Is it possible to learn clairvoyance? Extrasensory abilities by date of birth, zodiac sign. Extraset ability Test Sea product for clairvoyance

Is it possible to learn clairvoyance? Extrasensory abilities by date of birth, zodiac sign. Extraset ability Test Sea product for clairvoyance

Each person's abilities are different. One knows how to dance fascinatingly, another stunning draws, and the third has the third psychic abilities. But the signs of extrasensory abilities in humans can manifest themselves in different ways and such people always differ from others. Consider the most vivid signs that exactly can talk about supernatural.

1. Bright and conscious dreams - one of the signs of extrasensory abilities

If you have regular dreams on your life, bright dreams in which you travel or give you, you can talk about the presence of unusual abilities.

Sometimes people live two lives in this way - in a dream and in reality. There are many technologies that allow you not to get lost in such a kaleidoscope of events. But the most important thing is that it can be recommended to develop the ability and the emergence of awareness - to record your dreams. So you can also check how accurately the dreams transferred to you.

What signs of extrasensory abilities still exist? You can learn about this further from the article.

2. Unconscious treatment with hands

Do you have acquaintances, whose touch can take pain? Or maybe you yourself have such a ability? If so, then you or your friend clearly can heal with arms Human pain of the physical body. Many healers possess such abilities. In addition, you can be able to influence not only on the body, but also on its energy shell, healing the cuts and cleaning dirty stains.

3. fear of open doors

The first signs of extrasensory abilities are anxiety, if in the room where you are, the doors are open. It was always believed that the door and window openings are a facet between the worlds (albeit not so clear like mirrors). Energetically sensitive people try not to linger in the doors, do not sit opposite open windows. Also opened door Or the window leads to loss of own energy, which is why many rituals are held in a fully closed room with muted lighting (most often with candles).

4. Materialization of your thoughts and desires

You clearly have special abilities if your desires and thoughts are performed with enviable regularity. In some come true only positive, and others have a negative one. In general, such people with strong energy should be followed by what they think, as well as their desires. If this happens not regularly, and sometimes, then the ability can be developed more thanks to special techniques.

5. Vision Aura

Aura vision should also be attributed to extrasensory abilities. Even if you see only a cable without color, all the same in this ability to eat and can be developed further. It should be noted that it is better to learn from knowing manwho passed on this path already quite a lot of steps and achieved success. For example, such ability is developed psychic And if one of them agree to teach you, then do not refuse.

6. Clear feeling of feelings of other people

Empathy is another manifestation of extrasensory abilities. If a person has it, he is able to feel the emotions and feelings of other people, and as if they are his own. Unfortunately (or vice versa, fortunately, as it is rather difficult to control it), such a ability is quite rare. She has some healers which really help people. Sometimes it can be found in psychologists and psychotherapists.

7. Vision of the future in any form

The ability to see the future accurately guarantees the presence of extrasensory abilities. Pictures may appear during dreams, touches to subjects, vision through a mirror ball ... Even if you are precisely guessing with the help of cards and everything comes true, this is also a sign of strong energy disclosed third Eyes .

8. Lines on hand - signs of extrasensory abilities

Extraceptor abilities can be determined by lines on hand.. For example, pay attention to the Mercury Hill, which is on the cushion at the base of the maiden. If you counted at it at least three lines, then you definitely have a gift, most often healer. Such people have quite a lot of positive energy that they give to others. This gift is found already in childhood , the main thing is not to catch it, but help develop.

Available island on the belt belt says about the presence of intuition. Try to check it or analyze your life and you will realize that all your actions are guided by it. If you find a cross in the center of Palm, then your life is in harmony and you are also a very harmonious person. Meditation, prediction of the future, managing its own energy - all this is inherent in you.

Now look at your index finger. If at its foundation you found a ring, fully chosen finger, then you have extrasensory abilities. This is the so-called ring of a white magician, which also indicates for the presence of telepathy and clairvoyance. Bully below on the same finger there is a black mage ring. So, human energy can cause harm to another.

9. Strong intuition

You always know when you should stop, and when to go further, you very often find yourself in right place And we meet the necessary people, and also anticipate trouble - this is a sign of highly developed intuition and one more extrasensory ability.

10. Verification of abilities with cards

If you cannot understand the presence of extrasensory abilities, the signs of which are described above, try to check yourself. Take the deck of any cards, focus and drag it. Pull the map "shirt" up. Try guessing the color of the table. If you guess, then continue to guess. To do this, take another card and try to guess the waist itself, and after what the map you were taken out. So you can train the foresight and understand if you have superposses.

So, now you know the strongest signs of presence of extrasensory abilities. But it does not matter if they did not find it, or there is, but in the infancy. Try to develop them yourself using various techniques or posting in school where experienced specialists will be trained.

