Hypnosis will help solve any problem. Application of hypnosis in psychotherapy

Hypnosis will help solve any problem. Application of hypnosis in psychotherapy

Hypnosis - mysterious and received mystic phenomenon. It is distinguished by such a phenomenon as hypnosis of therapeutic or hypnotherapy when a person's subconscious affects the purpose of getting rid of mental disorders, neurological defects and psychosomatic diseases. There are many disputes about the benefits and the dangers of this method. Today, only graduate medications and psychologists have the right to apply it, and most of the "hypnotherapists" are charlatans. It is important to understand, in what cases hypnosis is applicable and safe, and when it can harm.

Hypnosis can be applied to therapeutic purposes

Application of hypnosis

Hypnosis is applied both as an independent, and as an auxiliary method of treating psychological problems and psychosomatic diseases. The therapeutic effect is not the hypnotic trance itself, but inspired by the man of installation and images.

The main spheres where hypnosis are used:

  • in the complex of cognitive therapy of depression, phobias, disturbing and obsessive states, stress disorders;
  • when a person is delivered from dependencies - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, etc.;
  • treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • treatment of gastrointestinal diseases (irritable intestinal syndrome), urinary system (enuresis);
  • therapy skin disease;
  • relieving pain syndromes;
  • treatment of overweight patients;
  • preparation of patients to surgical operations.

Hypnotherapy is not practiced to eliminate memory failures, the treatment of amnesia, etc. Impressions and images obtained in the trance look really and plausible. The patient creates false memory.

Treatment of hypnosis of psychosomatic diseases

The presence of a disease leads to psychological disorders. There is also an inverse dependence. Some diseases arise from a person against the background of frequent stress, psychological problems, social conflicts, etc. for psychosomatic diseases It is often used by hypnosis treatment (the disease can be called psychosomatic if physiological pathology was excluded during the diagnosis).

Classical psychosomatic diseases include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • neurodermit;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • essential hypertension (hypertension).

Today, the sind of irritable intestines, migraines, psoriasis, vitiligo, enuresis, obesity and infertility is also added to the list. These diseases in 5% of cases have psychogenic origin.

Hypnosis applies when the differential diagnosis did not reveal organic disorders, and traditional therapy did not give the result. But if you begin treatment with hypnosis without a survey, you can aggravate the disease.

Hypnotherapy will help with neurodermit

How is the session

A session of treatment with hypnosis differs little from the usual reception at the psychotherapist. Only the patient will have to go to the couch.

At first, the psychotherapist listens to the patient, learns about his problem. Then they discuss it together and try to find solutions. It is important for a specialist to determine the depth of the disorder and how interest is interested in recovery. Then the patient is placed on the couch and introduced into the condition of the hypnotic trance. Methods for this from different specialists their own. All of them are a monotonous effect on one of the human perception channels: vision, hearing, tactile perception. Sometimes they affect three channels at the same time.

In a state of hypnosis, human attention is narrowed, headed inside him. Images and installations inspired by the hypnotist are perceived much more acute than in the usual condition. In the trance, a person is not aware of where is in the imagination or in reality. Sometimes he acts as a passive third-party observer.

The purpose of therapeutic hypnosis is to find out the true cause of the disease. For this, the psychotherapist sets questions to the patient or creates images that could push it to the correct answer. Then a person is given installations that help in solving the problem. The hypnologist is an authority that makes obey.

To recover an insufficient one session of hypnosis. The result after a single dive into consciousness lasts about a week. Therefore, treatment is carried out by the course. The number of sessions is determined by the individual sensitivity of the person to hypnosis. If it is low, the patient is immersed only in light trance, you will need 10-15 techniques in the hypnologist. If there is an ability to dive into a deep trans, 5 sessions are enough.

Ericksonian hypnosis

American psychotherapist Milton Erickson argued that the hypnotic trance, like a dream, is the natural need of a person. Periodically, each is involuntarily immersed in it.

