Technological card lesson in GEF. Technological card lesson on GEF

Technological card lesson in GEF. Technological card lesson on GEF

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Designing a technological card lesson in accordance with the GEF of general education
"Think easily, it's hard to act, and turn the idea - the hardest thing in the world" Goethe
Motivator film

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Teacher's activities

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Teacher's activities

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Teacher's activities

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Methodical support of the educational process helps the teacher to implement the requirements of GEF. Methodical instruments provides the teacher to the qualitative teaching of the new training course by the transition from the planning of the lesson to design the study of the topic.

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Routing The lesson is a way of graphic design of a lesson, a table that allows you to structure the lesson on the parameters chosen by the teacher. Technological map (Industry) - Technological documentation in the form of a map, a sheet containing a description of the manufacturing process, processing, production of a certain type of product, production operations used equipment, temporary mode of operations. The technological map in the didactic context represents a draft training process, which presents a description from the target to the result using innovative technology to work with information.

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Generalized-graphic expression of the lesson script, the basis of its design, means of representing individual methods of work. The draft lesson is a teacher of a lesson with a possible adjustment (laid by the initial variability of the lesson).
What is a technological card?

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What is a technological card?
1. The motivation of the independent activity of students. 2. Holding the educational process at the level of technology. 3. Projecting and designing in the lesson. 4.Seighted self-education stimulus. 5.Samoctional of the formation level of their knowledge. 6. Feature formation of educational material.

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Distinctive features of the technological card

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implement the planned results of the second-generation GEF; identify universal training actions that are formed in the process of studying the specific topic, the entire training course; systematically form universal learning activities in students; comprehend and design a sequence of work on the development of the topic from the target to the final result; determine the level of disclosure of concepts at this stage and relate it to further training (enter a specific lesson in the lesson system); Design your activities on a quarter, half a year, year by moving from the ate planning for the design of the topic;
TC will allow the teacher:

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release time for creativity - the use of ready-made development by themes frees teachers from unproductive routine work; determine the possibilities of implementing interprete knowledge (establish links and dependencies between objects and learning outcomes); In practice, it is to implement meta-delivered links and ensure the agreed actions of all participants in the pedagogical process; perform diagnostics to achieve planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic; Solve organizational and methodological problems (filling lessons, execution curriculum etc.); relate the result for learning after creating a product - a set of technological maps; Ensure improve the quality of education.
TC will allow the teacher:

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There is an opinion:
The use of a technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of learning, since: The educational process on the development of the topic (partition) is designed from the target to the result; are used effective methods work with information; There is a phased independent educational, intellectual and educational and reflective activity of schoolchildren; Conditions are provided to apply knowledge and skills in practical activities.

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Differences Plan for Abstract from TC
Text Symbolic Symbol Present Means
What determines the contents of the program requirements, the content of the textbooks requirements of standards
Receptions of activity unconsciously, spontaneously fixed, consciously
Differentiation group individual
Forms of receipt of knowledge Individual training cooperation
Establishment of training academic system of concepts Personal orientation

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The structural form of the technological card you selected from the recommended (template). Exemplary structure of each type of lesson in GEF. The wording of the definitions of the planned results: personal, meta-delta, subjects ( approximate program or working programm on the subject). The wording of the definitions of the activities of the teacher and students. The wording of definitions of universal academic action: Personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative.
What is needed to compose TC?

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1. Determination of the lesson's place in the topic studied and its appearance. 2. Formulation of the purpose of the lesson (educational, developing, educational). 3. The designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its view. 4. The wording of the purpose of each lesson. 5. Determining the results of each stage (formulated Wood, product). 6. The choice of forms of work in the lesson: - individual; - Frontal; - pair; - Group. 7. Development of the characteristics of the teacher and student's activities.
Stages of work on the TC

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Main types of training sessions
Under the main didactic goal
learning lesson with new material
lesson consolidation learned
the lesson for the application of knowledge and skills
lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge
verification lesson and correction of knowledge and skills
combined lesson

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Main types of training sessions
At the main stages of the educational process
introductory, primary familiarization with the material,
education of concepts, establishing laws and rules
applications of the received rules in practice
repetitions and generalizations
mixed or combined

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Modern types of lessons
1. Lessons in the form of competitions and games (competition, tournament, KVN, business game, role-playing game, quiz, etc.). 2. Lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in public practice (research, analysis of primary sources, brain attack, interview, etc.). 3. Lessons based on a non-traditional training material (wisdom lesson, etc.). 4. Lessons resembling public forms of communication (press conference, briefing, auction, benefit, regulated discussion, panorama, report, dialogue, etc.). 5. Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations (investigators, Patent Bureau, Firm, etc.). 6. Lessons based on imitation activities during cultural events (correspondence excursion, excursion to the past, travel, walks, etc.). 8. The use of traditional forms of extracurricular work at the lesson ("The investigation is conducted by experts", performances, dispute, etc.). 9. Integrated lessons. 10. Transformation of traditional ways to organize a lesson: a pair survey, express survey, assessment lesson, a lesson-consultation, practical lesson, workshop, etc.).

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Typology of lessons in the didactic system of the system-activity method
lessons "Opening" of new knowledge (combined, lecture, excursion, research, workshop); Lessons of general methodological orientation (excursion, research, workshop, seminar); Reflection lessons (seminar, conference, round table); Lessons of developmental control (test work, testing, colloquium, knowledge of knowledge).

