Universities with a design department. Department of "Industrial Design" in MSTU them. AD Bauman.

Universities with a design department. Department of "Industrial Design" in MSTU them. AD Bauman.

Introductory tests 2017/2018.

Department MT-9

In 2010 in MSTU them. AD Bauman Order of Rector No. 31-03 / 1495 dated December 2, 2010, the Department of Industrial Design was established, focused on the preparation of specialists, bachelors and masters in the direction of "Design" both within the first and second higher education.

The practice of most successful firms shows that ensuring the modern level of design developments, their decent competition significantly depends on the design decisions. Competitiveness on the market produced by enterprises of products is largely determined by the organic combination of labor of designers and designers, their mutual understanding.

The main task of the department is the implementation of a qualitative system for training specialists in the field of industrial design, integrated into the classic engineering training system of the leading technical university - MSTU them. AD Bauman.

The training program ensures graduates to independent professional artistic and design and design activities. Students in the learning process seize the equipment of the drawing and compositions, study modern applied methods, including computer, visualization of objects, methods and principles of systemic design - design and design studies. The study of these and many other specialty disciplines is combined with the development of classical engineering disciplines.

The University has created a "System Design and Prototyping" Center, equipped with modern graphic stations and setting of volumetric prototyping. Its technical capabilities make it possible to solve complex resource-intensive tasks associated with product design.

Graduates of the department work on real orders industrial enterprises In organizations and firms engaged in design development for all areas of public and industrial activities of a person in industrial design centers, design bureaus, design studios.

The department actively collaborates with Moscow State Technical University "Mami", Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Union of Designers of Russia, Union of Machine Builders, with Design Studios "Smirnov Design", "Slava Sahakyan", "Yellow Mountain", "New Design", Company "TANCHER", COLANI DESIGN CORPORATION.

The department conducts professional retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of design: "Modern practice of industrial design - approaches and trends" by employees and students of the department have been written more than 50 scientific articles, more than 40 patents for industrial designs were obtained.

Leather Product Technology (Undergraduate) (Higher education)
At the specialty "Technology of leather products" you will learn how to create products from the skin: model, develop structures, choose equipment, taking into account the specifics of the material.

Sewing Product Technology (Undergraduate) (Higher education)
At the specialty "Sewing Product Technology" you will learn to interact with designers and develop methods for processing sewing products, as well as interact with designers and develop technological processes of manufacturing sewing products. In the process of learning in this specialty, you will learn to ensure the level of product quality.

Construction of sewing products (undergraduate) (Higher education)
At the specialty "Designing of sewing products" you will learn how to create sketches of new types and styles of sewing products, disassembled in tissues and materials, perform sketches and drawings of structures, create a pattern, develop the table of measures, to ensure rational use of resources.

Design medium (Higher education)
The Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IUEP) invites all interested parties and future applicants to receive higher professional education in the specialty "Wednesday" in remote format.

VGUES. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Design medium (Higher education)
The specialty "Design Wednesday" produces specialists who can apply the skills gained during training in the profession of designer, restorer, visualizer, interior designer, architect-designer, landscape designer, lighting designer.

State University "Dubna"

Web design. Applied Informatics in Design (Undergraduate) (Higher education)
Web designer is a specialist engaged in the design of the structure and design of web resources. Web designer creates such an image of the site that will be as comfortable as possible and attractive to visitors, taking into account the functionality, main purpose and portal tasks.

Higher School of Entrepreneurship

Web design (undergraduate) (Higher education)
Web designer is a specialist in the field of web development and design, in whose tasks include designing user interfaces for sites or applications, as well as creating decoration. The work of a web design specialist includes both original designer, so technical solutions In the design area of \u200b\u200bweb interfaces, ensuring the convenience of using the web resource.

GameDesign. Graphic design (undergraduate) (Higher education)
The training program forms 3D graphics specialists for computer games: Artist / Modeller and artist / designer. Together with the programmers, graphic artists implement the ideas of the gameDizer to the final result - a new computer game.

