The most attractive Finnish men. Mentality of Finnish men

The most attractive Finnish men. Mentality of Finnish men

I was already requested to write about Finnish men. Running on the Internet and adding a little one, that's what happened.

Finnish men
What are they? Different: beautiful and not very, calm and jeques, stingy, drinking, closed, as well as Balagura, generous, etc. They are different, as in all countries.

Finns can be divided into four different tribes: Karelov, Savolaks, Pialiatsev and Khämälyans.
Karelies are sensitive and frank, they will easily delight and laugh, and in a minute sadness will begin to steer or hum in the song.
Savolaks - congenital humorists, each phrase in their conversation enters into itself some joke or pun.
But the stubbornits are stubborn, void and fidgeted, as if telegraph poles.
Hämmaytsev has not taken very often to air their jaws. They are rapidly irritating.

Let's start with statistics.
Finnish site Specializing on male Health spent a survey of 3200 women and found out their opinion about Finnish men. The survey showed the following:
- Approximately four of the ten Finnish men use alcohol every week.
- Every tenth Finnish man drinks alcohol daily.
- Seven out of ten men are most concerned about the problems associated with work and money, about every fifth experiencing a shortage of time.
- According to Finnish women (65%), the most important interlocutor for a man is his wife.
- Approximately 50% of men openly speak with spouses about worrying their problems.
- At the same time, a significant part (26%) go on a frank conversation only after the adoption of the dose of alcohol or never (24%).
- In the case of a quarrel, about four of the ten prefer to leave the dispute, to be silent, closed.
- 74% of men are having sex with their partners, at least once a week.
- According to Finnish women, men are the most "sexy" aged 20 to 40 years.
- The most sexual finments are considered firefighters (37.1%), builders (13.3%) and police officers (11.6%).

But it is dry statistics ...

I will try to assemble a portrait of a middle Finnish man.
And so, blond with blue eyes, pretty bad hair, a glasses. Clothes prefers, comfortable in sock, sports, jeans.
Obedient and unpretentious in everyday life, namely:
The Finnish man will not require dinner of three dishes, glazed shirts and perfect order from a woman. If there is no meal, go that in the refrigerator or will cook yourself. It is capable of mapping, wrapping his clothes, as a last resort, will pass in the laundry or dry cleaning. Rave the hysteria about dust on the TV will not be. He will not notice her, or he will make cleaning without reproaches.

Although the Finnish man also puts work in the first place, and then a family, he will not be particularly disturbed on overtime and on weekends. Weekend, holidays are holy.

Finns are punctual and appreciate the time. They adhere to the appointed meetings, preferably up to minute, and late for more than 15 minutes is already considered ignorance.
Despite the fact that the Finns are in the majority of non-corporate, closed and silent,
they still understand the joke.

At the end of the working week, most men go to their favorite cafes and pubs. This is the main type of leisure, which is inferior, perhaps, only sport, which is the subject of universal "insanity." Finnish sportiness can only be envied.
IN summer timeMany Finnish men rushed at the cottages. Dacha, in the Finnish sense, this is not a garden of 6 acres, but a small hut in the forest or on the shore of the lake, where you leave for the weekend to feel even closer to nature, visit the sauna there and after it silently sit at the lake, contemplating the surrounding and Such a close beauty. Maybe therefore there is no jury and suspicion in the Finnish family; Fishing tunes on the philosophical way, the sauna softens the body and soul.
The National Funths of Finns - beer, fishing and sauna are included in the jokes, fishing and sauna - not a symbol, but the most severe reality.

Finnish men are convicts, trusting to naivety, and are panicly afraid of scandals with tears. By themselves, they are not gallant, but if you love you to serve a coat, a bathrobe in the sauna, a chair gave way, brought fire to the cigarette - you just need to announce it. True, do not hint, the hint may not be understood, and inform directly and unequivocally! The husband may not be surprised, but will not argue.
More and more Finnish men willingly wear aprons and spend their leisure on the slab, inventing new dishes and surprising their homemade culinary masterpieces, which they have learned from special courses in a restaurant or culinary institute.

In addition to these simple, but important advantages, Finnish men have a rare quality for men - not to notice the age of a woman, not that at all, but the difference in ten and fifteen years "in favor of his wife" they do not consider an obstacle to marriage. And, which is especially valuable, in the eyes of the environment such a marriage will not cause a condemnation or even surprise.

Burning a family and children Finnish man prefers after when they make a career in service or put on a free life, that is, closer to forty. Then the moment is considered appropriate, and children are given one after another. No less than two, but no more than three to the sex of children, the husband is indifferent, and the presence of a boy is absolutely not necessary. Caring for the upbringing of children's spouses carry equally.
In Finland, the fathers pay a lot of attention to raising children, and the picture, when the fathers walk with children, they are engaged in sports with them - quite frequent.
Often the whole family is engaged in sports, makes hiking, and this is what unites the Finnish healthy family. Finns allocated their most typical drawback - reliability.

In short, if traditional family values \u200b\u200bare not in the last place and you like nature, beer and a healthy lifestyle - you can count on happiness in marriage with Finn.

Every week we reveal you more and more secrets of software. But not every foreigner can become an ideal pair. From the romanticity of the Frenchman, you can easily be tired, from the eccentricity of the Italian head will begin to hurt ... Another thing is Finnish guys. These brave guys live in harsh conditions and are ready for everything. Perhaps this is exactly what you were looking for a lifetime!

Finns are volitional, educated and cautious people. They survived a lot of wars and centuries struggle with harsh weather, so you should immediately understand that it is not a place for nodes in Finland. They have one word that has no transfer to any language of the world, - "SISU"(SISU). They often use this word in colloquial speech, and it means something like "Beat your head about the wall and at the same time not to break the forehead", that is, be prepared for any tests that give life.

Finns so slow. This is one of the most relaxing nations. Of course, they know how to have fun, but finnish man does not demonstrate his emotions openlyAnd it will be difficult for you to understand, you like you or not. But if he still made you an offer, you can not doubt, he will be with you to the end.

By the way, closeness is one of the biggest problems of Finnish men. They very rarely make the first step themselves.I knew a girl who went to a Finnish guy on coffee and did not understand why he did not invite her to walk. And when she herself invited him, it turned out that he had long been in love with her. So act!

Perhaps not the best way to relax Finn, but the most efficient. They love to drink, and drink largely and with the soul. AND at that moment he is ready for any madnessSo in the center of Helsinki on Friday you can see the retro car full of drunk finns in bath caps.

By the way, banya takes a separate place in the heart of the Finnish man. They can sit for hours in her and silently reflect on life. So start slowly to teach yourself to high temperatures, so as not to faint on the first date.

If the sauna is not included in your plans, there is another wonderful place where you can spend time with the Finn, is a rink. They skate perfectly And they will teach you!

