Horoscope for January by date of birth.

Horoscope for January by date of birth.

A horoscope for January 2018 predicts bright changes in different spheres of life for each zodiac sign. You can wait surprises, good news and financial well-being. As soon as the red rooster proccuses "Goodbye", the patron saint of the new 2018 eastern calendar Will be a yellow dog.

It is desirable, at the beginning of the year to carry out an inventory, both in thoughts and past actions. A horoscope for January 2018 advises to immediately plan things and boldly go to the intended goals. But only first it is necessary to complete the work started in order to implement hopes and grand ideas.

The main thing, in 2018 it is not lazy and not Handing. To be stubborn and initiative, then any business will be on the shoulder. Do not confuse that positive mood, which was present in the year of the fiery rooster. If you work, not to give up hands, you can strengthen the financial situation.

Astrological forecast in January 2018 promises energy and strength to use in good goals. After the holidays, a minor decline is possible, but this is a temporary state. Alcohol is better to exclude, and on the diet to make an emphasis. In order not to please into depression paws, it is necessary to look at life more optimistic. The horoscope does not advise looking back into the past.

Month January advises to be more active in order to raise the level of knowledge and discover new opportunities. Rich potential will be a start for accomplishments, both in a professional and personal sphere. Those who will deal with their business will be successful and wealthy in the year of the yellow dog. Emotions should be kept under control so as not to destroy long-term contracts.

Minimum negative and maximum love for loved ones. With colleagues and business partners, you need to be delicate and condescending so as not to create conflict situations. The sense and softness will be welcomed in love that will help save relationships with the chosen one. In married couples, disorder is possible due to the opponent.

The horoscope for January 2018 recommends adhere to the power mode to strengthen health and immunity. Headaches, pressure drops and mental disorders are possible. But only those who neglect the prevention and nervous measures. Irritability, stress and apathy is possible in full moon (January 2 and 31) and the new moon (January 17). During this period, the lunar phases are better not to engage in important affairs and keep calm. In addition, the horoscope advises to exclude trips to distant distances by car.

Meeting signs of the zodiac in January 2018

A horoscope for January 2018 promises a stable position with finance. Just keep in mind that not all means to achieve the goal are good. Exclude adventures and fraud, then by the middle of the year the dogs will replenish your personal account. And yet - be economical, even if there will be a lot of temptations to buy something. Try to accumulate, not to spend everything that earned. In 2018, no provocations and making money fraudulently. Better think about vacation and travel, which you have planned with your beloved.
The Horoscope of Money for January 2018 does not recommend executing a bank loan and take off from friends. Moreover, the situation with finance is not such a crisis. If there is a desire and means, then open your business and deal with the sale. With a different scenario, stay at the same place of work and strengthen positions. In 2018, in no case should no risk money and its own position. Otherwise, undermining the reputation and reduce self-esteem.

The horoscope for January 2018 recommends investing the means only to an enterprise or a hobby that you know well. Well, and brings moral satisfaction. Do not agree to offers from friends, especially if we are poorly understood in the new field of activity. Although, you can no doubt to take on new projects. If they are creative, then wait to replenish the wallet. In 2018, everything conceived will be implemented to be persistent and purposeful. Do not delay anything tomorrow, but are confidently looking into the future. There is a chance to get a promising position and overtake competitors.

How to save health in January 2018

The horoscope for January 2018 advises to be vigilant, not to catch a cold in the midst of winter. Influenza, cold and reduced immunity can undermine health. Especially if not to abide by the prevention and negligence measures to relate to symptoms of the disease. If there is a desire and the possibility, then in 2018 you can make influenza vaccination. As they say, who is warned, he is armed. The main thing is not to try to cure yourself and go to work with a temperature.

In January 2018, ice is possible, so it is worth being careful on the street and on the road. For a while, give up shoes on high heelnot to get a fracture or injury. Preferably, in January, choose the type of sport or hobby that suits you the most. It can be swimming, basketball, tennis and even embroidery. You not only strengthen overall health, but also nervous system. Thanks to the inspiration and creative process, you can become balanced and distract from problems.

The horoscope for January 2018 recommends to take a round or vacation if you planned a vacation away from home. But even if the trip is not planned, you can spend time in a circle of loved ones or on the turbase. In January 2018, it is necessary to place more often in the fresh air, without fear of frost and jellies. Active sports, as well as the bath will help to charge vigor and strengthen health. Try to get up from bed earlier, take on business and keep up to date latest news.

A horoscope for January 2018 advises to paint his day to minutes so as not to get out of the schedule and follow the mode. Pluses of such a routine? Of course, their huge amount. You will all have time to rest, and charge positive energy.

Try in January 2018 to abandon strong coffee and alcoholic beverages. In the morning you need to charge, use the contrasting shower to harden and jogging. Well, if you finally decided to go to the gym, then consult with the instructor, what exercises to reduce weight, you better do.