The involuntary immersion in trance also occurs with monotonous effects on analyzers. When reading the book, many more than once caught themselves on what they do not perceive written. Consciousness vitates somewhere else, while the eyes monitor the line. The same can occur while listening to music, disorders in the hands of small items.

Erickson hypnosis is also used to treat psychological disorders and their physiological manifestations. For a patient's session, do not "sleep" and do not fit on the couch. The specialist simply creates conditions that help a person to immerse themselves in a natural trance. The hypnologist only acts as a conductor into consciousness, and not an authoritarian voice, as in a classic approach.

Treatment of children with hypnosis

Many children's diseases are the result of the instability of the psyche, unstable emotional background. Treatment with hypnosis of children is perceived by parents negatively. They fear that interference with consciousness will affect memory and mental development. All these fears do not have soils.

Psychological disorders in the child can be treated with hypnosis. In the process of therapy, the child knows himself better, learns the right worldview, his psyche becomes more stable.

For the treatment of children, an Erickson approach is used.


Self-hypanos is a popular method of treating psychological disorders, phobias, obesity and skin diseases. It is also used to control the pain. Often the ability to self-hypnosis develops in a person after hypnotherapy sessions.

For independent immersion in trance, four components are needed:

  • motivation (awareness of the need and importance of the result);
  • relaxation (for the practice of immersion, time is necessary, elimination of distracting factors, stimuli, state of full rest);
  • concentration (ability to focus consciousness at one point);
  • visualization of the desired result.

The tool in self-hypanosis is self-sufficiency.

You can learn the technique of self-hypnosis on a session at a psychotherapist. For immersion use the repetition of code phrases. The efficiency of the method with the right execution is the same as in classical hypnosis.

Contraindications for use

The entry into trans some people is prohibited. Contraindications of hypnosis are applied:

  • epilepsy (if the epileptic fit will begin during a session, then it can end with a fatal outcome);
  • some heart disease (preinfarcity state);
  • breathing problems.

It is also impossible to use hypnosis to patients who experience panic fear over a session. Therapy may affect them otherwise and aggravate the course of the disease.

Epilepsy - Contraindication to Hypnotherapy


Hypnotherapy is a safe and painless method of healing from many diseases having psychogenic origin. Treatment hypnosis is used for people of any age.

Today you can find a lot of charlatanov ads that offer to cure any diseases hypnosis. Therefore, before choosing a specialist, you need to check its qualifications.

Man, never subjected to hypnosis, considers him a witch rite or manifestation black Magic. People are afraid that, hit once under the influence of hypnotism, will forever remain in a state of trance and until the end of life will be someone's puppet. Where is the trait between fiction and reality?

Important! Not every psychologist or psychotherapist can work with hypnosis. This requires to pass special training.

To determine a qualified hypnotherapist, you need to pay attention to:

  • availability of education in the field of psychology;
  • passage of a special course on hypnosis training;
  • form of work. Before conducting therapy, the hypnobologist must hold a conversation to learn more about the problem, your style of life or past;
  • customer reviews (there must be no 1-2, not less than 50).

What happens during hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of a special concentration of attention. In the hypnotic trance, the mind focuses on the words of the hypnologist, so often images and memories are flooded from the very depths of consciousness. Wherein the world As if retreats to the background.

Often the patient feels "an extraneous observer," since all actions occur without conscious control on his part. If desired, it can resist the hypnotist teams or even exit the transmission state. For example, consciousness blocks orders that may harm or come against the moral principles.

You can not say in advance what will feel because everyone transfers it in different ways. Most experiences peace of mind, lightness and relaxation, feeling of flight or swimming. Another it seems that their body is heavy, tingling hands and legs are felt.

Answers to the most common questions

"It seems to me that a man under hypnosis. How to determine this for sure? "

There are three varieties of hypnotization: the clinical, which is devoted to the article, the pop, when the introduction of the trans seem to be "magic focus", and criminal. In the first two cases, the body becomes militant, the eyes closes, the state appearance looks like sleep. The behavior of a person under criminal hypnosis, which fraudsters are used to theft of money, is practically no different from everyday. All actions are performed automatically, and to realize what is happening the victim begins when the rapport (communication) with hypnotist is interrupted. With a similar state, we face every day when you get drunk, focusing at one point.

