Working with gifted children at the end of the day. The work of a preschool teacher with gifted children

Working with gifted children at the end of the day. The work of a preschool teacher with gifted children

Additional illumination gives each child the ability to make free choices light galus, the profile of the programs, the time of their mastery, inclusion of various types of activities in accordance with their individual skills. The specially active nature of the educational process allows one of the main tasks of additional education to be fulfilled - the identification, development and support of gifted children.

Dodatkova osvita is an uninterrupted process. There are no fixed terms of completion and successive transition from one stage to another. The individual-specific basis of the activity of this type allows you to satisfy the needs of specific children, vykoristoy and the potential of a good time.

The system of additional education may see the following forms of acquisition of gifts:

  • 1) training individually or in small groups following programs creative development at the singing galusa;
  • 2) work from previous and creative projects in the mentoring mode (as a mentor, scholars, scientists and cultural workers, high-class teachers act as mentors);
  • 3) full-time and correspondence schools;
  • 4) vacation assemblies, camps, master classes, creative laboratories;
  • 5) system creative competitions, festivals, olympiads;
  • 6) children's scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

The family of gifted children, in all stages, is constantly dependent on the development of their specialness and giftedness. Call again, for good measure, unpleasant minds development (dirty everyday minds, insufficient material security, unstable family) are revealed by a greater or lesser degree of development of personalities, therefore, especially important characteristics of their development are given priority to respect Atkiv, and have a full (sometimes to say too much) commitment. No matter how we look at the role and influence of natural factors or the infusion of direct education and training (schools) into the development of the child’s specialness and talent, in all cases the importance of the family is lost.

The importance of keeping an eye on families of especially gifted children, allowing psychologists to see the low level of exceptional performance, may have an important significance in the development of giftedness. The leaders of both positive and negative power. Let's take a look now positive.

In families where gifted children are born, it is clear high value of lighting In this case, both fathers and grandparents are often highly rated. The family's intellectual coefficient is a friendly official, which significantly implies the development of the child's advanced intellectual abilities.

The head and physical characteristics of this specially gifted child advanced, among older families, with respect to the child , if all the life of the family is focused on the child (child-centrism). Although such respect could become a nuisance for his mental autonomy, he himself is, without a doubt, one of the most important officials in the development of insignificant virtues. Often the fathers of gifted children are people of advanced ages, for whom children are the only sense of life. More often, especially gifted children are the only children in the family or, for example, actually the same (the older child has already grown up and does not require respect), and the respect of the fathers is directed only to this child.

In many cases, the fathers themselves begin to give birth to their gifted children, and often, no matter how often, some of them long fate is growing true mentor (mentor) of his child in a wide variety of activities: artistic-aesthetic, sports, and other types of scientific knowledge. This situation is one of the reasons for the consolidation of these and other cognitive and other interests in the child.

The child-centrism of this gifted child, the fanatical fear of fathers has developed and may have a number of episodes and its own negative sides. Thus, these families are wary of a permissive attitude insufficient development in the child of low social and especially everyday skills.

Fathers of gifted children show special respect for their child’s schooling, obtaining teaching aids and supplementary literature for her and rejoicing at the teacher, which is the best way to educate them. This situation also has negative sides, if Fathers are entrusted with the initial process and in subsequent episodes tend to provoke a conflict with the administration and teachers.

In the pursuit of high achievements, the father of a gifted child can play not only in the role of a lawyer, but also in the role of a lookout, who harasses a convict in a digging pit or a slave-rower in a gallery, working hard against his will and (we know the history of the centenaries of the great violinist Niccolò Paganina from his dad). In addition, the successes of your child are equal to those of other gifted children, Fathers are rarely objective And they instill value in the child, who are influenced by new negative emotions.

Therefore, the work with the parents of gifted children is particularly dependent not only on the work of the school psychologist, but on the teachers who work with such children.

Methodical exploration on the topic: education, form and method of work with gifted students.

