Zmova on Saturday for pennies. Strong money for pennies (read in home minds)

Zmova on Saturday for pennies. Strong money for pennies (read in home minds)

Rituals in which white magic is used can help solve problems in a particular life, relieve pain, illness, poverty. Groshov's work can be carried out independently, without having to worry about getting help from TV3. The energy invested in the ritual charges the words and materializes them.

Specifics of financial rituals

Money for pennies is an easy, but even more delicate spell. If mercy is allowed to follow the ancient ritual, chaklunnstvo can have a lasting effect.

Prayer and money for pennies are effectively performed when special attributes are added to the ritual. These can be:

  • candles;
  • expensive metals;
  • wheat, ash;
  • threads;
  • stone amulets.

In order for pennies to stick, magical artifacts need to be imbued with white magic, then the money for making pennies will be increased. For reach good result It is necessary to combine the words of the spell with the chanting actions, to follow the rules for conducting the ritual and to concentrate.

Since there is no specific day specified for the ritual, it is better to conduct it on Wednesday.

This is the day to make the most of your money and show yourself kindly spells for a great sum of money

It’s better to spend your daily life on pennies and in a real sense. The power of the month to improve a person’s financial situation.

See the penny zmos

Magical rituals associated with the occult are carried out every day. So that the pennies will always be kept at the door, you can safely interact with this light magic. Who can I help you with:

  • increase in wealth.

It reveals the absence of strong rituals and ancient prayers for wealth and good luck.

Some of these are:

  • prayers of Natalia Pravdina;
  • Masonic rituals for good luck and good fortune;
  • Terminova great sum pennies;
  • whispered silk, church candles, hammants and threads;
  • rich family.

The magic of wealth is a ritual and spell that requires a lot of strength to be carried out in the home. Ask to do it in such a way that people will give the Borg and turn around and spend a sum of pennies. With the greatest strength The words of the prayer can be read from either the new saints and supported by the help of talismans.

Rules for reading essays

Rituals can be performed only for consumption, and not for pleasure. Whatever magic may leave a legacy, especially if the spell is cast or read incorrectly. Therefore, follow the basic rules of slander:

  1. You need to read the words clearly, without hesitation or hesitation.
  2. You cannot improvise during the hour of prayer and guess the words.
  3. Try to be at the booth before performing the ritual.
  4. As another person read the slander, she needed to comply with it.
  5. Carry out the ritual better in front of those who are away.

The spell on attracting and wasting pennies is very effective, as women read it as they read it on a child. They can also carry out a ritual, and financial stability.

Ritual for earning wealth

In order to lure wealth from your life, perform a ritual for the waning month. For this you need 12 iron coins. Every night you need to go to the intersection and say on the skin coin:

“As the sun grows and multiplies, and the pennies grow as the moon shines. Grow, multiply, add. Make me rich (your name), come before me. Amen!

After that, you should ruin your sleep without worrying about the dosage. The coins were asked to be taken to the city and used to purchase necessary speeches. This spell can last for 25 days.

To bribe the greatest forces, prepare a bunch of coins

There is a ritual in which the magical power of the ancient fire of Siyanskaya is harnessed. On the paper bill in your hands you need to read the words of the word:

“From the foothills of Siyanskaya flows the Jordanska River. The Mother of God walked over the river and spoke to the river. Mother River, flows swiftly and fiercely, washes away the golden banks, washes away the grass, heals the roots, so wash away and say hello to the servants of God (him), all the little ones and the poor, all the misfortune and sorrow. Save this goodness, save the gold. Be my goodness unpretentious, ungainly, come to me, servants of God (s), soon, irrevocably, irrevocably. Just as fish do not go against water, so do not go against gold against me, go straight into my hands, at early dawn, in the evening, today, today, on the day before the sun, on the night before the month, under the partial mirrors, clear, under all the light of God. These are my words, the key and the lock, in the name of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer from Natalia Pravdina

“Smell me, Almighty!

Smell my blessing!

I don’t ask for much, I don’t ask for much.

Let the Sun shine on me, let the Month shine on me,

And may I have all the blessings in the world!

I will share with you, I will share with others,

And you will be happy with us, and you will be happy with them!

My knowledge is diminishing, and my thoughts are fading.

God Almighty, I love you for your success!”

Prayer only works in situations where people really need financial support. If you read Natalia Stepanivna’s book, you will become rich if you believe in the power of words.

This is the most popular and positively influences the slander not only on the material body, but also on the skin. This should be carried out during the growing month. Vikorista for whom:

  • cinnamon, mint and verbena;
  • Essential oils (patchouli, orange, almond and pine).
  • natural wax

The liquid needs to be refined and dried in a water bath. Once the wine has melted, add a glass of olive oil or flaxseed oil. After that, cool the sumish and pour in the essential oil and other herbs. At the hour of preparation, it will be clear that they will arrive shortly. You will be able to pour the liquid into your hand and vikorist after praising your soul. Rub the cream in for 2 strokes, representing abundance.

Rituals for wealth

For the most powerful ritual, it is necessary to insert a couple of high-denomination bills and five-ruble coins. Zamovlyayuschi gamanets, the trace is deprived of yogo vіdkritim. Slander text:

“As a coin is collected, so wealth and success are approaching, gold and silver are flowing together. Jingle and joke my hamanets, bring me a gold ring and an expensive robe. I now have pennies for everything. Amen."

An ancient and difficult ritual will be followed to pronounce words on Holy Day, Maslyanu, Rezdvo.

Have a prosperous life

This ritual is carried out on sleepy day. You need to place your valleys so that the sun falls on your hands, and say loudly:

“Sunny, you are warm and pleasant, you walk across the sky, you brighten everyone up, you help us in every way, you give us all good things. So give me, my dear, your warmth, light and all good things. Let it be so."

After finishing, you need to place the whites of your heart and with flattened eyes on your own and quietly stand for 10 minutes. Repeat this step 7 days after sleep.

Ritual of Vanga

To gain material wealth in your home, you need to fast for 4 years, buy fresh black bread, pack a small amount of clothes and place it in front of you with these words:

“Lord, you have made the needy and the hungry happy, so that they will smell the stench of life in the future. Help me, attract success. Let a long journey of joy, prosperity and happiness come to my life. I promise to spend the leather wisely, not to deprive the suffering of the suffering. Amen."

Speak your words clearly and with dignity. It is not possible to vikorize a word several times.

Zmova for bread

To help you enrich the ritual for a piece of bread, you need to say three times:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew into a bud, turned golden into an ear, and turned into bread. Just as I run out of grain from the fields, so I run out of pennies to the sky. Just as bread grows and heads, so my pennies grow and grow. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After reading the bread, you need to eat it.

Zmova on the key

A good way to get wealth from your family is to place a spell on the door of the booth. For the ritual, a new castle is better. This is to allow the vikory spell to drain the energy of the person who is reading.

On Mondays you need to insert the key at the front door and read the prayer:

“After feeding a gray dziga in a black forest, you can get a white hare. Having not obtained anything, but after cleaning the screen, it is upholstered and gilded. The screen was closed, do not open it. The key is near the water, it is impossible to know. As soon as I find that key, I will pull that herb from the stone. The screenshot of that one is due to me. I’ll take the screen, take away the stone and the gems, the silver and the gold. Then I’ll grab the key - let everything come to pass, as I said.”

This is the strongest and most effective way to find money. Carry the key on your bag, stomach or neck.

Zmova na Yabluka

For this ritual you need to buy 20 apples from a tree in the tree garden. The store is fenced off with a fence. The apples must be fresh and without rot.

During the ritual, 14 apples must be distributed to the poor. Three more fruits - for extra money. Bring the remaining three apples to the church and place them on the funeral table, reading the prayer:

“The Mother of God, together with Jesus, is my support. Angels flew across the sky, bags of gold were scattered, pennies fell out. I pick up gold and offer praise to the angels. Amen."

The effect of the slander will appear already this week.

Zmova for a rich life

For the ritual it is necessary to take speeches that are often used:

  • Plattya, Suknya;
  • scarf;
  • coat;
  • T-shirts.

Sew a coin to it, down to the hem using a hairpin. During the hour of sewing it is necessary to read the words:

“The thread is with me, and the pennies are with me. Like a thread pulling at my neck, so the pennies pull at me. I hem the hem, sew on the pennies for myself. Come to me, pennies great and small, coppers, silver, gold, paper, all sorts of things, to buy, to sell for joy, for God’s grace. Amen."

Call me for a month, as you grow

To achieve a rich life, rituals must be performed every month during growth. It’s always dark in the room, and it’s light only during the month, so the ritual is carried out more often in the last month.

It is necessary to collect coins and paper pennies of one denomination and read the text above them:

“Wise month, may my prosperity grow like this night before you. Share the light with your servant, let your pennies multiply. On the monthly journey, coins sing, bringing me joy. The power of the month will fill my home.

This is a powerful way to attract prosperity. After the conspiracy, the money must be taken to another room and stay in another room for three years. At the end of the hour, place the trash with paper bills in the hamman for 30 days.

You can perform one more ritual: place it on the windowsill so that the month of light shines, and read the words:

“As the sky is rich in light, as the waters in the sea rise, so I wish for my gambler that there will be plenty of pennies and will always flow.”

The growing white month is a powerful magical artifact and, if you do not follow the rules of the curse, it will have a negative effect.

For the viconn, the ritual requires:

  • red wine;
  • Clay container with lid;
  • 33 long candles from the church.

Carry out the ritual on the 3rd night after the young man. The text can be read by the squad, and the wine can be drunk together with the person. There is no need to tell about the man’s slander. The poem can be read to married couples.

You need to pour the wine into the jug, and then place the candles around the stake and light them on the right side. After all the candles are lit, read the words:

“The thing is, left-handed, in front, behind, the beast and below will give us pennies. And neither the enemy is fierce, nor the sanctuary of the cursed, nor the world will pass, no one can be fooled. And we live in wealth, we live in wealth, we eat from wealth and sleep in wealth, I am a servant of God (my name) and my lawful servant, a servant of God (my name).”

Repeat the text 33 times. The candles may go out on their own. The wine should be drunk the next day after the ritual.

The new age is considered to be the most energetically powerful for the eradication of all kinds of hexes. For the ritual it is necessary to add threads of gold and silver color. Having divided them into parts by the tribe of green candles, it is necessary to tie the ends to the kelikhs that stand on new table. Tie the thread into a bow and tie it:

“When I tie a thread, I’ll ask for luck. Kelikhiv dzvin - enough for your day!”

And when the chimes ring, before drinking champagne, say to yourself:

“Always be, penny cries. Copper will come, followed by treasures, and then gold. Let it be like that!"

