Synopsis of employment for the development of a move in the middle group. Summaries of thematic borrowing for development of the move

Synopsis of employment for the development of a move in the middle group. Summaries of thematic borrowing for development of the move

The development of an early viku child's movement (1-3 rock) is even more important a stage of revelation of a native language. Mova krihti does not just grow wildly - it molds itself. That is why the help of malukov in the development of mov in the whole period is especially relevant. Correctly organizing the change in the number of employees does not only take the development of the child's development, but also help to compensate for the potential for the damage, for example, to be introduced into the new development.

Yak viznachiti rivn development of movi malyati?

Most of the happy fathers understand the importance of the development of the child's movement and jealously follow him, as if he were a little boy. Manifest the price for everything in the development of the child's development, as it seems to be one-liner. Fine, if the little one seems to want to finish it loosely. It’s not enough for a child to speak, it’s unsettled, it’s uncomfortable to sound, and it’s not easy to talk about, it’s not on the heat of the turbine of your loved ones.

However, the development of the development of the child is not sufficient for the development of the child, as it seems they are the same age. For viznachennya vіdpovіdnosti іvlennya malyukovіm vіkovim norms vikoristovuyu tableі dynamіki development of movi. This kind of information in the open access and even in the background of the formulation of the child's formulation - in which period there is gulinnya, babbling, first words and phrases, as step-by-step it’s not easy to say it ) і active vocabulary (that is, what a child і mind and vikorist і in his promos). Respectfully protesting the child's mova, it is possible to make a hole in the development.

The branch of the rolling center

The child's mova was growing, it is necessary to open it for a friendly mind. Naygolovnish - as you can talk more with the child, and even in the basis of moving to lie the inheritance is a repetition for growing words and phrases. Mova is to blame for the little boy, he is guilty of "kupatisya" in Mov. For all the grown-ups, comments on all the incidental situations, the regime moments and the life of the baby.

For example, touching: "Idemo vmivatisya. Let's see the crane. Don't go to the side, to the insha. The axle is so. And dear? The axle is cute. Take it cute and shape your hands. Put it nicely in the mile. Let me help you. Three hands Now let’s be nice. Now let’s be nice. Put your hands on the water - the axis is like that. And at once let’s be a person of mind. Dial in the hollows and rub it in person. Turn on the tap. Now, let’s shake off the water from your hands - the axis is like that. De rushnik? and hands. Well done! Wonderful, how clean you have become. "

It is possible, such a long-term growth with a small match, will be victorious in older children, it is difficult and will require changes in the style of combining and behavior. Ale yak will show you the way, tse on the right trenuvannya: if bazhannya and to finish off the ease, then the grown-ups can in an hour appear with the little one more constructively from the point of view of the development of the child's movement. At the same time, it’s worthwhile to come to "feel the balance": speak the need constantly, but at all, do not overdo it and do not be overwhelmingly rich in meaning, speak with the sinister gutsness, in simple phrases and only for the day.

Development of active movi

Surely, all the daddy wants, why should you speak quickly, why should you be clear and correct. Razvivayuchi active mova ditini, mi persh for all the stimuli movne nasliduvannya.

Movne nasliduvannya - the creation of the promising sound, words, phrases. Most of the time when a little child is in possession is similar to a vidlunnya: when grown-ups speak, the child will immediately repeat it. This means that there is a lot of repetition, delayed per hour. We will comprehend the child's inheritance by a child, we will comprehend it, but it is tied to the practical dedication of the child. For the data of physiologists, the people have inherited an insane reflex, so that it seems to me. Malyuk, not grasping that, peymaє mova, yaku chuє z vust otochuych.

As soon as the baby grows up, it is necessary to carry out a special robot to activate the consumption of the word of the older one. At the same time, try the child to speak to be-like viglyadі, to navіt how to speak іn leave quietly і created.

Growth is more beautiful in tsikavih games. For example, bigaєmo in the room with arms spread out to the sides - mi "litaki", flying and Hudim "Oo-oo-oo!"; for it is walked on the room and "cool kermo" - mi "cars", іdemo and signal "Bi-bi!"; image of gru on sopiltsi - "Doo-doo-doo!"; for a lick of a spati and a spirited song "Bayu-bye!"

It is especially effective for the development of movi є reception of housekeeping in the well-known nursery rhymes and verses. For a whole world of robimo pause; for example:

Birdie ... (birdie),
Axis tobi ... (water)!
Axis tobi ... (krihti)
On my ... (dolontsi)!

Pivnik, pivnik ...
(Golden comb)
In the end ...
(I'll give you peas!)

Besides, it is necessary to carry out a special robot for the development of the child's vocabulary, the following is the rule: what more words is the name of the child in the child's move, it is the same as the development of the child! Razvivayuchi childish vocabulary of the child with a little bit of vikoristovyte lodging options of words: "top-top" - goyde, "kach-kach" - goydalki, "am-am" - їst, "kup-kup" - to swim, "boo" - to go ін. And yet the child will be busy taking care of it, you can take photos of the child herself and the members of this family, on which stinks you can see how simple the ideas are.

