, the number of rare animals under threat of disappearance is constantly increasing. The population of most types of fishing birds remains stable. But in all types of wild hoofs, there is a reduction in the livestock, which is explained by the general deterioration of the socio-economic situation in Russia and the rustic growth of poaching.

According to official statistics, there is a decrease in fish catches in all inland reservoirs of the Russian Federation. Stocks of valuable fish species are also reduced due to poaching, high fishery intensity.

In the main areas of fishery gained threatening sizes, unlawful activities for the fishery, processing and sales of fish and other sea products.

Russia ranks first on the area of \u200b\u200bforests, which make up the fifth of the Forest Square in the world.

Forest-covered territory of Russia is calculated more than 770 million hectares, or 45% of the country's territory, and all the land of the forest fund occupy about 1183 million hectares. Only 55% of forest area are of interest to use; But the prevailing part of them (located in the north of the European territory of Russia and along the Trans-Siberian Highway) is significantly exhausted as a result of intensive exploitation in the XX century.

The total stock of wood is estimated to be 82 billion m3, which is over 23% of world wood reserves. The most valued coniferous species of trees. In Russia, half the world stocks of coniferous wood species focuses. Although the size of the wooded area and the volume of wood stock in Russia are great, they are reduced, especially in the European part of Russia, where many years the pace of logging is superior to the pace of reforestation.

Although Russia's forest resources are large and distinguished by high quality, their productivity (increase) is somewhat lower than in foreign countries. At the same time, in Russia, the forests located in its northern part are less productive, below the quality, it is more difficult to resume in comparison with the forests of South Taiga. Forest resources in Russia are unevenly distributed. Of the total stock of Russia of Russia, more than 70% falls on Siberia and the Far East.

According to the degree of provision of forest resources, forest-free, timberized (where stocks and needs are equal) and forestful territory. Forest-free (stocks exceeding needs) include North, Volga-Vyatsky, Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian, Far Eastern Economic Areas. To the forest-free (reserves and needs are equal) - northwest and central, to the reform - Central-black earth, Volga, North Caucasian economic areas.

Preservation of biological resources

The initial causes of the appeared at the end of the XX century. Global environmental problems were a demographic explosion and simultaneous scientific and technical revolution. Geographically, the growth of the population of the Earth is uneven. In Russia, the population is reduced, but grows in China, the countries of the South Asia, in all Africa and Latin America. Accordingly, spaces, taken away from nature with sowing areas, residential and public buildings, iron and road, airports and marine marins, groces and landfills increased by 2.5-3 times. At the same time, the scientific and technological revolution gave humanity with the possession of atomic energy, which, besides the good, led to radioactive pollution of extensive territories. There was reactive high-speed aviation, destroying the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Tens of times increased the number of cars that pollute the exhaust gases atmosphere of cities. In agriculture, in addition to fertilizers, various poisons - pesticides were widely applied, which polluted the surface layer of the entire world ocean.

All this led to many major environmental problems. Global environmental issues have an objective result of the interaction of our civilization and the environment in the Epoch of Industrial Development. The beginning of this era is considered to be 1860, about this time, as a result of the rapid development of Euro-American capitalism, there was an exit of the then industry on new level.

Global environmental problems are divided into several groups, closely connected with each other:

Demographic problem (negative consequences of population growth in the 20th century);
energy problem (energy deficit generates the search for new sources and associated with their prey and use pollution);
Food problem (the need to achieve a full-fledged nutritional level of every person sets questions in the field of agriculture and the use of fertilizers);
The problem of preserving natural resources (raw material and mineral resources is depleted from the Bronze Age, the maintenance of humanity and biodiversity genes and biodiversity, fresh water and oxygen of the atmosphere are limited);
The problem of protecting the environment and man from the action of harmful substances (the sad facts of mass throwing of whales on the coast, mercury, petroleum, etc. Catastrophes and them caused poisoning).

The modern ecological and economic situation of Russia and the nearest perspectives cause serious concerns. Despite a significant decline in production in industry and agriculture, having a place in recent years, the overall environmental situation in Russia continues to remain at the unsatisfactory level. Such specific indicators as energy consumption and as a whole resource costs per unit of gross national product, the disorders of the territory per person, pollution per unit of products, several times higher in the Russian Federation than in the industrialized countries of the world. The negative aspects of the environmental situation are manifested in reducing the quality of human habitat, the degradation of natural ecosystems, the degradation of natural resource potential. The environmental factor significantly affects the health of the population, increasing the number of environmentally conditioned diseases and strengthening its provoking effect.

In Russia, about 80% of the mined resources goes to ensure the resource of mining and resource-intensive manufacturing industries. Large-scale production of natural resources and huge amounts of resource processing are carried out under an increased level of emergency hazard of industrial facilities. In general, the modern technical and technological potential of Russia remains at the level of the 70s., Which corresponds to the period of the environmentally friendly "dirty" industry.

As for forest resources, the conservation and use of which largely depends on the preservation of many biological resources, then there is no less deplorable situation in this area. A person affects the ecology of his habitat, not only consuming its resources, but also changing the natural environment, adapting it to solve its practical, economic tasks. By virtue of this, human activity has a significant impact on the environment, exposing it to changes that then affect the person himself. In the history of civilization was cut down.

2/3 of forests, for 10 billion tons decreased oxygen reserves, degraded about 200 million hectares of land as a result of incorrect, irrational agriculture. The twentieth century of scientific and technological progress significantly strengthened the economic pressure of a person on the natural environment. Every day, as a result of the irrational activities of man, 44 hectares of land are treated in the desert, over 20 hectares of forests are destroyed in a minute! The natural structure of the forest complex with undeveloped manufacturing industries leads to a huge overflow of the forest for the production of products compared to existing technologies. In this situation, it is necessary to take immediate action. If we want not only we, but also our future generations could use forest reserves, it follows not only mindlessly to consume them, but take care of solving the problem of reproduction of this type of resources.

