What has long meant the dark century. Gloomy Middle Ages

What has long meant the dark century. Gloomy Middle Ages

10. The appearance of the first universities

Classical education (which is still used in some establishments) was a system used by universities created in the early Middle Ages (for the first time in history). At universities teach different kinds art, right, medicine and theology (science about religion). Bologna University (created in 1088 by our era) for the first time could provide a scientific degree. In addition to the classic structure (based on ancient Greek education) medieval universities Arab influence also experienced. While women were really not allowed to universities, women education really existed. Women's monasteries of that era taught women who could enter there at an early age. One of them (Hildegard Von Bingen) is one of the most famous women of the Middle Ages who had an impact on the power of men.

9. The beginning of the development of science

While scientific progress in the West was slow, its achievements were fairly stable and reached high level. Pinching scientific basis This era was able to give rise to the magnificent flourishing of science that occurred in the late Middle Ages. It is safe to say that without the scientific achievements of the early Middle Ages, we would now be on a much lower level of development.
Ronald Nambers (Professor of the University of Cambridge) said the following: "The ideas that" the development of Christianity killed an antique science "," The Medieval Christian Church suppressed the growth of natural sciences, "" Medieval Christians thought that the world was flat "and what" Church " Prohibited the opening and study of the corpses "are examples of widespread myths, which are still sometimes perceived as true, despite the fact that they are not substantiated by any historical research.

8. Renaissance Carroling

Renaissance Carroling was periods of development of literature, writing, arts, architecture, jurisprudence, liturgical and biblical studies that occurred at the end of the eighth and ninth centuries of our era. Carrolings were kings of francs, the most famous among which was Charleman. The Empire of Carroling was the revival of the culture of the Roman Empire. By this time, "People's Latin" was a lot of dialects used in Europe, thus, the creation of schools was vital to disseminate these knowledge among ordinary people. It was also the period of the origin of Western classical music.

7. Golden Age Byzantium

During the Board of Justinian, Corpus Juris Civilis appeared - a huge compilation of the rules of Roman law. Literacy level was high enough primary education It was widespread (even in rural areas), secondary education was available for many people, and higher educationWhat was mentioned above, was also widely available. It was also a period of mass edition of books - encyclopedias, dictionaries and anthologies. While there are not very many innovations, there were a lot of effort to save for future achievements.

6. Religious unity

This is a rather controversial topic, but the fact is that in the days of the early Middle Ages in Europe there was a single church, agreed by the Canon of the Bible and the developed philosophical tradition. This led to a long peaceful period within Western nations. This religious unity was associated with intellectual Development, Until now, invisible compared to the Roman Empire of the era of her heyday. Despite the fact that Islam was far from the doctrines of the West, but the mutual exchange of information still took place. But it was only calm before the storm, which was the first crusade, aimed at the return of Jerusalem and other Christian shrines. After that, the mutual exchange of information between the two civilizations ended.

5. Appearance of algebra

Research in the East led to the emergence of the first book on algebra. "The book on replenishment and opposition", written by Al-Khorezmi (790-840) and the Arabic name of the book gave the beginning of the word "algebra". This book gave the first systematic solution of linear and square equations. The word "algorithm" occurs on behalf of Al-Khorez himself. Later translations of his books were also given a decimal positional system of numbers used and understood. Al-Khorezmi, along with Diofantas, are "fathers" algebra.

4. Art and architecture

Throughout the early Middle Ages, the architecture was innovative and diverse. At this time, the idea of \u200b\u200brealistic images in art was introduced, which became the basis of Romanesque art, the influence of which penetrated and in later the Middle Ages. During the same period there was an introduction of classical forms and concepts in architecture. We can say that this period has become the first era high art, and compared to the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, it was much more functional and less artistic. We can argue that the early Middle Ages gave rise to an amazing and beautiful history of art and architecture.