Apparently, it is more important for a robot to develop an active mobile device more beautifully from vicarious objects - objects, graphics and pictures.

Yak viznachiti dynamiku rozvitku movi malyati?

It is necessary to get ahead, but do not expect the results of the new robot to show up quickly with the baby. Do not be afraid and gain patience - it is often a small necessary period of accumulation of new knowledge and skills, the first one is less likely to be more active. And yet, nevertheless, start the dynamism of the development of the child's development, you can start the "Schodennik of the development of the move", in which not only write new words and phrases, which appear in the movement of the little ones, ale and dati they appear. Having covered the records for a few months, you will be able to indulge in the results of yours with a little social work.

Success to you at the development of your baby!

3rd ed., Supplement. - Moscow: 2017 - 192 p.

At the bottom, there are problems in the development of the development of children in the preschool age group. The methodical recommendations of the organization of educational activities will be promoted. The development of the development of children of 3-5 years has been reviewed. Introduced a part of knowing the theoretical foundations of programs and methods. For the help of didactic igors, the right to form a lexical stock, to learn the mastery of grammatical categories. The material can be borrowed to help children with interest before they come to their own age, with the help of the development of their own logic and activity. In the third version of the book, an additional update has been made up to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. The book was awarded to the workers of the DNZ, vikhivatov and methodologists, students of pedagogical universities and colleges, fathers, who are aimed at developing children.

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introduction 3
Characteristics of the development of children 6
The main development of the robotics development of the development of children of another young group 7
Vikhovannya sound culture movlennya 7
Slovnikova robot 7
Forming grammatical budovi movi 8
Role of the ringing move 9
Development of community min 10
Methodical notes 11
Abstract take 16
Busy 1. Perezka kazki "Chicken Ryaba" 16
Busy 2. Look at igrashok - go, cows, zozuly, pivnya 18
Busy 3. Description of igrashok - mowing, losha, target 20
Busy 4. Looking at the painting "Mi gramo in cubes, there will be booths" 23
Busy 5. Description of the lyalki Oli 25
Busy 6. Folding the storyline by the set of games spilo with the chopper 29
Occupation 7. Stock reports about games - cossacks, hares 31
Busy 8. Description of the little goat, donkey, steamer 35
Busy 9. Perekazki "Rіpka" 38
Occupation 10. Description of items of clothing Oli 40
Busy 11. Stocking of descriptive information about іgrashki - іmіtsі 43
Busy 12. Storage of descriptive information about іgrashki - kіshtsі, vedmediku, misci 45
Busy 13. Sketching on the picture "Ride on a sled" 47
Busy 14. Description of lialok Dasha and Dimi 49
Busy 15. Carrying out the greetings "Scho in a bear at Buratino" 52
Busy 16. Saving a descriptive notification about a creature from pictures 55
Busy 17. Transferring K. Chukovsky's Kazka "Kurcha" 57
Busy 18. Stocking up on the picture "Trolleybus and igrashki" 59
Busy 19. Storage of descriptive information about igrashki - steam, foxes, pivni 61
Busy 20. Carrying out the greetings "At Katya's Day of the People" 63
Busy 21. Stocking of descriptive information about igrashki - Lisenko, department 66
Busy 22. Folding the storyline by typing іgrashok 69
Busy 23. Description of vegetables and fruits 72
Busy 24. Folding the storyline about Lyalok Faji and Fedya 74
Busy 25. Transfer of kazki "Kozenyata i Vovk" 77
Busy 26. Description of items in dishes 78
Busy 27. Name of furniture items. Vzhivannya spacious apparatuses 81
Busy 28. Compilation of messages on the topic of special information 83
Busy 29. Razpovіdі on the picture "Kishka with koshenyatami" 85
Busy 30. Sketching of the picture "Kuri" 87
Busy 31. Saving a descriptive notification about the creatures by pictures 90
Busy 32. Describe by subject picture 91
Characteristics of movny development of children 94
The main development of robots for the development of the development of children in the middle group 95
Vihovannya sound culture movlennya 95
Slovnikova robot 96
Forming grammatical budovi movi 97
The boom of the ringing move 98
Development of community min 99
Methodical instructions 100
Abstract take 106
Busy 1. Description igrashok - cats and dogs 106
Occupation 2. Stocking up on the picture "Kishka with koshenyaty"
Busy 3. Description of іgrashok - dogs, foxes. Folding the plot list for the set of igrashok 112
Occupation 4. Storage of descriptive information about vikhovanets 115
Busy 5. Folding the storyline by the set of games "Tanya, Beetle and koshenya" 118
Busy 6. Transfer of the Kazka "Puzir, straw and bast shoe" 120
Busy 7. Folding storyline by roles 122
Busy 8. thinking up riddles-descriptions about igrashki 124
Busy 9. Sketching the description according to the lexical terms of "Furniture" 127
Busy 10. Sketching of answers according to the painting "A dog with tsutsenyatami" 129
Busy 11. Description of the game - tags, bunny, target 131
Busy 12
Busy 13. Sketching of the description according to the lexical terms "Winter Odyag" 137
Busy 14. Re-ordering Ya. Taitsi "Poizd" 140
Busy 15. Folding the storyline on the set of games "Vipadok in Lisi" 142
Busy 16. Sketching from the picture "Don't be afraid of frost" 144
Busy 17. invented a continuation announcement "Bilochka, zatz i vovk" 146
Busy 18. Sketching a description of the newest viglyad 149
Busy 19. Storing up the list of proponated items, 150
Busy 20. Perekaz of rospovidi E. Charushin "Hen". Adjustment of subject pictures 152
Busy 21. The description was ruined by rabbits by pictures 154
Busy 22. Rise on "Tanya People's Day" 155
Busy 23. Skladannya describe creatures on pictures 156
Busy 24. I will describe it by lexical terms "Vegetables" 158
Busy 25. Living in a mobile phone with spacious meanings 160
Busy 26. Perezpovidi N. Kalininaya "Pomichniki" 162
Busy 27. Description of the newest viglyad tvarin 164
Busy 28. Picking up on the picture "Kuri" 167
Busy 29. Collection of descriptions of the characters of the Kazka "Teremok" 170
Busy 30. Viznachennya specific marks of the subject 172
Busy 31. The designation of the subject by specific signs 174
Busy 32. Description of the most popular ditinchat tvarin 176
Dodatok 1. Methods of identifying the level of development of the ringing movement of young preschool children (from the beginning of L. Shadrinoi) 178
Victory of the associative method for the development of the rivny of the love of my life among children of the fifth fate of life (from the beginning of A. Smagi) 180
Dodatok 2. Literary material for borrowing by order 185
Puzir, straw and bast shoe (Russian folk Kazka) 185
poizd 185
Chicken 185
pomichniki 186
Cockerel with a family 186
List of victorious and recommended literature 187