If the text of the spell is visible to people, the effect will be stronger. You can remove the threads immediately after New Rock.

Zmova per coin

To quickly increase the money of the new gambler, you can use the spelled coin. For whom is it necessary to place a nickel at the veddil for dribnitsa and go with the Gaman to any dzherel water:

  • river;
  • sea;
  • Dzherelo.

Vibrate the water with importance. It is necessary to trim the hamanets and valleys with the words:

“The coin is lying down, not vipade. Now bring me joy and bring me some money. My wealth is like water, flowing to me. And it will be like this forever.”

Take a nickel from the gamans as an amulet for gaining wealth.

Zmova for turning pennies

On the paper you need to write the words of the turn:

“At the golden place of Jerusalem

The merchant slept soundly by the golden chamber,

The merchant fell asleep, fell asleep,

How the devils turned pennies into gold

And they stuck to the sleepy merchant.

Oh, you'll see the merchant for pennies and pennies,

And until the servant of God (your name) stick together again.

Key. Lock. Language Amen."

The leaves need to be placed in a hamman and immediately, paying a penny, read the text or say your words. You can't tell anyone about the ritual.

There are real promises to the Borg, which will help you to stick to the conscience of the Borg and within a month to turn over the entire sum.

“I send cash to the servant of God (the name of the borzhnik): do not let this fire burn and the stove, it goes around the piles, it breaks the brushes, do not eat, do not sleep, do not drink, does not give peace (the name of the borzhnik) until that borg will not turn back on me! "

The rite of passage is carried out in the new month or during the new month.

There is also an exotic conspiracy to make people give up the Borg. For this you need fresh homemade oil from a cow and an aspen tree, for which you need to smear the oil and say:

“Oliya is bitter, but you, servant of God (the name of the warrior), are sorrowful in your heart, and you are jealous in your eyes, and you are sick in your soul, and you are suffering in your mind. About those who need to give me (your name) your obligations. Amen."

Take the trace of the doshka from the guard's hut as a souvenir. The conscience of a person, which has taken other people's money, will be restless, and all the money it has been counted will be returned. Such a ritual will help acclimate people to the Borg and not turn them back.

Zmova for salary payment

In order for the worker not only to pay the salary, but also to use the following phrase:

“As the glory of the saints is strong and eternal, so is my word stronger. Lord, help me to turn back my goods, help those who, having earned their honest money, can take them away. Don’t let lying and dishonest people give me my goods. I don’t want to spend what I earned.”

Muslims also have prayers and rituals to bring financial well-being to themselves. The simplest and most effective hex requires understanding the text early in the morning and before bed:

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

I thank you, happiness!

We ask you kindly from my home!

Show up like this before the song, about happiness!

People like this until the day and the sun in the sky, about happiness!

Spill like hell, about happiness!

Come to the snow before the winter, about happiness!

Come, when winter is finished after autumn, about happiness!

Bring joy, happiness!

Open the gate of prosperity, about happiness!

Please let me know everything!

Come, about happiness!

Zmova on bay leaf

It attracts the flow of material wealth and directs a person to the right job, which allows him to earn great money.

For the Viconnian ritual, the following is required:

  • coins;
  • bay leaf;
  • Small volume due to the lid.

In a garnu, you need to place coins, placing a bay leaf under them, accompanying the leather lining with the words, so that pennies are collected:

  • slump;
  • gift;
  • bonus;
  • earnings.

Bay leaf will help you get pennies

After this, it is necessary to close this space and be cowardly with the words:

“Pennies to pennies, and poverty is just beyond the threshold, profit is with me like laurel in my bush.”

Place the collected coins in a secret place and when coins come in, add more coins to the container.

For the ritual you need:

  • Boroshno;
  • 10 quail eggs;
  • Roslynna Oliya;
  • paper sheet or fabric;
  • Amnesty;
  • water.

When buying items in the market or stores, you cannot take change. Egg greatest quantity The flames need to be anointed with olive oil and rolled in sandpaper, then tanned with a cloth or papier. Take the throat in your left hand and, having placed your white heart, say:

“I will go out through the door, through the gate,

Get out of your own house,

Get out of your place.

So I’ll go happily to my jokes

Through unknown paths,

With curly stitches

All sides.

Let's go, don't turn around.

She's counting on me, my happiness, I don't know.

Not in the screen of my life,

Not in secret,

Not behind the door

My happiness is taken,

And you'll find someone behind a thin scarf

The eggs are smoked.

Know my happiness and not break it,

Don't chop the chi.

Don't waste your money on the road

But don’t give it to anyone.

Chicken eggs lay and grow curly,

And I have wealth to live on.

Key. Lock. Language Amen."

The egg must be unwrapped and rinsed under water 3 times in different places. Boil it coolly and keep it away from the sun. Clean the scallops that need to be discarded immediately. The head needs to be picked white, then the yellow one. It is not possible to season it too much. While eating an egg, say:

“Penny-girlfriends, pennies-friends, get together, braid, there will be wealth like a chicken egg.”

Zmova for a green candle

You can withdraw Swedish pennies or a larger amount by using the ceremony for a green candle. Two candles need to be lit. Marvel in half-heartedness and say:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves walked across the sky, the sacks were heavy, the sacks had pennies. The bears started popping up, the pennies all fell! I was downstairs, having collected all the money and went home. The candles are burning, the pennies are going to the house. Amen!

There is another ritual with a green candle: for the new month, you need to light it on a new tablecloth with the words:

“I’m sleeping in the green half, and they’re collecting pennies for us!” Amen."

Once the candle has begun to dim, the ritual must be rescheduled for the next day. It is important to ensure that the half is cleaned and clean.

Ceremonial rituals for Swedish pennies are carried out with the help of green lemon. Before going to bed, you need to cut it off and say:

“A pile of greens is worth pennies! Amen!

Place half under the bed: one side of the head, the other - in the legs. The result will be available in five days. After this day, you need to throw the lemon in the water, using:

“The penny flow is my hamanets. I'm in trouble and go back! Amen!

Reading the words, you can’t doubt their effectiveness, otherwise you won’t get a stink.

Zmova on the penny tree

For a child's talisman you will need:

  • 8 green candles;
  • Vugilla;
  • sand;
  • grape and cherry brushes;
  • chamomile;
  • image bjoli;
  • ignition capacity.

Amulets for the enhancement of the financial sector are made from coins, ruby ​​stones and rubles. To create chamomile blossoms and the image of a talisman, you need to mix grape seeds with rice and sand, remove the mixture and place it in a container with vugillas.

On the hamantza, add a few drops of rye milk and burn the vugilla and the candle. The hamanets must be held over the fire, placing a chamomile in a new image and revealing that in a new reality there are great pennies.

You can also wear the ten of diamonds in your hamman to quickly bring success and wealth to yourself, or the runes of Otal, Fehu and Er. To gain success and prosperity, you can tie a lace to your left leg, seemingly:

“I’ll tie a lace, I’ll tie good luck to myself.”

Zmova na tisto

Only yeast dough that is endowed with strong natural energy can be baked, because with natural ingredients. The trail ritual is carried out on the 3rd or 4th day after the youngster. After kneading the dough, read the text:

“I invest my soul without reserve with love in your preparation. Just as your dough grows and rises, expands in size, and becomes rich in food, so let me grow and become colorful, and the pennies multiply. Amen."

Bread is better than bread. If the vip does not come out, the ritual must be repeated. Garnish and savory bread brings more pennies to the family.

Zmova on a spoon

If you need a specific amount of pennies or small pennies, you need to add a spoon without giving money, wash it in holy water and, wiping it with a towel, say:

“Mountain of Abraham, the power of Adam, I am God’s servant “Andriy” to brutalize you, I know the powers of the Almighty! Like a snake that sheds its skin, so I, the servant of God “Andriy,” will shed my evil, thinness and pennilessness. Let the wind of the ranks dashingly take me away, and in the distant lands of this day, and in my place bring the royal mansion to my feet, a black horse, a chest of gold and treasures. I’ll leave my treasure with this gold spoon, and I’ll never look it back! According to my will, let him be victorious. Key, lock, language. Amen!”

Repeat the ritual afterward.

Zmova for a cup of honey

To get rid of your money or get rid of problems with your money, you can perform a ritual. Women perform this ritual on Friday and Wednesday, and men on Tuesday and Monday.

You need to take the cup onto the light and turn it with your right hand 13 times behind the anniversary arrow. Use it to pour honey into the container, saying:

“Malanya came out to the outskirts early, cried and cried, she didn’t know how to calm down, she talked on all sides, and made squabbles. I give them my troubles, I don’t want to know them anymore. May you carry me far, far away, beyond the sea-ocean, beyond the fiery spring, to the ends of the earth. My little house will be a full cup of bread and porridge. Everyone is at home, nothing to leave. I am the slave of my master and will not be anyone else. This is the holy cross and Amen.”

Everyone knows Wislov “Happiness is not in pennies”, no longer works in today's hundred. Nowadays, the number of pennies transfers without problems, and even people, in order to live comfortably, need the freedom of minds, for which it is necessary to pay. Unfortunately, not all people can boast of a rich planting, but great benefits, deprived of recessions and money for pennies and wealth can help improve the situation.

Strong calls for pennies

The penny-wise work is impersonal, the main thing is the ability to carry out everything independently without any brutality until the end of the day. There are so many of them, and most of them are charlatans. So protect your money, even if it doesn’t go away. Carry out a home ritual for gaining wealth on your own.

For this, you need to correctly understand the ritual and observe it, and you will easily accept the result.

There are especially strong rituals:

  • Zmova for a month, growth,
  • Prizes of the penny ruler.
  • Ritual of earning pennies from a gaman.
  • Zmova to the water.
  • Rizdvyana zmova,
  • Zmova earned pennies for the saint.
  • You get riches for the clean four before the Great Day.
  • The "non-changeable coin" ritual.
  • Salvation from the evil days, in the fall of the month.

It doesn’t matter what kind of ritual you choose, it doesn’t matter what your mood, belief or desire is to deny a positive result.

Any task will require concentration and precise training of minds in order for your goal to succeed. The magic is even subtle, so carefully read the words of the word, constantly thinking about the end goal, which is the swindling of pennies. We are pleased to see those who, having decided to change their lives, gain wealth:

The main law of magic is balance, so if you earn pennies from your booths, you will definitely pay for it. It’s hard to say what the price will be, so before performing the ritual, consider the pros and cons.

It is not possible to carry out the ritual of earning pennies simply out of cost, but only out of extreme need. Otherwise, the ritual may simply not be performed, in which they call you out for your stubbornness and inacceptability.

Have great faith in those you work for. Have a word, you can put your soul into it. Apparently, our thoughts materialize and the skin, as it comes with incredible force, is not easily removed.