Day that will predict the future

Twenty-fifth lunar day - magic. Today we can spontaneously turn on over the abilityclairvoyance, Clearness, Clear Telepathy Feeling; We all become prophets to some extent. If you work with the energies of the day, you will get important information about yourself, your fate - the present, future, give hooks in the past, who served as the current troubles, launched a cycle of repeating unhappy situations. In short, all the secret today can become apparent - in a good and useful sense for you.

How to work with the energies of the day? First, listen to your inner voice. Today it is especially important because there are channels of communication with the ENG-informational field of the Earth. Secondly, be careful to any information coming from outside: today everything is a sign of fate. On other days of the lunar cycle to recognize in the stream of thoughts and information, the voice of intuition, it is necessary to drown internal dialogue, will be discarded from thoughts and alarms about the present and clearly track your feelings. In the 25th day, these efforts are excess. It is enough to drink herbal infusion or if you want to see the prophetic dream, take a bath with cognition stimulants .

Drinks to enhance intuition

Strengthen intuition - quality that allows you to look into the future, predict possible options The development of events, to then adjust it - aromas dissolved in water will help us. The smell affects the brain, it sets it in a special way, activating our ancient ability to foresee the future. What is the ability, and why among some people it actively works (an example of Vanga), and others have a hassle, still have to be explained by the scientist. The result is important to us.

What we call the smell is the substance molecules scattered in the air. Different odors provoke a different brain reaction: some toned, others calm, others help to fall asleep. Fragrances, sharpening mental perception, slightly quenching the work of consciousness, introducing into a state of light trance, so that the subconscious occurs on the fore. Water at the expense of its structure enhances the smell effect, is the conductor of its energy in our body.

Intuition exacerbate the aromas of the following plants:

anis, Orange, Badyan, Spicy Carnation, Hibiscus (Carcade), Woody Aloe, Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Ginger, Clover, Criciners, Lavender, Laurel, Phackle, Flax, Muscat, Mint-Melissa, Nogot, Dandelion, Pijm, Walinkle, Rose, Rosemary, Tollga, Timyan, Tubery, Yarrow, Violet (root), Saffron.

Obviously, one herbs act more stronger, others are weaker. Below I give recipes with optimal for most of my students as the ratio of ingredients. At first, it is better to use them, and then, when your intuition increases, you can try on the basis of the trees listed above to create your own. Remember that each of you is unique, not similar to other personality. Someone to strengthen intuition, you need to feel seven flavors, someone - three, and someone is enough. Experiment! Today is a day that is straightforwarded to work with intuition. But on other days, smells are not rebeling. Feel the flavors, listen to yourself: the smell that gives smoothness of consciousness, some extension, and will be yours.

Carcade with wormwood and spices
3 tbsp. Spoon Karkadee
1 tbsp. Spoon wormwood

1 crushed bay leaf

Carcade with yarrow and cinnamon
3 tbsp. Spoon Karkadee
2 tbsp. Spoons of thousands of thousands
1 cinnamon stick (Flose for several parts)

3 tbsp. Spoons of the ground ginger root
1 tbsp. Spoon Anisa
1 tbsp. Spoon of thyme
1 tbsp. Spoon Carcade
0.5 teaspoon saffron
1 tbsp. Spoon of ground nutmeg

Thymyano-mint drink
3 tbsp. Spoon thyme
2 tbsp. spoon mint-melissa
1 tbsp. Spoon of flax seeds
1 tbsp. Spoon Tolloga

How to cook and use herbal infusions

Mix herbs, put 2 tbsp. Spoons of the mixture in the brewing kettle, pour 2 glasses of boiling water (to use melting water optional), close the lid and give it to breed for 15 minutes. Then remove the kettle lid and inhale the smell for a few minutes, then drink a few sips of infusion. Repeat this procedure for a day 3-5 times.
Infusions can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than three days, then they lose their properties, so after this period they need to drink, pre-heated.

For those who have no time

Those who have no time or desire to mess around with brewing infusions, I recommend resorting to essential oils. Mental perception exacerbate lavender oils, cinnamon, laurel, muscat, orange, roses, Melissa, Badyan (contraindicated allergic!), Thyme, Anisa, Spicy Carnation and Jasmine. Choose the fragrance that you like, ignite the aroma and enjoy!

Essential oils are well applied to the skin. But in front of this, oil to avoid irritation of the skin, it is necessary to dissolve vegetable. Any vegetable oil is suitable as the basis - olive, jojoba, coconut, almond, from apricot bones, sunflower. Proportions: 8-10 droplets of essential oil on 1/8 glasses of vegetable.

Baths for prophetic dreams

Adoption before bedtime bath prepared by special recipes contributes to the proper dreams.

Bath is preparing so. Grind the pestle into the mortar of dry herbs (from the above list) and mix according to any of the recipes below. The mixture can be prepared to be prepared and stored until it is needed, in an opaque tightly closed vessel. The container for storage of herbs should be non-metallic and not plastic. Pour 3 tbsp. Spoons of the mixture in the center of a piece of gauze or cotton fabric, tie ends and put the bath in a bath with warm water. Bathtub time is from 10 to 20 minutes.
Those who prefer shower can sew the crookes with herbs in the terry fabric and "nimit" this improvised wash body after the main wash.

