Dream Interpretation Interpretation of dreams What dreams of Vangi. Interpretation of dreams by dream book Vanga

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of dreams What dreams of Vangi. Interpretation of dreams by dream book Vanga

Vanga (Vangeley Pandaeva Gushcherova) "This is a great Bulgarian clairvoyant, which made a glory for himself during his lifetime. She became famous for its unique extrasensory abilities And the gift to heal people. But this is not all her talents. She also, like none of the mediums of that time, solved dreams. Many people from all over the world specially arrived in Bulgaria to chat with Wanga. They were ready for hours, days and even wait for weeks when they were taken.

Wang began her life very unusual. None of the relatives did not think that she would live, so she did not give her name. After it was born, her simply was wrapped in a coat and laid next to the stove. So the fate of Vanga, live her or not, parents decide to entrust God. And the Lord cleared over the baby. He breathed his life in her tiny Taurus and two months later she for the first time she filed a voice as it should be done to children. Only after that the parents baptized her and she received the name of Wangeliya, which was translated from Greek, as "bringing the good news."

In three years, Little Vanga did not make moms and women living in the neighborhood were engaged in her upbringing. After some time, Dad married the secondary and the future famous marriage appeared.

I must say that I didn't immediately find a gift at myself. She fell into the most epicenter of the hurricane, who took her 4 kilometer from home. Because of this evil element in his eyes hit her sand, and she was no longer able to open them.

In this regard, in 1925 he fell into a house for the blind, where she stayed three years. There she passed a course of treatment in order to gain vision again. However, as doctors did not try, her eyes did not become in vain. She could no longer see the white light. It must be said that despite this, she mastered sewing, knitting, cooking, etc. These years have not passed for Vanga in longing. Here she loved the blind young woman from the secured family. He replied reciprocity and they began preparing for the wedding and everything would be fine if Mr. Mr. Accidents did not intervene. At this time, the house of Wang was died in the house during childbirth. Father, left alone with children, needed the help of the eldest daughter. That is why he took her home and so she lost her own happiness.

Next, Vanga's life was also not bright. She took on the role of not only the mother for their brothers and sisters, but also the role of the family's corrches. Despite the fact that the Father worked, they lived very and very poorly. Therefore, Wange and had to extract a piece of bread to their craft. Despite the complete loss of view, she knitted, spitched and sewed, so that her seven at least somehow could bring ends with the ends. This, she not only provided her seven necessary things, but also put their products for sale. At the same time, another misfortune happened in her life - she fell ill with polio. It happened during a long standing barefoot on the floor of concrete in the queue for the manual. No one had hope for her recovery, but suddenly the disease retreated. It was the third inexplicable miracle.

When Wanta discovered the gift from himself unknown. Her relatives claim that it happened this way: the lamb was lost in the family and 16-year-old Vanga defined exactly the place where she was, saying that it had dreamed her. It is since then that another life of Wangelia, filled with miracles, began.

In 1940, Vanga for the first time he fell into the trance. After that, a year later, she suddenly spoke to someone else's men's naked and the prophecies were thrown out of her mouth. For someone, her prophecies were very good, as prosperous and health was thrust, and someone she predicted an ambulance death. It is noteworthy that since then Wang has ever ever lost sleep.

After Vana predicted the date of the introduction of German troops in Yugoslavia, the processions of pilgrims began to her house. She took everyone, did not led to anyone and did not send anything from himself. Only Chumak, Kashpirovsky and Juna's disciples were exception. Their Vanga refused to take. In addition, she did not enter into discussions with people who should be about to die and with those whom only curiosity led to it.

In 1942, a soldier Dimit Guskov came to clairvoyant. He asked her only about one thing - to call them those people who killed him brother. Vanka immediately did not give a response. She said that she would give him the necessary information a bit of the weather, but at the same time she forced him to promise her to do not work on them Samosud, adding that he would see and without this their death. She made a strong impression on a soldier, he defeated her a couple of visits and eventually did her the proposal of his hand and hearts. Wanta responded consent and they moved to him in Petrich.

The Lord did not send the Wange of children, but once the orphan boy came to her house, which she adopted.

The most wonderful predictions of clairvoyant fell on the war years. In those hard times, people, distracted from grief, went to their savior. They no longer knew where to turn with their misfortune. The provincials heal their mental wounds, pointed out the places where they live or buried their loved ones, and also advised them how to avoid death on the battlefield or how to cure with the help of folk drugs.

A lot of Vanti prophecies were associated with Russia. So, she predicted a cold war, confrontation with the United States and many other points. In addition, she predicted Russia to return the former power with the beginning of the rule of Prince Vladimir. Contemporaries still solve whom Wang meant. Lisen names include Lenin and Putin. However, no one can say anything that implied clairvoyant.

Vanga believed that Russia has a strong patron - Saint Sergius. That is why nothing can break Russia. As she stood, it will stand. Only every year will fix its power and in the end it will become the Lord of the world. This is what the future predaged Wang Russia. She said that the Great Country suffered too much victims and now nothing stops her on the way to his goal. All enemies will fall in front of her majesty. Russia suffered too long, her people ruled a lot of suffering. Many people have passed during the war years and now, when it was already so much grief, she deserved her place in this world, and it will not be the last. Despite nothing Russia remained the Orthodox country and the Spirit is growing with every year. She does not change its faith and will not change the future. It is faith and strengthens the spirit of the people of Russia. She combines people and splits in front of a great danger. She also gives them the strength to resist their misfortunes, which then and the matter will be poured on long-suffering Russia.