The main problems of the environmental safety of the Russian Federation can be classified as follows.

Actual problems associated with the state of habitat and ensuring environmental safety of the population:

Pollution of atmospheric air cities;
unsatisfactory quality drinking water;
Food safety (pesticide content, etc.);
contamination of the habitat by dioxins, production waste and consumption (landfills of hazardous waste);
nuclear pollution a number of territories (Chernobyl districts, etc.);
The emergence of the chain reaction of man-made disasters with a modern critical level of the wornity of the main production facilities in industry and utilities.

A number of the main problems of the Russian Federation in the field of natural resource protection:

Reducing the species diversity of animal and vegetable world, decrease in forestry;
Complex lands impairment;
exhaustion and pollution of surface waters;
Exhaustive use of the natural-raw base.

Extraction of water biological resources

The objective side of the crime under consideration is expressed in illegal mining of these items. When qualifying illegal actions, it is necessary to use clarification of the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 21 "On the application by the courts of legislation on liability for disorders in the field of environmental protection and environmental management." Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation №21 "On the application by the courts of legislation on liability for violations in the field of environmental protection and environmental management."

The concept of qualifying signs - groups of persons on the preliminary conspiracy and organized group - is revealed in the comments to Art. 35 Criminal Code. Criminal law of Russia.

Use of biological resources

The protection of the biosphere is a comprehensive system of measures aimed at preserving, rational use and reproduction of natural systems and resources of land in the interests of existing and future generations of people. The main goal of the rational use of natural resources is the conservation of the species manifold (gene pool) of flora and fauna of the Earth, its subsoil, water resources, atmospheric air, i.e. preservation of natural conditions for the development of human society.

From the 30s. 20 V. It became an obvious danger of exhausting natural resources - both non-renewable (oil, coal, gas, ore, etc.) and renewable (mushrooms, plants, animals, etc.). For the period from the end of the 16th century. until the 70s. 20 V. 109 species of birds, 64 species of mammals, 20 species of reptiles, 3 species of amphibians disappeared from the face of the Earth. By the end of the 20th century. The process of depleting the biota (world of living beings) of the globe accepted the threatening scale. According to the permanent commission on the endangered species of plants and animals of the International Union of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), 1 type (or subspecies) of animals and weekly 1 type of plants disappears on average.

The process of depletion of flora and fauna is most noticeable on a relatively small area. Thus, the Flora of Belarus, which has more than 1750 species, has decreased by almost 100 species over the past 100-150 years. A significant number of animal species has also disappeared. There were no mammals such as the Middle Eastern Forest Cat, Dummy; Birds: Big Bablan, Drop, Pink Pelican, Colpicitis, Strept; Fish: Beluga, Baltic and Russian sturgeon, salmon, etc. are destroyed in the main species useful for humans: food, medicinal and beautifully blooming plants; Animals with beautiful fur or plumage, whose meat is used in food.

As mentioned above, the very existence of the biosphere and man in it is closely associated with the natural functioning of biogeocenoses, in which each view occupies its ecological niche and has a strictly defined functional value. Therefore, the loss of any kind of living organisms violates the functional organization of environmental systems in the process of evolution. With these violations, the deterioration of the natural conditions of human vital activity is associated. It is for this reason that the scientifically based protection of the species diversity of the organic world on Earth is necessary.

The solution of this most important problem is possible by drawing up international and national red books, as well as lists of rare and endangered species of living organisms of various countries and regions. At the same time, measures are developed and taken on the practical protection of populations of rare and endangered species, special areas are allocated with various protection regimens - reserves, reserves, national parks, etc., legislative acts at the national and intergovernmental levels are being taken, international agreements are being taken.

Reserves and other protected areas. Reserves are specially protected by the law or aquatorial, excluded from any economic activity for the sake of preservation in untouched the form of natural complexes, the protection of the types of living organisms and tracking the natural processes. Reserves are established to preserve and develop in natural conditions of representatives of the most valuable or disappearing species of animal and vegetable world, which primarily threatens the risk of disappearance as a result of direct extermination by man or destroying the habitat in the process of economic development. Thanks to the reserves, many species of animals (bison, Ussuri tiger, exhaust, gaga, etc.) have been preserved, restored to the fishing level, the number of beaver, moose, sable and other valuable hunting animals.

The main task of biosphere reserves is to ensure perennial comparative and environmental studies of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems, the organization of the global and state environmental monitoring system.

The reserve is a plot of natural territory intended for the permanent or temporary protection of one or two or many species of living beings, ecosystems or geological monuments (landscapes). In the reserves, economic activity is allowed only to the extent that it does not disrupt peace and does not harm protected objects.

Reserves - Reserved (protected), usually small tracts (groves, lakes, areas of valleys and coasts, etc.), or individual objects of the natural complex (hunting-fishing animals, birds or fish, rare or historically valuable trees, etc. .).

The National Park is an extensive protected natural area, which preserved natural complexes representing special ecological, historical and aesthetic value. The regime of the National Park Combined: areas with the protected and registered regime and the plots are mosaic and the areas where regulated economic activities were made mainly with the maintenance of tourists and the preservation of land use traditional for the local population. Currently, around 3,000 national parks and other protected areas close in their tasks and organization; They occupy an area over 400 million hectares.

In order to monitor the consequences of the Chernobyl accident on the territory subjected to pollution, the Polesky radiation and ecological reserve was created.

Remainless technology. The fundamentally new and most radical way to solve the problem of preserving the biosphere is the transition of industrial and agricultural production to low-waste and waste-free technology.

Received technology is a set of activities aimed at the maximum use of raw materials and waste, as well as the creation of production with a closed cycle without discharge of wastewater and without emissions to the atmosphere of harmful substances. However, the waste-free technology in the full sense of this word is impossible, since any production technology gives waste, at least in the form of energy. Therefore, it is more logical to use the term "low-waste technology", because this technology allows you to obtain minimum solid, liquid and gaseous waste. At the present stage of development of scientific and technological progress, it is the most real.