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The main stages of the class
Organization of the beginning of the training of students to work at the lesson of the full readiness of the class and equipment, the rapid inclusion of students in the business rhythm
Checking the performance of your homework Setting the correctness and awareness of the fulfillment of the homework by all students, identifying gaps and their correction The optimal combination of control, self-control and interconnection to establish the correctness of the task and gap correction
Initial motivation learning activities Providing motivation and adoption by students of educational and educational activities, actualization of supporting knowledge and skills readiness of students to active educational activities based on reference knowledge
The assimilation of new skills, knowledge and ways of action to ensure perception, understanding and primary memorization, knowledge and methods of action, links and relations in the object of studying the active actions of students with the object of study; Maximum use of independence in the mining and mastering methods of action
Primary testing of understanding establishing the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of the new educational material; identifying gaps and incorrect ideas and their correction assimilation of the essence of the digestible knowledge and methods of action at the reproductive level. Liquidation typical mistakes and incorrect ideas

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The main stages of the class
Stage Didactic Tasks for Stage Possible Resolution Results
Fastening the skills, knowledge and ways to ensure the assimilation of new skills, knowledge and ways of action at the level of application in a modified situation. Independent fulfillment of tasks requiring knowledge in familiar and altered situations.
Generalization and systematization of knowledge formation holistic system leading knowledge on the topic, course; The allocation of ideological ideas is active and productive to the inclusion of part into whole, classification and systematization, identification of intreme and interdisciplinary connections
Control and self-testing of knowledge Identification and level of mastering knowledge and methods of action, ensuring their correction to obtain reliable information about achieving all students planned learning outcomes
Summing up the classes to analyze and assess the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospect of follow-up to the adequacy of the student's self-assessment of the teacher.
Reflection Mobilization of students for reflexion of their behavior / motivation of ways of activity, communication. The assimilation of the principles of self-regulation and cooperation openness of students in understanding their actions and self-esteem. Forecasting methods of self-regulation and cooperation
Information about homework, Instructing on its implementation ensuring the understanding of the goal, content and methods of completing the homework. Checking the relevant entries Implementation of the necessary and sufficient conditions For successful completion of homework by all students

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Determination of the purpose and tasks of the lesson
The goal is one of the elements of the behavior and conscious activities of a person who characterizes anticipation in the thinking of the result of activities and the path of its implementation with the help of certain funds. The goal is usually begins with the words "definition", "formation", "acquaintance", etc. The task is given under certain conditions (for example, in a problem situation) the purpose of the activity that should be achieved by the transformation of these conditions according to a certain procedure. The wording tasks should begin with the verbs - "repeat", "check", "explain", "teach", "form", "educate", etc.

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Educational objectives of the lesson
- "Detection and consolidation of knowledge on the topic ..., eliminating gaps in students' knowledge." - "Introduction of new concepts ... (There is a list of) ..." - "Learning to read and decipher conventions On ... "-" Study of inclusion schemes ... "-" Detection of knowledge of students on the topic ..., the ability to work with ... "-" Studying ways to determine ... "-" Study of new definition schemes ... "-" Expanding known knowledge about work ... "- "Studying the features of the machine ..." - "Study of the principle of operation and device ..." - "Studying work ..." - "Meet the procedure for performing actions ..." - "Studying methods of change ..." - "Study of the sequence of actions ..." - "Study of general schemes ... "-" Check and consolidate knowledge of students on the topic ... "-" Studying the mode of work ... "-" Studying the appointment of various ... "

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Educational objectives of the lesson
- "Education of a creative attitude towards training activities ..." - "Education of leaning and saving at ..." - "The formation of skills and skills of self-control ..." - "Education of a positive interest in the subject studied ..." - "Education of conscious discipline when working with ..." - "Education of accuracy and care in carrying out work with the use ..." - "Education of a leaning attitude to the environment ..." - "Education of high creative activity in the performance of work with the use of ..." - "Education of the desire to comply with the rules of safe work ..." - "promote mastering The necessary skills of independent learning activities ... "-" Formation of the necessary communicative qualities related to the peculiarities of a particular profession ... "

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Educational objectives of the lesson
- "Development of skills to summarize the knowledge gained, carry out analysis and comparisons, to make the necessary conclusions ..." - "Development of skills to establish causal relations between ..." - "Development of skills and skills of working with sources of educational and scientific and technical information, allocate the main and characteristic ... "-" Development of care, observation and skills to allocate the main thing when evaluating various processes, phenomena and factors ... "-" Development of skills competently, clearly and accurate thoughts ... "-" Promote the development of technological (abstract, logical ...) thinking ... "- "To promote the development of the skills of a creative approach to solving practical (educational, managerial, etc.) tasks ..." - "mastering the algorithm of solving problem tasks ..." - "To form (continue to form, consolidate) the following special skills on the subject ..." - "To form (continue forming, consolidate) the following general technology skills and skills (for example: response planning skills and

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Approximate structure of the lesson of the opening of new knowledge
1) Organizational stage. 2) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of students' learning activities. 3) the actualization of knowledge. 4) Primary learning of new knowledge. 5) Primary testing of understanding. 6) primary consolidation. 7) Information about the homework, instruction on its execution. 8) Reflection (summing up the lesson).

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Approximate structure of integrated use of knowledge and skills (consolidation lesson)
1) Organizational stage. 2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction of students' supporting knowledge. Actualization of knowledge. 3) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of educational activities of students 4) Primary consolidation in a familiar situation (typical) in a changed situation (constructive). 5) Creative application and gaining knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks). 6) Information about the homework, instruction in its implementation. 7) Reflection (summing up the lesson).

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Structure of the lesson of the actualization of knowledge and skills (repetition lesson)
1) Organizational stage. 2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction of knowledge, skills and skills of students needed for creative solutions to the tasks. 3) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of students' learning activities. 4) actualization of knowledge in order to prepare for the test lesson in order to prepare for the study of a new topic. 5) The use of knowledge and skills in the new situation. 6) generalization and systematization of knowledge. 7) Assimiation control, discussion of mistakes and their correction. 8) information on the homework, instruction on its execution. 9) Reflection (summing up the lesson).

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Structure of the lesson of systematization and summarization of knowledge and skills
1) Organizational stage. 2) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of students' learning activities. 3) the actualization of knowledge. 4) generalization and systematization of knowledge. Preparation of students for generalized activities. Reproduction at the new level (reformulated questions). 5) The use of knowledge and skills in the new situation. 6) Supervision control, discussion of mistakes and their correction. 7) Reflection (summing up the lesson). Analysis and content of the results of work, the formation of conclusions according to the material studied.

