Endogenous breathing - Medicine of the Third Millennium Effective technology for ensuring health, youth and longevity Vladimir Frolov. VFFrov

Endogenous breathing - Medicine of the Third Millennium Effective technology for ensuring health, youth and longevity Vladimir Frolov. VFFrov

Fedorovich, already left our world. But every year the number of people who practice endogenous breathing are growing. Negative feedback On the net, adjacent next to enthusiastic. Let's try to figure out what is this method actually.

Where we first learned about endogenous breath

The first mentions in which endogenous breathing was touched were in the newspaper "ZEZH", in the April issue of 1977. There was a published article "Breathe on Frolo - live longer." The chief editor of the messenger, having familiarized himself with the work of scientists, in his comments responded about the book as a very difficult work, which should be even seriously corrected.

The article tried to convey to readers how important it is to be able to breathe correctly for a person. A little later, the famous Frolov simulator has already been advertised.

What is endogenous breathing?

The method developed scientists: Candidate of Biological Sciences Frolov Vladimir Fedorovich and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Kustov Evgeny Fedorovich. They were based on the works of the Russian scientist Petrakovich Georgy Nikolayevich and Professor of the University of Hendrque Gaya of Colorado. The techniques of ancient teachings were also studied.

Guided by the existing rich knowledge of knowledge, scientists have discovered the reasons due to which most diseases arose. They argued that all diseases appear due to improper respiratory technician. Frolov and bushes created their technology, which has become a whole complex of respiratory therapy, called the "third breath".

The method opened the possibility of anyone who wants to independently master the exercises, thanks to which, as stated, became actually achievable the most unimaginable goals. It includes the principles of breathing yogis, pranayama. The teaching was complemented by new functionality, more understandable and easy for ordinary people. So the concept of "endogenous breathing" was born.

It is indisputable to the fact that breathing is of paramount importance in a person's life. If it is made incorrectly, the life expectancy is reduced regardless of those conditions in which a person is. At the same time, even with no most favorable conditions, thanks to proper breathing, human health persists, and the life expectancy increases.

Scientists delimited the first, second and third breath. To the second, they attributed this that appeared during and after large loads. In modern life, a person is rarely engaged in severe physical labor. Therefore, the most relevant for him is the third breath. It is designed specifically for those who lead a low-wear lifestyle. Breathing is designed to adapt to these conditions in an optimal way to maintain health and life expectancy increased.

Practice aims to also open the domestic reserves, which currently remain almost intact. These include, for example, the metabolism in the deep level. It is programmed by the genetics itself and leads to an improvement in the body's energy. Special techniques restore the ability to receive energy, raise the efficiency of those processes that are already used by modern person, and teach the body to adapt to new conditions.

Frolov simulator and respiratory massage

Third breathing consists of special techniques, as well as the use of a special device, through which less oxygen and more carbon dioxide fall into the body. A mixture is formed, which, according to scientists, is the ideal concentration of gases. Moreover, its creation is associated with the breaths themselves and man's exhalations.

It is also necessary to make a kind of massage implemented by resistance to the respiratory process. Despite the fact that the pressure is small, it is optimal for all and intestines.

The air flow comes into contact with the liquid contained in the device. As a result, a structure consisting of cells is created, which provides a positive effect on the alveolar at the same time, air humidification occurs.

The drug is allowed to use people of any age. The use of its numerous patients for several years under the supervision of doctors helped learn what endogenous breathing. The benefits and harm are not comparable here, since it has already been proven that the device is absolutely harmless. Moreover, there are actual confirmations that it is thanks to this device an improvement in the state of health with a variety of diseases has been observed.

The essence of the method at the physiological level

The effect that was reached by applying the simulator may be obtained without it. But this requires significant conscious efforts and for a long time. Let's try deeper into the essence of the special

The technique is based on:

  • oxygen starvation;
  • the formation of pressure on exhalation.

With oxygen starvation, the smallest vessels are expanding, and blood is diluted. This ensures better nutrition for tissues. The use of carbon dioxide was also known to the Frolov method, but the creation of pressure in the lungs before the scientist was not used.

Let's try to figure out what it leads to. Under the action of oxygen, erythrocytes becomes greater, and their excitation caused by the same oxygen decreases. When ordinary breathing is carried out, such erythrocytes are quite a bit, and the rest serve as a kind of ballast. At the same time, a small number of active erythrocytes, in contact with the walls of the vessels, transmit their energy. But to the fabrics that are far from them, nutrition almost does not reach.

When endogenous breathing in Frolov is carried out, everything turns out on the contrary. Erythrocytes will not be injured by the walls of the vessels of their energy. But the large number of them is capable of achieving even the most remote areas. Thus, all tissues are provided with good nutrition. If endogenous breathing without a simulator (or with it) is practiced constantly, then physiology is gradually rebuilt, and the cells begin to work in a new way. As a result of this atmospheric oxygen, less required.

Practice without a simulator

Frolova technique does not have some strict dogmas. Even the author changed it several times. But in general terms the following picture is drawn: Following the deep breath, breathing should be delayed, and then exhaled by portions, making small efforts.

After spending so few, you can pick up the optimal cycle for yourself, armed with a stopwatch. It is necessary to find such a duration at which it is easily felt but after it can be even accurately without oxygen for a long time. It should not be made to such a state at which the air actually "grabs" mouth. For a healthy person, duration ranges from 25 to 35 seconds. And if you can not hold out 15 seconds, this indicates the presence of some kind of disease.

Then pick pressure for exhalation. At this stage, Frolov, Vladimir Endogenous breath, to be implemented by its device, creating pressure through water. But completely calm and efficiently the same can be done without an additional device. It is enough to cover the lips and exhale through them. The force at the same time should be approximately as if they blow on tea, trying to cool it, and maybe that weaker. Thus, the method that got the name "Endogenous Breath - Medicine of the Third Millennium" is easy to implement without the apparatus.

It is best to first exhale with very low pressure so that the lungs have managed to adapt to the mode. It is not worth the task of getting a quick result from the very beginning. Let the occupation last no more than 10 minutes a day. Within a few months, bring the mode to several hours. At the same time, increase the duration of each breath and exhalation. This endogenous breathing begins when one cycle is a minute. To go to this, of course, has a long time. But the result is worth it.

And the initial exercises, which are also called hypoxic, are already able to strengthen immunity and improve health. At the same time, the ability to mental and physical work increases, the body receives enhanced defense and develops a stable ability to resist the harmful effects of the external environment. An increase in the inhalation-exhalation is carried out by an increasing pause between the cycles.

Exercise is easily done. It is necessary to sit down or lie so that it is convenient. 5 minutes watch your breathing. You can count how many seconds breathe, exhale and pause between them. Deciding, you need to make it easier for a few more minutes, but making the second pause between the cycles. On the day, such five minutes repeat at least 5 times. Over time, the pause increases. However, it is impossible to specifically rape your body. The process should flow naturally. Proper training will be only when there is no desire after a pause to breathe more deeply than usual.

It is worth noting that it still has and contraindications such endogenous breathing. The benefits and harm, of course, are not even compared. However, women should be borne in mind that the practice cannot be carried out during menstruation. The same applies to any bleeding among the representatives of both sexes, since it can increase.

Endogenous breathing on Frolov: reviews and results

The world has long been known for the fact that when the body temperature drops for a couple of degrees, the aging of the body sharply slows down. But it was precisely such an effect to those who regularly practiced endogenous breathing. Reviews indicating this, more than once appeared in virtual space.

Permanent practice leads to the fact that infections cannot take root in the body. The book describes that immunity is strengthened when endogenous breathing in Frolov is carried out. Reviews confirm it. Also, many people claim that the sleep time for them is reduced and the endurance of the body increases. Looks like results from yoga class - isn't it?

Yoga and pranayama

Yoga is a knowledge that was known 5,000 years ago and reached the present day. The Word itself means "Communication with Higher." Hence the practices that are aimed at achieving the perfection of the Spirit. Science consists of 8 steps, which are gradually fastened by a person.

The lowest stage consists in a complex of exercise, then breathing is practiced, and then health suffers, proper nutrition, self-control, moral standards and rules, subtle bodies surrounding the physical, and spiritual practice itself.

When performing physical exercises or asan, the biggest attention yogi concentrates not at position, but on breathing. So the respiratory gymnastics, or pranayama, is comprehended.

The word "Prana" translated means "vital energy". According to the teachings, all living things is its manifestation, ranging from the smallest particles and ending with the universe. Yoga is based on the fact that the threads of energies pass through the person. These are thin bodies that support body functions. Prana connects man with all things, penetrating every living being through his breath. However, it also enters eating. But breathing is a more subtle manifestation.

Science has long denied this phenomenon. But the actual data in the end led to the fact that scientists had to admit: functioning human organism It is impossible without exchanging the energy inside the body. Hence the recognition of the fact of existence energy centers In it and so on.

Thanks to Pranayama, a person expands its capabilities and heals the body, revealing himself to comprehend the highest consciousness. There is a reasonable question: where is Vladimir Frolov, endogenous breath, the Medicine of the Third Millennium? Everything is very simple and at the same time difficult.

Pranayama and breathing on Frolov

Yoga serves to possibly comprehend perfection, happiness and peace. This is due to the disclosure of powerful internal reserves, which are used in the usual state only at the minimum level. However, for a modern man who has grown in European culture, it is too complicated. In addition, it is not possible to pay time for classes. So the alternative path was invented - work, the author of which is Frolov ("Endogenous breathing - the third millennium medicine").

Asans are made quite differently than usual exercise with us. Poses are static. During their execution, it becomes a surprise for many that even the easiest of them to withstand over 5 minutes is very difficult. This is due to the connection of the body, emotions and mind. All people have the tension of muscles associated with emotional experiences in the past, but not realized in the present. It is the voltage that does not allow to free up the energy, clamping and blocking it. But it allows you to gradually send it to the right places of thin bodies. When focused, in a specific place, Prana spins all locks. Then there are a kind of toxins of the emotional plan, and the person begins to feel more freely.