Thus, resource-saving technologies are characterized by a number of features:

1) allow you to more fully use natural resources;
2) make it possible to reuse production and consumption waste;
3) aim to master clean sources of energy;
4) provide strict emission limit.

The protection of the biosphere is a comprehensive system of measures aimed at preserving, rational use and reproduction of natural systems and resources of land in the interests of existing and future generations of people. To solve this crucial problem, measures are being developed and taken on the practical protection of populations of rare and endangered species, special areas are allocated with various protection regimens - reserves, reserves, national parks, etc., are developed by low-waste and waste-free technologies of industrial and agricultural production, etc.

Water resources

Biological and mineral resources are exhausted. The existence of marine mammals, uncontrolled, threatened, led to a strong reduction in the number of fish.

There is a rapid pollution of ocean waters. A huge amount of "dirt" is carried out in the ocean with sushi rivers and wastewater. More than 30% of the ocean's surface is covered with an oil film destructive for plankton. The destruction of the plankton, that is, passively floating in the water of the simplest organisms and raffs, led to a reduction in the feed base for necton and reduced its number, and, therefore, reduced fish production. The world ocean includes radioactive waste, which also pollute its water.

Forest resources

For rational use, all forests are divided into three groups. First group. Forests having water protection and soil values, green areas of resorts, cities and other settlements, reserved forests, protective strips Along the rivers, roads and railways, steppe rods, ribbon bors of Western Siberia, tundra and subalpine forests, nature monuments and some others.

The second group. The plantings of a small slide area, located mainly in the central and western regions of the country with a protective and limited performance importance.

Third group. Operational forests of the country's messenger zones are areas of European North, Urals, Siberia, and the Far East.

The forests of the first group are not used, they only carry out for sanitation, rejuvenation, care, clarification, etc. In the second group, the regime of logging is limited, use in the amount of forest growth. Forests of the third group industrial logging mode. They are the main base of wood blank. In addition to economic qualifications, forests differ in their appointment and profile - industrial, water protection, trace, resort, roadside, etc.

The state of forests in the world can not be recognized as well. The forests are intensively cut down and not always restored. The annual logging is more than 4.5 billion m3. Especially disturbing the world community The problem of forests of tropical and subtropical zones, where more than half of the world volume of the one-year resort is cut down. Already degraded 160 million hectares of tropical forests, and from the revisible annually 11 million hectares is restored by the plantations only the tenth part.

Tropical forest covering 7% ground surface In areas close to the equator, are often referred to as light of our planet. Their role in the enrichment of the atmosphere oxygen and the absorption of carbon dioxide is exceptionally large. Tropical forests are a habitat of 3 - 4 million species of living organisms. 80% of insect species live here, 2/3 of famous plant species grows. These forests supply 1/4 of oxygen reserves. According to FAO, they are reduced at a speed of 100 thousand km2 per year. 33% of the area of \u200b\u200btropical forests are in Brazil, 10% in Zaire and Indonesia.

Ocean biological resources

The biological resources of the World Ocean is something that humanity can save in the future from hunger. In the conditions of rapid growth of the Earth's population (especially in countries that develop), the problem of food supply appears. Already in the world, mainly in Asian countries, Africa and Latin America, 500 million people die from chronic hunger, and 1 billion suffer from serious malnutrition, 300 million children of these continents from malnutrition, there is a lag behind physical and mental development. Every day, about 12 thousand children die here from hunger. The causes of hungry death are primarily in droughts.

Recently, in the zone of the Sahel (Africa), the long-term drought caused hunger, from which 100 thousand souls died. Because of the offensive, the desert over the past decades is lost 8.5 million square kilometers of arable land and pastures, and they could be collected annually for 30 million tons of grain every year. But not only natural conditions explains the lack of food. It is also a consequence of the centuries-old oppression of colonial countries, their dependencies that is stored and donne.

The biological resources of the World Ocean today give humanity only 2 percent of food (88% - processed land, 10% pasture). But the food resources are much larger. For persistence, such data can be given: 43% of biomass of the entire planet, fish resources are located in the oceans - about 200 million tons. Huge resources of mollusks, crustaceans, algae, zooplankton. However, now 80-90% of the catch is fish, about 6% invertebrates, 4% algae and 1% marine mammals: whales (up to 25 thousand representatives per year), laston-related (seals, cats, nerves and walruses) in strictly limited quantities.

From invertebrates, bivalves (oysters, mussels, ridges, sea ears) and champion (squid and octopus) are mined. Very valuable crabs, shrimps, lunguhists, lobsters, etc. As part of Zooplankton there is a small representative of crustaceans - a curl (shrimp), widely used as a food product. Its resources are huge - 5-6 billion tone, and now 50-60 million tons are mined.

Sea algae, according to scientists, practically everything can be used in food. Most of them are mined China, Japan and the DPRK (millions of tons). In the diet, over 100 plant species are used. From one hectare of a shallow water zone can be collected approximately 4 times more than green mass than from the meadow. It is rich in carbohydrates (60% proteins, 6% - vitamins and mineral elements. Annual mining of them is up to 20 million tons.

The biological resources of the World Ocean are not limitless. Therefore, aquaculture is becoming increasingly distribution - reproduction and growing fish, mollusks and algae. Japan reached the greatest success. Speaking of rational and calculating the use of biological resources, it should be emphasized that the power of the modern fishing fleet of all countries allows you to catch bioresources more than they are reconstructed. The size of the fishing of the fish is already in our days reach the limit. That is why international organizations develop events regarding the regulation of the catch, relocation and acclimatization of fish, other residents of the sea.