Family and love signs of the zodiac in January 2018

The Horoscope of Love for January 2018 predicts an unexpected, but a vivid meeting. The person in love with will become not only a passionate lover for you, but also a reliable friend. But if you are still in a trance from parting with the former chosen one, then take a time-out in love. The main thing is not to dramatize and not analyze for a hundred times the situation that has developed in a personal life.

Well, and if the soul still "cats scrach", then seek advice to close friends. Do not blame yourself for parting, otherwise you come to depression. Those who love to flirt right and left, it is better to seriously approach the love side of life. Otherwise, you are in the year of the yellow dog and remain idle and free. Although, the choice is yours.

Horoscope for January 2018, who has a family, advises to be compliant and maintained. That's neither scandals nor the disputes are scary. The main thing, more trust your favorite person, do not jealous and do not demand an explanation for each step to the side. To B to family life Add romance, you need to communicate more often for different topics, go to the movies or theater, and go to nature. All these seemingly banal things help make life more interesting and rich. You can look at yourself and on the chief from the side, which is also useful for the relationship. The horoscope recommends to be bravely in the actions and sincerely in words.

The Horoscope of Love for January 2018 advises to find in the winter period of the passion, which will like both - to you and the chosen one. No need to constantly sit at home, and it is better to visit friends and organize small holidays. If in a personal life in 2018 you yourself add a stake of positive, then it will play sunny rays Even in cold weather. By the way, do not forget to experiment in the intimate sphere.

A Horoscope for January 2018 Aries promises a lot of time and rich on events. It is possible that the energy of the Sun and Mars affects your energy. In the personal life of Aries does not bother - fans of the sea. But if you give preference to one, you will not regret it. It is time to think about a serious relationship. In order for health not to let, buy a subscription to the pool or gym.
Horoscope for January 2018 Aries
Love horoscope for January 2018 Aries

Taurus is coming home and household troubles. In the financial sphere there are no problems, but they may appear if they are scattered with money. Astrological forecast for January 2018 Torets advises to paint the budget for a month so as not to be in the crisis position. In love you need to raise self-esteem to bring up the interest of the person you like. Well, and finally do something sport to hit everyone slender figure.
Horoscope for January 2018 Taurus
Love horoscope for January 2018 Taurus

Twins in all spheres of life will help Mercury, which will warn from trouble. In order to achieve goals, you need to improve the qualifications. A horoscope for January 2018 by Gemini promises happiness in his personal life. If you have a family and children, then pay them more attention. Pleasant turns are expected in the financial sector when Gemini will receive unexpected profits. Do not neglect the prevention measures so as not to get a flu.
Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini
Love horoscope for January 2018 Gemini

A horoscope in January 2018 cancer does not advise to hide under his solid shell. Otherwise, you will stay without "dessert" of fate. Cancer in January will shine charm, both in a collective and personal life. Tests are expected in the financial sector, but everything is solved if there are reliable friends nearby. The main thing is that you yourself do not lose confidence in yourself. To strengthen the immunity, the cancer will help - freezing, vitamins and a contrasting shower.
Horoscope for January 2018 Cancer
Love horoscope for January 2018 cancer

Temperamental Lion in January grabbed for those in the future will bring fruit in the future. Yellow dog will amaze your abilities in business, art and politics. Activity will help lion to arrange decent people. By the way, one of them will become a satellite of life. January 2018 Lev advises to pay attention to chronic diseases. Do not self-medicate, but immediately sign up for a doctor.
Horoscope for January 2018 Lion
Love horoscope for January 2018 Lion

A horoscope In January 2018, the Virgin advises to carefully analyze the last life in order to confidently take up new things. Planet Mercury will help in everything if you yourself do not lose faith in your strength. In January, the Virgin may have mistakes in personal life, which can be solved by deep understanding. With finances, be economical, then buy everything planned. Careful on the road during ice and keep the power mode.
Horoscope for January 2018 Virgo
Love horoscope for January 2018 Virgo

Weighs in January need to become weathered as red wine. Only so, you will achieve the desired and make a career. Revenues will exceed expenses, but the savings will not hurt. The only thing you can spend money - health. No need to take for several things at the same time. In love you will be lucky if you carefully look at your surrounding. Excluding the adventures, you can get acquainted with the future spouse.
Horoscope for January 2018 Libra
Love horoscope for January 2018 Scales

You need to be responsible in work. Sometimes, you hope for someone, which can lead to indignation from the authorities. Scorpio should more often listen to the advice of loved ones. In your personal life, rely on the voice of the mind. Using your dust, you can attract an excellent person to life. If it is negligent to treat health, then do not compose for adventures in hospitals.
Horoscope for January 2018 Scorpio
Love horoscope for January 2018 Scorpio

Sagittarius in January 2018 will quickly find a common language with a yellow dog. Although, you personality capable and active, so in all areas you will achieve success. If you are tolerant and maintained in words, then the horoscope for January 2018 the Archenet promises career growth and harmony in love. Everyone knows that you are a trains, so try to buy only what is useful. Well, and at the dining table at the Sagittarius should be vegetables and fruits.
Horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius
Love horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius

Astrological forecast in January 2018 Capricorn recommends being closer to those who appreciate him and loves. Even if you pull on the feats, then first think about what they will lead to. Capricorn by nature is serious and founded, so in the love sphere he "green" light. You will meet a person who will become a satellite of life. Only, do not miss alone, and more often we are in the company of friends. By the way, how long have you been skating and leaving the tourist?
Horoscope for January 2018 Capricorn
Love horoscope for January 2018 Capricorn

Aquarius in nature is cheerful, so in January will avoid depression and burst into work. Fate will throw a chance to change the profession. In the financial sphere, the horoscope prepared a lot of promising proposals. If you cling to them, then accumulates to new housing. In a personal life there is an opportunity to start everything again - fall in love and create a family. Health problems will not be if time to contact the doctor.
Horoscope for January 2018 Aquarius
Love horoscope for January 2018 Aquarius

Horoscope for January 2018 fish

Horoscope Fish advises to make friends with a yellow dog. Then she will help to achieve success and will be a reliable support in career matters. If you are nervous, then conflicts with relatives do not avoid. Neptune loves fish, but will not give the descent if they are unrestrained. Keep calm and patience in your personal life when you want to strengthen relationships with your loved one. Get up to fight bad habits.

The first month of the new 2018 is capable of setting the tone by all the subsequent, because to start the year of the dog - it should be thoughtfully. Horoscope for January 2018. For all the signs of the zodiac will help to navigate how to behave and what to pay special attention to achieve maximum success.

Horoscope for January 2018: common, love, career and health

The greatest achievements will be detected by the signs of the zodiac, which will pay special attention to conscientious labor and the establishment of harmonious relations with loved ones and relatives. Aries, lions, aquatic and fish most of the strength will spend on the preparation of comfort and warm atmosphere in the walls of their own home. Hardworking twins, Capricorn and Cracks will see new perspectives in their profession. The state of his health will have to pay close attention to the calves and scorpions. All representatives of the sign of the Virgin will be in a waiting condition, intending to change their lives in the future. Scales and Sagittariov find out on own experienceHow it is not easy to combine family and work to feel harmony in relations and in the monetary sphere.

Horoscope for January 2018 Aries

The second half does not share the rashes of the Aries to the frequent seat at home. You will want warmth and comfort, and your chosen one or chosen will be constantly pulling at some event or visit. To conflict as little as possible, you should find the "golden middle". Combine and secular outputs and rest in the native walls in order to grope harmony with his lover or beloved.

Horoscope for January 2018 Taurus

In the first month of 2018, the calves will feel some of the unreason associated with incorrect meals. If you have not followed your diet, then from discomfort and the emergence of several unnecessary kilos is not going anywhere. Even if any time you fed wrong and lost the form, you can still regain your own kind and even become better if you come up with the mind.

Horoscope for January 2018 Gemini

Due to the unforeseen expenses in the first third of January 2018, the twins will be sentenced that they should increase their permanent income. Those who wish to succeed in their field are worth trying, because the symbol is a yellow earthen dog, favors only to someone who does not regret the strength on the way to their dream.

Horoscope for January 2018 Cancer

For cancer, this month - will be calm, but at the same time promising. You will have the opportunity to pay attention to the attention of the bosses, so do not miss the opportunity to show yourself with best side. Do not delay the timing of the work and be sure to be as friendly as possible even with those people who seem to you will never meet anymore.

Horoscope for January 2018 Lion

For Lviv throughout January 2018, it will be very important to feel the support of the family, because the friendly atmosphere in the walls of his own home is extremely important. Try to avoid any conflicts. Even if you do not feel your guilt, still do not exacerbate the situation and try more time to give the interests of loved ones, then in the future you will get an excellent return, which will help in a responsible moment.

Horoscope for January 2018 Virgo

The devies will seem that the first month of the year will be a stagnant period, but this is a deceptive opinion. Across your attention on the future. Literally from the next month, there will be many prospects in your life, and January is worth perceiving as a month in which the best effort will be better for further work.

Horoscope for January 2018 Libra

And at work, and in your personal life your attention will be caustic. In order not to overcome and maintain a warm atmosphere around yourself, pay a lot of time to a full-fledged holiday - it will be extremely important for the restoration of forces and active activities.

Horoscope for January 2018 Scorpio

Scorpions will have to survive a short period of colds and ailments. You should carefully follow my well-mindedness, because the body is susceptible to the pathogens of seasonal diseases. During this period, it will be very appropriate to drink a course of vitamins who will advise you a specialist.

Horoscope for January 2018 Sagittarius

The year will begin with an unpleasant conversation with one of the close people, as a result of which you will be forced to revise our plans. All thoughts are aimed at building something new, and in their own, why not all the steps taken will be successful. In the future, you need to be ready to eradicate the consequences of your errors in this period.

