Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

In the meeting room of the spacious office of the Architectural Bureau Speech (full name - "Speech Choban & Kuznetsov") on the "Novoslobodskaya" museum cold. High White Walls Covered architectural graphics - Vintage Venetian Palazzo, Gothic cathedrals, clocks on urban town halls. "On one wall, my works are hung, and on the opposite - Sergey Kuz Nezov. Before he became the main architect, we often went along and painted a lot, "explains Sergey Choban, the bureau coincidence, perhaps the Russian architect's most famous in the West. In the pictures, not a single modern building, only conventional images of machines and pedestrians indicate that the drawings were made now, and not in the XIX century. "Modern architecture of you as an artist inspires?" - "Figures of modern architecture I also have - for example, last year I painted Brazilia Oscar Nimeier. But it is quite obvious that modern architecture is less photographic. It makes it worse, the workplace of the details, a complex relief and patina in modern architecture There are no - there is no place to catch a pencil or brush. "

It is the passion for architectural graphics that played a decisive role in the bizarre development of Choban's career. Extinguished in the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculptures and Architecture and having worked for a short time from the Architect of the Fabdartsky, one of the creators of the Orcenok Children's Camp, Choban decided to leave the country at the age of thirty. It was the 1991st - hungry time for Russian architects and, on the contrary, the era of the construction boom in Germany, so Choban began to search for ways to move there, where he would have the opportunity to grow professionally. By the time he almost was not practical architectural experience, but he organized the exhibition of his drawings and paper architecture in Hamburg. It was settled for the chairman of the Hamburg Union of Architects, who later took the Choban to work at the NPS office - so that he would make the company's graphic presentations. Eminently becoming a business, the architect, at first he barely spoke in German, three years later he headed the Berlin Bureau branch and began to design urban facilities (for example, the famous Berlin Attraction - the Business Center "House Aquare" with a 16-meter aquarium through which you can Ride on the elevator, and the nine cinema Cubix for Alexanderplatz). Soon the company, in the house of whose chief Choban once junteled, was already called NPS Tchoban Voss.

"If you order the Hadid Zakh building, the yield of rentary space will be 50%. And Chobana - 75% "

In the early 2000s, when the construction boom finally began in Russia, Choban returned - as a designer of the most ambitious Moscow project of the time, the highest Tower of the Federation "Federation". "Since 2000 I have been in Russia, I watched what was built here, the impressions were complex. Objects, which at the time were built here, were, let's say, specific, - about the Luzhkovsky style Chobane speaks extremely careful and politically correct. "But looking at the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Tower" Federation ", I realized that this is my chance - it was very tempting to return to Russia with such a project."

Initially, the tower was planning to build a chapter of one of the workshops of the Mosproekt-2 Institute Alexander Asadov, but Sergey Polonsky, the owner of the project, was already then distinguished by an eccentric character, wanted by the Western architect. Then Assad advised to meet in Germany with Choban. "With Sergey, I met in Berlin - he took a group of Russian architects from time to time and showed us all the innovations of the architectural Berlin, he told how everything was arranged. It was then for us very interesting, fresh and unusual information, "says Asadov. - When Polonsky's colleagues reported that in any case a foreign arch-tent will work and that they went to America in search of him, and now they go to Singapore, I said: "It's not necessary to go so far, there is much closer in Berlin , Architect who will do everything and will satisfy you. "

It was the time when it was just started to invite Western architectural stars - Erica Van Egerat, Dominic Perra and Norman Foster. It was accepted to believe that they would save Moscow from the postal of Luzhkovsk architecture, although in the end it really could not build anything. The return of Choban in this context looked especially colorful. "Everyone discussed that he would come now and how to show everything here!" - recalls the architect and architectural critic Kirill Ass. But contrary to the expectations of Choban did not offer screaming ultra-modern projects in the spirit of Western stars, and began to build more than restrained, with transparent historical alluses - applying Western quality, expensive materials and the latest technologies in conservative neatly.

Both colleagues and customers appreciated. "I work with Choban because I think that I have to leave after myself some positive trace in the image of the city, and not to build ugly boxes that are mainly producing construction companies St. Petersburg, "says Developer Igor Vodopyanov, the managing partner of the UK" Theorem ", on the order of which Choban built, in particular, the wonderful" Beno'a House ", covered by the reproductions of the costumes of the Great Theater Artist. - Mostly all local architects are adults and therefore strongly conservative - they cause rejection of world architectural trends. And Choban designs very modern - and at the same time it is possible to get a rational architecture. If you order the Hadid Zakh Building, the yield of rent receptionable space will be 50 percent. And Chobana - 75. "

Choban himself is confident that the main problem of Western stars is that they do not live here, and therefore cannot influence the design and construction process: "In Europe, the constant presence of the architect at the construction site is not necessary. But in Russia, the customers and urban-planning authorities occur periodically in doubts, the desire to change something, up to the architect, and therefore the control and the unremarkable power of the belief is that your ideas are correct, it is absolutely necessary. When you look in Moscow and St. Petersburg at the construction masterpieces of the past times, which created Western architects, then you understand that these were no stars, but just people who dedicated themselves to Russia. "

Work on the "federation" not only returned Choban to his homeland, but also gave him a partner. On the project, he began to cooperate with Sergei Kuznetsov, whose bureau specialized in the development of three-dimensional architectural computer graphics, together they soon organized SPEECH. From this point on, all the projects of the Bureau (for example, one of the most expensive and sophisticated residential complexes recent years On a grenade, 6, or the NOVATEK office, the first Russian house corresponding to the European Energy Efficient Design Standards) was signed by two surnames. And all numerous prizes they now went out to get together: a long, sutured Peterburger intellectual Sergey Chobane and a strong and low Sergey Kuznetsov, similar to the young, ambitious manager than on the artist.

However, a year ago, Kuznetsov actually turned into a manager - but already state: in the framework of the Sobyaninsky rejuvenation, he was appointed chief architect in Moscow. First of all, he proclaimed its goal to return architectural contests to the city facilities to Moscow. "Yuri Mikhailovich spent several contests in the 90s, but the results did not satisfy him, so he quickly finally reoriented to the practice of direct orders to Moscow Gupam - large design institutions that remain inherited from the Stalinist era - explains Alexey Muratov, the main Editor of the architectural magazine "Project Russia". "Now one of the ideas of Kuznetsova is to return the practice of competitive procedures throughout the world."

Practice really returned. And in new competitions, it was an enviable frequency to defeat the Bureau Speech: So, Choban won the right to design a new building of the Polytechnic Museum and the facade for the new Tretyakov Corps. There is no formal conflict of interest in these victories: although the name Kuznetsova is still in the full name of the Bureau, according to the confidence of its founders, since Kuznetsov became the main architect, the share in the company he no longer has, and he does not accept any participation in her life .