Tsilovi orintiri FGOS to allow, how at the stage of the completion of the preschool education of the child, we can finish the dream of the child, , the child's minds change their minds to literacy.
At the top of the list of important buildings of the Federal State Educational Standard, the implementation of the program “Program the development of children’s development” was launched and methodically secured.
The basis of the programs and materials for taking in the young and middle groups of students for the results and preliminaries held in the laboratory development of the Institute of Preschool Education of the APN (Nini - Institute of the Russian Academy of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood Education) Ushakovo.

In a wide variety of presented lessonsі busy You will help children readily and speak beautifully. Development lessons stimulate the movement of children, take the development of the child's movement.

The site contains 23 busy development children.

Vikladachi pochatkovyh classes bypassed, but a lot of children will have phrases, they often do not have the ability to grammatically correctly formulate the proposition, there is a lack of vocabulary. Such shortcomings do not wipe out the house, but appear in the classroom at school. The price is tied to the lack of development of movi.

In order for it to be difficult, it is necessary to develop Mova Ditini in a preschool child. In our lessons on the development of the movement, you can know the mastery of the height of the folding. As long as the child is not allowed to go, help you, show me.

all busy development Writing in accessible language, zavdannya is given in the form of games, supervised by beautiful illustrations, as to pretend to be a baby.

all busy bully changed and grasped by a practical teacher from preschool education O.A. Volovskaya.

The child is familiar with living and non-living objects (living and non-living), to learn to put together the propositions in words, how to say to food: "Who?" What about what? ".

Ditin learn to fold the propositions in words, how to refer to the food "What?". Anyway, I don’t know that the same generic vidminoks, but it’s better to use the words correctly.

Dytin learn to fold the propositions with the words, which lead to the food: "Whom?". Lesson supervising a great number of barvy photographs of creatures.

Children in the іgrovіy form are conveyed in the face of the silent propositions in words, as they say to the nutrition of the given message: "To whom, to whom?"

Warehouse without words, with words, how to refer to the food of the instrumental message: "Kim, nіzh?"

Folding propositions with words, which lead to food: "About who, about who, who, why?"

Creatures and ditinchata - how to correctly name the creatures in the cholovich family, female, and ditinchat. Bezlich even more tsikavih photographs of animals with їkh children.

Pidbiraєmo change and caress words to live and inanimate objects: small creatures, speeches, fruits, berries.

Vivchaєmo without a childish prikmetnik and vegetable, I will describe the words to a vegetable and a vegetable to a prikmetnik. Shukaemo pod_bnosti and vіdminnost_ objects.

It’s still easy on the eyes to the very small objects: creatures, fruits, berries, utensils.

Children in іgrovіy form will be reflected in the list of sentences, and then there are small razpovіdі in pictures. Deal with it step by step, explain the difference between answers and short speeches

Pochinaєmo vivchati dіeslіv, correctly pick up the ending of dієslіv to female, cholovich, middle clan, in the words of many. I will think of a game for a creature and a creature for a day.

Vivchennya raznykh priymennikiv: "well, go, in" and so on. Viznachennya on pictures scho bulo spatku, scho potim, scho in kintz, folding notification from several pictures

Bezlіch dovgyh and short words, dytina to learn to start - dovge a word or short, come up with your own words.

Repetition of geometric shapes, colors, folding notification for a picture

Vivchayutsya creatures of Africa, Australia, there are few reports about them.

