Quantum vsesvit. Describe the form to space

Quantum vsesvit. Describe the form to space

Stor. 1 in 68

Science editors V'yacheslav Maracha and Mikhailo Pavlov

With the permission of Apollo's Children Ltd and Jeff Forshow and Diane Banks Associates Ltd.

The legal company "Vegas-Lex" will be able to provide legal advice to the vidavnitstva.

© Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, 2011

© Transfer to Russian language, seen by Russian language, decorated. TOV "Mann, Ivanov i Ferber", 2016

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1. Wonderful to the ridge

Quantum. Tse word instantly vola to pochuttіv, beating out a pantel and bewitching. Still from the point of view, it is evidence of the great achievements of science, or a symbol of the interconnection of human іntuitsії, as it fought against the non-gateway divine subatomic sphere. For physics, quantum mechanics is one of three great supports, on which to rest the mind of nature special theory Einstein's validity). Einstein's theories may be right with nature, space and hour and power of hardness. Quantum mechanics dealt with all of them, and it is possible to say, well, as the beast didn’t rattle up to the senses, she beat her panties, or bewitched, but it’s all the more physical theory, but I’ll describe those, as nature is carried on in action. Aleksei is able to find a pragmatic criterion, because it is hostile to its exactness and explanatory power. Є One experiment in the field of quantum electrodynamics, the most recent and most beautifully comprehended from the current quantum theories. In the new one is able to see, like the electronic move close to the magnet. Physicists-theorists quite rocked quite easily with a handle and a paper, and moreover with computers, for transferring, just to show such a message. Practitioners came up with and put on experiments to see more details from nature. The offense of the tabori just one in one saw the results from the exactness, similar to the one from Manchester and New York, from the small of centimeters. Most importantly, the figures that were used by the experimenters were, more often than not, the results of the calculation of the theoreticians; vimir and numbered uzgodzhuvalis.

It’s not only hostile, albeit marvelous, і, as a result of a single turbot of quantum theory, we could have better power supply, which is the problem. Science, zeal, not goiters, is tied with cinnamon, a bit of technological and suspicious changes, which have brought about a revolution in our life, have left the fundamental ideas, which should be carried out with good results, as it is more beautiful to be more beautiful navkolishn_y light... The breeders of the cym, wikklikanim tilki tsіkavіstyu, are seen in all galuzyah of science mi mєmo zbіlšenu the triviality of life, international travel, freedom of the need to take care Silskoy domination enchant a vivid vision, as well as a wide, nihayuch and vidkrivaє eyes picture of our mission in the endless sea of ​​dawn. All the same, in every sense, there are side results. Mi doslіdzhuєmo s tsіkavostі, and not to the one who wants a shorter mind of reality, or the development of more efficient dibs.

Quantum theory is a flexible, beautiful butt, as it is infinitely foldable for the mind of a large number of people to become very brown. It is foldable for intelligence, I can describe the light in some small part, in which part you can really transfer in a few moments at once and move from one mission to the whole, until you can hear the whole Vsesvit yourself. Wonderful, that's why the intelligence of the behavior of those who used the tinsel is light and the intelligence of the whole thing. There is a treasure between our frostbite, that is, the light is more foldable and flexible, it’s not well. Unimportant for all the foldability, we vyavili, that everything is stored up from the powerless other parts, which collapse all the way to the laws of quantum theory. The laws of the table are simple, so you can write them down on the sound of the envelope. And then, for an explanation of the nature of speeches, the whole library is not needed, as it is itself one of the most important books.

Otzhe, we have more knowledge about the elementary nature of light, it is easier for us to be built. We will come in steps until all laws become clearer, and in addition, as small tseglinks interconnect, form light. But they didn’t swear by simplicity, but to lay in the basis of Vsesvit, it is necessary to have a basic memory: if the basic rules of grease are simple, their inheritance should not be easily counted. Our ever-growing awareness of the light of day starts out in the form of a bagatoh milliard atoms, and it is simply unreasonable to learn the principle of the behavior of people, creatures and roslin from the nuances of the behavior of cich atoms. Having known, I do not diminish its importance: for all the manifestations as a result, there is the quantum physics of microscopic parts.

See the lights around us. You trim a book in your hands, and I rub it with a paper - a shredded village mass. The tree is a chain of machines, building up atoms and molecules, splitting them and reorganizing them in the colony, and stacking them in the surrounding areas. Smell of the chain of molecules, like chlorophyll, and storage for a hundred with such atoms in carbon, water and sour, which may be infused with a special rank and form and gliding with a small amount of water. Likewise, a single particle of energy will catch the light, so that it has flown 150,000,000 km through our star - a nuclear war in a million of such planets, like the Earth, - and to send energy to two cells in the future. і vodi і see let us live kisen.

The very same molecular lancers form a superstructure, which is common for trees, and papyr in the bottom, and everything is alive. If you read the book and the sense of the word, then you have eyes and the stench can transform the light from the sides in the electrical impulses, which is interpreted by the brain - the most common structure I know about everything. Mi viyavili, that all the speeches in the world are not more than just a single atom, but the broadest development of atoms consists of three particles - electrons, protons and neutrons. We also know that the protons and neutrons themselves are composed of a lot of other days, called quarks, and everything will end on them - at least, I think so at once. Let us serve quantum theory for everything.

In such a rank, the picture of Vsesvit, in those who are alive, is morbidly fizic with vinyatkovy simplicity; Elegant appearances are found here, because it is impossible to bash, it generates the versatility of macros. It is possible, the most visible to the accomplishment of modern science - the creation of the neural complexity of light, including the people themselves, before describing the behavior of some of the found subatomic particles and the forces that go among them. I will describe three of the chotir'oh chih of forces - strong and weak nuclear interactions, atomic nucleus, І electro-magnetic interaction, as I glue atoms and molecules together, is a quantum theory. If the power is heavy - the best, if only, we know the power itself from the force - at the same time it is not enough for a quantum description.

Quantum theory describes Vsesvit, in which part it can be transferred in a few moments at once, and it can be transferred from one moment to the other. The concept is treasured between our zealousness, that is why it’s more and more foldable and profitable, it’s not good. However, the laws of quantum theory on the basis of simplicity, which can be written on the sound of the envelope.

Yak pratsyuk Audiostisnennya

Disposal of chvili in warehouses and chvili-sinusoidal - the basis of the technology Audiostaining. To recognize the sound of the sound, how to make your favorite melody. Qia is foldable and can be delivered to warehouses. For an absolutely accurate rendering of the original sound, it is necessary to sound without sound, but it is not possible to see them from them, but it is absolutely impossible to recognize the quality of the audio recording.

"Empty" atoms

In the middle, the atom is wondrous. If you stand on a proton and wonder if you go to the inner atomic space, then you will get rid of the empty space. Electroni will appear as if it were a little bit, but it wouldn’t be easy, if it would be on the back of a knotty hand, but it’s unlikely to come. As long as you stand "on the proton" of the Uzbek English, then the poured parts of the atom will be melted here on the farms of the wine of France.

Vsesvit rozmіrom with grapefruit

Accept the bonus of the robot with the elementary fragments of the material, so that you do not miss any size, but you can see it without any problems, but everything is visible if the bully is squeezed into the object by the size of the grapefruit or to wind through the hairpin head. Yak bi didn’t leave the head wrapped around such dummies, there are no reasons to be naked and uncomfortable.