The biological resources of the ocean, as already noted, are divided into its water area unevenly. Now the fishery of the biological products of the sea is not only in narrow coastal stripe, but also in the open ocean. But still 95-97 percent of marine fish and invertebrate animals are produced in the coastal strip. A large amount of seafood in the shelf zone is explained by favorable conditions for high biological performance.

The main objects of marine fish are anchovies, herring, cod, macumbrid, tuna, stavride and cambal. The catch of each of these families exceeds 1 million tone, and overall it is 2/3 of the world's global catch.

An important place in the overall world catch is occupied by other seafood, among which over 60% make up mollusks and about a quarter - crustaceans. Among the mollusks are the greatest industrial significance of bivalve (oysters, crests, mussels) and cephalopod (squid, octopuses, Caracatians). In the global fishery of crustacean shrimps, 57%, crabs 25%, lobster and Langstone 10%.

Industrial importance also sea hedgehog, stars and trepanga. The latter is called sea cucumbers for their form, and for nutritional qualities - marine ginseng. In meat, Trepang proteins are somewhat less than that of mollusks, but significantly more valuable mineral substances.

In the ocean, they produce seals, walrles, sea cats and the like. The largest areas of sealer are the waters of the olotopolar latitudes. The liver and the language of these animals in the peoples of the North is considered delicacies. But the most valuable product of the fishery is, of course, gentle silky skins, meat and fat. Through predatory destruction, the number of types of seals decreases. Two types and six subspecies are listed in the Red Book.

A good, soft and strong Calana fur, or Kamchatka beaver, as it is also called, is valued significantly higher than the fur of river beavers. Most Kalans in the coastal zone of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Two subspecies are listed in the Red Book.

Extremely good fur fur seal. It is highly appreciated in the global market. After the barbaric fishery, the number of these valuable animals has decreased significantly. Now the hunt for them is adjustable. Large fangeries of cats are located on the islands of Prielov, Commander and Seal.

The southern hemisphere and the northern part of the Pacific Ocean are the main areas of hunting for another valuable ocean animal - China. In the 60s. Whaling was particularly active. Currently it is regulated. Therefore, there is reason to hope for the conservation of the extermination of these mammals.

On the coast of the seas, many diverse birds, which also have an industrial value.

The biological resources of the World Ocean are very rich. And the famous French scientist Alain Bombar was right when he said that the ocean was able to feed humanity. But all this does not mean that its biological resources can be used uncontrollably. As a result of intensive fishery in recent years, the reserves of many of the most important fish decreased to the critical limit.

White Sea Biological Resources

The White Sea is a renewable source of bioresources, including fish products, algae biomass, mining of marine mammals.

White Sea Commercial Resources are represented by 7 species of fish: Herring, Sig, Navaga, Koryushka, Salga, Cod and Kambala. From the marine mammals of production facilities are the Greenland seal, the sea hare, the ringed nerve and whitewash.

Significant marine crafts focused on the Thair shore - they beat seals (Lyshuns); In the north they collect eggs and beat wild birds - chas, boobs (Gagachi Pooh).

Algae There are 13 classes, and in the White Sea from the more remarkable 4 classes found 121 views and 129 forms, and the number of visible species increases. Currently, the practical importance is mainly the brown algae (which includes different types of laminarium and fukusov) and the crimson (to which the angelition belongs to).

The Arkhangelsk Experienced Algae Plant is the only enterprise in Russia, specializing in the deep processing of marine algae. Sea algae - Laminaria and Futin - the plant is produced in the pool of the White Sea in the Solovetsky Islands.

One of the cultivation objects on the White Sea is a bivalve mollusk of the mussel. It is the Belomorsk mussel that has a unique set of trace elements and biologically active substances, contains all indispensable amino acids and vitamins.

Mussels are used in different directions. This is, above all, food products (canned food and boiled ice cream meat).

From the mussels method of hydrolysis, a drug was obtained to reduce the severity of the radiation disease, fractions with antiviral and antibacterial properties are distinguished from the mussel hydrolyzate.

The biological resources of the White Sea are widely used in the food industry. Extensive fishing (up to 600 tons. Pooked); Caught: Herring, salmon, cod, Navaga, Koryushka, etc. Significant marine crafts - the Tereg shore beat seals (Lysunov); In the north they collect eggs and beat wild birds - chas, boobs (Gagachi Pooh). Fisheries in the White Sea is developed both at the amateur level and on an industrial scale.

Biological resources of the Azov Sea

We all accustomed to you that every sea is, first of all, the source of heat and recreation. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is a pleasant tan and a precious time. After all, salted sea water is healing water, and the sea air is considered the cleanest air on Earth. So coming to the sea coast, we first test the pleasant feeling of the sea breeze.

But we do not notice how our body begins to absorb, like a sponge, all substances from sea air and sea water. Yes. Our presence on sealand The warm and delicate sea makes itself felt in the most useful sense, since the biological resources of the Azov Sea, begin to be felt immediately during our presence.

And it is true. After all, the purest air, and in particular marine water, has all the necessary elements that our body needs. And if what the sea among its wealth of mineral deposits is suitable for use, then water air and sun are a storehouse of biological resources for our body.

But in addition to this composition, the Biological resources of the Azov Sea has a huge set. Starting with the fact that the sea is rich in mineral resources, it also has large promising deposits of oil and gas. The territory of the Azov Sea is, first of all, the "repository" of strategically important minerals, the production of which in the future will be able to significantly make an impact on the state economy.

Moreover, there are large deposits of various iron ores, and in huge quantities. A number of studies were conducted, in particular drilling plants, and some layers of iron ore deposits were identified, with a capacity of up to ten meters. They are located at a depth of fifty to one hundred meters. Currently, the study of iron ore deposits continues.

Another serious argument is the presence of various sandy materials that are used in various industries. Their prey has a rather cost-effective basis, and the prospect of a full-scale production process is very high. Many crop materials, as well as sands - all these biological resources. Azov Sea, having a rather solid age, has also very interesting deposits of small diamonds.