Folding razpov_dey on the pictures with cats. Bagato tsіkavih funny photos kіshok.

Vchimya razpovidati yak on the street the weather, like the weather will be tomorrow and tomorrow. Look at the options: light a sun, some boards, a thunderstorm on the street, on a street or a snow.

The whole variant of the NSD in the senior group for the development of the movement includes a number of development projects, the sanctuary and emergency plan.


  1. Zbagachennya vocabulary stock of children.
  2. Navchannya vikhovants_v folding reports-descriptions for additional reference cards-cues (pictograms).
  3. Expanded detection of navkolishn_y svit, yogo main seasonal wines, roslins, live bags.
  4. Formation in the skin child of social activity, in the mind of a hairy thought, explain your point of view.
  5. Zagalny development of educational processes.

Danish synopsis of the development of the movement in the senior group allows you to spend busyness, as we can conclude for a block of basic topics.

methodically accept

  • Vikoristannya surprise moment with the whistle of the glove lyalka.
  • Dealing with group and individual robots for the development of the development of other educational processes.
  • Stocking of materials, distribution pictures, graphics.


  1. Cards from images of migratory and wintering birds of the middle swamp (from didactic sets for the development of moving in the older group of a child's cage)
  2. Grashkovy vegetables and fruits
  3. Lyalka-bibabo Woodpecker
  4. ball
  5. Colored paperwork leaf

go busy

Introduced a conversation with the elements of theatrical action

The whistleblower ask the children to take their place, and beastly respect for those in the group who have seen an unseen envelope (which is guilty of attachments to a prominent place). The teacher reads the sheet in a voice. Nyomu says:

“Little boys and girls! Write to you Osin. Help me be a weasel! It’s already calling to end soon my hour, changing my sister-Winter. It is necessary for me to convert the forest, fields, birds, animals. All the stinks got up to the point of frost, hurtovin, cold weather. Me alone will not be caught up, demanded helpers! If you wait for them, then I will send my true friend to you, I will explain everything. "

Children will be able to wait to help Autumn, in the group they start to sound a lot of music. Lyalka-bibabo Woodpecker appears on the screen, and says:

“Hello, lady and lads! I’m glad to see you! Did you know me? "

The teacher reads a trick puzzle:

For a whole day in the fox I knock
I fly all the trees.
Doctor Lisu, Ale not Lykar
Have you guessed? Well I -…. (Children who are to blame are not "rook", but call this bird - a woodpecker)

You can vikoristovuvati a few more verses according to the theme.

Lyalka prodovzhu monologue: “Oh, yaky respect, nice! Immediately, I wondered, it’s not about my friend, who’s a mystery! And how do you think, why is it possible at once to develop in a fox? "

Children are prompted, the teacher will ask for a dermal explanation of the explanation.

Woodpecker: “That's right, the rook has already flown in the warmth of the land. And yet we need you to guess the first migratory birds, as they are only a guest with us. The axis asked me to ask you about osen. Whom do you know? "

Gra with a ball "Fly by the warm land ...."

All children take a stake, the whipper takes a ball and say: "I know, in the warm land a rook is flying, but who can you guess?" Graduated to quiet feasts, as long as the new name sounds.

Woodpecker: “Oh, the little pomichniki have worked hard! All my foxes have been guessed. That's right, all the stinks are still visible, no cold does not make you angry. I’ll fly, I’ll tell Autumn about you, I’ll tell you, that all the flying birds we have guessed, none of them is now unsettled. "

Lyalka hove behind the screen.

fiz hviliinka

The whipper will ask everyone to stand up, repeating the words and the ruch after her (lastly):

  • Doschik osin knockє: drip-drip, drip-drip! (Silently knocking with licks on pidlosis).
  • Sonechko to sleep at the Khmarinka: buy-by-by, by-by! (Put your hands to the cheek, go from the side to the bik).
  • The whole harvest was taken: oh-oh, oh-oh! (Pіdnіmaє from the earth іyavny vantazh, іdnіmaєmo yogo over the head).
  • I walk a little more steel: br-rrrr, br-rrrr! (Embrace yourself with your hands, easily).

Tell about charming birds by pictogram

The teacher is a zvertaє I respect children for pictures, yak vona trimaє in their hands. Vaughn say:

“Hlops, let's take a trip with you to the tsikava gro! There are some cunning icons on these pictures to help us find out about migratory birds. I'll try it all at once! "

I will show you a picture, ask for a word, which is painted on them. Step by step all the pictures are installed on the board. The whistle-blower distays a card with a poured woodpecker, to ask him to guess a riddle about a new one, she read a busy one on the cob. All at once guess the snake-cheat.

The vigilante proponates about the bird according to the reference pictures-diagrams. Children by the blink of an eye talk about woodpeckers. The whipper nagaduє, the woodpecker is a bird of winter, and it is possible to develop a tsiliy rik. Vaughn ask the children to take one picture with flying birds, tell about the skin for the diagram. Bazhayut razpovidayut.

Gra "Yaka has arrived?"