It is necessary to pronounce words clearly, clearly and word for word. You can read the pamphlet, but just concentrate on your goal of getting rich.

Don’t read the essay because you carry something in your heart. Be that as it may, magic lasts for a long time, and the people are not yet ready for such speeches. If you urgently require assistance, you can ask a person close to you, for example, your mother, to conduct the ceremony. It’s better to wait until the baby is born, and then get rich.

If I invite someone else, not a magician, to bring you wealth, you have asked for it, then obligingly comply with it. As a gift it could be pennies and alcoholic beverages.

Any penny ritual has its own specificity and is carried out at different times of the day. Also for people it is important to go through the month, this phase. Therefore, carefully remember in all your minds that it is necessary to quit: before, during and after the ceremony.

Before performing a ritual for pennies, it is necessary to carefully prepare. Three days before reading the essay, finish fasting, exclude all meat, fat, grease, licorice, and alcohol from your diet.

Do not tell about those who are going to tell the people closest to you. However, after carrying out the ritual and removing the desired item, do not worry about it all the time, otherwise luck may turn against you.

Precisely treating the skin with your cleanser for pennies guarantees you results.

Varieties of rituals and their specificity

The magic of your bajan is in its directness. Therefore, when choosing a ritual, respect for the specificity of the influx. So the first step for everything is the operation you need, for example:

  • Zmova for earning a singing great sum of koshtivs for celebration or otherwise.
  • It is necessary to get pennies into the booth so that there will be a stink in the future.
  • If you need to turn over a large sum of pennies that you have borrowed, get the money from the bank.

The variety of rituals allows you to choose individually. Calls to the Gamanets and rituals of Vanga, Stepanova, a famous Russian healer, are becoming very popular. I skin confirms the effectiveness of this method.

Do not forget that a clear result can only be achieved with the attention of all minds and a clear adherence to the plan of the ritual.

Penny ritual for earning wealth from apples

One of the most powerful rituals for gaining prosperity and wealth before waking up is the ritual on apples. The best way to collect them is to select 20 of the most beautiful ones and buy them. If you want to buy an apple, then do not take it away after payment.

On the first day of the ceremony, you need to distribute 14 apples to the foals on the street, in this way expanding your love throughout the world.

You will lose 6 apples, half of them, 3 pieces, you must distribute to the foals on the next day of the ceremony.

And on the third day you rush to the church with the apples that you have lost. They need to be placed on the church memorial table. With this reading I will step on the line:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and don’t let my wealth be lost with me. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Ritual for pennies with a deck of red cards

One more effective zasib from money earned, a ritual that is carried out for help gral cards. This is to be spent on young people first Friday of the month. Buy a completely new deck in the store, with 54 cards that are not traded and do not take away change from the seller.

Then you need to draw a joker from the deck and place it on your hamman. Since there are two of them, then take the red one, and burn the black one and send it to the booth on the street. Cards that are lost need to be saved in a booth, placed under the eyes of a special linen bag, or simply in a piece of cloth tied with red thread. The stench is not for the devil.

If the joker disappears from the Gaman, it is necessary to burn the entire deck in the next month on the street. And the ritual must be performed on a new, clean deck. The Joker is a symbol of wealth and pennies and do not be surprised by the fact that the words and spells are not used in the ritual, but it is even more powerful and helps to correct the material situation.

Prizes of the penny ruler

For the month of growth, prepare 7 coins, of different types. Light the second candle on the windowsill so that the half of the candle is visible from the street. Take one coin at a time and throw it on the counter so that it rings. If you have scraps or soft kilim coatings, then throw some metal, for example, into a saucepan. This is necessary so that the coins can ring and there is almost the sound of pennies falling.
Toss a coin on your skin, read the phrase 1 time:

“I’m calling to you, I’ll ask
Stay with me - I allow you
We will live with you together
We will share wealth with you
Pour the bread
equal parts
Walk through the salt and I'll follow you
These are pennies hospodar, coins and shovkiv
We will share with you the Vaga of the Gamanians
I'll toss a coin, I'll give you a shout out.
I will give you love and pestilence.
I won’t tell anyone with my mouth shut. Amen."

After each day of the ritual, leave the coins to lie where you left them. So, think ahead about where you will throw them, so that as the day goes on you don’t destroy them in their place. In the evening, remove them and begin the ritual, starting with burning a candle on the windowsill.

If the ritual is completed on the third day, scatter the coins on the underside so that no one picks them up, lest they linger in your field of vision. This will bring the penny ruler to you. You understand it right away. As you begin to change ideas, you will find some propositions that will give you more love and acceptance. It will only get better and better.

Golovny don’t forget about those that the penny ruler helps you and is your fault. Therefore, perform this ritual on the month of growth, only with new coins, which will then add up to the ones you already have after the first ritual.

The penny ruler loves everything brightly and brilliantly, so give him some shiny objects: lances, rings, those that you find. Please let us please you. So don’t forget about chocolate and tsukerki, bread and salt. Deprive your sweetness from the requests to trample with you at once.

When you start to have a lot of coins and you can’t get them out of the way anymore, start a clay pot. After the skin ritual, put the coins in the new one. And no less, at least a few coins are lying on the underside.

Ritual for a banknote and a treasury

Kozhen wants to withdraw a stable weight of pennies from budins, which guarantees a safe life for long fate. For such people there is a special ritual for the treasury.

First, you need to buy a new treasury in the store. Although she may be beautiful and beautiful in form, she herself must be embarrassed. The treasure box “Pig with a hole” is not suitable.

If you haven’t been able to buy it, you can earn it yourself and it will be a much cheaper option. Even if you lose your respect and hope for those who use your power, you will take away the most powerful talisman, which already charges you with your energy and desires.

If it’s Wednesday, then put a large bill at the treasury, reading the sentence:

“I pay the penny ceremony, I receive banknotes in the treasury. So that the pennies go to my house, they quickly know the way to me. One to one, friend to another. And everything is up to me. All with me. I’ll get home.”

Repeat the call three times. Every day put coins and small penny bills at the treasury. Don’t worry about yourself, getting pennies into your day, but increase your wealth.

The skarbnichka is guilty of being in the most prominent place.

How can a borzhnik turn back his pennies?

Helping your neighbor is the responsibility of every person, especially when it comes to close people or friends. But it often gets lost in such a way that, having deposited a large sum of pennies, the fighter never turns them back. Why bother? Magic can help with this problem.

And I sing a song, as if I were asking the one who is to blame for you to spontaneously turn him back your pennies. The magic is to make this person constantly think about your obligations and the need to turn over other people's money to their rightful ruler.

To carry out the ritual, you need a broom and a broom. As soon as you sit down, marvel at the broom and bless yourself coming words, three times:

“I will bestow honor upon the servant of God (name of the warrior). Give honor to the baker and the baker. It roams around, breaks brushes, doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t sing, doesn’t give peace (the name of the warden). Until that Borg turns back on me. Amen."

When you speak your words, call out your thoughts like a broom, as you marvel at your champion. The power of this prayer is very great, it awakens the conscience and the feeling of guilt, like a grudge against a person until he turns his back on his shoulders.

Magical ritual for the month of growth and wealth

This ritual can only be performed on the occasion of the New Month, otherwise it will not be performed. For the ritual you will need:

  • A decal of banknotes, the paper ones themselves, whatever the denomination.
  • Such is the sheer number of coins.
  • It’s best to do your work late at night. Vin is read over penny.

“Monster Month, you have grown so quickly, then may my income also grow. Share your light with my money, so that they come every day. The money will grow quickly as the light of the month is drunk. The stench of the entire month will fade and fill my home.”

Then you need to take the money and deposit it in such a place so that the monthly light falls directly on them. And then go to another room, where you will still be under the moonlight. You do not have to pay attention to the light of the month until the end of the ritual. The hour for finding pennies under the monthly light is two years.

After completing the term, you can pick up the bills and mark them with a special marker. Remember, they cannot be spent for 30 days. These pennies, having been saturated with the Monthly energy, will receive other pennies to you. As soon as you run out of saving terms, you can spend them and perform another ritual for the new month.

Zmova gamantsa for pennies

Persh nіzh carry out a survey on the hamanets, it is necessary to add a new one. When choosing, it is important to remember that the price of speech also leaves an energetic trace. Therefore, if you buy cheap hamanets, you will not be able to bear the energy of poverty. Try to buy something that is not expensive, but at the most affordable price for you.

The next step is to choose the color of the haman. Add money for pennies:

  • Chorny,
  • Brown color of the earth.
  • Gold and all colors, including orange.

The more you are willing to take revenge on the bastard, the better. Ale obov'yazkovo are responsible for the large banknotes, middle and coins.

If you are concerned about the material, it is better to choose natural fabrics or leather. After the purchase, you must place a non-changeable coin in the new one, as a symbol of the weight of the pennies.

You can also place dried roots in one of these sections. It is better to place the order with an irreplaceable coin. Since there is a gap in the gap, there is no need to place photographs of your loved ones or other images there, without blocking penny energy.

Just as you bought a new gamanets, burn the old one near the fire, expecting the advent of the spell:

“Woe to the devil's hearts, and take poverty away from you. What was in you before will be revealed, what was not there before will appear. Let it be so. And so it will be. Amen."

To charge the new gaman you need the following:

  • 7 most expensive church candles.
  • It is necessary to carry out the ritual for a month, for growth, about the 12th anniversary of the night, more often on Thursday.
  • Rotate the new hamanets where the light of the month falls.
  • Place 7 candles near the haman and light them.
  • After which the following line is read:

“Bend and run through the penny stream, my charming new bastard. It increases my income, my expenses have become minimal. The energy of pennies pesters me, poverty flows into the holy fire. And it will no longer be like that. My word. So. Amen."

As soon as you finish reading, pour the candles until they burn out, and save the unburnt ones and keep them in your home. The gamanets must always be in order and not show it to anyone or talk about the ceremony.

Money for pennies with an icon and a candle

The ritual for earning pennies is carried out from the earnings of church candles and icons. You need to take three candles, a bunch of penny bills and a personal icon. The best way is to read it to the young man.

Wait for three years of the night, light the candles, stand opposite them holding an icon in one hand and penny bills in the other. Read the letter for pennies:

“I tell you, dark night, I, your adopted daughter, my Gamanets - a city. Don't encroach on anyone. I won’t take anything from you! How many grains are there in a spikelet? Don’t over-react and don’t over-react. And don’t forget at once. How many stars are there in the sky? Don’t over-react and don’t over-react. And you can’t bury it in one go. How many places are there on earth? Chi don't give a damn. Chi don't overreact. For all your life, don’t forget it. So don’t let my gambler have pennies all day long. Chi is not overreacted. Chi is not buried. Chi is not reversed. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After the ritual, extinguish the candles, take the pennies into a bag and store them together with the candles in a distant place for three days. After this you can take out the hamanets and use them as before. Light the candles and let them burn out until the end.