"If the competitions for urban facilities were held before - I am sure that we would win about the same. We are one of the leading offices of Russia, for us it is a natural result, as well as for other bureaus, honestly winning in today's competitions organized by the new chief architect of Moscow, explains Chobane. - The fact that architecture is tied in relationships is a delusion! I arrived in Germany and managed to work successfully there. What are my connections there? No. Take my work in Russia: I organized my office with Sergey, and after seven years he became one of the notable architectural bureaus in the country - where is connections here? Probably someone else say that it was a Blot. In fact, if a person has abilities in some kind of business - it achieves success. If not, it means that there is no. And that's it. " Most of the Choban and Kuznetsov colleagues recognize that if they donate from past connections and look at the Bureau's projects themselves, the victory of Speech does not seem strained.

The second frequent claims of colleagues - Kuznetsov not only organizes architectural contests for city facilities, but also for some reason he heads the jury: the chief architect who orders the contests, heads them himself, and then he also wins his work on the rehabilitation of architectural competitions to destroy . Sergey Kuznetsov himself from any comments related to the SPEECH bureau refused.

Having lost his partner, Choban not only turned out to be in the position of forced to justify the victory, but also had to limit the work of the Bureau for the part of the projects. However, to the question whether to look for a new partner, it is definitely answered: "I do not need any partners. I have three partners in Berlin, there are excellent workshop executives. Just with Sergey, it was the creative union of the highest level - it was the greatest luck that we so coincided for some time. I have partners, but there is no longer a partner. "

Holding for half a dozen urban construction projects alone, now Chohan mainly looks from Moscow. From now on, his goal is to create the first Russian architectural brand, successful in the West, and if it is widely known to increase the level of all Russian architecture. For this, it has been published by the Architectural Journal of Speech for five years in Russian and English, and from the new school year Choban for the first time in his practice takes the course of diplomas in the architectural school Evgenia Ass "Marsh". To do this, he decided to promote his Russian bureau in Germany - and compete him to compete with his own Bureau German: Recently, Choban under the Speech brand built his private architectural graphics museum in Berlin, who instantly earned the ICONIC Awards award and caused a fair noise in the press. This is the truth in many ways the missionary story: Choban shares the architecture purely functional and architecture as high art - And Speech, by his plan, in the West should only be engaged in the second. "If the task appears in Berlin to make a high-level office building - I will do it in NPS Tchoban Voss. And Speech, I hope, will receive sign objects in the field of culture. I will say honestly, I big Patriot our country. I was born here and grew up, she brought me up, - Choban speaks about his topsack especially inspired. - In Russia, very low quality architecture. Along the country, we can count the pieces of thirty relatively strong and interesting offices - for example, in Berlin such offices, competing each other daily, about fifty. This is desirable that in Berlin the population is three million against our hundred seventy. How can a country with such a density of architectural thought to enter the global market? In no way. Now I want to create an architectural brand that would know not only in Russia. "

And this, of course, in some sense, very in our opinion - that Russian culture raises a person who has been numbered here a few years ago.


Sergey Enverovich Choble (Sergey Tchoban) - Russian-German architect (in Germany since 1992). Sergey Chobane is the currently operating room of German architects (BDA), owner of architectural premiums and a member of many architectural exhibitions ("Aedes", "ARH-Moscow"). In 2006, Sergey Enverovich Choban founded the Architectural Bureau of Speech Choban & Kuznetsov, which was the result of the many years of cooperation between Chobane and Partners with the workshop "S.P.Proekt", at the head of which Sergey Kuznetsov stood. For his long career, Sergei Choban designed and implemented dozens of projects around the world, but let's stop in more detail on its Moscow projects, the most important and sign of which is the "Federation" Tower Project.

Implemented and implemented projects of Sergey Chobana

Office and business multifunctional complex "Aquamarine", built at the address: Ozerkovskaya Embankment 22-24. The IFC "Aquamarine" consists of four buildings, three of which occupy offices, and the fourth, the smallest in the area, is given to the apartments.

Premium residential complex at: grenade lane, house 6. Detailed description This complex, as well as an interview with Sergey Chobana itself relative to the elite house in a grenade alley, see Spets. Review "".

Multifunctional business complex at Novodanilovskaya Embankment (Danilov Plaza Business Center). The complex is located in Yuao Moscow in close proximity to the Warsaw Highway and the Tula metro station. The Danilov Plaza BC has direct access to the Embankment of the Moscow River, convenient access to the third vehicle ring.
Multifunctional complex with apartments (at the site "President-Service", Mirax Plaza complex). Construction address: Moscow, ul. Kulneva, d. 4. This project, located on the other side of the Moscow-River from MMDC "Moscow-City", long history, however, activists from the CityTowers forum lead photos according to which the construction of the project is in full swing! Also on the Forum you can read more in details with the history, architecture and design materials on this project of the Speech Choban & Kuznetsov Bureau.

BC "Lotos" at the intersection of the Nakhimovsky Avenue and Odessa Street. At the time of writing this article, the Lotos multifunctional complex is in the active construction phase. According to the project Sergey Chobana, the Lotus business center is 3 tower of the 22nd floor height, in two of which will be located offices, and in one - apartments (information is not confirmed).

The residential complex "Grunwald" in the village "Zarechye", located in the Moscow region at the 7th kilometer of Skolkovsky highway. Of course, this project is outside of Moscow, but, given his fame and scale, I decided to add it to the list of Moscow architectural projects Sergei Enverovich Choban.
Finally, the well-known world community, a federation skyscraper (Federation Tower) in the Moscow Business Center Moscow-City. By the time of its completion, the "Federation" tower will become the highest building of Europe.

Specialists note that the architectural projects of Sergei Chobana are invariably inherent not only by individual and modern appearance, but also close attention to the texture and properties of the construction materials used, as well as the subtlety of the study of parts, as architect himself spoke to the video interview by Evgeny Dodolow on the Moscow TV channel 24:

- one of the leading architectural bureau of Russia. Now there are more than 200 employees in the workshop - architects, designers, engineers, managers developing dozens of projects for Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, CIS countries and the world. And Archipeople tried to find out in detail what it was like to work in Speech?

Sergey Chobane, Head and Chief Architect Speech

How is the Speech Bureau, and how did his current structure have?

Sergey Kuznetsov and I created a bureau in 2006 by merging two of our companies ( "SP-Project" and "Chobane and Partners" - ed.), And since Speech was initially quite large, it immediately got a vertical structure. In other words, there is a leader of the Bureau, there are managers of workshops and there are gaps and architects of these workshops. I would be happy to work with all employees directly, but you can manage the office in the "manual mode" only if it does not exceed 25-30 people. I know this for sure by the experience of managing my Berlin office ( Sergei Chobane is also the head of the Berlin Office of the famous German BureaunPS. tchoban. vOSS. - Ed.), Which in its development at a certain point also overcame a mark of 30 people, and for effective management it was necessary to create a workshop system, headed by experienced employees who share my views on creativity and profession, and which I trust. In the Speech Structure, the same: today, working on a particular project, I discuss it, first of all, with the heads of workshops, which then broadcast our overall vision of the process to its employees.

Each workshop has its own specialization?

Of course, in the process of work, each team produces certain addictions - including those or other typologies - but we always put the task before masterfully moved towards the multifunctionality. Narrow specialization in our profession is simply dangerous: the market situation is constantly changing, as well as the functional saturation of individual projects. Therefore, we in every way encourage the desire of employees to develop new areas of profession.