Horoscope for January 2018 Capricorn

Capricorns will work a lot of dogs. Much will give a hard work, but you will definitely like the result, because you should set the tone to the entire workflow at the very beginning.

Horoscope for January 2018 Aquarius

Aquarius will decide that it is time to change something in the usual atmosphere and will begin to look after either a new housing, or to changes in the old one. In 2018, you may start repair, but have time to make it in the scheduled time it is unlikely to succeed.

Horoscope for January 2018 fish

Fishes should think about their own interests. Enough to indulge the weaknesses of others, you also have needs. If you do not get at home to behave aggressively and kindly explain to others what you are going to do, then they will help you.

In January 2018, the light will burn, and there is no one at home! What is it about? You know the situation when you are talking to a person, and he has such a look: - the light burns, and there is no one at home. This is exactly the same will be January 2018

Horoscope for January 2018 female and male for all zodiac signs.

In January 2018, the light will burn, and there is no one at home! What is it about? You know the situation when you are talking to a person, and he has such a look: - the light burns, and there is no one at home. This is about the same will be January 2018. Since, judging by the horoscope next month, it is better not to count on the logical deeds of people. Even if the stars will prompt people the right decisions, in January 2018 they will not follow the advice and prompts, and choose the decision they like. Therefore, the most popular answer to any question in January 2018 will be "because." And equally in men, and in women.

And it's not even signs. For example, married men, On the way of life, a wife is a sign that prohibits turning to the left. But, in January 2018, it will stop few people. And this applies not only to men, but also women. Since we have already said "the light burn will be, but at home there is no one, therefore, no one will pay attention to the prohibition signs in January 2018, but also in life. So do not be surprised in January 2018. Now there are phones built into the ear, televisions embedded in the eye. It is said that the development of new toilet bowls built into ..., and in January 2018, many will behave as if the toilets were born.

Meanwhile, January 2018 will be an important month for many. And one of the most important months from the point of view of the horoscope in 2018. And not only because for many people, January unconsciously implies the emergence of a new start, where you can flip the page. And due to the fact that it can really be turned over.

Especially the sign will be the second half of January. And the point is not that after after the holidays, everything is enhanced from the refrigerator overdue and flickering products, the former feeling of well-being and confidence in tomorrow will somehow take a pleasant ... The fact is that in the second half of January 2018 most people will want Attract attention. And simultaneously in several spheres. And at work and in personal life. Especially ambitious in January 2018, men will begin to behave. It will seem to be a massive burst of testosterone, when even the most "Bounced Botany" will suddenly begin to behave like Alpha males. Of course, not everyone will succeed, so do not be surprised by complaints: "The girl is easy to attract attention: put on a red dress and everything!". And answer: "Well, in principle, the guy is also easy: put on a red dress and everything!".

But most women in January 2018 under the influence of Venus will often remember sex, and less often about love romance. So the data of British scientists about the fact that there are two main women's resentments for men: the fact that they are only interested in sex and the fact that sex is absolutely not interested - in January 2018 they will be fully confirmed.

So as you understood, January 2018 it will be a struggle, between smart, beautiful and those who think that they are smart and beautiful - because rich. Therefore, remember that in nature there are no smart, not stupid, beautiful and ugly! In nature there is a life for life .. Today, now and tomorrow. And if "improve today", but tomorrow there will be a head to hurt, then "extinguish the light if there are no one at home anyway." In other words, make a conscious choice, and do not say then that somehow everything "happened."

Horoscope for January 2018 by zodiac signs:

Aries horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018 Aries It will be necessary to buy a spare bag of nerves! Aries admit, you are infected with such situations when you try to carefully tear the burr, and half a finger leaves? This is how this will be the first month of 2018 in Aries. With the sun in uranium, which is still in your sign, Aries to face tensions, stressful situations and unexpected events. Therefore, in January 2018 you are accurately useful ...

In January 2018, calves must take themselves in hand!

Taurus horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, calves must take themselves in hand! Because of your will in January 2018, it depends largely, as you will be held if not all the next year, at least its first half. And since in the winter, and especially in January after the holidays, I don't want to get out of the blanket, and get up from bed, then the calves need all your willpower to do. So even if on the one hand you do not want to get up from bed, then on the other hand - most often the wall. Therefore, get up not to miss a favorable January! Judging by the horoscope, on january 2018 for Tales You can take advantage of ...

In January 2018, twins need to be good people!

Twins horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, Gemini need to be good people! Because good man It does everything well ... He even does good enough! So twins in January 2018 even do not even try to do well! As shown Horoscope for January 2018 for twinsIn the first month of the new year, you will lose your characteristic flexibility and will become ...

Cancer horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, raks will disrupt ads! And not just announcements, but about such a content: « Money. In an unlimited amount. Fast. Without percent, pledge and guarantors. I'll take. Since not only New Year's holidays, but also your purchases, ambitions or other circumstances in January 2018 will constantly require expenses from you. But, on the other hand, it will not be so bad, because judging by the horoscope of you, waiting for the month very rich in the events. Sometimes in the first month of 2018, canceli will be ...