Quantum streak

To see that electron 1 is placed into atom 1, and electron 2 - into atom 2. In a ten hour, the solidification of "electron 1 is still in atom 1" is not matime sense. It may be known to be in atom 2, which depends on the fact that the electron is capable of generating a quantum streak. Everything that can be done can be easily seen, and the electronics can completely fly around the whole Vsesvit.

Higgs boson

Peter Higgs, letting go of the empty space, are often scattered around. The stench is permanent, without a trace of intercourse with the use of massive particles at Vsesvit, vibrating spovilnyuchi їkh rukh and flammable masu. The result of the interaction between the animal material and the vacuum, reminding with particles of Higgs, polarity in that, which is the light of the amorphous old, intelligent, populated by stars, galaxies and people.

Science editors V'yacheslav Maracha and Mikhailo Pavlov

With the permission of Apollo's Children Ltd and Jeff Forshow and Diane Banks Associates Ltd.

The legal company "Vegas-Lex" will be able to provide legal advice to the vidavnitstva.

© Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, 2011

© Transfer to Russian language, seen by Russian language, decorated. TOV "Mann, Ivanov i Ferber", 2016

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1. Wonderful to the ridge

Quantum. Tse word instantly vola to pochuttіv, beating out a pantel and bewitching. From the point of view, it is a sign of the great achievements of science, or a symbol of the interconnection of human іntuitsії, as it fights against the non-gateway divine subatomic sphere. For physics, quantum mechanics is one of three great pillars on which to rest the mind of nature (two of them - the whole of Einstein's theory and special theory). Einstein's theories may be right with nature, space and hour and power of hardness. Quantum mechanics dealt with all of them, and it is possible to say, well, as the beast didn’t rattle up to the senses, she beat her panties, or bewitched, but it’s all the more physical theory, but I’ll describe those, as nature is carried on in action. Aleksei is able to find a pragmatic criterion, as it is hostile to its accuracy and clarity of strength. Є One experiment in the field of quantum electrodynamics, the most recent and most beautifully comprehended of the current quantum theories. In the new one is able to see, like the electronic move close to the magnet. Physicists-theorists quite rocked quite easily with a handle and a paper, and moreover with computers, for transferring, just to show such a message. Practitioners invented and put on experiments to see more details from nature. The offense of the tabori just one in one saw the results from the exactness, similar to the one from Manchester and New York, from the small of centimeters. Primitively, the figures that were used by the experimenters, more often than not, gave the results of the calculation of the theoreticians; vimir and numbered uzgodzhuvalis.

It’s not only hostile, albeit marvelous, і, as a result of a single turbot of quantum theory, we could have better power supply, which is the problem. Science, intelligently, doesn’t need to go to cinnamon, a little bit of technological and suspicious changes, which have brought about a revolution in our life, have left the fundamental ideas, which should be carried out with great success, as it is more beautiful to be more beautiful. Zavdyaki CIM viklikanim tіlki tsіkavіstyu, vіdkrittіv at vsіh Galouzeau Science E maєmo zbіlshenu trivalіst Zhittya, mіzhnarodnі avіaperevezennya, freedom od neobhіdnostі zaymatisya sіlskim Gospodarstwa zaradi Vlasnyi vizhivannya and takozh widely, i nadihayuchu vіdkrivaє ochі picture nashogo Georeferencing in neskіnchennomu Zoryane morі. All the same, in every sense, there are side results. Mi doslіdzhuєmo s tsіkavostі, and not to the one who wants a shorter mind of reality, or the development of more efficient dibs.

Quantum theory is a flexible, beautiful butt, as it is infinitely foldable for the mind of a large number of people to become very brown. It is foldable for intelligence, I can describe the light in some small part, in which part you can really transfer in a few moments at once and move from one mission to the whole, until you can hear the whole Vsesvit yourself. Wonderful, that's why the intelligence of the behavior of those who used the tinsel is light and the intelligence of the whole thing. There is a treasure between our frostbite, that is, the light is more foldable and flexible, it’s not well. Unimportant for all the foldability, we vyavili, that everything is stored up from the powerless other parts, which collapse all the way to the laws of quantum theory. The laws of the table are simple, so you can write them down on the sound of the envelope. And then, for an explanation of the nature of speeches, the whole library is not needed, as it is itself one of the most important books.

Otzhe, we have more knowledge about the elementary nature of light, it is easier for us to be built. We will come in steps until all laws become clearer, and in addition, as small tseglinks interconnect, form light. But they didn’t swear by simplicity, but to lay in the basis of Vsesvit, it is necessary to have a basic memory: if the basic rules of grease are simple, their inheritance should not be easily counted. Our ever-growing awareness of the light of day starts out in the form of a bagatoh milliard atoms, and it is simply unreasonable to learn the principle of the behavior of people, creatures and roslin from the nuances of the behavior of cich atoms. Having known, I do not diminish its importance: for all the manifestations as a result, there is the quantum physics of microscopic parts.

See the lights around us. You trim a book in your hands, and I rub it with a paper - a shredded village mass. The tree is a chain of machines, building up atoms and molecules, splitting them and reorganizing them in the colony, and stacking them in the surrounding areas. Smell of the chain of molecules, like chlorophyll, and storage for a hundred with such atoms in carbon, water and sour, which may be infused with a special rank and form and gliding with a small amount of water. Likewise, a single particle of energy will catch the light, so that it has flown 150,000,000 km through our star - a nuclear war in a million of such planets, like the Earth, - and to send energy to two cells in the future. і vodi і see let us live kisen.

The very same molecular lancers form a superstructure, which is common for trees, and papyr in the bottom, and everything is alive. If you read the book and the sense of the word, then you have eyes and the stench can transform the light from the sides in the electrical impulses, which is interpreted by the brain - the most common structure I know about everything. Mi viyavili, that all the speeches in the world are not more than just a single atom, but the broadest development of atoms consists of three particles - electrons, protons and neutrons. We also know that the protons and neutrons themselves are composed of a lot of other days, called quarks, and everything will end on them - at least, I think so at once. Let us serve quantum theory for everything.

In such a rank, the picture of Vsesvita, in those who are alive, is morbidly fizic with vinyatkovy simplicity; Elegant appearances are found here, because it is impossible to bash, it generates the versatility of macros. It is possible, the most visible to the accomplishment of modern science - the creation of the neural complexity of light, including the people themselves, before describing the behavior of the found subatomic particles and the forces that go among them. I will describe three of the three strengths - strong and weak nuclear interactions, how to explore all the middle of the atomic nucleus, and electromagnet interactions, like gluing atoms and molecules, - on the basis of quantum theory. If the power is heavy - the best, if only, we know the power itself from the force - at the same time it is not enough for a quantum description.

Varto viznati, that the quantum theory has a marvelous reputation, and that they have to take on a helpless spiteful thing. Cats can be alive and dead at once; particles are found in two places at once; Heisenberg, everything is unimportant. Everything is efficiently vivid, ale visnovka, as it is often vyplyayut - once in a microsight it is wondrous, then we will inform the mist with a serpentine, - as if it is nevirni. Extrasensory perception, mystical vision, waving bracelets, which capture from radio, and the devil knows to regularly sneak into the pantheon of the young under the guise of the word "quantum". Tsiu nіsenіtnitsyu generate nevmіnnya clearly mislity, self-deception, spiteful boa-ganes are not intelligent, even though they especially didn’t give a combination of all overwhelmed food. Quantum theory accurately describes the light behind the addition of mathematical laws, the details of specific ones, like Newton or Galiley. The axis of what we can do with the neuronal accuracy of the magnetic field of the electron. Quantum theory also proposes a description of nature, as it is for the purpose of understanding, it is great predictive and explanatory power and expands to the impossibility of appearances - from siliceous microcircuits up to the age.

