Vіyska additions.

Vіyska additions.


The system of guarding the heavens and recognizing the goals of the Russian Federation began to form in 1913, since it was prompted to set up a special border for guarding the guardians of the newly built Uzbeks of the Fіnskogo ryoka on A.A. It was transferred to the vicarist for the whole family of the ship's man at once with the obvious Polish and krypak artillery. For the organized introduction of їх into the bіy, we set up the so-called "winding stations", roztashuєmo їkh at two lines: one - Petersburg-Vindava, іnsha - Petersburg-Suwalki. The significance of these stations was due to the fact that there was a quest for the appearance of lithic command and control units in the zone of the station, the development of which was the beginning of a long-term look at those who were looking at the open space behind the additional optical middle of the strangers, seeing them There was also a thought about the ability to help your dependents in the familiar open spaces. Guilty of being cautious in the minds of battle was guilty everywhere and without interruption, right away, wait and finish an hour. Having seen an object, the sposter is guilty of helping to improve the command and the entire special warehouse. The order of notification was violated in parts, for new victors the available signals were available. The buv sposterigach is guilty of giving a trivia signal, having first turned up the turnkey distributor.

1914 - 1918 rocky

Sound alert point

For the establishment of a high level of communication between the posts of watchdogs and secret transmissions, a report from them to Petrograd was made by the chief of the patrol of Petrograd, and they were by commands designated for the recovery of the enemy's attack.

1918 - 1925 rocky

1926 - 1932 rocky

From 1926 to 1932, rock is being formed in the border zones and near the main economic and administrative centers in the land of continuous visual posts, with the aim of being completed in the main for the power of the multinational force.

June 28, 1930 to the Revolutionary Council of the USSR, having discussed the food about the Plan of the anti-defense defense and visas, if necessary, to make the necessary investments, artillery, kulemetni, searchlights, miraculous glories, chemical parts

On the 7th of 1931, the directive to the Headquarters of the Red Army and the Head Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation and the RNOK under the RNC of the RRFSR issued a directive to the Headquarters of the Red Army and the Head Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The points of dislocation of head posts (DP) and the number of guard posts (FP) by regions (edges) and autonomous republics were introduced by directive, the states of DP and NP VVNENNYa were introduced.

1932 - 1938 rocky

In the period from 1932 to 1938, the transfer of all the functions of the INTRODUCTION service will be carried out in a special way in the prototype defense of the VNESENNYA parts. At the end of the period, the first radio-locating signals are triggered due to the detection of new targets.

April 11, 1934 - the day of the nationality of the vichiznyana radio-locating technology for the service of INTRODUCTION.

8 worm 1933 to the people's commissar for defense of the SRSR Voroshilov K.E. Bula presented an additional note of the engineer-designer P.K. Oshchepkov. with a viklad іdea vikorystannya radiohvil for detecting lithuanians and principals vikristannaya attaching radіovіvlennya in systems of PPO.

20 worm 1937 to the fate of the Directive of the NCO SRSR No. 34990ss on the territory of the country was established that the PAP was closed by the border smog and especially protected zones. The entire service of VNESENNYA, behind the vinyat of the PPO points, was ordered by the command of the UPF of the Vyskovy districts.

1938 - worm 1941 to rock

During the whole period of time it will take all the necessary measures to be introduced, to raise the combat readiness to the level of the day, so that other news will be shown to the visitors. The period of the first combat development of new radio-locating technology and the formation of the first radio-locating podrozdiliv.

Carrying out previous and previous robots in the field of radio-locating allowed the radio-locating students to 1938 to start the fight in the light radio-locating station "RUS-1" In the early 1939 rock, the bullet was fired to the fullest extent of the station "RUS-2";

On the 4th day of 1938, by the decree of the Head Vіyskovy for the sake of RSCA No. 10200ss, the service was introduced to the head of the Directorate of the PPO RSCA, and in the vіyskovy districts - to the assistants of the team in the Vіyskiy on the PPO.

On July 7, 1940, the decree of the RNK SRSR "On the anti-military defense of the USSR" was issued, which made changes to the critical anti-military defense. For the People's Commissariat of Defense of the SRSR, the functions of the critical and organization of the service of the guard guard, the air defense of the territory and the points of the PPO, the fight against the enemy were lost.

On June 25, 1941, the RNC SRSR decree No. 198-97ss "On the organization of anti-military defense" was issued. The organization of the PPO was transferred to the zones, which were threatened by repeated attacks, to a depth of 1200 km towards the state cordon. According to the decree of the 14th fierce one, the order of the NCO SRSR No. 0015 "About subdivisions of the territory of the SRSR on the zones, districts and points of the PPO" has been seen. The order is formulated in the near-Cordon and internal districts of the zones and PPOs (total 13), incl. in the warehouses of parts and podrozdiliv VNESENNYA.

great Vitchiznyana viyna

Mill for 21 worms in 1941 in the warehouses of 13 zones of the PPO SRSR were used for pidrozdili VISENNIA:

  • 6 regiments
  • 35 okremikh battalions
  • 5 round your mouth

The viconannya of the plant got sick with a system of guard posts, and on the most important delinkas - radio-locating stations (radars). The INTRODUCED system opened the visual field of caution behind the winding space in the near-cordon smoothies 150-250 km in length and around especially important objects of the land 60-120 km in length. So, only in the near-Cordon Vyskovy districts, in the open camp, 1 regiment, 19 okremikh battalions, 3 roti VNESENNYA, 1 ​​radio battalion, and the PPO Moskvy got 702 posts of VNESENNYA.

In perіod of 23 Veresnya 1941 rock for Relief Perche vіtchiznyanih radіolokatorіv (RUS-2) i the following Act reasonably vinischuvalnoї avіatsії, zenіtnoї artilerії that іnshih zasobіv PPO Lenіngrada i Baltіyskogo fleet zіrvany plan vіyskovogo komanduvannya Nіmechchini znischiti fleet CPCP in Fіnskіy zatotsі Shlyakhov Venue of tridennoї povіtryanoї operatsії your own good-looking forces. The fires of the fortunate lithuanians were fought by the forces of the aviation aviation, the zenith batteries and the ship's zenith artillery. In the course of a turn-based operation of the enemy's air defense forces, 12 massed nallots and a few blows were shot in other groups, from a foreign number of up to 500 bombers. All poured boules viyavleni rozrahunkami radar 72nd orb VNESENNYA. By the actions of the winners of the 7th Aviation Corps of the PPO, the UPD of the Leningrad Front and the Aviation of the Baltic Fleet, in the fire of the Zenith artillery 25 warriors of war great number shkodzheno. The enemy's conception of the slaughter of the ships of the Baltic Fleet and the suppression of the air-sea base Kronstadt will be zirvaniy.

Until the end of the process, the main task of introducing the radar bullets was, and the visual posts of the INTRODUCTION were victoristovuvatisya as an additional function for the stem of the subjective field of the guard at the nearest steps to the objects.

In the course of the Great Vіtchіznyа Vіyna, a thriving little growth of Vіysk Vіysk INTRODUCTION and іх as well as vіyna became.

In the 1950s, the rocky was introduced into the radiotechnical version of the software.

Social attraction for children and children in the place of Arzamas

"Battalion VNESENNYA"

"Navichno in the memory of my WALTZ, WALTZ, WALTZ!"

In 1941-1942 there was not a boom in the beginning of the rock ... There was no boom in the high school waltzes ... Bula VIIINA!
At school in 1942, Lidiya Mykolaivna Korshunova volunteered as a ten-grader in Chervona Army.
Bully soldier's barracks, the course of a young soldier - "vnosovtsa" and construction training. Widby about 23-00. Come at 6-30, lunch, dinner, supper. The whole іnshiy hour - navchannya, navchannya, navchannya. There was no slack to think about dancing, I didn’t run out of energy for a waltz ...
1 May 1942 R p Lidiya Mykolaivna Lukoyanov took the "Oath for the virility of Batkivshchyna", for which among the number of girls - "navalovtsev" she violated the Arzamas headquarters, de-changing the headquarters to the battalion.
At the Kvitnі-Travі 1943 r bully terrible bombardment m Kursk. 22 grass over the place there were 170 witchcraft. Yak zgaduvala Lidiya Mykolaivna, “2 worms from the fourth year of the wound, spanning ten years, uninterruptedly bombed 430 Junkers and Henkel. Їх they pinned down 130 vinischuvachiv "Messershmit-109". Our zenitniki, also children, beat without interruption. The first rapt calmed down! The trunks of the garmat are roasted, and the shells cannot be inserted into them. Garmati vimagali re-patching. And they all bombed, bombed, bombed !!! "

... Nіzhna, light, clean
Song of the nightingale over the river.
He has a birch nut,
We ciluvali with you.
There are no birch nuts,
Bomb razmitayut for ashes.
Broken off і pisenka
At the bombed bushes.
I know everything to screw up the nut,
Rumble tanks in the ground.
Foker, Junkers circling,
Circling at the top.
Tanks - "panther" plyamisti
Till our earthlings go up.
Rats_ya deputy redovna, people stand up to attack.
Not for you, not for you! Don't you !!
And at vіyni є kіnets.
The continued life of your life has not disappeared,
Chi is not a born bird ...
L.N. Korshunova
(Fellow soldiers / 29 ORB INTRODUCED / get attached)

