) Basics of pedagogical skills (Speech technique, teacher's communication styles). Zyazyn I.A.

) Basics of pedagogical skills (Speech technique, teacher's communication styles). Zyazyn I.A.

1.1. Contents of the concept of "Pedagogical Mastery"

Mastery in any activity is a kind of high-quality reference, to which you need to strive. Mastery (in the dictionary of the Russian language, "Ozhegova S.I.) is defined as high art in any area.

The word "master" comes from the Latin Magister - "Head, Teacher" and means a person who has achieved a high level of perfection and creativity in his business. IN AND. Dal so determined the concept of "master" - a person, especially skillful or knowledgeable in his business. Teacher - Master is twoubly: as a deep connoisseur of the psychology of the personality and what to teach it, and as a person who has ways to teach and upbringing.

Pedagogical mastery is expressed in professional activity Teacher, therefore, can be viewed as a private option professional skill. Professional skill is manifested in the professional activity of the person and separately from personality.

Like each activity, pedagogical includes the following components: goal, means, object, subject, procedure, result, characterized by their specificity. What is this specificity?

1. Goalthe works of the teacher are determined by society, i.e. The teacher is not free in the choice of the final results of his work, its actions should be directed to the education of a schoolboy, modernly educated, socially active, able to independently make responsible decisions in a selection situation, which is mobility, dynamism, a sense of responsibility for the destiny of the country. The purpose of pedagogical activities is always socially asked in the final result and non-standard on challenges in specific pedagogical actions.

2. An object Pedagogical labor - man. The specifics of the object of pedagogical activity is as follows:

a) The object of pedagogical activity is simultaneously the subject of it, a leader who can in different ways to treat pedagogical effects, as it perceives it through his inner world, its installations.

b) The teacher deals with a constantly changing, growing person to which the template approaches and stereotypical actions do not apply. And it is difficult, requires constant creative search.

c) simultaneously with teachers for a child, a teenager, the young man has all his life, often spontaneously, multifaceted, in various directions. Therefore, pedagogical labor involves simultaneously adjusting all the impacts, including emanating from the pupil itself, i.e. Organization and upbringing, and re-education, and self-education of the individual.

3. The subject is one who affects the pupil - teacher, parents, team. A genuine educator becomes the one who has a positive moral impact on the personality, and this is possible only under the condition of constant moral self-improvement of the teacher.

4. Main funding tools - different kinds Activities in which pupils include work, communication, game, teaching.

And here we come to understanding the essence of pedagogical skills from the standpoint of a personality approach.

Pedagogical skill - complex of personal properties, providing high level self-organization of professional activity.

Such important property properties include the humanistic focus of the teacher's activities, its professional knowledge, pedagogical abilities and pedagogical technique.

In this definition, it is necessary to emphasize the following points.

1. Pedagogical skill is a self-organizing system in the personality structure, where the system-forming factor is a humanistic orientation, which allows it to be appropriate, in accordance with the requirements of society, to build a pedagogical process.

2. The foundation for the development of professional mastery of the teacher, giving him a depth, foundation, meaningfulness of actions, acts professional knowledge.

3. Pedagogical abilities - the conditions for the development of skills that ensure the rate of its improvement.

4. Technique based on knowledge and ability, allowing all means of exposure to linet with a view to, thereby harmonizing the structure of pedagogical activities.

Thus, all four elements in the pedagogical skill system are interrelated, they are typical of self-development, and not only growth under the influence of external influences. The basis of the self-development of skill is the alloy of knowledge and focus; an important condition for success - ability; The means of attaching the integrity, the boundaries of the focus and effectiveness is the skills in the field of pedagogical technology.

Pedagogical activity- This is a manifestation of permanent versatile creativity. It assumes the presence of a teacher tutor a set of creative abilities, qualities, research skills. Among them, an important place is occupied by initiative and activity, deep attention and observation, art is not standard to think, rich imagination and intuition, research approach to the analysis of educational and educational situations, solving pedagogical problems, independence of judgments and conclusions.

Pedagogical skill is associated with the personality of the teacher, with a complex of qualities that contribute to ensuring a high level of self-organization of professional activities. The set of qualities of a professional teacher who helps him provide an educational process at a high creative level, is quite extensive. The most important of them is citizenship and patriotism, humanism and intelligence, high spiritual culture and responsibility, hard work and efficiency. The main qualities of the teacher-masters are humanity and the ability to communicate with people.

At the same time, the purpose of the pedagogical skill, which consists in ensuring a high level of knowledge and skills of students, successfully solve the tasks of the educational process, allows you to determine the criteria for the mastery of the teacher.

Criteria pedagogical skills can act:

- the feasibility of pedagogical activity (in orientation);

- productivity, determined by the result of pedagogical activity - the level of knowledge, educational schoolchildren);

- optimality of pedagogical activity (in the choice of funds), allowing to achieve the desired result with minimal time, forces, forces;

- Pedagogical creativity (according to the content).

The most important indicator of pedagogical skills should be a high level of education, educational and independence of schoolchildren, their unity.

1.2. Structure of pedagogical mastery

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of these components of pedagogical skills.

but) The humanistic orientation of the teacher's personality.The focus of the teacher's personality is ideals, interests, value orientations, through the prism of which the teacher comes to his work and children. The orientation of the personality of a multifaceted teacher. It consists of value orientations, aimed at: 1) on itself (self-affirmation); 2) on the means of pedagogical impact; 3) on schoolchildren, children's team; 4) on the purpose of pedagogical activity - humanistic strategy, creative transformation of funds, object of activity.

b) Professional knowledge.Professional knowledge is the foundation for the formation of pedagogical skills. The content of professional knowledge of the teacher is knowledge of the knowledge taught, the methodology of its teaching, knowledge in the field of age, pedagogical, general psychology and pedagogy. Professional knowledge suggests the scientific decision of the complex issues of the theory and practice of education and learning the younger generation based on the knowledge of the laws of the schoolchild personality process. Psychological and pedagogical erudition - primary source of high professionalism, underestimation or ignoring it leads to some teachers for handicrafts, stamps, primitivism, routine. The speed of acquisition of skill is not regulated by the rigid growth of professional knowledge. There are individual prerequisites for successful activities, professional growth stimulants are abilities.

in) Basic pedagogical abilities.In psychology, the abilities are called such psychological properties of the individual, which are a condition for the successful implementation of certain types of activities. The abilities for pedagogical activities are a decisive part of pedagogical skills.

In psychological and pedagogical literature, the following are noted views Basic abilities Personality to pedagogical activities.

1. Didactic abilities - These are the abilities that make up the basis of the ability to express the material of students available, interesting, clearly, clearly. The teacher possessing didactic abilities shows ingenuity, causes the mental activity of students, contributes a new, unusual, affecting not only the mind, but also feelings. Didactic abilities can function at two levels - reproductive and adaptive. The reproductive level is characterized by the fact that a person knows how to transmit other knowledge that owns himself. But even the excellent knowledge of the subject can not protect such teachers from errors, as they do not know how to teach others. Adaptive level - new level Knowledge that includes knowledge not only of the subject, but also the features of his assimilation, perception, understanding those who are directed to the teaching. This level is usually formed in the process of independent work and its reflexive analysis.

2. Organizational abilities - This is the ability to organize students, involve them in various types of socially useful activities, create a team and make it a tool, with which the relevant personality structure is formed, as well as organize its own activities and behavior. Organizational abilities are closely associated with professional dorms, empathia, pedagogical intuition, the ability to volitional action and belief. Accuracy, accuracy, discipline, responsible attitude to the case, collens - all these qualities of personality, which are a consequence of organizational abilities.

3. Communicative abilities - These are the abilities that allow you to establish the right relationship with students. It gives rise to the latest trust and goodwill, readiness to go along with the teacher. Communicative abilities interact with the organizational and together ensure proper influence on the schoolchildren, the management of the children's team, making it socially directed, with a healthy public opinion, with the right interpersonal relations.

4. Perceptual ability - These are the abilities underlying the ability to penetrate the inner world of the child. "You need to be able to read on a human face," said A. S. Makarenko, - on the face of the child ... nothing cunning, nothing mystical is to find out about some signs of mental movements. " Perceptual abilities arm the teacher "second vision", the ability to observe, catch thin and very complex questions of psyche, not only to see, but also to "hear" the mental state of the schoolchild.

Perceptual abilities are at the heart of the living contact of the teacher and students, because in the lesson, and on the change, the teacher lives mistakes and guesses of the guys, their finds and ideas, and that is why the ability to see all human in man.

5. Suggentive abilities - These are the ability to inspire the ability with the help of a solid volitional word to achieve the desired result of the impact. Suggestive abilities suggest an emotional-volitional impact, forcing students to agree with the installation of a teacher, accept it. Suggestive abilities are closely related to the authority, the skill qualities of the teacher's personality, his conviction at the right of their actions and actions. It can be said that there is a dialectical relationship between the authority of the person and suggestive abilities. But the authority should go from children. The authority "on top", that is, imposed, does not lead to the suggestion, it cannot be achieved by one demanding and hardness of influence on students. That is why a teacher who loving his business and children whom he teaches and raises, to improve the efficiency of educational and educational work should strive to earn the love of children.

6. Scientific and educational (academic) abilities - These are the ability to master information, knowledge from the relevant area of \u200b\u200bscience. This helps the teacher to keep up with a modern thought, in detail, absolutely free to own the educational material, creatively, consistently approach problems that the educational work poses in front of them.

7. Constructive abilities - These are the abilities that give the opportunity to determine the strategic line of teaching and education, providing the ability to focus on the final goal, to solve everyday tasks, taking into account the general goals. These abilities allow you to take into account the place of the subject in the general database of knowledge, to establish the necessary relationships with other objects and tasks of education. Constructive abilities are determining in achieving a high level of pedagogical skills. They depends on the efficiency of the use of knowledge and skills, which can lie "dead cargo", and can be actively used.

Among the basic abilities, the ability to own themselves, that is, emotional stability; optimistic prediction; The ability to creativity (creativity), the ability of the teacher to the orientation and restructuring of ways of activity in changing conditions.

It should be noted that pedagogical abilities are manifested and acting not isolated, they are closely related to each other and complement each other, which generates the possibility of compensation for missing or underdeveloped abilities with other personality qualities and features of mental processes.

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1. Essence of pedagogical activity

pedagogical vocational training

The meaning of the pedagogical profession is detected in the activities that its representatives are carried out and which is called pedagogical. It represents a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from the older generations younger culture accumulated humanity and experience, creating conditions for them personal Development and preparation for the fulfillment of certain social roles in society.

Obviously, this activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also parents, public organizations, managers of enterprises and institutions, industrial and other groups, as well as to a certain measure of the media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second - the common-goal, which is voluntarily or involuntarily carried out by each person and in relation to itself, is engaged in self-education and self-education. Pedagogical activity as a professional occasionally occurs in educational institutions specially organized by the Company: pre-school institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary special and higher educational institutions, additional education institutions, advanced training and retraining.

To peer into the essence of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to refer to the analysis of its structure, which can be represented as the unity of the target, motives, actions (operations), the result. The system-forming characteristic of activity, including pedagogical, is the goal (A.N. Leontyev)

The purpose of pedagogical activity is the phenomenon of historical. It is developed and formed as a reflection of the trend of social development, presenting a set of requirements for a modern person, taking into account his spiritual and natural abilities. It contains, on the one hand, interests and expectations of various social and ethnic groups, and on the other hand, the needs and aspirations of a separate personality.

Much attention to developing the problem of educating goals AS Makarenko, but in none of his work there are no general formulations. He always sharply opposed any attempt to reduce the purpose of education for amorphous definitions of the type "harmonic personality", "Communist Man", etc. A.S. Makarenko was a supporter of pedagogical design of the individual, and the purpose of pedagogical activities saw in the personality development program and its individual adjustments.