And the leaders of workshops and gaps in their mass came to the Bureau exactly in this capacity or were, what is called, are grown in the team?

As a rule, the second. This, of course, is very long and in something risky process, since it is not from every intelligent employee who can grow a GAP or a good head of the workshop. But we were lucky, in the ranks of Speech, several very responsible, and most importantly, talented - not only from the point of view of architecture, but also from the point of view of the management of the Gapov, which at the next stage of the development of the office and led the workshops.

Does the Bureau have branches in other cities?

We did not try to create branches, because the management of them extremely complicates the logistics of the office. Again, I can say on the experience of managing your German office: the branches are necessary and justified only when the company is evenly distributed by different cities countries. For the sake of one or two projects, constantly in a particular city from an economic point of view is simply meaningless. We always welcome the opportunity to work in some new city for us, but the project management in this case is carried out centrally from Moscow. In addition, in St. Petersburg, we have a permanent partner Evgeny Gerasimov, with which all projects are being carried out in this city. Now most of them are already in the final stage of implementation.

Do Speech interact somehow with your German office?

At the initial stage of the existence of Speech, this cooperation was very close. Sergey and I have always made a bet on the highest quality design and implementation of objects, so cooperation with German architects used, first of all, as the possibility of learning their Moscow colleagues. And I must say, this model turned out to be very successful: today SPEECH employees are often prompted by the Germans some interesting decisions. So today contact between offices occurs at the level of equivalent information exchange. Since I do projects and there, and here, I often speak to my architects: "See how this item has been solved there," - equally often implying Germany and Russia. The level of design in the Moscow office reached German, especially with regard to the design of facades and details. And, by the way, individual new materials arise and are used in Moscow sometimes even faster than it happens in Germany.

And now, three years after Sergey Kuznetsov became the main architect of Moscow and came out of the company, how would you estimate the changes that occurred in the SPEECH structure after leaving one of the leading partners?

The most important thing in our joint work with Sergey was our permanent creative dialogue, very rich and fruitful. After his departure, the structure of the creative dialogue changed: earlier we proved all new projects, first of all, with Sergey, whereas now managers of workshops became my main interlocutors and co-authors. I am deeply convinced that any project is born in a dialogue, joint brainsstorm.

That is, you are very involved in the design of any object at the initial stage? And how much intently keep track of all the subsequent stages of design?

I did not say in vain at the beginning that our bureau was very lucky with talented and responsible gaps: We are absolutely coinciding with the workshop managers in understanding that the project is important and which moments must be tracked. Without excess reminders and without any questions on my part. At the initial stages of work - both in Moscow, and in Berlin - I constituted infinite lists of issues on the project for myself and the project managers constantly slowed down. And thus gradually taught them what is called, "thinking around the corner", think in the material, to see any item in a three-dimensional image. Once, I literally ran towards construction and asked without end: "Did you decide this moment? Did not solve? Let's decide together! " Now the workshop executives already trace all the controversial moments and come to me discuss them. And I no longer wonder if their list of questions on the project exhaustive, - on those implementations that are obtained, it is quite obvious to me that they are not overlooked from the view.

Anton Pavlov, Managing Bureau

What responsibilities do you perform?

The architect cannot exist in itself. He needs a certain service service that will create favorable conditions for occupation by architecture. I am managing the architectural bureau, and my task is to communicate with customers, personnel management, planning and distribution of tasks, control over document flow and finance. In other words, in my knowledge, everything that is not related to creativity.

What is your role in the selection of personnel?

I need to determine who needs a bureau in every individual. After all, I look at the architectural workshop not as a place for creativity, but as a business. Speech - Commercial organization, we want to create beauty around us, but at the same time earn. It is important for me that the number of architects is optimal. If there are not enough people in some workshop, we conduct selection through the personnel department. Immediately I did not intercede anyone, it makes the main architects of projects and workshops.

What led you to the Bureau?

I have a technical education. I graduated from Aviation University. Heavenly element even now for me a lot means, and when there is free time, I partially give his aviation. After graduating from the university, I worked in the area far from the architecture, at that time already was familiar with the founders of Speech, they were invited me. At first I refused, the architecture seemed another planet, and then thought - why not?

You work closely with customers. What of them work easier?

To say that all customers are simple and pleasant in communication, people will probably be a little crap. But we were lucky, our customers are people very purposeful, possessing an amazing horizon and deep knowledge. They choose us due to a certain set of professional qualities inherent in us. Plus, I hope they like our architecture. It's nice when the customer "breathes with us with one air," and for him, at the head of the corner, it is not so much budget savings as a healthy compromise between costs and aesthetics, the functionality of the future object. In such cases, the difficulties associated with the contractual, managerial issues go to the background.

How do you feel about the participation of the Bureau in architectural competitions?

It's nice when it comes to us non-alternative: here is the project - do it. The number of projects for which you need to compete, however, dominates. The attitude towards them is twofold. On the one hand, it's great when you can win a little victory at the initial stage. On the other hand, from the point of view of business, this is not the most effective stage of the project process. Requirements for the volume of materials provided for the contest are very serious. There is not a lot of time. We do not know how to work on one hundred percent result, so contests take up a lot of resources from the Bureau.

Can you make concessions for the embodiment of a separate project?

We try not to pour customers ultimatums. The position is very simple - we do not say why you can not do anything, we say that you need to get the desired result. I repeat We are lucky to customers who want to build Moscow interesting buildings, they love the city and belong to him and to themselves with respect. And we have no faceless buildings in the portfolio. There is one customer who has its own production plant for the production of reinforced concrete panels and builds mass budget housing. But he is guided by the rule: panel houses should not be similar to panel.It is also waiting for us, and we answer to him with stylish facades and thoughtful layouts. Moreover, the search for options goes until both parties are fully confident in the correctness of the final decision.

How did the crisis affect the Bureau?

Our bureau is one of the largest in Russia, specializing only in architecture. We do not have our designers or engineers, they are attracted to a subcontract. By the end of 2014, about 300 people worked at the Bureau. Now we have lost part of the contracts: somewhere investors decided to postpone the project somewhere leading negotiations with the city authorities about changing the functionality. Our main task in such a situation is to preserve the team. I really want to change the winds under the winds, but to survive and save the staff, best peoplewho believe in us and in the common cause. All that Speech did, made by their hands. Therefore, we are looking for new projects, create conditions so that the customer chose us, so that we can provide a team of work.

What makes architects from different bureaus create joint projects? Before my eyes there is a project of the Garden Quarters Complex.

Alexey Ilyin, Head of Workshop №1

How did you become an architect?

I studied at art schoolwhere my main teacher was an architect. And then it seemed to me that this profession well combines and artistic component, and opportunities for the implementation of buildings, which it allows you to do things that will remain on the century. The choice was simple for me.

What projects are you working on now?

We are completing the second turn of the microgorod "in the forest". This is a large residential quarter on Pyatnitskaya highway, in which there will be schools, kindergartens, offices and even the theater. Another interesting projects are the Multifunctional Lotos Complexes on the Odessa Street and the "Capital Heart" on the Chelepihinskaya Embankment.

What constraints have to impose on their work?