3. Fantastic weather

It may seem trivial, but the weather played a much more significant role in the lives of the residents of the Middle Ages. When we represent the "Middle Ages", we imagine a storm, snow, rain and darkness - as we can watch it in the movie "Rose Name". The fact is that in the early Middle Ages the North Atlantic region heated so much that by the beginning of the late Middle Ages (1100 AD) in this area for more than a hundred years the era lasted, called the "medieval warm period". During this period there were melting of glaciers, allowing the Vikings to colonize Greenland and other northern lands. Oddly enough, the Protestant Reformation (16th century), as well as the period up to the 19th century, is conjugate with a period of small glacial period - The period of enlightenment was literally darker and cold than the epoch of the dark centuries. During this period of reform and increase the level of agricultural knowledge provided an increase in food reserves.

2. The law becomes fair

In the early Middle Ages there was a complex system of laws that were often not related to each other, but they were effective in applied and fair. For merchants who traveled around the world existed Lex Mercatoria (Trade Code), which developed for a long time. This law took into account the creation of arbitration and stimulated good practices among merchants. At the same time, the Anglo-Saxon right was formed with an emphasis on the conservation of peace on earth. Early Middle Ages (with his legal system) was better time For accommodation, as the right system was flexible and convenient for the majority. The third important system of law was the Rannegroman law, which allowed every person to be tried to itself like.

1. Agricultural boom

If you wanted to die a hungry painful death, then the early Middle Ages was not the best times for this. As a consequence of excellent weather and agricultural knowledge, the Extreme West successes were. Iron instruments were widely used in the Byzantine Empire, and feudalism in other countries provided an opportunity for effective land management, and significant surplus was distributed so that the animals were fed by grain, not grass. Government security was also provided by the feudal system, and the world and prosperity were available for most people.

An article in the original.

So, dear friends, we finally got to the "Gloomy Middle Ages". By the way, do you know why Middle Ages is called "gloomy"? After all, the very word "Middle Ages" was invented only when this era clone to his end. And they understood this word about this: type were bright times Ancient Greece, Ancient RomeWhen education reigned, culture, mind. And then the barbarians came and everything was gone. In fact, those who know well history and mythology, he knows what these "bright" times were. To put it mildly, extremely contradictory. In the 16th century, humanity again becomes incredibly educated, cultural and reasonable. And what in the middle? And in the middle lies the dark centuries of universal wildness, total decline of Europe, the celebration of religious and other prejudices. In short, a nightmare. Well, let's understand.

It is believed that the term "mid-century" (lat. Ævum medium - middle Century) was first introduced by the Italian humanist Flavio Bjondo (1453). Before Bjondo, the main term of the Renaissance was introduced by Petrarch to the era of the Renaissance of the Western Roman Empire to the Renaissance Epoch of the Western Roman Empire.

Maybe these "dark" and were subsequently "gloomy" who know. And, by the way, note that the "dark centuries" from the point of view of Petrarch continued to the Renaissance era, and this era from the point of view of modern history is within the framework of the Middle Ages. So we will assume that the "Mratshee Middle Ages" is that before Renaissance. And then - immediately enlightenment. But first of all, dear readers, we must understand that whatever these centuries - it does not all apply to the history of Europe.

But I will not ship more, I will only report that the portrait story in this contradictory time really slowed down. In the period from 6 to early 15th century, this genre practically did not develop. Almost a hundred years - no joke.

What was it connected with? The fact is that the entire culture of the Middle Ages was aimed at overcoming the sinful essence of man. All bodily discarded as useless, baked, deprived of the eternal beginning, tempting man. The priority of spiritual life is reflected in the art of the Middle Ages, which is most brightly embodied in the cathedral architecture and religious painting and sculpture.

If the sculptors of ancient Greece sculpt the man as they saw it ideally - harmoniously developed spiritually and physically, then Gothic artists depicted conditionally, schematically. art The middle ages should have strengthened the human spirit, and not distract him from the sublime thoughts. On medieval sculptures, a person is devoid of gender, and women and men are equally flat, narrow-money, shapeless.