1. Reasons for giftedness.
In a dynamic, fast-moving world, marriage significantly more often reconsiders the social concept of school, or changes or radically changes the goals of school education. The main thing is to immediately strive to speak out about the spiritual characteristics of being active, creative, aware global problems of humanity, ready to take the fate of their leaders to the best of their ability. It is very important for people to think outside the box, to figure out new ways of completing assignments, and to find a way out of a problematic situation. Another of the current tasks is an individual approach and assistance to each individual. Development of individual abilities to demonstrate the specificity of the skin condition.
Not long ago it was believed that all children were equal both intellectually and emotionally. You just need to teach them to think, experience, and figure out complex, logical tasks. Their one-year-olds have a knack for creativity, intelligently classify, organize, and find interconnections.
2. Characteristics of gifted children.
Let us begin with what is significant from the concepts themselves:
Giftedness is a systemic thing that develops over the course of life, the quality of the psyche, which means the ability of a person to achieve significant, insignificant results in one or many types of activity.
Giftedness is indicated by advanced cognitive development, psychosocial sensitivity and physical characteristics.
Viperal cognitive development:
Having a wide range of understanding, gifted children are keenly aware of everything that is discovered in the world and is extremely useful in addition to the control of one or another subject. It’s interesting that the world of influences is this way, and not otherwise, and that it would be as if the outer minds had changed. You can keep track of many processes at once, and you can actively monitor everything that happens.
They may be able to discern connections between boxes and objects and work on repairs, they should create alternative systems in their environment.
The miraculous memory of a child born from early development and development before classification helps such a child to accumulate a great wealth of information and intensively study it.
Gifted children have a great vocabulary, which allows them to express their thoughts freely and clearly. To satisfy the stench of wine, new words are coined.
It’s important to understand the meaning of ambiguity, to save a high level of acceptance during the last hour, and to be happy to deal with problems and things that don’t have a practical solution, children are gifted not to tolerate when they are forced I'm ready to confirm.
Gifted children may have advanced mathematical abilities in terms of calculation and logic.
They are awakened by a troubling period of concentration of respect and great commitment from the top of the job.
Characteristic of a gifted child, the burying of tasks in the knowledge of everyday life often leads to the point that she takes aim at those that are not yet within her power. He will require encouragement and assistance.
Psychosocial sensitivity:
Gifted children display a strong sense of justice, moral development, which is advanced by knowledge.
they react quickly to injustice, present high vimogi let's go away to ourselves.
a lively sense of humor, including the elements of creativity, creativity, resourcefulness and a lot of imagination (uyava) are even characteristic of gifted children.
They smell like humor, love funny inconveniences, a bunch of drinks, frying.
It lacks emotional balance; early-onset children are impatient with their hands.
Sometimes they are characterized by excessive fears and increased anxiety. The stench is extremely sensitive to the silent signals of the absent.
He has a powerful egocentrism, like ordinary children.
Gifted children often develop negative attitudes and have difficulty bonding with their same-year-olds.
Physical characteristics:
Gifted children have a high level of energy, and there is less stink to sleep.