We are a commercial organization, despite the fact that you do the author's design. We do not simply perform the artistic feature of drawing beautiful facades, and carefully apply to the wishes of the customer, layouts, technical aspects. This imposes certain restrictions, but within the norm.

"The heart of the capital." Illustrations - Speech.

The microgenic "in the forest". Photos - Speech.

Hard to manage the workshop?

With a reasonable organization - and I hope that we are just like that - everything works fine. In my workshop, the three main architect, for which a certain number of projects is enshrined.

After the transition of Sergey Kuznetsov to a new job, the life of the Bureau changed?

For me, she did not change much. Kuznetsov built a good structure that continues to work broadly. The management system is now engaged in Anton Pavlov. He is not an architect, and this is a positive moment, because it will abstract from creative issues and solves only managerial. Architecture, of course, remains a priority anyway.

How has the architectural world of Moscow changed over the past 20 years?

I remember what happened in the 90s, then I worked at the ABB Group. Since then, an architectural case occurred a giant jump, and the situation is improving every year. It became easier and clearer to work. An indicator can also be the work« Architectural Council of Moscow» in which the questions are solved good specialists.

What is your attitude to contests?

Thanks to them, the most different architects have the opportunity to implement their projects. Competitions have always been, but now they are more transparent. Of course, most of them from an economic point of view is more profitable for young bureaus, which is still good.

Igor Members, Head of Workshop №2

What does your workshop do?

We design, mostly accommodation of a different class: from economy to premium class. Although, there are office projects, hotels, cultural structures in work. Among the projects economy-housing, I can select the "New Zelenograd" complex and the building of the microdistrict in the Solntsevo on the territory of the Treep plant. From business class - very interesting project On the territory of the plant ZIL. From the housing class higher, you can recall the Wine House residential complex on a gardening street, designed together with TPO "Reserve".

Is your specialization in residential architecture been a conscious choice?

Rather, it was a natural demand inquiry. Until 2008, there was almost one hundred percent load from customers to office building, and we only did offices. After this turning point, office construction began to freeze, but the topic of apartments, housing began to develop. Over time, it is so residential to the main objects. Subsequently, it turned out that one workshop was concentrated on sports facilities, and the rest, in principle, "omnivores".

What principles are guided by project development?

They are the same for all architects. On the one hand, we must fulfill the requirements of customers. On the other hand, we must make high-quality architecture. The combination of these two components is the most difficult and interesting task when designing any object.

What new requirements appeared to housing? How to create an inepar version in the economy class?

The basic requirements smoothly evolve together with the market for twenty years. Everything goes to the fact that the customer asks to make the most effective projects from all points of view: the exit of space, engineering, constructive and, of course, architectural solutions. Everything must be balanced, but rather hard in terms of the "non-earrage" means, let's say. Now almost all customers check projects for the optimality of the solutions used, the correctness of choosing a particular design algorithm. At the same time, they began to think more about people. If you used to sell just the square, it didn't matter what and who will be placed there, now they are asked to do high-quality planning. Buyers learned to immediately see how comfortable or inconvenient will live or work in this room.

Wine House. Illustrations - Speech.

"New Zelenograd". Illustrations - Speech.

What project is close to you?

This is a provocative question. All architects respond to it that they love all their projects. On the one hand, it is trite, on the other hand, soit and there is. But greater interest always causes the project that you are currently doing. Because already made remains in itself, and you do not stand still, you develop, go ahead, having a positive, and negative experience. And than at an earlier stage, a new project is, the more love in it. You throw every effort to make a concept when a fundamental story is invented, further technical development is already underway, and you want new feelings and sensations. And you need a new project.

How do you build up your work so that you can effectively follow all projects?

The structure we have traditional, vertical. Inside the workshop there are several main architects, each of them has its own team dealing with one or two projects. They work to a greater extent autonomously. At the start of the project, we agree all together about the concept, about the directions, further developing, in key time points we are discussing the project's progress, make changes if necessary.

Architects go from one workshop to another?

It is not welcome. Each manager is gaining people"Under yourself" . The Brownian movement is not here, but it is not useful, because all certain abilities. It is always more convenient to work in the system of built relationships, and not to adapt each time to a certain style or rhythm of work.

How did you become an architect?

After school, where the learning system is rather tough, it seemed to me that in the architectural university there is an incredible scope for self-realization: you can draw, invent a new one. At first I entered the architectural technical school, and then - in the marchs. Work began at the beginning of study in the technical school. Then I ran through different offices, I was looking for where it would be better.

And as found inSpeech?

I was here even before Speech appeared. I met Sergey Kuznetsov at the Institute, aftersince 2001, We worked with him in a small studio.

That is, you are also a founder fatherSpeech?

It says loudly, but I was next, I saw everything.

Marina Kuznetskaya, chief architect of workshop projects №1

Marina, how did your path in architecture begins?

I have formed an opinion since childhood that a person forms environment, so I decided it and do it. And I studied in the marchs.

And how came toSpeech?

I started working early, even at the Institute. At some point I realized that you need to go to the workshop where you can get good experience. Chohan then recently opened his bureau. I came, it seemed for a while and remained ... I myself did not expect that I stay.

Why did you decide to stay?

When you go to a big company for experience, do not know how it all goes. In Russia, several leading architectural bureaus. They make approximately one level of importance projects, there are many experienced people in them. At the same time, each company has its own principle for the formation of an architectural image of the project, its own system of work. It depends first of all from the manual. Contact with the authors of ideas greatly affects the desire to work in the company. I have good mutual understanding with Sergey Choban. This is a person who is developing all the time in his work and "infects" the development of all others. Therefore, I do not have the feeling that I sit and work in one place for many years, it does not happen. In the workshop of Alexei Ilyin, we constantly bring something new to our workflow. This movement is very promoted by new people coming to us to work.

And what are you working on now?

We design the "Heart of the Capital" complex, a plot of 17-18 in Moscow-City. In early May, a pavilion was opened in Milan for Expo 2015.

Pavilion of Russia at EXPO 2015. Photos - Speech.

How was the discovery?

The effect we wanted to achieve, managed. It is important for us to create a bright memorable image to which they will react and which will be memorized. The pavilion has a thirty-meter mirror console, where every reflex look. The concept we conceived was confirmed in practice. It's great.

What will happen to the pavilion then?

The exhibition will last until October 31, after which all pavilions except Italian will be disassembled. As far as I know, Sergey Kuznetsova has the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing our pavilion to Moscow and put on the VDNH. As far as this idea is feasible until it is clear.For example, we recreated one of the pavilions developed for the XIII Venice Biennale (2012 D): a hall-dome with a surface of QR codes containing topical information about the implementation of the project"Park Charity". Now he is placed on a temporary site, near the future Park charge, and is open to all.

What projects work more interesting?

Over the most different! Over the exhibitions it is interesting to work, because you know that you will achieve the result in a short time, while large projects are often stretched for several years. On the other hand, the same large projects will remain forever, and the exhibition is temporary. I love to diversify my work.

And how do you create relationships with contests?

This is the opportunity to come up with something spectacular. Making a direct order, we take into account the needs of customers, and in the competition you can get out"Out of the scope."