Surprise him and cook famous finnish buns Pull cinnamon! For Finns, they are for the French croissants.

By the way, in food the Finns are not so picky. They have their own traditional cuisine, but urban residents of Finland adorable Thai food. Probably, she is well warmed in frosty days.

What are they, Finnish men? Four "subspecies" of Finnish men. Finnish men are the most "sexy" aged 20 to 40 years. Finnish man - and folds, and stroking, and will remove the apartment. Each second Finnish man or a hunter or a triathleteist. What is in the Finns attractive?

What are they, Finnish men? Most different: calm and jealous, beautiful and not very, drinking, stingy, generous, balagura, etc. As in all other countries, they are different.

Conditionally finnov can be divided into four ethnic groups: Savolaks, Karelia, Khamyalyans and Pialaytes.

Savolaks - humorists from nature, and any phrase in their conversation will have some pun or joke in themselves.

Karelia - sensitive and frank, it is easy to cheer and laugh, and in minutes of sadness they start to hum or switch songs.

Hammalians - talking so much that sometimes it starts to annoy.

Pialaytsy - Nice, stubborn and very fidgeted.

One Finnish site, which specializes in male health, conducted a survey among 3200 women in order to learn their opinion about men in Finland. During the survey, the following facts found out:

Approximately four of ten men in Finland use alcohol weekly.

Every tenth man in Finland drinks alcohol every day.

Seven out of ten most worried about work and money, and every fifth chronically lacking time.

Finnish men pay quite a lot of time to raise children, and you can very often meet the Father who walks with a child or a sport with him. If the woman is prone to romance, it will not be enough for her in a relationship with the Finnish man. The Finns themselves joke that the Finnish man does not kiss and does not mean a lot of love. One Finca told that on the anniversary of the wedding after five years of marriage, she asked her husband, whether he loves her. What he answered that when they were crowned, he told her about it, and if something change, he would definitely notify it.

Still one married couple with experience family life 30 years old, asked what is the secret of the strength of their union. What they answered that a bank and joint debt. Together to pay for the house and other things are much easier.

One day, the Russian wife almost left his Finnish husband because of flowers. On the anniversary of the wedding, the husband brought her a bouquet of roses. However, the wife only recently moved to Finland, and all this time sat at home with a child, and she did not go to the language courses and there were rarely in stores.

So she was unknown that bouquets in Finland are sold only with a reader amount of roses, for example, ten or six pieces. With color code, Finnish men, of course, are not familiar, so if there are no red roses in the presence, it can safely purchase yellow. However, he entered the man.

Later, a woman in tears complained that her spouse does not understand her, as she wrapped a bouquet of 10t yellow rose It's like this: "I die already, I have another."

Compared to the Eastern and Russian men, Finnish men are much less flirting and make compliments to women. Flirt here can generally be very dangerous, especially at work. The zone of personal space at the Finns is much longer than among Russians, and if a resident of Russia can make a person at least half a meter, then in Finland, the personal space is about a meter. If you come closer, then Finn will immediately begin to go back.

As a rule, Finns are rational, patient and calm. However, if Finn still went out of himself, then even a shootout can begin. Finland is in second place in the world in terms of the number and availability of legalized firearms. Each second man in Finland or a hunter, or a triathlete, or just fond of shooting. And in Finnish newspapers, there are very often messages about shootings on the soil of jealousy.

But what is so attractive in Finnish men?

The basic quality that is the most valuable in family life is reliability. As a rule, if the Finnish man said that he will do something, it will be done exactly on time. Own house is for Finn pride, so any breakdown or malfunction immediately. The snow in the courtyard Finns are cleaned themselves, they also cut the lawn and remove the leaves in the fall. Finns clearly know their duties around the house and even make part of the "female" work.

Such qualities of Finnish men, of course, are very valuable.

IN modern world The man is harder and harder. In the centuries, the tightened struggle of the floors explodes under his feet no longer comic shells. Science, appliances and even medicine is also clearly on the side of women who, completely Osmeleev, the matter of the discussion on the topic: "A man is dying, so is it necessary to support his population?"

Oddly enough, but it was in Finland - the country of the winning feminism, a man and a woman are not opponents, they are equal allies, combined with a common pleasant-useful business: enjoying the life and education of the offspring. Moreover, according to all polls, the emancipated Finnish women respect their men, life without which is impossible, if only because a man is the best defender in the world, friend and father. Finnish man is really very similar to the perfect.

Men, ay!

True, the number of wonderful Finnish men is strictly limited, by 1 km2 about 4 men of active age. The habitat is non-uniform, there are places of concentrated accumulation of puffy blue-eyed, there are areas of useless search. The largest number of all Finnish men concentrates in the metropolitan region - about 500 thousand, young Finns (up to 38 years old) are also often found in cities bigger, such as Tampere, Lappeenranta, Jyvaskyul, Oulu. And men older than 45 years old prefer to settle in small cities, mainly in the south, southwest and near the coast, as well as in Lahti, Imatre, Oulu, Tampere. Most a large number of Music experienced men (for 60 years), of course, in the edge of the grandfather Frost, in Lapland.

The male population in the country of just 2,666,622 people, active age (from 20 to 65 years) - 1 870 221, among which the most numerous age group from 55 to 60 years. Men after 65 - 357,811 people, young Finns approximately 438 630.

Average age Finnish man - 40 years old, (women - 43 years old).

Most men were born for some reason in 1948 - 42,000, they are now 66 years old. In general, more boys are consistently born in the country, in the last couple of years - 105 boys per 100 girls.

Finnish women such a "male alignment" quite suits, their number and age gradation are approximately the same as in men: 2,760,052 women, of which the bulk of those who are 55-60 years old.

Men here live a little less than their northern girlfriends - on average 75 years old, (women - 82 years).

There are men and long-livers: in 2013, there were 100 centenary men in the northern country!

Men are different ...

The Finns are very different - calm and noisy, beautiful and no, drinking, stingy, generous, sports. Like everywhere, they are different. Even the stereotype of a large blond with blue eyes is erroneous.

  • Savolaks are optimistic, with a sense of humor, friendly, sociable;
  • dark-haired Kareli sensitive, responsive, sentimental;
  • khämatyians talking, love to drink, argue, friendly, but also arrogant, touchy to "disassembly";
  • pialays are stubborn, stolen, silent, little lazy, but very reliable and true. Given that for the centuries, the small population mixed greatly, division is very conditional. Pialayac can live in the Savo or Helsinki region, and Karel - at the Swedish Islands.

Also in the country there are many Swedish Finns, always with the taste of dressed, cultural, minor and many traveling.