Novorichna zmova for pennies

Novorichna is not mysterious and charming. This is the end of the old and the beginning of the new. So whoever asks for a lot as the victor of a sacred honor is riches and pennies. For such people there are special rituals that are carried out on the very night.

Don’t waste the first dribnitsa that will be given to you at the new birth, but save it until the first youngster. It’s time to put all the coins in a new clay pot, and make purchases from this place in the same place. And now, as the month progresses, you will be forced to read over the potter.

“As a month grows in the sky, so pennies will grow. As the month increases in the night sky, so do the pennies increase in my coffers. Amen."

Svyatkov's calls for pennies

This procedure must be carried out between 7 and 19 pm. The integrity of this ritual is guaranteed throughout the world. A new ritual is required for the upcoming season.

It is necessary to read the namova on a paper note, in the present day of the day when the ceremony is performed. For example, if it is 9, then in the series there may be nine, which means the day and 12 – the month. Vikoristovovat needs a garn, not a crumpled bill.

“Pennies to pennies, I’ll give it to Christmastide. Brother rice should run here, I know my wealth will help. Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and that. You of old Satan, you have been given unfathomable power. I extend my might to you, asking you for help. I'm constantly sweating, and I'm getting hungry and cold. I’m asking for pennies and I know wealth and I read you. The sight of evil, latent eyes, the sight of misery and ruin. Kind of all kinds of evil inflicted. The holidays will pass, the pennies will arrive until the next day. Amen"

Blow out the candle after reading the word and save your banknote in Gamanza all over the world.

Rizdvyana zmova for pennies

This is a special day on the river and it holds great power. This is a ritual for earning pennies, which is carried out on the very day.

You need to come to the church on Christmas Day to buy some kind of candle, and forfeit the money as a bribe for the wedding from the church. Then light the white icon of the Holy Mother of God and read these words:

“Pennies to pennies, on Christmas Day I say a prayer. Find pennies, sow pennies. Pennies of wealth amuse me. Let it be so, as I said, and the Mother of God told me. The pennies in my wallet have the whole river of growth. And I have a whole river of blossom in my wealth. Let it be so. Amen"

After finishing the prayer, go home without speaking to anyone, so as not to transfer the wealth to someone else. And all the coins that are in the hamant should be placed in the small bag and placed behind the icon of the booth until the end of the holy day. Then you can spend them. However, the people who performed this ritual put the pennies into the bag before the upcoming holiday, and only spent them after the upcoming ritual took place.

Zmova for wealth on the holy four before the Great Day

Everything is holy, connected with faith, and also contains a special energy. Also on such days you can recharge yourself for wealth. Great Day is especially sacred to religion. But the most important thing is the fast that a person undergoes before the saint, being cleansed over the course of 40 days.

For the ritual, you need water, pour it into a basin, then place coins there, accumulated during the period before the ritual. You are absolutely alone at home. Speak up the words

Water, water, drink everything to you, love everything to you. Let all the light shine on you on Kreshchennia. I ask you to forgive me the water. Matinka is pure water, vibach, matinka is pure water, help. How rich are you in the lake, in the river, in the ocean, in the human skin. So I had a lot of pennies. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and week. As I am rich in water, so am I, God’s servant, rich in goodness, gold and treasure. In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After this, you need to wash the kitchen counter where you are eating with the conjured water, then wipe all the windows and doors with it, seal the entrance doors with the residue. And after everything, wash the booths with this water, only directly from the threshold to the booth. When you see the middle of your home at the threshold, pray or sing these words:

“Everything is with me. I’ll get home.”

Ritual "non-changeable coin"

An old-fashioned way to quickly get some pennies. People who performed such a ritual were completely satisfied with the vibrating effect of this incongruous behavior of the Viconnian Empire.

Take a coin from circulation. Better yet, if the coin is made of white metal, it will also be fine.

Bend, as you imagine, this coin so that it curls at least a little. You can use wire cutters or pliers. It’s important to do it yourself and don’t ask anyone for help. After you mint your coin, spit on it and read the phrase 7 times:

"The coin is bent
I'm all lost
Ways of the road
pennies on account.
Coin to coin
"Ruble to ruble,
One hundred to one hundred
Up to a thousand thousand
and everything into my gut.
I have Solomon's treasury.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

A bent coin with a face value of 10 kopecks

Carry your coin in hamants and kishen. It cannot be shown to anyone and, moreover, spent. With it you can enjoy greater financial success. May you become your talisman of good luck and good fortune. It is best to take them in your hands, then your bundle will be valuable and the coin will never let you down.

Penny ritual with goosebumps

One of the oldest traditions is the ritual that is carried out on the goosebumps. Go near the forest, you know the great creepiness, you throw a few coins there, saying:

“Like this shop has a lot of murah, like a scumbag has a lot of money. So in the exchange of the servant of God (him), there will be pennies that will never be transferred. Let it be so. Amen."

This ritual is old and may be known in many ways, but few are afraid of it. And those who, having earned it, were extremely satisfied with the result.

When you call

The game begins from the moment that coins or penny bills have been cast and you have done everything correctly, then you can’t forget the result.

People's skin dreams of a peaceful sleep. Acts of people, in order to secure their own cash, work hard, look for additional income, hoping for a decline in a possible relative.

Zmova will help you improve your financial situation

However, not all humanity lives in an awakened state. Most people have found another way to multiply their money. With the help of special rituals and prayers, you can get good luck and money from your life and family. How do you make calls for luck and pennies? What instructions should you follow before performing the ceremony?

Rules for conducting calls

Calls for heavy pennies can be extremely tempting and vary from one to the other. However, for the spell to work well, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for Witchcraft rituals:

  1. The call for wealth ends on Wednesday. This day of the year is a good one for earning terminological rewards. Come Wednesday, bring efficiency and increase capital.
  2. In order to earn money, you should read the essay during the waning month. The magic of the month is incredibly powerful during this period.
  3. So that the money has been spent, perform the ritual in silence, without outsiders.
  4. Never tell anyone about the ceremony. This is necessary so that further inheritances do not turn out to be too much for the Viconavian.
  5. Follow the instructions and read the prayers exactly as they are written. The magic of loving precision is to achieve it delicately.
  6. In order for your money to work for pennies in the near future, rely on the power of magic and its effectiveness. Whatever your dreams are: more capital, success, the term sum of pennies ends up being stolen.
  7. It is forbidden to read prayers to female women. The child in the womb is very susceptible to the powers of magic, so the inheritance of the ritual may not be transferred.
  8. If the spell is being cast by another person (no doubt about it), then obligatory. Give the youmu a small gift.
  9. Three days before the ceremony, complete the fast.
  10. When you achieve good luck, financial well-being and prosperity in your home, be absolutely calm. Your heart begins to feel a sense of peace and an overwhelming sense of anger.

Rituals cannot be performed by vaginal women

If you pursue these joys, even if you earn money on a penny, your luck will be successful.

Varieties of penny rituals

Penny magic comes in many forms, depending on the choice of ritual. The situation arises when people want to know their capital is positive.

However, the fighter is in no hurry to give up the fight, and thus the anniversary is turned back for life. After this ritual, the pennies will soon return to the booth. Borzhnik is constantly reconsidering thoughts about the return of funds.

In order to gain goodwill from the booths, it is necessary to spend the money down to the pennies. Sometimes people work tirelessly from morning to night, but they don’t get enough money. Magical manipulations will help solve this problem. Uncomplicated prayers and rituals provide prosperity for your homeland.

If the Swede were faced with difficult finances, it is necessary to make a strong money grab. Reliability can be seen in the form of a lottery win, successful and successful loan processing.

Conducting ceremonies of money withdrawal can lead to all financial problems. If you ever feel in trouble, don’t put the reading of magic spells in another drawer!

Earn coins to get wealth

If your family has pennies, it is necessary to earn penny zmova. This ritual was created to improve the financial health of people, and not just once, but for a difficult period.

The ritual of using coins to decorate goodwill for a long period

Add gold-colored coins and wait for the month as it wanes. After the sun sets, fly to the nearest intersection. Take the coins in your right hand and point them towards the month, and read the prayer:

“Before the sun, everything grows and multiplies, and the pennies are like the moonlight. Grow, multiply, add. Make me rich (your name), come before me. Amen!

Say the magic words at least three times. When you get home, grab some money from your money, and head to the store early to do some shopping. Purchasing necessary goods, obov'yazkovo vikorist the spells of drib'yazok. The power of magic begins to work in just a few days. You will be pleasantly surprised by the appearance of wealth.

How to achieve financial well-being

Get Swedes penny koshti You can use it, which has a green candle. The ritual can be performed for a very important financial situation. For this purpose you will need a splint of green candle.

During the lean month phase, exactly on the twelfth day of the day, place two wax objects on a table covered with a tablecloth. Then bring the weed to the stove, light them and wash them away:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves walked across the sky, the sacks were heavy, the sacks had pennies. The bears started popping up, the pennies all fell! I was downstairs, having collected all the money and went home. The candles are burning, the pennies are going to the house. Amen!

After the prayer has been said three times, let the candles burn out naturally. While the candle is still warm, bring them together. Place this piece of cloth on the hamman and do not tear it out at all. Unburnt candles will act as your lucky, magical talisman. The attraction of pennies will be inevitable.

Water to paint financial wealth

The income will significantly increase, otherwise you will not have enough magic and perform penny rituals. The magical power of letters is only one-sided: it attracts paper bills from your home, bringing good luck and luck. You will only need faith and courage, wealth and a sense of humanity.

For a healthy life, it is necessary to live with a rich and rich people

This ritual is carried out independently, after the twelfth anniversary of the day of the fall month. Take a container, pour 200 grams of water into it and put in at least three coins. Relax, think about wealth and read the prayer:

Read the magical text five times, then grab the bottle with the dribble and present it to prying eyes. No one is responsible for knowing about the enchanted vessel and those who performed the ritual. So that the pennies are steadily found in your homeland, trim the charmed homeland with your hamanets, the evening and the evening.

Skarbnichka - the way to a stable financial state

The magic of pennies helps people in hopeless situations. A one-time win is not good, but a stable income is shorter. You can get pennies for yourself with the help of an ordinary treasury.

For this you need to go to the store and get a new treasure chest. When it’s Wednesday, wait until midnight and place a large bill in the additional item and say:

“I pay penny rituals, I get banknotes into the treasury. Even if the pennies went into my little cabin, we didn’t forget the road. One before the other, each other before the other! And everything is up to me!”