Endogenous breathing brings approximately the same result. It was noted that too degraded people could not practice the same way as inaccessible for them is yoga. It only speaks of their large numbers of blocking, which is why endogenous breathing, the practical leadership for which is much easier than yoga becomes incomprehensible. There have been cases when people even started choking. Some may think that this is the harm of endogenous breathing. But it would be more correct to blame not the method, but a practitioner. Rather, and blame him nothing. He will have to understand that the first time will have to overpower through a sense of discomfort. If he can get to the next level, a huge number of unconscious energy will be released, which may have been blocked for a long time. Already two weeks of regular practice, it will be easy to breathe naturally and easily.

What's next?

Endogenous breathing on Frolo instruction describes as detailed as possible. Those who have a goal to correct their health and increase life expectancy, probably enough. However, in yoga, as we remember, physical and breathing exercises are only basic on the path of perfection. Ahead is to use the right food, that is, such that is necessary for Prana. Food must be in a certain amount. It is strictly not allowed to overeat. In addition, food must be effective. For yogis, it means thorough chewing. Food can excite passion or, on the contrary, cause laziness and apathy. But adheres to such a meal, which gives man sensitivity and clarity.

Despite the fact that the technique called "Endogen Breath - Medicine of the Third Millennium" does not provide for a special nutritional regime, practitioners noticed that they gradually reduced food intake simply because they no longer wanted, and they also disappeared the desire to eat meat and other similar products . There was a transition to the vegetarianism, which the body was required. Thus, the body was healed and defended himself from various diseases. There was a desire and the need to eat properly healthy food, and the amount of many declined. High-quality food in a reasonable quantity, of course, leads to the rejuvenation of the body.

The gradual removal of tension is healing and rejuvenates it. It is the voltage that runs and increases the aging process when the body begins to collapse. Flexibility in yogis is an indicator of youth. Loss of it is equivalent to aging. The formation of a large number of free radicals and the accumulation of metabolic waste. The first are formed due to poor-quality meals, the second is due to bad blood circulation. Yoga practice cleans the body and rejuvenates it. Endogenous breathing increases energy and also contributes to longevity.


Yoga is definitely a deep teaching, allowing to be cleared spiritually. But practice suggests a perennial and strict comprehension.

Endogenous breathing can be compared with an alternative to the lower stages of oriental teaching achieved in a shorter time. But this does not mean that you can learn to listen and hear your body and allow him to disclose their capabilities to human consciousness gradually, as necessary.

Endogenous Breath - Medicine of the Third Millennium Vladimir Frolov

11. Endogenous breathing - a new stage of human survival

Endogenous breathing among the blowers is a privilege of a person reasonable. Maybe over time, breeders will remove animals with endogenous breathing. Benefits are undoubted. But it is obvious that the new population of the people of endogenants is the future of the planet Earth. And the name Homo Sapiens in the future will relate mainly to the endogenous. If a person transitions from an 80-year-old life to 120-150-year-old life, new opportunities appear for human development as a species. Evolution is measured by thousands and millions of years. But a high-quality jump in the exchange allows you to count on new evolutionary acquisitions in a shorter time. The jump, which is now happening, as if not provided. The person returns to the rudimentary exchange, which his predecessors were lost in the distant past - the progenitors. The most important acquisition - the mind went to a person is not for nothing. Apparently, the water element limits the biological process. But, after having come to the land, our rapids lost the most advanced exchange, which is caused by endogenous breathing. About five million years have passed since then. Is it too late to go back? Large Russian scientists, academicians L. A. Orbeli, A. Ginzinsky, P. K. Anokhin at one time offered several principles of functional evolution. The first of them reads: in the process of development and complication of the organization's level and establishing new relations in the body, old functions do not disappear without a trace, but are inhibited, disguised phylogenetically younger functions. Naturally, this thesis is not abstraction, but a success-noted pattern of wildlife.

And now happy incident gives a man an amazing chance to return back to the distant past. But not at all like a fantastic thriller. A person returns to relic breathing, but it turns out to be more viable in the conditions of the current civilization.

And our story is just as it is achieved, what happens in the body. Our experiments on the development of new breathing were carried out successfully with elderly people having very mediocre data on respiratory physiology, blood and cardiovascular system. You can even say that these were weak people. It convinced me that almost anyone can become endogeneous (endogenic). But the process does not stop at this, but continues further. And if a new breath is carried out all day, you can start controlling the body temperature. It will gradually begin to decline. The process will continue for years, rebuilding the work of cells in the body to an increasingly perfect exchange.

Endogenous breathing gradually ensures deep changes in functions, physiology and cell devices. Changes occur literally in all cells of the body. The degree and speed of change is different. They are determined by the role that cells play in canceling changes and the rate of cell recovery due to genetically. General notable changes are the result of the summation of the huge number of microsens in each body part.

A man mastering endogenous breathing wants to be confident in the results. In our theory and method there is no mysticism, there are no secrets, no shortcomings. Everything is built on practical results and logic, well-known laws and theories. Our method is available for understanding to any person, and I would like the reader to receive this understanding.

But first consider the general strategy for implementing endogenous breathing. One of the main tasks is the maximum reduction in the damaging effect of respiration to the body. Since the process of the destruction of tissues is launched in pulmonary capillaries and alveoli, there should be a solution to the question. First, it is necessary to reduce energy excitation of red blood cells, i.e., reduce the power of the surfactant outbreak. And that the power of the body does not fall, it is required, secondly, increase the number of excited erythrocytes.

Fast changes can be achieved if adjusting their breathing, we reduce the size of the bubbles and the concentration of oxygen in them. What will it give? Less bubble, less surfactant (fuel) and less oxygen (oxidizing agent). Less oxygen concentration in the bubble, even less than the oxidizing agent. As a result, less outbreak power, less erythrocyte excitation power.

How to implement it? First, you need to limit the stretching of the lungs when inhaling. Large gaps between the cells of the alveolo appear when stretching the lungs more than 75%. To provide small bubbles, you need to have small gaps. The diaphragmal respiration during the shoulders lowered and the relaxed chest guarantees such a state. The sinking ability of the heart for each individual is constant and will not change soon. It is this parameter that the total amount of air absorbed in the form of bubbles in the Alveol capillaries is determined. If the volume of bubbles decreases, then their number increases in the inverse proportion. Double winnings - the number of erythrocytes carrying the excitation of cells increases, and the force of "hot" excitement drops.

But there is still an interesting opportunity to reduce the size and, accordingly, increase the number of bubbles. It turns out that the conditions for the introduction of bubbles in the capillaries differ significantly in the Alveoli, depending on their location in the lungs. So, in the top of the lungs, the slits between alveolocytes are stronger, but reduced blood flow and intra-airectic pressure. At the bottom of the lung pressure is slightly higher. It turns out that there is a slightly "inflate", that is, to increase pressure in them, the differences decrease. And as soon as the pricing wave reaches the capillaries, each of them will have the same chance to suck the air bubble in their direction. The suction process does not exceed 0.1 seconds, which eliminates the effect of even neighboring capillaries on each other. So, the increased pressure in the lungs is a decisive factor in reducing the size and increase the number of bubbles. Interestingly, behind the lungs, in addition, increases in general and the volume of air absorbed into capillaries. It also significantly increases the number of air bubbles.

With external breathing there is also a phase of increased air pressure in alveoli. In the structure of the respiratory act, it takes 15-20%. Thus, during the respiratory act (3.5-4 seconds at rest), it is possible to absorb only one portion of bubbles. Accordingly, 2-4% of red blood cells are excited. Our technology provides for a long-term maintenance of increased pressure, which an average increases the number of bubbles introduced into the capillaries and excited erythrocytes 8-12 times. In addition, due to the simulator and prolonged exhalation in the lungs, the concentration of oxygen is reduced. As the breath is mastered on the simulator, the duration of the exhalation increases, and the amount of oxidizer in bubbles is also reduced. Consequently, along with a sharp increase in the number of erythrocytes, carrying the excitation of cells, the power of their "hot" excitement is reduced. What does it lead to? Erythrocytes begin to initiate the work of a large mass of cells and exercise this in the mode of "cold" energy exclusion. Now the red blood cells are not able to reset the "hot" energy excitation in the cavities of the heart, aortic, large arteries. To burn the surfactant, it takes a large charge and enough oxygen. But with weak energy exchanging in the lungs, the segment of the path to achieve the power of the "hot" reset of energy increases significantly. But how to pass without energy losses many obstacles? Erythrocytes, touching the walls of the arteries and cells of neighbors in the stream, lose their charge, working in the "cold" excitation mode. With the loss of charge in red blood cells, less and less chances are "hot" excitement. And in large and small arteries all the time you have to drop energy. After all, erythrocyte is closely close, then it concerns the wall, then the neighboring cell. But the capillary, where the erythrocyte is covered by endothelocytes from all sides and the latest charges will be removed from it. Erythrocyte - the system is surprisingly dynamic and energetically self-healing. Under the surfactant directly in contact with the membrane there is still unranded oxygen, due to which the free-radical oxidation of lipids is maintained. The process of electrons and erythrocytes is again carried out again to the pulmonary capillary. The reader may have a question: due to what this "eternal" miracle generator exists? Due to the necessary substances, including unsaturated fatty acids, which are enough in the blood.

The energy production process and energy exchange is gradually improving. The excitation of erythrocytes in pulmonary capillaries is carried out in two versions: weak "hot" excitation and field ultra-high-frequency excitement. All red blood cells receive energy excitement. Resetting energy excitation in tissue vessels acquires two main forms: electronic energy reset and field electromagnetic excitation. At the same time, the latter is increasingly dominated.