The meta of the book is to avoid the trivialities of quantum theory - theoretical constructions, in which there is a lot of wandering around, including finding the first problems in the first place. Mi maєmo namir vikoristovuvati the current prospect, corytiyuchis the lessons learned over the capital, the ineptitude and development of the theory. However, at the start of the rise in price, the 20th century is carried over to the ear of the 20th century, and the problems that have been taken up by the physicists are radically evolved from what was previously held in high esteem by the mainstream of science.

Yak often, the advent of quantum theory provoked the appearance of natural phenomena, which cannot be described by the scientific paradigms of that hour. For quantum theory, such indications were too rich, before the very versatile character. A number of unexplained results in the period of experimental and theoretical innovations, which are really meritorious for the expanded value of the "golden wick". The names of the main heroes were forever rooted in the testimony of any student of physics and often for those who will be guessed in university courses and to this day: Rutherford, Bohr, Planck, Einstein, Pauli, Heisenberg, Shredinger, Diesel. You can, in history, no longer trample on the period, since the style of men will be associated with the greatness of science in Russia to the same time - the establishment of the new theory of atoms and forces, as they cherish with physical light. In 1924, looking around at the next ten years of quantum theory, Ernest Rutherford, physicist of the New Zealand prowler, who opened an atomic nucleus, writing: “1896 ... having marked the ear of science, it will be possible to finish precisely named heroic functions. Nicholas before in the history of physics has not been spared such a period of hot activity, during which one fundamentally significant display of crazy speed has changed. "

Ale Persh is not going to move to Paris in the 19th century, before the popularization of quantum theory, let's understand the very word "quantum". Tsey term came to physics in 1900 to start Max Planck's robots. Winning theoretically describing viprominuvannya, how to let it be heated, is the so-called "vipprominuvannya absolutely chorny tila." Before the speech, I found the company for the whole family, which was engaged in electrical illumination: so the doors are open for all the time for the most common reasons. The general insight of the Planks is discussed in the book, and for the introduction, add the following tales: vin zyasuvav, for the power of viprominuvannya absolutely black til, it is possible to explain, just how to let it go The word itself means "packets", or "discrete". In 1905, Albert Einstein's robot about photoelectric effects generated a quantum hypothesis. The results were overconfident, so small portions of energy could be synonymous with parts.

The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthat light is stored in a stream of small bags, I have a great history and a glorious history, which was respected by Isaac Newton and the folk of modern physics. However, in 1864, the Scottish physicist James Clark Maxwell, hesitated, left all the intelligence in the ranks of robots, as Albert Einstein gave a better description of how "the most recent" Maxwell showed that light is the whole thing of electromagnetism, that it grows all over the place, so that the idea of ​​light is like it’s a little bewildered, and, if it’s good, it’s unprecedented. However, in a series of experiments, such as Arthur Compton and his colleagues held at the University of Washington in St. Louis, in the foreseeable future in the light of the electrons. Some others behaved as quickly as a billiard, but they clearly confirmed that Planck's theoretical assumption was not a good basis in real life. In 1926, rotsi svitlovi quanti was called photon. The evidence is unmatched: the light is going on at once as a hvilya and as a part. Tse meant the end of classical physics - and the completion of the period of the formation of quantum theory.

2. Two people have one hour

Ernest Rutherford called the 1896 ric the ear of the quantum revolution, and Anri Becquerel in his paris laboratory showed radioactivity. Becquerel rewarded the X-ray promenade for the help of uranium recovery, which literally a few months before the whole trip in Würzburz Wilhelm Roentgen. To replace the whole thing, it was possible to release the uranium with the help of les rayons uraniques, as the photographic plates were detected, to wind it up as they were burned into this ball of the paper, through which light did not penetrate. The importance of Becquerel's exchange the great teachings of Henri Poincaré were given to his statute in 1897. Winning perspicaciously writing about the message: "... even today it is possible to vvvazat, as soon as you give access to an absolutely new light, about what we didn’t see." In a radioactive drop, it will be explained by the fact that the most ridiculous bullets, when the exchange, when they are good, will be mimicked and not transferred, without any kind of inviting flow.

In 1900, Rutherford wrote about it: “All the atoms, which were formulated in one and the same hour, are guilty of stretching out the singing interval. But, however, it’s trivial to go beyond the clear laws of transformation, for the life of the atom can be trivial - from zero to endlessness ”. Such a chaotic behavior of elements in micro-culture was a shock, for that before that science would grow more deterministic. At the singing moment, you knew everyone, who could be nobility about a certain object, then came into play, how you can play with a mighty subject. Saying the root itself is the key rice of the quantum theory, which I can do with my ability, and not with my ability, and not with the fact that we do not have absolute knowledge, but also that those aspects of nature, in essence, are governed by the laws of nature. To that, it’s a good idea, but it’s just unwise to transfer, if the very specific atom itself is spontaneous. Radioactive rozpad - the center of the creation of science from the depths of nature in the hand, that is why it is a lot of rockiv bentezhiv umi fizikiv.

Evidently, richly tsikavo vіdbuvalos і in the atoms themselves, wanting the internal structure of a boolee in that hour unheard of. The key was opened by Rutherford in 1911. Behind the help of the radioactive dzherel, bombarding the thin gold leaf with the so-called alpha-particles (it’s known at once, like the nuclei of helium atoms). Rutherford together with his assistants Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, on his chimaly podiv, vyaviv, about one of 8000 alpha-patches did not spill through the gold leaf, as if cleared out, but went straight back. Zgodom Rutherford described the whole moment with a characteristic imagery: “Tse bulo, mabut, very neymovirna podіya, like trawling in my life. There was a boil of planks, like a fifteen-inch piece of garmati was thrown into the toilet paper, and the core jumped off and struck you. " Everyone respected Rutherford as a charismatic and straightforward people: once they called a self-satisfied official a Euclidean point: "In a new position, a little dumb."

Rutherford, having taken into account that his experimental results can be explained only by the fact that the atom is folded behind a small nucleus and wrapped around it in the orbits of the electrons. At that hour, it’s probably the same scheme to wrap around the planet in orbits near Sontsya. The nucleus can reduce the entire mass of the atom, which must be able to display its "15-inch" alpha particles and render them. At one, the simplest element, the nucleus is deposited behind a single proton with a radius of close to 1.75 × 10 -15 m. If you do not know this record, it can be translated: 0,000,000,000,000 001 75 m, or about 2 thousand million million meters.

As soon as we can judge at a time, a single electron is similar to that self-satisfied official according to Rutherford, to a point, and to orbit around the nucleus of an atom, along a radius of approximately 100,000 times larger than the diameter of the nucleus.

The nucleus has a positive electric charge, and the electron is negative, which means that between them there is a heavy force, which is analogous to the power of gravitation, which will put the Earth into sleepy orbit. Tse, in its own accord, means that atomic - tse in the main empty space. If the atomic nucleus is small in size from the shadow ball, then the electron will be smaller than the powder, so it will fly over a kilometer of the ball. Such figures are greats to marvel at, so solid matter is clearly not for us to be so empty.