As the main objects, the goal of pedagogical activities allocate the educational environment, the activities of pupils, educational team and individual characteristics of pupils. The implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is related to the solution of such socio-pedagogical problems, as the formation of the educational environment, the organization of the activities of pupils, the creation of an educational team, the development of individual personality.

Targets of pedagogical activity - the phenomenon is dynamic. And the logic of their development is such that, arising as a reflection of objective trends of social development and leading the content, forms and methods of pedagogical activities in line with the needs of society, they add up to the unfolded program of the phased movement to the highest goal - the development of personality in harmony itself and society.

The main functional unit, with which all the properties of pedagogical activities are manifested, is a pedagogical effect as unity of goals and content. The concept of pedagogical action is expressed in general that inherent in all forms of pedagogical activity (lesson, excursions, individual conversation, etc.), but it does not boil down to any of them. At the same time, the pedagogical action is the most special, which expresses both universal, and all the wealth of individual.

The algorithm is an order of execution in a certain sequence of elementary operations to solve any task belonging to a certain class.

Appeal to the forms of materialization of pedagogical action helps to show the logic of pedagogical activity. The teacher's pedagogical action first acts in the form of a cognitive task. Relying on the existing knowledge, it theoretically relates funds, the subject and the estimated result of its action. The cognitive task, being solved psychologically, then enters the form of a practical conversion act. At the same time, a certain discrepancy between the means and objects of pedagogical influence is detected, which affects the results of the teacher's action. In this regard, from the form of a practical act, the effects again enters the form of a cognitive task, the conditions of which are becoming more complete. Thus, the teacher's activities of the teacher in nature are nothing more than the process of solving an innumerable set of tasks of various types, classes and levels.

A specific feature of pedagogical tasks is that their solutions almost never lie on the surface. They often require tense work of thought, analysis of many factors, conditions and circumstances. In addition, the desired is not presented in clear formulations: it is produced on the basis of the forecast. The solution of the interrelated number of pedagogical tasks is very difficult to algorithm. If the algorithm still exists, the use of its various educators can lead to various results. This is explained by the fact that the work of teachers is associated with the search for new solutions of pedagogical tasks

2. Pedagogical creativity and skill

Creativity is, above all, the complete concentration of all spiritual and physical nature. She captures not only vision and rumor, but also all five senses of man. She captures, besides the body, and thought, and mind, and will, and feeling, and memory, and imagination. All spiritual and physical nature should be directed to creativity ...

K.S. Stanislavsky

The problem of creativity has become so relevant that many scientists consider it a "the problem of the century", and its solution lies in a number of areas, including in the educational, i.e. in modern school. In this situation, the personality of a teacher leading to the fore professional characteristic which is the ability to work. It is the teacher's pedagogical creativity that it is able to solve the problem of the functioning of any general educational institution, satisfying the needs of society in highly qualified specialists who can effectively solve the tasks set before them, to react to changes in modern man-made societies.

Creativity is an activity that generates something new, previously not former, on the basis of the reorganization of the existing experience and the formation of new combinations of knowledge, skills, products. Creativity has different levels. For one level of creativity, the use of already existing knowledge and expansion of their applications; At another level, a completely new approach is created, changing the usual view of an object or area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. The process of constant creativity is pedagogical activities. In a set of pedagogical abilities, a "gift of the word" should be very highlighted, which, according to the word student of the XIX century. V.P. Ostrogorsk, consists in the ability to speak not only connected, smoothly and clear, but beautiful and exciting. In the special literature, three independent spheres of speech art are usually considered: stage speech, speaking skills and speech as a tool of pedagogical communication. In practice of educational work, these types of speech activities often act in the complex.

In addition to the commonabloycal abilities and skills, the employee of the educational institution should own a variety of techniques and means of personal audiovisual impact on pupils, which are commonly united by the term "pedagogical technique". The subject of special care of the teacher is the main tool of communication - the voice that should be expressive, sonorous, attract attention, but not annoying, calling against action, and not lull. It is experimentally proven that information transmitted by a low voice is better remembered.

Another essential element of pedagogical equipment is the Mimica - a peculiar art of expressing thoughts, feelings, mood and condition of the muscles of the face. The combination of these movements with expressiveness promotes the establishment of live contact with pupils.

Academician V.A. Engelgard wrote: "... that creativity in its original source is the result of a congenital, physiological need, the result of some instinct, felt also powerfully, as the need of birds to sing or the desire of fish to rise against the flow of a turbulent mountain river." And it is true that a person in any, even the most seemingly far from work, not aware of himself, makes elements of creativity. There are also several types of pedagogical creativity:






Activities in the sphere of moral and ethical relations of students and teachers using unique, original approaches, giving a qualitatively new result. The greatest effect gives the design of pedagogical situations. Moral creativity is the art of creating highly moral, benevolent relations of the teacher with students.

Activities in the field of training according to the invention of various methods of selection and structuring of educational material, methods of its transfer and assimilation by students. It is limitless-encouragement of actions by students, the invention of new techniques, the use of interconnection, additions, background music, self-assessment, reference devices for training purposes, slot machines, assessment of knowledge by parents.

Activities in the field of pedagogical technology and design, when the creation of new pedagogical systems, pedagogical processes and educational pedagogical situations contributing to improving the effectiveness of students' training is carried out. This is the most difficult type of pedagogical creativity.

Creativity in the field of management and organizational activities to create new ways of planning, control, alignment of forces, resource mobilization, communications with the environment, the interaction of students and teachers, etc. It provides the rational use of all factors contributing to the achievement of the goal more economical.




1. Pedagogical culture

a part of a common culture in which spiritual and material values \u200b\u200breflected mostly reflected, as well as the methods of creative pedagogical activities necessary to mankind to serve the historical process of changing generations and socialization of the individual.

2. Professional competence of the teacher

Competence (from Lat. Competentio from Competo achieved, corresponding to) - this is the personal ability of a specialist to solve a certain class of professional tasks. Also, the competences understand formally described requirements for personal, professional, etc. The qualities of the company's employees (or to some group of employees).

3.Gedagogical skills and abilities

under pedagogical abilities, I understood a number of qualities related to various sides of the teacher's personality, which are the conditions for the successful implementation of pedagogical activities.

The term "skills" is indicated, as is known, the ownership of a complex system of mental and practical actions necessary for the appropriate regulation of the activities available from the subject with knowledge and skills.

4.Rech culture of the teacher

wide and capable multicomponent concept, but first of all this literacy of the construction of phrases

5.Pedagogical interaction, skill control

6.Pedagogical communication and ethics

Pedagogical communication is the professional communication of the teacher with students in class and outside it (in the process of learning and education), having certain pedagogical functions and aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate, as well as on another psychological optimization learning activities and relationships between teacher and students.

7.Shole pedagogical knowledge

8.Pedagogical style

Pedagogical style is a system of pedagogical tools and methodological techniques used by the workshop of production training in the educational process and in relationship with students, which characterizes its pedagogical personality

9.Pedagogic tact

feeling measures, pedagogical feasibility of all that he does, teaching and raising his students. Pedagogical tact is based on the deep knowledge and understanding of the psychology of students, thoughtful, attentive and benevolent attitude towards them.

10.Pedagogical machinery

then a certain automatism of individual elements of pedagogical activity

4. The value of pedagogical skill for training and education

Human professional activity is that it implies a mandatory reflection on the content of the subject of professional activity. The subject of the professional activity of a psychologist is the mental reality of a person, which is generated and exists only according to the laws inherent in it.

Currently, a psychologist is designed to provide professional assistance to human life problems. Using the recommendations of specialists - psychologists, many problems a person can solve independently, that is, it is capable of being for himself an intuitive psychologist, evaluate its mental states, behavioral features and manifestation of emotions. However, there are such situations in which person cannot independently cope with complex problems and needs psychophysiological assistance.

Thus, a psychologist is a specialist with basic senior psychophysiological education, which owns the methods of assessing mental phenomena and the ability to adjust them.

The pronounced orientation on the value of another person in the professional activity of the psychologist involves an adequate perception of their opportunities to them for influencing this other person. This makes the profession of a psychologist, according to G.N. Abramova, one of the few species of social activity, where generalized ideas about the value of a person are extremely specified and personally personified in his words and actions aimed at another person.

Consequently, first of all, the profession of psychologist is subject to the requirements for intellectual qualities, emotional-volitional, psychomotor. These are such requirements as the speed of mental processes, high productivity of mental activity, emotional sustainability, good volitional regulation.

Requirements for perception: the psychologist must have an active perception in order to form an adequate image of the subject; In the first place - visual and auditory perception, as well as the perception of time, which depends on the emotional state.

There is important arbitrariness of attention, a large volume, the direction of understanding on the feelings, the emotions of the subject, with which the psychologist interacts, good distributionability of attention.

Memory should be predominantly arbitrary, long-term, visual, auditory.

Advantageous methods of processing information: analysis and synthesis, generalization, the nature of thinking should be targeted to successfully resolve professional problems and tasks. Well-developed verbal and logical and figurative thinking; Important flexibility, speed of thinking; The specificity and abstractness of thinking, as the tasks in front of the psychologist are often complex and require responsibility when making a decision.

The load on the emotional-ski sphere is going large, as in the work of a psychologist, most situations causing emotional tensions requiring great volitional efforts.

Personality requirements and character traits: Empathic abilities, reflexivity of thinking, the ability to identify itself with the subject of interaction and its problems; Goodwill, striving for self-education, self-improvement, tactfulness and diplomacy.

5. Pedagogical Personal Culture

Under the pedagogical culture of the personality means the learned and daily manifest level of art of the teacher (pedagogical activity) in relation to themselves, to other people, to children. Given that the pedagogical qualities of a person have a fairly wide scope of manifestation, a socio-pedagogical culture should be distinguished. In this regard, it is an assimilated and every dayly manifested by a person's social experience in pedagogical activities in accordance with age and sphere of vital activity. Socialist in the social sphere should own a professional culture, part of which is a pedagogical culture. It is characterized by the level of assimilation by a specialist of pedagogical experience and its implementation in the process of professional activities.

Select the inner and external components of the pedagogical culture of the personality.

The inner component of pedagogical culture is often equated to the level of those knowledge and skills in the field of pedagogy, which has a person. With this approach, it is impossible to agree. The fact is that a person can have a fairly large amount of knowledge and skills, but it may not always be possible to show them in everyday life and practical activity. This fact suggests that the level of knowledge and skills characterizes only the competence of a person in the relevant area.

The inner culture of a person is that rod, the base, which largely determines its behavior in various life situations, professional activities. Therefore, it is not only about the level of human knowledge and abilities in the field of pedagogy, but also on the formed personal installations, ideals, needs and motifs that determine the sphere and conditions for their daily manifestation.

The above allows to allocate the main components of the internal culture:

a) personality (internal peculiarity) with its individual psychological and socio-pedagogical advantages and disadvantages - an individual-personal level;

b) the volume and degree of learning accumulated in the professional activities of pedagogical experience, this part of the inner component is called the theoretical (ideological) level of pedagogical culture. It determines the rational level (component) and shows which psychological and pedagogical knowledge and how they are learned by the person to, to what extent they can be used in professional activities;

c) formed sensual attitude to the object, social work, its results, and self-improvement in the pedagogical area. This part of the inner component is called sensual (emotional) level of pedagogical culture, its emotional component. This component is formed and strengthened in the process of mastering the experience of socio-pedagogical activities. It includes: experienced feelings (sympathy or antipathy, respect, indifference or neglect, etc.) to the object of social work, the activity itself; his experiences in the process of activity, as well as in assessing the results achieved; The development of the need for knowledge and mastering new experience in social work. The sensual level often determines the inner relationship to pedagogical activity, the need for pedagogical self-improvement. It largely characterizes his inner moral culture.

The rational and emotional components of pedagogical culture are implemented by the personality, through its volitional component. It is characterized by the formed moral and volitional qualities of a specialist who determine its ability to realize their personal social and pedagogical experience in professional activities.