Their motor coordination and hand movements often interfere with cognitive abilities. They need practice. Difference in intellectual and physical development Such children can be persecuted and develop lack of self-esteem.
The range of gifted children (up to 8 years) is often unstable, it is important for them to change the focus from close to distant (from school to school).
3. Special types of talent that appear in other areas of activity.
Musical gift.
From an early age, a musically gifted child has an increased interest in any objects that can sound. Up to two or three rocks, such children separate all the melodies, as if they sense exactly how they are going to sound. Dekhto begins to sleep earlier, as they say. In three to five rocks, the tension of independent actions due to the “knight” of sounds increases sharply. From the beginning - this is the inheritance of playing musical instruments. Now let’s take the first steps to come up with something of our own. The appearance of the first creations marks the transition to more high rhubarb development of talent.
Artistic talent.
The high vibrancy of healthy images is manifested in early childhood in extreme caution, strong flow, the ability to simmer in farbs for a long time, in color contrasts, to mark the unconventional, beautiful and am'yatovuvati nadovgo. A great role is played by the emotional activity of the child and the creative mind. Talent without creativity is unfathomable.
The checker's talent is mathematical.
Show up early. Almost every day, children love to play with numbers: find them on the walls of boxes, on the sides of books and magazines, and then try to put together different new combinations. Mastering simple arithmetic operations is a breeze. At about five to six years of age, children are able to easily demonstrate the ability to add up and figure out two- and three-digit numbers in the mind, and at five to six years of age they begin to show a great aptitude for being a teacher of mathematics, And not just for the cob school.
For other gifted children, there are no significant difficulties with complex checker combinations. Having learned to play chess at least a few times, they then spend most of the hour at the chess player, hoping for various results. Shakhova gra is a constant experimentation that evokes importance, seriousness, courage and logical thinking. The very cognitive activity of the child reflects the revelation of her talents.
Literary giftedness.
It opens later. To lie to the knowledge of the child. In some cases, however, signs of literary excellence appear at the stages of preschool childhood. The child is tuned to the music of words, its enchanting sounding Rome, and she is happy to discover new words and understanding. Equal with robots of peers, the creations of gifted children are more original and varied.
Social talent.
It is impossible not to mention the leader of a group of children. Shvidko is filled with the most ferocious respect, an initiative child. He has a good language, he is not afraid and does not hesitate to become brutalized to another child, to an adult. Such a child displays her businesslike approach to everything that comes her way. This is a lot of rice - such a child is always on the right.
Whether a child is bound to be gifted in one of the areas human activity. Assess the correctness of the assumption about the innate intelligence of a child and help with this most important right, test-questionnaires, analyzed by doctors in the field of child psychology.
4. Methods and forms of work with gifted children at school.
Gifted children are more likely to be more intellectually active, adaptable to empathy, creative, and capable, which is dominated by an active, insatiable cognitive need. They feel the joy of acquiring knowledge, of wisdom. Based on this, the identification of gifted children, the development of the stage of their giftedness may begin as early as cob school. U initial activities work with gifted children is based on a differentiated approach, which combines expansion and decline bright space subject. Therefore, work with gifted children must develop both from homework and after-hours activities.
5. Timely activity.