But, despite all the men's manifold, a resident of Finland to one degree or another has typical features of character:

  • sensibility. Especially when it comes to his home or country.
  • passion for planning and calculating. Improvisation for Finn is a real feat that suddenly "Failure in Plan" relies medal. Want to bring the Finnish man from yourself? Tell me that tomorrow instead of the store a trip to the park will take place. Have you seen how the exploded electrical appliance smoke? You will have the opportunity to admire - so in a figurative sense your man will look like at the time of the news awareness. He planned a trip to the store all week, he could not walk in the park tomorrow.
  • the tendency to long reflections is not the property of the brain, this is a character of character, Finn is very responsible about the decision taken and said: "Bull takes for the horns, and a person is caught on the Word," says the Finnish saying.
  • "Think at least a week, but say it is clear," the other proverb is involved. Finns do not understand hints and figurative expressions.
  • lost and obligation. If you mean essentially nothing to talk about trifles, a real man will not. Finn has a special attitude to the said - said it means. Or did not say, but accurately did on time.
  • "Not all men who in pants walk," says an independent Finnish man who rarely appeals for help to other people and belongs to himself critically. The problems of Finn - his personal matter. Who is guilty? Most likely, he himself and only can fix everything.
  • calm and patience. But if you succeed in bringing Finn of yourself, not only a fight can happen, but, with the support of alcoholic degrees, even a shootout.
  • Azart, risk. Players, avid debaters for money, regular lottery participants. A reasonable Finnish man turns a special bank account "for games", where the annon amount of money is periodically rotated, then arriving, then descending. Such an account is convenient because it is possible to risk only the amount that has already been accumulated.
  • no complexes about appearance. Hide External Disadvantages Finns do not try. Prefer sports, daily home and classic clothing. Feed special love for fashion 80s and very love hats. And not only in combination with a long cloak, which would be appropriate. True Finn can wear a broad-breasted hat to the sports pants and a short jacket on a rubber band below "A la 80s".
  • A real descendant of the viking mighty, long-haired and tattooed. Long hair for men of heavy rock country - symbol of masculinity and militant spirit. Outside this image is only those who are in 45 (then tattoos were not in honor), indigenous inhabitants of farms and those who are forced to support the image of a good office worker on debt.

The average Finnish City Manager is a 35-year-old lonely lover of bar or sports.

The average resident of the village is a 45-year-old father of the family, a fans of fishing and hunting.

Beer, fishing, sauna? Or movie, wine, casino?

Morning Typical Finn starts with a circle (2-3) of coffee, reading newspaper or news on TV. The evening passes more diverse. Someone has a sofa-TV-Internet. Someone in the gym or on a jog, someone driving on the motorcycles or take a walk with a pet 2-3 hour pet. If there is a child, then there is a compulsory "papino time." On Fridays, many immediately after work are sent to the bars. Most often combining a pleasant - mug (2-3) beer with useful - billiards, sports match on the big screen, or karaoke bar. They can sit on Saturday with friends and in some oriental restaurant - in great honor asian cuisine, Mexican and Indian. Finnish men love fighter.

The weekend is also obligatory sauna. An additional sauna can happen at least every day - in the morning, before work and in the evening after work.

In the summer, of course, the cottage - where you leave for the weekend to go fishing in silence by the lake, contemplating the surrounding and such close beauty of the native edge.

Hobbies of Finnish men are known to the whole world: every second Finn is either guitarist or a racer. Biddly calm and neatness breaks out outward "incendiary hobbies": motorcycles, heavy rock and sport. Finnish boys seem to be immediately born skating, skiing and with sticks in their hands. Well, of course, water species Sports, running and climbing - typical hobbies of Finnish men.

The Finnish man does not sigh under the moon, does not sleep your path of rose petals, but on rock-serenade under the guitar is quite capable.

They talk a little about love - why? After all, Finn does not throw words to the wind, if he said once, that he loves, he will definitely inform if he change his mind. If this happens in general.

Seductions from the Finnish man do not have to wait, Flirt is the concept of a completely incomprehensible mind, nor body. Making compliments to women descendants of Vikings are also not trained. But the fairy tales of your "prince" will not compose, and the fork for noodle with the ears will not need.

Yes, Finnish men rarely give flowers, but solely because Finnish women did not bother them competently motivate them. Show once, as you are immensely happy from the flavor and flower species - wear with a vase around the apartment, rearrange, admire, apply your hand to your heart, - and he drags all the flower shop in the teeth.

In general, the northern men are completely deprived of creativity, inaudible, but very points. It is only "showing in pictures", which you want, which days, in what quantities - and "Voila!": Pink petals, filed coat, coffee in bed.

Striptease, Cruise, Any Caprice

The first step of Finnish men make rarely. But not because they are indecisive, just the same because the real men miss a woman forward, offering her to "speak", well, and what the Finnish woman wants, he gives her a Finnish man.

They highly appreciate a good mistress, but if there is no time in a woman - nothing terrible! Wonderful, hardy Finn is very unpretentious in everyday life:

If there is no meal, goes to the store, prepare, feed everyone. Lately Finnish men appeared fashionable hobbies - culinary courses. They willingly spend their leisure at the stove. Will tools on the dust on the TV, too, will not be: won't notice, or will be removed. In general, the broadly conductor Finnish Macho is buzzing like a bee, tauralitis like a vacuum cleaner and a squalls like a cake in a frying pan.

In addition to these minor features, Finns have a rare quality for men - not pay attention to appearance Women and not noticing her age. For example, the difference of 7 years "in favor of his wife" is generally considered the norm.

I decided: I put a gift to my husband on February 23 under the Christmas tree in the living room. And then it is no attention to the month.

If there are still women who have not been loved by the Finnish men, then after the next paragraph, even their stone heart thrown.

The house is pride for Finn, so any breakdown and malfunction is repaired immediately, and it is not necessary to ask. If he himself can not - controls how a specialist will do. Lawns near the house are cut, the snow is cleaned, the windows are clean, the tree is taken out in the first days of January. And in general, Finn - for a variety: to move the furniture is not a question, update the paint on the walls - with joy.

And most importantly, Finnish men give a feeling of peace, reliability. They enjoy the routine life and do not require a permanent holiday.

And as an incredible bonus - they fully share "female happiness":

  • Dress warm
  • And on silence alleys
  • We will go under the handle

Strolled before bedtime - absolutely real sketching from the life of the Finnish pair.

And if the street is bad weather, wonderful sitting in your house by the fireplace, wrapped in the plaid, watch TV, read, talk and hold the hand of your loved one.

There are, of course, one "but". A man, even if Finnish "Racer and Raker", in the home setting is inclined to serenity and largerness. Because the woman does not make efforts, almost all the household and the cultivation of children will fall on her shoulders. Finnish ladies call such lazy "Sofa Potatoofelin", finding which in their house, mercilessly thrown out the door, in the sense of bred. In Finland, it is not accepted in the literal sense to drive out men from home.