"How can I understand what I am under the hypnosis?"

Most often, people undergoing hypnotization feel ease and relaxation. They realize the whole process, but they are nice to sit with their eyes closed. The patient seems that it is at the same time in the hall of the hypnologist and some other place. The time perception is violated, the half-hour session flies in ten minutes. However, the patient understands everything that happens to him, and after hypnotization can remember and describe their feelings.

"Do you all be hypnotized?"

The voluntary process, and in the absence of the desire from the patient, the hypnotisor will not be able to establish contact with it. Yet each of us has the ability to hypnotic trance, but some required more time to enter this condition. This directly depends on the ability to concentrate.

"Does hypnotherapy help with asthma?"

Lineless noted that the reaction to any allergens disappears in the transmission state. The development of asthma is largely due to the psychological factor, therefore hypnotization is widely used to treat this disease. It should be remembered about the opposite effect and prevent the hypnologist in advance about the presence of allergies. For example, if you offer a patient suffering from pollinosis, stroll through the field with flowers, it can cause him an attack.

"Is there any contraindications for this procedure?"

Hypnotovation is contraindicated with:

  • epilepsy and compulsive behavior due to the threat of an attack;
  • intelligence disorders, mental delays;
  • reception of psychotropic drugs due to changes in brain biorhythmics;
  • narcotic or alcoholic intoxication. This condition facilitates the hypnotization process, but control becomes harder;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute somatic diseases, high temperatures.

"Does the patient remember what happened during a session?"

Yes. Hypnosis is not an unconscious state as he is often depicted in movies. On the contrary, the trans greatly aggravates feelings, such as rumor or touch. Sometimes immediately after the end of therapy, part of the procedure may be forgotten, but it quickly passes.

"How long can a person be under hypnosis?"

As much as a session lasts. At the end of the procedure always displays the patient from the state of the trance. If the rapport (communication) is broken between them, the client will have a normal sleep itself. The result of hypnotization, for example, disgust for alcohol, retained for many years.

Hypnosis treatment.

Hypnotherapy is psychotherapy with hypnosis. In this case, treatment with hypnosis is used as a powerful healing factor. Hypnosis is a special and very useful state of consciousness. Each session, despite the seeming similarity with others, is completely unique experience. And hypnosis treatment is also a unique method of psychotherapy.

In the consciousness and subconscious, throughout our life are accumulated by formal goals, false values, our internal prohibitions, restrictions and negative installations. However, they are not just stored there, but actively poison our life, because everything that worries and torments us in a real or not aware level, over time, inevitably "translates" by the body into the language of the disease. Being under hypnosis, a person suppresses the critical impact of consciousness. Attention is focused in a very narrow direction, with the level of perception in the focus much higher than outside the hypnotic effects. This elevated level of perception helps send suggestions directly to the subconscious and achieve rapid and qualitative changes in the process of treatment with hypnosis.

Such an approach with the use of specific, specially selected hypnotic formulas, as a rule, is used in the classical (directive) hypnosis.

There are also more modern and soft methods of hypnotic exposure (non-modeistic). With such hypnotization, the main task of the hypnotherapist is using trance techniques, to activate your own capabilities and resources that will enable the problem or achieve the goal. At the same time, acquired restrictions accumulated during life are eliminated. The possibility of effective and creative search for new features, new behaviors, new ways to solve problems using your internal resources appear. Working with resource states is also widely and effectively applied in treatment with hypnosis.

Each of us has a huge amount of resources. We are all able to defeat, achieve success, create, create. All this is laid in us, but we can not always use what is already in us.
From this point of view, when a person has a situation that he cannot decide, this means that there is no access to its internal resource or for some reason it cannot use it. We often try to solve problems with the help of a conscious mind, analyzing. This was taught at school, at the institute, we were taught all my life - to use only this tool. But, besides consciousness, we have and unconscious. And we do not know how to use this tool very well. We are learning this in hypnotic sessions, including in the process of treatment with hypnosis.