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Structure of the lesson of knowledge control and skills
1) Organizational stage. 2) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of students' learning activities. 3) identifying knowledge, skills and skills, checking the level of formation in students of general educational skills. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed. 4) Reflection (summing up the lesson).

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Structure of the lesson correction of knowledge, skills and skills
1) Organizational stage. 2) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of students' learning activities. 3) the results of the diagnosis (control) of knowledge, skills and skills. The definition of typical errors and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate and improving knowledge and skills. Depending on the results of diagnostics, the teacher plans collective, group and individual learning methods. 4) Information about the homework, instruction on its execution. 5) Reflection (summing up the lesson).

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The structure of the combined lesson
1) Organizational stage. 2) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of students' learning activities. 3) the actualization of knowledge. 4) Primary learning of new knowledge. 5) Primary testing of understanding. 6) primary consolidation. 7) Assimiation control, discussion of mistakes and their correction. 8) information on the homework, instruction on its execution. 9) Reflection (summing up the lesson).

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Lesson "Opening" of a new knowledge
Self-determination to activities (organizational moment) Objective: the inclusion of students in the personality level. "I want, because I can" - Motivation to activities.

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Lesson "Opening" of a new knowledge
Actualization of knowledge goal: Repetition of the studied material needed to open a new knowledge and identifying difficulties in the individual activity of each student. The emergence of a problem situation.

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Lesson "Opening" of a new knowledge
Setting the educational task Objective: Discussion of difficulties (why did the difficulties arose? "," What do we still not know? "); Prophoving the objective of the lesson in the form of a question to which it is to be answered, or in the form of a lesson. Methods of formulating a learning task: a dialogue that arises from the problematic situation that encourages the problem to solve; summing up a dialogue topic; Supporting dialog, which is under construction without creating a problem situation.
Independent work with a reference test. Purpose: Everyone has to make for themselves the conclusion that he is already able. Independent work (no more than 2-3 typical tasks) (written). Methods: Self-control, self-esteem.

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Lesson "Opening" of a new knowledge
The inclusion of a new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition must first offer students from the setup set to choose and solve only those that contain a new algorithm or a new concept; Then exercises are performed in which new knowledge is used together with the previously studied.

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Lesson "Opening" of a new knowledge
Reflexing of activity (lesson) Objective: awareness of students of their training activities, assessing the results of its activities and the whole class. Questions: What task put? Did you have solved the task? How? What are the results? What should I do yet? Where can I apply new knowledge? What did you get well in your lesson? What else do you need to work?

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Lesson's performance criteria
The objectives of the lesson are set with the tendency to transfer the function from the teacher to the student. A teacher systematically trains children to carry out a reflexive action (evaluate its readiness, detecting ignorance, to find the causes of difficulties, etc.) a variety of forms, methods and teaching techniques that increase the degree of activity of students in the educational process are used. The teacher owns the dialogue technology, teaches students to put and add questions. The teacher is effective (adequately objective purposes) combines reproductive and processing form Learning, teaches children to work according to rule and creatively. The lesson is given the tasks and clear criteria of self-control and self-assessment (there is a special formation of assessment activities from students). The teacher seeks to understand the educational material by all students using special techniques for this. The teacher strives to evaluate the real promotion of each student, encourages and maintains minimal progress. The teacher specifically plans the communicative tasks of the lesson. The teacher accepts and encourages the expressed student, his own position, other opinion, teaches the correct forms of their expression. The style, the tone of the relationship, asked in the lesson, create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, psychological comfort. The lesson is carried out by a deep personal impact "Teacher - student" (through relations, joint activity etc.)

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The program of extracurricular activities "Your choice"

"Designing lesson in the implementation of the implementation of GEF. Technology Card Lesson "


deputy Director for NMR Marchenko M.V.

"If we teach today, as we taught yesterday, we steal the children tomorrow. " John Dewey

Today graduate school The XXI century should:

be able to alone to get knowledge; apply them in practice, to solve a variety of problems; work with different information analyze, summarize, argue ; alone critical to think, look for rational solutions to problems ; be sociable contact in various social groups, flexible in changing life situations.

The organization and content of the educational process are focused on

The activity of training that makes the main purpose of the development of the personality of the studying; - formation of universal training actions (UUD); - the formation of the ability to competently apply informational and communication technologies (ICT competence).

Technology of the system and active learning method

The learning method in which the child does not receive knowledge in the finished form, and produces them itself in the process of their own educational and cognitive activity

The rules for the compilation of synquins:

the first line is one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea;

the second line is two words, adjectives describing the main idea;

the third line is three words, verbs describing actions within the subject;

the fourth line is a phrase of several words, showing attitude to the topic;

the fifth line is words associated with the first, reflecting the essence of the theme.

School teacher

The standards formulated the requirements for the modern teacher:

first, it is a professional who:

Demonstrates universal and subject ways of action;

Advises and adjusts the actions of students;

Finds ways to include each student in the work;

Creates conditions for the acquisition of life experience children.

Secondly, this is a teacher using educational technologies.

Thirdly, the modern teacher has information competence.

The main component of the educational process is a lesson. The lesson is part of the child's life, and the accommodation of this life should be performed at the level of high culture. Educational activities of the teacher and studying largely focus on the lesson.

Modern lesson - This is, above all, a lesson on which the teacher skillfully uses all the opportunities for the development of the student's personality, its active mental growth, a deep and meaningful learning of knowledge to form its moral foundation.

Unlike the traditional lesson, which responded to the requirements of the end of the 20th and early 21st century, a modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson aimed at forming and development (Wood): - Communicative - Cognitive - Personal - Regulatory Allocate several aspects of such a lesson.

The purpose of the modern lesson should be concrete and measured. The goal can be identified with the result of the lesson. The result of the lesson is not the progress, not the volume of the material studied, but purchased Wood students (such as the ability to action, the ability to apply knowledge, implement their own projects, the ability of social action, i.e.).