The spiritual start accentuated in the iconography, a plane image was used, a disproportion often appeared in order for the attention of the viewer to focus on spiritual, heavenly, and not earthly. To do this, they resorted to the following techniques: on the icon portrayed a large forehead - he meant the contents of the Divine Mind, the great eyes - the center of spiritual in man. The attention was focused on the viewer on the hand of the depicted (the hand blesses, the hand falls the cross).

Jotto di Bondone - Madonna on the throne (Madonna Oneisanti)

Almost devoid of individuality, impassive, medieval images of people could hardly be called portraits. Perhaps you will consider it natural, how can there be an icon - a portrait? Who could see God's Mother? Not she posted by artists! About who could pose artists for this holy image. We will talk a little later. For me, dear readers, in the bright era of the Renaissance!

Chimabue. "Madonna"

The period of the Middle Ages (from lat. Media - middle) occupies the middle position between the time of the ancient world and the new time. The transition to it was marked by the Renaissance Epoch, great geographical discoveries, industrial coup and the emergence of a market economy. The chronology of the beginning of the middle ages period is no doubt. The point of reference is considered to be V in N. er., More precisely, 476 N. e. When the leader of the German barbaric tribes, Oodakr displaced the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire Romulus Augustus. The word "barbarians" happened from Barbaros, so the Greeks called everyone, unknown on the unknown and unknown language. The word it became nominative for the destroyers of material and spiritual values. In addition, representatives of the tribes - Rome's conquerors were at a lower level of general cultural development than the Greeks and Romans.

For anyone who studies the economic history of mankind, it seems the most reasonable to start the point of reference of the new time, following the medieval from the events of the industrial revolution in England in the 60s. XVIII century

Conditionally, all Middle Ages can be divided into three stages: the first is the early Middle Ages from the end of the V - the beginning of the VI century. by ix e.; The second is flourishing. Medieval civilization with X to XV century; The third is the late Middle Ages - from the end of XV to the middle of the XVIII century. About third stage it will be in the following sections.

So, the time of action is determined. Situation - Europe. The word this happened from "Ereb" - "West" (translated from the Semitic). Under the Greeks and Romans, Europe was considered as an object for collecting contraction. She was like a barbaric periphery, the border of the Roman Empire. From north to south, the continent is located from the Northern Ocean to the coast of the Mediterranean, from the West to the East - from the coast of the Atlantic to the Ural Mountains. So, since the time of antiquity, the concept of Europe was identified with the geographical definition of "West" and was contrasted with "ACS" (translated from the Semitic Asia), or the East. For the peoples and countries that have already seen in those century Europe, you can allocate general features of economic, socio-political and socio-cultural development. On the continent, Western European countries have highlighted: England, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavian countries. Here faster than in Eastern Europe, the processes of feudalization and industrialization were carried out, the achievements in science and technology were brighter. Celtic and German tribes were part of the Roman Empire and had the opportunity to get acquainted and adopt some advances in advance for the time of ancient civilization. Western European countries with the end of the great resettlement of peoples have been established in state borders. They actively enjoyed the benefits and benefits of their geographical location. The surrounding their seas and rivers, which crossed the plains and mountains, contributed to trade and primary exchanges of information on various types of material culture.

Eastern Europe has become the place of resettlement of Slavic tribes geographical position Further from the seas and the old world cultural centers.

A peculiar loan of Europe in the East was Byzantium - the succession of the Eastern Roman Empire.

The main feature of the early Middle Ages was the emergence of feudalism in young European states. A qualitatively new civilization - Western (European) is formed in the Middle Ages based on the synthesis of private property relations and coluntia (rental relations) of antiquity and community-collectivist began European tribes. The third component of this synthesis of the new civilization was the material and spiritual culture of the Ancient East - the foundation of the entire world civilization. Without taking into account these closely interrelated processes that identify the material basis of European civilization, not to understand the peculiarities of the progress of Europe's economy in the Middle Ages, the formation of world-economic relations.