The restructuring of the respiratory mode has decisive importance to changes in cell power. Effective exchange is manifested primarily in the structures serving the life conveyor. The cells increase the number of mitochondria generating energy increases, a membrane complex is developing, the metabolism is improved, an increase in cellular energy, an update of alveolocytes and endotheliocytes. Energy cells along the vascular bed aligns. Large differences disappear between endotheliocytes and red blood cells. Consequently, red blood cells often drops small portions of energy vessel cells. The fusion of ultrahigh-frequency fields of cells is increasingly deepened. The most interesting transformation occurs in Alveoli and their capillaries. Endotheliocytes and alveolocytes, especially the membrane and mitochondrial complex occur. Cells begin to work in a single ultra-high-frequency field, formed by merging their own fields. More energy endothelocytes feed alveolocytes with their field, which, due to the free radical oxidation of lipids of its membranes and surfactant, begin to produce endogenous oxygen. A small part of the erythrocyte coming in the pulmonary capillary receives a soft "hot" excitement, where, when combustion, the surfactant is used mainly endogenous oxygen and the air is partially suitable for breathing. But at the same time, the main part of the erythrocytes is initiated due to the energy exchange with an ultrahigh-frequency field of the surfactant complex of endotheliocytes and alveolocytes.

This mechanism predicted 2 years ago is brilliantly confirmed today. Among the endogenants there are people who can continuously exhale more than half an hour, without stopping at either a moment. These people are endogenous oxygen generators - a living testimony of our concern with the inhabitants of the ocean. Their results mean the celebration of the theory of endogenous breathing. Summing up, the fundamental differences between the energy exchange and energy production should be emphasized with external and endogenous breathing. The main parameters are given for the body, which is at rest. With external breathing, about 2-4% of erythrocytes, which have received powerful energy excitement in the lungs, encourage the cells of the vascular bed to intensive work, which ensures that the body's energy conveyor is mainly provided. This conveyor is five cell populations: blood erythrocytes, alveolo cells (alveolocytes 1 and 2), cells, lining capillaries Alveol and vascular channel (endothelocytes), as well as an alveolar surfactant complex. These structures fall the main part of the energy production and energy exchange in the body. And the defeat of the body begins with the destruction of these structures. Erythrocyte, who received "hot" energy exclusion in the lungs and the "hot" way, who dropped energy in the vascular bed, transfers a heavy catastrophe, sharply cutting his life. But the body provides for the replacement of destroyed red blood cells to new ones. During certain limits, their decline without prejudice is replenished. More complex problems arise in an alveolar complex and with cells lining vessels. Previously, the cells of the alveoli and capillaries are faced, zones of the preferred introduction of air bubbles, where the grove in the surfactant is more powerful. In these zones, the pneumosclerosis appears before and in the future, the surfactant is not synthesized. Thus, the capacity of the main energy reactor of the body is gradually lost. The most unpleasant processes are developing in vascular bed. The damage to the vascular wall represents the main danger to the existence of the body. Infarction and stroke are the formidable diseases of the person. But the mechanism of their occurrence is included with damage to the vascular wall, as well as the processes of formation of atherosclerotic plaques and the sclerosis of small vessels are launched.

External breathing imposes internal energy exchange. Energy redundancy in arteries and energy failure in capillaries. All the opposite. Arterial vessels are damaged from excess energy, and more than 90% of tissue cells are experiencing the energy deficiency increasing with age.

Disadvantages of external respiration contrastingly appear on the background of the advantages of new breathing. The transition to breathing using the respiratory simulator is manifested by a rapid increase in the blood of the number of erythrocytes, which indicates the extension of their lives. This indirectly confirms that the power of the combustion of the surfactant is reduced in the lungs, and in tissue vessels. There is another indicator - body temperature. She begins to decline as soon as they begin to breathe in a new way. And in people who have mastered endogenous breathing, the body temperature is reduced by 1-1.5 degrees Celsius. But maybe this happened due to the reduction of energy? The method of chemiluminism is established that cellular energy in our breathing also rises. And in the endogenous it is higher than the initial level 2-4 times. What happened? In case of endogenous breathing, most cells are involved in a soft process of free-radical oxidation, which produces electrons and synchronized with supervice-frequency operation electromagnetic field (Chemistry and physics of life in one microparticle!). As the number of cells covered by the specified processes increase, conditions are created for a more advanced exchange. An amazing paradox: energy increases - the temperature drops - the number of free radicals falls. In its hypothesis, Petrakovich shows important importance for energy exchange in the cells of the protons flying out from the mitochondrial cells under the action of an ultra-fast-frequency field. Endogenous breathing showed that protons, in addition, are free-radical oxidation regulators. This regulation is ensured with the participation of ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic fields. The biggest part of the body is covered by such fields, the smaller there is a powerful firing energy excitation of cells, the higher the life resource.

To comply with external and endogenous breathing, we give an example. Horse and shark. It is known an expression "drove a horse", meaning that the animal is destroyed due to intense and continuous driving. Horse has a typical external breathing with mainly the "hot" energy exchanging cells. A severe long-term load quickly destroys the cardiovascular system. The ice shark is moving at a speed of up to 50 miles per hour, i.e. about 90 km / h. The intensity of work, taking into account the density of the medium, is an order of magnitude higher than that of the most striking horse. In pursuit of the mining of shark, it is necessary to repeatedly make long high-speed raids. Naturally, this does not harm it, since she has endogenous breath, in which there is no place to "hot" energy excitation. The entire body covers an ultra-frequency electromagnetic field and the optimal level of free-radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, which are saturated with all cells, provide sharks to high energy and protection of tissues from destruction.

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Endogenous breathing among the blowers is a privilege of a person reasonable. Maybe over time, selection-ons will remove animals with endogenous breathing. Benefits are undoubted. But it is obvious that the new population of Lu dei Endogennodes is the future of the planet Earth. Yes, and the name Homo Sapiens in the future will relate to the pre-property to the endogenous. If a person transitions from an 80-year-old life to 120-150-year-old life, new opportunities appear for human development as a species. Evolution is measured by thousands and millions of years. But a high-quality jump in the exchange allows you to count on new evolutionary acquisitions in a shorter time. The jump, which is now happening, as if not provided. The person returns to the rudimentary exchange, which his predecessors were lost in the distant past - the progenitors. The most important acquisition - the mind went to a person is not for nothing. Apparently, the water element limits the biological process. But, after having come to the land, our rapids lost the most advanced exchange, which is caused by endogenous breathing. About five million years have passed since then. Is it too late to go back? Large Russian scientists, academicians L. A. Orbeli, A. Ginzinsky, P. K. Anokhin at one time offered several principles of functional evolution. The first of them reads: in the process of the development and complication of the level of organization and the establishment of new relations in the body, the old functions do not disappear by immaculately, but turn out to be inhibited, with phylogenetically younger functions. Naturally, this thesis is not abstraction, but a success-noted pattern of wildlife.

And now happy incident gives a man an amazing chance to return back to the distant past. But not at all like a fantastic thriller. Man returns to relic breathing, but it turns out to be more viable in the conditions of the current civilization.

And our story is just as it is achieved, what happens in the body. Our experiments on the development of new breathing were carried out successfully with elderly people having very mediocre data on respiratory physiology, blood and cardiovascular system. You can even say that these were weak people. It convinced me that almost anyone can become endogeneous (endogenic). But the process does not stop at this, but continues further. And if a new breath is carried out all day, you can start controlling the body temperature. It will gradually begin to decline. The process will continue for years, rebuilding the work of cells in the body to an increasingly perfect exchange.

Endogenous breathing gradually ensures deep changes in functions, physiology and cell devices. Changes occur literally in all cells of the body. The degree and speed of change is different. They are determined by the role that cells play in canceling changes and the rate of cell recovery due to genetically. General notable changes are the result of the summation of the huge number of microsens in each body part.

A man mastering endogenous breathing wants to be confident in the results. In our theory and method there is no mysticism, there are no secrets, no shortcomings. Everything is built on practical results and logic, well-known laws and theories. Our method is available for understanding to any person, and I would like the reader to receive this understanding.

But first consider the general strategy for implementing endogenous breathing. One of the main tasks is the maximum reduction in the damaging effect of respiration to the body. Since the process of the destruction of tissues is launched in pulmonary capillaries and alveoli, there should be a solution to the question. First, it is necessary to reduce energy excitation of red blood cells, i.e., reduce the power of the surfactant outbreak. And that the power of the body does not fall, it is required, secondly, increase the number of excited erythrocytes.

Fast changes can be achieved if adjusting their breathing, we reduce the size of the bubbles and the concentration of oxygen in them. What will it give? Less bubble, less surfactant (fuel) and less oxygen (oxidizing agent). Less oxygen concentration in the bubble, even less than the oxidizing agent. As a result, less outbreak power, less erythrocyte excitation power.

How to implement it? First, you need to limit the stretching of the lungs when inhaling. Large gaps between the cells of the alveolo appear when stretching the lungs more than 75%. To provide small bubbles, you need to have small gaps. The diaphragmal respiration during the shoulders lowered and the relaxed chest guarantees such a state. The sinking ability of the heart for each individual is constant and will not change soon. It is this parameter that the total amount of air absorbed in the form of bubbles in the Alveol capillaries is determined. If the volume of bubbles decreases, then their number increases in the inverse proportion. Double winnings - the number of erythrocytes carrying the excitation of cells increases, and the power of "hot" excitation falls.

But there is still an interesting opportunity to reduce the size and, accordingly, increase the number of bubbles. It turns out that the conditions for the introduction of bubbles in the capillaries differ significantly in the Alveoli, depending on their location in the lungs. So, in the top of the lungs, the slits between alveolocytes are stronger, but reduced blood flow and intra-airectic pressure. At the bottom of the lung pressure is slightly higher. It turns out if the lungs are slightly "inflated", that is, to increase pressure in them, the differences are reduced. And as soon as the pricing wave reaches the capillaries, each of them will have the same chance to suck the air bubble in their direction. The suction process does not exceed 0.1 seconds, which eliminates the effect of even neighboring capillaries on each other. So, the increased pressure in the lungs is a decisive factor in reducing the size and increase the number of bubbles. Interestingly, behind the lungs, in addition, increases in general and the volume of air absorbed into capillaries. It also significantly increases the number of air bubbles.