In January 2018, lions and lionesses will be more like the scales than themselves!

Lion horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, lions and lionesses will be more like their scales than themselves. The fact is that in January 2018 you will come across several times with the need to choose. Moreover, such that is of paramount importance. You will fluctuate, contrary to its rather impulsive nature, will be worried, and weigh for a long time, that is, to behave not like lions and lionesses, but as the real scales. Do not be nervous. Know that your doubts and oscillations are good because they reflect your desire for discussion. As for doubts, it is not only completely useless, but also harmful: ride them without mercy. In any case, too often January 2018, you will remind the situation ...

Virns are familiar to you such a situation when fate takes for the hair and the muzzle so - in happiness, in happiness !!!

Virgo horoscope for January 2018.

Virns are familiar to you such a situation when fate takes for the hair and the muzzle so - in happiness, in happiness !!! So this is not about you. More precisely, not about you in January 2018. Although perhaps about you, if in January 2018 you will carefully look at your feet as it is accepted in the "ice all" and winter January. So your main task in January 2018 is all the time to carefully look at your feet, and not only in direct, but also in the figurative sense. See where you ...

Scales horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, the scales will once again be killed as cruel this world. But! Do not worry, more often you will watch it from the side than to feel. Well, and the fact that this world is so cruel, you yourself have known for a long time, because even in the words "moldability" and "Carture", there is a letter "P". But no matter how tough this world is, January 2018 for weights will be a rather curious month. On the one hand you will ...

Scorpio horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, scorpions need to sleep as much as possible! Sleep it is not only good for health, but also for life! Here, for example, as in a diet, most importantly is a dream. It did not go to bed on time - and everyone went to the kitchen, and fell heded with cakes! In addition, in January 2018, scorpions will be able to make sure again ...

Sagittarius horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, the Archers do not need to "stand idle"! And although men and women perceive the phrase in different ways: "stood without a case." In January 2018, it is equally to apply to the fans and women and men. The fact is that even the festive January 2018 can become for the Sagittarius month ...

Capricorn horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, Capricorn needs to be photographed "on avu"! And, as you know, now, the highest praise for any photo is a comment "on AVU!". But, this is not only the highest praise, but also responsibility. Any photo on avu will not hang. Therefore, Capricorn in January 2018 need to live as if you photograph all the time. And not just take pictures, but on the AVU. Therefore, it is even more important to ...

Aquarius horoscope for January 2018.

In January 2018, Aquarius need not immediately respond to messages! After all, most people, if they wrote a person who really likes, do not immediately respond to messages .... Type not noticed! So and January 2018 should really like the Aquarius, but you will be a habit of dirty and pretend that you did not notice this, and only in mid-January will begin to rejoice in the New Year holidays, and some will even try, how to vividly celebrate the old New Year. Although still on New Year's Eve and in the first decade of January, you will be childish sincerely ...

Fish horoscope for January 2018

January 2018 fish This will be a month - myself and me! Like a girl of Masha who bought two chocolate bars - herself and me! So fish in January 2018 all the time will think of how to make a gift ... to me and me! Because, judging by the horoscope for January 2018, next month you love everyone else and pamper you will be loved. Maybe it's good and right. But, there will be one small contradiction.

Horoscope for January 2018 to fish promises to you ...

Horoscope for January 2018 by zodiac signs

In addition, interest in the areas of activity and leisure, which requires stubbornness and the ability to risk, and the desire to take the upper step of the pedestal to take a great extent to the result. The army of fans of the mountain skiing and a snowboard will increase, which in this period will be more popular skates and other winter entertainment.

But with communicativeness this month, especially in the first two decades, the difficulty is likely, since we prefer not to communicate, but to "do business", collective projects will seem to us less interesting than the individual who surround will be perceived by us as rivals and competitors, and Alien intervention in our classes will cause a sharp rejection.

In addition, in January we will have to revise some methods to achieve goals; Many will understand that what was performed under the slogan "better to do and regret what to do nothing," did not make one hundred percent positive results, and will try to change the situation established because of this approach. Solutions and actions will become more thoughtful and wise.

At the beginning of the month, many strategically plan the whole 2018, determine the goals and tasks for themselves; In addition, we will even try to communicate from those who can be useful to communicate only with those who can be useful to us, and the empty chatter will perceive as in vain spending time. In mid-January, many rushes to satisfy their career ambitions and will act rigid enough. At the end of the month, we still remember that in addition to work and household cases there are also such pleasant factors as friendship, entertainment, creative self-realization, and throw a positive emotion.

Favorable days: 1, from 3 to 8, from 10 to 16, from 18 to 24, from 26 to 30.

Unfavorable days: 2, 9, 17, 25, 31.

I would like to remind you that people born from 1 to the 18th day are "clean" signs, and the previous or next sign affects the rest - as in the characteristics of the person and in astrological predictions. And it must be considered.