It is impossible to wipe after herbal bath. Complete in a towel or bathrobe, and wait until the body is dry.
Take such baths except the 25th lunar day, is also useful in 2,6,7,12,14,27-se lunar day: In these periods, the probability of insights, insights and prophetic dreams is especially high.

Bath with thyme and pijma
3 tbsp. Spoons of Pijmas
3 tbsp. Spoon thyme
2 tbsp. Spoons of orange zest
1 tbsp. Spoon Gross Spiced Carnation
1 tbsp. Spoon with ground cinnamon

Nail-ginger bath
4 tbsp. Spoons of ground spiced carnations
2 tbsp. Spoons of ground ginger
2 tbsp. Spoons of ground cinnamon
1 tbsp. Spoon Rosemary
1 tbsp. Spoon of marigolds or root of violets

Bath with thyme, Melissa and Yarrow
3 tbsp. Spoon thyme
3 tbsp. Spoons of thousands of thousands
3 tbsp. Spoon Melissa
1 tbsp. Spoon of ground nutmeg

Today is the day, when fate gives us signs, and it is necessary to be attentive to everything that happens to you, to any information that comes to you, inner voice, dreams. To improve the quality of information reception, remove interference, drink herbal infusions, enjoy flavors of vegetable oils or take baths.

According to the book of Julian Azarov

Types and stages of clairvoyance Melnikov Ilya

What types of clairvoyance exist?

Every person had such moments in life when it suddenly had an unreasonable desire to go somewhere, run, go. I understand that the desire is not justified by anything, and your soul screams and requires action. All this is clairvoyance. Our task is to use the thoughts that come to us from the subconscious, learn to allocate the desired thought from a variety of other thoughts.

Our brain is designed so that it is capable of transforming the information received from the data bank into virtual images. The ability to clasp is laid in each person. Our brain is not yet fully studied. Academician N. P. Bekhtereva insisted that the "wonderful" visions obey the laws of physics that are not yet open.

Claiming clairvoyance. The conscious clairvaluation occurs with the help of the strength of the thought and the use of a trance state by clairvoyant. This type of clairvoyance can develop every person who craves to get new knowledge and know the unknown world. This gift can develop every person regardless of who and when he was born. All people from nature are endowed with equal abilities, since the device of the nervous system and the brain is all the same. Just one people are interested in everything and they work on their development. And others float withinth.

Unconscious clairvoyance. This is when visions occur no dependence on human efforts, spontaneously. For example, prophetic dreams or hallucinations, as well as any visions against the background of alcoholic or drug intoxication. Unconscious vision peculiar to people who have congenital abilities to wonderful visions, such as Nostradamus in the ancient century and the American actress and Princess Monaco - Grace, who possessed the phenomenal gift of foresight. Gray Patricia Kelly, her light Highness Princess Grace Monk said: "I have long noticed one strange property. I often had a premonition, I mentally saw an earthquake, flood or death of a person known to me, and then these events took place in real life. And when my children were born, and some misfortunes happened to them, for some reason I always knew about it. I immediately began to hurt the very place that damaged the child. " The prophetic dreams are a very rare phenomenon, an exceptional phenomenon. Very often, people seen in a dream are customized to real events and take their sleep towards the prophetic dreams. In fact, the prophetic dreams are only in people who are completely given to their work and their brain is tuned only by one wave, for certain skills in a certain area of \u200b\u200bactivity. A certain one-sided orientation appears in the work. We all know the case with the famous table of chemical elements of Mendeleev. The scientist worked for a long time and stubbornly over the classification of chemical elements and could not catch the relationship between them. And one day, falling out in your office, was delighted with what they saw in a dream. All items have developed in a slim and proper table. Most likely, fatigue affected the wakeful state and may be distracted by some outsiders. In the relaxed state, the brain used all its resources and issued the right decision. The prophetic dreams are only available to people who have giftedness, permanent passion for one thing, talent.

Energy vision.This is the ability of some people to see the aura and biofield, cosmic energy by conventional eyes, as well as to conduct energy diagnosis of diseases. This species of clairvoyance are endowed with healers and psychics.

Clear.This type of clairvoyance associated with a physical sensation is obtaining information coming in the form of sensations of your body. Solar plexus, in a physical sense, is the center of all nerve endings and connections. We all familiar with all the sensations as nausea, pain in the stomach, degrading pain in the heart. These are the echoes of oscillations of fine matter, which are perceived by our psyche and, depending on the strength of these oscillations, are reflected in our physical body.

The physical body serves as a tool for the perception of pulses from the spiritual world. Many healers, conducting the diagnosis of diseases of their patient with their hands, feel the lung tingling of fingers in those places where the patient has a sick organ. When diagnosing a photo, clairvifuses use their feelings and feel if the cold comes from the photo, it means that a person is not alive. W. different people These sensations are manifested in different ways: may be nausea, vomiting, temporal pain, tingling in the heart area.