With external breathing there is also a phase of increased air pressure in alveoli. In the structure of the respiratory act, it takes 15-20%. Thus, during the respiratory act (3.5-4 seconds at rest), it is possible to absorb only one portion of bubbles. Accordingly, 2-4% of red blood cells are excited. Our technology provides for a limiting support in lightweight pressure, which an average increases the amount of bubbles implemented in Ka-pillar and excited erythrocytes 8-12 times. In addition, due to the simulator and prolonged exhalation in the lungs, the concentration of oxygen is reduced. As the breath is mastered on the simulator, the duration of the exhalation increases, and the amount of oxidizer in bubbles is also reduced. Consequently, along with a sharp increase in the number of erythrocytes, carrying the excitation of cells, the power of their "hot" excitation is reduced. What does it lead to? Erythrocy-you begin to initiate the work of a large mass of cells and exercise this in the "cold" energy excitation mode. Now red blood cells are not able to reset the "hot" energy exclusion in the cavities of the heart, aortic, large arteries. To burn the surfactant, it takes a large charge and enough oxygen. But with weak energy exchanging in the lungs, the segment of the path to achieve the power of the "hot" energy reset increases significantly. But how to pass without energy losses many obstacles? Erythrocytes, touching the walls of the arteries and cells of the neighbors in the stream, lose their charge, work in the "cold" excitation mode. With the loss of charge in red blood cells, less and less chances are "hot-and-" excitement. And in large and small arteries all the time you have to drop energy. After all, erythrocyte is tested everywhere, then it concerns the wall, then the neighboring cell. But the capillary, where the erythrocyte is covered by endothelocytes from all sides and the latest charges will be removed from it. Erythrocyte - the system is surprisingly dynamic and energetically self-repairing. Under the surfactant directly in contact with the membrane there is still unranded oxygen, due to which the free-radical oxidation of lipids is maintained. The process of electrons and erythrocytes is again carried out again to the pulmonary capillary. The reader may have a question: due to what this "eternal" miracle generator exists? Due to the necessary substances, including unsaturated fatty acids, which are enough in the blood.

The energy production process and energy exchange is gradually improving. The excitation of erythrocytes in the pulmonary capil-lynor is carried out in two versions: weak "hot" excitation and field ultrahof-frequency excitement. All red blood cells receive energy excitement. Resetting energy excitation in tissue vessels acquires two main forms: electronic energy reset and field electromagnetic excitation. At the same time, the latter is increasingly dominated.

The restructuring of the respiratory mode has decisive importance to changes in cell power. Effective exchange pro-is primarily in the structures serving the life conveyor. The cells increase the number of mitochondria generating energy increases, the membrane complex develops, the metabolism is improved, an increase in cellular energy, an update of alveolocytes and endotheliocytes. Energy cells along the vascular bed aligns-Xia. Large differences disappear between endotheliocytes and red blood cells. Consequently, red blood cells often drops small portions of energy vessel cells. The fusion of ultrahigh-frequency fields of cells is increasingly deepened. The most interesting transformation occurs in Alveoli and their capillaries. Endotheliocytes and alveolocytes, especially the membrane and mitochondrial complex occur. Cells begin to work in a single ultrahigh-frequency field formed by merging their own fields. More energy endothelocytes feed alveolocytes with their field, which, due to the free radical oxidation of lipids of its membranes and surfactant, begin to produce endogenous oxygen. The small part of the erythrocyte lung capillary receives a soft "hot" excitation, where, when combustion, the surfactant is used predominantly endogenous oxygen and the air is partially suitable for breathing. But at the same time, the main part of the erythrocytes is initiated due to the energy exchange with an ultrahigh-frequency field of the surfactant complex of endotheliocytes and alveolocytes.

This mechanism predicted 2 years ago is brilliantly confirmed today. Among the endogenants there are people who can continuously exhale more than half an hour, without stopping at either a moment. These people are an endogen oxygen generators - a living testimony of our concern with the inhabitants of the ocean. Their results mean the celebration of the theory of endogenous breathing. Summing up, the fundamental differences between the energy exchange and energy production should be emphasized with external and endogenous breathing. The main parameters are given for the body, which is at rest. With external breathing, about 2-4% of erythrocytes, which have received powerful energy excitement in the lungs, encourage the cells of the vascular bed to intensive work, which ensures that the body's energy conveyor is mainly provided. This conveyor is represented by five cell populations: blood erythrocytes, alveolo cells (alveolocytes 1 and 2), cells, capillary alveoli and vascular channel (endotheliocy-you), as well as an alveolar surfactant complex. These structures fall the main part of the energy production and energy exchange in the body. And the defeat of the body begins with the destruction of these structures. The erythrocyte, which received "hot" energy excitation in the lungs and the "hot" way, who dropped energy in a vascular bed, transfers a heavy catastrophe, sharply cutting his life. But the body provides for the replacement of destroyed red blood cells to new ones. During certain limits, their decline without prejudice is replenished. More complex problems arise in an alveolar complex and with cells lining with sausage. Previously, the cells of the alveoli and capillaries are faced, zones of the preferred introduction of air bubbles, where the grove in the surfactant is more powerful. In these zones, it also occurs in the Fair, the surfactant is not synthesized. Thus, the capacity of the main energy reactor of the body is gradually lost. The most unpleasant processes are developing in vascular bed. The damage to the vascular wall represents the main danger to the existence of the body. And stroke - the terrible diseases of the person. But the mechanism of their occurrence is included with the damage to the vascular wall, as well as the processes of formation of atherosclerotic plaques and the sclerosis of small vessels are launched.

External breathing imposes internal energy exchange. Energy redundancy in arteries and energy failure in capillaries. All the opposite. Arterial vessels are damaged from excess energy, and more than 90% of tissue cells are experiencing the energy deficiency increasing with age.

Disadvantages of external respiration contrastingly appear on the background of the advantages of new breathing. The transition to respiration using the respiratory simulator is manifested by a rapid increase in the blood of the number of red blood cells, which is witnessing about the extension of their lives. This indirectly confirms that the power of the combustion of the surfactant is reduced in the lungs, and in tissue vessels. There is another indicator - body temperature. She begins to decline as soon as they begin to breathe in a new way. And in people who have mastered endogenous breathing, the body temperature is reduced by 1-1.5 degrees Celsius. But maybe this happened due to the reduction of energy? The method of chemiluminism is established that cellular energy in our breathing also rises. And in the endogenous it is higher than the initial level 2-4 times. What happened? With endogenous breathing, most cells are involved in a soft free-radical oxidation process, which produces electrons and is synchronized with the operation of the supervice-frequency electromagnetic field (chemistry and physics of life in one microparticle!). As the number of cells covered by the specified processes increase, conditions are created for a more advanced exchange. An amazing paradox: energy increases - the temperature drops - the number of free radicals falls. In his hypothesis, Petrakovich shows important importance for the energy exchange in the proton cells flying out of the mitochondrial cells under the action of an over-fast-frequency field. Endogenous breathing has a long time that protons, moreover, are free-radical oxidation regulators. This regulation is provided with the participation of ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic fields. The biggest part of the body is covered by such fields, the smaller there is a powerful firing energy excitation of cells, the higher the life resource.

To comply with external and endogenous breathing, we give an example. Horse and shark. It is known an expression "drove a horse", meaning that the animal is destroyed due to intense and long-term ride. Horse has a typical external breathing with mainly "hot" energy excitation of cells. A heavy long load is quickly destroyed by a cardiovascular system. The ice shark is moving at a speed of up to 50 miles per hour, i.e. about 90 km / h. The intensity of work, taking into account the density of the medium, is an order of magnitude higher than that of the most striking horse. In pursuit of the mining of shark, it is necessary to repeatedly make long high-speed raids. Naturally, it does not harm it, because it has endogenous breath, in which there is no place to "hot" energy excitation. The entire body covers an ultra-frequency electromagnetic field and the optimal level of free-radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, which are saturated with all cells, provide sharks to high energy and protection of tissues from destruction.

The endogenous respiratory mode should be passed without a pause (relay) after the development of the hypoxic mode. The structure of the respiratory act is changing to provide additional admission to the lightweight air portions.

After the usual breath without a pause, the first portion is extended. At the same time, the stomach relaxes, the chest - shoulders as the exemption exempted at 3-4 cm. Then breasts - shoulders for 1 sec. Rise into the previous position and the 2nd and subsequent portions are exhaled in the same way. The last portion is exhaled by the usual order and is carried out by another breath. The involuntary sucks of small air portions is carried out through the nose in the period of lifting at the starting position of the chest - shoulders. Attention is drawn to relaxation and the front position of the abdomen during an involuntary air supply. The nose when picked up the chest - shoulder remains passive. The air itself will go into the lungs. Possible errors: breast expansion, large amplitude of lowering - chest lifting - shoulders.

With the proper breathing technique, PDA continues to grow. If the PDA does not change, it means that the throat gap is blocked. This happens with the chin lowered down (top lock). It is possible a condition when "locked" as a result of the nose-acquired reflex. In this case, an option of arbitrary air supply is recommended. The position of the body does not change when exhaling, i.e., the chest and shoulders do not fall. After each exhaled portion, in addition to the latter, the microdesos of a small portion of air through the nose is carried out. Micro-cosos is carried out within 0.5 seconds simultaneously with a soft shower of the abdomen forward - down. When endogenous mode, it is recommended to increase the pda daily for 1 sec. If one-time increase was more than 2 seconds., So the air is satisfied very actively, and the lowering of the chest-shoulders or microdesos should be reduced. The respiratory time in the first two weeks should be limited to 40 minutes at the IPMA less than 16 seconds, 50 minutes - with IPAD 16 seconds and more. When providing in this period of sustainable breathing, the time of daily classes in the next increase by 1 min in 2 days.