You need to repeat the enchanting words at least three times. After this, place a treasure chest in a private place near your apartment. Now drop in there one gold coin or a small piece of paper. Zmova will start working immediately. The treasure will attract wealth and good luck to you every day.

How can a borzhnik turn back his pennies?

It’s very common to get caught in such a way that you helped good person. Positichili youmu chimalu sum. Then we came along the borg, and when we turned around, we couldn’t get out. What to do in this situation, what to do? Maybe magic can help?

Magic will help you turn the borg

There is a special idea that is designed to instill in people’s minds, thereby spontaneously turning other people’s money to the rightful ruler.

This ritual is simple and practiced at home. To carry out this process you will need an essential broom and broom. After the sun sets, marvel at the broom, read:

“I will send power to the servant of God (him). Forbid this honor to burn and bake, roam around the bushes, break brushes, don’t eat, don’t sleep, don’t drink, don’t give peace. Until that Borg turns back on me. Amen."

Say the spell three times, and in your thoughts see how the broom beats the person who cursed you. Prayer is very strong and effective, and the words of this cry will make people feel guilty, awaken their conscience. The attraction of kostiv is not gay.

The greatest impact on financial well-being and good luck

Lyudina is the ruler of her life. If you are the owner of success and wealth, you may have the opportunity to report small sums of money. To get a penny and good luck, you need to perform a magical ritual.

A green candle can earn you money

For this you need to add candles of different colors: white, green and brown. Skin color has its own significance. White color animates the ritual, green adds pennies, brown supports the work of magic.

Place the wax objects on a hard surface. You may have a trikutnik. The white candle stands opposite the people, the brown one is on the right, the green one is on the left. Obov'yazkovo has this sequence. Burning a white candle, rinse:

“Half of me is like a soul, soul is like half of me.”

Then we bring the cheesecake to a green candle, washing:

"Profit in profit, pennies in pennies." Whisper over the brown one: “Inquire from those on the right, routes from the tracks, mustaches.”

When the candles burn out a little, put them together in the center of the trikutnik and read the prayer:

“Power has power, power has power, I have power with power.”

Wait, the wax objects will burn out (on their own). After this, take out the excess candle and save it in a handy place. Even if there are great bills, don’t throw them away and don’t be separated from your magical talisman. This is the only way you can get your pennies.

What kind of legacy can be left on people

It is difficult to recruit people for help with magical manipulations. However, it is not a human being who ponders the possible legacy of such rituals. Once magic begins to be present in our lives, people’s outlook can completely change. The aura gives off energy in a completely different way, changing over time the color and character of the soul.

If you have no faith in the power of greater forces, then your thoughts will not give positive results. Sometimes it is understood that prayers, amulets and spells have a negative effect on people and carry a low negative legacy. Instead of wealth, a large sum of money is spent, instead of luck, weakness appears, and even apathy, and even often the state of health declines.

If you perform the ritual according to all the rules and instructions, then money and luck will follow you along with rich fortunes. By activating it once for three days, you won’t find any negativity.

Conduct rituals with faith and a pure heart. Read carefully, call for money and good luck, do not get carried away by the instructions. Always remember about possible, unacceptable inheritances associated with magic. If you adhere to these rules, it will be difficult to get rich, and a positive result can be seen on everyone!

In life, difficult situations arise from time to time, if you can perceive in yourself what poverty is like. And don’t let it seem that happiness does not lie in material goods, but rather that it is not easy to live in this day and age.

Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to deal with financial difficulties. Golovne - believe us in front of you.

Finding new ways to get wealth and good luck in your everyday life

For additional magic:

  • rites and rituals
  • call
  • prayers

For additional help, folk signs:

  1. You cannot spend immediately after withdrawing your salary. I can't wait to spend at least one night at your house
  2. We must always save and not waste one large bill. Your energy will “leak” and the perceptible attraction of pennies will reach your donkey.
  3. Don’t let your gamanets go empty - he may only have one coin. You are also busy and tired of clothes: when tidying up your closet before the new season, add a few coins or other banknotes. Don't forget to make sure there are no holes in the guts - there's nothing to love about pennies. “Pennies go to pennies” - this is where the “magic of pennies” lies
  4. The puffs that have settled in the bowl on top of the tea need to be scooped up with a spoon and drank - respect that it’s down to pennies
  5. Steadily trim three red-colored carnations from a vase in your booth, bought on Thursday, so that material wealth will not leave you
  6. In order for your home to have enough wealth, when entering a new home, you need to scatter coins (ordinarily)
  7. Stash a bunch of bills under the tablecloth and save them there, so your booth won’t get cluttered
  8. To prevent the pennies from being transferred, at the beginning of the month, place an empty, open hammanet on the windowsill, and a closed one in the youngster. When you have a good month, show him the largest penny bill you have, so that the pennies grow, like the young month grows, or grab for gold, so that the pennies grow

Feng Shui for help.

Respected as one of the most advanced methods for... In order for the zusillya to be not muddy, it is necessary to have great faith in the energy of speeches.

Your bastard wants to earn money, but not to steal it.

The following rules will help you achieve this:

  • Your Gamanets is not guilty but we are old, we are worn out or we are neokhainim. Buy a new hamanets of green color - this is the color of pennies, you will accept their earnings
  • Get your gamut in order. It is necessary to throw away all old unnecessary checks, business cards, and victorious receipts.
  • Lay out pennies by denomination and currency: thousand bills in one section or simply banknotes of thousands, hundreds of hundreds, dollars of dollars, rubles of rubles. Dribnitsa is obliged to preserve itself in the vicinity of the gastrointestinal tract
  • The smell of cinnamon and mint - place a leaf of mint or a stick of cinnamon on the hamanets

Thoughts for further help:

Based on methods, overinsurance is generally avoided if you are thinking in the wrong direction.
You must forget about all the stereotypes associated with pennies. Just love pennies, think about them in a positive way. Remember that a thought is material and can merge with reality.

Say strong prayers for pennies

A magical ritual for a month of growth.

This term is only valid for a month, depending on the growth. It is recommended to work before noon or in the evening after the 8th birthday. Carry out the ritual in the dungeon without anyone knowing about it.

Place two large buckets in a row. You need to fill one with water, and put a coin in the other. From one bucket to the next you need to pour water 7 times and drink:

“The flowing river is wide, the flowing river is deep, near the clean field, near the Alatir-stone, the river carries great water, boiling water, every animal, every herb for life-buttya, so be in me the servants of God (names), gold - the river flowed through the river, the rapids washed, the mounds became stinky, the children got strength, the old people got their belongings, the people got income.

My words are shackled, cannot be pierced with a knife, cannot be touched with juice, so be it.”

If you have spilled a little water, then blot it with a linen gantry and wipe it on the threshold of your apartment.

The minted coin must be removed from the bucket, placed in your wallet and carried with you from time to time. Be respectful, if you inadvertently waste a quarter of a coin, you will waste your money.

Prayer of the new month for a gain

The prayer is said on the third day after the young man. To carry out the ritual you need a handful of coins.

In the evening, before sunset, take the prepared coins and go out into the street. At this hour, weather permitting, the month of May is already visible in the sky.

Bow down to the new moon and, with rattling coins, say its prayer:

“I will worship the month, I will pray for prosperity. “A month, a young month, you are the Lord of all the little eyes, be the Lord of my pennies: as much as there is a little star in the sky, so many pennies will come to me.”

The coins cannot be spent until the next day, and then they must be distributed as alms. On the new month that has appeared, the other coins will be spoken again.

The desire for wealth for the new month is strong, it is impossible to withdraw it

For the next month, you need to get up in front of the window with a banknote in your hand. Its denomination has no meaning, but it is certainly in good condition: not clogged and without tears.

“As the Month attracts day and night, then let this talisman attract pennies, riches, golden speeches. I’ll save them, I won’t spend them on waste, I’ll multiply them and put them to work. May the power of the month help me.”

Steadily carry the bill, as they said to their gamblers.

Prayer for the statues of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Read this prayer today until financial difficulties arise. Just know that you need to work here, including in France and in the evenings:

“About the blessed saints Spiridon! Bless the mercy of God, the Lover of People, let him not judge us for our iniquities, but let him not earn for us with his mercy.

Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, turbo-free life, for mental and physical health. Rescue us from all kinds of mental and physical troubles, from all kinds of weariness and devilish attacks.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and God bless you, grant us forgiveness for our rich sins, grant us a safe and peaceful life, grant us a peaceful and peaceful end and eternal bliss in the future, grant us glory without fail. And to the Father and to the Holy One, nini and always, and forever and ever. Amen."

Zvernennya to Mikoli the Wonderworker

This prayer is intended to help you earn the pennies that have come from your life:

“Father Mikolo! I pray to you, the ruler of the floating sea, the merciful yearling, our assistant and patron, for a peaceful and bright way of life. Without ceasing to support the One God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen!

Ritual with coins so that the pennies are deposited in the booth

You need to take a coin and say the following words on it:

As I brood richly in the swamp, and fish by the water, so am I rich in wealth. Month, grow and grow, and give me, the servant of God (him), wealth. Amen. Amen. Amen."

If you want to take it out of the box or transfer it, it will be necessary to start everything from the beginning.

You need to spend one coin every day. Then on the day and for the month that arrives, you must put in a new coin, also having said it in advance. Repeat the ritual for two more. As a result, your income is on the decline.

How to implement these methods in the home mind?

Call your prayers - the right is serious. If you are not a professional and do not know this information correctly, then you need to know and carefully follow a number of rules:

  1. Begin the ritual or read it as soon as you are prepared for any unexpected consequences that your magical deeds may produce. Think carefully about everything, once again consider all the pros and cons. Please, it’s impossible to transfer the inheritance
  2. Don't just ask for help to check their validity. If your life is already good and there is no need for it, then you will not benefit from the results of the ritual

  3. In order to earn pennies, you need to read word for word, as it is written without hesitation. It’s better to re-read them several times to yourself or read them first, out loud.
  4. It is forbidden to go to the extent of seeking help from any kind of magic associated with the winnings of cats for female women. The people are still at odds with such speeches. If you, being in a position, still dared to carry out the ritual, then be prepared for untransmitted inheritances
  5. For general prayers and prayers, there is an hour and a day, as long as they are visible. If you don’t believe in reading the words and how you will be lured, then, obviously, you don’t deny the desired result
  6. If the rituals for acquiring wealth are performed by other people who don’t know what their diet is, then they need to have a retirement date. What can you do, but you can’t give alcohol for a pittance?
  7. Since the message you are going to understand is directed at you, you need to carefully prepare for it. Complete the fast for three days before performing the ritual to gain financial benefits. It is categorically forbidden to cook and fight with your relatives. However, it’s best to stock up on positive emotions. You can’t do any nasty things: steal, kill animals, etc.