Clear Center is often in the abdomen - solar plexus. We constantly feel it, then like a heavy stone under the spoon, then as a gentle ball of soft thread. A person often unconsciously cross hands on the sunny plexus to feel less vulnerable and more protected.

In the solar plexus there are many nervous endings of neighboring organs and the internal secretion glands. This is the place where the spiritual world of man and his body world are found.

The patch is the most susceptible area of \u200b\u200ba person and should not be surprised. When we want to feel our sensitive sensation, then at the subconscious level, we connect to the energy vibrations around us. Supervisory people can even get lost in this world in place of themselves, representing another person, and often not understanding where they are and who they are, and who are others. Therefore, it should be learned to be active - passive and feel not their own will, but to be inspired by the highest. In the exercises below simply rely on what the spiritual assistant will be managed.

Clear.This feeling can be called firmness of clearness, spiritual ace. This is a mental smell that increases the potential of the appropriate physical feeling, allows you to feel the aromas of imaginary colors, smells of imaginary food and smoke cigarettes, etc., even nearby there is nothing nearby.

As an example - one girl asked her spiritual assistant to the question of what to do to get rid of chronic runny nose and responded with a strong smell of the sea. She followed the advice and cured. So on sessions of clairvoyance, often the inner perception of people catches the specific smells of perfume, flavors of flowers and other characteristic smells for people they want to learn.

Many people have a clear understanding of a very bad, others - it is very thin. Sometimes groups of people who meditate together, perceive magnificent smells. Thus, their spiritual assistant gives you to know about yourself, in the form of a "air cloud" with a pleasant smell.

Intuitive knowledge.This is a knowledge that from all five sensitive feelings is working at a very thin level and very quickly. This feeling is inner, you just feel, you know, that's all.

Prophetic thoughts visit us across the chakra, which is directly related to a limbic system that regulates the functions of the internal organs. This feeling that occurs unexpectedly, like a lightning illuminated, sometimes, chatting with her friends, you can know in advance what news they want to tell you.

It is very important to listen to your premonitions and not to divert from them. We often underestimate them, take inside the inner fear or for their imagination. Intuition comes to us from the sky and without any evidence confirming her right. Most of the forebodings comes to us by intuition and therefore intuition is mistakenly associated with the prophecy and only with the events that should happen in the future.

Intuition is the perception of reality, which occurs in the form of direct knowledge, not a visual image or voice. Intuition can relate to our past and true and future. With this unexpected illusion, some riddles of our past can be allowed. With the help of intuition, we can change your life. After watching his intuition, you can open the way to universal knowledge to the information accumulated there, entered your brain and your spirit.

Intuition from five sensitive feelings occurs in people most often. It is a channel of supersensitive perception. People who have the power of intuition are more efficient. Many of the people with high intuition believe that they cannot truly meditate, as they cannot calm their spirit.

The negative side of clarification (intuition) is that the impression is fleeting and illusory, they appear without subsequent confirmation. Intuition is a feeling that the least believe is the feeling for which the psyche is responsible, and not logic.

People with increased intuition quickly adapt to changing conditions, they have a living and inquisitive mind, their creative opportunities are much wider than that of the average person, they do not fit into generally accepted norms, standards. Their intuition allows them to feel the desires and needs of the people who are the roads.

People endowed with strong intuition are scattered. They often do not bring their plans to the end, they say very quickly, without thinking about what they say. Often these people are rejected by society, as they are ahead of their time.

Clear.This is also a way to obtain information from a subtle world, the way its processing into the words familiar to us and concepts.

The information comes to us from out in the form of a clearly formed thought, which in addition to your consciousness is already aware of the brain. Getting it from the subtle world, and hear what is happening at a great distance.

The inner voice is one of the manifestation of clarity. It is necessary, first of all, learn to listen to yourself inside. We can quietly seek advice to our inner voice and be sure that our mind and our intellectual abilities will critically evaluate everything that the inner voice suggests us, and will be happy to help us, cleaning our mind from mental debris.

Cleaning is two species: spiritual, (without the help of hearing organs), and immediate (with the help of hearing organs). Gradually, training can be distinguished by various nuances of clarifications.

The last type of clarity arises from the spiritual hearing, which develops from the vision of the spiritual eye.

To achieve clarifications, it is necessary to possess the passive state of consciousness. Only when you become absolutely passive, you can hear these wonderful oscillations. In the evening or early in the morning you should retire, take a comfortable position, tie my eyes with a bandage, shut down your ears and feel astral sound waves. Without interrupting the passive state to listen to the ringing and noise that arose in the ears.

Spiritual hearing is a very thin matter. Clear with the help of an hearing body allows you to hear sounds that they sound through a thin partition.