Entry into active endogenous breathing usually begins at PDa 65-70 seconds. It sharply rises, for example, from 65 to 90 seconds. - in one workout, from 90 to 120 seconds. - In the next training session. Next, the increase in PDA progresses and after 2-3 weeks can reach 50-60 minutes. If there will be 1 hour in three consecutive classes, it is possible to master in parallel.

Endogenous breathing is better to master with slow walking. The technique of breathing does not change, only instead of the simulator uses tightly closed lips. Air is produced extremely economical portions with resistance, similar to breathing through the simulator. It is forbidden to breathe with the resistance higher than on the simulator! It is better to breathe with a somewhat reduced resistance. The duration of exhaled portions is 2-6 seconds, and the pauses between them can be 2-4 sec. The ratios between these parameters depend on the development of the respiratory system, physical exertion and respiratory experience.

As endogenous breathing improves, the air seats extremely decreases, which allows us to rationalize respiratory techniques and apply it in hardware and efficient mode. Each portion of the exhalation is accompanied by the movement of the belly forward - down, and then, during the period of the pause, the stress of the abdominal muscles is reset. The reduction in the volume of lungs decreases at the same time. This technique is the most efficient and rational.

Life in endogenous breaths and body dressing

Having mastered endogenous breathing, the person gradually moves to its constant use. The oxygen-energy yield of such breathing, T ensures the state of exchange and immunity, is determined by the daily breathing time with optimal resistance to exhalation. Practice shows that at 1-1.5 hours of such breathing, good health is ensured, and for parving and real rejuvenation, this time should be increased by 2-3 times. As skills gained, such breathing becomes needed. For example, among the endogenants at the age of 70-80, many are used in their practice daily 5-6 hour breathing under excess pressure. The rest of the time the breathing is also carried out in the use of endogenous mode, but without pressure control.

Humanity enters into a new quality of earthly existence - the period of endogenous breathing. Transformation is accompanied by radical health improvement and significant extension of life. This is confirmed by amazing results and prognostically follows from a filigree theory based on the logic of a set of facts. In the light of new knowledge not only dubious, but to a certain extent, the effects of well-known treatment methods are harmful. Pharmacological preparations nutritional supplements, fat burners, naturopathic agents, including exercise, starvation, hardening with cold mainly increase energy and metabolism. Their impact is primarily applied to high-energy zones, exacerbating damage processes. Depending on the characteristics of the body, the ratio of utility and harmfulness from the use of different methods varies in the widest limits.

What is endogenous breathing?

Without understanding and accounting for new provisions, it is impossible to create useful wellness methods. But the most effective technology for ensuring the health and extension of life has already been developed. Endogenous breathing sharply reduces tissue destruction, increases cell power and forms highly active immune system. There is a population of long-lived endogenous people who are not afraid of the most dangerous enemies of a person - stroke, heart attack, cancer and which are counting on a comfortable life without disease.

Which determines high efficiency new technology? Its object primarily is each cell, in whatever organs, it is neither. The latest scientific papers (in particular, American scientists) found that the main causes of degradation and aging of the body are low cell power and an increased amount of free radicals. These provisions are today confirmed and refined by the theory and practice of endogenous breathing. It turns out that energy loads on the cells may vary hundreds of - thousands of times. It has been established that the basic energy load in the body falls on a very small part of the cells (about 1-2%). Their destruction leads to damage and wear of the tissues. The huge part of the remaining cells due to the acute energy deficiency is in passive state. The condition of these cells determines the level of so-called "pollution", the "sticking" of the organism.

Endogenous breath Allows you to see the imperfection of the human body through the mechanisms of intracellular metabolism and intercellular interactions. He became an obvious leading role of cell energy supply in exchange processes. It is not enough to give the cells the necessary substances. When the energy deficit, the cell is not able to effectively use the materials or its own reserves.

Endogenous breathing increases the general energy background of the body, includes the main part of the cells, providing an optimal level of energy in them. A sharp improvement in cell power creates a high status of the immune system, has a positive effect on metabolic processes in tissues and increases the functionality of the body. But is there an order for such technology? In this regard, the relationship between human and medicine is of interest. Let's look at modern medicine through the eyes of a patient and specialists, as far as a person can count on medicine and that it can offer him to the near future.

Here is the opinion of famous specialists about the state of modern medicine, including the leading link russian health - official medicine, as well as traditional medicine.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V. A. Vorontsov: "It's no secret that official medicine is not only in Russia, but also in all developed countries has already reached the limit, for which it becomes obvious: the former methodological foundations of health care do not allow any average duration Life nor reduce baby mortality. Without exaggeration, it can be argued that, as its basis, official medicine remains symptomatic, it eliminates the symptoms and effects, and not the disease itself and its causes. Moreover, there is every reason to believe that the increase in the number of chronic diseases is one of the natural results of many years of practical activity of the most official medicine. In general, it can be considered: official medicine is indispensable for acute pathology, since it has potent and effective means. It can save life in an acute threat, but it is not able to ensure health care, since the potent means themselves cause serious harm to health. For everything you have to pay. It is no secret that in chronic diseases official medicine is ineffective. "

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, one of the founders of Space Medicine N. P. Neumyvakin: "There is no doubt that the development of even more efficient drugs, chemical radiotherapy, etc. is unpromising. A huge amount of drugs, including those intended to strengthen the immune system, destroys, above all, the immune system. Meanwhile, you can do without a huge majority of drugs. "

The doctor G. I. Krain (1995): "Despite all the achievements of modern pharmacology and hardware therapy, they tend to provide temporary assistance. Achievements of acupuncture, psychotherapy and bioenergy in the treatment of chronic diseases do not solve the problems of increasing incidence. Even the most famous specialists have a complete cure, it is not always achieved. And in other cases it is a rare luck. Recently, a significant part of the population is fond of various systems of self-treatment (Bragg, Shatalov, Semenova, Malakhov, etc.). But even those who manage to fulfill the strict recommendations of the authors on a diet, to withstand cleansing procedures and do not be afraid of exacerbations, the effect of self-treatment is usually temporary and is not achieved in all cases. In general, the morbidity is not reduced, and in many cases, due to the deterioration of ecology and increase the overall tension of life, it grows. "

Candidate of Medical Sciences V. V. Konovalov: "First, the crisis of modern medicine is a bitter reality, and the reality is not only our, but also Western health. A widespread idea of \u200b\u200bWestern medicine, as well as about medicine in the best Russian clinics, as a limit of perfection, deeply mistakenly. There is no fundamental difference between the ordinary city clinic or hospital from the best clinics of the world. The difference is observed only in providing devices, medicines and in the service level. "

Undoubted the achievements of medicine in the field of resuscitation, surgery, anti-epidemic, with severe diseases.

However, let's look at modern medicine through the patient's eyes. There are a mass of medical institutions, they are infinitely equipped with new and new super pribers, and in pharmacies an abundance of miraculous proprietary drugs. However, on the one hand, a huge number of people feels bad, turns to clinics, hospitals, but they often do not find any diseases and, of course, they cannot help them. On the other hand, there are many cases when the disease is known, but medicine is almost powerless. Such diseases include: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, allergies, bronchial asthma, periodontalosis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, vegetationism, prostatitis, ischemic heart disease, encephalopathy, heavy anemia, neurosis and peptic disease, problems of potency in men, infertility, mastopathy and moma In women and a number of others.

All this is due to the fact that official medicine has become "medicine" and even symptoms, but not "medicine health". Do not make a person healthy, but to save it, remove acute pain, stroke the aggravation of the disease - this is the task of this, and these opportunities are actually limited.

It is difficult to doubt the objectivity of the estimates of modern medicine.

Can calm the fact that in the West "is also bad"? After all, even in the United States, about half a million people die every year, and the death rates from the stroke are even higher. It seems that the person closely approached the limit of adaptation and survival.

What about the future? Looks like a science serving health care does not promise bright prospects. Moreover, some predictions are very pessimistic. Here is the latest information from the 1st Congress Congress of the CIS countries on December 2-5, 1996. According to forecasts of scientists from Europe and America, in the 21st century every third man on the globe falls like cancer. Already today, this disease acquires the nature of the epidemic: the growth rate of mortality from malignant tumors increases annually by an average of 86%. Moreover, this trend will continue in the future century.

If official I. ethnoscience Can not offer anything fundamentally new to exit a dead end, it may be worth switching to "miraculous" means.

But, it seems, people begin to understand what these "wonders" represent these "wonders": drugs, food additives, fat burners? These are the same products of contemporary world medicine, which stays in a deep crisis.

What to do a simple person? After all, I also want to live. We can say that the whole life of a person is a subconscious chase for health. Not "feeling" health, a person feels discomfort.

If medicine persecuted in a wall, which for many decades could not overcome, if, looking in the 21st century, we do not promise anything cardinal to us, then you need to think very seriously. The long-term evolutionary period of the person's adaptability has long been completed and it is necessary to step over to a new step of adaptation. When it's possible? If only a scientific breakthrough is made, if only a person is able to free themselves from the press of the traditional worldview.

Such a step is made with the opening of endogenous breathing, with the creation of technology that ensures a fundamentally new exchange in the body.

New breathing hypothesis

In 1992, the article G. N. Petrakovich appeared in the magazine "Russian Thought" No. 2 "Free radicals against axioms. New hypothesis about breathing. "

What was new to G. N. Petrakovich in our "very studied" organism? The answer to this question may be briefly formulated in three positions:

- cells provide their needs for energy and oxygen due to the reaction of the free-radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids of their membranes;

- the motion of the cells to the specified reaction and, consequently, the erythrocytes of blood due to the transfer of electronic excitation;

- Electronic excitation of blood erythrocytes is carried out in the Alveol capillaries due to the energy of the hydrocarbon reaction of tissues with air oxygen, which flows through the combustion mechanism.