In 1979, when a difficult political situation reigned in the world, namely, the two strongest powers, Russia and the United States seemed to the verge of a nuclear war, she predicted that it would not happen, and after 6 years, the leaders will change and big changes are coming. It is noteworthy that Mikhail Gorbachov came to power in 195. From him, a new trend began in the life of the Great Russia.

In 1979, Wang had made another very important prophecy. She predicted that Russia will change its name. The union will not be called it as many centuries ago. All countries will respect its greatness, including America. It is no secret that these are two, let indirectly, but the warring countries. It was America that unleashed a cold war against Russia. But despite this, the point in their relationship was not delivered. This struggle did not end. Even despite the fact that the Americans consider themselves the winners in this war, Russia rebuilt as Phoenix from the ash and now, with each year its power increases. Now Wanga talks about the recognition of America for Russia of the dominant roles. This will happen after the merger of the three powers: Russia, China, India. Bulgaria will be with them in the Union, if it becomes part of Russia. If Bulgaria turns away from Russia, then perhaps it is already very soon she will finish its existence. And now, after so many years, part of the prophecy came true - the Union of China, India and Russia already exists. It is not observed that other powers of the East will join them. There is something so afraid of America. Russia from the West replaced the orientation to the east and now the great changes in the device of the whole world are coming.

As for Bulgaria, Wang has not seen her future without Russia. She always said that if these two countries "quarrel", then Bulgaria do not survive. They are united by common roots and general culture. Orthodoxy is that it has always been the main binding thread between these countries.

It happened that Wang and suffered because of his gift. One of its most significant visions was the death of Stalin. It vision she voiced and almost immediately ended up in prison. True, from the last 10 years she served only six months. It is noteworthy that Stalin died precisely at that time that Vanga predicted.

The most tragic predictions were associated with Vasil, Brother Vangi. At the time when he went to the front, she cried greatly and asked him to take care of himself. However, the predictions of the clarifier did not save his brother. When he passed 23 years, he captured, where he was subjected to torture, and then shot. Wang has all foresee all this, but could not interfere. It she considered the hardest test in his life - the gift to predict the death of loved ones.

I failed to protect from death she and her husband. With him, they lived happily 20 years. Then he suddenly began to use immensely hot drinks, from which he accepted. Wangelia stood on his knees all the time he did not let the spirit. Then, according to eyewitnesses, when everything was over, she suddenly fell asleep, I don't have me body position. When Vanga woke up, she said she held her husband to the destination and now she is calm for his soul.

Vantha's abilities have always been doubted. Even the famous writer Leonid Leonov reproached her in the fact that she did not tell him about the death of his wife on time. Vanga was very surprised and reminded him of a gift that he was handed over. It was one coffee mug. She could not directly talk about death, used only hints for this.

A lot of predictions of Vanga were associated with political life, which, must be said, even recorded. Even Hitler arrived at the time of war. What the provincial told him is unknown, but the sources claim that he came out of her very disappointed.

Even Indira Gandhi, the nice daughter of India, she furified re-election. However, this is not the only thing that predicted the provisian. She spoke about the murder of Indira and the death of her son in a catastrophe.

Wang's death was not afraid. She firmly knew that only her bodily shell would not become, which, like all the living, was destined to rot in the ground. The soul will not be touched and will further develop.

When Vanga died her brought her to the hospital. There she abandoned medical care, providing his fate to the Lord God. There she fell into someone and did not come out of her to death. These days, for the first time in many years, tears flowed from her lifeless eyes. Thus, she exhaled all his fatigue from the worldly bustle and from distrust and misunderstanding of people.

But 5 interesting facts about Wange:

  1. When Vang was small, she loved to invent all sorts of games. It greatly amused her. One of the most beloved games was such - she took some kind of toy, ran into the courtyard and hid it there. Then she returned to the house, pinched her eyes tight and went to the yard to look for a toy. So she played in the blind Wantu. Even strict punishments and the ban of parents could not make her abandon this game.
  2. Wanta never said whether there is life after death and about the end of the world. She always shied away from answers to these questions.
  3. In 1967, Wang began to officially work for the state. She was officially hired by the providers and appointed salary. To get to her, it was necessary to sign up and make a fee. Wang has received pitiful crumbs from this money.
  4. Vangu did not have their children, although she really wanted to have them. But she became more than three hundred times the godfather.
  5. Vanga was not only clairvoyant, she also was engaged in healing. For hundreds of people, she helped get rid of many aahs.

A lot of things predicted Vanga. Some of them are known to us, and some will remain mystery. She spoke a lot both about the fate of all mankind and on individuals. Not everyone came true, but most of the fact that she ranked, he had a deep meaning and was later realized.

Everything that Vang said was so important that scientists, among whom Dr. Sciences Georgy Lozanov, and Professor Dmitry Philippov, gathered her promenion and later included them in the dream book. Together with them, the parapsychologist Pobros Stoyanov, who was a frequent visitor Vangi.

At certain periods, such as star-floral nights on Wangelia condescended insight, and the most unusual prophecies began. It was at such moments that it turned out to be near the povere and accurately recorded everything that crushed clairvoyant.

Features dream book Vangu

This dream book, which we led for you, is designed to be able to decipher your dreams, and were able to highlight the turning point in our future. Based on this, you can manage your life, directing it into a positive channel.