The external component of the pedagogical culture is something that finds everyday manifestation in its attitude to the object, social work, socio-pedagogical activity, their results. It includes:

a) External advantages and disadvantages of both human (appearance, habits, manners, etc.) are a personal level of manifestation of pedagogical culture. He characterizes the pedagogical side of the person;

b) Actually manifested pedagogical aspects of activities in the process of social work (behavior, actions, actions that have a pedagogical impact on the object) behavioral level of pedagogical culture.

This level characterizes the daily pedagogical manifestation in communicating with people, clients;

c) manifestation of the level of ownership of pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques, means and techniques - a practical pedagogical level of personality as a teacher. It shows the degree of ownership of real pedagogical experience, the art of pedagogical activities, its pedagogical opportunities in working with the client, as well as the effectiveness of his professional activities;

It acts as an important characteristic of the manifestation of the pedagogical culture of a specialist. As practice shows, the external attitude of a specialist is largely a manifestation of its sensual (emotional) level - internal pedagogical culture.

6. Pedmastery components

The teacher's pedagogical skill is a complex of professional property properties that ensure a high level of self-organization of pedagogical activities through the possession of its discipline capabilities for training and education.

Pedagogical skills are based on the high professionalism of the teacher, its common culture and pedagogical experience. To master the skill, you need to know the laws and principles of education, be able to improve the effective technologies of the educational process, correctly choose them for each specific situation, diagnose, predict the process of specified level and quality.

There is an opinion that only a talented person with a certain hereditary predisposition can be a genuine teacher master ("the teacher should be born"). There are other allegations: a mass profession cannot become a privilege particularly gifted. Almost all people themselves are endowed with the qualities of educators; The task is to teach pedagogical skills.

The "success formula" of the modern teacher undoubtedly includes the following components: awareness, methodical skills, enthusiasm, moral culture. But the main rod of successful activity is creativity and love for children.

Pedagogical skill includes the following components:

Moral and spiritual qualities: humanistic orientation, national dignity, intelligence, vital ideals, conscientiousness, honesty, truthfulness, objectivity, tolerance.

Professional knowledge of the educational subject, anatomy and physiology of man, psychology, pedagogy, teaching techniques.

Socio-pedagogical qualities: organizational abilities, excerpt, principle and demanding, optimism, sensitivity, creative thinking, attention, tact.

Psychological and pedagogical skills: Constructive, Communicative, Didactic, Perceptual, Suggestive, Cognitive, Applied, Possession of Psychotechnics

Pedagogical machinery: appearance, possession of faithful, gestures, body, speech culture; preservation of tempo, rhythm, speech style; Culture of communication; didactic skills; The ability to own your feelings.

7. Pedagogical abilities

A number of conditions affect the formation of abilities. This is theoretical and practical experience, knowledge; physical and mental activity related to the performance of specific goals and admission to various types of games, teachings, labor; Observation, good memory, imagination brightness.

Abilities, believed B.M. Heat, are in constant development. If they do not develop in practice, it is overtaken with time. Only constantly improving in music, drawing, technical work, mathematics, can be maintained and developing abilities in relevant activities.

La abilities are characterized by replacement, large compensatory capabilities. Distinguish: general abilities (individual properties of the individual, providing relative ease and productivity in mastering the knowledge and implementation of various activities); Special abilities (personal properties that help achieve high results in any field of activity). Special abilities are organically connected with common.

Each ability has its own structure, it distinguishes leading and auxiliary properties. For example, the leading properties in literary, mathematical, pedagogical and artistic abilities are the following:

In literary - features of creative imagination and thinking; bright and visual memory images; developed aesthetic feelings; sense of language;

In mathematical - the ability to generalize; flexibility of thought processes; Easy transition from direct to the opposite movement;

In pedagogical - pedagogical tact; observation; love for children; need to transfer knowledge;

In artistic - features of creative imagination and thinking; properties of visual memory that promote the creation and preservation of bright images; the development of aesthetic feelings manifested in an emotional attitude to perceived; Village qualities of personality providing the implementation of the plan in reality.

Specific ways to develop special abilities. For example, the abilities in the field of music, pretty early in the field of mathematics begin to appear.

Eliminate the levels of abilities: reproductive (provides high ability to absorb knowledge, mastering activities) and creative (ensures the creation of a new, original). However, it should be borne in mind that any reproductive activity includes elements of creativity, and creative activity is impossible without reproductive.

Theoretical and practical abilities are also distinguished.

The first suggests the tendency of a person to abstract-theoretical reflections, and the second to specific, practical actions. Often they are not combined with each other. The same ability can be different in the degree of development.

Talent is a high level of development of the ability, providing outstanding progress in one form of activity.

Brilliance is the highest level of development of abilities who make a person an outstanding personality in the relevant field of activity.

The person's belonging to one of three types: artistic, thought and intermediate (according to I.P.P. Pavlov) - determines to a large extent the features of its abilities.

The relative predominance of the first signal system in human mental activity characterizes the artistic type, the second signal system is a thought type, with a mercury equal to their representation - the average type of people. These differences in modern science are associated with the functions of the left (verbal-logical) and right (shaped) hemispheres of the brain.

For an artistic type, the brightness of images is characteristic, for mental - the predominance of abstractions, logical constructions.

The same person can have different abilities, but one of them can be more: significant than others. At the same time, different people may (be the same abilities, but differing in terms of development. "

The success of the implementation of any activity is not determined by any individual abilities, but a peculiar combination of abilities characterizing it as a person.

Success in mastering any activity can be achieved in various ways. Insufficient development of a particular ability can be diagnosed by the development of other abilities, which also depends on the successful performance of activities.

Eliminate constructive, organizational, communicative components of pedagogical activities. Teacher must have appropriate abilities.

Constructive abilities [manifest themselves in the desire and ability to develop the personality of the student, to select and compositely build educational and educational material in relation to the age and individual characteristics of children.

Organizational abilities are manifested in the ability to include students in various activities and effectively influence each person.

Communicative abilities manifest themselves in the ability to establish the right relationship with children, feel the mood of the whole team, understand each student

Persistence, sociability - this is not only a need for communication, but also a sense of satisfaction from the process of communication, maintaining the performance and gives a written creative well-being of the teacher. Communicability helps the development of perceptual abilities, such as professional dorms and observation.

The ability to observe is complex quality. It manifests itself not only in the ability to see, I heard, but also in the presence of interest in what our attention is sent, as well as in the intensive work of the mind for processing information.

Being a master - it means to predict the course of the pedagogical process, possible complications, i.e. own pedagogical smooth. There is nothing mystical in it. Such ability can be developed, but its formation requires certain efforts.

Another element of pedagogical skill is the form of organizing the behavior of the teacher. Knowledge, direction and ability without skills, without possession of ways of action, i.e. Pedagogical machinery, impossible. Without them, the high results of the teacher are unthinkable.

Pedagogical technique includes skills to control themselves and interact in the process of solving pedagogical problems.

First group of skills - possession of his body, emotional state, Speech technique. The second - didactic, organizational skills, the ownership of the technique of contact interaction, etc.

The criteria of the mastery of the teacher are: expediency (orientation); Productivity (Result: Level of knowledge, educational students); optimality (choice of funds); Creativity (content activities).

Task facing pedagogical College- Help students master the basics of skill as the initial level of their vocational training: to form an orientation, give knowledge, develop the ability, arm technology.

8. Professional to the most important qualities of the teacher

Important professional qualities of the teacher:

§ hardworking;

§ efficiency;

§ discipline;

§ a responsibility;

§ the ability to put a goal;

§ to choose ways to achieve it, organization;

§ perseverance;

§ systematic and systematic increase in its professional level;

§ the desire to constantly improve the quality of their work, etc.

But, in addition, the human qualities of the teacher who become professionally significant prerequisites for creating favorable relationships in the educational process are particularly important.

Mandatory professional qualities of the teacher

Mandatory quality teacher - humanism, i.e., the attitude towards a growing person as a higher value on earth, the expression of this reaction in specific affairs and actions.

The teacher must be inventive, intelligent, persistent, always ready to independently resolve any situations.

The professionally necessary qualities of the teacher are excerpt and composure.

The mental sensitivity in the character of the teacher is a kind of barometer, which allows him to feel the state of students, their mood, to come to the aid to help those who need it most.

Inalienable professional quality teacher - justice. In addition, the educator must be demanding.

An important component in the structure of the teacher's personality is professionally important qualities. V.D. Sadrikov under professionally important qualities understand the individual qualities of the subject of activity affecting the efficiency of activity and the success of her assimilation. He refers to professionally important qualities. The productivity of pedagogical activities depends on the formation of professionally important qualities of the personality of the teacher.

Important professional pedagogical quality is logical thinking. Logical thinking reflects the formation of logical techniques of thinking as a set of actions aimed at performing analysis, synthesis, the classification of concepts, finding logical relations.

Dominant qualities in professional-pedagogical activities (R.A. Mizhrikov, M.N. Ermolenko) are the activity of personality, purposefulness, balance, the desire to work with schoolchildren, the ability is not lost in extreme situations, charm, honesty, justice, modernity, pedagogical humanism , erudition, pedagogical tact, tolerance, discipline, pedagogical optimism. In addition, such qualities such as demanding, responsibility, sociability should be included here.

The teacher's professional is also included as a quality as a manifold artistry, which is expressed in the ability to embody thoughts and experience in the image, behavior, word, the richness of personal manifestations of the teacher. The study of the activities of artistic teachers showed that they are usually characterized by the acceptance of themselves as a personality, the tendency to realize themselves with carriers of positive, socially done characteristics, self-confidence and significance of their business, a high degree of coincidence of personal and professional interests, the desire to constantly improve, high Directions on activities. Reflexive skills - the ability to self-knowledge, self-assessment of professional activities and professional behavior, self-actualization;

organizational and pedagogical skills are the commonabout skills of planning the educational process, the choice of optimal means of pedagogical impact and interaction, organization of self-education and self-government, the formation of the professional orientation of the personality of students;

commonwealth skills - the skills of reading and drawing up drawings, schemes, technical charts, filling out the estimated and graphic work, determining economic indicators of production;

constructive skills - integrative ability to develop technological processes and designing technical devices, include the development of educational and technical and technological documentation, execution of design work, drawing up technological mapsguide tests;

technological skills - quantitative ability to analyze production situations, planning, rational organization of the technological process, operation of technological devices;

production and operational skills are general abilities on adjacent professions;

special skills are narrow-professional skills in the framework of any one branch of production.

9. Pedagogical foresight

The dictatorship that we now have, once again confirmed the scientific relations of Marxism, once again showed that using Marxism, we can not only look into the future, Noah bring it. And in our banner on which the "struggle for communism" is written, thereby inscribing the struggle for a new person, for a harmoniously developed personality. After the Paris commune, we first have such political systemwhich is trying through all the drives, through the entire system of measures to post a new economy and a new person. This is one of the tasks of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the state as a whole. That's why Lenin's dictatorship slandering for the dictatorship of the proletariat considered his educational work. That is why he wrote: "The bourgeoisie tries to cover the important role of the dictatorship of the proletariat, its educational task, especially important in Russia, where a minority of the population owns the proletariat. Meanwhile, this task should be moved to the fore "(November 3, 1920). The meaning of the dictatorship of the proletariat is to achieve the conditions in which the existence of a harmoniously developed person is possible.

As we come close to communism, people change. They need to be changed in the process of reorganization. And the faster this process is going, they must change faster. Otherwise there will be scissors. Otherwise, the construction process will be braked. But for such alterations of people, old ways of alteration are insufficient. We need special drives. Special schools. And they are. The party teaches, the Councils are taught, trade unions - the school of communism, - we say. And these are not figurative expressions, this is not the carelessness of V.I. Lenin to the "scientific" pedagogical terminology, as is trying to portray Pinkeevich. Not. This emphasizes one of the main tasks of these organizations. This is the "target change of social behavior". This consists of a characteristic feature of the pedagogy of the transitional era. Target education proceeds not only within the framework of the institutions of the drug addict, VOH, etc. institutions specifically designed for educational tasks. Not. But on other channels. The subject of pedagogy thus expands not only in the sense that it deals with the upbringing of an adult, but also the fact that education proceeds in institutions, and organizations that one of their tasks is often not decisive, and this task.