problem development and learning,
design and follow-up activities,
Gaming technologies (business games and more expensive ones),
information and communication technologies to satisfy cognitive motivation,
development of skills (various tests, presentations, simulators),
creativity and non-standard work.
Problem-based development.
Most teachers who work with gifted children successfully implement the technology of problematic learning. They create a situation of cognitive confusion in the classroom, for which students are faced with the need to independently study alone or in school. Rosemary operations: analysis, synthesis, comparisons, analogy, additions, etc. This allows for the active independent activity of students to be organized, resulting in a more creative development of knowledge, skills, ideas and development of mental abilities.
Design and follow-up activities.
One of the new forms of work with gifted children in schools is design. The project method represents a method of learning that can be characterized as “learning through learning,” where the study of immediate inclusion in the active cognitive process independently formulates the initial problem. We are currently collecting necessary information and plan to Possible options major problems, work on new ideas, analyze your activities, formulate new knowledge “on target” and develop a new basic life knowledge.
6. Time-based activity.
Before it there are the following types of activities:
subject matters,
Olympics and competitions.
Optional. One of the forms of work with gifted children is the selection of electives. Here, working in small groups, teachers maximally implement differentiation of learning, individual approach, and various methods of work: caution, experiment, research, work with scientific literature. A variety of electives allow you to explore the different needs and abilities of gifted children.
Subject matters. One of the forms of organizing additional coverage, direct, focused on unlocking the creative potential of students and subject matters. As children reach their early years, they are able to harness their creative potential in the wider world.
Olympics and competitions. For talented children, competitions of various levels (both internal and external) are of great importance.
7. Robotic system.
The work with the gifted child must be started from the identification of this child among the child team. The main form of diagnosis is caution. Once the merits of the study have been noted, it is necessary to reveal the level of talent. For this purpose, you can use various forms: questionnaires for fathers, interns, the “Talented Card” method, the method of assessing out-of-state talent, etc.
After you have been identified, please wait for your further actions with your fathers and the administration. After this, a plan for working with the gifted child is formed. He includes those who need to work during the hour, and transfers his professional skills to the teaching staff. A psychologist conducts diagnostics, testing, identification, and helps tailor a work plan to address the psychological characteristics of the student. The administration carefully analyzes the activities of teachers and students. Children's team I can and can happily contribute to the development of highly motivated students through friendly superpower in the classroom. The robots are carefully prepared, and additional adjustments are made before the work plan.
When choosing forms and methods, we consider several aspects:
type of gift;
as a child;
the social status of this child;
equal to giftedness;
the activity of the child herself;
professional training of a teacher.
People with gifted children have a deep respect for their achievements, and the assessment of adults for them is immediately worthless, and their self-esteem and self-esteem diminished. We create the motivation to achieve, the readiness to take creative risks, the desire for self-confidence.
With this rank, the child is endowed with the ability to engage in various ways of activity. The range of its properties is well above average. The assessment of giftedness does not have to be limited to testing: its level and ability are revealed at the time of initiation and training in the context of substitute activity. Giftedness follows to be seen and developed as a hidden, universal creation, which over time brings forth specific characteristics and melodious subject-matter directness.
Therefore, the head of the pedagogical department may be replaced by development zagalnyh zdіbnosti to find an adequate way of implementing the specificity of these types of activities. As soon as adults are able to discern talent, their main task is to form high motivation in the child.
To successfully work with a gifted child, teachers try to know their strengths and their ability to show them, so that they can savor success and believe in their ability. Having a strong background means being able to engage with the school program without being limited by it. The pre-establishment of this principle has revealed a problem: often the point of growth lies with the school program.
8. Identification of individual characteristics.
Giftedness does not lie on the surface. Teachers are trying to better implement this methodology. Most teachers overly trust testing, and there may be a lack of information about students. It is important that a child with high intelligence is responsible for changing the decision of all school subjects. Therefore, the teacher recognizes the greatest emotional and social maturity and transformation, so that you do not need special assistance.
9. Vyhovannya leader's yaks.
Creativity is characterized by the ability to independently navigate the sphere of activity and rush forward. In the beginning, a method of learning has been thought out, intended as the transfer of knowledge, and the development of a “mind of thought.”
A teacher can use the following methods:
Method of getting used to it. Allows the teachings of seemingly imaginative and intellectual phenomena to “move” into the object that is being experienced, perceived and known in the middle.
Method of heuristic nutrition. Tips on this key food: Who? What? What's the matter? De? Chim? If? Yak? and their efforts will generate unexpected ideas and the decision is made to complete the investigation of the object.
The equalization method. It makes it possible to create versions of different scholars, and to link their versions with cultural and historical analogues, shaped by great centuries, philosophers, etc.
Understand the design method. Contributes to the creation of a collective creative product – a clearly formulated, meaningful concept.
The method will become more expensive in May. An effective way to develop the skills of transmission and forecasting.
Method of mercy. It transfers the replacement of a tired negative attitude to reprimands, the replacement of this constructive victorious remembrance to slow down the light processes. The feeling of mutual reconciliation with “correctness” stimulates the heuristic activity of students, bringing them to an understanding of the relevance of any knowledge.
Vigaduvannya method. Allows you to create a previously unknown product through creative activities.
The "yakbi..." method. Helps children paint a picture or write a description of what will happen, if the world is about to change. The study of such tasks develops reality, and allows us to better understand the devices of the real world.
"Brain Assault" (A.F. Osborne). Allows you to collect a large number of ideas as a result of the participants' discussions as a result of the inertia of thoughts and stereotypes.
The inversion method and the conversion method. It accepts the principle of a protracted alternative to the solution. For example, the object is observed from the outside, and the biggest problem arises when looking at it from the middle.
In this way, the development of the active, special, creative, and completely responsible task of the skin teacher. The work is complex, methodical, based on cooperation with fathers, administration and children.