The official website of the SPEECH architectural bureau.

Photos: Alexander Golikova, Alexander Plakhin.

In mid-2011, it was 5 years old by the Speech Bureau of Choban & Kuznetsov - companies, in many respects allocated in a number of leading architectural workshops of Russia. And it's not just not so much in the success of the Bureau, which confidently overcomes the recession of the architecturally - construction market, as for this success - its own "speech" philosophy, permeating the project practices of the team and has become the basis for the appearance of a creative tandem of two architects - Sergey Choban and Sergey Kuznetsova.

Bureau Speech Choban & Kuznetsov was formed as a result of a long cooperation of several project companies: the NPS TchoBan Voss headed by Sergey Choban and its Moscow office "Chobane and partners" with the workshop "S.P.PROEKT", at the head of which stood Sergey Kuznetsov and his partner Paul Shaburov.

Sergey Choban and Sergey Kuznetsov. Photo: Natalia Kovalenko.
For S. Shabana, who left in Germany in 1992 and made a successful career there, after three years, the path from the NPS officer ("Nietz, Prassch, Sigl Architekten BDA", Hamburg), to the partner and head of the branch office of the NPS Tchoban Voss office In Berlin, the return to work in Russia was inevitable.

Residential house "Grenade, 6", Moscow. Photo: Alexey Naroditsky.
The volume of construction in our country, not as an example of European, all records beat all records in the new millennium. The architect, who knows the Russian specifics and possessing the experience of Western project practices, could not not be in demand here. The beginning of the "expansion to the East" was the victory in the competition for the project "Federation" in Moscow City in 2003. The offer of Architects Sergei Choban and Peter Schweger - two towers, in the form of sails - was and remains almost the most spectacular building designed for the City. In the wave of interest in this project, Sergem has revealed new prospects for the expansion of activities in Russia, for which it was not just necessary for the branch of the Berlin Bureau, and something more is a full-fledged company, the leadership of which S.Coban could share with a partner whose principles and vision of the strategy The development of the project business would coincide with his own.

View of the residential building from the opposite side of the grenade alley.
Photo: Alexey Naroditsky.

Residential house "Grenade, 6",
Address: Russia, Moscow, grenade lane, 6.
GL Project architects: A. Delichi, Y.Kotlar,
V.Kazul, S. Harutyunov.
GL Ing. Project: L. Makukhina.
Archite V.Salyavsky, Tyolas, A.Kozyriev,
Customer: Skanklin-Invest LLC.
Total area: 15,431 square meters. m.
Design: 2004-2007
Construction: 2007-2011

Situational plan.

Residential house "Grenade, 6", The concept of which was inspired by the works of the famous Soviet architect A. K. Burov, are not accidentally compared with a carved jewelry box. A sufficiently laconic volume and spatial composition of three divergent buildings connected by glass transitions is more than compensated by the wealth of external and interior decoration. Lined with natural stone (granite and limestone) facades of the house almost completely covered with a carved pattern, especially for this project developed on the basis of studies of the traditions of the Byzantine, Old Russian and Staromoskovskaya Stone Thread.
Each prototype was used to design one of three buildings. For each element of the facade (pilasters, simpleness, windows and jumpers), its drawing is created that meets the selected style. The same motifs are used in the design of glass and wrought-iron screens covering the lower part of the French balconies. Such filigree work with durable materials guarantees, according to the authors, the special aesthetic expressiveness of the facades of the building, which will only increase over time and the impact of adverse urban conditions. The interior of the public areas of the residential complex is also solved in the ornamental spirit and using natural materials. Metal, glass, stone and noble wood species, decorated with patterns, create an atmosphere of luxury atmosphere. It is not surprising that the apartments in this house were excavated at the first stage of construction.

Such a like-minded person became for S. Shabana, a young architect Sergey Kuznetsov, from 23 years old leading project practice, and since 2003 he serves as the head of the company S.Prökt. The latter, which started, like many others in the 2000s, from interiors and country houses, was actively developed, including in the sphere of their interests urban real estate. In parallel with the architectural activities, S.P.Proekt specialized in creating three-dimensional visualizations, the technical and artistic quality of which in a short time made the Bureau of one of the leaders in this market. Initially, Cooban's cooperation and S. Kuznetsov was focused precisely in this area, but gradually it began to spread to the area of \u200b\u200bjoint design.

A dense joint work for several years in the early 2000s has demonstrated that there is mutual understanding in many levels between S. Choban and S. Kuznetsov, and their tandem is not simply viable, but extremely promising.
Association gave a new company. A number of advantages: an increase in the volume and scope of work, the introduction of modern Western methods and design standards, the lack of the need to conquer the authority and create from scratch the company's image, the combination of dynamism and the energeticness of the young Russian team with the methodological and ability to work in market conditions of German partners, And also the possibility of developing simultaneously in Russia and in the West.

Situational plan.

Office building on Leninsky Prospekt
The authors of the project: S.Coban, S. Kuznetsov.
GL Project architect: S. Kuznetsov.
GL Ing. Project: L. Makukhina.
Archite And Perlitz, T.varyukhina, A.Kozyriev,
T. Blyteva, E. Murinets.
General contractors: MNR BAU UND BAUBERATUNGS
GES.MBH (Austria),
RD Constructing Management (Russia).
Total area: 16 253 sq.m.
Design: 2005-2009
Situational plan. Construction: 2008-2011

View of the office building from the Leninsky Prospect. Photo: Ilya Ivanov.