On the coming day, if the battle was over, a movie was brought to the battalion - the film "The Great Waltz" about the king of waltzes Johann Strauss. Tse bouv waltz, like Lidiya Mikolaivna Korshunova remembered for all her life: “Yaka Muzyka !!! The Kazki of the Vidensky Lisu is a marvel! Yake it was more beautiful than paying with Carly Donner, like the stink danced with Strauss! "Ale the axis I know" Povitrya "," Trivoga "!!! Chergova bombing did not allow the film to be completed.
Quiten, Traven 1945 Rock, Berlin. “Mi buli tі dіvchata - soldiers, like microphones of radio stations with an open text, gave a signal to the projectors" Vidkriti svit! Dati promin! ", - Zgaduvala Lidiya Mykolaivna. - “The І milyardi svіchok visvіtlili vіkna the enemy. The road has become a welcome addition and took light for a new kind of zbroi. From the volleys of our people and minomets of spree, the land of Berlin. Everything is alive and well gone and tremtilo! »2 May fall Berlin. Pislya Naked Peremoga 9th battalion of battalions of battalions on the outskirts of Berlin.
After a few days, the battalion began to be released by 10-15 people to get caught up in the place. Once a stench wandered into the theater, on the street - a small orchestra and airship. The bully cleaned up all the decorations for the parterre, and danced the simple Nimetsian people. The stench danced and slept. They danced and danced - "vstovtsi" in their scorched soldier's form and great tarpaulin chobot. Raptom Lidiya Mikolaivna guessed: “Kursk. Bombarduvannya. Interruptions of the film "The Great Waltz". Lidiya Mykolaivna went to the conductor and took Strauss's waltz. The orchestra of singing "Kazki Vidensky Lisu". “It’s not a dance,” Lidiya Mykolaivna guessed, “the stench squeezed a thick ring to the wall, and they were spinning around the waltz in the middle of the hall. I went through two stakes and I saw that I was quiet and I had wonderful music. Nichto not sleeping! Dancing mi, girls-soldiers. Light winter waltz! Sviy waltz of reimbursement !!! "

(Materials for the statty were taken from the archives to the Museum of the Arzamak Commercial and Technical Technicum)

"18th sergeant of anti-military defense"

Olya Sokolova was born in a rich rural homeland. After finishing school she entered the Library Technical School. Mom is very happy with her daughter. Maybe, і everything would go the way, yakbi not wіyna ...
A few rockies have passed, but there are no more streaming forces. Remember, everything is dumb: I danced at the party, everyone was joking, it was crazy fun and radiant ... And the last word in the end of the evening sounded as if it were even more daddy, myyako and chomus girko: “Dance, lads. Have fun. Dance, you want to dance ... ", - Olga Andriyivna is guessing.
At the same time, since Bora, the old-fashioned place that had been roasted off Novgorod, was poured on the porom, the novelty was scary to the heart: "Viyna pochaasya, comrades." I only knew that the boys were too scared, why did the director become agitated: I knew that they were going to fight in front of the Cordon, they were bombing the fascists, they were moving, they were crazy, and tomorrow it would be a lot of fun to pull up the uniform. It’s a lot of them to get too young ...
Yshla is vіyna, and th life was not on the point. Olya went for the rosary, guiding the library of the Arzamas Pedagogical Institute. There, I immediately hoped for the course of nurses, as, for the great rakhunk, they did not become in the middle of now. And in April 42, they called to the army. The 29th okremiy battalion of the guarded wary, notification and call is the first time of service.
The children were immediately cut off by the cottonmen, and the stench was crying, if their crooked mows fell down to the floor with stingless knives. Olenka's tendency, with her livestock skron and zovsim, became similar to a 14-rydlet. Only the spidnichka made a mistake about those who the soldier is a girl. And in full, in cotton trousers and an army casing, Olga looked up as a spirited army of an army, only a young one.
The technical means of detecting the enemy in the twilight and the tilka were repaired in the near-Cordon regions of the country. All the schoolchildren and students won over their functions, and they went to the front of the choloviks. Standing at the foremost points, which represented a tree of construction, the girls began by ear: the letters of the enemy, which type, in which direction to fly.
... Olenka, tremulous out of fear and not wandering downward, rubbing blisteringly with colons, fought with a hysterical drag on the guard's guard. “Thank God, it’s gone”, - the girl translated them, then respectfully looked around the area and heard it out loud. Quiet ...
Rapt will feel the chutny gurkit of motors. The noise quickly builds up. “Fascists, bastards, I know to go to Gorky,” Olga said bliscily. Having hung up the receiver of the polish telephone, she clearly and voicedly conveyed the call: "Visota - 1200, course - 180, type of litak - important bombers."
A bit of rock passed, but at once, feeling the hum of a lustrous dvigun, Olga Andriyivna is ready, respectfully aloud and bezpomilkovo to say: "A civilian pishov on the way ... And the price is vіyskovy, not ours.
And through a sprinkle of hilin here, on one of the front-line aerodromes, the traders, who were zupiniti litaki, who bring death, were already sleeping to their cars. Fascists lit up bombs Gorky Automobile Plant, Chervone Sormovo, Sokil aircrafts, verstatobudivny. Every day, tens of thousands of people went to their work mission to the industrial zone of Gorky (nini - Nizhniy Novgorod). The human sentiment was such a force, that after the Christmas demonstration, there was no joy in the guise of people. Yaksho Junkers went in to break through, then the terrible bein was repaired. Alee thought about human sacrifice did not boom if. Buv a terrible hour - they were trying to get rid of technology, not people.
Vishki stood in the forest, and the post of the spostering Nemov was spreading over the crowns of trees. Allegedly, the tide of romance did not mention the tide of romance: whether the charguvannya in this short trip could become a failure, even the technique was “on the edge of fantasy”. Bully, for example, were such annexes, which were called listening holes. In the lithic stench, the boules are not needed, but the axis is on the Kursk, on the plains, it’s hard to do without them.
Yami listening is a special kind of destruction in the earth, the sound of the powerful motors of the fascists bulo a little bit chitkishe, which prompted a direct message. Three dugouts got to the little girls' yards big, the fascist traders fired off from the kulemets on the briyuchuyu benefit. Hiba forget, as they ran along the trench and prayed to themselves "Mommy, dear, help ..." ..
For an hour at a time, the hearing pit was smashed in pieces, placed along the perimeter: 0 degrees, 90 ... 180 ... 360 ... ... Then practice. The Lithuanians used to fill them with petrol, so the roar of the dvchat's engines appeared to be shy - to see them, if the "Junkers", "Henkel" and "Messeri" were hooling over the dumbbells.
As soon as you take all the front-line supporters of Olga Andriyivnya, then you will see a volume of even more solid society. Pskov, Kursk, Gorky, Voronezh ... On the cob of the 43rd part of the battalion, de vona served, joined the new anti-artillery regiment 1571. The regiment was staffed with "green" recruits - "speedglimi", as they were called. Quiet, hto mav vіyskovy dosvіd, were appointed commanders. In one of the batteries, the men were commanded by the divine. And Olga herself was transferred to the zv'yazkivtsi.
Olga will overcome at once with the boyov comrades saluting in Tallinn. Right there, in the Estonian capital, in the Vyskovo treasury, she praised her beautiful friend, the beautiful Ganna Starostina, who did not live to see the end of all the months. Pislyavonna's share threw a number of fellow soldiers across the uninhabitable expanses of the same spilnoy Batkivshchyna, albeit on the Day of the Smell's Recession, it was chorically developed in Tallinn. Wanting with the dermal rock of the colish brother-soldiers, it was less and less. A little more zaguttna sense of the front-line brotherhood, the stench of zumіli carry through the mustache of your life.

(Material for the statty is taken from the newspaper "Nasha Gazeta" dated April 14, 2010)

"We took a full-fledged yak of the fascist dvchata"

Nishpory on the Bilorian forests the soldiers of the "great" Nimetsian army themselves stood in full of Russian girls, as they served in the legendary female battalion VVENNYA. Oleksandra Mikhailivna Romanova, a student of the sack of the village of Visokaya Gora, Arzamaskogo district.
Yak rozpovida Oleksandra Mikhailivna, they were mobilized to the front on April 12, 1942, according to the special request of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, to serve in the 29th battalion VNESENNYA. Some of the authors of the month were held in Lukoyanov, they were sometimes practiced in the other districts of the region, and only in 1943, the battalion, which had 500 people, was sent to Kursk.
- We got there even more, close to 2 months, - Oleksandra Mikhailivna, - zaliznytsya We were constantly bombed, and I hoped for the Nimetsian army to turn backwards. If, nareshti, they reached the point of dislocation, they didn’t get a snack, they immediately consumed it before they fired. So I took the bible.
Poti buv 1 Ukrainian and 1 Bilorusky fronts. Itself in Bilorussia і there was a memorial vypadok.
- We arrived in Bobruisk, - even Oleksandra Mikhailivna, - and on the coming day, our post was guilty of being sent to a village, 18 km away. from the city. We were immediately overtaken, but in the woods they were mostly nimts, and we were lost in the broken parts.
Distant podії evolved yak at the film "A zorі here are quiet". Five divchat - Soprykin, Kuznotsova, Pasina, Lyuksodeeva, Romanova and commander, senior sergeant Sizov, violated at the dislocation site. Through the forest, there were pisks, only the radio station was carried on horseback, such a whopper in his arms could be conveyed.
“I’m in the village, Mr. Budinku, de mi zupinilis,” Romanov’s dismissal, “began to talk about his warriors of hungry fascists, who were going over the woods. Having completed the situation, we installed an antenna on the booth. Vona Bula Yaka is great, but do not wrinkle; Bulo will be foldable. Two days later, Oleksandra Romanova, the yaka was standing on the side, on the street she poured a drink on the plate, on which people stood and waved the chimos bilim. If you moored to the shore, it became clear that the price of the good soldiers, who had gone to full capacity. All in all, having shaken the majestic antenna, the stench could not have thought that this was not a platoon of healthy men, but 5 young women. The girl, as standing at the party at the radio station, was conveyed about those who were on the trap. Radyansky soldiers arrived for the full-fledged ones.
- The axis is so mi and took in a full dozen nimts, - mayzhe laughs Oleksandra Mikhailivna.
Finished the win in Nimechchin, not far from Berlin.
- Today, there are no more bombardments, a gurkot of distributions, - even Oleksandra Mikhailivna, - even with the girls, they were already living, seeing, being immersed in the air. First raptom shooter. The command "before the fight". We vibrated on the street, and there the specimens were hanging around - PEREMOGA.