Rutherford's atomic nucleus posed a number of problems to the physicists of that hour. For example, it’s good, apparently, that the electronic is guilty of consuming the energy during Russia in orbit near the nucleus, some of all the objects with an electric charge generate energy, collapsing along the curved paths. This idea lies in the basis of the robotics of radio transmissions: the electrons are injected, as a result of which the electromagnetical radio transmissions are created. Genrikh Hertz of the radio broadcasts in 1887, and before one o'clock the atomic nucleus by Rutherford had already started commercial radio stations, sent by way across the Atlantic Ocean - from Ireland to Canada. In such a rank, even without wondering at the theory of being wrapped in an orbit of charges and viprominuvannya radiohvil, it was quiet, who would explain, how did the electronics get lost in orbit around the nucleus.

Planks and non-noisy phenomenon of light, which let the atoms start to play. As early as 1853, Anders Angstrem's Swedish doctrine passed the screen through the tube, reminiscent of the water, and analyzed the removal of light. You can start to let the gas flow, and the gas will flow through the barmy of the merry-go-round; in kіntsі kіntsіv, so also the Sonce, why not turn into a gas cooler? To replace the whole Angstrem, you can see that the water is lit up in three different quotations: worm-name, blue-green and violet, give three clean vuzki arches, like a veselka. It’s unbroken, it’s how all the chemistry elements are done. The dermal ones have a unique colonic barcode. At that hour, Yak Rutherford, having entered the drive of the atomic nucleus, finished the work of the six-volume companion with 5000 pages, and I will call it Handbuch der Spectroscopie: I have described all the colors of the events in the past. Food, slyly, now? I not only "Navishcho, Professor Kaiser?" (Melodiously, over the offense over his accusation they did not laugh too much), ale і “Why is it so rich in color lines?”. More than 60 years of science, which called spectroscopy, became an empirical triumph and a theoretical failure.

At the birch 1912 Danish physicist Nils Bohr, enchanted by the problem of the atom, went to Manchester for a show with Rutherford. As a matter of fact, try to decipher the inner Bud of the atom using the spectroscopic data, which are similar to the introduction of basic postulates in the biology of the development of a snowstorm crill. Rutherford's atom from the second model in the Sonya system gave Bohr the necessary clue, and in 1913 he published the first quantum theory of the atom. At the center of the hypothesis, obviously, there were problems of their own, a little bit of the best ideas that spurred the development of the lucky quantum theory. Boron having broken the windscreen, the electronics can occupy the deprived orbit near the nucleus, and the orbit with the lowest energy will be the most efficient. Win stverdzhuvav also, as well as electronics build from orbit to orbit. The stench goes to a greater distance orbit, if you take away the energy (for example, when you see it in the pipes), and then seeps out nearer to the center, instantly vipromyuyuchi light. The number of vipprominuvannya bezposeredno viznachaetsya by the increase in the energy of the elec- tron ​​on the two orbits. Small. 2.1 illustration of the main idea; The arrow shows, like an electronic re-distribution from the third energetic ryvnya to another, vipuskayuchi light (performances by a wicked line). In Bohr's model, the electron can collapse around the proton (the nucleus of an atom) without one of three special, "quantized" orbits; the ruh on the spiral is simply hardened. In such a rank, Bohr's model allowed you to count dozhini hwil (tobto kolor) light, which was sponsored by Angstrem: the stench was seen by an elec- tron ​​streak from a fifth orbit on a friend (violet color), from a fourth orbital green on a friend on a friend (red color). Bohr's model had already correctly transmitted the light, which is guilty of the release when the electronic goes into the first orbit. The light is the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, invisible to the human eye. Tom is not bachiv її і Angstrem. However, in 1906, the Harvard physicist Theodore Layman, who was wonderfully described by Bohr's model, was wonderfully described.

Small. 2.1. Bohr's model of the atom, which illustrates the release of a photon (line) as a result of the transition of an electron from one orbit to one (arrow)

If Bohr didn’t want to expand his model of the distance of the atom to water, hanging ideas could be built up to those atoms. For example, if you let it go, the atoms of the skin element have a set of unique orbits, the stench will be a vaping change of color. In such a rank, tsi colori serve their own kind of "finger beats" of the atom, and astronomers, astonishingly, steadily accelerated the unique spectral lines of atoms to designate the physical warehouse of stars.

Bohr's model is an unbearable ear, altogether there is an intelligence and a lack: for example, why can't the electronics collapse along the spiral, if it seems that they are guilty of consuming the energy, letting the electromagnetism fail, Why should the orbit of an electron be quantized? What are the most important, low water, elements?

Ale as if Bohr's theory was unfinished, it would have a critically important crochet and a butt that, as an hour, progress could be reached. There is no reason to bend the guard before the accusers and to confuse the facts for an hour. In some vipadki vcheni often shy away from such titles ansatz- a note, or, as a matter of fact, it is plausible to be admitted, and then move on to the calculation of its inheritance. As soon as the theory starts to use experimental data, it is possible to turn to the cob hypothesis and get more detailed information in this development. Anzatsiv Bora 13 years of success became successful, but we will not explain it to the end.

We will turn to the history of early quantum ideas on the front lines of the book, but at once we are deprived of helpless miraculous results and nutrition with incomprehensible ideas - like in front of the founders of quantum theory. If summed up, then Einstein, following Planck, letting the light fold into pieces, and Maxwell also showing that light was going to be like something. Rutherford and Bohr laid the road until the atom rose, but the behavior of the electron in the middle of the atom did not move from one to another at that hour of theories. And the versatile phenomena, which I call radioactivity, when such atoms spontaneously disperse into parts for unclear reasons, have become a mystery - because of the fact that they introduced a fraudulent element of vividness into physics. Sums have not been lost: in the subatomic light, the ridge is wondrous.

The cultivation of the first croc to the out-of-the-box crock, the uzgodzhennye vіdpovіdі for food is more attributed to the German physicist Werner Heisenberg. Those who are victorious have become a completely new approach to the theory of motherhood and physical forces... In 1925, Heisenberg published a statute in 1925, looking at good old ideas and hypotheses, including Bohr's model of the atom, albeit with a completely new approach to physics. Win pochav so: "At the tsіy robots to try to correct the fundamentals of quantum theoretical mechanics, which are based solely on the comparison and principles are promoted by quantities". This is an important croc, for that Heisenberg is such a rank for the reason that mathematicians are not bound to lie in the basis of quantum theory. To the knowledge of quantum theory, it is possible to transfer the behavior of advanced objects - for example, to the color of light exchanges, which can be absorbed by atoms of water. It is impossible to find out from some of it, some kind of explicit manifestation of the internal mechanism of the behavior of the atom, for that, it is not necessary, and, perhaps, it is unrealistic to navigate. With one blow, Heisenberg developed an idea about those who, from nature, are not uncommon to be used to a healthy deaf. This does not mean that the theory of microscopy cannot be used to describe the ruins of great objects - for example, lithuanians or tendencies. If it is necessary, we are preparing to show the Oman about those other objects that appear only as little great species, but for the Oman itself, we can go through experimental warnings.

There are a lot of noises, but quantum theory is cunning, and even more without thinking, but superstitiously cunning and Heisenberg's idea itself. Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg, one of the greatest modern physics, wrote about Heisenberg's 1925 statute to rock:

“It’s just for the reader to be left out of the house, those who, having spoken to Heisenberg, are not at all self-conscious. I’ve just read the article, I’ve written a letter to turn from the island of Helgoland, and I wish I’m getting involved in quantum mechanics, so I’m not grasping the author’s mathematical robots until the end. Physicists-theorists in their most successful protesters often play one of two roles: the stench, either the sages, or the charmers ... In the whole sense of Heisenberg's 1925 statute, rock is a miracle ".