For Aries, January may be very difficult. There will be many problems in the business and in household spheres, and with all the troubles will have to be able to sacrifice good relations with others. In addition, unmotivated stubbornness will easily deprive you of some interesting prospects - you will not even be able to explain why you refuse some profitable suggestions.

In addition, there is a chance that you will refuse to implement some of your desires. It is possible that you thus decide for something to punish yourself. However, in the third decade, your mood will change, you forgive yourself and begin to enjoy life.

At the beginning of the month, you should not repel those who want to communicate with you and will call for some events. In the middle of January will have to make some unprecedented act to save and multiply what you have. At the end of the month, some event or your own solution will add your being of joy.

Most favorable days: 7, 22, 23, 24.

5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26.

Taurus in January may decide to change the place of work. And it is possible that it will be a spontaneous impulse, tagged with New Year holidays and the desire to start a year with a clean leaf. If there are decent sentences - go, but just dismiss and only then look for something new one, otherwise you will come across financial difficulties in connection with the stagnant search.

In addition, household problems are likely, which will have to be solved not familiar to the methods, and those in which it will be difficult to use due to the lack of the necessary skills.

At the beginning of the month, some joyful event associated with relatives will make him think and make reassessment of values. In mid-January will have to adapt to a new reality. At the end of the month, quarrels are not excluded with those people who will not want to understand and adequately perceive some of your decisions.

Most favorable days: 12, 24, 26.

Days in which you need to be careful: 2, 9, 23.

Gemini in January to achieve some goal, most likely, will take advantage of confidential information that was designed for force majeure situations. It, of course, will help get out of the complex position and get the desired results, but its use will spoil relations with people who trusted you before.

In addition, you this month have often faced with the consequences of previously committed errors. And if you do not correct what they have done, you will be difficult to implement and professional designs, and career ambitions. Yes, and with money in this period, interruptions are likely, as unforeseen expenses are expected, to avoid which you will not be able to - the need to prejuate your conditions.

In early January, a person who has appeared so long ago in your life will require special attention. In the middle of the month, some events will make you more serious. At the end of January, difficulty at work is not excluded, but you will find a powerful friendly support.

Most favorable days: 3, 27, 28.

Days in which you need to be careful: 4, 11, 25.

Cancers in January will be very successfully implemented on a professional field, will deal with projects that previously caused concerns due to the need to exit the comfort zone, will be able to post competitors. But in interpersonal communication and in relationships with relatives, the problem is likely - you simply do not have enough time and forces to give so much attention as it is required.

In addition, this month it is strongly recommended to carefully follow health and do not get involved in what can harm your well-being. And while this period is perfectly suitable in order to radically change the lifestyle.

In early January, a quarrel with a person who is very expensive to you; Try to avoid this, otherwise you will choose a business attitude. In the middle of the month, do not allow gloomy thoughts, in all look for a positive and reason for joy. At the end of January you are waiting for a reward for some past successes.

Most favorable days: 1, 4, 8, 15, 18, 22, 29.

Days in which you need to be careful: 2, 9, 13, 23, 27.

Lions in January will be able to use the favor of others in order to achieve professional and private purposes. You will most likely not be ashamed to remind everyone about your past merits to get favorable orders, increase the timing of the execution of some official tasks, arrange important meetings for you.

In addition, you may be returned to the way of leisure time, which was deprived of due to their difficult nature and because of a quarrel with some people. You will probably find a way to make up with them and even ask for forgiveness, as you will realize that you also want to do this hobby and it is in the society that you are so inconsistent almost lost.

At the beginning of the month there will be many meetings and conversations with those with whom you rarely communicate because of your own and their employment. In mid-January, you have to implement some large-scale intent. At the end of the month a new business partner will appear.

Most favorable days: 3, 4.

Days in which you need to be careful: 6, 13, 20, 27.

The Virgin in January will earn more than many, they will find new ways of self-realization, will perform in the role of the head - groups of like-minded people, some project or just a person who needs a competent curator. Your credibility will increase, you will be in demand at once in several areas of activity.

In addition, you may be interested in some influential person. It is possible that you will be made confidential and an assistant in something that concerns policies, social development or working with a large amount of information requiring a thorough check. You can use the skills of secret management of people.

At the beginning of the month some kind of event is expected on which you may try on a new image. In mid-January there will be many profitable cases and projects. At the end of the month, conflicts are not excluded with those who do not wish to obey some kind of instructions, but some of your ally will come to the rescue.

Most favorable days: 3, 6, 7, 10, 24.

Days in which you need to be careful: 11, 19, 25, 26.

We will have to accept weights in January and even thoughts not allow them to be involved. The more responsible you come to their implementation, the more stunning prospects in front of you will appear at the end of this month; In addition, they will help get truly invaluable experience.

In addition, you will have to gravily defend your interests before any influential person or before some commission, and your friendly and disarming smile can hardly contribute to this. Reserve reinforced concrete arguments and irrefutable evidence of your rightness.