These deposits are located in the northern territories of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. From the point of view of price definition, they do not have tremendous value, since they are not applicable in industry. But the very fact of findings are such, forces to strengthen attention in this direction.

Some time ago in the period of another Soviet time, fresh water was found under the bottom of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov Sea, the presence of which in those places could solve many problems in agriculture. But perhaps the biggest "trump card" of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is salt.

It is the extraction of salt from Lake Sivash - the territory and all the Azov Sea are famous for. There are huge deposits of salt, the concentration of which autumn is large. Its use takes place not only in the food industry, as well as in the industry.

If we look at the Azov Sea, the photo of which can give us the overall picture of its square, then you just want to note its small relatively size. But this nor how it does not affect the number and saturation of the Azov Sea useful biological resources.

At the moment, the presence of biological potential, in the resource plan, gives the prospect of prey and as a result, to eliminate all sorts of lack of certain useful biological resources.

Water Biological Resources

The statement is submitted to the territorial management of Rosrybolovnia in writing directly by the Russian or foreign user or by means of postal shipment.

Copies of the following documents are attached to the application:

1. A certified copy of the contract of use of the fishing area (in the implementation of production (catch) of water biological resources by the Russian user with the provision of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the fishing section);
2. A copy of the contract of use of water biological resources certified in the prescribed manner, which are attributed to the objects of fisheries and the total allowable catch of which is not established;
3. Certainly certified copies of documents confirming the allocation of quotas for extraction (catch) of the WPD for which the total permissible catch is established;
4. In carrying out production (catch) of water biological resources using vessels - documents confirming:
- Property rights to the vessel registered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation: certificate of ownership of the vessel (for ships with a main engine capacity of more than 55 kilowatts and gross capacity of more than 80 register tons), ship ticket (for ships with the main engine with a capacity of less than 55 kilowatt and gross capacity of less than 80 register tons) - for vessels floating under the state flag of the Russian Federation and ascribed to the maritime ports of the Russian Federation, the lease agreement, registered in the prescribed manner (if the vessel does not belong to the statement of the Russian user on the right of ownership);
- the right to navigate the vessel under the state flag of the Russian Federation (for Russian users) or under the flag of a foreign state (for foreign users);
- the presence on the vessel of the technical means of control that provides a permanent automatic transmission of information about the location of the vessel (in the case when, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the technical means of control is mandatory established on trial vessels);
5. A certified copy of research programs and an extract from the annual plan of resource research and state monitoring of water biological resources on the conditions of their holding, which are approved in the prescribed manner (for Russian users who intend to fisheries in research and monitoring purposes );
6. Receipt of payment of state duty for issuing permission 500 rubles. (original payment order with blue banking printing);
7. Receipt of payment of 10% for the use of water biological resources on internal water objects (Original payment order with blue banking printing).

In order to accelerate the consideration of the submitted documents, management is recommended to provide additionally the following documents:

1. Conducted copies of constituent documents certified in the prescribed manner;
2. A certified copy of documents confirming the applicant's state registration as a legal entity or as an individual entrepreneur;
3. certified in the prescribed manner a copy of the document on registration in the tax authority;
4. Documents confirming the powers of a person who has signed;
5. A certified copy of the document on the absence of debt on accrued taxes, fees and other binding payments to the relevant budgets or state extrabudgetary funds for the last reporting period, the amount of which exceeds 25 percent of the balance sheet value of the applicant's assets (according to the financial statements for the last reporting period ).

Biological natural resources

They include vegetable and animal organisms, and vegetable make up a more significant proportion of them. They are represented by both cultural and wild plants. There are almost 6 thousand species of cultivated plants, but the most common types of crops on Earth only 80-90, and the most common - only 15-20.

Among the plant resources are primarily allocated for forests related to the category of renewable, but exhausted natural resources. Forest resources are characterized by forest areas and wood reserves. The size of the forest area of \u200b\u200bthe world is 40 million km2. One resident of the planet is on average about 1 hectares of forest. The total stock of wood in the forests of the world is 350 billion m3.

Wood has long been widely used as a construction and diverse material. Half of all the harvested wood goes on firewood. With the emergence of agriculture, the forests were reduced under agricultural land.

The forests are covered with less than 30% sushi. At the same time, the largest forest area remained in Asia, the smallest - in Australia. However, the size of the continents of unequal, so it is important to take into account the forest areas of the region, that is, the attitude of the forestry area to the common area. The highest forestry in the world in South America (39%), then in Europe (36%), North America (27%). Forestability of Africa, Asia and Australia less than 25%.

Forests of the world form two huge belt for the length of the belt - North and South. North is in the zone of moderate and partly subtropical climate. This belt is a billet for especially valuable wood of coniferous rocks. The main logging is conducted in the USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Russia. The southern forest belt is mainly in the zone of tropical and equatorial climate. Wet evergreen tropical forests grow there, playing the role of "light" planets. Geographically, they relate to Central and South America, Equatorial Africa, as well as to India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Oceania Islands. In the southern forest belt is a harvesting of deciduous wood.

Currently, the green cover of the planet is in danger. The expression is widely known that the first firing tree means the beginning of civilization, and the latter - means its end. This must be remembered, since over the past 200 years, forest area has decreased at least 2 times. The main reasons for this are as follows: cutting down forests in order to obtain wood; cutting out forests for the expansion of agricultural land; cutting out forests due to construction; cutting down the forests on fuel; Reducing forest arrays due to air pollution and soil. In recent years, this problem has acquired a global nature. For example, the contamination of the atmosphere of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides has generated such phenomena as acid rains. Only in the USA and in Western Europe They destroyed more than 30 million hectares of forests, half of forest vegetation is amazed in Germany. Europe becomes a "bald" continent.

These problems are global, and they must be solved with broad international cooperation, as they do not have state borders. Acting in this direction, the UN has adopted an international document - the "World Conservation Strategy".