An essential and, at the same time, a non-standard plus was the refusal to the hard division of functions and responsibilities between partners. All functions of the head of the workshop (and administrative, and creative) were equally divided between S. Choban and S. Kuznetsov. But where, at first glance, a source of problems could have been hidden, actually worked the opposite effect. Two architects, two pronounced leaders, at the same time distinguished by age and life experience, were able to build a system of relationships and leadership by their company so that their difference works on the result and serves as an incentive for continuous development. A unified system of values \u200b\u200band priorities in the profession acts as a common denominator as the basis for interchangeability in all aspects of the company's activities.
At the heart of this system, there are several principles that the heads of the Speech Bureau Chobane & Kuznetsov are sincerely and consistently confess themselves and actively instill their employees. They can be formulated as complexity, quality and durability.
The first principle is a methodology for maintaining a project with one "from and to" command. That is, from urban research, through the scrupulous elaboration of all stages of design and control over its implementation, before developing original parts of the interior, continuing and developing the main expressive idea of \u200b\u200bthe building.
The second principle is a constant desire for the highest possible quality: the quality of the project, the quality of materials, the quality of execution. Moreover, this principle of the Bureau is equally applicable to both expensive projects and objects with a limited budget. It's all about the initial installation, which is determined with the customer, and in the correct distribution of funds. S. Choban and S. Kuznetsov, "suffering", each in their own way, the extreme stage of perfectionism, are still committed to infecting this "virus" even customers, very far from the unmotivated economically aspiration for perfection.
The third principle is the refusal to create a temporary architecture, or, as it is called the heads of the Speech Choban & Kuznetsov bureau, "pavilion". The specificity of its interaction in the quality of the architecture is key to the quality of its interaction with time, under which the aesthetics of the process of aging of the building, non-destructive or compromising initial intention, and on the turnover, which introduce special quality, the spirit of truth, which forms the cultural layer of the material world surrounding person . The flow of time can give the building a new value and beauty, and can lead to its complete degradation, when unreasonable savings at the design and construction phase turns into a sustainable tempering of the building, especially catastrophically visible on the facades.
In addition to the material aging, obsolescence of stylistic and artistic, in which the architecture that has recently seemed sharp and relevant, is already perceived as comical and inappropriate, after a short period of time. The only way to create a durable architecture, which has brought for themselves the heads of the Speech Bureau Choban & Kuznetsov - careful work on understanding the environment and the creation of objects that meet its needs, and perhaps even attending some of its problems. This is added to the development of original parts and forms dictated by unfounded trends, and the way the building and the spirit of the place, as well as the maximum use of materials capable of confrontation of the destructive influence of time and climate.
All these principles, at first glance, have nothing to do with the realities of the modern architectural and construction market of Russia, in which the ideology of reducing the costs and deadlines for the development of the project have long displaced the terms "quality" and "Culture of the Details" from everybody. Under these conditions, the Declaration of the Principles of Work The Speech Bureau Choban & Kuznetsov may seem utopia that gives architectural snobbery, fraught with the extrusion of the Bureau in best case, in a narrow segment of elite architecture. This position, with all its prestigiousness, could hardly allow the Bureau so actively developing in the Russian and international markets. But reality denied these skeptical forecasts.
Starting 2006, not only the principles, but also projects developed on their basis by architects of the Speech Bureau Choban & Kuznetsov turned out to be extremely in demand.
From the first days of the functioning of the Bureau, the range, the scale and number of projects increased, as well as expanded their geography. Already in 2009, i.e. 2.5 years after the creation, the Bureau portfolio consisted of more than 30 projects made for Moscow, St. Petersburg, cities of Russia and the CIS, including country villages, sports and cultural facilities, hotel, residential and office complexes, as well as urban planning concepts.
The starting dynamics of the Bureau development was such that it allowed to overcome the 2008 crisis, almost without loss. Of course, some of the projects were frozen, and the number of employees has long been decreased, but the bureau leaders themselves evaluate the changes that have occurred as positive. The composition of the project portfolio has become more realistic, and the reduction in the number of the projects running at the same time made it possible to preserve and even increase the "branded" design quality.
Its level, asked and persistently implemented by S. Choban and S. Kuznetsov, provided for the thoroughbiing of all elements of the future building. Even in a situation where it was only about the project "Project" stage, specialists were attracted to the process, which, usually, are used only at the stage of working design: facades consultants, climatic characteristics, unique roofing, etc. And all the decisions were designed as carefully as if it were about the "working". This rather tough method of professional initiation of young architects allowed the founders of the Bureau for a short time to collect the team of like-minded people, to form the work of the Bureau's work, to instill in the skills of real design, accumulate and constantly expand the database of parts, nodes, technologies and materials.
The result of this approach has already become several implemented projects, each of which asked in its segment new standards for design and building decisions that are not inferior to the level of modern European architecture. These are three complexes that differ in style, but similar to working with high-class materials and modern technologies: Office building on Leninsky Prospect,
Residential house "Grenade, 6" in the same name of the Moscow alley and a multifunctional business complex with the head fies of OJSC Bank St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg.
Simultaneously with the development and implementation of individual objects, the SPEECH Bureau of Choban & Kuznetsov in their urban planning and large projects began to introduce an unusual teamwork of work and invite several project companies to participate in work on large-scale, many element complexes. So that each of the project has made a separate building, and together they would have formed a single ensemble. It is important to note that the resources of the Speech Bureau of Choban & Kuznetsov are more than enough to cope with any, even a very large-scale task. But the positive experience of consolidation and priority of architectural quality was set for the heads of the SPEEC to the first plan the quality of the final result of the work, from the variability in the framework of the unified concept of which the harmony of the created medium depends on. The Speech Bureau Choban & Kuznetsov actively invites the leading architectural teams of Russia and the world to work together. Therefore, the principle in the Moscow region has already been built by the residential complex "Grunwald" (concept-jointly from the Bureau "Ostozhenka", projects of houses "Ostozhenka", "Project Megann" and "MossiNePartners", "Assmann & Salomon" and "NPSTCHOBANVOS").
Now, on request, RGI International is the design of the mini-city "in the forest" (other participants in the project "Assmann & Salomon", Langhof (Germany), OOO TPO Reserve, negotiations with William Olsopomi MossiNePartners).
In St. Petersburg, working on the project "Embankment of Europe", developed by the team under the direction of Evgenia Gerasimov (Bureau "Evgeny Gerasimov and Partners") and Sergey Choban and the winners in representative international Competition. At the initiative of the authors to participate in the development of the project, the 10 European architectural bureaus were invited to participate, which, together with the authors of the Concept, work on projects of individual buildings within the framework of a single master plan. This is: Paolo Desideri, Abdr Architetti Associati; Hilmer & Sattler und Albrecht; ROB KRIER & CHRISTOPH KOHL ARCHITEKTEN; Christoph Langhof; Johanne Nalbach, Nalbach + Nalbach Gesellschaft von Architekten MBH; ORTNER & ORTNER; Patzschke Planungsgesellschaft MBH; Erick Van Egeraat; Cino Zucchi Architetti; Kahlfeldt Architekten Ges. Von Architekten MBH.
Interesting and, of course, a successful experiment of collective design was for the Speech Bureau of Choban & Kuznetsov, the project "Factory Russia", created in 2010 for the Russian pavilion at the XII architectural Biennale in Venice. This is the concept of the revival of small towns of Russia on the example of the city of Vyshny Volochek, developed by the exhibition curators by Sergey Choban, Pavel Khoroshilov and Gregory Rezznoy. The project assumed the reconstruction of several dilapidated factories and factories in the central part of the city, in order to create new jobs and attracting tourists. Separate projects were developed by one of five teams: TPO "Reserve", "Skurats Architects", "Studio 44", "Evgeny Gerasimov and partners" and Speech Choban & Kuznetsov.
Each of them was in the right to solve the task of reconstruction in their ways and in its own way. As a result, a polyphonic picture of the modiation of the city occurred, in which the multiplicity of solutions only emphasizes their relevance.
Exhibition activities, and the project "Factory Russia" was not the only experience of the Speech Bureau of Choban & Kuznetsov in this area (in 2009, the project "(NOT) Toned Stock", in the Berlin Gallery "Aedes Land" Exhibition " New life Sretenki ",
Prepared along with Elena Nikulina with the support of RGI), as well as the publishing company (the bureau executives created an architectural magazine - Almanac Speech) and lecture activities naturally continue the project practice of the Bureau. Their philosophy allows writing a circle of professional interests a wide range of issues and topics: from historical and town planning research to the art of architectural graphics. The last S. Chobani S. Kuznetsov was passionate about selflessly, so much that joint regular ribs on the pleiner are performed with enviable regularity, the encrypted harmony codes of the beautiful cities and buildings of the world and decorate the walls of the walls in the Moscow office in the Moscow office.
With its ideology, with his company "Spikevskaya" triad "Comprehensiveness-Quality-Durableness", S. Chobany S. Kuznetsov shall be divided every time they read a lecture or give an interview. They are trying to captivate with her as many professionals as possible, seeing the key to enhance the overall level of architecture in Russia and the chance for high-quality transformation is edged.
Noeto "know-how" is a secret formula of success, and the recipe for the hardest work, without discounts both to himself and its employees. Their work method, in which the traditions of architecture, ascending back to the Romanesque masters, which swallowed a stone pattern, coming to the sun and rain, fused with modern demands And the skills of the architects, who will be obliged to have the skills and knowledge of the artist, manager, engineer and psychologist. And everything in order to be able to do the most important thing in the profession-building buildings, beautiful, high-quality and durable. And this practical philosophy is relevant and in demand not only in Russia, but also in the West. It is not surprising that after the past five years, the Speech Bureau Choban & Kuznetsov works confidently both in the Russian and international market, in practice, having proven its consistency as a highly professional project team of the full cycle.