We all know that a person has something that he realizes at the level of consciousness, but there is an unconscious. The unconscious is an internal computer with a huge number of useful programs. But in order to use the computer, you need to introduce a password. So, hypnosis is a password that opens the cave with treasures. We enter this state - and you can use resources.
It is important to understand that the trance is not a loss of consciousness and not something imposed from the outside. Using hypnosis is used own experience Human, his own opportunities, who were previously dreamed.

An experienced hypnotherapist, will give the patient the opportunity to understand that the result depends on its own capabilities, even if these possibilities have so far have been unrealized, unconscious or improperly used. Nonlarizing hypnosis, it is good because it is not imposed on you; Only your own unique features and resources are used. This is a very human and very flexible method. Hypnosis is a free discovery time, research and awareness of your abilities.

Hypnosis is safe.

People often fear that during a hypnotic session or treatment with hypnosis, they will be defenseless before someone else's will, and they can be negative suggested. Many people hypnosis scares that during the hypnosis session they will be able to lose control of themselves and their will, will become defenseless and open to possible negative hypnotic suggestions. During a hypnotic session, a person does not lose control over his consciousness and relationship with reality. Hypnosis does not at all deprive you of the will of the will and does not prevent you from distinguishing good from evil. After all, everyone wants a good one. Hypnosis treatment is good and health! In a state of hypnosis, the outside world does not cease to exist for you and, if necessary, your reactions will be quite adequate to it. You can inform the hypnotherapist for any minute about the emotions and sensations that have arisen difficulties. If desired, you will remember all the suggestions.

How are hypnosis sessions?

The hypnosis session is usually carried out in the position of the lying. Although it can be carried out in the sitting position and even standing. At the depth of dive distinguish hypnosis: light, medium and deep. For therapeutic purposes, in the process of treatment with hypnosis, they are mainly used in the first two, and deep - for scientific, research and creative activity. An individual hypnotic session lasts on average forty minutes. With group hypnosis, its duration is an hour. During a session, a variety of very interesting sensations may occur. For example, flight or steam in weightlessness, a violation of the usual boundaries of the scheme of your body, possibly a feeling of gravity or vice versa of air lightness. It is often disturbed by a real estimate of the flow of time, hypnosis duration of an hour, as if only a few minutes. All sensations and impressions are very individual and can change from session to session. You do not fall asleep completely, although the state will be very sleepy, comfortable and relaxed.

What will happen after the session?

The condition after the hypnosis session is comfortable, calm, like after a soft relaxing massage. After hypnosis, a person is experiencing a state of internal peace, tide of strength and vigor, the state of lightness and internal liberation from inexplicable gravity. If during a session was intensive work with depressed negative emotions, a pleasant state of discharge and relief is felt. Some abutyance is possible, but after 10-15 minutes you are most likely able to get behind the wheel of the car, and even more so, to drive in public transport.

In the course of treatment with hypnosis, imperceptibly for you and for others, your condition and quality of your health is changing. At first it affects thin behavioral reactions: intonations, gestures, reactions to stimuli. Gradually, you become calmer and more confident, better feel and physically and emotionally. You change - changing the circumstances around you. Communication with you will become easier and more productive. During this period, you can see amazing changes in the relationship with others. Patients often tell us about the unexpected change in the behavior of family members, employees, loved ones.

For several sessions, hypnosis help becomes tangible. The severity of the depressive state is reduced; Anxiety, fear, aggressiveness, panic, become controlled. Obsessive thoughts and desires that were previously formed in bad habits etc. Of course, to fully get rid of the problem and recovery, one hypnosis session may not be enough, but you can sign up for the course of hypnotherapy and go through a full course of treatment with hypnosis.

Who holds hypnosis sessions?

Hypnosis sessions
The doctor of the highest category, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, candidate of medical sciences.
Head of the Department of Psychotherapy, the Medical and Psychological Center of Individuality.
MFLG President (International Medical and Creative Hypnosis Foundation).
Actual member of the International Hypnosis Society (ISH).
Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Member of NPA (independent psychiatric association) and a valid member of PPL (professional psychotherapeutic league).
Mamedov Fikret Mamedovich.
Work experience of 20 years. Over 35,000 grateful patients, more than 12,000 individual and group hypnosis sessions.

