Tattoo from chest to elbow. Men's Chest Tattoos - Inspirational Tattoos for the Brave

Tattoo from chest to elbow. Men's Chest Tattoos - Inspirational Tattoos for the Brave

Men's chest tattoos are chosen by lovers of large sketches or symbolic inscriptions. The drawing, which is located in the region of the heart, has symbolized a shield and a talisman for its owner for a long time. Most of the time, chest tattoos are hidden from people's eyes, but at the same time, a large tattoo always instills confidence in its owner and is his personal talisman. Men's chest tattoos are a choice of brave men.

Men often start their journey into the world of tattoos not with small inconspicuous sketches, but with large drawings. A tattoo on the chest is a variant of a tattoo that will not be too flashy and can easily be hidden by clothes.

In ancient times, chest tattoos had the property of protection on the battlefield and were supposed to divert danger from their owner. Today men get tattoos on their chests because of their meaning and aesthetics, in modern world the tattoo primarily expresses style and attitude. But the property of protection and amulet for many also remains relevant.

Popular Male Chest Tattoos

Chest Tattoos For Men

The easiest way to get a meaningful meaningful tattoo is to choose an inscription. Words woven in a calligraphic font into one plot look very harmonious on the chest. Mostly men choose life-affirming and motivating phrases. For example "Life Is a Lesson" (Life is a lesson), "Believe in yourself" (Believe in yourself).

Abstract Chest Tattoos

Abstraction tattoos in various forms are often located on the chest. It can be geometric patterns or a thrash polka tattoo. Any meaning can be put into abstract tattoos, you can encrypt a message that is important for the owner of the tattoo. At the same time, such tattoos are aesthetic and stylish, they attract attention and make you guess the meaning of the picture.

Animal & Bird Chest Tattoos

Representatives of the animal world often become the subject of male chest tattoos. Almost every animal has its own symbolism.

For example, they mean secret knowledge, craving for the unknown, wisdom and going beyond the usual everyday consciousness.

And the Tiger is a symbol of courage, nobility, courage. These regal and powerful wild animals in all cultures symbolize the greatness and strength that people value in rulers and leaders.

Means strength, power, calmness and nobility. In many cultures, such as Buddhist, the elephant is related to deities and is worshiped by people.

Deer tattoo is the embodiment of spirituality and creativity. Deer is associated with sunshine, rebirth, warmth. His horns are a symbol of the world tree.

Chest Tattoo For Men

Heart tattoo can have several interpretations. For some, it is a symbol of life, vitality. According to another popular interpretation, the heart is the embodiment of feelings, emotions, love. Such a drawing will be chosen by people who rely on their feelings and trust emotions.

Men's Tribal Chest Tattoos

Classic ethnic popular for chest tattoo. In ancient times, Tribal tattoos were supposed to control the fate of their owner, protect him from troubles and mistakes, add strength and courage to him, relieve him of fears.

Among the Maori peoples, a tattoo (Maori tribal tattoo) was an indicator of courage and endurance, because not everyone dared to get such a tattoo because of the pain when applying it.

Minimal Chest Tattoos For Men

Minimalist chest tattoos are popular among men. It is generally accepted that a large pattern should be located on a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. But a small tattoo can be placed harmoniously and then it will not get lost and will look dignified. For example, a tattoo with the date of birth of a loved one or an element from a picture of a favorite artist.

Black And White Mens Chest Tattoos

Black and white tattoos are always classic. Monochrome large designs in different styles look great on the chest. Black and white tattoos can be done in the style of realism, and in the style of old school or ethnicity.

Does It Hurt To Get A Chest Tattoo

Chest tattoo refers to high pain tattoos. The most sensitive area is the area near the nipple - on the pain scale, this is one of the most painful areas.




Features of chest tattoo

For several decades in a row, images on the chest have been holding their undisputed leadership in the art of tattoos. They are popular among both sexes. Of course, women are somewhat specific, but they are also relevant.

At the beginning of the last century, chest tattoos were considered a sign of belonging to a crime or a challenge to society. With the development of this art form, people's views have changed, more information has become available, which returned the original meaning to tattoos.

Chest tattoos were popular in many ethnic groups. Almost everywhere they carried a deep meaning, denoted a warrior and were a talisman. Such tattoos are no exception in Scandinavian culture. The chest tattoo was believed to protect the heart. Hence the tradition of covering vast areas with tattooing was born.

For an artist of a tattoo parlor, the chest is a relatively flat surface on which it is convenient to work. The client must understand that, depending on the selected sketch, the images on the chest are stuffed for a long time. Areas of the clavicle, solar plexus, and shoulder joint are especially sensitive; the skin in these places is very thin and unprotected by the fat layer.