In general, Finn may well live alone. But it does not want: "A man without a wife is that a shed without a roof," folk wisdom lies. "Marriage protects men from premature death," it ends a large-scale sociological study. Lonely Finns are a bit - 22%, most of them are young people, because to acquire family and especially the children of men prefer after they serve in the army, everyone will find a well-paid job and will make some steps in the career, that is, in the area of \u200b\u200b30 years .

Build a house, put a tree even a woman, but to raise a child - only a man.

"Mother is expensive, but the father is even more expensive," the Finnish folklore seeks to give recommendations for all occasions, bearing in mind that it is a father who should engage in the comprehensive development of the child: mugs, sections, hobbies, trips. In Finland, you can more often meet fathers, walking and playing with children than mothers. According to statistics, 56% of girls and boys (7-12 years old) love to spend time not with moms, but with dads. Favorite dads in Finland are honored on Father's Day, in November.

The status of the Finnish Pope emphasizes the right to paid maternity leave. A man can take a weekly rest immediately after the "childbirth", and then, at will, as much as 10 months, nurse son or daughter, getting 70% of salary and without losing a workplace. The question of who will deal with the child is solved only from the point of view of material or career benefits. If the wives salary allows, dad can sit with the child and before the triennoe kid. According to statistics, in 2012, on average, each Finnish man from 15 to 77 years old had 2, 23 children. At the age of 20-29, the Finns have no more than 1 child. In 34-39 years, as a rule, the second appears. The third child is rare, usually after 40 years.

As a result, the average family, sports-oriented and small-faceted 77-year-old Finn built a house, planted the garden, brought up two-three children. IN otherwiseAs statistics shows, he has not lived before these years.

A little bit about sad

The main cause of mortal finnons is a heart. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases among men in Finland is the highest in Europe. Cancer is the second number of the reason. Finns, more often - lung and trachea cancer. Well, those descendants of the Vikings, which belong to the rocks of the slanting warriors, most often die from the incident "under the degree", making up a third group of causes of mortality. The stereotype is that all the Finns are drunkards, it is an exaggeration, although there is a real basis. 1 of 3 middle-aged men dies from alcohol. Scary figures are obtained because Finn, just that, 1 out of 3, starting to drink, stop can not be able to stop and leave this world literally years after 5 active abuse.

Alcoholism worries the Finnish state, the men themselves are worried about other problems:

  • loneliness - it is afraid of 54%
  • do not find a job or lose it (31%)
  • impossibility to pay a loan - 7%

Work for Finns in second place after the family. Men's unemployment in the country is very high aged 18 to 24, but in 35-44 years - minimal. Men, despite feminism, quietly displacing women from leading posts, however, they are playing all glasses back to reach the age of "45+", and after 50 Finnish men again in the category of unemployed risk.

And the Finnish men have no on February 23rd. And no one will tell them good words on this day, will not praise, there will be no gifts and official speeches. What to do is the holiday of Russian men. They deserve it, because whatever wonderful Finns, our men are the best in the world!

It is not easy to be a man in our century.
Be the best, winner, wall,
Reliable friend strong man,
Strategist between the world, between the war.
Men, cute, patience,
In solving difficult tasks!
Health to you, love and inspiration,
Large victories and all kinds of good luck!

№ 105
I have written a lot about Finnish women, and I was asked to tell about Finnish men. I'll try short ...

Talk about their personal qualities - the case is empty. Also, as in Russia, there are greedy and generous, stupid and smart, untidy and decent on appearance, therefore will tell you about some features of Finnish men for those who have not come across them in life. Forewarned is forearmed! So:

Finnish men do not understand hints, they need to say directly what you want. You can be angry with them for incomprehension, and they didn't even think about it ...

Finnish man in very rare cases opens the door to the woman. And if he does it, then it has already visited Russia more than once, or has a Russian wife or mistress ...

To file a woman's coat is not typical of many Finnish men. It is already Finnish women to blame that men do not see women in them. I wrote about it in post "On Finnish women" ...

Clothes Finnish men do not attach great importance to at least during working hours, but on holidays even the most "non-primary" are transformed. Finnish men love costumes and ties, almost each of them has a decent suit ...

Most of the Finnish men will sleep "Nalice", especially in the summer. Also talking and small boys many. Very completely bald men and men with signs of fast baldness, but bald men are very sexy and therefore attractive for women ...

Lots of free menBut this is either those who himself do not want to associate themselves obligations, or those who no longer want a single woman. I already wrote that Finnish men very reluctantly register marriages. They are more satisfied with relative freedom, although many live family not one year. Some do this step only after the birth of the second child, and others do not do it ...

Finnish men are very easy to come closer with women, but do not hurry to make a relationship. They like women from Russia, but there should be some "unearthly love / attraction / passion", so that Finn takes Russian wives. Now the attitude to Russian women has become slowly changing, they began to treat them more respectfully, especially in the places of their stay, but "Soon the fairy tale affects, but it does not soon be done ...". After all, quite recently, "Russian" and "b ... b" were synonymous words ...

Finnish men in the mass of their pretty women. Many of them have Swedish roots and it is immediately felt by appearance. Many high and pretty slender, but the medium height is dominated and with a "beer belt". Finns are generally divided into two types of them: high with oval faces and low with round faces. But the nature of the face and growth does not depend ...

Finnish men have a special attitude towards money, therefore, usually in the family there are various accounts in the bank of her husband and wife. There are families where husband and wife buy loaf bread "Split", and there are those like us when the husband does not know how much money he has in a bank account. For me personally, it was a very important point that I spoke before the wedding, because I "with your hands are not used to". And my husband just fell out, because He does not need to worry about paying bills and other expenses. All his personal needs are allocated without restrictions ...

Most Finnish men are poorly educated. Learning in Finland should be long and not every family can afford to train the child at the university even with his abilities. More often young men after grade 9 go to professional schools, receive a profession and go to work. Units are engaged in self-education in this environment, the reading is not accustomed, the opera and ballet do not like, indifferent to the theater. I was very surprised when somehow in a conversation with the director and the owner of the company, where I used to work, found out that he did not know many well-known heroes of books, ballets and operas, not one of the world famous writers ...

Finnish men love to watch TV, 80% of them look at least some sports programs. Especially love hockey, football, auto racing and jumping from a springboard ....

Favorite drink of Finnish men - after coffee - beer. Can drink everywhere, always, at any time of the year. I never thought that the sound of the open jar with beer could be so annoying. Vodka drink, diluting with plenty of water, and never eat. Alcohol in Finland is expensive, especially in bars and restaurants, so those who have money, drink in bars, and those who do not have them, drink at home ...