Motivational - Keeping aspect of the lesson

At the same time, it should be noted that this approach at the lesson does not deny the meaning of knowledge, it focuses on the ability to use the knowledge gained. The lesson's new educational targets include the goals that students formulate themselves and are aware of their significance personally for themselves.

Activity aspect of the lesson

The new meaning of the lesson is to solve the problems of the students themselves in the process of lesson through independent cognitive activities. The problem character of the lesson with confidence can be considered as departing from a reproductive approach in occupation. Than, more independent activity in the lesson, the better, because Students acquire the ability to solve problems, information competence when working with text.

Activity aspect of the lesson

The modern lesson is distinguished by using activity methods and learning techniques such as learning discussion, dialogue, video assignment, business and role-playing games, open questions, brainstorming, etc. Development of URU in the lesson promotes the use of modern pedagogical technologies: technology critical thinking, project activities, research work, discussion technology, collective and individual mental activity. It is important that the teacher does not distort the technology using only individual techniques from it.

Structure lesson



Creating a problem situation

Taking a problem situation

Detection of a problem

Detection of a problem

Search activity management

Self search for solutions

The discussion of the results

The discussion of the results

Teacher's functions

Traditional classification:

Systemic classification:


Source of knowledge









Subject of change

Preparation of lesson

The teacher enjoys a rigidly structural abstract lesson.

Teacher enjoys a scenario lesson plan .

The main stages of the lesson

Explanation and consolidation of educational material.

A large amount of time is a teacher's speech.

The main goal of the teacher at the lesson

Independent activity of students.

Organize children's activities:

Have time to fulfill everything planned

  • by searching and processing information;
  • summarizing the methods of action;
  • staging a learning task

Characteristics of the teacher working on GEF

Subject of change

Traditional teacher activity

The wording of tasks for students

Activities of the teacher working on GEF

Formulations: Decide, spish, compare, find, etc.

Interaction with parents of students

Form lesson

Pretty frontal

Formulations: Analyze, prove, express the symbol, create a scheme or model, change, come up with.

Mainly group and / or individual

Parents are not included in the educational process.

Parents' awareness. They have the opportunity to participate in the educational process.

Characteristics of the teacher working on GEF

Subject of change

Educational environment

Traditional teacher activity

Created by the teacher.

Activities of the teacher working on GEF

Exhibitions of students.

Created by learning.

  • subject results;
  • no student portfolio;
  • basic evaluation - Evaluation teachers;
  • positive assessments of students on the results of test work are important.

Children make training material, conduct presentations.

  • not only subject results, but also personal, meta-delta;
  • creating a portfolio;
  • landmark for the self-assessment of the student, the formation of adequate self-assessment;
  • Accounting for the dynamics of the results of teaching children regarding themselves. Evaluation of intermediate learning outcomes

Results of learning

Requirements for lesson

Announcement of the subject of lesson

Traditional lesson

Message goals and tasks

Modern type lesson

Teacher reports learning

Formulate students themselves

The teacher formulates and reports the student, which should learn


Formulate students themselves, determining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance

Practical activity teaching

Teacher informs the student, what work they should do to achieve the goal

Planning learning how to achieve the intended goal

Under the leadership of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organization of activity is used more often)

Control exercise

Implementation of correction

Students carry out academic actions on the planned plan (group, individual methods are applied)

The teacher monitors the implementation of educational practical work

Evaluation of students

The teacher in the course of execution and on the basis of the work performed by students performs correction

Educatives carry out control (forms of self-control, interconnection)

Students formulate difficulties and implement a correction on their own

The teacher assessing students for work in the lesson

Total lesson

Students give an assessment of activities on its results (self-examination, assessment of the results of comrades)


The teacher finds out the students that they remembered

Reflection is carried out

The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is one to all)

Students can choose a task from the teacher proposed, taking into account individual capabilities


The structure of the lesson in the framework of the activity approach. 1. The organizational moment. Purpose: The inclusion of students in the work on a personally - meaning level. "I want because I can."

II. Actualization of knowledge. Purpose: Repeating the studied material necessary for the "opening of a new knowledge", and identifying difficulties in the individual activity of each studying. III. Staging a learning task. Purpose: Discussion of difficulties ("Why did the difficulties arose?", "What do we still not know?"); Prophoving the objective of the lesson in the form of a question to which it is to be answered, or in the form of a lesson.

IV. "Opening a new knowledge" (Building an exit project from difficulty). Stage of studying new knowledge and ways of action. V. Primary fixing . Stage of consolidation of knowledge and ways of action Purpose: Prophoving a new knowledge, recording in the form of a reference signal. Vi. Self-analysis and self-control Stage of application of knowledge and ways of action Purpose: Everyone must conclude that he is already able.

VII. Inclusion of a new knowledge in knowledge and repetition system. VIII. Reflection. Purpose: Awareness of educational training activities (UD), self-assessment of the results of its activities and the whole class.

Technological card lesson - a modern form of planning the teacher's pedagogical interaction and students

Technological card lesson (TKU) is a generalized-graphic expression of the lesson script, the basis of its design, means of representing individual working methods

The need for a card fixing the implementation of a systematic activity approach

A new understanding of educational results is the need to orientation to the results formulated not as a list of knowledge, skills and skills, but how food methods of activity ;

The need to achieve students of three groups of planned educational results - personal, MetaPered and Subsection ;

Understanding metaPered results how formed on the material the basics of sciences universal academic actions .

The concept of uud

The ability to learn in communication with peers \u003d

Full development of educational components of training activities:

Cognitive and training motifs;

Training goal;

Learning task;

Training actions and operations (orientation, material transformation, control and evaluation).