Material of taking from the newspaper "Arzamaskiy Vesti"

"Yshli divchata"

Rocky Great Vіtchiznyanoї vіyni more than 250 military units were honored with uryadovye towns. The Order of the Patriotic War for the Victory of 6 persons, the Order of the Chervona Zirka - 65 persons, the medals “For Vidvaga” - 72, “For the Battle of Merit” - 101. The medals “For the Visibility of Warsaw”, “For the Taking of Berlin”, “For the Peremogy over Nimechchinoyu "handed over to all combatants and commanders of the unit. Bagato soldier and ser¬zhanti of the city The honorable sign "Vidminnik PPO".
It will be important to give a vikovy warehouse to the battalion in 1945:
1895-1900 rock - 10 characters, 1901-1915 rock - 50 characters,
1916-1925 rock - 480 characters, 1925-1928 rock - 10 characters.
Before the end of the war, representatives of 15 nationalities served in the battalion Radiansky Union: Rossiyan - 384, Ukrainians - 90, Mordovians - 13, Evreivs - 10, Bilorussians - 9, one or two people represented Tatars, Armenians, Georgians, Chuvashs, Uzbeks, Czechs, Azerbaijanis, Poles, Koreans, Greeks ...
In 2003 rotsі 58 that rіchnitsyu vіdznachali slit zhivі Odnopolchane batalyonu - Arzamastsev Anna Sergіїvna Bespalov, Anna Mihaylіvna Barinov, Katerina Ivanivna Kozhevnikova, Tamara Ivanivna Kochemasova, Anastasiya Mihaylіvna Konoputova, Nadiya Ivanivna Krilova Anna Ivanivna Osik, Nina Kuzmіvna Pryanіkova, Oleksandr Mihaylіvna Romanova , Oleksandra Ivanivna Turutina, Sofia Mikolaivna Fomina, Hanna Ivanivna Fedorova, Zinaida Oleksivna Feoktistova, Kira Volodymyrivna Shishkina. It’s a pity that they didn’t live to see the 65th women ...

"Yshli divchata"

Yak has long been tse bulo,
and recently:
Gurkit vibuhiv and bombs
rose silent,
іshli dіvchata
stand up for the power,
Let the girls go to great war.
Їm bi go for a walk in the park
and in the cottonseers zakhohuvatsya,
Live and live, do not mess
happy days,
In fashionable cloth hizuwatisya,
at balls and dances,
The stench has become ale soldiers.
Іshli dіvchata,
say goodbye to school,

get lost in soul
in a beloved land,
Іshli dіvchata,
DO NOT play fun,

And from the soldier's painting,
in the soldiers' ranks.

Іshli dіvchata,
all by and by
By the neat march of the crocus
devocha army,
Іshli dіvchata,
but a place of love
Bagato days and nights
zalishavshis їkh checkati.

Yak has long been tse bulo!
Respect the sites

Links of important roads
in the life of vipalo їm?
I get up the stink of a hand -
sivi divchata,
took over Batkivshchyna
with my heart.
M it's time to forget
front roads,
Gurkit vibuhiv and bombs
і zarisch vognі,
Tієї dalаї vіyni
voice and anxiety,
Ale the stink of the soldiers.

Sofia Mykolaivna Fomina,
poets to the battalion

(Material of preparations based on books by G.S Shelar "Legendary p'yata" Arzamas 2003)

"Boyovi friends"

Stinks are young, beautiful, hopeful. A lot of them, only, they read a lot at universities and colleges. Ale on June 22, 1941, everything changed. Nadiya Krilova, a 3rd year student at the Arzamas Pedagogical School, and Tamara Kochemasova, a student at the Gorky Institute, know not to bully, ale viyna and the 29th battalion, they called their share.
Tamara Ivanivna Kochemasova in 1939 graduated from high school in Arzamas and entered the Gorky University for fizmat. In 1941, she came to Arzamas to get ready for the drink, and here she knew, what a mistake. At the same time with her classmates she voluntarily entered to the lavas of the Chervona Army. Nadiya Ivanivna Krylova also became a student in 1939 and at the end of the third year, she volunteered for the army.
Zі spogadіv Nadіya Ivanіvnya: "We were sent to Lukoyanov, they sent us to the enemy's letters. There I cut my chic, raven krill color, mow. For the statute, moving, is not allowed. If they were transferred to Arzamas for navchannya, they were more tightly closed, but they were not allowed to enter the house. And for us, Arzamas people, the price is very important. Once I was "spared": they were sent to the medical unit, the letters were given to the house. And my mother didn’t indulge in folk habits ”.
Tamar Ivanovni Arzamas forgotten him, hey, dyvchin, she wore 35 sizes, saw the worms of the 42nd. First relatives, marveling in vіkna, cried, if the young screaming soldier Tamara croaked in a full bloom, and worn out and tried to let the girl in. Ale, unaffected by all the shortcomings of the form, to her, all, were addicted to it. For example, Kubanks were sewn from standard hats-vushanoks.
In the end of the war, the 42nd battalion was sent to the front. We arrived at Kursk, and in the first place there were bullets fired at the fortune-teller. Then they kept watch in Kursk as radio operators at the battalion post. The first girls were sent to the company post.
At the 43rd Tamara Ivanivna and the other radio operators, they were sent to the back airdrome (at the end of Kursk) by the head of the radio station. Then we redeployed to the battalion, and at the same time we went to Berlin.
Tamara Ivanivna: “Once in Berlin, a piano was played in a booth broken by a shell, our girl sat down and became grati. Rapt vibig nimets and hoping to pogrozhuvat Tim, so to skarzhivat on us Stalin. They did not take anything for speeches in the booths. We were lodged in a private sector, and in the hallways of the bullet, of course, of course, just a little more ... Behind the cordon, they began to walk, to the peru, curled hair, force. Ale naygolovnіshe, we really wanted to, so it was over. "
Nadiya Ivanivna: “I got the better of the project in Berlin, the girls from our 29th signed on to the Reichstasis. And in honor of the saint, they saw 3 meters of fabric - green and green. Mriyala, I’ll come to the house, I’ll make a payment ”
Tamara Ivanivna: “Before we drove in a lost mood, our battalion was decorated with the Order of the Chervona Zirka. The people on the platforms were sounding warm, with quits. "
Nadiya Ivanivna: “They set up a table at home, I wanted to write some nice roses in a small volume, but I didn’t know anything about this evening, and I didn’t know anything.
It flowed peacefully, but all the same, the life springs over again. Nadiya Ivanivna and Tamara Ivanivna became teachers, giving themselves a love of robots. N.I.Krilova pratsyuvala director of the PROTOPOPIVSKE Silskoy school, T.I. Kochemasova - a teacher of physics and mathematics at the College of Applied Sciences. And it also happened that the front-line soldiers lived on their way - in the small booths. I ni-ni, they came in, one to one at a party, or they just phoned and received a little bitch.

(Material for the statty is taken from the newspaper "Arzamaskiy vedomosti", 03.05.2005)

"The share of arzamaskoi divchat"

In 1942 rotsi, sent to the close of the Gorky Pedagogical Institute, I did not finish the 2nd year of the faculty earthmovs, Bespalova Anna Sergiyivna turned to native Arzamas. The next day I came to the district committee of the Komsomol and asked to ask the district committee to send it to the front. Prokhannya її Bula was pleased and was insured in the 29th okremiy battalion VNESENNYA, deployed in the same days in Arzamas. At Lukoyanova, take a course of a young soldier, using the folding special skills of a radio operator-sposter. Until the fierce 1943 fate carried out service at one of the posts INSURED close to Gorky, leading the guard for the enemy's battles.
... At the end of the spring of 1943, the 29th battalion INTRODUCED, in which Anna Sergiyivna Bespalova crossed the river, was pulled up three times and rushed into the railway carriage at the station Arzamas I. Echelon ishov to Moscow. Having skirted along the circumference of the road, the trip turned to the first exit and travel through the villages of Pidmoskov'ya, Tula region, Oryol region. Anna did not enter the open door of the carriage. In the ditches, chornyli was piled up at the top of the barn, the carcasses of the carriages were broken, the car was smashed, the earth was overwhelmed by shells, the craters were glibbing, and we could get rid of the stagnant water from the spring spills.
Travel collapsed to Kurskiy Duzi. The approach of the foremost was seen in everything. In the evenings, on the horizon, one could see bright red flashes of shells flying. All the more often over the echelon were circling witches-razvidniki, before the boules of parking at the halts in the clean-up, if the way was ringing. Still, we will not be able to leave the carriages for a skin fight on the right. It was dark at night. Dovga line of wagons died on a deaf station with two small houses. Malice with a sutsilnoy black wall standing pine trees. I straightened the battalion up to the line. And the zranka of the dvchat-nosovtsev were sent to their posts on the whole battle of the great mighty battle, as it escaped in the history of the Great Victory Day. A skinny day, living on vіynі, until people are not only manly, smart, fearless, ale and vіri in vlasnі strength. The fearless and male Arzamas children who stood on the outskirts of the great battle, de-severely punished the great The armies were advancing. The Hitlerites came in, they were too busy writing for themselves ruins and drinking. Vnosovtsy bulo punished to go forward to Zakhid.
... In the spring of 1945, Anna Sergiyivna Bespalova set out on the steps to Berlin, crossing the blood-black Oder with important torments, to spread the bridle across, to the opposite bank. For the three-day family of children from Vostochny, together with the children, the searchlights were seated in the closed cars and taken to the place by Kyustrin, and the heads of our guests were deducted for a great and residual kid on Berlin. The senior chiefs issued a strict and secret order: divchat-beats ekipiruvati in all combat forms - vidati helmets, automatics, grenades, the entire load of ammunition. To a special dermal radio operator-sposter, personally handing letters to the staff at such an hour, turn on the radio and transmit the signal "Dati light!", "Dati light!" Rivne about 3 years on April 16, 1945, the signal is sent to the front headquarters at all times. Freighter Bespalova transferred the yogo to the corporation. In a second, I’ll see a friend of 140 strained searchlights illuminated the leading positions of the defended fascists. The projectors of the khvilyn strolled their walks along the flooded trenches of the winter, leading to some unreasonable and without that panicly adjusted nimts, the axis is already a few days and sleepless nights languishing in the defenses of the winter The projectors viprominuvali also yaskrave light, but the strength did not build up to see the eyes and wonder, but to be afraid in advance. And the strained volleys of the far-off know-how, the minomets and the "Katyushas" drowned out the commanders who were coming from the high-ranking authorities. The first axis, nemov retype, demolished self-contained harnesses and tanks on Berlin. The whole sky was covered by stormtroopers and vinischuvachi with red stars on the krill. The virulent battle for Peremoga, for the battle of all Europe, hated by fascism, drew near to completion. In the first place, an arzamaska ​​dvchina-Komsomol member Anna Bespalova made a modest contribution to the battle. Itself for the boyovі action in the operation from the University of Berlin, the command awarded the medal "For Vidvaga". The dvchata-nosovtsi at once passed through the streets of the fallen Berlin and wrote on the columns to the Reichstag: "Mi - from Arzamas! Remember us, Berlin!" Anna Sergiyivna, in everyday life, is also focused, disciplined and faithful to her principles. Turning to demobilization in the native Arzamas, she graduated from the institute and with a stretch of 28 years of reading in school, she became a geographer. When you retired, you won’t be promoted to buvati in the small schools of the city, you’ll go to the children, tell you about the trip.