All cards with migratory birds are turned upside down. Come alone, navmannya. Children know a bird, they call it її (nightingale, rook, lastivka, ін). The whipper propones to the skin think up a word, like you can say about the bird (shvidka, strimka, overflowing, yaskrava, strokata). An hour from an hour, a teacher of additional help, asking food "Yaka (yaky) has arrived / arrived before us .... lastivka, shpak, іnshі migratory birds).

Riddle of "Quarters of Ziviy"

The teacher named chotiri birds, three flights and one winter. For example: lastevka, woodpecker, shpak, drizd. Children are to blame, because they are not є not seen for the winter in the warm land, “Zayva”.

You can find out the list of similar logistic employees in the abstracts to take up the development of the move in the senior group, assigned to the same topics about birds.

All cards with birds are taken into an envelope, in which there is a sheet of paper from Autumn. Children say goodbye to them until the spring of May. The whipper to ask for nagadati name all the birds, which stench they took and explain, for whom they gave such a name.

pause is poetic

Vikhovatel reads virsh І. Tokmakova "Vitryano", discussing it with children. I will feed the skin, which will be painted on the images to the number of rows. On the board you will see a dough:

  • early (spring);
  • gold (zhovten);
  • piznya (leaf fall).

Children ask for a visit to that hour of fate, about what kind of singing a song and something like that at the end of the day. The teacher should ask for a name. Let's get the message out of the picture on the screen in the correct afterlife, from the first before the onset.

Gra "Name it affectionately!"

The teacher is a warehouse in a non-prozorium mishok igrashkovi vegetables, fruits. I proponate a skin child, by the way, one little game. Then the whistler, according to the name of the word "vegetable" or "fruit", ask the child to give it a little quiet, but just the same ones that she called at once.

By the way, I am guilty of knowing kindness, I will call that "a gift of autumn", which is in the hands of the new one. For example, pomidor - pomidor, eggplant - eggplants, the Teacher pіdkazuє, so that all vegetables are easy to name tenderly, and fruits are more foldable.

Now two cats appear before the children. Put your leather game, either to vegetables, or to fruits. Instead of a skin basket, we can use the style, and we can play with all the jokes. If the stink є, then the fruit will be laid out in an іnshomu, right.

completion of the busy

The whipper again ask the children to name the topic of the NSD, I will again show the envelope with the overflowing birds. Then you get the last autumn leaflet, circulate from the paper, ask him to bring the leaf from the message from the boys of Autumn. Pislya vona dyakuє children for help.

Vikoristovyte to take a set of didactic cards "Perepitnі ptahi".

The development of movi children is one of the provincial buildings, which are covered with preschool educational facilities. One of the main goals in the formulation of language, preparation for literacy in the preschool mortgage is to know children from the sound of the sound word, from the sound analysis. And it is necessary to know children from the sound side of the word, the simplest forms of their analysis as well as from the older group of a child's cage, for 5 years, if there is a growing interest in the sound design of words. All children have the best sound quality and sound.


Front view:

Written when publishing on the site.

The development of movi children is one of the provincial buildings, which are covered with preschool educational facilities. One of the main goals in the formulation of language, preparation for literacy in the preschool mortgage is to know children from the sound of the sound word, from the sound analysis. And it is necessary to know children from the sound side of the word, the simplest forms of their analysis as well as from the older group of a child's cage, for 5 years, if there is a growing interest in the sound design of words. All children have the best sound quality and sound.


Folding notification for the plot pictures.

Priority staff:development of sound culture moving;

Zbagachennya vocabulary ditini.

Zmist program:

1. Read the children in a lasting, logical, viral way to convey the plot of the pictures, united by one snake.

2. To form wiggles of social performance, warehouse collective distribution.

3. To educate the bazhannya respectfully hearing in the form of their comrades, additionally, if necessary, if necessary.

D / Gra "Pidbury objects with necessary sound"
Close the buttons correctly for the deaf and the sound of the voice.

D / Gra "thought the word"
Close the selection of one-root words, required registries.
Material: real and wall paintings of one zmist. Square figurines in the name of which one can smell the sounds of Ш-Ж. Figurines of stars: fox, witch, zaєts, їzhak.
Дрібні іrishki for zahochennya children.
Activation of the vocabulary: dormant, unbreakable, dark.
Go busy.
The whipper reads the riddle:

“There was a pillow with heads lying between yalinki.

She lay quietly, then flowed in with a rapt "/ Їzhak /

-Yozhik came to us not vipadkovo, brought us pictures of pictures, about his friends - the foxes.
Vivishuv of the baby.
Is the yake season shown in the pictures?
-What do you think you are? lіs of greens, on galavinі kіti, in lіsі there are growing mushrooms.