Philosophy of Heisenberg, however, is nothing magical. It’s simple, and it’s just to lie in the basis of that approach, which is like the cornerstones in the book: I’ll explain the nature of the theory - work is done, because it will be based on experimental results. We do not have the power to develop a theory, but we can do it to our satisfaction as a whole. Happily, if we want and take care of Heisenberg's philosophy, we will follow the smarter advance to the quantum light, broken by Richard Feynman.

On the last few sides of the whole book, we repeatedly used the word “theory”, so that, if we continue to break through the quantum theory, we’ll just take a look at it for a long time. It is a good science theory to take revenge on a set of rules, but to start out, but maybe you can't get into the singing part of the light. The theory is guilty of allowing it to be overridden, as a year to go through the reversal with caution. As soon as the transfer is made to be gracious, then the whole theory is unrealistic and unsettled. As soon as you get used to it, you should be cautious, the theory is zhitzdatna. However, the theory cannot be respected "true", in which the ability of falsification is to be guilty of, in order to bring it into practice. Yak wrote biologist Thomas Huxley, “science is healthy gluzd, In what is lacking in beautiful theories, it is hammered in by indulgent facts. " Be it a theory, as you can’t be falsified, don’t rash about science; moreover, it is possible to say that you won’t take revenge on any reliable information. Criterion of falsification of scientific theories from ancient thoughts. Similarly, the scientific understanding of the term "theory", before the speech, is seen from the whole life, at any given word, often toil at the respect of the intelligent world. The science of science can be smart, even though the stench has not stuck with the empirical evidence, but it has become firmly established in the scientific theory, supported by a great number of proofs. At the same time, one starts to break up the theory, poklikani explain how many things are, and the physicists, the spring, come to capture from the perspective to describe everything that can be trapped in the material light, for the addition of a small number of rules.

One of the applications of the harmony theory, stagnant in the impossibility of vipadkiv, is the theory of Isaac Newton about the all-important hard work, published on 5 April 1687 in his "Mathematical Ambushes of Natural Philosophy". Tse bula persha is a modern scientific theory, and, if it was brought up by the year, it’s inaccurate in some cases, in general, the theory was found to be very good, it’s good to be victorious and year-old. I am more precise with the theory of gravity - the out-of-the-box theory of versatility - which Einstein broke up in 1915.

Newtonian description of gravity can be put into one mathematical equation:

The qia formula can be simple or foldable - in the presence of your mathematical knowledge. We’ll go into mathematics for an hour. Tim readers, who are not easy to come by, are glad to let the family run through and are not particularly turbulent. We will always be able to learn the keys to ideas, not thinking about mathematics. Dodali її in the main through those who are allowed to explain, why the speeches є such, like a stench є. Without it, they would look like a guru of physics, try to get a glimpse of truths right from the start, but a decent author doesn’t want to.

Let's turn to Newton's rіvnyannya. To realize that the apple is not properly trimmed on the head. Thoughts about the power of hardness, such as a summer day, were hitting specifically on Newton’s head, which is a source of scientific folklore, became the dzherel of this theory. Newton said, `` On the apple it is gravity, as it is pulling it to the ground, and the power in the ryvnyanny is represented by the letter F... So, in the first place, rivnyannya allows virahuvati strength, I play on the apple, if you know how to mean symbols in the right part of the formula.

Litera r It is established as the center of the apple and the center of the Earth. It is squared, to which Newton brightened up, so that the power to lay in the square in the form of objects. If we can do without mathematics, then it means that with an increase in appearance between an apple and the center of the Earth, it will change 4 times. As soon as you get through, the force is heavy in 9 times. I am so far away. Physics call this behavior the law of rotary squares. letters m 1 i m 2 I mean the mass of the apple and the mass of the Earth, and I tell you about Newton's intelligence of the law: the force of gravitational hardness between two objects to lay down in the creation of the mass. Ale vinikaє pitannya: who take masa? The price of food for the tsikave is on its own, і, I think about it, I’ll see it, I’ll have a chance to hear about a quantum particle, like the Higgs boson. Roughly it seems, the masa is the world of some "material" in chomus; The earth is more massive than an apple. Wіm, also viznachennya not reach the distance. Happily, Newton now and the way to see the mass ob'kta in accordance with the law of gravitation, and the way to be guided by the help of another from three laws of the world, as they fell in love with the skinny happy student of physics.

Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw have learned from the book of authoritative scholarship to know readers with quantum mechanics - a fundamental model of light. Smells suggest, as caution led physicists to quantum theory, as it was disrupted and, for all intents and purposes, unimportant throughout the whole divine, so in new songs. The book is intended for everyone who is interested in quantum physics and Budov Vsesvita.

It’s wondrous to the ridge.
Quantum. Tse word instantly vola to pochuttіv, beating out a pantel and bewitching. From the point of view, it is a sign of the great achievements of science, or a symbol of the interconnection of human іntuitsії, as it fights against the non-gateway divine subatomic sphere. For physics, quantum mechanics is one of three great pillars on which to rest the mind of nature (two of them - the whole of Einstein's theory and special theory). Einstein's theories may be right with nature, space and hour and power of hardness. Quantum mechanics dealt with all of them, and it is possible to say, well, as the beast didn’t rattle up to the senses, she beat her panties, or bewitched, but it’s all the more physical theory, but I’ll describe those, as nature is carried on in action. Aleksei is able to find a pragmatic criterion, as it is hostile to its accuracy and clarity of strength. Є One experiment in the field of quantum electrodynamics, the most recent and most beautifully comprehended of the current quantum theories. In the new one is able to see, like the electronic move close to the magnet. Physicists-theorists quite rocked quite easily with a handle and a paper, and moreover with computers, for transferring, just to show such a message. Practitioners invented and put on experiments to see more details from nature. The offense of the tabori just one in one saw the results from the exactness, similar to the one from Manchester and New York, from the small of centimeters. Primitively, the figures that were used by the experimenters, more often than not, gave the results of the calculation of the theoreticians; vimir and numbered uzgodzhuvalis.
It’s not only hostile, albeit marvelous, і, as a result of a single turbot of quantum theory, we could have better power supply, which is the problem. Science, intelligently, doesn’t have a grain of cinnamon, a bit more techno-logical and suspicious changes, which have brought about a revolution in our life, have gone through fundamental advances, which should be carried out with great success, as well as Zavdyaki CIM viklikanim tіlki tsіkavіstyu, vіdkrittіv at vsіh Galouzeau Science E maєmo zbіlshenu trivalіst Zhittya, mіzhnarodnі avіaperevezennya, freedom od neobhіdnostі zaymatisya sіlskim Gospodarstwa zaradi Vlasnyi vizhivannya and takozh widely, i nadihayuchu vіdkrivaє ochі picture nashogo Georeferencing in neskіnchennomu Zoryane morі. All the same, in every sense, there are side results. Mi doslіdzhuєmo s tsіkavostі, and not to the one who wants a shorter mind of reality, or the development of more efficient dibs.

It’s wondrous to come
At two people in one hour
What a part of it?
Everything that can be trapped, really trapped
Rukh yak illusion
music of atoms
Allsvit on the heads of the studs
Happy birthday
Empty space is not as empty as it is Epilogue: death of children
For a fake reading.