The first position literally turns our usual views. Oxygen is not delivered by the blood cell, and is produced in it. AdenosineRithosphate (ATP) and processes, providing it, move into the background. And all this, due to the processes of non-enzymatic free radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in the cells, which are the main component of the cell membranes. It comes out, science looked around and did not appreciate the role of this phenomenon in the body. Meanwhile, biochemists free-radical oxidation of lipids (fats) cell membranes known for a long time. However, it seems to be in exchange mainly as an accompanying, to a certain extent damaging process, the intensity of which should be limited. There are other glances for the role of free-radical oxidation.

Scientists argue that the process of free-radical oxidation in the tissues of living organisms is carried out continuously in all molecular structures due to the action of the natural background of ionizing radiation, the ultraviolet component of solar radiation, some chemical components of the edible diet, air ozone.

Thus, free-radical oxidation with one or another intensity is constantly carried out in the tissues of the body. This contributes to the presence of oxygen and metals with variable valence, primarily iron, copper existing in tissues.

The energy of free-radical oxidation is released in the form of heat and in the form of electron excitation. As a result, a number of free-radical oxidation products are oxygen, ketones, aldehydes are created with excited electronic levels, i.e., ready to actively transmit energy. Products of free-radical oxidation also include all known ethyl alcohol. In general, it should be noted that the degree of provision by this body is depending on the intensity of free-radical oxidation.

Thus, the level of free-radical oxidation of lipids of cell membranes in our body is the sum of the three components caused by the habitat, breathing and receiving special food.

As you already guessed that the proportion of free-radical oxidation caused by breathing is usually the greatest value (among others), otherwise a person would not be so dependent on breathing.

G. N. Petrakovich showed that the main role in ensuring energy exchange processes is not owned by ATP, but closely related to the processes of free-radical oxidation of an ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic field and ionizing proton radiation. These ideas, he developed in the work of Biopol without secrets.

According to Petrakovich, in each cell (in mitochondria), including in the erythrocyte (in hemoglobin), there are about 400 million subunits, combining 4 iron atoms with a variable valence FE 2 \u003d Fe 3+. These stable structures or, as they call them. N. Petrakovich, "Electromagnetics", inherent in the wildlife, are directly involved in free-radical oxidation.

Electronic "rearings" between two- and trivalent iron atoms create a ultra-frequency electromagnetic field of mitochondria, cells, which is the source of energy-consumption and energy exchange processes. This is how this process is described by the author: "So, the DC circuits are" electron transfer circuits "in mitochondria. What then is there? And there is a rapid, with a huge velocity equal to the rate of change of valence in the iron atom, which is part of the electromagnetic, movement - "Crosk" grated from the substrate of unsaturated fatty acid of the electron and "own" within the same electromagnetic. Each such movement of an electron generates an electric current to form around it, according to the laws of physics, an electromagnetic field. The direction of the electron movement in such an electromagnetics is unpredictable, so they can generate only variable vortex electric current and, accordingly, a variable high-frequency vortex electromagnetic field.

The phenomenon of protons (positively charged hydrogen atoms) departing from mitochondria in the cell space, biochemists are known for a long time. However, scientists did not find an adequate place to these particles in metabolic processes. According to Petrakovich, protons along with electrons are the most important energy and energy transmission particles for cells.

"Thus, we are talking about a fundamentally new one, by anyone a previously presented look at the acquisition and transmission of energy in a living cell - we are talking about ionizing proton radiation in a living cell, as a method for transmitting the energy of biological oxidation, from mitochondria to cytoplasm."

The second and third position reveal the secret of the life conveyor, i.e., at the expense of what processes it ensures the actual operation of organs and tissue cells. This conveyor includes: breathing-burning, electronic excitation of blood erythrocytes, the development of energy potential by erythrocytes during the period of their leading blood vessels, reset the erythrocytes of the electron excitation of the target cell.

In the lungs, the transition of oxygen into blood is carried out. Here, tissue hydrocarbons interact with air oxygen in a chemical reaction flowing through the combustion mechanism. When combustion, especially when burning in the form of an outbreak, instantly born a huge amount of electrons, the electromagnetic excitation occurs, the energy of which is quite enough to excite the free-radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids of erythrocyte membranes.

G. N. Petrakovich raised the question of a fundamentally new concept of energy production, energy exchange and cellular interaction in living organisms. His discovery determined the most important direction in the study of living matter and has the most interesting prospects.

However, we do not know the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the cells of the cells in the energy supply of the body. With free radical oxidation, much more energy is released (about 100 kcal / mol) than with biochemical processes using ATP (6-12 kcal / mol). Where does energy disappear? Or why still a person lacks energy?

The new concept of respiration and cellular energy supply received its understanding and development after opening. Endogenous breathing.

So, there is an external breath, which all people use, and there are endogenous breaths, which have begun to use individual people. To understand each breathing, it is necessary to consider the operation of the cells, ranging from the alvetole of the lungs, where the electronic charging of the waste blood is carried out, to the very long cell - target, which expects its portion of the living "electronic" energy. But before you go on a journey, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the main acting person of the processes of energy production and energy exchange in the organism of the Erythrocyte.

Erythrocyte is the most important cell of the blood and the body: "Tell me, what are your red blood cells, and I will tell you who you are." Perhaps, in such an interpretation more meaning than in the famous saying. Specialists on the basis of information on red blood cells can get more information than with the help of well-known diagnostic tools and methods.

Erythrocytes are one of the most numerous organism cells. Of the total cells (about 2 x 1014), approximately 2.5 x 1013 falls on red blood cells. No wonder. After all, red blood cells should ensure non-stop initiation to the work of all cells of organs and tissues. Due to red blood cells, metabolism is carried out, withdrawal from the body of carbon dioxide, exchange products, as well as other functions.

In shape, erythrocyte usually represents a two-way disc-diskocyte, with a diameter of 7-8 microns, the largest thickness is 2.4 μm, the minimum is 1 μm. The erythrocyte dry substance contains about 95% hemoglobin, and only 5% falls on the share of other substances.

The average lifespan of the erythrocyte is 120 days. The four-layer erythrocyte cell membrane, the average two layers consist of lipids that contain protein inclusions in the form of floating globular bodies. Outdoor layers of protein nature.

Erythrocytes have sufficient flexibility and elasticity, which easily allows them to pass through vessels having a smaller diameter.

Erythrocytes, like other cells, have negative surface charges. Among other blood cells (leukocytes, platelets), red blood cells have the largest surface charge. It is known that particles having the same charges are repelled. Therefore, due to the erythrocytes, which make up the main mass of the uniform elements of the blood, is ensured by practically irregular, like mercury balls, the flow of blood along the vessels.

Before familiarizing with the mechanism of energy exchange, I want to draw attention to the capacity and reliability of the organisen energy conveyor. In a person with a mass of 70 kgv, a circulation of about 3 kgarodocytes is performed every minute. And this process never stops.

So, to get closer to the truth, we offer everyone to make two more travels: one with external, other when endogenous breathing. However, for clarity goals, it is necessary to determine the accents. So, external breathing leads to aging and degradation of tissues, and endogenous breathing causes opposite effects. Between breathing and tissue cells there is one environment - blood in the face of erythrocytes that carry energy. It is easy to guess that with external breathing, red blood cells cause processes leading to damage and degradation of tissues, and during endogenous breathing, red blood cells produce the opposite effect. So, there are two opposite options for excitation of erythrocytes in the lungs. Here we should deal with this travel. It is important to assimilate how many erythrocytes are obtained in the lungs energy excitement and what is the character of this excitation.

It should be done in advance that new knowledge gained by long-term research leads to the need to introduce some adjustments to the mechanism of production and energy exchange of Petrakov's hypothesis. This is taken into account in the subject of endogenous breathing outlined further.

Erythrocytes destroy vessels

The ideas about the new technology will become subject, if you look into the pulmonary alveoli and the capillaries, which the network covers its outer surface. It is here, according to traditional ideas, gas exchange is carried out between blood and light. It is here how even today is taught, blood gets oxygen to bring it to thirsty cells of tissues. But G. N. Petrakovich showed that everything is wrong. And today there are dozens of evidence of his rightness.

Figure 2 pos.1 shows the alveoli cavity (diameter of about 260 microns), the inner surface of which is formed by alveolar cells - alveolocytes. On top of the alveolocytes of the alveoli is lined with the finest fat film - surfactant. A pulmonary capillary with a total with an alveoli wall is formed by the active cells of endotheliocytes.

What happens in the capillary with ordinary breathing?

In the capillary, the air bubble in the surfactant shell is introduced into the narrow slot between alveoocytes. The introduction is ensured by the suction effect of the left atrium. It can be said that such suction is massive. And once again you can amaze the genius of the Creator. A sufficient density in the blood of erythrocytes and high elasticity of capillaries provide a dense contact of the surfactant film bubble with the surface of the erythrocyte and endotheliocytes. The surface of the erythrocyte has a huge negative electronic potential compared to endothelocyte. The digit arising between cells instantly burns the surfactant film. The oxidant uses oxygen in the air bubble. But endotheliocytes and surfactant are also obtained by the electronic discharge energy, and from it both by wires and alveolocytes. This factor is essential, since the venous (98-99%), squeezed in the energy sense, comes into the alveoli. The outbreak energy primarily receives erythrocytes, but part of it also receive cellular structures on the border of combustion.

Pay attention to the size of the air bubble. Doesn't he seem big to you? Remember childhood fun. How quickly falls in the mouth and fills the entire cavity of the rubber bubble? The same is created in the capillary when pristenting pressure occurs. When the flash, not only heat is highlighted, but electrons are ejected. Thus, the erythrocyte receives a powerful electronic excitation over the entire surface of the disk adjacent to the bubble. Almost half of the erythrocyte membrane is covered by an intense process of free-radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. Erythrocyte is quickly imagined electron charge and oxygen, which accumulates under the surfactant shell. The excitation, initiated by the flash, will be referred to as a "hot", like red blood cell, having or producing such an excitement. After a few seconds, the erythrocyte reaches the heart, arteries. The cell potential is approaching the maximum, and it is ready for a powerful reset of energy. And the intelligence of "nature"? Maybe the expediency is just in unreasonableness.