Clearness was known since ancient times. Buddhist monks, became clear with the help of the sink, Gypsies of Hungary with the help of clarifications received messages from the Spirit of the air Nivas, necromancers also diligently engaged in clarity. It is impossible to confuse clarification with auditory hallucinations.

Hallucinations arising into the brain of a person are very similar to real events, but Clearless does not look like a really audible sounds. Clear looks like a thought expressed by the word. In case of clarity, it is appropriate to say: "I had thought in my head."

Motor Clairing -the most common type of clairvoyance. Almost all fortunetelles, bioenergotherapists, losas use motor clairvoyance. All this happens with a pendulum. Takes a pendulum in hand and asks a question to his subconscious. From the subconscious, the team comes into the brain. The brain, in turn, gives the team to the muscles that begin to decline in addition to the consciousness of a person. The pendulum deviates in the right direction. The same scheme is happening with a fortune chart, she, without thinking, purely reflexively pulls out the cards from the deer, on the team of coming from the brain.

Telepathy.This type of clairvoyance has a lot in common with clarity. Telepathy - reading thoughts at a distance. In case of psychoding, this method is widely used. Telepathy method is used in coding from alcohol, nicotine and food dependency. The experience of a silent telepathic conversation is also used, in which telepath enters a mental dialogue with a person's subconscious, which needs treatment. Thus, you can learn about the attitude of one person to another.

Clairvoyance that took the basis of thinking.This type of clairvoyance is based on the images that arise in a man's head when he is talking about anything. As the easiest example, say the word "lemon" and immediately in your head there is an image of a large and juicy with pimples and lemon dots, the mouth is filled with saliva and becomes sour. It is very important that the thinifies arising is not black and white, but bright, color. You should get emotional and physical sensations from the resulting image, as well as hear the sounds that come from the thinking. Having learned how to actually perceive the thinking of other people, you can understand what kind of condition is, you can understand whether this person can be understood.

Clear.This is perhaps the most common type of clairvoyance. It arises spontaneously, for example, you look at a photo of an unfamiliar person and you have a feeling of rejection. Why such a feeling you suddenly have arisen, you can not explain. Subsequently, those who came to you suddenly feeling right.

Through Vision - Enernientgen. This is when a person can see what is happening in the next room, in a nearby house or in the human body. It can also look through thick walls and determine the contents of safes.

Chakrov vision. This is a unique opportunity to see special centers (chakras) that are inside human body. So, for example, the "third eye", in the physical sense, the corresponding pituitary. The third eye has a unique ability, however, like all the other chakras, see through space and time, without any restrictions.

Skin vision. The nerve endings on the human body have their own magic "visual" abilities. There are unique points on the skin of a person who possess the real ability to see - this is often manifested in people of devoid of vision. For example, on human palms and on his neck there are three such "visual" points.

Vision of the Past - RetroConization. The retrocognization allows you to look into the last life of the most clairvoyant and in past lives of other people. This ability of clairvoyant allows you to find out the past of a completely unfamiliar person, unfamiliar area, buildings, subjects, houses, etc.

Vision of this - Cognition. This is the ability to see in space and for distant distances with the help of the "third eye". With the help of such clairvoyance, you can travel through other countries and it is possible to look into another apartment in a neighboring house and to say exactly what is happening at the moment.

Vision of the Future - Premunity. This is the ability of a person to look into the future, see a series of upcoming events and accurately predict them. Precognition of perfectly owned prophets and progressants of the past. In many books and ancient scriptures, events that contain information about the events that happened for a long time after the saints are careed. Many events from such writings have already come true.

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Some are quite easy and successfully discovering the gift of clairvoyance, and even seemingly without special tents and trouble. And others - and read the mass of the benefits, and train almost dinner and nostano, and the pictures of the past, present and future are closed completely, as it was before. "Eh, and why I spent so much strength and time," these thoughts are quite reasonable and understandable. And in fact, some trainings will give a positive effect not only not immediately, but in a few weeks and even months. Still try and make a maximum of what is subject to you at this stage.

Fig. Development of clairvoyance: Use unusual means!

Nowadays in newspapers, you can often find ads of the type "Clairvoyant in the third generation will look into the past, the future, etc." If a man (or a woman, without a difference), there were such unicumes in the family - it certainly gives a person some advantages in the starting positions, but ... it's still not all! , the expansion of consciousness, competent and most suspended approach to such a complex issue, faith in yourself and their strength is, and only it is prerequisite To achieve success!

Starting the exercises, you must donate from all extraneous thoughts, discard everyday worries, try. IN otherwise Do not hope for quick positive results! Provide silence, turn off the radio, phone and other sound sources that can distract you, remove from the animal room. The necessary state in different exercises is called differently. It may be enlightenment, and liberation, and insight, but most importantly - that your mind must be configured to the perception of that new, which will give you training.

It is desirable to carry out "suited" exercises at the same time - your consciousness will already be tied to classes, just as the gastric juice stands out when the lunch break occurs. Before starting classes, it is useful to burn plants, but not everything in a row, of course, but only those that most beneficially act on the psyche. There is even a special branch of medicine - aromatherapy, which is one of the main components of truly magical art Feng Shui.