Since the service infrastructure is very developed, many Finnish men are not engaged in the houses themselves, but pay specialists. Because of this, they have a lot of free time, and they spend it depending on their hobbies. Many are fond of fishing, hunting, sports, animals, etc. Some just stupidly drink from morning to evening. Some combine both. I am very non-drinking a very small percentage. These are either sick or "blindfolded" or enthusiastic religion ...

I also ask not to forget that my conclusions are based on personal perennial observations for Finnish men: their own husband, his friends, familiar, neighbors, colleagues. And since I live in the working area of \u200b\u200bKouvola, where workers of forest-processing plants mainly live, the contingent of men respective. And the proletariat, in the mass of its own, everywhere the same - "beer, sports, politics" ... maybe in Finland and other men, but they differ only in education and positions ...

Features of Finnish men.

Finland translated means "Country of Thousands of Lakes" or "Country of Fish Schee". From a geographical point of view, a more successful name of this northern European country is difficult to give: there are enough swamp plains, littered with lakes, and coastline The seas and bays stretched almost 50 thousand kilometers away. From the point of view of aesthetic, more beautiful in Finland there is no place on Earth. At least, the Finns themselves are so consider, proud of their dense forests, crustam lakes, rocky coasts of the most bizarre outlines, the unique archipelagoing sea with an unimaginable number of islands. 25% of Finland is located for the polar circle. Fabulous Lapland from the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen is here.

The main features of the Finnish character are restraint and methodology. The harsh climate put an imprint on the character of the Finns. Expansiveness northern peoples Generally inconspicuous: the genetic heredity of the countless generations, who survived in the Nareskaya North, only with perseverance and economy is affected. At the same time, Finns are hospitable, friendly and love all humanity - but prefer to do this at some distance, not to allow foreign one in the personal sphere and slowly share sincere experiences. A bright illustration of the essence of Finnish men - a folk saying: "Think at least a week, but expressed clearly!" And one more, no less expressive: "Tear, and let the hurry pass by."

The Finns are very different - calm and noisy, beautiful and not very, drinking, stingy, generous, sports. Like everywhere, they are different. Even the stereotype of a large blond with blue eyes is erroneous. Savolaks are optimistic, with a sense of humor, friendly, sociable. Dark-haired Karelias - sensitive, responsive and sentimental. Khämmaitians are talking, love to drink, argue, friendly, but also arrogant, offended before Drak. Pialays are stubborn, stolen, silent, little lazy, but very reliable and true. Given that for the centuries, the small population mixed greatly, division is very conditional. Also in the country there are many Swedish Finns, always with the taste of dressed, cultural, minor and many traveling.

The way of life of the Finns, their mentality, is very different from our. People talk less than ours. Many of our women who were lucky enough to marry Finn, feel frustrated by the silence of her husband, from what he does not understand how you can talk with a girlfriend as possible with a girlfriend about my personal affairs, especially if the girlfriend remains at home. And it is not accepted to talk loudly. Women who are accustomed to everything seek scream, let not hope to pack the suitcases for departure to Finland. Finns are peculiar to closure and calmness in most issues. Often our compatriots complain that Finn's husband is not able to express his feelings. There is nothing surprising in this, the Finns are not verbose and straightforward in love affairs. Some representatives of the Finno people are sacred believe that no feelings can be demonstrated to others. Until now, they adhere to the concept of raising their children: - "Boys never cry" and so on in the same vein. As a result - in adulthood, problems with goded emotions often arise, which are solved by alcohol. They can only be able to exercise hate, they do not take away. At the same time, Finns are hospitable, friendly and with sympathy refer to representatives of any nationality. But do not expect that you will share your personal experiences or problems of your family. Jealousy, treason is not for Finnish families. But violation of the oath of loyalty, as a rule, leads to the divorce.

For marriage Finns go for quite a long time, preferring to stay in free relationship, To be in the state of the daytiga is a very familiar state for Finns and Finnok. Hylfrend and boyfriends they are at adolescence. This, as well as the tolerant attitude to alcohol lead to early start sexual life, pregnancies, as a result - to liberal attitude to sex and sexual relations of the nation. Our women often note that in the life of Finn, sex is not so important as a variant - because it is available to them almost from school bench. The family relationship is based on the principle of equality, mutual exchange of views and concessions. Flexibility and civilized solution of all everyday issues here in honor.

Finnish man will not be jealous and suspected of something. Calm and measured life for them is common. Long-term cold winter evenings made Finns closed. And it is precisely because they are accustomed to cold calm, Finnish men still whip on hot love and passion.

The restraint and slowness of Finnish men go legends, and this way of behavior is not only the features of the temperament of people. This is an ancient custom - in the old days a loud conversation and noisy behavior were admissible among commoners. Finns still have a little wary of the loudly and overly moving people. "Laughter is smart not heard, but it can be seen," they say in Suomi. Even use mobile phones Limited: in hospitals and aircraft they are prohibited, in restaurants - inappropriate, and in the cinema or church - a sign of bad tone.

Finns are extreme punctual. Accuracy for them is a guarantee of well-being. Location to the meeting without prior warning, which among some of us is considered the usual matter, Finn may regard as frivolity, and will cease to treat a detention person with proper respect.

Finnish men do not understand the aimless spending of money. About the climbing shopping - you need to forget if you are going to marry this country. Although this approach is characteristic of many Western countries. Finnish man considers his duty to provide a family with everything necessary, to give the opportunity for a good fully rest, but the cabinet is not clear to him. In Finland, dress simply, convenient, according to place and occasion.

For Finns, all the best is Finnish. Despite the abundance of imported goods, Finns love their homework. They like to grow fruits and vegetables themselves, cook home sausage, catch and cook fish in any form: Salt, smoked, sluggish. In this regard, they are similar to us who go from parents with a margin of home meal. Finns are very loved by a sauna, beer and fishing, and this is not a myth at all. They rarely go on vacation outside of Finland, and all because there may not be a Finnish sauna, but what about the Finnish man without sauna, fishing and beer?

Finnish men are traditionally very good fathers. In the weekend, the Pope most often lead their children for walking, swimming pool and other entertainment sites. If you already have a child from the first marriage, you can almost 100% confident that your child will also love the Finnish man as his own children.

Reception is very different from our traditions. But it is better to see himself. And then do the way, as taken in the country of residence of her husband. It must be said that the Finns do not give such a great value of food like ours. Of course, if a woman cooks well, it will be nice to her husband. But also the lack of culinary talents will not cause irritation. But the cleanness, the desire to clean the house to the brilliance, is a mandatory quality for a woman if she decided to marry Finn.