Support Wang (31.01 or 10/10/1911 - 11.08.1996) from Bulgaria left a big heritage and, undoubtedly, was of great importance in history, but her knowledge in the interpretation of dreams can be called a separate contribution to the study of the human subconscious. Wang's dream book is very in demand on the expanses of her homeland and far beyond its limits, he became a certain assembly of an axiom for dream interpreters, as the principles of his interpretations are seriously different from other publications, both past and modern times. It is also worth noting how to read and inquired this collection in the territory modern Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

It is impossible not to emphasize the fact that during the life of Wangeliya many noble people were not shy to visit her, so that the propheted herself interpreted the dream with the eye on the eye, and this is like nothing else, exalt the contribution of Vanga to the knowledge of dreams.

History of tragedy Vangi.

Vanga was born and lived in the Bulgarian village Petrich in the family of poor peasants. In orphanage, no one suspected how an extraordinary gift carries this person. When the girl was still small, death took her mother, but even more the turning point in the life of Wangelia was the strongest hurricane. The girl fell into the very heart of the elements, at first it was considered missing, but still found two kilometers from their home. The sand hit the girl in the eye, and she simply could not open them from terrible pain, money on expensive operations in the family, in which the breadwinned one father was not at all. Thus, Vanga was in the house of the blind, where he spent three years of his life.

As for when Wangelia revealed his supernatural gift of an accurate answer, but many in her homeland recall the case of how the girl found a lost lamb, saying that in a dream, he saw the place where she was in a dream. Since then, she began to perceive their dreams seriously, refers to them as holding.

Some argue that the ability to foresee the future of Vanga manifested itself at the age of 16 and already by the 30s she chose a predicted craft. Scientists calculated that over a period of 55 years, Wangelius visited more than a million people, and she did not refuse to predict the future, everyone received proper instruction, except for those who waited for the ambulance, such people Wang preferred not to speak the bitter truth.

History of Creating Dream Vangu

Ticking up the prunes followed by inclusion in dream Vangu It was an extremely important task and not simple, but, nevertheless, this task was performed. The compilation of free dreams based on the prunes of the prophetus was engaged in scientific figures of Georgy Lozanov (he has the title of Doctor of Science), Dimitor Philipov (has the title of professor) as well as other researchers. Also a great contribution to the creation of this almanach, the Bulgarian parapsychologist Pobedov Stoyanov, who often visited the provincially.

Not many knew that in singular periods of time, such as star-floral nights, Wang was especially frank in their prophecies, she had a special location to open conversations. Knowing about it, the people close to the predictor specially visited Wangelia into such a special watch so that the first to know something that was not yet told about the interpretation of dreams.

Features of Building Online Dream Interpretation

Online dream book Vangu It was built that way to bring the maximum benefit, to tell about everything is extremely fully and understandable. It should also be noted that this collection is intended to perform a number of tasks:

1) clarification of images and symbols based on Vanga's checks;

2) will determine the situation in which the dreams seeing one or another symbol;

3) a brief and concise definition of upcoming events based on the interpretation of images;

4) allocate the estimated turning points in the future of the dream;

5) Suggest some actions to make someone who has seen a dream, the ladies allow the situation in a positive way.

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Most detailed description: "Dream Interpretation Interpretation of dreams for Wangs" - everything from professionals, what is relevant in 2019.

Wanga (Vangelia Pandaeva Gushcherova) (1911-1996), Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer. In our online interpreter you will find Dream Vanga to interpret dreams and free interpretations of dreams from a great predictor.

Interpretation of dreams by dream book Vanga

Her name is widely known not only in Bulgaria and Russia, but throughout the world. Vangu's phenomenon was never studied, although well-known scientists were engaged in studying her abilities, such as Academician Natalia Bekhtereva, the largest specialist in the field of neurophysiology. Wang was born and lived in Bulgaria, in the village Petrich, it was there that people came to her from around the world. The predictions made by Wange were always performed and continue to be performed exactly, and therefore Vanga's dream book can be safely trusted.

Biography of the famous Dream Interpretator

Before switching to Dream Vangu, learn more about it. The tests of clairvoyant fell a great set. When Wange was four years old, her mother died. Soon the first began world WarAnd Father Vanga mobilized into the Bulgarian army. She grew under the supervision of a neighbor.

Returning from the war, his father married again. By this time, Vangu is already beginning to open its extraordinary abilities. She comes up with a strange game: for example, hiding any item, blindfolding tried to find it.

Wanta regularly came into contact with the dead people.

She said that for them the gates into this world and that when someone from visitors comes to her, the dead relatives of this person surround her, talk to her, and she only conveys what he heard.

She met many magicians and psychics, including the Chumacom, Grabov, Kashpirovsky, Globa. Many came to her with tremendous self-conceit and ambitions, and left ashamed and discouraged. As Larisa Shephenko arrived to her, film director. In 1979, she tragically died in a car accident. She said to her: Young, sorry you, soon die!

Visitors should always come to Wange with a piece of Rafinal sugar: the crystal grating of sugar retains information about the person. In addition to sugar, it was possible to leave her simple gifts, such as plush toys that Wanta loved to stroke, touch, remember those who gave them.

Wange were the visits of the fate of people who were not yet born, and those who died over 100 and 300 years ago. This, as scientists consider, the most extraordinary manifestation of its clairvoyance. She said about the future, although she did it reluctantly. For example, Wanta predicted an attempt on John Kennedy, the collapse of the USSR, the death of Princess Diana. One day she said: Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn him ... The meaning of this phrase, initially caused bewilderment, became clear in August 2000, when the atomic submarine was sank.