In early January, at some event, a misunderstanding that will test your emotional stability for strength is likely. In the middle of the month, a complex project will bring good profits. At the end of January, you will have new friends-like-minded people; It is possible to start something such that very positively affects the career.

Most favorable days: 6, 8, 12, 27.

Days in which you need to be careful: 2, 9, 23.

Scorpions in January waiting for a sharp breakthrough in a career; There will be many opportunities to increase well-standing and reach a new professional level; If you wish or need to change some kind of situation there will be a chance to do this with the lowest losses and with the best result.

In addition, you are most likely to agree with some influential person and combine resources with him to achieve the originality of both goals for you. By the way, it is possible that this mutually beneficial cooperation will not end - there is a chance that you are waiting for the great things with this person, who will bring power or wealth to each of you.

At the beginning of the month, in some conversation deftly take off your interests. In mid-January, some kind of idea will help to succeed not only to you, but also to someone who is closely connected with you. At the end of the month, changes in your life are expected to be assumed by frequent trips, business trips or even moving.

Most favorable days: 10, 11.

Days in which you need to be careful: 1, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29.

Sagittarius in January will have a lot and painstakingly work for the future, risk, including their reputation, agree to participate in projects that do not imply calm and psychologically comfortable labor. It's all, of course, will not add you joy and makes it takes, but will prepare the soil under positive changes in the business sphere, which will begin to occur in the last week of the month.

In addition, you have to improve relationships with some new community for you to prove that you are in many ways equal to them, and even surpassed them. By the way, there is a possibility that later you will gain faithful friends there.

In early January, it will have to submit to the decision of one who is stronger or wiser you, but at the same time there will be many unique and very viable ideas. In the middle of the month you have to play for some new rules. At the end of January there will be many reasons for joy, pride and for holidays dedicated to your progress.

Most favorable days: 4, 12, 13, 14, 18.

Days in which you need to be careful: 10, 17, 31.

The new year symbolizes the beginning of a new life, but not everyone will be able to say goodbye to the past. January, according to the predictions of astrologers, will not be the most outstanding month, so it is very important to maintain positive thinking.

The countdown of the new year begins on January 1, but the patron of 2018 is not in a hurry to take the post. Official afternoon, when the yellow earthen dog will take the brazers of the board in their hands, the Eastern New Year is considered, that is, February 16. Until that day, all the signs of the astrological circle will feel some inconvenience. According to the observations of astrologers, the problems will tide us where we are already waiting for this. In addition, the influence of the planets will not remain aside and will also add oil into the fire. Site experts Site advise to prepare for what you have to fight disappointment. Actually, even with this you can easily cope if you know how.


For all born under the sign of the Aries, January will be a month of sharp permutations. This period will pass quickly and painlessly, at least for those of you who decided to start a new life. The events in which you will be involved will help you deal with your desires. But do not rush: the steering place will take reinforced Mars, which will accompany you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Its impulsive energy is not always useful for you, so take yourself in your hands and try to distinguish the real from the farmed.

Now you can easily overestimate yourself, filed by your own ambitions. On the one hand, it is not worth it. Take your own and go to the end. But on the other hand, you will act blindly, relying more on intuition than on common sense. Mental Mars can help you break the walls to go ahead, and disturb, throwing obstacles on the way. Difficulties will not pass by you, but their goal will be more than just to deprive you forces. Through them, Mars will show you that the success of success is as easy as losing.


It's time to start to beat the alarm, because Neptune, reinforced in fish, will begin to lead your luck. The negative impact of your antagonist will not pass without a trace, but will affect every sphere of life, having inserted chaos around you. Harmony gaining, perhaps, your main goal in January.

Do not expect someone to help you find the meaning of life or spiritual discharge: Neptune will block all moves and exits except one. Self-analysis is your way in January, leading to the world of happiness, money abundance and love. Be demanding to yourself, do not let laziness and negative thoughts to win. As soon as you give slack, Neptune immediately takes away for you, turning ordinary weekdays in real battles without rules.


Gemini will be difficult to restrain on the festive mood on business activity. The point is not even that you do not want to work, simply to manage the events of your life will be Venus, who will score your thoughts with feelings, romance and looking for love.

Until January 17, your patron will be in the constellation of Capricorn, where it will retain its moderate activity. This will give you a special motivation and desire to go ahead. The 18th nature of Venus will already depend on the Aquarius in which it will make the transition. This means that from the middle and until the end of January, you should not hope only for some ambitions. Faith in their own success is good, but not under the influence of Aquarius. For full good luck, it will be necessary to get rid of their vices and weaknesses, cross over yourself to exit the winner.


Jupiter's path in January will run through the scorpion constellation. We spoke about this planet in no coincidence, because it will become your guiding star into the world of happiness and well-being. For the month, Jupiter will not change its character, retaining moderate activity. The giant among the planets will determine the degree of your activity, incentive and ambitions. If everything is in order with the last points, then with chronic fatigue will have to be done.