Ideas for men's chest tattoos

This is really where there is a fantasy roam! Chest tattoos are preferred by men who do not want to hide their own body jewelry. There is a tendency to choose bright multicolor compositions for tattooing. But monochrome drawings are still relevant.

The volumetric image of predatory and compositions look harmoniously on the male breast. Tattoos such as the image (anatomical model) have also become very popular. Brave and desperate young people may be advised of ideas that depict cuts or tears in the skin, exposing the metal mechanisms underneath. In compositions it is appropriate to use in different languages, religious symbols, an image cross... When applying phrases, it should be borne in mind that the chest has a powerful energy potential. Therefore, the meaning of the phrase should reflect the aspirations, goals and desires of a person.

Astrologers advise men belonging to them to stuff the symbolism of their sign on their chest. Such tattoos will serve as a talisman that brings good luck, and a talisman that protects against the vicissitudes of fate. You can use this advice if you want to strengthen your success with a lion tattoo or symbolism of the sign.

Men often choose images that emphasize character, desire for power and masculine strength. Those whose lives involve risk or military action often choose the image scorpion... The military choose the symbolism of the unit in which they serve.

Ideas for women chest tattoos

Girls choose for themselves more modest and romantic tattoos designed to emphasize femininity and sexuality. Such tattoos look especially piquant and mysterious, a small part of which is exposed by the neckline of a shirt or dress. Representatives of the signs Leo and Cancer can afford to put a laconic image of their patrons on one side of the chest. There are a lot of ideas for tattoos. It can be floral ornaments, romantic stories, inscriptions and hieroglyphs, butterflies and necklaces in the neckline.

Tattoos under the breast are popular among girls. Subtle twisted ornaments with ethnic elements look especially harmonious. Application of phrases in the Latin alphabet or arabic, while the meaning of the phrase plays an important role, since these words will accompany a woman all her life. Some ladies prefer small tattoos in the solar plexus area.

The meaning of chest tattoo

Choosing a tattoo as a decoration for the skin of the chest, you should know the meaning of especially common images. Any drawing on the chest has its own sacred meaning, and can affect the fate of a person.

Most often, images are used in tattoos:

  • bear - a symbol of strength and power, in the female version - motherhood;
  • eagle- victory, spirituality, power;
  • crow - wisdom, longevity;
  • cross - courage and honor;
  • tiger - fearlessness and controlled aggression;
  • the Dragon - power and courage;
  • a lion- pride and nobility;
  • wolf - endurance and independence.

Before choosing an image, it is advisable to understand the symbolism of the images. Sometimes tattooing is a necessary measure in order to hide a skin defect or scar on it. The chest area has a powerful energy that, with the help of symbols applied to the skin, can direct a person's life in the right direction. This is why it is important to make the right choice.

Photo of chest tattoo

Chest tattoos are not as ubiquitous as other tattoo sites. For some reason, people prefer breasts, legs and arms. Despite this fact, the chest is a very practical place for a tattoo. Firstly, it is a fairly large and flat surface, and secondly, making a tattoo on the chest is not so painful compared to the belly, ribs or places where the bones are located close to the skin. Thirdly, chest tattoos for both men and women look aesthetically attractive.

Beautiful tattoo on chest and arm

Female or male?

Compared to women, men get chest tattoos more often. This is due to the fact that the available area for tattooing is more extensive for men than for women, as ladies are afraid to get a tattoo on the breast area.

Men prefer to fill a tattoo symmetrically located on the chest, or on one side of the chest. The themes of tattoos that men choose are very different - from biomechanical compositions to portraits in realism. One way or another, these are mostly tattoos with a touch of brutality.

Women prefer to apply the image in the area of \u200b\u200bthe collarbone, in the middle or under the breast. Some desperate, apparently able to stop the horse and put out the fire, decide to get a tattoo on the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. It looks very exotic, but beautiful. Thematically, women's tattoos most often affect the world of animals, plants, cartoon characters, less often ornamental compositions. So we can safely say that chest tattoos look beautiful for both men and women.

Roses and a bow on the chest in the form of a tattoo

The meaning of chest tattoos

The meaning of the images on the chest can be completely different, depending on the theme, style, and your preference. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that tattoos on the chest, the meaning of which can carry a certain sacred meaning due to their closeness to the heart, are always aesthetically attractive.

For example, the name of a loved one in close proximity to the heart speaks for itself about feelings for this person. Some people stuff the heart with a realistic image of the heart. This tattoo looks very impressive.

Japanese dragon tattoo on chest

Tattoos with birds look very beautiful on the chest. Especially if the bird is in flight. Often people prefer to fill symmetrical images on their chests. This is either one tattoo, the center of which is in the middle of the chest, or two are identical, but mirrored relative to each other. If the tattoo is an inscription, then you can also arrange it mirrored so that looking in the mirror you can read what you would like to remind yourself more often.