The role, the proportion of pedagogy changes, as the re-education of millions becomes a task not only by the party and trade union, but also state apparatuses in general. And the farther, the more: since "coercive measures will replace more and more by the methods of conviction." Such is the trend of the process. It is necessary with all the determination and clarity to say. A. Kalashnikov fluctuates: "This quote is very clearly describing that group of exposure to the socio-state apparatus, which can become the subject of pedagogy under certain conditions. But this is only the first, though, the decisive trait. And at the same time, the first line of disagreements. There are others. In other things, the relationship between the economy, policies and pedagogy is added into the transitional era. The wrongs are those who go along with A.G. Kalashnikov and together with him approves the following: "The method of planned economy does not contribute to the social formation of a person in its former interpretation, so. The latter will consist of two processes: the process of the spontaneous, the formation of a human psyche, and the process of target, organized upbringing. This is not true. It is incorrect because the relationship between the "spontaneous" and "organized" changes, the proportion of "organized" changes: what was "spontaneous" becomes organized. And this is the most essential, most important. We must see a kind of, new, what distinguishes us from the past. In this essence. And not to talk about what else remains from the past. Since this remaining is in another environment, in other stations, etc.

The originality does not see A.G. Kalashnikov. He is in the past. He pulls back. And we need to open, study the present, growing, outlined. And it is what. We now have more than ever the opportunities to consciously change the behavior of a person and not only by agitation, propaganda, but also by a number of economic measures. And we do it. We take the easiest example. "Commune", "Sovzhoz", "Colkhoman". Who may doubt that this reliable ways "alterations of the society of society, long-fastened by the damned private property." That is the case, and the approval that the economist legislator never may not provide and is very often not interested in the "change in behavior that occurred as a result of the transition to collective agriculture". It is not true, firstly, because the change in behavior as a result of this transition can more accurately foresee than a change in behavior as a result of staying at school; secondly, because the economist cannot not be interested in this process, since the development of the industry and the development of the industry is resting in the problem, since its task is not to achieve effect, but in that only that this result is ours, Lil water on our mill. And not to take into account this, not to be interested in this with us - you can not

These are interconnected things, especially in the NAC. And Ignore it is impossible. We taught the masses in our own practical experience. And first of all, we must, we can teach on the experience that we create through a number of economic measures that we deploy according to plan with certain tasks. Refuse this would be the greatest nonsense. I do not refuse anywhere anywhere. On the contrary, we are trying to speed up, consciously speed up the process. In this sense of the struggle for the deployment of schools, kindergartens, loved, cinema in communes, state farms, collective farms. V. This is the meaning of household sections. For the new life we \u200b\u200bare fighting. For other attitude towards public property, for other attitude towards people. And the cell in the commune is engaged in this, and in her hands a number of drives. Little of. The case is wider. We are trying to impregnate those new sentiments who give rise to a collective farm, we are trying to infect them and those unindicted in the commune peasants. We do it. This requires both "economists". A. Kalashnikov argues that they are not interested in these changes in behavior. It is not true. But he goes on. He argues that it should not be interested in this, as we still can not foresee these changes.

But accounting is not even more accurate knowledge, he says, and therefore the results of economic events are particularly so far, since they produce new production relations, it is almost impossible to anticipate in relation to the changes that occur in human behavior, since new conditions are arising here Human environments, who also never existed, and therefore, foresee their action per person is almost impossible.

Well, what about believing Calashnikov, with Marx, Engels, Lenin? They foresee. Engels still wrote in the principles of communism: "The current industry is less and less able to use such people. Moreover, the industry, managed by the whole society systematic and public interest, needs people with comprehensively developed abilities, in people who can navigate throughout the production system. The division of labor, discharged at the present time the machine and turns one into the peasant, the other in the shoemaker, the third in the factory worker, the fourth in the stock speculator, will disappear completely. Education will allow young people to quickly get acquainted with the entire production system, it will allow them alternately to move from one industry to another, depending on the needs of society or their own inconsistencies. Thus, education will liberate them from the one-sidedness, to which every modern division of labor is currently forces. Thus, the society organized in the communist basis will give the opportunity to comprehensively apply their comprehensively developed abilities. Engels foresaw! And it argues with him, he refutes Kalashnikov. But this is a burning dispute. How to be with the communes, if you believe Kalashnikov? Anticipate their action per person is "almost impossible." Whether we will not receive from them instead of the Communar-Communar Communards, owners, egoists, because "foresee is almost impossible."

10. Professional teacher's competence

Professional competence is considered as a characteristic of the quality of specialist training, the potential of the effectiveness of labor activity in pedagogy This category is considered either as a derivative component from "general cultural competence" (N. Rosov, E.V. Bondarevskaya), or as "the level of education of a specialist" (B.SS . Gershunsky, A.D. Shchekatunova). If you try to determine the place of competence in the system of levels of professional skills, it is between the perftitude and perfection].

Correlastic professionalism with various aspects of the maturity of a specialist, A.K. Markova allocates four types of professional competence]: special, social, personal individual:

1. Special, or activity professional recognition characterizes the ownership of activities at a high professional level and includes not only the availability of special knowledge, but also the ability to apply them in practice.

2. Social reporting is characterized by the possession of joint professional activities and cooperation, adopted in the professional community of professional communication.

3. Personal reportation characterizes the possession of self-expression and self-development methods, means of confrontation between professional deformation. This also includes the ability of a specialist to plan their professional activities, independently make decisions, see the problem.

4. Individual professional recognition characterizes the possession of self-regulation techniques, professional growth, professional aging, presence of sustainable professional motivation.

As one of the most important components of professional competence, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as to use them in practical activity. We consider it possible to use the following types of professional competence to the tasks of evaluating the teacher's professionalism.

Causes an interest hierarchical model of pedagogical competence, in which each next block relies on the previous one, creating a "Platform for the" growing "" of the following components

The components of the block blocks are six types of pedagogical competence: a valued, activity, communicative, emotional, personal, creative one. It emphasizes the special significance of the principle of consistency, which is directly related to the formation of the competence of the teacher in the process of studying it. A separate unit escaped from context will not provide the necessary professional competence of the teacher.

Taking into account the analysis of existing research on professional competence, we clarify the concept under consideration in relation to the specialists of the pedagogical profile. In accordance with what was said, the professional competence of the teacher is a qualitative characteristic of the personality of a specialist, which includes a system of scientific and theoretical knowledge both in the subject area and in the field of pedagogy and psychology. The professional competence of the teacher is a multifactorial phenomenon that includes a system of theoretical knowledge of the teacher and the methods of their use in specific pedagogical situations, the value orientation of the teacher, as well as the integrative indicators of its culture (speech, the style of communication, attitude towards oneself and its activities, to related regions Knowledge and others).

We will allocate the following components of the professional competence of the teacher: motivational-volitional, functional, communicative and reflexive.

The motivational and volitional component includes: motifs, goals, needs, value installations, stimulates creative manifestation of the person in the profession; assumes the presence of interest in professional activities.

Functional (from lat. FUNCTIO - version) The component is generally manifested in the form of knowledge of the methods of pedagogical activities necessary to the teacher for the design and implementation of a particular pedagogical technology.

Communicative (from lat. Communico - I associate, communicate) The competence component includes the ability to clearly and clearly statements, convince, argument, to build evidence, analyze, express judgments, transfer rational and emotional information, to establish interpersonal connections, coordinate their actions with the actions of colleagues, Choose the optimal style of communication in various business situations, organize and maintain a dialogue.

Reflexive (from Late. Reflexio - Appeal back) The component is manifested in the ability to consciously control the results of its activities and the level of own development, personal achievements; The formation of such qualities and properties as creativity, initiative, focus on cooperation, creation, a tendency to self-analysis. The reflexive component is the regulator of personal achievements, the search for personal meanings in communicating with people, self-government, as well as the motion of self-knowledge, professional growth, improving the skill, sensecutive activity and the formation of an individual work style.

The specified characteristics of the professional competence of the teacher cannot be considered isolated, as they are integrative, holistic nature, are a product of professional training in general.

Professional competence is already being formed at the stage of professional training of a specialist. But if the training in the pedagogical university should be considered as the process of forming the foundations (prerequisites) of professional competence, then training in the advanced training system - as the process of development and deepening professional competence, primarily the highest components.

The psychological meaning of the concepts of "competence" and "qualification" should be distinguished. Assignment of qualifications to a specialist requires him of experiment in this profession, and the compliance of the knowledge and skills acquired in the process educational standard. Qualification is the degree and type of professional education (preparedness), allowing a specialist to perform work at a certain workplace. A specialist acquires qualifications before the relevant professional experience begins.

The concept of "professionalism" is wider than the concept of "professional competence". Being a professional is not only to know how to do, but they have to implement these knowledge, achieving the desired result. (The rescue on the waters can not be the one who, according to A.N. Leontiev, "knows how to swim", but it knows how to do it). The effectiveness of activities is important, and its correlation with costs (psychological, physiological, etc.), that is, when evaluating professionalism, it should be about the effectiveness of professional activities

11. Communication as the main form of peddewasiness

Communication is a complex multidimensional process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and includes the exchange of information, developing a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person (brief psychological dictionary. M., 1985). The definition of communication implies that this is a complex process in which the three components include:

· Communicative side of communication (exchange of information between people);

· Interactive side (organization of interaction between individuals);

· Perceptual side (process of perceiving by each other partners in communication and the establishment of mutual understanding).

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The textbook examines the process of acquiring pedagogical skills, reveal the basics of educating the culture of the future teacher, a block of practical tasks and exercises aimed at the formation of pedagogical communication skills are revealed.
For middle pedagogical students educational institutions. Can be useful to teachers, graduate students of psychological and pedagogical educational institutions, heads of educational institutions.

Pedagogical culture.
Pedagogical culture is part of universal culture, it integrates the sphere of pedagogical and historical and cultural experience, regulates the sphere of pedagogical interaction.

The total object of pedagogical culture is the entire society, which determines the goals and content of the processes of socialization, education and education, and its "agents" in pedagogical interaction are teachers, parents that implement this order in specific historical and pedagogical experience.

Recall the statement A.V. Lunacharsky, who talked about the fact that the educated person is the one in whom dominates the image of human. The embodiment of the pedagogical culture is humanity.

Today, it is hardly possible to satisfy someone a teacher if he does not fulfill his duties professionally, only "from and to" works, does not carry the multifaceted qualities of the creative person. Without professionalism, an individual and personal beginning, in essence, it is impossible to modern training and upbringing. From what properties of his "I" teacher reports to students, which strings of their soul will be able to affect, the future of our society, ideals and actions of future workers, fields and livestock breeders, engineers, doctors, writers, artists depend largely. It is quite clear that this can make it one who highly himself owns professional craftsmanship, who is able and knows how to creatively convey the wealth of human culture to all his disciples. And the true meaning of the high title "Teacher" acquires only when it is urgently from the concept of culture.

Preface 3.
Chapter 1. Pedagogical skill and its value 5
Chapter 2. Pedagogical Culture: Essence, Content and Way of Formation 16
Chapter 3. Professional Competence of the teacher 27
Chapter 4. Pedagogical technique as an element of pedagogical skill 39
Chapter 5. Artistry - Component of the Creative Individuality of the Teacher 46
Chapter 6. Teacher Speech Culture 59
Chapter 7. Self-education and self-education - factor of improving professional skills 70
Chapter 8. Mastery of Pedagogical Communication 79
Chapter 9. Pedagogical Ethics 99
Practical tasks and exercises
Lesson 1. Elements of acting and directorial skill in pedagogical activities 109
Lesson 2. Fundamentals of the Mimic and Pantomimical Expressiveness of the teacher 125
Lesson 3. Speech culture of teacher 134
Lesson 4. Art of oral and public speech 162
Lesson 5. The skill of the teacher in managing himself. Basics of self-regulation techniques 170
Lesson 6. Mastery of Pedagogical Communication 175
Lesson 7. Culture external view Teacher 190.
Lesson 8. Pedagogical resolution of conflicts 194
Conclusion 254.