(Material for the statti is taken from the book "From Arzamas to Berlin", G.P., Golubov, A.P. Dyomochkin)

"History of one share"

"Until now, the feast is not called to mind
Yak, I am thin and small
Kryz pozhezhi to peremozhny grass
The Kirzakakhs have a stopudovo dіyshla ... "

An important share of the ranks of the 29th battalion, which was introduced by Grishina Viri Sergiyivnyi, dutifully quilts in the spogads: “I was born in 1924 in the village. Zhdanovo Pilninsky district, Gorky region. The family moved to Arzamas in 1936. Navchala in the middle school № 1 ім. Voroshilov. She joined the Komsomol in 1939. In the whole zh rotsi I took away the Komsomolsk supplementary service as a counselor of pioneers of the 4th class. In 1941, they didn’t give a head to the school teacher, but in the heart there was a fault. We, scientists, were immediately taken, we were helped to pull the mains from the schools in national museum That is why a hospital was set up in the school. Navchalny Rik we have been repaired on pick-up in colgospahs. Through a few months in our homeland, great grief became - my sister fell ill, and I was brought to death and looked after her. At the end of 1942, I was hoping for three thousand nurses' courses, and at one hour my sister died, and I was reading it. Finished the course in April 1942 and applied to the army. On April 12, the Bula was insured in the 29th Okremiy battalion VNESENNYA. Served until linden 1945r. "
In Kursk in 1943r. Vira Sergiyivna was accepted as a candidate in the party, and in Poland - as a member of the party. In 1945, all the children were sent to the battalion, the bullets were sent to the house.
Vira Sergiyivna zgaduvala: “Hiba is possible because of something that will make the great joy of turning to Batkivshchyna. Mi buli happy. A lot of us were bursting with medals “For Vidvaga” and “For Fighting Merits”, we all rejected the medals “For taking Berlin”.
In Arzamas, Vira Sergiyivna went to work in the Miskom Komsomol, with the help of a technical secretary, at the same time we are responsible for the announcements of the pioneers. In Veresna 1948, the rocky її was appointed 1 secretary of the Moscow Komsomol. From 1950 to 1980, she worked as an instructor in the Moscow Communist Party's department, supervising the organization's video. From 1975 to 1997, the joy of veterans of the Vinyi brother-soldiers of the 29th Order of the Chervona Zirka of the VNESENNYa radio battalion was seduced by the rock. During an hour, 5 mass performances of fellow soldiers were held in Arzamas. As a result of the great robotic robots, the address of 50% of fellow soldiers to the battalion was established. So Vira Sergiyivna herself stood for turns in the history of the Museum "History of Generation". Pislya vіyni Bula was awarded the Order of Victory Vіyni 2 Stages, medals: For Valiant Pratsyu. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the People's Day V.I. Lenina "," For the work of the sign ", with the memory and juvenile medals, honorary diplomas. She died in 1998.


"War Rock"

In the peaceful life of the women of the 29th battalion VNESENNYA reached the Chimalikh successes.
Everyone will take care of Pasha Korabelitsikova - Paraskovia Pavlivna Vodeneeva, who was a successful keruvala at the middle school in Lukoyanovskiy district, became an honored teacher of the Russian Federation.
Varya Storozheva (Kochetova) from B. Boldin- became the Honored Veterinary Doctor of the Russian Federation and Kalmykia.
Galina Vasilivna Valugina (Kvasova) - she was awarded the Honorary Order of the Zhovtnevoy Revolution, so the merits meant colleagues in the Bryansk region.
Lidiya Grigorivna Kosyukhno (Metelkina) delighted her fellow soldiers with her motherhood. Two medals of "Mother's Glory" were adorned with their breasts.
A noble, selfless pratsyu who is a winemaker. The Order of the Sign of Poshani was awarded to the following names: Zhenya Grachova (Nosova), Anastasia Lyamkin (Sonina), Asya Tarakanova (Alisєєva), Oleksandra Turutina, Anna Vasilivna Shushina (Platonova) and іnshі.

Among the workers, national education - Tamara Mykolaivna Bikova (Leonova), Tamara Ivanivna Kochemasova, Anna Sergiyivna Bespalova, Evdokiya Yukhimivna Baranova and many people.
They did not see their friends and mentors, young people, commanders: Pavlo Mykolayovich Sorokin - director of the school in Lukoyanovskiy district, Ivan Gulyaev, Mykola Petrushenko, Mikhailo Smolyarenko - teachers, Oleksandr Krivokhizhenko - director of the technical department

"The joy of turning"

On the tenth day of 1945, in the village of Groskamin (district of Kyustrina, Nimechchina), there was issued an order No. 190 for the battalion with a list of privates and sergeants' depot - people in senior groups and women of young people.
At that hour, the team and the headquarters also prepared all the necessary documents for the general and insistently promulgated that the warrant officers were included to the battalion in the list of updates of the battalion depot with demobilized ones. At that hour, things were not so simple: from Nimechchin without interruption, all echelons entered the SRSR.
19 lime in the tract situation, in the ranks of the entire battalion, in the presence of the commander of the VISKI PPO of the 5th corps, Major General of the artillery M. V. Antonenko, the dvchata said goodbye to the boyovy Chervonim the ensign, and through the dobu - 20 linden - the train was sent to Battalion!
A train of freight cars without the necessary possession for a team's living quarters will be taken over by the commandant's group.
The joy of refunding the floor to the bed is great, but not too many children did not get sick - I had sleeps on mattresses and featherbeds on the seats of the carriages. Yakimos rank in Arzamas became the date of arrival at the station. Arzamas II, after arriving not on the 28th day of the day, but on the coming day, didn’t speak well. Ale did not smell the smell - there were also bully at home.
Those are an important, even an important hour. Not being able to specialize, the front-line soldiers could not master the robot, they passed the іnit in the technikumi and in the institute. Ale the stench, they baked the styles of human grief, ruins of places and forces, dugouts, in which there were people of the fascist territories, they arrived in the districts that were not enraged by the fascists, but little want, they hope
Proceedingly from pracea and the hardships of a difficult time of thought, they were forced to resist, they were dismantled, the newcomers came, they wanted a peaceful creative work, deserved success, heights.
Ale vіyna shche dovgo gave to herself the nobility not only with heavy, sickly speculations about the dead and the calamitous, ale and the fiery bazhany, all that was needed for a normal human life. Enthusiasm, bazhan, health and will - everything they have had a lot, and it sank a lot.

(Material taken from the book by G.S.Shelaru "The Legendary P'yata" Arzamas 2003)

"Valiant Divine Battalion"

Pislya of the Kursk arc, the 29th battalion VNESENNYA, serving on the most insecure dilens of the 1st Ukrainian, alongside the 1st Bilorus front.

At the chest of the 43rd, having deployed battle orders on the Kurskiy Vistup, the battalion moved next to the advancing military forces of the 1st Ukrainian Front. Already in the fierce 1944 rock, repeating the tragic route of 1941 rock, the battalion from Zhitomir once again ignited its battle orders in the warehouse of the 7th corps of the PPO. It is important to convey the feeling of the war, the cry of the 1940 rock, after three rock the winners, streaming the given word - turn everything that happened. Until the end of the day, the battalion obviously changed: not only after having fired up a great battle admonition, but becoming more ruffled, maneuvering and less dead in the battle of the communal ring, inappropriate sound of fellows. Win became a radio battalion. At the level of 1944, the first Ukrainian front was secured by reliable data about the military aviation, the battalion of soldiers to Kamyanets - Podilsky and in the worms of the goons of the goons from the fighting positions for the fighting positions front. Yogo boyovi merits bully are significant, obvious, but the team was aware of the need to shift a part to a direct head strike. In the operation "Bagration", it was the responsibility of Bilorusia with a new entry to the state cordon. In the operation "Bagration" in the end of 1944, in the place of Lyublin, the headquarters and management of the 5th corps of the PPO in the city of Saratov. Until the end of the war, the 5th corps successfully commanded the military PPOs of the 1st Bilorus front. Under the command of Major General M.V. Antonenko, the prototypical defenses were superbly guarded by the army, organized and commanded in smoothies to fight the front. In the region there are 15 crossings across the river. Oder bulo recorded 283 try fascists zruynuvati and ferry. Only 43 litas far into the distance to break through to the objects, the alley and ze¬nitchiks did not give zruynuvati їkh. And dal bully Poland, Nimechchina ... The battalion was happy to know the new command of Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky, and from 1944 to the rock - Marshal G. K. Zhukov. Bagato settlements, de they carried a boyovy cherguvannya post, passed after the advancing vіyskami. Thousands of kilometers of the battle road have been strewn behind.

Only not supported and not shown in the form, the pictures of the lives of the people of Radians are hidden by the watchmen about the fortunate ones, some of the money and the aiming bombs were made by the winners and the winners of the winners There is not much for the number of parts with a special, non-standard for the out-of-town parts of the regular structure, in some cases with some parts of the special features, we’ll be abused, we’ll just get rid of the shooter’s zombies and in the most awkward ways, it’s got a lot of trouble in front of them. not only did not "be ruined" "at viri vіyny", but the sound of the successful vikonannyy all the battle orders and the factory to deserve a high boy's assessment of the command of the vіysk PPO of the country and the front.

"Over Kurskiy vistup"

In honor of the 29th battalion of the guards of the defense, a call at the base of the Arzamask commercial-technical technicum was sent to the museum on October 22, 1998. Hloptsі socialist pritulosya thrust into there pobuvati. The excursion for them was prepared and conducted by students - members of the "Excursovod" group.