You do not need to try to jump above my head, because more clear attention to the work can get sideways. Learn to rest in order not to waste all your strength at the beginning of the year. Ahead of you awaits many new impressions and opportunities that you risk skipping in the bridge of the gray and the same type of every day.

a lion

January - best time For Lviv, who are trying to find themselves in this world. The month will begin with the fact that both of your patrons, the sun and Pluto will stay in the constellation of Capricorn, which will make you do business that you have long been postponed. Laziness - bad habitAnd now it is for you - an ineffable luxury, which will definitely come sideways. The universe does not require something impossible from you, each person can defeat laziness and change life for the better.

As for Pluto, he will not change his mood, helping you to look at the very depth of your mistakes and contradictions, stopping personal growth. January 20, you tell Pluto "Thank you" because it will remain the only patron to the rest of 11 days. The fact is that the sun will make the transition to the sign of Aquarius. Here it will fully lose their strength and cannot help you overcome the barriers in communication, so new acquaintances are better to postpone on the beginning of February, unless, of course, do not want to defeat in love or work.


In January, devans need to learn how to complete every day correctly or at least smallerly plan. For this month you can urge yourself, especially if you start to smoke unfinished cases, unspoken claims and other negative. The blow will have to the patient place - for your self-confidence. Thoughts will be confused, the nature of the actions is chaotic, and ambitions will refuse the place of doubts. So that this does not happen, more often relax, do your favorite things - in general, satisfy spiritually, and not materially.

If you cannot defeat your own negative thoughts, then not only confidence will turn away from you, but also good luck. There will be a lot of problems, but only if you allow yourself to think about them. Your patron on the 31st day will be Mercury, whose activity until January 10 will be zero due to stay in Sagittarius. The 11th number he will go as a sign of Aquarius, where he will strengthen its position only half. It will mean only one thing - in January your luck will fully depend on you.


Saturn will succeed only the best, as it will be strengthened in Capricorn. This planet will become your main mentor. Her positive impact will pick you up and make you revise your life. Astrologers are confident that it will not be able to drastically to change it yet, but it will be possible to make several faithful steps in the right direction. For luck to be near you, try to be selective in your own thoughts. Any doubts can sink you, but the presence of self-confidence will help in many ways, if not in everything.

January for weights will be the time of hopes, when everything that seemed impossible, will begin to be incarnate. Take your at any cost, do not refuse not easy and unusual at first glance - it is the original suggestions that you will be able to breathe hope and increase your thirst for life.


You will not attract money in January. Assist to you will be Mars, enhanced by staying in Scorpio. The fact that your patron throughout for almost a month is in your sign, is a happy omen. During this period of time, new emotions, victory and luck are waiting for you. Stars advise not to lose control over the situation and competently spend their strength. Morally you will become stronger and rushing, but for it will have to pay increased impulsivity, so in the most difficult situations it is better not to reject the help of loved ones.

From January 26, the militant planet will be already in Sagittarius. Mars's transition from one constellation to another will free you, but this freedom is negative. After 25 days of constant energy feeding, you will remain one to one with a negative. But you should not lose and worry, just stay away from events and people whose character is difficult to predict.


To become a happier in the new year, the archers will have to be treated. The impulsive sun, which always picks up you, protecting against trouble and negative, this month will experience the deficit of energy because of its stay first in Capricorn, and then, from January 20, in Aquarius. So this month you will feel all the problems if you do not take your own life under control.

Follow all random events - tips will be hidden to help you find a way out of dead-end situations. Try not to worry about trifles. Much will go to your catcher, and not the way you planned it, but it is impossible to despair now. January will get you trouble on any occasion, but do not let him break himself. This will help you not only do not destroy your own life, but also harden yourself. Compared to this difficult month, the rest will seem like a light target.


Capricorns who are concerned about their money, in January will begin to worry about this even stronger. The steering wheel will rise Uranus in the Aries. His restless and places destructive energy will make the proportion of chaos in your usual and measured life. To say with solid confidence that this month you have a lot of problems, it is impossible. The troubles will be hidden from you and do not immediately.

January will begin with the fact that Uranus 2 numbers will stop their retrograde movement, returning to the usual channel. Against this background, the events of life will begin to accelerate, and the speed they will be gained in geometric progression. You can also catch up with past errors from which you did not remove the lesson. But there are no reasons for panic. Uranus is your patron, and therefore luck will be on your side, just all of what you did not spread before, seeks to be completed.


Waterwords stars sustate happiness. A guide star will be Neptune, reinforced in fish. Your patron will do everything possible if you finally have finally be able to realize all your plans and dreams. IN literal sense January will be something like a springboard followed by landing in new life. Website experts website advise to use this happy case and do not focus on the trifles of life.

Ahead of you is waiting for a month crazy in a good sense, which will be overflowing with new discoveries and victories. True, most of the strength can go to work, maintain stable life, care for yourself and their loved ones. Therefore, so that the rutin does not ask you with his boredom, arrange a small ribblers into the light. Astrologers believe that it is from people to you will receive a majority of energy, so do not neglect the social life.


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