Fragrances for the development of clairvoyance

Incense can be found in various ways. It can be thin sticks, mostly brown or beige color, which are placed on a special stand: they are not lit, and smoldering, spreading around the fragrance and putting an appropriate effect on the psyche. Different oils also act: a few drops are poured into the aroma, the bottom of which is a candle. The candle is ignited, and the oil begins to make a fragrance. In the end, if you do not have the opportunity to get any other, take just a pinch of the appropriate dry plant, put on a piece of foil or metal (in order to avoid a fire) plate and footage.

Well, now - carefully read the list and try to choose the properly incense or grass. Used ivy, camphor, muscat, poplar, incense. The development of clairvoyance is promoted by aloe, arnica, ivy, nutmeg, poplar, incense. The reception of cosmic energy is best done with the help of aloe, ivy, rowan seeds, elderberry, camphor, sandalwood, violet roots. And finally, Arnika, Lavender, Mirra, Pijma possess the soothing effect.

Development of clairvoyance and color

Do not forget about the lighting of the room in which the classes will be held: because, as you know, the color is very significant and to create a mood, and even for the healing of various diseases. Again, there is a branch of medicine, even comparatively new, but already actively used by both doctors and psychologists - color therapy. Of course, you do not need urgently, on the eve of classes, cross the wallpaper on the appropriate color is just enough to use a colored lamp. What colors prefer? If you want to tune in to the reception of cosmic energy, expand consciousness and awaken at least the beginnings of clairvoyance - select red.

The energy center on the forehead is activated using precious crystals that are not only used in magic ritualsBut make talismans.

It is believed that the stones that open the third eye should be in the lilac-lilacium scheme, because then they will remove fatigue and increase the concentration of consciousness. Such amulets are able to reduce the headache after working with active, develop intuition and even awaken the unconscious brain areas.

How to work with stones for Ajna

If you decide to purchase a stone, then it is best to contact a specialized store or ask the crystal as a gift. Own unexpected finds in natural places are also a great way to make friends with a talisman. After that, you need a day to keep the jewel in salty water, using an unchargeable container and an energy purified place. Then 60 minutes leave the stone in cold running water.

Energy purification (and subsequent charging) of the amulete itself can be carried out by meditation, Tibetan bowls, runes, mantras and other esoteric tools.

Do not forget that by making a stone by its energy waves, it is necessary to program it to perform a specific program, and then apply for the necessary purposes.

By and large, it is possible to use stones in completely different practices, if only they worked. If you wear crystals as mascots with you, do not forget to taste with some external factorswhich may affect their strength: Eastern horoscopes, lunar calendar etc. Simple meditation on stone (the same trading) will be no less effective.

The beneficial effects of any crystal can be seen after the first minutes of his applying to the field of all-seeing eye. It is enough to simply focus on your feelings so that the energy of the stone filled the sixth chakra. The maximum result can be achieved after a half-hour practice combined with powerful installations or affirmations.

The meditative practice of the rail and does not require direct contact with the skin on the forehead: masters have enough to rotate the jewel in a pair of centimeters from the head. However, the effectiveness of such exercises depends on the strength of the crystal itself, so use only perfect stones for the third eye. This, in particular, amethyst, Labradorite, Kuncite, Fluoritis.

The main types of crystals for the sixth chakra


Shimmering and durable quartzite, whose blue copies perfectly clean the sixth chakra. The stone is able to bring human emotion harmony and its energy flows.

Meditation to Ajna with Aventurine gives a good mood and joy for the whole day. Crystal also strengthens the strength of the Spirit.


Moonstone to enhance clairvoyance. With this amulet, it is easier to penetrate into the depths of human souls and master the monitoring. Spiritual people can develop creative skills, intuition, the gift of conviction.

In the period of the new moon or during a decreasing moon, the crystal takes the power of the owner.


The opaque and fragile mineral in blue shades. Stored in a cool and dry place. Helps to expand consciousness, translating thoughts from subconscious layers on the surface. Allows you to access a thin body and new information. Promotes healing at any level, normalizes access to the astral, since it eliminates emotional experiences, fears, depression.

This stone refers to the first talisman echelon, developing clairvoyance. Just do not forget to take the crystal in hand as often as possible.


Bright Quartz, which develops not only clairvoyance, but also a clarity is a direct form of data receipt without any sensations, sounds or images. Gives peace of mind, manages emotions, saturates the color of the owner's aura, settles sleep and helps to immerse themselves in the subconscious sphere of all-life.

With stone, access to high plans is facilitated, but at the same time people with insufficient spiritual development cannot use it. It is not recommended to use this crystal in a gold frame, because only strong initiated magicians do. But the amethyst can be applied to the area Ajna to get rid of nervous overvoltage after working with the third eye.