Interview with senior partners Bureau Speech Choban & Kuznetsov Sergey Choban and Sergey Kuznetsov

- What problems seem to you most relevant in modern Russian architecture?
Sergey Choban: From the 50s of the twentieth century, a tradition was interrupted characteristic of the Russian architecture detailing - saturated, rich, warm. Because of the Khrushchev politics of the fight against "excesses", today we came to the absolute forget of the culture of work with the detail,
As well as the lack of understanding of durable and well aging, not only constructively, but also an external appearance, architecture.
Combined with the ideas of modernist architecture, understanding exclusively through forms, but does not have the necessary detail and the qualitative study, which it has acquired in the West over time, and most importantly - in the absence of technology and budgets, this situation led to the degradation of the urban environment. The old fund was collapsed, and the new substance that fills the lacques arising, was rather pavilion, temporary character, not differing in the quality of parts, nor the quality of materials or execution. As a result, in Russia, people in the root are undermined confidence in what modern architects and builders are doing. To our shame, the most mediocre environment, created 100 years ago, today looks better, ages better, respected by the manves more, people will settle and work with a big desire than in buildings built in the last 20-30 years.
Understanding this fact and the inability to terms with him, it seems to me, and led us to Sergei Kuznetsov to the conclusion that the revival of traditions in relation to the surface of the building, to the unity of the building from the facade to the interior and door handle, to the culture of work with materials capable of working Suppose more than 5, 10, 20 years old. It is possible to start to re-form a medium, an architectural layer that will not be temporary, pavilion. Confidence in the need for this mission was rallied and made it possible. Because to carry out such projects - the case is extremely expensive, not only for developers, but also for us, architects. It's one thing - to make some kind of design stage of the "cardboard" shopping center, pass it and make money. And completely different - to develop such projects as an office building on Leninsky Prospekt, "Grenade" or Stadium water species Sports in Kazan, where every detail is given with the battle, each element is also a lot of money, because it is four times more difficult to develop it and longer than using the usual typical part, even if it looks quite modern. We consciously sacrifice here and our time, and, in the end, our commercial interests, because we believe that these goals are much more important.

- What do you think, and the market here is ready for the adoption of such principles? How demanded your ideas?
Sergey Kuznetsov:
Our customers, for the most part, rose on the very "international" and typical architecture that Sergey said. As a result, they have practically no understanding of the quality of architecture, the quality of the urban environment. Recently, people are increasingly feeling the need for harmonious, ensemble architecture. But to talk about the mass adoption of such principles in the market is still early. Need and time, and serious work large number members of the entire professional community employed in real estate. In my experience, and the market, and the consumer will respond positively to high-quality proposals, but all this have to literally push through the hardest stage of negotiations, beliefs and discussions, proving the customer the advantages of decisions requiring certain budgetary and time resources. For example, the construction of an office building on Leninsky Prospekt preceded months of debate. Today, all these conversations are forgotten. The customer is very pleased with the building and says that I agree with everything we offered. But to achieve, insisted on our own we managed only at the price of colossal nervous tension. However, there is no other way except through hard work.

- Is such an educational activity enters the professional responsibilities of the architect? Or is it an integral part of the work in Russia, and here it is necessary to deal with the customer, convince, preach?
S. h.:
Fight - no, convince - yes. The customer initially, as a rule, does not understand what means and forces created the modern building, which he liked, for example, somewhere abroad - in Hamburg, Berlin, beta. He may assume that it is not much more difficult than to build those "kiosks" that we see here everywhere. But the quality seen there is in direct relationship with the size of the budget, the design period, the quality of materials, the qualifications of workers, the thoughtfulness of all the steps of planning, design and construction. And the architect has to explain to the customer what exactly to do how much it costs and how much time it will take. Moreover, not only on its, architectural, part. After all, the quality of work is ensured not only by the fact that both we design, but also those we attract as builders who we recommend as suppliers. To plan, organize the whole process is required not enough effort and all of our experience, including international.

- What are the distinctive features of the architecture of the Speech Bureau Choban & Kuznetsov?
For us, there is no question to draw this in the project, so that it is immediately seen that this is done by us. We set a priority to the quality of the object and the quality of the environment being created. It is for this that customers go to us. As part of this approach, we strive to achieve in each specific architectural element of the level that we consider the right, interesting and beautiful.
When you do what you like it yourself and is consistent with your principles, it is not even thinking about how and who will be identified, your work will still be recognized. No matter what criteria. If all of our implemented objects put in a row and compare with a random set of some other projects, it will be obvious that this selection has some distinctive features. But not repeating clichés, but the unity of approach to work.
S. h.: Our under the move - in the depths of study, for the accumulated experience in working with various materials and technologies - today is quite rare on the market. And if we will repeat on this path at the level of the simplest external features, we will turn the process of architectural design to the flow of production once brought to perfection of the model. If in 10-15 years, in Moscow, we would have 20 very high-quality objects in our study, I would consider the tragic fact that they are similar to each other. The process of creating the architecture is very dependent on the functions, and from the place for which the building is designed, so it cannot be the same type. The general approach and qualitative level of solutions should always be recognizable, and the answer to the tasks must always be absolutely individual.
- Do you think that such an approach to working with customers and objects can be taken for armament and other Russian project companies?
If we succeed in spreading our approach the most wide range - to start at least professionals - we can assume that we have contributed to the global process of forming a qualitative habitat. It is necessary to change the ideas of people, to demonstrate that there is a different understanding of the tissue of the city, other tools for working with it. Of course, the changes will not come tomorrow, but it would be great to make a couple of steps in this direction. And if someone picks up and develops further - even better.
S. h.: We would be happy if after 10 years in such a way would not work 3-4 offices throughout Russia, and 20-30. And it is all quite achievable. The speed with which the quality of construction penetrates the mass building may be colossal. Just look at the development of Paris end XIX. - The beginning of the XX centuries. or on the Russian architecture of the 1930-190s. I believe that it is the mass of the introduction of working with durable, high-quality materials will lead, in the end, to a decrease in costs for them, to improving the work with them. And this, in turn, will lead to the fact that a larger number of people will be able to use them in construction, which means that the level of the emergence of the environment will change.