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A new approach to the problem of quantum gravitation, over which there are already ten years, is turning to the basics and showing how to "fold" one by one "tseglinks", which prompted the space for an hour.

Yak vinikli space i hour? Yak stinks set up a smooth chotyrivimirnu emptying, how to serve as a background for our physical light? Yak see the stench at the closest sight? More nutrition to come to the forefront of modern science and to go to the end of quantum gravity - until now, the time has not yet been established. foreign theory Einstein's validity of quantum theory. The theory of durability describes how the space and hour on a macroscopic scale can accept small shapes, which are called by the force of heavy or gravitational. Quantum theory describes the laws of physics, which is going on at the atomic and subatomic scales, increasing the ignorant effect of gravitation. The theory of quantum gravity is guilty of describing nature in quantum laws for an hour at the smallest scale - open spaces and the smallest seemingly elementary particles - and, perhaps, explain it through what are fundamental warehouses.

The main candidate for this role is often called the theory of superstrings; Moreover, following its own internal logic, it has opened up more and more balls of new exotic warehouse and together with them, leading to a tricky design of young results.


Einstein's quantum theory and einstein's theory of validity does not stick together one by one. Physicists have long been wired to tie them into a single theory of quantum gravitation, but they have not coveted great successes.

The propagation of the new ideas does not introduce any exotic provisions, but the new paths of new laws do not introduce any extraordinary elements for an hour or so. The number of elements arriving during the year is similar to molecules in crystals.

Our view shows how we can see the space-hour dynamically from more fundamental components. Moreover, it is permissible to let it go, like a space-hour in a microscopic scale step by step go from smooth uninterrupted to chimeric fractality

V the rest of the rock our robot has become a promising alternative to the mainstream of theoretical physics. Enjoy the simplest recipe - take a few fundamental warehouses, take them from the viewpoint with good visible quantum principles (without any exoticism), carefully change and let the quanta stand for an hour. The process is simple, and you can do it on a laptop.

In other words, if I look at the empty space-hour (vacuum), I feel like a non-material substance, then I can add up to even a great number of microscopic non-structured elements, allow me to use the theory of simple gravitational tsely, as it is rich in what will be seen as it is, as Vsesvit, which is spontaneous. The process is different before the molecules are organized into crystalline or amorphous solid.

With such a space-hour, you can see a similar shvidshe on a special change, not on a folding cake. Moreover, on the basis of our approach to quantum gravity, ours is even more staid. As long as there are minuscule details of your model, the result is practically unchanged. Such a stiffness is given to guide you on the right path. Yakbi, the result was sensitive before they put the leather piece of our majestic ensemble into a place, we took away a colossal number of equal baroque forms, which included the possibility of explaining what it was all about.

Additional mechanisms of self-assembly and self-organizing activities in physics, biology and other fields of science. A beautiful butt to serve as the behavior of great birds of war, for example, shpak. Okremі birdsі vzaєmodіyut lishe with a small number of susіdіv; cotton wool, which explains bi їm, which is required to robiti, dumb. Protesting to form and collapse yak as one whole, volodiyuchi collective, or obhidny authorities, do not manifest themselves in the behavior of individuals.

short history quantum gravity

Numerous attempts to explain the quantum structure did not bring much success for an hour or so to form in the process of an impromptu victory. The stench came from Euclidean quantum gravity. The program of doslіdzhen bula rozpochata in kіntsі 1970-х рр. and became popular with the book "Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking, which became a bestseller. The program is based on the principle of superposition, which is fundamental to quantum mechanics. Be a kind of object, classical or quantum, to be in the deyakom camp, which is characterized, for example, by the provisions and the shvidkist. If the standard of a classical object can be described only by a set of numbers, then the camp of a quantum one is meaningfully rich: there is a sum of all the young classical stanіv.


As the majority of physicists-theorists have been taught, the theory is not only about quantum gravity, but about all kinds of matter and forces. In the її basis lie the manifestation, but all the particles (including hypothetical ones, such as transferring gravity) represent the strings being pricked

Loop quantum gravitation
A leading alternative to string theory. screwed up new method applying the rules of quantum mechanics to Einstein's original theory of validity. Space to last for discrete "atoms"

Pіdhіd, which won the popularity of the physicist Steven Hawking, studies on the set, which is a space-hour to win from the out-of-the-way quantum middle of all young forms. We have an hour to get involved in the theory, equal to the spacious vimirs

Tsey підхід, which is the theme of the Central Statute, є the current version of the Euclidean approach. Winning at the approximation of space-hour by mosaic tricycles with cob razryznennyy space and hour. On a small scale, the space-hour nabuva has a fractal structure

For example, the classic billiard cooler collapses along the singing trajectory, the first position and the speed, at any moment, it can be definitely of value. Every single one of the fewer electronic devices has everything. Yogo collapse to order quantum laws, which can be found at once with the help of electronic devices. For the duration of the flow from point A to point B, the electron does not collapse in a straight line, but along all the junior highways at once. It is a good picture of all the young nobles, who are all together, to turn into a strict mathematical "recipe" for quantum superposition, formulations by the Nobel laureate Richard Feynman, and yes, in the middle.

If you use a proponated recipe, it is possible to develop the quality of the knowledge of the electronic in any particular range, the position and the liquidity in the direction of the direct route, for which fault the buv is guilty of collapsing according to the laws of classical mechanics. The power of the quantum-mechanical behavior of a particle is considered - the view of a single readable trajectory, so called. quantum fluctuations. The smaller the size of the given physical system, the larger the role of quantum fluctuations.

In Euclidean quantum gravitation, the principle of superposition is stagnant to the whole Allworld. In general, the superposition is not built up from the small tractors, but from the young nobles of the Evolution of the whole world in the hour, the waking up of forms in the vastness of the hour. To bring the task to the point where it allows you to make a decision, physicists want to look at the shape and size of the space for an hour, and not on the skin for a minute (div.: Jonathan J. Halliwell. Quantum Cosmology and the Creation of the Universe // Scientific American, December 1991).

In the 1980-1990s, pp. A great technical journey has passed in the field of Euclidean quantum gravitation, tying with the stranglehold of the stranglehold of the computer model. Vikoristovuvani models presented geometries of space-an-hour-long geometries behind the addition of elementary "tseglinok", as for the sake of lightness they used tricytes. Nets of tricky middles allow to effectively approximate the surface of the surface, so the stench is often vicious in the computer animation. At the time of the model's space-hour, the elementary “tseglinks” represent the home of tricycles, one hundred percent of the chotirivimir space, and are called 4-Simplex. Likewise, the very way of gluing tricycle with ribs allows the opening of two-dimensional surfaces, gluing of the "edges" of chotyrivative simplexes (which can be represented as a trivial tetrahedron), allowing the open-ended model of a partial.

Sami "tseglinki" do not seem to be direct physical sense. Yakby can be seen for an hour or so with a microscope, no tricycles can be seen. The stench is a deprivation of approximation. The only information, which has a great physical sense, is to be found in their collective behavior in the file, but the skin of them has changed to zero size. The geometries of the "tseglinok" (whether the stinks are tricky, cubic, five-handed, or imagine being a sum of given forms) is of no meaning.