Water biological resource protection

The subject of the crime is water biological resources to which the fish includes various types, including young (fish stocks), other aquatic animals (crayfish, crabs, siding organisms, water mammals, etc.), as well as feed organisms of animal origin and Water vegetation forming a combination of feed reserves.

The objective side is characterized by the commission of one of the following actions: the production of wood alloy; Construction of bridges, dam; Transportation of wood and other forest resources; exercise explosive and other works; Operation of water intake structures and pumping mechanisms with violation of the rules for protecting water biological resources. It should be borne in mind that in the commented article contains an open list of activities, the implementation of which can lead to a violation of the rules for protecting water biological resources.

These violations are recognized as criminal if the mass death of fish or other aquatic biological resources, the destruction of feed reserves in significant sizes or other grave consequences.

The significant size of the destruction of feed reserves is the concept of estimated, it is determined by the court on the basis of a set of circumstances, assessing the damage caused, taking into account both the economic and environmental value of the bioresources given.

Under other serious consequences, it is necessary to understand the destruction of the reproduction of the fish or a significant amount of caviar, a violation of the ecological equilibrium of the biosystem, etc.

The crime is considered to be completed from the moment of the occurrence of one of the consequences specified in the commented article.

The subjective side is characterized by an intentional or careless form of guilt.

The subject of the crime is a person who has reached the age of 16 (head of the business entity or an entrepreneur involved in the implementation of these types of work; a person actually performing them without permission).

Thus, under the rules for the protection of biological resources are mandatory for the execution of the norm of environmental, natural and other legislation, aimed at ensuring the safety of water fauna and flora.

Illegal mining (catch) of water biological resources

Direct object of this crime are public relations In the field of protection and rational use of water biological resources.

The main regulatory acts regulating these relationships are: Federal laws "On environmental protection", "about the animal world"; Water Code of the Russian Federation and a number of others.

The subject of the crime is aquatic animals and plants: fish, crustaceans, clams, wallages, ondaters, outcrows, seals, nerves, sea lions, sea beavers and cats, dolphins, Syvuchi and other representatives of the animal world in natural state, as well as commercial marine plants.

The valuable rocks of fish, specially divorced and grown in fishers and other farms, have economic properties of property and are not related to the subject of the crime under consideration. Illegal catch and the excretion with their self-relocated goal form the appropriate composition of the embezzlement of someone else's property.

The objective side of the crime under consideration is expressed in illegal mining of these items. When qualifying illegal actions, it is necessary to use clarification of the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 21 "On the application by the courts of legislation on liability for disorders in the field of environmental protection and environmental management."

Under the prey in Art. 256 of the Criminal Code is understood as the process of illegal fishing, for example, the installation of networks, trays, traps, the production of explosion in water in order to join the fish, etc., regardless of whether this process was crowned with illegal secession.

Part 1 Art. 256 of the Criminal Code contains an exhaustive list of features that determine the production of aquatic biological resources as illegal and criminally punishable.

Mining becomes such if the act caused a major damage that is an estimated sign. To recognize the damage to large, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, in particular the cost of fish or aquatic animals, their number, cumulative volume, weight, environmental value, harm caused by one or another population, etc.

The mining of the specified subjects of the crime with the use of self-propelled transport swimming agent (vessel, barges, boats, motorboats, catamaran, scooter, motor yacht and similar mechanical means of movement on water) or explosive and chemicals, electrotocks or other methods of mass extermination of these water Animal or plants, for example, pioneering of water bodies, descent in the reservoir for the purpose of poisoning fish and aqueous mammals (beavers, otd, ondatra, etc.) to poisonous substances. In the latter case, if such actions actually entailed the mass death of animals, the dedicated requires qualifications as early as part 2 of Art. 250 as providing for responsibility for a more dangerous crime.

In accordance with the requirements of the Analyzed Law, the extraction of these animals forms a crime if it is produced in places of spawning or on the migration paths to them, for example, in places of oscreening of sturgeon rocks of the Volga and Ural rivers, on the migration paths of salmon fish in the territorial waters of Russia and Kamchatka rivers to their spawning.

Part 1 Art. 256 of the Criminal Code recognizes criminally punishable and illegal prey of aquatic animals and plants on the territory of the reserve, the reserve, as well as in the environmental disaster area or in the emergency environmental zone.

We give an example, so in criminal case No. 1-21 / 08 according to paragraph "in" Part 1 of Art. Citizen K. Code 256 CZDS for reliably knowing that the river Mountain Ob in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 554 is included in the list of rivers that are migration to the spawning seats, in violation of paragraph 23 of the Rules of Amateur and Sports Fisheries In the reservoirs of the Tyumen region, in accordance with which the fishing river is prohibited on the mountain river from the ice station before the ice spraying, one trap 1.5 * 1.5 m with a 10 * 10 mm cells, installed on January 10, 2008, in violation of paragraph 1 Art. 20 Rules of Fisheries in the Ponds of the YanaA, approved by the Resolution of the Governor No. 35, in accordance with which the catch of fish species listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Autonomous Okrug, in the river, the Mountain Ob River caught 6 young sterlers listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation by order of Goscomecology No. 569.

Part 2 Art. 256 provides for the responsibility for the special composition of this crime - illegal production of quotes (mammals of eared seals), sea beavers (Kalan, Kamchatka beaver and marine oscillates, mammals from the Kunih family), as well as any other mammals, such as dolphins, walruses, seals , sea lions, in the open sea or in the forbidden zones.

The place of action is a mandatory sign of the composition of this crime. The illegal mining of marine mammals can be performed either in the open sea outside of the territorial waters of Russia, or in the forbidden zones: coastal zones - reserves, on the islands - fokers, which animals from generation to generation elect the place of recreation, reproduction, reproduction and proceedings.

The illegal mining of calanov, marine beavers, other aqueous mammals in the territorial waters and outside the forbidden zones, in the presence of appropriate features, should be qualified under Part 1 of Art. 256 CC.