By the beginning of the Middle Ages, the productive forces of ancient Greece and Rome were largely destroyed, monuments of material and spiritual culture were killed in fire fiction during raids of barbaric tribes, in continuous wars, with active migration of large masses of the population. Many labor skills were forgotten, the qualifications of artisans were lost. In the early Middle Ages on a very low level there was a development of equipment and knowledge of Ludi about the world around.

It led to low labor productivity. Prevalled manual, handicraft production. For the successful development of huge new spaces in the north and in the center of Europe, covered with dense forests, were primitive messages. A bad link between individual regions made it difficult to exchange the experience of economic life, which also held back progress. Wars, epidemics of plague and cholera, massive diseases of people and domestic animals strongly undermined the productive forces of society.

But at the same time, the most important process of folding modern states was passed, as part of which national economic complexes began to gradually form. The appearance is already in the XIII century. In England of Parliament, then the first constitutions in a number of countries have secured the right of private property for fixed assets. Proceedings of scientists in chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, mechanics were used in technical improvements, seaflines; Grew up the standard of living of people. Distribution of knowledge accumulated by humanity, promoted typography. 1000 years after the fall of the ancient Rome, Pleiad of the ingenious thinkers headed by Leonardo da Vinci, put the production and cultural experience of antiquity to serve people. They achieved new heights in the technique, science, art, often looking far forward, ahead of their time. The Renaissance era was not only the flourishing of medieval civilization, but also adequately introduced human society in a new time, by conducting it through great geographical discoveries.

So, there was no smooth transition to the progressive movement in the development of the productive forces on the uplink from the era of the ancient world to the Middle Ages, but was undoubted economic progress, especially characteristic of the third period of the Middle Ages.

It all started with the formation of an agrarian society in Europe.

Time from V in the first century - the epoch, when Europe was a gigantic booming boiler. New states arose and destroyed, the Christian religion spread farther and farther, the peoples moved from place to place. Why do this period of European history firmly consolidated the term "dark century"? Have they were "dark"?

If you look at this period of European history more closely, you have to admit: Yes, were. The destruction of the ancient slave-owner system and the formation of a new feudal society went extremely slow and painfully. The fragile domestic communications of the Roman world of the end of the Empire's era were very quickly destroyed by barbaric invasions, and the main blow hit the economy. Almost frozen trade - buyers were not enough, and merchants, as a rule, became victims of robbers or conquering armies. The only permanent factor of the life of a medieval man was instability. At any time, the peasant that manufacturing his put on, could be hijacked into slavery, and the protection from a local baron or from the city authorities did not have to wait. The city, around which agricultural land has long been grouped, shoved behind the chipping walls, hoping to escape from a sudden raid.

Hunger has arrived in Europe. It is difficult to imagine, but chronic malnutrition has become the norm in the whole Christian world. Neither the hunt, nor fishing could not refund the lack of bread and meat. Everywhere in Europe at this time, the authors of the monastic chronicles noted that the cannibalis covered entire areas. Mothers killed and cooked their own children. Following hunger and war, the disease was inevitably come. Epidemics have fluttered entire cities and villages, sometimes in the once blooming area almost no living remained. During the time who passed from the fall of the Roman Empire to the formation of the Empire of Caroling, the population Western Europe It fell more than twice. In the 6th century, the first major epidemic of plague, raging in Italy, Gaul and Spain for more than fifty years.

Turned out to be forgotten everyone technical achievements Antiquity. In the V - VIII centuries, in Europe almost ceased to build from stone. Most of the stone churches of this era are Roman temples, slightly rebuilt in accordance with the requirements of Christian symbolism. What could not rebuild was destroyed to get a building stone. The Romans considered a tree with a symbol of barbarism - but after the fall of Rome there was no one to count so much, and the tree turned into the main building material.