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The concept of pedagogical technology

Looking in the Secrets of Success Teachers-Masters, we discover the deposit of teaching of pedagogical impact, a skillful formulation and solving a wide variety of practical tasks. An important role here belongs to special skills: mobilize students to intensive cognitive activities, to put questions, communicate with a team and a separate person, to conduct observations, organize a team, own their mood, voice, facial expression, movement. "The pupil perceives your soul and your thoughts are not because it knows what you are in the soul, but because he sees you, listens to you," said A. S. Makarenko.

Pedagogical technique just contributes to the harmonious unity of the internal content of the teacher's activities and its external expression. The mastery of the teacher -to the synthesis of spiritual culture and pedagogically expedient external expressiveness.

Thus, the technique is a set of techniques. Its means - speech and non-verbal means of communication.

Soviet pedagogical science assigns a pedagogical technique a service role and does not reduce the essence of pedagogical skills. But it is impossible to rush to another extreme. Not neglecting technician, but making it turns it into a subtle tool for solving important pedagogical tasks facing the teacher.

The concept of "pedagogical technique" is taken to include two groups of components.

The first group of components is associated with the ability of the teacher to manage their behavior: possession of its body (Mimic, Pantomimika); management of emotions, mood (removed excessive mental stress, creating creative self-confidence); socio-perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination); Speech technique (breathing, voice formulation, dictation, tempo speech).

The second group of components of pedagogical technology is related to the ability to influence the identity and team and reveals the technological side of the process of upbringing and learning: didactic, organizational, constructive, communicative skills; Technological methods of presentation of requirements, pedagogical communication management, organization of collective creative affairs, etc.

Since the lesson technology and the educational process will be considered in subsequent topics, we will dwell only on issues of pedagogical techniques related to the organization of the behavior of the teacher.

Typical mistakes of a young teacher

Studies conducted by a number of teachers point to typical mistakes of pedagogical technique of a novice teacher. Most of all losses from such a teacher from inability to sincerely talk to the student, his parents, keep or, on the contrary, to show anger, to suppress uncertainty. In the compositions of the first lessons, travelers write, as they are restless, as they showed excessive rigor, they were afraid of benevolent tone, they told the patter, even a sense of fear was tested, as they ran in the board and excessively gesticulated or stood, Ocsensev, and did not know where to Heavy hands. In the posture of many students draws attention to the stuff, lowered head, helpless movement of hands, taking various items. The main disadvantage of the voice of the voice is monotony, lifeless speech, the lack of expressive reading skills. Many individual deficiencies in speech - fuzzy diction, the inability to find the optimal volume of volume.

All these mistakes interfere with the teacher effectively affect students. The liquidation of them in the process of studying it in the university is one of the urgent tasks of teacher training to lead a teaching and educational process.

Pedagogical focusAnd appearance of the teacher

The appearance of the educator must be aesthetically expressive. Unacceptably careless attitude towards his appearance, but unpleasant and excessive attention to it.

Both hairstyle, and suit, and decorations in teacher's clothes should always be subordinated to the solution of the pedagogical problem - an effective impact on the formation of the personality of the pupil. Having the right to decorate in clothing, for cosmetics, the teacher in everything must observe the sense of measure and understanding of the situation. The aesthetic expressiveness of the educator also affects how friendly the expression of the face, in the harmoniousness, restraint in the movements, in a stingy, justified gesture, in the posture and in the gait. It is contraindicated with grimacing, fussiness, unnatural gestures, lethargy. Even in the way you will enter the children, how to see how you say hello, how to move the chair, how to pass in the class - in all these "trifles" the strength of your influence on the child. In all your movements, gestures, a look, children should feel a restful strength, very greater self-confidence. It is this - a calm, friendly, confident - you are most expressive as a person, it is that you are the most stronger as an educator.

What are the specific requirements for the appearance of the teacher, to posture, facial expressions, pantomime, clothes of the educator? How to manage them? Since all these elements are derived from the internal state of the person, then the management of them should be started with the comprehension of the technique of self-regulation of the creative well-being of the teacher.

Emotional state management

The public nature of the beginning of a novice teacher with a class, as a rule, causes "muscle clips", feelings of uncertainty, fear, stiffness. Activity under the gaze of teachers, children, parents, that is, the action "In Presentation", it is reflected on the harmony of the thoughts of the teacher, the state of his voice apparatus, physical well-being (feet rustled, hands, like sticks), mental condition (scary to be ridiculous, seem inept). All this requires knowledge and ability to make psychophysical configuration for the upcoming occupation, manage their emotional state during communication.

The ability to self-regulation can be checked using the following test.

Answer "Yes" or "No" to questions regarding well-being and moods:

Are you always calm and weathered?

Your mood is usually a major?

During the classroom in the audience and at home, are you always attentive and focused?

Do you know how to manage your emotions?

Are you always attentive and friendly in communication with comrades and loved ones?

Do you easily assimilate the material studied?

You do not have bad habits, from which I would like to get rid of?

You did not have to regret that in some situation did you behave in the best way?

Calculate the number "Yes" and "No" and conclude. If all the answers are positive, it testifies either about the calm, absence of anxiety, the ability to manage itself, or about overestimated self-esteem; If the answers are negative on all or some questions, this indicates anxiety, uncertainty, dissatisfaction with itself, self-criticality. Mixed responses (and "Yes" and "No") indicate the ability to see their drawbacks, and this is the first step of self-education. The following steps can be done if you realize the methods of self-regulation and master it by the technique. Among the most important ways of self-regulation, the following can be distinguished:

upbringing benevolence and optimism;

control of their behavior (regulation of muscular tension, movement pace, speech, breathing);

discharge in activities (work therapy, music therapy, libertine, humor, simulation game);


It should also be comprehended useful advice V. A. Sukhomlinsky on the upbringing of spiritual equilibrium: prevent germination of gloominess, exaggeration of other vices; contact humor; Be an optimist friendly. Conditions for the development of these qualities. Such: deep awareness of the social role of their profession, a developed sense of duty, pedagogical dormitory, emotional responsiveness, as well as the desire for self-analysis and adequate self-esteem. All these techniques of psychophysical self-regulation are associated with the formation of the identity orientation in general, its installations, value orientation, since unchanged in this area all subsequent techniques will be ineffective.

The following group of methods is based on controlling the activities of the body. The depth of emotional experiences can be changed, affecting their external manifestations, since elemental control over the somatic and vegetative manifestations of emotions leads to their self-correction. What can I send control? On the tone of a mimic, skeletal muscles, a tempo of speech, breathing, etc.

A young teacher preparing for the upcoming lesson and a sense of uncertainty, fear of children, it is desirable to conduct a relaxation session, seeking physical and mental relaxation. Autogenous training (mental self-regulation) -Con-like psychophysical gymnastics - should be part of the Teacher's "pedagogical toilet" along with respiratory and articulation charging. Mental self-regulation includes relaxation (relaxation state) and self-compliance with the formulas for the formation of professionally necessary qualities. To do this, in the "Pose of Kucher" with the help of special formulas you need to cause sensations of gravity and heat in the limbs, muscular relaxation, peace. Then, inspiring the specified state and imagining the appropriate installations, it is useful to pronounce the following formulas for this nature:

"I'm calm. I confidently lead a lesson. Guys listen to me. I feel at the lesson relaxed. I am well prepared for a lesson. The lesson is interesting. I know the guys everyone and see. I will spend a lesson. Children are interested with me. I am confident full of strength. I speak well. Mood is cheerful, good. Learn interesting. Pupils respect me, listen and fulfill my demands. I like to work in the lesson. I'am a teacher".

Preparation for a lesson, in general, to communicate with children requires a teacher, especially young, psychological tuning to a lesson, which contributes to the search for the attractive core in the material and the technique of the lesson, anticipating satisfaction from the upcoming communication with the class, the search for the corresponding emotional state when studying this topic.

However, it should not be disappointed from failures in the first lesson. Here I need a systematic work, the training of the psychophysical apparatus, which will gradually become an obedient gun in pedagogical activities.


Pantomimika is the movement of the body, hands, legs. It helps to highlight the main thing, draws an image. Let's look at the teacher who is inspired by an explanatory lesson. How organically merged with his head, neck, hands, all hulls!

Beautiful, expressive posture of the educator expresses the internal dignity of the person. Direct gait, the collens say the confidence of the teacher in their forces, knowledge. At the same time, the stuff, lowered head, sluggish hands testify to the inner weakness of man, his insecurity.

The teacher needs to work out the Manera correctly stand in front of the students in the lesson (legs on a width of 12-15 cm, one leg is slightly advanced). All movements and postures should attract students with their grace and simplicity. Aesthetics Pose does not tolerate bad habits: swinging back and forth, variation from foot on foot, habits to hold onto the back of the chair, throw out in the hands of foreign objects, scratch your head, rub his nose, pull yourself at the ear.

The gesture of the teacher should be organic and restrained, without sharp wide lifting and sharp corners. Round gestures and buying gestures are preferred.

Split gestures descriptive and psychological. Descriptive gestures are depicted, illustrate the course of thoughts. They are less needed, but are often found. Much more important psychological gestures expressing feelings. For example, saying: "Be kind", we raise your hands to the chest level with palm up, slightly feeding it from yourself.

It should be noted that gestures, like other hull movements, most often warn the course of the thoughts, and not follow it.

The workout of the right posture helps sports, special techniques: to imagine themselves on tiptoe, stand up at the wall, etc.; A teacher's self-adjointment is very important, the ability to look at itself from the side, the eyes of children in the first place.

For chatting to be active, you should have an open position: do not cross your hands, turn the face to class, reduce the distance, which creates the effect of trust. We recommend moving forward and back to the class, and not to the parties. Step forward strengthens the value of the message, helps to focus the attention of the audience. Deeping back, saying how to relax listeners.


Mimica - the art of expressing its thoughts, feelings, mood, the state of the movement of the muscles of the face. Often, the expression of the face and the view has a stronger impact on students than words. Gestures and facial expressions, increasing the emotional significance of information, contribute to the best assimilation.

Children "read" the teacher's face, guessing his attitude, mood, so the person should not only express, but also to hide the feelings. You should not carry home care mask, troubles. It is necessary to show on the face and in gestures only what applies to the case contributes to the implementation of educational tasks.

Of course, the expression of the person must comply with the nature of speech, relationships. It, like the entire appearance, should express confidence, approval, condemnation, discontent, joy, admiration, indifference, interest, perturbation in dozens of options. A wide range of feelings expresses a smile, testifying to the spiritual health and moral man's power. Expressive details of the Mimici - eyebrows, eyes. Raised eyebrows express surprise, shifted - concentration, fixed-calm, indifference that are in motion - delight.

The most expressive on the face of a man's eyes. "Empty eyes - a mirror of an empty soul" (K. S. Stanislavsky). The teacher should carefully examine the possibilities of his face, the ability to use an expressive look, strive to avoid the excessive dynamic of facial muscles and eyes ("running eyes"), as well as lifeless staticness ("Stone" face).

For the development of orientation in the awareness of their own behavior and behavior of students, it is useful to familiarize with the standards presented in the works of psychologists. "For example, the standard of behavior is in a state of joy: a smile, eyes shine, excessively gesticulating, verbally, desire to help another. Establishment of behavior in fear : The eyes are expanded, the pose frozen, eyebrows raised, the voice trembles, the face is distorted, the look running, the movement sharp, the body is trembling.