A girl came to the forest. Yake іm'ya їy damo? / Tanya /
-Yak you think, did you come to the forest now? / Take a walk, see, pick up the mushrooms. /
-What kind of fox has weaned off Tanya? / Dense, not passable, coniferous, tinisty. /
-When Tanya saw her, she shoved the grass with her hands and who did she beat? / Family of їzhakіv. /

Yakim stench boules? / Pratsovity, prickly, friendly, turbotliv, kind. /

Why does the stink of booze get busy? / They took mushrooms, robbed the blanks to the ground, put mushrooms on the thorns. /
-What do you think you are good? / Smells showed Tani, de bagato mushrooms. /
- To get overwhelmed by Tanya taking a walk in the forest? / So. Vona got to know the Yizhaks. You helped to know the mushroom. /

And at once it is necessary to come up with a list of cich pictures, guess those who just said forgiven. About what is needed in the first place? / Whoever came to the forest and now /

About scho slid say especially a lecture? "I became with Tanya in the fox"
-Who can you finish the discussion? "Chi is pleased with Tanya taking a walk"
Feed 6-8 children, share their own terms. The whistle-blower propagates to the children of the fizkultkhvili: -And at the same time, the virsh of Aleksandrova's virsh-e "Uzhak" is solved.

Zhenya osen in the sky of khmarinka
Leaves dance in the courtyard
/ Children dancing to the music of Tchaikovsky /

Mushroom, pushing on the keys,
Tyagne їzhak to your nori.
/ Children sit /

The whipper propones pictures to the children, in the names of which one can feel the sound S-Z: toad, їzhachok, snake, beetle, siskin; pivnik, kin, misha, bear, kishka.
-We have a lot of animals, birds, comas in the names of those who feel the sound Ш and the sound Ж. The whistle-blower has to change over the children, who have selected the pictures correctly. Children name objects in the pictures, clearly see the required sound.
Beast catcherє I respect the flannelegraph.
-In the list of abundant young creatures. I will give you a short word for food, but you can think of it as a word can be changed. Whoever comes up with a word, that otrimaє vid їzhachka fungus. Hear, think, come up with. I went along the line, shot a hare, how can I change the word "zaets"? "Hare, hare, hare, hare"
-Yak can you describe a hare, what a vin? "Dovgovuhy, boyguzlivy, pond-legged, black-eyed, oblique"
The vigilante proponated the same to the robot viconati with the words - witch, fox, їzhak.
At the end of the day, busyness depends on the activity of children, the number of fungi removed, and the solution to the establishment of the factory.


Employment in the development of the movement in the senior group-

* Description of the game and items *.

Priority staff:zbagachennya vocabulary ditini;

A boom of a ringing move.


Trenuvati children in the smart group play for material, with the stench of ruin.

Describe іgrashki, objects, vikoristovyuchi primetniki: plastic, metal, sklyany. Prodvzhuvati read the children read clearly, visibly on the supply of food. Formuvati vmіnnya additionally vistupi odnolіtkіv. Activization of the vocabulary: curses, metal, plastic, wood.

Knowledge in new words: skloduv, skloduvnaya factory, skloduvna factory, viduvati.

In front of the robot: We spent a lot of time on learning about materials for making grayscale images, didactic games “Store igrashok”, “Vistavka”, individual busy with the method of loving and interested in children, describing the subject.

Ownership: wooden toys: car, pyramid, matryoshka, metal: plate, machine, drawer, plastic: tumbler, scoop, tank, glass: graffiti, vase, glass.

Helpful for picking up the views of children, their activization and oblik.

Go busy.

Children, in front of you are toys and objects, we will tell you about them this year. What materials to play with toys and objects? See children.

Children, for the skin the correct view and addition to the view of the forerunner. And in the beginning of busyness, you will be able to work as a warrior and as a teacher, who will be on the job, respectable and active.

I propose to some children grouping games in groups - wood, metal, plastic, glass. Name їkh. / I have selected the trees: a typewriter, a pic, a matryoshka /

And now, lads, we will tell you about the games.

The whipper proponu dityinі describe the tank. Listen to additional children. Let us proponuvat like a little game. Seeing children and additionally wanting to be a warrant officer.

To describe the game, click 4-5 children. The whipper gives an analysis of the notification of the children.

Physical minute.

Children, there are objects on the table, but who knows, to destroy the slope and the small objects and the slope?

Sklo, children, I see skloduv at the sklyanny factory.

Food about children: “Who do you think you are? Do you see a slop? "

Listen to the rospe of IVich "About sklo".

Writing for the reading of the proponated children, respect for the vazi.

Children, who look at the pink color, marvel at the price, the smell of the color.

Analysis of busyness.

Children who have been fastened with you for the year, that objects will be made of glass, wood, plastic, metal. We got to know the way to see the skloduv at the Sklyanny Zavod.

Would you like to lay your wardens in front of you?

Years on the busy day, even more active and respectable boules ... they have the most proponents.



In nature є stone, sand, clay, є water, grass, ale slope in nature is not. Lyudin opened the mouth by herself, quite a fateful one. One even smarter cholovik smashed an extravagant zhovty drink with a powder of soda, melting it in the hot half and removing the slope. With a handful of people, they were able to work only because they were kamutne, but later they came to work and open up. For the first hour, they made a lot of embellishments from the storehouse, and later they invented the robots of the dishes. They saw from the breast of a small, hot bed of special tubes, as children see miles of bulbs. Ale glass virib could be seen only even more strongly in the maystri, which are called skloduvami. Їх Pratsya Bula is even more important. Now virobi are used to waggle in great glass factories, by machines. People are able to work from the cradle of divine speech: dishes, eyepieces, mirrors and thread to sew clothes for fire-burners, since such clothes do not burn near the fire, and the water does not get wet. People have come to cook not only a hole, ale and a color's sklo: chervone, green, zhovte.