Treatment hypnosis and not only treatment. Hypnosis capabilities.

Treatment hypnosis will help to get rid of: from anxiety, depression, neurosis, fear, panic attacks; irritability, insomnia, obsessions, love dependence, psychopathy, hysteria; Violations of food behavior and other problems nervous system. It is effective for any border disorders.

With the help of hypnosis, it is possible to acquire the ability to control your emotions, get rid of irritability, aggressiveness, anger. Hypnosis is effective in the therapy of any dependencies. Including hypnotherapy helps well with: emotional dependence, loving dependence on the partner; alcoholic, narcotic, nicotine dependencies. Treatment with hypnosis, gives stable results and with computer dependence and with passion for gambling - gambling.

Many sexual disorders are also well amenable to hypnosis therapy. For example: Erectile dysphounds; psychogenic impotence; premature ejaculation; frigidity; vaginism; Reduced libido; lack of orgasm; Fears before sexual relationships.
Hypnosis treatment is widely used with many problems in children. Moreover, the problem is successfully treated with this method, which are quite difficult to therapy, with traditional treatment. For example, night enuresis, hyperactivity syndrome, children's aggressiveness, bad heartache, difficulties in communicating.

Hypnosis opens up broad prospects and opportunities, not only to enhance their resource potentials, but also for subsequent development, changes and transformation of personal qualities and the character traits of those who need it. Hypnosis will help to change the nature, the usual, stereotypes of behavior and response in various situations. Simply put, the convergence of "I" - the real and "I" is ideal and implement the deep personal reconstruction.

Hypnosis will also help: improve communication skills, family relationships. In a short time, deeply relax, to relax, quickly restore your resources and strength. Increase the stress resistance, quality of life, personal and professional endurance, activity, energy, efficiency. Strengthen the resource capabilities of the body, the ability to adapt to extreme loads and vital difficulties.

Classical medicine is not always effective in psychosomatic diseases. Hypnosis treatment gives nice results In therapy and the prevention of psychosomatic diseases. Somatic - it means bodily. Psychosomatic - these are bodily diseases that arise and are supported by disadvantage in the psychological sphere. They are very often the outcome of the suffered stress and are well amenable to therapy hypnosis. For example: arterial hypertension and hypotension, angina, hypertensive disease, angina, heart rate disorders, various vascular disorders. Asthenium, neurodermatitis, diabetes, various endocrine diseases. Ulcery disease of the stomach and duodenal intestine, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, functional dysbacteriosis. Neuritis, pain syndromes of various localization, physical muscular discomfort, allergies, many dermatological problems, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, urinary irritation, various male and female, functional sexual dysfunctions, psychogenic infertility and not tooling pregnancy. Treatment with hypnosis, effectively and with many other psychosomatic diseases. In general, treatment with hypnosis can help get rid of or rehabilitated from a variety of chronic diseases, where traditional medicine has been powerless, due to the intensification of the natural processes of self-treatment (sangenesis), increasing its own protective forces of the body, strengthening its natural abilities to self-regulation.

Contraindications for treatment with hypnosis.

Contraindication to hypnosis are schizophrenia, manic-depressive disorder and other psychosis. In the first consultation, the therapist is convinced of testimony to treat hypnosis, holds the first trial session. For any other states, hypnosis is shown as a major or auxiliary treatment

How to contact the clinic, the duration of treatment with hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a short-term method of psychotherapy, an ordinary course of treatment with hypnosis continues 8-12 sessions. Psychotherapeutic changes occur quickly, but in order for them to become stable, the full course is required. Regularity of sessions - one or twice a week. Longer interruptions are allowed between sessions.

Each of us heard of hypnosis, and some even had the experience of staying in this unusual condition. Let's deal with the site, what is hypnosis and how he can help us in life. Or is it capable only to harm?