Finns drink a lot of coffee. For some reason, they are not frightened by horror stories about the dangers of this drink. Perhaps they have good health, as they live in a country with an excellent ecology, mass of forests and crystal lakes. Residents of Finland are not just proud of their nature. They do everything to save it. Nowadays, most Finnish families run. In the morning or evening. But it seems that the whole country runs. Everyone runs at its speed and on its distances. If a woman hears from the bridegroom that he runs, you have to be ready that she will have to add to it.

Among the inhabitants of any country there are nice and unreliable citizens. And Finland is no exception. But the woman who is engaged in finding a husband abroad is a choice. And it is necessary to do it slowly and reasonable. Where to marry, we remind you that it is impossible to remake the Finnish man. It should be tried to understand him and take the way of his life, then the marriage with the Finnish man will be successful.

In the modern world, a man is harder and harder. In the centuries, the tightened struggle of the floors explodes under his feet no longer comic shells. Science, appliances and even medicine is also clearly on the side of women who, completely Osmeleev, the matter of the discussion on the topic: "A man is dying, so is it necessary to support his population?"

Oddly enough, but it was in Finland - the country of the winning feminism, a man and a woman are not opponents, they are equal allies, combined with a common pleasant-useful business: enjoying the life and education of the offspring. Moreover, according to all polls, the emancipated Finnish women respect their men, life without which is impossible, if only because a man is the best defender in the world, friend and father. Finnish man is really very similar to the perfect.

Men, ay!

True, the number of wonderful Finnish men is strictly limited, by 1 km2 about 4 men of active age. The habitat is non-uniform, there are places of concentrated accumulation of puffy blue-eyed, there are areas of useless search. The largest number of all Finnish men concentrates in the metropolitan region - about 500 thousand, young Finns (up to 38 years old) are also often found in cities bigger, such as Tampere, Lappeenranta, Jyvaskyul, Oulu. And men older than 45 years old prefer to settle in small cities, mainly in the south, southwest and near the coast, as well as in Lahti, Imatre, Oulu, Tampere. The largest number of male experiences (60 years old), of course, in the edge of the Frost's grandfather, in Lapland.

The male population in the country of just 2,666,622 people, active age (from 20 to 65 years) - 1 870 221, among which the most numerous age group from 55 to 60 years. Men after 65 - 357,811 people, young Finns approximately 438 630.

The average age of the Finnish man is 40 years old, (women - 43 years).

Most men were born for some reason in 1948 - 42,000, they are now 66 years old. In general, more boys are consistently born in the country, in the last couple of years - 105 boys per 100 girls.

Finnish women such a "male alignment" quite suits, their number and age gradation are approximately the same as in men: 2,760,052 women, of which the bulk of those who are 55-60 years old.

Men here live a little less than their northern girlfriends - on average 75 years old, (women - 82 years).

There are men and long-livers: in 2013, there were 100 centenary men in the northern country!

Men are different ...

The Finns are very different - calm and noisy, beautiful and no, drinking, stingy, generous, sports. Like everywhere, they are different. Even the stereotype of a large blond with blue eyes is erroneous.

  • Savolaks are optimistic, with a sense of humor, friendly, sociable;
  • dark-haired Kareli sensitive, responsive, sentimental;
  • khämatyians talking, love to drink, argue, friendly, but also arrogant, touchy to "disassembly";
  • pialays are stubborn, stolen, silent, little lazy, but very reliable and true. Given that for the centuries, the small population mixed greatly, division is very conditional. Pialayac can live in the Savo or Helsinki region, and Karel - at the Swedish Islands.

Also in the country there are many Swedish Finns, always with the taste of dressed, cultural, minor and many traveling.

But, despite all the men's manifold, a resident of Finland to one degree or another has typical features of character:

  • sensibility. Especially when it comes to his home or country.
  • passion for planning and calculating. Improvisation for Finn is a real feat that suddenly "Failure in Plan" relies medal. Want to bring the Finnish man from yourself? Tell me that tomorrow instead of the store a trip to the park will take place. Have you seen how the exploded electrical appliance smoke? You will have the opportunity to admire - so in a figurative sense your man will look like at the time of the news awareness. He planned a trip to the store all week, he could not walk in the park tomorrow.
  • the tendency to long reflections is not the property of the brain, this is a character of character, Finn is very responsible about the decision taken and said: "Bull takes for the horns, and a person is caught on the Word," says the Finnish saying.
  • "Think at least a week, but say it is clear," the other proverb is involved. Finns do not understand hints and figurative expressions.
  • lost and obligation. If you mean essentially nothing to talk about trifles, a real man will not. Finn has a special attitude to the said - said it means. Or did not say, but accurately did on time.
  • "Not all men who in pants walk," says an independent Finnish man who rarely appeals for help to other people and belongs to himself critically. The problems of Finn - his personal matter. Who is guilty? Most likely, he himself and only can fix everything.
  • calm and patience. But if you succeed in bringing Finn of yourself, not only a fight can happen, but, with the support of alcoholic degrees, even a shootout.
  • Azart, risk. Players, avid debaters for money, regular lottery participants. A reasonable Finnish man turns a special bank account "for games", where the annon amount of money is periodically rotated, then arriving, then descending. Such an account is convenient because it is possible to risk only the amount that has already been accumulated.
  • no complexes about appearance. Hide External Disadvantages Finns do not try. Prefer sports, daily home and classic clothing. Feed special love for fashion 80s and very love hats. And not only in combination with a long cloak, which would be appropriate. True Finn can wear a broad-breasted hat to the sports pants and a short jacket on a rubber band below "A la 80s".
  • A real descendant of the viking mighty, long-haired and tattooed. Long hair for men of heavy rock country - symbol of masculinity and militant spirit. Outside this image is only those who are in 45 (then tattoos were not in honor), indigenous inhabitants of farms and those who are forced to support the image of a good office worker on debt.

The average Finnish City Manager is a 35-year-old lonely lover of bar or sports.

The average resident of the village is a 45-year-old father of the family, a fans of fishing and hunting.

Beer, fishing, sauna? Or movie, wine, casino?

Morning Typical Finn starts with a circle (2-3) of coffee, reading newspaper or news on TV. The evening passes more diverse. Someone has a sofa-TV-Internet. Someone in the gym or on a jog, someone driving on the motorcycles or take a walk with a pet 2-3 hour pet. If there is a child, then there is a compulsory "papino time." On Fridays, many immediately after work are sent to the bars. Most often combining a pleasant - mug (2-3) beer with useful - billiards, sports match on the big screen, or karaoke bar. They can sit on Saturday with friends and in some oriental restaurant - in great honor asian cuisine, Mexican and Indian. Finnish men love fighter.

The weekend is also obligatory sauna. An additional sauna can happen at least every day - in the morning, before work and in the evening after work.

In the summer, of course, the cottage - where you leave for the weekend to go fishing in silence by the lake, contemplating the surrounding and such close beauty of the native edge.