  8. Don’t tell your family and friends about anything that is connected with this life-giving soul. Keep in the dungeon those who are going to conspire and especially not talk about the results of the ritual. Remember that only you are on the right and no one cares but you

Pennies and luck are the same as what any human mother wants. To advance the financial situation, it is necessary to use a variety of miscellaneous items. You only need to choose the appropriate ones, perform the ritual correctly and believe in the power of the said spell.

What's wrong with this

In the past, people have often indulged in magic. Calls were used to attract good luck, to attract good fortune, or to flow into natural phenomena. To this day, such rituals have not lost their relevance. What are the stinks? An ointment is called a spell that is made up of magical words, which exerts a magical power and helps to reach the target. Reading the essay, people rage to the fullest strength, direct the flow of their energy in the right direction.

Zmova - a pressing flow of energy, directing towards the harvest of fruit

The words themselves do not spoil anything; when reading the sentence, it is important to believe in its power, to direct the energy of your ability to conquer your beloved. Without faith, the spell will not be performed properly.

The importance of white magic versus black magic

Magic is divided into two categories: black and white. More magicians help people in important situations, engage in healing, and reduce the influx of dark forces. Such magic does not require constant sacrifices and bribery, the magician does not take energy from other people who suffer without self-exertion.

White magic I can’t harm outsiders

Black magic is difficult to create in the presence of evil. It’s just that the methods of the black magician’s work are different: most often he goes to the aid of dark forces, he can harness the energy of outsiders in his rituals. U black magic You have to pay for everything, nothing is given for nothing.

Black magicians pour into people without their knowledge

One of the important differences between white magic and black magic is the fact that it is first created only for the benefit of people or for their benefit, so as another secretly faithful to the will of people and will not ever stagnate for the sake of anger is deprived of good intentions.

People, who have never spent a year magical rituals, of course, it’s better to start from the ideas of white magic. Let us know that you need to be victorious carefully so as not to inadvertently ruin your position.

On which days, read the words for pennies in order to get great sums

The monthly cycle greatly influences the strength of the muscles. Therefore, before this ritual, show respect to monthly calendar.

The monthly phases significantly influence the tension of the muscles that are visible.

For the cob to grow, there are six phases of the month:

  • young man;
  • a growing or young month at the first quarter (how to remember: spot the invisible stick of evil in front of the Month and you will add the letter “P” - growing);
  • growing or young month in another quarter;
  • new month;
  • a declining, declining or aging month at the third quarter;
  • a declining, frail or aging month in the fourth quarter (to remember: a month similar to the letter “C” - Old).

Now, having become familiar with the phases of the Month, we can look at their influx into the power of thoughts:

  • New month (first and other monthly days). These days it’s better not to read, but to plan the next day’s thoughts.
  • First quarter (monthly days from the third to the seventh). At the same time, magical power grows every month. You can carry out awkward calls for food, good luck and gain wealth.
  • Another quarter (monthly days from the eighth to the fourteenth). The month is full of strength, and now the time has come for tougher exercises. There is great power to perform rituals for love, wealth and good luck.
  • Last month (fifteenth of the month). A month to peak your strength. You need to harness your magic in order to read the essay on this day, as it will have a long-lasting and lasting effect.
  • Third quarter (monthly days from the sixteenth to the twentieth). The month changes, and the strength it had before is lost. This is the time to perform rituals to help you get rid of something (for example, illness, Shkdlivikh zvichok etc.)
  • Fourth quarter (monthly days from twenty-third to twenty-nine). The monthly cycle will end and the time has come for magic, which can help you gain or end, for example, meeting, sleeping or provocation.
  • In this manner, we were told that it was necessary to carry out rituals for acquiring wealth and good luck from the third to the fourteenth month. For a month, you may not be able to complete the confirmation of the magician.

    The power of the mind is at its strongest during the new month

    Orthodox holy days

    It is important for most practicing magicians to say that they should use magic in church holy days, such as Rezdvo, Great Day, Palm week, Khreshchenya, etc., not Varto. Blame includes special rituals that are carried out on Holy Day, for example, casting a spell on Christmastide or charging salt on Holy Thursday.

    Magic during Christmas time is an acceptable ritual

    For a month

    Nothing in the shortest hour for creating a magical event. The effective phases are young and old months.

    A ritual for young people that will add pennies

    Having chosen the spoils, when the month is up, take these coins and rush out onto the street exactly on the twelfth night. Stand before the monthly candles so that it shines on you, squeeze the coins near the valley and say the spell:

    Everything grows alive under the sun, under the moon - the wealth of that good part. They will increase and multiply, and I (your name) will become richer. No matter how much poverty you know, no money is wasted. It will be so, as if the word is lost!

    Having read the spell, you need to turn back home and never look back

    Then turn back home, don’t look around for the road ahead. Conspire to put some money in your bag and carry it with you forever.

    Prayers for wealth on the new month

    To complete the ritual you need to take:

  • These metals will be penalized;
  • cup;
  • holy water.
  • About the twelfth year of the night, we will post a window so that the light of the month illuminates you. Take a cup, fill it with holy water, put the pennies in the middle, rinse:

    The month of recitations is like a drink of water. You are invisible and white, don’t let the coins shine like stars in the sky. They are boiling with grains in the casserole, not knowing my troubles and sorrows. I have to bypass the bad roads, but wealth comes to me. Key, language lock.

    Even coins must be placed in holy water

    Pour the coins into the bowl until the light falls on them throughout the month. Take out the pennies from the French shirt, dry it with a clean towel and put it in your bag.

    New moon ritual

    Open it again at the end and take a look at it or come out fresh again. Marvel at the Month, and see:

    It’s been a month and a month, please help me. Please take away the borgs and poverty. I ask you to give your wealth and generosity. The next day I’ll get pennies for myself. Tomorrow I will see evil. Just as the month shines forever, so I will always have plenty. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    It is necessary to read this paragraph before opening the window, every month

    Triday ritual

    Over the course of three nights: the night before the new month, the night before the new month, and the night after the new month, it is necessary to perform a ritual. The first night, take an empty hamman and place it on the windowsill in such a way that the item will spend a month's candles. Vimovte words:

    Like the brightness of the night sky is abundant. Just as there is plenty of water in the sea, so there will be plenty of pennies in my gamut. The servant of God had enough pennies to cover everything. Amen!

    On the third day, you need to put the pennies that are in the booth into the hamanets.

    The coming night - the night of the new month - put a bunch of bills in your wallet. The light of the month, as before, must fall on the hamanets. Read the words again. On the third night, put all the protections that you have with the Gamanets, and read the spell again.

    The strongest call for goodness

    If it's a month, you need to take out a penny note so that it is not torn and has a lot of creases, or rather, take a completely new penny note. Go to the window, place the banknote in front of the jersey and read the following words:

    Just as the Moon attracts day and night, then let this talisman attract pennies, riches, and golden speeches. I’ll save them, I won’t spend them on waste, I’ll multiply them and put them to work. May the power of the month help me with this

    Before reading, you need to fold the banknote with a trikut

    Ritually, pennies must be folded into a hamman and carried there quietly.

    Zmova on Gamanets

    To complete the ritual you need:

  • empty gamanets;
  • a lot of coins.
  • It is necessary to remove the negative influence that has accumulated on the coins: rub them under a stream of tap water, and then dry them with a new towel.

    Gamanets and coins are necessary attributes for performing the ritual

    At night, in the new month, take an empty hamanets, place it on the windowsill before the monthly light, say the text of the word:

    The month does not change, the month does not increase, the month of my sins continues. For as long as the month has been shining in the sky, my gaman is not in disarray. Amen.

    After reading, put the coins in your purse and fill the bottle before the light of the month. Vranz take the hamanets and hide in a secret place.

    Ritual with a candle for heavy pennies

    For the ritual you will need:

  • candle;
  • Gamanets, half a penny.

  • During the month's light, it is necessary to grab the pennies that are lying with the gambler

    When you finish, take the candle and the hamman, stand in front of the window. Light the candle. Having taken the monthly candle and the light from the candle, begin to reinvent the bones that are lying with the hamman. Read the call:

    May my gamanets never be disturbed until the Moon shines in the sky. May good luck and wealth shine on the light of my skin candles for the past month. Father Saint Seraphim of Sarov, hear my prayers and send me prosperity without any problems. Amen.

    Cross the trichi, cross the hamanets, then the candle. Put out the fire.

    On a coin

    Call on a coin – that’s enough strong rituals, which can effectively help you get out of poverty and achieve sustainable financial well-being.

    Strong ritual for a coin

    This ritual is the most difficult, because it most often contributes to the improvement of the financial situation. To carry out this, you will need a simple coin of any denomination; you can also buy Chinese pennies, which are sold in souvenir shops. The coin you have found will become the best option for the ritual.

    A coin found on the street will be the most beautiful attribute for the ritual

    Take a coin, go out into the street, find an ancient oak tree, place a penny in front of the tree and dig up some. Read the magic spell:

    As the tree grows older, so will my hamanets grow. Twelve months will pass, the pennies will bring me, river after fate, day after day, I will be happy now. Amen

    After finishing reading, go home and start baking bread. You will need to vibrate it 12 more times in the next month.

    The spell is even stronger, but the effect of this spell will happen within a short time.

    Zmova on Shvidke zbagachennya

    For those who don’t want to wait too long for the results of the ritual, there is an upcoming ritual. For anyone else you need:

  • coin;
  • wheat grains;
  • nasal hustka (not new).
  • Take grains and a coin, bury them near the ground and crush them with running water for three days. At night, cover the ground in this place with your hustka. After the first shoots of wheat appear, read the poem:

    Bread, bread, head for everything. Mother, you are our mother. We can’t live without you, neither a child nor an old person can live without you. Like your grain, don’t let me be alone, but like a coin, you’ll grow a penny. I will water and watch, and bring me some fruit. Amen!

    After reading the essay, it is necessary, as before, to keep an eye on the wheat leaves

    The wheat should be actively quilted, watered and covered with hustka. Last month, drip wax from a candle onto the hustina, in this way you will continue the spell.

    Zmova on Sontsi

    The sun, like the month, also carries intense energy. Therefore, rituals for wealth can be performed with the help of this luminary. Take a yellow-colored metal coin and place it at home under the chandeliers (on the windows or balconies). Read the magical text:

    The sun in exchange warms not only the body and soul, but also sin, so that it grows quickly and does not change.