On August 3, 1996, Vanga was placed in the intensive care unit of the government hospital in Sofia. She had a breast cancer. Thousands of people were standing in the hospital. Wanta foresaw his death, she died that day and that hour, who herself was predicted, - August 11, 1996 at 10 o'clock 10 minutes.

Dream Vangu - Alphabet Interpreter:

Wangta's dream book will help you not only find out your own future, but also get additional information About your inner world.

Dream Vanga: Interpretation of dreams for free

Many scientists tried to solve the secrets of dreams, trying to explain this mysterious phenomenon from a scientific point of view. Even in ancient times, the first collections with the interpretations of dreams, compiled by clairvoyant of that time appeared. And now everyone can open a dream and online to learn the decoding of Vanga or Freud.

On our site you can watch Vanga's dream book online and solve your dreams. We are very easy to use, we have prepared for you detailed instructions.

Search for a given word in the dream can be in two ways: alphabetically and by specifying a search word. In the first case, select the desired letter of the alphabet, and then select the word of interest from the list provided. Wang's dream book will tell you about what your dreams mean.

If you decide to use the second way - to search for the introduced Word - we recommend complying with such rules:

  • In the word should be exclusively Russian letters.
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  • A single request implies the introduction of only one word to search.
  • With an extended search, all the words with the required combinations are displayed. Suppose, during an extended search for the word "mouth", the program will issue all possible interpretations of this word and the word "turn".
  • When administered, the register of letters does not matter. For example, the word "salt" for any introduction (salt, salt, salt) will give the same result.

    Mystery of dream signs

    Wanta interpreted the dreams, following only one well-known technique. Clairvoyant was confident that in a dream, people fate reveals secret signs, the correct interpretation of which will help determine not only the future of a particular person, but even the fate of separate countries.

    Wang's dream book, along with the interpretation of individual signs (items, things, living objects), also contains an explanation of various situations based on which other phenomena and items can be considered.

    Although in the world of all the units of people who have a similar gift, everyone can look into their future. Traveling in dream labyrinths, a person can understand the essence of the events taking place and find out what he expects it further. Just a unique opportunity for us only dreams. It is not by chance that the vision coming to a person in a dream is called a mirror of life. After all, the depths of our subconscious reflect in dreams, by transferring prophetic symbols, solving which you can learn your further fate.

    Our dream book Vanga can be used for free. It is based on the knowledge and revelations of the famous Providian. He will help you give the right interpretation to see in a dream, make a completed picture of the signs and understand what it is worth waiting and what you need to fear.

    Why Dream Vanga deserves confidence

    Vanga believed that dreams are essential for humans. For their decryption, she resorted to telepathy, giving advice and warned against dangers. Bulgarians value this dream book, because he has become a book of truths and an invaluable gift left by the Great Troops. And this reflects reality, since the dream is invested by all the vast experience of clairvoyant, and therefore it deserves complete trust.

    Our dream book offers the interpretation of dreams of Vanga. Using them, you will learn what awaits you in life and be able to prepare for the upcoming events. Of course, there is no large number of deciphered images in the dream book, but this deficiency is compensated by a versatile approach and a multitude of probable situations. It is impossible to discount from the account and successfully made by wanga prediction, which makes attitude to the dreams even more confidential.

    Value Dreaming Value

    Dream Vangu

    Support Wang (31.01 or 10/10/1911 - 11.08.1996) from Bulgaria left a big heritage and, undoubtedly, was of great importance in history, but her knowledge in the interpretation of dreams can be called a separate contribution to the study of the human subconscious. Wang's dream book is very in demand on the expanses of her homeland and far beyond its limits, he became a certain assembly of an axiom for dream interpreters, as the principles of his interpretations are seriously different from other publications, both past and modern times. It is also worth noting how to honor and in demand this collection in the territory of modern Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

    It is impossible not to emphasize the fact that during the life of Wangeliya many noble people were not shy to visit her, so that the propheted herself interpreted the dream with the eye on the eye, and this is like nothing else, exalt the contribution of Vanga to the knowledge of dreams.

    History of tragedy Vangi.

    Vanga was born and lived in the Bulgarian village Petrich in the family of poor peasants. In orphanage, no one suspected how an extraordinary gift carries this person. When the girl was still small, death took her mother, but even more the turning point in the life of Wangelia was the strongest hurricane. The girl fell into the very heart of the elements, at first it was considered missing, but still found two kilometers from their home. The sand hit the girl in the eye, and she simply could not open them from terrible pain, money on expensive operations in the family, in which the breadwinned one father was not at all. Thus, Vanga was in the house of the blind, where he spent three years of his life.

    As for when Wangelia revealed his supernatural gift of an accurate answer, but many in her homeland recall the case of how the girl found a lost lamb, saying that in a dream, he saw the place where she was in a dream. Since then, she began to perceive their dreams seriously, refers to them as holding.

    Some argue that the ability to foresee the future of Vanga manifested itself at the age of 16 and already by the 30s she chose a predicted craft. Scientists calculated that over a period of 55 years, Wangelius visited more than a million people, and she did not refuse to predict the future, everyone received proper instruction, except for those who waited for the ambulance, such people Wang preferred not to speak the bitter truth.

    History of Creating Dream Vangu

    Ticking up the prunes followed by inclusion in dream Vangu It was an extremely important task and not simple, but, nevertheless, this task was performed. The compilation of free dreams based on the prunes of the prophetus was engaged in scientific figures of Georgy Lozanov (he has the title of Doctor of Science), Dimitor Philipov (has the title of professor) as well as other researchers. Also a great contribution to the creation of this almanach, the Bulgarian parapsychologist Pobedov Stoyanov, who often visited the provincially.