And B. agriculture Barborage peoples were far behind the ancient farmers. The tools of labor, mostly borrowed from the Romans, were not cultivated, the Earth was processed poorly and unevenly. Crafts, once brought by barbarians on the Earth's Earth, we gradually went to no. The glasswakes from the Rhine Land lost soda, who had previously arrived from the Mediterranean regions. The demand for jewelry fell, and the samples of the jewelry art of Varvarov II - III of the III stand in an artistic attitude towards this day are in an artistic relation to the VI - VII centuries.

But the most terrible decline of the morals, which can be judged not only in the monastic chronicles, but also on judicial documents. During the time when the ancient barbaric "truths" was submitted to the background, when the Roman law was extremely small, and the church could not keep track of the flock, the so-called penitentiaries were widespread - the compilations were described in detail the punishment for various pregasses. Human life has become a product - nothing else, except for cash, could not be punished by a criminal. The most terrible in these penitentiaries is a scrupulousness. Fines ranged depending on whether the victim's hand was broken away entirely or dangles on the skin block (in the latter case, the fine decreased almost twice). Two any torn fingers on the hand "cost" as much as one torn index finger.

The rulers who felt completely unpunished in their possessions were created over the subjects of the most severe arbitrariness. The French historian J. Le Hoff accurately noticed that the torture, with whom Christians at this time were subjected to fellow in faith, are many times superior to all that the Gental Rhenogany worked with the first Christians. People cut off the hands of the hands, burned the face with a hot iron, after which they waited until the wounds would slightly heal, and renewed torture. Often to stop the king or a graph that has entered the taste of torture, could only kill.
The church in the era of the dark centuries was perhaps the only structure that retained some order in their ranks. Skillfully seeking support from almost all barbaric kings, the Catholic Church has accumulated huge wealth and land. Due to this, the base was laid for the rapid rise in the Christian world in the XI century.
In the dark century, the church was active not only in the spiritual, but also in secular, in political life. The bishops of a number of major cities were actually full of their rulers, sometimes entering the conflict with kings and Mayordmamas, sometimes sending their aspirations to the right side of the Church. It is with the support of Catholic bishops that the Franksky king of Glodwig began to expand the boundaries of his kingdom. The bishops themselves, immigrants from noble families, pursued their own political interests, albeit within the framework of the activities of the whole church. This state of affairs inevitably led to the almost complete interpenetration of the spiritual and secular authorities, the church and kings.

In some countries, the church was put forward on the first roles. This happened in Spain, where the spiritual authorities of the Gothic kingdom established the most severe laws that caused a sharp dislike of the population. Moors who came to the Pyrenees, the Spaniards met quite calmly because the power of Muslims was softer than the power of Christian bishops. Almost everywhere, the bishops were advisers to kings, made laws and claimed taxes.

On the other hand, the kings, having barely and gaining support for the Church, sought to introduce their people into its structure. Often, the king appointed bishops from among his approximations to the cities of his country, and he managed the work of church cathedrals. From such a union could not get out good. The supreme leadership of the church fell victim to the same defects as the semi-welder secular to know. It has reached the fact that a number of the areas of the Christian world have long moved from Christianity, returning to paganism, to the ancient superstitions, with whom the church simply did not cope. So it happened in England in the VI century and in France in the VII century.

Otherwise, it was in the lower circles of the clergy. Monasteries since the times of the great resettlement of the peoples were almost the only refuge for ordinary people. Varvara-invaders, as a rule, left monasteries and churches alone. Back in the V century, the Goths of Alarich, broke into Rome, recognized as the Christian churches the right of refuge. In the terrible era of the barbarian invasions of the monks, the only educated people were tirelessly engaged in the healing of patients, acted as intermediaries between the population of the district and the leaders of the barbaric tribes. Saints and devotees of that time tried, as could strengthen faith in people and give them strength. Monasteries remained the last stronghold of culture. The manuscripts of ancient authors, scientific works and literary works remained in monastic libraries, copied and rewriting.

Gloomy moods, who mastered people, and the actual collapse of the highest circles of the clergy threatened to destroy the church. But in 590, the papal throne took a person whose politician has identified the spirit of medieval society for ahead - Gregory Great.