The main factor of rationality is the magnitude of the negative surface charge. It is repelled from the same energy erythrocytes - neighbors, from the actively working cells of the endothelium of blood vessels and is inactive, i.e. low-energy non-working cells having a minimal superficial charge. And now imagine the blood, which is captured by the atrium, the ventricle of the heart and is also energetically thrown into the aorta. Speed \u200b\u200bhere reaches 2 m / s! Already in the field of aorta, many red blood cells are ripe for energy transfer. Turns, narrowing, division of artery, high blood velocity, erythrocytes are closely in the stream, because they occupy 35-40% of blood volume - collisions with walls and among themselves are inevitable. Today there are many facts that allow it to be argued that the most intense "hot" red blood cells carry out energy excitation of cells (outbreak) in the heart (its cavities and coronary vessels), in the aorta, large arteries, primarily carrying blood brasses, kidneys, lower limbs, intestines. The closer to the heart is an artery, the greater the cross section and the specific blood flow, the more intense the cells of the vascular wall are excited. This is the process of "hot" energy reset due to the outbreak of the erythrocyte surfactant in its own oxygen. Unfortunately, with external breathing, the process of "hot" initiation of the powerful energy excitation of the cells is massive. And the primary excited erythrocytes to the capillaries of many organs and tissues, as a rule, do not reach, and "work out" in the arteries. The accessibility zone of primary red blood cells includes a heart, brain and nearby fabrics. The specified zones, as practice shows, are the most vulnerable. This confirms that the immediate impact of the "hot" erythrocytes is dangerous. Nevertheless, we can assume that the majority of hot red blood cells work to the entrance to the capillary channel. From the aorta, the diameter of which is about 2 cm, to the capillary, the average diameter of which is 7.5 microns, there is a multiple cascade of arteries with reducing vessel cross sections. The cells of the endothelium of the arteries are mainly not experiencing an energy deficit. Regardless of this, energy-saturated erythrocytes exercise their energy exclusion.

The "hot" reset of the energy endotheliocytes of the vascular wall leads to a high intensity of free radical oxidation of lipids of cell membranes, including mitochondrial membranes. The share of the latter in the overall energy balance, implemented due to free radical oxidation, is significant. Endotheliocytes due to free radical oxidation provide themselves and arranged in the neighboring cellular cells, in turn, encouraging them to the reactions of free radical oxidation. Endotheliocyte energy transmission by neighboring cells increases the load on their membrane complex.

Having become acquainted with how energy and exclusion of red blood cells are carried out in the lungs and how "hot" energy relief is carried out, we did not find out what the cause of the energy deficit is. If we know the amount of oxygen burning, the size of the bubbles and the number of red blood cells functioning in the bloodstream, then it is not difficult to determine. In a state of rest, "hot" excitement gets about 2-4% of red blood cells, i.e., only one of 25-50. In the child of the first month of life, energy excitement practically receives every second red blood cell.

Well, 2-4%, much is it or not enough? This means that each endothelocyte of the capillary channel receives energy excitation after 0.3-0.5 minutes, i.e., in the body, only 1-2% of cells and about 90% of cells are practically functioning. Erythrocytes The bulk of energy is discharged in the arteries, and the lack of energy supply of capillaries is expressed in an increased energy deficiency and insufficient overall tissue metabolism. Adult man would have arranged an energy level corresponding to a monthly child. However, we must state that with external breathing, the mechanisms of energy supply and adult and the newborn are destructive. This is primarily applied to the arteries. The cells of their walls are not required. But the continuously implemented processes of "hot" excitement initiate the resumption of new and new processes of free radical oxidation, creating a voltage in ensuring the integrity of the membrane structures. The integrity of the intima artery cell can be provided if consumed unsaturated fatty acids are continuously resumed, and if the intensity of the free radical oxidation process is limited to a certain limit. BUT B. real life Such conditions are often not performed. Damage to membranes and other vascular cell structures are one of the universal pathological processes characteristic of external breathing organisms. The launcher of damage to the vascular wall was the secret for seven seals. But this mystery opened as soon as the theory of endogenous breathing began to apply. Electric discharge burns the revolt of erythrocyte in its same oxygen. The powerful electron irradiation of the cell membrane causes intensive free radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. And the integrity of the vascular wall depends on the frequency of getting into the zone of the hot red erythrocyte reaction zone. Less than these erythrocytes are at rest. In stress and physical exertion, the number of hot red blood cells increases 10-20 times.

We selected an example is not accidental. After all, the damage to the vascular wall is most pronounced in the aorta, major arteries and in places of bifurcation (division) arteries. Scientists still seek the cause in hemodynamic strike. But the logic of the process and the obtained experimental data prove the reality of a new mechanism of primary damage to the vascular wall.

Thus, the lungs leave about 2-4% of energy-proof "hot" erythrocytes and 96-97% of indifferent, that is, non-evaluable to the energy excitation of cells. At the same time, the bulk of erythrocytes gives energy in the arteries. Due to what the energy of the capillary channel cells is ensured? On the way from the lungs to tissue capillaries there are many conditions for the appearance of erythrocytes that can transmit small portions of energy to cells. As already mentioned, red blood cells move in a dense stream and with quite considerable speed. When tapping the walls of the vessel when the charge did not reach the value that allows you to ignite the surfactant, the red blood cell resets the excess electronic charge. After creating a new charge by erythrocyt due to free radical oxidation, the process may repeat several times by dropping energy in the arteries, the red blood cell is also able to provide "cold" excitation of the capillary cells. In the same position, erythrocytes may be, which in the way shared energy with an indifferent neighbor. But the same role can be made by erythrocytes that received a dozen electrons when contact with energy-saturated erythrocyte, for example, when driving through a heart or in a rapid flow in aorte, artery. Interestingly, having obtained a small electronic "infusion", the red blood cell due to the free-radical oxidation of its own unsaturated fatty acids is able to repeatedly carry out the "cold" energy excitation of cells. "Cold" initiation is essential in ensuring the work of the capillary bed.

Field ultrahigh-frequency energy excitation of the vascular cell. This type of excitation is most significant in zones with high energy density, for example, in the heart, especially in the state of the load. With the transition to endogenous breathing, the number of such zones in the body increases sharply.

About atherosclerotic changes in the intima vessels today is known to every person. Despite the numerous studies of atherosclerosis processes, many parties of this unpleasant phenomena remain unclear.

The traditional option for transporting oxygen tissues does not allow the conflict between a mass of contradictory facts. The most obvious contradiction we observe in the bloodstream. Powerful atherosclerotic damage to the aorta (almost all people starting with children's age), declining as vessels are narrowing and almost stopped in capillaries. If the degree of damage to the vascular wall was uniform, including the capillaries, then the death of 15-20 years could become usual, and no one would live out to 50 years.

The theory of endogenous breathing allowed to see the real mechanism of the energy mechanism, which inseparable from practical observations. If erythrocytes carrying a powerful "hot" excitation endotheliocytes are received in the blood vessels, due to uncontrolled processes of free-radical oxidation there is damage to intima with all the ensuing consequences. This is mainly in the arteries. With the "cold" excitation of endothelocytes, intima damage does not occur. This applies mainly to capillars. Damage to the capillaries (cases of pathologies and diseases are not accepted) possible mainly at elevated loads on the respiratory and cardiovascular system, stress.

We have left to get acquainted with what influence has a breath on other blood cells.

Erythrocytes (red), leukocytes (white) platelets (pink)

Other blood cells - leukocytes, platelets - several orders of magnitude less than red blood cells. When cell movement in the arteries there are enough conditions for energy contacts between them. The role of the donor remains behind the erythrocyte. From our theory, it logically implies that the energy, the state of exchange processes and the functional activity of leukocytes and platelets is determined primarily by the energy state of red blood cells. The greater the bloodstream in the bloodstream is energy-active erythrocytes, the more effective the remaining cells function. In the experiment conducted, we have proven that the activity of the cells of the immune system is entirely depends on the energetic erythrocytes.

And what affects the erythrocytes? Remember the first formula: "Tell me, what are you erythrocytes ..."?

"Tell me what your breath is, and I will say who you are" - the second formula is perhaps stronger than the first.

The condition and conditions of the functioning of the erythrocytes are determined by breathing. And with external breathing, people can be significantly different with blood, and above all red blood cells. Researchers who studied Hunzov and Valkabamba would simply be just to see what the gentlemen had blood and what their breathing, and more than 70% of the questions would be removed.

You have already seen that red blood cells participate in the most important work to ensure the body of the energy. But this work, as you have verified, at the same time devastating. A little less than one percent of red blood cells daily finishes its existence. In absolute figures it turns out about 2 x 10. But these are usual, gentle conditions. All changes can change these indicators. But it is better understood by the destructiveness of external breathing on the examples.

An example is the first when a person is just starting to breathe. Data on the change of red blood cells in children:

1st day of life - 6,000,000 in 1 mm 3 blood;

1st month of life - 4,700,000 in 1 mm 3 blood;

The 6th month of life is 4,100,000 in 1 mm3 of blood.

As soon as the child moved to external breathing, the amount of erythrocytes in the blood is quickly reduced, despite the intensive blood formation processes.

The child, especially in the first months of life, almost every erythrocyte gets "hot" excitement. The rapid destruction of the erythrocytes is not compensated by the blood formation processes.

An example of the second when a person is trying to breathe much and intensively.

According to some observations (V. Fahriel), after powerful and long-term physical exertion, the amount of hemoglobin decreased by 10%, red blood cells - by 32%, the restoration of the blood pattern occurs after 10-12 days, and sometimes in 20 days.