Universal learning actions (Wood)

Provide the ability of students to Self-development and self-improvement Through the conscious and active assignment of new social experience

Ability to learn and develop

the transition from independent formulation of learning new educational tasks for the development of ability designing your own learning activities and building life plans in the time perspective


Traditional abstract

in accordance with the valued paradigm

Main description method


in accordance with the planned results of GEF (three groups)

explanatory- illustrative

Design feature

structural logical; Design

by type of activity of the teacher

Used learning tools

Didactic approach

by type of activity of the teacher and students

teacher and textbook as basic knowledge carriers

using all components of UMK and modern resources

intergovernmental bonds based on some elements of knowledge

Form of the description of the lesson


formation of a holistic picture of the world based on the actual use of the life experience of children, knowledge from other subject areas, meta-delta knowledge

using a straight line (conversation) or indirect speech teacher

use of wording, clear and concise description

teacher - the results of training in general

all participants - the process, result, individual achievements

Technological card allows teacher

Lower the algorithm of work on the topic, as well as to design its aquistial activity on a quarter, half year, year by moving from the ate planning for the design of the topic;

Systematically form at the student universal learning activities;

Implement educational themes of the topic;

Establish continuity in the study of material;

Implement interprecotement;

Implement the planned results of the second-generation FGE.

Advantages of a technological card

Finished developments are being introduced, freeing from painstaking work on the design of training activities;

The time of the teacher is released for creativity;

Real metap looms and agreed actions of all participants in the pedagogical process are ensured;

Organizational and methodological problems are removed (young teacher, filling lessons, execution of the curriculum, etc.) ;;

The quality of education, education, development increases;

Objective diagnostic is provided professional activity Teacher.

Experience shows that at first the teacher is difficult to create a lesson technological card (it can be considered as a mini-project of the teacher). To help the teacher can offer possible wording Activities.

How to work with the TKU

Carefully read the topic and find it in the textbook, the working notebook;

Get acquainted with the tasks of the lesson, relate with the planned results and with the previously traveled material;

Read the highlighted basic concepts, see which subjects they are still studied (interprecotement);

Adhere to the algorithm proposed in the map;

Motivating students to explore the topic, you can use the task given in the map, take from the textbook or offer your own;

Fix in the map of the change that you make;

Make sure that it is a student who knows, understands, knows how to study material, and only after that proceed to the next stage;

At the final stage, try to fulfill all the proposed tasks.

Technological map as an administrative tool:

Provides the ability to navigate for educational purposes in the context of the 2nd generation standards;

Allows you to clearly monitor the execution of the program, to carry out methodological assistance;

Provides systemic monitoring of the results of the educational process, the activities of the teacher and students.

The main thing is that it should provide a lesson - this is the creation of a comfortable setting for students and a sense of comfort by the teacher. In the criteria for learning efficiency, the word "development" sounds, which is one of the indicators of the modern lesson. The task : Pick the words, a combination of words to the phrase "modern lesson". Words should begin with the letters available in the word "development".




The modern lesson is a lesson characterized by the following signs: - The main goal of the lesson is the development of each person, in the process of training and education; - The lesson is implemented personally - oriented approach to learning; - the lesson is implemented an activity approach; - organization of the lesson is dynamic and variation; - The lesson uses modern pedagogical technologies

Teacher, His attitude to the learning process, his work and professionalism, his desire to reveal the ability of each child - this is all the main resource, without which the embodiment of new standards of school education is impossible.


Learn children today is difficult

And it used to be not easy,

"Gives cow milk."

Century xxi - century century

Age of innovation, novelty,

But the teacher depends

What children should be.

Creative success!

Success success

Your attention is represented by the creation, the text of the performance. Examples of technological maps, on the topic of speeches on the open methodological day of the educational district No. 2 of the Smolensk district of the Smolensk region, in which it clarifies that such a technological card of the lesson, its meaning, types of technological cards of the lesson. This material can be used on pedagogical councils, associations; When working with educators.



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Technology card lesson. Material prepared teacher MBOU "Nestsovskaya SS" Budyakov N.A.

Technology card lesson. What are already developing? What is it necessary for? How is it created? What it is?

Technological card lesson - a new type of methodological product providing efficient and high-quality teaching training courses and the ability to achieve planned results of mastering the main educational programs In accordance with the second generation GEF. What it is?

"Technological Map" Form of technological documentation, which describes the entire processing process, operations and their components, materials, production equipment, tools, technological modes, the time required for the manufacture of the product, employee qualification, etc.

The technological card of the lesson is a modern form of planning the pedagogical interaction of the teacher and the student reflection of the "activity approach" in training

Technological card lesson How is a technological card created? There are several positions that can be relying when designing a lesson technological card: the need to describe the entire activity process indication of operations and their components.

Structure of a technological map 1. Determination of the lesson location in the topic studied and its appearance. 2. Formulation of goals, tasks (educational, educational, educational) lesson. 3. Definition of planned subject results formed by Wood (product). 4. Selection of forms of work in the lesson. 5. Selection of resources to lesson (information, printed, layouts, etc.). 6. Determination of basic concepts. 7. Development of the characteristics of the teacher and student's activities. 8. Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its view

What parameters can be in a technological card? These parameters can be: stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of educational material, methods and techniques of the organization of educational activities, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students

Technology card lesson for what is needed by the teacher? The form of an entry of a lesson in the form of a technological map makes it possible to maximize it at the stage of preparation, to evaluate the rationality and potential efficiency of the selected content, methods, means and types of training activities at every stage of the lesson

Technology card lesson for what is needed by the teacher? 1. Implement the planned results of the second generation GEF; 2. systematically form universal learning activities in students; 3. In practice, implement interdisciplinary communications; 5. Diagnosing the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

Technology card lesson for what is needed by the teacher? The use of a technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of learning, since: The educational process on the development of the topic (partition) is designed from the target to the result; Effective methods of working with information are used; There is a phased independent educational, intellectual and educational and reflective activity of schoolchildren; Conditions are provided for the use of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

From work experience

From the experience of the work is not so terrible, like his little.