Part 3 Art. 256 of the Criminal Code establishes responsibility for the qualified composition of the considered crimes if they are committed by the use of official position or by a group of persons on a preliminary conspiracy or organized by the Group.

Persons who use their official position, in the sense of this rule, can include employees of various environmental organizations and institutions, police officers, prosecutors, representatives of local authorities and management, etc.

The concept of qualifying signs - groups of persons on the preliminary conspiracy and organized group - is revealed in the comments to Art. 35 Criminal Code.

From the subjective side, all types of compounds of the crime under consideration assume only intentional guilt in the form of direct intent: the guilty is aware that it makes illegal extraction of aquatic animals and plants, and wishes it.

The subject of the crime can be any persons who have reached the age of 16. For h. 3 Art. 256 of the Criminal Code, only a person who used his official position can be responsible as a crime performer.

Thus, water biological resources include fish, water invertebrates, aqueous mammals, algae, other aquatic animals and plants that are in a state of natural freedom.

Marine mammals, crustaceans, mollusks, igblerine, intestinal and stripped aquatic organisms are aquatic animals.

Fishery Sea Plants - water plantscapable of autotrophic nutrition, i.e. To the synthesis of all necessary organic substances from inorganic, which are commercial in a certain place and at a certain period of time or having a special legal status.

Types of biological resources

Biological resources are nature objects that use humanity in its original form, and also applies to create material benefits. Along with this concept, there is also the concept of "condition".

They differ from natural resources by the fact that they themselves affect the activity and life of a person, but at the moment they do not participate in any production. Recently, the edge between them is becoming thinner. For example, now the air also applies to biological resources. Although before he was considered only a natural condition.

Biological Resources: Classification

They differ in several signs. Among them are distinguished: atmospheric, vegetable, water, soil, energy, animals and other resources. A classification of exhaustion is widely known. It orients humanity to use primarily priority reserves, to replace one reserves by others. These include, firstly, inexhaustible biological resources as the safest environmental consequences. For this reason, humanity is obliged to look for ways to fully use them. Secondly, the renewable resources belong to them, including slowly regenerating plant (for example, the peat deposits).

Their use is promising for the population of the Earth. So, this classification divides biological resources to the inexhaustible and exhausted. Among the latter, distinguished renewable, non-renewable (dispersed and destroyed) and renewable relatively. In addition, natural reserves are replaceable (for example, metals on plastics) and indispensable (for example, water and air).

Biological resources of Russia

Not all natural reserves are dispersed all over the world evenly. So, Russia has the world's largest land resources. Its area is huge - 17 million sq. Km. However, land suitable for arable land, pastures and hayfields, not so much - only 13%. But according to forest reserves, Russia occupies first place among the other countries of the world. They make up 40% of the country. And prevail coniferous forests. Also on its territory the vegetation of the zone of moderate climate, tundra, deserted and steppe is common. The world of animals is represented by fur beasts (protein, luxury, fox, ondatra, sable) and fish (sea, freshwater).

Biological resources of the World Ocean

This source of natural reserves is extremely important for the planet. After all, the growing deficit of food makes it becomes more and more often. Species diversity All plants and animals living in the World Ocean are much less than on land. However, their number and biomass reaches several tens of billions of tons. The leading place on the scale of application and the meaning is occupied by necton. Up to 85% of its biomass is a fish. The rest of the share falls on chalp clams. The next complex of animals and plants of the ocean - benthos, which is used in at least. It is represented by bivalve mollusks, iglozzy, crustaceans, some algae. The third complex is plankton. It is populated by some crustaceans, mollusks and diatoms.

Management of biological resources

Features of the functioning of plant communities and objects of the animal world at urban areas of various functional purposes.

Biological resources are sources and prerequisites for obtaining necessary people of material and spiritual goods concluded in the facilities of wildlife: commercial facilities, cultivated plants, pets, picturesque landscapes, etc. In urban conditions. In other words, these are those representatives of the plant and animal world, which exist with citizens on one territory and to some extent to meet them into public relations and from how these relations are in cities, the comfort and safety of the population of cities are largely dependent .

Under conditions of increasing man-made loads, the sanitary and hygienic role covered with vegetation spaces of the city is a powerful means of neutralizing the harmful effects of man-made pollution for the urban population. Natural, landscaped areas, as well as water area, affect the microclumatic characteristics of the urban environment, including tens of tons of dust, are concentrated in the leaves of heavy metals, participate in the formation of temperature and humidity modes, chemical composition Air: Biotransform and dispel hundreds of thousands of tons of pollutants enriched with oxygen. They have an impact on the speed of air flow, the level of insolation of surfaces at the level of land, buildings and structures, and also reduce the noise load from cars and other sources, are the source of aesthetic perception and factors of the beneficial psychological impact on a person.

Havings and conditions of the existence of urban plants are largely different from the conditions for growing the zonal types of vegetation. The fact is that in the city of the plant, the effects of a number of environmental factors are influenced: climatic, eudic, technogenic and others. Green plantings on a significant part of their territory, namely, in residential, public and production areas, experience high anthropogenic and including man-made load are subject to chemical, physical, biological and integrated pollution. The consequence of this is the specific conditions for the existence of all elements of urboosososystems, which determine their composition and structure itself, the complex and the degree of influence of the factors of the unfavorable environmental impact on the state of phytocenoses, the possibility and conditions of their survival, features of the functioning, the level of environmental significance and the fulfillment of the worldwide, sanitary - Giigienic and others useful features.

Large cities are "islands of heat", they are formed a special thermal mode of air, characterized by elevated temperatures. Also for them is characterized by its light mode. Due to smoke, dusty of the air basin, the transparency of the atmosphere decreases, which leads to a decrease in the flow of solar radiation. The total pollution of the atmosphere in the cities is much higher than in the surrounding territories.