Interestingly, sometimes you can hear the stereotypical opinion that a tattoo on the chest is a message from the prison world. This is a serious misconception. There is really a lot of symbolism in a prison tattoo, many factors are taken into account: the localization of the tattoo, the depicted object, the number of elements in the composition, and much more. In addition to the chest, such a tattoo is stuffed on other parts of the body. Therefore, you should not be afraid, unless of course the sketch of your tattoo is not a dome.

Skull on the chest in the form of a tattoo

Sketch selection

If you don't know what chest tattoos might look like, photos from the Internet will help you navigate. There you can also find a template version of the sketch. If you want your tattoo to be unique, try to draw a sketch yourself or order a drawing from an artist. Most tattoo artists are excellent at drawing, it is quite possible to provide the opportunity to create a sketch to your master. Chest tattoos, sketched by the tattoo artists themselves, are often created by masters with more love and trepidation than sketches brought with them.

Owl outline on the chest in Japanese style

Celebrity Chest Tattoos

  1. Miley Cyrus - American actress and singer with a small inscription under the left breast. Just breath, which means “just breathe”, is the first tattoo that the singer made at a young age, even before the age of majority. The inscription was chosen in honor of the one who died from cancer friend's lungs.
  2. Pavel Volya - a Russian pop artist, TV presenter in honor of the birth of his children got a tattoo - two naked babies on the left side of his chest.
  3. Amy Winehouse, a British singer who died tragically a few years ago, stuffed her breast pocket with Blake's inscription over her left breast. The symbolism of this tattoo is that it was made in honor of Amy's feelings for her ex-husband, Blake Sivell.
  4. David Beckham - English footballer, midfielder in 2001 got a tattoo - a portrait of Jesus and cherubs on the left side of the chest. Some sources claim that Jesus is suspiciously very similar to Beckham himself, and the three cherubim to his three sons.

Guy's chest tattoo

Long ago, in his youth, he made a tattoo - an ornament on his chest. Over time, the tattoo faded, became faded and ugly, and I have long ceased to like it. I decided

Ever since tattoos have become fashionable, they have increasingly adorned the human body, and especially the chest. It is an ancient tradition to wear a tattooed image on the chest. Previously, a warrior went to battle with prayer and amulets. And the tattoos on the chest symbolized a shield and covered the most important organ from defeat - the heart.

A large image or a complex ornament can be placed on the chest. Due to the convexity of the pectoral muscles, the pattern can be given a volume effect. Another feature is that a symmetrical pattern can be applied below the collarbones, which looks catchy and very original.

The "plus" of a tattoo on the chest is its painlessness. When drawing a picture, pain is felt, but not as much as on other parts of the body. In addition, the chest muscles are strong, and the image will not lose its attractiveness over the years.

Men's chest tattoos

Men's chest tattoos amaze with the ingenuity of the plot. Traditionally, tattoos were common on only one half of the chest. Nowadays, more fashionable drawings near the shoulder or collarbone, in the full width of the chest.

A tradition that came from the West is the image of wings. It symbolizes strength and courage, the "scale" of the owner. Romantics choose a tattoo with a ship with inflated sails. A man in love can pin a portrait of his beloved.

Women's chest tattoos

Tattoos on a woman's chest are more diverse, because they can be placed under the breast too. It is an intimate place that is not meant for outsiders. Girls prefer bright tattoos, which are easy to mistake for decoration: a necklace around the neck, a flower garland. Among the girls, there are many lovers of small, neat tattoos: a flirty bow, a swallow or fox, a cross.

The fairer sex is also very romantic, so tattoos with flowers (especially a rose) are popular. At one time, a tattoo depicting a heart was fashionable. Now it has been replaced by a similar one - a heart made in the style of "steampunk". It is a winged heart with metal wings, chained.

Often, the image is applied around the nipple (eg flower, hearts). Another original tattoo is a spider web with a nipple in the center. Sometimes girls decorate their breasts with a bra tattoo. Loving mothers can symmetrically pin images of children.

A chest tattoo is a beautiful and original image that always attracts the attention of others. Below are photos of chest tattoos from different tattoo artists.

Chest tattoos are a fashionable decoration for both pumped up guys and fragile girls. After all, with the help of an original drawing, you can express individuality, demonstrate belonging to a religion or convey your style. In any case, a tattoo on the chest will not leave anyone indifferent.

Men's chest tattoos

This part of the body is a huge canvas that allows you to apply any image that can become a symbol of pride for men and a magnet for women. Below we will consider the most common ideas used for chest tattoos in men.

Men's chest and shoulder tattoos

One of the coolest chest tattoos for men is the tribal design. Each one has its own unique and powerful designs that can give your muscles an even more attractive appearance.