Before election to the Higher Church, Grigory was a monk. Becoming the head of the Catholic Church, he did not change the preferably of the vow on the refusal of all worldly. Gregory as if returned the church to its origins - to those days, when the first Christians, hiding in the catacombs from the Romans, expected a new coming of the Messiah and the onset of the end of the world. In Gregory, the topic of the end of the world sounded with new powers. It must be said that a lot has contributed to this - a terrible plague in Italy, who has not registered the party and Rome (papal residence), hunger, war, full disorder in the minds and souls. Apocalypse, so colorfully described by John theologian, seemed very close. Dad urged Christians to renounce everything earthly, repent and prepare for the terrible court. "What a sense to harm, if the renouncement is not destined to live?" - Mragorya Wrought.

Gregory Great first put together the main issue of Middle Ages with all the sharpness: the relationship of worldly and spiritual began. In the days when the world collapsed, followed by the Spirit. This idea was consonant with the mindset of most Christians. Actually, it is from Gregory the Great begins Middle Ages as a cultural era.

The term "Middle Ages" or the Middle Ages arises for the first time in the Renaissance Epoch. In the XV century, it was offered the Italian humanist, the historian Flavio Bjondo to designate the era between antiquity and Renaissance. The term itself was originally negative as evaluating - the Renaissance figures considered this period of the time of Europe.

And in our time, the definition of "medieval" is often used as a synonym for decline and reactionism. Gloomy, dark, cruel times ... But it is in the Middle Ages that the foundations of modern civilization are laid. Science develops, states, modern languages \u200b\u200band many cultural values \u200b\u200bare formed.

For the XII century, more discoveries were made than for the previous millennium! Guns, glasses who came from the east powder, cutlery, compass, astrolabe - all this heritage of the Middle Ages. And to the great geographical discoveries, first of all, the successes of medieval shipbuilding!

Middle Ages begin with the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the V century AD. Young barbaric (translated from the Greek "barbaric" means "foreign") nation: Celts, Germans, Frank, Slavs, etc.

Traditionally, it is believed that the formation of medieval culture (or early Middle Ages) lasted to the VIII-IX centuries. The period from X to XIV centuries. It is considered to be considered a heyday (high Middle Ages), and the XIV-XV centuries. (Some medievists are here and the XVI century) - the epoch of the late Middle Ages. However, the boundaries are vague and have national characteristics: for example, in Italy in the XV century, Renaissance, belonging to a new time, and in Russia the Epoch of the Middle Ages lasts until the end of the XVII century.

Early Middle Ages define three historical process:

The formation of feudalism, which replaces the ancient slavement, and statehood;
Great relocation of peoples and, as a result, mixing cultures, the formation of new languages \u200b\u200band interethnic conflicts;
The growth of the influence of Christianity and the formation of a new idea of \u200b\u200ba person and the device of the world in which he lives.

The feudal society of middle ages has three basic characteristics:


The middle agent man first of all determines itself as a representative of a particular class (priesthood, knights or peasantry) and only in the second place as a personality with a set of individual qualities. The transition from one estate to another was practically impossible.

2. Hierarchy

All classes are in strict submission (the peasantry is subordinate to the knighthood, the knighthood is the clergy). The same principle acts inside the estate (the squire admires the knight regardless of his personal qualities, abilities or skills). Moreover, the representative of the younger class should refer to the representative of the elder as Heavenly Father, and he, in turn, should love his vassals as unreasonable children and take care of them.

3. Travelation

Installation is very important to maintain traditions, following the samples. Any innovations are taken very slowly - the society of the Middle Ages inert. All new is perceived as the chinny of the devil (the extreme role of Christianity, remember?).

Time and space are the main forms of human experience, with the help of which we perceive the world. The ideas about these categories determines not only everyday experience, but also the development of human civilization in general. These categories are historically changeable.