Soils in cities are also strongly changed as a result of human activity. Often natural soils are simply absent, they are replaced by artificial bulk anthropopocities. The most unfavorable feature of urban soils regarding plants their increased compacon, which in turn adversely affects the temperature regime of soils, on the state of microorganisms, etc. Urban soils are depleted by organica, they contain a variety of pollutants: elevated concentrations of metal compounds, salts (especially in winter, after the action of anti-rolling reagents) Building garbage and other waste, which violates the natural processes occurring in the soil, depletes it by plant elements.

The provision of plants in moisture has its own specifics. Asphalt coatings make it difficult to access water and oxygen into the soil. With waterproof asphalt, rainwater flows into the sewer network, the ability to be in conditions of soil drought increases for plants. The presence of underground communications and structures in the zone of the root system of trees is unfavorable both for individual plants and for plantings in general.

Changed in cities compared with natural habitats and light mode. Additional lighting of plants at night violates natural norms of behavior of many types of phytophage insects and contributes to their redistribution, cluster within urban plantings and severe damage to the latter. Violation of vegetation cover and his depletion entails a decrease in the level of the number of entomophages and other representatives of the useful entomophane in urban phytocenoses.

The anthropogenic factors of adverse effects on the forests of large cities of Russia include:

Pollution of the atmosphere, surface and groundwater and soil. Atmospheric contamination, affecting whole plants and individual parts of them, cause various processes in them, adversely affecting the state of a separate plant and all biocenosis. The degree of damage to the plant depends mainly on two factors - the concentration of the toxic substance and the duration of its impact;
Excessive recreational impact, accompanied by a soil seal, a violation of moss-herbal cover, numerous mechanical damage to the comluced part of trees, destruction and damage to the teenage and undergrowth, the formation of non-planned roads and races on the boundaries of large arrays and so on.;
impairment of hydrological regime and erosion processes caused by incorrect economic activities and industrial activities;
Forest fires associated with a fire safety violation by the population in arid seasons and years;
The imperfection of the regime of economic activity, in which, due to the lack of or delaying sanitary and reforestation logs, conditions are created for violating the optimal age structure of forests, an increase in the area of \u200b\u200brebound planes, the growth of foci of rotten diseases.

Forests in the city under the influence of recreation gradually degraded, and their squares are reduced. Small arrays are more vulnerable, in them the degradation of plantations reaches 85-90%, in large - 6-20%.

In the natural forest communities, included in the city, (urban forests) begin to progressively develop the following negative processes:

Simplification of the horizontal structure of phytocenosis;
The simplification of the vertical structure of the phytocenosis, when urban planting plantings do not have an undergrowth, and the lawns form a single-tier herbage instead of multi-tier;
Reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe nucleus due to the formation of the extended (5-6 times longer than in natural conditions) of the edge.

One of the most disastrous species of anthropogenic effects is the "erosion of the edges" of natural territories due to the onset of development. The chain of the negative consequences of "erosion of the edges" of forest arrays is associated with the satisfaction of "public interest" - the placement of parking lots, places of recreation, technical facilities and service facilities.

Another characteristic danger that threatens the particularly protected natural territory and forests in cities and suburban areas is their dismemberment by highways. Subsequent phenomena of "erosion of the edges" due to construction work Will spread into two forest areas, in each of which ecological equilibrium should be formed again, for an obstacle has been created for biological exchanges, ways of migration of dwelling animals. As a result of subsequent construction work on the construction of parking cars, etc. The new border causes even greater harm to natural environment. As a result, on each side of the road, the forest begins to retreat.

Serious environmental problems are associated with building floodplain areas and river valleys. The building of the floodplain lands creates the effect of the ecological blockade of the city, damping the biological components of the ecosystems of the last possibility of existence. Any city is a rather complicated ecosystem, all the elements of which are closely interconnected with each other. Currently, the biological component of such an ecosystem is paid not so much attention, although it is quite obvious that both vegetation and the animal world are the most important indicators of the state of the environment and the quality of life of the population. As a state of the number and species composition of some animals, it is possible to determine the degree of environmental well-being of one or another area. So, for example, the indicator of the number of synanthropic animals is of great importance. "Those species that regularly live in the territory of human settlements or in human facilities (various buildings, residential buildings, shops, food storage places, etc.), forming regular or periodically arising independent or semi-dependent populations." The presence of a plurality of synanthropic species (gray rat, a house mouse) with the complete absence of exoanthropic (red wheel, ordinary burzob, etc.) indicate a significant degree of transformation of the landscape or even its complete degradation. Therefore, in the implementation of urban-planning or other economic activities, it is necessary to remember the preservation of the biological diversity of the city.

As a result of the structure and growth of the city, many communities that were at this place earlier are destroyed, however, some of the species that are part of them remains and gradually adapts to new conditions. The animal world of cities is noticeably different from the fauna of natural biogeocenosis, especially at residential, public and production areas. First of all, this is due to the fact that in cities, as a result of building, large number Asphalt and concrete surfaces and other factors, special conditions of life are created, which are very different from natural. Animals have to adapt to a special urban microclimate, to transfer urban noise produced by transport and large clusters of the people. Even in unresolved sites of the city, where there are still poorly changed anthropogenic activities of nature, the living conditions are somewhat different, since these territories are the main recreational objects of the city and, accordingly, carry a greater recreational burden. Nevertheless, some species of animals managed to adapt to life in urban conditions. Basically, it is the most environmentally plastic animals, first of all omnivorous, and those that quickly adapt to urban noise can easily move from one type of feed to another, use landfills and garbage as the main feed base, nest and hide in different, sometimes Extremely extreme conditions.

From mammals in the city, the most common types like gray rat or Pask, and a house mouse. These animals belong to the group of real synantropes, the distribution area of \u200b\u200bwhich is many times the original area. They can dwell in all types of buildings, including in multi-storey stone houses, these animals feed mainly at the expense of a person.


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