MOUDOD "ASYUN MO "Akhtubinsky district"


"Gifted Children"


Chervonenko N.M., preschool teacher

m. Akhtubinsk, 2010.

1.Explanatory note.

The problem of early detection and development of gifted children is the most important in the field of education. It is important to capture the intellectual and economic potential of the place, region and state.

It is important to understand systematically that the mentality of the psyche develops over the course of life, which means that people can achieve greater results in one or more types of activities against other people.

The child has been gifted - this child is the one who appears brightest,

obvious, sometimes significant achievements (or may be internal

provisions for such access) in any other type of activity.

The important peculiarity of those gifted is their need for knowledge. Cognitive need is the transfer of cognitive information, which appears in various forms: the need for enemies, complementarity, purposeful cognitive activity. Gifted children are willing and easy to get started, show agility, alertness, and memory for guilt, display a variety of complementary habits, and often go out of their way in other ways. They seem to be able to clearly express their thoughts, demonstrate versatility to the practical stagnation of knowledge, reveal blaming abilities to the brilliance of various tasks. The skin is unique and requires a special approach. The proper implementation of giftedness most often requires the organization of a special environment, which includes special education, which goes beyond the scope of training in primary school.

The very foundations of additional illumination can compensate for the lack of initial attention in various creative industries and organizations. The child begins to develop special abilities and develops a special talent.

Working with gifted children is important, but it is rich in ideas that need to be developed - not only for educators, but also for teachers.

Additional education for children is focused on mastering creative activity in the field of practical activities, which will help children grow up to mastery.

The program has been divided into three straight lines:

Work with students;

Work with fathers;

Work with the teaching staff.

Skin direct programs are implemented carefully, it is possible to adjust the place, forms and methods of program implementation..

The implementation of the program allows:

– create optimal minds for the development and implementation of the potential abilities of gifted children;

- Familiarize teachers with the psychological needs of children, who seem to have an urgent need for knowledge and productivity of the mind, clearly outperforming their peers in terms of intelligence;

– gain knowledge about the main “warehouses” of zagal rosemary talents and special types of talents;

- To educate teachers about nutritional diagnostics of children's mental gifts;

– to develop the concept of psychological and pedagogical ambushes of giftedness, the identification and development of gifted and talented children and children;

– formulate a data bank from various areas of work with gifted children;

– to connect children with intellectual and creative activity;

– prepare program and methodological documents and manuals for teachers who work with gifted children and their fathers;

– appreciate the material and technical base of MOUDOD ASYUN and work with gifted children.

The program is relevant and promising for the system of additional education, since the children are gifted with creative and intellectual potential for the development of additional education.

2 . Purposes and management of programs.

The program "Gifted Children" issecuring sympathetic minds for a thoroughly developed system for identifying and supporting gifted children, developing and realizing their potential.

With the method of strengthening and further perfection of access, work with gifted children will be put at the forefront zavdannya:

Improvement of the system for identifying and developing the potential abilities of gifted children to their potential;

The value of mutual cooperation between organizations and the support of gifted and talented children;

Provision of advisory assistance to parents and teachers who work with gifted children, advanced training of investors in the advanced qualification system;

Familiarity of teachers with scientific data about psychological

Features and methodical approaches to working with gifted children;

Conducting various environmental competitions, intellectual games, and Olympiads that allow students to demonstrate their talents.

3. Program concept.

The discovery of gifted children may begin with creative ideas of the first fate based on caution, learning psychological characteristics, language, memory, logical idea. Work with gifted and creative teaching, their research, identification and developments may become one of the most important aspects of the activities of MOU DOD ASYUN.

Honors for gifted children:

May be more high, equalized with more, intellectual aptitude, agility to happiness, creativity and ability;

There is a dominant active, insatiable cognitive need;

To recognize the joys of acquiring knowledge, the practice of wisdom.

Mentally, you can see three categories of gifted children:

Children with a very high level of rosum development are similar to other equal minds (such children are most often associated with preschool and young school age).

Children with signs of special roseum talent in the field of science (sublime image).

Scab, yaki do not reach the reasons for the Assumption of the same time, Ale Mayut Yaskrava Pіznavalnu Activity, Originalism of the psychiatric warehouse, Nabiyaki Rosumovi reservations (often tolerate the old Schkish -free vitzi).

4. Principles pedagogical activity for a robot with gifted children:

- principle of maximizing assignments

Possibilities in the development of specialness;

The principle of individualization and differentiation;

The principle of the creation of minds for the sleeping work of students

Minimal participation of the teacher;

The principle of freedom for the candidate to choose additional educational services, assistance, mentoring.

5. Methods of psychological infusions that occur when working with gifted children (after Yu.B. Gatanov):

1. "Brain assault." For its implementation, it is necessary to know the problem, which may provide a rich solution. It is necessary to value not the quantity of evidence, but their multiplicity, to avoid criticism and evaluation of ideas until the stench continues. It is necessary to believe that the first khvilini may have a “brain storm” greatest quantity evidence, then they begin to appear less and less frequently - although the remaining evidence often turns out to be the most original. Then the evidence that has been found is discussed - from the point of view of implementation.

2. “Make any difference” is implemented in accordance with the following rules:

Group fraud is more frequent than individual ones;

This activity is not to blame for the material grapes, ratings in the magazine, etc.