Learning to designer art - the key to success

IN modern world The profession of designer is unusually popular. It is easily explained because there is a large number of Companies and organizations providing design services. Beautiful, bright, competent and memorable design becomes business card Firms, better advertising products, way to optimally present goods or service.

Wishing to issue a book or magazine, create a really popular site, to achieve high sales of goods, entrepreneurs turn to professional designers. Having mastered the design wisdom, having passed the training in decent educational institution, in a short time to become the owner not only a diploma of a prestigious university, but also excellent portfolio. Such a specialist immediately deserves the confidence of potential customers, begins to receive orders, positive recommendations.

Rolling personal portfolio, increasing the number of professional victories, a novice designer quickly moves to the goal - the payment of its services is increasing. Then coming out for high quality new levelThe designer becomes a real master of his case, has the ability to choose the most attractive orders and determine the desired amount of payment.

In the Unica there is an exclusive offer - here everyone has the opportunity to learn Digital and graphic design remotely. In Russia, this faculty became the first to provide such conditions. Of course, it is the remote form of training that makes an offer especially in demand, attractive for most potential students.

Having passed training in the unique, graduates get higher educationMix all the necessary skills and knowledge in the field of Digital, graphic design. What advantages are guaranteed in this educational institution?

  1. Training is conducted by highly qualified teachers, experienced and disassembled in subjects thoroughly.
  2. The programs are designed taking into account all the nuances, the materials are outlined available.
  3. The curriculum allows you to use the time to make the most effectively, to make individual adjustments to the process.
  4. The UNIC creates optimal conditions for obtaining higher education, courses, advanced training.
  5. Graduates, students can apply the knowledge gained in different directions: engage in creating design space, interiors, sites, books, packaging, advertising structures and many other things.

Department of remote education UNIC Guarantees excellent learning results. Here are true design masters: graduates are always in demand in the market and work for a worthy payment by demonstrating a creative approach in conjunction with professionalism.

Remote education formation opens up new opportunities

Ugra first in the country opened training in remote format to the wisdom of Digital and Graphic Design. It is the remote form that will open new ample opportunities to students:

  • distance learning Effectively: programs are created so that students can competently distribute time and strength, work according to individual schedule as part of the curriculum;
  • the remote form is the best option for working receiving the second higher education who want to effectively distribute time;
  • the funds are economically invested, since there is no need to come to sessions;
  • students themselves determine the place, schedule of classes, distribute the volumes of materials, loads;
  • all psychological barriers are removed related to stress caused due to the need to respond to the audience, personally contact with teachers;
  • remotely can simultaneously receive two specialties, forming a personal schedule of classes;
  • an individual approach is fully implemented.

Become a real qualified designer, master in demand skills, get a modern and popular specialty in the unicaled remotely - an excellent choice. Training as efficiently as possible, economically and comfortably, opens up broad prospects before the student.

"Be yourself" - what is it? About bright individuality, on its own style. And also "to be yourself" is to succeed in the profession that grew up from the children's dream chosen by calling and in love with the case, by talent, if you want. Of course, you can become a singing lawyer, a dancing dentist or being the most fashionable among economists, and in the evenings to create your own fashion on the home sewing machine. And it is possible and different: to give the will of your dream, believe in yourself and make the hobby profession.

So, your element is the lines and the villages embodied in the fabric, your God is fashion, and famous designers and fashion designers are an example for imitation? Then you will help us the list of educational institutions with fashion faculties. Nelisses will be the comments of former graduates. Them own experience and observations will also help in choosing educational institution. Let's start with Astrakhan.

The famous, winner of the Grand Prix, the winner of the young designer contest graduated from the Astrakhan Technical School of Emighting Industry.