Technological card lesson

Objectives for a student

Goals for teacher




Type of lesson

Form lesson

Supporting concepts, Terms

New concepts

Forms of control


Technological card lesson ____________________________________

Theme lesson ____________________________________________________________________________________

Objectives lesson:




Type of lesson

Form lesson

Supporting concepts, Terms

New concepts

Forms of control


Technological card lesson




Type of lesson:









Regulatory Wood:

Communicative Wood:

Cognitive Wood:

Planned results



Be able to

Basic concepts

Interdimensional connections




Forms lesson


Technological card lesson




Type of lesson:









Regulatory Wood:

Communicative Wood:

Cognitive Wood:

Planned results



Be able to

Basic concepts

Interdimensional connections




Forms lesson

Technological card with the methodological structure of the lesson


structure lesson

Methodological structure of the lesson



didactic tasks



The form



takes and them






Stage lesson

Name of used eor

(indicating the sequence number from Table 2)

Teacher's activities

(indicating actions with EOR, for example, demonstration)

Activity student


(in min.)

Technological card lesson


Teacher :.


Theme lesson:

Type of lesson:

During the classes

Teacher's activities

Activities of students




Actions performed

Actions performed

Food methods of activity

Actions performed

Food methods of activity


Technological card is a new type of methodological product that ensures efficient and qualitative teaching training courses and the ability to achieve planned results of the development of basic educational programs in accordance with the second-generation GEF.

The term "technological map" came to pedagogy from technical, accurate industries.

Technological map - form of technological documentation, in which the entire processing process is described, operations and their components, materials, production equipment, tools, technological modes, the time required for the manufacture of the product, the qualification of workers, etc.

Over the past decades, there have been drastic changes in the application for the purpose of education and the ways of their implementation. The purpose of formation becomes the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such key competence as the ability to learn.

The technological card of the lesson is a modern form of planning the teacher's pedagogical interaction and students.

The task of the technological map is to reflect the so-called "activity approach" in training.

Based on this definition, you can highlight those positions for which you can and should be relying when designing a lesson technological card:

the need to describe the entire activity process;

note operations, their components.

Stages of work on a technological map:

  • 1. Determination of the lesson's place in the topic studied and its appearance.
  • 2. Formulation of targets (educational, educational, educational), lesson tasks.
  • 3. Definition of planned subject results formed by Wood (product).
  • 4. Selection of forms of work in the lesson.
  • 5. Selection of resources to lesson (information, printed, layouts, etc.).
  • 6. Determination of basic concepts.
  • 7. Development of the characteristics of the teacher and student's activities.
  • 8. Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its view

What are the parameters of the technological card?

Such parameters may be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of educational material, methods and techniques of the organization of educational activities, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

The technological card of the lesson can be considered as a teacher's brainstorming product for which the visual image of the lesson is important.

She helps the teacher at each stage of the lesson tracks its activities and the expected actions of students.

The form of a lesson's record in the form of a technological map makes it possible to maximize it at the preparation rate, to evaluate the rationality and potential efficiency of the selected content, methods, means and types of training activities at each stage of the lesson.

  • in practice, realize interprecote control;

Technological card allows you to see the training material holistic and systemically, to design the educational process on the development of the topic, taking into account the goal of mastering the course, flexibly use effective techniques and forms of working with children in the lesson, agree on the actions of the teacher and students, organize independent activities of schoolchildren in the learning process; Implement integrative monitoring of learning activities.

The technological card will allow the teacher:

  • implement the planned results of the second-generation GEF;
  • identify universal training actions that are formed in the process of studying the specific topic, the entire training course;
  • systematically form universal learning activities in students;
  • comprehend and design a sequence of work on the development of the topic from the target to the final result;
  • determine the level of disclosure of concepts at this stage and relate it to further training (enter a specific lesson in the lesson system);
  • design your activities on a quarter, half a year, year by moving from the ate planning for the design of the topic;
  • release time for creativity - the use of ready-made developments by themes frees teachers from unproductive routine work,
  • determine the possibilities of implementing interprete knowledge (establish links and dependencies between objects and learning outcomes);
  • in practice, it is to implement meta-delivered links and ensure the agreed actions of all participants in the pedagogical process;
  • perform diagnostics to achieve planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.
  • solve organizational and methodological problems (replacement of lessons, execution of the curriculum, etc.);
  • to relate to the purpose of learning after creating a product - a set of technological maps.
  • ensure improving the quality of education.

Technological card will allow the school administration to control the execution of the program and achieve the planned results, as well as to carry out the necessary methodological assistance.

The use of a technological card provides conditions for improving the quality of learning, as:

  • the educational process on the development of the topic (partition) is designed from the target to the result;
  • effective methods of working with information are used;
  • there is a phased independent educational, intellectual and educational and reflective activity of schoolchildren;
  • conditions are provided for the use of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Experience shows that at first the teacher is difficult to create a lesson technological card (it can be considered as a mini-project of the teacher). After analyzing (based on open electronic sources of information) enough a large number of Technological cards of the lesson developed by teachers - practitioners, I will stop our choice on the following technological cards of the lesson (see examples of technol cards)

Targets for the student:

Targets for the teacher:




Type of lesson:

Form of the lesson:

Supporting concepts, Terms

New concepts:

Control forms:




Stages lesson

Teacher's activities

Activity student

Methods, forms

Formulated Wood

Planned result

Self-determination to activities

Actualization of knowledge

Staging a learning task

Decision of the learning task

Primary fixing

Dynamic pause

Work on the material passed.

Independent work

Reflection. Evaluation


St. Petersburg Gkuse "Children's Sanatorium" Birch ". School".

Technological card lesson

(In accordance with the requirements of GEF)

Primary school teacher:

Panova Aleceptina Petrovna.

Technology card lesson.

Essence federal State Educational Standards of General Education (GEF) in their activity.

The main task is the development of the student's personality.

Traditional representations of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and skills are outdated.GEF Determine the real activities.
Tasks set
GEF , require the transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm. This means fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher implemented by GEF.

Also changed and requirements for learning technologies. The introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) implies significant opportunities to expand the educational framework in teaching specific objects of OU.

A new concept appeared -technological card lesson.

Technological map is a new type of methodological product that ensures efficient and high-quality teaching training courses in school and the possibility of achieving the planned results of the development of the main educational programs at the initial formation steps in accordance with the second-generation GEF.