Hobbies of Finnish men are known to the whole world: every second Finn is either guitarist or a racer. Biddly calm and neatness breaks out outward "incendiary hobbies": motorcycles, heavy rock and sport. Finnish boys seem to be immediately born skating, skiing and with sticks in their hands. Well, of course, water sports, running and rock climbing are typical hobbies of Finnish men.

The Finnish man does not sigh under the moon, does not sleep your path of rose petals, but on rock-serenade under the guitar is quite capable.

They talk a little about love - why? After all, Finn does not throw words to the wind, if he said once, that he loves, he will definitely inform if he change his mind. If this happens in general.

Seductions from the Finnish man do not have to wait, Flirt is the concept of a completely incomprehensible mind, nor body. Making compliments to women descendants of Vikings are also not trained. But the fairy tales of your "prince" will not compose, and the fork for noodle with the ears will not need.

Yes, Finnish men rarely give flowers, but solely because Finnish women did not bother them competently motivate them. Show once, as you are immensely happy from the flavor and flower species - wear with a vase around the apartment, rearrange, admire, apply your hand to your heart, - and he drags all the flower shop in the teeth.

In general, the northern men are completely deprived of creativity, inaudible, but very points. It is only "showing in pictures", which you want, which days, in what quantities - and "Voila!": Pink petals, filed coat, coffee in bed.

Striptease, Cruise, Any Caprice

The first step of Finnish men make rarely. But not because they are indecisive, just the same because the real men miss a woman forward, offering her to "speak", well, and what the Finnish woman wants, he gives her a Finnish man.

They highly appreciate a good mistress, but if there is no time in a woman - nothing terrible! Wonderful, hardy Finn is very unpretentious in everyday life:

If there is no meal, goes to the store, prepare, feed everyone. Recently, the Finnish men appeared fashionable hobbies - culinary courses. They willingly spend their leisure at the stove. Will tools on the dust on the TV, too, will not be: won't notice, or will be removed. In general, the broadly conductor Finnish Macho is buzzing like a bee, tauralitis like a vacuum cleaner and a squalls like a cake in a frying pan.

In addition to these minor features, the Finns have a rare quality for men - not to pay attention to the appearance of a woman and not to notice its age. For example, the difference of 7 years "in favor of his wife" is generally considered the norm.

I decided: I put a gift to my husband on February 23 under the Christmas tree in the living room. And then it is no attention to the month.

If there are still women who have not been loved by the Finnish men, then after the next paragraph, even their stone heart thrown.

The house is pride for Finn, so any breakdown and malfunction is repaired immediately, and it is not necessary to ask. If he himself can not - controls how a specialist will do. Lawns near the house are cut, the snow is cleaned, the windows are clean, the tree is taken out in the first days of January. And in general, Finn - for a variety: to move the furniture is not a question, update the paint on the walls - with joy.

And most importantly, Finnish men give a feeling of peace, reliability. They enjoy the routine life and do not require a permanent holiday.

And as an incredible bonus - they fully share "female happiness":

  • Dress warm
  • And on silence alleys
  • We will go under the handle

Strolled before bedtime - absolutely real sketching from the life of the Finnish pair.

And if the street is bad weather, wonderful sitting in your house by the fireplace, wrapped in the plaid, watch TV, read, talk and hold the hand of your loved one.

There are, of course, one "but". A man, even if Finnish "Racer and Raker", in the home setting is inclined to serenity and largerness. Because the woman does not make efforts, almost all the household and the cultivation of children will fall on her shoulders. Finnish ladies call such lazy "Sofa Potatoofelin", finding which in their house, mercilessly thrown out the door, in the sense of bred. In Finland, it is not accepted in the literal sense to drive out men from home.

In general, Finn may well live alone. But it does not want: "A man without a wife is that a shed without a roof," folk wisdom lies. "Marriage protects men from premature death," it ends a large-scale sociological study. Lonely Finns are a bit - 22%, most of them are young people, because to acquire family and especially the children of men prefer after they serve in the army, everyone will find a well-paid job and will make some steps in the career, that is, in the area of \u200b\u200b30 years .

Build a house, put a tree even a woman, but to raise a child - only a man.

"Mother is expensive, but the father is even more expensive," the Finnish folklore seeks to give recommendations for all occasions, bearing in mind that it is a father who should engage in the comprehensive development of the child: mugs, sections, hobbies, trips. In Finland, you can more often meet fathers, walking and playing with children than mothers. According to statistics, 56% of girls and boys (7-12 years old) love to spend time not with moms, but with dads. Favorite dads in Finland are honored on Father's Day, in November.

The status of the Finnish Pope emphasizes the right to paid maternity leave. A man can take a weekly rest immediately after the "childbirth", and then, at will, as much as 10 months, nurse son or daughter, getting 70% of salary and without losing a workplace. The question of who will deal with the child is solved only from the point of view of material or career benefits. If the wives salary allows, dad can sit with the child and before the triennoe kid. According to statistics, in 2012, on average, each Finnish man from 15 to 77 years old had 2, 23 children. At the age of 20-29, the Finns have no more than 1 child. In 34-39 years, as a rule, the second appears. The third child is rare, usually after 40 years.

As a result, the average family, sports-oriented and small-faceted 77-year-old Finn built a house, planted the garden, brought up two-three children. Otherwise, as statistics show, he has not lived before these years.

A little bit about sad

The main cause of mortal finnons is a heart. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases among men in Finland is the highest in Europe. Cancer is the second number of the reason. Finns, more often - lung and trachea cancer. Well, those descendants of the Vikings, which belong to the rocks of the slanting warriors, most often die from the incident "under the degree", making up a third group of causes of mortality. The stereotype is that all the Finns are drunkards, it is an exaggeration, although there is a real basis. 1 of 3 middle-aged men dies from alcohol. Scary figures are obtained because Finn, just that, 1 out of 3, starting to drink, stop can not be able to stop and leave this world literally years after 5 active abuse.

Alcoholism worries the Finnish state, the men themselves are worried about other problems:

  • loneliness - it is afraid of 54%
  • do not find a job or lose it (31%)
  • impossibility to pay a loan - 7%

Work for Finns in second place after the family. Men's unemployment in the country is very high aged 18 to 24, but in 35-44 years - minimal. Men, despite feminism, quietly displacing women from leading posts, however, they are playing all glasses back to reach the age of "45+", and after 50 Finnish men again in the category of unemployed risk.

And the Finnish men have no on February 23rd. And no one will tell them good words on this day, will not praise, there will be no gifts and official speeches. What to do is the holiday of Russian men. They deserve it, because whatever wonderful Finns, our men are the best in the world!

It is not easy to be a man in our century.
Be the best, winner, wall,
Reliable friend, strong man,
Strategist between the world, between the war.
Men, cute, patience,
In solving difficult tasks!
Health to you, love and inspiration,
Large victories and all kinds of good luck!