The teams are to be gradually reorganized so that all children are less likely to experience success and there is no constant adversity. Criteria for assessing the activity of teams: the number of ideas and ideas that differentiate from others.

3. Competence and cooperation provide the opportunity to learn how to live in a group. They create mutual understanding, develop leadership abilities, and allow less gifted children to experience success while competing with the gifted ones. In this case, it is important that the functions of the group are shared by the children themselves.

4. Unvalued activity. The judgment of the teacher, whose assessment is based until he himself learns not to develop other possible ideas and ways to solve the most serious problems that we are trying to solve, as well as projects and work developed by others.

6.Come in before implementing the program.

Purpose : creation of minds, development of gifted students, increased learning skills, expansion of opportunities for the development of individual abilities, enhancement of the minds of social adaptation of students, harmonization of inputs in the “teacher-teacher” systems gifted learning”, “gifted learning - learning”, “gifted child - father”.

1. Creation and development of a system for selecting gifted children by school

regional Olympiads, competitions, festivals, tournaments, etc.

2. Regional competitions of ecological babies (posters), virobs,

Science projects.

3. Participation in regional, All-Russian, international conferences,

Festivals, etc.

4. Participation in regional exhibitions

decorative and artistic creativity.

5. Participation in regional and All-Russian forums “Green Planet”.

Robot plan.


Terms of conduct


A plan for work with gifted children



Participation in competitions (Riven ASYUN)

leaf fall-birch


Participation in the competition of the international fund for the protection of animals IFAW

Leaf fall-chest


Development of individual work programs with gifted teaching.


Preschool teachers, MS

Participation in the correspondence regional environmental competition “For Unity from Nature”

sichen – fierce


Participation in the regional correspondence environmental forum “Green Planet”

sichen – fierce



Diagnosis of teachers' readiness to work with gifted children.


Participation in the regional environmental competition “For Unity from Nature”




Participation in the regional and All-Russian environmental forum “Green Planet”

birch worm



Psychological, pedagogical and methodical support for gifted children (OU)

Organization of continuous improvement of the qualifications of teachers who work with gifted children




Creation of a data bank of individual psychological characteristics of the educational institution

Let's reach out to fate

Development of cognitive skills of gifted students

  1. Social adaptation of gifted people.
  2. The role of the family in the development of cognitive abilities of gifted children.


Organization of monitoring the development of gifted students.



Creation of a portfolio of gifted people.

reaching out to fate

Preschool teachers

Providing encouragement to all participants in the Gifted Children program.




Preschool teachers

Rozmovi with fathers OU



Preschool teachers

7. Form a robot with gifted children:

· Classes, lectures, seminars, trainings;

· Individual work, incl. under the quarry of scientific quarries;

· Business, psychological and Intellectual games;

· Scientific conference “Young heirs of nature”;

· Creative masters;

· Project activity;

· Competitions;

· Exhibitions;

· Individual and group consultations;

· « Round tables»;

· Work in libraries with dzherel;

· Excursions.

8. Calculated program results

“Gifted Children”:

1. Increased lighting intensity.

2. Creation of an atmosphere of positive action, its significance in people’s lives, creativity against drug addiction, which is expanding, and social influence.

3. Expanding the range of approaches to discovering the creative potential of students.

4. Vidannya doslidzhen uchnіv.

5. Improved qualifications of teachers who work with gifted children.

6. Actively obtaining gifts from additional education.

Divided: School administration

The theme of gifted and talented children is constantly heard in the mass media. In truth, it can be called one of the most important and most relevant in modern pedagogy and psychology. No one will notice that the scientific and technological progress of the country, and the prosperity of the marriage, have a lot to do with the intellectual potential of people.

You can’t go wrong with a turbo about those in order to save and develop a few unexpected opportunities. Children, who are older than one-year-olds, show particular creative abilities, could quickly get more light and get involved in a more creative life.

Childhood is the time of life that holds the most self-worth. The main problem for these non-crossing children is not to pass on the stage of their future successes, but to ensure that the level of their pink ambition is now suitable for them steam. It is important for the child to live through her childhood with unforeseen circumstances, not to hamper her development, losing the joy of the recurrence and timeliness of the expression of her strength. It is important to place a sign of talent in a person who is tall.