Three children learned about the military way of the 29th battalion. During the period of 900 days and nights, the battalion at the main warehouse stood at a combat post. Close 4500-5500 years, or 180 - 225 dib of fighting hour, skin sposter nis boyove derguvannya at the main post - with a guard point INSERTED, change through skin 2-3 years on an unblogged graph for five sposter.

In the soldier's greatcoats, the ice covered the soul in the cold winter, cold tarpaulin chobot, cloak - bastards, as they did not snatch from the cold wooden boards, do not wait for the cold war, the girls didn’t lose the right to cherish the slaughter for a second.

Pid Kursk 29th battalion of the buv directions to the cob April 1943 p. Until April 10, 1943, the rock formations pidrozdil unleashed their battle orders throughout the Kursk bridgehead. At 70 points of caution Post to bring in control over the growing space over tens of thousands of square kilometers, being a single system for the development of a common enemy in a whole area. Massovi poured at the Kurskiy Zaliznichny University and other communes were honored from 11 April. In a group of 60 years, the fascist UPU started "mastering" the Kursk bridgehead. The stench was reddened for the sake of throwing the Radianskih viysk into the area planned for the summer of 1943 by the main actions of his army. For the last day, the intensity of the business has grown. 22 grass in the nalot on Kursk took up to 220 litas, 2 worms of more than 500 witchcraft were torn to the place, the zaliznichny vuzla, where they arrived vіyska, zbroya, technology, ammunition. An uninterrupted and timely display of tribute to the battalion about the patronage of the enemy enemy by visual posts allowed the battalion to allow our winners to work on program goals along the entire route. Above the heads of the spasters, a nebula roared beyond the scale and the battle was fought - dozens of battles were fought overnight. Just before an hour of displaying nalots 22 grass and 2-3 worms were filled with a lot of 230 nymetsk litas. On the ground in a whole hour there was a calm before the thunderstorm.

The words "Kursk arc" have not flickered yet at the offices of the Radio Information Bureau. On the day of the cob of Nimetskiy I will come, 5 lime trees, over the area in 1200 square kilometers, one hour from both sides, for 2 thousand years. Distance to parts of the ground PPO. Chi not missed to the main objects, the Nazis got involved in a deadly vantage over the battle formations of the zenith artillery and the 29th battalion. Naglyadovuyu posts, roztashovanim on the Oryol and Bilgorodsky straights of strikes nimetsky vіysk, brought to the ground by the enemy.
After 100 days and nights a battalion of husbands seized the space above the Kurskiy Vistup. On the 23rd, the battle on the fiery duzi ended. General of the Army Rokossovsky at his command of the front, meaning that the parts of the Kursk corps district of the PPO successfully fit in with the installation of the combatants. Today, it was especially noted that it was called the 29th Ordinance INTRODUCED, for which it was awarded the Order of the Chervona Zirka.

(Materials for the statty were taken from the archives to the Museum of the Arzamak Commercial and Technical Technicum)

"At the battalion of the little girl ..."

Great Vіtchiznyana vіyna has become a suvorim viprobuvannya for all our people. The Arzamastsev wrote a piece in the heroic fight list. Seize your Batkivshchyna on the fronts of the war, 32,638 residents of the place and the region have vyivili unapplied husband and heroism.

Near the place and close to the last, there were vyyskovs, one of them was the Buv of the 29th Okremiy of the Order of the Red Prapor, the battalion of the guardian guard to defend the call (VNESENNYa).

Between 1941 and 1943, he moved to Arzamas, but did not fight for the protection of the oblast and M. Gorky. Mayzhe 500 divchat from 9 districts of the oblast will be sent to the whole battalion for the launch of a special agent. At the battalion, they were mostly young, skinny girls of small stature. The girls are overwhelmed by the professions of telephone operators, radio operators, they have come to do good shooters, give me medical help.

At a part of the boulevards of the establishment, the battle order, the sharpness of the response for missing the whole, ale of the child, with a stretch of the month, took away the Asian specialties, were able to quickly cope with the appointments of the employees. Forty of the escort posts to the INSENNYA battalion guarded the ancient expanse of our region. In 1941, two large amounts of vorozhoi aviacii were in the mouth of the leaves, and 250 litas each took a share in the skin. The directors of the early detection battalion of warriors of warriors began to display such a fierce zenitny fire, but only 25 years flew to the spot, the bullets were hit, and the deacons got thrown off the bombs. The command was overwhelmed, but the confidences of the post were in the hands of the upper hand. Having seen the battle with honor boyov viprobuvannya, a battalion of directing forces to the front ...

Great contributions were made by women to the victory of the Radyansky people at the Great Victory Day 1941-1945 rr. There wasn’t such a vital profession, which wouldn’t smell, but they successfully realized it on the battlefield. The axis, for example, most women covered with a super-sharp shot right on the front - in the parts and outside of the military army. Female snipers fought on all fronts, screaming the great Shkodi warriors. The female sniper company was commanded by the guard lieutenant N. Lobkovsky. She fought on the Kalininsky front, in the Baltic states, took part in the storming of Berlin. Batkivshchyna awarded the Order of the Red Prapor, Glory, and the Victory I and II steps with medals.

On May 21, 1943, by order of the NCO No. 0367, the school of sniper training was reformed into the Central Zhynoch school of sniper training. During the hour of its discovery, the school destroyed 7 vipusiv, trained sixty-one thousand snipers and 407 sniper instructors. Thousands of fascist soldiers and officers were blamed for the fate of the victorious school of women. In 1944, the school became Chervonopraporno. Vikhovanka of M. Moldagulov's school was awarded the title of Hero of the Radiansky Union. The Order of Glory of the 3rd and 2nd degree was rejected by 102 women, Chervony Prapor - 7, Chervonoi Zirka - 7, Vіtchiznyana Vіyni - 7, medals "For Vidvaga" - 299, "For Fighting Merits" - 70. - snipers Honorable letters, 22 sniper guints, 7 - valuable gifts. The badge "Vidminnik RKK" was awarded 56 children.

For the fate of the Great Victory Day, 5 female snipers denied the title of the Hero of the Radiansky Union (N. Kovshova, T. Kostirina, A. Moldagulov, L. PAVLICHENKO, M. Polivanov) and one - the reigning holder of the Order of Glory. 48 years voluntarily went to the front. Itself, having finished school of snipers, won a bagatokh "super-sharp shooters, who can fend off the enemy from the first shot", as they called snipers. Having walked the boyovy way from Leningrad to Stettin, N.P. Petrova went down in the middle of 1954.

In 1942, the mobilization of women in the army was especially intensive. There have been a number of orders from the NCOs of the SRSR, at the end of which hundreds of thousands of them were introduced to the army lavas. So, by the order № 0058 від 26 birch 1942 r mobilizuvalosya in vіyska PPO 100 thousand dіvchat. It’s the fact that in some regiments and divisions of all PPOs the number of women reached 50-100% of a special warehouse, on the Pivnichny front PPOs in some parts and podrozdilah up to 80-100%. Already in 1942 ponad 20 thousand served in the Moscow front of the PPO. A woman in the Leningrad army - 9,000, in the Stalingrad corps of the PPO - 8,000. Closely 6,000 women served in the Baku district of the PPO.

Bagato zhynok served in zenit-kulemetny parts and pidrozdilakh. 1st anti-aircraft division, defended Moscow, fought in the main zhynok. In the 9th Stalingradsky Corps District, PPOs served as a kulemetnitsa zenіtny kulemetiv, gunners, correctors, range finders of thousands of women. The critical day for Stalingrad was the 23rd serpnya of 1942, since the fascist war broke through to the Volga in the region of the tractor plant, and the fortune-teller of the massacres poured on the city, women of 1077 and 1078 of the Ukrainian army of the Volga The militia of the place, the chief tank battalion, did not let the gate into the place, having suppressed it before going to go. The service of women in parts and children of nursing care, notification and communication is not a small and flexible service. Here, the need for boules is especially vidpovіdalnіst for dіlyanka, sawnness, operability, the fight is good. From the timeless knowledge, the exact tributes to the gate, having laid down the success to fight with it. The sposter, the sound, the projectors clearly showed their connections. In parts of the aerostats of the rural suburban area, as they went to the great places and industrial districts, the women gradually replaced the choloviks. Yakshho for the rock vіyni Vіyska PPO of the country drove close to 20 thousand. If the fortune-telling aviaatsiya on the foreign objects, then say for sure, because of them, it was unwise to be seen by the hand of the warrior woman.

Yaksho in the period of the first holy war 1914-1918 rr. If you didn’t try to start the commands, the women became 12% of the special warehouse in 1941-1945. And in okremikh pidrozdilah up to 80%. Vyazkіvtsіv fakhіvtsіv for the army was prepared by the vіyskovі schools in the small towns. Kiev and Leningradske - a lot of female commanders have begun to call, most of which have been sent to the army. The Kuibishevsky Vіyskovo School of communication was close to 3 years of radio specialists. 19 April 1942 by order of the NCO No. 0297 40 yew. The woman was mobilized to replace for the replacement of hearts in the Air Force. Women were recognized as fakhivtsy calls, chauffeurs, clerks, clerks, cooks, and at the same place in the administrative-state service, besides, at the village of gunmen-armed men. 4 worms in 1942 to issue the order of the NCO SRSR No. 0459 about replacing the okremikh posad in the armored and military mortgages and standard installations of the Red Army in the choloviks in the military warehouse. It means that the women replaced the men not only in the military-armored vehicles of the armored vehicles, the stinks themselves served at the front as tankers. For 4-6 months such an important and folding machine yak tank was launched and successfully fought in the new one.