"When admission to the college, two profiles were available:" Design and modeling "and" design of sewing products ". The direction "Design" combined tailors and cruising, technologists and hairdressers. Designers trained in common programBy grabbing little on all spheres. Designer fashion designers are increased education only in the field of light industry. The main is designed and modeling. We have studied all the available methods of Croy, the history of the costume from the time of climbing, the structure of fabrics and fibers, the definition of the touch, the difference between natural fibers from synthetic woven, squeezing - the method of doll products on the mannequin, the development of the primary option, also not forgotten about drawing and sketching stylistics , transition and filing a color option, mastered the painting on the fabric in the batik technique. The study of the entire technology made it possible to practice freely build the entire sequence of sewing products. Third school year Practica. Along with the rest, we passed the program on economics and the right, the organization of the production process, profit and supply. "

Moscow state University Design and technology

Moscow State textile University them. A.N. Kosyigina

  • Creative Design and Innovative Sewing Product Technologies
  • Creative design and innovative skin products
  • Technological design of leather and fur

The cost of the first courses: day form - 68 000 rub., Email - 40,000 rubles.

The cost of the first courses

  • Art modeling and promotion of goods in the fashion industry
  • Art modeling of shoes and accessories in the fashion industry

The cost of the first courses: Day form - 68,000 rubles., Evening - 50,000 rubles., Distance - 40,000 rubles.


  • Costume design
  • Design accessories

The cost of the first courses: Day form - 125,000 rubles., Evening - 90,000 rubles.

Art of costume and textiles

  • Art design costume
  • Artistic design of leather products
  • Artistic design of jewelry
  • Advertising Products of Textile and Light Industry

The cost of the first courses: Day form - 125,000 rubles., Evening - 85 200 rubles.

Fine arts

  • Art in the fashion industry

First course cost: Day form - 65,000 rubles., Evening - 55,000 rubles.

Forms of education: full-time, evening, correspondence (paid and budget, depends on the specific faculty and profile)

Entrance tests: The only exam is an interdisciplinary exam in the direction of master's training.

Benefits: The presence of postgraduate and guaranteed employment.

Website: www.mgudt.ru.

National Fashion Institute


  • Clothing design (designer, artist scenic costume)
  • Design of knitwear
  • Clothing modeling (designer designer)
  • Made Marketing (Fashion and Model Business Industry Marketing Manager)
  • History and Fashion theory (art historian, press attache, Fashion Observer)
  • Design accessories (designer-jeweler, artist on accessories, jewelry and fittings)

Forms of education: Full-time, for graduates of casuals there are abbreviated forms of training (no budget places, the hostel is not provided)

Entrance tests: No accurate data

Benefits: At the institute there is a college, at the end of which the student automatically and without passing exams is received by 2-3 course of this commercial university. The program includes seminars of the famous fashion historian A. Vasiliev.

The cost of learning in the DCS at the Institute of Fashion reaches 20,000 rubles. For one semester, the cost of learning in the university is not disclosed publicly.

Website: www.fashionInstitute.ru and Vkontakte: National Institute Fashion

Korolevsky State Technical School Technology & Clothing Design

Designing, Simulation and Technology of Sewing Products

Based on 9 classes:

In part: the term of study - 3 years 10 months; Cost of course - 21 000 rubles,

Entrance tests: Russian language (dictation), mathematics (oral), drawing (exam)

In absentia: the term of study - 5 years 10 months, cost - 20,000 rubles.

Based on 11 classes:

Full time: Ladward term - 2 years 10 months; Course cost - 21,000 rubles.

In absentia: the term of study - 3 years 10 months, the cost is 20,000 rubles.

Entrance tests: by the results of the USE (Russian language and mathematics) or exam (interview), drawing (exam)

Costume design

Based on 9 classes:

In part: the term of study - 3 years 10 months; Course cost - 45 050 rub.

Based on 11 classes:

Full time: Ladward term - 2 years 10 months; Course cost - 45 050 rub.

No correspondence department.

Entrance tests: Figure (Exam)

Benefits: A large number of budget places, charge courses and sewing courses and a special drawing rate (72 AK. hour each).

Website: Kqttdo.ru.

St. Petersburg State University Technology and design

Institute of Costume Design

  • Costume design
  • Design of knitwear
  • Design of scenic suit

In part: the term of study - 4 years, the cost of the school year - 188,000 rubles.

In absentia: the term of study is 5 years, the cost of the school year is 132,000 rubles.