Additional lighting provides the skin with the ability to freely choose lighting conditions, program profiles, hours of their development, inclusion of various types of activities according to individual conditions iliv.

The individual-specific basis of the activity of laying additional illumination allows you to satisfy the needs of specific children, vikoryst the potential of their free time.

Additional education for children is focused on mastering creative activity in the field of practical activities, which will help children grow up to mastery. The problem of working with gifted children is relevant and promising for the system of preschool education, since gifted children have creative and intellectual potential for the development of preschool education.

The creation of minds for the optimal development of gifted children, including children whose giftedness may not have yet been revealed at the moment, as well as simply gifted children, for whom there is serious hope for further clear striving for the development of their abilities, is one head lines and install additional illuminate.

Giftedness (according to Ozhegov) is understood as the achievement of significant achievements in the sphere of human activity. Sometimes talent is perceived as the ability to achieve great achievements.

Additional lighting is a warehouse of uninterrupted illumination and a natural partner of a back-lit school, where the peculiarity of the child comes to the fore, and not the initial programs of its formalized appearance.

This approach places individualization at the forefront of the teacher’s work and begins the development of that special, unique and unique that is inherent in this child by nature and added to it for living evidence.

The semantic and constructive unit of the system of work with gifted children in preschool education is the situation of productive and creative activity of a teacher and child, teacher and group.

The development of the creative potential of gifted students is reflected in the development and implementation of special programs. These programs may include a number of more complex and supplementary materials, development of children's creative abilities, communicative, leadership and other special abilities that are suitable for further social adaptation ї gifted children.

These materials will be based on the following psychological and didactic principles:

  1. The problem principle.
  2. The principle of versatility.
  3. The principle of historical realism.
  4. The principle of specialness.
  5. The principle of the pre-surveillance approach.

These programs are responsible for the five main stages of the creative act:

  1. Pre-slednytska activity.
  2. Providing nutrition and establishing a special relationship.
  3. Showing powerful thoughts (this will require a trained ear).
  4. In reality, the fulfillment of the solution found and the pursuit of special self-realization.
  5. Professional creative self-esteem (this stage can be implemented for the minds of positive assessment and social recognition).

Meta robots with gifted children- Development of creative abilities in the minds of differentiated and individual learning. To implement this goal, it is necessary to make the following zavdannya:

  • Teachers' knowledge of scientific data about psychological features and methodical techniques that are effective during work with children, through the conduct of pedagogical councils at the request of teachers; - Completion of courses for advanced qualifications; - selection and accumulation of literature from the library fund necessary for self-enlightenment, systematic review of new discoveries; - scientific and methodological work from this directly (with further discussions and exchange of evidence)
  • identification of gifted children on the basis of competitions, exhibitions and other developments, achieved practical results in the main areas of activity, diagnostic data, ways: - discussion of criteria that allow us to judge the presence of gifts; - Awareness of the techniques of goal-directed pedagogical caution; - identification of fathers’ thoughts about skill, the area of ​​greatest success and number of interests, about particularity special development I love the child; - care must be taken to monitor the correlation between the results of testing and success in real activities;
  • molding the tribute bank "Rozvitok";
  • Development and promotion of individual and group programs that will better satisfy the interests of students;

To design a light microenvironment, it is necessary to mutually design three components: spatial-objective, social and psychodidactic.

The most important role is to design the psychodidactic component. A developing lighting medium, which can be implemented in a system of additional lighting at the lowest cost, will ensure the development of intellectual abilities and creative potential in students.

Coming from the above, you can see the following mutual relations directly robotic additional coverage:

Design and follow-up activities, as a continuation, destruction and practical stagnation of basic educational courses;

Improvement of health;

Communication and other trainings.

Elementi pedagogical technologies What to include in the additional education system for working with gifted children:

  1. Actionable approach (between beginnings and development there is action)
  2. Formation of internal motivation.
  3. Organization of the creation process with “subject – subject deposits”.
  4. This is a “choice”, which creates the potential for skin learning to develop.
  5. Reflection.
  6. Possibility of individualizing the pace of progress lighting programs, Their wealth and destruction.
  7. Additional principles - “the right to mercy”, “a situation of success”, “not to compare with others”, etc., which create a friendly moral and psychological climate.
  8. Integration approach.