Lotchitsi of the 586th Vinischuvalny Aviation Regiment of the PPO negotiate the last boyovy vilit at the Yak-1 litak. Aerodrome "Anisivka", Saratov region. Veresen 1942 rub

In armored mechanized veins, women were boarded at the landings of mechanized pilots, gunners-radio operators, tank commanders, tank podrozdiliv. Names of: Hero of the Radiansky Union M.V. Oktyabrskaya, tank mechanics of the 26th Guards Tank Brigade of the 2nd Guards Tank Corps; I.N. Levchenko, they finished their courses at the Stalingrad Tank School. She served as an officer in the command line of the 41st Guards Tank Brigade of the 7th Mechanized Corps. In 1965 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Radiansky Union. The first zhinkoy - a boyovim officer in the 1st Guards Tank Brigade, Bula Capitan A. Samusenko, the yaka arrived at the officer's landing at the headquarters for special orders at the sickle in 1944, there were already two battle orders. Lost 3 birch 1945 At the 84th battalion important tanks The tank was led by sergeant V. Gribalev, and a number of female tankers took part in the greatest battles of the Great Victory Day.

In the shooting parts and in the nursery, women fought with gunmen, machine gunners, etc. Bully in the middle of them і commanders of rozrahunіv, vіddіlen, platoons, companies. The stench took place in the young women’s siblings, as they prepared the vіyskovі kadri for the front and tilu, in schools, on courses, in spare rifle regiments. So, in the 1st okremiy zhіnichny reserve rifle regiment, formed in the fall of 1942 under the Moscow military okruzі, fired in 5,175 female warriors and commanders of the Chervonoi Army. In addition, in 1943, 514 female officers and 1,504 female sergeants underwent retraining in the regiment, including nearly 500 front-line soldiers.

Women served in the Vyskovo-Sea Fleet. In 1942 there were already 25 yews. Women of special specialties: physicians, medical officers, topographers, drivers, radio mechanics, and commanders. So, zhovtnya 1943 r ml. Lieutenant Єvdokiya Mykolaivna Zavaliy commanded a platoon of the okremoy roti automatics of the 83rd naval brigade. She was awarded the Order of the Red Prapor, the Chervony Zirka, the Victory Day and the Medal of Medals. On the dockyard auxiliary vessels, the ships were stored with women. On the Volz, the sailor T. Kupriyanova was the commander of the yak boat. On the rivers of the Amur and Sungars, more than a dozen steam-powered ships went, and the food was transported, fires, wounded people, a quarter of the teams that were stored by women. 38 women-children of the Distant Descent of the Bully in the midst of the small boyovy mountains.

Oksana Kasha

Valeriya Tkachova

Viskovy University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


1. Muromtseva V.S. Women in soldiers' overcoats. M .: +1971.

2. Bulletin of prototype defense. 1977. No. 2.

3. Kovanov V.V. Soldiers of immortality. M .: 1985.

4. History of the Great Victory Day of the Radiansky Union M .: +1965.

Fight of the 29th okrymogo radio battalion of the patronal FREEDOM

My great-grandmother served in the 29th Okremy Radio Battalion VNESENNYA for the hour of the Great Victory Day. INTRODUCED - the name of the parts is quickened, as they entered the warehouse of the prototype defense. INTRODUCED - POVITRYANE SPOTHERENNY, ADVANCED AND CALL.

The battalion may be more likely to rise at the first days of the battle. The reformatted battalion took place in the town of Arzamas in the Gorky region.

476 women-volunteers from nine districts of the region during the week of 1942 were insured to the storehouse and recruited to Lukoyanov municipality for the purpose of creating special features of the distributor of the zenitnaya artillery and spasters. My great-grandmother was all 23 rocky.

Three months trivially started the battalion's battles with the main tips: be happy with the battle, oversaturated in great cities and before taking on the discipline. On May 1, 1942, the new recruits took the oath of office in the natural environment.

The battalion of the poet Sophia Fomina wrote about tsiy pori:

“... They didn’t chick and didn’t cry,
Chi did not click on help moms,
Become warriors - soldiers
To a small part of us! "

Boyovy rozrahunok post formed from 6-7 cholovik, commanded by tsimi "dvchachim" teams of cholovik-sergeants.

In the course of the regular service, the majesty of the children grew up. The stench came visually and by sound, in any hour, do it, in any weather, start flying in every litany, visually, if you are of a certain type, you can fly in azimuth. І secretly transmit a report to the company and battalion post.

We will fight for the first time in a special warehouse, part of the bulwark, the guard of Gorky. Hіtlerіvtsі zovsіm didn†™ t appear to have brought "interest" to the great industrial center. The axle of the Radiansky command was organized by the protection of the place until the cruel 1943 rocky. directly 29th okremiy battalion.

Careful posts and during the day, and at night they carried their watch, sawing stitching behind the sky, quickly, without any disturbance, during the winter and emergency parts about passing through the gate.

With the successful completion of the Battle of Kursk, the battalion was given to the 1st Ukrainian Front, in 1943 until 1944 after being transferred to the warehouse of the 8th corps of the prototype defense. A special warehouse took on the fate of the favored places and forces of Ukraine, penetrating at once from the advanced radio parts all the closer and closer to the cordons of our Batkivshchyna. Battalion posts took up a deployment in Berdichev, Zhytomyr, Proskurov, Kam'yantsy-Podilsky, and from 1944 to the warehouse of the 5th corps of the PPO on the 1st Bilorussky front, celebrating the fate of the Polish Baranyevich, and since 1944

Vіyna yielded its own charge, Radianska Armiya got over the edge, increased the fight against strength. I want to end the battle was far away, and the hard battles on the front were trivial, it became much easier, then the Battle of Kursk and Stalingrad were already behind, and in front of them there was a firm victory in the near future.

Attached 1945 to the rock, the battalion at once with the shooting units crossed the cordon of Nimechchini. "Vaughn's axis is cursed" - the bulo is written on the plywood boards.

At the final stage of the battle, the battalion took part in the Berlin operation. In the book of Marshal Radiansky Union G.K. Zhukov "Help and think" in the section "Berlinska operation" there are the following lines: attacks from the searchlights ... ".

On April 26, 1945, the fate of the fortunate ugruppovannya in Berlin ended, and on the 30th of 14 years old, the fearless escort of the mountains and Kantaria gave birth to Chervoniy Prapor. Up to 3 years, two days, 2 grass berlinsky garnizon capitulyuvav. 8 May in the skidny front of Berlin - Karlhorst, the act of the unprotected capital of Nimechchin.

During the period of 900 days and nights, the battalion at the main warehouse stood at a combat post. Closely 4500-5500 years or 180-225 dib fighting hour skin sposter nis boyove derguvannya at the main post - with a cautious point INSERTED, change through skin 2-3 years on an unblogged graph for five spasters.

For the fate of the Great Victory Day, a special warehouse of the unit sent 50776 reports about enemy letters, 2375 reports about ground penetration of fascist forces. For the given post to the battalion, 667 litas were killed, prompted that a 3.5 thousand km line was renewed.

Some of the lives of people are hidden by the patrons about the fortune-teller, some of the nougat and the targeted bombardment were preceded by the winners and the anti-tank soldiers of the PPO as well as notifying the battalion!

There is not much for the number of parts with a special, non-standard for the outlying parts of the regular structure, for some of the most active parts with special features, we’ll be abused, we will be simple with the help of the shooter, but with the most awkward ways, it was the most difficult for the technical zones, practically without the most active

Our youth krokuval
Kryz in the fire mode
I for the next hour
She gave birth to a war.
We went to Berlin
Dear Peremog,
І to the enemy Reichstasi
Slid down.

The dvchata-nosovtsi at once passed through the streets of the fallen Berlin and wrote on the columns to the Reichstag: “Mi - from Arzamas! Remember us, Berlin! "

For the participation in the Berlinsky operation of the 29th radio battalion by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the USSR issued on May 28, 1945 to the rock bulo rewarding with the order Chervona Zirka. For active participation in the battles for Batkivshchyna, all without a blame, the battalion of the battalion, the bully was awarded the highest ranked towns and medals: "For the Peremogy over Nimechchinoyu", "For the freedom of Warsaw", "For the capture of Berlina".

Murmantseva V.S.

Radianske women at the Great Victory day


Major E.P. Nikiforova, the ninth colonel at the office, is the first commissar, and then the head of the political school. From the worm of 1944 to the fate of the school and the defender of the head of the political department and the head of the political department of the school and pratsyuval the author of these rows. E.N. Nikiforovoy spared the super-juvati of the sniper-girls the first one to be sent to the front. Vona led the great robot there along the outbuilding and with the witness of the first battle successes of the school's school. Consume to the front with their vikhovantsy were kicked out by the same women - the school politicians. The defenders of the commanders of the battalions in the political field, E.I. Dergunova and N. V. Makukhina, party organizers of the battalions of Lieutenant M. S. Babulino and A. I. Bitmaeva. Komsomol leader Jr. Lieutenant A. Kanishcheva і І. Starostenko. And the head of the club, KN Galdina, repeatedly stated that if the command was not sent to the front, then they were chatting with the team's command, they were going to go to the army on their own. Significant additions for the preparation of military personnel from women outside the 1st Okremiy zhynochy reserve rifle regiment, formed by the decree of the State Committee of Defense from the 3rd cruel 1942, found his work in the fall of 1942 under the Moscow Okremia region. In 1943, 489 military men were sent to the military unit of the active army by the zhynochy regiment. 266 warriors і 217 ministry workers, 440 employees of the sergeant's warehouse, 829 vikhovanok the bully regiment in the 1st Okremu volunteer for the shooting brigade, 1664 - for service in the PPO, 259 - on the road to the automobile radio polk etc.

And in an hour of their own performance, the reserve female regiment trained 5175 women - combatants and commanders of the Chervona Army, of which 3892 were ordinary combatants, 986 were sergeants and foremen and 297 were officers. In 1943, 514 women-officers and 1504 women of the sergeant's warehouse underwent a retraining of 514 women-officers and 1504 women-sergeants in the regiment, with about 500 arriving from advanced positions.

Preparing to fight the enemy until the battle against the enemy, the Vikhovans of the regiment went through Suvor Vyskov's school. Vіyskova training of cadets was carried out in minds, close to the battle situation. Tilki in chervny 1943 rock was held a chotiri of employment in the Vyskovo-Polish minds. The skin is busy marching from 25 to 30 km a day and three days.