Every week we reveal you more and more secrets of software. But not every foreigner can become an ideal pair. From the romanticity of the Frenchman, you can easily be tired, from the eccentricity of the Italian head will begin to hurt ... Another thing is Finnish guys. These brave guys live in harsh conditions and are ready for everything. Perhaps this is exactly what you were looking for a lifetime!

Finns are volitional, educated and cautious people. They survived a lot of wars and centuries struggle with harsh weather, so you should immediately understand that it is not a place for nodes in Finland. They have one word that has no transfer to any language of the world, - "SISU"(SISU). They often use this word in colloquial speech, and it means something like "Beat your head about the wall and at the same time not to break the forehead", that is, be prepared for any tests that give life.

Finns so slow. This is one of the most relaxing nations. Of course, they know how to have fun, but finnish man does not demonstrate his emotions openlyAnd it will be difficult for you to understand, you like you or not. But if he still made you an offer, you can not doubt, he will be with you to the end.

By the way, closeness is one of the biggest problems of Finnish men. They very rarely make the first step themselves.I knew a girl who went to a Finnish guy on coffee and did not understand why he did not invite her to walk. And when she herself invited him, it turned out that he had long been in love with her. So act!

Perhaps not the best way to relax Finn, but the most efficient. They love to drink, and drink largely and with the soul. AND at that moment he is ready for any madnessSo in the center of Helsinki on Friday you can see the retro car full of drunk finns in bath caps.

By the way, banya takes a separate place in the heart of the Finnish man. They can sit for hours in her and silently reflect on life. So start slowly to teach yourself to high temperatures, so as not to faint on the first date.

If the sauna is not included in your plans, there is another wonderful place where you can spend time with the Finn, is a rink. They skate perfectly And they will teach you!

Surprise him and cook famous finnish buns Pull cinnamon! For Finns, they are for the French croissants.

By the way, in food the Finns are not so picky. They have their own traditional cuisine, but urban residents of Finland adorable Thai food. Probably, she is well warmed in frosty days.

If you are looking for a Hero-lover, then this is definitely not to them. They are not inclined to express their love with the help of compliments or knight gestures. If you like you, he will just take you to his wife and buy you a car. Everything. Finn will never tell you "I love you." IN best case once.

And believe me, we do not exaggerate - they are really a little crazy. Although the Finns seem crazy to us, so they consider us a little in themselves. So this is mutual love.

Good luck in search of your foreigner!

According to the last summer rating, Finnish women consider the most attractive and desired 6 Finnish men: 1. Elastinen. (Elastinen) - musician, reper. Generally accepted favorite women in all polls.

So, in the fresh survey was presented to choose 45 candidates, unanimously, 6,575 votes voted.

2. Tommy LIIMATAINEN (Tommy Liimatainen) - Director of Recording StudioHype Records' (Haip


3.Mikko Coywa

Hockey player, central forward "Lviv".

4. Mikko Leppilampi (Mikko Leppilampi) - a young and promising actor, now the singer.

5. AKU HIRVINIEMI (A KU HIRVINIEMI ) - Also a young actor.

6. Michael Monroeper, musician. An unusually popular personality in the country. His women value for amazing sexual energy.

This is in my youth:

it's a couple of years ago, now singer is 52 years old

and this is the Finnish humor:

As the survey showed, the doves appreciate the heart, softness, responsibility and ability to bypass "sharp corners" in a man.And the most desirable male trait, causing the attraction - romanticism.

However, how many people have so many opinions. Many of my familiar women did not agree with such a state of affairs, it was decided to lead their "private" survey.

In total, 60 Finnish women expressed their opinion, we agreed to expand geography and take off the eyes of all famous men.

It turned out:

indisputable favorite -Johnny Depp. He is outside the competition, it is like good wine, over the years only

Next- "Brilliant Five":

1.Ville Valo ( Ville.Valo.) - "A man with an angelic face and a devilish look."

But, at home.

2. Jonne Aaron ( Jonne.Aaron. Negative group ( Negative) - like "pronounced Scandinavian appearance" 3.Ser Chrismus ( Sir.Christus., real name Jukko.Mikkanen.) - musician, guitarist

4. Lauri Julong (LauryYlö nEN.). In general opinion, he has a specific Scandinavian external, "generously seasoned feathers in the head."

He has an extraordinarily sexual voice, for which the stakes forgive him a low growth.

5. Lorenz Beckman ( LorenzBackman.) - actor, sample of elegance and aristocracy.

but he, together with Finnoons, "Celibriti" - in the sense of popular divisions

Also were chosen:

6. Vateri Filppula (Valteri.Filppula.) - Finnish hockey player. (He is presented on the miniature of our article)

7. Kimi Raikkonen-Finnish Racer.

8. May Kemikal Romance (MY.ChemicalRomance), Gerard Way-American, he gave the votes of emo-style lovers)

According to the contract, it is not photographed separately, it is, of course in the center

9. Michael Hatchens - Australian singer, musician who tragically died in 1997

10. Rupert Frank-British actor and screenwriter. 11. Paul Nyumen - American actor, director, producer. He died in 2008. 12. Mikael Rollundum (Mikael.Granlund.) - Finnish hockey player
13. Jim Morrison-American singer, poet, author of songs, vocalist The Doors, died 1971. 14. Billy Armstrong - American musician, singer, guitarist, songwriter and producer. 15. Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) - vocalist, died in 1994.

In general, you have noticed-Finnish hockey players are very sexy-attractive for fins.

And of course we will not forget, the famous Finnish dancers group did not enter the list. Hunks. - They are also outside the competition. The most desirable, the most desirable.

They are outside the contest the most

Well, perhaps, enough ...

Also, the Finns are very proud of the fresh news that the famous Perez Hilton chose 21 in the boyfriends of 21 annualRiveser Viizier whose mom is Finca.

Interesting thing - rating. When the controversy about who is the sexiest and charming of famous men, it turned out that in fact, my Finnish female respondents for themselves loved, wanted a muscular dark-skinned brunet, height 175-185! Here you and Lauri are awesome.)

Finnish women love to rest on Madeira, where it is easy to spin the novel, and more and more often marry Asians and blacks. Apparently backstage them, and maybe for some reason, but Finnish men are glad to look towards dark-eyed brunettes, long-haired, ruddy and, preferably with a thin waist and magnificent hips. As a small survey showed, it is highly appreciated except Russian, and rather Slavic-Eastern (this is out of competition) of beauty (Ukrainka, Polka, Moldavans), as well as Jewish, Spanish, Caucasian and Asian beauty.

With such a "scenario" it is interesting to look at samples of female beauty in understanding Finns - men. About those whom men are called immediately, not thinking, "on the machine" read in the next issue.

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