The axis is such a dovga and divovizna іstorіya at the slope.


employment for the development of the move in the senior group

topic: "At the reception at the likar Aibolit"

Priority staff:formulating grammatical budovi movi;

Development of sound culture moving.


Clarify the knowledge of children about L. I. Chunevsky's "Doctor Aybolit";

read them up to the protagonist and the other characters, assess the quality of that vchinka.

Zakrypiti knowledge of children about the meaning of words, in the mind of the choice of one root and similar for the sound of words.

Read the words to the children from the given words / based on accuracy / and analyze them.

Zakrіplyuvat from them vіnnya іntanationally vіdіlаti tasks the sound in the word, viz. Start the first sound in the word.

Listen to the child by ear to hear the solid and soft thumping sounds.

Close the tips of the antonomic variation in the robot over the nutritious, the sign of the hail and the promising propositions.

Methodical priyomi:

The work is carried out at the viglyadі of the plot-role gri "At the priyomі at the lіkar Aibolit * on the victorious days in the course of th didactic game simulations and the development of children.

Demonstration material: decoration to the creation of K.I. Chukovskiy "Likar Aybolit" on the flankleggraph, pictures: hippopotamus, ram, goat, gooselings, kangaroo, rabbit, penguin, papuga, woodpecker; hemp, grass, kryzhina; drum, dzv_nochok, thermometer, mixture *, pig; great demonstration games of 2 types: phone, bumps.

Rozdatkovy material: cards for 2 and 3 gurts and lattices

3 nests, gurts.

Until busy.

The chopper picks up children in a book cuckoo and will make a riddle: Liku ptakhiv win and beasts, like a little child.

Kryz eyepieces to wonder, kind.

Virno. And what about the book, how about the whole book?

Is De Vin alive?

Whom did you like?

Who will help you to find ailments and birds?

And to whom was this doctor called "Aybolit"? Yak vi think, kids?

Yakim buv doctor Aibolit?

Do you like what?

And what about in tsіy knizі evil, stepped in by persons? Why do you think so?

Who would you like to be like?

“I am glad to be like you, Doctor Aibolit. It may even be like me, since we will be more kind and always come to help! into a heavy gillet. Aybolit lіkuvіvіv svіrіvіvіvі ptakhіv, and all the stinks will bother you. "

A thief to go to the flannelgraph and turn up to the children: "Would you like to go to see the doctor Aybolit? ... Todi go to the flannelgraph of the image of Dr. Aybolit to sit by the tree /," .. / "give the word" /. Correctly, the word was given. Otzhe, chanovny patients, take a job, Doctor Aybolit will start with a start. I will be the current doctor Aibolit, / Govoryachi tse, vikhovatel dress up a kovpak, dressing gown, visit a new fanndoscope.

"Dobriy Likar Aybolit

Vіn pіd a tree ... (pіdkazhіt word)

Come to new lykuvatisya

І cow, і ...

І bug, і ...

І wed medicine.

All viliku, ztsilit

Good doctor ... ".

Promvlyayuchi tse, vykhovatel vikoristovu іmіtatsіyu rukhіv and tin.

“On the last day before Aibolit, there was a lot of ailments. Come on, I'll look into the reception room. “Walk up to the table, on a kind of spreading pictures from images of animals, splashing with your hands.

"Zviri sumni sit

I wonder at the doctor.

Who is the first in the doorway?

Unprotected ... "give the word" hippopotamus

Yaky hippo, kids? And in what words can you say about the hippopotamus? “Clumsy, great, tovsty, majestic, brown, unhappy, ailments, etc. The axis of the new words was chosen for the hippopotamus! For the skin in the distance, the word whisker gives the children a red circle. And what does the word "hippopotamus" mean? .. Вірно, діти, the word "hippopotamus" means the name of the wild creature, you live in hot lands. Now, come up with a speech with the word "hippopotamus" "childish life" Analysis of propositions from two and three words. Distributing material, as well as social and individual busy children, such as:

Put the styles of the game, the words of words in your speech "Moom, Sasha";

Widbury and put your own on the style of the style.

Ring the bell in the style of times, the words in the named proposition;

A blow to the bubo, lasni, tupni, prokrokuvav, p_dstribni styli times, skіlki ...;

Viklady style gurts on flannelgraph, skіlki ...;

Call the style once, etc.

Children, listen, as I say the whole word: "B-b-hippopotamus"

Repeat ....

And now ...

Well ... say the word "B-b-hippopotamus", vocal, clear, just a bit skinny sound, and ... repeat it.

What is the sound of a word on the cob? Let's say it all at once. Now ty, ..., ty ..., і ty.

"Ah, bidolakha hippopotamus, it hurts for a new one ..." lives "

Axis tobi, friend, mixture "Viklada instructed from the images of the hippopotamus to dance with the mixture"

So you have a temperature "butt down to the chola of a hippopotamus, take the temperature with a thermometer"

A pill of vipiy, lie down in a bed.