In the Middle Ages, an idea of \u200b\u200ba linear, unidirectional and finite time arises. The world was created therefore it should be completed. Another substance, which is remembered by the Middle Ages, is eternity, from where it came out and where it should come back. Hence the expectation of a terrible court and prepare for it as the main goal of the earthly life. Remember the Okrichnina Ivan the Terrible, the Inquisition in Europe? Their main goal was to prepare for eternity and expulsion of the chief from the earthly world. Carpe Diem has nothing to do with this era of the Middle Ages.

Interestingly, the first mechanical clocks that were installed in Europe at the city towers from the X century did not have a minute (and even more than the second) shooters, but they often celebrated the festivals of the church calendar.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe space in the Middle Ages also changes compared to the ancient culture. There is an idea of \u200b\u200bhis unity: the whole world is created by God. But at the same time the space hierarchical: some territories are more valuable than others.

The most valuable space of the middle ages is the space of the church. In medieval German cities, even a custom existed: a criminal who touched the door of the Cathedral, besides justice. Remember how Quasimodo hid Esmeralda in the Cathedral of Notre Dame? Victor Hugo very accurately described the representation of the Middle Ages on the sacrality of the Space of the Church.

The medieval world is clearly divided and ethically charged: good is in the south and east, and evil - in the north and west. Cleanliness and good is the sky, top; Bottom and earth - evil.

The symbol of this hierarchy is a cathedral, which even illiterate believers read as a book.

The language of international communication in the Middle Ages is Latin, which is simultaneously the language of worships. For peasants and chivalry (with the exception of the highest ranks), who spoke on folk adversis (modern European languages \u200b\u200bare gradually formed), it was sacred (and, very important, absolutely incomprehensible) "Angel language". In Russia in the Middle Ages, the role of Latin performed the Church Slavonic language.

The power of the church in the era of the Middle Ages was comprehensive - it becomes the main political force. The secular power was weak and unstable. Dynastic wars between feudals (as an example, it is possible to cross the Russian princes in the X-XI centuries. Or war of scarlet and white rose in England in the XV century), fragmentation (decay of the Caroling Empire or Kievan Rus, war between Italian cities) led to strengthening power Churches with centralization, rigid structure and a single language.

One of the symbols of the Middle Ages - Crusades - conducted against the innerians in order to win Palestine - the Holy Earth with her Christian treasures (and only then for the sake of glory, wealth and honors). It was the search for the earthly paradise, pilgrimage. The knights dedicated their feats of the Virgin Mary ("beautiful of the wives"). Later, spiritual and knightly orders were formed: warriors became monks combining the ideals of asceticism and disinterested ministry. In the Middle Ages, people live in anticipation of the second coming and a terrible court.

A person is connected with God and only in such a capacity has the right to exist (the Middle Ages does not know atheism). Education is connected with the church - to the IX-X centuries. Even reading a person could learn only at the monastery, not to mention the receipt of more serious knowledge.

Since the XIII century, a new type of economic relations is formed - the bourgeois, for which it is not necessary for the vassal, but a worker who has personal freedom. Urban develops squety culture, an interest in the individual life of a person appears. The stagnation of the culture of middle ages begins.

Education ceases to be the prerogative of the Church - the universities are gaining strength (the first European University, Bologna, was opened in Italy in the XI century, the University of Paris in France, Cambridge and Oxford appeared in England, Prague, Krakow and Heidelberg Universities), in which secular teach Science (medicine, jurisprudence, etc.). The middle ages of the main science considered theology and philosophy, revival - medicine and philology.

The attitude towards the Church is changing, separation takes place: she is given concern about the soul of man after his death, and for his life in this world, secular power is responsible. Reformation begins (first in Germany at the beginning of the XVI century, then in France, England, Denmark and other European countries). In Russia, the secularization process and the end of the Epoch of the Middle Ages refer to the end of the XVII - the beginning of the XVIII century and are associated with Peter I.

The new time begins, which learned from his predecessor much more than seemed to be representatives.


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