    You need to place the yellow coin under sleepy exchanges for three years

    Leave the pennies for three years under the sunshine, then take them away, put them in the kitchen or intestines, and then wash them with you. Don’t give the coin to anyone for anything, otherwise your luck will go with it to the new ruler.

    Rituals under Vanga

    Various sounds from Vanga are pouring out a great drink. The ritual for obtaining coins from Vikoristanny without becoming a culprit. For this purpose you will need:

  • sorinka like bread of life;
  • old coins, coins from the royal era.
  • The main reason is the fact that the people who conduct the ritual may be hungry. It is necessary to read the essay at night, in a quiet environment and on your own.

    To conduct a call with Vanga you will need a royal coin and a piece of bread

    Take a piece of bread and place it on a coin. Look at the hedgehog and tell him:

    Bread lasts for us, as always, because everything is in the head. Make everyone happy at once, bring pennies to us. Let my little house have all the money, and there will be enough pennies.

    After reciting the spell, consume the ritual shortening of bread; you cannot wash it down with water. Place the pennies with the Gamanets and carry them with you at all times, without passing them on to anyone. In just two or three days you will start to have money for your lottery winnings, business income, etc.

    Ritual for a new Gamanian

    In order for your new gambler to start paying for pennies, you must first choose him correctly:

  • do not buy the cheapest wallet;
  • Make sure that the banknotes have a separate section for banknotes of various values ​​and a deposit box for coins;
  • buy products made from natural materials;
  • The most popular colors for a purse are black, dark brown, red;
  • Having bought the virus, you immediately place in the middle an irreplaceable sin that cannot be spent;
  • For the discerning children of Gaman, do not save anything, otherwise you may spoil the necessary penny stream;
  • After adding a new wallet, be sure to throw out the old one.

  • Buying hamanets, it is necessary to pay attention to the details

    Ritual of the ritual of the old Gamanian

    After you've gotten a new wallet, you'll have to be careful with the old one. Burn the trace on the bagatti, reading the text of the offensive spell:

    Burn to the devil's hearts, and take your poverty away from the fire. What was in you before - to be found, what was not there before - to show up. Let it be so. Amen.

    The old Haman must be burned in a bagatti, in order to avoid damage

    Charge new

    To complete the ritual, it is necessary to charge the new Gamanian with these precious green candles in the temple in advance. The ritual takes place on the twelfth night, on the month of the month, usually on Thursday.

    Green church candles will be needed to charge the new Hamanian

    Take a new hamman, place it under the light of the month, place a green candle next to the virus and set it on fire, reading the magical text:

    Pragna and the penny stream flows, I have a charming new hamman. It increases my income, my expenses have become minimal. The energy of pennies overwhelms me, and poverty increasingly flows into the holy fire. May it be so. My word is mіtsne. Amen.

    After reading the sermon, bake while the candles burn out, then throw out their unburnt ends. Now you can become a Hamanian, but you must first follow the order of the middle. The ritual must not be disclosed to anyone, and the hamanets must not be given into the hands of outsiders; it must not be shown.

    A magical ritual for a Gamanian

    To carry out the ceremony we need:

  • noviy gamanets;
  • candle;
  • gold coin or ring.

  • To carry out the ritual, you need to place a candle on the table in front of the window

    The ritual must be performed on the new month. Sit down at the table in the evening, light up your appearance until the window, let your hair down, get up, light a candle. Take the hamanets, cross your trichy, saying the phrase:

    In the Name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Then take a coin or a ring and place the item on the table, read the spell:

    Month, month of silver horns, give my new hamman some gold, so that he grows richer, fuller and filled with sins. May it be so. Amen.

    The magic is strong

    It is necessary to carry out the ritual before the cob of koristuvannaya with a new Gaman, a month is responsible for growth or but again. In France, you can put a coin and a banknote in a new one, you can put it on a splint, but all the pennies are of different denominations. You can sell foreign currency, but the axis that came out of circulation cannot be exchanged. After paying the pennies, read the spell:

    Just as a coin is collected up to a penny, so the abundance of happiness before I throw away and is collected, in my new hamanets the pennies are collected to a coin. And in my hamman it’s always jingling and fiddling, for a sparkling ring, for a new clothes, and it’s all about. My word is mіtsne. Before them, earth and sky, lock and key. Amen.

    The hamanets have a trace of the banknotes of different denominations

    Carrying a new hamanets with you all day, you can get rid of the money in the evening.

    Ritual on the birch of Vodomisha

    A simple ritual will help you get a penny pot to your new gambler. Take any coin, put it in a coin and throw it to the bank of a river, lake, etc. bud.

    The water in the river (dzherelya) is flowing and will not run out. So my money will never run out. As the water flows, it will begin to shear and sparkle. So, in my hamman, the pennies will continue to flow forever, sparkle and flow into my joy and for the benefit of everyone.

    The new gamanets can be charged with an additional coin soaked in water from a reservoir

    Over the course of three days, you will thoroughly spend the spells of sins.

    Call for a scooping spoon

    The raking spoon is a popular talisman for earning pennies and good luck. Vaughn is a small spoon, which is what you want to carry with the hamman. Wards are being prepared for treasures, especially for gold. For the talisman to work properly, you must absolutely believe in its power, as well as perform a ritual to activate it.

    The scooping spoon is small in size and fits easily into a bowl

    Before carrying out the call, it is necessary to prepare:

  • Introduce the talisman to a special place with your partner, from whom she will not be permanently separated. Better yet, it will be the same with great banknotes or with bank cards on which the pennies lie. It is not good to put a talisman with an empty container, because it attracts those who leave you.
  • After purchasing a raking spoon, clean it. To do this, you need to separate the salt from the bottle with water, put the talisman there and leave it overnight. Remove the guard, rinse with running water and pat dry.
  • Now the spoon is ready for the ritual to earn pennies and good luck.

    Just call for a magical souvenir

    Himself in a simple way activate the spoon and read the text directly before placing it in the bowl. There are a number of texts to read, you can select:

    What happiness happened at the factory - heck, I’m wasting my money, happiness and luck for myself.

    Another option:

    I used to have a spoon for money, but it became a spoon for pennies. Now I’m friends with her, and now I don’t grieve. Now I live in abundance, and my pennies are spare. I’ll get home, and the pennies will be mine!

    Text of the third call:

    Spoon, spoon, help me, grab a bunch of pennies. I am friends with you, happiness, joy given to all.

    Sometimes with a spoon in the kit there are spells that you can quickly cast to activate them

    Fourth version:

    Spoon, spoon, help, multiply your money! Grab, don’t be lazy and work, work, work. Euros, dollars, rubles and row, row, row.

    A powerful ritual for pennies and good luck

    The power of the scooping spoon can be increased by using a special ritual. The ritual is carried out in front of the premises of the talisman at the Gamanets. You will need:

  • scooping spoon;
  • light candles;
  • holy water;
  • seven leaves of the stable.

  • For the ritual one needs leaves from the stables

    How to perform the ritual:

  • Place all the candles in a row and light them.
  • Place the stable leaves between the candles.
  • Place the spoon behind the candles.
  • Drink a bottle of holy water and read the sermon.
  • I am baga buggians I bazauhuhuh, I’m starting the mercy of it, I have a lot of gold, I am a bazabla, I have a baza, I am healthy, I have a baza dupom, I have been a penny at my life, I have a bazoi tsovoi, and I mean, so I mean it. buti to that!

    When reading a poem, you need to delve into its essence, pass the word through your skin and firmly believe in the power of the phrase that is being expressed. Repeat the words of the spell this time.

    on the ring

    If it were a ring, probably not made from expensive metals, it could become a talisman that attracts money and good luck to those on the right. Rings are often used in magic as amulets, so they must always be carried on one’s person, so as not to provoke anyone’s knowledge about those who do so.

    For rituals, go to a ring

    Before performing the rituals, make a new ring, clean the trace. You can earn money by choosing one of four available methods:

  • Into the fire. Take the ring and heat it with the help of half a candle. To avoid burning your hands, trim the decoration with tongs or tweezers.
  • Light. Place the decoration on the windowsill so that the light of the month or sun shines on it. Add three dobis to the ring, heavenly bodies cleanse the energy of your accessory.
  • Water. Take a small bag of fabric, place a ring there and place under running water for about an hour.
  • Sil. Place the ring in a container with salt and let sit for one year. Then remove the embellishment without removing the salt with your hand (you can use tweezers). Vikorystan really needs to be thrown out, or rather, your ass will be served.
  • To call it, choose the ring that suits you well and that you are happy to wear without knowing.

    Ritual for pennies

    To carry out the ceremony you need:

  • ring;
  • red fabric.

  • For the ritual it is necessary to acquire a ring and red cloth

    The ritual takes place on the twelfth night, during the month of growth. Take the ring, place it on the red piece of paper, stretch your hand over the decoration and say the words:

    Our success is in our hands, and we put our wealth in the gut.
    I have success, I have prosperity.
    The pennies flow like a river.
    Only before me, only after me.
    The key, the lock, it is said - it will awaken.

    Then fill the ring to the wound under the monthly light. The Svitanka is a treasure to be used more often. Women should wear this accessory on their fancy finger, and men should wear this accessory on their big finger. The ring cannot be worn, transferred to other fingers, or removed for an hour (more than three years). It is not safe to tell other people about the ritual, and even through this the power may be weakened.

    Ring for success

    To carry out the ritual, you need:

  • ring;
  • Red thread.

  • A ring, connected to a red thread, worn on the middle finger

    In clear weather, in the dark hour, you need to hang the ring on a thread. Then take the right-handed accessory and read the text:

    Be, little ring, happy and successful.

    I’ll put fortune in the stake, no one will turn out against me, no matter how long it takes.

    Good luck will always be with me, forever and ever.

    Such a talisman will bring success to all spheres of human life: finance, farming, career. Dress up the trace on your fancy finger.

    Ritual for good luck

    To achieve success in the penny sphere using this ritual, you need:

  • a ring made of gold;
  • colored threads.

  • For this ritual you need a ring made of gold

    Algorithm for the ritual to finish forgiveness:

  • Place the embellishment in colored threads for two years.
  • Take the ring and place it on your finger. Do not remove it until the next day.
  • Transfer the embellishment to the other finger and read the words of the word.
  • The bird-tit lived overseas, the bird-tit called a nest, the bird-tit found a ring from someone and brought it to me. I’ll put on my makeup, I’ll get in, good people will need me, all doors will obey me, all gates will be afraid of me. What am I wondering - to show up and success will be like a ring on someone’s finger!

    There is no need to wear this talisman at all, just wear it before important business negotiations, negotiate contracts, etc. If you use the embellishment today, you run the risk of wasting all your power quickly.

    On a red thread

    The red thread always has little magical power. U The rest of the time This amulet gained great popularity. But not many people know that simply wearing thread does not give the same effect. To use the talisman, read the words.