Insensitivity to versatile other-scale details is often called universality. It is a phenomenon, kindly in statistical physics, that molecules in gases and rіdines: molecules can be found in the same way, as they do not have a warehouse. Universality of association with the power of systems, which is built up from a great number of elements, and manifests itself on a scale, on a larger scale around a warehouse. It is analogous to firmness for birds of a polyagan in the fact that the preparation, size, range of krill and in the case of birds does not mean any kind of behavior before the behavior of the whole. At a macroscopic scale, far from all microscopic details are manifested.


With the help of computer models, the precursors of quantum gravity began to think of the superposition of forms for an hour or so, but the methods of the classical theory of verifiability cannot be used, the weather is very wobbly at the far end of the day. Tsei so ranks NOT-stormy mode the most tricky physics, but mayzhe can not be analyzed without storing computers.


It’s possible to make a difference, since it’s a space for oneself, physicists in the first place need a way to describe this form. Stinks describe її, vikoristovyuchi three and іkh analogs with a large number of vimіrіv, a mosaic of which allows approximation of vykrivlenі form. The curvature at a specific point of appearance begins with a twist, tighten with trikutniks, which will feel the point. In the case of a flat surface, the cuts have doors in the accuracy of 360 °, but in the times of curved surfaces, they can be less or more

Unfortunately, the modeling showed that the Euclidean quantum gravity does not allow the important storage of behavior. All non-perturbing superpositions in the chotyrivimirny all-light turned out to be unstable in principle. Quantum fluctuations of curvature on a small scale, which characterize the small overlap of all, but make your contribution to the middle, not compensate, but instead add one to one, the whole space is filled with a small number of curvatures. In such a space, there will be a place where you can be like two points, and you will need to become even more malim, to find a great deal. For some people, the vastness of the space turns into extreme extreme, flocking to the borderline thin and long, similar to the polymer with a great number of gilks. Zhodna of tsikh possibilities is not similar to our real Vsesvit.

First, again, turn around again until they have brought the physicists into a deaf kut, let’s see one cyclone of the discarded result. "Tseglinki" are chotirivimirnim, but in reality they create a space with endless uninvited vimiriv (glimpsed allsvit), or twoworldly space (allsvit-polymer). Just as it was about the great quantum fluctuations of the vacuum, the gin was released from the dance, the opportunity to change the fundamental insight itself, for example, discernible. Possibly, the classical theory of gravitation, in which the number of vimiryuvans was a singular one, could not transfer such a result.

One of the legacies can be popular among lovers of science fiction. Fiction writers often play the concept of spacious hour-long tunnels, but at the very least allow the proximity of one region to another, far away from one to one. Smell of the promising power of higher prices for the hour and the transmission of signals from the speed, which is changing the speed of light. Unimportant to those of any kind of nicholas not spastered, physicists admit that such tunnels can be reactivated within the framework of the theory of quantum gravity that has not yet been established. In light of the negative result of the computer model of Euclidean quantum gravity, the possibility of such tunnels being perceived in the edge of small-scale. The spacious-hour tunnels can be so powerful and powerful as they are, but the stench of guilt in superposition, timid and unstable, so that the quantum is all the same not being able to be in the small, but very much in the back.


A space-hour can be adopted without lazy versatile forms. Quite a quantum theory, a form, which, by the way, is of the greatest value, is a superposition, or even more important than the middle of all possible forms. Stocky form of tricycles, theorists attribute the skin of them to the presence of a specific way of ringing tricycles when prompted by the given form. The author said: for this purpose, the middle of the day was cut off from the spared real All-Sight, the tricytes were guilty of obeying the singing rules, in the wake of the vengeance, "shooters" were given

Who can get root bid? In the jokes of breaks and "great ends", the Euclidean, on the way, came to the key idea - one component that is absolutely necessary for the possibility of preparing our wicked roast: the code of the possible is guilty of including the principle of the structure of causation, that is, Causality is not a part of the classic private and foreign theories of viability.

In the Euclidean quantum gravity, causality is not included. The meaning of "Euclidean" means that the space and the hour are equally significant. All those who enter into the Euclidean superposition, may be able to replace one hour and three spacious ones. Oskilki euklidovy all-meaning do not miss the hour, there is no structure in them, which allows roztashovuvati podії in the singing order. Inhabitants of such all-sorts cannot understand the "reason" and "slidstvo". Hawking and іnshі vchenі, as vikoristovuyut Euclidean pіdhіd, they said that "the hour is obvious" as in the mathematical, as well as in the rosy sense. The stench was caused by the fact that causality is not a macroscopic power of microscopic quantum fluctuations, as it does not seem to indicate a causal structure. However, the computer model was re-crossed over the hopes.


V to the wicked life space for space - the minimum number of vimiriv is necessary for the value of the position of the point, for example, the height, latitude and height. The price is to be primed on pripushenny, so the space without interruption and in accordance with the laws of classical physics. And how much space is it not so easy to do? What form does it start from quantum processes, which do not appear in a sinewy life? In such cases, physics and mathematics are guilty of the development of more foldable definitions of space. The number of vimiryuvans can be different, but not necessarily, as in the case of fractals - structures, which may look the same on all scales


Hausdorff size
Viznachennya, formed on the cob XX Art. by the famous mathematician Felix Hausdorff, go from the fallow area to the V region from the line of the r. In the extravagant trivial space V is proportional to $ r ^ 3 $. The indicator of the step in the number of deposits and the number of vimiryuvan. "Obsyagom" you can take into account іnshі indicators of zalny size, for example, area. At the same time, Serpinsky V is proportional to $ r ^ (1,5850) $. The surroundings represent the fact that the figure given does not remember the entire area

spectral size
Dane viznachennya characterizes the broadening of the object of the phenomenon in the middle in the course of the hour, whether it was blackened in a vessel with water or a disease in the population. The dermal molecule is water or individual in the population, the number of the most common suspects, as well as the degree of diffusion of chornil or the widening of incapacitation, is higher. In the trivial middle ground, the size of chornilny crimson grows in proportion to an hour in a step of 3/2. The serpentine serpentine was guilty of seeping out to the zvivist's form, which expands more often - in proportion to an hour in the step of 0.6826, which is due to the spectral size of 1.3652

voucher payment
Have a gagging vipadku different ways The calculation of the dimensions gives the difference in the number of measurements, the examples of the differences in the characteristics of the geometries. For the deeds geometric figures the number of vimir is not permanent. In particular, diffusion can be more folding function, at least an hour in the next step.
When modeling quantum gravity, the emphasis is on spectral dimensionality. A small amount of singing substance is introduced into one elementary tseglinka of the quantum space-hour. The third zeglinka won widen with a low rank. The initial number of zeglinoks for an hour, which is a substance that can be reached for a period of an hour, and the value of the spectral size

To replace the anger of causation in the case of a change in all-inclusions to those who won’t be as a result of the collective wisdom of superposition, we decided to include a causal structure on a larger early stage. Their method was called dynamical triangulation. Mi was attributed to the skin Simplex arrow of the hour, which was straightened from the last in Maybut. Then we introduced the validity rule of "gluing": two simplexes are guilty of gluing in such a rank, but their arrows are in the same direction. Understanding an hour in a simplex is glued together, but we will be the same: an hour with a constant speed can flow in a straight line of arrows, none of them zupinyayuchis and do not turn back. In the course of an hour, the space is guilty of taking its own shape, not falling on the outskirts of the part and not opening the spacious hour-long tunnels.