    Not many knew that in singular periods of time, such as star-floral nights, Wang was especially frank in their prophecies, she had a special location to open conversations. Knowing about it, the people close to the predictor specially visited Wangelia into such a special watch so that the first to know something that was not yet told about the interpretation of dreams.

    Features of Building Online Dream Interpretation

    Online dream book Vangu It was built that way to bring the maximum benefit, to tell about everything is extremely fully and understandable. It should also be noted that this collection is intended to perform a number of tasks:

    1) clarification of images and symbols based on Vanga's checks;

    2) will determine the situation in which the dreams seeing one or another symbol;

    3) a brief and concise definition of upcoming events based on the interpretation of images;

    4) allocate the estimated turning points in the future of the dream;

    5) Suggest some actions to make someone who has seen a dream, the ladies allow the situation in a positive way.

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    Full alphabetical list of interpretations by dream book Vanga. Word, in one word what you saw in a dream, and find the word in the list. For faster access to the interpretation you need, use the search in all dreams.

    Result: 72 Interpretations in Dream Vangu.

    Comments on Article: "Dream Vanga"

    Interpretation of dreams by dream book Vanga

    Big online Dream Vangu, which is presented on our website, gives a clear and true interpretation of dreams. Many scientists studied the secretions of dreams and tried to find them a scientific explanation. Also since ancient times, clairvoyants were whole collections of interpretation of dreams, which later began to be called dreambooks. Due to dreams, the interpretation of Vanga's dreams can help every person. A person can smile sweetly in a dream or waking up in a cold sweat. He can dream of a terrible nightmare, for example, death and chase, or vice versa, meeting with a loved one. It can be said that sleep is a transition to another reality. And you probably heard about the so-called "trunks", which predict that a person expects in the future. Immerse yourself in the world of dreams and recognize your future right now.

    Dream Vangu - Interpretation of dreams for free

    People since ancient times honor and respect the talent of Vanga, the priests from Bulgaria. She infrequently shared with the surrounding secrets that she solved out of her dreams.

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    Dream Vangu

    The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Wang, along with incredibly accurate predictions, both for individuals and entire states, together with incredible healing from diseases and fantastic contacts with other worlds, knew how to interpret the prophet signs of dreams. Vanga gave great importance to dreams and believed that in a dream, by means of symbols, a veil was opened, hiding his future. And it is necessary to correctly interpret these signs to be prepared for the turns of fate and, moreover, it is necessary to correct it for the better.

    Wange with all the end of the world came for help, and often visitors asked to explain signs, prophet characters and allegories, which came to them in a dream. All the values \u200b\u200bof dreams of clairvoyant, were built on its aggravated intuitive perception of the world, and knowledge of earthly and universal laws.

    According to Vanga information, about certain events, she was given invisible entities that were constantly next to her. But many prophecies were made by it on the basis of prophetic dreams and visions.

    Wanta never recorded the interpretation of dreams. Wangi's dream book was created literally in grains. In order to collect together all the meanings of the symbols, Bulgarian scientists of the Institute of Suggestion and Parapsychology, which were studied by Vangi's phenomenon, a lot of work was done. All material that is in the dream book, the value and interpretation of dreams, is assembled, during the receptions and sessions of the prison.

    Wang's dream book use very simple - all characters are located alphabetically. Detailed interpretation Each symbol illuminates the situation in the present or near future. Or maybe show how the dream fate will be in the unrefined future, or to predict the fate of the whole world. With this book, you can correctly interpret the information coming to you in your dreams about the desired or unexpected events, and be prepared for the sudden turns of fate.

    Our site presents only relevant to today's interpretation of dreams, a convenient search for dreams have been created, which can be used absolutely free. Wang's dream book online is always available at SonniQ.ru

    Interpretation of dreams by dream book Vanga

    Sleep from Sunday for Monday means the update and the offensive of a new stage in life.

    Dream book

    Dream Vangu

    Symbols of dreams from Wang dreams

    Biography of the author Dreamnote Vanga

    Vangeliya Pandeva Gutelova (later who later became known as Vanga) was born on January 31, 1911, in the small village of Republic of Macedonia, in a far from a rich family. Her father was a poor peasant. The name of Wangelia means translated from Greek - brings good news.

    Wanta was unconscious, her eyes were covered with sand. Passerby accidentally saw her, taking into his arms, carried to parents.

    After a while, the father came for Wanga and took her home.

    Interpretation Dream Vangu

    During his life, Vanga not only predicted the future, but also made interpretation of dreams. Based on its interpretations of dreams and was drawn up Dream Vangu.

    Dream Vangu

    Wanta is a blind healer and clairvoying from Bulgaria.

    Born for special purpose

    Wang was born in from the village Petrich, in 1911, January 31. From birth, the girl was inquiring, she was born prematurely, the birth was hard, and was the likelihood that the child would not survive. Having heard the first cry of the babies, the midwife, who took the birth, according to the local custom, went out to the street and at the first oncoming named. The answer was - Wangelis, so the girl was ordered Wangelina (abbreviated from Greek. Evangelina - "Vestnitsa of Good News").

    Vanga grew up ordinary girl in a simple rustic family. When she was four years old, the First World War began, the father called for the service to the Bulgarian army, the mother died suddenly, and the girl remained in care of the neighbors. After returning from the war, the father married a good woman again, and life went to her!