According to statistics, about 15% of people are very easy to hypnosis, 10% is extremely difficult (they are practically impossible to introduce into a hypnotic state), and the rest are approximately in the middle.

In a state of deep hypnosis, more than 70% of people can be immersed, and in trans - the surface state - almost everyone.

Some psychologists assure that in fact hypnosis - pseudo-position. Allegedly some people are more amenable to suggesting another person and fulfill his will.

But actually it is not. Modern science proved that in the hypnotic state or a trance the human body, including the brain, works in a special way.

Types of hypnosis

What is hypnosis?

It is very effective for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases (diseases arising from stress and nervousness): stomach ulcers, hypertension, bronchial asthma, heat, chills, nausea, dizziness.

Also, with the help of hypnosis, you can get rid of various dependencies: from the Internet, TV, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and even from pathological dependence on other people.

Despite the fact that the policy hypnosis is therapeutic, he has its own contraindications. It: myocardial infarction, infections accompanied with high temperature, acute appendicitis.

Methodology and manifestation

Clearly or with the help of additional items (a rig, light), a person first help to relax, and then enter into a transcendent (lung or deep, depending on the severity of the disorder).

The patient sits or lies (less often) with closed eyes in a half-condition state. The doctor makes certain settings with well-defined phrases. Sometimes the patient can talk to a doctor during a hypnosis session.

Hidden hypnosis

Indirect, hidden impact on the consciousness and psyche of a person in order to obtain a certain benefit. Hidden hypnosis is widely used in politics, advertising, business.

It can also include the Gypsy hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), Erickson hypnosis and special services techniques.

Hidden hypnosis is applied to operational, practically instantaneous impact. This is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable types of hypnosis.

Methodology and manifestation

The basis for hidden hypnosis is to contact with hypnotized and fixing its attention on a specific object or phenomenon (the hypnotist can set a completely ordinary question, ask to smoke or help find some kind of house).

Then the fraudster sets emotional contact with a person - a sharp sound, color, smell, psychological sympathy, empathy, adjustment and problems can be used for this.

As a result, a very fast person flows into a state of trance. A hypnotized in this way can be very easy to recognize: stupor, stiffness, glazed eyes, partial or complete loss of control over their behavior.

In this state, a person does almost everything that the hypnotist tells him, and after a short time, having come to himself, nothing can remember.

Hidden hypnosis is used not only to gain benefits and fraud. For example, Ericksonian is useful. It differs from the classic medical person with his non-viewing: the therapist does not give the patient instructions and instructions, but helps him enter into a special state - trans when a person is awake and can actively communicate with the therapist.

In this case, a concentration on internal experiences is achieved, temporary termination of the perception of the surrounding reality. Externally, it looks as if the person thought, noticed, breathing slowed down, the body relaxed.

Pharmacological (or psychotropogenic) hypnosis

For this type of hypnosis, special psychotropic, narcotic drugs (including alcohol) are used, which act on the psyche and make consciousness more susceptible to third-party impact. It is used in medicine (in specialized clinics for encoding from severe dependencies) and special services.

Methodology and manifestation

A person is administered intravenously or enjoy a pill, drink, after which it flows into a transcendental verbal effect. In a state of alcoholic or other drug intoxication, he is easily suggested by suggestion and is very susceptible to everything that he is told.

One of the features of this method is artificially caused at the end of the amnesia session in the patient. That is, he should not remember the fact of suggestion. As a rule, the behavior program preserves its strength during the hypnosis.

Pathological hypnosis

The state of the trance is achieved as a result of mental, psychosomatic, somatic diseases, epilepsy, schizophrenia, hysteria, poisoning or infections. Pathological translate states may occur arbitrarily or involuntarily.

In such a state, a person begins to perceive the reality completely differently and respond to occurring events. The susceptibility to the words of others is sharply rising.

Methodology and manifestation

The pathological trance state is specifically, as a rule, do not enter. It is quite dangerous not only for health, but also a person's life.