For a few days, a monthly rate of natural loss of red blood cells was destroyed. Such facts are not single. They are manifested as a pattern with long-term intensive workouts at the runners, skiers and other athletes. Today, these facts can be explained only by the destructiveness of external respiration in relation to red blood cells. Compared to the rest when working with a pulse of 160-180 dd. min. The oxygen consumption increases at 25-30 times, i.e., almost every erythrocyte becomes hot.

Transfer of breathing from the devastating in the life-quality for each cell of our body is carried out using endogenous breathing technology.

Endogenous breathing:

ED is a biochemical term. This process in which numerous organism cells (alveocytes, erythrocytes, endothelocytes) work in a clear rhythm of the resonance. They produce not only oxygen, but also plasma (energy). At the same time, the energy of all cells increases, which in turn creates a highly active immune system. Under these conditions, metabolic processes and blood circulation are normalized, which has a decisive effect on the restoration of all functions and organism organs. How does this happen? Already after several classes on the simulator, the ED has an impact on the state of blood. With normal gas exchange as a result of Chem. Reactions are 16% O2 and 4% CO2. Blood changes its properties: it becomes energy intensity, fluid, active (all-pervading) and cones the energy excitation to each cell cell. The body begins to self-clean from slags and through the normalization of neuro-tissue interactions restores the operation of all systems and organs. Normalizes acid-alkaline balance, all biochemical processes, which is an integral condition when recovering metabolism.

Accumulated "ballast substances" (slags, poisons, free radicals), occupying 70% of the free area of \u200b\u200bthe cell, are derived from the body, the cell's ability is restored to be saturated with energy and fully used the supplied nutrients.

From here high level Healing. A more powerful mechanism for the restoration of the body than the ED method today does not exist. Clinical trials have shown high ED effectiveness in the treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, hypertension, migraine, vegetative dystonia, chronic brainwater failure, chronic bronchitis. Bronchial asthma, polyps, allergies, ulcerative diseases, colitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, prostatitis, pathological climax, type 1-2 diabetes, pyelonephritis, kidney polycystosis, miom, mastopathy, infertility, impotence. In case of impaired sleep, depression, neurotic disorders, focal tuberculosis, herpes, chlamydia, psoriasis, gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the urogenital system, etc.


Acute somatic and infectious diseases, chronic diseases under sharp exacerbation and decompensation, respiratory failure, accompanied by severe hypoxhemia in combination with hypercaps, recurrent pulmonary bleeding and hemopying, hypertensive crisis, oncological diseases.

Reflecting on health hoists, longevity, summarizing the experience of respiratory gymnastics of yogis: Paracelsa, Plato, Butyko, Strelnoye, Jackson, Leonidos based on advanced theories of recreation breathing V.F. Frolov, Academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Natural Use, Ph.D., Ph.D., Candidate of Biological Sciences , former secret head of the min. Defense, Colonel in retirement creates a very simple mechanical method of breathing, which was based on the instrument as well as the respiratory simulator Frolov.

For the first time in the world, scientifically based respiratory technology was developed, which allowed the most important problems of the body and revealed the causes of diseases and aging. Frolov together with colleagues scientists convincingly proved that the continuation of the life and stability of the body to diseases is determined by the functioning of the respiratory system.

The practical results of the use of the ED method affect the imagination, they are recognized as a scientific and medical public, the whole army of fans of this method of restoration of the body. The author himself, on the conclusion of specialists of the 2nd Moscow medical InstituteIn its 65 years, has characteristics of the body, which is peculiar to a high-class 20-year-old athlete. "Wonders" happens even in old age when traditionally it was believed that healing is impossible. Improvement occurs even by hopeless. We do not believe ourselves and do not even suspect that our and the will and knowledge of natural patterns are able to work wonders.

Endogenous breathing method

The Frolova Phenomenon simulator is the result of the struggle for the life of V.F. Frolov. Like many people from the ages of Frolov acquired a whole bouquet of diseases: asthma, hypertension, ulcerative and urolithiasis, arthritis ... to top to all, doctors discovered a tumor, which forced a scientist to contact unconventional methods of recovery.

Sports, hardening, hodded treatment, the use of naturopathic means of recovery did not bring him. At that time, the Buteyko method was widely promoted. Classes on this system brought results, but demanded exhausting physical and volitional efforts!

The understanding of the experience of ancient and modern respiratory gymnastics, Frolov became increasing more and more in thought that breathing is the key to health and comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a breath method, according to the effectiveness of the yogis breathing techniques. And in order for this technique to be available to each person - to the creation of the device. After many years of painstaking work, a simulator was created. Naturally, the inventor itself became the first tester of the device. He spent 25-30 minutes per day for a simulator, and incredible - the disease came back, and after 2 years there was no trace of the tumor. Moreover, there was a decrease in the body temperature by 1 degree than, according to scientists, the body has an additional life resource. Comprehensive study of the organism V.F. Frolov, conducted in the 2nd Moscow honey. The institute, plunged in the shock of experts and scientists: the biological age of the inventor corresponded to the age of a 20-year-old athlete, and he was 65 years old!

From 1990 to 1995 in leading clinics M.Z. R.F. Clinical tests of the respiratory simulator, and later in other countries.

It has been scientifically proven that, engaged in the respiratory simulator "Phenomenon of Frolova" for 20-30 minutes per day according to the method, more than 150 severe diseases can be rotated, among which:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension, hypotension, arrhythmia, varicose veins, angina, ischemic heart disease, vegetary dystonia, violation of cerebral circulation, stroke, heart attack, blood disease, thrombophlebitis.
  • Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system: asthma, chronic bronchitis, lung emphysema, tuberculosis, silicosis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach ulcers, duodenum, esophagus, intestinal colts, kidney stones and bustling bubble, restoration of kidney functions, liver, cholecystitis.
  • Diseases of the urogenital system: ovaries, uterus, prostate gland, impotence, pathological climax, misa, polyps, etc.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, coxarthrosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Autoimmune diseases, nervous diseases and endocrine diseases: diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, diseases thyroid gland, multiple sclerosis, Encephalopathy, migraine and others.
  • Skin diseases: psoriasis, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, baldness and others.

Healing breathing practices on the respiratory simulator TDI-01:

Asthma bronchial

Allergies and impaired immune system;

Cardiovascular diseases;

Chronic fatigue and insomnia;

Osteochondrosis and joint diseases;

Health is restored during smoking (you are faster and without consequences, throw smoking); weight loss; Increase sports achievements.

In addition, the condition of the skin is improved, wrinkles are smoothed, the roots of the hair are strengthened, gray disappears, the sleep, weight, vision is normalized, the mood is improved. Restores speech, memory, rumor. It is visually observed that endogenous breathing looks much younger than their peers.

The effects of the recovery of the body on the Frolov simulator:

1. Restoration of blood circulation, vessels, improvement of blood composition (small capillaries are divided, new).

2. Restoration of metabolism (carbohydrate, salt, water).

3. Restoration of the main energy exchange.

4. Saturation of cells with oxygen and energy.

5. Massage of internal organs, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system, lungs, hearts (due to diaphragmal respiration).

6. Natural cleansing of the entire body.

7. Restoration of gas metabolism, acid-alkaline balance in the body (due to changes in the gas ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the inhaled air).

8. Formation of a superchate immune system.

9. Restoration of the nervous system.

10. Slow down the processes of aging (reduction of free radicals in the body of 4-5 times).

11. The rejuvenation of the body (decrease in body temperature by 1 degree naturally).

12. Removing stress and emotional voltage.

13. Treatment of sleep disorders and depressive states.

14. Improving mental and physical activity.

15. Elimination of muscle and articular pain.

16. Treatment of gynecological and urological diseases.

17. Therapy of sexual disorders.

18. Treatment of male and female infertility.

asthma, hypertension, angina, diabetes, osteochondrosis, arthritis, misa, polyps, psoriasis, allergies, atherosclerosis, obesity, hypothyroidism, diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver, nervous and urogenital system, as well as many others.

This technique is a reliable protection against oncological diseases, stroke and cancer. Normalizes sleep, weight. Improves eyesight and mood. Restores speech and physical form after a stroke, when stuttering. At a certain stage of training on this system, the body creates prerequisites for super enjoyability and longevity. You can do at any age (from 4 to 85 years).

Today, the simulator is known not only in Russia, but also abroad - America, Canada, Israel, Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

Principle of operation of the device TDI - 01

12 ml water is poured into the apparatus. Breathing is performed through water with hydraulic resistance on inhalation and exhalation, in the process of respiratory training, an air mixture is formed with a reduced oxygen content, an increased CO2 content, with an intracellular pressure stimulation. Inhale short, exhale slowed down and gradually extends depending on the capacity of the body. Breathing gradually becomes rare (1 to the min.) And superficial.

Clinical trials

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 19 of January 7, 2002. The DTF is included in the list of vital medical products and is a saving agent for the radioactive and chemical infection area, to restore the body with a complex of chronic diseases, which is not realistic when treating synthetic medicines.

Numerous clinical trials for the respiratory simulator were held in authoritative medical institutions in Russia and abroad:

  • Institute of Physiology with Ramna Novosibirsk.
  • State Medical Academy Omsk (Pulmonology Department in Pediatrics)
  • 3rd City Hospital of the city of Omsk
  • Medical Center People's Doctor Omsk
  • Cardiology Center Omsk
  • Ivanovo State Medical Academy (Regional Clinical Hospital)
  • Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics, Department of Bioneorganic and Biophysical Chemistry)
  • Gidouques Gidouxn Novokuznetsk (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Medicine)
  • Endogenous respiratory center Yaroslavl
  • State Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • Kievskaya medical Academy (Department of Pulmonology)

Today, the ED method becomes reliable protection of a person from the harmful effects of drug aggression, climatic, environmental, psychological and social stresses. Saves from premature aging, provides excellent mental and physical health, creates prerequisites for longevity (t body). The method is very simple and accessible at any age from 4 to 85 years, does not require effort, performed at home (this is very convenient both healthy and disabled), not lasting in time (20-30 min. 1 time per day) Combined with all kinds of treatment and recovery.


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