    Great Dar

    When Wange was 14 years old, it happened that he had changed her life forever. During a strong hurricane, Tornado picked up the girl and buried far from home. Wangu was looking for a long time for all the village, and when they found, they saw that her eyes were covered with dust and sand, and she could not open them due to the strongest pain. Wange made two operations, but it did not help, there was no money for the third operation, and the family had only to pray that vision returned to the girl. Then, Vanga did not understand that God gave her much more than being just inquiring, he endowed her opportunity to see the past and the future, heal the ailments, look into the depths of the human soul.


    For some time, Vanga got used to her new condition, no one would not remember exactly when she began to predict the future. However, already during the 2nd World War, there were many people who wish to know the provisions, whether their relatives and relatives return with the war, and all the coming received answers to their questions, and no time Wang was not mistaken.

    Clairvoyant Vanga said that she was given by visiting her invisible creatures, and the future she reads from Crystallians of sugar, who bring people with them who wishes to know what was prepared by the fate. Vanga, along with the foresee, also had a gift of healing, she treated with the help of various herbs and infusions, as well as with extraordinary accuracy skilled dreams.

    Secret signs of dreams

    Wang has interpreted dreams on a kind of peculiar, only by her known method. She argued that in his dreams, people see the secret signs of fate, to explore that it is possible to learn not only the future of the person himself, but also the fate of the whole country. The existing dream book Vanga contains both the interpretation of individual signs (certain items, living beings) being in dreams and different situations, already in the context of which various items and phenomena are considered.

    In our world, only units have a similar gift, but almost every person has the opportunity to look into the future and reveal the essence of the events that occur with it or may occur. Such a unique opportunity a person gets during sleep. The dreams are a mirror of life, reflecting all the events with a person in the depths of the subconscious. They are projected into consciousness in the form of dreams containing prophetic symbols, solving which, you can find out what is waiting ahead. Wang's dream book is compiled on the basis of knowledge and revelations of the provincial, it will help to correctly interpret the dreams, making a holistic picture of the signs, and determine what to wait or what to fear.

    Wange was aware of the fate of those people who were not yet born, as well as those who have no people for many years. This, as many scientists consider, the most unusual manifestation of her gift, and according to their calculations, about 70% of Vanga predictions come true, and this is much more than just a coincidence. Among the most famous - the collapse of the USSR, the attempt on Kennedy, the death of Princess Diana, the death of the Kursk submarine, the collapse of twin towers in America. Also, one of her prophecies says that humanity in two centuries will establish contact with foreign creatures, and that this should not be fear.

    Vanga died in 1996, and they say that she knew the date of his death with an accuracy of an hour.

    MONEY VANGI: Interpretation of dreams

    Search for sleep interpretation


    Wang's dream book has an elementary structure where all symbols are represented in alphabetical order, and each of them contains a personal interpretation, covering the near future.

    That is, if a person correctly solve the meaning of sleep, will receive a solid tip, how to properly enter the future to achieve the goal. That is why many modern people in the house can always detect a dream book.

    The interpretation of Vanga is based on the following principle: when a person sleeps, his subconscious is open for various energy flows of valuable information directly from space.

    Of course, they are presented not always understandable symbols, which helps to solve this truthful dream book, based on the prophetic abilities and vital wisdom of the Bulgarian prophet.

    So dreaming is not always the result of an emotionally rich day, and often become explicit prompts for the future.

    Do not ignore them and you need to look at Vanga's dream book.

    So, relying on the revelations of the propheted of Vanga and her enormous experience of all-seeing, you can solve even the most meaningless, at first glance, dreams and protect themselves from the rash actions.

    Despite the fact that Vanga's interpretation of dreams is very pessimistic, the dream book pleases with its versatile approach and the multi-faceted situations in which the phenomenon is considered either the subject.

    Wang Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpreter from Great Independent

    To find accurate values Dreams, you need to be either an experienced psychologist or strong extrasensus. Wang's dream book, the interpreter of dreams, made up by communicating with mystical forces, is one of their most truthful. This book will help you understand the language on which they speak in the magic kingdom of Morpheus.

    The outstanding abilities of the Bulgarian Justice of Wangelia (Vanga) are not subject to question

    Dreams in various cultures

    Why does a man sees dreams? What is this: the fancy game of our brain or encrypted messages that anyone get every night? How to hack this cipher?

    Dreams put the countless number of questions that are not on which there are no answers. About a third of their life, a person spends in a dream, plunging into a fancy magical world, which speaks with us in a special language, full symbols and allegories.

    To sleep and dreams have always been a special attitude. Our ancestors believed that at night the soul leaves the body and travels to travel. During their wanders, the soul may meet with the entities, gods, spirits and souls of the dead people. Our distant ancestors believed in the Divine Nature of Sleep. Almost every religion and every people had a "special" god, who was responsible for sleep and dream.

    How to understand that seen sleep - prophetic?

    Hello. My girlfriend is fond of interpretation of dreams, and nothing happens for me. Perhaps I just can not believe it.

    How to make a dream not come true?

    I ask for help. Me today dreamed very unpleasant. By the dream of Miller, he means the death of a loved one. Is it possible to do.

    What is the most truthful dream book?

    Hello. Tell me, please, how to interpret dreams if different values \u200b\u200bare indicated in all dreams? Somewhere the value of one subject can be positive.