The teacher's glance must be addressed to children, creating visual contact. It is necessary to avoid accessing walls, windows, ceiling. Visual contact is a technique that needs to be consciously developed. It is necessary to strive to keep in the sight of all students.

Technique Speech

The process of perception and understanding of the speech of the teacher by students is closely associated with a complex learning hearing process. Therefore, it is clear that the process of proper perception of students in educational material depends on the perfection of the teacher's speech.

Children are particularly sensitive to the speech data of the teacher. The wrong pronunciation of any sounds causes a laughter from them, the monotonous speech catches boredom, and unjustified intonation, a loud package in a sincere conversation is perceived as false and cause mistrust to the teacher.

Some believe that both the voice and his timbre are only the natural gift of man. But modern experimental physiology argues that the quality of the voice can be radically improved. The story also testifies to the developmental consequences of human self-improvement in this direction. Probably, everyone heard about Demosfen and about how he, overcoming his physical disadvantages, became an outstanding political speaker of ancient Greece. In the same way, he prepared himself to public speeches and twenty-year-old Vladimir Mayakovsky, who, gaining a pebble in his mouth, said speeches on the shores of the noisy river Rioni.

But the Demosphen technique is not the best for the development of speoral equipment. It is an example for us in the way how important the great desire is played, the strong Will of the person and the regularity of classes. Today, a system of exercises on speech technique has been developed, which, based mainly on the experience of theatrical pedagogy and representing a set of skills in speech breathing, voice formation and diction, allows the teacher to convey all the wealth of the content of his word to the student.


Breathing performs physiological function - provides vital activity, organism. But at the same time it acts and energy basic speech. Speech breathing is called lamp (from Greek phono - sound). In everyday life, when our speech is predominantly dialogic, breathing does not cause difficulties. But in the lesson, especially when the teacher has to talk for a long time, explaining the material, reading the lecture, the incredible breathing makes itself felt: there may be a pulse, blush the face, appear shortness of breath.

Briefly present the main provisions of breathing techniques. There are four types of respiration depending on which muscles take part in the respiratory process.

The upper breathing is performed by muscles, lifting and lowering the shoulders and the top of the chest. It is weak, surface breathing, only the tops of the lungs work actively.

Breast breathing is carried out by intercostal muscles. The transverse volume of the chest changes. The diaphragm is minor, so exhalation is not energetic enough.

Diaphragm breathingit is carried out by changing the longitudinal volume of the chest, due to the reduction of the diaphragm (there is a reduction in intercostal respiratory muscles, but very insignificant).

Diaphragm-ripe breathingit is carried out by changing the volume in the longitudinal and transverse directions due to the reduction of the diaphragm, intercostal respiratory muscles, as well as abdominal abdominal muscles. This breathing is considered correct, and it is used as a basis for speech breathing.

Consider "the mechanism of diaphragm-riding respiration; the diaphragm, shrinking, is lowered downwards, presses on the internal organs in the abdominal cavity. As a result, the upper part of the abdomen, the chest cavity is expanding in the vertical direction due to the lowered diaphragm. The lower part of the lungs is filled with air.

The expansion of the chest occurs when inhaling due to the active work of intercostal muscles, splenning the chest and increasing the amount of the chest cavity in the horizontal direction. The lungs are expanding in their middle part and filled with air.

Tightening the lower walls of the abdomen (oblique muscles) is the creation of support for the diaphragm and partial movement of air from the middle and lower parts of the lungs in the upper, which helps to fill the air of the entire volume of the lungs.

How is the exhalation? The diaphragm, relaxing, rises, going into the chest cavity, the longitudinal volume of which decreases, and the ribs are lowered by reducing the transverse volume, chest. The total amount of the chest decreases, the pressure in it increases, and the air comes out.

What is the difference between the lamination breath from the usual?

Inhale and exhale of ordinary breathing is carried out through the nose, they are short and equal in time. The sequence of ordinary physiological respiration is to inhale, exhale, pause.

For a speech of ordinary physiological respiration lacks. Speech and reading require a large amount of air. In economical spending and timely resumption. In the speech breathing, exhale is longer inhale. The other and sequence of breathing, after a short breath - a pause to strengthen the abdominal press, and then a long sound exhale. Sounds of speech are formed when exhaling. Therefore, its organization is of great importance for speaking speech respiration and voice, their development and improvement. There are special exercises, developing and strengthening the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles. For example:

Lying on the back, take a deep breath through the nose. You will feel how the air fills the lower lobes of the lungs, as the muscles of the abdominal press moved, the lower ribs spread. We must try to do the same thing. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the air remains in the lower part of the lungs, did not rise into the upper height of the chest. Air need to direct the book all the time.

Practical classes presented in this manual and mainly independent work will be able to improve the respiratory system of each teacher.

Among the teachers there are people who have a voice in nature itself, but these cases are unknown.

The resonator system is a throat, a nasopharynx, the oral cavity provides statics and speech dynamics.

The energy system into which the mechanism of external respiratory includes the speed of air flow and its amount supplied to the lantern organs and the necessary audio.

The voice is formed as a result of the passage of exhaled air through the larynx, where, after closing and opening the voice ligaments, the sound occurs. What are the pecarpick's voice features? First of all, it is the power of sound. The force depends on the activity of the work of the speech apparatus. The greater the pressure of exhaled air through the voice slot, the more the power of the sound.

The flexibility, voice mobility is essential, the ability to easily change it, obeying the content, listeners. Voice mobility primarily concerns its changes in height. Height is a tone level of voice. The human voice can freely change in height within about two octave, although in normal speech we bypassed three - five notes. Range - Voice volume. Its boundaries are determined by the highest and lowest tone. The narrowing of the voice range leads to the appearance of monotony. The monotony of sound is dulling perception, sleeping.

A well-posed voice is characterized by the wealth of timbral color. The timbre is a sound, brightness, and its softness, warmth individuality. In the sound of the voice there is always a major tone and a row of overtones, that is, additional sounds, higher than mostly tone, frequency. The more these additional tones, the brighter, more colorful, juicy the sound palette of the human voice. The source voice timbre may vary with resonators. There are two main types of resonators: upper (head) and lower (chest).

Fuchery and big bronons - chest resonator. Card box, cavity and mouth-head resonator. Resonator sensations in the chest (and they can be found if you make a hand to the chest) and especially in the head of the head resonator help to organize the work of voice ligaments in such a way that the source voice of the voice that born in the larynx has in itself those obhrothon that will cause resonance in Head and chest resonators.

All these voice properties are produced by special exercises. Raising voice is an individual and time-consuming process. It requires strictly individual techniques and control by experienced specialists. Conscious voices training (changing the direction of sound to certain areas of resonation) may affect the change in its timbre., Remove unpleasant shades (bezavidity, sightenness), reduce the overall tone. ".. experimentally proved that low voices (compared to high) are better perceived by children, they like them more, they are very impressive. The system of exercise for the upbringing of a speech voice can be found in the works of 3. V. Savkova and V. P. Chihachev about the voice of the lecturer, in the manual for theatrical universities.

A few words about the hygiene of the teacher's voice. As special research shows, the incidence of the voice apparatus in persons "voice professions" is very high. In teachers it averages 40.2%. ^ The causes of violations of voices are different. Four main maintenance: increased daily voice load, inept use by the voice apparatus, non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, congenital weakness of the voice organ. (See: Vasilenko Yu. S. On the voice of the teacher // Sov. Pedagogy. - 1972. - No. 7.- S. 89.)

The overvoltage of the voice apparatus, causing violation of the voice, is due to the fact that about 50% of the working time the teacher says, and during the lesson is louder than usual. Increased voting intensity is due to the need to overlap the noise of class, which averages 55-72 decibels, and the intensity of a healthy voice is within 65-74 decibels. Overvoltage is connected with ineptive use of the voice apparatus. Often it can be stated literally from the first words of the greeting spoken after the exhalation on the so-called residual air when it is constructed without sufficient respiratory support. If the exhale is shortened, the teacher is more often breathing, inhales the irresistible and crude air, which dries and annoys the mucous membrane of the larynx and the pharynx, which leads to chronic catars.

To prevent the development of occupational diseases, it is important to engage in a hygiene vote, comply with certain working conditions at school. After the end of the working day, the teacher must avoid prolonged conversations within 2-3 hours. If necessary, it should be more quiet, phrases shorter (concise).

When drawing up the schedule of lessons, it should be borne in mind that the fatigue of the voice apparatus occurs when teaching work for 3-4 hours and disappears after 1 hour full voice rest (this applies to teachers with experience up to 10 years). The teacher with great experience gets faster - after 2-3 hours - and rests longer - up to 2 h.

It is necessary to pay attention to the healthy state of the upper respiratory tract, the nervous system, the power mode. The voice apparatus is very sensitive to acute, irritating food. Too cold, too hot, sharp dishes, alcoholic beverages, smoking cause redness of the oral mucosa, pharynx. To avoid dryness in the throat, experts recommend rinse with soda and iodine with a solution. The following tips are also useful:

monotonous speech tires the muscles of the voice apparatus, since only one muscle group is functioning at such a speech. The more expressive it is, the more healthier; Inhalation of chalk dust is harmful, so a rag for the board should always be wet;

it is impossible to quickly walk on cold days after voice work, since with intense movements, breathing is readier, becomes more deep and more cold air falls into the respiratory tract.


For a teacher, the clarity of pronunciation is a professional need to contribute to the right perception by students of the teacher's speech.

Diccia is clarity and clarity in the pronunciation of words, syllables and sounds. It depends on the well-coordinated and energetic work of the entire speech apparatus, which includes lips, tongue, jaw, teeth, solid and soft panel, small tongue, larynx, rear wall of the pharynx (ZEV), voice ligaments. Active participation in speech is taking tongue, lips, soft paws, small tongue and lower jaw, so they can be trained.

If there are deficiencies in the speech of organic origin, then not training exercises will help, and medical intervention: the operation of the bridle (refill under the tongue), the use of a special device for straightening the teeth, the use of special probes to impart the right position in the pronunciation of certain sounds and T . P.

Inorganic flaws pronunciations - a consequence of inattention to a child's speech at home and school. This is a moldability, sysyuking, whisper, lethargy, or vagueness of speech, generated by the wrong use of the speech apparatus. A frequent defect of the dictation - a patter, when words seek each other. "7 Increasing speech is due to the sound" through the teeth ", eating the ultimate consonant or sounds inside the word. Some of the fuzzy pronunciation of whistling and hissing consonants due to the still top and sluggish bottom lips.

Improving diction is primarily due to the development of articulation - the movements of the speech bodies. This is a special articulation gymnastics, which includes, firstly, exercises for the warm-up of the speech apparatus and, secondly, the exercises for the correct development of the articulation of each vowel and consonant sound.

Useful advice to correct some speech defects can be found in the benefits for universities for expressive reading. So, Sysyukania, which happens if a person is very much pressed the language to the inside of the upper teeth or puts it on the teeth, eliminates: it is necessary to learn to hide the tongue for the teeth. The sound "C" is pronounced with uncompressed teeth: tongue lies downstairs, barely touching the lower teeth. Useful exercises with a match in the teeth. There are simple exercises to eliminate whispers, moldability, letters of voices, voices, naturally, to quickly disappear the wrong skills, which have already been rooted in speech, will not be able. We need work, patience, regular training.

Teacher communication styles

Business style

In communication, you can allocate two sides: attitude and interactions. It is like an underwater and surface part of the iceberg, where the visible part is a series of speech and non-echogenic actions, and internal, invisible - needs, motives, interests, feelings - all that pushes a person to communicate.

As studies show, a teacher with a stable emotional-positive attitude towards children, a business reaction to shortcomings in academic work and behavior, a calm and even tone in circulation, schoolchildren are discovered, sociable, trustful. Negative attitude towards children ("How I'm tired of your class," "said to be nervous, and write competently - no," etc.), the instability of the teacher's position, falling under the authority of their moods and experiences, create the soil for the emergence of distrust, closets? And it leads to such ugly forms of "self-affirmation", as hypocrisy, the fahamism, the execution of the role of a class clown, etc. All this imposes an imprint for the entire course of the educational process. The mentor does not have the right to forget that the idea for a student is inseparable from the teacher's personality: to what the favorite teacher says, is perceived quite differently than what the person is spoken by them, the person alien to them. The highest ideas in his lips become hated "(N. K. Krupskaya).