It is necessary to note that the preparation of military units for the front was carried out by women - the command and political warehouse of the regiment. Mill on 1 September 1944, from 473 special units in the warehouse, the regiment, which is listed behind the list, women bulo 431 cholovik. Women bully commanders of all troops, platoons, companies and battalions. For example, in the warehouses of the officers-commanders of the 4th military battalion, women of Bulo 19 z 20, in the kememet battalion - 13 out of 14 officers, in the battalion of the senior riflemen-snipers, all 17 officers are women. The patron of the regiment commander in political affairs and chief of the political department, pratsyuval M.V. Sadovin, and priests before the Komsomol - A.P. Zorin and N.F. Leonov.

A great number of commanders of small children have been trained in the Ryazan school of Mali K. Voroshilov. Tilki for 1943 r was prepared for the soldiers of the front of 1388 female commanders. The call of the lieutenant was appropriated to 1,363, and the young lieutenant - to 25 students of the school. 704 warriors of the local school rejected the recognition of the commanders of the shooters, 382 - kulemet and 302 - minors of the army.

About the successes of the cadets of the school named after K. Voroshilov, we will make assessments on the control tests, we will hold three battalions among the cadets in 1943, in one of which there were choloviks (div. Table 16).

In such a rank, in the process of navchannya the success of female cadets in battalions in more subjects beyond the out-of-town indicators overwhelmed the success of the cadets in the battalion.

Bagato Thousands of Radyansky Women and Children Vіyskovo-Povіtryanikh Forces... In 1942, three volunteer regiments were formed from female volunteers, and a glorious battle was passed. A number of women served in the other parts of the Radian Aviation. U 1944 r ., for example, in the 13th Povitryanoy Army of the Trans-Baikal Front, +1749 divchat served, and in 1613 - Komsomol members. The 10th Army of the Far East Front had 3,000 women and girls, including 712 boulevards of communes. And in the 4th Army of the 2nd Bilorian Front, entering the 46th Guards Life Aviation Regiment,

Table 16

4376 women served, including 237 officers, 862 sergeants, 1125 privates and 2117 vilnonaymanikh.

The little women of the war regiments fought against the enemy against the enemy, they cleared the way for the enemy, the tanks, they helped them at the edge of the fortune-telled defense, in the cross-over, determined and the vicious men of the enemy. K. Rokossovsky. Vin wrote: "We, cholovik, were always at odds with the fearlessness of the lions, who were caught in the quiet time of the U-2 litak, the enemy was rotten by the endless bombardment of lions. skilki villoty - styles of witness to death "

A number of women fought in the warehouses of the other aviation parts, as they fought for a high degree of importance, for victory and heroism . The navigator of the 305th Aviation Regiment A.A. Visible Poland.

Vid importantly, senior lieutenant L.I. Shulaikina. Vona took part in the exiled Hitlerites from the Radiansk Baltic. In the first round of the Moonsund Opera, navigator Shulaykina rocked 3-4 forks a day. In the midst of battles, at the same time, she sank three enemy vehicles, a spike barge and a minesweeper. Only in the last days senior lieutenant Shulaykina sank a number of enemy transports, five patrol boats, five high-speed barges, and the enemy's destroyer.

Hero of the Radyansky Union V.S. Grizodubova She commanded the 101st Aviation Regiment of the Far East with a stretch of all the war;

Vihovancy of the Chkalovsk Aviation School Kateryna Zelenko was awarded the rank of senior lieutenant until the end of the day. Perche Boyove Khreshchenya Lotchitsa Zelenko otrima in 1939-1940 rr. on the Karelian Isthmus. Already in the battles with the Bilofins, the won showed the high majesty of the client and the vidvaga, for which she was awarded the Order of the Red Prapor. If Vichiznyan was rescued, Zelenko Bula was announced by the commander of Lanka, and when the first battle plant was announced, the group of bombers who were using her destroyed up to 45 enemy tanks and 20 vehicles for the enemy's needs. 12 times Kateryna Zelenko took part in the vicious attacks of the vicious winners, without failing to succeed. Ale 12 Veresnya 1941, if senior lieutenant Zelenko sent the patron saint turned from the clockwork, over the village of Glinske, Sumy region and the bombardier of the attacks by the seven messengers "messerschmita-mi". Tied up in the wrong minds beats. At the first, the last bit of the fortune-teller litak. Reshta, having gained a visota, again went to the attack. If the navigator was killed, the ammunition disappeared, and when it caught fire, it was important that the driver tried to ram. Vona abruptly jerked at the steering wheel and threw the car at the wicked Vinischuvach. The blow of the gvint has fallen down to the tail plumage of the fortune-tailed litak. Fragments of "messeri" flew into the small sides. Senior Lieutenant Kateryna Zelenko lost her nerves. By the ulamami of the Radiansk bomber, the collegiates of the village of Glinske knew tila zagiblich lotchikiv. There is a Komsomol ticket at the chest of a lot of women. A splinter splinter breaking through a ticket in the heart of a glorious patriot. At the chest 1941 r E. І. Zelenko Bula was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

The Communist Party and the Radiansky Uryad highly appreciated the heroic deeds of the soldiers: thousands of them were honored with battle orders and medals, 29 were awarded the title of Hero of the Radiansky Union, and A.

Radianski women served in this kind of way, like armored vehicles, as they played in the past, "the role of the head shock force in the battle of the country."

It is not easy on the right to be a tankist, and a bigger one for a woman. Even before the middle of the tanks came to an end, the order: "Do not love the armor of the weak." And so. On BT and T-34 tanks, we cut one of two sides of the airborne warhead in a zusilla in 15 kg, and we cut the pedal of the head warmer - 25 kg. A little hard not to evil the will of the Radiansk patriotoks, who wrote the least of the yasky sidelines in the list of the history of the Great Victory Day. Fighting exploits of tank stocks of the Buli in the great cities of the city, and M.V. Zhovtneva and I. N. Levchenko became Heroes of the Radiansky Union.

The last few additions were made by women who were fighting against the prototypical defense of the land. Massive reception of їх to serve in the service of the PPO after the attachment of 1942 until the decision of the State Committee of Defense was issued on 23 April and 13 April 1942. Choloviks, adjuncts before the service. Tilki at the 9th Stalingradsky corps of the PPO served 8 yew. Women and girls who came from Bashkiria, Astrakhan and Stalingrad regions. In all the Leningrad Army, the PPO served 9 thousand. Woman. More than 17 yew. The woman was in the nursery of the Leningrad MPVO, 80% of the MPPO teams were stored. And in the Special Moscow Army PPO served 20 thousand. A woman and a child, who defended the capital from the enemy’s reigns, and 40 yews. Boytsiv MPPO. 4600 of them occupied command posts), species. 2.M., 1971, side. 276. ">.

On the guardians of the sky of the Radianskoy Batkivshchyna there was the 586th Vinischuvalny Aviation Regiment of the PPO. During the hour of the destruction of the civilian regiment, 4,419 combat villotes were killed, 125 battles were fought against the enemy, 38 enemy aircraft were killed), view. 2.M., 1971, side. 276. ">

Chimalo women and girls served in the anti-aircraft artillery of the PPO of the country. They successfully mastered the stench at the Moscow Naval Center of the PPO, at the courses and in the schools boyov technologyі they announced the obligations of the workers, gunners, gunners, calls, commanders of the air defense and firecrackers, etc. Not easy bulo їkh service. In addition to a good knowledge of the technology, he was able to show a shrewd reaction, good fortune, readiness and great manhood. Ale dvchata successfully coped with their obligations, having proven themselves self-sufficient, letting those wino-long fights.

Especially rich women and children live in parts and children of the service of the guardian, notification and call (INTRODUCTION). So, for example, in 1943, 1207 women served in the 1st division of the Moscow front, and in the 2nd division - 1660.

In the end of the month of 1943, at all 336 posts, the 12th regiment was guarded by the children, who were replaced by the children. In 1942, there were 1532 people in the regiment in 1942, 1358 of them were promoted by spasters.

The service introduced is of little importance in the anti-military defense of the land, since it was the first thing about the enemy. The service of INTRODUCTION was a good fight, wines, lust, high pilnosity, wins and wines. Tse and back. Adequate knowledge of the enemy's enemy and protection of the enemy's area with accurate information about the new "contributors", they were informed about such functions, such as guiding the enemy on the ground, overwhelming the enemy on the ground

In addition, the stench of guilt of the bully didn’t just get the nobility to make a call, they’re criminals, and, if necessary, to exacerbate the injustices, altogether and kindly, with the help of a grenade, with an automatic, a grenade and no defense against the ground. robots - watch out for the enemy.

With such a rank, the service of the "vnosovtsev" was supervised and flexible. The First Ladies of the Russian Federation have successfully gotten overwhelmed by the difficult right of the sposter and coped well with their obligations.

Bagato women and children also came to the searchlight parts that stood on several important industrial centers and buildings. The number of їkh in these parts grew from fate to rіk. In 1942, it was in the 1st searchlight regiment, which was transformed into the 1st zenit-searchlight division, as it was protecting Moscow, bulo 1,326 divchat, then in the chest of the same it was 1702.

At the 2nd zenit-searchlight division, built on the basis of the 14th searchlight regiment, a thousand seven hundred sixty-seven women served on the cob in 1943. Approximately the same number of women served in the 3rd and 4th zenit-searchlight divisions, which stood on the outskirts of Moscow. In some cases, women of the choloviks were replaced in parts of the aerostats of the rural suburban area. For example, in the 1st division of aerostat zagorodzhenya, she defended Moscow and the Rublevsky water pumping station, and she kept the inhabitants of the capital with water, women bulo 2281 cholovik. An analogous encampment was found near the 2nd and 3rd divisions of the aerostat suburb of the Moscow Front of the PPO.

The commander of the Moscow Front of the PPO, Colonel-General D. A. Zhuravlyov, writes: "The sound about the arrival of the PPO is on guard. in the fiery positions, in the suvoric minds of the fighting situation.that the girls will fit in with the wisdom of the world, as from the right of the men. showed the butt of good knowledge of their own right. " To the fullest extent, the specialties of the zenitnitsa, "navalovtsev", the floodlights and the aerial stats have been helped by a good background preparation. "Much sooner we crossed over, but more and more children became miraculous warriors. Diligence, discipline, and aptitude of the bully are not in the least of the world (as not in the big world), not for the choloviks."