Field spat with glass glitter and iris effect. Improves the quality of dreams, helps to establish communication with the past and protects against the intervention of the dark forces. On its basis, it is possible to make separate talismans for clairvoyance, which are carrying on the Mizinz to the phase of the growing moon.

The maximum strength of the stone exhibits in full moon, but it should be periodically cleaned of negative energy, leaning in flowing cool water.


Two-color stone with glass glitter, acting as an ideal meditative tool for many esoteric. The crystal helps take stress and fatigue after exercises for the development of the sixth chakra. It is enough to apply a piece of kangcite to the heart chakra and represent the inhalation, as it is filled with the energy of the stone. Visualize how the pink beam penetrates the third eye, and then rushes to the heart. After 10-15 minutes of this practice, the consciousness is cleared, the negative is absorbed, and the aura is completely restored.

Thanks to Kangcite, the cardiac chakra has contact with a throat energy center and an active.


Field spat with spectacular overflows coloring, i.e. Irizatsiya. It helps to wake congenital mental or intuitive abilities, among which clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, aura analysis, immersion in past lives, astral flights, communicating with spirits.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the strengthening of accident control - practices to increase positive coincidences and synchronization in life. Labradorite allows you to work in different measurements due to its powerful energy, and for understanding the multiplicity of being it is useful to carry it as a suspension. But earrings with such a stone improve claniness.

At the time of meditation, it is possible to put crystal directly on the sixth chakra zone to feel the spaceless space and freely navigate the visions of the future or past.


Very hard jewelry corundum used in cornflower paint to harmonize energy in the sixth chakra. The stone develops the original emotional perception of life, makes thoughts clear and develops memory. Crystal can be used to maximize concentration in the process of prayer or simple meditation.

Sapphires can pass energy through themselves for cleansing. Copies with stars on the surface are particularly strong.


Striped durable pebbles with silky structure. It develops clairvoyance only at the initial stage, but operates the curtain of the hidden information field data. As the mascot rejuvenates the body and sets the owner to self-herial.

It can be used for small astral travels, intellectual growth and development of Eidetics - the ability to maintain the image of the object after it is influenced by the human senses.


Rare and sufficiently precious blue stone capable of developing different supernatural skills. Helps in self-healing, stabilizing blood pressure when overlapping on Ajna.

Strengthens deep comprehension of the surrounding world.


Transparent and multicolored crystal, which can rightly be considered a spiritual teacher of a person. Stone helps to comprehend the vibrations of the subtle world, expands the boundaries of consciousness and gives an understanding of various laws of space. Purple and scarlet amulets are considered the most active because they really stimulate the work of the third eye, develop intuition and clairvoyance.

Fluorite talismans (balls, pyramids, egg-shaped jewels) can be used for meditation, since they demonstrate the multidimensionality of being and soothe nervous system. Mages in India use this crystal for spiritual sessions.

Additional stones

  • Chrysolite is a stone that helps to open the third eye and predict the future. Allows you to avoid many mistakes during meditative practices and magical rites.
  • Penakite is a colorless and transparent mineral, considered an excellent conductor during spiritual sessions. Sends information from the subtle worlds and speeds up the opening of Ajna.
  • Tiger eye is a beautiful stone for a magic transformation of a person.
  • Rodonit is a pink crystal for the awakening of magic talents and an increase in the strength of the Spirit.
  • Moldavite is a transparent and very rare balance of meteorites. Reveals not only Ajna, but also a heart chakra. Improves the concentration of attention, adjusts to extraterrestrial matrices and structures.
  • Lazurites - opaque and soft mineral capable of opening the secrets of spirituality. During meditation, it can be put on the sixth chakra, so that the understanding of life has become more deep. Also, the stone improves focusing on objects and cleans the aura.
  • Emerald is a jewel that gives the prophetic dreams if used as a night amulet.
  • Mountain crystal is a carrier of secret information for the vision of the paintings of the future. Develops a supersensible perception of reality.
  • Variscite is a stone for meditation, developing clairvoyance and returning memories of past lives. Examine former incarnations can be due to a simple contemplation of the object.
  • Apophyllite - Crystal Explorer during the Astral Travel, providing access to information and high level protection. It helps to access the astral along with a tekthite or bed.
  • Angeline - a stone to establish telepathic communications and contacts with heavenly forces. Helps to achieve the protection of angels if wearing it in your pocket. Activates the genetic memory and opens access to the knowledge of the ancestors.
  • Diamond is a jewel capable of strengthening any energy center, eliminate insomnia and establish a mental equilibrium. Since this crystal normalizes cardiac rhythms, it can be used in any meditative practice.

Work with runes

The runes can also be viewed as strong energy stones, especially since their sacred meaning is determined by the symbols applied to the surface. In order for these items to have magic properties of different types, they are combined between themselves and get hundreds. As a rule, in such sets, the runes can help in the development of current events or bring the desired result to bring. However, errors in the preparation of the steel will negatively affect the person.

In order for the sixth chakra easier to be activated and accumulated energy, many esoterics are used during the meditation of the runes.