    Svapneyshvari - Indian goddess of dreams, Undamo - Finnish spirit of sleep, Bushjasp - the spirit of sleep and dreams from Iran, the gods of BES and BEST, who defeated the calm dream of the ancient Egyptians, Ole Lukee was responsible for dreams and dreams in Scandinavia. There were also evil gods who sent nightmares on sleeping people.

    Sleep very often compared with death, not in vain death called "eternal sleep." The ancient Greeks had a special god of Hynos, who was responsible for sleep and dreams. In the cave in which he dwell was the source of the river oblivion. Each night, Hynos rose into the sky on the winged chariot.

    So, for the ancient dreams, they were largely similar to death, that is, to the transition to another world, where you can meet otherworldly creatures and get their innermost knowledge. People believed that it was in a dream that a person receives important information about the present and the future. It has always been believed that some dreams are of particular importance, they are called things, that is, the truthful information about the coming events is encoded.

    Miller's dream book alphabetically:

    History Sonnikov

    In ancient times

    Interpretation of visions from Vanga: a good pointer with an alphabetic pointer.

    At primitive people, the dreams were considered the sacred and mystical manifestation of the highest strength, according to their soul, the soul of sleeping travels, so it is impossible to wake sleeping.

    Studying the values \u200b\u200bof dreams have long been engaged in priests, sorcerers, great thinkers and philosophers. The first books in which the interpretations of dreams were written were created in ancient Sumer. Great value of dreams and their interpretation is given in the Bible. A vivid example is the story of the interpretation of Joseph Sleep Pharaoh.

    It was the Sumer and Babylon that had a great influence on the Egyptian tradition of the interpretation of dreams, which was preceded by Greek and Roman. Interpretation of dreams was considered real art, which should be studied for many years. Usually rulers and influential people had a special person who was engaged in interpreting dreams.

    From ancient times, they were interested in dreams and tried to interpret them in ancient India and China, these arts were originated in these countries.

    The ancient Slavs did not differ in particular originality, the married couple had a dream: God's dream and goddess Drem. It was represented in the image of a small woman, often the old woman, which with the onset of the night penetrated the housing and lulling people. She was also considered the goddess of laziness and dreams.

    Sleep and Dreum had children who were also engaged in dreams:

    • Sonya - sent sweet dreams to people after love merits;
    • Horomon - God who was responsible for lulled songs;
    • Bai - God, which was responsible for the onset (with the help of potions, for example). He was in the image of a cat, hence the fairy tale about Kota Bayun.

    In antiquity

    Pythagoras, Democritis, Plato, other philosophers and thinkers wanted to solve the nature of sleep and understand the meaning of dreams. They left the works in which they tried to find answers to these questions. Aristotle believed that dreams could be a message of the gods, but they can also be born inside a person, but all of them are important.

    The first dream book, who reached us, was created by Artemidor Daldian. He did not search for answers to where the dreams come from and why they appear. Artemidor believed in their divine essence, and he was practiced: he collected dreams, studied their execution and interpreted, relying on his own system. He called his work "Oneirritic", his system is full of symbolism.

    Then in the history of research studies comes a long break. IN Medieval Europe The mystics and occultists were engaged in these questions, but the church was not too approved such classes, and there was no significant discoveries.

    In 17-19 centuries

    Starting from about the XVII century, scientists and naturalists were connected to research studies - in Western Europe The era of enlightenment began.

    The great mathematician and the philosopher Leibniz first introduced the concept of "unconscious" and tried to justify the emergence of a dream and their meaning. Later, psychologists and psychiatrists took up to this question. Sigmund Freud, Adler, Jung - they all paid a lot of attention to the fact that a person sees in a dream, they called the dream of the hidden language of the human unconscious.

    Scientists denied the divine nature of dreams and believed that the source of bright images is the result of the activity of the human brain. Some physiologists and psychologists today believe that dreams are only chaotic scraps of man's day memories, a peculiar product of brain activity, which does not bear any semantic load and arises due to the weakening of consciousness.

    Freud, Adler and Jung thought otherwise: they considered dreams with a special message of our mind, although each of them came to his interpretation in different ways. In the teachings of Freud Dreams occupy one of the key positions. In his opinion, in order to find the hidden meaning of each sleep, psychoanalysis should be conducted, which will show its contents.

    Jung believed that there was a level of a psyche at which a person gets access to information accumulated by all people living to him. He called him archetypal, in his opinion, dreams that are born at this level are very important and can carry meaningful information.

    Long time to interpretation of dreams The wide public treated approximately as fortune telling or spiritualism. A little began to change the situation at the beginning of the XX century. A little earlier a dream book Miller, a famous American psychologist, who studied this topic appeared.

    Miller's dream book and today remains one of the most popular encyclopedias on this issue. Its interpretation of dreams are distinguished by the depth and large number of interpretations for each subject. He is really very detailed and, despite the long history, has a very good reputation.

    Another researcher who made a very great contribution to the study of dreams is famous psychologist David Loff. He also amounted to his dream book, which today is very popular. In his methodology, he took into account every trifle, took into account human characteristics.

    An even more popular allowance on this issue is a dream book, which was compiled by the famous Bulgarian Vange Cavigator. Today is one of the most famous books of this kind, it is common not only in the print version: Dream Interpretation Online Experiencer Vanga is one of the most sought-after online.

    But first, you should say a few words about the most pronounced book, which is one of the brightest figures of the last century. The woman possessed, truly surprises, causes trepidation and respect.

    Wanta: Great Sviridian XX century

    Wang or Wangelia Pandeva Gushterova Born in the village Petrich, January 31, 1911. She grew in an ordinary family, her mother died early, his father married the second time.