Ovolod_vshi vіyskovyu technology, the girls of the Moscow front PPO replaced the cholovіkіv, which allowed vivіlniti for the front of 10 thousand. Cholovikiv. Tim, who has mastered the special skills, has been assigned the rank of sergeants and foremen. Bagato s dіvchat boules hung out by commanders іddіlen і rozrakhunіv. Through the service in 10 divisions of the Moscow front of the PPO sergeants' call, 2 thousand girls were assigned 1,134 of them became commanders of rozrakhuniv, chiefs of aerostat and introduction posts

About those who steadily and mysternally protected the girls - the battles of the PPO the sky of Batkivshchyna, not only the numerical praise of the warlords of the Chervona Army. nimetskiy lotchik Norman Bagato rockiv fought in Africa, in Zakhidniy Europe, Ale buv zbitiy and having a full meal on the Skhidny front. Winning gave a high rating of the Radiansky zenitnaya artillery and її bіytsyam. If they drank Norman, they fed about those, "some effective fire of the English zenith artillery pid Tobruk", the fascist ace said:

More beautifully, it flew ten times over Tobruk, at least once in the area of ​​the Russian antiaircraft batteries, equipped with the combatants.

Women were self-taught on their own roads. With important minds, not shkoduyuchi forces, but the hour and their life, the stench smelled, took over the roads and bridges, made ferries, controlled the collapse of transport. Vіyskovo-motor roads of mali to rocky vіyni especially significant... Smells bully with an important way of contacting the front with a til, securing traffic in the areas of combat operations, ammunition and fire, food and clothing.

As soon as on the cob of war on the highways and motor roads (VAD), the main number of the kidnapped VAD was promoted, then since the spring of 1942, thousands of women and children have appeared in the ranks of the VAD warriors. Already in 1942, the number of people outstripped 50% of the entire stock. Nadal Vona has grown significantly. So, at the breast 1944 r on the VAD-27 from 533 people in a special warehouse, 339 buckets of women and children.

Regulatory department and controllers at control and reconciliation points were carried out in the main battlefield, as the head of the Batkivshchyna was announced. Regulatory and controllers are guilty of ensuring the safety and security of traffic and transport, to maintain order and discipline on the roads, to prevent any accident and disasters. In these connections, there is also control over the visibility of the graph of the transport convoys and the field of single vehicles, as well as the visibility of the passing transport for the transportation of the visitor services, as they went to the front, or in the til, wounded,

The robot regulator and controllers are not easy and flexible. Vona Bula is strictly regulated, demanded great clarity, efficiency, majesty and visibility. For three years there was a stench at the post (in extreme cold weather the change was carried out after a year-pivtora), for three years they spent three years at the ward's side for a drop of trivia, or for the sake of comrades and three years spent. When pouring, the richok was brought to stand by the water, perebuvati pid with shelling of the gate. Ale all tsі tsі difficult Radianski patrіotki husbands have poured. At the boards, the cold and in the bite of the regulators, singing with the wave of a red-haired warrantor, sent the way to the cars.

With special forces and respect, the control was carried out for the hour of the offensive operations of the Chervona Army, if the transport was collapsing with an unbroken flow of troops, supplies, ammunition, and food for the front. At the crescent 1944 p during the safe operation of the Yassko-Chisinau operation through the checkpoint number 1 VAD-27, the head of the Yakogo Bull st. sergeant N.N. lshin, and the controllers of Freight L. D. Bondareva and V. I. Grudnova, missed. up to 4000 cars per day. In addition, on the landing area of ​​the checkpoint for the day of the child, they stopped landing on the passing car up to 3000 servicemen. It was especially important to the regulator of the VAD center at the spring days of 1944. For 13 days, the road transport to the front was taken to Bucharest at the speed of 400 km ponad 129 yew. T bopripasіv, palnogo. food and іnshikh vantazhіv. І all tse rukhs were regulated by dvchata - beats VAD-27. In the middle of the day, the cake reached 35 ° C in tini, and drank the bullet tak, for a unique lock, on the regulator, the transport collapsed with the headlights.

At the quarter 1945 rn Elbi at the place of Torgau vidbulas, the urochist of the education of the radians and the American ones. They took part in the war of the VAD-8, the girls had 80% of the warriors of the VAD. The American side was represented by two generals and two colonels, who even commendably heard about our regulation service. Dawn, the stench gouged the temple with the maysternality of the regulator-girl.

A number of Radianski women and girls served in the development of the Chervona Army.

An important role is played by the service of the razvidnits. Seemingly, you succeeded in the battle to lay down because of the fact that the enemy was at least good at it: rooting out of your fire system, you were on the front line, reserve and so on. All tsі danі radianske komandovannya otrimuvannya through razvіdka. The development of materials, the acquisition of important documents of the enemy, occasionally allowed the command to be virishuvati vіyskovo-strategіchnі, operatively tactful and correct.

The salesman's service is not easy. What is necessary for the seller of quality, women and children were given a lot of pratsyuvati. The stinks were gartuing themselves physically, imitating the tactics of the enemy, getting ready to be as viprobuvan. The first glorious radians' patriots in the povnii world were right to the father of Batkivshchyna.

Fearless razvydnytsi were added to the history of struggle with the hated enemy. Rizikuyuchi life, the stench went to the front line in the fire, penetrated the territory of the enemy's warriors, went into the enemy's glimpse, delivering a lot of valuable vidomosty. Dobrikh sliv is said at the address of the razvydnitsa, books and verses are written. Tse about them, about the razvіdnitsya, having written І. Selvinsky:

And the yak is strong

In the outlines of a whole company!

In tsiy divchiny - all Russia,

All up to birth is bottled.

Thousands of Radianskih patriotoks - fighters on the invisible front for heroic deeds, living in the rock of the Victory Day, boules were awarded with orders and medals of the land, and N.T.

The glorious way came before the hour of the day and the women-zv'yazkovoi, so they put up to 80% of the fights in the wake-up call. Chimaliy Vosok introduced the stench to the fight against fascism. From the correct organization of the robot, the call is after a successful battle, success in the release of great and small operations. They served in vіyskakh calls, women were delivered to the departments of the mail, they were sent by telephonists, telegraph operators, radio operators and radio operators, line-of-sight, technicians, mechanics, etc. D. Accurate and fast-track instructions, as well as for the knowledge of your information.

Hundreds of highly qualified fahivts gave the front of the Kuibishev School a sound. So, already in 1942, the school issued 156 morse stocks, which passed two thousand courses in the beginning. In 1943 r їm bulo virobleno kіlka vipuskіv radio operators. 82 children were assigned to the special skills of the best radio operator, and a hundred were assigned to the platoon commanders to call the shooters.

Yak and all radians' wars, women of zingyazkovoi have shown in the past a high degree of strength, guilt, fearlessness and immeasurable vision of Batkivshchyna. No wonder tens of thousands of them were awarded with orders and medals of the Radiansky Union, and T.N. Karamzina, P.V. Gelman, A.A. Morozov and E.K. Stempkovsky became Heroes of the Radiansky Union.

Unapproved additions were made by women to the military medical service of the Zbroynykh Forces of the land, to the struggle for the life and health of the Radiansk warriors. The life and health of the patriarchs of Batkivshchyna were a permanent subject of respect and the everlasting turbot of the Party, the orders and all the Radiansk people. For the first few days, the party and the order were widely received by the Radiansk doctors before servicing the wounded and sick warriors, looking after them. Handing over the Gold Zirk of the Hero of the Socialist Pratsi to the head surgeon of the Chervona Army N.N.Burdenko May 20, 1943 M.I. Kalinin saying: "... the medical service of the Chervona Army is in the same row with the aviation and artillery service." First of all, they were trained as "medical workers in the ranks of the army, as well as combatants and commanders." The axle of the feat of the military physicians on the field of battle was brought up to the feat of arms of the soldiers and officers of the Chervona Army.

Already 23 sickles in 1941 by a special order of the NCO SRSR No. 281. The merits of the military medical officers of the bully are significant, the most important of the chiefs of the military medical service of the city are nominated by the military leaders 'orders, and the rank-and-file paramedics - the order of soldiers' valor - the Order of Glory.

Vіyskovі doctors honorably justified that great trust and support, as the party and order laid on them. Among the combatants of the military medical service, there were fewer women and children, who appropriated to themselves the noble rights of fighting for the life and health of the Radianskih warriors, they knew their reasons, were healthy, showed fearlessness Chimalu became a small part of women for the number of middle workers in the medical service, just to reduce the number of years of education to the backyard number of workers in the medical service in the rock. Among the frontline doctors, women became 41%, in the number of military surgeons, 43%, military paramedics - 43%, nurses - 100% , and sanitary instructors and nurses - 40%.

On the outskirts of the same fronts, the number of medical workers of women was significant, especially in Tilov's medical institutions.

Kadri for military medical installations were prepared mainly by medical and secondary medical principal mortgages... The stench was smelled of the front by the military doctors, paramedics, partly by the nurses, and the preparation of the masters of the specialty - the medical nurses, the sanitary instructors, and the sanitary workers was helped by the Association of the Chervony Khrest. For the fate of Vіtchiznyanoї Vіyni їm Bulo prepared 300 thousand. Nurses і ponad 500 yew. Sandruzhinnitsvoyny Radianskogo Union 1941-1945 ", vol. 6. M., 1965, st. 118.">.

Truly great merits of quiet Radiansk patriotoks, who served without the middle at the front-line sanitary installations and fought for the life of war in folding battle minds, quietly, but at once with the battles prowled the battle way to Moscow, Leningrad, Leningrad difficult and non-invasive front-line life.

Tens of thousands of kilometers passed the stench of scorched, porous earth, we will get help to get hurt, and we will get wounded in the fire. Films of lives hid the radians' women with their noble and self-given pracea, given blood, and often to their lives! Bagato they did not turn, ale the stench and now live in the memory and hearts of Radiansk people.

At the address of the divchat-beats of the sanitary service, I said good things, few pissen were folded, and a lot of books were written.

The verses of the poet Yosip Utkin, assigned to a medical sister, have the following words:

If you are inclined over me

Torment my sister, -

Bіl suddenly became different:

Not so strong, not so gostra.

Sprinkled on me

Alive and dead water

Russia is not over me

I was scammed with Rusya's head! ..


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