In general, researchers are extinguished by three basic style of teacher's relationship to the class team: stable-positive, passive-positive, unstable. But there are also such teachers who have the features of a negative attitude towards children - situationally negative and even stable-negative.

The main conclusion about the role of the style of the teacher's relationship with students does A. A. Leontiev, noting that both "negative", and the "unstable" teachers cause a negative attitude towards themselves. And this means - they work against school, and against society.

Style of work - Handwriting of the organizer

In Soviet psychology, quite clear features of the socio-psychological portrait of various types of managers are developed, the technique of their communications with members of the team is analyzed. The teacher is also a leader, in different ways carrying out its interaction. Consider briefly three basic style of management, paying attention to the second side of communication - interactions. The figurative names of them ("Split arrows", "Returning boomerang" and "floating raft") are given in the book A. N. Lutoshkina "How to lead along".

Authoritarian style ("Split arrows"), the teacher alone determines the direction of the Group's activities indicates who who should sit with whom to work, stops all the initiative of students, students live in the world of guesses. Basic forms of interaction - order, indication, instructions, conclusions, even rare gratitude sounds like a team, but as an insult: "You answered well today. I did not expect this from you. " Having found an error, such a teacher ridiculed guilty more often does not explain how it can be corrected. In his absence, work slows down, and even stops at all. The teacher is concise, he prevails a boss, impregnation of objections.

Democratic style ("Returning Boomerang"). Manifests itself in the head of the head to the opinion of the team. The teacher tries to convey the goal of activities to everyone, connects everyone to active participation in the discussion of the work; sees its task not only in control and coordination, but also upbringing; Each student is encouraged, he has confidence in himself; Self-government is developing. A democratic teacher is trying to most optimally distribute the load, "considering the individual inclinations and abilities of each; encourages activity, develops the initiative. The main ways to communicate such a teacher are a request, advice, information.

Liberal style ("floating raft") - anarchic, consisting. The teacher tries not to interfere with the life of the team, does not show activity, the questions are considering formally, it is easily subject to other sometimes contradictory influences "" actually self-charges from liability for what is happening.

The authoritarian style of the leadership can provide the apparent efficiency of group activities and creates an extremely unfavorable psychological climate. With this style, the formation of collectivist qualities is delayed. "According to sociologists, neurotics are formed in such groups.

Schoolchildren have an inadequate level of claims in communicating with the surrounding people.

Authoritarianism In the communication of the multi-trap, often skillfully masked, remaining, in essence, soulless-bureaucratic administration, can manifest itself as a hidden, indirect, generating violence from the inside. (See: Azarov Yu. P. Art to educate.)

The best style leadership-democratic. Although quantitative indicators here can be lower than with an authoritarian, but the desire to work does not dry out in the absence of a manager. Creative tone increases, a sense of responsibility is developing, pride for their team. - Achild style of the manual is a liberal style; With it, work is usually performed less and its quality is worse. As for the ^ authoritarianism, it feeds on the insufficient maturity of the teacher, its moral and political illness, is determined by the low level of the teacher's culture, neglecting the individual characteristics of children, ignoring the principle of amateurness of the organization of children's life.

Overcoming the authoritarian style of the leadership is associated with the formation of highly moral relations, a true culture of communication based on the humane positions of the teacher, on the development of genuine self-government in combination with the pedagogical guidance.

Pedagogical communication style

So, the style of relationships and the nature of the interactions in the process of leading the education of children create in the aggregate style of pedagogical communication.

Calcal (see the specified book. - S. 97) allocates the following communication styles:

communication based on wiping joint creative activities,

communication based on friendly location,

communication - Distance,

communication is an intimidation,

communication - flirting.

The basis of communication on the basis of enthusiasm joint creative activities is a stable-positive attitude of the teacher to children and the case, the desire to jointly (and therefore democratically) to solve the organization of activities. Fascination with joint creative search - the most productive for all participants in the pedagogical process of communication. As the experience shows, the entire system of relations with children from masters of pedagogical labor is based on this basis. "To go well, following the Makarenkov tradition, schoolchildren and teachers should be alone, common concerns. Teachers do not manage schoolchildren, and together with them they care about school affairs, no "we" and "you". Instead of unilateral influences of the teacher on students - the general creative activity of pupils along with the educators and under their leadership. "

This is the essence of the communary pedagogy. The style of pedagogical communication based on a friendly location is closely related to the first, - in fact, it is one of the conditions for the formation of communication style on the basis of enthusiasm joint creative activities. Think about the idea of \u200b\u200bSh. A. Amonashvili, his answer to it the same named the question ("How can we raise a child if he runs away from us?"): "Only spiritual community - and nothing that can split this community."

Considering the system of relations between the teacher with pupils of S. Makarenko repeatedly insisted on the formation of a friendly tone in the relationship of the teacher with a team "In relation to pupils, leadership and pedagogical staff should always be polite, restrained, with the exception of those cases where either a certain tax increase due to With new requirements, or the same increase in the direction of more emotionality - during general meetings of general works, individual breakthroughs in the team. In any case, there are never teachers and leadership to allow the tone of frivolous: the dust, the telling of jokes, no liberties in the language, melting, curves, etc. On the other hand, it is completely unacceptable for teachers and leadership in the presence of pupils sullen, irritable, crying " .

Separate teachers incorrectly interpret this category of communication process and turn a friendly personality relationship with students who adversely affect the entire course of the educational process.

(^ Cultivating in its activities Friendly location to children, follows the prospect of development of communication style to have a creative alliance based on enthusiasm. To go with children to the subject - one of the principles of pedagogy cooperation. *

Unfortunately, quite common is style bydistance.Its essence is that in the system of relationships of the teacher and students constantly, the distance is constantly as an important limiter: "You do not know - I know"; "Listen to me, I am older, I have experience, our positions are incomparable." This teacher as a whole can be a positive attitude towards children, but the organization of activities is closer to authoritarian style "What reduces the general creative level of joint work with students. Ultimately, despite the apparent external order," this style of communication leads to pedagogical failures.

Extreme form of communication-distance -tack style like commonfrightening.It combines a negative attitude towards students and authoritarianism in the organization's methods. Here are typical forms of manifestation of communication-frightenment: "Listen, carefully, and I will put the call and a two," you will find out, I will ask you, "etc.

This style usually creates an atmosphere of nervousness, emotional disadvantaged atmosphere, inhibits creative activities. Since it does not focus on the program of action, buton the herrestrictions and prohibitions.

Manifestation of liberalism, undemanding with a possible positive attitude towards children is style communication-Zigring.It is caused by the desire to conquer false, cheap authority) The reason for the manifestation of this style is, on the one hand, the desire to quickly establish contact, the desire to like the class, and on the other - the lack of professional skills.

All options for communication styles can be reduced to two types: dialogical and monologue. In monologue communication, the interaction is based on the execution of one of the parties. But the essence of upbringing is communication-dialogue. It was in building a dialogic communication that the essence of the interaction of V. A. Sukhomlinsky was seen, Ya. Korchak and other outstanding humanist teachers.

What is communication-dialogue, what are his signs?

The main sign of communication as a dialogue is to establish special relations that can be determined by the words V. A. Sukhomlinsky: "Spiritual community, mutual trust, frankness, goodwill." Dialogue with the pupil involves a joint vision, discussion of situations. In other words, the dialogue is not the views of the teacher and a student, a child and parents, but the views of those and others aimed in one way.

The dialogue will not take place without equality of the position of the educator and educate, which means recognizing the active role of the pupil in the process of education. For V. A. Sukhomlinsky, the term "education" and "self-education" - essentially synonyms. In addition, the equality of positions means that the educator itself is under the influence of the pupil.

A feature of communication-dialogue is the inclustivity of the results of communication to evaluation. In the pedagogy of cooperation there is no place for labels, once and forever established opinions, tough estimates. This, of course, does not mean that the assessment is completely excluded, it is simply necessary to change the authorship of the assessment, make it a mutual and self-esteem.

So, productive pedagogical activities occurs in the atmosphere of the positive attitude of the teacher to children, a democratic organization of the case, the passion for joint creative activities.

Teacher's pedagogical clock

What is a pedagogical tact

As we see, in the process of communicating the teacher and students there are two emotional poles of communication. The authentic educational effect gives the ability of the teacher to organize a relationship based on positive emotions. Negative emotional states may occur, but not as the ultimate goal of the impact, but as a possible situational agent, overcome to achieve a positive emotional effect (for example, the fear of losing respect).

As experience shows, it is the presence of a pedagogical clock that allows the teacher to build communication on positive emotions, to establish and maintain psychological contact with children.

Following the requirements of the pedagogical tact, the teacher will be able to develop a democratic style of communicating with children, to achieve a genuine culture of communication with students.

Soviet pedagogy and psychology have a large number of work on the pedagogical tact, the knowledge of which helps the teacher to avoid conflicts in communicating with children, to properly build relationships. All researchers of the teacher's pedagogical clock emphasize the capacity of this concept and noted the absence of a single definition. The complexity of the disclosure of the entity of the pedagogical clock is due to the specificity of this phenomenon compared with the generally accepted concept of "tact".

Tactin the literal sense, the word means "touch". This is a moral category that helps to regulate the relationships of people. Based on the principle of humanism, tactful behavior requires that in the most complex and controversial situations, respect for man has been preserved. Be tactful is a moral requirement for each person, especially to the teacher who communicates with a developing personality. Pedagogical tact - professional quality teacher, part of his skill. Pedagogical tact differs from the overall concept of tact in that it denotes not only the property of the teacher's personality (respect, love for children, politeness), but also the ability to choose the right approach to students, that is, it is a raising, effective means of influence on children.)

So, the pedagogical tact is a measure of pedagogically expedient impact of the teacher on students, the ability to establish a productive communication style. Pedagogical tact does not allow extremes in communicating with schoolchildren. Describing the work of the teacher, K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "The school should reign a seriousness that allows a joke, but not turning everything in a joke, causticitylessness, justice without pickyness, kindness without weakness, order without pedantry and, most importantly, constant reasonable Activity. "

The dosage of influence is also manifested in the use of educational means. As medicine in medicine requires a clear packaging and reception mode, and the word of the teacher, its methods should be applied optimally, unobtrusively, delicately. Excessiveness can lead toreverse reaction: excessive demands - to disobedience, excessive indulgence - to rudeness. Respecting students, the teacher should be able to show his respect for children. The manifestation of respect forms a sense of self-esteem in a child, disarms those who resist the pedagogical effects, makes their participants in education.

Respect, spiritual heat, caressing does not exclude demanding, but suggest it. Communication of respect and demanding dialectic. Requirement to personality increases and becomes complicated as respect for it increases, taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren. Depending on the level of student students, the student teacher varies the shades of his relationship with him: from hidden sympathy to an underlined coldness, from a welcome to dryness, from softness to rigor.

Manifestations, care, kindness should change due to the age of children. In relation to the kids - directly and specifically: the teacher can hug a child, stroke the head, call the diminutive name. With older, it is permissible only in some cases. In relations with adolescents, restraints and simplicity of relationship are important, for they want to be adults and the "childishness" of their appeal annoys. On the peculiarities of the teacher's communication with children of different ages, an interesting material is given by A. V. Mudrik.