Tobi is required spokiy, povir "

The wriggler knows the picture from the flannelograph

“Well, and in the wake of the hippopotamus

Look at the door

Have a new horn in an arc,

Hello, who is this? ... "

If children do not name them correctly, then the clerk prodovu:

“B'є is hoarding into the drum, voice be-be-be-e-e! shout "to say the word" Baran.

What is the sound of the word "Ram"? Say, be a weasel, .... Repeat the sound again ... Name the word "b-b-ram", the first sound ....

What has become of you, ram? "Vislukhovuє at a new heart"

I don’t know, what’s a bootie here?

Would you buy me a new one?

So Chi garazd tobi?


Divovizhniy ram, youmu needs a drum.

Let's play a scene, lads. Ty ..., you will be Dr. Aybolit, and ty ..., an amazing ram. Listen again tsyu rozmova "repeat". Then the children with an intuitive versatility are doing the dialogue of Dr. Aibolit with a ram.

It’s hard to be hard on the side of children, or catch up for an hour, the whipper speaks the words for Aibolit, and the child for the ram.

“Well, ram, ty otrimash drum, if children are right to vikonayut zavdannya. Be respectful: it is necessary for the Viklast to use the sound "R" in the word "bar-r-slave" on their grains. Children vikonuyut, the vigilante reversing, correcting in times of demand. And all at once viclade the sound "H" in the word "drum-n-n". I will clarify the position in the words.

"Burnt-ka ti, ram,

See us as a gift "drum".

A handguard with a picture "ram" viklada vikladє the word "ram".

Thank you, friends, for all now I am pleased. "Voice behind the screens"

The image is known. Ring the phone. Doctor Aybolit sign the tube.

"What do you say?

A lump fell from the head

I was hit by a bunny?

Ah ah ah! "Prikrіplyuє to the flannellograph cones."

Good luck, just call me up and send me one tsikava history, that you know well. Let us welcome and welcome our guests.

A physical education minute with the words:

I let the bіlka bump in,

The bump hit the bunny.

That threw himself on the ditch, not beating a little bit of the beast from nig.

Go to the bushes of the old yalini, mirkuvav the witness of the day:

Well, the hares were emboldened to attack me! "

Pislya phyzkult khviliinka, the henchman knows the cones and even:

“The goat is behind the ram, her eyes hurt.

And what does the word "goat" mean? How can you say about her nei, affectionately? "Goat, goat, goat." And angry, rude? "Kazishche, Kazula". Well, kids, you can name a goat according to the price. Listen, as I say the whole word: "goat." Now I will say to yogo inaksha: "Ko-za". I said the whole word in parts, in warehouses. So there are some bits and pieces that have been added to the word: "Ko-za". Pidnimit, be weasel, cards with the required number of gurts. What sound is felt on the cob of a word? Individual support for children.

Name ... the word "goat" like this, sounding the first sound.

The whipper to rob the viglyad, I will vipisuє recipe “goat, I will vipish the eyepieces. Wear my goat eyepieces, don't hurt your ... "eyes" "

“And they came with the goat - the kids.

Ah, fuck you guys!

To love biting bites,

Pobeshketuvati, that wrestle.

Bumped in their foreheads, rascals.

I grew on the foreheads on ... "shishtsi".

The correct word was picked: "rascals, bumps." The stench is the same sound, so the sounds are the same in them. What does the word "gozenyata" mean? Who are you? "Little kids, little goats"

Vicladit be affection, the sound "Z" in the word: "kiz-z-get angry." Is it worth it? "

The vigilante will change the mind, and then proponate the children to come up with a "hto yake want" proposition about the goat and the kids.

The sequence of robots with the same propositions as on the cob, with the word "hippopotamus"

Yes, I'm covering the cones with iodine, and then I tidy up all the pictures from the flannelgraph.

"On the way to the likar in the spec, galloped up ..." kangaroo "

Miliy doctor Aybolit, my leg "hurts"

Be a weasel ...,

Did you tell the kangaroo to Dr. Aibolit? "

The whipper will feed 2-3 children.

“Tse grief is not bida,

Serve її syudi ".

The whipper to rob the viglyad, to cover the leg with green paint, to bandage it up.

"And how did Dr. Aybolit see your" kangaroo "?

For 2-3 children.

Listen, I'll tell you the word "do-do-kangaroo."

See if you are guilty, name me the sound that you can’t repair.

Individual views of children. Does the word “goat, gosenyats” have a sound that smells first? And in the word "kangaroo"?

"Do not close yogo, doctor, doors

We’re too late to check it out ... -the animals-

"Doors-zvіri" - bachit, yak, it is similar to sound of the words. They have the same sounds. Who is the offensive on the reception to the lykar Aibolit? Take your ailing beast ... and store about the new proposition. Would you like to stock up on skilkoh? Yake pershe word, friend, tertє? And now ..., a sick beast і name it, I see the 1st sound. The word "pig" "P", "pingvin" "P" is recited to the sound.

Well, well, for this year, Doctor Aybolit has finished with his priyom. If you are honored with gras, then you can continue. "

Children will help to clean up all of the tables.


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