The third eye can be opened and maintained with certain stakes that develop clairvoyance, telepathy and expand consciousness. You can apply images of runes to any talismans made of wood, clay or paper, as well as on interior items. The most courageous individuals prefer to draw the bats directly on the body. The runes written in the forehead are especially strong effect, i.e. In the third eye area.

Becoming "Veda"

Used to raise intuition and strong foresight, and also helps improve empathy. From the moment of activation, the set of these characters transfers the owner to a high level of perception of the subtle world. Sometimes work with such becoming may cause headache, which indicates the presence of blocks in consciousness.

Reedness of the person and an updated look at reality are achieved by the following runes:

  • Mannaz and Peretro - are responsible for the formation of a new subject;
  • Mannaz and Ansus - help update their sacred forces;
  • Laguz and Ansus - develop the gift of foresight;
  • Soul and Kenz - give clarity in consciousness, as well as spiritual illumination.

Creating a similar thing, you can use only 6 of the indicated runes, rolling the individual 2 times (in accordance with the reference in pairs), or simply call the sludge symbol. You can designate in advance that when the power of the runes will be deactivated, extrasensory abilities just fall asleep.

Becoming "prophetic knowledge"

It is a flexible set of runes, which give only small physical sensations, but it is a very multifaceted mental effect.

4 characters are used:

  • Kano - strengthens magic skills;
  • Halhag - allows you to purchase the experience of supernatural;
  • Tours - neutralizes ill-wishers;
  • EVAZ - allows you to quickly achieve a prophetic wisdom.

Becoming "clairvoyance"

You can use to change your dreams, the development of intuition. It is useful to draw it in photographs in the third eye area to strengthen photo-perception and increase the number of exits in the astral.

The set of runes is very impressive:

  • Mannaz - denotes the subject itself;
  • Uruz - allows you to transform a person by setting it to the adoption of a subtle world and its analysis;
  • Ingus - changes the frequency of Ajna Chakra, allowing it to make information from the mental and astral worlds;
  • Soul - responsible for clairvoyance;
  • Eyvaz and Algiz - expand consciousness for higher worlds;
  • Ansus - removes psychological blocks in data perception;
  • Hagalaz - removes energy barriers;
  • Berkana - helps in spiritual growth;
  • WUNO - gives harmony of the soul, establishes contact with the subconscious;
  • Yera - strengthens the results of any meditative practice;
  • Laguz - activates hidden skills;
  • Naties and Ridid - allow you to overcome the boundaries of consciousness;
  • Tourisas - makes all the exercises targeted;
  • Isa - make the mind of calmness.
  • Becoming the "Prophet" is also used to enhance the skills of foreclosure and expand the sensations of space and time. It has two options:
  • Soul-Laguz-Rado is a set that allows you to see different worlds, strengthen intuition and freely get the necessary information.
  • Rido-Satal is a pair of runes to create a directed conscious flow.

Becoming the "third eye"

Directly reveals all the extrasensory predisposition of a person. It will help not only to develop the appearance of visions at will, but also to strengthen clarity. You need to apply the set to the photo, Ajna area. At first, it is possible energy exhaustion, but intuition is growing rapidly.

Consists of such runes as:

  • Glyph "Expansion" (special rune) - launches the growth of perception;
  • Perto - catches information from the external environment;
  • Lagus - stabilizes streams entering consciousness;
  • Eyvach - protects the third eye and adjusts contact with a different reality.
  • If you are not specified stoves, you can try less popular runic sets:
  • Kano, Perto, Gebo and Ansus; Eyvaz, Soul, Gebo, Ansus; Teivaz, Evaz, Yera, Uruz, Ansus, Gebo; Ansus, Woney, Eyvaz, Gebo and Veuno - such sets develop only clairvoyance with the active third eye;
  • Algiz, Eyvaz, Soul, Gebo, Perto; FEHU, EIVAZ, EVAZ, SOULD AND GEBO; Evaz, Perto, Fehu, Kano; Perto, Evaz, Kano, Teivaz, Evaz, Gebo and Soul - Stava for the optimal meditative condition and entry into trance;
  • Laguz, Fekhu, Tayivaz, Uruz, Perto, Kano, Eyvaz and Soul; Tourisaz, Isa, Perto, Soul, Gebo, Tayivaz; Soulo, Isa, Fehu, Gebo, Ansus, Perto, Kano and Teivaz; Laguz, Perto, Soulu, Teivaz, Evaz, Gebo - Removal Sets of different types Blocks on the sixth chakra.

Stones that open up the third eye carry great benefits for fans of meditative practices, but they must be very careful to use the sixth chakra to wake up and develop their abilities.

Consider also that some crystals and runes are poorly combined with each other. Almost every mineral has its own dark side, which can provide the opposite effect and "award" the all-seeing eye by another block. Therefore, listen carefully to your feelings from working with stones and follow the development of Ajna-Chakra.


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