Training using a technological card allows you to organize an effective educational process, to ensure the implementation of subject, meta-credit and personal skills (universal training actions), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation GEF, significantly reduce the time to prepare the teacher to the lesson.

The technological map is designed to design the educational process.

For the full and efficient use of technological maps, it is necessary to know a number of principles and regulations that will help work with it.

Structure of a technological card:

The name of the topic indicating the hours allocated to studying it;

Planned results (subject, personal, meta-deck);

Interprecotement and features of the organization of space (forms of work and resources);

Stages of studying the topic (at each stage of the work the target and the predicted result is determined, practical tasks are given to the development of material and diagnostic tasks for checking its understanding and assimilation);

Control task for checking the achievement of planned results.

The technological card will allow the teacher:

  • implement the planned results of the second-generation GEF;
  • systematically form universal learning activities in students;
  • design your activities on a quarter, half a year, year by moving from the ate planning for the design of the topic;
  • in practice, realize interprecote control;
  • perform diagnostics to achieve planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic;
  • monitor the execution of the program and achieve the planned results;

Technological maps are developed by teachers of schools in St. Petersburg, working on the UMC "Perspective" of the publishing house "Enlightenment", as part of an experiment calculated for 4 years of study in primary school. The scientific leadership of experimental activities is carried out by the St. Petersburg Academy of Poddiplomal Pedagogical Education. Today in innovative activities to master the new educational Standard 12 schools of St. Petersburg and more than fifty teachers take part. Officers educational institutions Provided the conditions for the preparation of teachers to innovative activities: training, experimental activities, participation in scientific and practical conferences, moral and material incentives.

Experimental teachers as part of advanced training have mastered innovative programs:

  • "New second generation educational standard",
  • "The conditions of formation of UUD (universal training actions),
  • "Technology work with information" and others.

Approbation of the latest developments showed the following results:

Significantly increases the level of motivation of students to educational activities;

There is a constructive communication of the student and teachers;

Schoolchildren perceive positively and successfully use acquired knowledge and skills in intellectual-converter activities as part of the topic under study.

Technological maps are developed on the basis of technology for the development of information and intellectual competence (tricik), which discloses the general principles and algorithms of the organization of the educational process, ensuring the conditions for the development of educational information and the formation of personal, metap-free and subject skills of schoolchildren who meet the requirements of the second-generation FGEs to the results of education.

At the first stage "Self-determination in activities»It is organized to stimulate the interest of students to study a particular topic through a situational task, identifying absent knowledge and skills for its implementation in the context of the topic under study. The result of this stage is the self-determination of a schoolboy, based on the desire to master the educational material, in awareness of the need for studying and setting a personal meaning goal of activities.

At the second stage of "educational and cognitive activity", the development of the study theme required to perform a situational task is to be implemented. This stage has meaningful blocks, each of which includes a certain amount of educational information and is only part of the content of the whole topic. The number of blocks is determined by the teacher, taking into account the principles of necessity and sufficiency for

implementing the goal when studying a specific topic.

Each block represents a cycle of step-by-step execution of learning tasks to master the specific content and includes:

at 1 step - the organization of students' activity on the development of educational information at the level of knowledge is the development of individual terms, concepts, statements;

in 2 chase - the organization of students in the development of the same educational information at the level of "understanding";

in 3 chase - the organization of students in the development of the same educational information at the level of "skills";

on the 4th step - the organization of the activities of students to present the result of the development of the same educational information of this block.

The diagnostic task in its nature corresponds to the task on the "skill", but its goal is to establish the degree of mastering the meaningful block.

Targets for "knowledge", "Understanding", "skill" are formulated taking into account the requirements of logical and information correctness. Sequential execution of learning tasks creates conditions for mastering the content of the topic, the formation of skills to work with information that correspond to meta-delta (cognitive) skills. Successful task execution serves as the basis for moving to the development of the next meaningful block. The result of this stage is the acquired knowledge and skills necessary to solve the situational task designated at the first stage.

At the third stage of "intellectual-converter activities" to perform a situational task, students choose the level of implementation (informative, improvisational, heuristic), the method of activity (individual or collective) and self-organization to perform a situational task. Self-organization includes: planning, execution and presentation of the solution. The result of this stage is the implementation and presentation of the situational task.

At the fourth stage, "reflective activity" relates the result with the goal and the self-analysis and self-assessment of their own activities on the implementation of the situational task within the framework of the topic under study are carried out. The result is the ability to analyze and evaluate the success of its activities.

Thus, the technology presented not only provides conditions for the formation of personal, meta-concrete (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), but also the development of information and intellectual competence of younger students.

What base moments need to take into account the teacher in preparation for the lesson in accordance with the requirementsGEF ?

First of all, consider the stages of the design of the lesson:

1. Determine the topic of educational material.

2. Determine the didactic target of the topic.

3. Determine the type of lesson:

Approximate types of lessons in GEF:

  • the lesson of primary presentation of new knowledge;
  • lesson for the formation of primary subject skills;
  • lesson application of subject skills:
  • lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge:
  • repetition lesson; Lesson for monitoring knowledge and skills;
  • correctional (error correction lesson)
  • combined lesson;
  • Educational tours:
  • a lesson to solve practical, research tasks;

4. Approach the structure of the lesson.

5. Approach the security of the lesson (table).

6. Product the selection of the content of the educational material.

7. Determine the choice of learning methods.

8. Separate forms of organization of pedagogical activities

9. Approach the assessment of knowledge, skills and skills.

10. I spend the lesson reflexion.

Requirement of the Federal State Standard : Formation of universal educational actions of students.

Organize a lesson in accordance with thisrequirement A technological map of the lesson can help.

The technological map of the lesson is a graphic display of a lesson script, a lesson plan, in which the methods of individual work and the possibility of the variational development of the lesson are laid.

It describes the process of activity, as well as all operations of activity and its components.

In this technological map, the teacher and student's interaction can be clearly reflected in the lesson, planning activities at each stage of the lesson.

5. Lesson of knowledge control and skills.

1) self-determination to activities (organizational stage).