    At the age of 14, the event was happening, which changed the further life of Wangelia. A turning point in the life of the girl was a hurricane in which she fell. At first, everyone considered the child missing, but then it was discovered a few kilometers from the village. Vanga found himself in the heart of the tornger. The sand hit her eyes, she lost sight, but instead I got a wonderful gift.

    After the incident, the girl was sent to the house for the blind. It is said that it was during this period that she revealed his amazing gift. The first time the girl said to fellow villagers, where to look for missing Otar sheep, which she saw in a dream.

    Already by thirty years, she became a famous provincial, for the advice to which people came from afar. Vangang said that the information with it is divided by supernatural creatures that always accompany her. Very much knowledge of the provincial received during sleep. Her predictions concerned not only human destinies, but also the future of entire countries and peoples. Many of her prophecies have already come true, some still await their o'clock. In addition to prophecies, Wang had a healing gift and helped many people. This unique woman died in 1996.

    Dream interpretation from Wangeria

    In the collection collections you can find almost any plot. Read an interpretation to what dream of pregnancy girl

    One of the most important parts of her heritage is a dream book who has created a provincial, using all his accumulated experience.

    Vanga believed that very important information is encoded in dreams, which concerns the future of our planet. Dream interpretation, created by saying the provisions, may seem somewhat confusing, but if you spend some time to understand the language of characters, you can find out the meaning of each sleep. If you are interested in any symbol, you followed Vanga's dream interpretator dreams to watch and find its meaning according to the alphabetic list.

    Wang laid for each sleep own interpretation, which extends to the near future. It was picked up by one of her known method, but she sincerely believed that it was in dreams that people could find tips on their future.

    New technologies

    Nowadays, everyone can find dream interpretation Vangu Interpreter Dreams online for free. You can get advice with regard to symbols, items and events in a dream that you are interested in the interpretation of your nearest future by Vanga's dream book, as well as advice on your behavior to change the situation.

    The theme "Help in the interpretation of dreams" Theme "help whether the dreams of dreams" General forum "Interpretation of dreams"

    Finally, a few words about the predictions of Vangi provisions. She predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the attempt and death of Kennedy, the wreck of a submarine "Kursk", the terrorist attacks on September 11 in the US, the death of Princess Diana, an accident in Chernobyl. Almost 70% of Vanti prophecies came true, the hour of some of them has not yet come. And she also told that in two centuries we will meet with representatives of the alien mind, and this meeting will pass peacefully.


    If you have any questions or you need help in the established life situation, you can consult with our experts.

  • To see a fur coat in a dream means that a person who sees such a dream suffers from his own laziness, curding and solvents.

    This dream is foreseen what you need to think about life and something in it categorically change.

    Free online interpretation of dreams - To get results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass.

    Dream book Vanga see himself in a wedding dress, ride a bus or car, train

    According to Vanga's dream book, see himself in a wedding dress - a bad sign.

    He foreshadows bad events that soon have to happen in a person's life seeing such a dream.

    Take two red strings from identical coils.

    Scrub them and do not turn too tight on the ring finger of the right hand, reading a plot:

    "It's not a thread of a wig, and the fate of the fate. There were a slave of God (name) and the slave of God (name) apart, and will become together. One soul, one blood, one flesh. Amen!"

    The resulting carriage gently remove from the finger and hide in her bed.

    If the desired union with the elected young man does not interfere with no external circumstances, your most cherished dream will be performed soon. It is possible that the case will quickly come to the crown.

    - Burning with two threads

    And if the sleeping also dances in a wedding dress and having fun, then there will be a double problem and heavy trouble.

    However, if wedding Dress On himself dreams of the bride on the eve of the wedding itself, then such a dream does not mean anything.

    Definition of magical abilities

    Choose the most suitable description of your description and find out what your hidden magical possibilities.

    Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot to work hard to achieve the goal and believe in your hidden opportunities.

    Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will pay commemorate and unknown to anyone how destructively the consequences of the devilish influence may be.

    All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and supporting higher forces, you can develop a gift to the recognition of the future and the vision of the past.

    If the forces are not monitored by a mentor who can help them cope with them, it is possible to break the temporary space and the evil will begin to leak into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

    Be careful with your gift.

    For all signs - a medium. We are talking about the possibility of establishing communication with spirits and even control the course of time, but years of practice and the right mentor are required.

    If the balance of strength is disturbed, the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and strength that could serve for the benefit, I will go to another hyposta and the darkness will reacted.

    In all indicators - witchcraft. It is estimated for you to study and guid the damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and the stubborn will not be unbearable.

    But everything must be used exclusively for the benefit and do so that others do not suffer from their innocence from your supernormalities given over.

    For the development of domestic strength, at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor are required.

    Most of all your favorite telecisenesis. With proper concentration and efforts that can be compressed in spherical force, you will be able to move the thoughts to move small, and over time and larger items.

    When choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be overshadowed by the transition on the dark side, if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from Satan's temptations.

    You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and all that is connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power that is given by the highest mind and it is not just like that, but for the sacred goal that you will soon find out.

    It will be like a vision similar to a prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

    Remember that this force needs to be applied only for good, otherwise you will absorb darkness and it will be the beginning of the end.

    This is considered psychological tension before a solemn event.

    If a person dreams that he rides on a bus or car, it foreshadows an ambulance with loved ones, good friends. However, if a person who dreams such a trip is in a bus or a car, it goes alone, then this means possible condemnation and bowls by native people.


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