Entrance tests: Profile subject in direction, view portfolio

Institute of Design and Arts

  • History and costume theory

Full time: Ladward term - 4 years, the cost of the school year - 112,000 rubles.

In absentia: the term of study is 5 years, the cost of the school year is 68,000 rubles.

Entrance tests: Profile subject in direction, view portfolio

Institute of Textiles and Fashion

Technology of light industry

  • Technology of sewing products
  • Skin and Fur Technology
  • Leather Product Technology

In absentia: the term of study is 5 years, the cost of the school year is 48,000 rubles.

Entrance tests:

Construction of light industry products

  • Designing sewing products
  • Designing leather products

Full time: Ladward term - 4 years, the cost of the school year - 122,000 rubles.

Internally, the term of study is 5 years, the cost of the school year is 64,000 rubles.

In absentia: the term of study is 5 years, the cost of the school year is 54,000 rubles.

Entrance tests: Russian, mathematics, physics.


  • Design of shoes and accessories

In part: the term of study - 4 years, the cost of the school year - 182,000 rubles.

Internally, the term of study is 5 years, the cost of the school year is 76,000 rubles.

Entrance tests: Russian, literature, creative test, professional test.

Art of costume and textiles

  • Artistic design of textiles

Only in person: the term of study - 4 years, the cost of the school year - 182,000 rubles.

Entrance tests:Russian language, literature, history

Benefits: There are budget places, active publishing activities, high reputation.

Website: VKontakte:

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  • HSE

    National Research University high school Economy "

  • IMS.

    Institute of Public Service and Management

  • VSFM

    Higher School of Finance and Management

  • RSU

    Russian State University of Justice

  • IBDA

    Institute of Business and Business Administration

  • Vesh

    Higher School of Corporate Governance

  • Rgutis

    Russian State University of Tourism and Service

  • Moscow Polytech

    Moskovsky Pol. technical University

  • RSSU

    Russian state social University

  • MGRI RGGRA them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze

    Russian State Geological Exploration University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze

  • MFU.

    Moscow Financial and Legal University

  • Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

    Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

  • Igumo and IT.

    Institute of Humanitarian Education and information technologies

  • MFTI

    Moscow Physico-Technical Institute (State University)

  • Rau them. G.V. Plekhanov

    Russian Economic University named after GV Plekhanov


    Moscow state Institute international relations (University) Foreign Ministry of Russia

  • Diplomatic Academy of Foreign Ministry of Russia

    Diplomatic Academy of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation

  • Niya Mafi

    National Research Nuclear University "MEPHI"

  • Rowhighs

    Russian Academy National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation

  • WawA Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

    All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

    Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

  • State Iir them. A.S. Pushkin

    State Institute of Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin

  • MGMS them. A.I. Evdokimov Ministry of Health of Russia

    Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova

  • Rnim

    Russian National Research medical University N.I. Pirogov

  • Mole

    Moscow State Linguistic University

  • Financial University

    Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

  • Rgais

    Russian state Academy intellectual property

  • Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky

    Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky

  • PMGMU them. I.M. Suchenova

    First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov

  • Russian Customs Academy

    Russian Customs Academy

  • Ringung them. I.M.Gubkin

    Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin

  • VGU (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia)

    All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA Ministry of Justice of Russia)

  • MSTU them. AD Bauman.

    Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

  • RGU.

    Russian State Humanitarian University

  • Misis

    National Research Technology University "MISIS"

  • Gaugh.

    State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences at the Russian Academy of Sciences

  • Ram them. Gnesini

    Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesins

  • Mgavmib them. K.I.Skryabina

    Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin

  • Rudn

    Russian University of Friendship Peoples

  • MGIK

    Moscow State Institute of Culture

  • PCTU them. DI. Mendeleev

    Russian Chemical Technology University named after D.I. Mendeleev

  • GUU

    State University of Office

  • AGP RF

    Academy of General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

  • MGK them. P.I. Tchaikovsky

    Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky

  • MGPU

    Moscow City Pedagogical University

  • MIET.

    National Research University "MIET"

  • Mgutu them. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)

    Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University)


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