3) identifying knowledge, skills and skills, checking the level of formation in students of general educational skills. (Tasks in terms of volume or the degree of difficulty must comply with the program and be accomplished for each student).

Control lessons can be writing lessons, the lessons of combining oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed.

4) reflection (summing up the lesson)

6. Lesson for the correction of knowledge, skills and skills.

2) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of students' learning activities.

3) the results of the diagnosis (control) of knowledge, skills and skills. The definition of typical errors and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate and improving knowledge and skills.

Depending on the results of diagnostics, the teacher plans collective, group and individual learning methods.

4) information about the homework, instruction on its execution

5) reflection (summing up the lesson)

7. Combined lesson.

1) self-determination to activities (organizational stage).

2) setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson. Motivation of students' learning activities.

3) the actualization of knowledge.

4) Decision of the learning task.

5) primary inspection check

6) primary fixing

7) Assimiation control, discussion of mistakes and their correction.

8) information about the homework, instruction in its implementation

9) Reflection (summing up the class)

8. Lesson learning excursion.

  1. Message themes, objectives and objectives of the lesson.
  2. Actualization of reference knowledge.
  3. The perception of the features of excursion facilities, the primary awareness of the information laid in them;
  4. Generalization and systematization of knowledge;
  5. Independent data processing work. Registration of results with conclusions.

9.URE - research.

1. Message the theme, goals and objectives of the lesson.

2. Actualization of reference knowledge.

3.Motion. Actualization of zun and mental operations.

4. Operating and performing stage:

  • creating a problem situation
  • setting the problem of research
  • definition of research theme
  • formulation of the purpose of the study
  • advance hypothesis
  • choosing a method of solving a problem situation
  • computer of research plan
  • opening a new knowledge, testing hypothesis, conducting experiment, observations, creating motivation at a lesson for each child
  1. Reflection. Evaluation.

Literature: Federal State Educational Standard

The introduction of the latest standards in the education system has led not only to the adjustment of the curriculum, the new list of recommended methods and teaching techniques, but also significantly affected the number of necessary documentation that teachers must prepare. One of these innovations was the mandatory technological card of the lesson in GEF, the preparation and use of which helps the teacher to make a lesson to the most effectively, while spending the minimum of effort.

New type of abstract

Technological map - graphic version of the traditional outline abstract. The main impetus to the use of the new format gave the adoption of the second-generation GEF. The authors of the educational standard believe that the use of technological maps helps to work as much as possible all the stages of classes, which facilitates the inspection and evaluation of children's knowledge at the end of the lesson.

Card structure

Teachers are known that any abstract, regardless of the subject, has a single structure. The same principle is based on the graphic option. Thus, the technological map of the lesson of the GEF biology has the same structure as for any other lesson of the humanitarian or accurate direction.

Any technological map begins with a cap, which is similar to the cap-outline hat.

It follows the table in which the basic content elements are signed, broken into steps. After the table, you can also place additional materials - tests, task solutions used in the chart class or table.

Main steps

In technological maps, it is necessary to write in detail the following stages of classes:

  1. Class organization.
  2. Check your homework.
  3. Actualization of knowledge.
  4. Familiarization with new material.
  5. Primary check studied.
  6. Fastening.
  7. The use of knowledge gained during the practice in practice.
  8. Generalization and systematization.
  9. Homework.
  10. Summarizing.

Note that it is permissible to combine several steps to one to save time and improve the efficiency of work. In some cases, it is permissible to give some points at all. For example, GEF may not contain such steps as consolidating the material passed, checking the studied, etc. (Especially if the lesson is dedicated to the study of poetry or teacher planned to devote all 45 minutes of viewing the screening of the novel or story).

At the same time, do not forget that, regardless of the type, the required stages remain:

  1. Preparation for the study of a new material.
  2. The main stage.
  3. Summarizing.
  4. Reflection.

The technological card helps to determine in advance the form of organization of training activities, that is, planning which tasks will be carried out individually, and which will be processed in pairs or small groups.

How to make a map?

When drafting a technological card, it is necessary:

  1. Specify all operations and their components.
  2. Describe the activities of students and teachers in detail.

Such a detailed study of the classes will help in advance to identify ineffective or too complicated tasks and exercises for children, will help to accurately calculate and distribute the material for each stage of the lesson. Thanks to this, the teacher may not worry that students will not have time to fulfill any task or, on the contrary, do not think about how to occupy if they cope with the tasks much earlier than the call from the lesson will sound.

For example, you need to spend a lesson of mathematics. The FGE Technology Card, compiled by you, will help you choose the most interesting and really necessary tasks, to choose the form of training activities in advance, determine the type of check at the end of the lesson.

To compile a really useful card, perform several actions:

  1. Determine the topic, its place among other topics in this section.
  2. Determine the type of lesson.
  3. Formulate a triune target.
  4. Select the main stages of classes, based on the type and type of occupation.
  5. Formulate the purpose of each stage.
  6. Determine the expected results of each of the steps.
  7. Select the most successful to implement the form of work.
  8. Pick the desired material.
  9. Allocate for each stage the main type of work for students and teachers.

To compile a lesson map, you need to prepare a pattern in advance, think about how the technological card of the lesson will look like. FGOS sample We will imagine a little lower.

Teacher's activities according to the map

The main feature of the card is that the teacher must calculate in advance and indicate in it, what exactly will be engaged in the teacher at a particular stage of the lesson. At the same time no matter what item you lead. The lesson of the GEF history and the map of the geography will be made up one by one universal sample.

The teacher's activity can be denoted using the following phrases:

  1. Check readiness student.
  2. Voicing the theme and goal.
  3. Promotion of the problem.
  4. Creating an emotional attitude.
  5. The wording of the task.
  6. Monitoring performance.
  7. Distribution of tasks.
  8. Organization of self-test.
  9. Conversation.
  10. Estimation.
  11. Conduct dictation.
  12. Story.
  13. Summing up students for conclusions.

Activities of students in class

It is possible to plan students with the following wording:

  1. Work with notebook.

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