Technique self-hypnosis

At all times, the Company has shown interest in the study of human brain capabilities, including variations of hypnosis. One of them is the so-called self-hypanosis. There are safe and simple techniques that can be practiced without assistance.

Self-hypanos is the same hypnosis, only without the participation of another person (hypnotherapist). He is close to K. prayer meditation or autotransigue. By efficiency, self-hypanosis is not inferior to therapy with a specialist - the results can be obtained as impressive.

Self-hypanosis can be used to achieve various purposes. He will help correct the physical psychological health, achieve success in school and at work.

If you decide to try this technique, then, first of all, you need to decide what exactly you want to achieve, and, depending on this, make a block of self-sufficiency.

Winter. Forest. Mortals. Lorry in the forest and already desperate the hunter screams loudly: - Help! Save! People! - And suddenly it feels that someone pats him behind the shoulder. Turns around - and almost dies on the spot from fear: Bear Schutun!

Bear: - Guy, what are you yelling? Woke me ...

Hunter: - so dark ... cold ... scary ... I got lost ... So I shout, so that at least someone heard and came and told me where I wandered ...

Bear: - Well, I heard and came. It became easier for you?

Many people sincerely convinced that it is necessary to know the causes of its occurrence to solve the problem. Moreover: many of these many are mystically confident: if the reasons are known, the problem will certainly be solved. In my opinion, life very often proves to us that such a relationship is not always available. For example, having passed a thorough medical examination and receiving data from diagnostics, a person does not recover, but only makes the first step towards treatment - and not at all the fact that the treatment radically changes the state of affairs. By the way, research data in this case is just a story about the current state of the body, and not a detailed explanation of the causes of problems that arose in it. And this, notice, medicine is an ancient science with a huge experience in diagnosis. What is there to talk about our household attitudes and permanent attempts to explain some of their failures to problems in childhood, then the negative experience of youth, then the life crises ... And the popular psychology helps us - the availability of information and reference to the authorities of the Great.

Sorry for some jarnish. Of course, in order to solve the problem, it is better to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe reasons for its occurrence: the enemy should be known in the face. But it is advisable to remember the risk: often, realizing the roots of a problem that prevents him from living, a person then uses this information to do anything else - they say, everything is bad, nothing can be changed here, I will live unhappy because my mother I will live As a child, he didn't love enough (the dad was not; sister teased; Gypsy hypnotized; the dog frightened; I was too thick / tall / small; I did not know how to dance; I whispered; Our family was poor; I didn't have a movie / bicycle / game console / iPhone, etc.) - and because of this, I can now not create a family (decently earned; enjoy life; find a common language with your child; attract people and the like.). No, of course, in our times of fashion for psychotherapy and coaching before you believe that he can not help, such a person is still a good roofing in psychologists-psychotherapy-coaching-friend friends and all who fall at hand . If he is lucky, and on his way a professional will meet or just a strong and wise man - change is possible. But luck is favorable not to all, and problems in the past for a part of people are the perfect reason to be done to eliminate it in the present and do not plan the same in the future. Heavy childhood (youth, youth; life), I feel sorry for me ...

So is it necessary to look for the causes of difficulties in our life? Or better, without bothering on it, simply eliminate the consequences and live according to the principle "We will solve problems as they arrive"? You can and so - some people live this way all their lives. True, then life can be organized in the form of walking in a circle, laid out with rake ... But it is likely that there is something at least that is not boring, although the repeatability of events is high.

In short, my personal and preventive to the role of truth in the last instance of the conclusion is: in order to live happily, it is not necessary to identify, detailed analysis And the eradication of all problems. Sometimes the analysis is quite possible and ignore, especially if there is a risk of "sticking" on the problem. But there are situations where the analysis is necessary. It happens when a person is confident: there is something in his past, which has a significant impact on his life today - but it makes it difficult to call or even assume the reason for this "something." And often with such a deep ... No, not deep - the deepest confidence is adjacent to the conviction that, having learned this reason, he will be liberated from her. And here it helps a conversational hypnosis, more precisely, one of his methods: I remind you, hypnoticalism is a method focused on bringing to the level of awareness of some details that once may have played a serious role in the life of a particular person. These details could never be realized at all; could be forgotten; Could be present in memory, but perceived as unfriendly. In my experience, without a thoughtful request from the client, the hypnotanalysis does not make sense: a very subtle tool, and if there is no pronounced request, it may turn out on the saying "a microscope of nails to score."