Typically, this design involves applying a tattoo on the shoulder, blending smoothly to the chest. Surely you have seen such a sketch of a tattoo from the famous Hollywood actor Dwayne Johnson, known under the pseudonym "The Rock".

Male sternum tattoos with animals

Often, a tattoo on a man's chest is depicted as an animal. The choice of a particular animal depends on the nature of the owner and his personal beliefs.

The most popular representative of the animal world is the lion, symbolizing nobility, loyalty, strength and power. It looks good when played in any style.

Owl Tattoo On Sternum

Among the images of birds, the owl is at the peak of popularity, leaving even a predatory eagle behind. And this is not surprising, because she has a number of unique abilities: she is predominantly nocturnal, has huge eyes and turns her head 270 degrees. As a symbol of wisdom, it has become a favorite tattoo motif among many of the stronger sex.

Often, an owl tattoo is applied to the entire chest, allowing you to depict its beautiful and powerful wings in detail.

Dragon tattoo on chest

Widely distributed with the image of a dragon, which symbolize strength, courage and authority. If you think you have similar qualities, then drawing a dragon is a great option.

Men's chest tattoo with heart

Many guys get heart tattoos on their chest. Its value may vary depending on the surroundings and the style of performance.

So, a heart depicted in the style of biomechanics means a passion for science fiction and gadgets. And the symbol, made in the style of old school, where the inscription with the name of the beloved serves as an addition to the tattoo, means a sincere and true love... As a rule, the pattern is stamped on the left breast, since the internal organ is located on this side.

Men's chest tattoos: wings

The favorite subject of a tattoo for many men is wings. You can inflict a guardian angel with spread wings, a mythical Phoenix, or some fantastic creature. It is not necessary to stop the choice only on the bird's wings, look wider.

Tattoo on the male chest with the inscription

A cool idea that looks great on the chest is a lettering tattoo. In your favorite language, you can add a quote or phrase from your favorite work, movie, book, or song. Most often, many guys choose English, Arabic or Latin for the inscription on the chest.

Chest tattoo for girls

A common misconception is that chest tattoos are for men only. And in vain: a woman's chest tattoo looks very impressive, sexy and gives a special charm to its owner.

There are countless ideas for a tattoo for girls: options start from the image of symbols and end with real works of art. See below for the most fashionable and original sternum tattoos for girls.

Rose tattoos. The red rose is synonymous with passionate love. Pink - reflects first love and innocence. Yellow - means friendship, joy, and in some cases symbolizes mature love. Blue roses reflect something unattainable. There are also tattoos with white roses as a reference to a secret admirer. A black rose can be depicted on the body as a memory to someone or something sad.

Other popular flowers are lotus, sunflower, dahlias, and sakura.

Butterfly tattoo. Like flowers, butterflies represent beauty and hope. They are perfectly localized on the ribcage, as their symmetrical wings, when applied in this area, look perfect. It was their images on their bodies that the famous Hollywood divas Drew Barrymore and Mariah Carey preferred.

Bird tattoos. Birds carry a meaning associated with freedom and independence, which is very important for women. The most common are images of the Phoenix, owls, swallows and hummingbirds.

Tattoo with animals. Tattoos on female breasts with animal images are no less popular than designs with patterns. Most often, girls apply foxes, deer, wolves, leopards and other representatives of the wild world to this part of the body.

Angel Wings Tattoos. Symbolic meaning Angel wing tattoos can vary depending on the person's life experience or beliefs. Angels are beings sent from heaven to protect us from any danger. Many women prefer to apply such a tattoo in order to constantly feel the presence of the guardian. In other cases, it may simply symbolize spiritual development.

Women's tattoos above the chest

Tattoos in the collarbone and neck area are quite painful to fill. This fact must be borne in mind if you decide to apply a large picture. In general, this part of the body for tattooing is chosen by the most determined representatives of the fair sex.

Tattoo under breast for girls

Many girls depict various beautiful oriental patterns or flying birds in this area. Also, at the peak of popularity is a tattoo under the breast, painted with henna (mehendi).

Such ornaments look very attractive and elegant. And also, they perfectly emphasize a slender figure and serve as an original wearable decoration.

Small chest tattoos: male and female ideas

A man's chest tattoo doesn't have to be big to look cool. A small drawing or tattoo lettering also looks stylish and beautiful. After looking at the photos that are presented below, you can see for yourself.

A tattoo on a girl's chest is not common, since this area is highly sensitive. Only the most courageous ladies decide to apply a large picture. Therefore, a small tattoo is an excellent alternative to large images.

Basically, women like to paint images of flowers, fantasy characters, symbols, mandala, patterns or phrases.

Tattoo designs on chest

Below you can find sketches of tattoos for girls and guys. Perhaps any of the ideas will help you when choosing a future drawing.


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