Pedagogical tact manifests itself in the balance of the behavior of the teacher (excerpt, composure, in combination with the immediacy in communication). He implies confidence in the disciple, an approach to him with an "optimistic hypothesis", as A. S. Makarenko said, even with a risk to make a mistake. Taintless teacher, pessimistically evaluating the possibilities of students and emphasizing it in every convenient case. The confidence of the teacher should become an incentive for students' work. To do this, you can resort to the reception of some intentional exaggeration of the first success of the student, so that he felt joy from his efforts, from success. Trust is not a connivance, it is effective, if manifested sincerely, supports specific cases, if combined with the control, a well-known share of the teacher's vigilance in relation to the pupil. But the control should not be a pedantic, oppressive suspicion.

Teacher's communication culture, tact manifest themselves in different forms of interaction with his student: at a lesson, in extracurricular work, at leisure.

Pedagogical tact in class

The analysis of conflicts of students with teachers shows that one of the reasons for them is the tactlessness of the teacher, manifested in gross comments of the teacher regarding the appearance, mind, the abilities of young interlocutors. Some teachers consider such notes to be normal: "What do you like, like nails?" And so on. The angry teacher recalls in the class, where and with whom they saw a student or a student on the street as they were dressed. Conflict often begins with this.

Tact teacher is necessary at all stages of the lesson. He should pay special attention to behavior during the inspection and assessment of students' knowledge. Here the tact is expressed in the ability to listen to the student's answer: to be interested attentive to the content and form of a response, to show exposure with the difficulties that arise from schoolchildren) and of course, the type of type is unacceptable: "It's nothing!", "" Sit. As always! " you do not know!" There are cases when kids have forgotten about their ailment at the teacher's master's lessons and chain the tactless teacher.

All students love to answer the one who can listen carefully, respectfully, with the participation. At the same time, support is important during an answer to a smile, a look, failing, nod; Comments in the course of interrupting response are undesirable. Semisclasses say that most of all prevents the rest of the teachers most, and ten-graders are considered undesirable when the teachers listen to the answer with superiority and comment on it with irony and sarcasm.

The moment of assessment is also important. Sometimes the teacher comments so that students seem to be unhappy and good assessment: "You surprised me, I have to put you" 4 ". But it was supposed to be sincerely rejoice at the successful answer of a weak student, worry about him. And this is also the components of the art of communication.

Interesting study of the psychology of the pedagogical assessment was held by B. G. Ananyev, which showed that the lack of a motivated assessment of weak schoolchildren answers could lead to the fact that for three months the schoolboy ceases to understand the questions of the teacher, due to uncertainty, assisted the habit of asking, be silent . The author proves that negative estimated judgments in the form should also have a positive value and carry a guide promising nature, for example: "It would be true if it would be indicated ...", "do not rush, have time."

Independent work requires a combination of control with confidence from the teacher. Tactical teacher do not need to constantly monitor students, controlling each of their movement. His attitude to. The student is based on trust, its communication is confidential.

Tact and tactic

Pedagogical tact suggests the flexibility of teacher's behavior - tactics. After all, the teacher advocates children in different roles that require the manifestation of the tact in various tonalities. At the lesson - clarity, correctness, rigor and dry tone of the appeal, when the class is not ready for the lesson. In extracurricular work - ease, impaired, discrepancy, which are especially necessary in an individual conversation, campaign, excursions; Friendly communication during the game, confidence in the free evening or hiking by the fire. Therefore, different forms of communication: a collection, dispute, leisure - require a teacher specifics of the style of communication, shifts of its tonality.

The choice of tactics in communication is related to the ability to use role-playing positions. The description of them can be found in the books of the psychotherapist A. B. Dobrovich. (See, for example: the educator about psychology and psychogenic communication / -C. 68-74.) "These are four positions:" an extension from above "," an extension below "," an extension nearby "and" the position of non-participation. "

In the position "Extension from above", the teacher demonstrates independence, the decision to take responsibility for itself. This position is called the Parent's position.

In the position of "an extension below" detected, subordinate and unsure of itself is found. According to A. B. Dobrovich, this is the position of "Dietiati".

In the position of "extension nearby", the correctness and restraint of behavior is expressed, the ability to reckon with the situation, understand the interests of others and allocate responsibility among themselves and they. This is the position of the "adult".

The use of one position or another is dictated by the situation (conditions, goal, the position of the schoolchild). Since communication is a bilateral process, then in choosing a position to the teacher, it is important to take into account the installation of another, its role. The usual position of the teacher is a collaborating adult, which involves the business level of communication. This position designs in the disciple of an equal partner in interaction, creates a trusty atmosphere. Receptions of realization of this position may be: "I want to consult with you (you)," let's think about it, solve ", etc.

At the same time, the teacher often uses the "cat" position in his behavior (as it would seem so strange!). For example, the head of the Frunzen Commune F. Ya. Shapiro, as a rule, in one of the stages of the organization of collective creative affairs, began to express doubts about success, even concerns, thereby giving the opportunity to high school students to take over the protection of the case 1. Sometimes the teacher takes the position of "an extension below," as if playing by students, for example, "mistakes on the board", and students with great joy corrected teachers. "Extension from the bottom" used by the teacher is designed to make the student manifest independence.

The position of "an extension from above" is the position of the "parent" - organic for pedagogical activities, but can not be the only one and the same way to upbringing a schoolboy, for it involves dialogical interaction only when the pupil is constantly in the role of the child. This or inhibits the development of the personality or leads to conflict communication.

So, the study of role-playing positions again turns us to the need for the teacher of the ability to cooperate with students, compliance with the pedagogical tact, possession of communication tactics.

Mastering the Pedagogical Tactics

Pedagogical tact is brought up, acquired with skill. He is the result of the spiritual maturity of the teacher, great work on himself "to acquire special knowledge and the development of communication skills with children, 1 primarily this is the knowledge of the psychology of the age and the individual characteristics of modern children.

No less important knowledge of the foundations of morality, the ability to see moral meaning in actions. And of course, knowledge of the ways of exposure to students, which should go to the skills are needed:

love children, show their love;

observe, see the inner springs of the behavior of children;

navigate in the setting;.

election of an appropriate way of exposure (here is important, as we said, knowledge of the workaround of education: "You know more, but I would advise you ...");

chatting with the children (a non -actic teacher assigns the student's position of the passive listener, shows a condesception in a word, gesture, faithful).

Excerpture, composure, justice, a creative approach to the experience of others, the development of pedagogical techniques, a sense of humor have great importance to the formation of the correct communication style. At the same time, the teacher should always respect the person in his students and take their own dignity.

It should be borne in mind that conflicts as a mismatch of the positions of the teacher and the student-frequent phenomenon in pedagogical activities. Therefore, the teacher, especially the young, must be taken into account already tested the rules of conduct in conflict situations that can help in restructuring created complex conditions, it is advisable to pedagogical designs.

The rule is first. First of all, you should try to master the conflict situation, which means defuse the mutual emotional tension. (See: Anikeeva I. P. The teacher about the psychological climate in the collective. - S. 88-93.)

How? Start with yourself: Remove "superfront" physical stress, stiffness, aimless movements. Mimica, Pose, gestures, as we know, not only express an inner state, but also affect it. So, exterior calm and excerpt!

Rule second. By his behavior, influence the partner (student, colleague). Remove the effectiveness helps the silent consideration of the person of the partner of the conflict, which will enable the teacher to focus, study his condition.

Rule third. Try to understand the motives of the behavior of the interlocutor. The inclusion of mental analysis reduces emotional arousal. It is better to express the understanding of the predicament: "I understand your (your) state", etc., conveyed your condition: "I am sad." So, do not attempt to immediately evaluate the act, strive to first express your attitude towards the current situation.

Rule fourth. Acrow goal. It is necessary to realize as soon as possible what unites with the student, to see the "common point of reference" of interaction, to demonstrate it, going to the position "We".

Rule fifth. Secure your position with confidence in the possibility of a productive solution. Finally, to resolve the conflict to mentally return to it, after analyzing the reasons for its occurrence and the possibility of preventing. It is always easier to avoid a sharp clash, rather than repay it.

Development of communicative abilitiesTeacher

Ensuring the correct style of teacher's communication, compliance with the pedagogical tact in any activity require developed communicative skills. A. N. Leontyev gave the detailed characteristics of communicative skills:

own social perception or "person reading";

understand, not just to see, that is, adequately model, the identity of the student, his mental state, etc., on external signs;

"Submit yourself" in communicating with students;

optimally to build their speech in a psychological plan, i.e. the skills of speech communication, speech and non-tech contact with students. (See his book: Pedagogical Communication. - P. 34.)

Special attention should be paid to the development of the ability to come into contact, to organize cooperation in the communication process. This issue can help many books that we talked about, in particular A. B. Dobrovich, V. Levi; V. A. Kan-Kalika. Interesting and witty Tips D. Carnegie, much can be learned from the recommendations of L. B. Filonov.

Tips beginner teachers

    In communicating with schoolchildren, the teacher must proceed from the understanding that the school is part of our socialist state, and the attitude of the teacher to children's expression.

2. Realizing its role of the society's trusted person and following its principles, the teacher should not openly demonstrate the pedagogical position. For children, the words and acts of the teacher should be perceived as a manifestation of his own beliefs, and not only how the execution of debt. The sincerity of the teacher is the key to its durable contacts with pupils; It is based on the fact that the learned requirements of society are missed by the teacher through its own plants and become the needs of his personality.

    For successful interaction with schoolchildren, one should first adequately appreciate his own personality. The knowledge of themselves, the management of themselves should be the constant concern for every teacher. Special attention requires the ability to control their emotional state: the educational process harms irritable tone, the predominance of negative emotions, a cry. It should always be aware that the teacher himself is brought to the conflict situation.

    Pedagogically appropriate relationships are built on mutual respect for teachers and students, on approval of the dignity of the personality of schoolchildren and their own dignity of the teacher. It is necessary to respect the individuality of each schoolchild, to understand everyone, to create conditions for self-affirmation in the eyes of peers, support the development of positive features.

    The teacher is also necessary to take care of a favorable self-testing: to show the guys the power of their personality, hobbies, skill, latitude of erudition, not protruding, of course, their advantages.

6. Due to the fact that the characteristic element of communication is the uncertainty associated with the insufficiency of information on the mental state and the motives of the student's behavior, the teacher should develop observation, pedagogical imagination, the ability to understand the emotional state, the expression of behavior, it is true to interpret it. A creative approach to analyzing situations and decision-making is based on the teacher's ability to take the role of another - a student, parents, colleagues, to become on their point of view.

7. An important indicator of teacher's communication skills with schoolchildren at the lesson and outside it is an increase in the speech activities of students by reducing the speech activity of the teacher, a decrease in unproductive silence, an increase in the number of contacts (responses issues). Intensification of communication contributes to the use of repeats of schoolchildren's thoughts, references to students' statements, a decrease in direct requirements.

    Even with insignificant success, the guys should be generous to praise. It is necessary to praise in the presence of a team, and the porrip is better alone. The teacher's speech should not be "anemic". And if you don't even have a voice, you can help gestures, mimic, look.

9. If, starting to work, you still do not notice the shifts for which they hoped, still do not abuse complaints on students, do not start a conversation with claims. Your task is to make parents with allies of their pedagogical intentions, cause them to condict. And this is possible only if the teacher manifests a sincere interest in the fate of a schoolboy, anxiety for him, respect for parents, the desire to cooperate. It is necessary to most often carry the joy in the family, to be her assistant, and not to look in the face of parents to reprisate your own helplessness in communicating with children.

    The novice teacher often lacks skills to come to understanding due to the changelessness of the conversation or, worse than the non -actic abstract. The content of the conversation should be interesting to both sides, and the teacher himself should take care of it. Do you have "options" of such conversations?

    Since the situations in the process of lesson and extracurricular activities are not fully repeated, it is impossible to give and accurate recipes for permission any problemarising in teacher practice. It is possible to "form installations on a certain style of behavior, which in real conditions will prompt a rational response to the situation.

    Let not seem strange for a graduate of the university, but in communication with schoolchildren should be remembered to maintain the authority of colleagues. The loss of the authority of colleagues can be a certain extent to be a weakening personally of your pedagogical influence on the guys.


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