To be clearer, I will give an example. This is the case when a "coaching" client came to me. The name of her Zhenya, at that time she was 32 years old. The request from the zhenium was on the systematization of his life in a difficult period: a new interesting job, a parallel receipt of the second higher education, a stormy personal life, no less turbulent cultural life (theater, concert or museum at least two times a week), regular visits to the gym, culinary experiments on the beloved perfectly equipped kitchen ... Many dreams so live! And the problem is what? An obvious problem is that there was not enough for all these delights of time and health. Hidden - until the time, until time - the problem was large quantities Nemativa towards the rest and absence of joy from such an interesting life.

"The key" to the assumption that hypnoticals can help here, served as a phrase of Zhenya: "I need hypnosis. Only under the hypnosis, I can understand why all the time I miss the load, although I have already been holding it for three years. " I told about what hypnoticalism is. Namely: that in the transmission state she will be asked questions offering possible - a set, in general, standard! - the reasons for this behavior (this is the so-called led crown method). She can answer the voice, may not answer, the most important thing is that the corresponding memories in principle are updated - and then the body will give any way about the cause of the problem. If the reaction of the body is "yes", then I ask clarifying questions if "no", I go further and explore another area.

Even before the session, I explained to my wife what . Agreed that "yes" will answer the right hand, "no" - Left. Zhenya, the girl pragmatic, immediately asked:

- And if they won't want to answer?

I always have one answer to such questions - I taught a wonderful specialist in the Erickson (conversational) hypnosis. Yakovlev, God forbid her health:

- We do - and wait.

- They do not want, they do not need to help. So, the answer will then come.

Zhenya on this and calmed down.

Work began. They reached the stage of setting questions. I go through questions like rosary, and no one of them is not a reaction "yes", no reaction "No" - the hands of the magnitude as they lay calmly on his knees, and continue to lie. Already talking somewhat, but I continue:

- Is the cause of the problem that it brings some benefit?

No reactions.

- Is the cause of this problem a desire to punish yourself?

No reactions.

- Does this problem express the desire to differ from someone?

And suddenly went, the reaction went. First, the fingers of the left hand moved. And then the left hand calmed down, but they began to move the fingers right. What is it? And no, and yes? What question to formulate next?

I did not have time to make a decision. Zhenya independently left the trance, opened his eyes, I looked at me for a while with the appearance of Einstein, who opened the theory of relativity, and then said:

- I understood. Indeed, I do this not to be similar to another person. And this person - I myself eight years ago. You will not even imagine what is the shapeless and misinterpretation of Ameba I was (the phrase "badless amoeba" made a strong impression on me, but I did not decide to joke on this topic - I looked very agitated by Zhenya). And then I fell into the hospital with suspicion of a bad diagnosis. I was very frightened. The period of the unknown lasted about three weeks. I understood that if it turns out bad, then I have nothing to be recresed before leaving life - one lost time. And when it turned out that I was fine with my health, I decided that I would now live in a different way - a rich and interesting life ...

- It seems that this saturated and interesting life I start to recouple me ... Thank you hypnosis, I myself would not guessed ...

It turned out to be a turn in our family with his collaboration. Now without hypnoticalia, and in general, without hypnosis, we worked in detail in the details, put the "framework" for the load in all its species, I remembered everything that simply gives pleasure, and not useful and socially desirable. It took a lot of time - about six coaching sessions. But the result pleased. Zhenya - herself, without my advice, - adjusted the load, began to rest more and after some time wrote to me that, finally, began to receive pleasure from life.

When it comes to hypnotication, they often ask: and how to check whether the reason is really "found" in its process is the very determining problem of the problem and its bad effect on human life. In my opinion, it is impossible to check. The main thing - the person believes that this is so. And there is a result.


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