    Chervona thread - add Nini’s popular accessory

    Making pennies

    For the cob, you need to add a strong red thread, but it must be made from wood or other natural ingredients. You need to buy a thread of obov'yazkovo, you can't give a talisman as a gift. Now you need to know the person who is your butt in the financial sector. It will be your own responsibility to tie this amulet to you. It is necessary that the people believe in the power of the talisman, as there is none, then do not tell the you that you are performing the ritual, but simply ask them to tie the thread, because it will be difficult to do it yourself.

    Please, let a person tie a red thread for you, so you can trust in her power

    The ritual itself is carried out like this:

  • Read a prayer that is close to your spirit.
  • Ask a friend to tie you a thread for as many knots as you want to increase your wealth.
  • While a person is tying the talisman, with a skin knot you will see the phrase: “I earn money and more of my income from... (please indicate how many) times.”
  • With the rest of your voice, repeat the phrase to yourself: “It’s broken up on the right. Let it be so."
  • Give thanks to the one who helped you perform the ceremony.
  • It is necessary to understand that the more nodes on your amulet, the more wealth will reach you. You need to be patient and believe in the symbol of the talisman, take care of your own affairs and take joy out of life.

    Ritual for pennies and good luck

    The ritual follows this pattern:

  • Head to the store and buy a ball of red thread from outside.
  • On the way home, go to church, add this candle.
  • Turn back home. Last night, lock yourself in your room.
  • Sit in front of the table, place threads on the table. Light the candles.
  • Tie a red thread on your wrist, reading when necessary this time in bed.

  • To carry out the ritual you need this church candle

    Text of the call for pennies:

    A thread of red gold, life will be wonderful. I will drown in pennies, I will attract success. I will give up all my lateness, I will not die from illness. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Call words for good luck:

    With a thread on both my wrists, I will hide good luck from people. From now on, if you’re on the right, don’t hesitate to talk away and smile. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Pushing a red thread for wealth

    To complete the ritual you need:

  • red linen threads;
    For the ritual, red threads made from natural wool are required
  • high denomination banknotes.
  • Take a banknote, apply a red thread to it after the day, wrap the thread around the banknote this time, reciting the spell:

    I don’t have money, I don’t have luck, I don’t have everything. Let it be so.

    Then cut the thread and tie it on the wrist of your right hand.

    On the water

    Drinking water is both easy and hard at the same time. Only a proven magician can perform rituals related to water correctly and without causing harm to those who are lost. Just one wrong spell can change the essence of the spell, flaring up at the gateway.

    Working with water can be either easy or important at the same time

    Money for pennies

    To complete the ritual, it is necessary to perform the following steps:

  • Take a basin and pour water into it.
  • Read the text of the ritual prayer above the river.
  • Press the water into the basin, do not rub it with a towel. Don't let the water get into your skin.

  • After reading the essay, you must wash yourself with water from the basin.

    Words to read:

    Oh, water, you know everything and have power. You have covered distant lands and you can once again erase my misfortune. Grant me wealth forever and a good life. Amen.

    Zmova for wealth

    For the ritual you need:

  • Contains water;
  • candles.
  • Candles and water are essential components for the ritual

    Place a container of water on the bottom, near the candles and light them. Fly over the water and cast the spell:

    Just as water is holy, pure, like tears are so healing, so is wealth miraculous. I charge water for pennies, for pleasure, for earnings. Just as water flows into the womb, one can accumulate wealth one by one. Pennies to pennies, right to drain. Let it be so. Amen, amen, amen!

    When you speak your words, your thoughts reveal riches.

    Zmova for wealth and good luck

    To gain good fortune and wealth, you need:

  • shallow volume;
  • water;
  • green candle;
  • coins

  • The ritual requires a little space

    Pour water into the container, throw a coin in there and light the candle. You need to drip the candle wax into the water so that it drips onto a coin. During this process, remember the words:

    As hard as it swells in softness, so my wealth will multiply and become established. From day to day, from day to day, from day to day, from day to day, from this century to the end of the century.

    Then pour the coin into the ground, and use the coin as an amulet: put it in the village and don’t show it to anyone.

    Just a call to the water

    For more successful and happy people, help a simple ritual that you need:

  • water;
  • saucepan;
  • three church candles.
  • The process of creating a ritual:

  • Pour water into the saucepan. Place it in the center of the table.
  • Place the candles around the perimeter of the pan with a triquet.
  • Read the necessary paragraph.
  • Take a bowl of water and empty it in the bathtub.
  • Pour into the pan and wait until the water gets into the skin. Don't fiddle with your towel.
  • Call text:

    Now I will have good luck and happiness. Water, get rid of all the bad things in life. Amen.

    Ritual with holy water

    Rituals with holy water must be carried out very carefully, reading the text of the sermon with respect and not allowing pardons. You need:

  • water;
  • two deep basins.

  • Call me how to spend time with holy water, with great power

    Pour holy water into one of the basins, stand in the other basin, water your home, reading the words:

    Like water flows from me, servants of God, and flows under my feet, so the pennies flowed into my home and flowed under my feet. Key. Language Lock. For centuries. Amen.

    No problem

    The real thing can help you get good luck and money. You just need to choose and read the sentence correctly.

    Zmova for bread and strength

    To read the name you need:

  • fresh black bread;
  • a new (unopened) pack of salt;
  • candles.

  • This ritual is performed on a hungry boat

    The ritual takes place for a month, in the early evening, in the dark evening, on its own. Bazhano but a little bit hungry. You need to light the candles, sit at the table, pick up a piece of bread, pour on the new one and say the spell:

    Just as a whole grain of bread comes out of a grain of gold, so a whole sack comes out of my pennies. I eat bread and multiply my wealth. How many pennies for bread and butter. Just as the cup is full and the house is full of bread, so the pennies began to be found in the new.

    After reading the sermon, eat bread without getting sick.

    Spell for abundance

    In order for your family to have prosperity, it is necessary to perform this simple ritual:

  • Bake the bread of life.
  • Place it in the center of the table and say the words of the spell.
  • Break out a piece of bread for each member of your family and feed them.

  • For such a ritual you need the bread itself.

    Text of the spell:

    The booth is like a bowl, as there is bread on the table. Just as a crop of wheat can give rise to a whole field of grain, so one penny bill can bring us great wealth.

    This ritual works very quickly, and within a couple of days you will notice an improvement in the financial sphere of your life.

    On Thursday's day

    The most severe headaches in the world require the help of not ordinary salt, but special salt - Thursday salt. This can be prepared on your own, or even in one day per day. On the last Thursday before Maundy Day (Maundy Thursday), go to the store and buy some kitchen essentials, and then go to church and hold the service there. After returning home, fry the salt in a frying pan, put in a saucepan and bake in front of your household.

    The fourth must be prepared independently

    All rituals involving the use of Thursday salt are best performed on Thursdays. To get good luck and pennies you need:

  • Take a small bag or a bag. Say your heart out and read the essay.
  • Wear a talisman near the kishenya or sumtsi.
  • Call the words:

    Bad luck and evil will not drag me down the road. Not only will grief and pain come together. Enemies will never be able to harm me, but friends will always help me in times of misfortune. The words of my life are eternal and never ending.

    This amulet will not only help you to ruin your luck and gain wealth, but also to protect you from the evil eye and evil eye.

    Ritual of iz syllu for earning pennies

    The ritual is carried out on the new month, vikoristuvat sil, on the day of the ceremony. The procedure for finishing is simple:

  • Open the packet of salt and place it on the windowsill, reading the sermon.
  • Leave the salt overnight on the windowsill.
  • Vikorist the product for direct reasons (stay from the prepared ones).
  • Name the words that are visible:

    As the new month pours in, so does the salt gain energy. Just as the body grows every month with every year, so my guts will still be worth a penny in gold. I'll be rich! Amen!

    Call on the bay leaf

    Throw a bay leaf to help improve the goodness. It is necessary to carry out a simple ritual, for which you need:

  • a large whole bay leaf;
  • be it essential oil.

  • Bay leaves for the ritual of guilt are whole and great

    Take a sheet and rub it between your palms, ask him to help you on the right. Apply a little olive oil on the surface of the bay leaf, smell the aroma of spices and oil. Place the new talisman in a place where you will save yourselves, in which case the following words are spoken:

    Pennies to pennies, enough wealth

    Such a sheet can be placed in your hamman.

    There is one more option for going to the laurel tree. For anyone else you need:

  • seven whole bay leaves;
  • red linen threads;
  • bill or coin.
  • The ritual becomes more effective for a month as it grows. You need to take the leaves, tie their needles with red thread, and tie a stitch to the end of the thread. This guard needs to be hung in front of entrance doors, saying the phrase:

    Pennies to the house, and evil beyond the threshold.

    Zmova for honey

    This ritual will help to generate finances, especially since the stench is necessary for bathing the life. Sequence of the ritual:

  • Get up, assholes. Take a piece of bread and spread honey on it.
  • Vimovte text call.
  • Make bread with honey.

  • The ritual must be repeated for a month

    Text of the spell:

    There will be a vulik, collecting honey, inviting guests. Just as honey is drawn to me, so pennies are drawn to me. Bjoli – vulik, meni – budynok. Bjoli visk, me – pennies.

    The ritual is carried out over the course of a month.

    Inheritance of penny coins

    Call for money and good luck today and the most popular among others. Most of them are rituals with white magic, which do not pose great dangers for people. Keeping up with the basic rules will help you avoid harming yourself and others:

  • It is better to carry out the exercises in the middle (krim vypadkіv, described above).
  • The month of growth is the shortest monthly phase for performing rituals to increase wealth and gain good luck.
  • All rituals must be performed on their own, focusing entirely on the text of the spell.

  • You all need to work on your own

    There is a low level of energy that can have a detrimental effect on a person. As a rule, these are rituals that help avoid financial failure. It is necessary to know that if you are constantly not happy with your finances, then, having paid for everything, you will be punished and punished. So call for a few pennies, maybe even more harm. Having encountered such a problem, it is necessary to seek help from an experienced magician, especially if you are afraid of serious self-destruction or serious illnesses.

    All rituals that are observed in the tsvintar must be approved by the church

    Please be aware of the rituals performed on the tsvintar. The stench is very strong and can seriously affect people. If you did perform a ritual on the tsvintara, during which they flocked for help to the deceased, it is necessary to go to the temple and put candles for the repose of their souls.

    It is necessary to remember that rituals and spells do not replace people, the stench no longer helps to reach the god. It is necessary to strictly believe in the power of talismans and powers in order for the smell to work correctly. If you don’t die, this ritual will not bring you wealth or good luck.