Having formulated the strategy in 1998, we have shown on the edge of simplified models that the rules for gluing simplexes lead to the macroscopic form, the type of Euclidean quantum gravity. Tse yes, hope, ale did not mean that the rules of gluing together were accepted enough to preserve the stiffness of all the chotiryvimirnos. We were tampering with them, since in 2004 our computer was already ready to give us the first design of a reliable superposition of chotirivim simplexes. Would you like a space-hour to behave like a long chotirivimirny object, and not like a wrinkled ball or a polymer?

Reveal our capture, if the number of vimiriv rosrakhunkovo ​​vsevit dorivnuvala 4 (more precisely, 4.02 ± 0.1). Tse bv the first vypedennya vivedennya number of vimirіv, rіvnogo sposterіgaєtsya, from the basic principles. The current introduction of the concept of causality in the model of quantum gravity є Edinim in a way get in touch with the instabilities of the superposition of spacious-hour geometries.

Space-hour in total

The guesses of the model have been carried out in a trivial series of numerical experiments, in the course of which we will bring the physical and geometric power of the quantum space-hour behind the additional computer model. Our advancing crochet continued to form an hour-long space on great cities and a reversal of the reality of the reality, so that the forecasts of the foreign theory of reliability. In the case of non-perturbing models of quantum gravity, not to neglect the apropos of the form for an hour or so, such a reversal is even more important - for the greater part of the approach to quantum gravity, including the advanced theory of strings,


From the standpoint of the authors, the spectral size of the space-hour is reduced from the chotiroh (in the middle of a great scale) to two (in the middle of the other scale), and without interruption the space-hour to break, turn into a fractal. Physics do not have a sense of intelligence, which means hanging, but as a result the space-hour will be built up from localized "atoms", otherwise it will be from microscopic structures, which are even weakly connected to the most familiar understandings of geometry

Yak z'yasuvalosya, for that our model could work, it is necessary from the very cob to introduce the so-called cosmological posture - an invisible and non-material substance, so that it can take place in the open space in the presence of certain forms of matter. This need has become a good novelty, as cosmologists have known experimentally to prove the principle of posture. Moreover, the form was rendered for the vastness of the hour, prompting the geometries of de Sitter, so that Einstein's ideas were for all things, as not to take revenge on anything other than the cosmological age. It is truly miraculous that the folding of the ensemble of microscopic "tseglinoks" in a practical kind of tier - without any exaggeration about symmetry or abbreviating geometric structures - called up to the vastness of an hour, well, on a large scale, a highly symmetrical form is all the same.

The dynamism of the choice of practically correct geometric form from the basic principles has become the central achievement of our model. Food is about those who can see a remarkable result within the framework of the phenomenon of the interaction of people who have not yet established "atoms" for an hour, and the meta of our trivial thoughts. Oscilli we have reversed, but our model of quantum gravity has gone through a number of classical changes, it’s an hour to turn around before experiments in the new genus - the emergence of a new quantum structure of space-hour, as the classical theory of theory is not clear. In one of these experiments, the process of diffusion was modeled: they introduced into the superposition of all kinds of a similar analogue of chornilo droplets and made it possible to expand and become overwhelmed by quantum fluctuations. The knowledge of the size of the chornilny hmari in the middle of the hour allowed us to see the number of vimiryuvans in the open space (div vryzku).

The result appears to be stupid: the number of vimiryuvan is on the scale. In other words, if diffusion was trivial for a short hour, then the number of diffusion times appeared for a long time, even if the process of diffusion was for a long time. To navigate with us, who were specializing in quantum gravity, they could have been forced to see how the number of changes in space for an hour could change without interruption in accordance with the permission of our "microscope". Obviously, the space-hour for small objects is very similar to such for the great. For small ob'єktiv, everything is similar to fractal structures - an invisible kind of spaciousness, in which understanding the size is simply not clear. Vaughn self-similar, tobto viglyadaє is the same at all scales. Tse means that there shouldn't be any objects of a characteristic size, as they could serve to see a large-scale line.

How little "little"? As far as the size is close to $ 10 ^ (- 34) $ m, quantum will be fully described by the classic de Sitter geometrical geometry, in order to change the role of quantum fluctuations in growth. The fact, which is very classic, is very close to being adjoined right up to such small visits, is wonderful. They are even more important inheritances, both for the very early stages of the history of the whole world, as well as for the future of the future. In both tsikh mezah vsesvit is practically empty. At the very cob stage of the quantum fluctuations, the boules are great, so the mother ice appeared. Vona was a krikhit raft in the wicked oceans. Through the milyardi rockin sending us through the brochure of the expansion of the Vsesvita speech, it will appear on the platform, even if the role is even small, or if you don’t want to be called. Our pidhid allows us to explain the form to the spaciousness in both borderline variations.


Causality is a principle, which is to say, that the podії is seen in the singing after-life in the hour, and not in the lack of harmony, so that it allows us to understand the reason and the inheritance. On the way to quantum gravity, taken by the authors, the reason for this is that it is fundamental in its nature, and not in power

On a smaller scale, quantum fluctuations of space are growing over time, but the classic intuitive statements about geometry will increase the amount of sensation. The number of vimiryuvans changes from the classic chotirs to approximately two. However, as soon as we can judge, the space-hour becomes uninterrupted and does not take revenge on any tunnels. It’s not so exotic, as it’s a viral spatio-temporal picture, which was used by the physicist John Wheeler and a lot of people. Geometry for an hour and a half is ordered to obey and unclassical laws, but the understanding of the place becomes familiar. Infections of namagaєmosya penetrate into the area of ​​smaller scales. One of the possibilities of a pole is that the whole world becomes self-similar, and at all scales that are smaller than any limit, it looks the same. If so, then everything does not fold into strings or atoms for an hour, but in a whole lot of nudgy: the structure is known three times below the threshold, in the world of being lost in the area of ​​all the smaller sizes, it will simply repeat itself to infinity.

How can physics get along with a smaller number of warehouses and technical assistance We have been victorious to induce the quantum all-power with realistic authorities, it is important to show it. We need to carry out a lot of changes and experiments, for example, for this purpose, the visual behavior of the speech at the All-Union and the second is infused into the backward form. Our head meta, as in the case of any theory of quantum gravitation, in the transmission, there is a preservation of the inheritance of microscopic quantum structure. There will be a great criterion for the correctness of our model as the theory of quantum gravitation.

Transfer: І.Є. Satsevich


  • Planckian Birth of a Quantum de Sitter Universe. J. Ambjorn, A. Gorlich, J. Jurkiewicz and R. Loll in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, Article No. 091304; March 7, 2008. Є preprint
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to String Theory. George Musser. Alpha, 2008.
  • The Emergence of Spacetime, or, Quantum Gravity on Your Desktop. R. Loll in Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol. 25, No. 11, Article No. 114006; June 7, 2008. Є preprint
  • Renati Loli website

Jan Ambjorn, Renate Lollі Jerzy Jurkewicz We shattered our minds to the problem of quantum gravity in 1998. Ambjorn is a member of the Royal Danish Academy, professor at the Nils Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Win vidomiy yak master of Thai cuisine - furnishings, as vidavtsі pragnit vіdavtіyu in the first chergu. Renata Loli took the post of professor at Utrechtsky University, de von, one of the largest groups in Europe, who is engaged in advances in quantum gravity training. Earlier he was at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Gravity in Holma (Nimechchina). In the early days of the year I did some music for chamber music. Zhi Yurkevich ocholyu saw the theory of folding systems at the Physical Institute of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Among the most numerous robots is the Nils Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, which has been inspired by the beauty of sailing.


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