Experience successful work with gifted academics

  • Awareness of the importance of work by every member of the team establishes and strengthens the connection with this respect to the problem, the formation of positive motivation to the development of creativity.
  • The creation and gradual development of a methodical system.
  • Involvement in the work with gifted children ahead of teachers, as the songs of yako sang:
    • A teacher for a gifted child is special in that she reacts productively to feedback, is able to accept criticism and does not suffer from stress when working with people who are more knowledgeable and knowledgeable, not even herself. The interaction between the teacher and the gifted child may directly lead to the optimal development of abilities, the nature of help, encouragement, and non-directiveness;
    • The teacher believes in the authority's competence and ability to resolve the problems that arise. He is ready to bear responsibility for the legacy of the decisions we have made and at the same time recognizes himself as a human being, who deserves the trust of his human ability and ability;
    • a teacher of intellectual self-refinement, willing to work on additional knowledge, ready to learn from others and engage in self-illumination and self-development.

    A child’s skin is endowed with individuality, which requires a special approach. The implementation of giftedness most often requires the organization of a special environment. What signs, power, personality, personality traits, peculiarities of behavior and activity can indicate to an adult that a child in the future can become a prominent figure, artist, leader, etc.? It’s simply impossible to confirm the food in this warehouse. They have already shown that there are few regularities that can be used to predict future children, but the algorithm is still far from making reliable forecasts.

    The world's evidence shows that often the faith in the ability of a student is multiplied by the skill of teachers and fathers who create miracles. In life, it often turns out to be important to tell not those that nature has given to people, but those that are wise to make use of the gift that one has.

    The revelation of potential and acquired talent is dictated, first of all, by humanistic values, to bring respect to a large number of children. Given all the theoretical complexities, the dominant ones are careful not to “miss” every child who will require the respect of the teacher.

    Motivation for the initiation and adaptation of the child in the group.

    Complete the questionnaire.

    1. Do you like Budinka’s childish creativity (group) or not?

    2. When classes end, will you happily go to Budinka creativity (group) and what do you want to do without going to school (to go home)?

    3. What if the teacher told the group that tomorrow it is not obligatory for everyone who starts to come, so that they could go to the house of creativity (group) and lose it at school (at home)?

    4. Do you have to, if you have something to do with your group?

    5. Would you like to avoid setting household rules for the group?

    6. If you want the group to have...

    7. Do you often tell your dads about the group (Budinok Children's Creativity)?

    8. Would you like to have a lesser teacher in your group?

    9. Do you have a lot of friends in your group?

    10. Do your classmates like you?

    1. So-3 b. 6. Ні-3 b.
    2. So-3 b. 7. So-3 b.
    3. So-3 b. 8. Ні-3 b.
    4. Ні-3 b. 9. So-3 b.
    5. Ні-3 b. 10. So-3 b.

    25-30 points – high level of adaptation;

    20-24 Bali – average norm;

    15-19 - indicate external motivation;

    10-14 – low motivation;

    Below 10 points – a negative rating to the group and disadaptation.

    Primary diagnosis of giftedness of children by a teacher

    Instructions Lower the scale so that the teacher can learn the characteristics of cognitive, motivational, creative and leadership areas. Each point on the scale must be assessed independently of other points. Your rating must reflect how often you avoided showing any of the characteristics. Since the scales represent distinctly different aspects of behavior, ratings on different scales NOT take precautions.

    Be gentle, read the affirmation with respect and circle the corresponding number to complete the description:

    1- you may not be aware of these characteristics;

    2 - how you take care of this characteristic of the inode;

    3 – if you are careful not to use this characteristic often;

    4 – You keep an eye on this characteristic for the entire hour.

    Scale 1. Cognitive characteristics of learning

    1. It is possible to fill up a great supply of plums for this age; vikory terms with meanings; The language is distinguished by the richness of viruses, flow and complexity.

    2. There is a large supply of information from a variety of topics (involving the interests of children of this age).

    3. Quickly remembers and provides factual information.

    4. Easily “slips” causally - the following connections; trying to understand the “how” and “why”; put plenty of food (on the side of nutrition, directly on the facts); I want to know what lies at the heart of people’s appearances and actions.

    5. Sensitive and clever hunter; call “to pump more” or “to pull more”, lower than others, from the knowledge, the film, from what is happening.


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