Papillomavirus man is one of the most oncogenic viruses. On his "score" more cancer tumors than any other reason. It is present in the body of almost every person and it is he who is responsible for the appearance of moles on the body, papillom, warts and other pigment spots, which, in turn, can at any time become melanoma - skin cancer, from which there is no treatment at the moment. Today we will talk about this with the main oncologist of Russia - Leonid Rosham.

Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal
Chief physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 29, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Lieutenant General of the Health Service of the Russian Federation.
Work experience - 33 years

Correspondent: "Leonid Mikhailovich, how much is the virus common and what is worthwhile to those who have it?"

Roshal L.M.: Papillomavirus man eating everyone on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigment education. For rough estimates, it has 80-85% of the world's population. It is very rare to meet a person who absolutely missing pigment spots on the skin. And any presence of the pigment suggests that it is definitely infected. Without a virus, papillomas never appear.

They themselves are not dangerous. The problem is that the usual papilloma can at any time become melanoma. it incurable skin cancerwhich kills a person literally for several months and from which there is no salvation. If other varieties of cancer tumors can somehow stop using chemotherapy, medicines and other methods, then the only option is to recognize and remove at an early stage. If Melanoma has already managed to form - this is a guaranteed death.

Every person probably heard the story about someone "deceased from the mole." This is exactly what happens when the papilloma is reborn in cancer.

Correspondent: "And because of what papillomas can be reborn in melanoma?"

Roshal L.M.:

Factors are quite a lot. If you highlight the most weighty, then this is:

  • Impact of direct sunlight
  • Burn Papilloma or Moles
  • Accommodation in the area with a bad environmental situation
  • Heredity
  • Frequent mechanical damage to pigment formations (when shaving, bathing, during operation)

Each of these factors seriously affects the situation, significantly increasing the risk of melanoma. If a person has more than one in their, then he should be seriously thinking over his health and what to do with papillomas.

Correspondent: "How long is the transformation of" peaceful pigment "in Melanoma?"

Roshal L.M.: On average - from 7-10 days to a month. Much depends on how large papilloma is reborn and how it reacts the immune system organism. But anyway, this is an extremely short period of time, for which the patient most often does not notice what is happening. And he understands that something happens not when Melanoma is already formed and makes itself felt.

A special risk group - people who actively appear new papillomas or there are large pigment stains. The larger the pigment spot on the body, the easier it is reborn in melanoma. And the active emergence of new papillomas speaks of a high level of human papillomavirus, which also indicates a high probability of papillom.

I repeat that after the process of rebirth is completed - to help a person can not already have nothing. This is how dangerous is this kind of cancer, whose mortality, with the exception of the initial stage, is 100%. And they have the risk of getting sick, they have papillomas on whose body. And the older man, the higher the probability of getting a tumor.

To better understand how the consequences of turning with papillom in melanoma look like - here are some photos from oncological dispensaries.

Show photos

Formed melanoma in the active phase. All these patients are already dead.

Show photos

Melanoma formed (patient dead).

Show photos

Papilloma started becoming melanoma. The patient miraculously managed to save the operation.

Correspondent: "How can you prevent transformation of pigment stains into cancer? How do people protect their lives?"

Roshal L.M.: First, take care of papillomas from solar and any other burns. Any damage to this type provokes the immediate start of rebirth into the cancer tumor. Secondly, if possible, minimally pollute the body. The higher the level of toxins in the blood - the weaker the immune system and the faster it can be reborn by papillom in melanoma.

If we talk about some preparations for the treatment and stabilization of a person's papillomavirus, then at the moment the only drug in the world is a special complex of papilovir. It is unique in its own kind of tool created by the Institute of Oncology Russian Academy science The complex turns out to be a double action - removes the external manifestations of the virus (eliminates papillomas with warts) and reduces human papillomavirus activity to minimal. If we speak in a simple human language, it means that the probability suddenly be in front of the future to die after 3-4 months from melanoma is reduced almost to zero.

This complex is the only tool that has an action not only on external factors (that is, removes papillomas), and also acts on the virus itself. At the moment, the manufacturer has applications for its acquisition from a whole group of international medical corporations. But at a special order of the Ministry of Health, Papilovir is sold only within Russia. The fact is that the volume of production is still too small and first of all doctors want to provide access to the drug for Russian patients. And due to the fact that we have a single state with Belarus, the drug is now available and there.

Correspondent: "And the complex passed clinical trials?"

Roshal L.M.: Of course. Otherwise, I would not even talk about it. He passed a series of clinical trials in Russia, certified in Berlin for sales in the European Union. And now completes the cycles of clinical studies in China, Japan and Vietnam. Asian countries show very lively interest in this medium. Tests showed that the drug has extremely high levels efficiency.

Absolutely all those who participated in the test, the complex removed the external manifestations of the virus - that is, destroyed papillomas and warts. Analyzes and observation of the formation of new papillomes have shown that 93% of the person's papillomavirus activity has decreased by approximately 95-97%. That is, expressing the usual language - to zero. The remaining 7% of some minimal activity of the virus took place. But it was 9-10 times lower than before the use of Papilovir. And they practically did not appear with new papillom.

Correspondent: "Leonid Mikhailovich, where in Russia you can buy a papilovir?"

Roshal L.M.: At the moment, the sale of the drug is available on a special site created by the manufacturer. There, anyone can order a complex with a courier delivery or mail. Payment is made only after checking the coming parcel, which is extremely convenient for those who first order something on the Internet.

In the pharmacy, the complex is not yet supplied due to the extremely small volumes of production. The tool is extremely difficult and part of the work is carried out manually, which slows down the expansion of the production volumes. In addition, negotiations with pharmaceutical networks are tight enough - most of them would like the maximum "wind" the cost of the complex, while the RAS insists at a fair price. At the moment, the site can also be ordered by cost savings at all. And recently, Russian charitable funds joined the question and periodically this tool can be ordered with an additional discount.

Correspondent: "What are your plans for wound on this tool?"

Roshal L.M.: If I understand correctly, now their main task is to increase volumes to those that will ensure all those who want within Russia. Papilovir is the only means that can be used for the full prevention of melanoma. And despite the fact that doctors are practically not practically informed about it, and the drug itself only recently went on sale - the demand is already such that it is impossible to order it, due to the complete absence of medication.

After the drug is enough for everyone who wants within Russia, sales will begin in the European Union and Asia countries. But given the complexity in production, which slows down his expansion, I think this is a matter of not the nearest future.

Correspondent: "Leonid Mikhailovich, thank you for the interview. Maybe you want to tell people who have papillomas on the body?"

Roshal L.M.: The only thing that would like to probably say - do not perceive papillomas and warts, as something harmless. At any time they can be reborn in melanoma. And how I have already spoken several times - this is one of those kinds of skin cancer that have no treatment. Now such diseases remained quite a bit. And Melanoma is one of them. If you have this kind of skin cancer, then this is a unambiguous death sentence. To prevent this - watch your body. And even better - use the papilist if you have the opportunity to order it. Moreover, it is still sold at cost and quite accessible.


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